City Council Minutes 10-10-1977 REGULAR MEETING OF HE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL I October 10, 977 - 7:30 P. M. Members present: C. Johnson, A. Grimsmo, D. Blonigen, G. Walters, P. White. ~ 1. Public Hearing - Variance Re uest - Setback Requirements - Ron White. Mr. Ron White requested a va iance to allow a deck to be built within 6 feet of th east property line for Lot 4, except W. 25 feet and wes erly 10 feet of Lot 3, Block 3, River Terrace Addit"on in Monticello. nstruction and the deck hat he misunderstood the uesting the variance to The house is already under c built. Mr. White indicated east property line and is allow the deck to stay. Roy Lauring, theabutting pro erty owner, voiced opposition to the variance requested, b cause he felt Mr. White had sufficient lot size area to uild the house and deck without asking for a varianc . seconded by Arve Grimsmo, deny the sideyard variance I On a motion by Philip White it was unanimously carried t requested by Ron White. 2. Public Hearing - Sideyard Se back Variance Request - Roger Chartrand. Mr. Roger Chartrand x 30' garage within 9' of 7, Block P, Monticello. The variance was requested i trees on his property, but M . one tree could be replanted "f denied. a variance to build a 24' east property line on Lot order to save removing two Chartrand did indicate that the variance request was be involved in removing the an Blonigen, seconded by P. to deny the variance re- Since no real hardship would trees, a motion was made by White and unanimously carrie quest of Mr. Chartrand. 3. Consideration of Building pe mit - Monti Coin Laundry NSP. Northern States Power Co. re. uested a building permit for a 24' x 24' metal storage bu"lding at their Nuclear Plant site in Monticello. Purpose of building is for storage of materials and supplies, e c. I Jay Miller requested a build 14' x 24' addition to the Ii attached to the Monti Coin L the present living quarters ng permit to construct a ing quarters presently un dry building. Part of ill be used for expansion October 10, 1977 - Regular meeting cont'd. of the laundry business and the proposed addition would just replace the portion of the living quarters remodeled for commercial use. I Motion was made by Arve Grimsmo, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve building permits for N.S.P. and the Monti Coin Laundry. 4. Consideration of Ordering Feasibility Report Relative to Petition for Sewer and Water on West Golf Course Road. A petition was received from the Monticello Country Club and Howard Gillham relative to requesting sewer and water on W. County Road #39 from the present location at the city's maintenance building up to the 1-94 overpass. In 1975, a petition for sewer and water was received from the same area, however, Howard Gillham and the Monticello Country Club indicated at the Public Hearing that they were not in favor of sewer and water based upon cost estimates and uncertainty about development of their land. Currently, the Monticello Country Club is preparing a subdivision plat of their land and would now like sewer and water. Initially, the cost of the improvement project was estimated at $148,600. A motion was made by Gene Walters, seconded by Philip White and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution ordering an updated feaSbility report on extending sewer and water along Golf Course Road and calling for a Public Hearing on October 25,1977. (See resolution 1977 # ). 5. Consideration of Award of Contract on Construction of 1977-2 Improvement Project. Bids were opened last Thursday on the 1977-2 Improvement Project for sewer, water, storm sewer and permanent street improvements to Mr. John Sandberg's Anders Wilhelm Estates. Engineer's estimate on the project for construction cost was $136,500 and Kenko Construction of Minneapolis was the apparent low bidder with a bid of $121,934.82. (See supplement 10-10-77 #1). I Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Arve Grimsmo and unanimously carried to award the contract for construction for the '77-2 Improvement Project to Kenko Construction in the amount of $121,934.82. 6. Consideration of Approving 15 or 20 Year Levy on 1977 Improvement Bonds and Assessment Methods. At a previous meeting, the 1977 Street Improvement Project was approved and a bond sale set October 26, 1977 to finance this improvement along with 1977-1 and 1977-2 im - provements. I October 10, 1977 - Regular meting - cont'd. I Due to the magnitude of the roject, the council discussed using a 20 year levy to retie the bonds versus a 15 year period. Also discussed was whether t assessments on the street pr equal principal with declini equal payments. The equal p for a lower annual cost to b few years, but would result additional cost for a typica A motion was made by Philip share of the bond issue over portion based on equal princ interest. Died for lack of After more discussion, Con J seconded by Philip White and for the bonds over 15 years over 20 years with total equ e payment plans for the ject should be based on an g interest basis or total yment method would provide gin with during the first n approximately a $90.00 residential 65' x 165' lot. hite to levy for the city's 20 years with the assessment pal payments with declining second. hnson entered a motion, unanimously carried to levy ith the assessments payable 1 payments. 7. Consideration of Requiring A sessments to be Paid in Full Upon Buildin Permit Ap lication. Mr. King Forness of Springst d, Inc. fiscal consultant for the city, recon~ended th t the policy of requiring assessments to be paid in fu 1 upon application for building permits be implemented again t all properties serviced in the future with sewer, wa er and other city improvements. Mr. Forness indicated the pu pose behind such a policy would be that city bonds cou d be financed over a shorter period of time thereby impro ing the rate of interest and marketability of Montice lots bond issues. The policy would apply only 0 parcels or subdivisions being serviced, but not curr ntly developed. I Gene Walters made a motion, unanimously carried to adopt assessments for city improve permit is issued on all futu econded by Philip White and the policy requiring all ents be paid when a building e subdivisions or developments. 8. Hearing on 1978 pro osed Bud et. The preliminary budget for 1 78 was reviewed at the last council meeting and the purp se of hearing is to afford citizens an opportunity to c mment on the use of Revenue Sharing Funds and the Budget In the preliminary budget, it is proposed that the $68, 95 expected to be received in 1978 in revenue sharing f nds be applied against the cost of city hall. I October 10, 1977 - Regular meeting cont'd. The proposed 1978 budget would require a levy of $869,152.00 or 21.54 mills. I Hearing no citizen comments, Arve Grimsmo made a motion, seconded by Gene Walters and unanimously carried to adopt the 1978 Budget as presented with the expected revenue sharing funds of $68,995 being allocated against the cost of city hall construction. 9. Consideration of Amending Ordinance Relative to City Council and Planning Commission Approval of Building Permits. Currently Monticello ordinance section 4-1-2 relative to building permits includes a provision that reads as follows: All permit applications for other than single family residential structures shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and City Council for approval. A recommendation has been made by the Planning Commission to eliminate the need for Planning Commission and Council review of all commercial and/or industrial building permit applications for remodeling or minor repairs, etc., that would not actually enlarge a building. A motion was made by Gene Walters, seconded by Philip White and unanimously carried to amend ordinance section 4-1-2 relative to building permits by adding the following sentence: I This provision does not apply to permit applications for repairs or remodeling of structures, when such work will not enlarge the structure in question. (See ordinance amendment 8-25-75 #41). 10. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Arve Grimsmo, seconded by Philip White and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of 9-26 and 9-28-77 council meetings as presented. 11. Consideration of Request for Water Extension to Dino's Restaurant. Mr. Floyd Kruse, owner of Dino's Other World, requested the city extend a lateral watermain to provide water service and fire protection for his restaurant. During 1976, a watermain was extended across the northerly portion of his property and at that time, water service for domestic use only was requested by the owner of the property. I I I I October 10, 1977 - Regular meting cont'd. As a result, a 2" water serv'ce was installed to serve his property, but Mr. Kruse as now indicated that he would also like to have city water for fire protection. A feasibility report prepare engineer, estimates the cost lateral to the restaurant at 10-10-77 #2). In order to give Mr. Kruse a report and costs involved, i council to table any decisio two weeks. 12. Discussion on St Ie of Curb Project. Plans recommended and curren street project call for a st Broadway Avenue previously. higher curb back as compared divisions recently developed sloping style of curb allows anywhere along the street wi to be refinished. by John Badalich, city of extending an 8" water $14,000. (See Slpplement opportunity to review the was the consensus of the on this improvement for ro osed for the '77 Improvement ly being kprepared on the '77 ndard curb design used along This design would have a to styles used in newer sub- in Monticello. The newer driveways to be placed hout requiring the curb igen, seconded by Philip pecifications for the '77 ids receivable for both A motion was made by Dan Blo White to have the plans and Improvement Project include styles of curbs. Voting in favor: C. Johnson, A. Grimsmo, D. Blanigen, P. White. Opposed: G. WaIte s. By council consensus will be held October the 4th Monday which the nex 25, 197 is Vete Meeting adjourned. ~l~'f~ Adm. Assistant RW /1 g regular council meeting at 7:30 P. M. instead of an's Day.