City Council Minutes 11-14-1977
November 14, 1977
$:30 P.M.
Members present:
Con Johnson, Dan Bl nigen, A:rve Grimsmo.
(See item #6 or comment.)
Mr. John Sandberg proposed an
development just south of the
1. Consideration of A roval of Sandber South Prelimin
Mr. John Badalich, consulting
liminary plat and recommended
e, 8 parcel plot for commercial
approved Monticello Ford site.
ineer has reviewed the pre-
be granted.
A motion was made by Arve Grimsmo, se, onded by Dan Blonigen and unan-
imously carried to approve the 8.28 a re preliminary commercial plat
of John Sandberg.
2. Consideration of Resolution and Lette s of Intent Relative to Ste 2
Grant A lication for Federal and Sta. e Assistance for I
of Monticello Wastewater Treatment Stem.
At the last council meeting held 10-2' -77, a letter from city engineer
John Badalich was reviewed briefly re ative to a resolution and letters
of intent required for the City's St 2 grant application.
A letter of intent is necessary by th. City of Monticello to the
Environmental Protection Agency assur ng that the city will impose
an industrial cost recovery charge, u er charge and a sewer ordinance.
These are described briefly below.
Industrial Cost Recovery Charge - Met od of charge, whereby each industry
pays for its proportionate share of t e grant amount allowable to the
treatment of waste.
User Charge - Method of charge, where y each recipient of waste treat-
ment services will pay its proportion te share of the costs of operation
and maintenance including replacement of equipment, accessories or
appurtenances which are necessary dur'ng the service life of the treatment
Sewer Use Ordinance - Ordinance proh"biting any new connections from
inflow service such as, but not limit' d to, roof leaders, cellar drains,
yard drains, area drains, foundation ains, cooling water discharges,
manhole covers, cross connections fro storm sewer, etc. The ordinance
also shall require that new sewers an connections are properly designed
and constructed.
In addition, a letter of intent has t be received from each significant
industrial user to pay the industrial cost recovery charges spelled out
Regular Meeting - November 14, 1977
above. A significant industrial use is one that will contribute
greater than 10% of the design flow r design pollutant loading of the
treatment plant.
By using this definition, it appeare that Wrightco Products would be
considered a significant industrial ser and a letter of intent would
be necessary agreeing to pqy a propo tionate share of these costs.
Mr. Jim Ridgewqy, president of Wrigh co Products, Inc., presented a
letter to the council indicating tha a wastewater survey of his
operation completed in Mqy, 1977 sho ed a discharge and B.O.D. levels
to be less than 10% of design capaciy. (See supplement 11-14-77 #1).
Mr. Ridgeway also questioned the sew r usage and industrial cost
recovery charges estimated for Wrigh. co Products due to the recent
lower levels of effluent discharge. .
A motion was made by A. Grimsmo, secnded by D. Blonigen and unan-
imously carried to adopt a resolutio designating the Mqyor as
authorized representative of the Cit to sign necessary grant forms;
designating O.S.M. as engineer to pr vide technical services for pre-
paration of Step 2 plans and specifi ations and authorizing O.S.M. to
file grant application forms. In ad 'tion, the motion approved the
letter of intent by the City of Mont cello to impose an industrial cost
recovery charge, user charge and a s wer ordinance, and to submit with
the application the letter presented by Wrightco Products Co. (See
Resolution #1977-26).
Consideration of A roval of A rais d Value - Earl Malone Easement.
One of the requirements in eminent d main proceedings is that a
governing body deposit an approved a praisal amount with the courts
before the governing body is allowed possession of the property.
An appraisal of the easement through Earl Malone's property has been
completed by John Sandberg, estimate at $1,000.00. (See supplement
11-14-77 #2).
onded by A. Grimsmo and unan-
.00 appraisal estimate prepared
clerk of court.
o. Mikkelson Co.
A motion was made by A. Grimsmo, secnded by C. Johnson, to approve
change order #1 in the amount of $7, 82.00 to Henry Mikkelson Co., for
revisions made to the interior finis es (vinyl and burlap wall coverings)
and for carpeting which was selected and exceeded the specifications in
the original contract. (See supplem t 11-14-77 #3). Voting in favor:
C. Johnson, A. Grimsmo. Opposed: D. Blonigen.
Regular Meeting - November 14, 1977
Consideration of
ro riation of An i-Recession Fiscal Assistance Funds.
Antirecession fiscal assistance is a program authorized by Title II
of the Public Works Employment Act t lend assistance to units of
government due to recent high levels of unemployment.
Each state t must use its payments to main-
tain basic services which have been ustomarily provided to persons
of the local government and cannot b used to initiate new services not
previously provided.
The payments should be used for enance of levels of public employ-
ment and of basic services within th following governmental expenditure
categories: Education, Highways, Pu lic Welfare, Health and Hospitals,
Police and Corrections, Fire Protect'on, Sewerage and Sanitation,
Natural Resources, Housing and Urban Renewal, Transportation, Libraries,
Financial Administration, General A . istration, General Public Buildings,
Interest on General Debt and Parks d Recreation.
A motion was made by D. Blonigen, se onded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously
carried to approve the appropriation of $4,175.00 in anti-recession
assistance funds for general adminis ration salaries.
NOTE: Councilmen Philip White and
Public Hearing - Variance - Parking.
Under current city ordinances, a Dai I
to provide 90 parking spaces based 0
whereas Mr. Wolters plans propose to
e Walters were now in attendance.
Condi tional Use Permit and
6. Consideration of Variances Public
Buidling Permit - Dairy Queen.
Mr. Mel Wolters of Monticello propos d to build a Dairy Queen on Lots
6, 7, and 8 of Block 5 of Upper Mont'cello. The following issues
relevant to the proposal were discus ed.
Queen operation would be required
the 1350 square foot building,
rovide 36 spaces.
The Planning Commission, at their previous meeting, requested that the
city planner review and prepare a moe realistic parking ordinance require-
ment pertaining to convenience food stablishments. As a result, the
planner has proposed that convenience food establishments should provide
one parking space for every employee Ius the greater of the following:
1) one space for every 100 square fe ; 2) one space for every two seats.
(See supplement 11-14--77 #4.)
By using the new parking
parking with 36 spaces.
, Dairy Queen would provide adequate
A motion was made by D. Blonigen, see nded by G. Walters, and unanimously
carried to grant the variance to Dai Queen allowing 36 parking spaces.
Public Hearin - Re uest for Two
Monticello ordinances allow only one
two wall signs. Mr. Wolters requeste
s and One
all sign and one pylon sign or
a variance be granted to allow
Regular Meeting - November 14, 1977
two wall signs in addition to one py on sign in order to provide exposure
to both Highway 25 (main exposure ro d) and 6th street (entrance road).
A motion was made by G. Walters, sec nded by P. White to deny the re-
quested variance for two wall signs. addi tion to the one pylon sign.
Voting in favor: C. Johnson, P. Whit , G. Walters. Opposed: A. Grimsmo,
D. Blonigen.
Conditional Use Permit.
A convenience food operation located within a B-3 zoning district
requires a conditional use permit.
A motion was made by P. White, secon ed by D. Blonigen and unanimously
carried to grant a conditional use p rmit for a Dairy Queen on Lots
6, 7, and 8, Block 5.
Building Permit.
Dairy Queen's propo sed plans call fo a 1350 square foot building (30' x45 ' )
with a seating area to accomodate 20 people in addition to the service
counter and kitchen area.
Jay Miller, building inspector, has eviewed the plans and specifications.
Motion was made by D. Blonigen, seco ded by P. White and unanimously
carried to approve the building per t application for a Dairy Queen
on Lots 6, 7, and 8, Block 5.
Approval of Minutes.
Motion was made by A. Grimsmo, secon ed by P. White and unanimously
carried to approve the minutes of 1 25 and 11-7-77 as presented.
8. Discussion on Demolit:bn of Old Senio Citizerfs Buildin .
Quotations were received from the fo lowing individuals in regard to
the demolition and removal of the for er senior citizen's building:
1) Bruce Jacobson Total co t - $3800.00
2) Brenteson Construction $1950 less $600 if city
trucks e used to haul debris.
Net Total Co t - $1350.00
A motion was made by P. White, secon
carried to accept the low quotation
Co. for the removal of the old senio
located on Lot 9, Block 36, Monticel o.
ed by D. Blonigen and unanimously
f $1350.00 by Brenteson Construction
citizen's building and house
Council consensus was to defer any a tion on the possible sale of the
senior citizen's property site until after the buildings are removed.
Regular Meeting - November 14, 1977
Discussion on Final P
John Badalich, city engineer, review
by Electric Repair and Construction
Street Lighting Project.
The contract was completed 74 days 0
a $50.00 per day penalty clause was
d with the council a request made
., for final payment on the 77-1
er the deadline and as a result,
educted from their payment.
In a letter to the engineer, the con ractor has requested that the
74 day penalty or $3700 previously ducted should still be paid
because the construction delays were caused by weather and a delay in
getting certain construction permits.
It was the consensus of the council hat the penalty should be imposed
as they felt that the weather and p rmit delays did not affect the con-
struction deadline. The city admin" strator was instructed to send a
reply to the contractor's letter, sating the city's position on this
10. Consideration of Buildin Permit - en Holker - Office Buildin ·
Mr. Ken Holker requested a building permit to remodel and add on to the
existing drive-in just west of the . hillip' s 66 station on Broadway
Plans were submitted to the buildin inspector for his review at Monday's
The council discussed the requirem t of blacktopping the parking areas,
including a curb barrier located ar und the perimeter of the parking
On a motion made by P. White, secon ed by D. Blonigen, it was unanimously
carried to approve the building pe . t application contingent upon
final review by the building inspe ' or and provided a curb barrier is
installed around the parking area rom the west property line to the
existing Phillip's 66 building. C nsensus of the council was that a
curb barrier for the parking area roposed on the east side of the build-
ing would not have to be construct d since this parking area would be
abutting the paved parking area of Phillip's 66.
11. Miscellaneous.
(A) Update - Walnut street Railro d Crossing.
City Administrator informed the co cil that the cost of opening the
Walnut Street Railroad crossing ha been estimated at $50,000 with possible
state funding of 25%.
These cost figures will be verifie by Burlington Northern within a few
Regular Meeting - November 14, 1977
(B) City Administrator was instructe' to pursue with the post office
the possibility of requiring Monticel 0 residents to group their mail-
boxes at one location per block and r' port back to city council.
(C) Council recommended that the PI ing Commission review the ordinance
requirements in regards to "curb barr' ers" for parking areas. It was
recommended that a concrete curb bar 'er should be used on all entrances
and exits to parking areas while all ther perimeter curb barriers
could be constructed with bituminous r concrete.
The Planning Commission will be revi
along with other possible changes in
later in November 1977.
'ng this ordinance requirement
rdinances at a special meeting
(D) John Badalich, city engineer, w s instructed to contact the M.P.C.A.
on the possibility j._~~iminating the need for Monticello's purchasing
of approximately ~ in chemical reatment equipment at the waste-
water treatment plant.
The majority of the sewage discharge tests have indicated effluent levels
within state interm requirements, s the need for chemical treatment
may not be necessary.
(E) Motion was made by G. Walters,
carried to cancel the regular counci
Meeting adjourned.
RW/ mjq
econded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously
meeting scheduled for December 26,