City Council Minutes 11-28-1977 I REGULAR MEEl'ING OF MONT CELLO CITY COUNCIL November 28, 1977 - 4:00 P. M. At Historical Center: Present: C. Johnson, D. Blonigen, G. Wal ers, P. White, A. Grimsmo 1. Consideration of Salaries - 1978. The council reviewed the job descript ons for the City Administrator, Assistant Administrator, Public Works Director, Sewer & Water Supervisor, Streets & Parks Supervisor and Liquor Store Manager. The City Administrator presented sal recommendations for the following personnel: Name Position 1977 Salary 1978 Salary Increase Dick Brooks Street & Park Supr. $13,860 $13,860 -0- Walt Mack Water & Sewer Supr. 12,200 13,800 $1,600/yr. Mike Rajala Public Works Dir. 14,000 16,500 2,500/yr. R. Wolfste11er Asst. Administrator 12,000 14,500 2,500/yr. I Mark Irmiter Liquor Store Mgr. 13 , 200 15,500 2,300/yr. Karen Hanson Senior Citizen Dir. 450/mo. 500/ mo. 600/yr. L. Gillham Secretary 4. 15/hr. 4.50/hr. .35/hr. M. Quick Secretary 3 . 45/hr · 3.75/hr. . 30/hr. N. Spivak Secretary 3. 25/hr. 3. 55/hr. . 30/hr. After Discussion and recommendations were made for each individual, the fol- lowing motions were made in regards o the 1978 salary schedules: P. White entered a motion, second by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to set Dick Brook's salary for 1978 at 13,860.00, same as 1977. Motion was made Qy G. Walters, secon Qy D. Blonigen to increase Mike Rajala's salary by 10% for 1978. In favor: G. Walter , D. Blonigen Opposed: C. Johnso , A. Grimsmo, P. White Motion was made by D. B1onigen, seco d by P. White and unanimously carried to set Walt Mack's salary for 1978 a $13,800.00 per year. I Motion was then made by P. White, se ond by A. Grimsmo to increase the salaries of R. Wolfsteller, Mike Raj a and Mark Irmiter by 12% for 1978. In favor: C. Johns n, A. Grimsmo, P. White Opposed: G. Walter , D. Blonigen I I I }j/~g/77 C. Johnson made a motion to increase ary Wieber's salary for 1978 by $3,000. Died for lack of a second. D. Blonigen made a motion, second by salary for 1978 by $2,000.00. In favor: D. Opposed: C. . Walters to increase Gary Wieber's Blonige., G. Walters, A. Grimsmo, P. White Johnson' D. Blonigen entered a motion, second y A. Grimsmo to accept the salary recommendations of the City Administr tor for the following secretaries: IQrmea Gillham MaryJo Quick Nancy Spivak Opposed: In favor: C. Johnson, A. Grims D. Blonigen increase increase increase P. White, G. Walters Motion was made by G. Walters, second by P. White to increase the salaries of Lynnea Gillham, MaryJo Quick and N cy Spivak by 15~ per hour in 1978. In favor: C. Johnson, A. Grim mo, P. White, G. Walters Opposed: D. Blonigen Motion was made by G. Walters, second by P. White and unanimously carried to set the salary of the Senior Citiz n Director, Karen Hanson at $475.00 per month for 1978. Consensus of the council was that sin e the Senior Citizen Director was a part time employee, there would be no sick leave, vacation or holiday pay benefi ts. (MEEI'ING WAS RECESSED UNTIL 7:30 P.M. At City Hall: All members were present. 2. Public Rearin on Consideration of Frnt Yard Variance - Richard Guille. Mr. Richard Guille recently completed a second story addition to a basement house located at 800 E. River Street. The existing structure had a front ya d setback of approximately 16 feet instead of the required 30 feet; howeer, this setback would be allowed under the "grandfather" clause. Rowe er, a 10 foot deck was also added to the front of the house further red cing the front yard setback to approximately 6 feet. On the origin building permit application, no indiaation was made in reference to t e deck. - 2 - I I I The Planning Commission recommended th t the variance request be approved primarily because the construction was an improvement to the house and would appear not to affect neighboring resi nces. In favor: Opposed: I Bill Sandberg, abutting property owne~, indicated no objection to the deck and felt it was an improvement over the . sting house. Motion was made by P. White, second variance allowing the deck to be wit line. Grimsmo to approve the feet of the front yard property C. Johnso , A. Grimsmo, P. White, D. Blonigen G. Walters 3. Consideration of Variance and Public Pylon Sign - Moon Motors. equested a variance from Monticello imiting the square footage of a pylon Denton Erickson of Moon Motors, Inc. Ordinance Section 10-3-9 (E)-(4)-III sign to 50 square feet. Mr. Erickson proposed an eighty (SO) quare foot area signage allowance consisting of four signs of approxima, ely 20 square feet. Reason for the request is that three f the signs are just being moved from his former location where they were andfathered in as allowable non-conforming signs, and a fourth one would be adve tising a new product line. Commission voted to recom- At their last meeting, the Monticell mend approval of the variance reques · Mr. Erickson also requested that the council consider amending the sign ordinances to allow a greater square footage allowance for business located in 30 mile per hour zone. Mr. Erickson suggested that the square footage be increased to 100 square feet vs: 50 quare feet under current zoning regulations. A motion was made by A. Grimsmo, sec nd by D. Blonigen to approve the sign var- iance request allowing Mr. Erickson p to. SO square feet of sign area. In favor: P. White A. Grimsmo, D. Blonigen Opposed: G. Walter , C. Johnson Request denied because a 4/5 vote is, needed for variance approval. 4. Public Hearin - Variance Si Re uirements - Standard Oil Co. Standard Oil Co. requested a varianc for Vance's Standard to relocate their existing sign and extend it to a height of 46 feet. Reasoning for request is to comply . th the ordinance forbidding over- hanging signs. Standard Oil feels he additional height (current ordinance would allow lS feet in height) will compensate for the visibility problem which would occur if the sign were ot to overhang the public right of way. Motion was made by P. White, second by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to deny the sign height variance re uest of Standard Oil Co. I I I 5. Consideration of Rezonin Ordinance Permit - Mel Worth. endments and Conditional Use d approximately two (2) acres in d Sandberg South Plat and is pro- 'lding for the purpose of leasing during the winter, snowmobiles during antique autos. Mr. Worth has purchased a parcel of 1 area just south of the recently propo posing to build a commercial storage out space to store such items as boata the summer, and also possibly sales of Currently the only allowable area fora business that provides commercial storage is an industrial zoned area. In order to allow such a use in the area proposed, it must be either rezoned to industrial or rezoned to commercial and the use added by means of an amendment to the ordinances. Consulting Planner, Dick Dwinell, has' dicated that a B-3 zoning (Commercial) would be appropriate and recommended t at the ordinances be amended to allow "commercial storage contained entirel within a building" as a permitted or conditional use within a B-3 Distr'ct. Mr. Worth also had proposed to have area of his parcel devoted to outdoor storage which would require a conditi al use permit. The request for outdoor storage was withdrawn by Mr. Worth d .ing the meeting. Motion was made by P. White, D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the following: (1) Rezoning of the approximatel (2) acre parcel owned by Mr. Worth from R-3 (Medium Density Res'dential) to B-3 (Highway Business). (2) Amend Ordinance Section 10-1 -4 J allowing "commercial storage contained entirely wi thin a uilding" as a conditional use wi thin a B-3 District. joint access agreement with (3) Issuance of a building permi John Sandberg can be reached. (See Ordinance Amendment 8-15-75 # 3.) 6. Consideration of Buildin Permit - De orative Services. Decorative Services proposed a 40' building consisting of twenty (20) the eastern half of Decorative Services requested a buil Lot 1, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial P 20' (4,$00 square feet) concrete block . vidual garages for rental storage. This usage is allowed according to as a permitted use. ordinance in the Oakwood Industrial Park The Planning Commission recommended a proval of the building permit provided the landscaping, parking spaces and b barriers are completed within one year and that the city engineer reviews th drainage plans for the site. Reason for the one year time limit due to Decorative Services future plans to construct their new drapery mfg. siness at the same location next year. The large area between the two buil ' gs would then be utilized for the parking requirements of both the mfg. business and storage building and would avoid the possibility of having the curb barrier torn up for future construction. -4- I I I Motion was made by P. White, second b D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the building permit for De orative Services contingent upon the City Engineer's approval of site dr . age plans and a bond is provided to cover the cost of the parking and Ian scaping requirements with a completion time of (1) year. {.. 7. COnsideration of Petition ents to Sandber South Plat. A petition for sewer, water and blac opping was received from John Sandberg for the Sandberg South Plat. John Badalich, City Engineer, recomm ded that a feasibility study on the requested improvements be tabled unti the Spring of 1978 in order to allow for other petitions for improvements to b presented. As a result, a feasibility report could be prepared at that time for all areas requesting improvements thus possibly eliminating some duplic tion of costs and effort by having one improvement project. G. Walters made a motion, second by A Grimsmo and unanimously carried to table a feasibility report on the req ested improvements for Sandberg South Plat until spring of 1978 in order to combine future requests into one report. 8. Consideration of Petition for Sewer from th & Minnesota to 7th & Minneso A petition was received from Milton son, Harold Ruff & Marcella Tucek request- ing sewer, water, curb, gutter and bl cktopping from 6th & Minnesota to 7th & Minnesota Street. The Tucek and Olson property would b curb and gutter under the 1977-3 per this request would provide curb and properties (Minnesota Street). served on one side (6th street) with anent street improvement project and tter along the other side of their In addition, Harold Ruff and M. Olso would like to develop lots along Minnesota Street for houses and requ sted sewer and water improvements. Since this project would probably be made part of the 1977-3 improvement project, a motion was made by P. Whi e, second by A. Grimsmo and unani- mously carried to adopt a resolution ordering preparation of a feasibility report on the requested improvements from 6th & Minnesota to 7th & Minnesota and also include in the feasibility eport any storm sewer improvements needed in this area along with the blacktop ing of Marvin Road from 7th Street to the entrance of the Monticello Apart ents complex. (See Resolution 1977 #27). 9. Consideration of Chan e Order Blackt in of Certain Streets in Oakwood Industrial Park. At the council's September 26, 1977 eeting, John Badalich was directed to prepare plans and specifications for blacktopping Chelsea Road from the water reservoir to the intersection f Chelsea Road with Oakwood Drive (County Road 117) and the blacktopp. g of the two newly created roads in Oakwood Industrial Park. - 5 - I I I The total construction cost, based on unit prices received from Arcon Construc- tion, would be $42,072.00. A motion was made by P. White, second by D. Blonigen and nnanimous1y carried to adopt a resolution approving the p ans and specifications and change order #l with Arcon Construction in t e amount of $42,072.00 as part of the 1977-1 improvement project for blackt pping streets in Oakwood Industrial Park. (See Resolution 1977 #28). 10. Consideration of Markin Portion of rb in Front of New Post Office. The Post Office has requested the Cit of MOnticello paint the curbing yellow in front of the mailboxes at the new ost Office. Motion was made by C. Johnson, second by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the request for painting t e curb yellow in front of the new Post Office. 11. Consideration of Transfer of Funds. Motion was made by G. Walters, second by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to approve the transfer between funds as follows: the 1964 Water 1. Transfer of $1,450 from the Wa Revenue Account. 2. Transfer of $30,000 from the C pital Outlay Revolving Fund to the Park Fund to pay for a por ion of the park improvements in 1976 and 1977. 3. Transfer of $56,500 from the F deral Revenue Sharing Fund to the City Hall Construction Fun . 4. Transfer of $22,300 from the C pital Outlay Revolving Fund to the General Fund for one half f the cost of the new senior citizen center building. 5. Transfer of $175,600 from the apital Outlay Revolving Fund to the City Hall construction fun . 6. Transfer of $4,200 from the 19 6 Sewer and Water Construction Fund to the Street Fund for in pection work done by Mike Rajala. 7. Transfer of $10,823 from the 1 76 Sewer and Water Construction Fund to the General Fund for a . istration expenses. 12. Consideration of Hirin Full At the council's October 25, 1977 mee ing, some concerns over the Building Inspector's availability and possible conflict of interest were discussed. Building activity in recent years has increased to the point where it appears that more time is being required in t e building inspector's position. -6- I I I Discussion was held on possible w~s of financing a full or part time position, including increasing the building permi fees. If the building inspector's position we e made full time, additional duties could include inspection on city improvement rojects. A motion was made by G. Walters, second d by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to have the city administrator prepare job description for a full time building inspector's position listing duties and nature of work. This item will then be reviewed at the ext council meeting. 13. Consideration of Fire Contracts with To and Qtse o. Contracts for fire protection with the ownships of Silver Creek and otsego have been reviewed and recommended for appro al by the Joint Fire Board. The contracts as proposed would run for 3 years. Motion was made by P . White, seconded b D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the fire contracts with Silv r Creek Township and otsego Township as presented. (See supplement 11-28-77#1.) 14. Approval of Bills. Motion was made by P. White, seconded b A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to approve the list of bills for November, 1977, as presented. (See supplement 11-28-77 #2.) 15. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by D. Blonigen, seconde by P. White and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of 11-14-77 as pres nted. 16. Miscellaneous. A. By council consensus, all property owners in commercial areas who do not have snow removed from the sidewalks by a re sonable time after a snowfall shall be notified that the city will clear the ow and bill property owners for the costs. B. John Badalich, city engineer, infor ed the council that he has been in contact with the M.P.C.A. regarding whet er Monticello's treatment plant would still be required to purchase equipment for chemical treatment of the sewage since it appears that our effluent levels have been reduced during the past few months. The P. C. A. has suggested that Wright co Products obtain additional tests of their sewage strength in order to get updated I eadings for submission to the P.C.A. This item was tabled for two weeks in OIl er to contact Wright co Products in regard to their willingness to have these tests conducted. -7- I I I If the reduced effluent levels can be m tained, it appears that the city may not have to invest in the chemical t eatm6R~ equipment. C. J. Miller, building inspector, aske an ordinance requiring all driveway cul diameter. City administrator to report ordinance amendments. that the council consider adopting rts to be atleast 12" to 15" in ack to council with the necessary D. Larson Manufacturing Co. has indic ted that a partial certificate of occupancy may be requested for their ne building in the Oakwood Industrial Park. The building would be used for s orage only and manufacturing operations would not take place until the building was completed. D. Blonigen entered a motion, seconded y G. Walters and unanimously carried to approve a "Partial Certificate of Oc upancy" to Larson Manufacturing Co. provided a bond is provided for the unf nished blacktopping and landscaping requirements with a 7-1-7'6 completion d adline. E. Council also discussed asking the 'ocal telephone and electric companies to consider putting all their utility lnes underground now that the city will be constructing permanent street improv ments throughout the city. F. Report was given by C. Johnson out ing the highlights of the recent Minnesota Mayor's Association Conferenc he attended. Meeting adjourned. ~f1~ Administrative Assistant S-