Parks Commission Minutes 09-04-1997 . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, September 4, 1997 . 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Robbie Smith, Rick Traver Members Absent: Earl Smith Staff Present: Roger Mack, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call meeting to order. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Larry Nolan. 2. Add itemR to agenda. The following items were added: A. Purchase shade tree for East Bridge Park B. Freeway Fields concession building and parking lot C. Expansion ofNSP ball fields D. Sumac along the pathway 3. Discussion of 1998 park bud~et itemR. The Commissioners discussed each item in detail for the 1998 budget. Because of the delays and canceled meetings caused by the July 1st storm, the City Council had not had a budget meeting so the total amounts for parks items have not been established. The Commissioners discussed the fact that there will be adjustments to the preliminary budget amounts listed, however, they did want to emphasize the reconstruction of the river parks before new parks are constructed. The parks along the river were targeted as the point of consideration for the 1998 budget. Bridge Park is a main entrance to Monticello and even before the storm demolished most of the trees a task force was studying a new design. The following items were discussed: SEE EXHIBIT A. 4. Update on National Guard Training Center: Wanda Kraemer, Development Services Technician, gave a brief update on the National Guard Training Center/Community Center. The task force is meeting every week or two to keep the schedule requested by the National Guards. A wheel park will be a basic component ofa community center. Water and ice are being considered as options in addition to the basic package. The financial and site plan options are under study by consultants. Page 1 . . . Special Parks Commission Minutes - 9/4/97 This item will be on the City Council meeting September 22, 1997. 5. Added items: A. Shade Trees for East Bridge Park - Fran Fair requested two shade trees be purchased for East Bridge Park to shade the hasta beds. The trees blew down in the storm and the entire hasta bed will be destroyed if shade is not provided. Roger Mack, Park and Street Superintendent, agreed to plant the trees this fall. EARL SMITH MADE A MOTION TO PURCHASE TWO SHADE TREES FOR EAST BRIDGE PARK, SECONDED BY ROBBIE SMITH. Motion passed unanimously. B. Freeway Fields Concession Stand and parking lot - Earl Smith was inquiring if the Lions Club had been contacted to help building the storage/concession building. Roger Mack stated that due to the added work with storm the parking lot and concession building would not be completed until spring of 1998. C. NSP Ball Fields - Larry Nolan suggested Dave Winsted, manager of NSP ground maintenance, be contacted to discuss the expansion of the NSP ballfields. D. Pathway along the prairie grass area on west end of town - Earl Smith was concerned that the sumac was not being cut. The area by the park should be better groomed. Roger Mack, Street and Park Superintendent, explained most of the land along this section was railroad and private property not park land. The final plat had not been filed so there is only a limited amount of maintenance being completed at this time. 6. Adjourn. ROBBIE SMITH MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING, SECONDED BY FRAN FAIR. Motion passed unanimously. tJ nMoh K/UlwY(~/- . Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician Page 2