City Council Agenda Packet 08-26-2019AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 26, 2019 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Academy Room 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 2020 Budget Review/Discussion 5:30 p.m. City Code Review Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Agenda — Councilmembers or the City Administrator may add items to the agenda for discussion purposes or approval. The City Council may or may not take official action on items added to the agenda. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from August 12, 2019 • Regular Meeting Minutes from August 12, 2019 D. Citizen Comments — Individuals may address the City Council about any item not contained on the agenda. Each speaker will be allotted three minutes with a maximum of five speakers. The Mayor may allow for additional time and/or speakers. The City Council generally takes no official action of items discussed, with the exception of referral to staff for future report. E. Public Service Announcements/Updates • Labor Day Holiday Hours (September 2) • Monticello 2040 Kick Off Event (September 7) F. Council Liaison Updates • EDA • MOAA G. Department Updates • City Administrator Update • Construction Update • Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership (CMRP) Presentation (Jeff O'Neill) • Fire Department Annual Update 2. Consent Agenda — All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered standard or may not need discussion prior to approval. These items are acted upon by one motion unless a councilmember, the city administrator, or a citizen requests the item by removed from consent for additional discussion. A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-58 accepting donations of $601 from Fire Relief Association for Fire Department Challenge Coins, $2100 from Fire Relief Association for Fire Department back-up cameras and $75,000 from the Ellison Family for various Fire Department items: upgrade to 1929 Chevy Fire Engine; dress uniforms; advanced driving road course training, portable radios, firefighter rehabilitation trailer, technology for fire apparatus, and stokes basket for ATV E. Consideration of adopting Ordinance 727 enacting a Code of Ordinances for the City of Monticello, amending, restating, revising, updating, and codifying certain ordinances of the city dealing with subjects embraced in the Code of Ordinances, and providing penalties for the violation of the Code of Ordinances F. Consideration of approving 2020-2021 law enforcement contract with Wright County Sheriff's Office G. Consideration of approving an amendment to the Regular Meeting Schedule to establish the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7 a.m. as the second regular EDA meeting beginning August 28, 2019 H. Consideration of calling for a public hearing for a Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) grant application as related to Project Novus/UMC Expansion I. Consideration of approving a request for Conditional Use Permit for a residential detached Accessory Use Structure — Major in an R-1 (Single -Family Residence) District. Applicant: Jerome Buboltz J. Consideration of approving a preliminary and final plat and Development Contract for Savitski Commercial. Applicant: DJ's Properties, LLC K. Consideration of approving purchase of Parks Department 2019 ASV RT40 Compact Posi-Track Loader for $52,412 through the Central Equipment Fund L. Consideration of accepting bids and awarding contract to New Look Contracting, Inc. for the 2019 Pedestrian Improvements — Mississippi Shores Trail for the bid amount of $123,666 M. Consideration of authorizing staff to postpone the completion of a feasibility study for the extension of Fallon Avenue north of 7th Street N. Consideration of accepting quotes and awarding contract with Burschville Construction Inc. for the Maple Street Storm Sewer for the bid amount of $130,800 O. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-60 authorizing the preparation of a Feasibility Report for the 2020 Street Improvements and approving contract with WSB & Associates to provide engineering services at a not to exceed price of $211,833 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-61 awarding the sale General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A, in the original aggregate principal amount of $8,000,000; fixing their form and specifications; directing their execution and delivery; and providing for their payment 5. Added Items 6. Adjournment AGENDA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August, 2019 — 5:00 p.m. Academy Room, MCC AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. 5:00 p.m. Budget Discussion (Finance Director) 3. 5:30 p.m. City Code Review 4. Adjournment Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership Presentation to Partnership Elected Bodies August 2019 . Partnership representative: Mayor Brian Stumpf • Staff: Jeff O'Neill, Matt Leonard, Angela Schumann z The original Hwy 25 Coalition formed in 2017 established a collaboration to benefit the region Developed commitment among policymakers Created an understanding of: Transportation issues affecting the region Importance of the connection and opportunity represented by TH25, USso, 1-94, River, and rail line Yielded clear, usable data on traffic and service level, and recommendation for a second river crossing to support long-term needs Further discussion of a river crossing revealed that transportation factors alone cannot drive a bridge location Transportation supports land use and development goals The required Federal environmental process is time-consuming, expensive, and includes all location options -- and does not consider social, land use, and economic factors However, these factors are critical to accomplishing community goals With guidance from FHWA and MnDOT, the group committed to creating a shared regional vision and goals -- and then determining what's necessary to accomplish them o This led to plans to explore a broader range of issues in more depth May: Hired consultant/facilitator with multi - jurisdictional process experience to provide support, guidance to group (Anne Carroll) July: Adopted a new name, Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership (CMRP) and launched a new website: https://regionalplannincipartnership.orQ/ July/Aug: Prepared RFP for consultant to work with Partnership members to develop regional planning framework for: Economic development and growth Land use Environment and recreation Infrastructure, and other critical topics Partnership issued RFP c. Aug g, with launch by end of September This highly collaborative project will run through early Zoas 1-------------- 4 g 3 j A- � F' 301 7 6 - 2 I.48 ''+ ss p T W 5 i p r. s Cambridge-rsnntl 5t. C e si ck 1 _ 169 2e School C?Jstrict C a '•�-_, 16 - 25I ifi� C a X971 r . { Daistric J. 5 53 3 23 j 727 11 5 1 ' 54 kwtP.uy.Std t__.- , 75 _ 93 4 5e V 4l-•--•-•-- Frorreis J! ae�ker.� "� chavr a:. i Shi 10 rS I - - - - - I T h P a 0 i.-._...� --•- r� _ 0 r: Pv.} srrrcr Stearns is Y �+ I �- a 16 Kimball i Riv r �nt Francis SENIOR SchoaJ da m ,I,--�_ Be } -- -, - - 1 r c - I fT3- DYstrict Y { J n6ndole ! j�4r`. s is Y 3a; owth . Schaal i s 129 iYlC - r �.� -P �.` � '•_� : 54 ! ;17 T - `� 123.,1m:.tinlOka ' 12 3 'I 11 39 . >< i 69 : `. ' 44 ' � '��e i f �-'.,.123 • 123 3 -39 vonticella f : - nr ' rar42 p 12 ` 3y •+ .1s �_. 146 � ___ ' } p - -._-- ..-... 10 :� I 19 ` ams e y v - 141 3 ' .3g 4' - 1 ti� 6 ._ i . - t.-...-.,.-... -...� � . E r�� �^_'• ff-lien neR�ft'. r 5 fi x. _. 37•. 1-i .-. 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Essential for Partnership/members to "own"planning project from start to finish The process, intermediate guidance and recommendations, and final results must reflect Partnership member priorities Requires elected bodies to be actively engaged throughout the planning project Staff will be intensively involved Other organizations + community stakeholders throughout region will be engaged by planning consultant Partnership recommendation: Elected bodies formally engage and drive results throughout planning project Specifically, the Partnership seeks support for scheduled sessions with your Partnership rep and staff to: Provide a formal project update, such as: Work to date Issues, challenges, opportunities Interim results Gather input, feedback, guidance to shape planning project moving forward Elected body votes on a resolution of concurrence indicating overall satisfaction with the work to date and the body's role in helping shape the process and content Caveats and clarifications Nothing in such a resolution binds the elected body to any specific future actions or decisions Presentations will be made to all elected bodies: At approximately the same time Addressing the same topics/issues Tailored as appropriate to each body Should an elected body not be satisfied, the Partnership will work directly with that body to resolve issues and concerns Discussion: Questions, thoughts? Request for action by elected body: Agree to regularly schedule formal updates on the planning project by Partner rep and staff, and provide guidance to help drive results Agree that after each formal update/ engagement, will take action on a resolution of concurrence and follow up as required MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 12, 2019 — 5 p.m. Academy Room City Hall - Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None Others: City staff. Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Jim Thares, Ron Hackenmueller, Mat Stang, Ann Mosack, Rachel Leonard, Angela Schumann, Matt Leonard, Sarah Rathlisberger, Mike Mossey, Dan Klein, Ron Hackenmueller, and Jennifer Schreiber 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 5 p.m. 2. 5 p.m. 2020 Budget Discussion Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, gave a presentation which began with a review of tax base changes. The city does not know what Xcel's valuation is but it will have an impact on the budget. On Thursday, August 15 there is a meeting with Xcel Energy and the city should have a better idea of the budget number. There is a General Fund shift of $140,000 expenditures to Water Quality (Stormwater) Fund. The revenue from $1 per drainage unit is $125,000. It was also noted that Advance Disposal may increase their fee, however, this has not been determined. Mr. Oberg commented that the City of Monticello received an increase in their bond rating to A 1 from A2. 3. 5:20 p.m. Budget Workshop Monticello Communi Center Ann Mosack, Community Center Director, presented the budget highlights for the Community Center. Highlighted changes include an increase of membership, rental, and activity fees of 5%. Daily user fees are proposed to increase by $1 or 14%. Ms. Mosack suggested a fee for non-resident walkers. Mayor Stumpf commented that he is not in favor of this. MCC capital expenditures are anticipated to be approximately $252,000. These improvements included: card access readers, locker room partitions and vanity replacement, recreation equipment, tables, dishwasher in National Guard kitchen, and facility door replacement. Ms. Mosack presented a preliminary estimate for the outdoor plaza which came in a lot higher than expected. This project has a low estimate of approximately $583,000 and a high estimate of approximately $968,000. This estimate does not include the drop off area. Fire Department City Council Special Meeting Minutes — August 12, 2019 Chief Mike Mossey presented an overview of the Fire Department budget. Mr. Mossey noted that they submitted a budget that had a 10.63% increase. The budget sheet showed an increase of 8.9%. The main reasons for the increase included: new station costs, new runout gear, radios, and training. Chief Mossey noted that the Ellison Family donated $75,000 to pay for some of the items. 4. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 5:57 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes — August 12, 2019 REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 12, 2019 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Mayor Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, and Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None. 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Approval of Agenda Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the agenda. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Approval of Minutes Snecial Meeting Minutes from July 22, 2019 i Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the special meeting minutes of July 22, 2019. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Regular Meeting Minutes from July 22, 2019 Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the regular meeting minutes of July 22, 2019. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Citizen Comments None. E. Public Service Announcements • Movie in the Park — August 16 at Montiview Park F. Council Liaison Updates • Parks & Recreation Commission — Councilmember Fair provided an update on the meeting. The Commission reviewed concepts for the MCC skate park area and the Safe Routes to School Plan. There was also discussion about the Ellison Park shelter. There was also an update on BCOL construction. • BCOL — There wasn't a quorum. • IEDC — Mayor Stumpf noted that Wayne Elam was appointed to serve on the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee. The commission discussed the 2019 Manufacturers Week event on October 9. Received an overview on Xcel's Resource Integration Plan. City Council Minutes —August 12, 2019 Page 1 1 5 • Planning Commission — Councilmember Gabler provided an update on the meeting and noted there were three public hearings. Welcomed new commissioner. G. Department Updates • City Administrator Update — Jeff O'Neill provided an update on: 1. Employee recognition picnic is at Ellison Park on Thursday, August 16 at 4:30. 2. I-94 Coalition, including representatives from Maple Grove, Dayton, St. Michael, Albertville, Wright County, and Monticello had a productive visit to Washington D.C. 3. There is a scheduled meeting for Thursday, August 16, 2019 with Xcel Energy on MN Department of Revenue negotiations. • Construction Update — Matt Leonard, City Engineer/Public Works Director, provided a construction update: 1. Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Complex: Contractor has lined the pond and seeded the perimeter of the pond. Irrigation and final grading is in process. 2. Walnut Streetscape: A majority of the concrete work is finished. The roads and sidewalks are open. Temporary lane closures will happen throughout the rest of the project to complete the work. 3. Washington and Broadway project: Molitor is planning on commencing the week of August 19. • Safe Routes to School Update — Gabe Hackett was present to provide an update. 2. Consent ALenda: Councilmember Fair moved approval of the Consent Agenda excluding item M. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $1,760,030.61. B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved the hires for liquor store, MCC, and DMV, and terminations for the MCC. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: No report this cycle. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-53 accepting donations from Monticello fire Relief of $1,084 for a grill for the fire station. Recommendation: Resolution accepting donations was approved. E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-54 accepting a grant from CenterPoint Energy of $2,500 for the purchase of pool rule signage for Monticello Community Center and Wildland firefighter boots for Fire Department. Recommendation: Resolution accepting the grant was approved. F. Consideration of approving appointment of Meghan Hanson to Industrial/Economic Development Committee (IEDC) for a term to expire City Council Minutes — August 12, 2019 Page 2 1 5 December 31, 2020. Recommendation: Approved the appointment of Meghan Hanson. G. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the MN Deer Hunters Association — Wright County/West Metro Chapter. Recommendation: Approved the charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the MN Deer Hunters Association on September 7, 2019 at Nordic Brewing Co. H. Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit for outdoor entertainment and use of city resources at American Legion Post 260 on Saturday, September 7, 2019. Applicant: American Legion Post 260. Recommendation: Approved the special event permit for the American Legion on September 7, 2019 subject to the following conditions: closure of 3r, Street West shall be permitted from 12 p.m. (noon) until 12 a.m. (midnight); compliance with the recommendations of the Street Superintendent; notification of residential properties within 350 feet of the Legion property regarding the event. I. Consideration of approving an application for a one -day temporary on -sale liquor license for a special event at the American Legion Post 260 on September 7, 2019. Recommendation: Approved the application for a temporary on -sale liquor license for the American Legion on September 7, 2019. J. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-55 calling for a public hearing establishing an Economic Development Tax Increment Finance (TIF) District 1- 41. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2019-55 calling for a public hearing and notice to establish an Economic Development TIF District 1-41 in connection with the proposed development of a 40,000 square foot precision machining facility and creation of 60 new FTE jobs. K. Consideration of accepting the Monticello Safe Routes to School plan for future planning purposes. Recommendation: Accepted the Monticello Safe Routes to School plan. L. Consideration of approving purchase of four new portable radios for Fire Department from Motorola/Ancom in the amount of $20,676. Recommendation: Approved the purchase of four new portable radios for Fire Department for cost of $20,676. M. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-56 calling for a public hearing to receive comments on the draft ADA Transition Plan. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA. 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion M. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-56 calling for a public hearing to receive comments on the draft ADA Transition Plan. 4. Regular Agenda: A. Consideration of aivroving a request for Conditional Use Permit for a 92 unit Multi-family/Assisted Living Facilitv in the R-4 (Medium -High Density City Council Minutes —August 12, 2019 Page 3 1 5 Residence) District. A_mlicant: Monticello Senior Housing Owner, LLC — Michael Hoaabm Steve Grittman, NAC, presented the request for Conditional Use Permit. This item was tabled by the City Council to address issues related to the height of the building. Variance was approved by the Planning Commission on July 15 to allow for building height of 35 feet. Applicant is seeking a Conditional Use Permit under the R-4 for a 92 unite multi-family/assisted living facility. Mr. Grittman noted that the Planning Commission recommended approval unanimously. Minimal discussion occurred among City Council. Mayor Stumpf noted that he will vote against the project because he was not in favor of rezoning the property to R-4. Councilmember Hilgart moved approval of the conditional use permit and site improvement agreement to allow a senior assisted and independent living facility an R-4 District based on findings in Resolution PC -2019-013. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-1; Mayor Stumpf voted against. B. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-57 accepting a petition and authorizing a Feasibilitv Report for the extension of Fallon Avenue north of the Fallon Avenue and 7th Street intersection at an estimated cost of $20,000 Matt Leonard, City Engineer/Public Works Director, provided an overview and noted that a petition was received for the extension of Fallon Avenue north that states that "a street be improved by development of road, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, storm, sewer, sanitary sewer mains and water mains pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429". The petition contains signatures of at least 35% of property owners of the property bordering the proposed improvements and has been determined as a valid petition. The second part of this item is for the council is authorize a feasibility study in order to better understand the project and the projected cost. The feasibility report will look at existing conditions and funding sources, including special assessments. The city will be responsible for a portion of the improvement that St. Henry's would be assessed for, as there is an agreement with St. Henry's Church that they shall not be accessed for any part of the Fallon Avenue bridge and 7th Street intersection of the Future Avenue road extension and utility project. Discussion ensued among the Council. Councilmember Gabler expressed concern about moving this project forward before other projects that are programmed in the Comprehensive Plan. She added that the property owners should contribute to the cost of the feasibility study. Councilmember Davidson is concerned that the city would be spending $20,000 on feasibility project when there is no project or plan presented. Councilmember Fair and Stumpf agree that a feasibility will provide information that will determine moving forward with the project. Council discussed the probable cost of the project and what will be assessed to the property owners. Councilmember Hilgart commented that he preferred City Council Minutes —August 12, 2019 Page 4 1 5 documentation that the property owners agree to a specific level of assessment and that there be a commitment. Dan Mielke addressed the City Council and provided a history of the property. He commented that the access to the property is an issue. He noted the he has two different concepts for projects that could potentially develop on the property. He discussed these projects with Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager. Mayor Stumpf moved to adopt Resolution 2019-57 accepting the petition as valid and ordering a feasibility report for the extension of Fallon Avenue north of 7th Street and to review the 2005 agreement that is in place. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-2; Councilmembers Gabler and Davidson votes against for reasons listed above. C. Consideration of establishing the Technical and Community Advisory Committees for the 2040 Monticello Cqmmunitv Vision & Comprehensive Plan and to appoint Citv Council representatives to the committees Councilmember Davidson moved to appoint Councilmembers Fair and Gabler to serve on the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committees. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Adiournment: By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 7:52 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes —August 12, 2019 Page 5 15 City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 2A. Consideration of aimrovinLy vavment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work required. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $967,439.73. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 or #2, per direction of Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Bill registers and Purchase Card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 08/19/2019 - 2:04PM Batch: 00201.08.2019 - 201.08.2019 US Bank Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Moiiii6effo Y Reference Vendor: 4263 CAYAN Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 1108400 July 2019 (3) cc machine rentals 89.85 08/15/2019 609-49754-424100 1108400 July 2019 (17,106) transactions 1,197.42 08/15/2019 609-49754-443980 Check Total: 1,287.27 Vendor: 3241 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 8/1/2019 August 2019 2,565.75 08/15/2019 101-00000-217066 Check Total: 2,565.75 Vendor: 1343 MN DEPT OF COMMERCE Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 8/15/2019 Unclaimed Property 7/1/18 - 6/30/19 (Brouillard 7.08 08/15/2019 656-00000-115030 8/15/2019 Unclaimed Property 7/1/18 - 6/30/19 (Kollodge) 15.08 08/15/2019 656-00000-115030 8/15/2019 Unclaimed Property 7/1/18 - 6/30/19 (Norton) 5.21 08/15/2019 656-00000-115030 8/15/2019 Unclaimed Property 7/1/18 - 6/30/19 (Patrick) 21.25 08/15/2019 656-00000-115030 8/15/2019 Unclaimed Property 7/1/18 - 6/30/19 (Verville) 19.83 08/15/2019 656-00000-115030 Check Total: 68.45 Vendor: 1593 MN DEPT OF REVENUE - ACH Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True August July Sales Tax - Hi Way Liquor 59,750.49 08/15/2019 609-00000-208100 August July Sales Tax - Hi Way Liquor 0.51 08/15/2019 609-49750-443990 August July Sales Tax - General 122.82 08/15/2019 101-00000-208100 August July Sales Tax - General 0.18 08/15/2019 101-41310-443990 August July Waste Tax - General 95.32 08/15/2019 101-00000-208120 August July Waste Tax - General -1.32 08/15/2019 101-00000-362900 August July Sales Tax - MCC 5,447.16 08/15/2019 226-00000-208100 August July Sales Tax - MCC -0.16 08/15/2019 226-45122-362900 August July Sales Tax - Water 2,204.85 08/15/2019 601-00000-208100 August July Sales Tax - Water 0.15 08/15/2019 601-49440-443990 August July Sales Tax - Cemetary 2.75 08/15/2019 651-00000-208100 August July Sales Tax - Cemetary 0.25 08/15/2019 651-49010-443990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/19/2019 - 2:04 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Check Total: 67,623.00 Vendor: 4174 MN PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY Check Sequence: 5 8/8/2019 MPFA-15-0004-R-FY16 - Semi Annual Repaym 103,000.00 08/15/2019 602-00000-231200 8/8/2019 MPFA-15-0004-R-FY16 - Semi Annual Repaym 10,114.45 08/15/2019 602-49480-461100 Check Total: 113,114.45 Vendor: 1426 CITY OF MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 6 UB June 2019 5005 - spklr - 822 Hart Blvd. 108.85 08/15/2019 101-43120-438200 UB June 2019 8631 - Animal Shelter 65.13 08/15/2019 101-42700-438200 UB June 2019 5026 - Ellison Park 322.63 08/15/2019 101-45201-438200 UB June 2019 8905 - PW Office 14.78 08/15/2019 101-43127-438200 UB June 2019 5002- spklr- 1510 Hart Blvd 31.28 08/15/2019 101-43120-438200 UB June 2019 8119 - Fire Station 94.13 08/15/2019 101-42200-438200 UB June 2019 7224 - WWTP 2,288.48 08/15/2019 602-49480-438200 UB June 2019 8394 - spklr - Riverside Cem. 14.86 08/15/2019 651-49010-438200 UB June 2019 7256-004 - 130 Brdwy- Stormwtr 5.50 08/15/2019 213-46301-438200 UB June 2019 5004 - spklr - 1390 Hart Blvd 196.71 08/15/2019 101-43120-438200 UB June 2019 7441 - spklr - 200 W. Broadway 10.37 08/15/2019 101-43120-438200 UB June 2019 14915 - spklr - 4100 1/2 Cedar 7.14 08/15/2019 101-43120-438200 UB June 2019 8528 - Monti -NSP Sftbll Fields 1,148.96 08/15/2019 101-45203-438200 UB June 2019 8086 - 4th St. Warming House 14.78 08/15/2019 101-45201-438200 UB June 2019 8177 - Library 207.79 08/15/2019 101-45501-438200 UB June 2019 8674 - spklr - 207 Chelsea Rd 80.75 08/15/2019 601-49440-438200 UB June 2019 8117 - MCC 1,231.99 08/15/2019 226-45126-438200 UB June 2019 8622 - Pioneer Park bathroom 24.11 08/15/2019 101-45201-438200 UB June 2019 10128 - Prairie Curt. Bldg. 24.79 08/15/2019 101-41941-438200 UB June 2019 8906 - spklr - PW 5.60 08/15/2019 101-43127-438200 UB June 2019 5569 - spklr - Meadow Oak Ave 400.33 08/15/2019 101-45201-438200 UB June 2019 8488 - spklr - Hillcrest Park 173.32 08/15/2019 101-45201-438200 UB June 2019 15291 - Commuter Lot- Stormwtr 12.50 08/15/2019 101-43120-438200 UB June 2019 13953 - spklr - Hwy25/SE Brdwy 5.60 08/15/2019 101-43120-438200 UB June 2019 15064 - spklr -Featherstone Pk 95.82 08/15/2019 101-45201-438200 UB June 2019 15363 - spklr- Fallon/7th St. 93.99 08/15/2019 101-43120-438200 UB June 2019 5248 - spklr - Bridge Park E 297.30 08/15/2019 101-45201-438200 UB June 2019 7885 - DMV/Food Shelf 36.96 08/15/2019 217-41990-438200 UB June 2019 15292 - Dwntwn Parking-Strmwtr 5.50 08/15/2019 101-43120-438200 UB June 2019 5249 - spklr - Bridge Park W 263.55 08/15/2019 101-45201-438200 UB June 2019 8533 - spklr Chelsea Rd Lft St 117.12 08/15/2019 602-49490-438200 UB June 2019 15362 - spklr-Fallon/Chelsea 31.19 08/15/2019 101-43120-438200 UB June 2019 7256-007 - 103 Pine St- EDA 21.78 08/15/2019 213-46301-438200 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/19/2019 - 2:04 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number UB June 2019 5003 - spklr - 1460 Hart Blvd 47.90 08/15/2019 101-43120-438200 UB June 2019 8621 - spklr- Fenning and-a-bt 9.06 08/15/2019 101-43120-438200 UB June 2019 8903 - PW Shop/Clerical 219.47 08/15/2019 101-43127-438200 UB June 2019 8120 - Bldg. Inspec. Garage 21.78 08/15/2019 101-41940-438200 UB June 2019 10063 - spklr - Front St. Park 53.94 08/15/2019 101-45201-438200 UB June 2019 10267 - spklr - Comm. Garden 12.97 08/15/2019 226-45127-438200 UB June 2019 5250 - Bridge Park W 69.88 08/15/2019 101-45201-438200 UB June 2019 8904 - PW Vehicle Storage 14.27 08/15/2019 101-43127-438200 UB June 2019 5637 - Meadow Oak Dog Park 5.60 08/15/2019 101-45201-438200 UB June 2019 7256-003 - MontiArts 21.78 08/15/2019 101-45204-438200 UB June 2019 8114 - Hi -Way Liquors 128.67 08/15/2019 609-49754-438200 UB June 2019 14522 - spklr - Hillside Cem. 164.40 08/15/2019 101-45201-438200 Check Total: 8,223.31 Vendor: 2811 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYSTEM Check Sequence: 7 08/06/2019 Target - Food for Meeting 9.73 08/15/2019 101-42200-443990 08/06/2019 Walmart - Return Remote -15.97 08/15/2019 226-45122-421990 08/06/2019 Randys - Monthly Shredding Service (CH) 21.21 08/15/2019 101-41310-431990 08/06/2019 Randys - Monthly Shredding Service (DMV) 21.21 08/15/2019 217-41990-431990 08/06/2019 Fastenal - 25' Tape Measure 3.21 08/15/2019 101-42400-421990 08/06/2019 Amazon - Barbell Chrome Handle Cable Attaclu 18.82 08/15/2019 226-45127-421720 08/06/2019 Amazon - Craft Supplies for Friendship Island 5.66 08/15/2019 226-45127-421981 08/06/2019 Amazon - Stainless Steel Carabiner 7.99 08/15/2019 226-45127-421720 08/06/2019 NBP - Envelopes, Pencils, Paper, Markers, Lette 194.27 08/15/2019 101-41310-421990 08/06/2019 NBP - Binder Clips, Pencil Cup (2) 5.65 08/15/2019 217-41990-421990 08/06/2019 NBP - File 34.01 08/15/2019 217-41990-421990 08/06/2019 Walmart - Supplies for Friendship Island 13.81 08/15/2019 226-45127-421981 08/06/2019 Walmart - Ketchup (4) & Mustard (3) for Block _ 10.68 08/15/2019 101-45130-444210 08/06/2019 Home Depot - PVC Cement Glue 6.84 08/15/2019 226-45126-422990 08/06/2019 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 10.424 gals @ $2.629 27.40 08/15/2019 217-41990-421200 08/06/2019 Home Depot - Fittings for Ice Machine - Various 22.82 08/15/2019 226-45126-422990 08/06/2019 Home Depot - Fittings for Ice Machine - Various 4.81 08/15/2019 226-45126-422990 08/06/2019 Verizon - June 4 - July 3 20.94 08/15/2019 602-49490-432100 08/06/2019 123 Sign Up - Payroll Conference Registration (1 300.00 08/15/2019 101-41520-433100 08/06/2019 Monti Printing - Envelopes (500) 146.00 08/15/2019 217-41990-421990 08/06/2019 Verizon - May 21 - June 20 35.01 08/15/2019 101-43115-432100 08/06/2019 Verizon - May 21 - June 20 61.03 08/15/2019 101-43120-432100 08/06/2019 Verizon - May 21 - June 20 35.01 08/15/2019 101-45201-432100 08/06/2019 Verizon - May 21 - June 20 17.50 08/15/2019 601-49440-432100 08/06/2019 Verizon - May 21 - June 20 17.51 08/15/2019 602-49490-432100 08/06/2019 Verizon - May 21 - June 20 140.04 08/15/2019 101-42200-432100 08/06/2019 MNGFOA- 2019 Conference Registration 9/25- 210.00 08/15/2019 101-41520-433100 Reference ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/19/2019 - 2:04 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 08/06/2019 MNGFOA - 2019 Conference Registration 9/25- 210.00 08/15/2019 101-41520-433100 08/06/2019 Amazon - Replacement Parts: Handle Cables (2) 93.96 08/15/2019 226-45127-421720 08/06/2019 Amazon - Coffee 130.97 08/15/2019 101-41310-421990 08/06/2019 NBP - Pens, Labels 88.54 08/15/2019 226-45122-421990 08/06/2019 Wall Street Journal - Monthly Subscription (WO 44.99 08/15/2019 101-41520-443300 08/06/2019 Amazon - Supplies for Friendship Island: Crafts 52.11 08/15/2019 226-45127-421981 08/06/2019 Amazon - Creamer, Sugar, Stir Straws for Conce 41.57 08/15/2019 226-45125-425410 08/06/2019 Amazon - Envelopes, Keyboard Wrist Pad 48.14 08/15/2019 217-41990-421990 08/06/2019 Monti Chamber - May & June Lunches (JT) 30.00 08/15/2019 213-46301-443990 08/06/2019 MinnCor - Title Paper 70.00 08/15/2019 217-41990-421990 08/06/2019 SHRM - Society HR Mgmt - Book 69.00 08/15/2019 101-41800-431960 08/06/2019 Paypal - Drennen's Dream Foundation - Pool Sta 50.00 08/15/2019 226-45124-421990 08/06/2019 Verizon - June 4 - July 3 20.94 08/15/2019 601-49440-432100 08/06/2019 Walmart - Pool Noodles (6) 17.82 08/15/2019 226-45124-421990 08/06/2019 Target - Food for Meeting - Downtown Round 21.93 08/15/2019 213-46301-443990 08/06/2019 River City Extreme - Bowling Field Trip for Frie 80.00 08/15/2019 226-45127-431991 08/06/2019 Home Depot - Outlet Cover 4.68 08/15/2019 609-49754-421990 08/06/2019 Home Depot - Filter (20x25x4) 41.75 08/15/2019 101-41941-421990 08/06/2019 Monti Printing - Nameplate & Signature Stamp - 58.55 08/15/2019 101-41910-443990 08/06/2019 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 10.896 gals @ $2.559 27.84 08/15/2019 217-41990-421200 08/06/2019 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 10.511 gals @ $2.619 27.53 08/15/2019 217-41990-421200 08/06/2019 Target - Food for Council Meeting 52.97 08/15/2019 101-41110-443990 08/06/2019 Walmart - Supplies for Friendship Island: Snack: 39.26 08/15/2019 226-45127-421981 08/06/2019 Target - Food for Meeting - Special EDA 46.92 08/15/2019 213-46301-443990 08/06/2019 Walmart - Supplies for Friendship Island: Crafts, 31.58 08/15/2019 226-45127-421981 08/06/2019 Office Max - Poster Laminated for Farmers Mar] 39.80 08/15/2019 226-45127-421750 08/06/2019 Domino's Pizza - Food for Council Meeting 44.39 08/15/2019 101-41110-443990 08/06/2019 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 11.032 gals @ $2.649 29.22 08/15/2019 217-41990-421200 08/06/2019 NBP - Paper 58.48 08/15/2019 226-45122-421990 08/06/2019 Amazon - Inflatible Swan for Riverfest Parade 29.99 08/15/2019 101-45130-444100 08/06/2019 Amazon - Blue Fringe Skirting for Riverfest Par 27.88 08/15/2019 101-45130-444100 08/06/2019 Galls - wildland boots return -269.00 08/15/2019 101-42200-421120 08/06/2019 Runnings - (2) stick flags 4.98 08/15/2019 101-43120-421990 08/06/2019 Amazon - elec. tape 5.18 08/15/2019 101-42200-421990 08/06/2019 Runnings - LED bulb 8.99 08/15/2019 101-42200-422300 08/06/2019 Walmart - (4) 3 ct. table covers 9.88 08/15/2019 101-43120-421990 08/06/2019 Home Depot - 4x4 underlayment 10.85 08/15/2019 101-43120-421990 08/06/2019 Home Depot -(3) magnetic bit tip holder 11.91 08/15/2019 101-43130-421990 08/06/2019 Monti Napa - (4) oil 12.64 08/15/2019 101-43127-421990 08/06/2019 Fastenal - (96) CB 3/8-16 x 3 1/2 z - shop suppli 13.87 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Kwik Trip - non-oxi gas (4.207) gal @ $3.329 14.01 08/15/2019 101-42200-421200 08/06/2019 Fastenal 4 179 & 104 - (10) PB Dom P8; (3) 1/z 14.66 08/15/2019 101-43120-422100 08/06/2019 Runnings - (2) 8pk Gatorade; lock pin; bulk bin 16.06 08/15/2019 101-42200-421990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/19/2019 - 2:04 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 08/06/2019 Runnings -(2) hitch pins 18.96 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Marties -2.5 gal Surge; 1 gal Surge; watering car 287.98 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Chatters - ZZZNEP-IMPLEM- lunch qtly lunch 20.72 08/15/2019 101-42500-433100 08/06/2019 Amazon - 2pk boat navigation lights 22.10 08/15/2019 101-42200-422110 08/06/2019 Runnings - (3) adapters 22.67 08/15/2019 101-43127-421990 08/06/2019 Home Depot -45 gal. tote - Riverfest 22.98 08/15/2019 101-43120-421990 08/06/2019 Fastenal - (10) bits; (200) pphsms- Carlisle Villa, 23.97 08/15/2019 101-43130-421990 08/06/2019 Home Depot - (2) plywood 25.26 08/15/2019 101-43120-421990 08/06/2019 McMaster -Carr - (5) backflow-prev. valves 25.90 08/15/2019 601-49440-422100 08/06/2019 Marties - (2) sulpher; (2) Miracle gro 28.96 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Perkins - FireDN-CARSRU- Breakfast (3) Train 30.60 08/15/2019 101-42200-433100 08/06/2019 Runnings - Utility 8 & Sq. 5- (2) 12" pliers 30.98 08/15/2019 101-42200-421990 08/06/2019 Home Depot - (5) 12' prime SPF; (2) 8' PT 31.34 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Runnings - rubber hose; hose valve 31.98 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Mills Fleet Farm - rope; (4) grommets 33.55 08/15/2019 101-43120-421990 08/06/2019 General Rental - 20 lbs propane fill 35.38 08/15/2019 101-43120-421990 08/06/2019 General Rental - 20 lbs propane fill - Block Part} 35.38 08/15/2019 101-45130-444210 08/06/2019 Monti Napa - ignition coil 37.67 08/15/2019 101-43120-422110 08/06/2019 Olson & Sons - 12v battery sealed lead acid - Tri 40.85 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Zee Medical - antibiotic oint.; bandages; etc 44.52 08/15/2019 609-49754-421990 08/06/2019 Monti Napa - #179 & 111 - (2) oil filter; (2) back 49.56 08/15/2019 101-43120-422110 08/06/2019 Cub - (15) cs. drinking water 50.00 08/15/2019 101-42200-421990 08/06/2019 Auto Value - organic vapor mask; (20) N95 parti 51.79 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Home Depot - pliers; utility knife; autolock tape; 55.22 08/15/2019 101-43127-421990 08/06/2019 Runnings - pwr. generator; (6) engine oil 55.52 08/15/2019 101-45201-421600 08/06/2019 AT & T- 5/26-6/25 FirstNet Mobile unl. aircard 76.46 08/15/2019 101-42200-432100 08/06/2019 Wheelco - #132 - 12" x 2" LH Elec. Br 82.93 08/15/2019 101-43120-422100 08/06/2019 Home Depot -100' extension cord 83.97 08/15/2019 101-43127-421990 08/06/2019 Monti Napa - (11) EP Moly; (2) coupler 85.87 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Red's Electric - motor repair; (2) bearing; (4) bru 86.86 08/15/2019 101-45201-422100 08/06/2019 Cub - resale (12 1) limes; (4) lemons 88.55 08/15/2019 609-49750-425500 08/06/2019 Becker True Value - (7) padlocks 95.12 08/15/2019 101-43127-421990 08/06/2019 Home Depot - Rvrside Cem- (2) foam expansion 105.94 08/15/2019 651-49010-421990 08/06/2019 City of Waconia - (13) chairs - Academy Room 107.50 08/15/2019 101-41310-421990 08/06/2019 Home Depot - mag. float; (2) Gorilla Tape; (3) d 112.67 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Monti Napa - (36) 5W30 quart oil 113.76 08/15/2019 101-43127-421300 08/06/2019 NBP - carage; (2) cs. pap. twls; mount. tape; etc 131.72 08/15/2019 609-49754-421990 08/06/2019 M & M Express- (2) plate hinge; deflec. chute; s 136.21 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Galls -tactical storm boots - DK 142.98 08/15/2019 101-42200-421120 08/06/2019 Marties -50# Shady; bag seeder 173.99 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Walmart - candy for Riverfest parade 194.60 08/15/2019 101-42200-421990 08/06/2019 Runnings - weather radio 39.99 08/15/2019 217-41990-421990 08/06/2019 Runnings - weather radio 39.99 08/15/2019 609-49754-421990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/19/2019 - 2:04 PM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 08/06/2019 Runnings - weather radio 39.99 08/15/2019 101-43110-421990 08/06/2019 Runnings - (2) weather radio 79.98 08/15/2019 226-45122-421990 08/06/2019 Big Lake Lumber - (10); 2x10 12' SPF - picnic U 165.60 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 WHCE - 5980 Jason Ave NE - Water 19.95 08/15/2019 601-49440-431900 08/06/2019 FS Solutions - randon drug, alcohol test - Parks 196.00 08/15/2019 101-45201-431990 08/06/2019 FS Solutions - randon drug, alcohol test - Water 26.05 08/15/2019 601-49440-431990 08/06/2019 FS Solutions - randon drug, alcohol test - Sewer 26.05 08/15/2019 602-49490-431990 08/06/2019 NBP - (4) cs. therm. register tape 312.03 08/15/2019 609-49754-421990 08/06/2019 Arctic Glacier - resale inv. #1956917507;195691 431.45 08/15/2019 609-49750-425500 08/06/2019 Zarnoth - #150 - TY -502116 Transition 478.00 08/15/2019 101-43120-422100 08/06/2019 AST - (12) jackets; (6) shirts 407.88 08/15/2019 609-49754-421110 08/06/2019 AST - utx- embroidery- (12) jackets; (6) shirts 153.00 08/15/2019 609-49754-421110 08/06/2019 NBP - candy Riverfest parade 655.72 08/15/2019 609-49754-425550 08/06/2019 Mills Fleet Farm -4x8 wood trailer - Parks 699.99 08/15/2019 101-45201-424100 08/06/2019 Ameripride - June 2019 uniforms - Parks 127.36 08/15/2019 101-45201-441700 08/06/2019 Ameripride - June 2019 uniforms - Sewer 87.28 08/15/2019 602-49490-441700 08/06/2019 Ameripride - June 2019 uniforms - Water 87.28 08/15/2019 601-49440-441700 08/06/2019 Ameripride - June 2019 uniforms - Streets 165.96 08/15/2019 101-43120-441700 08/06/2019 Ameripride - June 2019 towels- Shop 234.84 08/15/2019 101-43127-421990 08/06/2019 Alllina - Physio CR2 AED 1,600.00 08/15/2019 101-42200-424100 08/06/2019 Alllina - Grant rcv'd - Physio CR2 AED -882.00 08/15/2019 101-42200-362300 08/06/2019 Sherwin Williams - (55) 5 gal. paint- Streets 907.50 08/15/2019 101-43120-421510 08/06/2019 Royal Tire - #110 - (2) tires; dismount/mount; di 992.60 08/15/2019 101-43120-422200 08/06/2019 Arctic Glacier -resale inv. 1956918211; 195691; 1,014.84 08/15/2019 609-49750-425500 08/06/2019 Clarke - (6) 4x1 gal. mosquito control - Flit 10 E 1,044.00 08/15/2019 101-45201-421600 08/06/2019 Arctic Glacier -resale inv. 1956918908; 919311, 1,128.56 08/15/2019 609-49750-425500 08/06/2019 AME Red -e -mix- (14) CY 4000 FLY AE; (4) CN 2,735.00 08/15/2019 101-43130-421990 08/06/2019 WHCE - Sunset Ponds 6/1-7/1/2019 (943) kWh 142.65 08/15/2019 602-49490-438100 08/06/2019 WHCE - 1645 & 1675 CR 39 91.45 08/15/2019 602-49490-438100 08/06/2019 WHCE - DMV 19.95 08/15/2019 217-41990-431900 08/06/2019 WHCE - 2171 W River St - Parks 36.45 08/15/2019 101-45201-431900 08/06/2019 WHCE - MCC 27.95 08/15/2019 226-45126-431900 08/06/2019 WHCE - 207 Chelsea Rd - Water 32.95 08/15/2019 601-49440-431900 08/06/2019 WHCE -209 Cedar St. - Water 29.95 08/15/2019 601-49440-431900 08/06/2019 WHCE -132 E. Broadway - Water 29.95 08/15/2019 601-49440-431900 08/06/2019 WHCE -107 River St W. - Parks 19.95 08/15/2019 101-45201-431900 08/06/2019 WHCE - Hi -Way Liquor Aug. 2019 21.42 08/15/2019 609-49754-431900 08/06/2019 WHCE - MCC - Aug. 2019 19.95 08/15/2019 226-45126-431900 08/06/2019 WHCE - 200 Dundas Rd- Aug. 2019 29.95 08/15/2019 601-49440-431900 08/06/2019 WHCE - 909 Golf Course Rd- Aug. 2019 19.95 08/15/2019 101-43110-431900 08/06/2019 WHCE - General Street Lighting 1,366.17 08/15/2019 101-43160-438100 08/06/2019 Red's - non-oxi gas - Fire 38.95 08/15/2019 101-42200-421200 08/06/2019 Home Depot - (2) 55 lb. rapid set cement 47.14 08/15/2019 602-49490-422700 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/19/2019 - 2:04 PM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 08/06/2019 Auto Value - (3) organic vapor masks 77.97 08/15/2019 101-45201-420650 08/06/2019 Amazon -(3) Foam-Eeze refill. bottle foam soap 87.46 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Amazon -(8) car phone holder mount cashboard 87.92 08/15/2019 101-45201-421990 08/06/2019 Amazon -3pk Yard sign w/ frame 17.99 08/15/2019 101-45204-421990 08/06/2019 Amazon -magnetic stirrer; IOpc. stir bars; 12pk t 64.88 08/15/2019 601-49440-421990 08/06/2019 Amazon - 8 ct. Overhead Transparency Markers 15.08 08/15/2019 101-43110-421990 08/06/2019 Amazon -(2) nn. colored paper; 12pk mouse tray 79.65 08/15/2019 101-43110-421990 08/06/2019 Monti Napa - hose end fittings 5.66 08/15/2019 101-43120-421990 08/06/2019 Runnings 4" plug; floor plug 7.58 08/15/2019 101-43120-421990 08/06/2019 Monti Napa - (2) elec. tape 8.40 08/15/2019 101-43127-421990 08/06/2019 Cub - paper towels 11.80 08/15/2019 609-49754-421990 08/06/2019 Runnings - pvc cement; (3) pvc tee; (3) red bush 15.13 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Monti Napa - (5) Napagold oil 21.70 08/15/2019 101-43127-421990 08/06/2019 CWP - (3) fittings 21.84 08/15/2019 101-43120-422100 08/06/2019 Amazon -car phone mount; magnetic holder- 1/2 11.67 08/15/2019 601-49440-421990 08/06/2019 Amazon -car phone mount; magnetic holder- 1/2 11.66 08/15/2019 602-49490-421990 08/06/2019 Fastenal - An. Cntrl lock box proj.- 4" OAL; (10 34.28 08/15/2019 101-42700-421990 08/06/2019 Sherwin Williams -(2) replacement screens for p 36.80 08/15/2019 101-43120-422100 08/06/2019 Nighthawk - August 2019 Security Monitor/Cell 49.95 08/15/2019 101-42200-431900 08/06/2019 Cub - (6) hot dogs; (6) buns; chips; ketchup; mu: 77.97 08/15/2019 101-45204-421990 08/06/2019 Royal Tire - #117 - flat repair; mount; etc. 84.77 08/15/2019 101-43120-440500 08/06/2019 Home Depot - 18C003-CONSTR- gas grill coves 84.99 08/15/2019 400-43300-452010 08/06/2019 Home Depot - 18C003-CONSTR- Gas Grill 999.00 08/15/2019 400-43300-452010 08/06/2019 Cub - resale (122) limes; (10) lemons 87.90 08/15/2019 609-49750-425500 08/06/2019 Cintas - mat service- inv. #4025575960; 4060661 100.70 08/15/2019 609-49754-431990 08/06/2019 Cintas - mat service- inv. #4024645177; 4025141 103.39 08/15/2019 609-49754-431990 08/06/2019 Stepp Mfg. - (2) oil burner tm/ing 351.36 08/15/2019 101-43120-422100 08/06/2019 Dan & Jerry's - refund sales tax July batch -2.95 08/15/2019 101-45201-440900 08/06/2019 Amazon - 51 oz. coffee; Moto Z2 Force case; me 43.06 08/15/2019 101-43110-421990 08/06/2019 Amazon - (2) 50pk ice bag s/ twist ties 25.97 08/15/2019 101-42200-421990 08/06/2019 Marties -50 lb. prem sunny grass seed- Hillside 1 123.00 08/15/2019 101-43130-421990 08/06/2019 Forece America - Hot Box- steel male coupler; (: 321.56 08/15/2019 101-43120-422100 08/06/2019 Auto Value - battery 92.66 08/15/2019 101-45201-422100 08/06/2019 General Rental - bobcat rental cleaning; (9) gal. 1 76.95 08/15/2019 101-43120-441500 08/06/2019 Fastenal - return (750) each 1/4" Bras FHN; 1/4- -220.35 08/15/2019 101-43120-422600 08/06/2019 Marties -stump killer 18.99 08/15/2019 101-43120-422500 08/06/2019 Runnings - hole saw 19.69 08/15/2019 101-43127-421990 08/06/2019 Delegard Tools - 12 ton bottle jack 43.06 08/15/2019 101-43127-421990 08/06/2019 GFOA - 2018 PAFR Report Application Fee 250.00 08/15/2019 101-41520-431990 08/06/2019 GFOA - 2018 CAFR Participation Application F 460.00 08/15/2019 101-41520-431990 08/06/2019 Microsoft - Annual Office 360 Subscription 107.36 08/15/2019 101-43110-421990 08/06/2019 Banners.com - Banner for City Parade Float 328.58 08/15/2019 101-45130-444100 08/06/2019 Amazon - Step Stool, Envelopes, Batteries, Clea 176.26 08/15/2019 217-41990-421990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/19/2019 - 2:04 PM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 08/06/2019 Stevens Equipment Supply - Sales Tax on Filters 16.21 08/15/2019 226-00000-115030 08/06/2019 Home Depot - Frigidaire Refrigerator 677.99 08/15/2019 217-41990-424100 08/06/2019 American Red Cross - Return Lifeguarding Traii -75.00 08/15/2019 226-45124-421990 08/06/2019 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 10.511 gals @ $2.559 27.88 08/15/2019 217-41990-421200 08/06/2019 Monti Printing - Nameplate for Planning Commi 31.10 08/15/2019 101-41910-443990 08/06/2019 Walmart - Movie Copies for Movie in the Park (: 37.92 08/15/2019 226-45127-421990 08/06/2019 USPS - Postage Stamps for UB Billing Postcard; 17.50 08/15/2019 601-49440-432200 08/06/2019 USPS - Postage Stamps for UB Billing Postcard; 17.50 08/15/2019 602-49490-432200 08/06/2019 NBP - Stapler, File Folders, White Out Correctie 90.71 08/15/2019 101-41310-421990 08/06/2019 Cintas - Inv# 4026507251 47.01 08/15/2019 226-45126-431990 08/06/2019 Cintas - Inv# 4026066435 47.01 08/15/2019 226-45126-431990 08/06/2019 Cintas - Mats - Inv# 4026507289 19.60 08/15/2019 101-45501-431990 08/06/2019 Abreeze/Clover - Paper for Credit Card Machine 24.99 08/15/2019 101-41310-421990 08/06/2019 Von Hanson Snacks - Pretzels for Concession Re 53.12 08/15/2019 226-45125-425410 08/06/2019 Amazon - Orange Cardstock 10.99 08/15/2019 101-41310-421990 08/06/2019 Verizon - June 11 - July 10 25.02 08/15/2019 101-43115-432100 08/06/2019 FirstNet Learning - Online Ethics Review 35.00 08/15/2019 101-41800-431960 08/06/2019 ThyssenKrupp - Maintenance Agreement @ MC 416.68 08/15/2019 226-45126-431990 08/06/2019 ThyssenKrupp - Maint Agreement @ Prairie Ctr 198.95 08/15/2019 101-41941-431990 08/06/2019 Dacotah Paper - Bathroom Supplies 97.20 08/15/2019 101-45501-421990 08/06/2019 Dacotah Paper - Paper Plates 44.86 08/15/2019 226-45125-421990 08/06/2019 Dacotah Paper - Bathroom/Lockerroom Supplies 1,544.85 08/15/2019 226-45126-421990 08/06/2019 Dacotah Paper - Bathroom/Lockerroom Supplies 1,835.08 08/15/2019 226-45126-421990 08/06/2019 Dacotah Paper - Food Service Gloves, Spoons, P 80.66 08/15/2019 226-45125-421990 08/06/2019 Nat'l Gym Supply - Roller Pad for Weight Ma& 72.80 08/15/2019 226-45126-422990 08/06/2019 Cintas - Inv# 4023286607, 4024645216, 402514 182.75 08/15/2019 226-45126-431990 08/06/2019 Cintas - Mats - Inv# 4024645165, 4025575957 39.20 08/15/2019 101-45501-431990 08/06/2019 Cintas - Mats - Inv# 4025139840, 30.68 08/15/2019 217-41990-431990 08/06/2019 Home Depot - Shower Curtain Rod, Rings - Fair. 87.34 08/15/2019 226-45126-422990 08/06/2019 MN Dept Labor - Annual Elevator OperatingPer 100.00 08/15/2019 226-45122-443700 08/06/2019 Service Master - Cleaning Services - MCC - Jul} 4,193.00 08/15/2019 226-45126-431100 08/06/2019 Service Master - Cleaning Services - City Hall - 718.00 08/15/2019 101-41940-431100 08/06/2019 Service Master - Cleaning Services - Head End - 606.38 08/15/2019 656-00000-202099 08/06/2019 Service Master - Cleaning Services - Prairie Cen 536.00 08/15/2019 101-41941-431100 08/06/2019 Service Master - Cleaning Services - Library - h 1,769.62 08/15/2019 101-45501-431100 08/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - June 2019 37,717.49 08/15/2019 101-43230-438400 08/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - June 2019 - Recycling 13,499.85 08/15/2019 101-43230-438400 08/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - June 2019 - GFEE 2,992.68 08/15/2019 101-00000-208120 08/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - June 2019 35.80 08/15/2019 101-43127-438400 08/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - June 2019 47.74 08/15/2019 101-45201-438400 08/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - June 2019 36.74 08/15/2019 101-45201-438400 08/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - June 2019 113.38 08/15/2019 602-49480-438400 08/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - June 2019 208.87 08/15/2019 226-45126-438400 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/19/2019 - 2:04 PM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 08/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - June 2019 23.87 08/15/2019 609-49754-438400 08/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - June 2019 23.87 08/15/2019 101-45201-438400 08/06/2019 Advanced Disposal - June 2019 11.93 08/15/2019 101-45501-431990 08/06/2019 Trusted Employees - Background Checks - July 1 46.00 08/15/2019 226-45122-431990 08/06/2019 Trusted Employees - Background Checks - July 1 23.00 08/15/2019 217-41990-431990 08/06/2019 Trusted Employees - Background Checks - July 1 46.00 08/15/2019 609-49754-431990 08/06/2019 Embassy Suites - I94 Coalition Washington DC ' 834.54 08/15/2019 101-41110-433100 08/06/2019 FirstNet Learning - Online Safety Training 9/14/ 1,140.00 08/15/2019 101-41800-431960 08/06/2019 Amazon - Ink Cartridge (2pk), Paper Plates, She 197.94 08/15/2019 101-41310-421990 08/06/2019 EIG Regional Planning Partner - CMRP Website 99.00 08/15/2019 101-00000-115030 08/06/2019 EIG Regional Planning Partner - CMRP Website 550.80 08/15/2019 101-00000-115030 08/06/2019 Slumberland - Lounger w/Ottoman, Side Table 456.00 08/15/2019 226-45123-421990 08/06/2019 Stevens Equipment Supply - Filters for Ice Macl 219.73 08/15/2019 226-45126-422990 08/06/2019 Mills Fleet Farm - snap coupling 1.28 08/15/2019 101-43130-421990 08/06/2019 Runnings - spark plug 1.89 08/15/2019 602-49490-422100 08/06/2019 Runnings - (2) door stops 4.58 08/15/2019 101-42200-421990 08/06/2019 Auto Value - lanyard 5.99 08/15/2019 602-49490-422100 08/06/2019 Runnings - posts U 3'; pvc pipe; adaptor 6.86 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Auto Value -# 231- spark plug; fule filter 9.97 08/15/2019 101-45201-422100 08/06/2019 Fastenal - (23) 1/4-20 x 3 SS fphms 11.69 08/15/2019 101-43160-421530 08/06/2019 Home Depot - (6) 12x12 patio stone 12.36 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Fastenal - caution tape 12.99 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Fastenal - (10) ea. alum. sleeve; (15) coated 7x7- 13.90 08/15/2019 101-45201-422100 08/06/2019 Runnings - #207- pulley 22.99 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Home Depot - (8) 50 lb. Quikrete Concrete 31.84 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Mills Fleet Farm - (2) padlock 37.98 08/15/2019 101-43120-421990 08/06/2019 Runnings - weather radio 39.99 08/15/2019 101-41940-421990 08/06/2019 Auto Value - #231 - battery 40.99 08/15/2019 101-45201-422100 08/06/2019 DSG - Hillside Farm- drop box; drain; c -plug; et 42.98 08/15/2019 101-43130-421990 08/06/2019 NBP - (2) 8pk. paper towels 49.14 08/15/2019 609-49754-421990 08/06/2019 DSG - combo pvc; wye primer; pvc cement; 49.79 08/15/2019 101-43130-421990 08/06/2019 Runnings - battery for camera trailer generator 59.99 08/15/2019 602-49490-422100 08/06/2019 Runnings - hole saw; welding glove; flap disc 63.96 08/15/2019 101-43127-421990 08/06/2019 Runnings - anchor kit; 12" straigh foot chuck; 1 F 66.17 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 DISH - 8/2-9/1/2019 service 76.99 08/15/2019 609-49754-432500 08/06/2019 Paypal - Hunter NODE -100 Irrigation Cntrlr w/! 82.60 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Runnings - bypass compound dbl. gear lopper; L 110.60 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Monti Napa - battery for booster station gen. 116.08 08/15/2019 601-49440-422100 08/06/2019 Paypal - Mario Place- (4) paper towel dispenser 122.56 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 MSFCA - MN Fire Chiefs Conference K.L. 300.00 08/15/2019 101-42200-433100 08/06/2019 Brock White - (3) 1 gal. lithochrome chemstain; 387.98 08/15/2019 101-45201-421650 08/06/2019 Stepp Mfg.- Hot Box/Tack Trlr. prim. cntrl.l s/cp 487.45 08/15/2019 101-43120-422100 08/06/2019 Arctic Glacier - resale inv. #1956920307; 19569: 899.10 08/15/2019 609-49750-425500 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/19/2019 - 2:04 PM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 08/06/2019 DSG - (4) drop box drain grate; (4) Wye combo 1,004.51 08/15/2019 101-43130-421990 08/06/2019 Amazon - (3 1) car phone mount dashboard phon 389.60 08/15/2019 101-43120-421990 08/06/2019 Amazon - coffee; Moto Z2 Force case 35.84 08/15/2019 101-43110-421990 Check Total: 101,788.48 Vendor: 2438 VANCO SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: True 00009952344 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - July 2019 53.92 08/15/2019 601-49440-443980 00009952344 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - July 2019 53.92 08/15/2019 602-49490-443980 Check Total: 107.84 Vendor: 2405 WELLS FARGO - Monthly Charges/Returns Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: True August 2019 Liq Store CC Fees (WF -0990) 8,266.30 08/15/2019 609-49754-443980 August 2019 WF account interest earnings -168.24 08/15/2019 101-00000-362110 August 2019 UB CC Fees (AmEx -8910) 65.93 08/15/2019 601-49440-443980 August 2019 CH CC Fees (WF -0999) 133.70 08/15/2019 101-41520-443980 August 2019 MCC CC Fees (WF Counter -0997) 25.78 08/15/2019 226-45122-443980 August 2019 MCC CC Fees (iAccess FM -1476) 113.83 08/15/2019 226-45127-431992 August 2019 MCC CC Fees (WF Online -0996) 2.23 08/15/2019 226-45122-443980 August 2019 UB CC Fees (AmEx -8910) 65.93 08/15/2019 602-49490-443980 August 2019 WF account bank charges 1,413.69 08/15/2019 101-41520-443980 August 2019 UB CC Fees (Bluefin) 1,258.98 08/15/2019 602-49490-443980 August 2019 UB CC Fees (Bluefin) 1,258.98 08/15/2019 601-49440-443980 August 2019 MCC CC Fees (Daxco- 2887) 1,753.18 08/15/2019 226-45122-443980 Check Total: 14,190.29 Total for Check Run: 308,968.84 Total of Number of Checks: 9 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 8/26/19 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/19/2019 - 2:04 PM) Page 10 Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 08/21/2019 - 2:23PM Batch: 00204.08.2019 - 204.08.2019 AP Invoice No Description Vendor: 5317 A & B WELDING & CONSTRUCTION INC. 39107 ZPARKS-COLUMB - (3) hrs. 33 T crane hourly Check Sequence: 1 Check Total: Vendor: 1977 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC 89448 651-49010-453010 informer receiver decoder Check Total: Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3359442 resale - beer 3365299 Check Sequence: 2 resale - beer Enabled: False Check Total: Vendor: 4502 ARVIG 294094 (10) buried drops- Rath Underground 294094 FNM expenses 7/2019- Calix; Border States 8/8/2019 IT Services - August 2019 Check Sequence: 3 Check Total: Vendor: 5117 ASPEN MILLS 241945 609-49750-425200 firefighter uniform- A.SM Check Total: Vendor: 3887 KEVIN BARTHEL 8/19/2019 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/15/19 Check Total: Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Moiiii6effo Y Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 612.00 08/27/2019 651-49010-453010 612.00 Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 693.00 08/27/2019 101-42200-421990 693.00 Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 43.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 363.20 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 406.20 Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True 6,500.00 08/27/2019 656-49877-440100 14,766.52 08/27/2019 656-49877-421800 73.00 08/27/2019 702-00000-431990 21,339.52 Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 240.70 08/27/2019 101-42200-421120 240.70 Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 50.00 08/27/2019 226-45127-431992 50.00 Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 80075100 resale - liquor 285.17 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 80075100 freight 4.48 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 80200500 resale -liquor 2,179.02 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 80200500 resale- wine 442.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 80200500 freight 46.35 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 99951100 resale - mix 260.27 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 99951100 resale -juice 39.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425500 99967400 resale - mix return inv. 99951100 -42.50 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 99998500 freight 1.28 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 99998500 resale - condiments 171.30 08/27/2019 609-49750-425500 99998500 asst. bags 107.20 08/27/2019 609-49754-421990 Check Total: 3,493.57 Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 105123 resale - pop, water, Gatorade 92.04 08/27/2019 226-45125-425410 105124 resale - soda pop 80.45 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 105125 resale - beer 402.90 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 107822 resale - pop, Gatorade, water 140.79 08/27/2019 226-45125-425410 107823 resale - soda pop 211.80 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 107823 resale -juice 32.80 08/27/2019 609-49750-425500 107824 resale - beer 2,875.25 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 3,836.03 Vendor: 5025 BEVERAGE LINE SERVICE LLC Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 1889 Cleaned Tap Beer Lines (2) 45.00 08/27/2019 226-45123-431990 Check Total: 45.00 Vendor: 1080 BRAEMAR MAILING SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 60117 UB Aug 2019 Invoices (3693) Print, Fold, Stuff, 571.91 08/27/2019 601-49440-431800 60117 UB Aug 2019 Invoices (3693) Print, Fold, Stuff, 571.91 08/27/2019 602-49490-431800 Check Total: 1,143.82 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPII Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 1081011901 resale - liquor 1,415.83 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 1081011901 resale - mix 107.65 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 1081011901 resale - wine 538.62 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 1081011901 freight 33.14 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 1081011902 resale - beer 440.80 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 1081015203 resale - liquor 1,653.27 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 1081015203 resale - wine 845.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1081015203 freight 45.11 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 2080241678 resale - credit liquor -17.61 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 5,061.81 Vendor: 2890 BROTHERS FIRE PROTECTION CO Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: True 30897 August 2019 - Hood Inspection & Links 120.00 08/27/2019 226-45126-431990 Check Total: 120.00 Vendor: 1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: True 2348-OOOIG 120 Code Enforcement Services - July 2019 230.45 08/27/2019 101-42400-430400 2348-000G 204 General Legal Admin - July 2019 826.33 08/27/2019 101-41610-430400 2348-000G 204 Planning & Zoning Legal Admin - July 2019 848.00 08/27/2019 101-41910-430400 2348-000G 204 201922 - River Mill 6th Development Agreemen 32.00 08/27/2019 101-00000-220110 2348-000G 204 201920 - Haven Ridge - July 2019 160.00 08/27/2019 101-00000-220110 2348-000G 204 201906 - Monti RV PUD Amendment Agreemen 64.00 08/27/2019 101-00000-220110 2348-148G 24 16C006 - Fallon Ave Condemnation - July 2019 667.50 08/27/2019 400-43300-459018 2348-155G 9 16C006 - Bluffs in Monticello Assessment Appe 1,547.66 08/27/2019 400-43300-459018 2348-162G 1 201922 - River Mill 6th Addition - July 2019 644.40 08/27/2019 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 5,020.34 Vendor: 1801 CANNON RIVER WINERY Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: True 7147 resale - wine 513.95 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 513.95 Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True 2302616 resale - beer 16,734.10 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 2302616 resale - beer n/a 112.40 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 6772488 resale - beer 11,887.85 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 6772488 resale - beer n/a 106.40 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 28,840.75 Vendor: 5144 CASTING CREATIONS OF MN., INC Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 5556 Legion Donation - (2) 260 plaques 892.00 08/27/2019 101-45201-421650 Check Total: 892.00 Vendor: 1104 CENTRAL LANDSCAPE SUPPLY Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 293189 (6) Redmond Linden 2' 1,158.00 08/27/2019 101-43120-422500 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 1,158.00 170.90 170.90 14,433.83 1,379.40 15,813.23 96.00 96.00 6,261.45 41,039.12 72.40 34.00 3,986.10 235.00 -450.00 192.00 -47.00 51,323.07 121.60 121.60 879.00 879.00 450.00 Check Sequence: 18 08/27/2019 226-45124-421600 Check Sequence: 19 08/27/2019 226-45126-453010 08/27/2019 226-45126-453010 Check Sequence: 20 08/27/2019 101-42200-436300 Check Sequence: 21 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 Check Sequence: 22 08/27/2019 213-46301-443990 Check Sequence: 23 08/27/2019 101-43120-421510 Check Sequence: 24 08/27/2019 226-45127-431990 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 4 Check Total: Check Total: Vendor: 1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC 00299134 Check Total: Bulk Carbon Dioxide (645 lbs) DIAMOND VOGEL PAINT 813142430 Check Total: Vendor: 1973 CLIMATE MAKERS INC 62659 8/5/2019 Upgrade HVAC @ MCC - Payment #6 63072 Upgrade HVAC @ MCC - Payment #6 Check Total: Vendor: 1894 CONDON AND SKELLY 3694115 Renewal for 1929 Fire Truck Insurance 9/21/19 Check Total: Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC 112-0943 resale - beer 112-0980 resale - beer 112-0980 resale - beer n/a 112-1004 resale - beer n/a 112-1004 resale - beer 112-1021 resale - beer 878180 resale - beer credit 880532 resale - beer 881794 resale - beer credit Amount Payment Date Acct Number 1,158.00 170.90 170.90 14,433.83 1,379.40 15,813.23 96.00 96.00 6,261.45 41,039.12 72.40 34.00 3,986.10 235.00 -450.00 192.00 -47.00 51,323.07 121.60 121.60 879.00 879.00 450.00 Check Sequence: 18 08/27/2019 226-45124-421600 Check Sequence: 19 08/27/2019 226-45126-453010 08/27/2019 226-45126-453010 Check Sequence: 20 08/27/2019 101-42200-436300 Check Sequence: 21 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 Check Sequence: 22 08/27/2019 213-46301-443990 Check Sequence: 23 08/27/2019 101-43120-421510 Check Sequence: 24 08/27/2019 226-45127-431990 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 4 Check Total: Vendor: 2050 DEMVI LLC 8/12/2019 Sept - Parking Lot Easement Maint Agreement Check Total: Vendor: 1141 DIAMOND VOGEL PAINT 813142430 (10) 5 gal. white paint Check Total: Vendor: 5306 ANDREW DUSZYNSKI 8/5/2019 Performance @ Encore @ Music on the Mississi Amount Payment Date Acct Number 1,158.00 170.90 170.90 14,433.83 1,379.40 15,813.23 96.00 96.00 6,261.45 41,039.12 72.40 34.00 3,986.10 235.00 -450.00 192.00 -47.00 51,323.07 121.60 121.60 879.00 879.00 450.00 Check Sequence: 18 08/27/2019 226-45124-421600 Check Sequence: 19 08/27/2019 226-45126-453010 08/27/2019 226-45126-453010 Check Sequence: 20 08/27/2019 101-42200-436300 Check Sequence: 21 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 Check Sequence: 22 08/27/2019 213-46301-443990 Check Sequence: 23 08/27/2019 101-43120-421510 Check Sequence: 24 08/27/2019 226-45127-431990 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 5 Check Total: 450.00 Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: True 715810 201906 - Ordinance #726 Ad# 963951 176.91 08/27/2019 101-41910-435100 715811 Ordinance #726 Ad# 963953 139.99 08/27/2019 101-41310-435100 8/12/2019 Monti Times Two Year Subscription for City Hal 79.00 08/27/2019 101-41310-443300 Check Total: 395.90 Vendor: 4191 ELK RIVER GREENHOUSE LLC Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: True 8/19/2019 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/8 & 8i 514.00 08/27/2019 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 514.00 Vendor: 2273 FIBERNET MONTICELLO - ACH Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: True 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Phone - City Hall 648.80 08/27/2019 702-00000-432100 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Phone - MCC 557.04 08/27/2019 702-00000-432100 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Phone - Ballfields 19.85 08/27/2019 702-00000-432100 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Phone - DMV 272.08 08/27/2019 702-00000-432100 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Phone - Hi Way Liquor 348.67 08/27/2019 702-00000-432100 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Phone - Fire Hall 241.83 08/27/2019 702-00000-432100 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Phone - Public Works 268.67 08/27/2019 702-00000-432100 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Phone - Parks 114.99 08/27/2019 702-00000-432100 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Phone - Prairie Center 14.29 08/27/2019 702-00000-432100 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Phone - Sheriff 70.15 08/27/2019 702-00000-432100 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Phone - MCC @ Prairie Center 50.96 08/27/2019 702-00000-432100 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Internet - City Hall 134.95 08/27/2019 702-00000-432300 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Internet - MCC 10.00 08/27/2019 702-00000-432300 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Internet - Ballfields 10.00 08/27/2019 702-00000-432300 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Internet - DMV 41.95 08/27/2019 702-00000-432300 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Internet - Hi Way Liquor 41.95 08/27/2019 702-00000-432300 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Internet - Fire Hall 41.95 08/27/2019 702-00000-432300 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Internet - Animal Shelter 29.95 08/27/2019 702-00000-432300 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Internet - Public Works 69.95 08/27/2019 702-00000-432300 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Internet - Sheriff 41.95 08/27/2019 702-00000-432300 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Internet - MCC @ Prairie Center 40.63 08/27/2019 702-00000-432300 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Cable - Fire Hall 5.11 08/27/2019 101-42200-431990 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Cable - City Hall 12.95 08/27/2019 101-41310-431990 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Cable - MCC 338.01 08/27/2019 226-45127-432500 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Data Hosting - City Hall 500.00 08/27/2019 702-00000-431900 8/8/2019 August 2019 - Service Contract - City Hall 250.00 08/27/2019 702-00000-431900 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 4,176.68 Reference Check Total: Vendor: 3748 JEFFREY D GARDNER 8/19/2019 226-45127-431992 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/15/19 22.00 Check Total: Vendor: 3762 GARRETTS DIAMOND CITY BREAD 8/19/19 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/8 & 8i ACH Enabled: True Check Total: Vendor: 1859 GODFATHER'S EXTERMINATING INC 143798 35.00 Pest Control - Mice (Prairie Center) 143820 Pest Control - Ants (MCC) 143821 Pest Control - Ants (DMV) 143822 False Pest Control - Ants (Library) 143823 101-41941-431990 Pest Control - general pest control -(Hi-Way Liq 80.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1205 GRAINGER INC 9257288507 Floor Register 9264405540 Showerhead w/Anti Microbial Coating (2) 50.00 Check Total: Vendor: 5322 GRANITE LEDGE ELECTRICAL CONTRAC" L19378 08/27/2019 install supplied light pole & fixture- 7th St/Wash Check Total: Vendor: 5108 GUARDIAN FLEET SAFETY 19-0302 Engine 4- LED flasher Red; Tender 3- turn siren Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: Check Total: Vendor: 5275 TANYA HARMS 8/19/2019 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/8/19 08/27/2019 226-45126-422990 Check Total: Vendor: 4801 HILDI INC 10773 Actuarial Audit Request GASB 75 Amount Payment Date Acct Number 4,176.68 Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 6 Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: True 22.00 08/27/2019 226-45127-431992 22.00 Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: True 35.00 08/27/2019 226-45127-431992 35.00 Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False 50.00 08/27/2019 101-41941-431990 80.00 08/27/2019 226-45126-431990 35.00 08/27/2019 217-41990-431990 50.00 08/27/2019 101-45501-431990 59.06 08/27/2019 609-49754-431990 274.06 Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: False 3.39 08/27/2019 101-41941-422990 27.70 08/27/2019 226-45126-422990 31.09 Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False 2,008.58 08/27/2019 101-43160-431990 2,008.58 Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: True 297.42 08/27/2019 101-42200-440500 297.42 Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False 22.00 08/27/2019 226-45127-431992 22.00 Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: False 225.00 08/27/2019 101-41540-430100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Check Total: Vendor: 3369 JAKE'S EXCAVATING INC 3862 Walter - 7-1-19 Check Total: Vendor: 5276 BRIA HILLUKKA 8/19/2019 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/8 & 8i 8/7/2019 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 7/18, 7/: 2996985 Check Total: Vendor: 4218 HOHENSTEINS, INC 157008 resale - beer 157008 resale - beer n/a Check Total: Vendor: 3369 JAKE'S EXCAVATING INC 3862 Walter - 7-1-19 Amount Check Total: Vendor: 1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING 2996954 resale - beer 2996985 resale - beer 2996985 resale - beer n/a 2996985 freight 34.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1260 JME OF MONTICELLO INC SYS49407 Labor - Eng.4 - rep. auto eject shore pwr; rear ex SYS49490 Parts- Tender - brake repair- auto drain vlave; etc SYS49490 Labor -Tender - brake repair- auto drain vlave; el Check Total: Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 1354416 resale - liquor 1354416 freight 1354417 freight 1354417 resale - wine 1356951 freight 1356951 resale - liquor 1356952 resale - wine 1356952 freight Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 225.00 Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: False 34.00 08/27/2019 226-45127-431992 57.00 08/13/2019 226-45127-431992 91.00 Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: False 1,400.20 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 90.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 1,490.20 Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: True 400.00 08/27/2019 651-49010-431150 400.00 Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: False 3,404.98 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 1,467.55 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 110.20 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 3.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 4,985.73 Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: True 258.00 08/27/2019 101-42200-440500 313.15 08/27/2019 101-42200-440500 64.50 08/27/2019 101-42200-440500 635.65 Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 1,942.73 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 23.84 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 19.37 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 719.65 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 10.43 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 897.87 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 508.85 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 16.39 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 1357616 freight 140.56 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 1357616 resale - ligour 14,267.46 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 1357617 freight 56.62 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 1357617 resale - wine 1,963.21 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 1357945 resale - liquor 1,269.90 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 1357945 freight 22.35 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 1358535 freight 53.34 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 1358535 resale - liquor 4,670.48 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 1358536 resale - wine 933.55 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 1358536 resale - wine n/a 166.85 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 1358536 freight 28.94 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 1359903 freight 61.58 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 1359903 resale - liquor 5,514.12 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 1359904 resale - wine 1,816.05 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 1359904 freight 51.15 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 1362343 freight 66.67 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 1362343 resale - liquor 3,689.49 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 1363034 freight 1.49 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 1363034 resale - liquor 231.70 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 1363035 resale - wine 896.55 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 1363035 resale - mix 67.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 1363035 freight 28.31 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 558781 freight credit inv. # 1345952 -43.09 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 558781 resale - liquor credit inv. # 1345952 -124.92 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 558994 resale - liquor credit inv. #1347636 -320.25 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 558994 freight credit inv. #1347636 -4.47 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 559540 resale - liquor credit inv. #1347636 -25.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 559540 freight credit inv. 41347636 -0.25 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 559541 resale - liquor credit inv. #1029064 -21.64 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 559542 resale - wine credit inv. # 1347637 -8.28 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 561623 freight credit inv. # 1357616 -1.49 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 561623 resale - liquor credit inv. # 1357616 -96.90 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 561624 resale - wine credit inv. # 1347637 -42.90 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 561624 freight credit inv. # 1347637 -0.25 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 561625 resale - liquor credit inv. # 1357616 -16.17 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 561626 resale - wine credit inv. # 1357617 -65.65 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 39,365.24 Vendor: 1273 KIWI KAI IMPORTS, INC. Check Sequence: 42 59889 resale - wine 942.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 59889 freight 12.50 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 Reference ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Check Total: 954.50 Vendor: 1291 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST Check Sequence: 43 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 1,271.00 08/27/2019 101-41310-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 75.00 08/27/2019 101-41410-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 473.00 08/27/2019 101-41520-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 75.00 08/27/2019 101-41800-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 4,424.00 08/27/2019 101-41910-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 521.00 08/27/2019 101-41941-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 1,971.00 08/27/2019 101-42200-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 729.00 08/27/2019 101-42400-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 997.00 08/27/2019 101-42700-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 2,873.00 08/27/2019 101-43110-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 80.00 08/27/2019 101-43111-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 67.00 08/27/2019 101-43115-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 4,963.00 08/27/2019 101-43120-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 120.00 08/27/2019 101-43125-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 60.00 08/27/2019 101-43127-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 15,015.00 08/27/2019 101-45201-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 363.00 08/27/2019 101-45501-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 45.00 08/27/2019 101-46102-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 2,405.00 08/27/2019 101-49240-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 51,131.00 08/27/2019 101-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 536.00 08/27/2019 213-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 8,045.00 08/27/2019 226-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 1,281.00 08/27/2019 217-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 6,533.00 08/27/2019 601-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 6,676.00 08/27/2019 602-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 7,449.00 08/27/2019 602-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 2,306.00 08/27/2019 609-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 829.00 08/27/2019 651-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 227.00 08/27/2019 652-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 383.00 08/27/2019 213-46301-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 5,746.00 08/27/2019 226-45122-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 915.00 08/27/2019 217-41990-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 4,667.00 08/27/2019 601-49440-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 4,768.00 08/27/2019 602-49480-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 5,320.00 08/27/2019 602-49490-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 1,647.00 08/27/2019 609-49754-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 592.00 08/27/2019 651-49010-436100 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 162.00 08/27/2019 652-00000-155020 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/19 - 7/15/20 4,367.00 08/27/2019 656-00000-202099 Reference ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Check Total: AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number 150,107.00 3,230.00 3,230.00 309.00 309.00 360.00 719.00 1,079.00 1,681.13 854.20 2,535.33 1,341.80 1,704.16 3,045.96 1,029.14 36.00 10.00 235.72 1,310.86 89.99 90.00 179.99 Check Sequence: 44 08/27/2019 226-45123-431990 Check Sequence: 45 08/27/2019 226-45127-431992 Check Sequence: 46 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Sequence: 47 08/27/2019 609-49750-425500 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 Check Sequence: 48 08/27/2019 101-43120-421200 08/27/2019 101-43120-421200 Check Total: Vendor: 5315 LOMMEL CUSTOM WELDING & REPAIR 1086 Patio Table (4) & Chairs (15) Powdercoat Black 08/27/2019 Check Total: Vendor: 3933 CHARLES LONG 8/19/2019 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/8 & 8i Check Total: Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC 22776 resale - beer 23018 resale - beer Check Total: Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP 285281 resale - cigarettes; juice 285281 resale - tobacco; soda pop; barware; etc Check Total: Vendor: 3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 21411875 (573) gal. diesel @ $ 2.34 21411876 (797) gal. unleaded@ $ 2.14 Check Total: Vendor: 1726 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES INV6638698 8/10/19 - 9/9/19 Base Contract Payment INV6638698 Supply Freight Fee INV6638699 Supply Freight Fee INV6638699 8/10/19 - 9/9/19 Base Contract Payment Check Total: Vendor: 4379 JOHN & JULIE MCMAHON 030216 FiberNet acct. FNM -001-1164 FINAL credit 040416 FiberNet acct. FNM -001-1164 FINAL credit Check Total: AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number 150,107.00 3,230.00 3,230.00 309.00 309.00 360.00 719.00 1,079.00 1,681.13 854.20 2,535.33 1,341.80 1,704.16 3,045.96 1,029.14 36.00 10.00 235.72 1,310.86 89.99 90.00 179.99 Check Sequence: 44 08/27/2019 226-45123-431990 Check Sequence: 45 08/27/2019 226-45127-431992 Check Sequence: 46 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 08/27/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Sequence: 47 08/27/2019 609-49750-425500 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 Check Sequence: 48 08/27/2019 101-43120-421200 08/27/2019 101-43120-421200 Check Sequence: 50 03/15/2016 656-00000-115030 04/12/2016 656-00000-115030 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False Page 10 Check Sequence: 49 08/27/2019 702-00000-441500 08/27/2019 702-00000-441500 08/27/2019 702-00000-441500 08/27/2019 702-00000-441500 Check Sequence: 50 03/15/2016 656-00000-115030 04/12/2016 656-00000-115030 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 5319 ADAM MILLER Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 8/9/2019 Mens Softball League Championship Prize - Fir, 100.00 08/27/2019 226-45127-421740 Check Total: 100.00 Vendor: 3437 MINNCOR INDUSTRIES Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False SOI -082762 (14) cs. air freshner 437.40 08/27/2019 101-45201-421650 Check Total: 437.40 Vendor: 1355 MN MUNICIPAL BEVERAGE ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 19-20 Mbrship Annual Dues - July 2019 - July 2020 3,700.00 08/27/2019 609-49754-443300 Check Total: 3,700.00 Vendor: 5147 MN PEIP Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: True 870205 Sept - Health Insurance 35,919.30 08/27/2019 101-00000-217061 Check Total: 35,919.30 Vendor: 1377 MONTICELLO SENIOR CENTER Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: True August 2019 Monthly Allocation - August 2019 5,150.00 08/27/2019 101-45175-444310 Check Total: 5,150.00 Vendor: 1379 MONTICELLO UMPIRE ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: True 8/19/2019 Umpire Mens Softball League (7 Games) 238.00 08/27/2019 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 238.00 Vendor: 1401 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: True 24374 July 2019 - Technical Assistance - City Projects 5,099.88 08/27/2019 101-41910-431990 24375 201920 - Haven Ridge - July 2019 570.90 08/27/2019 101-00000-220110 24375 201927 - Kjellberg PUD - Housing - July 2019 2,886.81 08/27/2019 101-00000-220110 24375 201901 - Monticello Plumbing- July 2019 207.60 08/27/2019 101-41910-431990 24375 201901 - Kjellberg Park West Expansion - July 2 207.60 08/27/2019 101-41910-431990 24375 201901 - Gallagher Property Development - July 242.20 08/27/2019 101-41910-431990 24375 201901 - Copperhead Wire - July 2019 242.20 08/27/2019 101-41910-431990 24375 201903 - DJ's PUD- July 2019 1,349.40 08/27/2019 101-00000-220110 24375 201919 - Buboltz Cup- July 2019 1,006.80 08/27/2019 101-00000-220110 24375 503 Boradway Housing- July 2019 173.00 08/27/2019 101-41910-431990 24375 Headwaters Height Variance - July 2019 882.30 08/27/2019 101-41910-431990 24376 July 2019 - Technical Assistance - Meetings 600.00 08/27/2019 101-41910-431990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 11 Invoice No Description Check Total: Vendor: 4472 NOVAK FLECK INC 8/20/2019 Escrow Refund - 8641 Ebersole Ave/Featherston 8/20/2019 19D001 -Escrow Reduction/Refund - Featherstc Check Total: Vendor: 5320 TROY OLSON 7/25/2019 Escrow Refund - 8683 Bison Ave/#18-00542 Amount Payment Date Acct Number 13,468.69 08/27/2019 Check Total: Vendor: 1411 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC INC 58915 08/27/2019 Labor (4) hours- trouble shoot street light using c 58916 08/27/2019 Labor (1) hr. repair conduit & damaged wire 58917 Labor (11) hr- Walnut lighting- troubleshootingh 58917 08/27/2019 Parts - Walnut lighting- (2) Conn. Compression; 2,000.00 08/27/2019 Check Total: Vendor: 1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC 14040 08/27/2019 (3.97) SPWEA240B 14060 08/27/2019 (3) AC fines mix 14067 08/27/2019 (3) AC fines mix 935.00 08/27/2019 Check Total: Vendor: 4633 PERFORMANCE FOOD GROUP INC 55785638 08/27/2019 Cheese Sauce for Concession 2.98 08/27/2019 Check Total: Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO 2600024 08/27/2019 resale - liquor 2600024 freight 2600025 freight 2600025 resale - wine 2600025 resale - liquor 2601998 resale - liquor 2601998 freight 2601999 freight 2601999 resale - wine Amount Payment Date Acct Number 13,468.69 08/27/2019 101-43120-422400 246.12 08/27/2019 Check Sequence: 58 2,000.00 08/27/2019 101-00000-220110 30,446.94 08/27/2019 101-00000-220110 32,446.94 Check Sequence: 62 119.32 08/27/2019 Check Sequence: 59 2,000.00 08/27/2019 101-00000-220110 2,000.00 Check Sequence: 63 2,155.38 08/27/2019 Check Sequence: 60 380.00 08/27/2019 101-43160-431990 95.00 08/27/2019 101-43160-431990 935.00 08/27/2019 101-43160-431990 61.43 08/27/2019 101-43160-431990 1,471.43 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 Check Sequence: 61 228.83 08/27/2019 101-43120-422400 246.12 08/27/2019 101-43120-422400 246.12 08/27/2019 101-43120-422400 721.07 Check Sequence: 62 119.32 08/27/2019 226-45125-425410 119.32 Check Sequence: 63 2,155.38 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 25.42 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 12.29 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 418.94 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 36.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 458.50 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 2.98 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 4.47 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 116.25 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2602445 resale - liquor 5,262.45 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 2602445 freight 54.88 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 2602446 resale - wine 405.95 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 2602446 resale - mix 126.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 2602446 freight 16.39 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 2603071 freight 16.39 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 2603071 resale - liquor 1,826.50 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 2604135 resale - liquor 2,756.10 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 2604135 freight 48.05 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 2604136 freight 24.21 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 2604136 resale - liquor 72.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 2604136 resale - wine 795.36 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 2604136 resale - mix 96.40 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 2605985 freight 20.44 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 2605985 resale - liquor 2,343.56 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 2606436 resale - liquor 2,294.70 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 2606436 freight 25.33 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 2606437 freight 10.43 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 2606437 resale- wine 328.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 2606437 resale- wine n/a 24.40 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 339593 resale - liquor -17.16 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 339754 resale - liquor credit inv. # 2529495 -12.63 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 340480 resale - wine credit inv. # 2600025 -30.36 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 340480 freight credit inv. # 2600025 -0.37 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 340717 resale - wine credit inv. # 2579028 -1.18 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 340718 resale - wine credit inv. # 2588426 -8.96 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 340719 resale - wine credit inv. # 2599076 -14.50 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 19,692.61 Vendor: 4991 BERNARD PIATZ Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: True 8/19/2019 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/15/19 73.00 08/27/2019 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 73.00 Vendor: 5313 PLAYPOWER IT FARMINGTON Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False 1400235207 tunnel slide section parts; nuts; screws; etc 756.60 08/27/2019 101-45201-440800 Check Total: 756.60 Vendor: 4564 POLE PAINTING PLUS, INC Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False 1330 (5 1) light poles- grind rust off; prime; topcoat; re 14,530.00 08/27/2019 101-43160-440990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 14,530.00 5,537.00 5,537.00 500.00 500.00 392.59 124.95 517.54 488.58 -17.38 471.20 90.00 30.00 120.00 665.00 665.00 1,150.00 1,100.00 429.50 2,679.50 2,000.00 Check Sequence: 67 08/27/2019 400-43300-459013 Check Sequence: 68 08/27/2019 101-00000-220110 Check Sequence: 69 08/27/2019 101-43120-421200 08/27/2019 101-43120-421200 Check Sequence: 70 08/27/2019 226-45125-425410 08/27/2019 226-45125-425410 Check Sequence: 71 08/27/2019 609-49754-440100 08/27/2019 226-45126-422990 Check Sequence: 72 08/27/2019 226-45127-431990 Check Sequence: 73 08/27/2019 651-49010-431050 08/27/2019 101-45201-431990 08/27/2019 101-42400-431050 Check Sequence: 74 08/27/2019 101-00000-220110 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 14 Check Total: Vendor: 5321 REALTY INCOME CORP 8/16/2019 18C001 -Revised Easement Agreement Check Total: Vendor: 4570 RED ROOSTER PROPERTIES 8/13/2019 17D002 - Escrow Refund Check Total: Vendor: 1455 RED'S MARATHON July 19 Parks non-oxy gas Parks dept. July 2019 July 19 Streets #114 & #303 non-oxy gasoline Check Total: Vendor: 4022 REINHART FOODSERVICE LLC 806555 Food for Concession Resale (Credits Applied) 845812 REFUND - Return Malt Cups Check Total: Vendor: 1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC A35365 96" threshold - Hi -Way Liquor A35369 Keys (10) Check Total: Vendor: 2568 PATRICK A SAWATZKE 8/19/2019 Sign Rental - Music on the Mississippi (May, Jul Check Total: Vendor: 4981 STEVE SCHILLEWAERT 71928 dba Aqua Green -Riverside Cemetery- July lawn 71929 dba Aqua Green - July lawn mntc./mowings 71934 June/July Blight Mowings (4) Check Total: Vendor: 5318 MIKE SCHNEIDER 8/14/2019 Escrow Refund - 11604 Apline Drive #2017-00: Amount Payment Date Acct Number 14,530.00 5,537.00 5,537.00 500.00 500.00 392.59 124.95 517.54 488.58 -17.38 471.20 90.00 30.00 120.00 665.00 665.00 1,150.00 1,100.00 429.50 2,679.50 2,000.00 Check Sequence: 67 08/27/2019 400-43300-459013 Check Sequence: 68 08/27/2019 101-00000-220110 Check Sequence: 69 08/27/2019 101-43120-421200 08/27/2019 101-43120-421200 Check Sequence: 70 08/27/2019 226-45125-425410 08/27/2019 226-45125-425410 Check Sequence: 71 08/27/2019 609-49754-440100 08/27/2019 226-45126-422990 Check Sequence: 72 08/27/2019 226-45127-431990 Check Sequence: 73 08/27/2019 651-49010-431050 08/27/2019 101-45201-431990 08/27/2019 101-42400-431050 Check Sequence: 74 08/27/2019 101-00000-220110 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 8/14/2019 Escrow Refund - 11594 Apline Drive #2017-00: 2,000.00 08/27/2019 101-00000-220110 8/14/2019 Escrow Refund - 11590 Apline Drive #2017-00: 2,000.00 08/27/2019 101-00000-220110 8/14/2019 Escrow Refund - 11578 Apline Drive #2017-00: 2,000.00 08/27/2019 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 8,000.00 Vendor: 3751 CHRISTINE SCHYMA Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: False 8/19/2019 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/8/19 37.00 08/27/2019 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 37.00 Vendor: 5316 NATALIE SEYKO Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: False 8/14/2019 Reimbursement for Friendship Island Supplies 52.26 08/27/2019 226-45127-421981 Check Total: 52.26 Vendor: 5281 HEIDI SHELDON Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: False 8/14/19 Colored Pencil Drawing class 7-27/19 100.00 08/27/2019 101-45204-431990 Check Total: 100.00 Vendor: 4474 SITE ONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False 93663554-001 (3) pvc comp. coupling; (20) Adj. rotor w/ ck. va 565.25 08/27/2019 101-45201-421650 Check Total: 565.25 Vendor: 5211 RANDI ANN SMELSER Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: False August 2nd Semi Monthly Contract Payment 1,575.00 08/27/2019 101-42700-431200 Check Total: 1,575.00 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS, Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: False 1852309 freight 6.30 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 1852310 freight 15.07 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 1852310 resale - liquor 1,558.08 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 1852311 resale - mix 38.87 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 1852311 freight 1.40 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 1852312 freight 13.77 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 1852312 resale - wine 1,184.69 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 1854930 freight 27.18 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 1854930 resale - liquor 2,245.38 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 1854931 resale - wine 504.73 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 1854931 freight 10.38 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 5,605.85 Reference Check Total: Vendor: 4874 SPLASH SCHOOL LLC 8/11/2019 Life Guard Training (4) 900.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1518 TDS TELECOM 763-271-3257 TDS 763-295-2005 TDS 763-295-3714 TDS Check Total: Vendor: 5314 THE LAKOTA GROUP INC 19028-01 Monticello Comprehensive Plan: Website Brandi Enabled: Check Total: Vendor: 1627 TWIN CITY OPTICAL 242503251 Glasses - L. Schroden- employee portion & frei! 242503251 Glasses - L. Schroden- city portion 20.29 Check Total: Vendor: 5029 TOM UECKER 8/13/2019 Music on the Mississippi - Performance 8/22/19 344.03 Check Total: Vendor: 1544 US POSTAL SERVICE 8/7/2019 PI 42 - UB August Billing (3,693 pcs) (1/2) 8/7/2019 PI 42 - UB August Billing (3,693 pcs) (1/2) Check Total: Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO 2391061 resale - soda pop 2391173 resale - soda pop Enabled: Check Total: Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA 238273 resale - wine Amount Payment Date Acct Number 5,605.85 Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 16 Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: False 900.00 08/27/2019 226-45127-431990 900.00 Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: True 100.78 08/27/2019 702-00000-432100 20.29 08/27/2019 702-00000-432100 344.03 08/27/2019 702-00000-432100 465.10 Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False 900.00 08/27/2019 101-41910-431990 900.00 Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False 113.87 08/27/2019 101-00000-115030 62.95 08/27/2019 101-43120-421110 176.82 Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: False 1,200.00 08/27/2019 226-45127-431990 1,200.00 Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: False 847.55 08/27/2019 601-49440-432200 847.54 08/27/2019 602-49490-432200 1,695.09 Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: True 512.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 344.25 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 856.25 Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: True 80.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 16 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 238273 freight 2.50 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 238274 freight 2.50 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 238274 resale - wine 80.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 238687 freight 20.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 238687 resale - mix 120.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425400 238687 resale - liquor 108.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425100 238687 resale - wine 168.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 581.00 Vendor: 1561 WATER LABORATORIES INC Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False 7545 July 2019 Water Testing 256.00 08/27/2019 601-49440-422740 Check Total: 256.00 Vendor: 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: False 9213 Labor - outside light by garbage- Hi -Way Liquor 325.00 08/27/2019 609-49754-431990 9213 Parts- outside light by garbage- Hi -Way Liquor 111.09 08/27/2019 609-49754-431990 9219 Parts - Vet. Mem. Park replace flag fixture w/ LI 279.99 08/27/2019 101-45201-431990 9219 Labor - Vet. Mem. Park replace flag fixture w/ L 80.00 08/27/2019 101-45201-431990 9227 Parts - LED 4' Fixtures (7); Connectors, Straps, 1 1,187.18 08/27/2019 217-41990-440100 9227 Labor - Replace Fixtures @ Food Shelf (7) 520.00 08/27/2019 217-41990-440100 Check Total: 2,503.26 Vendor: 1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: True 115912 resale - wine 584.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 115912 freight 9.90 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 593.90 Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: False 7246559 resale - wine 128.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 7246559 freight 1.49 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 7247589 resale - wine 1,064.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 7247589 freight 22.35 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,215.84 Vendor: 1206 WINEBOW INC. Check Sequence: 93 ACH Enabled: True MN00063993 resale -wine 396.00 08/27/2019 609-49750-425300 MN00063993 freight 4.50 08/27/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 400.50 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 17 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 2645 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS Check Sequence: 94 TIF 1-22 TIF 1-22 (Downtown Dist) Excess Tax Incremer 126,291.00 08/27/2019 213-46522-443989 Check Total: 126,291.00 Vendor: 1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 95 8/13/2019 Court Fines & Fees - July 2019 3,144.49 08/27/2019 101-42100-430410 Check Total: 3,144.49 Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 658,470.89 95 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 8/26/19 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (08/21/2019 - 2:23 PM) Page 18 City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and devartures for Citv deuartments (TE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the departments listed. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all listed employees including part-time and seasonal workers. Al. Budget Impact: (positions are generally included in budget) A2. Staff Work Load Impact: If new positions, there may be some training involved. If terminated positions, existing staff would pick up those hours, as needed, until replaced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. 2. Motion to deny the recommended hires and departures. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. City staff recommends Alternative #1, for the Council to approve the hires and/or departures as listed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • List of new/terminated employees Name Christine Alberts Allison Peters Mikaela Christensen Mallorie King Name Holly Cimenski Morgan Roden Valerie Dunrud NEW EMPLOYEES Title Department DMV Clerk DMV Childcare MCC Lifeguard MCC Childcare MCC TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Reason Department Voluntary MCC Voluntary MCC Voluntary MCC New Hire and Terms City Council 2019: 8/20/2019 Hire Date 8/10/19 PT 8/19/19 PT 8/19/19 PT 8/19/19 PT Class Last Day Class 6/29/19 PT 7/24/19 PT 7/31/19 PT City Council Agenda 08/26/2019 2C. Consideration of approvinu the sale or disposal of surplus Citv property (WO) There is no report this City Council cycle. City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 2D. Consideration of approving Resolution 2019-58 accepting donations of $601 from Fire Relief Association for Fire Department Challenge Coins and $75,000 from the Fire Relief Association of $2100 for Fire Department back-up cameras and $75,000 for various Fire Department items — upgrade to 1929 Chevv Fire Engine, dress uniforms, advance driving road course training, portable radios, firefighter rehabilitation trailer, technologv for fire apparatus, and stokes basket for ATV (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is being asked to approve donations for the Fire Department. The donations include: 1) $601 from Fire Relief Association for challenge coins for the Fire Department. 2) $2100 from Fire Relief Association for back-up cameras for Fire Department. 3) $75,000 from Ellison Family a. Upgrading the 1929 Chevy Fire Engine. This includes adding brake lights and mirrors and do a few repairs. The engine will be displayed in the new fire station. ($10,000) b. Dress uniforms for all officers which would be used for funeral and other official functions. ($4,200) c. Annual attendance at an advanced driving road course at the training facility in St. Cloud where members learn advanced safe driving techniques for city's fire apparatus. ($7,800) d. Replacement of four portable radios. The current radios are out of date and are no longer supported by the manufacturer. Funds have been obtained for three of them. A grant has submitted to FEMA for replacement of firefighter radios but status is unknown. ($21,000) e. Purchase equipment for creation of a firefighter rehabilitation trailer. The trailer would house equipment that would allow firefighters to rehab at a scene. This would include items such as beverages, chairs, cooling fans, heaters, etc. ($20,000) f. Additional technology for fire apparatus that includes two mobile wireless routers and six additional helmet cams. This allows for access to wireless network at any scene to view the helmet cams and have internet access. ($10,000) g. Stokes basket for the ATV. This piece of equipment would allow for the safe transport of a patient out of a remote area. ($1,000) h. Miscellaneous department items. ($1,000) As required by state statute, if the city accepts a donation, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. Al. Budget Impact: The donations will be used toward the mentioned events. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 1. Motion to approve the Resolution 2019-58 accepting the contribution and authorizing use of funds as specified. 2. Motion to not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donors. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation is to adopt the resolution accepting the contributions. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2019-58 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2019-58 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY Fire Relief Association Ellison Family DESCRIPTION VALUE Cash $2701 Cash $75,000 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY Fire Relief Association Fire Relief Association Ellison Family Ellison Family Ellison Family X Ellison Family Ellison Family Ellison Family Ellison Family Ellison Family PURPOSE/AMOUNT Challenge Coins for Fire Department/$601 Back -Up Cameras for Fire Department/$2100 Upgrade to 1929 Chevy Fire Engine/$10,000 Dress Uniforms for Firefighters/$4,200 Advance Driving Road Course Training for Firefighters/$7,800 Four Portable Radios for Fire Department/$21,000 Equipment for Firefighting Rehabilitation Trailer/$20,000 Two Mobile Routers and Six Helmet Cams for Fire Apparatus/$20,000 Stockes basket for Fire Department ATV/$1,000 Miscellaneous Fire Department Items/$1,000 Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 26th day of August, 2019. Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 2E. Consideration of adopting Ordinance enacting a Code of Ordinance for the Citv of Monticello, amending, restating, updating, and codifving certain ordinances of the citv dealing with subiects embraced in the Code of Ordinances, and providing penalties for the violation of the Code of Ordinances (JS) A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND In 2018, the city contracted with American Legal to review and update the city code. The scope of the codification project included organizing and updating the currently adopted ordinances in reference to State Statutes and rules as well as ensuring consistency among the various sections and cross references. Staff worked with American Legal on the project to provide direction on the format of the city code, address questions, and provide comments. During the revision process, staff reviewed the contents of the code to ensure the final document reflect current city processes and best practices. The proposed recodified city code consists of eight chapters, now referred to as titles. Once approved by the City Council, the city code will be available at City Hall and online at the city's website via a link to American Legal's website. Although a majority of the changes were updates and housekeeping, there were some substantive changes made to our existing code. One significant change was a newly drafted Subdivision Ordinance that was completed as part of the process. A public hearing is required for any amendments of the city's development regulations; therefore, the Planning Commission held such public hearing at their meeting on April 2, 2019. There were no public comments and minimal discussion. The Planning Commission closed the public hearing and voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the Subdivision Ordinance. In addition to the Subdivision Ordinance, there were other noteworthy changes made and these are listed below. Not all updates/housekeeping items are noted in this list. Title I — General Provisions • Section recommended by American Legal Publishing. Definitions and rules of construction contained in Title I will not be repeated throughout the code unless a variation of the definition or rule applies to a particular code provision. Title III — Administration • Fee Schedule was updated. Fees will no longer be listed in each individual ordinance. There will be notation of "Fees per Fee Schedule Ordinance." • The Public Safety Ordinance was deleted and replaced with Fire Department and Charges for Emergency Response Services Ordinances. These ordinances were completely rewritten as the old ordinance described a Public Safety Department, a Public Safety Director and a Police Department that never existed. Additionally, the Fire Department Ordinance adopts the 2015 fire code (latest version). • The Civil Defense Ordinance was deleted and replaced with the Emergency Management Ordinance as recommended by the League of Minnesota Cities. This ordinance creates an Emergency Management Director that is assigned to the Emergency Manager position rather than being an annually appointed position. City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 • Amended Criminal Background checks. Wright County Sheriff's Office only conducts backgrounds for liquor licenses and pawn shops. The remaining checks are done by city. • Deleted the section regarding Property and Equipment Control. This section was outdated and was not being followed. Title V — Municipal Utilities • Title of Public Works was changed to Municipal Utilities. • Portions of the ordinances were deleted, such as fee charts and section on private dump applications. • Sections were added, such as faulty meters and private wastewater disposal. • Sanitary Sewer Ordinance was deleted and replaced with the Stormwater Utility Ordinance adopted by Council. • Railroad Ordinance was deleted. The city cannot enforce this ordinance. The Interstate Commerce Commission Termination Act of 1995 preempts local pre - construction permitting regulations for railroads. Title VII — Traffic Code Title IX — General Regulations • Animal Ordinance was updated. A section was added to limit the number of animals per household — both dogs and cats combined. • Alcohol Ordinance — section on Municipal Liquor Store was updated. Title XI — Business Regulations • Peddlers, Solicitors, Transient Merchants Ordinance was deleted and replaced. The ordinance was updated and now includes a background check and a 10 -day waiting period. Title XIII — General Offenses • Firearms Ordinance was deleted and replaced. The ordinance was primarily simplified and updated. • Added new curfew section using the League of MN Cities sample. Title XV — Land Usage • Subdivision Ordinance was deleted and replaced. - Provided consistent process for administrative subdivisions and combinations; all procedures listed in one section for this purpose. - Updated and added definitions. - Updated Data Required Chapter to match review and checklist requirements. - Updated Design Standards consistent with Design Manual and Standard Specifications. - Basic Required improvements revised to include requirements for development agreements and securities. Also revised to include requirements for city and developer installed improvements and minimum improvements required within subdivisions. N City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 • The Building Code was updated and the following sections were deleted: Mobile Home Parks, Multiple Dwellings, Multiple — Family Residences and Two -Family Residences. Al. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact to recodify the code was approved in 2018 for $10,500. The annual maintenance is $450/year plus a charge for any additional updates. If changes are made to this final code draft, we will be charged a per page fee of $18/page. If there are substantial changes American Legal suggests doing this with our first edit. A2. STAFF IMPACT: Future staff impact will be minimal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to adopt Ordinance 727 enacting a Code of Ordinances for the City of Monticello amending, restating, updating and codifying certain ordinances of the city dealing with the subjects embraced in the Code of Ordinances, and providing penalties for the violation of the Code of Ordinances. 2. Motion to deny Ordinance. 3. Motion to table action, subject to additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Draft Ordinance 727 B. Copy of Code available at City Hall 3 ORDINANCE 727 AN ORDINANCE ENACTING A CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, AMENDING, RESTATING, REVISING, UPDATING, AND CODIFYING CERTAIN ORDINANCES OF THE CITY DEALING WITH THE SUBJECTS EMBRACED IN THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, AND PROVIDING PENALATIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: Section 1. The general ordinances of the city as amended, restated, revised, updated, codified, and compiled in book form, including penalties for the violations of various provisions thereof, are adopted and shall constitute the Code of Ordinances of the City of Monticello. This Code of Ordinances also adopts, by reference, certain statutes and administrative rules of the State of Minnesota. Section 2. The Code of Ordinances as adopted in Section 1 shall consist of the following titles: TITLE I: General Provisions TITLE III: Administration TITLE V: Municipal Utilities TITLE VII: Traffic Code TITLE IX: General Regulations TITLE XI: Business Regulations TITLE XIII: General Offenses TITLE XV: Land Usage Section 3. All prior ordinances pertaining to subjects treated in the Code of Ordinances shall be deemed repealed from and after the effective date of this ordinance, except as they are included in whole or in part in the Code of Ordinances; provided this repeal shall not affect any offense committed or penalty incurred, or any right established prior to the effective date of this ordinance, nor shall this repeal affect the provisions of ordinances levying taxes; appropriating money; annexing or detaching territory; establishing franchises; granting special rights to certain persons; authorizing public improvements; authorizing the issuance of bonds or borrowing of money; authorizing the purchase or sale of real or personal property; granting or accepting easements, plat or dedication of land to public use; or vacating or setting the boundaries of streets or other public places; nor shall this repeal affect any other ordinance of a temporary or special nature or pertaining to subjects not contained in or covered by the Code of Ordinances. All fees established in prior ordinance shall remain in effect unless amended in this Code of Ordinances, or until an ordinance adopting a fee schedule is adopted or amended. Section 4. This ordinance adopting the Code of Ordinances shall be a sufficient publication of any ordinance included in it and not previously published in the city's official newspaper. The official copy of this Code of Ordinances shall be marked and be kept in the office of the City Clerk. Section 5. The Code of Ordinances is declared to be prima facie evidence of the law of the city and shall be received in evidence as provided by Minnesota Statutes by the courts of the State of Minnesota. Section 6. This ordinance adopting the Code of Ordinances, and the Code of Ordinances itself, shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED BY the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota this 26th day of August, 2019. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: 2F. A. B. City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 Consideration of approving 2020-2021 law enforcement contract with Wright Countv Sheriffs Office (WO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The current 2018-2019 law enforcement contract with the Wright County Sheriff's Office expires on December 31, 2019. Wright County has proposed a new contract for the next two years. Under the new contract, the hourly rate for law enforcement services for calendar year 2020 will be $78.25 per hour --$3.75 or 5.0% higher than 2019. The 2021 rate will increase to $81.75--$3.50 or 4.5% higher than 2020. The new rates were approved by the Wright County Board earlier in the year. The table below compares hourly rates, contract hours per day, and corresponding budget for the city's contracted law enforcement services from 2008 to 2021. Year Hourly % Hours per Budget Change Rate Increase Day 2021 $81.75 4.5% 52 $1,551,615 $66,430 2020 $78.25 5.0% 52 $1,485,185 $71,175 12019 $74.50 3.5% 52 $1,414,010 $152,570 2018 $72.00 3.6% 48 $1,261,440 $43,800 12017 $69.50 3.7% 48 $1,217,640 $43,800 12016 $67.00 3.9% 48 $1,173,840 $43,800 2015 $64.50 3.2% 48 $1,130,040 $35,040 2014 $62.50 3.3% 48 $1,095,000 -$53,290 2013 $60.50 1.3% 52 $1,148,290 $11,128 2012 $59.75 1.3% 52 $1,137,162 $17,342 2011 $59.00 2.6% 52 $1,119,820 $28,470 12010 $57.50 2.7% 52 $1,091,350 $28,470 2009 $56.00 3.7% 52 $1,062,880 $77,380 2008 (Jul -Dec) $54.00 52 $512,460 2008 (Jan -Jun) $54.00 48 $473,040 The new contract provides for no change in law enforcement coverage, currently 52 hours per day or 18,980 hours annually. Excluded from the above schedule are the 48 extra hours for the 2016 leap -year ($3,216), and the 52 extra hours for the 2020 leap -year ($4,069). The next leap year is 2024. A.1 Budget Impact: See above schedule. A.2 Staff Workload: Approval of the 2020-2021 law enforcement contract for police services will have no impact on staff work load. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the 2020-2021 law enforcement contract with Wright County for law enforcement services at 52 hours per day for $78.25 per hour in 2020 and $81.75 per hour in 2021. 1 City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 2. Motion to deny approval for law enforcement services at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative Action #1, which maintains law enforcement coverage at 52 hours per day. In the past, the sheriff has indicated that the city could add hours without much notice. Subtracting hours would be more problematic. Adding hours could be discussed further as the budget process progresses. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • 2020-2021 Law Enforcement Contract as proposed by Wright County 2 LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered on this day of , 2019, by and between the COUNTY OF WRIGHT and the WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF, hereinafter referred to as "County" and the CITY OF MONTICELLO hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Municipality is desirous of entering into a contract with the County for the performance of the hereinafter described law enforcement protection within the corporate limits of said municipality through the County Sheriff; and WHEREAS, the County is agreeable to rendering such services and protection on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, such contracts are authorized and provided for by the provision of Minnesota Statutes 471.59 and Minnesota Statutes 436.05; NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the terms of the aforesaid statutes, and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is agreed as follows: That the County by way of the Sheriff agrees to provide police protection within the corporate limits of the Municipality to the extent and in the manner as hereinafter set forth: a. Except as otherwise hereinafter specifically set forth, such services shall encompass only duties and functions of the type of coming within the jurisdiction of the Wright County Sheriff pursuant to Minnesota Laws and Statutes. b. Except as otherwise hereinafter provided for, the standard level of service provided shall be the same basic level of service which is provided for the unincorporated areas of the County of Wright, State of Minnesota. c. The rendition of services, the standard of performance, the discipline of the officers, and other matters incident to the performance of such services and control of personnel so employed shall remain in and under the control of the Sheriff. d. Services purchased pursuant to this contract shall include enforcement of Minnesota State Statutes, including but not limited to the Traffic Code and the Criminal Code, as well as all local ordinances enacted in conformance therewith. Statutes and ordinances which prescribe enforcement by a different authority; i.e., the State Electrical Code, the Uniform Building Code, etc., shall be excluded from this agreement. Ordinances pertaining exclusively to purely local city management matters; i.e., sewer and water collection, etc., shall be excluded from this agreement. The Municipality shall be responsible for enforcement of the Municipal Zoning Code except that the Sheriff will enforce the nuisance ordinances conforming to State law; i.e., junk cars, etc. and traffic ordinances; i.e., parking and erratic driving. 2. That it is agreed that the Sheriff shall have full cooperation and assistance from the Municipality, its officers, agents and employees so as to facilitate the performance of this agreement. In order to facilitate a local presence of Sheriff's Deputies, the Municipality shall, if requested by the Sheriff, provide a secure office for the Sheriff's Deputies having adequate space for two desks with chairs, limited public visibility, a local telephone line and an internet connection. The Municipality shall allow a sign indicating the location of its Sheriff's substation with appropriate telephone numbers to be displayed on the exterior of the building. That the County shall furnish and supply all necessary labor, supervision, equipment, communication facilities for dispatching, cost of jail detention, and all supplies necessary to maintain the level of service to be rendered herein. 4. The Municipality shall not be liable for the direct payment of any salaries, wages, or other compensation to any personnel performing services herein for said County. The Municipality shall not be liable for compensation or indemnity to any of the Sheriff's employees for injuries or sickness arising out of its employment, and the County hereby agrees to hold harmless the Municipality against any such claims. 6. The County, Sheriff, his officers, and employees shall not be deemed to assume any liability for intentional or negligent acts of said Municipality or any officer, agent, or employee thereof. 7. This agreement shall be effective from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2021. 2 8. The Municipality agrees to pay to the County the sum of $78.25 per hour for law enforcement protection during the calendar year 2020 and $81.75 per hour during the calendar year 2021. If salaries of Deputy Sheriffs are increased at any time during the term of this contract, the hourly rate of this contract shall not be increased. 9. The number of hours of service to be provided pursuant to this contract are as follows: 18,980 hours annuallv or 19,032 hours annuallv in a leap vear and shall provide 24-hour call and general service. The Municipality shall notify the County in writing prior to August 15 regarding any change in the number of hours for the subsequent year. 10. The County shall provide for all costs and prosecution efforts with the respect to violations charged by the Sheriff in the performance of this agreement. All fines arising from such prosecutions shall accrue to the County. Violations of municipal ordinances excluded from enforcement by this agreement shall be prosecuted by the Municipality at its expense. All fines arising from the city prosecutions shall accrue to the Municipality unless otherwise provided by law. 11. Pursuant to law, the County Auditor/Treasurer shall remit to the Municipality its share of all fines collected. The Municipality shall return to the County within 30 days all fine money attributable to prosecutions initiated by the Sheriff in accord with Paragraph 11 of this contract. The Municipality shall keep and retain any fine money submitted by the Auditor/Treasurer attributable to prosecutions initiated by the Municipality. 12. For the purpose of maintaining cooperation, local control and general information on existing complaints and problems in said Municipality, one member of the Municipal Council, the Mayor or other person or persons shall be appointed by said Council to act as police commissioner(s) for said Municipality and shall make periodic contacts with and attend meetings with the Sheriff or his office in relation to the contract herein. 13. The County shall save, hold harmless and defend the City from any and all claims arising from the acts or omissions, including intentional acts and negligence, committed by employees or agents of the County or Sheriff while in the performance of duties in furtherance of this contract. 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Municipality, by resolution duly adopted by it governing body, caused this agreement to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its Clerk; and the County of Wright, by the County Board of Commissioners, has caused this agreement to be signed by the Chairman and Clerk of said Board, and by the Wright County Sheriff, effective on the day and year first above written. Dated: ATTEST: Clerk Dated: ATTEST: Lee Kelly, County Administrator Dated: Approved as to form and execution: Tom Kelly, Wright County Attorney CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY 4 Mayor Darek Vetsch, Wright County Board Chair Sean Deringer, Wright County Sheriff City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 2G. Consideration of amending the regular EDA meeting schedule to establish the 4th Wednesdav of each month at 7 a.m. as the second regular meeting time beginning Wednesday. August 28, 2019 (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: During a regular meeting of the EDA, there was discussion about adding a second regular meeting each month. This is due to the need to be responsive to the activities and projects that are being proposed at this time. The EDA has proposed the second regular meeting be established as the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7 a.m. The EDA has recommended amending its bylaws for the addition, pending Council approval of the addition. Establishing a second regular meeting is more efficient than calling additional special meetings, which require additional staff time for quorum, posting, etc. The meeting agendas will be posted in the same manner as the first regular meeting. Initially the second regular meeting will be audio recorded but not video recorded. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to amend the regular EDA meeting schedule to establish the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7 a.m. as the regular meeting time beginning Wednesday, August 28, 2019. 2. Motion to table action at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff defers to the City Council and EDA on this matter. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • None City Council: 08/26/2019 2H. Consideration of Calling for a Public Hearing for a Minnesota Investment Fund application as related to Proiect Novus/UMC expansion (AS/JaT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to call for a public hearing related to an application to the Minnesota Investment Fund for purposes of supporting the proposed Project Novus/ JMC expansion. The Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) is administered by the MN Department of Employment and Economic Development. MIF provides financing to help add new workers and retain high-quality jobs within the state. MIF's focus is on industrial, manufacturing, and technology -related industries. All MIF projects must meet minimum criteria for private investment, number of jobs created or retained, and wages paid. The City Council is asked to consider calling for the hearing as MIF is awarded to the local unit of government. The City Council will also be asked to adopt a resolution of support for submission of a MIF application. As Council is aware, Project Novus is seeking financial support to develop a new approximately 40,000 square foot precision machining facility on a 7.39 -acre site along Chelsea Road. The MIF funds will be used as both part of the land acquisition and to support project equipment costs as may be necessary. Project Novus' proposed development consists of land acquisition, new construction and purchase of equipment. The 40,000 square foot building is estimated to cost $4,000,000. With new equipment installed in the facility, the total project cost rises to approximately $8,600,000 +/-. Project Novus anticipates creating approximately 60 new FTE jobs over the next 3 years. Wage rates for the new hires is expected to average in the range of $22 to $25 per hour. Council has previously called for a public hearing on the proposed TIF district associated with the project. The TIF district public hearing is scheduled for September 23, 2019. As previously noted, the complexity of the development proposal will require additional supportive actions for the project. Those steps include but are not limited to: land acquisition, land conveyance, and the use of an economic development property tax rebate program known as ED -Tax Abatement. Al. STAFF IMPACT: Project Novus' proposal will involve time commitments from the Economic Development Manager, Community Development, EDA Attorney, Financial Advisor, City Finance Director and others. The review and organization of the application materials that occurs during the creation of the staff reports for consideration by the City Council and the EDA is part of in-house staff duties. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: Budget impacts related to the proposed project continue to be evaluated, with a mix of funding sources and economic development tools employed to support the project. A3. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT: The proposed development meets the Strategic City Goal and Objective #4 "Support a Vibrant Economy" in that the development will create more quality jobs and expand the local tax base. City Council: 08/26/2019 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to call for a Public Hearing on September 9, 2019 for an application to the Minnesota Investment Fund as related to the Project Novus/UMC expansion. 2. Motion to deny calling for a Public Hearing on September 9, 2019 for an application to the Minnesota Investment Fund as related to the Project Novus/UMC expansion. 3. Motion to table action on the hearing subject to additional information. 4. Motion of other as determined by the City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council proceed per Alternative # 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Aerial Image, Proposed Project Location Subject Parcel August 21, 2019 { a •M O is Z� I �Tgy�yy 1� City Boundary aTv of Monticello •Qj. 1 inch = 376 feet N A City of Monticello I Wright County Map Powered by Data Link from WSB & Associates City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 2I. Consideration to approve a request for Conditional Use Permit for a detached Accessory Use Structure — Maior in an R-1 (Single-Familv Residence) District. Applicant: Jerome Buboltz (AS, JaT/NAC) Property: PID 155-023-001050 Legal: Lot 5, Block 1 Doerr Estates Address: 1312 West River Street Planning Case Number: 2019-019 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Conditional Use Permit for a detached Accessory Use Structure — Major in an R-1 District Deadline for Decision: July 21, 2019, extended to September 29t", 2019 Land Use Designation: Places to Live Zoning Designation: R-1 (Single Family Residential) The purpose of the "R-1" single family district is to provide for low density, single family, detached residential dwelling units and directly related complementary uses. Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Shoreland Ordinance/Mississippi River Wild and Scenic District Current Site Use: Residential Surrounding Land Uses: R-1 (Single Family Residential) Project Description: The applicant is seeking to construct a detached accessory structure on the property. The structure is proposed at approximately 936 square feet in area on the ground floor. The applicant modified their plans from their original submittal for dimension and roof design. It should be noted that the building plans and survey are not consistent in proposed dimensions. The applicant has clarified that the building plans detail the correct proposed dimensions of 36' x 26'. The plans provided detail a gable roof design with trusses. As designed, there is no usable second story usable area, and the building appears to be approximately 15 feet in height overall, or approximately 12 feet measured to the midpoint of the roof (as height is defined by the city code). The existing house foundation is a total of 1,328 square feet with an attached garage of 528 square feet. There is currently an existing 240 square foot detached accessory structure on the site, which will be required to be removed as a condition of approval of this application. The applicant's narrative notes removal of this shed on their plans. City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 ANALYSIS Conditional Use Permit. Specific Zoning Requirements. The zoning ordinance lists the following specific standards for these uses (with staff comments included): (2) Accessory Building — Major (a) In all residential districts except M -H, the following shall apply: (i) Size 1. Except by Conditional Use Permit issued pursuant to Section 5.3(D)(3)(a)(i)(2) below, no detached accessory building shall exceed ten percent (10%) of the rear yard of the parcel on which it is located, nor shall any combination of attached garage and detached accessory building exceed the following maximum area, whichever is less: a. 1,200 square feet; or b. The gross square footage of the principal building footprint. The applicant has proposed an approximately 36'x 26' detached accessory building in the rear yard. The total combined area of the attached garage and detached accessory building would be 1,464 square feet, or approximately 264 square feet in area above a permitted accessory use — major building in the R-1. As such, a conditional use permit is required. The proposed structure is well under 10 percent of the rear yard. The rear yard is estimated at over 31,000 square feet, outside of required setbacks. 2. The size limitations for accessory building area listed in Section 5.3(D)(3)(a)(i)(1) above may be increased, up to a maximum square footage of 1,500 square feet, by the issuance of a Conditional Use permit when the following conditions are found to exist: (a) Accessory building space is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. The building plans detail a building footprint of 936 square feet. The combined square footage of existing attached and proposed detached structure is under the maximum 1,500 square feet allowed per code. The plans detail a gable roof design. As noted above, the peak of the roof would be approximately 15 feet in overall height, with a side wall height of 9 feet. As such, no second story would be possible, or factor into the square footage calculation. The applicant has indicated that the garage would be used for storage of lawn care and gardening equipment, a small boat, snowblower, and small utility trailer. Accessory buildings are restricted to uses that are accessory to the residential use of property — no business activity is to occur in such structures. That requirement should be included as a condition of approval. (b) The parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size such that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot. OJI City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 An aerial image estimation of the rear yard is over 31,000 square feet. The structure will be located behind the rear building line of the principal structure. The proposed project would utilize less than 10 percent of the rear yard, leaving the balance as open space. The proposed detached structure is proposed to be located along the easterly interior side yard property line. The included survey suggests that the proposed location will be more than 150 feet from the rear yard property line, and approximately 80 feet from the principal structure. Per the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, the setbacks for accessory structure on the interior and rear side are 6 feet setback and 6 feet between structures. The survey does not list the proposed setback, but the scale indicates that the side setback would be approximately 20 feet from the east property line. In addition, the property is located on Otter Creek, for which Shoreland and Mississippi Wild Scenic and Recreational River District standards require a 50' accessory structure setback from the Ordinary High Water mark. The structure must also be located outside the floodplain. There is sufficient area within the rear yard to locate the proposed structure to meet the required setbacks. The applicant will be required to verify setbacks by locating and staking property corners and supplying a new certificate of survey for the proposed structure. (c) The accessory building will not be so large as to have an adverse effect on the architectural character or reasonable residential use of the surrounding property. The applicant has proposed a structure that is less than 10 percent of the rear yard. The proposed plan, although it requires the Conditional Use Permit review, appears to meet the requirement of the ordinance, given the large property on which it is to be located. (d) The accessory buildings shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials. The applicant has proposed to use horizontal siding and shingles that are expected to be similar to the house in appearance and color. The applicant has changed the roofline to a gable style roofline from the original submission. Accessory buildings may be constructed with a maximum height of 15' at the middle of the gable end, in compliance with requirements for the Shoreland District. The proposed building is consistent with these requirements. In addition, the applicant proposes to construct the detached structure approximately 20' from the easterly property line. The structure will therefore be visible from River Street. As such, staff has recommended, and the applicant has provided, the addition of brick to the front facade 3 City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 meeting both current ordinance standards and compatibility with the principal structure. The building plans detail brick on the southern exposure. Staff would recommend revision to clarify that the brick is to be added to the northern exposure. The applicant also has noted the current accessory detached building of approximately 240 square feet will be removed. (ii) Private Garages 1. Private garages shall be used by the family or families residing upon the premises, except as follows: (a) One-half of the private garage spaces on the premises can be rented to non- residents of the property for private passenger vehicles and/or non- commercial vehicles, trailers, or equipment if sufficient off-street parking in full compliance with this ordinance is provided elsewhere on the property. (b) All of the private garage spaces on the premises can be rented to non-residents of the property for private passenger vehicles and/or non-commercial vehicles, trailers, or equipment if the available garage space does not exceed two spaces. 2. No business, service, or industry shall be carried on within a private garage; 3. Private garages shall not be used for the storage of more than one (1) commercial vehicle owned or operated by a resident per dwelling unit. The applicant has indicated in their narrative that the space would only be used for personal storage. Planning Commission Review & Recommendation At the request of the applicant, this item was tabled and the public hearing continued from the July meeting to the August meeting. At the August regular meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the item, with staff noting that the proposed structure conforms to ordinance requirements. The Commission confirmed there will be no plumbing to the facility. The applicant, Jerome Buboltz addressed the Commission and confirmed there would be no plumbing. He indicated there would be electrical to the facility for lights. The applicant noted the size of the parcel and explained that they had revised their plans to meet code requirements. He explained that they would be re -siding the house and that the house and structure will be consistent in siding material. They will put up the proposed structure first and then remove the existing smaller shed on the property. Mr. Buboltz stated that the building will be used for personal property only. It was noted that the applicant proposed a 20' structure setback; the code requirement is 6'. The applicant confirmed an understanding of Exhibit Z. Candace Johnson, 1233 Sandy Lane, addressed the Commission. Ms. Johnson expressed concern regarding the proposal and requested clarification on the following items. She noted that the ordinance requires that the building may not exceed 10% of the rear yard, and inquired whether this included the floodplain and shoreland areas of the site. Staff responded that the application meets the code requirements, considering land beyond the ordinary high water line. Ms. Johnson also noted that she L! City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 understands that the applicant owns a lawn care business and inquired as to the difference between personal and commercial storage. The applicant explained that it is his intent to store his personal equipment. Staff also noted that there is a condition to address this issue as well. Ms. Johnson stated some concern regarding the size of the structure. Staff noted that the zoning ordinance sets the limits of up to 1500 square feet of accessory use, which this proposal meets. The applicant again stated he did not intend for commercial activity on the site. After the public hearing, the Planning Commission recommended approval 3-0, citing the conditions required. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1. Conditional Use Permit for Accessory Use Structure — Major in an R-1 District The Planning Commission recommends Alternative #1 below. 1. Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for the detached Accessory Use Structure - Major, subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z, and based on findings in Resolution No. PC -2019-023. 2. Motion to deny the Conditional Use Permit, based on findings to be stated by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the request subject to submission of additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the CUP, based on findings that the building meets the intent and the specific standards of the Zoning Ordinance. As noted, the applicant is well below the threshold for structures being less than 10 percent of the rear yard, under the maximum square footage allowed by code, and the proposed building plans have been modified from the applicant's original proposal to clarify design, usage, and height, all consistent with ordinance requirements. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC -2019-023 B. Aerial Image, Subject Site C. Applicant Narrative D. Proposed Building Elevations E. Certificate of Survey F. Setback Illustration G. Site Images H. Aerial Image with Rear Yard Dimensions I. Excerpt, Monticello Zoning Ordinance Z. Conditions of Approval 5 City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 EXHIBIT Z Jerome Buboltz Conditional Use Permit for Accessory Use Structure — Major 1312 West River Street 1. The existing detached accessory building must be removed. 2. Accessory building space is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. 3. The accessory building shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials including color, and including the addition of brick to the front fagade of accessory structure similar to the of the home. 4. Access to the structure will remain on the property, with no rear yard driveway. 5. A revised certificate of survey and staking of property lines and setbacks will be required at building permit to verify structure size consistent with the provided building plans, setback requirements, including compliance with floodplain, Shoreland, and Mississippi Wild Scenic and Recreational River District setback requirements. 6. No overstory trees should be removed without City administrative approval. 7. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission. G CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2019-023 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A DETACHED RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY USE STRUCTURE — MAJOR IN AN R-1 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE) DISTRICT ADDRESS: 1312 WEST RIVER STREET LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 5, BLOCK 1 DOERR ESTATES WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to construct a detached accessory use — major structure in the rear portion of the subject property for storage of boat, vehicles, and lawn equipment; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned Single -Family Residence (R-1) and Shoreland and Mississippi Wild Scenic and Recreational River District, which allows such use by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Places to Live" for the area; and WHEREAS, the applicants have provided materials documenting the proposed structure and location of the structure on the subject property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 6th, 2019 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the R-1, Single Family Residence Zoning District. 2. The parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size such that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot; and 3. The accessory building will not be so large as to have an adverse effect on the architectural character or reasonable residential use of the surrounding property. 4. The accessory use structure - major meets the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, pursuant to the conditions attached to the Conditional Use Permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2019-023 Monticello City Council approves the Conditional Use Permit for an Accessory Use Structure - Major, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z as follows: 1. The existing detached accessory building must be removed. 2. Accessory building space is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. 3. The accessory building shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials including color, and including the addition of brick to the front fagade of accessory structure similar to the of the home. 4. Access to the structure will remain on the property, with no rear yard driveway. A revised certificate of survey and staking of property lines and setbacks will be required at building permit to verify structure size consistent with the provided building plans, setback requirements, including compliance with floodplain, Shoreland, and Mississippi Wild Scenic and Recreational River District setback requirements. 6. No overstory trees should be removed without City administrative approval. 7. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 6th day of August, 2019 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: John lstad, Acting Chair ATTEST: Angela Sc a nn, Community Development Director Jerome Buboltz - Request for Conditional Use Permit Created by: City of Monticello Lot 5, Block 1, Doerr Estates I PI D: 155-023-0010501 1312 West River Street May 30'^ 2019 Project Location: 1312 West River Street Monticello, Minnesota Description: 33x26 detached garage Garage will be roofed and sided to coincide with our home Usage: For storage of a riding lawn mower, various pieces of lawn and gardening equipment, a small fishing boat, snow blower, and small utility trailer, etc. We moved here late last fall from a larger residence in the Twin Cities and we also sold our secondary property, so at the present time we have personal property stored at various locations that we would like to have here. Builder: A.L. Woolhouse, Inc., Elk River, Minnesota License number: BC751732 This is a very well kept neighborhood and we would like to do our part to keep it that way with having everything stored inside. your consideration with this project is much appreciated. Sincerely, r 71'A'IVM"/^/yat' Jerry and Sheila Buboltz N O N N Q N M U LO LO Z co of _O of a) U O O a) m a)cu U) �N > i%i 06 L C'4 M NO'JJV r -- ——————————— — — — —�, ,I I, 'I I' .I I, `I I' ;I I: . I ,I I ,I I mF I I, I; I; i gZ ■ . LU : I LU °o I I U F— W Zz°` I OOQ ` I I .I �I I I :I I �I I L- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A n n n 1^-4 1 ^' A - A -ll_ _A- _A_A A A -ALO �� r N� x�� 0 It X U N O N N Q N M U LO LO Z co of _O of a) U O O a) m a)cu U) �N > i%i 06 L C'4 M 0 T W uj w QU QI JI U 09 IL 0 U io L > ID O O z 0 U) Y co 06 z W O L N m U- CD ( j r \On7/i Q Y g mcn W - Cp O r „a ZZ (L Z IL J U a (0 o mo 0 u W W m Q GZ w Ix LU o /Nj C) O J S Q x Y 7 x 3 IL/= O J N �? 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M �_ CO) W Cc W O 3 a TAYLOR LAND SURVEYORS, INC. 213 W Broadway P.O. Box 179 Mon ticello, MN 55362 Phone f 763-295-3.186 Fox # 763-295-3408 4 40 _ ?ry I6 100 YEAR FLOOD I ELEV. 916 FT. 120.5 EXIS 77N2`4 / U 26 . �� 6 C, / HOUSEAG n 24 l 66.5 GqR I N / 2? EXIS77NG + HOUSE Oar'' CREEX 91 aJ l -WOOD PRIVACY FENCE i lI /l l/l SHED 12 2�9I N / / II 23 4 PROPOSED 26 I BY 918.5 FEET l GARAGE I TOP OF IRON PIPE. tv% / / v JI D 5 /s NOTE: MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACK FOR DETACHED GARAGE IS 6 FEET I Qt/ /v ?ry I6 100 YEAR FLOOD I ELEV. 916 FT. C, sj g5/ `a6 5/ 5) + 0 44. to. Oar'' CREEX 91 CEMERLINE OF CREEK J r CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR JERRY BUBOLTZ GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 0 40 80 120 DENOTES: E RON MONUMENT FOUND IRON MONUMENT SET do CAPPED RLS 15233 LOT 5, BLOCK 1, DOERR ESTATES, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA LOT AREA - 48, 913.6 SQ. FT. OR 1.12 ACRES ONLY EASEMENTS ON RECORD PLAT ARE SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY UNLESS ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION OF OTHER EASEMENTS OF RECORD ARE PROVIDED TO US. SUBJECT TO PUSUC RIGHT OF WAYS AND EASEMENTS OF RECORD IF ANY. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY PLAN OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM DULY REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 435 DATE NNIS OR REQ',! 0 2 DATE DRAWN Y., ICHo1TDR Y.� �B00 E SHEET OF: I SCALE IDA 6DRA9N1� F 0 B.TAriOR Oa24/ I 1 11N /6 19052. �v ' I ,!'► ' tit' W c 17 Cy_y �f N k Nm � _ x-.. .. _,.... -W � a- 6 t v Y,�L°9(+c� '.. 4..., �.�.. i. a r L?:'K b x� M � o&.'� -' . �. a {t E p„ ... �. r•a.., . ;�,. .,A a T L:a � ��'� - �i � "t Sir ��� � j jl.: —_— � �� - - �:���: ___ �: it ".i. � z�yC yja. � _ ��.:m. �:� �� ' � ¢�a�.=s.aa ^f xi�� �'� i��4 � .� �: gWeiy � �� ��� .1n ! ,} � ' _ �� . > t- +'` .:� � �, �. � �. �„ ,�. :. �< "�'. � ... _ a. .� _ sem. �. � ;.�,� is c y .. ! � C. �:� 1 �_ �_ � �� �'- a� � sn e�� l Y 7 �W/ r fr. ��y,� r' 'a �" \ i � �. ,art, -. �tb r Y. ya�L� +.fy _ d MY ( yy ^i � � k'dIM ,,,5 �� t x id.,� C.,�. �`jY .S � Y.. '�.3' r. wy y C � ���� �. Ft) <�,g; ., ',;<, `.; `tir � ,_7R: �_, ...a Subject Site June 24, 2019 31,579.8 Sq. Feet p4:1k lie- �; • - ,ylt_. � �� ' . , _ 'ter:. �, � ; .Or • � :�: � � r ' `' �' s __ . e - - ++�`• 'iii• ��"", 17 .1 .,,ate � 'r ` � �• .7�Y1?� � ' � � , i s Y 4 City Boundary CITY OF 'A Monticello 1 inch = 94 feet N A City of Monticello I Wright County Map Powered by DataLink from WSB & Associates CHAPTERS: USE STANDARDS Section 5.3 Accessory Use Standards Subsection (B) General Standards and Limitations for Accessory Uses and Structures (b) Be customarily accessory and clearly incidental and subordinate to the principal use and structure; (c) Be subordinate in area, extent, and purpose to the principal use or structure; (d) Be owned or operated by the same person as the principal use or structure; (e) Be located on the same lot as the principal use or structure, subject to the Public Improvement Project Exception as regulated by Section 6.2 (D)(1); (f) Not be constructed or established prior to the time the principal use or structure is constructed or established, subject to the Public Improvement Project Exception as regulated by Section 6.2 (D)(1); (g) Together with the principal use or structure, not violate any standards of this Ordinance; (h) Not be located within platted or recorded easements or over underground public utilities; (i) An accessory building shall be considered an integral part of the principal building if it is connected to the principal building either directly or by an enclosed passageway. Such accessory buildings shall adhere to requirements for the principal building. (j) If a principal building is proposed to be removed with no immediate replacement, all accessory structures shall also be removed. (k) Not constitute a combination use, which is the combination of two principal uses (combination uses will not meet the above standards in terms of being subordinate or providing service to the principal use). (3) Location of Accessory Uses or Structures Except for fences and walls, the following standards shall apply to all accessory structures: (a) All accessory structures, except as may be specifically denoted, shall be located at least six (6) feet from all lot lines, and at least the minimum distance from public rights-of-way as denoted in the individual zoning district regulations. All such structures must meet applicable building codes related to fire separation distance. City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 401 CHAPTERS: USE STANDARDS Section S.3 Accessory Use Standards Subsection (C) Table of Permitted Accessory Uses (i) A side yard setback of twenty (20) feet shall be maintained from property lines abutting public streets. (b) Detached accessory buildings shall be six (6) feet or more from any other building or structure on the same lot. (c) Detached accessory structures shall not be located beyond the front building line established by the principal structure, with the exception of commercial canopies and signs, which must adhere to regulations of this ordinance. (4) Maximum Height (a) Detached accessory buildings shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height except in the I-1 and 1-2 districts. (b) No accessory structure shall exceed the height of the principal structure unless specifically allowed by this ordinance. (5) Maximum Number of Accessory Structures In all residential zoning districts, the following limitations on accessory structures shall apply: (a) No more than one (1) private, detached major accessory building may be erected for each dwelling; (b) No more than one (1) private, detached minor accessory building may be erected for each dwelling; Section 2.40): (c) Additional major or minor accessory buildings may be erected if approved via Conditional Use a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 2.4(D). Permits (6) Temporary Family Health Care Dwellings Opt Out The City of Monticello opts -out of the requirements of Minnesota Statute §462.3593, which defines and regulates Temporary Family Health Care Dwellings. (C) Table of Permitted Accessory Uses (1) Listed Accessory Uses Table 5-4, lists the allowed types of accessory uses and structures within each zoning district. If a specific accessory use is allowed in a district, the column underneath the district is marked with a "P." If a specific accessory use is Page 402 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance CHAPTERS: USE STANDARDS Section S.3 Accessory Use Standards Subsection (C) Table of Permitted Accessory Uses (3) Table of Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures Accessory Building — P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 5.3(D)(1) minor Accessory Building — P P P P P P P C P P P P P P P P jor 5.3(Dl(21 Adult Use — accessory C 5.3(D)(3) Agricultural Buildings p 5.3(D)(4) Automated Teller P P P P P P P P Machines (ATMs) 5.3(D)(5) Automobile Repair — Major C 5.3(D)(6) Automobile Repair — Minor C C 5.3(D)(7) Boarder(s) p p p 5.3(D)(8) Bulk Fuel Sales/Storage p p p C C C 5.3(D)(9) Cocktail Room (Retail Sales Accessory to Micro- C C C C C C Distillery) 5.3 D 10 Co -located Wireless Telecommunications C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Antennae 4.13 E Columbarium (Accessory use to Cemeteries) P P P P P P P 5.3(D)(I I) Commercial Canopies P P P P P P P P 5.30(12) Commercial Transmission/ Reception Antennae/ C C C C C C Structures _L_L 4.13(D) Donation Drop-off Containers P P 5.3(D)(13) Drive -Through Services P P P C P P P 5.3(D)(14) Entertain ment/Recreation — C C C C 5.3(D)(I 5) Outdoor Commercial Fences or Walls P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 4.3 Greenhouse/Conservatory P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 5.3(D)(16) (non-commercial) Heliports C C C C C 5.3(D)(I 7) Home Occupations p p p p p p p p p p 5.3(D)(I 8) Indoor Food / Convenience Sales P P P P P P P P 5.3(D)(I 9) Page 404 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance CHAPTERS: USE STANDARDS Section S.3 Accessory Use Standards Subsection (D) Additional Specific Standards for Certain Accessory Uses Sign(s) Solar Energy System Swimming Pool Taproom (Retail Sales Accessory to Production Brewery) Large Trash Handling and Recycling Collection Area Wind Energy Conversion System, Commercial Wind Energy Conversion System, Non-commercial Wireless Telecommunications Support Structures P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P C C C C C C I P P P P P P C C C FC C C C C C C C (D) Additional Specific Standards for Certain Accessory Uses (1) Accessory Building — Minor 5.3(D)(31) 5.3(_D)Q2) 5.3(_D)Q3) 5.3(D)(34) P P P P P P 5.3(D)(35) C C C C C 5.3(D)(36) • C C C C C 5.3(D)(37) C C C C C C 4.3(E1 4.3 F (a) Minor accessory buildings do not require a building permit, but shall comply with all applicable zoning regulations. (b) In the M -H district, one minor accessory building for storage of equipment and refuse is permitted for each manufactured home provided the accessory building can meet all required setbacks, and is designed of weather resistant material that will enhance the general appearance of the lot. (2) Accessory Building — Major (a) In all residential districts except M -H, the following shall apply: (i) Size 1. Except by Conditional Use Permit issued pursuant to Section 5.3(D)(3)(a)(1)(2) below, no detached accessory building shall exceed Page 406 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance CHAPTERS: USE STANDARDS Section 5.3 Accessory Use Standards Subsection (D) Additional Specific Standards for Certain Accessory Uses ten percent (10%) of the rear yard of the parcel on which it is located, nor shall any combination of attached garage and detached accessory building exceed the following maximum area, whichever is less: a. 1,200 square feet; or b. The gross square footage of the principal building footprint. 2. The size limitations for accessory building area listed in Section 5.3(D)(3)(a)(i)(1) above may be increased, up to a maximum square footage of 1,500 square feet, by the issuance of a Conditional Use permit when the following conditions are found to exist: a. Accessory building space is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. b. The parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size such that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot. c. The accessory building will not be so large as to have an adverse effect on the architectural character or reasonable residential use of the surrounding property. d. The accessory buildings shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials. (ii) Private Garages 1. Private garages shall be used by the family or families residing upon the premises, except as follows: a. One-half of the private garage spaces on the premises can be rented to non-residents of the property for private passenger vehicles and/or non-commercial vehicles, trailers, or equipment if sufficient off-street parking in full compliance with this ordinance is provided elsewhere on the property. b. All of the private garage spaces on the premises can be rented to non-residents of the property for private passenger vehicles and/or non-commercial vehicles, trailers, or equipment if the available garage space does not exceed two spaces. 2. No business, service, or industry shall be carried on within a private garage; 3. Private garages shall not be used for the storage of more than one (1) commercial vehicle owned or operated by a resident per dwelling unit. (b) In the M -H district, the following shall apply: City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 407 2J. A. City Council Agenda — 08/26/2019 Consideration to approve a Preliminary and Final Plat and Development Contract for Savitski Commercial Applicant: DJ's Properties, LLC (NAC) Property: Legal: Lot 1, Block 1 Savitski Commercial (proposed) Address: 414 Pine Street Planning Case Number: 2019-003 REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Preliminary Plat and Site Plan Review Note: Preliminary plans for parking configuration would have required a conditional use permit for parking stall design. However, the applicant revised their plans for the rear (easterly) parking area to eliminate the need for the CUP. Deadline for Decision: September 6, 2019 Land Use Designation: Downtown Zoning Designation: CCD, Pine Street District The purpose of the "CCD", Central Community District, is to provide for a wide variety of land uses, transportation options, and public activities in the downtown Monticello area, and particularly to implement the goals, objectives, and specific directives of the Comprehensive Plan, and in particular, the 2017 Downtown Monticello "Small Area Plan" Comprehensive Plan Amendment and its design and performance standards. Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Use: Retail Sales and Accessory Storage/Service Surrounding Land Uses: North: Commercial East: Multiple Family Residential South: Commercial West: Commercial Site Conditions: There are a series of non -conforming conditions on the property which the proposed project would reduce or eliminate. These conditions include the following: Paved parking extending on to the railroad easement (5th Street ROW) to south. 0 Unpaved gravel surface area south of proposed expansion area. City Council Agenda — 08/26/2019 • Paved parking extending into the required setback along Cedar Street • Outdoor storage area between the two existing buildings. The proposed project will add pavement to the gravel surface area, along with curb and gutter as required by code. The project will maintain existing curb defining the paved parking lot along Cedar Street. The expansion will consume and eliminate the outdoor storage on the property. These improvements reduce the level of non- conformity on the site, and represent positive improvements to the property, bringing it closer to the intent of the CCD zoning district and downtown plan objectives. Project Description: The proposed project consists of the re -platting of the current 5 separate original plat parcels (or portions thereof) into a single zoning parcel that extends from Highway 25 through the block to Cedar Street. The parcel will constitute a total of 1.22 acres following the plat, in addition to a small right of way dedication of what is currently Highway 25 easement area. Concurrent with the plat, the applicant proposes to expand the building square footage on the site to accommodate a consolidation of his various business locations to Monticello. The current property includes two separate buildings which would be connected with the proposed addition. Square footage would expand from approximately 12,200 square feet by nearly 6,100 square feet, for a total building area of 18,291 square feet. The use is in the CCD as part of the Pine Street subdistrict. The use, dependent upon meeting the square footage thresholds for warehouse and fabrication, would be a permitted use in the district as retail sales is the principal use as cited below. Ordinance Requirements: (c) In the CCD, the following conditions shall apply to retail sales accessory services: (i)Accessory service shall occupy no more than 40 percent of the main floor of any building. (ii)Service may include activities that support the retail sales of goods on the premises, including repair, fabrication, rental, assembly, shipping, or similar activities. (iii)Service activities may occur as an entity separate from retail sales, but shall meet the requirements of this section. Accessory Use Standards: (20) Indoor Storage. (a)The area used for storage shall not exceed 35% of gross floor area square footage of the principal use. (b)Storage shall be related to the products being sold or offered by the principal use. (c)If located within the CCD, storage accessory uses may be located on an adjacent or adjoining parcel within the CCD, subject to above regulations. Land Use. The zoning ordinance, through the CCD district, identifies the allowable principal and accessory uses in the area. Retail sales is a permitted use, as is inside storage, and accessory service area as noted above. There are limits to 2 City Council Agenda — 08/26/2019 service area (no more than 40% of the building area), and storage (no more than 35% of the building area). The nature of the applicant's use is that much of the storage area often doubles as floor display or related accessible retail service area. The applicant is preparing updated floor plans to show how the proposed building compares to these threshold sizes. Parking. The zoning ordinance requires a total of 36 spaces for the allocation of uses on this property. The site plan shows a total of 42 spaces. For retail space in the CCD, one space is required per 350 square feet, rather than the 1/200 ratio found in other commercial areas. Also excluded are common, non- productive spaces such as building mechanicals and restrooms. The site, as planned, meets the code requirements. Some modifications to the parking and circulation are proposed. First, the applicant is adding a paved parking area, with required curb and gutter, in the middle portion of the site, an area which is currently unpaved. The rear (east) portion of the site would remain as it is, but be restriped with parking along the interior fence/shrub line. The existing curb on this side lies within the required setback, but as an existing condition, is allowed to remain as a legal non -conforming setback. The front parking area includes a line of angled parking along the south side of the lot which encroaches onto the City's 5t' Street right of way, an unimproved public area that includes leased railroad right of way. The applicant should remove the portion of the pavement to eliminate the encroachment and restripe the parking area. The restriping should be 90 degrees, to accommodate vehicles backing out and returning to exist on Pine Street. Staff would encourage the applicant to consider adding curb in the area as well, and cutting the paved area to meet the 6 foot setback. However, these recommendations are advisory since the existing improvements are already in place and the principal use is presumed to be permitted. Landscaping. If the applicant were developing a vacant site, the ordinance would require 10 inches of overstory tree planting per acre, resulting in 12 inches of trees for the site. However, the site is an existing development, and additional building space does not impact the acreage. Nonetheless, staff would encourage the applicant to consider adding up to six 2" trees to the site, bringing it into conformance with this standard. Again, this note is advisory only, and is not included as a required condition of site plan approval. The ordinance also requires 2 shrubs per 10 feet of building perimeter. Because a portion of the building will add to the perimeter of the building by 227 linear feet, the applicant is required to increase existing shrub planting by a total of 14 shrubs to meet the overall minimum planting of 45 shrubs on the property. The plan illustrates an existing 31 arborvitae Upright Yew shrubs along the boundary of the east parking lot, reaching the required total of 45 required by the code. Lighting. The applicant is updating the plan submission to show existing lighting on the site, along with some limited additional wall -mounted lighting on the south side of the new structure. Because the site new lighting does not impact 3 City Council Agenda — 08/26/2019 residential property, new lighting is not likely to raise issues for code requirements, pending review of the updated plans. Signage. The applicant is proposing to retain existing signage on the site, and is preparing an updated drawing illustrating the existing condition. The applicant has indicated potential interest in adding signage to the north side of the existing building, which would be subject to the requirements of the City's sign ordinance regulations. No action is necessary on this item. Building Design. The buildings on the site include: (1) the Pine Street building constructed of concrete block, with the front- and side -facing portions along Pine Street (Hwy 25) faced with horizontal siding and cultured stone wainscot; (2) an attached metal building storage/display area to the rear of the first building, with metal finish; and (3) a detached metal building utilized primarily for storage to the rear (east) portion of the parcel. The applicant proposes to expand by spanning the space between the front and rear buildings with additional metal building construction, however, the exterior panels are proposed to be coated with a "stucco" style finish, and colored to complement the existing front building face. All exposed areas are proposed to utilize this finish. The applicant would add this finish to those areas along the south side of the existing building to match the finish on the primary frontage. Access and Circulation. Access is provided to the site from Pine Street on the west and from Cedar Street on the east. Currently, a fence closes access between the two frontages. With the changes made to the front (west) parking area noted above, the access points should serve the property adequately. Grading, Drainage and Utilities. The City Engineer is reviewing utilities as well as grading and drainage aspects of the site plan. Construction and building permits will be subject to those requirements. Accessory Use Requirements Trash Handling. The applicant indicates that trash handling will occur within the building. No exterior trash enclosure is necessary. Accessory Uses. The site plan does not show outdoor display areas. However, the City's zoning ordinance accommodate accessory outdoor display as a permitted use, according to the following regulations: (26) Outdoor Sidewalk Sales and Display. Outdoor sidewalk sales and display areas associated with legally permitted retail uses shall: (a) Not encroach into areas necessary for the safe ingress and egress into the retail structure; (b) Maintain a minimum pedestrian walkway of at least five feet in width along the front of the display; (c) Take place only on an improved dustless surface; (d) May not take up required parking; C! City Council Agenda — 08/26/2019 (e) The area of the site devoted to sidewalk sales and display under this section shall not exceed five (S) percent of the gross floor area of the principal use. Sidewalk sales and display which exceed five (S) percent of the gross floor area of the principal use may be allowed by conditional use permit. The applicant will update the site plan to show outdoor sidewalk display areas consistent with this requirement. Plat Standards Preliminary/Final Plat. The applicant's plat combines all existing parcels into a single zoning parcel. The plat is subject to the requirements of the City's Subdivision Ordinance, including a requirement that the plat is drawn to include perimeter drainage and utility easements along all lot lines. The applicant is updating the plat to include additional required easements per the ordinance. It is noted that existing or proposed structures may encroach into the easements with an executed encroachment agreement. Planning Commission Review and Recommendation The Planning Commission reviewed the requests and held a public hearing on the items on August 6ffi, 2019. Staff noted that the proposed application combines a series of smaller parcels into a single buildable parcel, which is in greater conformance with code requirements. The proposed plat accommodates a building expansion which links the two existing structures on the site. Staff explained that a majority of the recommendations related to the plat are site planning details and relate to parking configuration on the site. The Commission inquired as to the timeline for meeting of conditions. Staff indicated that the building permit will provide a timeline for completion of the conditions. The applicant, Donald Savitski, was present to address the Commission. Mr. Savitski explained that it is his intent to consolidate his Monticello and Albertville business locations to the Monticello site. He clarified that the addition is approximately 6100 square feet. The Commission confirmed that the applicant understood the required conditions of approval. No other public was present to address the Commission on the requests. Following the hearing, the Planning Commission recommended unanimously to approve the preliminary plat. Development Agreement The development agreement for the proposed plat is limited in scope, given that the site was previously developed, with building expansion occurring on existing impervious area. There are no public improvements for the proposed plat and therefore no securities or deposits are required. The development agreement primarily cites the approval process underlaying zoning requirements, along with the plat conditions of approval. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 5 City Council Agenda — 08/26/2019 The Planning Commission recommends Alternative #1 below. 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2019-59 approving the Preliminary and Final Plat and development agreement for Savitski Commercial, subject to the conditions identified in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. 2019-59, based on findings identified by the Planning Commission following the public hearing. 3. Motion to table action on the Resolution, subject to submission of additional information from the applicant or staff. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of alternative 1, approval of the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat and site plan review, with Exhibit Z conditions as noted. The use is consistent with the allowances and requirements of the Pine Street area of the CCD and downtown plan, provided the conditions of Exhibit Z are met. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2019-59 B. Resolution PC -2019-024 C. Aerial Site Image D. Applicant Narrative E. Site & Civil Plans, including a. Project Location Plan b. Site Plan/Preliminary Plat c. Grading & Drainage Plan d. Erosion Control Plan e. Existing Conditions & Removals Plan f. Details g. Landscape Plan h. Revised Site Plan i. Revised Landscaping Plan F. Final Plat G. Certificate of Survey H. Architectural Plans I. City Engineer's Letter J. MnDOT Review Letter K. Development Agreement Z. Conditions of Approval n City Council Agenda — 08/26/2019 EXHIBIT Z Preliminary Plat and Site Plan Review 414 Pine Street Lot 1, Block 1, Savitski Commercial (proposed) 1. Relocate south existing parking area to a point off of the 5th Street right of way, and restripe to 90 degree parking. Staff encourages the applicant to modify the parking to meet setback if possible and add curb — these latter suggestions are advisory only. 2. Eliminate outdoor storage with the note that the applicant proposed to retain firewood storage on the north side of the building within an existing fenced area. Firewood storage is allowed in all zoning districts up to a maximum of ten cords. 3. Eliminate storage sheds. 4. Maintain interior trash handling. 5. Specify areas of possible showroom/retail floor meet: a. Maximum storage area of 35% of building (some shared with retail is acceptable). b. Maximum fabrication area of 40% c. Applicant will prepare floor plan showing compliance. 6. Staff encourages the applicant to consider the addition of up to 6 trees to meet total tree planting requirements on site — this suggestion is advisory only. 7. Building materials to match/coordinate color of main building. 8. Lighting - Applicant will prepare a record of existing lighting, and any new lighting proposed, consistent with the requirements of the ordinance. 9. Signage — Applicant will prepare a record of existing signage on the property. Additional signage to be reviewed separately if desired. 10. Outdoor sales and display to occur consistent with the allowances for sidewalk outdoor display only. The applicant should define any proposed display on an updated site plan. 11. Compliance with City Engineer letter dated July 24th, 2019. 12. Compliance with MnDOT's comment letter of July 20th, 2019 13. Execution of required plat development and encroachment agreements, as applicable. 14. Other staff comments. 7 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2019-59 APPROVING PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR SAVITSKI COMMERCIAL WHEREAS, the Monticello Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 6th, 2019, for the consideration of the preliminary plat of Savitski Commercial; and WHEREAS, after taking public comment, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the preliminary plat of Savitski Commercial to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Monticello City Council reviewed the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approved the preliminary plat of Savitski Commercial Addition on August 26th, 2019; and WHEREAS, the Monticello City Council reviewed the final plat of Savitski Commercial on August 26th, 2019; and WHEAREAS, the preliminary and final plat for Savitski Commercial identifies the specific plans and uses for the proposed Savitski Commercial; and WHEREAS, the requirements for Final Plat in the Monticello subdivision ordinance have been met; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELL0, MINNESOTA, that the preliminary and final plat of Savitski Commercial, with drainage and utility easements and right of way as required, is hereby approved contingent upon meeting all conditions of the subdivision ordinance; and the following conditions: 1. Relocate south existing parking area to a point off of the 5th Street right of way, and restripe to 90 degree parking. Staff encourages the applicant to modify the parking to meet setback if possible and add curb — these latter suggestions are advisory only. 2. Eliminate outdoor storage with the note that the applicant proposed to retain firewood storage on the north side of the building within an existing fenced area. Firewood storage is allowed in all zoning districts up to a maximum of ten cords. 3. Eliminate storage sheds. 4. Maintain interior trash handling. 5. Specify areas of possible showroom/retail floor meet: a. Maximum storage area of 35% of building (some shared with retail is acceptable). b. Maximum fabrication area of 40% c. Applicant will prepare floor plan showing compliance. 6. Staff encourages the applicant to consider the addition of up to 6 trees to meet total tree planting requirements on site — this suggestion is advisory only. 7. Building materials to match/coordinate color of main building. 8. Lighting - Applicant will prepare a record of existing lighting, and any new lighting proposed, consistent with the requirements of the ordinance. 9. Signage — Applicant will prepare a record of existing signage on the property. Additional signage to be reviewed separately if desired. 10. Outdoor sales and display to occur consistent with the allowances for sidewalk outdoor display only. The applicant should define any proposed display on an updated site plan. 11. Compliance with City Engineer letter dated July 24th, 2019. 12. Compliance with MnDOT's comment letter of July 20th, 2019 13. Execution of required plat development and encroachment agreements, as applicable. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELL0, MINNESOTA, that the document titled "Development Contract for Savitski Commercial", with assignment of the specific terms and conditions for public improvements and the specific terms and conditions for plat development, is hereby approved. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 26th day of August, 2019. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2019-024 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR SAVITSKI COMMERCIAL WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to consolidate parcels to create a zoning parcel for development expansion; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to plat said property into a single lot and dedicated right of way; and WHEREAS, the site is guided as "Downtown" in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed Plat is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for commercial uses; and WHEREAS, the proposed Plat is consistent with the requirements of the applicable CCD zoning districts, subject to conditions recommended by the Planning Commission and required by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 6th, 2019 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The Plat provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by continuing the development plans for commercial use. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the Preliminary Plat are consistent with the needs of the development in this location as a parcel in the downtown area. 3. The improvements will facilitate the logical application of existing municipal public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatmen which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4.. The Plat is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the City's zoning regulations. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2019-024 ADOPTED this 6h day of August, 2019, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: John lstad, Acting"tl�k Chair ATTEST: Angela Schum ommunity Development Director DJ's Properties, LLC - Request for Conditional Use Permit & Preliminary and Final Plat Created by: City of Monticello 414 Pine Street I Lengthy Legals - See City Hall 07/08/2019 DJ's Properties, LLC Don and Anne Savitski 414 Highway No. 25 Monticello, MN 55362 763-497-2261 Project Narrative DJ's has been in business since 1971 when owner Don Savitski began installing and servicing Heating and Air Conditioning products. Since that time DYS has grown from a one-man operation to one of the largest Heating and Air Conditioning companies in the area, with stores currently located in Monticello and Albertville. In addition to heating and air conditioning systems, DJ's also sells, services, and installs; fireplaces, hot tubs, grills, water softener and conditioner systems, and many other home improvement products. DJ's is proposing building expansion and related site improvements at the Monticello store at 414 Highway 25. There are two (2) existing buildings on the site that will remain. The proposed building expansion will fill in the space between the two (2) existing buildings and expand the existing easterly building to the south. No building expansion is proposed adjacent to Hwy 25, the building expansion is primarily internal to the site. Building uses and operations will remain similar to existing in that showroom, sales, and office areas will remain in the existing westerly building, and indoor storage will remain in the easterly building. The proposed building expansion will include; a small office area, additional indoor storage areas, a fabrication area (typically sheet metal ductwork), and materials staging area for service/installation operations. A majority of the existing site improvements and all existing fencing will remain in place. The existing parking and pavement area on the west side of the site with access to Hwy 25 will remain in place. The existing parking and pavement area on the east side of the site with access to Cedar Street will remain in place. New site improvements are limited primarily to areas adjacent to the proposed building expansion and as needed to provide sufficient stormwater drainage control. Stormwater drainage and discharge direction from the site in the after condition will be same as existing condition. New bituminous pavement and concrete curb and gutter will be installed within the existing fenced area in proximity to the proposed building expansion. Parking stalls will be striped along the south edge of the new pavement area and will be used for service vehicle and trailer parking. All customer parking will remain in the existing west parking area. The existing east parking area will be used for employee parking, overflow parking, and special event parking. Parking lot striping will be installed as indicated on the site plan. The existing east parking lot does not allow for the city standard 20 ft stall length. Parking stall width of 9 ft can be accommodated. Parking stall striping is proposed that would provide for 18 ft stall length. It is requested the deviation of parking stall length be granted by Variance or by Conditional Use Permit. It is requested the city advise as to the appropriate approval process. The building expansion project is proposed to start as soon as approvals are granted. The goal is to get the proposed building expansion and site improvements completed late -summer and fall 2019. It is understood the following City of Monticello approvals are necessary: 1) Site Plan 2) Preliminary Plat 3) Final Plat 4) Variance or Conditional Use Please contact us with any questions. We appreciate your consideration. Don and Anne Savitski SITE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT KITTSION I ROSEAU MONTICELLO, MN I I,THE WOODS MARSHALL "DOC"'CH1NG BELTRAMN RENNINtrTON RED LAMfE COOK LANE POLK ITASGA ST. LOUIS 31 NORMAN aAinHNNu �° •s south Haven 'p LASS f CLAY BECKER O Southside Twp "� AITI�fN I �O CROW CARLTON �. OTTER TAIL t MING Jk PINEf ran --C L -k TDDD MIr Ts+ LLE GRANT DOUGLAS MORRISON Lacs ' ENTON 14 g POPE IG �sTEARN$ TONE � URNE NSANTI SWIFT I �p WRIG T NO KA Cokato Twp LAC HIPPEYra 2aI' RAMSEY DUI �Y HENNE- PARLE N WASHINGTON RENIIILLE �, A►tvER Coka#- SIHLEY ___.. LYON REbY1000 i OLLET UE GOODHIJE DEUR RIDE WABASHIA BROWN L ►/.,vRItQV cw000 wAN ' aRrH °[LMSTFD WINO NOBLE81 r1k`0 MARTINI $���t "bO0 mOVWERFILLMOR �fiv �Stackh011.. TWp Maple Lake �Twp F Jin rTwp, MINNESOTA WRIGHT COUNTY CIR � N p 0 CIR A :IR T BUNKERCIR 8. CENTER CIR 9.SAND TRAP CIR 10. 5TH ST W 11. VINE LN 12, LOCUST ST 11 �- ST NE TH ST NE m m 'm 15 OAKWOOD DR / 16 THOMAS PARK CIR 20. 17. SOMERSET LN 18. INNSBROOK CT 19. MCKENNEV CT 20. WOODCRESTCT 21 WOODLAND CT 88Ty,ST NE O' dE ¢ o 0 PROJECT LOCATION CD 58.. Z CANVASBACK CT j 67. ZW I 46. TANAGER CIR 68' 091. WZ < - 47. TAN AGER CIR _ o ¢ 48. WIDGEON LN 68' ;67. ygU h 43 49. SWALLOW CIR 1p �� 50. MOCKINGBIRD LN OWOOD WAV O hP e T .f a> 51. MOUNT CURVE BLVD LL ¢SON DEER ST m ei MONTICELLO, MN INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN / PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C4 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C5 DETAILS W C6 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT. a� z V U ? C o00 Q a Wa N O z q& � N W Cd� o w N m _ Q im ti 1-- r O swift 1 0 1% v+ Z _/ O �a o ti W I ox I mm taE _v1 �C°' o.IZ- ti c 3 00 a� z V U ? C o00 Q a Wa N O z q& _O F- O W Cd� V Uw t =o Q im ti 1-- r O swift W I CC) U U) 1% v+ Z _/ O �a o FILE N0. 00 733 CO Project Location plan r.. C o00 J q U " q& O N N2-2 J N t Q = ti Oy W W I CC) U U) V L O Z O �a o ti W I ox I mm taE �C°' o.IZ- ti c 3 00 I O ` 00 O � � U W W 10 Q� J 1 n o O Q) O LL -1 I t v J , W tJ- O O O i � �. ` o m /� U O O O qQ- .Q� 3 19-3cL O 4? r 0 O N O FILE N0. 00 733 CO Project Location plan r.. J q U " O N J N t Q = Z N t V) _ 00 ` W W I \ ( W Q) O LL -1 Q v J , W O O O i FILE N0. 00 733 CO Project Location plan Site Plan & Preliminary Plat of SAVITSKI COMMERCIAL EXISTING ACCESS TO REMAIN UNCHANGE I /// /� '7! % EXISTING SIGN �� TO REMAIN � IN PLACE d � BUILDING USES INDOOR SALES: 5,700 SF OFFICE: 772 SF / LIGHT MANUFACTURING / FABRICATION: 900 SF / INDOOR STORAGE: 10,119 SF / MECHANICAL / BATHROOM / HALLWAY: 800 SF TOTAL = 18,291 SF –12.0 FT DRAINAGE AND � UTILITY EASEMENT TO / BE DEDICATED ON 4 / FINAL PLAT i Te fz` /e O �j e 0"s Aer e�se�i \�J Occ �12� �` a o T 0 EXISTING FENCE / TO REMAIN PARKING DATA REQUIRED PARKING STALLS PER CHAPTER 4 SECTION 4.8 SCHEDULE #1: OFFICE: 1 PER 300 SF INDOOR SALES: 1 PER 200 SF INDOOR STORAGE / MANUFACTURING AREA: 1 PER 1,250 SF BUILDING USES AND REQUIRED PARKING: INDOOR SALES: 5,700 SF x 1/200 = 28 STALLS OFFICE: 772 SF x 1/300 = 3 STALLS INSIDE STORAGE / MANUFACTURE: 11,019 SF x 1/1250 = 9 STALLS MECHANICAL / BATHROOM / HALLWAY: 800 SF = N/A TOTAL REQUIRED = 40 STALLS PROVIDED PARKING 53 STALLS (INCLUDES 3 HC STALLS) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT OR VARIANCE REQUESTED TO ALLOW DEVIATION OF STALL LENGTH TO 18 FT FOR SELECT STALLS AS DIMENSION ON THE PLAN (EXISTING EAST PARKING LOT). O )NTCLLO -/-PROPOSED CONCRETE / /� VALLEY GUTTER (SEE / ,DETAIL) + + + + + S99p +++ +++++ ++++ /++ + ++ ++ ++ + $4b, °O fol 0 ° \ V )+ +0++++++PROPOSE+ ++0m + + ++++++++T +++ ++++++++++ °Q° DE ++++++++ +BITUMINOUS++++++++++++++++ °EXISTING STRIPING +++++++++++ +++, 7 ++++ +++++++++++++ + o°0°°O++ p0 7 +++MENT I ++++++++ +++++ 09 +++ + 0g 8 + ++ °°°g°++++++rr++ �+++ +o++++ ++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++ 6+++ -PROPOSED B612 ++++++ ++++++++++++ o+++++,++ +° °+O + ++++ + ++ ++++TO REMAIN 10/ /+ EXISTING FENCE + ° CURB & GUTTER ++ + +++ +++++°o°o° +T+T+++++r+T+T+T T Tr +++++++++++++++' +++++++++ °o°°oomo°TO REMAIN +�+ 8612++++++ ++++++++++ + ++++++ o°q 906 + + + ++++++ + + + +++ + + + + o°°oo/'—Site Benchmark: + + + + + ++++ + + + + + +++ + +++ + + + + + + + + + o°O + + i O+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Goo of easterly anchor bolt + +++ +++++ + + + + + + +++ + + + + ° oc Og° +++++++ 00 °on railroad signal base 4 ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++ +++++++++++++ 060oElev.=933.48 +( + +++++++++°�o00�o0EXIST +o+ + + ++ + 1°°O�0 +++ + + + + + + + + +++ O a 1 010 \ \ + ° ++ ++ + °O OO° O ° + ++a929 + + +02o +2++°608° TO RE `++ ++ 0O°°°° +++++++++ + OoOO° + EXISTING FENCE _ — �a R S H, \++++++++d°009o00� 8 O 7 TO REMAIN+°°° o -- EXISTING FENCI °° °°° 826 \ TO REMAIN GENERAL NOTESO o� �� ,,�ti�� o V roi%` ` 1 �s rn � D) ro 1. PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND APPROVALS 0� Od \ °92 C �1 8 ' 0 ,0`1� ff HAVE BEEN OBTAINED. NO CONSTRUCTION OR FABRICATION SHALL BEGIN UNTIL THE CONTRACTOR HAS Di_ G THOROUGHLY REVIEWED ALL PLANS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS APPROVED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITIES. ``� ` 6s �E`v 2. WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND THE REQUIREMENTS AND �� \ STANDARDS OF THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITY. THE SOILS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION SET FORTH THEREIN ` V ARE A PART OF THE REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND IN CASE OF CONFLICT SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER OF ANY1� DISCREPANCY BETWEEN SOILS REPORT AND PLANS. 1�O 3. SITE CLEARING SHALL INCLUDE THE LOCATION AND REMOVAL OF ALL UNDERGROUND PIPING, VALVING, ETC. 4. SITE GRADING SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND THE RECOMMENDATIONS SET FORTH IN THE SOILS REPORT IF OWNER HAS PROVIDED SUCH REPORT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING AND REPLACING ALL SOFT, YIELDING OR UNSUITABLE MATERIALS AND REPLACING WITH SUITABLE MATERIALS AS SPECIFIED. IF REQUESTED BY THE OWNER, CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A COMPACTION SPERFORMED,OPREPARED DQUALIFIED SOILS HATALL FILLEDA EASAENGINEER, LICENSED WITHIN HIHE STATE WHERE HE WORK SITE PLAN NOTES AND SUBGRADE AREASWI HINTHEBUILDING PADANDPAVEEMENT AREAS HAVE BEEN COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS SET FORTH IN THE SOILS REPORT. E TO FACE OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. �\ 5. THE LOCATIONS OF THE UNDERGROUND FACILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE BASED ON AVAILABLE SURVEY 2. MATCH EXISTING GRADES 1. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE EXISTING PAVEMENT TO REMAIN. RECORDS. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONTACT THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES TO 3. EXISTING PAVEMENT TO REMAIN SHALL BE SAW CUT FOR CLEAN EDGE. TACK SHALL BE USED ON ALL LOCATE THEIR FACILITIES PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION SHALL BE PAID TO VERTICAL EDGES PRIOR TO PATCHING. THE CONTRACTOR FOR DAMAGE AND REPAIR TO THESE FACILITIES CAUSED BY HIS WORK FORCE. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND COORDINATE CONDUIT REQUIRMENTS FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IF ANY 6. ALL EXISTING DIMENSIONS AND GRADES SHOWN ON THE PLANS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR WITHIN THE WORK ZONE WITH THE OWNER PRIOR TO PAVING. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY OWNER IF ANY DISCREPANCIES EXIST PRIOR TO PROCEEDING 5. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING WITH FIRE MARSHALL FOR POSTING OF FIRE LANES, CURB WITH CONSTRUCTION FOR NECESSARY PLAN OR GRADE CHANGES. NO EXTRA COMPENSATION SHALL BE PAID TO MARKING AND SIGNAGE AS REQUIRED. THE CONTRACTOR FOR WORK HAVING TO BE REDONE DUE TO DIMENSIONS OR GRADES SHOWN INCORRECTLY ON 6. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF ALL EXISTING SITE FEATURES THAT a THESE PLANS IF SUCH NOTIFICATION HAS NOT BEEN GIVEN. INTERFERE WITH NEW WORK AS SHOWN. / 7. ALL EXISTING CONCRETE CURBING AND PAVEMENT TO REMAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM DAMAGE. CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR ANY DAMAGED EXISTING CURB AND PAVEMENT AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. �— EXISTING FENCE TO REMAIN / Z__ /�– EXISTING FENCE / TO REMAIN LEGEND: -12.0 FT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE DEDICATED ON FINAL PLAT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FRACTIONAL LOTS 1, 2, AND 3, BLOCK 16, A.C. RIGGS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF LOWER MONTICELLO AND FRACTIONAL LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 BLOCK 16, TOWNSITE OF MONTICELLO. AND LOTS 4 AND 5, BLOCK 16, A.C. RIGGS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF LOWER MONTICELLO. ALL IN WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. PROJECT LOCATION PART OF THE NE 4 AND SE 4 SECTION 11 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY MINNESOTA. SITE DATA: PROPOSED USE: EXISTING BOUNDARY WAREHOUSE EXISTING EASEMENT CCD CENTRAL PROPOSED STREET R/W DISTRCT PROPOSED SETBACK 54,668 EXISTING R/W LINE — — — — — — — PROPOSED DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOT 1 AREA: PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER .................. �..................'•� PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT DETAILS PROPOSED CONCRETE LIGHT DUTY 01 SF = 0.04 °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °H°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° PROPOSED CONCRETE HEAVY DUTY -12.0 FT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE DEDICATED ON FINAL PLAT PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FRACTIONAL LOTS 1, 2, AND 3, BLOCK 16, A.C. RIGGS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF LOWER MONTICELLO AND FRACTIONAL LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 BLOCK 16, TOWNSITE OF MONTICELLO. AND LOTS 4 AND 5, BLOCK 16, A.C. RIGGS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF LOWER MONTICELLO. ALL IN WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. PROJECT LOCATION PART OF THE NE 4 AND SE 4 SECTION 11 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY MINNESOTA. SITE DATA: PROPOSED USE: SHOWROOM, OFFICE, WAREHOUSE ZONING: CCD CENTRAL COMMUNITY DISTRCT GROSS LOT AREA: 54,668 SF = 1.26 ACRES ON DETAIL SHEET LOT 1 AREA: 53,021 SF = 1.22 ACRES DETAILS R/W DEDICATION AREA: 1,647 SF = 0.04 ACRES EXISTING WEST BUILDING AREA: W 7,975 SF EXISTING EAST BUILDING AREA: 4,219 SF PROPOSED BUILDING EXPANSION AREA: 6,097 SF TOTAL BUILDING AREA: 18,291 SF PERCENT BUILDING COVERAGE: 34.50 % O (% of lot area) J FLOOR AREA RATIO Q 0.3450 C) C) (18,291 / 53,021) V� a KEY NOTES: n U 1U 4U 6U IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN =11111111111 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: MEYER ROHLIN LAND SERVICES 708 1ST AVENUE NE BUFFALO, MN 55313 DATED: MAY 17, 2019 BENCHMARK: MnDOT Geodetic Monument "8605 T". Elev.=951.19 (NAVD 88 Datum) SETBACK: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS LOCATION: BUILDING PARKING FRONT 8 6 REAR YARD 8 6 SIDE YARD 0 6 EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 26,655 SF (includes Existing buildings and pavement areas) NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 8,043 SF (includes future expansion building and pavement areas) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA: 34,698 SF TOTAL PERCENT IMPERVIOUS AREA: 65.4 % (% of lot area; 34,698/53,021) TOTAL PERVIOUS AREA: 18,323 SF (landscape, turf areas) PERCENT PERVIOUS AREA: 34.6 % (% of lot area; 18,323/53,021) DISTURBANCE AREA: 18,987 SF O BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT; SEE SECTION ON DETAIL SHEET O CONCRETE PAVEMENT LIGHT DUTY; SEE SECTION ON DETAIL SHEET 03 CONCRETE PAVEMENT HEAVY DUTY; SEE SECTION ON DETAIL SHEET B612 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER MIX 3F32 FOR MACHINE PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) MIX 3F52 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) O PAINT INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSABILITY WITH WHITE LATEX PAINT ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN (MnDOT NOS. R7 -8A & R7 -8B). CENTER SIGN ON O6 PARKING STALL. LOCATION PER GENERAL CONTRACTOR. MOUNT ON STEEL CHANNEL POST. 07 PAINT 4" SOLID STRIPE — WHITE LATEX PAINT OS EXISTING PAVEMENT AND/OR CURB TO REMAIN 09 SAWCUT AND REMOVE EXISTING BITUMINOUS FOR CLEAN EDGE 10 EXISTING UTILITIES TO REMAIN IN PLACE. CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN / PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C4 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C5 DETAILS C6 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: a C o00 - I �j N 0) o q3 q) N , cn co N o �o `�W'Oo I a� o, CSL C Wh ��OU�3 —0-0 Q: c O.j-p� /1 �G3 r.. CO- "" ro V OUj O 0� N O 3 Q Q. _t) w a r o m ai: 3 :S : a_ k M Q " N VJ N J N LU Q = W O tij ° O N N -� D5 O J Q Q� C) C) C) V� a 00 No >_�0 WCL m Q m � Z Z C J OLU 2 �C �� Z cc Vw =o U a mom 0 O O V cc �r O J � - �� CL LU ~ Uj Q c Uj co 0 a C o00 - I �j N 0) o q3 q) N , cn co N o �o `�W'Oo I a� o, CSL C Wh ��OU�3 —0-0 Q: c O.j-p� /1 �G3 r.. CO- "" ro V OUj O 0� N O 3 Q Q. _t) w a r o m ai: 3 :S : a_ FILE N0. 00733 C1 Site Plan & Prel. Plat k M Q " VJ N J N LU Q = II O N N -� D5 O C) C) C) 00 0 m � m Z W U O O V O FILE N0. 00733 C1 Site Plan & Prel. Plat 931.3 / / / / 10 / .� �, A,932.0 \ � ((� X 6 gy1 �/ / 9322 \19 G / / 31.7 X 932.1 / 92.4 \ X 932.2 o��• ° -- \ 932 \ � / �' 0 X \ _�� 931.x 93 / �`O 931.1 °� � ,,\ , \ �y 932\ \ A�5 TC 931 �3 .8 `��� 32.6 TC o. �� X.9 2 °� BIOC c, C ogSy N / N T 1 CEL M 0L/ 32.1 < 933. co 933.1 X 932.7 2.2 �UA 16 7 6 O �G c� 1 T �/ 0 9�2 31 9 �� 1 Tc g33 1 °� TOWN I I� \ j� � / ^� ,�• �`� \ \ X.--" \ 2 \ / X 933.1 X 933.4 1 2 \ 931.8 �9 � / / \ - CB EL ELEV.=930.8 2.0 930 S \J30 4s ,S 6�° / INV. -927.2 �` 0 23 931.5 /' • . �1. 337 2� X 933.3 933.9 / \/ MATCH EXISTING 931.9 g \ / v�, x 934.1 eco(`' F / BITUMINOUS `� \ / Lj ° �3 ��/s%jN i \ �OpR j22 9S / 931.1 SOg \ TC 93 o X 933.6 \' • / / �� 9•y1 � rn �9i A,9�se�/��/ FCS 932�� 9 1.6 � 930.9X � � �931- V / �G CO % 1 TU p� e��� NG / 930.9 X /\\ \ 932. / 'r (� l �51� 9 F�93 4141 ��N0 2 / X 931.1 \ / 101- 9 •R�8� 9 ` X932.6 � FF�c \ X93 CO Zg \ NCF 3� C 933.2 / ° ° �(S4Op� Fek 93, 86 ,e X 930.5 / `'\� \ X 932.2 932.9X g32.3 N ° 93� J `/'00 Rop 930.9 X 1 \ X �'O GpFtPG ',00\0\A X9319 Q Fl� e��� OSG /TOp OF F�iSTN ^ \ T FFNcF .1 ��� FO 9��j - 932.8 TC 931. °� `� w SS8 93? 13 FFA O�N O F FOUN X21 C shF ° ° Tc ° 932!D O '' X9311 93J G �`L/ �00FgTjON FCF O �c�� T ^¢ E /o X �>> Tp e 3' �93�s 10 STC 932.3 R / d / 31. 3 X 930. \ FFA F4 14D ^� J : 31.8 C X931.1 BLOCK 93i�N ��°'0--)IGN ���-^ \ / 930.7 � 9\31.3 � . j g ,9 O , T �� °POLE X J X LOT I 931.3x a 931.5 931.1 x 930.0 0 / ^� 53, 021 SF / 930 9' pR0 0 X 931.3 g N 932.3 ° 05 MATCH / X 930.7 / \ \ MATCH EXISTING 931.1 Xp1.1 2 X 9 e�//�A�S�C` \ O• / X 931.5 i �o a) °n' 932.0 "A, BITUMINOUS 93 1 `929.9 FF�9 0 931.2 9 3J l % X / 931.5 X 930.8 2 X 9.8 \% y30.5 �C / j O X 931. 932.2 ( 931.4 930.7 6 \ ' \ . ` a�z�9114,Q oNE \ 931.1 / 1 X 930.61 v93Q 930 l 1 i TC gC�gOX 931.2\oyF 930.5 930 )S 929 S • . •7 �931.7 X 930.5 0 �'00/ N 929.4 �d C 1 X 930.9 / / / �ti 931.8 / \ 930.2 F 1 0 X 930.9 X 930.6 ) 930 x 9'S1 0 J�� O 9 i 9 / / X 929.3 . g2 0) \ ° X \ � 30.9 oyE <1-9 9Q 930 / / 91 X 930.3 `�9` 1.5 \ \9 30.7 X 929.7 °� ^�O� TC 931. w 930.2 F 930.7 \\ I v X 929.1 ��' O 8612 CONC. CURB &GUTTER - -T\ 928.2 30 ,.7 7 / s J �V �o �v 929.7 X ( X O �\\ / / �V X 930.3 ,� 4j I o, �• X 929.1p)• X 930.6 f ��"q 930.0 0) A. • / 929 C 930.6 C$\' X 928.2 T R X927.0 929 I i o ��ti 0) \ �931.1 930.2 • I o \X 927.5 c� 927.1X x/928.# X 929.8 1,9U S H, 926.8 \ 92892.1 Nr O 9�0 930.4 3� • ` cV �\ 14 X p�S 926.6 9 . ` i / X 930.0 0) Z.\ 930.3\ x 927.0 928.84 31.0 i X 927.2 ,i�, �- ti 8.0 C rn X 929.7 o 3 CY CLASS 3 �� �V �93`'` �\ RANDOM RIP-RAPr°9 ti xs2� \ �� �.\ \ W/ FABRIC (SEE c� ti'Fs \ F 3q L\ . 929. 3 31 = �F ��. DETAIL 9 � 2 15"+/- o��, X y3U. Is R HPDE �o X =X 927.6 )X 929.5 / $30.2 \ F X9306 X 930.3 931.9 0 \ ``• �`� \ X 930.7 l U 2 4U bU GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: MEYER ROHLIN LAND SERVICES 708 1ST AVENUE NE BUFFALO, MN 55313 DATED: MAY 17, 2019 BENCHMARK: MnDOT Geodetic Monument "8605 T". Elev.=951.19 (NAVD 88 Datum) LEGEND: 908 Existing Contours - >> >> >>- Existing Storm Sewer "956.4 Existing Spot Elevation 908 Proposed Contours - » - Proposed Storm Sewer X 943.50 Proposed Spot Elevation C6 Flow Direction cV 1.9% 4_; N0) V) co N Overflow Route GENERAL GRADING NOTES: 1. Specifications applicable for this project: Current standard specifications for Monticello, MN, and the latest Minnesota Department of Transportation Specifications for Highway Construction and all NPDES requirements except where modified by these contract documents. 2. OSHA requirements shall be followed for all work on this project. 3. The Contractor shall notify "Gopher State One Call" 48 hours prior to any excavation (1-800-252-1166.) 4. The Grading Contractor shall verify all locations and elevations of underground utilities with utility companies prior to any construction, and immediately notify the Engineer of any conflicts. 5. Erosion Control shall be constructed, as applicable, as sequenced below: A. Silt Fence. B. Rock Construction Entrance. C. Demolition D. Common excavation (grading). E. Seed and mulch or sod (See notes on Landscape plan). 6. Final Plat shall govern for easements and lot dimensions. 7. Any erosion control items necessary to protect adjacent properties shall be constructed by the Grading Contractor. 8. Erosion control maintenance shall be performed by the Grading Contractor, and removed as per the Contract Documents or as directed by the Engineer, followed by all necessary restoration of disturbed area. This work shall be incidental to the grading contract. 9. The Grading Contractor shall schedule the soils engineer to facilitate certification of all controlled fills in a timely fashion. Density tests shall meet the following: A. Within the upper 3' of streets, the Grading Contractor shall utilize approved soils that are within 1% of the optimum moisture content as defined by the Standard Proctor Test -ASTM: D-698 with compaction meeting 100% Standard Proctor Density and not exceeding this compaction by more than 1%. Below the upper 3', compaction shall meet 95% Standard Proctor Density, and be within 3% of the optimum moisture content. Grading tolerances shall be 0.1'. B. Grading tolerances for the remainder of the site shall be 0.25'. 10. All areas of unsuitable soils found in the pad described above that cannot be corrected shall be located in the field by the Grading Contractor. The Grading Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of these areas and provide information as to their size and location. 11. The Grading contractor shall provide positive drainage on the site at all times. 12. The Grading Contractor shall keep public streets and travel ways clear of soil and debris. Daily cleaning at the construction entrance shall be performed, especially at the end of each day's work. 13. All silt fence shall be removed at project completion. 14. All proposed elevations are at curb flow line or finished bituminous surface unless otherwise noted. 15. All erosion control best management practices shall be per City standards. INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: C0 PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN / PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C4 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C5 DETAILS C6 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: C o k M 00 Q U " C1.0 ° O a o m a°i J N � cV N 4_; N0) V) co N II O Oy.0 W O N W � oC0�01 O o 5 w �zo o a A Ox Ian Ln a C) C) Wh co �0OU�3 CSL C O 3 j OG J Z �VJ 11 11 a �� No W W IL Q) 00 Z Z _ OW o 0 U was ,� o �C cc _ C ? Cl) � VZ D Wcc I..Q) 'Q co v, FILE N0. 00733 C2 Grading & Drainage Plan C o k M 00 Q U " C1.0 ° O a o m a°i J N � cV 4_; N0) V) co N II I Oy.0 W O N W � oC0�01 O O LC _ � �zo o a A Ox Ian Ln a C) C) Wh co �0OU�3 CSL C O 3 j OG m W Z O W Cal °'c O O V O U ° O O 0� N 3 a, a ° ai Q .CZ o o Q, w D° w 3 FILE N0. 00733 C2 Grading & Drainage Plan k M Q U " O a J N � Q = II O N IN O LC _ � o C) C) C) 0 m W Z O W O O V O FILE N0. 00733 C2 Grading & Drainage Plan EROSION CONTROL INSTALLATION SCHEDULE 1. Silt fence shall be installed or restored prior to any construction. Silt fence shall be located as shown to intercept runoff. The area located beyond the perimeter silt fence shall not be disturbed during construction. 2. Rock Construction Entrance shall be installed prior to grading operations. 3. All storm sewer inlets shall have inlet protection inserts installed. Inserts shall be "Road rain -Top Slab" or "Road Drain -Curb & Gutter" inlet protection devices as manufactured by WIMCO (or approved equal) and installed per manufacture's recommendations. 4. All erosion control installations shall remain in place and be maintained in good condition by the contractor until the site has been re -vegetated, at / which time it shall be removed by the contractor. For proposed paved surface areas, the contractor may remove necessary silt fencing to construct roadway, while maintaining adequate erosion control in adjacent areas. 931.3 / 5. Sufficient topsoil shall be stockpiled to allow for the replacement of 6" topsoil ! for disturbed areas to be re -vegetated. 6. The contractor shall schedule site grading, utility installation and roadway construction so that the general site can be mulched and re -seeded soon a�u 0 / after disturbance. Areas that will not be subject to construction traffic for 14 X,932.0 days shall be seeded and mulched or sodded within 7 days of final grading. X 6 \ 31.7 X 932.1 932.4 9 / \ a o��• -- \ 932 \ � X 932.2 X \ _�� 931.X 931.1 TC 931 /3 8 `��� 32.6 EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. All devices necessary to control erosion and sediment (I.E. perimeter silt fence, rock construction entrances, swales, ponds, berms, ETC.) shall be installed prior to any other construction operations. 2. After completion of final grading, exposed soils must be permanently stabilized within 7 days. Stabilization shall consist of disc -anchored seed & mulch, HECP with fiber reinforced matrix, erosion blanket with seed, or sod. 3. The site must be kept in a well drained condition at all times. The contractor shall be responsible for temporary ditches, or other means necessary to ensure proper drainage. The building pad must be provided with a positive outflow. This work shall be incidental to the grading contract. 4. Entering/exiting of the site shall occur only at rock construction entrance to reduce tracking of dirt onto paved streets. Sediment tracked onto streets during working hours must be reclaimed via street scraping and sweeping at the end of each working day. 5. Stormwater discharge pipe outlet energy dissipation shall be provided by rip -rap with size, quantity, and placement in accordance with City standards. Rip -rap installation shall be within 24 hours of pipe installation. 6. Install silt fence around all temporary inactive stockpiles which are not place within existing silt fence area or other perimeter erosion controls. 7. Stabilization of temporary or permanent drainage ditches that drain water from the construction site must be initiated within 24 hours of connecting the drainage ditch to any storm water conveyance system and must be completed using erosion blanket. 8. Sufficient personell, equipment, and materials shall be mobilized within 24 hours of written order (ie. email) by the owner or owners representative to conduct corrective work and install temporary erosion control work in the case of an emergency. 11932. CO\ \ \ \ X�.9 2 93 T1 CELLO ON/ 32.1 < 933. w ��. T C \ X 933.1 / �16 9 c� X 932.72.2 / O� r �G� �, ^S S I TE/ 9 3.1 9 Pc 9`32 1 / VVN ' �� / T E \ \ \ \ / X 933.1 X 933.4 930.8 - - CB EL ELEV.= 5" 9�2 0 6Qo 0 INV.=927.2 , y ^� ,337 2� X 933.3 931.5 TC 933.9 pct Q Ity,• a ! ` • \ \ / 9 �9 o X ; 931.9 934.1 II Ch � CO Q F r, / • 8 \ / ' 4OO� X32.2 931.1 \a \ TC 93 0 X 933.6 /N�9y'7S>B//4O� 9 1.6 31 930.9X )7j C / 933- CO0 930.9 X - 932.7 �14 \ 99q1NYAGI X31.1 / , X 932.6 \� ,8"� FFv X93 933.2 T r 1 ¢/ i �S40,o Fl<2 3 \ / X / h� 932.9X �� a Fp qT 93/9 930.5 / ,;`''• = X 932.2 h / r .., 932,3 N ��� °y X 93 .6 y3 0°O�Js F ° eR�pO 930.9 X t 6,, ° R F�� �� S 1 /TOO O FI/pT � T X F�O°9\' 0 0 0 � - X 932.9 932.8 �P 0N TC 931. °�S 9 SS 932 FF p� FQ F /0 rvG S F ` �^� a w 8 13 N F UN 2/9 5Fp / \ ��P ELa d TC 932 T 'o� '' X 931.2 931 C FL/ BOOR FgTON FF T /o / / '1 SAN �� �� ¢9 9 J h X 37) / %O Oa e / �93�5 / /' 1 0 T TC 932.3 .01 �A d �� .. a a / 31. 3 F RFi�j �40� �V r 31.8 /� T `X 931.1 BLOCK , X 930. \ F\9 ,q�N N� a-ANCHORi' 1 930.7 \ 9\31.3 , 31 J �. T POLE IGN XC' J \ LOT I 931.3X / a 931.5 > \ T a / I \ X 931.1 53, 021 SF / X 930.0 �pR X 931.3 / C11 a �C", / 931.1 / �p �/ v N ^`V X 930.7 \ 9 1.1 e� �S \ / X 931.5 // �` i °� 932.0 932.3 / °' / b� \9 / X9 1 �. �4O' Y FQ y 931.5 931.2 X 930.8 ,\ \ / 929.9 9.8 \ 93% G / / / / X 931. X9 y �D T/O C � l � 932.2 / 930.7 / �� \9 ' I , \ a ( 931.4 931.1 1 X 930.61 v 30 TC 1 i yL Q 93 .1 SyAO/r9u X931.2\O 930.5 l 929.9 / k , ,�, , 14Q . `-<931.7 / OyF / i� / 929.4 / C 1 X 930.9 \ / / 931.8 a� y X 930.5 X 930.6 <v� ,�6 930.2 F 1 Q / X 930.9 X 9'S1 0 J� 1, 9 < 930 /..... X 929.3 /a X 930.9 f / `•\ X 930.3 . ` `'J� ``9`.5 \ 3 • /1"30.7 X 929.7 / TC 931. a w o�c a�- B612 CONC. CURB & GUTTER / / v •� 9 \ X930.2 �°� 164 LF SILT FENCE X929.1 r �� - '\� �� d \Cb cb v _� 929.7 X ( X ; 33�� 4. `) ,1 ���� a 0 6Qo0yN. AL9�,\ •� / / X929.1 a Q ROCK \ \ X930.6 930 CONSTRUCTION ,o �� <�� \ 930.0.. •1 0,5 h L1 c�� \ 31.1 X928.2 QTR X92T 929 a, _ ENTRANCE , �1� o ���'� 0 � \.\ 930.2 \ \ F I °' \X927.5 &927.1X 928.1 "� v ��•�r°' \\\ • 9/ O p/ i 930.4 ~ 31.3 ( � X 929.8 \ -92� N ^ H, \ 926.8 \ 6.6 4 , g� / �/ �. X930.0 INLET PROTECTION / 92 � 9 0.3\ 1X.927.0 \ / C 31.0 X 927.2 rn X 929.7 o 931.1X 92 �d 927.0 1� �� �\ Tc9 �' ��� 31.1 \ V \ AVO \ -\026.9 G 15"+/- X 5 / X 930A- s HPDE 9 X ��,�� =X 927.6 )X 929.5 ``'• \ / / ° \ / �j `� `.��f' • TC �931.0 \930�i Oy \ F X9306 X 930.3 931.9 b ,/ OyF X \ ,y \ ``•` \ `� 9.31.1 \ ``• �`� \ X 930.7 \.` 0) n U ZU 4U bU GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET LEGEND: V ------- 908 ------ Existing Contours - >> >> >>- Existing Storm Sewer 908 Proposed Contours - ►► ►► ►► - Proposed Storm Sewer No Proposed Silt Fence - o- o- o- Proposed Fiber Logs cV Proposed Storm Sewer Inlet Protection N Flow Direction 1.9% LU Proposed Erosion Control Blanket Cat. 3 �O Proposed Rock Mulch 1.5" River Rock Com+ SURVEY DATA � SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: •� --1 MEYER ROHLIN LAND SERVICES CZ o 708 1ST AVENUE NE r BUFFALO, MN 55313 w DATED: MAY 17, 2019 C BENCHMARK: I MnDOT Geodetic Monument "8605 T". Elev.=951.19 (NAVD 88 Datum) CLIENT. a� V Z V� J �� UJ cc,c No a o aqi cV N0) N V) c0CZn N �2 LU O U LU Com+ �� � N •� --1 O CZ o CL r mm°�' w t C W I C S L C 0 -0 c O 'Q v, �C) I U-1 Q ai 3 G 3 j O p I00 a 00 J a� Z V� J �� UJ cc,c No a o aqi cV N0) N V) c0CZn �2 LU O U LU Ivo 2 LO r- �6 O r^ _+cc CL r mm°�' b � C W I C S L C 0 -0 c O 'Q v, �C) I U-1 Q ai 3 G 3 C o aqi 13 00 0 CZ may° o aqi cV N0) N V) c0CZn I Lo O y.0 ... W W W� oC0�01 O �� dU Ivo 2 LO r- �6 �a Co a A mm°�' C W I C S L C 0 -0 c O h ~ �C) I U-1 Q ai 3 G 3 j O p I00 a 00 V r- EROSION CONTROL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ,y,�, o r O a ^r 00 /I 1. Erosion control measures shall be inspected by the contractor's representative and maintained by the contractor every Friday and within 24 hours after any�'� a ° o rainfall event larger than 1/2" until the project is completed. Maintenance e W requirements are as follows: silt fence - 1/3 height of fence or damaged, ` 3 :S :S a remove sediment and/or repair fence within 24 hours; rock entrance - refresh as necessary to conform to detail; inlet protection inserts - remove sediment after each rain event, clean or replace filter when clogged; surface water - drain and stabilize, within 7 days of discovery; and street sweeping - remove all sediment tracked onto paved surfaces within 24 hours or as directed by ,q) City Engineer. W 2. Replacement - Fabric shall be replaced promptly when it decomposes or becomes ineffective before the barrier is no longer necessary. U 3. Any sediment remaining in place after silt fence is no longer required shall be dressed to conform with the existing grade, prepared, and seeded with Q II appropriate seed mix, as directed by the engineer. U ~ 4. Removal of the silt fence- Silt fences shall be removed when they have served their useful purpose, but not before the upward sloping area has been j permanently stabilized. VEGETATION GROUND COVER SCHEDULE 1. Stabilization of all exposed soil areas must be initiated immediately but in no W q case completed later than seven (7) days after the construction activity in x that portion of the site has temporarily or permanently ceased. Seeding and U N mulching shall conform to the latest NPDES requirements for installation schedule with regards to grading. Q 2. Permanent turf ground cover shall include all disturbed areas be covered with Z II N a minimum 6" topsoil and sodded or seeded as allowed by City, or as Z N proposed on City approved landscape plan for the project. If not otherwise O = specified, turf seed to be MnDOT mix 25-121 applied at 61 lbs/ac. MnDOT Type 3 mulch shall be applied at 2 tons/ac and disc anchored in areas not covered by sod or erosion blanket. Seeding and mulching shall conform to the latest NPDES requirements for installation schedule with regards to grading. C) C) C) 3. Temporary ground cover to be MnDOT seed mix 22-111 shall be applied at 31 U) (/) U) lbs/ac, or equivalent as approved by City. MnDOT Type 1 mulch shall be \ applied at 2 tons/ac and disc anchored in areas not covered by sod or O erosion blanket. N a0 a0 4. Fertilizer for turf shall be MnDOT Type 3 22-5-10 and applied at 350 Ib/ac. Disc fertilizer into top 3" Specification is MnDOT 2574. m W W of soil. reference Z Y 5. Dormant seed mix shall be used after November 1 or when temperatures do Q W not exceed 40° F, using same rates specified above. No seed shall be placed Q lV = V on snow or ice greater than 2" in depth. O 6. Any seeded areas that do not become established with vegetation shall be re -seeded at Contractor's expense. 7. Erosion blanket shall be installed in seed areas with ground surface slopes of 4H:1 V or steeper. FILE NO. 00 733 INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN / PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 C3 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C4 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C5 DETAILS Erosion Control Plan C6 LANDSCAPE PLAN 931.3 / / / / 10 A,932.0 9`i2 / �(v 31 X.7 X932.1 ��• d X 932.2 X 931. 931.1 3�9 \932 TC 931 g�� .8 � 32.6 •0 / TC / �932 C 933 93 . CO ��� X9�j.9 2. C� B�pCk �� /FNogSy N / N T I CELLO SM 0/ Sym X 933.1 32.1 933. co ()_6 �) /�. O X 932.7 7 6 .0 3 2.2 , 1 D / VVN I TE/ 920 31 �9 \ �� Tc g�31�' TO `� \ \ / X933.4 C, '� 2 X 931.9'- CB 31.8 \ X 933.1 / �G CB EL ELEV.=930.8 3 6Qo 2.0 3\v 933.3INV.=927.2 X31.c31.5 31 \9TC 33, 9/SAW-CUT `�19 30 \ X 931.1 �BITUMINOUS / 931.0 / Gj d X38 /� 1 o X 933.6 FSI'/ST/NC �OpFC 322 / X 931.1 \ \ \ TC 93 ff / '61.6 930.�IX �� ^ 933- - g31� \ \ �G �� / 1 9.0.9 / \ X 931.1 932.7 cly/ 1:11,2��1 `O / %931. 9�3 I 0 X 932.6 \ \ - / �� 931.9 J / 8 O 31.0 \ / rFiyCF 933\ �I 933.2 c�OpR / I (640,0�ek `� 932.9X FD y ro X 9x0.5 3/ h. / / 9X� X 932.2 3 / I 93 9 32F 43 tK X 931.6 pp c 0.9 X0 "¢ S G��' 0011 N X 329c D �8 �19, G 9 932.8!/ I-- TC 931. #p0/� / 14/ ° d TC° �931,1 0*09T/9 932.OOF4�,v 9� 3F�9REMOVE h 0 . o. WOOD DECK 31.5 � � / / X 930 2 \ \\ J \ ` \ \�ANCHOR DT --� r 31.8 � C X 931.1 � • 281 ` REM O VE = sy / X 930.7 31, 931.0 \ r POLE IGN X°$"I ^ ^ TEMPO 931. 389 FD 931.1 \3X s/ h X 930.(1 I C 931.5 SHED T / I / / 30.5 �q�� X 931.3 CO d 932.3 X 930.7 / SAW -CUT 931.1 q�1 �J 93 ' \ X 931.5 �� °n' 14q932.0 /CQ /��'� BITUMINOUS / 1 `s2a.s g 931.2 X 9 9.8 / X �i � / X 931.4 d / 931.5 X 930.8 \ 930.5 DWD T \ \ n 930.0 / ON 4Q / 931.4 932.2 / /�,Qp o' 1; 930.7 931.1 / 1 X 9Jr . 6 l v / \ 93p / 1 TC 931. 93 .1 yAC/r9p X 931.2\0y 930.5 \� 929.9 X 929.7 4 / \ E 931.7 \0 \ 1 ` X 929.4 C 931.1 X930.9 / 931.8 V X 930.5 NF \ \ / \ X 939.6 930.2 F \ / / \•9 929.3 J X 9'SP O / {�• S1 / `'`•� \ \ �0y \ 930.9 \ REMOVE EXISTING o \ �.o ° x� \ X930.9 X 930.3 (BITUMINOUS AND d J � '\ / s31.5 \ \ ° CONCRETE ` �C/3o.7 PA YEMEN T `, rc 931. r ° W 930.2 930.7 X VZV. i -- B612 CONC. CURB & GUTTER--,v� 930.8 X 830.4 � _ 930.7 / - 928.2 X i \ 929.7x 33 REMOVE 5 . Qv � a AL�2,, X 929.1 TREE X 930.3 0 X 930.6 f\29'�J \ 930!! 930.0 / , C 930.6 ��� rn ��1� \ 930.2,928.2 T R F X927.0 �y _ \ - / / II �'�1� ` �-,,X7.5cQ 927.1X 929 X 928.1 ��' °j928.2 X<`�X 929.8 -,92 6 R U S H, 926.8 \ / ` 929.1 / 930.4X 31. L �� X 97.6 `\926.6 i92d, / / X930.0 0)\ `.\ 930.3 X 927.0 \ REMOVE C 31.0 X 927.t9� �!- tiF 28.0 X 929.7 0 \ / TREE 4) 93 1. 1 \ \ J \ �°'' X 929.8 927.0 1�� � s TCd 9`�O < 6 31.1 \ / \929. 3 m = �� 9o;Lc�• �G -0.926.9 �G 15"+/- X 930.1` \ s HPDE �o �� o X =X 927.6 )X 929.5 930.2 1* z� 930.2 \ ``` ♦` x`"931.0 \930�� py a Q \ F X9306 X 930.3 931.9 ro 0tiF z� X \ ``• �`� X 930.7 n. U 2U 4U 6U GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: MEYER ROHLIN LAND SERVICES 708 1ST AVENUE NE BUFFALO, MN 55313 DATED: MAY 17, 2019 BENCHMARK: MnDOT Geodetic Monument "8605 T". Elev.=951.19 (NAVD 88 Datum) LEGEND: - - - - 908 Existing Contours - Existing Sanitary Sewer - Existing Water Main >� >� Existing Storm Sewer DEMOLITION NOTES 1. Install perimeter sediment controls as soon as possible during clear and grub operations. See Erosion Control Plan. 2. Provide air quality control measures at the request of the Engineer or City Representatives. Take necessary measures to keep dust levels to a minimum. Provide sweeping of adjacent paving as needed, or as required by the City Engineer. 3. Locate and protect all utility lines prior to and during demolition. Utility locations shown are based on best available information and are not guaranteed. Contact private utility service for disconnection and removal. 4. Remove or relocate all existing site features that interfere with the proposed construction. 5. Protect existing site features that are to remain during construction. Replace anything damaged with new construction. 6. Pavement shall be saw cut at limits of removal unless noted otherwise. Do not impede existing traffic circulation to adjacent businesses or streets. 7. Sufficient topsoil shall be stockpiled to allow for the replacement of 6" of topsoil in disturbed areas to be re-vegitated. 8. All construction and post -construction parking shall be on-site. At no time shall parking, loading, or unloading be allowed on public streets. 9. Storage of materials or equipment shall not be allowed within public Right -of -Way and shall be maintained on site within project boundaries. INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN / PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C4 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C5 DETAILS C6 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: -4 . a� k M U'ZQ UJ Q U " LU W QC C4 � � �a Om 0co N Z C Z J O W �� 0> O ULU O w Co co m 0X Z W Z cc CNow IN o C o5 w W o co 'a v, C) C) C) 00 J -4 . a� k M U'ZQ UJ Q U " LU W QC C4 � � �a Om 0co ~ Z C Z J O W �� 0> O ULU w Co co m 0X Z W Z cc CNow IN C W Q � W o co 'a v, C) C) C) FILE N0. 00733 C4 Existing Conditions and Removals Plan -4 . k M Q U " O a J N � Q = II O N Z IN � o C) C) C) 00 m m W Z O W O O V O FILE N0. 00733 C4 Existing Conditions and Removals Plan Gravel pads) MnDOT Class CA -15 SAME SLOPE AS ROADWAY '..;,e,; Or CA -25 Rlprop Bedding Geotextile fabric Original grade HORIZONTAL SECTION B -B (FORMS MAY BE TILTED) REVERSE SLOPE GUTTER SECTION (not to scale) DIVIDER PLATE 3•R Ribbed or Corrugated steel plates 0 1/2 v 3"R 3111 g^ �13 1/2 ^ Original a) SLOPE 0.06 FT/FT 1p oR1 Geotextile fabric SECTION A -A grade SLOPE 3/4"/FT - ,,. j/ (not to scale) 2" MAI 7•I ' j/ 1 NOTES: f Chonnelize runoff to sediment Sediment Trapping Device I2• i a trapping device HORIZONTAL UNE / N1 MNDOT [� SLOPE 0.06 FT/FT NORMAL, UNLESS / STANDARD PLATE NO. 7100 H OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IF A DIFFERENT SPECIFICATION REFERENCE 2531 GUTMAYER BE TILOPE TED IS PERMITTED, THE FORM CONCRETE - B612 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER CONCRETE - 21.1 Fr / CU4 CU S YDS.B612) (B61 j DIVIDER PLATE 3"R �c 1 6 1/2 • /A T SLOPE OR Ribbed FT/FTS 6" 13 1/2 �I Ribbed or Corrugated steel plates SLOPE 3/4"/FT R / {I A B \ / AMIN' 7' < /7A E HORIZONTAL UNE / 1$ c:D / MNDOT W D o 0 SLOPE 0.06 FT/FT NORMAL, UNLESS STANDARD PLATE NO. 7100 H ) 1 0 OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. IF A DIFFERENT SPECIFICATION REFERENCE 2531 Q C GUTTER SLOPE IS PERMITTED, THE FORM CONCRETE - 0.0582 CU YDS / LIN FT (6618) d MAY BE TILTED 6618 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER CONCRETE - 17.2 FT / CU.YDS. (8618) CD 12" z `� B v 3/4 " / PER FT (j 24min. awa 1/2 " R F�r 1/2 " R w Slope highwayfrom 3" 3:1 110. HORIZONTAL---,,- 7'L _ V 50' min. LINE_ _ _ _ _ _ Match or Right of Way 1 2'- o" Existing MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB & GUTTER Grade PLAN Title: Title: Concrete Curb & Gutter Commercial Gravel Standard Plate Library Standard Plate Library Construction Entrance for Streets City of Monticello Date: Plate No. City of Monticello Date: 06_14 Plate No. 03-05 5005 Revised: 6002 Revised: 03-15 _ 03-15 2" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE SPWEA240B MnDOT SPEC 2360 2" BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE SPNWB230B MnDOT SPEC 2360 6" CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE MnDOT SPEC 3138 SUBGRADE PREPARATION TOP 6" TO PASS PROOF ROLL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT NOTE: SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS 2' p' 3/4» 3/477 Per ff r_1 ft CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER WITH LIGHT DUTY CONCRETE PAVEMENT SECTION 8" CONCRETE PAVEMENT W/ 6"X6" #10/10 W.W.M. or 3" POLY FIBERS AT 4.0 LB/CY 6" CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE MnDOT SPEC 3138 SUBGRADE PREPARATION TOP 6" TO PASS PROOF ROLL NOTES: 1. CONCRETE MIX SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2461 MIX No. 31`32 FOR SLIPFORM PLACEMENT MIX No. 31`52 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT 2. CONCRETE PLACEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2301 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SPACE THE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT MAX.12'-0" O.C. 4. PLACEMENT SHALL INCLUDE CURING COMPOUND IN CONFORMANCE WITH MNDOT SPEC. 3754 5. SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS CONCRETE PAVEMENT - HEAVY DUTY 4" CONCRETE PAVEMENT MNDOT SPEC 2461 4" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW MNDOT SPEC 3149.2B SUBGRADE PREPARATION TOP 6" TO PASS PROOF ROLL NOTES: 1. CONCRETE MIX SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2461 MIX No. 31`32 FOR SLIPFORM PLACEMENT MIX No. 31`52 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT 2. CONCRETE PLACEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 2301 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SPACE THE CONTRACTION JOINTS AT 6'-0" O.C. 4. SOILS SPECIFICATIONS SUPERSEDE ABOVE LISTED SPECIFICATIONS CONCRETE PAVEMENT - LIGHT DUTY FLAN WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -23* HIGH FLOW INLET PROTECTION CURB AND GUTTER MODEL OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. * FOR THE NEW R -3290 -VB STANDARD CASTING, INSTALL WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -3290 OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello � A t :..3' 0.7 STAPLES PER SQ. VD. 4:1 SLOPES DF 1EIGHT DEFLECTOR PLATE - OVERFLOW IS N2 OF THE CURB BOX HEIGHT OVERFLOW AT TOP OF FILTER ASSEMBLY FILTER ASSEMBLY DIAMETER, 6" ON -GRADE 10" AT LOW POINT HIGH-FLOW FABRIC Title: Inlet Protection Catch Basin Insert Date: 03-07 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6004 1.6J 20' 1.3' L j • • 3.3' • 1 15 STAPLES PER SQ YO 3.75 STAPLES PER SQ YD 3:1 SLOPES HIGH FLOW CHANNEL & SHORELINE Q i' 1. PREPARE SOIL BEFORE INSTALLING BLANKETS, INCLUDING ANY NECESSARY APPLICATION OF LIME, FERTILIZER, AND SEED. 2. BEGIN AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE BY ANCHORING THE BLANKET IN A 6' (15m) DEEP X 6'(15Cm) WIDE TRENCH WITH APPROXIMATELY 12'(30-) OF BLANKET EXTENDED BEYOND THE UP-SLOPE PORTION OF THE TRENCH. ANCHOR THE BLANKET WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES APPROXIMATELY 12' (30m) APART IN THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTER STAPLING. APPLY SEED TO COMPACTED SOIL AND FOLD REMAINING 12' (30cm) PORTION OF BLANKET BACK OVER SEED AND COMPACTED$OIL SECURE BLANKET OVER COMPACTED SOIL WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES SPACED APPROXIMATELY 12' (30-) APART ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE BLANKET. 3 ROLL THE BLANKETS (A) DOWN OR (B.) HORIZONTALLY ACROSS THE SLOPE. BLANKETS WILL UNROLL WITH APPROPRIATE SIDE AGAINSTTHESOILSURFACE ALL BLANKETS MUST BE SECURELY FASTENED TO SO IL SURFACE BY PLACING STAPLES.STAKES IN APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS AS SHOWN IN THE STAPLE PATTERN GUIDE WHEN USING OPTIONAL DOT SYSTEM, STAPLES/STAKES SHOULD BE PLACED THROUGH EACH OF THE COLORED DOTS CORRESPONDING TO THE APPROPRIATE STAPLE PATTERN. 4. THE EDGES OF PARALLEL BLANKETS MUST BE STAPLED WITH APPROXIMATELY 2'S (5-12.5-) OVERLAP DEPENDING ON BLANKET TYPE. TO ENSURE PROPER SEAM ALIGNMENT, PLACE THE EDGE OF THE OVERLAPPING BLANKET (BLANKET BEING INSTALLED ON TOP) EVEN WITH THE COLORED SEAM STITCH ON THE PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED BLANKET. 5. CONSECUTIVE BLANKETS SPLICED DOWN THE SLOPE MUST BE PLACED END OVER END (SHINGLE STYLE) WITH AN APPROXIMATE 3'(75M)OVERLAP. STAKE THROUGH OVERLAPPED AREA, APPROXIMATELY 12'(30") APART ACROSS ENTIRE BIANKET WIDTH NOTE: IN LOOSE SOIL CONDITIONS, THE USE OF STAPLE OR STAKE LENGTHS GREATER THAN 6" (15-) MAYBE NECESSARY TO PROPERLY SECURE THE BLANKETS. Title: Erosion Control Blanket Standard Plate Library Stapling Patterns & Installation City of Monticello Date: 03-08 Plate No. Revised: 0-15 6 01 3 6' TO7' DIA. ROLL ENCLOSED IN J PLASTIC OR POLYESTER NETTING TYPE 2: BIOROLL DITCH CHECK USE ON ROUGH GRADED AREAS 1" X 2" X 18" LONG WOODEN STAKES AT 1' 0" SPACING MAXIMUM. STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN THROUGH THE BACK HALF OF THE BIOROLL AT AN ANGLE OF 45 DEGREES WITH THE TOP OF THE STAKE POINTING UPSTREAM. PROVIDE 8" TO 10" OF EMBEDMENT DEPTH. FLOW 0 B' - 10' EMBEDMENT DEPTH BIOROLL STAKING DETAIL ENTRENCH A n n n n MINIMUM OF 2' NOTE - WHEN MORE THAN 1 BIOROLL/COMPOST LOG IS NEEDED, OVERLAP ENDS A MINIMUM OF 6' AND STAKE Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Bio Log Staking Straw or Wood Bio Roll Date: 03-08 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6009 CLIENT: FILE N0. 00733 INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN / PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C5 C3 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C4 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C5 DETAILS C6 LANDSCAPE PLAN Details a C o 00 a4) ° Z3 m � a) O O O (N 4-; N 0) V) c0 N + NCXCz ¢ mtj Z3 •� I Vl O E °m i i La o Cp y C W 1 OCpLn I O (0 U m Em ii `o� �m� II � V\ ` 0 � 2 fid' a�ng�� J o f a v V� ~I 1 X N } 0 3 Z O ,Z., OxO II O Q) I," Co YOB co 1�� (y�� 1YI� I W CO O / •� a MOIj % z J w co q) 4` '[��I ICw W � 1 �-' Q) I� U 1z ml �� J a ¢ wN~ ~ 0 z 3 c5 w r� G_ w L O p-0� '1 lel U_ I LCL H N 3 F~zi ox ow dc Q� !!C_ C < + C 3 / 6 ax m�2=ws xN N ��w` !i rn m t O C ~ 00 By�a a i� m xz ii w v. q) 0 V I~7¢iO d< ~a Wm m �w ii J O -a. 00zzw 1 wmoo zaxo o- o¢ w= s xw x II r�l,la� H Z v". �\�z3 O \ ¢ Jo q) "0 C) �- m��� ogza H¢.w zm o zw o� ° ii N O m q o�oz.� Zig zw w ii d x N U p O Q 4Zao -0� N O 3 �' Fpsf2¢� w� �a� -a Ka -a >-a Jo ww wz� Il, ~ x dt� c Em._s 0 H `L O a ~ w o ww ~x zw It ¢3 my1 ° m^`=s U 3 •iC s 'o Via'-J�� wz om aw cwi� w _ 2 ci Of 0= V1 FuIO -wIJO Zm eOwI�NO I<o. �} wu~l w� dZ �CmN m� N OFa aawrc~N ONaOp X¢cwi O~ io �w I~/IUFz N QN ww NZ= NO ¢ w¢ UZ W¢ x¢ O� m¢ Kx } �U UO Z~ Em`-- MYDD ■I UU m ,_ 11 ~�W Mzlow v a ® N ww NOx¢ fQ m1` �� �O 1w ow amici a` �i J II �/ o Q y" Q) azy�o WZH-"� I"x¢ a m z o 5 R ooR x k o� as Zm. wo�. UN4Ja U J� o= a am ii Z L LLJ J il¢LM w �'N4 ��. � ww vJ¢� ICO xZ ¢¢ OU O¢ - LLI _rtmi II U N oo w. ww o� w" /Q^ v ) �w2wa a ¢a mz ~w om wN �w wx _ II rn n J ®. .; wxzy" z -- m OO Q wK ~O o6 ON �a nw .5 }w �II ` NiJ¢O_ Z LLm NO Nm Qx \I 1 ♦� O al I+V ¢Q¢ LL g4Zw N M 4 II .� v Z } N w=w 11 II fn U, -U 0. 0. m W . W Z w �¢m o wzi"j T I I s m II wJN ziOj awQ Z N�~w O I -1¢i F N v O N J'x Ka J}N}m} d�li K ZN~Z~ L ,� w 2 Hic O UKmOU mw x w z a0w o N s N m A CALL TO GOPHER STATE ONE (454-0002) IS REQUIRED A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS .�. aj PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY EXCAVATION. J M U " Title: Residential BuildingJ Standard Plate Library Erosion Control o Q z City of Monticello Date: Plate No. z N 03-05 6006 O N _ Revised: 03-15 /j Z C) C) C) cn cn cn � 00 \ m m W Z O � `O O O O V FILE N0. 00733 INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN / PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C5 C3 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C4 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C5 DETAILS C6 LANDSCAPE PLAN Details BRODSHO CONSULTING F SHREDDED HARDWOOD Landscape Architecture Site Planning SRR- CIM PAST STAKE F PLAK M LGRADE 698 NORTHBRIDGE COURT EAGAN, MN 55123 WnHPLANI+DSOIL PHONE: 651-688-8023 PUMALOF FAX: 651-994-4792 BED SOIL X,932.0 / I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my CEH7ERNO OF SHIM N1 direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Landscape X 6 BED TO TAKE PRECEDIMCE \ NOTES: OVER DM1F1'OW FRau Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. \ 9�HAND LOOSEN ROOTS OF CONTAINERIZED MATERIAL (TYP.). O\ / 932 3 2 4 2\ / SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING. 66� Q X 31.7 X 932.1 O 0 ��� 3&4 g 4 X9`32\ o --- \ \ � X 932.2 a 0��� ` x9�, \9 931. X \ SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL REG. No. 23849 DATE 07-08-2019 0 931.1 5 9 `32� 32.6 \ _ TC 931' 3 8 � ,93 \\ TC y� 2 (� o �Cc) X.9 2 6p NA O I � l gh� 3h 32.1 �F< 933. �y. O \ X 933.1 / ��� �9 \ �c/ X 932.7 a �o 2.2 % w 16 / �G ��_ / E// o 920 31 �9 �\ Tc 9�/o VVN OI T �2 b�. / ,�° TO X \ X 933.1 X 933.4 o, 2 931.8 / Y AS, a / / \ \ \ / 8 °' °' . \S � '��� CB E 2.0 930. X 933.3 -'23 931.5 31. r " ` 88\\33.9 / � R�� �a d " TJ \ \ / 9 X 934.1 931.9 �� D B H FSI'/N / I FOpR X322 / 931.1 g� \ \ o TC 93 X 933.6 AFes, c F��. / i X / X 930.5 may`' 930.2 F 1 0 /% /i X 930.9 X 930.6 ° X 9 i 9 < 93p / X 929.3 / X 930.9 f / X 930.3 25 �` `931.5 30.7 O X 929.7 ^�� 9`3,7\ `\ 930.2 930.7 I X 929.1 "(L4 8612 CONC. / 30.7 9 G `. 928.2 X I ')c 929.7 X ( I 33 S A , / / • .. X 930., 6'r. i h. / x929.1 ° `\. X 930.6 f- ��� 2y•, \ ` 930.0..f ° C 930.6 X 928.2 �� T R X927.0 929 �\ 930.2 \ \ F S \X 927.5 cQ 927.1 X `� 928.1f 92 X 929.8 - U S , 926.8 \ \ , I O 9 H g�0 �9 28 926.6 9 ` // X 930.0 930.3\ X•927.0 \o - rn �i T `�� `•�� X 927.2 io /�F 8.0 O rn X 929.7 G 0�T� X92 / VX, �_ \ 927.0TC9� tK 41b 929 926.9 15"+/- 0 X 930.1 `S HPDE __X 927. )X 929.5 930.2 01*" TC 930.2 <931.0 py \� F X9306 X 930.3 `�`• �`� X 930.7 932.7 \`9��2 .plc \\ FFNre 933\ \ 93. "n7n n 932.9X aF�g�, aOP��gN X9319 931.9 \ 6 0 . X V / 932.0 Xa' REQUIRED PLANT MATERIALS A U 20 40 6U GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: MEYER ROHLIN LAND SERVICES 708 1ST AVENUE NE BUFFALO, MN 55313 DATED: MAY 17, 2019 BENCHMARK: MnDOT Geodetic Monument "8605 T". Elev.=951.19 (NAVD 88 Datum) NEW BUILDING PERIMETER 227 LF EXISTING BUILDING PERIMETER AND EXISTING SITE EXCLUDED FROM CALCULATION MONITCELLO CODE CHAPTER 4, TABLE 4.4 COMMERCIAL USES 2 SHRUBS PER 10 FT BUILDING PERIMETER 227 / 10 x 2 = 45 SHRUBS REQUIRED PLANT LIST: Site Plantings QTY. KEY BOTANICAL NAME SHRUBS 4 DBH Diervilla lonicera 9 GFS Spiraea x bumalda 'Gold Flame' 7 DKL Syringa meyeri 'Palibin' 20 New Shrubs C5 25 UY Taxus x media 'Hicksii' 25 Existing Shrubs selected by Owner 45 Shrubs Total awazklizrezzreiii: w COMMON NAME SIZE/ROOT Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle 2 Gal. Pot Gold Flame Spirea 2 Gal. Pot Dwarf Korean Lilac 5 Gal. Pot Upright Yew 3 Gal. Pot Contractor shall provide one year guarantee of all plant materials. The guarantee begins on the date of the Landscape Architect's written acceptance of the initial planting. Replacement plant materials shall also have a one year guarantee commencing upon planting. All plants to be northern -grown and hardy. Plants to be installed as per standard AAN planting practices. Use minimum 6" loam planting soil 6" around shrub root balls. Contractor shall verify locations with all utililies prior to installation of plants. Prune plants as necessary - per standard nursery practice. Owner shall be responsible for maintenance after acceptance of the work by the Owner. Plants shall be immediately planted upon arrival at site. Properly heel -in materials if necessary. Planting beds for shrubs shall have 3" - 4" of double shredded red hardwood mulch. Field adjust shrub locations to fit uility locations and any changes that may have occured to the site plan and/or grading plan. Planting soils to be determined on site and ammended if necessary for plant survival. INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN / PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C4 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C5 DETAILS C6 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: C o00 NM o � N , V) co N ocoLLon0 o W W� -0 d� 0 2 a `O -6 �,; o W °xco I a� o, CSL C Wh 0O� U 3 o � Q: c ~ I "c) ai 3 O j p G 3 4- o C O ~ S t E? J o V O O q a- _t) w r -4- k M Q U " N O a L�L ' Cz w O o Ci LU On II cn O N � O � J a� C) C) Va: 7 00 W Ix a m LU O2 �� Q ULU, W Z O W co U cc CO !a!TL!O O V J -oftNNW C W Q CID C o00 NM o � N , V) co N ocoLLon0 o W W� -0 d� 0 2 a `O -6 �,; o W °xco I a� o, CSL C Wh 0O� U 3 o � Q: c ~ I "c) ai 3 O j p G 3 4- o C O ~ S t E? J o V O O q a- _t) w r FILE N0. 00733 Landscape Plan -4- k M Q U " O a J N LU Q LU II O N � O � C) C) C) 00 m N m W Z O W U O O V O FILE N0. 00733 Landscape Plan i Site Plan & Preliminary Plat of SAVITSKI COMMERCIAL �'!\\ o 0 ✓.=930. a �� \ 2 G O� 0 �h �h EXISTING ACCESS TO REMAIN UNCHANGE EXISTING SIGN TO REMAIN IN PLACE d � BUILDING USES INDOOR SALES: 5,700 SF OFFICE: 772 SF / LIGHT MANUFACTURING / FABRICATION: 900 SF / INDOOR STORAGE: 10,119 SF \ MECHANICAL / BATHROOM / HALLWAY: 800 SF \ \ TOTAL = 18,291 SF –12.0 FT DRAINAGE AND � UTILITY EASEMENT TO / BE DEDICATED ON 4 / FINAL PLAT i Te fz` /e O �j e Ods Aer e�se�i \�J Occ 4/012� �` a o T 0 /,q EXISTING FENCE / TO REMAIN /oo D�\ S sQ. PARKING DATA REQUIRED PARKING STALLS PER CHAPTER 4 SECTION 4.8 SCHEDULE #1: OFFICE: 1 PER 300 SF INDOOR SALES: 1 PER 200 SF INDOOR STORAGE / MANUFACTURING AREA: 1 PER 1,250 SF BUILDING USES AND REQUIRED PARKING: INDOOR SALES: 5,700 SF x 1/200 = 28 STALLS OFFICE: 772 SF x 1/300 = 3 STALLS INSIDE STORAGE / MANUFACTURE: 11,019 SF x 1/1250 = 9 STALLS MECHANICAL / BATHROOM / HALLWAY: 800 SF = N/A TOTAL REQUIRED = 40 STALLS PROVIDED PARKING 41 STALLS (INCLUDES 2 HC STALLS) M ON T1 CELLO -/-PROPOSED CONCRETE / VALLEY GUTTER (SEE / ,DETAIL) ++ + + + ! ++ + ++ �+ +• ++ + + + + + + +b+o+++++++�4-+++++++k+1 +d iJ ++ + ++0 _0+° 0+°° +0 _+ + + ++ V 0 0 0 g 0 OV \ , ++++�°0 °0++++PROPOSED 4+++ +++ O ++++++T +++ + o ° DI ++ ++++ +++BITUMINOUS++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++ 7 ++ + +++++EXISTING STRIPING + + + + + +++ PAVEMENT +++++ + + ++++ o ++ +++++rrrrrrr+++ + °oogTO REMAIN 10 +i ++++++++++i + + +++/++++++++++/+++ ++++++ +++++++++ + co++++ +++++++++++++++++++ ° +++ +-PROPOSED B612 ++++++++++++ o + + + ++++++ ++++++++++++ 0 0 + 0EXISTING FENCE + +++++++++++ 00 + CURB & GUTTER ++++++++++++++ + +++++++++++0°0(40 ++++++++ + ++++++ °g°°000 ++++ ++++++++ 000TO REMAIN +++ ++ +++ 1 + + + + + + + ^ 000 9 8612++ +++r + +++ 000000600 /'—Site Benchmark: ++ + + + + + ++ + + + + + ++++ + °O4b +++++++++++++++ F°ooa+ + + + + +++ + + + + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0 o° + + + Q °Top of easterly anchor bolt ++++++++O +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3 o on railroad signal base ++++ +++++ ++++++++++++ og + o o+ ° EElev.=933.48 +�0,+ +++_ + + + + 00°000+ + +^ 6 + O 0°_0 P, + t ///+ 000 + + °++00 0 0 0 0 + + +++++ +O + (400_ \ TC O+ 0 + + + +++++' °0000 + +++++ ++ o 00 +++° .00 EXISTING FENCE 0Sy390 °o TO REMAIN �+0 - EXISTING FENCI °°° (926 TO REMAIN n GENERAL NOTES 041- roe/r 1. PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THAT ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND APPROVALS �O� �4C✓19 HAVE BEEN OBTAINED. NO CONSTRUCTION OR FABRICATION SHALL BEGIN UNTIL THE CONTRACTOR HAS THOROUGHLY REVIEWED ALL PLANS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS APPROVED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITIES. /CC E� / 2. WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND THE REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS OF THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITY. THE SOILS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION SET FORTH THEREIN ` V ARE A PART OF THE REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND IN CASE OF CONFLICT SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER OF ANY 1� DISCREPANCY BETWEEN SOILS REPORT AND PLANS. 1�O 3. SITE CLEARING SHALL INCLUDE THE LOCATION AND REMOVAL OF ALL UNDERGROUND PIPING, VALVING, ETC. 4. SITE GRADING SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND THE RECOMMENDATIONS SET FORTH IN THE SOILS REPORT IF OWNER HAS PROVIDED SUCH REPORT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING AND REPLACING ALL SOFT, YIELDING OR UNSUITABLE MATERIALS AND REPLACING WITH SUITABLE MATERIALS AS SPECIFIED. IF REQUESTED BY THE OWNER, CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A COMPACTION SPERFORMED,OPREPARED DQUALIFIED SOILS HATALL FILLEDA EASAENGINEER, LICENSED WITHIN HIHE STATE WHERE HE WORK SITE PLAN NOTES AND SUBGRADE AREASWI HINTHEBUILDING PADANDPAVEEMENT AREAS HAVE BEEN COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS SET FORTH IN THE SOILS REPORT. E TO FACE OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. �\ 5. THE LOCATIONS OF THE UNDERGROUND FACILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE BASED ON AVAILABLE SURVEY 2. MATCH EXISTING GRADES 1. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE EXISTING PAVEMENT TO REMAIN. RECORDS. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CONTACT THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES TO 3. EXISTING PAVEMENT TO REMAIN SHALL BE SAW CUT FOR CLEAN EDGE. TACK SHALL BE USED ON ALL LOCATE THEIR FACILITIES PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION SHALL BE PAID TO VERTICAL EDGES PRIOR TO PATCHING. THE CONTRACTOR FOR DAMAGE AND REPAIR TO THESE FACILITIES CAUSED BY HIS WORK FORCE. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND COORDINATE CONDUIT REQUIRMENTS FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IF ANY 6. ALL EXISTING DIMENSIONS AND GRADES SHOWN ON THE PLANS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR WITHIN THE WORK ZONE WITH THE OWNER PRIOR TO PAVING. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY OWNER IF ANY DISCREPANCIES EXIST PRIOR TO PROCEEDING 5. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING WITH FIRE MARSHALL FOR POSTING OF FIRE LANES, CURB WITH CONSTRUCTION FOR NECESSARY PLAN OR GRADE CHANGES. NO EXTRA COMPENSATION SHALL BE PAID TO MARKING AND SIGNAGE AS REQUIRED. THE CONTRACTOR FOR WORK HAVING TO BE REDONE DUE TO DIMENSIONS OR GRADES SHOWN INCORRECTLY ON 6. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF ALL EXISTING SITE FEATURES THAT a % THESE PLANS IF SUCH NOTIFICATION HAS NOT BEEN GIVEN. INTERFERE WITH NEW WORK AS SHOWN. / 7. ALL EXISTING CONCRETE CURBING AND PAVEMENT TO REMAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM DAMAGE. CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR ANY DAMAGED EXISTING CURB AND PAVEMENT AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. �— EXISTING FENCE TO REMAIN / Z /�– EXISTING FENCE / TO REMAIN ,�00/). / � F("I, PG�,0, � �101\ON LEGEND: -12.0 FT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE DEDICATED ON FINAL PLAT 0� PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FRACTIONAL LOTS 1, 2, AND 3, BLOCK 16, A.C. RIGGS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF LOWER MONTICELLO AND FRACTIONAL LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 BLOCK 16, TOWNSITE OF MONTICELLO. AND LOTS 4 AND 5, BLOCK 16, A.C. RIGGS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF LOWER MONTICELLO. ALL IN WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. PROJECT LOCATION PART OF THE NE 4 AND SE 4 SECTION 11 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY MINNESOTA. SITE DATA: PROPOSED USE: EXISTING BOUNDARY WAREHOUSE EXISTING EASEMENT CCD CENTRAL PROPOSED STREET R/W DISTRCT PROPOSED SETBACK 54,668 EXISTING R/W LINE — — — — — — — PROPOSED DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT LOT 1 AREA: PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER .................. �..................'•� PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT DETAILS PROPOSED CONCRETE LIGHT DUTY 1,647 SF = 0.04 0°0(4060(40°0(4060(40°0(4060(40°060 00000000000000000000000000000 202020g0202020202020202020go� PROPOSED CONCRETE HEAVY DUTY -12.0 FT DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE DEDICATED ON FINAL PLAT 0� PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FRACTIONAL LOTS 1, 2, AND 3, BLOCK 16, A.C. RIGGS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF LOWER MONTICELLO AND FRACTIONAL LOTS 1, 2, AND 3 BLOCK 16, TOWNSITE OF MONTICELLO. AND LOTS 4 AND 5, BLOCK 16, A.C. RIGGS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF LOWER MONTICELLO. ALL IN WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. PROJECT LOCATION PART OF THE NE 4 AND SE 4 SECTION 11 TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25, WRIGHT COUNTY MINNESOTA. SITE DATA: PROPOSED USE: SHOWROOM, OFFICE, WAREHOUSE ZONING: CCD CENTRAL COMMUNITY DISTRCT GROSS LOT AREA: 54,668 SF = 1.26 ACRES ON DETAIL SHEET LOT 1 AREA: 53,021 SF = 1.22 ACRES DETAILS R/W DEDICATION AREA: 1,647 SF = 0.04 ACRES EXISTING WEST BUILDING AREA: W 7,975 SF EXISTING EAST BUILDING AREA: 4,219 SF PROPOSED BUILDING EXPANSION AREA: 6,097 SF TOTAL BUILDING AREA: 18,291 SF PERCENT BUILDING COVERAGE: 34.50 % O � a (% of lot area) A mm°n' J FLOOR AREA RATIO Q 0.3450 ��OU�3 CSL C o�Q: c~ O.jO� (18,291 / 53,021) V11 �� a KEY NOTES: U 1U 4U b0 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: MEYER ROHLIN LAND SERVICES 708 1ST AVENUE NE BUFFALO, MN 55313 DATED: MAY 17, 2019 BENCHMARK: MnDOT Geodetic Monument "8605 T". Elev.=951.19 (NAVD 88 Datum) SETBACK: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS LOCATION: BUILDING PARKING FRONT 8 6 REAR YARD 8 6 SIDE YARD 0 6 EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 26,655 SF (includes Existing buildings and pavement areas) NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 8,043 SF (includes future expansion building and pavement areas) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA: 34,698 SF TOTAL PERCENT IMPERVIOUS AREA: 65.4 % (% of lot area; 34,698/53,021) TOTAL PERVIOUS AREA: 18,323 SF (landscape, turf areas) PERCENT PERVIOUS AREA: 34.6 % (% of lot area; 18,323/53,021) DISTURBANCE AREA: 18,987 SF \ BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT; SEE SECTION ON DETAIL SHEET \ CONCRETE PAVEMENT LIGHT DUTY; SEE SECTION ON DETAIL SHEET \ CONCRETE PAVEMENT HEAVY DUTY; SEE SECTION ON DETAIL SHEET B612 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER MIX 3F32 FOR MACHINE PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) MIX 3F52 FOR MANUAL PLACEMENT (MnDOT 2461) \ PAINT INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSABILITY WITH WHITE LATEX PAINT ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN (MnDOT NOS. R7 -8A & R7-8BCENTER SIGN ON O6 PARKING STALL. LOCATION PER GENERAL CONTRACTOR. OUNT ON STEEL CHANNEL POST. O7 PAINT 4" SOLID STRIPE — WHITE LATEX PAINT OS EXISTING PAVEMENT AND/OR CURB TO REMAIN O9 SAWCUT AND REMOVE EXISTING BITUMINOUS FOR CLEAN EDGE 10 EXISTING UTILITIES TO REMAIN IN PLACE. CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN / PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C4 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C5 DETAILS C6 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: a C o00 k M Q " N IUI^^ VJ N o m aqi J N � cV N 0) V) co N W O tij ° C3 O N Z Nr� � O � a A mm°n' J Q Q� ��OU�3 CSL C o�Q: c~ O.jO� C) V11 �� a a: () No >_ WaLU rowI00 Q Z m � C Z W V� =o U a mom 0 V' O V cc � a LU ~ ro Uj Q c V O O O Uj co 0 0� N 3 as a o a C o00 k M Q " IUI^^ VJ N o m aqi J N � cV N 0) V) co N II C3 O N Z Nr� � O � a A mm°n' Wh ��OU�3 CSL C o�Q: c~ O.jO� C) �� I Wai 3 �G3 00 /1 0 rowI00 � m r.. Z W U q, V' O V O "" ro V O O O 0� N 3 as a o ai Q r p o m w p W a 3 FILE NO. 00733 C1 Site Plan & Prel. Plat k M Q " IUI^^ VJ N J N � Q = II O N Z Nr� � O � C) C) C) 00 0 m � m Z W U O O V O FILE NO. 00733 C1 Site Plan & Prel. Plat BRODSHO CONSULTING F SHREDDED HARDWOOD Landscape Architecture Site Planning SRR- CIM PAST STAKE F PLAK Ta LGRADE 698 NORTHBRIDGE COURT EAGAN, MN 55123 IMPLANI+DSOIL PHONE: 651-688-8023 PUMALaF FAX: 651-994-4792 BED SOIL X,932.0 / I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my CEH7ERND OF SHIM N1 direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed Landscape X 6 BED TO TAKE PRECEDIMCE \ NOTES: OVER DM1F1'OW FRW Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. \ 9�HAND LOOSEN ROOTS OF CONTAINERIZED MATERIAL (TYP.). O\ / 932 3 2 4 2\ / SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING. 66� Q X 31.7 X 932.1 O 0 ��� 3&4 g 4 X9`32\ o --- \ \ � X 932.2 a 0��� ` x9�, \9 931. X \ SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL REG. No. 23849 DATE 07-08-2019 0 931.1 5 9 `32� 32.6 \ _ TC 931' 3 8 � ,93 \\ TC y� 2 (� o �Cc) X.9 2 60 NA O I � h `OSUR 32.1�F< 933. �y. O \ X 933.1 / ��� �9 �c/ X 932.7 a �o 2.2 % w 16 / �G ��_ / E// o 920 31 �9 �\ Tc 9�/o VVN OI T �2 b�. / ,�° TO X \ X 933.1 X 933.4 o, 2 931.8 / Y AS, a / / \ \ \ / 930.8 °' °' . \S � '��� BEE 2.= 9�2 0 �6'Sto C �° 33rd / X 933.3 23 931.5 3'1. r " c i / O ` 8�\ Q / T TC \33.9 / y' j\ '`\ / T \ U C p� Q �• a d " • J \ \ / 9 �q X 934.1 931.9 D B H i d FSI'/S//N I F 0 X322 / 931.1 g � \ \ TC 93 o X 933.6 i X / X 930.5 c i /930.2 F 1 0 /% �i X 930.9 X 930.6 ° X 9, i 9 < 93p / X 929.3 i X 930.9 f / 24 X 930.3 -,Y,931.50.7 \ X 929.7 1. 3 930.2 930.7 I X 929.1 - - 8612 CONC. 30.7 `. 928.2 X I 929.7 X X 930., X 929.1 ° X 930.6 f- ��� 219 TJ \ 930.0 , , ° C 930.6 \931.1X 928.2 �� T R X927 -, - 929 �\ 930.2 \ \ F S �-,,X7.5 cQ 927.1 X928.92 X 929.8 � -92 U S H, � 926.8 \ \ - I Y 9-50 X 14 926.6 9 ` i/ X73 0 `930.3\ X•927.0 \o rn �i T `��`` `•� ` X927.2\--,3 ��\ - /�F 8.0 O rn X 929.7 V O�T X 929!8 V �` �`�``\ X927.0 11 �1�T\ TC 19 °N' 15 X 930.1- �o i __X 927. HPDE �X 929.5 930.2 0 F TC 930.2 ,�931.0 py \� F X9306 X 930.3 `�`• �`� X 930.7 932.7 \`9 .plc \\ FFNre 933\ \ 93. "n7n n 932.9X 931.9 \ 6 0 . X X9319 V / 932.0 Xa' REQUIRED PLANT MATERIALS A U 20 40 6U GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SURVEY DATA SURVEY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY: MEYER ROHLIN LAND SERVICES 708 1ST AVENUE NE BUFFALO, MN 55313 DATED: MAY 17, 2019 BENCHMARK: MnDOT Geodetic Monument "8605 T". Elev.=951.19 (NAVD 88 Datum) NEW BUILDING PERIMETER 227 LF EXISTING BUILDING PERIMETER AND EXISTING SITE EXCLUDED FROM CALCULATION MONITCELLO CODE CHAPTER 4, TABLE 4.4 COMMERCIAL USES 2 SHRUBS PER 10 FT BUILDING PERIMETER 227 / 10 x 2 = 45 SHRUBS REQUIRED PLANT LIST: Site Plantings QTY. KEY BOTANICAL NAME SHRUBS 3 DBH Diervilla lonicera 8 GFS Spiraea x bumalda 'Gold Flame' 3 DKL Syringa meyeri 'Palibin' 14 New Shrubs C5 31 UY Taxus x media 'Hicksii' 31 Existing Shrubs selected by Owner 45 Shrubs Total awazklizrezzreiii: w COMMON NAME SIZE/ROOT Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle 2 Gal. Pot Gold Flame Spirea 2 Gal. Pot Dwarf Korean Lilac 5 Gal. Pot Upright Yew 3 Gal. Pot Contractor shall provide one year guarantee of all plant materials. The guarantee begins on the date of the Landscape Architect's written acceptance of the initial planting. Replacement plant materials shall also have a one year guarantee commencing upon planting. All plants to be northern -grown and hardy. Plants to be installed as per standard AAN planting practices. Use minimum 6" loam planting soil 6" around shrub root balls. Contractor shall verify locations with all utililies prior to installation of plants. Prune plants as necessary - per standard nursery practice. Owner shall be responsible for maintenance after acceptance of the work by the Owner. Plants shall be immediately planted upon arrival at site. Properly heel -in materials if necessary. Planting beds for shrubs shall have 3" - 4" of double shredded red hardwood mulch. Field adjust shrub locations to fit uility locations and any changes that may have occured to the site plan and/or grading plan. Planting soils to be determined on site and ammended if necessary for plant survival. INDEX OF CIVIL SITE DRAWINGS: CO PROJECT LOCATION PLAN C1 SITE PLAN / PRELIMINARY PLAT C2 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C4 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN C5 DETAILS C6 LANDSCAPE PLAN CLIENT: FILE N0. 00733 Landscape Plan w C o00 k M Q U " N O a o aqi L�L ' Cz N0) V) co N w O o Ci LU On W cn O N OCpLnO O 0 2 a `O -6 ��o � o, �W�Oo A Ian I mm J a� °n' �0OU�3 CSL CWh o � Q:c O Va: 7 ~ I "c) ai 3 G 3 j O 00 W 4- o C O Ix ~ a -�. LU O2 �� O E? J Q ULU, W Z O W co V) \ cc CO !a!TL!O O V J -oftNNW C W Q co V O O O 0� N 3 q a ° FILE N0. 00733 Landscape Plan w C o00 k M Q U " O a o aqi CN LU N0) V) co N Q LU W O N OCpLnO O 0 2 a `O -6 ��o � o, �W�Oo A Ian I mm C&° Ea C) °n' �0OU�3 CSL CWh o � Q:c O ~ I "c) ai 3 G 3 j O 00 4- o C O ~ -�. O E? J �_ W Z O W V) \ O O V O V O O O 0� N 3 q a ° °3 Q r FILE N0. 00733 Landscape Plan w k M Q U " O a J N LU Q LU II O N � O � IN C) C) C) 00 m W Z O W U O O V O FILE N0. 00733 Landscape Plan v, (J— / <, CHISELED "X"--� IN SIDEWALK (FOUND)41 o° i i / M AVIT KI cv�, COMMERCIAL �\ Cl) '� \\ gSFM V I v I I u L L L 6)w T n �vnV 14 co / O <() oD Q� c��" 7 �`-NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST \ �C ��`� -, h h fps Gj� ! 1/4 OF SECTION 11, T. 121, R. 25, �� Np co WRIGHT COUNTY, MN / / ss)09(50,- 00, To O cT° T --HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY _099 °'�, ACCORDING TO FINAL CERTIFICATE RECORDED / IN BOOK 101 OF DEEDS, / e / Q PAGE 498 / L 44 O i r `\ \ \ \CF q1v0 OT / / / / cb /0 / / #14343 \� 8 �y ,-SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 11, T. 121, R. � �-SOUTH QUARTER CORNER 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MN OF SECTION 11, T. 121, R. i N 8847'23" E ! i 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MN ---2641.45 -- 4 SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF OF SECTION 11, T. 121, R. 25 LAND SERA/ FOES 0 30 60 90 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1 INCH = 30 FEET (IF PRINTED FULL SIZE) • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND DENOTES P.K. NAIL SET Q• DENOTES CAST—IRON MONUMENT FOUND BEARING ORIENTATION: THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 11, T. 121, R. 25 IS ASSUMED TO BEAR N 8847'23" E. KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That DJ's Properties LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: Fractional Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 16, A.C. Riggs Addition to the Town of Lower Monticello and Fractional Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 16, Townsite of Monticello and Lots 4 and 5, Block 16, A.C. Riggs Addition to the Town of Lower Monticello. Has caused the some to be surveyed and platted as SAVITSKI COMMERCIAL and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use the public way and drainage and utility easements as created by this plat. In witness whereof said DJ's Properties LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of 20 Signed: DJ's Properties LLC STATE OF MINNESOTA Donald J. Savitski, President COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20 by Donald J. Savitski, President of DJ's Properties LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. (Signature) (Name Printed) Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires / I Abram A. Niemela, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will / be correctly set within one year, that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. / Dated this day of 20 Abram A. Niemela Licensed Land Surveyor / Minnesota License No. 48664 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT / The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this day of 20 by Abram / A. Niemela, Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 48664. (Signature) / (Name Printed) Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires VICINITY MAP SECTION 11 T. 121, R. 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MN (NO SCALE) 1� 1 CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Be it known that at a meeting held on this day of 20 the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, did hereby review and approve this plat of SAVITSKI COMMERCIAL. Chairperson Secretary CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA This plat of SAVITSKI COMMERCIAL was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this day of 20 and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. Mayor City Administrator WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of , 20 Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20 on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day of , 20 By: Wright County Auditor/Treasurer Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this day of 20 at o'clock M., and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. Sleeve Document No. Wright County Recorder as 931.3 3932.0 01 \ / / ) / X 6 \ X 932.1 X / i 932.4 �O W 4�60\q \932\ i X Op F0 X 932.2 �O��0�1� / S; \9 /� 931. \ \ /1/0Tss TFT C F' TC 931. 931.1 5 13 /01.8 \ \ \ 9 32� \ 32.6 / \ a 0 S 098 �O� oFRF.1��.NT 932. 19 ?3 3 93 . �� - � TI CO X 99.4 .9 32.3 c 0�� BCp n / �� / N /I �� N I I L - L - L - O L Sy ^ RF X 933.1 q 32.1 933. ���. / �� I X932.7 -T �\ A (\ 32.2 V V / X 931 8 \ _ X 933.1 / X 933.4 / C13 EL ELEV,=93p 9 2.0 �� INV.=g27•2 i X 931.41 933.3 A 2 0 X 931.5 1>4 �3v?.2r Qy�I�� / `- NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST / -� / \ \ r'?3p 88�' `� /019 C 933.9 / A/ �� , �c 1 /4 OF SECTION 11, T. 121, R. 25, a \ �J�O`9 X`?J \ X h soh �O WRIGHT COUNTY, MN 931.9 / \ Q O ` F�00T X22 / X 931.1 \ \ TC 93 X 933.6 6- o, /7176 F�FI - 3 . �0 9�1 / 793 / 9327 911.6 / 930.9X r-931-/ 933- _ / 930.9 4 / \ X 931.1 \ - 9J2. � / 0'��/ // \9\2 . 4 0� ,,.! 931.9 ,_ X 932.6 Ice j��9 / �Q �Q / F / \ / a / 8 p X93 0 / c NOF 33� 933.2 T001P (S�0 �F�e 9 L co / % X 930.5 / h� / \ \ 930 ih� 932.9X / �4T 386 X 932.2 X931.6'F�p 930.9 / 4 / D Xg325 0� ��0� Gy / O \ j �Op \tP pP X 93 9 qCC X91' / d 937 'F�FL / /TOS ;\� \� F� O GP 00� 932.8 �� cFR ORO7 c / \ 9 s 93 OF F p �yF \ NpF i �� . 0f F 9��. TC 931. /N TjF/ NG yT f / *0 / S8 273 �/ F7 UNp o i r ^O O SOP � a a TC 932.4 ° 9321 jO4, 00,E 9T�C• ,c�7N 0,q / o� �O pF4 x 931. I� / 00� FgTjO� O / 198 O� Orc07r'p� Y / \ / 93 / I l / F�\guj l! 937 �/ \� \ T \ .9 A ° / o \\ a \\ 5� L 7 7 O TC 932.3 O, 0 OF�OO X 931.4 93js 31.5 I S TO �O�i X v CHISELED "X" 31.8 /-\ o X 931.1 / �� 67 / / X X 930.2 \ / / 6s �Fc 'F F\\T o 14343 - POLE 2 Np TF �p # ANCHOR' ` IN SIDEWA \ 7000 / ��° SI -leo 931.3 930.7 �9\3 931.0 �0g9 �SF,y�F\ \\\ / _l ( R I / (FOU / \\` IGN X°' I \ \ \ X 931.1 931.3 / 11) l / \ / \ X 930.0 / 5 \ X �Oh C 931.5 X 931.3 SCOT SJ O I X / X 930.7 / \ I �' rn � 932.0 932.3 °' 4/ � \ 9�1 1 X 930.7 1 \ � � / X 931.5 I 0 / 0 / 37 \ / \9 �i 931.5 31.21 / X 930.8 \ / Q / 9/29.8 / / �\ / -T- / 4 \ �o Ol _ / 930.5 / �/ \ 932.2 / 931.4 - 930.7 \ �\ i / 1 / \ 9319 0 �/ IPNE X 930.6 I �� x 93 931.1/wa X929.7 TC 931. 932.1 q0� X 93.2 °ye 930.5 / \ �� 929.9 ( / 932.1 ` . `� / / \°NE / h� I X 929.4 C 931.1 X930.9 >9 / \ a� / 931.7 ( a X 930.5 \ / \ i / 931.8 / \` X 930.6 /\ \ 930.2 v / 30.9 929.3 X 93 9-Q � \ °NE J \ \� C� X0 / \\ / .\ • �� ° 30.911 / / X 929.3 0 \ , , 931\0 ° e4 / -SITE BENCHMARK: �X 930.9 TOP OF EASTERLY �` '' \ X 930.3 ANCHOR BOLT ON \`` X931.5 \ o 930.7 X 929.7 TC 931. RAILROAD SIGNAL 937 930.7 / I -- 8612 CONC CURB & GUTTER- i v0 41 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR DJTS / BASE. ELEV.=933.48 930.2 X 929.1 / %, ,S N Cb SURVEYOR'S NOTES: / ` \��`�� \ \ \ ✓ �� / C 930.8 X 930.4 ` Cb M OO / 928.2 / �• Qy y / \ 929.7 X X ; '33� / `� / h �� ° �� �, 1. No title information was provided to us. Matters of record are shown according to 30 �2 0 l X 930.3 ,�° h °�°' ,9 information from previous surveys in our files. Easements / encumbrances may exist \ \ sst'r A yo / / X 929.1 j '� 4 ,,oS / which are not shown hereon. X 930.6 \ J �`, 2 T% X 93 .\X'9 / / 1 0 / F�O 9'' \ `X 930.0 / C 930.6 0,5,x. a' �. `L � �. Loca ions of to 930.2 $2 T R S 927.D ° E '\-929- I °�� °0� ��^�• 2 locations providedrpursuant round utilities to Gopher State OneoCallgTck Ticket No. 190840355ces: ground �X 927.5 & 927.1 X 928.4 �� �' f O ° (non -excavation locate request), observed evidence on site, and maps/drawings which 928.2- / ` _ 929.1 / \ p, 930.4 ` 31.3 have been made available to us. Location and size of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, X�8 \ �y \928 H \\,268 \F l� X9 7.6 �g� \ / / �,/ and watermain are shown according to observed evidence and as -built plans which \\ ,, have been provided to us. Utilities may exist which are not shown hereon. Prior to I I \ 926.6 �(\ �9c, X 930.0 \ rn X 930.3 \ _927.0 \\ �� / I 31.0 / any excavation, underground utilities must be verified by calling Gopher State One Call '��__-F \ at 651-454-0002 or 800-252-1 166. X 927.29 28.0 l err �'QO'`.� / \ \ X 929.7 0' p �O .� 93\ \ \ \ o, �� 0�0� X929'8 �a / 3. Project Benchmark: MnDOT Geodetic Monument "8605 T". Elev.=951.19 (NAVD 88 \ 927.0 '9 �� �� \ °,mac 16 31.1 ?' '`� �� F \ \ •�.�.� \ \ \ � \� 929\ •� m = ��,��. �� IC, Datum) "k926.9 9�e 1 F 15"+/- G �J'0 \ R�930.1-- _s o� X0 X 927.6 / %X 929.5 HPDE �0 92gy \ \ `930.2 o o,�°��,o �: ° \\80� / ADDRESS: 414 Pine Street, Monticello, MN / ti F / % o� �9 \ \ o \ ' TC 936.2 \ \z< 931.0 30 ?` oy X 930.60 a ,ti / PROPERTY DESCRIPTION \ ; F Fractional Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 16, A.C. Riggs X 930.3 ti 931.9 Addition to the Town of Lower Monticello i F X 0� and X930.7 / Fractional Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 16, Townsite of �\ C� Monticello 932.3 0 \ and C) E'S`L• �n \ 9320 X \ . IJV \ LJ�� \ �`./ �0 SERJ\0 \ X �O ° n, 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND N:\Land Projects\19154 - DJs Montice110\dwg\C0S\19154 COS.dwg Lots 4 and 5, Block 16, A.C. Riggs Addition to the Town of Lower Monticello. All in Wright County, Minnesota. I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Date 05/17/19 Abram A. Niemela License No. 48664 REVISIONS AW IlAND SERVICES -a,708 1 ST AvENuE NE, 41 PATE BUFFALO, MN 55313 05Z 1 7/ 19 PH. 763.682.1781 WWW.MEYERROHLIN.COM DRAWN BY BOOK 390 SHEET 1 OF FILE NO. AAN PAGE 62 - 64 1 SHEETS 19154 \\ LEGEND oHE oHE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC E E E UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC T T T UNDERGROUND TEL./COMM. BURIED GAS - FO- FO- FO- BURIED FIBER OPTIC PP SANITARY SEWER pop-, Sri- STORM SEWER I I WATERMAIN ©i CATCH BASIN 0 STORM MANHOLE 0-0-0- CHAIN LINK FENCE �- PVC FENCE WOODS EDGE DECIDUOUS TREE / \ CONIFEROUS TREE / -950- - \ INDEX CONTOUR - - - 951 - INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR / x 951.0 SPOT ELEVATION � UTILITY POLE / GUY WIRE / o TELEPHONE RISER © POWER BOX / E❑ ELECTRIC METER GAS METER Il SIGN LIGHT POLE BITUMINOUS SURFACE �0 8 a a a o ao a CONCRETE SURFACE j / BASE. ELEV.=933.48 930.2 X 929.1 / %, ,S N Cb SURVEYOR'S NOTES: / ` \��`�� \ \ \ ✓ �� / C 930.8 X 930.4 ` Cb M OO / 928.2 / �• Qy y / \ 929.7 X X ; '33� / `� / h �� ° �� �, 1. No title information was provided to us. Matters of record are shown according to 30 �2 0 l X 930.3 ,�° h °�°' ,9 information from previous surveys in our files. Easements / encumbrances may exist \ \ sst'r A yo / / X 929.1 j '� 4 ,,oS / which are not shown hereon. X 930.6 \ J �`, 2 T% X 93 .\X'9 / / 1 0 / F�O 9'' \ `X 930.0 / C 930.6 0,5,x. a' �. `L � �. Loca ions of to 930.2 $2 T R S 927.D ° E '\-929- I °�� °0� ��^�• 2 locations providedrpursuant round utilities to Gopher State OneoCallgTck Ticket No. 190840355ces: ground �X 927.5 & 927.1 X 928.4 �� �' f O ° (non -excavation locate request), observed evidence on site, and maps/drawings which 928.2- / ` _ 929.1 / \ p, 930.4 ` 31.3 have been made available to us. Location and size of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, X�8 \ �y \928 H \\,268 \F l� X9 7.6 �g� \ / / �,/ and watermain are shown according to observed evidence and as -built plans which \\ ,, have been provided to us. Utilities may exist which are not shown hereon. Prior to I I \ 926.6 �(\ �9c, X 930.0 \ rn X 930.3 \ _927.0 \\ �� / I 31.0 / any excavation, underground utilities must be verified by calling Gopher State One Call '��__-F \ at 651-454-0002 or 800-252-1 166. X 927.29 28.0 l err �'QO'`.� / \ \ X 929.7 0' p �O .� 93\ \ \ \ o, �� 0�0� X929'8 �a / 3. Project Benchmark: MnDOT Geodetic Monument "8605 T". Elev.=951.19 (NAVD 88 \ 927.0 '9 �� �� \ °,mac 16 31.1 ?' '`� �� F \ \ •�.�.� \ \ \ � \� 929\ •� m = ��,��. �� IC, Datum) "k926.9 9�e 1 F 15"+/- G �J'0 \ R�930.1-- _s o� X0 X 927.6 / %X 929.5 HPDE �0 92gy \ \ `930.2 o o,�°��,o �: ° \\80� / ADDRESS: 414 Pine Street, Monticello, MN / ti F / % o� �9 \ \ o \ ' TC 936.2 \ \z< 931.0 30 ?` oy X 930.60 a ,ti / PROPERTY DESCRIPTION \ ; F Fractional Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 16, A.C. Riggs X 930.3 ti 931.9 Addition to the Town of Lower Monticello i F X 0� and X930.7 / Fractional Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 16, Townsite of �\ C� Monticello 932.3 0 \ and C) E'S`L• �n \ 9320 X \ . IJV \ LJ�� \ �`./ �0 SERJ\0 \ X �O ° n, 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND N:\Land Projects\19154 - DJs Montice110\dwg\C0S\19154 COS.dwg Lots 4 and 5, Block 16, A.C. Riggs Addition to the Town of Lower Monticello. All in Wright County, Minnesota. I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Date 05/17/19 Abram A. Niemela License No. 48664 REVISIONS AW IlAND SERVICES -a,708 1 ST AvENuE NE, 41 PATE BUFFALO, MN 55313 05Z 1 7/ 19 PH. 763.682.1781 WWW.MEYERROHLIN.COM DRAWN BY BOOK 390 SHEET 1 OF FILE NO. AAN PAGE 62 - 64 1 SHEETS 19154 EXISTING= BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING STORAGE BUILDING= NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = I' -o" ' EXISTING STORAGE BUILDING SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = I' -O" ' r UJEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = I' -O" T--- iz �I � J J EXISTING S!-IOIUROOM EXISTING STORAGE }1 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = I' -O" ' EXISTING STORAGE BUILDING �L' EXISTING EXISTING 1 Ld Q W d (V m � Lu O N CV , W d (V m A A zH wo CV � z z Sao w o CL daw z pd� � � O 00 o a ad0 a New OF -FIT,., A z°QH d q o z O uh ¢ o ij w �zw o w v' �z Q Q W2 a�3 O U O w�a DATE PRINTED: 5-8-1c3 zwx da a�F. aAQ E -.WA �zu � �U&, xA wxW U Hx HA,.a d wz M U OA wz w �OO gww x�a A x�0 Cl J DRAWN BY: JASON ELEVATIONS SHEET 1 OF 4 Cl J (V m CV � z z CL � � O New Q�z O ij w Q Q O =� DATE PRINTED: 5-8-1c3 DRAWN BY: JASON ELEVATIONS SHEET 1 OF 4 Cl J w O s 19l-0" 41-011 561-011 116'-O' EXISTING SHOWROOM FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/5" = I' -O" 45'-0" T o m Q Q °o �4 EXISTING STORAGE BUILDING _ Q � a O w wzH N ��zwz o 3� o Q Z °OC w w � � C) a O q z Q z L4 \9 C) OHS ' ¢Qx azo �zo �4!z3 UOQ Uo� s zxa z�H ww w� +� acn acw x JL4 � xyQZ +� +i wwx wwW �qU CoQ �oZ �wz w www w �w Acca Q= Q EXISTING STORAGE FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/5° = 11-0 1, N m W N 1!1 LI - O U Z llU z O Q w Q o DATE PRINTED: 5 -5 -IS DRAWN eY: JASON EXISTING FLOOR PLANS SHEET 2OF4 O ro 6 -O _ 6 -O _ 6 -O _ 6 -O _ 6 -O _ 6 -O � o Ul m :O ;Q :X :tv r............................. m EXISTING O STORAGE `9 6'-O" _ 6'-O" ili. ili. ili. ili ' + OFFICE . O NEW STORAGE / WAREHOUSE C) I OFFICE - r 7 -\!) EXISTING �4 SHOUJRO01" I s NEW STORAGE / WAREHOUSE _ 12'XIO' O,H, DOOR 12:X10' O,H, DOOR .....J2XJQ.Q..H.QQQR..... ....J2:2S1C2:.Q,1i..z?O.RR..... .... AQ, ..o.,J- QaQR.... OFFICEv_ .................................... ......... = R r ., 0 " " 0 12'-00" 5'-�12-00" - 12'-00 0 12' -00 r12' -00 O ' 45-O' ' 123'-O" ADDITION FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/5" = 1'-O" Ld Q DATE PRINTED: DRAWN 5Y: JASON ADDITION FLOOR FLAN SHEET 3OF4 CV : l O m a ¢ no cq 3 - DATE PRINTED: DRAWN 5Y: JASON ADDITION FLOOR FLAN SHEET 3OF4 CV m a ¢ no cq ¢ o¢�z CA) 3aW o Jaz o wQZ 00 —1 0 a PLO °z C) Q ¢ Q �zx azo 11-1 0 1.11 Q � moo° moo¢ zea z�H aDF- � aaw � Q dQ dQw �wx www ¢ W Q z U� �C) �oo �wz w r�ww DATE PRINTED: DRAWN 5Y: JASON ADDITION FLOOR FLAN SHEET 3OF4 CV m CA) 14) 14) Q - O U 3: —1 Z 1U Q 11-1 0 1.11 Q � DATE PRINTED: DRAWN 5Y: JASON ADDITION FLOOR FLAN SHEET 3OF4 29GA. STEEL ROOFING 2X4 MSR ROOF PURLINS a 24" O.C. ADDITION FLOOR PLAIN SCALE: va'' = I' -O" 2X6 SUBFASCIA 3 -PLY 2X6 NAIL LAM COLUMNS a ro'O" O,C, 2X4 SPF WALL GIRTS a 24" O.G. 29GA, STEEL SIDING 2X8 TREATED MUD BD, TAR PARKING LOT 1 1 2 - 2Xro TRTD. I-IOLDDOWN BLOCKS 24"X12" CONG, PAD FOOTING 9 P S -a 'ire d C'\ n Li N DATE PRINTED: 5-5-19 DRAWN BY: JASON SECTIONS SHEET 4OF4 tQ �Lu w O wz m w� 3 - maw 3aZ DATE PRINTED: 5-5-19 DRAWN BY: JASON SECTIONS SHEET 4OF4 tQ w wz m w� � H 0 maw 3aZ JL 0 o 0 U � O 3: lU z Q ¢ Q O � J 1� Q O Qzx �zp �z z3 �o CoQ zw� zw� w azH � a�w xUQ x�� x�z ww www �z ��¢ �QQ L4 z L4 z ww DATE PRINTED: 5-5-19 DRAWN BY: JASON SECTIONS SHEET 4OF4 N m JL 1(1 0 U � O 3: lU z O � J 1� Q O W Cl � � ca DATE PRINTED: 5-5-19 DRAWN BY: JASON SECTIONS SHEET 4OF4 M0 DEPARTMENT OF 1 TRANSPORTATION July 30, 2019 Mr. Matt Leonard City of Monticello Engineer/Public Works Director 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 RE: C.S. 8605; R.P. 68.382 (MN 25) Savitski Commercial Wright County, Minnesota Dear Mr. Leonard: District 3 7694 Industrial Park Road Baxter, MN 56425 The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has reviewed the above -referenced plat in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 505.03, Plats and Surveys. MnDOT would like to offer the following comments/recommendations: It does not appear this development will cause a change -in -use or major change in traffic pattern and the State Highway 25 access will remain as an Access Type 2 (low volume driveway) that generates less than 100 trips per day. State Highway 25 in this section of Monticello is classified as a Principal Arterial in an Urban/Urbanizing area and traffic counts recorded in 2018 indicate an Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) of 29,000. In these sections with high AADT, we strongly encourage the use of supporting local road networks to serve as an alternative to direct driveway access to the trunk highway system. Effective access management includes numerous benefits involving safety and mobility for motorists and people using the sidewalk. We will consider access management techniques as properties redevelop and in the development of future State Highway 25 projects in this area. Additional plat review comments: There does not appear to be discrepancies or encroachments affecting the state right of way requiring action at this time. There shall be no net increase in storm water runoff to the State Highway 25 right of way from said property. Computations of all storm water directed toward the right of way shall be provided to MnDOT. Contact Mark Renn, District 3 Permits Supervisor, at 320-223-6522 for additional information. 3. Since the property abuts MnDOT right of way, a permit is required to perform any work in the right of way. Contact the above-mentioned District 3 Permits Supervisor for additional information. An equal opportunity employer If you have any further questions or comments, please call me at 218/828-5780. Sincerely, Jon Mason Senior Planner min ecc: MnDOT District 3 Entrance Group Angela Schumann, Monticello Community Development Director 2 0 U 0. z W m rn C. 0 a a Cl) 0 z U) J 0 CL Q W z z 0 0 CO W 7) U) T W D z W a a z W x 0 wsb July 24, 2019 Matt Leonard City Engineer/Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Savitski Commercial Site Plan Review City Project No. 2019-003 WSB Project No. R-014469-000 Dear Mr. Leonard: We have reviewed the civil plans and final plat dated July 8, 2019 and offer the following comments: The final plat includes 10 -feet of right of way for TH 25 that was previously deeded as high way right of way. The existing access from TH 25 is to remain unchanged. MnDOT is currently reviewing the plat and plat approval is subject to their comments. 2. The plat shall include 12 -feet of drainage and utility easement along the southerly property line adjacent to the right of way occupied by the railroad, per City plat standards. Inclusion of a drainage and utility easement along the westerly property line adjacent to the TH 25 right of way is not feasible due to the existing building location. 3. The applicant shall verify the proposed plat does not impact the existing TDS Telecom easement located along the northerly property line of the plat. 4. The applicant shall enter into an encroachment agreement with the City for the parking and concrete areas encroaching into the drainage and utility easement. 5. It is recommended that the existing bituminous pavement that is located in the right of way that is occupied by the railroad, be removed and the adjacent parking lot striping be reconfigured. 6. The existing drainage patterns of the site are maintained with the proposed improvements. The applicant shall verify and show on the drawings where the existing storm sewer outlets to from the existing catch basin located at the southeast corner of the site. 7. Permanent stormwater treatment measures are not needed as the site improvements do not add 1 or more acres of new impervious surface. An NPDES/SDS Construction Storm Water General Permit (CSWGP) is not needed as the proposed improvements do not disturb more than 1 acre. 8. The City's Wellhead Protection Plan identifies this site within the "moderate vulnerability" DWSMA and is outside of the Emergency Response Area (ERA). The proposed property K:\014469-000\Admin\Docs\Ltr-m-leonard Savitski Comm -072419 REV.docx Savitski Commercial Site July 24, 2019 Page 2 uses does not appear to pose a risk of potential contaminants entering the groundwater, such as petroleum products usage, therefore no further action is needed. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 612-360-1304 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, WSB Shibani K. Bisson, PE Senior Project Manager (reserved for recording information) DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT SA VITSKI COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT dated , 2019, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and DXS PROPERTIES, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (the "Owner" and "Developer") 1. REQUEST FOR PLAT APPROVAL. The Developer has asked the City to approve a plat for SAVITSKI COMMERCIAL (referred to in this Contract as the "plat" and the "Development") combining five separate parcels into a single lot consisting of approximately 1.22 acres. The land is situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, and is legally described on the attached Exhibit "A". 2. CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL. The City hereby approves the plat on condition that the Developer enter into this Contract, furnish the security required by it, comply with the recommendations listed in Resolution #2019-OXX, dated August 26th, 2019, and record the plat with the County Recorder within 365 days after the City Council approves the final plat or the execution of this Contract, whichever occurs later. 202907v2 3. RIGHT TO PROCEED. The City and Developer acknowledge that the Developer will not be performing any public improvements upon the plat. Developer further acknowledges that within the plat or land to be platted, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this Contract has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk, 2) the necessary security has been received by the City, 3) the plat has been submitted to the Wright County Recorder's Office, and 4) the City has issued a letter that all conditions have been satisfied and that the Developer may proceed. 4. CHANGES IN OFFICIAL CONTROLS. For two (2) years from the date of this Contract, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Contract to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan and official controls. 5. ZONING. Except as otherwise provided herein, the subject property shall be subject to the zoning regulations of the CCD District, in effect at the time the final plat is approved. 6. CONDITION FOR SUBSEQUENT APPROVALS. No final plat for changes or amendments to this Agreement shall be approved, nor shall construction commence for such additional land uses, until an amendment of this Agreement is processed and approved, subject to the requirements of the Monticello Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, including the submission of site building plans, final grading and drainage plans, final utility plans, and final landscaping plans. 7. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The plat shall be developed in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be attached to this Contract. With the exception of Plans A and B, the plans may 2 2o29o7v2 be prepared, subject to City approval, after entering the Contract, but before commencement of any work in the plat. The erosion control plan may also be approved by the Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Contract, the written terms shall control. The plans are: Plan A - Plat Plan B — Site Plan Plan C - Final Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan Plan D - Removals Plan Plan E - Landscape Plan Plan F — Signage Plan Plan G — Building and Design Plans 8. IMPROVEMENTS. The Developer shall install and pay for the following: A. Parking Lot Improvements B. Expansion Parking Area Concrete Curb and Gutter B. Site Grading, Erosion Control C. Underground Utilities D. Setting of Iron Monuments E. Surveying and Staking The improvements shall be installed in accordance with the City subdivision ordinance; City standard specifications for utilities and street construction; and any other ordinances. The Developer shall submit plans and specifications which have been prepared by a registered professional engineer to the City for approval by the City Engineer. The City may, at the City's discretion and at the Developer's expense, have one or more City inspectors and a soil engineer inspect the work on a full or part-time basis. The Developer, its contractors and subcontractors, shall follow all written instructions received from the City's inspectors subject to Developer's plans and specifications. The Developer or his engineer shall schedule a pre - construction meeting at a mutually agreeable time at the City Council chambers with all parties concerned, including the City staff, to review the program for the construction work. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the improvements and before the security is released, the Developer shall supply the City with a complete set of reproducible "as constructed" plans, an electronic file of the "as constructed" plans in 3 2o29o7v2 an auto CAD.DWG file or a .DXF file, and two complete sets of blue line "as constructed" plans, all prepared in accordance with City standards. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes 505.021, the final placement of iron monuments for all lot corners must be completed before the applicable security is released. The Developer shall be responsible for the placement of the iron monuments. The Developer's surveyor shall also submit a written notice to the City certifying that the monuments have been installed. 9. PERMITS. The Developer shall obtain or require its contractors and subcontractors to obtain all necessary permits, including but not limited to: • Wright County for County Road Access and Work in County Rights -of -Way • Wright County Soil Conservation District • MnDot for State Highway Access • Minnesota Department of Health for Watermains • NPDES Permit for Stormwater Connections • MPCA for Sanitary Sewer and Hazardous Material Removal and Disposal • DNR for Dewatering • City of Monticello for Building Permits 10. DEWATERING. Due to the variable nature of groundwater levels and stormwater flows, it will be the Developer's and the Developer's contractors and subcontractors responsibility to satisfy themselves with regard to the elevation of groundwater in the area and the level of effort needed to perform dewatering and storm flow routing operations. All dewatering shall be in accordance with all applicable county, state, and federal rules and regulations. DNR regulations regarding appropriations permits shall also be strictly followed. 11. LICENSE. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the platted property to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with plat development. 12. GRADING. DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL. Site grading or construction on the platted property shall be performed in accordance with the Final Grading, Development, Drainage and 4 202907v2 Erosion Control Plan, Plan B. The plan shall conform to City of Monticello specifications, or as otherwise inspected and approved by the City. Within thirty (30) days after completion of the grading and before the City approves the building permit (except as permitted by this contract or the Building Official), the Developer shall provide the City with an "as constructed" grading plan certified by a registered land surveyor or engineer. The City will withhold issuance of building permits until the approved certified grading plan is on file with the City and all erosion control measures are in place as determined by the City Engineer. The Developer certifies to the City that the building footings placed on fill have been monitored and constructed to meet or exceed applicable specifications. 13. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Contract, the improvements lying within public easements shall become City property without further notice or action. 14. CLAIMS. In the event that the City receives claims from labor, materialmen, or others that work required by this Contract has been performed, the sums due them have not been paid, and the laborers, materialmen, or others are seeking payment from the City, the Developer hereby authorizes the City to commence an Interpleader action pursuant to Rule 22, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts, to draw upon the letters of credit in an amount up to 125 percent of the claim(s) and deposit the funds in compliance with the Rule, and upon such deposit, the Developer shall release, discharge, and dismiss the City from any further proceedings as it pertains to the letters of credit deposited with the District Court, except that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine attorneys' fees pursuant to this Contract. 16. STORM SEWER AREA CHARGE. The Development is not subject to a storm sewer area charge as the site is considered fully developed. 17. SANITARY SEWER AREA CHARGE. The Development is not subject to a storm sewer area charge as the site is considered fully developed. 202907v2 48. WATER MAIN AREA CHARGE. The Development is not subject to a storm sewer area charge as the site is considered fully developed. 19. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions shall apply to plat development: 1. Relocate south existing parking area to a point off of the 5th Street right of way, and restripe to 90 degree parking. Staff encourages the applicant to modify the parking to meet setback if possible and add curb — these latter suggestions are advisory only. 2. Eliminate outdoor storage with the note that the applicant proposed to retain firewood storage on the north side of the building within an existing fenced area. Firewood storage is allowed in all zoning districts up to a maximum of ten cords. 3. Eliminate storage sheds. 4. Maintain interior trash handling. 5. Specify areas of possible showroom/retail floor meet: a. Maximum storage area of 35% of building (some shared with retail is acceptable). b. Maximum fabrication area of 40% c. Applicant will prepare floor plan showing compliance. 6. Staff encourages the applicant to consider the addition of up to 6 trees to meet total tree planting requirements on site — this suggestion is advisory only. 7. Building materials to match/coordinate color of main building. 8. Lighting - Applicant will prepare a record of existing lighting, and any new lighting proposed, consistent with the requirements of the ordinance. 9. Signage — Applicant will prepare a record of existing signage on the property. Additional signage to be reviewed separately if desired. 10. Outdoor sales and display to occur consistent with the allowances for sidewalk outdoor display only. The applicant should define any proposed display on an updated site plan. 11. Compliance with City Engineer letter dated July 24th, 2019. 12. Compliance with MnDOT's comment letter of July 20th, 2019 6 202907v2 13. Execution of required plat development and encroachment agreements, as applicable. 20. SUMMARY OF SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. A. The Developer shall submit a $2,000.00 escrow deposit for fees relating to City administration, engineering, legal and planning -related expenses associated with the Plat development, and to secure the required site landscaping per Plan E. Fees for City service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule. B. Prior to City Council approval of the final plat, the Developer shall furnish a boundary survey of the proposed property to be platted with all property corner monumentation in place and marked with lath and a flag. Any encroachments on or adjacent to the property shall be noted on the survey. The Developer shall post a $300.00 security for the final placement of interior subdivision iron monuments at property corners. The security was calculated as follows: 1 unit at $300.00 per unit. The security will be held by the City until the Developer's land surveyor certifies that all irons have been set following site grading and utility and street construction. In addition, the certificate of survey must also include a certification that all irons for a specific lot have either been found or set prior to the issuance of a building permit for that lot. C. The Developer is required to submit the final plat in electronic format. The electronic format shall be either AutoCAD.DWG file or a .DXF file. All construction record drawings (e.g., grading, utilities, and streets) shall be in electronic format in accordance with standard City specifications. The Developer shall also submit one complete set of reproducible construction plans on Mylar. 21. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS. A. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Developer shall pay all actual costs incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the development of the plat, including but not limited to legal, planning, 7 202907v2 engineering and inspection expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the plat, the preparation of this Contract, review of construction plans and documents, and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting development of the plat. The Developer shall deposit with the City the amount set forth in Section 21 to be used for the payment of these fees and enforcement fees. If the amount in the deposit account drops below 15% of the initial amount, the Developer will make additional deposits in amounts set by the City. At the completion of the project and following payment of all expenses related to the project, the City shall return the remaining deposit funds to the Developer. B. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers, employees, and agents harmless from claims made by it and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from plat approval and development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers, employees, and agents for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs. C. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Contract, including engineering and attorneys' fees. D. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Contract within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt plat development and construction until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per year. E. The Developer shall pay, or cause to be paid when due, and in any event before any penalty is attached, all special assessments referred to in this Contract. The Developer hereby waives all assessment notice and hearing requirements. If the Developer elects to have the charges set forth in this contract assessed to the properties herein, the assessment shall be payable over a ten year period, in ten equal principal installments, plus interest at of 2.0% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at 202907v2 the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year. Interest will begin to accrue on the principal balance commencing on the date of final plat approval by the City of Monticello. F. In addition to the charges referred to herein, other charges may be imposed such as but not limited to sewer availability charges ("SAC"), City water connection charges, City sewer connection charges, and building permit fees. 22. DEVELOPER'S DEFAULT. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer, except in an emergency as determined by the City, is first given notice of the work in default, not less than forty-eight (48) hours in advance. This Contract is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. 23. MISCELLANEOUS. A. The Developer represents to the City that the plat complies with all city, county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. If the plat ceases to comply with county, metropolitan, state and federal laws and regulations, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the plat until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Contract. C. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits, including lots sold to third parties. 9 202907v2 D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. E. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. F. This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property. The Developer covenants with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Developer is well seized in fee title of the property being final platted and/or has obtained consents to this Contract, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the property; that there are no unrecorded interests in the property being final platted; and that the Developer will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. In the event this contract is filed of record, upon compliance of all terms herein by Developer, the City shall file a termination of record. G. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. H. The Developer may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City Council, unless such assignment is to a principal of Developer or another entity in which the Developer 10 2o29o7v2 is a principal. The Developer's obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells part or parts of the platted land, until all conditions of assignment are met. I. Retaining walls that require a building permit shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by a structural or geotechnical engineer licensed by the State of Minnesota. Following construction, a certification signed by the design engineer shall be filed with the City Engineer evidencing that the retaining wall was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. All retaining walls, the development plans, or special conditions referred to in this Contract required to be constructed shall be constructed before any other building permit is issued for a lot on which a retaining wall is required to be built. 24. NOTICES. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by certified mail at the following address: , Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Administrator, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, with a copy to the City Attorney by regular mail at: Campbell Knutson, P.A., Grand Oak Office Center I, 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290, Eagan, Minnesota 55121. Remainder of page intentionally left blank. Signatures on the following pages. 11 202907v2 CITY OF MONTICELLO Lo (SEAL) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2019, by Brian Stumpf and by Jeff O'Neill, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 12 202907v2 OWNER / DEVELOPER: DJ'S PROPERTIES, LLC Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss. COUNTY OF ) [title] The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2019 by the of , DJ'S PROPERTIES, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the entity. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ [print name] 13 202907v2 EXHIBIT "A" Lot 1, Block 1, Savitski Commercial, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. 14 2o29o7v2 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT , which holds a mortgage on the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract, which mortgage is dated and recorded with the Wright County Recorder/Registrar of Titles as document number , agrees that the Development Contract shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its mortgage. Dated this day of , 2019. itz STATE OF [print name] Its [title] )SS. COUNTY OF 1 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2019, by the of a , on behalf of the Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 15 202907v2 City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 2K. Consideration of avvrovinLy purchase of Parks Department 2019 ASV RT40 Compact Posi-Track Loader for $52,412 through the Central Equipment Fund. (TP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to accept quote from Quality Forklift, and to authorize the purchase of a complete 2019 ASV RT40 Compact Posi-Track Loader, universal adaptor plate, dirt bucket, tine grapple, v -blade and rotary brush mower for the Parks Department. The purchase will be made from a capital equipment fund previously established by Council action and funded by debt issuance. This item is included in the 2019 budget and will provide assistance with park maintenance and storm water pond maintenance. Staff acquired three quotes for the purchase with Quality Forklift providing the best price. Al. Budget Impact: The 2019 ASV RT40 Compact Posi-Track Loader will be financed by the Central Equipment Fund in 2019. The Central Equipment Fund is an internal service fund that provides financing for governmental fund (General Fund) capital equipment purchases of $10,000 or more. The Central Equipment Fund recovers equipment costs with annual lease payments from the benefitting department. The annual recovery for this purchase is $8,700. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Improve staff efficiencies B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve purchase of Parks Department 2019 ASV RT40 Compact Posi- Track Loader, universal adaptor plate, dirt bucket, tine grapple, v -blade and rotary brush mower for Parks Department, for $52,412.50 through the Central Equipment Fund. 2. Motion to deny the purchase of ASV RT40 Compact Posi-Track Loader at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Quote from Quality Forklift B. Two additional quotes MIES Outland and A to Z rental C. ASV brochure VWVRS11= X-2MMES & SERVICE, INC. 587 Citation Drive I Shakopee, MN 55379 Phone (952) 895-9918 1 Fax (952) 895-9036 www.qualityforklift.com SALES PROPOSAL TO: Tom Pawelk City Of Monticello Parks ADDRESS: 909 Golf Course Road Monticello Mn 55362 PHONE: 763-271-3276 EMAIL: Tom.pawelk(@ci.monticello.mn.us Tom, please review the following proposal. Thanks MAKE: NEW ASV RT40 Retail $55915 SPECS: Beacon, All weather cab Attachments: 54" dirt bucket 48" tine Grapple V -blade Universal adapter plate Mini Rotary brush mower w/push bar Steel Surcharge Freight Total $ 39,140.50 $ 56.00 $ 777.00 $ 2,898.00 $ 4,238.00 $ 644.00 $ 3,025.00 $ 1,184.00 $ 450.00 $ 52,412.50 COMMENTS: Pricing is Municipality pricing only, 30% off retail/ Dealer Net. Lead time september Accepted By: Proposal by: JT KENNGOTT Quality Equipment Sales and Service Inc. 587 Citation Drive Shakopee Mn 55379 Purchase Order: DATE: 8/2/2019 Municipality Price only Date: Our mission at Quality Equipment is to provide customers with quality service and sales and fair prices, in a timely manner. We realize the importance of good running equipment to our customer's bottom line and operation. Therefore, we only sell quality equipment and provide the best service possible. - COMMITTED Document: 01-132605 PO: Date: 8/5/2019 Custld: CITY OF MONTICE 720 HWY 55 WEST PO BOX 436 WATKINS, MN 55389 Cust Email: (800)324-8269 (320)764-5310 Phone: (763) 295-2711 Salesperson: JORN User: JORN Bill To'. Ship To: CITY OF MONTICELLO CITY OF MONTICELLO TOM PAWELK 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Item Type Description Qty Tax Price Discount Net Pricel Remark RE ASV RT40 CAB, A/C, HEAT, MISC UNIT MC MISC UNIT 1.0000 $55,915.00 $14,537.90 $41,377.10 Remark RE 54" BUCKET MISC UNIT MC MISC UNIT 1.0000 $980.00 $78.40 $901.60 Remark RE ASV V BLADE MISC UNIT MC MISC UNIT 1.0000 $5,406.00 $432.48 $4,973.52 Remark RE ERSKINE MINI ROTARY BRUSH MOWER MISC UNIT MC MISC UNIT 1.0000 $3,520.00 $281.60 $3,238.40 Remark RE ERSKINE MINI INDUSTRIAL GRAPPLE RAKE MISC UNIT MC MISC UNIT 1.0000 $2,620.00 $209.60 $2,410.40 Remark RE ERSKIN UNIVERSAL SKID STEER ADAPTER MOUNT MISC UNIT MC MISC UNIT 1.0000 $1,795.00 5143.60 $1,651.40 Remark RE STEELSURCHARGE MISC UNIT MC MISC UNIT 1.0000 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 FREIGHT -NT MC FREIGHT -NON TAXED 1.0000 $250.00 $250.00 Total: $56,002.42 Totals Sub Total: $56,002.42 Total Tax: $0.00 Estimated/Current Invoice Total: $56,002.42 Estimated/Current Balance Due On This Invoice: $56,002.42 Signature: A restocking fee will be charged on all returned items. No returns on electrical items or sale items. No returns without an invoice. All Used Equipment SOLD AS IS - No warranty on Used Equipment. No carrying charge is made on accounts paid within 30 days of purchase. Accounts not paid within 30 days will, on the billing date following, be charged 1.5% per month, or a rate of 18% annually. Thank you for your business. Jennifer Schreiber From: Matthew <atozrentalinc@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2019 11:51 AM To: Tom Pawelk Subject: Quote Hi Tom, Here is our quote for the RT 40 w/ AC Machine ( rt40 awc, 54" dirt bucket, universal adapter plate, estimated freight and est. tariff): $49,047.90 Mini Rotary Brush Mower: $2843.31 + couplers $104.68 Mini Grapple Rod Bucket: $2089.56 + couplers $104.68 For the brush mower and grapple freight is additional at approx. $265.00 60" V Blade is $3,226.20 plus approximate freight at $178.00 Please let me know if you have any other questions at all. Thank you, Hilary A to Z Rental 1428 N. Riverfront Drive Mankato, MN 56001 507-388-1677 507-388-3469 (f) http://www.atozrentalmankato.com SPECIFICATIONS SERVICE REFILL CAPACITIES Fuel tank 13 gal 149 L Hydraulic tank 3.5 gal 113.25 L Engine coolant I antifreeze 1.8 gal 16.8 L Engine oil, including filter 7.4 qt 17 L RT -40 OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS Auger drive and bits Grapple bucket Backhoe Pallet forks Broom, rotary Power box rake Bucket, general purpose Snow blade Bucket, light material Snow blower Bucket, multi-purpose Stump grinder Brush cutter, rotary Trencher Dozer blade Vibratory roller Eliminator rake Effective Date: March, 2090 Product specifications and prices are subject to change without notice or obligation. The photographs and i or drawings in this document are for illustrative purposes only. Refer to the appropriate Operator's Manual for instructions on the proper use of this equipment. Failure to follow the appropriate Operator's Manual when using our equipment or to otherwise act irresponsibly may result in servous injury or death. The only warranty applicable to our equipment is the standard written warranty applicable to the particular product and sale and ASV makes no other warranty, express or implied. © 201B ASV Holdings, Inc. ASV, the ASV logo design and Posi Track are trademarks of ASV Holdings, Inc. SPECIFIIIr'ALTICwPt RT -40 OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS AUXILIARY HYDRAULIC DIMENSIONS Loader arms Radial SYSTEM Operating weight 4,175 lbs 11,894 kg Pump capacity 13.3 gpm 150.35 Ipm A Shipping weight 3,767 lbs 11,709 kg System pressure, max. 3,000 psi 120,684 kPa Pr Ground pressure Q operating weight 3.5 psi 124.1 kPa Controls Intermittent viajoystick button or continuous 43° Rated operating capacity via console switch, mode selectable via (35% of tipping load) 931 Itis 1422 kg dash -mounted switch Operating capacity (50% of tipping load) 1,330 be 1603 kg i Couplers Push -to -connect quick couplers mounted on / Tipping load 2,6601bs 11,206 kg loader arm. Pressure relief valve mounted to Travel speed, maximum 7.1 mph 111.4 kph coupler block Cooling system High efficiency oil cooler beside engine E ENGINE radiator, not stacked 15.2 In. / Type Diesel, 3 -cylinder, Turbocharged Standard features Attachment control kit 385 mm — — — Model — Kubota D1803 -CR -T Manual quick -attach E Displacement 111.4 in' 11 L ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Gross power rating Q 2800 rpm 37.5 hp 127.99 kK W Torque, peak 84.5 ft -Ib 1115.8 Nm Nominal charge 12VCq Cooling system — Engine -driven fan and Ba Battery 525 CCA coolant/anti-freeze-filled radiator Charging system 60 amp alternator Intake air cleaner Dual stage Outlets 2 -1 2 V ports inside operator station Emission controls Meets all U.S. EPA Tier 4 final Wiring Pre -wired for all factory -available accessories standards Standard features Engine block heater �1e° UNDERCARRIAGE OPERATOR STATION Track type: General purpose track constructed of rubber compound with Seat: Adjustable contour vinyl suspension seat with built-in operator _ embedded co -polymer cords and all-purpose treads. Single row of track presence switch, lap bar and 2 -inch 151 mm wide seat belt. drive lugs molded in. Turf track with smooth tread available as an option. Loader control: Right-hand pilot hydraulic joystick controls loader lift, Track width 11 in 1 279 mm lower and tilt, plus intermittent control of auxiliary hydraulic. A Length of track on ground 55 in 11,397 mm Drive control: Left-hand pilot hydraulic joystick controls machine speed Ground contact area 1,210 int 1 .78 m2 and direction. Drive system Two hydrostatic direct drive sprockets Engine speed Hand -operated rotary throttle. controlled by a single joystick Parking brake Actuated by dash -mounted switch Track drive sprocket Elevated with low friction, Multi -Functional Engine oil pressure, E replaceable sprocket rollers Display/Indicator Hydraulic oil temperature, E Undercarriage suspension 2 independent torsion axles per Engine coolant temperature, 0 undercarriage Battery voltage, Hourmeter, Roller wheels 12 high-density polyurethane and rubber Fuel level, Tachometer, Tripmeter. wheels per track. Wheels include sealed BOPS ISO 34712008-08-15. bearings CAL OSHA 1596,1999 subsect. (g) (9) Roller wheel diameter 10 in 1 254 mm FOPS ISO 3449: 2005-09 Operator restraint anchorage ISO 6683:2005-01-15 Illumination 2 - Fixed forward -facing halogen lights 1 - Adjustable rear -facing halogen light 1 -Interior light Convenience 2 -12 V power ports Standard features Horn, backup alarm, rear window a 55 in. / 1,397 mm 90 in. / 2,286 mm 112.7 in. / 2,866 mm 11 in./ 279 mm RT -40 City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 2L. Consideration of accepting bids and awarding contract to New Look Contracting, Inc. for the 2019 Pedestrian Improvements — Mississippi Shores Trail for the bid amount of $123.666 (ML/TP/RM) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND On February 25, 2019 City Council authorized the design of a trail that would connect the trail on the east side of Ellison Park that currently stops at the stormwater outfall to Hart Boulevard. Mississippi Shores and CentraCare have both agreed to help fund this project and a section of the existing trail that Mississippi Shores currently has in place would be utilized. A bridge is required as part of this project and is going be installed by city staff. The bridge was purchased for $12,200 and is expected to be delivered next month. The engineer's estimate for this project was $125,000. Bids were received and opened on August 20, 2019. A total of five bids were received ranging from $182,470 to the low bid of $123,666. The 2019 budget includes $90,000 for this project budget which isn't sufficient to fully fund this project. CentraCare and Mississippi Shores have each committed $33,000 to help with completing this project. If awarded construction is expected to start in August and to be completed in November. Al. Budget Impact: $90,000 was included in the 2019 budget for this project. The current project budget is as follows: Total Project Budget Engineering $5,000 Bridge $12,200 Construction $123,666 Contingency $7,000 Total Project Cost $147,866 With the $66,000 from Centra Care and Mississippi Shores the total city cost for this project is $81,866 and this would be funded from the Park and Pathway Fund, which is supported by park development fees and liquor fund transfers. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff administer the inspection and construction admin for this project at an expected 100 hours of staff time. A3. Strategic Plan Impact: The proposed design and improvements for the 2019 Pedestrian Improvements meet the following Strategic Plan goals or objectives: 1. Create and Preserve Sustainable Livability: The trail extension will strengthen walkability and bikeability. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Consideration of accepting bids and awarding contract to New Look Contracting, Inc. for the 2019 Pedestrian Improvements — Mississippi Shores Trail for the bid amount of $123,666. 2. Motion to deny moving forward with this project at this time. City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternate No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Bid Summary B. Project Plans 2019 Ped Improvements Bid Summary Bidder NewLook Contracting, Inc. Northland Excavating, LLC Meyer Contracting, Inc. Veit and Company, Inc. Landwehr Construction, Inc Bid Amount $ 123,666.00 $ 132,980.24 $ 158,082.90 $ 174,594.65 $ 182,470.95 2 RESOURCE LIST CITY OF MONTICELLO City Hall 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 City Administrator: Jeff O'Neil Mayor: Brian Stumpf City Council Members: Jim Davidson Bill Fair Charlotte Gabler Lloyd Higart City Engineer: Matt Leonard P.E. 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: 763-271-3271 Utility Superintendent: Mat Stang Streets Superintendent: Tom Moores UTILITIES GAS Center Point Energy 1-800-245-2667 TELEPHONE/CABLE FiberNet Monticello 763-314-0100 ELECTRIC XceI Energy Phone: 1-800-895-4999 Wright -Hennipen Electric Phone: 1-800-943-2667 NOTE: EXISTING UTILITY INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN HAS BEEN PROVIDED BY THE UTILITY OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY EXACT LOCATIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION AS REQUIRED BY STATE LAW. NOTIFY GOPHER STATE ONE CALL, 1-800-252-1166 OR 651-454-0002. THE SUBSURFACE UTILITY INFORMATION IN THIS PLAN IS UTILITY QUALITY LEVEL D UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. THIS UTILITY LEVEL WAS DETERMINED ACCORDING TO THE GUIDELINES OF CI/ASCE 38-02, ENTITLED "STANDARD GUIDELINES FOR THE COLLECTION AND DEPICTION OF EXISTING SUBSURFACE UTILITY DATA." CITY OF MONTICELLO coNsraucrioN PLANS FOR 2019 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS MISSISSIPPI SHORES TRAIL BITUMINOUS PATH, GRADING, CONCRETE CURB, PED RAMP JUNE, 2019 I HEREBY CERTIFYTHAT THIS PIAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME ORUINADL—"Y ECT SUPERVISION AND THA-1OF ULYLICENSED PROFESIUNDERTHE IAW AN THE ATTIA OFM_Y LICE SE JUSTIN. KANNAS, P.E. 1c. No. 45055 —1 06/14/2019 M/SS/SS/pP/ VF PROJECT LOCATION w �r R/ R Rk 4 _ C Owq ySTRFFT/ �r� - `4 T � D� BOLTON & MENK -4 SHEET NUMBER GENERAL GO.01- GO.02 G1.01 CIVIL CO.01- CO.02 C1.01 C2.01 C6.01- C6.02 C8.01- C8.07 MAP OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MN /I / 1 V 0 1000 2000 SCALE FEET 2040 HIGHWAY 12 EAST DE-14E.LRV IssBID R 06/17/20191 WILLMAR, MINNESOTA 56201 DRAWN LRV i Phone: (320) 231-3956 Email: Willmar@bolton-menk.com aeaeD ILK www.bolton-menk.com CLIENT PRa No SHEET TITLE TITLE SHEET, PLAN LEGEND SHEET ESTIMATED QUANTITIES EXISTING CONDITIONS, REMOVAL PLAN DETAILS, TYPICAL SECTIONS EROSION CONTROL PLAN PATH PLAN & PROFILE, PEDESTRIAN RAMP DETAILS STANDARD DETAIL PLATES, STANDARD PLANS THIS PLAN SET CONTAINS 15 SHEETS. REVIEWED & APPROVED DATE: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER RECORD DRAWING INFORMATION CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I SHEET 2019 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS iG0.01 TITLE SHEET MAP LEGEND PROJECT LIMITS A BID LOCATION NON-STRUCTURAL SOIL BORROW AREA STRUCTURAL SOIL BORROW AREA MISSISSIPPI SHORES TRAIL BITUMINOUS PATH, GRADING, CONCRETE CURB, PED RAMP JUNE, 2019 I HEREBY CERTIFYTHAT THIS PIAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME ORUINADL—"Y ECT SUPERVISION AND THA-1OF ULYLICENSED PROFESIUNDERTHE IAW AN THE ATTIA OFM_Y LICE SE JUSTIN. KANNAS, P.E. 1c. No. 45055 —1 06/14/2019 M/SS/SS/pP/ VF PROJECT LOCATION w �r R/ R Rk 4 _ C Owq ySTRFFT/ �r� - `4 T � D� BOLTON & MENK -4 SHEET NUMBER GENERAL GO.01- GO.02 G1.01 CIVIL CO.01- CO.02 C1.01 C2.01 C6.01- C6.02 C8.01- C8.07 MAP OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MN /I / 1 V 0 1000 2000 SCALE FEET 2040 HIGHWAY 12 EAST DE-14E.LRV IssBID R 06/17/20191 WILLMAR, MINNESOTA 56201 DRAWN LRV i Phone: (320) 231-3956 Email: Willmar@bolton-menk.com aeaeD ILK www.bolton-menk.com CLIENT PRa No SHEET TITLE TITLE SHEET, PLAN LEGEND SHEET ESTIMATED QUANTITIES EXISTING CONDITIONS, REMOVAL PLAN DETAILS, TYPICAL SECTIONS EROSION CONTROL PLAN PATH PLAN & PROFILE, PEDESTRIAN RAMP DETAILS STANDARD DETAIL PLATES, STANDARD PLANS THIS PLAN SET CONTAINS 15 SHEETS. REVIEWED & APPROVED DATE: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER RECORD DRAWING INFORMATION CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I SHEET 2019 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS iG0.01 TITLE SHEET 2 EXISTING PRIVATE UTILITY LINES EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC SYMBOLS SURVEY SYMBOLS NOTE: ® ACCESS GRATE OG REGULATION STATION GAS BENCH MARK LOCATION EXISTING UTILITY INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN HAS BEEN PROVIDED BYTHE UTILITY OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY Ac AIR CONDITION UNIT SATELLITE DISH EXACT LOCATIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION AS REQUIRED BY STATE LAW. NOTIFY GOPHER STATE ONE CALL, 1-800-252-1166 OR _ CONTROL POINT 651-454-0002. ® ANTENNA p SIGN TRAFFIC • MONUMENT IRON FOUND THE SUBSURFACE UTILITY INFORMATION IN THIS PLAN IS UTILITY QUALITY LEVEL D UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. THIS UTILITY LEVEL WAS �5 AUTO SPRINKLER CONNECTION sIG SIGNAL CONTROL CABINET CAST IRON MONUMENT DETERMINED ACCORDING TO THE GUIDELINES OF CI/ASCE 38-02, ENTITLED "STANDARD GUIDELINES FOR THE COLLECTION AND DEPICTION OF EXISTING SUBSURFACE UTILITY DATA" — BARRICADE PERMANENT SOIL BORING F F UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC LINES E E E E UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC � BASKETBALL POST SIREN G G G G UNDERGROUND GAS BENCH © TELEPHONE BOOTH RETAINING WALL C C C C UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATION BIRD FEEDER 0 TILE INLET x x x x x x FENCE of OE of OVERHEAD ELECTRIC El FENCE -DECORATIVE Oc Oc Oc OVERHEAD COMMUNICATION ® BOLLARD • TILE TILE OUTLET „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ GUARD RAIL Ou Ou Ou OVERHEAD UTILITY O BUSH o TILE RISER TREE LINE UTILITIES IDENTIFIED WITH A QUALITY LEVEL ❑ CATCH BASIN RECTANGULAR CASTING O TRANSFORMER -ELECTRIC BUSH LINE LINE TYPES FOLLOW THE FORMAT: UTILITYTYPE - QUALITY LEVEL ® CATCH BASIN CIRCULAR CASTING TREE -CONIFEROUS SURVEY LINES EXAMPLE: G -A G -A UNDERGROUND GAS, QUALITY LEVEL A UTILITY QUALITY LEVEL (A,B,C,D) DEFINITIONS CAN BE FOUND IN CI/ASCE 38-02. ® CURB STOP TREE -DEAD ® CLEAN OUT TREE -DECIDUOUS ° ° CONTROLLED ACCESS UTILITY QUALITY LEVELS: •CLVT CULVERT ENDTREE R STUMP BOUNDARY QUALITY LEVEL D: PROVIDES THE MOST BASIC LEVEL OF INFORMATION. IT INVOLVES COLLECTING DATA FROM EXISTING UTILITY RECORDS. CENTERLINE RECORDS MAY INCLUDE AS -BUILT DRAWINGS, DISTRIBUTION AND SERVICES MAPS, EXISTING GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM DATABASES, DRINKING FOUNTAIN TRAFFIC ARM BARRIER EXISTING EASEMENT LINE CONSTRUCTION PLANS, ETC. ® DOWN SPOUT e--7 TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROPOSED EASEMENT LINE QUALITY LEVEL C: INVOLVES SURVEYING VISIBLE SUBSURFACE UTILITY STRUCTURES SUCH AS MANHOLES, HAND -HOLES, UTILITY VALVES AND EXISTING LOT LINE METERS, FIRE HYDRANTS, PEDESTALS AND UTILITY MARKERS, AND THEN CORRELATING THE INFORMATION WITH EXISTING UTILITY RECORDS TO OF FILL PIPEO TRASH CAN CREATE COMPOSITE DRAWINGS. INCLUDES QUALITY LEVEL D ACTIVITIES. PROPOSED LOT LINE FIRE HYDRANT Q UTILITY MARKER EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY QUALITY LEVEL B: INVOLVES DESIGNATING THE HORIZONTAL POSITION OF SUBSURFACE UTILITIES THROUGH SURFACE DETECTION METHODS AND FLAG POLE Da VALVE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY COLLECTING THE INFORMATION THROUGH A SURVEY METHOD. INCLUDES QUALITY LEVEL C AND D TASKS. FLARED END/ APRON Q VALVE POST INDICATOR SETBACK LINE QUALITY LEVELA: PROVIDES THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF ACCURACY. IT INVOLVES LOCATING OR POTHOLING UTILITIES AS WELL AS ACTIVITIES IN SECTION LINE QUALITY LEVELS B, C, AND D. THE LOCATED FACILITY INFORMATION IS SURVEYED AND MAPPED AND THE DATA PROVIDES PRECISE PLAN AND FUEL PUMP ® VALVE VAULT QUARTER LINE PROFILE INFORMATION. M GRILL VENT PIPE SIXTEENTH LINE ABBREVIATIONS F GUY WIRE ANCHOR WATER SPIGOT TEMPORARY EASEMENT EXISTING UTILITY LINES A ALGEBRAIC DIFFERENCE GRAV GRAVEL RT RIGHT HANDHOLE O WELL ADJ ADJUST GU GUTTER SAN SANITARY SEWER HANDICAP SPACE 4 WETLAND DELINEATED MARKER ALT ALTERNATE GV GATE VALVE SCH SCHEDULE FORCEMAIN B -B BACK TO BACK HDPE HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE SERV SERVICE IRRIGATION SPRINKLER HEAD WETLAND , , , , , SANITARY SEWER BIT BITUMINOUS HH HANDHOLE SHLD SHOULDER IRRIGATION VALVE BOX ww WET WELL > - — — — — — — — — — — — SANITARY SERVICE BLDG BUILDING HP HIGH POINT STA STATION » » » » » STORM SEWER CP LIFT STATION CONTROL PANEL � YARD HYDRANT BMP BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE HWL HIGH WATER LEVEL STD STANDARD �> �> �> �> �> �> �> �> �> �> — STORM SEWER DRAIN TILE BR BEGIN RADIUS HYD HYDRANT STM STORM SEWER Ls LIFT STATION I I WATERMAIN PROPOSED TOPOGRAPHIC SYMBOLS BV BUTTERFLY VALVE I INVERT TC TOP OF CURB :E LIGHT ON POLE - —I— -I- WATER SERVICE CB CATCH BASIN K CURVE COEFFICIENT TE TEMPORARY EASEMENT '� LIGHT -GROUND • CLEANOUT PROPOSED UTILITY LINES C&G CURB AND GUTTER L LENGTH TEMP TEMPORARY CIP CAST IRON PIPE LO LOWEST OPENING TNH TOP NUT HYDRANT N MAILBOX 0 MANHOLE CI PP CURED -IN-PLACE PIPE LP LOW POINT TP TOP OF PIPE © MANHOLE -COMMUNICATION ® LIFT STATION II II II II II FORCEMAIN CL CENTERLINE LT LEFT TYP TYPICAL > > > > > SANITARY SEWER (D MANHOLE-ELECTRICCL. ® STORM SEWER CIRCULAR CASTING CLASS MH MANHOLE VCP VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE — — — — — — — — — — — — — SANITARY SERVICE CLVT CULVERT MIN MINIMUM VERT VERTICAL MANHOLE -GAS ■ STORM SEWER RECTANGULAR CASTING >> >> >> >> STORM SEWER CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE MR MID RADIUS VPC VERTICAL POINT OF CURVE � MANHOLE -HEAT 10—STORM STORM SEWER FLARED END /APRON SEWER DRAIN TILE C.O. CHANGE ORDER NIC NOT IN CONTRACT VPI VERTICAL POINT OF INTERSECTION Qs MANHOLE -SANITARY SEWER WATERMAIN COMM COMMUNICATION NMC NON-METALLIC CONDUIT VPT VERTICAL POINT OF TANGENT ■ STORM SEWER OUTLET STRUCTURE WATER SERVICE CON CONCRETE NTS NOT TO SCALE WM WATERMAIN QO MANHOLE -STORM SEWER ® STORM SEWER OVERFLOW STRUCTURE PIPE CASING CSP CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE NWL NORMAL WATER LEVEL Qu MANHOLE -UTILITY o CURB BOX DIA DIAMETER OHW ORDINARY HIGH WATER LEVEL GRADING INFORMATION @ MANHOLE -WATER � FIRE HYDRANT DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE PC POINT OF CURVE AC ACRES DWY DRIVEWAY PCC POINTOF COMPOUND CURVE CF CUBIC FEET QQ METER ►� WATER VALVE E EXTERNAL CURVE DISTANCE PE PERMANENT EASEMENT CV COMPACTED VOLUME EXISTING CONTOUR MINOR a ORDER MICROPHONE 11111 WATER REDUCER —950 EXISTING CONTOUR MAJOR ELEC ELECTRIC PED PEDESTRIAN, PEDESTAL CY CUBIC YARD PARKING METER F�` ---� PROPOSED CONTOUR ---952 MINOR ELEV ELEVATION PERF PERFORATED PIPE EA EACH WATER BEND � �\950 EOF EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PERM PERMANENT EV EXCAVATEDVOLUME A, PAVEMENT MARKING I=I WATER TEE PROPOSED CONTOUR MAJOR ER END RADIUS PI POINT OF INTERSECTION LB POUND I%✓ PROPOSED GRADING LIMITS /SLOPE LIMITS © PEDESTAL -COMMUNICATION WATER CROSS x 953.53 x STA:5+67.19 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION ESMT EASEMENT PL PROPERTY LINE LF LINEAR FEET 980.87 EX EXISTING PRC POINT OF REVERSE CURVE LS LUMP SUM O PEDESTAL -ELECTRIC _ WATER SLEEVE 1:4 RISE:RUN (SLOPE) FES FLARED END SECTION PT POINT OF TANGENT LV LOOSE VOLUME 0-I PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON n WATER CAP / PLUG HATCH PATTERNS F -F FACE TO FACE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE SF SQUARE FEET PICNICTABLE ceRIP RAP FF FINISHED FLOOR PVMT PAVEMENT SV STOCKPILE VOLUME BITUMINOUS F&I FURNISH AND INSTALL R RADIUS SY SQUARE YARD POLE -UTILITY �-► DRAINAGE FLOW RM GRAVEL FM FORCEMAIN R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY O POST k TRAFFIC SIGNS I FO FIBER OPTIC RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE f CONCRETE RAILROAD SIGNAL POLE I F.O. FIELD ORDER RET RETAINING GRAN GRANULAR RSC RIGID STEEL CONDUIT I HEREBY CERTIFYTHAT THIS BYMEOR NDERI�^MYDIRECTSUPERVISION PROFE551 ALENG EERUNDERTHE PLAIN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED AND THAT IA"ADULYLICENSED ■ IAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Aln BOLTON 2040 HIGHWAY I2 EAST WILLMAR, MINNESOTA 56201 OID 06/17/20191 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA °PAW N SHEET I11p07111111 & M E N K Phone: (320)231-3956 Email: Wilimar@bolton-menk.com com EcrcEFOLRV LRV 2019 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS E" 1LK IG0.02 JUSTIN. KANNAS, P.E. www.bolton-menk.com Nr R nIE P- N. PLAN LEGEND L1C_NO_ 45055 —1 06/14/2019 E ESTIMATED QUANTITIES MISSISSIPPI SHORES TRAIL EXTENSION ITEM DESCRIPTION NOTES UNIT TOTAL NO. 1 MOBILIZATION LS 1.00 2 CLEARING & GRUBBING EACH 16 3 COMMON EXCAVATION (LV) CY 200 4 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT & CURB (FULL DEPTH) LF 3 5 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LF 128 6 REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER LF 213 7 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (STREET) SY 101 8 REMOVE BITUMINOUS TRAIL BY 292 9 REMOVE STORM STRUCTURE EA 1 10 BULKHEAD STORM PIPE EA 2 11 AGGREGATE BASE, CL 5 CU YD 198 12 BITUMINOUS PATCH- MISSISSIPPI SHORES BY 17 13 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) (TRAIL) TON 131 14 B612 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER LF 74 15 7" CONCRETE WALK (PEDESTRIAN RAMPS) SF 171 16 TRUNCATED DOMES SF 22 17 ADJUST CASTING EACH 3 18 INLET PROTECTION EACH 2 19 STRUCTURAL SOIL BORROW (CV) CY 1500 20 NON-STRUCTURAL SOIL BORROW (CV) CY 700 21 SILT FENCE, TYPE MS LF 1390 22 TURF ESTABLISHMENT ACRE 0.68 NOTES: (CV) COMPACTED VOLUME (LV) LOOSE VOLUME I HEREBY CERTIFYTHAT THIS PIAN,SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR NDERI�^MYDI PERVISION ANDTHATATIO—LYLICENSED ■ ICN uEDr o I2 EAST LRV BID 06/17/20191 2MAR, B.N. PROFE551 ALENG EERUNDERTHE IAWSOF THESTATEOFMINNESOTA. An BOLTON ' .� INNS WILLMAR, MINNESOTA 56201 (DRAWN LRV Phone: (320) 231-3956 111p0TI11111 JUSTIN. KANNAS, P.E. & M E N K Email: Wilimar@bolton-menk.com cH ECREER 1LK Dc. No. 45055 DATE 06/14/2019 www.bolton-menk.com me a No NT R CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 2019 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED QUANTITIES SHEET IG1.01 2 BITUMINOUS TRAIL CONNECTION & EXTENSION \ _9 9 BITUMINOUS TRAIL EXTENSION TO HART BLVD \\ I 9oo - �I .926 \ of 925 i ® 9 r - 9 ---- -- — -- _ /9�R ==oS- = - ---------- \1\\ -----_— -__--_ 4 I j \\�\\ , Cy' iS/S`5•�\ a / tea' \ / \ 900 \ O \ \� J. ID4 900 \ \915,—/- F \\ \ \ �\ :\ ------- --- V Q - - \-------------------I ---- `` _-------- `--------------------- ,9?o O-�\--_�\ P� III / I HEREBY CERTIFYTHAT THIS PIAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BYMEOR NDERMYDIRECTSUPERVISIONAND THAT IAMADULYLICENSED 2040 HIGHWAY I2 EAST DeslcNEoLRV 010 06/17/20191 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA O 25 50 PROFESS( ALENG EER.NE. THE I- A/WS OFTHESTATEOFMINNESOTA. BOLTON WILLMAR, MINNESOTA 56201 (DRAWN HORZ. .� �A _ Phone: (320)231-3956 LRv 2019 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS SCALE FEET N�. & M E N K Email: Willmar@bolton-menk.com ME q ILK JUST( .KANNAS,P.E. (EHE EXISTING CONDITIONS IAC NO 45055 DATE 06/14/2019 www.bolton-menk.com a No ELIE I I MISSISSIPPI SHORES TRAIL SHEET C0.01 2 3� o3 9= BITUMINOUS TRAIL EXTENSION TO HART BLVD BULKHEAD EX PIPE FROM SE C C REMOVE LANDSCAPING \�\� SALVAGE PLANTINGS (TYP) f 0 \IAV FIELD COORDINATE WITH � PROPERTY OWNER ON HOW `\ i '/e TO INCORPORATE EX DRAIN \� TILE f , REMOVE STRUCTURE & IPJ BULKHEAD EX PIPE l� O REMOVAL LEGEND ® REMOVE STM STRUCTURE 2040 HIGHWAY 12 EAST DesICNEDLRV BID 06/17/20191 WILLMAR, MINNESOTA 56201 DRAWN SALVAGE SIGN HORZ. .� iA _ REMOVE CURB SAWCUT PAVEMENT 2019 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS REMOVE CONCRETE L --J & M E N K F- Ly_Ig_ J I REMOVE BITUMINOUS Dc rvD 45055 —E 06/14/2019 CLEAR & GRUB TREE/BUSH ti BITUMINOUS TRAIL CONNECTION & EXTENSION I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PIAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED ECTSUPERVISIONANDTHATIAMADU.YLICENSED O IS SO PROFESSI UNDER THE I-A/WSOF THESTATEOFMINNESOTA. BYMEORff-- BOLTON 2040 HIGHWAY 12 EAST DesICNEDLRV BID 06/17/20191 WILLMAR, MINNESOTA 56201 DRAWN CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA HORZ. .� iA _ Phone: (320)231-3956 LRv 2019 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS SCALE FEET "`� '�`�, JUSTIN. KANNAS, P.E. & M E N K c�EDo Email.W Wilimar@bolton-menk.com CHEM REMOVAL PLAN Dc rvD 45055 —E 06/14/2019 www.bolton-menk.com 1 PR rvo CLIENT I I MISSISSIPPI SHORES TRAIL SHEET 120.02 2 10'- SOUTH EXTENSION TO HART BLVD 8'- MAIN SECTION TO PIER & CONNECTION TRAIL 6'- EXTENSION TO RIVER AREA I_ _I �4TRAIL SLOPE TO DRAIN f 6" 0 1.0% 6-- 4:1 DESIRABLE -- . .....r ijl1 iii�iii ,77r4 ... �3' BITUMINOUS TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE (SPWEA240B) 6" AGGREGATE BASE, CL 5 SUBGRADE PREPARATION (SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS) DITCH IF REQUIRED FOR DRAINAGE Q2 SLOPE TOWARDS DOWNHILL SIDE BITUMINOUS TRAIL NOT TO SCALE SLOPE 0.7 PER FOOT 0.5" R— ,,, CURB INLET MIN MIN I o Z I NOTE: THIS INLET PROTECTION IS USED DURING ROUGH GRADING ONLY, USE BEFORE ROAD IS OPEN TO TRAFFIC OR IS PAVED FILL ROCK LOG WITH 45 LBS. OF OPEN GRADED AGGREGATE CONSISTING OF SOUND, DURABLE PARTICLES OF CRUSHED QUARRY ROCK OR GRAVEL CONFORMING TO THE FOLLOWING GRADATION. GRADATION SIEVE SIZE PERCENT PASSING I 11/2" 100 I 1" 95-100 I 3/4" 65-95 I 3/8" 30-65 I N04 10-35 I NO 10 3-20 I NO 40 0-8 I NO 200 0-3 NOTE: CRUSHED CONCRETE OR BITUMINOUS SHALL NOT BE USED FOR OPEN GRADED AGGREGATE. 3" R 6" 0.5" R K� 6" B,. —2" TYPE SP 12.S WEARING COURSE (SPWEB240B) (2360) 11° 2" TYPE SP 12.5 NON -WEARING COURSE (SPNWB230B) (2360) 12" AGGREGATE BASE, CL 5 (2211) 12" SUBGRADE PREPARATION (2112) (INCIDENTAL) CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER BITUMINOUS STREET PATCH DESIGN B612 NOT TO SCALE BACK OF SIDEWALK BACK OF CURB ENDS SECURELY CLOSED TO - PREVENT LOSS OF OPEN GRADED AGGREGATE FILL, SECURED WITH 50 PSI ZIP TIE INLET PROTECTION ROCK BAG NOT TO SCALE PAYMENT SHALL INCLUDE ALL MATERIALS, FILLING OF LOG, PLACEMENT, 7" CONCRETE WALK (2521) 4" AGGREGATE BASE, CL 5 (2211) (INCIDENTAL) SUBGRADE PREPARATION (2112) (INCIDENTAL) 7" CONCRETE WALK PAVEMENT (PEDESTRIAN RAMPS) NOT TO SCALE MAINTENANCE & REMOVAL;—STEELSTUDDED'T' POST 5' 80% OF BID PRICE SHALL BE PAID UPON PLASTIC'ZIP' TIES MINIMUM LENGTH POSTS PROPER PLACEMENT WITH THE FINAL 20% (50#TENSILE) AT V MAXIMUM SPACING PAID UPON REMOVAL LOCATED IN TOP 8' -`GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, 36" WIDTH DIRECTION OF RUNOFF FLOW o d0 w � I MACHINE SLICE w 8"-12" DEPTH (PLUS 6" FLAP) SILT FENCE - MACHINE SLICED NOT TO SCALE INLET PROTECTION WITH ROCK LOG 5"0 GEOTEXTILE SOCK, TYPE WOVEN MONOFILAMENT CONFORMING TO SPEC. 3886 TABLE 3886-1. MACHINE SLICE SEAM JOINED BY TWO ROWS OF STITCHING WITH A PLASTIC MESH BACKING OR HEAT BONDED (OR APPROVED EQUAL) HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TH IS -N, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED ICN "E"r o BY ME OR ALERI ENG DIRECT.ERTNEISION AND THA-1OF ULYLICENSED ■ 2040HIMINNE I2 EAST ECREER LRV 610 06/17/20191 PROFESSI ALENG EER UNDERTHE IAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, An BOLTON WI Phone: (320)2 1-3 56201 o -E LRV .� 111p07111111 Phone: (320) 231-3956 JUSTIN.. KANNAS, P.E. & M E N K Email: Wilimar@bolton-menk.com cH NT R NO Dc. NO. 45055 "ATE 06/14/2019 www.bolton-menk.com me a No CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 2019 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS DETAILS SHEET C1.01 0 25 50 HORZ. SCALE FEET BITUMINOUS PATH EXTENSION TO HART BLVD EROSION CONTROL LEGEND Ms MACHINE SLICED SILT FENCE INLET PROTECTION 1 �• EXISTING/PROPOSED yl DRAINAGE FLOW SEED e� I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PIAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BYMEOR NDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION AND THATIAMADULY LICENSED PROFESSI AL ENG EER UNDER THE_ AWS OF THE STATEOF MINNESOTA. IUSTI . KANNAS, P.E. xc. 10. 45055 —1 06/14/2019 BOLTON & MENK 0 BITUMINOUS PATH CONNECTION & EXTENSION • ?�f Ms Ms \ .....1..•' MS MS M r...... \ Ms -7 5 �f... xlx .. ...:•. . ss /ss/pA/ syoRFs I 2040 HIGHWAY 12 EAST DeslcxeD LRV I�BID R 06/17/20191 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA WILLMAR, MINNESOTA 56201 °PAWN I Phone: (320)231-3956 —MED LRV 2019 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS Email: Willmar@bolton-menk.com ILK EROSION CONTROL PLAN .w .bolton-menk.comNT PRa NO cLIr MISSISSPPI SHORES TRAIL SHEET C2.01 / ' BITUMINOUS TRAIL & PED BI rUl�/I1IVOU TRAIl�1 EXTENSION' C) -RIVER VIEW AREP�1 RAMP SOUTH EXTENSION I' / TO -HART BLVD MATCH INTO EX BIT TRAIL 1 MATCH INTO EX BIT TRAIL pp CONNECTION g TR 91°AIL _ - - T- �-1 .�= J I TRAIL EDGE TO MATCH INTO1,�� 2 EXISTING CONCRETE _' 1 • / ' ' "_ _ $ J/y x`' _ _----- o_- 1--- e�� g w 1 1. 75 LF 10 CURB -� B612 , N , TAE - ' ��--- w 1., COORINATE MATCH INTO RAIL WITH EX BITT, T / --- - , i i LEGEND: - �\ ji 1q���� ° �� { ���'---"- o�,- , BITUMINOUSTRAILNOTE• SENSITIVE DRAINAGE A LANDING AREA C ALONG RIVER, FIELD _ 1p ADJUST TRAIL IN LOW AREA TO ENSURE AREA i BRIDGE ---- �-9p `c' �qc°' -/ }}� \ PC•d,o16 DRAINS .I �� �— / � // i / / ,-�-- 90 ��' 925 BITUMINOUS TRAIL - CONNECTION 925 oo r_ - EC PROFILE -ESIGN CL PR )FILE \ /9� ;, Y M1l Al TRAIL CL 92 \ � � � � � _ r n .-I900- � w a 920 J� °° N _ + o Lu w f _ 9` J It TRAIL TO REMAIN INOF PLACE J .. STING 0 . 00 -- ---- — ON \ THIS PORTION 915 1 SO � 9 _ - Akk��/ PAVED AREA FOR g00 \ 00 LANDIN3AREA FUTURE PIER 0 �\ r _ - MATCH INTO EX BIT �9p105 0vo mv ui mvi N�/NLo�/-- Eo C - 910 TRAIL 10 z 0 _ r > DESTI CL ELEV 0 HORZ. SCALE FEET on MISSISSIPPI RIVER 90CO 00 .1 CO BITUMINOUS TRAIL - PROFILE EXTENSION TO RIVER VIEW AREA - PROFILE -L125 o'AO 0+50 1+00 o Lo O rn 0 00 CD ,-I o + + or 920 a w ± m o LAb DING AREA 920 920 920 > +VPI: 0+!'.0.00 DESIGN CL PROFILE IrlL: 914.67 915 > 915 915 9a 1. J09G o 0 v .tO-I m Lo m Lo Lo °� m m N ��'+ 00 00 VPI: 1+71.04 4.92, N v m e o+ 0, LANDIN 3 AREA EL: 900.35 910 \ �1 _... N� N� a o,,-, 910 910 0=�7�� 910 j J > > d n a > J DESI�iNCLPROFIL° K=3.:.3 W,66% O.Lp% -1.23% > + m L=10' ug 90S _ - - _ \ G o � 905 905 o'! ` ; 9 o t- i 905 -r00 6 BRIDE (BY OTHE 2S) \ > w > ` a a a w a EG PROFILE AT TRAIL CL \ 1_ -1.095 900---_---- -0.13%900 900 � ---- _ - I 900 EG E L 'V AT TRAI L C L EG E L/V AT TRAI L C1 DESIGN CL ELEV DESI 3N CL ELEV EG G895 PROFILE AT 89S 89S 895 TRAIL CIL on, Ln M o n N Lo 00 o m n 0, a 0, Lc Lo v Lo 00 o N o r\ n 7 M T Ol N CO LD lD ci y 00 N O O1 T O O n 7 V1 N ci V1 N V1 y O N ci N V1 O LD .-I V r` M N N r` N O N a --I O M 00 00 r` O ul r` fYl O1 M W r` n Lo l6 7 V .--I M 00 N 7 r -I N O N 00 N 00 M r` N r` b r` LO to u1 ut ut V M M O N O H O O O O O N 00 .-I n O L6 O V o, M O N of .4 of O 890 0on -M 890 890 00 m0 00 0) 00 0) 840 r g 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+25 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 1+85 " I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PIAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPAREO SHEET 3 BYMEOR NDERMYDIRECTSUPERVISIONANOTHATIAMADULYLICENSEO 2040 HIGHWAY I2 EAST DeslcNeRLRV N.IssBID R 06/17/2019 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 299 O 25 50 0 5 10 PROFESS( ALENG EERUNDERT1.HE(AWSOAFTHE�STATEO/FMINNESOTA. BOLTON WILLMAR,MINNESOTA 56201 (DRAWN LRV 2019 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS m 3 HORZ. VERT. —"'" I g� M E N K Phone: r@b 231-3956 CRE 6.01 SCALE FEET SCALE FEET Email: Willmar@bolton-menk.com D ILK wsrl KANNAS,P.E. Www.bolton-menk.comCLIENTEPRM ND TRAIL PLAN &PROFILE .03 LIC NO 45055 DATE 06/14/2019 MISSISSIPPI SHORES TRAIL LEGEND -.10. INDICATES FLOW DIRECTION HART BLVD - TRAIL EXTENSION 22 RADIALTRUNCATE�\g 15' DEPRE145E1) CORNER \\ \C OG\\c \ GG c\ c\ c c 3' CURB TAPER y� �Q HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PIAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED ECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY LICENSED 2040 HIGHWAY I2 EAST DeslcNeD LRV BY ME ORff—"Y S 1O PROFESSINDERTHEI-A/WS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. BOLTON WILL40AHIG NNESOTAWAY12E ST DxnwN TRUNCATED DOMES 06/17/20191 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA LANDING AREA MAX. 2.0% CROSS SLOPE IN ALL DIRECTIONS. SCALE FEET "`� '�`�, cREDo `LIENTPR JUSTIN. KANNAS, P.E. & M E N K Emailvv i INDICATES PEDESTRIAN RAMP - SLOPE SHALL PEDESTRIAN RAMP DETAILS BE BETWEEN 5.0% MIN. AND 8.33% MAX. IN THE DIRECTION SHOWN AND CROSS SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 2.0%. INDICATES PEDESTRIAN RAMP - SLOPE SHALL BE F GREATER THAT 2.0% AND LESS THAN 5.0% IN THE DIRECTION SHOWN AND CROSS SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 2.0% INDICATES TRANSITION PANEL -CORRECTIONS QT SHOULD NOT EXCEED 0.5% PER FOOT CROSS SLOPE. IF NECESSARY EXTEND LIMITS X" CURB HEIGHT -.10. INDICATES FLOW DIRECTION HART BLVD - TRAIL EXTENSION 22 RADIALTRUNCATE�\g 15' DEPRE145E1) CORNER \\ \C OG\\c \ GG c\ c\ c c 3' CURB TAPER y� �Q HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PIAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED ECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY LICENSED 2040 HIGHWAY I2 EAST DeslcNeD LRV BY ME ORff—"Y S 1O PROFESSINDERTHEI-A/WS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. BOLTON WILL40AHIG NNESOTAWAY12E ST DxnwN BID 06/17/20191 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA HORZ. .1. iA _ Phone: (320)231-3956 LRV 2019 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS SCALE FEET "`� '�`�, cREDo `LIENTPR JUSTIN. KANNAS, P.E. & M E N K Emailvv i PEDESTRIAN RAMP DETAILS .bolton- en-menk.com rvo DC NO 45055 OATE 06/14/2019 www.bolton-menk.com CLIE I I MISSISSIPPI SHORES TRAIL SHEET C6.02 City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 2M. Consideration of authorizing staff to uostvone the comuletion of a feasibilitv studv for the extension of Fallon Avenue north of 7t' Street. (JO/ML) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On August 12, 2019 City Council accepted a petition and ordered a feasibility study for the extension of Fallon Avenue north of the newly constructed roundabout at 7th Street and Fallon Avenue. Since this action staff has met with the proposed developer of the Jameson property and they have indicated that they don't believe their project would be viable with an assessment for the new roadway. Given this information staff feels that it is appropriate to hold off on completing the feasibility study. When more details are determined about the proposed project and the property owners are agreeable to a proposed assessment a request to complete the feasibility study would be brought back to the City Council for consideration. Al. Budget Impact: N/A A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff impacts are expected to be minimal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorizing staff to postpone the completion of a feasibility study for the extension of Fallon Avenue north of 7th Street. 2. Motion to move forward with the completion of the feasibility study. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Action #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • 8-12-2019 Agenda Item #4B City Council Agenda: 08/12/2019 4B. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-57 accenting a petition and authorizing preparation of a Feasibilitv Report for the extension of Fallon Avenue north of the Fallon Avenue and 7th Street intersection at an estimated cost of $20.000 (JO/ML) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: A petition has been received for the extension of Fallon Avenue north of the newly constructed roundabout at 7the Street and Fallon Avenue. It was determined that the petition contains the signatures of the owners of at least 35% in frontage of the property bordering the proposed improvements. The petition states that a "street be improved by development of road, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, storm sewer, sanitary sewer mains and water mains pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Chapter 429". In 2016 the city purchased property from the Church of St. Henry of Monticello, Minnesota for the construction of the Fallon Avenue and 7th Street Roundabout and the future extension of 7th Street. The city paid $963,407 for the property and this agreement indicated that the St. Henry's Church shall not be accessed for any part of the Fallon Avenue bridge and 7th Street intersection of the future Fallon Avenue road extension and utility project. It was also agreed that the city would construct a curb cut/ access driveway apron to the Fallon Avenue extension in the northwest corner of the church remainder parcel at an acceptable distance north of the new roundabout. The purchase agreement also indicated that if the adjacent Malone, Busch, or Jameson properties are re -zoned commercial use that the city would pay the church the difference between the per square foot purchase price and the fair market value for commercial or mixed use as the date the property is rezoned. The proposed project would construct an approximately 400' extension of Fallon Avenue as shown in the attached drawing. The preliminary project cost estimate is $615,000 and this will be further analyzed as part of the feasibility report. The feasibility report will also look at existing conditions, funding sources (including special assessments), preliminary project schedule and determination of the necessity, feasibility and cost- effectiveness of the proposed improvements. Since a petition was received a resolution determining whether the petition is legally sufficient or not. If the petition is determined to be valid a simple majority vote from council is required for ordering the improvement following the completion of the feasibility report. If a valid petition isn't received a super majority vote is required to order the improvement. Al. Budget Impact: The cost to complete the feasibility report is estimated at $20,000 and if the project moves forward this cost would be included in the assessments. Due to the agreement with St. Henry's it is anticipated that the city would be responsible for a portion of the improvement and the amount would be determined as part of the feasibility report. This report would be funded as part of the capital projects fund and it was not included in the 2019 budget. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff impacts are expected to be minimal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2019-57 accepting the petition as valid and order the City Council Agenda: 08/12/2019 completion of a feasibility report for the extension of Fallon Avenue north of 7th Street. 2. Motion to accept the petition as valid and to not to move forward with a feasibility report. 3. Motion to reject the petition as invalid. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Action #1 accepting the petition as valid and ordering the completion of a feasibility report for the extension of Fallon Avenue north of 7th Street. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution B. Petition C. Roadway extension exhibit D. Engineer's estimate E. Agreement with St. Henry's Church W CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2019-57 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A PETITION AND AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF A FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR THE EXTENSION OF FALLON AVENUE NORTH OF THE 7TH STREET AND FALLON AVENUE INTERSECTION WHEREAS, a petition was filed with the City of Monticello requesting the extension of Fallon Avenue north of the intersection of 7th Street and Fallon Avenue; and WHEREAS, the owners of said petition constitute more than 35 percent of the frontage of real property abutting the said improvement and WHEREAS, the improvements would include road, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, storm sewer, sanitary sewer mains and water mains pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELL0, MINNESOTA: That the proposed improvement be referred to the City Engineer and that the City Engineer is instructed to report back to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost- effective, and feasible; whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement; and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 12th day of August, 2019. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Monticello, Minnesota, July 15,2019. To the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota: We, the undersigned, owners of not less than 35 percent in frontage of the real property abutting on the future extension of Fallon Avenue north of the intersection of 711 Street and Fallon Avenue hereby petition that such street be improved by development of road, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, storm sewer, sanitary sewer mains and water mains pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Chapter 429. Si na re of Owner Description of Property 11 ), '?d� z. emc� `f'}') `y�1� 4a2 .�aucvt CUte. yl�crctcccQ.�� 3. 4. Examined, checked, and found to be in proper form and to be signed by the required number of owners of property affected by the making of the improvement petitioned for. I lam' ty Cier f Monticello, Minnesota, July 15,2019. To the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota We, the undersigned, owners of not less than 35 percent in frontage of the real property abutting on the future extension of Fallon Avenue north of the intersection of 7t" Street and Fallon Avenue hereby petition that such street be improved by development of road, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, storm sewer, sanitary sewer mains and water mains pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Chapter 429. Sig ture of Owner e Description of Property .� 5;K,e .ti 2. .� . 3. 4. Examined, checked, and found to be in proper form and to be signed by the required number of owners of property affected by the making of the improvement petitioned for. i Clerk Monticello, Minnesota, July 15,2019. To the City Council of Monticello, Mnnesota: We, the undersigned, owners of not less than 35 percent in frontage of the real property abutting on the future extension of Fallon Avenue north of the intersecton of -p Street and Fallon Avenue hereby petition that such street be improved by development of road, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, storm sewer, sanitary sewer mains and water mains pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Chapter 429. Signature of Owner Description of PropertyBSAail . `f ° 4. Examined, checked, and found to be in proper form and to be signed by the required number of owners of property affected by the making of the improvement petitioned for. r' Cip Clerk 47 Monticello, Minnesota, July 15,2019. To the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota: We, the undersigned, owners of not less than 35 percent in frontage of the real property abutting on the future extension of Fallon Avenue north of the intersection of 7th Street and Fallon Avenue hereby petition that such street be improved by development of road, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, storm sewer, sanitary sewer mains and water mains pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Chapter 429. Signature of Owner Description of Property ou� 2. 1=� `7A 3. � A 4. Examined, checked, and found to be in proper form and to be signed by the required number of owners of property affected by the making of the improvement petitioned for. Clerk ,7 , w �♦ Iiw IIw I,w ' I ♦ �rJ�Y_a � i i ♦i� i o,�\ � � I Af no k 1 4t - 4 ' # -lit .. '\•,+tet. >- -4-Y f tk I .- � '. ,ire. .•A � � x' ' _. �r , � i. .. f • III' J. 41 a` ''� 1 y ; 105' x9 ' 293' Ilk !♦♦ ; `` f' i 225' ^` ..♦..:..� 5" - � 1. (� f f � •! Ily.y � .fit � ��?* � r. . �` \ • .': �< 1111111 � F. '�. '�'3 .� v � � ,1 .. . x ♦� �♦ ILL.�`:u`� 4.��`�� •l1/I:,R1/1 ��`• I ~•'�'� �* i� �_..f.•�}��+. /,• 4 :yyy►►► i \ 1111 `. `��`` ��-��'� 1 �11J1 �'� ��'' \ I k .. 7 / ._ R�'v Ir 1111!11' ``'its! 1111+1 `1111111111 `r. '-- I 95' 1 III1� ` !•+111, 1111111 11JIr9�11 _ --- - . � f f � _ `I11111',4 1j111---�a■■■■\■• J;'�,` f � � . i � ,t? _ �... }.1` a IIs++�, } !!� M�+�v. ,t` `,, f if• � r 19 }}yyam� \ . ��.ttt tl ■ ■ a� `� . I 'yl -n ,. ' r si s'� ♦fav `i. it OPINION OF PROBABLE COST WSB Project: Fallon Avenue N Extension Design By: KJG Project Location: Monticello, MN Checked By.- SB City Project No.: WSB Project No: 014568-000 Date: 8/6/2019 MnDOT Item Estimated Total Estimated Unit Estimated Total Specification Description Unit No. Quantity Price Cost o A. SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION (5%) LS 1 $ 13,435.90 $ 13,435.90 2 2101.524 CLEARING TREE 12 $ 250.00 $ 3,000.00 3 2101.524 GRUBBING TREE 12 $ 250.00 $ 3,000.00 4 2104.502 SALVAGE SIGN EACH 2 $ 150.00 $ 300.00 5 2104.503 SAWING BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) L F 200 $ 5.00 $ 1,000.00 6 2104.503 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER L F 150 $ 7.50 $ 1,125.00 7 2104.504 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT S Y 45 $ 4.50 $ 202.50 8 2104.518 REMOVE BITUMINOUS WALK S F 430 $ 3.50 $ 1,505.00 9 2105.601 DEWATERING LS 1 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 10 2106.507 EXCAVATION - COMMON C Y 775 $ 14.00 $ 10,850.00 11 2106.507 EXCAVATION - SUBGRADE C Y 767 $ 14.00 $ 10,738.00 12 2106.507 SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT (CV)- 2' C Y 1533 $ 16.00 $ 24,528.00 13 2106.507 COMMON EMBANKMENT (CV) C Y 4720 $ 12.00 $ 56,640.00 14 2112.519 SUBGRADE PREPARATION RDST 5 $ 250.00 $ 1,250.00 15 2123.610 STREET SWEEPER (WITH PICKUP BROOM) HOUR 10 $ 150.00 $ 1,500.00 16 2130.523 WATER MGAL 50 $ 50.00 $ 2,500.00 17 2211.509 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5- 6" TON 725 $ 18.00 $ 13,050.00 18 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEAR COURSE MIX (3,B)- 2" TON 260 $ 74.00 $ 19,240.00 19 2360.509 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (3,C)- 2" TON 260 $ 76.00 $ 19,760.00 20 2521.518 4" CONCRETE WALK S F 3165 $ 8.00 $ 25,320.00 21 2521.518 6" CONCRETE WALK S F 480 $ 10.00 $ 4,800.00 22 2521.518 3" BITUMINOUS WALK S F 430 $ 5.00 $ 2,150.00 23 2531.503 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 L F 1294 $ 18.00 $ 23,292.00 24 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES S F 64 $ 55.00 $ 3,520.00 25 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 26 2564.518 SIGN PANELS TYPE C S F 100 $ 45.00 $ 4,500.00 27 2564.602 INSTALL SIGN EACH 2 $ 150.00 $ 300.00 28 2573.501 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION EXIT LS 1 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 29 2573.502 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 10 $ 150.00 $ 1,500.00 30 2573.503 SILT FENCE, TYPE MS L F 440 $ 3.00 $ 1,320.00 31 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE WOOD FIBER L F 220 $ 2.50 $ 550.00 32 2574.507 COMMON TOPSOIL BORROW C Y 362 $ 22.00 $ 7,964.00 33 2574.508 FERTILIZER TYPE 3 LB 135 $ 25.00 $ 3,375.00 34 2575.504 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3N S Y 2167 $ 5.00 $ 10,835.00 35 2575.505 SEEDING ACRE 0.5 $ 5,000.00 $ 2,500.00 36 2575.508 SEED MIXTURE 25-151 LB 54 $ 8.00 $ 432.00 37 2582.503 24" SOLID LINE MULTI COMP L F 30 $ 2.25 $ 67.50 38 2582.503 4" DBLE SOLID LINE MULTI COMP L F 225 $ 1.75 $ 393.75 39 2582.518 PAVT MSSG PREF THERMO S F 30 $ 7.00 $ 210.00 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $ 282,153.65 CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%) $ 28,215.37 SUBTOTAL $ 310,369.02 INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%) $ 86,903.32 TOTAL $ 397,272.34 B. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS 40 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EACH 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 41 2503.603 8" PVC PIPE SEWER AND 3 SERVICES LF 585 $ 45.00 $ 26,325.00 42 2506.502 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 3 $ 550.00 $ 1,650.00 43 2506.602 CHIMNEY SEAL EACH 3 $ 350.00 $ 1,050.00 44 2506.603 CONSTRUCT 48" DIA SAN MANHOLE LF 55 $ 375.00 $ 20,625.00 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $ 51,650.00 CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%) $ 5,165.00 SUBTOTAL $ 56,815.00 INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%) $ 15,908.20 TOTAL $ 72,723.20 C. WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS 45 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN EACH 1 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 46 2504.602 HYDRANT EACH 2 $ 3,500.00 $ 7,000.00 47 2504.602 6" GATE VALVE & BOX EACH 2 $ 1,500.00 $ 3,000.00 48 2504.602 8" GATE VALVE & BOX EACH 49 2504.603 6" WATERMAIN DUCTILE IRON CL 52 L F 50 2504.603 8" WATERMAIN DUCTILE IRON CL 52 AND 3 SERVICES L F 51 2504.604 4" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION S Y 52 2504.608 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS LB D. STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS 53 2501.502 21" RC PIPE APRON 54 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 21" PIPE APRON 55 2503.503 12" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL V 56 2503.503 15" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL V 57 2503.503 18" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL III 58 2503.503 21" RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL III a 59 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER 60 2506.502 CASTING ASSEMBLY 61 2506.503 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48-4020 62 2506.602 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPECIAL 63 2511.504 GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE 4 64 2511.507 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS IV EACH EACH LF LF LF LF EACH EACH LF EACH SY CY 2 $ 1,800.00 $ 30 $ 42.00 $ 585 $ 48.00 $ 20 $ 25.00 $ 1000 $ 8.50 $ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%) $ SUBTOTAL $ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%) $ TOTAL $ 1 $ 1,200.00 $ 1 $ 750.00 $ 100 $ 50.00 $ 150 $ 55.00 $ 150 $ 60.00 $ 200 $ 65.00 $ 1 $ 1,500.00 $ 2 $ 550.00 $ 10 $ 375.00 $ 2 $ 2,500.00 $ 25 $ 5.00 $ 10 $ 85.00 $ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $ CONTINGENCY TOTAL (10%) $ SUBTOTAL $ INDIRECT COST TOTAL (28%) $ TOTAL $ GRAND TOTAL $ 3,600.00 1,260.00 28,080.00 500.00 8,500.00 53,440.00 5,344.00 58,784.00 16,459.52 75,243.52 1,200.00 750.00 5,000.00 8,250.00 9,000.00 13, 000.00 _ 1,500.00 1,100.00 3,750.00 5,000.00 125.00 850.00 49, 525.00 4,952.50 54,477.50 15,253.70 69,731.20 614,970.26 RELEASE AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into the 1 } 'day of 1�c e- _ , 2016, by and between THE CHURCH OF ST. HENRY OF MONTICELLO, MINN., a Minnesota non-profit corporation ("Church"), and CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") (individually a "Parry" or collectively the "Parties"). WHEREAS, City and Church, as developer, entered into an Agreement dated July 30, 1998, related to the construction of the Church and the future development of the 7h Street Roadway project; and WHEREAS, since that time, the Church and property have been developed and 7a' Street constructed; and WHEREAS, in an effort to settle all past and outstanding issues, the Parties have agreed to the terms of this Agreement and on an amount to be paid by the City to the Church in settlement of any and all issues relating to the future Fallon Avenue Bridge Right of Way Acquisition and Construction Project. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, and in consideration of the mutual agreements contained herein, the Parties, expressly intending to be bound, agree as follows: A. SETTLEMENT 1. The Church will convey to the City 4.01 acres of land legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto, and an additional 1.691 acres of land which is legally described on Exhibits B-1 and B-2 attached hereto, subject to the Use Restrictions attached as Exhibit C. 2. The City will pay to the Church the total sum of Nine Hundred Sixty -Three Thousand Four Hundred Seven and no/100ths ($963,407.00) Dollars ("Settlement Amount") for the parcels. Payment shall be made at closing occurring sixty (60) days after the date of this Agreement. 3. The Parties acknowledge and agree that this Agreement and the payment of the Settlement Amount are the result of a compromise and shall not be, nor shall there ever be deemed or construed to be, an admission by any party of any liability, wrongdoing, or responsibility on its part or on the part of its predecessors, successors, assigns, agents, employees, representatives, attorneys, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, or shareholders. The Parties expressly deny any such liability, wrongdoing, or responsibility. 4. The City represents to Church that the current zoning classification of the 1.691 acres is a single family residential use and that the City does not foresee any commercial use permitted on the adjacent parcels. 189444v1 189444v1 5. It is expressly understood and agreed by and between the City and Church that the Church shall not be specially assessed for any part of the Fallon Avenue bridge and 7t' Street intersection construction project, nor the future Fallon Avenue road extension and utility proj ect. 6. The City agrees that the new northerly Fallon Avenue road extension will be constructed entirely within the 1.691 acres conveyed by Church to the City. 7. The City agrees that no retaining walls will be constructed for the road construction project and the side slope required will be no greater than 3:1 to 4:1. 8. The City agrees to allow the Church the opportunity to review the preliminary Fallon Avenue extension construction plans and landscaping plans and to provide comment and input on the final design plans. 9. Any sidewalk built by the City may be constructed on either side of the new Fallon Avenue extension at the discretion of the City. 10. The City agrees to construct a curb cut/access driveway apron to the Fallon Avenue extension in the northwest corner of the Church remainder parcel at an acceptable distance north of the new roundabout. 11. The City agrees that if at any time within ten (10) years following the Effective Date of this Agreent, the City rezones or otherwise pen -nits any commercial use on the adjacent Malone, B�or Jameson parcels, the City shall pay to the Church the difference between the per square foot purchase price and the fair market value for the commercial or mixed commercial use as of the date the property is rezoned to commercial use or permitted as commercial use by the City. 12. The City shall forever waive all claims against the Church for any and all increased costs of the Fallon Avenue bridge construction and retaining walls, additional right of way acquisition costs, park dedication fees and private utility relocation, pursuant to the purported 1998 Agreement. B. MUTUAL RELEASES The Parties agree that in consideration hereof, the Parties and their respective predecessors, successors, assigns, agents, employees, representatives, partners, principals, attorneys, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, divisions, officers, directors, or shareholders hereby mutually release each other and each other's respective predecessors, successors, assigns, agents, employees, representatives, partners, principals, attorneys, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, divisions, officers, directors, or shareholders from any and all claims, counterclaims, debts, demands, actions, causes of action, liabilities, or controversies whatsoever, whether at law or in equity, whether in contract, in tort, or under statute, arising out of or related to any issues that were or could have been brought before any state, local, or federal court, or state or federal 189444v1 189444v1 agency, or in any arbitration proceeding, whether now known or unknown, liquidated or unliquidated, up to and as of the Effective Date. C. LEGAL COUNSEL Each of the Parties represents that they have executed the Agreement voluntarily and that in the execution of this Agreement, and the negotiations leading thereto, it had the opportunity to consult legal counsel of its own selection. Prior to the execution of this Agreement by each Party, the Party's attorney, if any, reviewed this Agreement and advised the Party with respect to making the settlement and release provided herein and of executing this Agreement. The Parties affirm that the terms of this Agreement have been completely read, understood, and voluntarily accepted; and that the Parties have executed this Agreement as a free and voluntary act of their own free will and without any threat, force, fraud, duress or coercion of any kind. D. ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT In the event that either Party is in breach of any material obligation hereunder, the other Party, at its option, may commence an action against such breaching Party in any court of competent jurisdiction to enforce the terms and obligations identified in this Agreement. If any action at law or in equity is brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to all of its costs in prosecuting or defending said action, including a reasonable amount of its attorneys' fees, which may be set by the court in which the action for enforcement is brought, or in a separate action for that purpose, in addition to any other relief to which the prevailing Party may be entitled. E. APPLICABLE LAW This Agreement and the provisions herein shall be deemed to have been executed under the laws of the State of Minnesota and Minnesota law governs all substantive matters pertaining to the interpretation and enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, except such matters as are governed by federal law. F. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the Parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes any and all prior agreements and understandings. There are no representations, promises, or agreements pertaining to the terms or subject matter of this Agreement, whether express or implied, that are not set forth in this Agreement. 2. Failure of either Party to enforce any right or remedy available to it under this Agreement will not be construed as a waiver of the right or remedy with respect to any other breach or failure by the other Party. 3. This Agreement does not provide and is not intended to provide third parties with any remedy, claim, liability, reimbursement, cause of action, or other privilege. 189444v1 189444v1 4. This Agreement is binding on the Parties' predecessors, successors, assigns, agents, employees, representatives, partners, principals, attorneys, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, divisions, officers, directors, or shareholders. The person executing this Agreement on behalf of the Party represents and warrant that he/she has the authority to bind such party to the terms of this Agreement. 5. Titles to sections and the like are used merely for convenience and will not be taken as an interpretation of the contents of those provisions or as an attempt to enlarge, limit, or define terms covered by this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, all other provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect. 6. This Agreement may be modified or amended only by written agreement executed by authorized representatives of both City and Church. Both Parties acknowledge that, in some cases, such modifications or amendments would require Parish Corporate Board approval according to Archdiocesan guidelines. 7. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, which together will constitute the original Agreement. Facsimile and scanned (PDF) copies of signature pages shall be as effective as originals. 8. In construing the terms of this Agreement, or in determining the rights of the Parties hereto, no party shall be deemed to have solely drafted or created this Agreement. 9. The individuals who execute this Agreement expressly state that they are authorized to enter into this Agreement on behalf of their respective Party. Both Parties acknowledge that the Parish Corporate Board, which normally includes the Archbishop and Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, must approve this Agreement prior to its execution. G. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the Parties relating to any claims between the Parties, and no change in this Agreement will be permitted without the mutual agreement of both Parties in writing. H. EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement shall be effective upon execution of the Parties and approved by the Parish Corporate Board and the Archdiocese. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement through their authorized representatives. [Remainder ofpage intentionally left blank. Signatures on following pages.] 189444v1 1894440 Dated: , 2016 CITY OF MONTICELLO By Brian Stump , ay And�,�.c�� kll, City Administrator STATE OF MINNESOT ) ss COUNTY OF ) This foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this QW\ day of 2016, by Brian Stumpf and Jeff O'Neill, respectively the Mayor and City A ministrator, for the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its Ci Council. Notary Public Al VICKI .SAN LEERHOFF NOTARY PUBUC MINNESOTA 14y Commission Expires 01131=1 189444v1 189444v1 Dated: _ , 2016 THE CHURCH OF ST. HENRY OF MONTICELLO, MINN. By 4Ar, JU - W4vL Rev. Anthony G. VanderLoop Vice -President By�. et Zaruba ecretary STATE OF MINNESOTA ) : ss COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) .I: -t... This foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this l �1 _ day of 2016, by Rev. Anthony G. VanderLoop and Janet Zaruba, respectively the Vice - President and Secretary of The Church of St. Henry of Monticello, Minn., a Minnesota non- profit corporation, on behalf of the Church. DANIEL STEVEN DUPAY •' NOTARY PUBLIC -MINNESOTA E. My Commission Expires Jan. 31, 2019 b �K' Drafted By: Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone (651) 452-5000 [JJJ] 189444v1 189444v1 N l� EXHIBIT A Total Take Descriptions Lot 1, Block 2, CHURCH OF ST. HENRY, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. Lot 2, Block 2, CHURCH OF ST. HENRY, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. Outlot A, CHURCH OF ST. HENRY, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. Fallon Avenue, as dedicated on the plat of CHURCH OF ST. HENRY, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. 189444v1 1894440 EXHIBIT B-1 Option Number 3B Fee Taking Description That part of Lot 1, Block 1, CHURCH OF ST. HENRY, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, lying westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the most northerly corner of said Lot 1, thence on an assumed bearing of south 69 degrees 22 minutes 36 seconds East, along the northerly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 110.93 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 06 degrees 04 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 105.10 feet; thence South 07 degrees 19 minutes 58 seconds East a distance of 225.34 feet; thence South 01 degrees 14 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of94.63 feet to the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 and said line there terminating. 189444v1 189444v1 FX)iihi t R_9 MOST RV OW OF LOT t (POINT OF �\ S69* 2'36"E 1 110.93' q (� 1 ` POINT OF A 7 81�NF�lG l As=stes m. ssro4.52'w 1175.10' j INFRASIRIJC111RP:WiJ ;:'? 1 S7"19.5frE 225.34' LOT 1 QAC BLOCK 1 a4 S1 `i 4'.WE 94.63' ' LOT 1 ril S db LOT 2 s V iOT so .ME 0 too 200 ['5(")('1 OPTION NUMBER 38 FEE TAKING: 73,677 SQ. FT OR 1.691 ACRES Preparedby: 1 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 q (� 1 ` Minneapolis, MN 55416 A 7 nu u a sbeng.mm JEF!.FF!h As=stes m. j INFRASIRIJC111RP:WiJ ;:'? 1 189444v1 189444v1 LOT 1 BLOCK 1 CHURCH OF ST. HENRY 1 ST ADDITION Option Number 36 Fee Taking Description That partof Lot 1,Block 1,CHURCH OFST. HENRY, accordingtothe recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, lying westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the most northerly corner of said Lot 1,thence on an assumed bearing of South 69 degrees 22 minutes 36 seconds East, along the northerly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 110.93 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 06 degrees 04 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 105.10 feet; thence South 07 degrees 19 minutes 58 seconds East a distance of 225.34 feet; thence South 01 degrees 14 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 94.63 feet to the southwesterly line of said Lot land said line there terminating. Parcel Sketch Option Number 38 City of Monticello, Minnesota WSB Project No. 01494-480 Date: 6/14/16 t' CITY or _. Montf6eflo EXHIBIT C Use Restrictions a. That the property may not be used as a facility, place of business or other place in which human abortion, sterilization, euthanasia or other acts which are contrary to the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services promulgated by the USCCB are performed, or promoted though public advocacy of for which counseling is given which promotes and/or encourages individuals to obtain such services. Prohibited facilities or places of business shall include, but are not limited to, abortion clinics, fertility clinics and surrogacy clinics. b. That the property may not be used as a facility, place of business or other place in which pornographic or soft pornographic books, pictures, discs, or other media or materials, including any electronic forms of media, are directed to an adult rather than a general audience or clientele are displayed, sold, rented or otherwise made available for viewing. C. That the property may not be used as a facility, place of business or other place in which a tavern, bar, night club, dance hall or dance club is operated, or in which is operated a restaurant or other retail business where alcoholic beverages are sold unless the restaurant or other retail business where alcoholic beverages are sold: (1) has a seating capacity for at least 50 guests in its formal dining area; (2) has a full-service menu available with meals prepared on site within a Minnesota Department of Health licensed commercial kitchen each day the establishment is open for business; and (3) all meals are regularly served at tables to the general public and shall employ an adequate staff to provide the usual and suitable services to its guests, or which has been approved in writing by the Church of St. Henry. d. That the property may not be used as a facility, place of business or other place in which live performances directed to an adult audience rather than the general public are operated or conducted. 189444v1 189444v1 City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 2N. Consideration of accepting quotes and awarding contract to Burschville Construction, Inc for the Maple Street Storm Sewer for the bid amount of $130,800 (ML/RM) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND In 1977, the City of Monticello installed a storm line in the Maple Street ROW that has a 66" diameter outfall. The last two sections have slid apart and caused a sink hole. The sections need to be tied back together and the area needs to be restored. The project was originally awarded in 2017 to Northdale Construction for $13,000 but this was not completed due to the DNR permit process. The permit requires the city to install a stormwater treatment device prior to the outfall to help minimize the amount of debris and sediment from entering the river. The repair and stormwater treatment device are required to be installed by December 2020. The engineer's estimate for this project was $75,000 and city staff talked with 5 contractors to receive quotes for this project. Two quotes were received for $130,800 and $148,696.07. Northdale construction did not provide a quote for the updated project due to being too busy. Given the estimated material costs of the stormwater structure at $48,000 and the fact that this project needs to be completed when the river levels are low to avoid significant de -watering costs, we believe that the price of $130,800 is reasonable. Al. Budget Impact: The 2019 budget includes $75,000 for improvements to the Maple Street Outfall which is funded from the Stormwater impact fund. Additional funding from the stormwater impact will be needed from this account to fully fund this project this year. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff administer the inspection and construction admin for this project at an expected 40 hours of staff time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Consideration of accepting quotes and awarding contract to Burshville Construction in the amount of $130,800. 2. Motion to deny moving forward with this project at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternate No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Bid Summary B. Plans and Photos Bid Summary Maple Street Stormwater Ourfall Bidder Bid Amount Burschville Construction 130800 New Look Contracting, Inc. 148696.07 Maple June 20, 2019 1 inch = 94 feet Storm x Storm Fittings A Manholes Storm Gravity Storm Inlets No, Mains City of Monticello I Wright County Monticello Catchbasin City Boundary Storm Discharge Points Standard n let/Outl et Map Powered by Data Link from WSB & Associates MAPLE STREET MONTICELLO MONTICELLO MONTICELLO Z X NOTE sPECI'L ':: H L •:a' .. AD NCTE S2E PLf,lat e Ba' iewsrte• na. li s •=:ss; n 8 &•. 6 9C' r 9 S �i B�G I I. IQ r. { E ET.dIL LUMP 3UN 16 "c •• -+ ra 4 - l ~ SHe LTG 5 ITEM E ,ix 5 iA NI (�_ N� .Fz`u hl B O = CET41L x . r y � • m SH o _ r mL o x 9A8 i - ---- .... .. ... .. _.. _ .... y .......- - - -- i- --- -. •'-........... _------- -... .. _.... ...� .. ... -- -- - :iii. G- H ..ess. c. ns rima, -. ; - 6 SLR BENDS L •. 3 LR ,xe • _ x _. _.. _ - __ ^1 • . � �, oEl SEE RSI�w, - JD5 •-....__._. • 57.d 21'Clrs PC U"2HDTE 5PEc1AI Kill.I T 77 e xrwro NV AT V 97 ,3 I = LLtAF SUN BI DP Wn hti'J AT ELI'_iiF_AD %_5.07 ! r I I S ITc'd 11 � _ = S w 1 SFF ur TA 1. r o m .. r SFEET C 20Icc Fyl ; 2� r3 ��C1x Ym 11 = LL r D •; IL, o MOFNTICELLO EL way' w TIC CELLO r ' �d fi"m Na ati m m '�y� an = m�,TA, °'� a `�� 940 P E� +J �� - H 7J S� a _ 7� } J 7- 71 ••+1 ice.- WiVW �W L.rti O! �dW LW '1• 4W 0._W 3y� d4 r�Ia W. .. _ ".. 940 - W EE vc: 100' -D. p -------- ............ :. N =0. b2 ��.. _ _ E%IST GRALF - ...--.--.._._ _.... _..._.... .._. .._..... _..._.. ._...... ... r- y 2 1 5 . _----_-__ -- ---- ._.._. 930 ETR CKs M O.VC ppnp C.RAdF �_ 9� s I I ---------- - --- --- 235.0'— 6C"R°C.P 1 223.0'— 60" ItC°P. 3ST.D'-50" i.C.B CL:F k - ,Z.1 --------------------- --- ---_ --- -- -- --- 920 - r 411 I�2353 a g I 403.0' - 50"ItC.P. CL 1 9'20 see 1 "i j5a "- - 5�f+ -swa 76 : - ... .. ... .. .... .... ... ... ... .. ..... ..... .�� _# )S `. 66' • �� 920. r ` ' a CL. II CL iiL CLASS a CLa;55 II CL. S CL.IIL-_-------... ---- - - _ --" ------ ------- - - SP$CIAL GUTTER GRADE 930 - ----------- 930 .... -- _--tE.FT & RIG147 . ...... - - - ao 920 :::---- --- ------ ---------------------- ----------- - ------ fA X 920 m. I R,n,y" maw c, 4 3 4 6 T $ 9 10 11 1 z O Fn Q --- a 3 N Maple St. Storm Sewer Sinkhole Repair ESC Plan ❑ F W r _Z MAPLESTREETz Z Z Mississippi Z M _ - River Water Redundant erimeter F- W r - MONTICELLO 6 - Ivv` NOTE REMOVE 8 HEDBE6 ONTICELL Edge sediment control shall be in {yj W O OTE • BEGIN TAPER AT 15+oo END TAPER AT IS{ -00 TO REPLACE As PER - lace during construction and _ TO MATCH EX CIJ MATCH ERI ST. 011Re AND C9N7FAGT SPEC- 57­ii­ A*IjL pg -s7 p g J jJ Irl• i AND GUTTER GUTTER. until all disturbed areas are CL W W F stabilized. Sod or Erosion (L U_ • {? Erosion Control Notes Control Blanket Category 3N -- J Er g Q iL Z f ,, - ---- and along with desired seed r Q Z i _ - Work shall take place during Z Z . I mix will be used for rapid O .. stabilization within 24 hours. W - ' stable weather with no rain in Z Q near forecast. Down gradient Q o �.. redundant perimeter sediment � control BMPs shall a In place prior to any soil dis rbances Sink hole and IIII �•. —,� �—iI t to BEN and shall remain in place until area of 66" -m -- all disturbed soils are stormsewer 9 ermanentl stabilized. No soil repair. Flared i ! :NOTE • CONCRACTOR TC OPEN p y Silt Fencing or combination end and 20' of BROAOwar SPREET T NOTEREMOVE EXIST, CURB AT , stockpiles or excavations shall g of bio -roll as Perimeter a to be STALL S7pHht SEWER_ CONTRACT UNIT PRICE � y be left open and exposed pipe F _ HOWEVER TRAFFIC MU IS Sediment Control and or silt corrected along N'AINYAINEO TO ..M1F VIAL f overnight. g irNT STREEL .7 - - curtain ma be used if with rock wall S may 'be N IF� ICELLG i needed. dcc Z v } r is $ �Oqo •a$ W 4 H n - ----- 4 1 Mz� -- - --- oom a n a i jio ZC„7 W :gym ---------- ...... �yN �N �" Wm:y N - JOS wN� �w ^rn I LLILa ra iga ._._. ____ __.....___.._..._..._..____... �� ¢� Q�J a� aw Nw 94D - NOTE, TIE: T RO JD I NTS XCn __ _______ ________ __ ___ _______.. .y�w J-1 m_ „ m Lw W y EACH SIDE OT %,: Q a Fa W x kiENC . { � Vj x .. .. .. .... ... ..... .. .. ....._ ....__._.. 1 EXfST GRADE � � _ Z .. _.__._. ___ _..._.__..._ ._.. ._._.... _.. _ .. ... rPROP GRAD. N PROFILE A —.... ❑aU ry _ 4 LR BEN Cy 930 - - -- --- --- -- � 920 - -- ---- -- - - - - - 1� 60"x 5�F" REDUCER .., ` ` 2D0°O -- - ---- -- 48•x.0—fiD" R.C.P. CL TI.. Ij 91 CIO \ 54 RC CL IC 92O .........._.________.__�--.. .. ykl.° `LilWER 6" ... ........ L.....:.....i:-.._.....::::j :: o, 354.•J'� C9i] 1 66" F ARED END 9I0 �... __._.._..._. _. ...... __.. .. ....... _...__...__..... 9�.3U 84"R ^.0 sOs�6 TAIL �LRTE FOR I1RE 7 STRU LINER 6 r�' 41PItN_ Aµ OF Rs7 TE-' .PED GINNING OFHO OUTLET N G- _.. ._ ... ._ ._.. _.. _. ... WAMR - DDITIONAL 9 40O ...._ ..._ ._ __ .. _._. . ..,... T[3 D .YLEE AT NO BEND rT -_. - gi0 90[ 42A'G6 o _ -------------- ..--- ----------- -- -- ------ ---. . ---- ------� 9�rn 6 MA ----------- __ • _ 96.43 8913:39_ t2w rr ---------------------- ------------------------------------------ ----------- ..... - 890 12 13 14 15 16 17 IB Is 20 PHOTO PLM PREPARED BT NARK xVRD AEMAL SURVEYS, IHC. SITE SPECIFIC DATA PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT NAME PROJECT LOCATION STRUCTURE ID TREATMENT REQUIRED WATER QUALITY FLOW RATE (CFS) PEAK FLOW RATE (CFS) PEAK STORM DURATION (YEARS) PIPE & ELEVATION DATA PIPE DATA I. E. MATERIAL DIAMETER INLET PIPE 24 " OUTLET PIPE 24" RIM ELEVATION LOADING & SOIL DATA SURFACE LOADING PEDESTRIAN FRAME & COVER (1) O30" (2) 6' X 3' HATCH CORROSIVE SOIL CONDITIONS N/K GROUNDWATER ELEVATION N/K NOTES: PRELIMINARY, NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. GENERAL NOTES 1. B10 CLEAN TO PROVIDE ALL MATERIALS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. ALL DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND CAPACITIES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. FOR PROJECT SPECIFIC DRAWINGS DETAILING EXACT DIMENSIONS, WEIGHTS, AND ACCESSORIES PLEASE CONTACT Bl0 CLEAN. J. LIDS FOR SCREEN SYSTEM & ALTERNATIVE HATCHES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST INSTALLATION NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALL LABOR, EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, AND INCIDENTALS REQUIRED TO OFFLOAD AND INSTALL THE DSBB UNIT AND APPURTENANCES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS DRAWING AND THE MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED IN MANUFACTURERS CONTRACT. 2 MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDS A 6"-12" LEVEL ROCK BASE UNLESS SPECIFIED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO VERIFY PROJECT ENGINEERS RECOMMENDED BASE SPECIFICATIONS. J. ALL PIPES MUST BE FLUSH WITH INSIDE SURFACE OF CONCRETE. (PIPES CANNOT INTRUDE BEYOND FLUSH). 4. ALL GAPS AROUND PIPES SHALL BE SEALED WATER TIGHT WITH A NON—SHRINK GROUT PER MANUFACTURERS STANDARD CONNECTION DETAIL AND SHALL MEET OR EXCEED REGIONAL PIPE CONNECTION STANDARDS. 5. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF ALL RISERS, MANHOLES, AND HATCHES. ALL COVERS SHALL BE SHIPPED LOOSE. CONTRACTOR TO GROUT ALL MANHOLES AND HATCHES TO MATCH FINISHED SURFACE UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. DSBB PERFORMANCE DATA TREATMENT FLOW RATE (CFS) SETTLING AREA (SF) 96.0 LOADING RATE (GPM/SF) /if/ SCREEN SYSTEM STORAGE CAPACITY (CF) 71.53 SEDIMENT STORAGE CAPACITY (CF) 274.80 809 TSS REMOVAL ® --- MICRON DSBB STORAGE CAPACITIES CAGE SCREEN CAPACITY LENGTH (FT) WIDTH (FT) HEIGHT (FT) TOTAL (CF) SCREEN 1 2.50 6.33 2.26 35.76 SCREEN 2 2.50 6.33 2.26 35.76 SEDIMENT CHAMBER CAPACITY CHAMBER 1 3.79 8.00 3.00 90.96 CHAMBER 2 3.67 8.00 3.00 90.96 CHAMBER 3 3.87 8.00 3.00 92.88 i I I I _L I I _LL _LLL _ELLE -LLLL C/L LCL I _LLL LLL _LLLLL _LLLLLLL _LLLLLLLLL _LLLLLLLLL I __LLLLLLLLI LLLLLLLiINLET PIPE _I L1111111 _LLLLLLLLLiLL I _LLLLLLLLR I __LLLLLLLL/}IL` LLL DEBRIS J DEFLECTOR RAMP SHIELD BAFFLE �FILTSRBioSorb HYDROCARBON WALL SCREEN 1 BOOM OIL SKIMMER FILTER) SCREEN 2 1 —42 OUTLET PIPE PLAN VIEW ACCESS OPENINGS FRAME & COVER WHEN SHIPPED LOOSE GROUTED BY OTHERS TO MATCH FINISH SURFACE PER NOTE 5 THRU HOLE GROUT PIPE PER INSTALLATION NOTE 4� C/L CIL 1 I In' RIM Y I I I I I I I I I j� • • , �, %� II SPLITTER _6'-HINGED 5 LIDS SCREEN 2 IE IN _"TI' I IE OUT 3 STATIC WATER LEVEL I Ii N')'1 r L - - - - - - I I CHAMBER 1 CHAMBER 2 -� - - CHAMBER 3 I I I - - - - - - J, L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6" MIN. BASE �3-92"� 3'-8"� —J' 10 8'-0" 6 f4» 4, 12'-0" END VIEW ELEVATION VIEW PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENT/AL: THE INFORMA77ON CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF BIOCLEAN, A FORTERRA COMPANY. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BIOCLEAN, A FORTERRA COMPANY IS PROHIBITED. Biot"b-Clean A Forterra Company DSBB-8-12-102 DUAL STAGE HYDRODYNAMIC SEPARATOR STANDARD DETAIL City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 20. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-60 authorizing the preparation of a Feasibilitv Report for the 2020 Street Improvements vroiect and approval of a contract with WSB to provide engineering services at a not to exceed price of $211,833 (ML/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Staff has identified several roadways that are in need of improvement by utilizing the pavement management study and visual inspections. The project is anticipated to include a combination of bituminous overlay with patching and replacement of curb and gutter as needed. The specific roadways can be seen in the attached exhibit. Improvements to the roadways inside the wastewater treatment plant complex will also be included as part of this project. Staff is requesting Council authorization to prepare a Feasibility Report addressing street and drainage improvements for the following roadways as can be seen in the attached exhibit: Marvin Elwood Road, Hedman Lane, Balboul Circle, Crocus Lane, Crocus Circle, 90th Street, Starling Drive, Martin Drive, Mallard Lane, Heron Court, Tanager Circle, Canvasback Court, Eider Lane, Falcon Avenue, Pelican Lane, Briar Oaks Blvd, Hawthorne Place N&S, Endicott Trail, Briar Court NE, Shady Oak Circle NE, Eastwood Circle NE, Eastwood Lane NE, Oakridge Drive, Oakview Court, Meadow Oaks Court NE, Oakview Lane, Meadow Oaks Drive. In general, the Feasibility Report will address the location, existing conditions, proposed improvements, estimated costs, available funding sources (including special assessments), preliminary project schedule, and determination as to the necessity, feasibility and cost-effectiveness of the proposed improvements. Some topographic survey of the project area and borings of the pavement and subgrade will also be completed. The scope for engineering services will include: 1. Feasibility Report in accordance with MN Statutes Ch. 429 2. Special assessment requirements including a. Notices for improvement hearing b. Preparation of proposed assessment rolls c. Notices for assessment hearing 3. Design, including Plans and Specifications in accordance with City standards 4. Contract bidding and award 5. Construction inspection, staking and management services 6. Preparation of proposed assessment rolls 7. Notices for assessment hearing 8. Warranty inspection Historically, WSB has provided street reconstruction related services for the City since the inception of the road reconstruction program. Per direction received from the City Administrator, WSB was contacted for negotiation of a scope and fee for the project under the premise that the project would go out for bid if determined by the City Engineer that a competitive and satisfactory contract arrangement with the WSB could not be achieved. City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 After working with WSB on a couple of other modifications and based on cost comparisons for engineering services for comparable projects, it was determined by the City Engineer that a satisfactory arrangement has been achieved. It is anticipated that plans will be submitted for council approval and authorization to bid in January of 2020. Construction is expected to start spring of 2020. Al. Budget Impact: The estimated project cost is $2,000,000 which includes engineering services and construction of these projects, which is included in the draft 2020 budget. This project would include assessments and the current assessment policy assesses 50% for overlays which is the current scope of this project. A2. Staff Workload Impact: WSB and City staff will be involved throughout various steps of the project development. A3. Strategic Plan Impact: The proposed design and improvements for the 2020 Street Improvements project meet the following Strategic Plan goals or objectives: 1. Create and Preserve Sustainable Livability: Maintaining the city's roadways in a cost effective and timely manner will help create a sustainable system. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2019-60 authorizing the preparation of a Feasibility Report for the 2020 Street Improvements project and approval of a contract with WSB to provide engineering services at a not to exceed price of $211,833. 2. Motion to directing staff to request proposals from other consulting engineers. 3. Motion to not move forward with this contract for engineering services at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommendation is 1, however City Council should feel free to pull this item for discussion and review as alternative 2 is a viable option as well. As noted above, according to the City Engineer, the arrangement negotiated with WSB is acceptable given Monticello experience and comparative pricing for similar projects occurring in other cities. No matter which alternative the City Council selects, the City Administrator would like to recognize the benefit to the city of having an experienced City Engineer on staff capable of developing, managing and negotiating contracts for projects executed by consulting engineers. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Draft Resolution 2019-60 B. Professional services agreement C. 2020 Street Improvements project map CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2019-60 AUTHORIZING FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR 2020 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve street and draining improvements, including a combination of bituminous overlay with patching and replacement of curb and gutter as needed, for the following roadways: Marven Elwood Road, Hedman Lane, Balboul Circle, Crocus Lane, Crocus Circle, 90th Street, Starling Drive, Martin Drive, Mallard Lane, Heron Court, Tanager Circle, Canvasback Court, Eider Lane, Falcon Avenue, Pelican Lane, Briar Oaks Blvd., Hawthorne Circle NE, Eastwood Lane NE, Oakridge Drive, Oakview Court, Meadow Oaks Court NE, Oakview Lane, Meadow Oaks Drive NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNICL OF MONTICELL0, MINNESOTA: That the proposed improvement be referred to WSB & Associates, Inc. for study and that they are instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 26th day of August, 2019. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 0 U c� Z W m U) 0 00 Cl) z U) J 0 CL Q W z z 0 (0 W U) T W Z) z W a a z W x 0 wsb August 21, 2019 Mr. Matt Leonard, PE City Engineer/Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Proposal to Provide Professional Engineering Services 2020 Street Improvement Project City of Monticello, MN Dear Mr. Leonard: On behalf of WSB, we are pleased to submit this proposal to provide professional engineering services to the City of Monticello. Specifically, our services will include topographic survey, preparation of the project feasibility report, final design and bidding, and construction services for the 2020 Street Improvement Project. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The 2020 Street Improvement Project is comprised of approximately 4.8 miles of local streets and roadway and parking lot improvements at the WWTP, within the City of Monticello. The project consists of the following areas: The Meadows, Balboul Estates and Anders Wilhelm Estates neighborhoods, 901h Street NE, a portion of the Cardinal Hills neighborhood, the Briar Oakes and Oak Ridge neighborhoods and the WWTP area. The scope of the street improvements is assumed to include a combination of edge mill and bituminous overlay and full depth pavement/subgrade removal and replacement. Improvements to the WWTP roadways and parking lots are to include a combination of full reconstruction, overlay and chip seal. The final pavement design for the improvements will be determined after a geotechnical investigation is complete. WSB will assist the City is preparing a scope of services for the City to solicit proposals for the geotechnical investigation. Improvements also include spot curb replacement to correct drainage issues and deteriorated curb and maintenance of the storm water system, likely to include replacement of adjusting rings/castings. In general, existing street profile grades will not be modified with the proposed project. No mainline sanitary sewer, watermain, or individual service improvements are proposed. PROJECT APPROACH/SCOPE OF SERVICES WSB's project scope and proposed tasks are based on our understanding of the project, and we propose the following scope of services: Task 1 — Topographic Survey WSB will complete the surface topographic survey for 90th Street NE and the WWTP roadways and parking lots. G:\Group Data\Municipal\Clients - Cities - Counties\Monticello\Proposals\2020 Pavement Project\Monticello 2020 Pavement -Engineering Services Proposal - FINAL 082119.docx The topographic survey for the WWTP roadways and parking areas will include centerline, edge of bituminous and gutter line. Topographic survey of 90th Street NE will include centerline, edge of bituminous/shoulders and ditch bottom. Topographic survey is not being requested at this time for the neighborhood roadways. It is also proposed to complete the Gopher State One Call locate request for maps as a part of the topographic survey work. WSB will prepare a letter informing residents of the survey work being completed, for the City to mail. Task 2 — Feasibility Report WSB will prepare a Feasibility Report in accordance with MN Statutes Ch. 429 for the 2020 Street Improvement Project. This phase of the project will include: • Prepare materials for, and coordinate a project kick-off meeting with staff, prior to topographic survey commencing. At the kick-off meeting, it is recommended to complete a visual analysis of roadways and WWTP parking areas, review of pavement history and maintenance records with City staff to identify and discuss specific project issues in the field. This way, there is an understanding of the issues and options that will be investigated as the topographic field work, feasibility study, and preliminary plans move forward. Complete a field review with City staff to identify curb replacement and potential subgrade correction areas. • Preparation of scoping documents to obtain pavement and subgrade cores and geotechnical analysis to determine roadway and parking lot pavement design. • One meeting with City staff to review geotechnical analysis. • Preparation of feasibility report with text to include: executive summary, existing conditions, proposed improvements, cost estimate/financing and recommendation. • The feasibility report will include preparation of the assessment rolls and maps in accordance with the City's assessment policy. The report will include the following figures: project location map, neighborhood street maps with addresses and typical sections. • WSB will prepare materials and present the improvements at one neighborhood meeting. Comment cards will be collected and summarized. WSB will prepare the neighborhood meeting notice for the City to mail. • WSB will prepare the improvement hearing notice for the City to mail. City staff will prepare agenda reports and present the feasibility report to the council and conduct the improvement hearing. Task 3 — Final Design Proiect Manaqement Project management includes the development of the project plan through bidding. This task includes the appropriation of necessary staff and resources at all stages of the final design process to achieve project milestones and completion. This includes frequent communication and coordination with City staff and its agents governing all aspects of the project. WSB will prepare the final assessment roll and prepare assessment hearing notices for the City to mail. Design, Specifications, and Plan Preparation WSB will: • Drawing preparation to complete autocad basemap. • Complete the final design and prepare the project plans consistent with City standards. • Complete a field review of the storm sewer and sanitary structures with City staff to determine improvements needed. It is assumed that these improvements shall consist of adjusting ring/casting replacements and chimney seal installation. • Utilize GIS/Datalink data to identify locations of existing castings, hydrants and gate valves on the plans. • Facilitate one (1) utility coordination meetings for the project. • Prepare the specifications consistent with City standards. • Calculate final project quantities and prepare the project bid form. • Prepare a final Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost based on the final design. • Perform quality control reviews regularly throughout the duration of the design. • Attend one (1) project meeting with City staff and design team (WSB staff) members at the 60% plan review level. The project plans will be generally organized as follows: • Title Sheet • General Layout • Typical Sections • Removals, Street and Utility Plans (no profiles) • SWPPP Record plans are not requested to be provided. Permits Prepare the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency NPDES permit. Deliverables: • 60% Plan Submittal: Electronic (pdf) draft plan set for review and comment. • 90% Plan and Specification Submittal: Electronic (pdf) draft plan set and specifications for review and comment. • 100% Plan and Specification Submittal: Electronic (pdf) final plan set and specifications Bidding Assistance Prepare the Advertisement for Bids in compliance with the City's practices, facilitate project bidding by answering contractor questions, prepare any addenda if necessary and attend the bid opening. The cost to advertise the project will be paid by the City of Monticello. WSB will submit the Advertisement for Bids to the local newspaper and the Finance and Commerce. City staff will prepare agenda reports, present the approved plans and specifications and bid award to the City Council. Task 4 — Construction Observation and Management Services Construction administration This will include correspondence with the contractor regarding project contract items, preparation of partial and final pay estimates, weekly project updates to the City staff, lead weekly construction meetings and general coordination with City staff regarding project items. This task also includes preparation of agenda and conducting the preconstruction meeting. Construction Observation WSB will provide the City with full-time construction observation with one sole observer for the project. We propose that the contract requires completion of the project within 12 weeks at an average 55 hours per week. It is assumed that the project areas will be completed concurrently with each contractor/subcontractor sequencing their work from one area to the other. It is assumed that only one observer will be needed to observe the critical components of the project such as removals, utility adjustments, subgrade review, curb and gutter installation and pavement placement. We also anticipate the City will perform the necessary erosion and sediment control compliance inspections for the project required by the City's MS4 permit. If the City or contractor requests additional construction duration or completes the project with multiple crews completing the same work in more than one project area (needing a second construction observer), a re- evaluation of our fees will be required. Warrantv Inspection WSB will conduct a warranty review of the project with City staff and prepare a letter of final acceptability prior to the expiration of the warranty period. Construction Staking WSB will provide a survey crew to complete the construction staking for the project. We anticipate that the majority of the construction staking hours will be utilized for any reconstruction areas, such as 90th Street NE and the WWTP improvements, and areas to address curb replacement and any potential drainage corrections. Curb staking will not be provided for locations where removal/replacement in-kind occurs. The cost to stake "blue -tops" for the contractor have not been included in this scope of work. WSB will only provide one set of stakes for the contractor in all cases; any additional staking needs will require compensation by the City or contractor, in addition to the fee provided in this proposal. PROPOSEDFEE WSB will provide the services as outlined in the Project Approach/Scope of Services with the intent of construction commencing in May 2020. Our budget was developed based on our understanding of the scope and experience with past street improvement projects in the City. We estimate an hourly not -to -exceed base fee of $211,833.00 as identified in the attached fee estimate. The proposed scope and fee presented herein represents our complete understanding of the project based on our discussion. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 612.360.1304. Once again, we appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to working with you and your staff. Sincerely, WSB IA�— - in Shibani Bisson, PE Jim Stremel, PE Client Representative Senior Project Manager wsb Task Description 1 Topographic Survey 1.1 GSOC Utility Location Coordination 1.2 Topographic Survey 1.3 Process Field Data Task 1 Total Estimated Hours and Fee 2 Feasibility Report 2.1 Project Management/Geotech Coordination 2.2 Opinion of Probable Cost 2.3 Feasibility Report 2.4 Report Graphics 2.5 Assessment Role and Map Meetings - City Staff (2) - project kickoff and pavement design review and 2.6 1 Neighborhood Task 2 Total Estimated Hours and Fee 3 Final Design 3.1 Project Management 3.2 Design 3.3 Opinion of Probable Cost 3.4 Specifications 3.5 Bidding 3.6 Drawings/Layouts 3.7 Meetings (2) - 60% and 90% Review 3.8 Permit Application - NPDES/SWPPP 3.9 QA/QC 3.10 Utility Coordination Meeting 3.11 Final Assessment Role Task 3 Total Estimated Hours and Fee 4 Construction Services 4.1 Preconstruction Meeting Prep and Attendance 4.2 Weekly Construction Meetings 4.3 Pre -project data collection/mark removals 4.4 Full Time Construction Observation (12 weeks @ 55 hours/week) 4.5 Construction Administration/Weekly Updates 4.6 Construction Staking 4.7 Punchlist/Final Inspection 4.8 Warranty Inspection Task 4 Total Estimated Hours and Fee Total Estimated Hours Average Hourly Billing Rate Subtotal Base Fee by Labor Classification Client Rep 4 4 4 4 16 8 2 10 I 26 166.00 $4,316.00 Estimate of Fees City of Monticello Professional Engineering Services 2020 Street Improvement Project Estimated Hours Senior Project Design Engineer GIS Specialist Engineering Pavement Administrative Construction Manager Specialist Engineer Assistant Specialist Survey One Person Coordinator Survey Crew Total Hours 4 22 6 32 30 36 50 60 36 24 236 80 48 20 52 32 250 16 17 16 8 18 557 10 48 16 660 90 40 40 12 916 € i ry of Monticello Cost $630.00 $3,246.00 $1,066.00 $4,942.00 $4,132.00 $4,898.00 $6,396.00 $7,126.00 $3,954.00 $3,286.00 $29,792.00 $12,506.00 $6,886.00 $3,042.00 $6,906.00 $4,718.00 $29,166.00 $2,558.00 $2,565.00 $990.00 $1,362.00 $2,712.00 $73,411.00 $1,528.00 $7,798.00 $1,798.00 $67,486.00 $13,806.00 $5,766.00 $4,246.00 $1,618.00 $104,046.00 $211,833.00 4 22 6 4 6 22 16 4 6 4 16 16 8 24 6 8 60 8 8 16 16 4 52 52 76 16 8 16 60 20 48 4 16 12 24 16 24 8 250 8 8 1 16 8 4 4 16 129 136 250 24 8 6 4 48 16 660 80 10 40 40 4 8 138 10 728 40 I 319 I 188 I 330 I 16 I 42 I 16 I 736 I 6 I 62 159.00 140.00 116.00 143.00 92.00 87.00 102.00 150.00 140.00 $50,721.00 $26,320.00 $38,280.00 $2,288.00 $3,864.00 $1,392.00 $75,072.00 $900.00 $8,680.00 4 22 6 32 30 36 50 60 36 24 236 80 48 20 52 32 250 16 17 16 8 18 557 10 48 16 660 90 40 40 12 916 € i ry of Monticello Cost $630.00 $3,246.00 $1,066.00 $4,942.00 $4,132.00 $4,898.00 $6,396.00 $7,126.00 $3,954.00 $3,286.00 $29,792.00 $12,506.00 $6,886.00 $3,042.00 $6,906.00 $4,718.00 $29,166.00 $2,558.00 $2,565.00 $990.00 $1,362.00 $2,712.00 $73,411.00 $1,528.00 $7,798.00 $1,798.00 $67,486.00 $13,806.00 $5,766.00 $4,246.00 $1,618.00 $104,046.00 $211,833.00 I U Z) AA6TH d PRAIRIE yRIVER I m z SANDY R/SFR 11 pTH 39 O Z CLUB VIEW �V ti z (D F -- -J Q A ARk c�, 99TH 40 CITY O) Monticello 2020 Pavement Project 0 0.4 0.8 1.6 Miles 85TH D z Document Path: J:\seal coat projects\2018 Seal Coat Project\Map of 2018 Chip Seal Project.mxd 1 1 2020 Pavement Project F�°tiT IZA oma 4 y DUNDAS O z O o X\ 87TH ti9 pRl Vq TF S/ppl y RIVERVIEVV = boyo MILL RUN m o c CyF<SFq �qy Q 9? TN G) J MEADOW OAK 95TH SCHOOL Y \ Q O z STARLIN o O J LL pgRK c� z z z LU LL DEER J (D m w n D m OX x 85TH �� ✓gs0/Y a5 84TH 84TH LSio'uY�ce: Es?ri�iD,igitall;G'Lob'eG_eo:E�y^�e,!}Eal:hstariG oe grcaphlicsCNIES�/Air�us�D.S�]iUSDA;;I�«SGS A�%R\D IGN anr_I they 411yr. SII 39 II City Council Agenda: 08/26/2019 4A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-61 awarding the sale General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A, in the original aggregate principal amount of $8,000,000; fixing their form and specifications; directing their execution and deliverv; and providing for their pavment (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On June 24, 2019, the council authorized the issuance tax abatement bonds. The council also authorized the mayor and city administrator to approve the sale of up to $8,000,000 in bonds with a true interest cost not to exceed 3.5% (Resolution 2019-043). Northland marketed the bonds on Thursday morning (August 22) and the mayor and city administrator signed the purchase agreement in the afternoon of the same day. The true interest rate for this negotiated sale is 2.04% (10 -year treasury rate 1.6%). The true interest rate for the 2018 sale was 3.18% (10 -year treasury rate 3.08%). The true interest rate for the 2017 sale was 2.40% (10 -year treasury rate 2.27%). The true interest rate for the 2016 sale was 2.06% (10 -year treasury rate 1.74%). The true interest cost for the 2015 sale was 2.58% (10 -year treasury rate 2.06%). The true interest cost for the December 2014 Judgment -Equipment issue was 3.27% (10 -year treasury rate 2.24%). The treasury rate is provided for comparison purposes. Moody's Investor Service upgraded the city's credit rating one notch on August 12ffi from A2 to Al. Al. Budget Impact: Annual debt service payments over the next 14 years are about $450,000. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Internal coordination of issuance - otherwise little to no impact on the staff. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2019-61 approving the sale of $8,000,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2019A. 2. Motion to deny Resolution 2019-61 approving the sale of $8,000,000 G.O. Bonds, Series 2019A. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City staff supports Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2019-61 B. Northland Securities Schedules: Total Sources and Uses, Debt Service Schedule, Pricing Summary C. Moody's Rating Comments CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2019-61 A RESOLUTION AWARDING THE SALE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2019A, IN THE ORIGINAL AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $ ; FIXING THEIR FORM AND SPECIFICATIONS; DIRECTING THEIR EXECUTION AND DELIVERY; AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR PAYMENT. follows: BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), as Section 1. Sale of Bonds. 1.01. Abatement Bonds. (a) The City has determined to undertake infrastructure improvements primarily consisting of the construction of the Fallon Overpass in the City (the "Abatement Project'). (b) Under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, as amended (the "Act'), and Sections 469.1812 through 469.1815, as amended (the "Abatement Act'), the City is authorized to grant a property tax abatement on specified parcels in order to accomplish certain public purposes, including the provision or construction of public infrastructure. (c) Pursuant to a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City on June 26, 2017 (the "Abatement Resolution") following a duly noticed public hearing, the City Council approved a property tax abatement (the "Abatements") for certain property in the City (the "Abatement Parcels") over a period of fifteen (15) years, in an amount sufficient to pay the principal amount of one or more series of bonds issued to finance the Abatement Project in an approximate principal amount of $9,000,000. (d) In the Abatement Resolution, the City found and determined that the Abatement Project benefits the Abatement Parcels, and that the maximum principal amount of bonds to be secured by Abatements does not exceed the estimated sum of Abatements from the Abatement Parcels for the term authorized under the Abatement Resolution. (e) It is necessary and expedient to the sound financial management of the affairs of the City to issue general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $1,040,000 (the "Abatement Bonds"), pursuant to the Abatement Act, to provide financing for a portion of the Abatement Project. 1.02. Improvement Bonds. (a) Certain assessable public improvements primarily consisting of the construction improvements for 7th Street, Chelsea Road and Washington Street as related to the Fallon Overpass in the City (the "Assessable Improvements") have been made, duly ordered or contracts let for the construction thereof pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 429 and 475, as amended (collectively, the "Improvement Act'). 609376v1MN190-158 (b) It is necessary and expedient to the sound financial management of the affairs of the City to issue general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $ (the "Improvement Bonds"), pursuant to the Improvement Act, to provide financing for the Assessable Improvements. 1.03 Equipment Certificates. (a) the City is further authorized by the Act, and Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.301 (the "Equipment Act"), to issue its general obligation equipment certificates of indebtedness on such terms and in such manner as the City determines to finance the purchase of items of capital equipment (the "Equipment"), subject to certain limitations contained in the Act and the Equipment Act. (b) the expected useful life of the Equipment is or will be at least as long as the term of the Equipment Bonds (hereinafter defined); and (c) the principal amount of Equipment Bonds to be issued in the year 2019 will not exceed 0.25 percent of the market value of taxable property in the City, based on finalized taxable market values for 2018. 1.04 Capital Improvement Bonds. (a) Pursuant to the Act, and specifically Section 475.521 (the "CIP Act"), the City is authorized to finance all or a portion of certain capital improvement projects in the City payable from ad valorem taxes (the "CIP Project"). (b) On August 13, 2018, following a duly noticed public hearing, the City Council of the City adopted a capital improvement plan (the "Plan") for the years 2018 through 2023 and approved the issuance of obligations by vote of all of the members thereof, all pursuant to the CIP Act. (c) The 30 -day reverse referendum period required under the CIP Act expired on September 12, 2018, and no petition was received during that period. 1.05. Issuance of General Oblityation Bonds. (a) The City Council finds it necessary and expedient to the sound financial management of the affairs of the City to issue the City's General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A (the "Bonds"), in the original aggregate principal amount of $ , pursuant to the Act, the Abatement Act, the Improvement Act, the Equipment Act and the CIP Act, to provide financing for the Abatement Project, the Assessable Improvements, the Equipment and the CIP Project. (b) The City desires to proceed with the sale of the Bonds by direct negotiation with Northland Securities, Inc. (the "Purchaser"). The Purchaser will purchase the Bonds in an arm's length commercial transaction with the City. The City hereby retains Blue Rose Capital Advisors, Inc. in Minneapolis, Minnesota ("Blue Rose") to act as an independent financial advisor for the purpose of reviewing the pricing fairness associated with the purchase and subsequent reoffering of the Bonds. The Mayor and/or the City Administrator of the City is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Blue Rose for an amount not to exceed $2,000. 2 609376v1MN190-158 It being thus determined that the City has retained an independent financial advisor in connection with such sale, the City is authorized by Section 475.60, subdivision 2(9) of the Act to negotiate the sale of the Bonds. 1.04. Award to the Purchaser and Interest Rates. The proposal of the Purchaser to purchase the Bonds is hereby found and determined to be a reasonable offer and is hereby accepted, the proposal being to purchase the Bonds at a price of $ (par amount of $ plus [net] original issue premium of $78,813.80 , less underwriter's discount of $ ), plus accrued interest to date of delivery, for Bonds bearing interest as follows: Year Interest Rate Year Interest Rate 2020 % 2028 % 2021 2029 2022 2030 2023 2031 2024 2032 2025 2033 2026 2034 2027 True interest cost: % 1.05. Purchase Contract. The Mayor and City Administrator are directed to execute a contract with the Purchaser on behalf of the City. 1.06. Terms and Principal Amounts of the Bonds. The City will forthwith issue and sell the Bonds, pursuant to the Act, in the total principal amount of $ , originally dated as of September _, 2019, in the denomination of $5,000 each or any integral multiple thereof, numbered No. R-1, upward, bearing interest as above set forth, and maturing serially on December 15 in the years and amounts as follows: Year Amount Year Amount 2020 $ 2028 $ 2021 2029 2022 2030 2023 2031 2024 2032 2025 2033 2026 2034 2027 (a) $ of the Bonds (the "Abatement Bonds"), maturing on December 15 in the years and the amounts set forth below, will be used to finance the construction of the Abatement Project: 3 609376v1MN190-158 Year Amount Year Amount 2020 $ 2027 $ 2021 2028 2022 2029 2023 2030 2024 2031 2025 2032 2026 (b) $ of the Bonds (the "Improvement Bonds"), maturing on December 15 in the years and the amounts set forth below, will be used to finance the construction of the Assessable Improvements: Year Amount Year Amount 2020 $ 2025 $ 2021 2026 2022 2027 2023 2028 2024 (c) $ of the Bonds (the Equipment Certificates"), maturing on December 15 in the years and the amounts set forth below, will be used to finance the construction of the Equipment: Year Amount Year Amount 2020 $ 2025 $ 2021 2026 2022 2027 2023 2028 2024 (d) The remainder of the Bonds in the principal amount of $ (the "CIP Bonds"), maturing on December 15 in the years and the amounts set forth below, will be used to finance the construction of the CIP Project: Year Amount Year Amount 2018 $ 2028 $ 2020 2029 2021 2030 2022 2031 2023 2032 2024 2033 2025 2034 2026 2027 0 609376v1MN190-158 1.05. Optional Redemption. The City may elect on December 15, 2027, and on any day thereafter to prepay Bonds due on or after December 15, 2028. Redemption may be in whole or in part and if in part, at the option of the City and in such manner as the City will determine. If less than all Bonds of a maturity are called for redemption, the City will notify DTC (as defined in Section 7 hereof) of the particular amount of such maturity to be prepaid. DTC will determine by lot the amount of each participant's interest in such maturity to be redeemed and each participant will then select by lot the beneficial ownership interests in such maturity to be redeemed. Prepayments will be at a price of par plus accrued 'interest. Section 2. Registration and Payment. 2.01. Registered Form. The Bonds will be issued only in fully registered form. The interest thereon and, upon surrender of each Bond, the principal amount thereof, is payable by check or draft issued by the Registrar described herein. 2.02. Dates; Interest Payment Dates. Each Bond will be dated as of the last interest payment date preceding the date of authentication to which interest on the Bond has been paid or made available for payment, unless (i) the date of authentication is an interest payment date to which interest has been paid or made available for payment, in which case the Bond will be dated as of the date of authentication, or (ii) the date of authentication is prior to the first interest payment date, in which case the Bond will be dated as of the date of original issue. The interest on the Bonds is payable on June 15 and December 15 of each year, commencing June 15, 2020, to the registered owners of record thereof as of the close of business on the first day of the month of such interest payment date, whether or not such day is a business day. 2.03. Registration. The City will appoint a bond registrar, transfer agent, authenticating agent and paying agent (the "Registrar"). The effect of registration and the rights and duties of the City and the Registrar with respect thereto are as follows: (a) Re ig ster. The Registrar must keep at its principal corporate trust office a bond register in which the Registrar provides for the registration of ownership of Bonds and the registration of transfers and exchanges of Bonds entitled to be registered, transferred or exchanged. (b) Transfer of Bonds. Upon surrender for transfer of a Bond duly endorsed by the registered owner thereof or accompanied by a written instrument of transfer, in form satisfactory to the Registrar, duly executed by the registered owner thereof or by an attorney duly authorized by the registered owner in writing, the Registrar will authenticate and deliver, in the name of the designated transferee or transferees, one or more new Bonds of a like aggregate principal amount and maturity, as requested by the transferor. The Registrar may, however, close the books for registration of any transfer after the fifteenth day of the month preceding each interest payment date and until that interest payment date. (c) Exchange of Bonds. When Bonds are surrendered by the registered owner for exchange the Registrar will authenticate and deliver one or more new Bonds of a like aggregate principal amount and maturity as requested by the registered owner or the owner's attorney in writing. (d) Cancellation. Bonds surrendered upon transfer or exchange will be promptly cancelled by the Registrar and thereafter disposed of as directed by the City. 5 609376v1MN190-158 (e) Improper or Unauthorized Transfer. When a Bond is presented to the Registrar for transfer, the Registrar may refuse to transfer the Bond until the Registrar is satisfied that the endorsement on the Bond or separate instrument of transfer is valid and genuine and that the requested transfer is legally authorized. The Registrar will incur no liability for the refusal, in good faith, to make transfers which it, in its judgment, deems improper or unauthorized. (f) Persons Deemed Owners. The City and the Registrar may treat the person in whose name a Bond is registered in the bond register as the absolute owner of the Bond, whether the Bond is overdue or not, for the purpose of receiving payment of, or on account of, the principal of and interest on the Bond and for all other purposes, and payments so made to a registered owner or upon the owner's order will be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon the Bond to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. (g) Taxes, Fees and Charles. The Registrar may impose a charge upon the owner thereof for a transfer or exchange of Bonds sufficient to reimburse the Registrar for any tax, fee or other governmental charge required to be paid with respect to the transfer or exchange. (h) Mutilated, Lost, Stolen or Destroved Bonds. If a Bond becomes mutilated or is destroyed, stolen or lost, the Registrar will deliver a new Bond of like amount, number, maturity date and tenor in exchange and substitution for and upon cancellation of the mutilated Bond or in lieu of and in substitution for any Bond destroyed, stolen or lost, upon the payment of the reasonable expenses and charges of the Registrar in connection therewith; and, in the case of a Bond destroyed, stolen or lost, upon filing with the Registrar of evidence satisfactory to it that the Bond was destroyed, stolen or lost, and of the ownership thereof, and upon furnishing to the Registrar an appropriate bond or indemnity in form, substance and amount satisfactory to it and as provided by law, in which both the City and the Registrar must be named as obligees. Bonds so surrendered to the Registrar will be cancelled by the Registrar and evidence of such cancellation must be given to the City. If the mutilated, destroyed, stolen or lost Bond has already matured or been called for redemption in accordance with its terms it is not necessary to issue a new Bond prior to payment. (i) Redemption. In the event any of the Bonds are called for redemption, notice thereof identifying the Bonds to be redeemed will be given by the Registrar by mailing a copy of the redemption notice by first class mail (postage prepaid) to the registered owner of each Bond to be redeemed at the address shown on the registration books kept by the Registrar and by publishing the notice if required by law. Failure to give notice by publication or by mail to any registered owner, or any defect therein, will not affect the validity of the proceedings for the redemption of Bonds. Bonds so called for redemption will cease to bear interest after the specified redemption date, provided that the funds for the redemption are on deposit with the place of payment at that time. 2.04. Appointment of Initial Registrar. The City appoints U.S. Bank National Association, Saint Paul, Minnesota, as the initial Registrar. The Mayor and the City Administrator are authorized to execute and deliver, on behalf of the City, a contract with the Registrar. Upon merger or consolidation of the Registrar with another corporation, if the resulting corporation is a bank or trust company authorized by law to conduct such business, the resulting corporation is authorized to act as successor Registrar. The City agrees to pay the reasonable and customary charges of the Registrar for the services performed. The City reserves the right to remove the Registrar upon 30 days' notice and upon the appointment of a successor Registrar, in which event the predecessor Registrar must deliver all cash and Bonds in its possession to the successor Registrar and must deliver the bond register to the successor Registrar. On or before each 0 609376v1MN190-158 principal or interest due date, without further order of this City Council, the Finance Director must transmit to the Registrar moneys sufficient for the payment of all principal and interest then due. 2.05. Execution, Authentication and Deliverv. The Bonds will be prepared under the direction of the City Administrator and executed on behalf of the City by the signatures of the Mayor and the City Administrator, provided that those signatures may be printed, engraved or lithographed facsimiles of the originals. If an officer whose signature or a facsimile of whose signature appears on the Bonds ceases to be such officer before the delivery of a Bond, that signature or facsimile will nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if the officer had remained in office until delivery. Notwithstanding such execution, a Bond will not be valid or obligatory for any purpose or entitled to any security or benefit under this resolution unless and until a certificate of authentication on the Bond has been duly executed by the manual signature of an authorized representative of the Registrar. Certificates of authentication on different Bonds need not be signed by the same representative. The executed certificate of authentication on a Bond is conclusive evidence that it has been authenticated and delivered under this resolution. When the Bonds have been so prepared, executed and authenticated, the City Administrator will deliver the same to the Purchaser upon payment of the purchase price in accordance with the contract of sale heretofore made and executed, and the Purchaser is not obligated to see to the application of the purchase price. 2.06. Temporary Bonds. The City may elect to deliver in lieu of printed definitive Bonds one or more typewritten temporary Bonds in substantially the form set forth in EXHIBIT A attached hereto with such changes as may be necessary to reflect more than one maturity in a single temporary bond. Upon the execution and delivery of definitive Bonds the temporary Bonds will be exchanged therefor and cancelled. Section 3. Form of Bond. 3.01. Execution of the Bonds. The Bonds will be printed or typewritten in substantially the form set forth in EXHIBIT A. 3.02. Approving Legal Opinion. The City Administrator is authorized and directed to obtain a copy of the proposed approving legal opinion of Kennedy & Graven, Chartered, Minneapolis, Minnesota, which is to be complete except as to dating thereof and cause the opinion to be printed on or accompany each Bond. Section 4. Pavment, Security; Pledges and Covenants. 4.01. Debt Service Fund. The Bonds will be payable from the General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A Debt Service Fund (the "Debt Service Fund") hereby created. The Debt Service Fund shall be administered and maintained by the Finance Director as a bookkeeping account separate and apart from all other funds maintained in the official financial records of the City. The City will maintain the following accounts in the Debt Service Fund: the "Abatement Account", the "Assessable Improvements Account", the "Equipment Account" and the "CIP Account." Amounts in the Abatement Account are irrevocably pledged to the Abatement Bonds, amounts in the Assessable Improvements Account are irrevocably pledged to the Improvement Bonds, amounts in the Equipment Account are irrevocably pledged to the Equipment Certificates and amounts in the CIP Account are irrevocably pledged to the CIP Bonds. (a) Abatement Account. Abatements from the Abatement Parcels and ad valorem taxes levied for the Abatement Project are hereby pledged to the Abatement Account of the Debt Service Fund. 7 609376v1MN190-158 (b) Assessable Improvements Account. Ad valorem taxes hereinafter levied and special assessments (the "Assessments") collected for the Assessable Improvements are hereby pledged to the Assessable Improvements Account of the Debt Service Fund. (c) Equipment Account. Ad valorem taxes hereinafter levied and collected for the Equipment are hereby pledged to the Equipment Account of the Debt Service Fund. (d) CIP Account. Ad valorem taxes hereinafter levied and collected for the CIP Project are hereby pledged to the CIP Account of the Debt Service Fund. 4.02. Construction Fund. The City hereby creates the General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A Construction Fund (the "Construction Fund"). The City will maintain the following accounts in the Construction Fund: the "the "Abatement Account", the "Assessable Improvements Account", the "Equipment Account" and the "CIP Account." Amounts in the Abatement Account are irrevocably pledged to the Abatement Bonds, amounts in the Assessable Improvements Account are irrevocably pledged to the Improvement Bonds, amounts in the Equipment Account are irrevocably pledged to the Equipment Certificates and amounts in the CIP Account are irrevocably pledged to the CII' Bonds. (a) Abatement Account. Proceeds of the Abatement Bonds, less the appropriations made in Section 4.01(a) hereof, together with any other funds appropriated for the Abatement Project, Abatements from the Abatement Parcels and ad valorem taxes collected during the construction of the Abatement Project, will be deposited in the Abatement Account of the Construction Fund to be used solely to defray expenses of the Abatement Project. When the Abatement Project is completed and the cost thereof paid, the Abatement Account of the Construction Fund is to be closed and any funds remaining may be deposited in the Abatement Account of the Debt Service Fund. (b) Assessable Improvements Account. Proceeds of the Improvement Bonds, less the appropriations made in Section 4.01(b) hereof, together with any other funds appropriated for the Assessable Improvements, ad valorem taxes, and Assessments collected during the construction of the Assessable Improvements, will be deposited in the Assessable Improvements Account of the Construction Fund to be used solely to defray expenses of the Assessable Improvements and the payment of principal of and interest on the Improvement Bonds prior to the completion and payment of all costs of the Assessable Improvements. Any balance remaining in the Assessable Improvements Account after completion of the Assessable Improvements may be used to pay the cost in whole or in part of any other improvement instituted under the Improvement Act, under the direction of the City Council. When the Assessable Improvements are completed and the cost thereof paid, the Assessable Improvements Account of the Construction Fund is to be closed and any subsequent collections of Assessments and ad valorem taxes for the Assessable Improvements are to be deposited in the Assessable Improvements Account of the Debt Service Fund. (c) Equipment Account. Proceeds of the Equipment Certificates, less the appropriations made in Section 4.01(c) hereof together with any other funds appropriated for the purchase of Equipment, will be deposited in the Equipment Account of the Construction Fund to be used solely to defray expenses of the acquisition of the Equipment. When the Equipment is purchased and the cost thereof paid, the Equipment Account is to be closed and any monies remaining therein shall be transferred to the Equipment Account of the Debt Service Fund. (d) CII' Account. Proceeds of the CIP Bonds, less the appropriations made in Section 4.01(d) hereof, together with any other funds appropriated for the CIP Project and ad valorem taxes 609376v1MN190-158 collected during the construction of the CIP Project, will be deposited in the CIP Account of the Construction Fund to be used solely to defray expenses of the CIP Project. When the CIP Project is completed and the cost thereof paid, the CIP Account of the Construction Fund is to be closed and any funds remaining may be deposited in the CIP Account of the Debt Service Fund. 4.03. Citv Covenants with Respect to the Improvement Bonds. It is hereby determined that the Assessable Improvements will directly and indirectly benefit abutting property, and the City hereby covenants with the holders from time to time of the Bonds as follows: (a) The City will cause the Assessments for the Assessable Improvements to be promptly levied so that the first installment for the Assessable Improvements will be collectible not later than 2020 and will take all steps necessary to assure prompt collection, and the levy of the Assessments is hereby authorized. The City Council will cause to be taken with due diligence all further actions that are required for the construction of each Assessable Improvement financed wholly or partly from the proceeds of the Improvement Bonds, and will take all further actions necessary for the final and valid levy of the Assessments and the appropriation of any other funds needed to pay the Improvement Bonds and interest thereon when due. (b) In the event of any current or anticipated deficiency in Assessments and ad valorem taxes, the City Council will levy additional ad valorem taxes in the amount of the current or anticipated deficiency. (c) The City will keep complete and accurate books and records showing receipts and disbursements in connection with the Assessable Improvements, Assessments and ad valorem taxes levied therefor and other funds appropriated for their payment, collections thereof and disbursements therefrom, monies on hand and, the balance of unpaid Assessments. (d) The City will cause its books and records to be audited at least annually and will furnish copies of such audit reports to any interested person upon request. (e) At least twenty percent (20%) of the cost to the City of the Assessable Improvements described herein will be specially assessed against benefited properties. 4.04. General Obligation Pledee. For the prompt and full payment of the principal and interest on the Bonds, as the same respectively become due, the full faith, credit and taxing powers of the City will be and are hereby irrevocably pledged. If the balance in the Debt Service Fund is ever insufficient to pay all principal and interest then due on the Bonds and any other bonds payable therefrom, the deficiency will be promptly paid out of monies in the general fund of the City which are available for such purpose, and such general fund may be reimbursed with or without interest from the Debt Service Fund when a sufficient balance is available therein. 4.05. Pledge of Tax Lew. For the purpose of paying the principal of and interest on the Bonds, there is levied a direct annual irrepealable ad valorem tax (the "Taxes") upon all of the taxable property in the City, which will be spread upon the tax rolls and collected with and as part of other general taxes of the City. The Taxes will be credited on a pro rata basis to the Abatement Account, the Assessable Improvements Account, the Equipment Account and the CIP Account of the Debt Service Fund above provided and will be in the years and amounts as attached hereto as EXHIBIT B. Z 609376v1MN190-158 4.06. Certification to Countv Auditor/Treasurer as to Debt Service Fund Amount. It is hereby determined that the estimated collections of Abatements from the Abatement Parcels, Taxes and Assessments will produce at least five percent (5%) in excess of the amount needed to meet when due the principal and interest payments on the Bonds. The tax levy herein provided is irrepealable until all of the Bonds are paid, provided that at the time the City makes its annual tax levies the Finance Director may certify to the County Auditor/Treasurer of Wright County, Minnesota (the "County Auditor/Treasurer") the amount available in the Debt Service Fund to pay principal and interest due during the ensuing year, and the County Auditor/Treasurer will thereupon reduce the levy collectible during such year by the amount so certified. 4.07. Registration of Resolution. The City Administrator is authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor/Treasurer and to obtain the certificate required by Section 475.63 of the Act. Section 5. Authentication of Transcript. 5.01. Citv Proceedings and Records. The officers of the City are authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the Purchaser and to the attorneys approving the Bonds, certified copies of proceedings and records of the City relating to the Bonds and to the financial condition and affairs of the City, and such other certificates, affidavits and transcripts as may be required to show the facts within their knowledge or as shown by the books and records in their custody and under their control, relating to the validity and marketability of the Bonds, and such instruments, including any heretofore furnished, will be deemed representations of the City as to the facts stated therein. 5.02. Certification as to Official Statement. The Mayor, the City Administrator, and the Finance Director are authorized and directed to certify that they have examined the Official Statement prepared and circulated in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds and that to the best of their knowledge and belief the Official Statement is a complete and accurate representation of the facts and representations made therein as of the date of the Official Statement. 5.03. Other Certificates. The Mayor, the City Administrator, and the Finance Director are hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the Purchaser at the closing such certificates as are required as a condition of sale. Unless litigation shall have been commenced and be pending questioning the Bonds or the organization of the City or incumbency of its officers, at the closing the Mayor, the City Administrator, and the Finance Director shall also execute and deliver to the Purchaser a suitable certificate as to absence of material litigation, and the Finance Director shall also execute and deliver a certificate as to payment for and delivery of the Bonds. Section 6. Tax Covenant. 6.01. Tax -Exempt Bonds. The City covenants and agrees with the holders from time to time of the Bonds that it will not take or permit to be taken by any of its officers, employees, or agents any action which would cause the interest on the Bonds to become subject to taxation under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and the Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder, in effect at the time of such actions, and that it will take or cause its officers, employees or agents to take, all affirmative action within its power that may be necessary to ensure that such interest will not become subject to taxation under the Code and applicable Treasury Regulations, as presently existing or as hereafter amended and made applicable to the Bonds. To that end, the City will comply with all requirements necessary under the Code to establish and maintain the exclusion from gross income of the interest on the Bonds under Section 103 of the Code, including without limitation requirements relating 10 609376v1MN190-158 to temporary periods for investments, limitations on amounts invested at a yield greater than the yield on the Bonds, and the rebate of excess investment earnings to the United States (unless the City qualifies for any exemption from rebate requirements based on timely expenditure of proceeds of the Bonds, in accordance with the Code and applicable Treasury Regulations). 6.02. Not Private Activitv Bonds. The City further covenants not to use the proceeds of the Bonds or to cause or permit them or any of them to be used, in such a manner as to cause the Bonds to be "private activity bonds" within the meaning of Sections 103 and 141 through 150 of the Code. 6.03. Qualified Tax -Exempt Obligations. In order to qualify the Bonds as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" within the meaning of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code, the City makes the following factual statements and representations: (a) the Bonds are not "private activity bonds" as defined in Section 141 of the Code; (b) the City designates the Bonds as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" for purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code; (c) the reasonably anticipated amount of tax-exempt obligations (other than private activity bonds that are not qualified 501(c)(3) bonds) which will be issued by the City (and all subordinate entities of the City) during calendar year 2019 will not exceed $10,000,000; and (d) not more than $10,000,000 of obligations issued by the City during calendar year 2019 have been designated for purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code. 6.04. Procedural Requirements. The City will use its best efforts to comply with any federal procedural requirements which may apply in order to effectuate the designations made by this section. Section 7. Book -Entry Svstem; Limited Obligation of Citv. 7.01. DTC. The Bonds will be initially issued in the form of a separate single typewritten or printed fully registered Bond for each of the maturities set forth in Section 1.06 hereof. Upon initial issuance, the ownership of each Bond will be registered in the registration books kept by the Registrar in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee for The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York, and its successors and assigns ("DTC"). Except as provided in this section, all of the outstanding Bonds will be registered in the registration books kept by the Registrar in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC. 7.02. Participants. With respect to Bonds registered in the registration books kept by the Registrar in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC, the City, the Registrar and the Paying Agent will have no responsibility or obligation to any broker dealers, banks and other financial institutions from time to time for which DTC holds Bonds as securities depository (the "Participants") or to any other person on behalf of which a Participant holds an interest in the Bonds, including but not limited to any responsibility or obligation with respect to (i) the accuracy of the records of DTC, Cede & Co. or any Participant with respect to any ownership interest in the Bonds, (ii) the delivery to any Participant or any other person (other than a registered owner of Bonds, as shown by the registration books kept by the Registrar), of any notice with respect to the Bonds, including any notice of redemption, or (iii) the payment to any Participant or any other person, other than a registered owner of Bonds, of any amount with respect to principal of, premium, if any, or interest on the Bonds. The City, the Registrar and the Paying Agent may treat and consider the person in whose name each Bond is registered in the registration books kept by the Registrar as the holder and absolute owner of such Bond for the purpose of payment of principal, premium and interest with respect 11 609376v1MN190-158 to such Bond, for the purpose of registering transfers with respect to such Bonds, and for all other purposes. The Paying Agent will pay all principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds only to or on the order of the respective registered owners, as shown in the registration books kept by the Registrar, and all such payments will be valid and effectual to fully satisfy and discharge the City's obligations with respect to payment of principal of, premium, if any, or interest on the Bonds to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. No person other than a registered owner of Bonds, as shown in the registration books kept by the Registrar, will receive a certificated Bond evidencing the obligation of this resolution. Upon delivery by DTC to the City Administrator of a written notice to the effect that DTC has determined to substitute a new nominee in place of Cede & Co., the words "Cede & Co." will refer to such new nominee of DTC; and upon receipt of such a notice, the City Administrator will promptly deliver a copy of the same to the Registrar and Paying Agent. 7.03. Representation Letter. The City has heretofore executed and delivered to DTC a Blanket Issuer Letter of Representations (the "Representation Letter") which will govern payment of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds and notices with respect to the Bonds. Any Paying Agent or Registrar subsequently appointed by the City with respect to the Bonds will agree to take all action necessary for all representations of the City in the Representation Letter with respect to the Registrar and Paying Agent, respectively, to be complied with at all times. 7.04. Transfers Outside Book -Entry Svstem. In the event the City, by resolution of the City Council, determines that it is in the best interests of the persons having beneficial interests in the Bonds that they be able to obtain Bond certificates, the City will notify DTC, whereupon DTC will notify the Participants, of the availability through DTC of Bond certificates. In such event the City will issue, transfer and exchange Bond certificates as requested by DTC and any other registered owners in accordance with the provisions of this resolution. DTC may determine to discontinue providing its services with respect to the Bonds at any time by giving notice to the City and discharging its responsibilities with respect thereto under applicable law. In such event, if no successor securities depository is appointed, the City will issue and the Registrar will authenticate Bond certificates in accordance with this resolution and the provisions hereof will apply to the transfer, exchange and method of payment thereof. 7.05. Pavments to Cede & Co. Notwithstanding any other provision of this resolution to the contrary, so long as a Bond is registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC, payments with respect to principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bond and all notices with respect to the Bond will be made and given, respectively in the manner provided in DTC's Operational Arrangements, as set forth in the Representation Letter. Section 8. Continuing Disclosure. 8.01. Execution of Continuiniz Disclosure Certificate. "Continuing Disclosure Certificate" means that certain Continuing Disclosure Certificate executed by the Mayor and City Administrator and dated the date of issuance and delivery of the Bonds, as originally executed and as it may be amended from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof. 8.02. Citv Compliance with Provisions of Continuing Disclosure Certificate. The City hereby covenants and agrees that it will comply with and carry out all of the provisions of the Continuing Disclosure Certificate. Notwithstanding any other provision of this resolution, failure of the City to comply with the Continuing Disclosure Certificate is not to be considered an event of default with respect to the Bonds; however, any Bondholder may take such actions as may be necessary and appropriate, including seeking mandate or specific performance by court order, to cause the City to comply with its obligations under this section. 12 609376v1MN190-158 Section 9. Defeasance. When all Bonds and all interest thereon have been discharged as provided in this section, all pledges, covenants and other rights granted by this resolution to the holders of the Bonds will cease, except that the pledge of the full faith and credit of the City for the prompt and full payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds will remain in full force and effect. The City may discharge all Bonds which are due on any date by depositing with the Registrar on or before that date a sum sufficient for the payment thereof in full. If any Bond should not be paid when due, it may nevertheless be discharged by depositing with the Registrar a sum sufficient for the payment thereof in full with interest accrued to the date of such deposit. ADOPTED BYthe City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, this 26th day of August, 2019. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 13 609376v1MN190-158 Brian Stumpf, Mayor Extract of Minutes of Meeting of the City Council of the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, was duly held in the City Hall in said City on August 26, 2019, commencing at 6:30 P.M. The following members were present: and the following were absent: The resolution was presented by Member , who moved its adoption; The motion for the adoption of the consent agenda was duly seconded by Member and upon vote being taken thereon the following members voted in favor of the motion: and the following voted against: whereupon the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. 14 609376v1MN190-158 No. R - EXHIBIT A FORM OF BOND UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT CITY OF MONTICELLO GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND SERIES 2019A Rate Maturitv December 15, 20 Registered Owner: Cede & Co. Date of Original Issue CUSIP September _, 2019 614468 The City of Monticello, Minnesota, a duly organized and existing municipal corporation in Wright County, Minnesota (the "City"), acknowledges itself to be indebted and for value received hereby promises to pay to the Registered Owner specified above or registered assigns, the principal sum of $ on the maturity date specified above, with interest thereon from the date hereof at the annual rate specified above, payable June 15 and December 15 in each year, commencing June 15, 2020, to the person in whose name this Bond is registered at the close of business on the first day (whether or not a business day) of the month of such interest payment date. The interest hereon and, upon presentation and surrender hereof, the principal hereof are payable in lawful money of the United States of America by check or draft by U.S. Bank National Association, Saint Paul, Minnesota, as Bond Registrar, Paying Agent, Transfer Agent and Authenticating Agent, or its designated successor under the Resolution described herein. For the prompt and full payment of such principal and interest as the same respectively become due, the full faith and credit and taxing powers of the City have been and are hereby irrevocably pledged. The City may elect on December 15, 2027, and on any day thereafter to prepay Bonds due on or after December 15, 2028. Redemption may be in whole or in part and if in part, at the option of the City and in such manner as the City will determine. If less than all Bonds of a maturity are called for redemption, the City will notify The Depository Trust Company ("DTC") of the particular amount of such maturity to be prepaid. DTC will determine by lot the amount of each participant's interest in such maturity to be redeemed and each participant will then select by lot the beneficial ownership interests in such maturity to be redeemed. Prepayments will be at a price of par plus accrued interest. This Bond is one of an issue in the aggregate principal amount of $ all of like original issue date and tenor, except as to number, maturity date, redemption privilege, and interest rate, all issued pursuant to a resolution adopted by the City Council on August 26, 2019 (the "Resolution"), for the purpose of providing money to defray the expenses incurred and to be incurred to the construction of public infrastructure improvements, certain assessable local improvements, acquisition of capital equipment and construction of capital improvements, pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota, including Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 429 and 475, as A-1 609376v1MN190-158 amended, and Sections 469.1812 through 469.1815, 412.301 and 475.521. The principal hereof and interest hereon are payable in part from abatements collected from certain property in the City, in part from ad valorem taxes, and in part from special assessments levied against property specially benefited by local improvements, as set forth in the Resolution to which reference is made for a full statement of rights and powers thereby conferred. The full faith and credit of the City are irrevocably pledged for payment of this Bond and the City Council has obligated itself to levy additional ad valorem taxes on all taxable property in the City in the event of any deficiency in taxes and special assessments pledged, which additional taxes may be levied without limitation as to rate or amount. The Bonds of this series are issued only as fully registered Bonds in denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof of single maturities. The City Council has designated the issue of Bonds of which this Bond forms a part as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" within the meaning of Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") relating to disallowance of interest expense for financial institutions and within the $10 million limit allowed by the Code for the calendar year of issue. As provided in the Resolution and subject to certain limitations set forth therein, this Bond is transferable upon the books of the City at the principal office of the Bond Registrar, by the registered owner hereof in person or by the owner's attorney duly authorized in writing upon surrender hereof together with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the Bond Registrar, duly executed by the registered owner or the owner's attorney; and may also be surrendered in exchange for Bonds of other authorized denominations. Upon such transfer or exchange the City will cause a new Bond or Bonds to be issued in the name of the transferee or registered owner, of the same aggregate principal amount, bearing interest at the same rate and maturing on the same date, subject to reimbursement for any tax, fee or governmental charge required to be paid with respect to such transfer or exchange. The City and the Bond Registrar may deem and treat the person in whose name this Bond is registered as the absolute owner hereof, whether this Bond is overdue or not, for the purpose of receiving payment and for all other purposes, and neither the City nor the Bond Registrar will be affected by any notice to the contrary. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED, COVENANTED AND AGREED that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to exist, to happen and to be performed preliminary to and in the issuance of this Bond in order to make it a valid and binding general obligation of the City in accordance with its terms, have been done, do exist, have happened and have been performed as so required, and that the issuance of this Bond does not cause the indebtedness of the City to exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation of indebtedness. This Bond is not valid or obligatory for any purpose or entitled to any security or benefit under the Resolution until the Certificate of Authentication hereon has been executed by the Bond Registrar by manual signature of one of its authorized representatives. A-2 609376v1MN190-158 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota, by its City Council, has caused this Bond to be executed on its behalf by the facsimile or manual signatures of the Mayor and City Administrator and has caused this Bond to be dated as of the date set forth below. Dated: September_, 2019 Mayor (Facsimile) CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA (Facsimile) City Administrator CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICATION This is one of the Bonds delivered pursuant to the Resolution mentioned within. U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION :S Authorized Representative ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations, when used in the inscription on the face of this Bond, will be construed as though they were written out in full according to applicable laws or regulations: TEN COM -- as tenants in common TEN ENT -- as tenants by entireties JT TEN -- as joint tenants with right of survivorship and not as tenants in common UNIF GIFT MIN ACT Custodian (Cust) (Minor) under Uniform Gifts or Transfers to Minors Act, State of Additional abbreviations may also be used though not in the above list. IM1 609376v1MN190-158 ASSIGNMENT For value received, the undersigned hereby sells, assigns and transfers unto the within Bond and all rights thereunder, and does hereby irrevocably constitute and appoint attorney to transfer the said Bond on the books kept for registration of the within Bond, with full power of substitution in the premises. Dated: Notice: The assignor's signature to this assignment must correspond with the name as it appears upon the face of the within Bond in every particular, without alteration or any change whatever. Signature Guaranteed: NOTICE: Signature(s) must be guaranteed by a financial institution that is a member of the Securities Transfer Agent Medallion Program ("STAMP"), the Stock Exchange Medallion Program ("SEMP"), the New York Stock Exchange, Inc. Medallion Signatures Program ("MSP") or other such "signature guarantee program" as may be determined by the Registrar in addition to, or in substitution for, STEMP, SEMP or MSP, all in accordance with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The Registrar will not effect transfer of this Bond unless the information concerning the assignee requested below is provided. Name and Address: (Include information for all joint owners if this Bond is held by joint account.) Please insert social security or other identifying number of assignee A-4 609376v1MN190-158 PROVISIONS AS TO REGISTRATION The ownership of the principal of and interest on the within Bond has been registered on the books of the Registrar in the name of the person last noted below. Date of Registration Registered Owner Cede & Co. Federal ID #13-2555119 A-5 609376v1MN190-158 Signature of Officer of Registrar EXHIBIT B TAX LEVY SCHEDULES Tax Lew Schedule for Abatement Bonds YEAR* TAX LEVY 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 * Year tax levy collected. Tax Levv Schedule for Improvement Bonds YEAR * TAX LEVY 2020 $ 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 * Year tax levy collected. B-1 609376v1MN190-158 Tax Levv Schedule for Equipment Certificates YEAR* TAX LEVY 2020 $ 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 * Year tax levy collected. Tax Levv Schedule for CIP Bonds YEAR* TAX LEVY 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 * Year tax levy collected. B-2 609376v1MN190-158 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) CITY OF MONTICELLO ) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held on August 26, 2019, with the original thereof on file in my office and the same is a full, true and correct copy thereof, insofar as the same relates to the issuance and sale of the City's General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A, in the original aggregate principal amount of $ WITNESS my hand as such City Administrator and the corporate seal of the City this day of , 2019. City Administrator City of Monticello, Minnesota (SEAL) 609376v1MN190-158 STATE OF MINNESOTA CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER AS TO COUNTY OF WRIGHT TAX LEVY AND REGISTRATION 1, the undersigned County Auditor/Treasurer of Wright County, Minnesota, hereby certify that a certified copy of a resolution adopted by the governing body of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), on August 26, 2019, levying taxes for the payment of the City's General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A (the "Bonds"), in the original aggregate principal amount of $ , dated as of September _, 2019, has been filed in my office and said Bonds have been entered on the register of obligations in my office and that such tax has been levied as required by law. WITNESS My hand and official seal this day of 2019. (SEAL) 609376v1MN190-158 COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA :A Its City of Monticello, Minnesota $8,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A FINAL Total Issue Sources And Uses Dated 09/18/2019 1 Delivered 09/18/2019 Street Tax Abatement Equipment CIP Improvements Issue Summary Sources Of Funds Paz Amount of Bonds $1,040,000.00 $1,290,000.00 $5,350,000.00 $320,000.00 $8,000,000.00 Reoffering Premium 17,397.50 30,738.90 75,926.30 7,598.80 131,661.50 Total Sources $1,057,397.50 $1,320,738.90 $59425,926.30 $327,598.80 $8,131,661.50 Uses Of Funds Deposit to Project Construction Fund 1,020,000.00 1,265,000.00 5,260,000.00 310,000.00 7,855,000.00 Deposit to Project Construction Fund (Premium & Rounding) 19,480.26 33,514.61 73,755.83 12,085.80 138,836.50 Total Underwriter's Discount (1.400%) 14,560.00 18,060.00 74,900.00 4,480.00 112,000.00 Costs of Issuance 3,357.24 4,164.29 17,270.47 1,033.00 25,825.00 Total Uses GG Bonds 19A FINAL I Issue Summary 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM Northland Securities, Inc. $1,057,397.50 $1,320,738.90 $5,425,926.30 $327,598.80 $8,131,661.50 Public Finance Page 1 City of Monticello, Minnesota $8,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A FINAL Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I Fiscal Total 09/18/2019 Net Interest Cost (NIC) - Weighted Average Maturity - Bond Yield for Arbitraee Purposes 06/15/2020 - - 121,401.57 121,401.57 - 12/15/2020 505,000.00 2.000% 81,843.75 586,843.75 708,245.32 06/15/2021 - - 76,793.75 76,793.75 - 12/15/2021 560,000.00 2.000% 76,793.75 636,793.75 713,587.50 06/15/2022 - - 71,193.75 71,193.75 - 12/15/2022 575,000.00 2.000% 71,193.75 646,193.75 717,387.50 06/15/2023 - - 65,443.75 65,443.75 - 12/15/2023 580,000.00 2.000% 65,443.75 645,443.75 710,887.50 06/15/2024 - 59,643.75 59,643.75 12/15/2024 590,000.00 2.000% 59,643.75 649,643.75 709,287.50 06/15/2025 - - 53,743.75 53,743.75 - 12/15/2025 605,000.00 2.000% 53,743.75 658,743.75 712,487.50 06/15/2026 - - 47,693.75 47,693.75 - 12/15/2026 615,000.00 2.000% 47,693.75 662,693.75 710,387.50 06/15/2027 - - 41,543.75 41,543.75 - 12/15/2027 630,000.00 2.000% 41,543.75 671,543.75 713,087.50 06/15/2028 - - 35,243.75 35,243.75 - 12/15/2028 645,000.00 2.000% 35,243.75 680,243.75 715,487.50 06/15/2029 - 28,793.75 28,793.75 12/15/2029 455,000.00 2.000% 28,793.75 483,793.75 512,587.50 06/15/2030 - - 24,243.75 24,243.75 - 12/15/2030 465,000.00 2.000% 24,243.75 489,243.75 513,487.50 06/15/2031 - - 19,593.75 19,593.75 - 12/15/2031 475,000.00 2.100% 19,593.75 494,593.75 514,187.50 06/15/2032 - - 14,606.25 14,606.25 - 12/15/2032 485,000.00 2.200% 14,606.25 499,606.25 514,212.50 06/15/2033 - - 9,271.25 9,271.25 - 12/15/2033 405,000.00 2.250% 9,271.25 414,271.25 423,542.50 06/15/2034 - 4,715.00 4,715.00 12/15/2034 410,000.00 2.300% 4,715.00 414,715.00 419,430.00 Total $8,000,000.00 - $1,308,292.82 $9,308,292.82 - Date And Term Structure Dated Delivery Date First available call date Call Price 9/18/2019 9/18/2019 12/15/2027 100.000% Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $62,823.33 Average Life 7.853 Years Average Coupon 2.0824951% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 2.0511986% True Interest Cost (TIC) 2.0439324% All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 2.0895073% IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost (NIC) 2.0511986% Weighted Average Maturity 7.822 Years Bond Yield for Arbitraee Purposes 1.8486313% GO Bonds 19A FINAL I Issue Summary 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 2 City of Monticello, Minnesota $8,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A FINAL Pricing Summary Total - $8,000,000.00 - - - - - $8,131,661.50 Bid Information Maturity $8,000,000.00 Reoffering Premium or (Discount) 131,661.50 Gross Production Maturity Type of Bond Coupon Yield Value Price YTM Call Date Call Price Dollar Price 12/15/2020 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.200% 505,000.00 100.982% 509,959.10 12/15/2021 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.290% 560,000.00 101.563% 568,752.80 12/15/2022 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.270% 575,000.00 102.310% 588,282.50 12/15/2023 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.320% 580,000.00 102.795% 596,211.00 12/15/2024 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.400% 590,000.00 103.021% 607,823.90 12/15/2025 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.480% 605,000.00 103.088% 623,682.40 12/15/2026 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.570% 615,000.00 102.931% 633,025.65 12/15/2027 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.660% 630,000.00 102.607% 646,424.10 12/15/2028 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.750% 645,000.00 101.909% c 1.775% 12/15/2027 100.000% 657,313.05 12/15/2029 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.850% 455,000.00 101.140% c 1.877% 12/15/2027 100.000% 460,187.00 12/15/2030 Serial Coupon 2.000% 2.000% 465,000.00 100.000% - - - 465,000.00 12/15/2031 Serial Coupon 2.100% 2.100% 475,000.00 100.000% 475,000.00 12/15/2032 Serial Coupon 2.200% 2.200% 485,000.00 100.000% 485,000.00 12/15/2033 Serial Coupon 2.250% 2.250% 405,000.00 100.000% 405,000.00 12/15/2034 Serial Coupon 2.300% 2.300% 410.000.00 100.000% 410.000.00 Total - $8,000,000.00 - - - - - $8,131,661.50 Bid Information Par Amount of Bonds $8,000,000.00 Reoffering Premium or (Discount) 131,661.50 Gross Production $8,131,661.50 Total Underwriter's Discount (1.400%) Bid (100.2460%) Total Purchase Price Bond Year Dollars Average Life Average Coupon Net Interest Cost (NIC) True Interest Cost (TIC) GO Bonds 19A FINAL I Issue Summary 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM Northland Securities, Inc. $(112,000.00) 8,019,661.50 $8,019,661.50 $62,823.33 7.853 Years 2.0824951% 2.0511986% 2.0439324% Public Finance Page 3 City of Monticello, Minnesota $8,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A FINAL Proof Of Bond Yield @ 1.8486313% Date Cashflow PV Factor Present Value Cumulative PV 09/18/2019 - 1.000000ox - - 06/15/2020 121,401.57 0.9864450x 119,755.97 119,755.97 12/15/2020 586,843.75 0.9774106x 573,587.33 693,343.30 06/15/2021 76,793.75 0.9684590x 74,371.60 767,714.90 12/15/2021 636,793.75 0.9595894x 611,060.53 1,378,775.43 06/15/2022 71,193.75 0.9508010x 67,691.09 1,446,466.51 12/15/2022 646,193.75 0.942093lx 608,774.66 2,055,241.17 06/15/2023 65,443.75 0.9334649x 61,089.44 2,116,330.61 12/15/2023 645,443.75 0.9249158x 596,981.10 2,713,311.72 06/15/2024 59,643.75 0.9164449x 54,660.21 2,767,971.93 12/15/2024 649,643.75 0.9080517x 589,910.09 3,357,882.01 06/15/2025 53,743.75 0.8997353x 48,355.15 3,406,237.16 12/15/2025 658,743.75 0.8914950x 587,266.79 3,993,503.95 06/15/2026 47,693.75 0.8833303x 42,129.33 4,035,633.28 12/15/2026 662,693.75 0.8752403x 580,016.27 4,615,649.55 06/15/2027 41,543.75 0.8672244x 36,027.75 4,651,677.31 12/15/2027 671,543.75 0.8592819x 577,045.41 5,228,722.72 06/15/2028 35,243.75 0.8514122x 30,006.96 5,258,729.68 12/15/2028 680,243.75 0.8436145x 573,863.51 5,832,593.19 06/15/2029 28,793.75 0.8358883x 24,068.36 5,856,661.54 12/15/2029 483,793.75 0.8282328x 400,693.85 6,257,355.40 06/15/2030 24,243.75 0.8206474x 19,895.57 6,277,250.97 12/15/2030 489,243.75 0.8131315x 397,819.52 6,675,070.48 06/15/2031 19,593.75 0.8056845x 15,786.38 6,690,856.86 12/15/2031 494,593.75 0.7983056x 394,836.96 7,085,693.82 06/15/2032 14,606.25 0.7909943x 11,553.46 7,097,247.28 12/15/2032 499,606.25 0.7837500x 391,566.39 7,488,813.67 06/15/2033 9,271.25 0.7765720x 7,199.79 7,496,013.46 12/15/2033 414,271.25 0.7694598x 318,765.06 7,814,778.53 06/15/2034 4,715.00 0.7624127x 3,594.78 7,818,373.30 12/15/2034 414,715.00 0.7554301x 313,288.20 8,131,661.50 Total $9,308,292.82 - $8,131,661.50 - Derivation Of Target Amount Par Amount of Bonds Reoffering Premium or (Discount) Issue Proceeds GO Bonds 19A FINAL I Issue Summary 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM $8,000,000.00 131,661.50 Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 4 131,661.50 City of Monticello, Minnesota $8,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A FINAL Derivation Of Form 8038 Yield Statistics Maturity Issuance Value Price Issuance Price Exponent Bond Years 09/18/2019 - - - - 12/15/2020 505,000.00 100.982% 509,959.10 1.2416667x 633,199.22 12/15/2021 560,000.00 101.563% 568,752.80 2.2416667x 1,274,954.19 12/15/2022 575,000.00 102.310% 588,282.50 3.2416667x 1,907,015.77 12/15/2023 580,000.00 102.795% 596,211.00 4.2416667x 2,528,928.33 12/15/2024 590,000.00 103.021% 607,823.90 5.2416667x 3,186,010.28 12/15/2025 605,000.00 103.088% 623,682.40 6.2416667x 3,892,817.65 12/15/2026 615,000.00 102.931% 633,025.65 7.2416667x 4,584,160.75 12/15/2027 630,000.00 102.607% 646,424.10 8.2416667x 5,327,611.96 12/15/2028 645,000.00 101.909% 657,313.05 9.2416667x 6,074,668.10 12/15/2029 455,000.00 101.140% 460,187.00 10.2416667x 4,713,081.86 12/15/2030 465,000.00 100.000% 465,000.00 11.2416667x 5,227,375.00 12/15/2031 475,000.00 100.000% 475,000.00 12.2416667x 5,814,791.67 12/15/2032 485,000.00 100.000% 485,000.00 13.2416667x 6,422,208.33 12/15/2033 405,000.00 100.000% 405,000.00 14.2416667x 5,767,875.00 12/15/2034 410,000.00 100.000% 410,000.00 15.2416667x 6,249,083.33 Total $8,0009000.00 - $8,131,661.50 - $63,603,781.43 IRS Form 8038 Weighted Average Maturity = Bond Years/Issue Price Total Interest from Debt Service Reoffering (Premium) or Discount Total Interest NIC = Interest / (Issue Price * Average Maturity) 7.822 Years 1,308,292.82 (131,661.50) 1,176,631.32 1.8499393% Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 1.8486313% GO Bonds 19A FINAL I Issue Summary 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 5 City of Monticello, Minnesota $8,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A FINAL Detail Costs Of Issuance Dated 09/18/2019 1 Delivered 09/18/2019 COSTS OF ISSUANCE DETAIL Bond Counsel $7,500.00 Rating Agency Fee $16,000.00 Pricing Opinion $2,000.00 Paying Agent $325.00 TOTAL $25,825.00 GO Bonds 19A FINAL I Issue Summary 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 6 City of Monticello, Minnesota $1,040,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A Tax Abatement Sources & Uses Dated 09/18/2019 1 Delivered 09/18/2019 Sources Of Funds Par Amount of Bonds $1,040,000.00 Reofferine Premium 17.397.50 Total Sources .50 Uses Of Funds Deposit to Project Construction Fund 1,020,000.00 Deposit to Project Construction Fund (Premium & Rounding) 19,480.26 Total Underwriter's Discount (1.400%) 14,560.00 Costs of Issuance 3.357.24 Total Uses GO Bonds 19A FINAL I Tax Abatement 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM $1,057,397.50 Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 7 City of Monticello, Minnesota $1,040,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A Tax Abatement Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I Fiscal Total 09/18/2019 - - 06/15/2020 - - 15,626.92 15,626.92 - 12/15/2020 65,000.00 2.000% 10,535.00 75,535.00 91,161.92 06/15/2021 - - 9,885.00 9,885.00 - 12/15/2021 75,000.00 2.000% 9,885.00 84,885.00 94,770.00 06/15/2022 - - 9,135.00 9,135.00 - 12/15/2022 75,000.00 2.000% 9,135.00 84,135.00 93,270.00 06/15/2023 - - 8,385.00 8,385.00 - 12/15/2023 75,000.00 2.000% 8,385.00 83,385.00 91,770.00 06/15/2024 - - 7,635.00 7,635.00 12/15/2024 75,000.00 2.000% 7,635.00 82,635.00 90,270.00 06/15/2025 - - 6,885.00 6,885.00 - 12/15/2025 80,000.00 2.000% 6,885.00 86,885.00 93,770.00 06/15/2026 - - 6,085.00 6,085.00 - 12/15/2026 80,000.00 2.000% 6,085.00 86,085.00 92,170.00 06/15/2027 - - 5,285.00 5,285.00 - 12/15/2027 80,000.00 2.000% 5,285.00 85,285.00 90,570.00 06/15/2028 - - 4,485.00 4,485.00 - 12/15/2028 85,000.00 2.000% 4,485.00 89,485.00 93,970.00 06/15/2029 - - 3,635.00 3,635.00 12/15/2029 85,000.00 2.000% 3,635.00 88,635.00 92,270.00 06/15/2030 - - 2,785.00 2,785.00 - 12/15/2030 85,000.00 2.000% 2,785.00 87,785.00 90,570.00 06/15/2031 - - 1,935.00 1,935.00 - 12/15/2031 90,000.00 2.100% 1,935.00 91,935.00 93,870.00 06/15/2032 - - 990.00 990.00 - 12/15/2032 90,000.00 2.200% 990.00 90,990.00 91,980.00 Total $1,0409000.00 - $160,411.92 $1,200,411.92 - Date And Term Structure Dated 9/18/2019 Delivery Date 9/18/2019 First available call date 12/15/2027 Call Price 100.000% Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $7,846.33 Average Life 7.545 Years Average Coupon 2.0444189% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 2.0082555% True Interest Cost (TIC) 2.0025636% All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 2.0496482% IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost (NIC) 2.0082555% Weighted Average Maturity 7.519 Years Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 1.8486313% GO Bonds 19A FINAL I Tax Abatement 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 8 City of Monticello, Minnesota $1,040,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A Tax Abatement 105% Levy GO Bonds 19A FINAL I Tax Abatement 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 9 Tax Abatement Debt Service Levy Collection Date Total P+I 105% Levy Levy Levy Year Year 12/15/2020 91,161.92 95,720.02 65,000.00 30,720.02 2019 2020 12/15/2021 94,770.00 99,508.50 75,000.00 24,508.50 2020 2021 12/15/2022 93,270.00 97,933.50 75,000.00 22,933.50 2021 2022 12/15/2023 91,770.00 96,358.50 75,000.00 21,358.50 2022 2023 12/15/2024 90,270.00 94,783.50 75,000.00 19,783.50 2023 2024 12/15/2025 93,770.00 98,458.50 80,000.00 18,458.50 2024 2025 12/15/2026 92,170.00 96,778.50 80,000.00 16,778.50 2025 2026 12/15/2027 90,570.00 95,098.50 80,000.00 15,098.50 2026 2027 12/15/2028 93,970.00 98,668.50 85,000.00 13,668.50 2027 2028 12/15/2029 92,270.00 96,883.50 85,000.00 11,883.50 2028 2029 12/15/2030 90,570.00 95,098.50 85,000.00 10,098.50 2029 2030 12/15/2031 93,870.00 98,563.50 90,000.00 8,563.50 2030 2031 12/15/2032 91,980.00 96,579.00 90,000.00 6,579.00 2031 2032 Total $1,200,411.92 $1,260,432.52 $1,040,000.00 $220,432.52 GO Bonds 19A FINAL I Tax Abatement 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 9 City of Monticello, Minnesota $1,290,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A Equipment Sources & Uses Dated 09/18/2019 1 Delivered 09/18/2019 Sources Of Funds Par Amount of Bonds $1,290,000.00 Reofferine Premium 30.738.90 Total Sources Uses Of Funds Deposit to Project Construction Fund 1,265,000.00 Deposit to Project Construction Fund (Premium & Rounding) 33,514.61 Total Underwriter's Discount (1.400%) 18,060.00 Costs of Issuance 4.164.29 Total Uses GO Bonds 19A FINAL I Fquipment 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM $1,320,738.90 Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 10 City of Monticello, Minnesota $1,290,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A Equipment Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I Fiscal Total 09/18/2019 12/15/2027 Call Price - - 06/15/2020 - - 19,135.00 19,135.00 - 12/15/2020 125,000.00 2.000% 12,900.00 137,900.00 157,035.00 06/15/2021 - - 11,650.00 11,650.00 - 12/15/2021 135,000.00 2.000% 11,650.00 146,650.00 158,300.00 06/15/2022 - - 10,300.00 10,300.00 - 12/15/2022 140,000.00 2.000% 10,300.00 150,300.00 160,600.00 06/15/2023 - - 8,900.00 8,900.00 - 12/15/2023 140,000.00 2.000% 8,900.00 148,900.00 157,800.00 06/15/2024 - - 7,500.00 7,500.00 - 12/15/2024 145,000.00 2.000% 7,500.00 152,500.00 160,000.00 06/15/2025 - - 6,050.00 6,050.00 - 12/15/2025 145,000.00 2.000% 6,050.00 151,050.00 157,100.00 06/15/2026 - - 4,600.00 4,600.00 - 12/15/2026 150,000.00 2.000% 4,600.00 154,600.00 159,200.00 06/15/2027 - - 3,100.00 3,100.00 - 12/15/2027 155,000.00 2.000% 3,100.00 158,100.00 161,200.00 06/15/2028 - - 1,550.00 1,550.00 - 12/15/2028 155,000.00 2.000% 1,550.00 156,550.00 158,100.00 Total $1,2909000.00 - $139,335.00 $1,429,335.00 - Date And Term Structure Dated 9/18/2019 Delivery Date 9/18/2019 First available call date 12/15/2027 Call Price 100.000% Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $6,966.75 Average Life 5.401 Years Average Coupon 2.0000000% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 1.8180084% True Interest Cost (TIC) 1.8055154% All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 1.8688792% IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost (NIC) 1.8180084% Weighted Average Maturity 5.409 Years Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 1.8486313% GO Bonds 19A FINAL I Equipment 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 11 City of Monticello, Minnesota $1,290,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A Equipment 105% Levy 00 Bonds 19A FINAL I Equipment 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 12 Levy Collection Date Total PA 105% Levy Year Year 12/15/2020 157,035.00 164,886.75 2019 2020 12/15/2021 158,300.00 166,215.00 2020 2021 12/15/2022 160,600.00 168,630.00 2021 2022 12/15/2023 157,800.00 165,690.00 2022 2023 12/15/2024 160,000.00 168,000.00 2023 2024 12/15/2025 157,100.00 164,955.00 2024 2025 12/15/2026 159,200.00 167,160.00 2025 2026 12/15/2027 161,200.00 169,260.00 2026 2027 12/15/2028 158,100.00 166,005.00 2027 2028 Total $1,429,335.00 $1,500,801.75 00 Bonds 19A FINAL I Equipment 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 12 City of Monticello, Minnesota $5,350,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A CIP Sources & Uses Dated 09/18/2019 1 Delivered 09/18/2019 Sources Of Funds Par Amount of Bonds Reoffering Premium Total Sources $5,350,000.00 75.926.30 Uses Of Funds Deposit to Project Construction Fund 5,260,000.00 Total Underwriter's Discount (1.400%) 74,900.00 Deposit to Project Construction Fund (Premium & Rounding) 73,755.83 Costs of Issuance 17.270.47 Total Uses GO Bonds 19A FINAL I CIP 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM $5,425,926.30 Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 13 of Monticello. Minnesota $5,350,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A CIP Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I Fiscal Total 09/18/2019 - - 06/15/2020 - - 81,892.98 81,892.98 - 12/15/2020 285,000.00 2.000% 55,208.75 340,208.75 422,101.73 06/15/2021 - - 52,358.75 52,358.75 - 12/15/2021 315,000.00 2.000% 52,358.75 367,358.75 419,717.50 06/15/2022 - - 49,208.75 49,208.75 - 12/15/2022 325,000.00 2.000% 49,208.75 374,208.75 423,417.50 06/15/2023 - - 45,958.75 45,958.75 - 12/15/2023 330,000.00 2.000% 45,958.75 375,958.75 421,917.50 06/15/2024 - 42,658.75 42,658.75 12/15/2024 335,000.00 2.000% 42,658.75 377,658.75 420,317.50 06/15/2025 - - 39,308.75 39,308.75 - 12/15/2025 345,000.00 2.000% 39,308.75 384,308.75 423,617.50 06/15/2026 - - 35,858.75 35,858.75 - 12/15/2026 350,000.00 2.000% 35,858.75 385,858.75 421,717.50 06/15/2027 - - 32,358.75 32,358.75 - 12/15/2027 355,000.00 2.000% 32,358.75 387,358.75 419,717.50 06/15/2028 - - 28,808.75 28,808.75 - 12/15/2028 365,000.00 2.000% 28,808.75 393,808.75 422,617.50 06/15/2029 - 25,158.75 25,158.75 12/15/2029 370,000.00 2.000% 25,158.75 395,158.75 420,317.50 06/15/2030 - - 21,458.75 21,458.75 - 12/15/2030 380,000.00 2.000% 21,458.75 401,458.75 422,917.50 06/15/2031 - - 17,658.75 17,658.75 - 12/15/2031 385,000.00 2.100% 17,658.75 402,658.75 420,317.50 06/15/2032 - - 13,616.25 13,616.25 - 12/15/2032 395,000.00 2.200% 13,616.25 408,616.25 422,232.50 06/15/2033 - - 9,271.25 9,271.25 - 12/15/2033 405,000.00 2.250% 9,271.25 414,271.25 423,542.50 06/15/2034 - 4,715.00 4,715.00 12/15/2034 410,000.00 2.300% 4,715.00 414,715.00 419,430.00 Total $5,350,000.00 - $973,899.23 $6,323,899.23 - Date And Term Structure Dated Delivery Date First available call date Call Price Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars Average Life Average Coupon Net Interest Cost (NIC) True Interest Cost (TIC) All Inclusive Cost (AIC) IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost (NIC) Weighted Average Maturity Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes GO Bonds 19A FINAL I CIP 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance 9/18/2019 9/18/2019 12/15/2021 100.000% $46,277.92 8.650 Years 2.1044578% 2.1022401% 2.0978678% 2.1397301% 2.1022401% 8.613 Years 1.8486313% Page 14 City of Monticello, Minnesota $5,350,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A CII' 105% Levy GO Bonds 19A FINAL I CIP 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 15 Levy Collection Date Total P+I 105% Levy Year Year 12/15/2020 422,101.73 443,206.82 2019 2020 12/15/2021 419,717.50 440,703.38 2020 2021 12/15/2022 423,417.50 444,588.38 2021 2022 12/15/2023 421,917.50 443,013.38 2022 2023 12/15/2024 420,317.50 441,333.38 2023 2024 12/15/2025 423,617.50 444,798.38 2024 2025 12/15/2026 421,717.50 442,803.38 2025 2026 12/15/2027 419,717.50 440,703.38 2026 2027 12/15/2028 422,617.50 443,748.38 2027 2028 12/15/2029 420,317.50 441,333.38 2028 2029 12/15/2030 422,917.50 444,063.38 2029 2030 12/15/2031 420,317.50 441,333.38 2030 2031 12/15/2032 422,232.50 443,344.13 2031 2032 12/15/2033 423,542.50 444,719.63 2032 2033 12/15/2034 419,430.00 440,401.50 2033 2034 Total $6,323,899.23 $6,640,094.19 GO Bonds 19A FINAL I CIP 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 15 City of Monticello, Minnesota $320,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A Street Improvements Sources & Uses Dated 09/18/2019 1 Delivered 09/18/2019 Sources Of Funds Par Amount of Bonds $320,000.00 Reofferine Premium 7.598.80 Total Sources $327 Uses Of Funds Deposit to Project Construction Fund 310,000.00 Deposit to Project Construction Fund (Premium & Rounding) 12,085.80 Total Underwriter's Discount (1.400%) 4,480.00 Costs of Issuance 1.033.00 Total Uses GO Bonds 19A FINAL I Street Improvements 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM $327,598.80 Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 16 City of Monticello, Minnesota $320,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A Street Improvements Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I Fiscal Total 09/18/2019 12/15/2027 Call Price - - 06/15/2020 - - 4,746.67 4,746.67 - 12/15/2020 30,000.00 2.000% 3,200.00 33,200.00 37,946.67 06/15/2021 - - 2,900.00 2,900.00 - 12/15/2021 35,000.00 2.000% 2,900.00 37,900.00 40,800.00 06/15/2022 - - 2,550.00 2,550.00 - 12/15/2022 35,000.00 2.000% 2,550.00 37,550.00 40,100.00 06/15/2023 - - 2,200.00 2,200.00 - 12/15/2023 35,000.00 2.000% 2,200.00 37,200.00 39,400.00 06/15/2024 - - 1,850.00 1,850.00 - 12/15/2024 35,000.00 2.000% 1,850.00 36,850.00 38,700.00 06/15/2025 - - 1,500.00 1,500.00 - 12/15/2025 35,000.00 2.000% 1,500.00 36,500.00 38,000.00 06/15/2026 - - 1,150.00 1,150.00 - 12/15/2026 35,000.00 2.000% 1,150.00 36,150.00 37,300.00 06/15/2027 - - 800.00 800.00 - 12/15/2027 40,000.00 2.000% 800.00 40,800.00 41,600.00 06/15/2028 - - 400.00 400.00 - 12/15/2028 40,000.00 2.000% 400.00 40,400.00 40,800.00 Total $320,000.00 - $34,646.67 $3549646.67 - Date And Term Structure Dated 9/18/2019 Delivery Date 9/18/2019 First available call date 12/15/2027 Call Price 100.000% Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $1,732.33 Average Life 5.414 Years Average Coupon 2.0000002% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 1.8199656% True Interest Cost (TIC) 1.8075455% All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 1.8707788% IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost (NIC) 1.8199656% Weighted Average Maturity 5.421 Years Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 1.8486313% GO Bonds 19A FINAL I Street Improvements 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 17 City of Monticello, Minnesota $320,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A Street Improvements 105% Levy Less: Equals: "Assumes assessment principal totalling $92,069.63 assessed at an interest of 5% and spread over 9 years in equal annual principal amounts. Go Bonds 19A FINAL I Street Improvements 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Page 18 Special Assessment City Net Levy Collection Date Total P+I 105% Levy Revenue* Levy Year Year. 12/15/2020 37,946.67 39,844.00 15,038.04 24,805.96 2019 2020 2020 2021 12/15/2021 40,800.00 42,840.00 14,321.94 28,518.06 2021 2022 12/15/2022 40,100.00 42,105.00 13,810.44 28,294.56 2022 2023 12/15/2023 39,400.00 41,370.00 13,298.94 28,071.06 2023 2024 12/15/2024 38,700.00 40,635.00 12,787.44 12,275.96 27,847.56 27,624.04 2024 2025 12/15/2025 12/15/2026 38,000.00 37,300.00 39,900.00 39,165.00 11,764.46 27,400.54 2025 2026 12/15/2027 41,600.00 43,680.00 11,252.96 32,427.04 2026 2027 2027 2028 12/15/2028 40,800.00 42,840.00 10,741.45 32,098.55 Total $354,646.67 $372,379.00 $115,291.63 $257,087.37 "Assumes assessment principal totalling $92,069.63 assessed at an interest of 5% and spread over 9 years in equal annual principal amounts. Go Bonds 19A FINAL I Street Improvements 1 8/22/2019 1 10:07 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Page 18 NORTHLAND �`y, SECURITIES City of Monticello, Minnesota $8,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A Bond Sale Summary August 26, 2019 PURPOSE: Finance the final phase of the Fallon overpass project, purchase a fire truck, finance fire hall facility, and finance street improvements. FINANCE PLAN: The Bonds have been structured to result in each portion having relatively level annual debt service payments over the life of the Bonds. The Abatement portion has a 13 -year term to match the length of the previous bond issues associated with the Fallon Overpass project. The Equipment portion has a 9 -year term, which is the maximum allowed under Section 412.301. The CIP portion has a 15 -year term, and the Street Improvement portion has a 9 -year term. RATING: The City received an "Al" rating from Moody's Investors Service, which was an upgrade from the City's previous "A2" rating. The rating report noted the City's strong operating history, ample reserves, and favorable resident income levels as credit positives. RESULTS: Final Results on Finance Plan 08/22/19* 06/24/19 Par Amount $ 8,000,000 $8,000,000 Deposit to Construction Fund $ 7,993,837 $7,855,000 Average Coupon 2.08% 2.47% True Interest Cost (TIC) 2.04% 2.65% All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 2.09% 2.71% *Bonds were priced with a reoffering premium of $131,661.50. The premium and rounding were used to increase the amount deposited to the construction fund. Page 1 NORTHLAND �`y, SECURITIES EXHIBIT A -SOURCES AND USES Page 2 Tax Street Issue Abatement Equipment CIP Improvements Summary Sources Of Funds Par Amount of Bonds $1,040,000.00 $1,290,000.00 $5,350,000.00 $320,000.00 $8,000,000.00 Reoffering Premium 17,397.50 30,738.90 75,926.30 7,598.80 131,661.50 Total Sources $1,057,397.50 $1,320,738.90 $55425,926.30 $3275598.80 $8,131,661.50 Uses Of Funds Deposit to Project Construction Fund 1,020,000.00 1,265,000.00 5,260,000.00 310,000.00 7,855,000.00 Deposit to Project Construction Fund (Premium & Rounding) 19,480.26 33,514.61 73,755.83 12,085.80 138,836.50 Total Underwriter's Discount (1.4001/.) 14,560.00 18,060.00 74,900.00 4,480.00 112,000.00 Costs of Issuance 3,357.24 4,164.29 17,270.47 1,033.00 25,825.00 Total Uses $1,057,397.50 $1,320,738.90 $5,425,926.30 $327,598.80 $8,131,661.50 Page 2 NORTHLAND �`y, SECURITIES EXHIBIT B -DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I Fiscal Total 09/18/2019 2.0824951% Net Interest Cost (NIC) - - 2.0439324% 06/15/2020 - - 121,401.57 121,401.57 - 12/15/2020 505,000.00 2.000% 81,843.75 586,843.75 708,245.32 06/15/2021 - - 76,793.75 76,793.75 - 12/15/2021 560,000.00 2.000% 76,793.75 636,793.75 713,587.50 06/15/2022 - - 71,193.75 71,193.75 - 12/15/2022 575,000.00 2.000% 71,193.75 646,193.75 717,387.50 06/15/2023 - - 65,443.75 65,443.75 - 12/15/2023 580,000.00 2.000% 65,443.75 645,443.75 710,887.50 06/15/2024 - - 59,643.75 59,643.75 - 12/15/2024 590,000.00 2.000% 59,643.75 649,643.75 709,287.50 06/15/2025 - - 53,743.75 53,743.75 - 12/15/2025 605,000.00 2.000% 53,743.75 658,743.75 712,487.50 06/15/2026 - - 47,693.75 47,693.75 - 12/15/2026 615,000.00 2.000% 47,693.75 662,693.75 710,387.50 06/15/2027 - - 41,543.75 41,543.75 - 12/15/2027 630,000.00 2.000% 41,543.75 671,543.75 713,087.50 06/15/2028 - - 35,243.75 35,243.75 - 12/15/2028 645,000.00 2.000% 35,243.75 680,243.75 715,487.50 06/15/2029 - - 28,793.75 28,793.75 - 12/15/2029 455,000.00 2.000% 28,793.75 483,793.75 512,587.50 06/15/2030 - - 24,243.75 24,243.75 - 12/15/2030 465,000.00 2.000% 24,243.75 489,243.75 513,487.50 06/15/2031 - - 19,593.75 19,593.75 - 12/15/2031 475,000.00 2.100% 19,593.75 494,593.75 514,187.50 06/15/2032 - - 14,606.25 14,606.25 - 12/15/2032 485,000.00 2.200% 14,606.25 499,606.25 514,212.50 06/15/2033 - - 9,271.25 9,271.25 - 12/15/2033 405,000.00 2.250% 9,271.25 414,271.25 423,542.50 06/15/2034 - - 4,715.00 4,715.00 - 12/15/2034 410,000.00 2.300% 4,715.00 414,715.00 419,430.00 Total $8,000,000.00 - $1,308,292.82 $9,308,292.82 - Date And Term Structure Dated 9/18/2019 Delivery Date 9/18/2019 First available call date 12/15/2027 Call Price 100.000% Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $62,823.33 Average Life 7.853 Years Average Coupon 2.0824951% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 2.0511986% True Interest Cost (TIC) 2.0439324% All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 2.0895073% Page 3 NORTHLAND �`y, SECURITIES EXHIBIT C -105% LEVY SCHEDULE (ABATEMENT PORTION) EXHIBIT D -105% LEVY SCHEDULE (EQUIPMENT PORTION) Levy Collection Date Total P+I 105% Levy Year Tax 12/15/2020 157,035.00 164,886.75 2019 2020 12/15/2021 158,300.00 Abatement Debt Service Levy Collection Date Total P+I 105%Levy 2022 Levy Levy Year Year 12/15/2020 91,161.92 95,720.02 168,000.00 65,000.00 30,720.02 2019 2020 12/15/2021 94,770.00 99,508.50 12/15/2026 75,000.00 24,508.50 2020 2021 12/15/2022 93,270.00 97,933.50 2026 75,000.00 22,933.50 2021 2022 12/15/2023 91,770.00 96,358.50 $1,429,335.00 75,000.00 21,358.50 2022 2023 12/15/2024 90,270.00 94,783.50 2030 75,000.00 19,783.50 2023 2024 12/15/2025 93,770.00 98,458.50 443,344.13 80,000.00 18,458.50 2024 2025 12/15/2026 92,170.00 96,778.50 12/15/2034 80,000.00 16,778.50 2025 2026 12/15/2027 90,570.00 95,098.50 80,000.00 15,098.50 2026 2027 12/15/2028 93,970.00 98,668.50 85,000.00 13,668.50 2027 2028 12/15/2029 92,270.00 96,883.50 85,000.00 11,883.50 2028 2029 12/15/2030 90,570.00 95,098.50 85,000.00 10,098.50 2029 2030 12/15/2031 93,870.00 98,563.50 90,000.00 8,563.50 2030 2031 12/15/2032 91,980.00 96,579.00 90,000.00 6,579.00 2031 2032 Total $1,200,411.92 $1,260,432.52 $1,040,000.00 $220,432.52 EXHIBIT D -105% LEVY SCHEDULE (EQUIPMENT PORTION) Levy Collection Date Total P+I 105% Levy Year Year 12/15/2020 157,035.00 164,886.75 2019 2020 12/15/2021 158,300.00 166,215.00 2020 2021 12/15/2022 160,600.00 168,630.00 2021 2022 12/15/2023 157,800.00 165,690.00 2022 2023 12/15/2024 160,000.00 168,000.00 2023 2024 12/15/2025 157,100.00 164,955.00 2024 2025 12/15/2026 159,200.00 167,160.00 2025 2026 12/15/2027 161,200.00 169,260.00 2026 2027 12/15/2028 158,100.00 166,005.00 2027 2028 Total $1,429,335.00 $1,500,801.75 2028 2029 EXHIBIT E -105% LEVY SCHEDULE (CIP PORTION) Levy Collection Date Total P+I 105% Levy Year Year 12/15/2020 422,101.73 443,206.82 2019 2020 12/15/2021 419,717.50 440,703.38 2020 2021 12/15/2022 423,417.50 444,588.38 2021 2022 12/15/2023 421,917.50 443,013.38 2022 2023 12/15/2024 420,317.50 441,333.38 2023 2024 12/15/2025 423,617.50 444,798.38 2024 2025 12/15/2026 421,717.50 442,803.38 2025 2026 12/15/2027 419,717.50 440,703.38 2026 2027 12/15/2028 422,617.50 443,748.38 2027 2028 12/15/2029 420,317.50 441,333.38 2028 2029 12/15/2030 422,917.50 444,063.38 2029 2030 12/15/2031 420,317.50 441,333.38 2030 2031 12/15/2032 422,232.50 443,344.13 2031 2032 12/15/2033 423,542.50 444,719.63 2032 2033 12/15/2034 419,430.00 440,401.50 2033 2034 Total $6,323,899.23 $6,640,094.19 Page 4 NORTHLAND �`y, SECURITIES EXHIBIT F -105% LEVY SCHEDULE (IMPROVEMENT PORTION) *Assumes assessment principal totalling $92,069.63 assessed at an interest of 5% and spread over 9 years in equal annual principal amounts. EXHIBIT G - PRICING SUMMARY Maturity Maturity Type of Bond Coupon Yield Value Less: Equals: 505,000.00 12/15/2021 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.290% 560,000.00 12/15/2022 Serial Coupon Special 575,000.00 12/15/2023 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.320% 580,000.00 12/15/2024 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.400% Assessment City Net Levy Collection Date Total P+I 105% Levy Revenue* Levy Year Year 12/15/2020 37,946.67 39,844.00 15,038.04 24,805.96 2019 2020 12/15/2021 40,800.00 42,840.00 14,321.94 28,518.06 2020 2021 12/15/2022 40,100.00 42,105.00 13,810.44 28,294.56 2021 2022 12/15/2023 39,400.00 41,370.00 13,298.94 28,071.06 2022 2023 12/15/2024 38,700.00 40,635.00 12,787.44 27,847.56 2023 2024 12/15/2025 38,000.00 39,900.00 12,275.96 27,624.04 2024 2025 12/15/2026 37,300.00 39,165.00 11,764.46 27,400.54 2025 2026 12/15/2027 41,600.00 43,680.00 11,252.96 32,427.04 2026 2027 12/15/2028 40,800.00 42,840.00 10,741.45 32,098.55 2027 2028 Total $354,646.67 $372,379.00 $115,291.63 $257,087.37 *Assumes assessment principal totalling $92,069.63 assessed at an interest of 5% and spread over 9 years in equal annual principal amounts. EXHIBIT G - PRICING SUMMARY Maturity Maturity Type of Bond Coupon Yield Value 12/15/2020 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.200% 505,000.00 12/15/2021 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.290% 560,000.00 12/15/2022 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.270% 575,000.00 12/15/2023 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.320% 580,000.00 12/15/2024 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.400% 590,000.00 12/15/2025 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.480% 605,000.00 12/15/2026 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.570% 615,000.00 12/15/2027 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.660% 630,000.00 12/15/2028 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.750% 645,000.00 12/15/2029 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.850% 455,000.00 12/15/2030 Serial Coupon 2.000% 2.000% 465,000.00 12/15/2031 Serial Coupon 2.100% 2.100% 475,000.00 12/15/2032 Serial Coupon 2.200% 2.200% 485,000.00 12/15/2033 Serial Coupon 2.250% 2.250% 405,000.00 12/15/2034 Serial Coupon 2.300% 2.300% 410,000.00 Total - - - $8,000,000.00 Bid Information Par Amount of Bonds Reoffering Premium or (Discount) Cross Production Total Underwriter's Discount (1.400%) Bid (100.246°/x) Total Purchase Price Price YTM Call Date Call Price Dollar Price 100.982% 509,959.10 101.563% 568,752.80 102.310% 588,282.50 102.795% 596,211.00 103.021% 607,823.90 103.088% 623,682.40 102.931% 633,025.65 102.607% 646,424.10 101.909% c 1.775% 12/15/2027 100.000% 657,313.05 101.140% c 1.877% 12/15/2027 100.000% 460,187.00 100.000% - - - 465,000.00 100.000% 475,000.00 100.000% 485,000.00 100.000% 405,000.00 100.000% 410,000.00 $8,131,661.50 $8,000,000.00 131,661.50 $8,131,661.50 $(112,000.00) 8,019,661.50 $8,019,661.50 Page 5 MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE Rating Action: Moody's upgrades City of Monticello, MN's GO rating to Al 12 Aug 2019 New York, August 12, 2019 -- Moody's Investors Service has upgraded the City of Monticello, MN's general obligation unlimited tax (GOULT) rating to Al from A2 and has assigned an Al GOULT rating to the city's $8 million General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019A. Following the sale, the city will have approximately $33 million in outstanding GOULT debt. RATINGS RATIONALE The upgrade to Al from A2 reflects the city's very health reserves, improved financial policies and reduced operating support for the fiber optic utility. The Al rating also reflects the city's growing but highly concentrated tax base, favorable resident income levels, elevated debt and fixed cost burdens and a relatively modest pension burden. RATING OUTLOOK Outlooks are usually not assigned to local government credits with this amount of debt. FACTORS THAT COULD LEAD TO AN UPGRADE - Significant expansion and diversification of the city's tax base - Reduced leverage and fixed costs FACTORS THAT COULD LEAD TO A DOWNGRADE - Challenges with city's largest taxpayer - Material reduction of reserves or available liquidity - Renewed support from the city to the fiber optic utility for operations - Increased leverage or fixed cost burden LEGAL SECURITY The city's GO bonds are secured by the city's full faith and credit pledge and the authority to levy a dedicated property tax unlimited as to rate and amount. The security benefits from a statutory lien. USE OF PROCEEDS Proceeds from the 2019A bonds will finance infrastructure improvements, including the Fallon overpass project, purchase equipment, fire hall construction and street improvements. PROFILE Encompassing approximately 9 square miles, the city is located in Wright County approximately 45 miles northwest of the Twin Cities (Minneapolis, Aal negative; St. Paul, Aal negative) metropolitan area and 25 miles southeast of the City of St. Cloud (Aa2). METHODOLOGY The principal methodology used in these ratings was US Local Government General Obligation Debt published in December 2016. Please see the Rating Methodologies page on www.moodys.com for a copy of this methodology. REGULATORY DISCLOSURES For ratings issued on a program, series, category/class of debt or security this announcement provides certain regulatory disclosures in relation to each rating of a subsequently issued bond or note of the same series, category/class of debt, security or pursuant to a program for which the ratings are derived exclusively from existing ratings in accordance with Moody's rating practices. For ratings issued on a support provider, this announcement provides certain regulatory disclosures in relation to the credit rating action on the support provider and in relation to each particular credit rating action for securities that derive their credit ratings from the support provider's credit rating. For provisional ratings, this announcement provides certain regulatory disclosures in relation to the provisional rating assigned, and in relation to a definitive rating that may be assigned subsequent to the final issuance of the debt, in each case where the transaction structure and terms have not changed prior to the assignment of the definitive rating in a manner that would have affected the rating. For further information please see the ratings tab on the issuer/entity page for the respective issuer on www.moodys.com. Regulatory disclosures contained in this press release apply to the credit rating and, if applicable, the related rating outlook or rating review. 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CREDIT OPINION Monticello (City of) MN 12 August 2019 Update to credit analysis following upgrade to Al Rating outlook Outlooks are usually not assigned to local government credits with this amount of debt. Factors that could lead to an upgrade Significant expansion and diversification of the city's tax base Reduced leverage and fixed costs Factors that could lead to a downgrade Challenges with city's largest taxpayer Material reduction of reserves or available liquidity Renewed support from the city to the fiber optic utility for operations Increased leverage or fixed cost burden Summary The Citv of Monticello (Al) benefits from a strong operating history, ample reserves and favorable resident income levels. The city's credit attributes are balanced by a highly concentrated tax base, coupled with elevated debt and fixed cost burdens. While operating Contacts support for a fiber optic enterprise have been reduced significantly in recent years, risks Benjamin J VanMetre +1.312.706.9951 associated with the city's ownership and operation of a competitive enterprise remain. Analyst ben.vanmetre@moodys.com On August 12, 2019 we upgraded the city's general obligation unlimited tax (GOULT) rating Coley J Anderson +1.312.706.9961 to Al from A2. AVP -Analyst coley.anderson@moodys.com Credit strengths CLIENT SERVICES » Favorable resident income levels Americas 1-212-553-1653 » Strong reserves across operating funds and essential enterprise funds Asia Pacific 852-3551-3077 Relatively modest pension burden Japan 81-3-5408-4100 EMEA 44-20-7772-5454 Credit challenges Substantial tax base concentration, with a nuclear power plant comprising 55% of assessed valuation Elevated debt and fixed cost burdens Rating outlook Outlooks are usually not assigned to local government credits with this amount of debt. Factors that could lead to an upgrade Significant expansion and diversification of the city's tax base Reduced leverage and fixed costs Factors that could lead to a downgrade Challenges with city's largest taxpayer Material reduction of reserves or available liquidity Renewed support from the city to the fiber optic utility for operations Increased leverage or fixed cost burden Key indicators Exhibit 1 Monticello (City of) MN 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Economy/Tax Base Total Full Value ($000) $1,348,638 $1,648,007 $1,775,428 $1,911,838 $2,041,883 Population 12,974 13,065 13,214 13,316 13,316 Full Value Per Capita $103,949 $126,139 $134,360 $143,574 $153,341 Median Family Income (% of US Median) 130.1% 122.5% 113.7% 106.0% 106.0% Finances Operating Revenue ($000) $15,507 $16,169 $14,430 $13,629 $12,759 Fund Balance ($000) $8,250 $10,866 $10,423 $10,278 $9,956 Cash Balance ($000) $8,799 $11,473 $11,415 $11,578 $10,583 Fund Balance as a % of Revenues 53.2% 67.2% 72.2% 75.4% 78.0% Cash Balance as a % of Revenues 56.7% 71.0% 79.1% 85.0% 82.9% Debt/Pensions Net Direct Debt ($000) $24,061 $21,578 $20,681 $21,640 $24,235 3 -Year Average of Moody's ANPL ($000) $10,698 $9,573 $10,774 $10,903 $11,131 Net Direct Debt / Full Value (%) 1.8% 1.3% 1.2% 1.1% 1.2% Net Direct Debt / Operating Revenues (x) 1.6x 1.3x 1.4x 1.6x 1.9x Moody's - adjusted Net Pension Liability (3 -yr average) to Full Value (%) 0.8% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.5% Moody's - adjusted Net Pension Liability (3 -yr average) to Revenues (x) 0.7x 0.6x 0.7x 0.8x 0.9x Source: US Census Bureau, audited financial statements Profile Encompassing approximately 9 square miles, the city is located in Wright County approximately 45 miles northwest of the Twin Cities (Minneapolis, Aal negative; St. Paul, Aal negative) metropolitan area and 25 miles southeast of the City of St. Cloud (Aa2). Detailed credit considerations Economy and tax base: highly concentrated tax base; top taxpayer, Xcel Energy, has long-term operating license The city's moderately sized and concentrated $2.1 billion tax base is expected to remain stable given recent facility upgrades and investments by the city's largest taxpayer, Xcel Ener2v Inc. (Baal stable). Xcel completed significant power enhancements and expansions in recent years, driving significant increases in the city's assessed value. The 600 megawatt nuclear station now comprises a substantial 55% of the city's net tax capacity. The plant employs approximately 3,000 people during peak refueling and maintenance periods and 600 during normal operating periods. The plant opened in 1970 and is licensed to operate through 2030 though it's also currently seeking to extend the license by an additional 10 years. The plant's expected long-term presence, reinforced by its stable operations and the company's decision to undergo substantial plant upgrades somewhat mitigates the risks inherent in tax base concentration of this scale. As of June 2019, Wright County's unemployment rate (3.1%) was below the state's rate (3.4%) and the national rate (3.8%). The city's median family income is estimated at 106% of the nation median. Financial operations and reserves: ample reserves Monticello's financial profile will likely remain stable given its conservative budgeting practices, improved financial polices and ample reserves. The city closed fiscal 2018 with an available General Fund balance of $7 million, equal to an ample 80% of revenue. Fiscal 2018 reserves exceed the city's formal fund balance policy, which was recently increased to maintaining a minimum of 75% of General Fund expenditures in reserves. Monticello closed fiscal 2018 with a combined available fund balance of $10 million, equal to 78% of This publication does not announce a credit rating action. For any credit ratings referenced in this publication, please see the ratings tab on the issuer/entity page on www.moodys.com for the most updated credit rating action information and rating history. 2 12 August 2019 Monticello (City of) MN: Update to credit analysis following upgrade to Al revenue across the General Fund, Debt Service Fund and Community Center Fund. Officials report that year-to-date general fund operations are tracking toward a small surplus for fiscal 2019 and management expects balanced operations for fiscal 2020. The city typically operates with a structural surplus in the general fund and transfers the year-end surplus to the capital projects fund for pay -go capital. Monticello owns a fiber optic utility that offers cable, telephone, and internet services to city residents. In attempts to improve the weak operating performance of the system, the city entered into an agreement with a private vendor in 2016 to operate the fiber optics system for five years. The fiber optic utility continues to require ongoing support from the city's liquor enterprise though that support has declined notablely in recent years, dropping to $130,000 in 2018 from $650,000 in 2013. The declining support of the fiber optic utility is a positive trend, though renewed operating pressures and/or increased city support of the enterprise could ultimately pressure reserves and weaken the city's credit profile. LIQUIDITY The city closed fiscal 2018 with a combined net cash position of $10.6 million, or an ample 83% of operating revenue across the General Fund, Debt Service Fund and Community Center Fund. The city additionally closed fiscal 2018 with a combined cash position exceeding $13 million across its major enterprise funds (excluding the fiber optics fund). Debt and pensions: elevated debt and fixed cost burdens; modest pension burden The city's debt burden is high though it's pension burden is relatively modest. The city has a net debt burden of $31 million, equal to 1.5% of full value and 2.4x revenue. The city's adjusted net pension liability (ANPL), based on a 4.14% discount rate, totals $10 million while the three year average totals $11 million, equal to 0.5% of full value and 0.9x operating revenue. In comparison, the city's reported net pension liability, based on a 7.5% discount rate, totals $3 million. The city's total fixed costs, inclusive of debt service, pension contributions, and other post -employment benefit (OPEB) costs, are equal to about 24% of revenue. The city's 2012 default on the fiber optic utility revenue bonds has limited implications for Monticello's GO credit quality given the city made no legal or other promise to pay debt service from any source other than the pledged revenues. However, the city's decision to issue GO debt to finance the settlement with the revenue bondholders somewhat weakened the overall GO credit profile. In 2008, Monticello issued $26.4 million of fiber optic utility revenue bonds for the construction of a fiber optic system. The project bonds were approved by a referendum that garnered 74% voter support. When the bonds (unrated) were originally sold, the security was expressly limited to net revenues generated from the utility. The city made scheduled interest only debt service payments from June 2009 through June 2012. Capitalized interest provided debt service through June 2011, and transfers from the municipal liquor fund were the primary source for the December 2011 and June 2012 debt service payments. On June 6, 2012 the city notified the trustee, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (Aal stable) that it would no longer make required monthly sinking fund payments. A technical default occurred on July 1, 2012 because the net revenues of the utility were insufficient to make the sinking fund payment. On December 1, 2012, the first principal payment default occurred. Under the threat of litigation from bondholders, the city and the trustee negotiated a settlement agreement whereby the city paid $5.75 million in exchange for release from any future claims from bondholders for debt service payments on the revenue bonds, as well as the ability to continue to own and operate the fiber optic utility. The Settlement Agreement was approved in a Final Approval Order signed by a US District Court judge on September 15, 2014. All bondholders were included as a part of the class action suit against the city. The city financed the settlement with GO bonds contributing slightly to the city's debt burden. DEBT STRUCTURE All of the city's direct debt is fixed rate. Principal amortization is average with 84% of outstanding principal retired in 10 years. DEBT -RELATED DERIVATIVES The city has no derivative agreements. PENSIONS AND OPEB The city participates in one multiple -employer cost-sharing plan, the General Employees Retirement Fund (GERF). Minnesota statutes establish local government retirement contributions as a share of annual payroll. Employer contribution rates are currently set at 7.5% of payroll for GERF. The city's total fiscal 2018 pension contribution was about $260,000, or 2% of operating revenue. The city 12 August 2019 Monticello (City of) MN: Update to credit analysis following upgrade to Al also administers a single employer defined benefit plan for paid on call firefighters. Notably, the city contracts with Wright County to provide most of the public safety services within Monticello, which somewhat limits its direct exposure to the unfunded liabilities associated with PEPFF and results in a comparatively low pension burden for Minnesota cities. Statutory contribution levels have not kept pace with growing unfunded liabilities in state-wide pension plans. Contributions to GERF from all participating governments in aggregate amounted to 87% of the plan's "tread water" indicator in 2018.1 The state of Minnesota approved legislation in 2018 that will modify benefits and modestly increase contributions for some pension plans. OPEB obligations do not represent a material cost for the city. The city's most recent unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL) was just $300,000. Management and governance: strong institutional framework Minnesota cities have an Institutional Framework score of "Aa", which is strong. The sector has one or more major revenue sources that are not subject to any caps. Revenues tend to be predictable, as cities rely primarily on property taxes and state Local Government Aid (LGA), which is distributed based on demographic and tax base factors. Revenue -raising flexibility is moderate as cities generally benefit from unlimited levying authority, except during years in which the state has imposed limits. Levy limits are not currently in place for cities. Across the sector, fixed and mandated costs are relatively high. Expenditures mostly consist of personnel costs, which are highly predictable. Property taxes are the city's largest revenue source, comprising nearly 70% of operating revenue. The city typically increases its property tax levy by 2% to 5% annually and expects to continue this practice going forward which will help maintain the city's healthy financial profile. The city's continued though declining commitment to the fiber optic utility creates a contingent liability exposure. However, operations have started to stabilize after the decision to contracting with a private vendor. Rating methodology and scorecard factors The US Local Government General Obligation Debt methodology includes a scorecard, a tool providing a composite score of a local government's credit profile based on the weighted factors we consider most important, universal and measurable, as well as possible notching factors dependent on individual credit strengths and weaknesses. Its purpose is not to determine the final rating, but rather to provide a standard platform from which to analyze and compare local government credits. 12 August 2019 Monticello (City of) MN: Update to credit analysis following upgrade to Al Exhibit 2 Monticello (City of) MN Rating Factors Measure Score Economy/Tax Base (30%) l l Tax Base Size: Full Value (in 000s) $2,135,059 Aa Full Value Per Capita $160,338 Aaa Median Family Income (% of US Median) 106.0% Aa Notching Factors: [21 Economic Concentration Down Finances (30%) Fund Balance as a % of Revenues 78.0% Aaa 5 -Year Dollar Change in Fund Balance as % of Revenues 25.8% Aaa Cash Balance as a % of Revenues 82.9% Aaa 5 -Year Dollar Change in Cash Balance as % of Revenues 29.3% Aaa Notching Factors: [21 Outsized Enterprise or Contingent Liabliity Risk Down Management (20%) Institutional Framework Aa Aa Operating History: 5 -Year Average of Operating Revenues / Operating Expenditures (x) 1.0x Aa Debt and Pensions (20%) Net Direct Debt / Full Value (%) 1.5% Aa Net Direct Debt / Operating Revenues (x) 2.4x A 3 -Year Average of Moody's Adjusted Net Pension Liability / Full Value (%) 0.5% Aaa 3 -Year Average of Moody's Adjusted Net Pension Liability / Operating Revenues (x) 0.9x A Notching Factors: [21 Other Analyst Adjustment to Debt and Pensions Factor (specify): High fixed costs Down Standardized Adjustments 131: Unusually Strong or Weak Security Features: Secured by statute Up Scorecard -Indicated Outcome Al Assigned Rating Al [1] Economy measures are based on data from the most recent year available. [2] Notching Factors are specifically defined in the US Local Government General Obligation Debt methodology dated December 16, 2016 [3] Standardized adjustments are outlined in the GO Methodology Scorecard Inputs Updated for 2019 publication. Sources: US Census Bureau, Moody's Investors Service Endnotes 1 Employer contributions that tread water equal the sum of current year service cost and interest on reported net pension liabilities at the start of the year, using reported assumptions. If plan assumptions are met exactly, contributions equal to the tread water indicator will prevent the reported net pension liabilities from growing. 5 12 August 2019 Monticello (City of) MN: Update to credit analysis following upgrade to Al © 2019 Moody's Corporation, Moody's Investors Service, Inc., Moody's Analytics, Inc. and/or their licensors and affiliates (collectively, "MOODY'S"). All rights reserved. CREDIT RATINGS ISSUED BY MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE, INC. 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Therefore, credit ratings assigned by MSFJ are Non-NRSRO Credit Ratings. Non-NRSRO Credit Ratings are assigned by an entity that is not a NRSRO and, consequently, the rated obligation will not qualify for certain types of treatment under U.S. laws. MJKK and MSFJ are credit rating agencies registered with the Japan Financial Services Agency and their registration numbers are FSA Commissioner (Ratings) No. 2 and 3 respectively. MJKK or MSFJ (as applicable) hereby disclose that most issuers of debt securities (including corporate and municipal bonds, debentures, notes and commercial paper) and preferred stock rated by MJKK or MSFJ (as applicable) have, prior to assignment of any rating, agreed to pay to MJKK or MSFJ (as applicable) for ratings opinions and services rendered by it fees ranging from JPY125,000 to approximately JPY250,000,000. MJKK and MSFJ also maintain policies and procedures to address Japanese regulatory requirements. REPORT NUMBER 1189569 12 August 2019 Monticello (City of) MN: Update to credit analysis following upgrade to Al Contacts Benjamin J VanMetre Analyst ben.vanmetre@moodys.com MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE +1.312.706.9951 Coley J Anderson AVP -Analyst coley.anderson@moodys.com CLIENT SERVICES +1.312.706.9961 Americas Asia Pacific Japan EMEA 1-212-553-1653 852-3551-3077 81-3-5408-4100 44-20-7772-5454 12 August 2019 Monticello (City of) MN: Update to credit analysis following upgrade to Al CITYOF Monticeflo Council Connection August 26, 2019 CITY OF M 4i6eflo COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Digital Billboards The City has received a sign permit for conversion of an existing billboard located along 1-94 in Monticello to a digital billboard display. As Council may be aware, billboards are considered off -premise signage and therefore prohibited within the city. As such, new billboards are not allowed to be installed within the city. However, existing billboards are subject to the zoning ordinance non -conformity provisions. These regulations allow "any structure or use lawfully existing upon the effective date of this ordinance as denoted in Section 7.4 may not be expanded, but may be continued— including through repair, replacement, restoration, maintenance, or improvement". Considering this language, staff's interpretation of the ordinance is that the replacement of the billboard sign face to a digital display will be allowed, but may only be allowed without an increase in the sign structure height or overall area. These increases would be considered an intensification of the use. In addition, the display must meet the requirements of the dynamic display section of the zoning ordinance. Downtown Information Update – Chamber Lunch Staff coordinated an information table at the August 20th Chamber lunch for Downtown -related activities. Staff answered questions and provided print resources to lunch attendees. We appreciate the Chamber's support in getting the word out regarding EDA activities, Block 52, and the many improvements and events happening in the downtown. A copy of a new informational piece on these downtown happenings is attached. This piece was made available at the lunch and will be available at the Chamber, as well. Monticello 2040 Vision + Comprehensive Plan A reminder that the first Vision + Comprehensive Plan events are scheduled to occur the 6th and 7th of September as follows: Friday, September 6th, 2019 0 7 AM – 9 AM: Joint Planning Commission/Council meeting at MCC 0 4:30-6:30 PM: Joint TAC/CAC meeting at MCC 0 6:30-8:30 PM: TAC/CAC/Commission/Council Bus Tour Saturday, September 7th, 2019 o 3 PM – 7 PM: Encore Music on the Mississippi and Community Vision Celebration at West Bridge Park Please help spread the word regarding the September 7th event! Council Connection — 08/26/19 Also, please find below the project logo, which you will start to see popping up in a number of locations. Monti* cc --o >)) 2U40 VISION PLAN mel( Mc Morc,,. What is the EDA & what is its role in the City? The Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) is established by the City of Monticello City Council for the purpose of coordinating and administering economic development activities for the city. The EDA's activities also include supporting housing and redevelopment for the community, as the EDA acts as Monticello's Housing and Redevelopment Authority. The EDA works to achieve the goals established in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. The current Comprehensive Plan sets out the following goals for the EDA: • Attracting & Retaining Jobs • Expanding Tax Base • Enhancing Downtown • Facilitating Redevelopment • Housing Choice for Life -Cycle You can find out more about the EDA's workplan and goals here: https://www.ci.monticello.mn.us/vertical/sites/%7B 46185197-6086-4078-ADDC- OF3918715C4C%7D/uploads/Item 8. Consideratio n of 2019 EDA Workplan.rpt v2.pdf Who is on the EDA? The EDA is made up of 7 members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. It is required that two of the voting members of the EDA are also City Council members. All of the members who are not members of the City Council must be either residents of the City, business -owners in the City, or property -owners in the City. You can view the full membership roster, as well as agendas and minutes at: https://www.ci.monticello.mn.us/eda What is Block 52? Block 52 is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Broadway (CSAH 75) and Pine Street (TH 25). It looks like this from above: The "block" is bounded by Walnut Street on the west, Pine Street on the east, River Street on the north and Broadway on the south. The block is located at the heart of downtown, situated at the intersection of Walnut Street and Broadway. Block 52 is one of the most visible locations in the community, with over 35,000 vehicles at the Pine Street and Broadway intersection each day. This block has been identified in the City's Downtown Plan as a focus for revitalization and development of a signature project that brings additional energy and vitality to Downtown Monticello. What is happening with Block 52 and why am I hearing so much about it? The City has been working to tell the story of Monticello's incredible downtown. The Monticello EDA has been part of that effort, actively seeking interested parties to help revitalize the block. Together, the City of Monticello and the Monticello EDA own a number of parcels on the block, representing about 55% of the block's ownership. Continued on reverse ... City of Monticello 763-295-2711 info@ci.monticello.mn.us roject. The City and EDA are hopeful that with a p ext 1-2 years. g the EDA held public meetings to a project occurs in the n their ideas of downtown? Early in 201 , ers to present ut the rest stakeholders, develop At a What abo orters and allow interested of Block 52• along with supe munity in the all or portions of downtown The City, focused on creating com lace over for revitalizing a gathering have been that have taken p Downtown Round ( attendees to Activities ril, City staff asked Then Downtown. include: in Ap concepts. the downtown stakeholders) � on each of those year in the presented the last y Initiative provide feedbackEDA reviewed continued MontiArts pine Streets in May, the recommending ' Murals on Cedar and ment proposals, ° all on Pine Street develop 9th the Beard Group- Shimmer W Broadway ° median art on discussions w agreement o Center m on Broadway DA approved a preliminary g ecializes &events the E Group p Anew MontiArts ba td�agses In July, The Beard The o Beard Group• use projects. Afull schedule of downtown locations: with the and mixed- Group ° tables in in redevelopment with the Beard New picnic ' Monticello Rotary! artwork agreement Group to evaluate Thanks, created with preliminary and the Beard ht banners allows the EDA project feasibility New streetlight site issues, development plans, ' a local art contest from downtown summer domain New lighting in the These and financing- eminent the Mississippi• the river are and EDA cannot use for economic Music on fun on The City condemnation) Block s of music and its Board and to as proper owners on evening Central MN A (often referred Prop how ossible by ment pu rposes. hether and made p develop sponsors ents at W alnut tete discretion in `N t numerous local sp improvements 52 have comp in a redeveloprr1en and street imp Participate ade clear to the pedestrian ram for they choose to p It has been m ect rant grog project on the block. roent proj &Broadway Improve g that the redevelop EDA o`Nn, p, new fa4a6e imp Block 52 Beard Group area the City and buildings acr°ss fro for downtown to the sell. downtown event would be limited Rounds, an to network and property owners choose to � Downtown oN,ners unless prop t on Block and property tans for developmen business uestions What are the p share ideas and q What was 52? ublic feedback on of the The City received p munity as part the com aired with Important to Those ideas, paired \N Downtown Plan process. and property owntown businessas well the Input °f d town Rounds), b way of the Down vision for owners (y leaders, has helped shape a of City Includes a river -facing that The vision Block 52� rnercial space, an street -level com any plan would restaurant, In addition, downtown residential units- hich tie the orate public spaces w parking' Incorp And we won't forget the to the river. timeline? tis based to some What i5 the developmen proceeds The timeline for er who ultimately p extent on the develop 763-295-2711 - ® do I keep What's next for downtown & how . happening? or Parks up With whatCouncil, EDA, Planning of the City decisions will be Commission pages any to see what onticello•mn•US. coming ne)(t: www•cj.m onticello.mn•us info@ci.m — City of Monticello CITY OF �r1t1C��� ............� Transactions July 2019, the DMV processed 11,972 transactions 1,052 more than July 2019. DMV year - to date revenue is $479,470.61 an increase of $39,766.79 or 9% over the same period last year. Please see the following graphs for more detail. $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 DMV Revenue Comparison $60,012 $60,941 July 2011 July 2012 July 2013 July 2014 July 2015 July 2016 July 2017 July 2018 July 2019 DMV Transaction Comparison 11,972 July 2011 July 2012 July 2013 July 2014 July 2015 July 2016 July 2017 July 2018 July 2019 DMV Year -to -Date Revenue Comparison $337,687 $333,147 $294,711 $288,560 $310,608 - $439,704 5479.471 July 2011 July 2012 July 2013 July 2014 July 2015 July 2016 July 2017 July 2018 July 2019 DMV Year -to -Date Transaction Comparison 87,549 July 2011 July 2012 July 2013 July 2014 July 2015 July 2016 July 2017 July 2018 July 2019 CITY OF 04keflo HI -WAY LIQUORS Sales through July 31, 2019 Attached is the data for total sales in each major category through the end of July 2019. Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 7/31/2019 Total Sales Month 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Jan $ 316,280.10 $ 300,631.85 $ 296,838.64 $ 302,114.52 $ 328,004.13 $ 355,029.76 $ 380,425.45 $ 364,675.32 $ 356,295.18 $ 403,520.92 $ 413,534.20 Feb 284,988.38 285,584.50 315,239.00 307,385.41 337,923.99 333,487.18 347,777.77 362,746.98 364,836.39 390,050.52 408,769.22 Mar 318,050.39 324,062.21 335,032.60 388,195.21 408,071.17 377,391.62 388,003.16 401,256.91 417,005.50 473,811.33 477,467.15 Apr 346,738.34 369,112.88 389,543.24 347,321.09 388,395.50 389,250.82 421,280.89 428,729.44 448,141.63 467,192.12 489,072.87 May 384,337.08 399,489.67 409,309.12 433,829.01 436,195.21 498,095.67 523,401.05 482,917.95 503,867.81 549,206.70 560,332.38 Jun 381,782.23 377,458.15 409,726.07 461,423.68 440,255.04 426,392.73 474,203.81 470,585.33 521,559.76 561,287.34 588,209.75 Jul 430,838.23 466,122.69 466,738.15 447,452.18 485,459.76 479,174.06 542,973.27 527,519.46 563,935.31 571,270.49 620,426.16 Aug 383,523.07 386,245.30 408,734.83 445,158.94 503,181.84 484,955.71 470,505.22 462,669.36 497,201.21 544,029.21 - Sep 346,900.80 346,557.62 373,719.64 390,399.33 379,381.19 397,495.82 439,444.29 448,218.93 501,126.67 481,663.70 Oct 360,742.04 375,367.40 365,702.14 372,676.23 396,328.87 409,967.74 460,096.82 454,442.30 461,549.38 467,600.32 Nov 341,875.49 360,661.96 376,855.40 421,960.12 424,038.37 465,299.53 474,241.74 444,533.08 495,519.24 527,900.06 Dec 454,982.63 485,617.01 505,482.70 527,865.36 518,379.58 549,200.76 569,707.38 605,509.16 629,143.57 652,695.25 Total $ 4,351,038.78 $ 4,476,911.24 $ 4,652,921.53 $ 4,845,781.08 $ 5,045,614.65 $ 5,165,741.40 $ 5,492,060.85 $ 5,453,804.22 $ 5,760,181.65 $ 6,090,227.96 $ 3,557,811.73 Change $ 283,853.59 $ 125,872.46 $ 176,010.29 $ 192,859.55 $ 199,833.57 $ 120,126.75 $ 326,319.45 $ (38,256.63) $ 306,377.43 $ 330,046.31 $ (2,532,416.23) Change 7.0% 2.9% 3.9% 4.1% 4.1% 2.4% 6.3% -0.7% 5.6% 5.7% -41.6% $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 Monthly Hi -Way Sales Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Sep Oct Nov Dec ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2012 ■ 2013 ■ 2014 ■ 2015 ■ 2018 ■ 2019 CYM-LYM 2.5% 4.8% 0.8% 4.7% 2.0% 4.8% 8.6% Y -T -D 2.5% 3.6% 2.6% 3.1% 2.9% 3.2% 4.1% Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 7/31/2019 Beer Month 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Jan $ 157,849.78 $ 146,246.32 $ 143,906.08 $ 149,406.45 $ 160,903.32 $ 173,814.13 $ 191,370.26 $ 176,483.68 $ 174,846.99 $ 198,202.11 $ 197,270.15 Feb 137,055.23 140,624.54 150,075.08 150,589.28 162,865.75 161,168.63 164,508.11 175,055.27 179,346.12 187,042.58 196,211.84 Mar 155,196.13 164,157.70 163,595.55 203,957.25 192,607.52 185,325.68 192,955.79 199,141.66 208,926.70 233,971.24 232,963.84 Apr 178,834.20 189,978.23 194,504.16 179,486.77 186,134.31 198,195.77 219,756.39 228,133.10 234,069.51 224,348.27 244,892.28 May 210,097.48 223,678.47 208,963.65 227,664.73 234,738.30 256,188.77 259,306.91 250,403.11 262,275.25 306,245.55 304,724.08 Jun 207,793.83 206,043.42 224,769.03 259,671.21 243,389.79 238,322.11 263,421.95 263,264.15 296,531.85 309,163.93 335,878.00 Jul 229,199.79 260,971.50 258,734.60 253,648.64 273,319.54 265,555.32 301,867.65 296,513.68 315,848.83 314,343.95 352,522.92 Aug 203,222.86 211,996.32 216,546.53 242,179.20 281,577.25 267,802.95 253,141.21 250,255.41 268,173.42 292,626.23 Sep 183,586.32 183,865.70 199,170.24 208,974.88 202,213.80 211,854.94 233,215.56 238,333.55 270,898.13 257,557.44 Oct 179,873.10 190,893.27 180,043.06 187,386.57 191,764.20 210,454.13 234,882.09 224,253.93 228,484.62 230,112.85 Nov 154,584.13 168,265.14 171,866.27 195,276.37 192,162.71 202,081.91 207,055.40 213,333.23 222,993.99 238,870.03 Dec 190,655.19 203,080.13 216,560.71 224,952.83 217,491.21 234,178.12 241,996.27 253,223.11 271,457.72 281,924.05 Total $ 2,187,948.04 $ 2,289,800.74 $ 2,328,734.96 $ 2,483,194.18 $ 2,539,167.70 $ 2,604,942.46 $ 2,763,477.59 $ 2,768,393.88 $ 2,933,853.13 $ 3,074,408.23 $ 1,864,463.11 Change $ 121,411.43 $ 101,852.70 $ 38,934.22 $ 154,459.22 $ 55,973.52 $ 65,774.76 $ 158,535.13 $ 4,916.29 $ 165,459.25 $ 140,555.10 $ (1,209,945.12) ChangE 5.9% 4.7% 1.7% 6.6% 2.3% 2.6% 6.1% 0.2% 6.0% 4.8% -39.4% $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 r Jan Feb Mar Monthly Beer Sales Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2012 ■ 2013 ■ 2014 ■ 2015 ■ 2018 ■ 2019 Nov Dec CYM-LYM -0.5% 4.9% -0.4% 9.2% -0.5% 8.6% 12.1% Y -T -D -0.5% 2.1% 1.2% 3.3% 2.3% 3.6% 5.1% Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 7/31/2019 Liquor Month 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Jan $ 92,370.42 $ 91,472.50 $ 91,279.01 $ 93,085.69 $ 103,977.89 $ 113,943.25 $ 118,577.85 $ 118,211.20 $ 114,509.99 $ 133,589.33 $ 142,171.51 Feb 83,513.27 85,484.92 96,541.21 92,489.93 106,387.16 107,609.55 112,198.85 113,060.59 117,361.15 128,952.50 142,327.58 Mar 88,569.65 93,133.42 101,047.04 112,244.43 124,487.55 116,316.49 118,269.49 118,839.79 131,238.09 151,716.52 159,432.14 Apr 90,627.19 95,025.54 110,898.81 98,080.67 113,594.37 115,579.47 123,841.34 126,073.89 130,114.53 136,883.13 147,197.73 May 102,041.75 106,395.62 111,586.59 114,299.35 127,622.31 135,370.38 140,116.66 129,009.36 142,237.28 160,936.65 170,109.40 Jun 103,580.02 102,086.20 115,136.72 128,604.32 124,019.90 120,291.71 136,716.81 135,763.26 147,813.59 168,769.36 166,679.78 Jul 118,883.98 122,861.98 130,624.19 123,672.73 139,270.04 139,967.77 155,436.54 150,173.35 160,220.37 170,108.99 178,157.56 Aug 103,977.01 101,487.43 113,869.37 126,065.14 141,197.73 138,660.76 136,440.40 135,841.14 144,263.78 164,013.08 Sep 94,335.50 94,528.17 103,373.64 109,153.56 107,605.71 115,119.19 129,195.42 130,101.01 143,252.37 147,649.35 Oct 102,236.90 102,983.14 103,533.14 106,326.73 116,677.74 124,271.15 140,198.97 128,290.50 145,864.34 150,852.02 Nov 90,996.73 102,298.02 105,501.75 120,127.29 126,412.24 134,241.85 132,261.11 134,208.12 149,468.96 167,360.12 Dec 143,684.12 153,690.60 159,717.50 172,370.96 175,523.36 184,746.26 190,944.24 205,335.83 213,217.73 229,121.92 Total $ 1,214,816.54 $ 1,251,447.54 $ 1,343,108.97 $ 1,396,520.80 $ 1,506,776.00 $ 1,546,117.83 $ 1,634,197.68 $ 1,624,908.04 $ 1,739,562.18 $ 1,909,952.97 $ 1,106,075.70 ChangE $ 85,465.80 $ 36,631.00 $ 91,661.43 $ 53,411.82 $ 110,255.21 $ 39,341.83 $ 88,079.85 $ (9,289.64) $ 114,654.14 $ 170,390.79 $ (803,877.27) ChangE 7.6% 3.0% 7.3% 4.0% 7.9% 2.6% 5.7% -0.6% 7.1% 9.8% -42.1% Monthly Liquor Sales $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,00011111 111 111 111 111 111 111 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2012 ■ 2013 ■ 2014 ■ 2015 ■ 2018 ■ 2019 CYM-LYM 6.4% 10.4% 5.1% 7.5% 5.7% -1.2% 4.7% Y -T -D 6.4% 8.4% 7.2% 7.3% 6.9% 5.3% 5.2% Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 7/31/2019 Wine Month 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Jan $ 41,810.19 $ 43,324.18 $ 48,437.59 $ 50,238.83 $ 54,949.83 $ 59,391.16 $ 61,128.65 $ 60,454.56 $ 57,275.16 $ 60,047.20 $ Feb 39,410.85 42,230.84 52,847.05 54,642.27 60,573.12 57,228.51 62,600.47 64,797.38 58,664.45 62,027.36 Mar 45,525.38 46,165.18 54,639.16 57,735.22 77,810.58 66,425.24 67,121.51 71,840.82 64,286.75 74,221.20 Apr 48,303.48 61,146.04 62,289.18 57,973.74 79,736.19 63,101.05 63,285.56 61,268.24 69,415.79 93,299.96 May 40,963.86 45,733.08 68,701.95 78,740.40 62,491.07 92,083.62 109,512.94 87,333.35 82,724.29 61,684.97 Jun 37,522.00 44,211.14 49,089.65 56,607.74 59,523.15 54,270.56 59,036.14 54,889.39 58,623.08 61,777.09 Jul 41,813.65 48,334.93 49,664.45 54,467.20 57,115.44 57,743.98 66,029.11 60,750.62 64,034.24 64,494.29 Aug 41,333.00 46,871.28 53,172.68 61,825.30 64,057.61 62,446.04 63,546.01 60,015.78 66,304.12 67,701.51 Sep 39,798.20 47,859.52 53,916.37 60,317.17 59,121.12 59,409.30 62,210.27 65,294.31 68,220.79 59,923.84 Oct 48,422.79 58,081.87 60,949.40 66,423.82 75,606.28 63,659.41 70,038.32 89,005.29 70,516.61 70,894.54 Nov 66,331.86 71,928.30 85,933.28 97,249.52 96,824.40 117,402.23 122,947.90 83,896.45 109,969.88 107,567.02 Dec 84,285.84 101,676.19 109,267.01 116,610.70 113,008.24 115,617.50 120,274.96 129,536.28 124,115.79 120,746.12 Total $ 575,521.10 $ 657,562.55 $ 748,907.77 $ 812,831.91 $ 860,817.03 $ 868,778.60 $ 927,731.84 $ 889,082.47 $ 894,150.95 $ 904,385.10 $ Change $ 83,338.23 $ 82,041.45 $ 91,345.22 $ 63,924.14 $ 47,985.12 $ 7,961.57 $ 58,953.24 $ (38,649.37) $ 5,068.48 $ 10,234.15 $ ChangE 16.9% 14.3% 13.9% 8.5% 5.9% 0.9% 6.8% -4.2% 0.6% 1.1% $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 Jan Monthly Wine Sales 2019 61,183.52 58,391.94 70,209.75 83,324.61 67,148.30 62,727.56 64,596.65 467,582.33 (436,802.77) -48.3% Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2012 ■ 2013 ■ 2014 ■ 2015 ■ 2018 ■ 2019 CYM-LYM Y -T -D 1.9% 1.9% -5.9% -2.0% -5.4% -3.3% -10.7% -5.7% 8.9% -3.1% 1.5% -2.4% 0.2% -2.1% Liquor Store Sales - Rolling 12 Month Periods $7.0 $6.5 $6.0 $5.5 N C $5.0 $4.5 $4.0 $3.5 $3.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- d d= D 0 "= d d= m o z v v= D o z v v= m o v e= m o v e= D o v e= m o v e= m 0 "= d d= m O < a < t+ < a < t+ < < t+ < < < < < c < t+ < c < t+ < c < t+ < a < t+ < < t+ < lD O F+ N W A lJi T V OD lD CITY OF 04keflo MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER Transactions and visits Year to date (07.31.19), the MCC processed 51,548 transactions compared to 55,958 transactions last year. The MCC year to date revenue is down from the previous year by $40,955, totaling $1,108,035. We are down in wedding rentals and swimming lesson program fees. Year to date membership visits are up by 1,317, totaling 85,031 visits. Members are at a total of 5,077 compared to 5,499 last year at this time. $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 MCC 7/31 YTD Revenue ■ 2017 ■ 2018 ■ 2019 MCC 7/31 YTD Activity YTD Transactions YTD Member Visits ■ 2017 ■ 2018 ■ 2019 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 Program updates MCC 7/31 Members ■ 2017 ■ 2018 ■ 2019 Council Connection — 08/26/19 Music on the Mississippi continues to draw a strong crowd for the concerts at West Bridge Park. An encore performance is planned in collaboration with the community vision celebration scheduled for September 7. The Wright County Pour Boys will again be performing. Movie in the Park for August was a hit with Smallfoot showing at Pioneer Park and Lego 2 showing at Montiview Park. Montiview Parkjust may be the new favorite venue for our outdoor movie night. It was a great setting and with the Community United Methodist Church's sponsorship we had great volunteers, access to parking, and restrooms. To date, 522 kids have enrolled in the Power of Produce Kids Club at the Farmers' Market. We have also collaborated with CentraCare-Monticello to promote more fresh fruit and vegetable purchasing at the market through their $2 produce tokens. Vendors have redeemed $800 in CentraCare's produce tokens! The market is busting with produce this time of the year. Friendship Island wraps up August 23. The kids were busy this summer with several field trips and new experiences. Save the date for Color Me Fall at Bertram, October 12 and Downtown Trick -or -Treat in West Bridge Park, October 24. The new restroom and locker room partitions have been installed and they look great! Please see pictures on the next page. Two bids were received for the waterslide replacement project. Council Connection — 08/26/19 Finished Bathroom Photos Movie in the Park Photos CITY OF m %4keflo PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Committee — New Public Works Facility Update The city's consultant, Oertel Architects, has been working with city staff to finalize space needs and a meeting is scheduled with the full committee next week to review the results with the hope of securing a site location for the facility this fall. STREETS DEPARTMENT The Streets Department's primary goal is to maintain the city's roadway network which includes the stormwater infrastructure in a safe and efficient manner. Here are a few of the key items that have been happening within the Streets Department: • 2019 Chip/Seal Project completed • 2019 Pavement Marking Project completed • 2019 Street Light Project completed • Crews are busy patching streets in various area's • Shop is busy maintaining equipment and vehicles • Tree trimming boulevard trees • Street light maintenance • Ditch mowing rural boulevards • Street sweeping • Painting crosswalks and parking lots PARKS DEPARTMENT The Parks Department's primary goal is to maintain the city's park and pathway facilities which include cemeteries, picnic shelters, playgrounds, sports fields, etc. Here are a few of the key items that have been happening within the Parks Department: Installed the columbarium structure at Riverside Cemetery and finalizing landscaping Replacement of the playground at the Cardinals Hills Tot Lot Construction is wrapping up at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Athletic Complex ENGINEERING DIVISION The engineering department has been working on this year's projects as well as starting the design process for next year's construction projects. This year a new law passed allowing cities to adopt a speed limit of 25 miles per hour on certain residential city streets without any engineering review from the state. Over the next couple of months staff will develop a proposal and associated costs for lowering the speed limit to 25 mph on residential streets for City Council consideration.