Highway 25 Coalition Meeting Minutes 07-29-2016Draft Meeting Minutes Highway 25 Coalition July 29 2016 7:30 AM Monticello City Hall Members Present - Big Lake Township - Bob Hofer, Larry Alfords, Sherburne County - Dan Webber, Steve Taylor, Ewald Petersen, John Bogart, Wright County — Mike Potter, Virgil Hawkins, City of Big Lake — RaeAnne Danielowski, City of Monticello — Brian Stumpf, Jeff O'Neill, Jennifer Schreiber Also Present: Kodiak Hill -Davis from David Turch and Associates 1. Call to order Chairman Stumpf called the meeting to order. 2. Introductions 3. Consideration of approval of meeting minutes of meeting held June 24, 2016 Motion made by Ewald Persen and seconded by Mike Potter to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Introduction of Kodiak Hill from David Turch and Associates and discussion of future lobbying efforts, goals and activities. O'Neill provided a summary of the genesis of the coalition and noted that the group is considering setting goals and objectives along with budget figures for 2017 relating to lobbying activities. Steve Taylor reported that David Church and Associates is under contract with Sherburne County for providing Federal Lobbying services. He noted that there could be cost efficiencies and other benefits associated with the Coalition also utilizing the same company. Sherburne County has been pleased with the performance of the firm. Kodiak Hill -Davis provided a summary of the capabilities and experience of her firm. She reviewed assistance that her firm has provided to other coalitions such as the Saint Cloud APO and the Wilmar City/Utilitiy partnership. She went on to note that conflicts in goals between Sherburne County and the Highway 25 Coalition could potentially occur over time, but are manageable through maintenance of open dialogue. It was the consensus of the group that the benefit of having the firm supporting Sherburne County and the Coalition under separate agreements outweighs the potential conflict that could arise over time. After discussion, the group came to consensus that the work plan for 2017 should include funds for lobbying efforts in addition to the $150K for the traffic study. It was requested that David Turch and associates provide an estimated amount for lobbying in 2017. This estimated amount plus the $150 K to be forwarded to coalition members as a place holder for coalition member budgets. The group reviewed the funding program briefly with it being noted that the two counties split equally 50% of total costs. The remaining 50% is split evenly between the three other local governments. 5. Update on development of the Traffic Study Request for Proposal Virgil Hawkins reported that that he will be working on the scope of the traffic study RFP with the new Sherburne County engineer once the new Engineer has had a chance to get his feet wet. He also stressed and the group agreed that the State of Minnesota needs to play a leading role in development of the RFP and associated study. It was requested that the Caudia Dumont be kept apprised of the Coalition meetings and ask her for direct involvement in development of the RFP and associated completion of the study. 6. Monticello/Wright County - update on upcoming improvements to Highway 25/ 7th Street in Monticello. Mayor Stumpf reported that the 7th Street and Highway 25 project will be completed later this summer 7. Sherburne County Transportation topics of interest. Dan Webber and Steve Taylor reported that a meeting has been scheduled with BNSF regarding grant funds that could be available for studying transportation issues. 8. 194 Coalition information and update — other legislative updates Mike Potter noted that the special session remains possible with the sticking point being State Funding of the Southwest light rail. There being no further discussion meeting ended at 8:40