City Council Minutes 05-23-2005MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday May 23, 2005 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of May 9, 2005 regular Council meeting. Tom Perrault clarified on page 7, last paragraph on agenda item #7, relating to placement of antennas on the water tower that he had made the statement that the power lines in the area might deter firms from placing antennas on the tower Glen Posusta clarified action taken on the signage for Premier Bank stating although staff had recommended two monument signs and no pylon signs, the Council had approved one monument sign and no pylon sign. He also noted on the motion to the revisions on the annexation agreement it should be Sunset Ridge development not Sunset Ponds. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 9, 2005 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CORRECTIONS NOTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 211. Approve minutes of May 9, 2005 Special Meeting - Mission Statement GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 9, 2005 SPECIAL MEETING RELATING TO GOAL SETTING AND MISSION STATEMENTS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2C. Approve minutes of May 9, 2005 Special Meeting - Annexation Agreement Revisions TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 9, 2005 SPECIAL MEETING RELATING TO REVISIONS TO THE ANNEXATION AGREEMENT. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Brian Stumpf added to the agenda an update on visits to facilities utilizing the ATAD system. Brian Stumpf also requested that agenda item # 15, preliminary plat and rezoning for Weinand RPUD parcel, be moved to the consent agenda with the Planning Commission recommendation to approve the preliminary plat and rezoning request. Council Minutes - 5/23/05 Glen Posusta added discussion of long grass, liquor store sign, parking lot on Mississippi Drive by Swan Park and moving of DMV operations to City Hall. Wayne Mayer added a discussion on the Monte Hill Villas to the agenda and Clint Herbst added as a follow up to the workshop on fiber optics held prior to the regular meeting setting up a task force. Clint Herbst indicated if there was time at the end of the meeting, the Council may discuss allowing use of HDPE pipe for utility construction. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and complaints. Joel Meyer and Peter Knight, manager and co -manager of the Wal-Mart store in Monticello introduced themselves to the Council. The opening date for the Wal-Mart store is set for July 20, 2005. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of new hires and departures. Recommendation: Ratify new hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for first floor residential development and preliminary plat for a four unit townhome development in the CCD District - Applicant Dennis James Custom Builders. (Planning Commission recommendation was to deny request). Recommendation: Moved to deny the preliminary plat and conditional used permit for Dennis James Custom Builders based on the finding that the plat and development plan do not comply with the terms of the zoning ordinance with regard to density nor with the City's PUD requirements for driveway depth, private street width, garage separation, or usable rear yard space. C. Consideration of adoption of resolution outlining future merger of Heartland Express and River Riders. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2005-57 reaffirming the City's intent to merge with River Rider effective January 1, 2006. D. Consideration of resolution accepting petition for annexation of balance of Poplar Hill Development and authorizing annexation under the terms of the City/Township joint agreement governing annexation. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2005-56 annexing the remaining parcel of the Poplar Hill Development (213-100-152204) into the City. E. Consideration of final plat for Carlisle Village 2nd Addition. Recommendation: Motion to adopt the revised final plat for Carlisle Village 2nd Addition. F. Consideration of executing BNSF Railway Agreement for grade crossing at CSAH 18 for the CSAH 18/I-94 Interchange Project No. 2004-1C. Recommendation: Authorize execution of the BNSF Railway Agreement and direct the City Engineer to forward the executed agreement to Wright County for processing. 2 Council Minutes - 5/23/05 G. Consideration of approving road maintenance agreement with Wright County for 2005. Recommendation: Move to approve the 2005 Maintenance Agreement with Wright County at a reimbursement amount of $12,212.42. H. Consideration of County/City Cooperative Agreement on Interchange Project. Recommendation: Move to approve the agreement as proposed subject to final review by the City Engineer and City Attorney. I. Consideration of issuing a negative declaration of need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Hidden Forest and Sunset Ridge Residential Development. Recommendation: Issue the Negative Declaration of Need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Hidden Forest/Sunset Ridge residential development site. J. Consideration of approving the agreement with St. Henry's Church regarding acquisition of permanent and temporary easements associated with the 7th Street project and the deep sanitary sewer projects. Recommendation: Move to approve the agreement as outlined in staff report on the May 23, 2005 agenda item. K. Consideration of authorizing setting a public hearing date to consider establishment of a tax increment district for the CSAH 18/I-94 Interchange Project. Recommendation: Authorize staff to work with consultants to determine if a TIF District is feasible and to establish a public hearing date in late June or early July. L. Consideration of approving resolution authoring annexation of AVR site. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution annexing the AVR site (213-111-000161) into the City. M. Consideration of a request for a preliminary plat, final plat and rezoning to B-4 for a parcel located in the southeast quadrant of I-94 and County road 18. - Applicant: Shawn Weinand. (This is # 15 on the agenda which was moved to the consent agenda.) Recommendation: 1) Move to approve the rezoning from R -PUD to B-4 based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the zoning and development of other neighboring property surrounding the interchange; 2) Move to approve the preliminary and final plat of Monticello Commerce Center 7t' Addition based on a finding that the plat is necessary to finalize planning for the interchange and based on a condition that the applicant provides complete site planning details at the time of development, including grading, drainage, and utilities and contingent upon execution of a development agreement. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEM #15 AS ITEM 5M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3 Council Minutes - 5/23/05 6. Consideration of items removed from consent agenda for discussion. None. 7. Public Hearing - Vacation of roadway and utility easement for Monticello Commerce Center. Jeff O'Neill provided background information on this item noting the vacation of the easement was a housekeeping item that needed to be taken care of as part of the Meadow Oak Avenue extension project. Currently the easement cuts directly through the middle of the property. When the road and utilities have been relocated replacement easements will be obtained. Easement location on the proposed plat will be set after lot lines have been established. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing on the vacation of the roadway and utility easement. No one spoke for or against the proposed easement vacation. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION VACATING THE EXISTING ROADWAY AND UTILITY EASEMENT AS DESCRIBED CONTINGENT UPON THE EXISTING WATER LINE BEING RELOCATED AND ACQUISITION OF REPLACEMENT EASEMENTS AS PART OF THE PLAT OF THE MONTICELLO COMMERCE CENTER 7TH ADDITION. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Consideration to change a condition to the conditional use permit for a planned unit development for Premier Banks relating to restroom locations. At the May 9, 2005 Council meeting, approval was given for the conditional use permit for Premier Bank with the addition of two conditions: 1) Architectural changes to improve the aesthetic appearance of the building and 2) men and women's restrooms be located on the first floor of the bank building. Premier Banks is requesting that the Council consider removing the condition relating to placement of the restrooms noting that their layout complies with Minnesota Building Code. Since there is an ADA compliant elevator that is accessible to the public the basement location for the restrooms is what the bank prefers. Wayne Mayer stated his concern was whether one unisex bathroom on the upper level which is space that will be leased to tenants is adequate. The representative from Premier Bank stated that a large portion of the upper floor is atrium space so the restroom as proposed will be adequate. Glen Posusta stated he was more concerned with the architectural changes that were requested. The representative for Premier Banks responded that they have made changes to the elevations and these changes will be submitted to the Council. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AMEND THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR THE Ll Council Minutes - 5/23/05 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR PREMIER BANKS TO WITHDRAW THE CONDITION RELATING TO RESTROOM LOCATIONS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The consensus of the Council is that the condition relating to the architectural changes to the building design could be handled at staff level. 9. Consideration of award of bids for the Hillside Farms Storm Sewer Outlet, City Project No. 2004-07C. Phil Elkin of WSB and Associates recapped action on this project to construct a trunk storm sewer outlet pipe to connect the Hillside Farms development to the City's storm sewer system. After bids were taken, it was discovered that additional easements would be necessary to build the project according to the plans that were bid. The engineer has been working with the property owners in the development to obtain the additional easements needed. He noted that generally the property owners were interested in having the City proceed with the project but one property owner is having water problems and will not consent to an easement until that problem is resolved. The low bid on the project was $162,456.70. If the City can't get the property owners to agree to easements for the construction, the proposal would be to directional drill an 18" line through these properties which would increase the construction cost to $195,984.00. The engineer is also looking at an option of jacking two 12" lines. It was noted that the $195,984 does not include any easement cost. Glen Posusta questioned why they were looking at two 12" lines. Bret Weiss stated that cost of jacking two 12" lines was cheaper than the 18" line. Glen Posusta questioned why if this was just an emergency overflow did it have to be so big. Bret Weiss stated that Ted Holker wanted the option of connecting into the pipe at some point. Clint Herbst asked about making a pond in the low area on the Holker property. Bret Weiss stated it was not intended to drain this area through Rolling Woods but rather to go to the west. In discussions with Mr. Holker he had initially agreed to provide an easement but later decided not to because the easement could impact his property. Ted Holker is hesitant to do anything on his property until it is ready for development. Bret Weiss felt although it would be cheaper to go with the pond, he didn't feel Ted Holker would agree to it. Clint Herbst suggested that because the project cost is up to $200,000 the pond option on the Holker property should be looked at again. Bret Weiss said they have not been able to convince Ted Holker that this is the way to go. Ted Holker has said he is not interested in doing anything at this time. Brian Stumpf suggested that if Clint Herbst had rapport with Ted Holker that perhaps he should be in the meeting with Ted Holker. Clint Herbst asked about the cost for constructing a pond on the Ted Holker property. Phil Elkin said the question is the cost for the easement. When they looked at open cutting and it was going 8' on the Holker property the cost was $40,000 more which was higher than going with directional boring. Ted Holker said it doesn't make any sense for him to put any infrastructure such as a regional pond on his property since it could restrict how his property develops in the future. Bret Weiss said they would put together a cost estimate on the pond and talk to Ted Holker one more time. 5 Council Minutes - 5/23/05 There was some additional discussion on why the engineer was proposing two 12" lines rather than 18" line. Bret Weiss stated that the cost for two 12" lines would be cheaper and the capacity would be of equivalent value. The consensus of the Council was that the engineer should meet with Ted Holker one more time and continue easement negotiations with the other property owners. If possible, Mayor Herbst will attend the meeting between the engineer and Ted Holker. 10. Consideration of changes to the street lighting polio Public Works Director, John Simola explained the proposed changes to the street lighting policy. These changes include changing the spacing from700 feet to 350 feet and being consistent on which side of the street the lights are placed. The recommendation is that if the street has a sidewalk on one side the lights should be located on the sidewalk side. If there are no sidewalks or sidewalks on both sides, the street lights should alternate. Another recommended change was to go with step up lighting for new lighting being installed and to look at establishing a program to replace the old lights in established area. It was felt that by going with the 350' spacing and using a better quality fixture it would provide better lighting in the area. John Simola reviewed the various types of fixtures utilized by Xcel Energy and Wright -Hennepin Electric. He also discussed establishing a program with the utility company wherein the City would go back into established developments and replace the existing lights with the upgraded lighting fixtures. Clint Herbst asked if the replacement program would go with 350' spacing. Wayne Mayer asked if the new style ligh would have better reflective capability. John Simola stated his understanding is that would be the case. John Olson from Wright -Hennepin Electric explained with the fixture being proposed there would be just a small amount of uplight. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO MODIFY THE EXISTING STREET LIGHTING POLICY TO INCLUDE A MAXIMUM OF 350' SPACING BETWEEN LIGHTS IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS RATHER THAN THE EXISTING 700' AND TO GO TO THE STEP-UP LIGHTING FOR ALL NEW LIGHTING INSTALLED AFTER MAY 23, 2005 AND TO DEVELOP A PLAN WITH XCEL ENERGY AND WRIGHT-HENNEPIN FOR REGULAR RELAMPING, CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE OF FIXTURES AND POLES AND TO LOOK AT A REPLACEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE STEP-UP LIGHTING. THE POLICY CHANGE WOULD ALSO INCLUDE CONSISTENT LOCATING OF LIGHTS WITH LIGHTS TO BE PLACED ON THE SIDEWALK SIDE WHERE THE SIDEWALK IS ONLY ONE SIDE OF THE STREET OR ALTERNATING SIDES WHERE THE SIDEWALK IS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE STREET OR THERE IS NO SIDEWALKS AT ALL. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Consideration of proposals for street lighting on School Boulevard and Deegan Avenue. Public Works Director, John Simola presented a sketch showing proposed street lighting for School Boulevard and Deegan Avenue. The lighting proposal called for streets lights on School Boulevard east of TH 25 to Edmonson Avenue; on School Boulevard west of TH 25 including 2 Council Minutes - 5/23/05 Deegan Avenue and Deegan Court and on School Boulevard west of Deegan Avenue to the Poplar Hills plat. Cost estimates were received from Excel Energy in the amount of $598,548 and Wright -Hennepin in the amount of $344,931.76. Based on 38 fixtures the cost per fixture would be $15,751.26 from Excel Energy and $9,077.15 from Wright -Hennepin. The type of light proposed is the same style as was used on Cedar Street but the cost for the lights have gone up from when they were installed on Cedar Street (approximately $7,600). The estimated assessment cost would be approximately $30.82/ft. based on 7500 assessable feet. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller noted that any property the City has a purchase agreement on or has sold was given a rate of $28.5 as a result the rate for the rest of the footage would be $33-$34. John Simola noted that Excel Energy has a 25 year maintenance program at a cost of $12-$13/pole. Wright -Hennepin has a ten year maintenance program at cost of $13.85/pole. Excel Energy requires 100% of the cost paid up front while Wright -Hennepin requires 50% down and the remainder upon completion. If the lights are ordered now, they could be installed by late July. Glen Posusta asked about the 25 year maintenance program and the cost difference between the program. John Simola discussed some of the finer points of the proposals. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO HAVE STAFF REVIEW THE PROPOSALS FROM EXCEL ENERGY AND WRIGHT-HENNEPIN ELECTRIC AND AUTHORIZE CITY STAFF TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE POWER COMPANY PROVIDING THE LEAST COSTLY COMPLETE PROPOSAL. THE PROPOSALS INCLUDE 25 YEARS OF MAINTENANCE ON THE SYSTEMS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA. 13. Consideration of amendment to PUD standards relating to Sunset Ponds. Steve Grittman presented the background information on the request to amend the planned unit development for Sunset Ponds. The amendment request affects the R-2 A portion of the Sunset Ponds development which consists of 49 lots. The applicant is requesting elimination of the share driveways on the R -2A lots. The Planning Commission agreed that the shared driveways would not be a good idea. 23 of the 49 lots have side loaded garages. Staff reviewed the amendment and set forth some other recommendations for the R -2A portion. The applicant has submitted three additional house designs which adhere to the requirements of the R -2A standards which include: 1) Garage door area no more than 50% of the front face of the building; 2) 20% brick facade; 3) garage space of 450 sq ft. in area; 4) floor area of 1200 sq. ft.; 5) roof pitch of 5/12 and 6) landscaping requirements for front yard. Planning Commission recommend approval of the amendment with those requirements for R -2A being adhered to. Brian Stumpf asked how many homes had been built under the old standards. Steve Grittman indicated three and those lots had side loaded garages. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO THE PUD BASED ON A 7 Council Minutes - 5/23/05 FINDING THAT THE ENHANCED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS AND COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER R -2A REGULATIONS JUSTIFY THE PUD AMENDMENT. Clint Herbst stated he had serious concerns about the proposed amendment and Glen Posusta concurred. Glen Posusta felt the developer was shoe horning too many lots into a small area. Glen Posusta said he didn't agree with some of the things that were going on in the development and the reason given for the amendment (improper location of utilities) is not the City's problem. He noted that the intent of the side loading is to de-emphasize the garage. Steve Grittman noted the City met with the applicant afterward and the applicant indicated they would move the utilities but the real issue was the shared driveways. Steve Grittman noted the shared driveways were part of the original concept that was approved. Glen Posusta felt the request for the amendment came because the developer was trying to squeeze too many lots into a small area. He felt instead of the City trying to accommodate the developer, the developer should eliminate some of the lots. Glen Posusta said he could not see changing the standards that were agreed to in the beginning. MOTION FAILED FOR LACK OF SECOND Clint Herbst said he doesn't like the shared driveways and agreed that everyone knew what was agreed to originally. Glen Posusta felt the developer should come back with some enhanced facades to the houses as he would like to see what the developer is proposing. Brian Stumpf questioned if the motion fails, does the developer goes back to the old design. Wayne Mayer said the idea of shared driveways blows his mind and he questioned if this item had been reviewed by staff. Steve Grittman said the purpose of the shared driveway is to minimize the amount of blacktop or concrete in the front yards. Mark Gergen, MW Johnson, provided some history on the Sunset Pond neighborhood. He noted there was no density increase given on this development. The developer meets the density requirements of the ordinance. The shared driveways were recommended by the Planning Commission and the developer indicated he had not done developments with shared driveways before.. Mark Gergen said the shared driveways was not in the developer's plan but had come through City staff.. Wayne Mayer asked if the plan was turning out the way staff thought it would. Jeff O'Neill said at that time the developer thought it was a good idea and the question of marketability came up later. Mark Gergen stated the minimum lot width is 52' with 12' between homes. Most lots would be 72' so the loss of width could be offset by recessing the garage. Glen Posusta asked if part of the R -2A standards is to have 6' side yard setbacks. Clint Herbst felt there should more of a change than what the Planning Commission had recommended. Wayne Mayer also addressed the comment on the utility located in the wrong place and asked for an explanation. Mark Gergen said the cable was placed on the lot lines. With shared driveways, the driveway is located on the lot lines. He noted in the first phase there were only three cable boxes placed inappropriately so it was not a major number. Mark Gergen said the shared driveway was a problem and that is why they brought it before the City. Mark Gergen said that he worked many hours with staff on this development. He noted that the three homes that are up are good looking homes . He said the roof pitch on the homes is 6/12 or greater. Clint Herbst said he is willing to look at something that would improve it. Council Minutes - 5/23/05 Glen Posusta said one comment at the Planning Commission was that intensive landscaping would be done along the freeway. Glen Posusta said he hasn't seen any landscaping yet. He felt the landscaping should be done immediately and that good landscaping would help the image of the development. Wayne Mayer asked if the berm was at the maximum height. Mark Gergen indicated it was. Glen Posusta would like to recommend denying it at this juncture and have the developer come back with some architectural changes to the garage/garage doors. Glen Posusta didn't feel the City should amend the PUD. Wayne Mayer asked Steve Grittman about the utility problems and if staff is working with utility companies to make sure that this type of problem doesn't come up again. John Simola said staff works closely with utility companies but noted that the developer doesn't always have development plans in detail showing where the utilities are to be placed at the time the utility companies need them. Bret Weiss said the utility companies work off the plat drawing which does not show the private driveways. Glen Posusta said what exacerbated the situation is a 50' lot with a 40' house so location of everything has to be precise. Clint Herbst suggested two council members sit down with the developer and come up with some suggestions. Brian Stumpf and Glen Posusta will work with the developer. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO HAVE THE DEVELOPER COME BACK WITH ALTERNATIVES AND TO MEET WITH BRIAN STUMPF, GLEN POSUSTA AND STAFF WITH THIS GROUP TO REVIEW THE ALTERNATIVES AND GIVE APPROVAL. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 14. Consideration of sketch plan review - Greater Minnesota Housing Fund Hal Clapp from the Greater Minnesota Housing Fund presented a sketch for a proposed project located at 6th and Elm Streets. Mr. Clapp presented background information on the Greater Minnesota Housing Fund and what it does. The focus of the Greater Minnesota Housing Fund is on affordable housing for the work force. He provided examples of the various types of housing they have constructed in other cities. His sketch shows 27 homes with rear lot garages with an alley concept on a six acre site. Clint Herbst asked if these would be private streets. Mr. Clapp indicated that has not been determined yet but the alley would be private. Brian Stumpf asked about entrance onto 7th Street which is a major thoroughfare. Bret Weiss stated there would be no driveways coming on to 7th Street just one street access from the development. Hal Clapp noted there are some constraints to the site because of ponding. Brian Stumpf asked what are their funding sources and if they were going to seek funding through the HRA. Mr. Clapp indicated that they would not request funding from the HRA. Mr. Clapp indicated that the proposed housing would have 1300 sq. ft on two levels (680 per floor). Jeff O'Neill said they would have to meet the minimum standard of 1200 sq ft for R -2A district. Clint Herbst felt the proposal had potential but the size of the homes proposed would have to be looked at. Glen Posusta said there is a lot of affordable housing in the area but not much in the way of step up housing. Wayne Mayer asked about the visitor parking bays. Mr. Clapp indicated E Council Minutes - 5/23/05 that was because there is only parking on one side of the street and this would serve as overflow parking. Wayne Mayer asked about the clearance space between the houses because on the sketch it looked some of the houses were almost touching. Brian Stumpf expressed his concerned about the 18' alley that dead ends and the problems that could create for emergency vehicles or access by garbage trucks. 15. Consideration of preliminary plat and rezoning of Weinand RPUD parcel - Monticello Commerce Center 7tn Addition. Approved with consent agenda. Added items: Report on visit to wastewater treatment facilities - Brian Stumpf reported that he, John Simola, Rick Wolfsteller and Chuck Keyes visited several in state wastewater facilities that utilized the ADAT method for treating their biosolids. It was noted that while this process will produce Class A sludge the process does not reduce the amount of liquid so it would still require land for spreading the sludge. John Simola stated that the plants visited were all in operation and were meeting standards. The group felt it would be more beneficial to visit a facility with a heat drying system. It was noted that the facilities in the United States operating a heat drying system for biosolids were large facilities. The heat drying process requires enormous energy costs. The only facilities similar in size to Monticello are in Europe and the group felt it would be worthwhile to study the belt driven drying system that they utilize. There was discussion on if Class A sludge was produced how much land would be needed for spreading. John Simola said with Class A sludge they could not apply more quantity on the same land area but they could apply to non -city owned land. Brian Stumpf said with the heat drying system you have 95% solids. John Simola said the PCA still considers it a biosolid and comes under the biosolids regulations. The City would still have to track where the sludge is taken and how it is applied. John Simola stated that Mystic Lake has ordered a belt drying system and it should be in operation in 2006 However, the City can't wait that long to check out the performance of that system unless they buy more land as an interim solution. If the City would go with ADAT they would need more storage area. Glen Posusta suggested the City look at more land. Clint Herbst stated they need to consider land costs as well as where the land is located as that impacts hauling cost. John Simola stated he was not opposed to buying land but the City still has to produce Class A sludge. Brian Stumpf said the recommendation of the committee was to look at the systems in Europe using the belt driven heat drying method. Glen Posusta questioned if it was a good system why it wasn't in use in the united States. John Simola responded that Europe is ahead of the United States in that respect. Clint Herbst said it is not that the system isn't utilized in the United States but that no similar size plants to Monticello are utilizing this sytem. Wayne Mayer agreed with looking at purchasing additional land and to put off any decision on the process until there is some feedback from the Mystic Lake operation. Wayne Mayer said he did not want to invest in ADAT if the drying process proposed by Mystic Lake proves a good process. Brian Stumpf felt it was necessary to explore both options. Brian Stumpf asked that if a decision is made to have the committee go to Europe that the Council will allow sufficient time for passports and making arrangements with work. 10 Council Minutes - 5/23/05 John Simola stated the report from Bolton-Menk would not be available until late August. The City is very close to being out of capacity so the City cannot delay too long. He felt the City should show the same diligence in studying the biosolids as they did when they studied SBR (Sequence Batch Reactor).. Grass: Glen Posusta cited many places in the City where the grass exceeds 6" and asked whether blight notices were being sent out and the ordinance enforced. Jeff O'Neill said he would check to see if any sweeps were scheduled. Glen Posusta questioned the weeds growing in the open field across from Wal-Mart and whether anything could be done to control that. Liquor Store Sign: Glen Posusta asked about this since it was an issue when Vaughn Veit put up the Towne Centre. Jeff O'Neill said the MCC is proposing a reader board that could be combined with the liquor store. Glen Posusta felt the City should clean up its own act on signage. He felt the existing sign detracted from the liquor store. Clint Herbst felt this should be looked into and suggested staff get some cost estimates. Rick Wolfsteller noted the cost of the original sign was $10,000 and that the Towne Centre sign is on the liquor store property. Glen Posusta felt that Towne Centre would be agreeable to a monument sign.. Chelsea Road Parking - Glen Posusta asked about parking on Chelsea Road by the high school ballfields. Vehicles are parking on the north side and everyone is crossing the street which is a safety concern because Chelsea Road is busy street. Wayne Mayer observed that they are parking on that side to avoid the foul balls. John Simola stated that once Chelsea Road is upgraded there should not be any parking on Chelsea Road. Parking Lot - Mississippi Drive: Glen Posusta asked if the proposal for parking at this area could be revisited. John Simola stated that they had prepared a number of sketches but the property owners did not want to be looking out the window at a parking lot. Clint Herbst suggested diagonal parking. Glen Posusta felt that diagonal parking on both sides of the road would not be as offensive as internal parking lot. Glen Posusta would like the Parks Department or Parks Commission to some up with some plan for utilizing the lots available for a passive park. DMV- Glen Posusta said he had talked to Kitty Baltos about creating space in the MCC for the DMV office. Kitty Baltos thought it might be possible to put then in the area where the child care area is but there would have to be some rearranging done. He noted there are a lot of issues with the DMV such as people having to wait outside in line when they are busy, standing in lines and mold issues. Glen Posusta wanted to know who would make the determination in rearranging the space. Clint Herbst felt it was worth looking at. Jeff O'Neill said it was thought that the DMV would be a use that would not mix with the activity level of the MCC. Monte Club Development - Wayne Mayer noted that the development plan for the Monte Club Villas 1 incorporated some City owned park land. Wayne Mayer said this is suppose to come before the Parks Commission this week and he questioned why the developer would be bringing it back. Steve Grittman said the developer's original proposal would wipe out all the trees and place as many townhomes on the site as possible. Using City park land was a way to design a residential development that would the leave the trees and more of the hill intact. Staff had a couple of ideas that they felt were worthy of consideration. Steve Grittman felt the original design submitted to the Parks Commission poisoned the 11 Council Minutes - 5/23/05 well. Steve Grittman said he understood that the landowner felt he was beat up by the Parks Commission. Steve Grittman said the Parks Commission did not have benefit of the ideas that staff had. Steve Grittman said it would be unfortunate to miss the opportunity to enhance the park land and make a better development. Wayne Mayer said his impression was that the City was forcing this on the developer. Steve Grittman said the developers plan would have destroyed the hillside . The intent was to save more trees and make better connection with utilities. Wayne Mayer asked how much land was affected by this. Jeff O'Neill said the amount of the park land should be the same but the shape of it would be different. Wayne Mayer asked if the park land was developed into the plat would the public be prohibited from using it. Steve Grittman said they would do a land swap. Bret Weiss noted the original plan would have required a lot in the way of retaining walls and would be an expensive project to build. Fiber Optics - As a result of the fiber optics workshop a recommendation was made to set up a task force to setting some goals for broadband development. A recommendation from the task force should come before the Council in early August. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO SET UP A TASK FORCE ON BROADBAND DEVELOPMENT. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 011ie Koropchak will find other task force members. Pipe Use - Clint Herbst and Glen Posusta met with Brad Paumann regarding use of HDPE pipe in developments in the City. The City engineer will look at other pipe types and research this for the next meeting. 16. Approve payment of bills for May. Tom Perrault questioned the statement from Dave Kinnard Shelving who provided the shelving for the library expansion. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 17. Adjourn Mayor Herbst adjourned the meeting at 9:55 p.m. Recording Secretary 12