Parks Commission Minutes 07-31-1998 . . . ~ MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION July 31, 1998 - 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Members absent: Liaison: Staff Present: Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Earl Smith, Rick Traver Jennifer Fearing Roger Carlson Jeff O'Neill, John Simola, Gregg Engle, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call the meeting to order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Larry Nolan. 2. Added items. Maintenance of the tennis courts. 3. Discussion on improvements for Bridge Park Brad Johnson, Developer with Lotus Realty Services, reported on an idea for Bridge Park and the area directly to the west of the park. He was requesting the Parks Commission consider delaying any improvements until mid October in Bridge Park to allow time for discussion and research on the new concept for the park. Johnson went on to explain the main idea for the park area is to create a riverwalk area, a more linear park. He explained a preliminary concept idea that would add a restaurant to the west side ofthe park, a hotel across Walnut, and high density housing next to the hotel. Johnson added the restaurant would compliment the park area by providing activities outdoors such as volleyball and broomball. Land would need to be purchased west of the current park boundary and "traded" for the section of park the restaurant would be built. Johnson inquired if this was a concept the Parks Commission would consider? Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, was concerned on the development of the area would do to the entire park system. Bridge Park is reserved by many groups for reunions and large gathering; if the park was changed where would this type of activity be moved too? Johnson asked the Parks Commission to delay any decision on improvements until the middle of October to explore the possibilities. He would return to the October meeting and report on the findings. Page 1 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 7-31-98 EARL SMITH MADE A MOTION TO HOLD OFF ON FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF WEST BRIDGE PARK UNTIL THE OCTOBER 15 PARKS COMMISSION MEETING AT WHICH TIME BRAD JOHNSON WILL RETURN WITH CONCEPTION DRAWINGS TO THE PARKS MEETING. SECONDED BY RICK TRAVER. Motion passed. Paul Wurrn, owner of apartment building to the west of the park, commented it is very important to work on ways to improve this park. He has noticed many kids smoking, and vandalizing the park equipment. Many kids are also using the fallen trees on the riverbank to congregate. Wurm was concerned and suggested the trees in this area be taken out of there. Engle stated the DNR has strict regulations on clearing of the river bank and he would check on this. are using the river bank to where the trees are down to are - comment on park - notice Greg - prosecute kids, they are doing community service, Paul Wurm and #, 4. Discussion on budget items for 1999. The Commissioners discussed the 1998 budget and which items need to be completed before the end ofthe year, which items need additional funds in the 1999 budget, and what can be realistically accomplished with the amount of staff. A. 1998 budget - Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, reported that he would be getting bids for the irrigation system for Ellision Park this month. The process had taken longer than Engle originally thought because there was not surveyor plan of the park on file and there would need to be measurements taken for the irrigation bids. The Commissioners directed Engle to have a survey of the park completed that could be used for this project and others in the future. The Commissioners discussed the effects of tabling any improvements in Bridge Park until October. This would stop any improvements to the park now until the Spring of 1999. The amount in the budget was for the River Parks and could be used in Ellison. The Commissioners directed Engle to concentrate on Ellison park and install new playground equipment that met ADA requirements. Engle also recommended frisbee golf equipment for the Par West Park. The Commissioners agreed with this idea for the park. B. 1999 budget - The Commissioners discussed the need for a ball field complex in Page 2 . . . .. Parks Commission Minutes - 7-31-98 the south west area of the city. The need for soccer fields will be a future budget item. Jeff O'Neill, City Deputy Administrator, would call Charlie Pfeffer for land prices in the area the Commissioners were suggesting. The Commissioners recommended adding a budget line to complete a survey for each park. This could be done over the next couple years. C. The Parks Commission recommended requesting another full time staff person in the parks department in the 1999 budget. They would like to see Engle spend more time planning the parks, purchasing the equipment, and working with the various organizations rather than spending all of his time in the parks. 5. Added items. A. Maintenance of the Magic Kingdom Playground. Greg Engle, Park Superintendent, stated he received a request from Joel Lundin, Principal of the Pinewood Elementary School, requesting the City's assistance in maintaining the Magic Kingdom Playground. FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION TO CONTRIBUTE $1000 TO THE MAINTENANCE FUND FOR MAGIC KINGDOM PLAYGROUND AREA. SECONDED BY EARL SMITH. Motion passed unanimously. 4. Adiourn EARL SMITH MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY RICK TRAVER. Motion passed unanimously. LJ();~ ~~~ Wanda Kraemer Administrative Assistant Page 3