Parks Commission Minutes 08-20-1998 . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, August 20,1998 - 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Chairman Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Earl Smith, Rick Traver Jennifer Fearing Staff Present: Gregg Engle, John Simola, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call meeting to order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Larry Nolan. 2. Consideration of approving minutes for the meetings of July 16 and July 30. 1998. FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING FOR JULY 16, 1998. SECONDED BY EARL SMITH. Motion approved unanimously. RICK TRAVER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING FOR JULY 30, 1998. SECONDED BY FRAN FAIR. Motion approved unanimously. .3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. Appoint a Vice-Chair. 4. Citizens requests. A. Richard Carlson regarding Bridge Park - Mr. Carlson felt that ifthe Parks Commission was considering a proposal to allow a restaurant use in Bridge Park it should be open to everyone. He stated that he had a client that had been looking at Monticello for the last year in search of a site for a restaurant. Mr. Carlson was unaware that the city would allow a restaurant in this park. He stated that the current comprehensive plan directs the emphasis to be more towards the river. B. Mark Banyai - representative for the softball organization, expressed concern for combining the baseball and softball fields at the City Fields. It was his recommendation not to sod the infields. Also, it would hclp the scheduling if more fields had lighting. . Gregg Eagle, Park Superintendent, stated that he plans on scheduling a meeting this winter with all of the athletic organizations to discLlss the pros and cons of the future needs for the fields. The Commission agreed that this will be necessary to evaluate the current and future needs for fields. c. Chairman Larry Nolan had requested the Commissioners nominate someone for a Vice- Chair. RICK TRAVER MADE A MOTION TO NOMINATE EARL SMITH FOR THE . 6. . . Parks Commission Minutes - 8/20/98 POSITION OF VICE-CHAIR. SECONDED BY FRAN FAIR. Motion passed unanimously. 5. Presentation by Jean Emmonds - DNR A. Jean Emmonds had contacted City Hall stating she would be unable to attend the meeting. The Commissioners stated it was necessary to keep moving ahead on the park and if Jcan Emmonds could not attend the meeting that Gregg should continue with the fall maintenance needs. Rick Travcr and Earl Smith volunteered to meet with Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, on the site ifhe thought it was necessary. Gregg informed the Commission that he and Wanda Kraemer had met with the Rotary Club and a fall clean-up was being planned. B. DNR River Floatation - Wanda Kraemer, Administrative Assistant, reported the DNR had sponsored a floatation down the Mississippi River the Saturday of Riverfest. The people were given cameras to take pictures of the shoreline while floating down the river. Ms. Kraemer stated that the Chamber of Commerce is looking at continuing this event next year. Jean Emmonds was going to give a report on the event and display some of the pictures taken that day however, since she could not attend she will bring them to the next meeting. Consideration of request from School District regarding upkeep of tennis courts. A. Kent Baldry - Superintendent of Schools submitted a written request to the Commission asking for assistance with the maintenance of the tennis courts. The Commission discussed the request and agreed that there are many items that are used both by thc city and the school and it would difficult to evaluate each one on a separate basis. The Park Commissioners recommended staff to send a letter to Mr. Baldry suggesting the school district make a request to the City Council for an increase in the annual payment of $17,500 now givcn to Community Education for recreational use. 7. Discussion on Park Maintenance items. Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, reported to the commission on the following items: A. Prairie Creek Park will need a fall and spring clean up. The Rotary Club will bring in a group yet this fall. Gregg stated a controlled burn would be needed in the Spring. B. The pathway from Prairie Creek Park to West River Street was planted with wildflowers and short dry grasses. The maintenance department anticipates harvesting the seeds in the fall for more plantings. c. NSP donated four barrels, with tops, for garbage collection on the pathway. City staffwiU send a thank you to the NSP Social group. D. Gregg Engle ordered frisbee golf for the Prairie Acre Park to replace the exercise equipment 2 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 8/20/98 that had been removed. E. The soccer fields at Freeway Fields were lengthened to regulation size. There will be a need for larger mowing equipment next year. Engle was researching tractors that could be used in the winter and summer. This item will be budgeted for in 1999. F. Gregg Engle showed the commissioners examples of signs for Pioneer Park. The Commissioners discussed each one and inquired how the Lions name or symbol would be added to the sign. Gregg reported that it would be a separate board under the main sign. JENNIFER FEARING MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE COVERED WAGON SIGN FOR PIONEER PARK AT A PRICE OF $1350. SECONDED BY RICK TRAVER. Motion passed unanimously. G. The bids for irrigation in Ellison Park will be sent out in the next two weeks with installation yet this year. H. Gregg Engle had received four designs of playground equipment for Ellison Park. He had requested the playground equipment have a river theme. The Commissioners did suggest the colors of the equipment should be more earthtones than bright colors in this type of park. After review and discussion on each submittal, FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION TO INSTALL THE BOAT STYLE PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT IN ELLISON PARK. SECONDED BY EARL SMITH. Motion passed unanimously. I. The parking lot and shelter will be completed this year. The parking lot was being combined with the fire station project and city lots project. Gregg Engle requested the Commission suggest ideas for the shelter which will be a main focus of the community as the traffic goes over the bridge on 1-94. The Commissioners requested the building have an overhang for people to get out of the rain, at least one picnic table, a place for concessions, and flag and storage inside. J. The basketball court was still being planned for Meadow Oak Park. K. Frilll Fair stated that East Bridge Park would need help with fall work. Gregg Engle will have fabric and wood chips delivered to the park when a crew is scheduled. 8. Discussion on budget items for 1999. The Commissioners discussed the letter sent by Roy Popilek, Monticello Recreational and Wright County Traveling Soccer Club member, stating that 600 students are currently in soccer and there will be a need for more soccer fields in the future. EARL SMITH MADE A MOTION FOR STAFF TO CONSIDER THE CITY OWNED PROPERTY ON 7TII STREET FOR SOCCER FIELDS. SECONDED BY RICK TRAVER. Motion passed unanimously. 3 Parks Commission Minutes - 8/20/98 . 9. Set time for neit;hborhood meeting in River Mill Park. The third Tuesday in September, September 15, 1998 at 7 p.m. was set for the neighbor hood information meeting for the residents at River Mill Addition. 10. Updates. 1. Water Tower Park - John Simola reported that he had talked to Kenny Schultz regarding the purchase of approximately four acres of his property by the water tower. John added that the additional land would allow the City to fence off the water tower area for better security and to enhance the future park area. Mr. Schultz had purchased the land for $10,000 an acre ten years ago; however, he has not determined a current selling price. . The Commissioners discussed the added value the four acres would have for the park and the added security for the water tower. EARL SMITH MADE A MOTION TO PURCHASE THE FOUR ACRES OF LAND FROM KENNY SHULTZ FOR ADDITIONAL PARK LAND. SECONDED BY RICK TRAVER. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Restaurant Tour - The Commissioners discussed what the next step should be after the group from a Duluth restaurant toured Monticello researching the possibility of building in the West Bridge Park area. It was felt that the next step should be to visit their restaurant in Duluth. Mayor Fair suggested that someone from the Parks Commission, HRA, City Council and Planning Commission attend the tour. 11. Consideration of added items. Chairman Nolan requested the final comprchensive park plans be printed for the Commission members for the next meeting. 12. Adjourn. EARL SMITH MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY RICK TRA VER. Motion was unanimous. WaJuK~. Wanda Kraemer . Administrativc Assistant 4