IDC Agenda 11-19-1992 . AGEN A MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL EVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, November 1 , 1992 - 7:00 a.m. City .all MEMBERS: Chairperson Shelley John on, Vice Chairperson Don Smith, Treasurer Ron Hoglund, Lowell Schrupp, Arve Grimsmo, Jay Morrell, Harvey Kendall, Dennis Taylor, Linda Mielke, Ken Muas, John McVay, Dave Peterson, Kevin Doty, Merrlyn Seefeldt, Steven Lemme, Tom Lindquist, Cyndie Johnson, Candy Benoit, and Mary icke. STAFF: 1. 2. 3 . 4. . ,- n. . Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff 'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak. CALL TO QImER. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 15, 1992 IDC MINUTES. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND AC EPT THE IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. CONSIDERATION TO ANALYZE AND SUMMARIZE THE '92 IDC BANQUET. CONSIDERATION OF INDUSTRIAL a) Steinwall, Inc. b) Custom Canopy c) US Satellite Broadcasti d) Irish, Inc. e) Concrete Production/Dis f) Andy Robinson BRE UPDATE: a) Remmele Engineering, In b) Sunny Fresh - Building c) Eric Bondhus d) H-Window Company ROSPEeT UPDATE: ribution/Retail Business . Tour Bridge to Literacy 6. CONSIDERATION OF NEED TO CHA GE IDC ADVERTISEMENT. 7. CONSIDERATION TO ESTABLISH CO MITTEE TO DRAFT THE PRELIMINARY 1993 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WO K PLAN. 8 . OTHER BUSINESS. a) Monticello Chamber of INN, Today, 12:00 Proposals. Commerce Luncheon/Program, RIVER Non, 193 Legislative Affairs 9. ADJOURNMENT. . MINUT S MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL D VELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, October 15, 1992 - 7:00 a.m. City H 11 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Sh lley Johnson, Vice Chairperson Don Smith, owell Schrupp, Arve Grimsmo, Harvey Kendall, Dennis Taylor, Ken Maus, John McVay, Dave eterson, Kevin Doty, Merrlyn Seefeldt, Steven Lemme, Tom Lindquist, Cyndie Johnson, Cand Benoit, and Mary Micke. MEMBERS ABSENT: Treasurer Ron Hoglund, Jay Morrell, and Linda Mielke. STAFF' PRESENT: Rick Wolfstel er and Ollie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Jeff O'Neill. 1. CALI, TO ORDER. . Chairperson Johnson called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 21 1992 IDC MINUTES. Lowell Schrupp made a motion to approve the September 21, 1992 IDC minutes, seconded by To Lindquist. With no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. In the absence of Treasure Hoglund, Koropchak reported a Wright County State Bank ba ance of $3,942.15 and a Security Financial balance of $2,543. 5 for a total of $6,486.00. Less bills paid in the amount of 42.03 and $6.37 for a new balance of $6,437.60. Merrlyn Seefeldt made a motion to accept the IDC financial report as gien, seconded by Harvey Kendall. With no further comment, the financial report was accepted and filed. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND A CEPT THE IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. 4. CONSIDERATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROSPECT UPDATE. a) Steinwall, Inc. Koropchak reports continued- communication occurs between the city and Maureen Steinwall. In respons to the two gratiS banquet tickets Maureen is unable to attend, however, Plant Manager Richard Brotherton and his wife, Karen, will be present. Relocation and expansi n plans are in the cards for this growing Fridley plastic injection molding company. project potential is 0,000 sq ft with approximately 50 jobs in year '93 or '94. . . . . IDC MINUTES October 15, 1992 b) Irish, Inc. This New England retail/warehouse/distri ution company is looking to expand their business peration to the Midwest. The company's product-line c nsists of parts and accessories for recreational equ'pment such as snowmobiles, motorcycles, etc. The c mpany's needs are for 14,000 sq ft and would employ 12- 5 people with a wage range of $5.50 to $15.00 per hour A major part of their business transactions are compl ted through their mail order catolog department, this a part of their expansion plans. The company home base is in Midfield, Ohio. c) Concrete Production/Dis ribution/Retail Business - This Canadian company is look ng to purchase or build a 40,000 sq ft retail/distributi n facility on 5-10 acres. Their concrete product-.lines i clude steps, hog pins, park and road equipment, and trad tional concrete products. This lead from the Minnesota epartment of TED indicates the company's preference of he metro location, however, due to the outdoor storage i sue a site location within a 50- mile radius of the metro is being researched. Koropchak briefly referred Montlce lo's screening requirements and asked for additional project information regarding number of jobs, wage scale, and anticipated truck traffic. d) Q~A Thermal Processing - BDS, Inc. reports this project still has merit, however, restructuring of the business plan and financing is u derway. e) Andy Robinson - Koropcha asked IDC members for help in identifying this individual or business (Robinson Right Choice) which is locate in Maple Grove and employs 30 people. The business is looking to relocate and Koropchak is unable to 0 tain a phone number or address. IDC members informed Ko opchak that Mr. Robinson is a resident of our communit GROUNDBREAKING RECEPTION: a) Suburban Machine & Manu acturing, Inc. - The project's real estate closing was held last Tuesday. Koropchak rei terated the enclosed i vi tation for the Groundbreaking Reception, Monday, Octob r 19, 3:30 p.m. Dennis Taylor reported the property will be staked for building location this week with rading to begin Monday. Koropchak thanked the I C members for participation in the Aroplax Reception he d October 12. The Schoens were pleased wi th the warm w lcome. The project is moving along fast with the wall being erected. Page 2 ___________________________....___.J ... . . . IDC MINUTES October 15, 1992 5. CONSIDERATION OF BAN UET TICK T COUNT AND FINAL DETAILS. 6. 7 , Koropchak reported that Mr. Ra Schmidt notified her office of his unavailability to attend he banquet. He was scheduled to give one of the local tes imonies, however, he will be attending an out-of-town prod ct show. Recommendation was for Mr. Harold Wick, General Mana er for NSP Northwest Region, to be contacted as his replaceme t. Koropchak asked for a quick accountability of individua ticket sales. Chairperson Johnson commended the I C members on their early accomplishments. The banquet plans appear to be in order and confirmation has been made with Grundhofer's office. New name tags will be ordered for IDe m mbers who may have misplaced or have not received one. A n wspaper article regarding the banquet, inclusive of an 0 en invitation to attend, was suggested by the IDe members. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW IDC A DERTISEMENT. The IDe members reviewed the a vertisements for Business Media and Minnesota Real Estate J urnal. Recommendation was to enlarge the "Your Kind of lace", to replace dependable utilities with reliable utilities, and to add Koropchak's name as contract person. Arve Gril sma made a motion affirming the recommendations and accepting the Business Media advertising contract. The motion was see nded by Harvey Kendall and with no further discussion, the mo ion passed unanimously. CONSIDERATION TO RECOGNIZE THE MONTICELLO ALL-STAR CITY AWARD. Koropchak commended the IDC of their efforts towards achieving the All-Star City Award. The award is presented based three main criteria: One, cooperation between community volunteers and local governments; second, the completion of an objective or task within the 1992 Econ mie Development Work Plan; and third, continued-successful S ar City recertification. All- Star pins were given to IDC m mbers. 8. OTHER BUSINESS. a) Letters Koropchak noted the letters mai led to Mr. Lungwitz, the Bargers, a d Mr. Laugen. b) Chamber Candidate Debate October 20, 1992, City Hall - Cyndie .Johnson encourag d IDC members to attend the debate being coordinate by the Chamber IS I,egislat.ive Affairs Committee. State and local candidates will be present, refreshments wi 1 be available. Page 3 . . . Tri-County Economic De elopment Network Koropchak reported she plans to a tend this networking session to be held in Princeton. The original counties were Stearns, Sherburn, and Benton and now has expanded to include Wright. Downtown Redevelopment etwork - Koropchak declined the invitation to visit the City of Staples on October 30, however, plans to visi Whi te Bear Lake in December. This group tours and/or assesses downtown areas to give or obtain ideas for downtown redevelopment. Remmele Tour - To be sch duled in November after the IDC banquet and after Rem ele's scheduled tours for a Japanese group and the innesota Association of Tool & Die Makers. Sunny Fresh Foods, rnc. Koropchak encouraged IDC members to attend the" uilding a Bridge for Literacy" event sponsored by Sunny Fresh on Saturday, November 21. Company personnel preferred this arrangement to a separate IDe tour. The company and Monticello's Adult Basic Education are coo dinating the event which will include a book drop-off, product tasting, tours, and the rare opportunity to pure ase Sunny Fresh products. All proceeds along with mat hed funds by Cargill will go towards the purchase of 1 cal literacy/literacy retention materials and equipments Don Smith remarked on his BRE visits with Jerry Rose an recent newspaper article as to the growth and potential growth of this company as well as the company's posit ve attitude toward.s increased community involvement. Farm Credit Purchase Upd te - Rick Wolfsteller informed the IDC that meetings hav been held between Mr. Pfeffer, Marketing Manager, and various city staff members. Discussion center around need for property signage along 1-94 and County Road 118; defining of the BC zoning and ordinance restrictions such as outdoor storage, screening, and green pI t; widening County 118 bridge; and construction of an interchange. Chairperson Johnson said he was encouraged hat the buyer's plan includes immediate marketing of t e property. IDC MINUTES October 15, 1992 c) d) e) f) g) Chairperson Johnson welcome IDC members to the Middle Mountain Elementary School 0 en House scheduled for Monday evening, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Arve Grimsmo suggested that Mo ticello marketing materials be send along with Governor Carls n on his Asian Tour. Also, Mr. Lemme suggested materials be a ailable to the Japanese touring the Remmele plant. Page . . . IDe MINUTES October 15, 1992 Additionally, Don Smith adde would be joining a group of Plant. 9. AD.JOU~NMENT. that on October 23, Mayor Maus apanese touring the NSP Nuclear The IDe meeting adjourned at 8:07 a.m. C_) ~k ~CYl'~~ Ollie Koropchak, Economic Develop ent Director Page ~ . ' 1 ~., ~ ~ MONTICELLO 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax:. (612) 295-4404 . Mr. John (Jack) Grundhofer Chairman, President, and CEO First Bank System, Inc. First Bank Plaza 601 Second Avenue South Suite 2900 Minneapolis, MN 55402-4302 Dear Mr. Grundhofer: October 28, 1992 On behalf of the Monticello Indu trial Development Committee, I wish to thank you for the deliver nee of an enlightening message. The City of Monticello was blessed with a unique opportunity, and we wholeheartedly appreciate the time both you and your wife, Beverly, shared with us. Your pres nce at the banquet will long be remembered in addition to the record-setting attendance. Again, thank you for being our g est speaker. return and wish you the very best. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO C9-~ ~lf\ ~~. Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director cc: Marn and Marie Flicker File . We welcome your . I , " ' , ~ ~ ~.""-"~ . ..... "." ~,. >'.^ . - r .~ " , "., MONTICELLO 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. and Mrs. Marn Flicker Flicker's TV & Appliance 211 South Highway 25 P.O. Box 356 Monticello, MN 55362 . Dear Marn and Marie: The success of tbe 1992 Industr Banquet would not be if not for Grundhofer as our guest speaker. also thanks you for your continue and Beverly, like yourselves, are to be among. October 28, 1992 al Development Committee (IDC) our assistance in obtaining Mr. he Monticello IDe thanks you and years of banquet support. Jack elightful people and a pleasure Sincerely, Again, thank you and much continu d-success. CITY OF MONTICELLO 6~~ ~ (;\ U--G, --D~ Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director cc: File . . . . 1992 IDC BANQUET INANCIAL REPORT NOVEMBER '7, 1992 SEPTEMBER 3D, 1991 OCTOBER 27, 1992 REVENUE: 104 PAID MEAL TICKETS 3 Gl~ATIS TICKETS DONATIONS TOTAL REVENUE PAID BILLED 11-9'-92 $6,025 115 $7,025 13 $ 525 $7,550 8 ($ 400) EXPENDITURES: MONTE CLUB 63 STEAKS @ $13.95 $ 8. 8.85 77 $1,074.15 35 WALLEYE PIKE @ $12.95 $ 4 3.25 47 $ 608.65 9 CHICKEN BREAST @ $7.95 $ 1. 55 12 $ 107.40* TAX $ 1. 24 $ 116.36 107 HORS D'QUERVRES @ $2.00 $ 2 4.00 136 $ 204.00** BAR GRATUITY 2 5.00 L264.44 TOTAL MONTE CLUB $1,9 3.89 $2,375.00 MONTICELLO PRINTING $ 6.43 $ 47.39 MONTICELLO OFFICE PRODUCTS $ 9.40 $ 105.58 LITTLE MOUNTAIN FLOWERS $ 14.15 WOODTYPE MINNESOTA TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,9 9.72 $2,542.12 BANQUET PROFIT $5,0 0.28 $5,007.88 BILLED 11-9--92 $ 400.00 $5,407.88 * 1992 PRICE $8.95 **1992 PRICE $1.50 1992 PROPOSED IDC BUDGET BANQUET RE:VENUE BANQUET EXPENDITURE BANQUET PROFIT $8,000 $2,250 $5,750 . 1992 IDC BANQUET CONTRIBUTORS . MOSFORD, BARTHEL &. CO TAYLOR LAND SURVEYORS JAMES &. GRUBER LOCH JEWEl,ERS FOSTER, FRANZEN & CARLSON SUNNY FRESH FOODS, INC. MONTICELLO TIMES MONTICELLO OFFICE PRODUCTS COAST TO COAST DAVID'S PHOTOGRAPHY GOULD BROTHERS CHEVROLET KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN EMC PUBLISHERS GOLDEN VAI,LEY FURNITURE LITTLE MOUNTAIN FLOWERS DAN GOEMAN PETERSON1S MONTICELLO FORD JONES MANUFACTURING M & P TRANSPORT, INC. FLICKER'S TV & APPLIANCE GENEREUX FINE WOOD PRODUCTS SECURITY FINANCIAL MONTE CLUB FINGERHUT CORPORATION MONTICELLO-BIG LAkE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL VAUGH VIET AND COMPANY BARSNESS DRUG MAtTS FOODS WRIGHT COUNTY STATE BANK DALE I,UNGWITZ GlWRGE PHILLIPS BASIL SCHILLEWAERT RAINBOW ENTERPRISES NSP NUCLEAR PLANT (MONTICELI.O) HARVEY KENDALL AI. JOYNER OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC MONTICELLO SCHOOL DISTRICT ABENDROTH, REGO & YOUNGQUIST ASS C WINKELMAN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AME READY MIX GRUYS, JOHNSON &. ASSOC INVESTORS TOGETHER, INC. AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE BEN FRANKLIN K-MART PETERSON/GRIMSMO FUNERAL CHAPEL NSP (ST CLOUD) FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MONTICELL BRIDGE WATER TELEPHONE COMPANY . $ 75 $100 $175 $ 75 $100 $100 * $ 75 $ 75 $100 $100 $100 * $100 $ 75 $100 $ 75 $ 75 $ 75 $100 $100 $100 $100 $ 75 $ 75 $150 $200 $100 $100 * $100 $150 $ 75 $ 75 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $100 $100 $100 $175 $100 $ 75 $ 75 $ 75 $300 $200 $100 . . . THE '3' CORPORATION PATRICIA OLSON ELECTRO INDUSTRIES, INC. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE STATE FARM INSURANCE EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES MASTER'S HOME FURNISHINGS BDS, INC. BEN SMITH TOM ST. HILAIRE OSM CITY OF MONTICELLO MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL PARK INC. ( FEFFER) NORTHWEST ASSOCIATES PSG VALUE PLUS HOMES SHIHLEY ANDERSON DAHLHEIMER DISTRIBUTION GRATIS TICKETS AROPLAX CORPORATION SUBURBAN MACHINE & MANUFACTURING STEINWALL, INC. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TED SENATOR ADKINS JACK GRUNDHOFER AND BEVERLY OLLIE KOROPCHAK $100 $ 75 $:300 $225 $ 75 $100 * $100 $ 75 $ 75 $100 $150 $300 $300 $100 $175 $150 $ 75 $100 4 2 2 2 1 2 1 -",-- . . . LOive / I "j:- I{~(c LC'r-co lie: E I cc. fr'o~Ir/(/ U J j- Vi cj ~ n Cj'C' r h 1-1'1- U IV r ~_j h'f- C'o :ht.~ I IU 0 If h t h J1 ,.5lZ1 f~.5 . I ! L Stet .h: ..-) . l>t, ') l; Li) I 11 k c 1171. tt II. ~-:) ,. I () (.C' t r ( J( /1 (C, Ft.) f) b en clr (,th ~ I?rr.y!./ Y"CM rll(' 1/ L/ is I.'" .' ..'_ ( , -. I r< I) / j t'e 1 J l{J i 11 kc / I}I (,( J1 '7 ' l)I-~;/<J(I\ji., / {' ( ( I / I ( JJ au;' cI S' , PI70 h,iJ I-(L (.1 I~~/ 7] f' oj C1. YV) J n -+- ;/1 n net. ...) JJI I ) Ii '--;;. , I a}fI C f{L ()/ r c' "J / 'f) Ii Or'1o.. lei 11ecl J Id- 13 [I>',' j t {! (11 /)"("<'1 / /e /JCS/U'lC) /i (/C": (."/ \./ ! ) {{/c.,I d .-. G~{J C'. (Ylc < r \. Or L)y(! 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DO Orr- 5c/.C'len - /)/}Oje"'(l(J + li5S0c/ufC'S (/({ I u e f)/ LI5 11001 t:"' S 7;:;''{1/-<' Inc. It>Sli -Ill I d 60. 6 D I n i./t's fors T;; J e f/J(' r -1, -1'7 Ll L.( S "h I'Ll J / dc> 0? (' ...-' j/ "''' l){) '~.. 7s 00 rn ()/1 1-, cell c> (Y) 017 -f-, CO ('- }Io 73/5 I J...('I< C 7Y .Q.P j{JO 00 7sQP J~?:J her !___o n e S Da I C Ol~ !Ylcl I~J iu (~j eLI, T'L . epotH f -h.J {}oas f <. f .) (> rt:' lYlas' t er s (Y) r" jV) r S' . Ff-Jh C.73.. II v'cT, c OJ) 11; J J , (3e J1 r:;. c,{ (l K / : ~~l S -I-D , e- No rt-her n 5' -itl ff> :.> "'j" ) - ,/ {: i. (/ (" )" K /J1 (l t~t DEPOSIT TICKET INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE p,o, BOX 192 MONTICEllO, MN 55362 DEAl E-"'..----L2.s.~~-d.-9 ___ ..1 9' I,J o POSITS MAY NOT IJE AVAILAOl.E Fon 1"J,'MED'AT~ WiTHijlll\~L --.. ----...."., '.".~N-;'I'i 1i(I~j~:--;.:'A"'II.~.i.~:'vi.i'! III '~'i'(~)ili!:'I! I) WRIGHT COUNTY STATE BANK P.O. BOX 729' (6121 295.2952 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 55362 1:0 9 l. 9 l. l. 5 2 21: 7 20 0 5 7 L. 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Mr. Robert Ehlers, Jr. Ehlers and Associates, Inc. 2950 Norwest Center 90 South Seventh Street Minneapolis, MN 55402-4100 Dear Mr. Ehlers; November 9, 1992 The Monticello Industrial Developm nt Committee was pleased to see you and Mr. Kent Johnson at thei annual fundraiser banquet on October 27, 1992. We sincerely ope you enjoyed the event and followship. Please remit an amount of for the banquet tickets to the Monticello Industrial Development ommittee, 250 East Broadway, POBox 1147, Monticello, MN 553 2. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me a (612) 295-2711. Again, we appreciate your support. Respectfully, CITY OF MONTICELLO Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director cc; File and thank you for your . . . November 9, 1992 Dear Monticello Industrial Banque Attendee: The Monticello Industrial Developm nt Committee was pleased to see your presence at their annual fu draiser banquet on October 27, 1992. We sincerely hope you enjoy d the event and followship. Our records indicate __ person attended the banquet from your firm. The amount due fo the banquet tickets is Please remi this amount to the Monticello Industrial Development Committee, 50 East Broadway, POBox 1147, Monticello, MN 55362. If you h ve any questions, please don't hesitate to call me at (612) 295-2 11. Thank you for your support. Respectfully, CITY OF MONTICELLO Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director cc: File