IDC Agenda 06-18-1992 . . . AGE DA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, June 18, 1992 - 7:00 AM City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Shelley 30h son, Vice Chairperson Don Smith, Treasurer Ron Hoglund, owell Schrupp, Arve Grimsmo, 3ay Morrell, Harvey Kendall, Dennis Taylor, Linda Mielke, Ken Maus, John McVay, Dave Peterson, Tom Pogatchnik, kevin Doty, Merrl yn Seefeldt, Steve Lemme, Cyndie Johnson, Candy Benoit, and Mary Micke. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff 'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE MAY 21, 1992 IDe MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND ACCPET THE IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. 4 . CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECT a) Aroplax Corporation b) Suburban Machine and c) Agricultural Product d) Modern Molding, Inc. e) Steinwall, Inc. f) Q-A Thermo Process, Inc. g) Northfork Snacks, Inc. h) Sporting Goods Distrlbu ion i) Joe Furman j) John Froehling k) Bob Bliss BRE UPDATE: a) Remmele Engineering b) Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. ufacturing, Inc. ufacturer (NSP) 5. CONSIDERATION OF A SUMMARY REPORT ON THE WORKSHOP PRESENTED BY PAT PELSTRING. 6. CONSIDERATION OF SUB-COMMITT E UPDATES OR PLANS: a) BRE Committee Reports b) IDC Advertising Commltt e - Set meeting date. - Newsletter. c) Local BRE Committee - G neral idea or plan. 7. OTHER BUSINESS. a) Chamber meeting, noon t day, American Legion Club. Miss Monticello Candida es. 8. ADJOURNMENT. . . . MINUES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL EVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, May 21, 1992 - 7:00 AM City all MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Selley Johnson, Treasurer Ron Hoglund, Jay orrell, Harvey Kendall, Linda Mielke, Ken Maus, John McVay, Merrlyn Seefeldt, Ste e Lemme, Cyndie Johnson, Candy Benoit, and Ma y Micke. MEMBERS ABSENT: Don Smith, L Schrupp, Arve Grimsmo, Dennis Taylor, Dave Peterson, Tom Pogatchnik, and Kevin Doty. STAFF PRESENT: STAFF ABSENT: Jeff O'Neill. Rick Wolfstell r and Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Shelley Johnson ca led the IDC meeting to order at 7:03 AM. 2 . CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE 1992 IDC MINUTES. Cyndie Johnson made a motion t approve the April 16, 1992 IDC minutes, seconded by Ron Hogl nd, and with no corrections or additions the minutes were ap roved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND ACC PT THE IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. Treasurer Ron Hoglund reported a Security Financial balance of $2,524.72 and a Wright County State Bank balance of $384.63 for a total of $3,009.35. H rvey Kendall made a motion to accept the IDC financial repo t, seconded by John McVay and with no further discussion the financial report was accept and filed as given. 4 . CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECT UPD TES: a) Aroplax Corporation - Kropchak reported that company financial statements hav been updated and the revised projections will be compl ted for review by the Bank Loan Board on June 2. Mr. Lenn Kirscht of BDS, Inc. foresees no problems with financi I approval. b) Long Lake Tool & Die - This company is still in the process of making their site location. Originally, the targeted decision date as around May 1. Koropchak having called on the co pany several times, Mr. Lenny Kirscht will now contact he company as a fOllow-up. . c) d) e) . . f) Wisconsin Foam Products M nufacturer - This company which is looking to construc a basic metal building has earmarked the City of ecker as their site location. Reasons for the site 10 ation were low tax rate, free land, and free utilities to the building. out-of-State Food Proces ing Company - Mr. Towers of the Minnesota Department of TED, has had no further inquiries from the company; altho gh, he reports the company is from Minnesota and has hired a consul tant from South Carolina" Federal Foam Technology, nc. - This company continues to look for an existing 50, 00 sq ft facility. Karl Menzel - Mr. Menzel a Monticello resident inquired to the availability of a ,500 to 10,000 office/warehouse sq ft facility for lease. This for his friend, the owner of Loon Photography" T e need is for space by August, the business sells phot graphy equipment and supplies. Koropchak referenced ay Morrell's facili ty, the Shingobee Pre-Plan, and the Monticello Mall (temporary space). In talking with Kevin, the business was looking for the business condo 1 ase concept as in Crystal. Q-A Thermo Process, Inc. - On a preliminary basic, Bill King and Lenny Kirscht f BDS, Inc., have inquired of Monticello's interest i a start-up company which is looking to lease 15,00 to 20,000 sq ft. The four principles have a total of 60 years experience in the metal heat-treating proc 56. Employment would be 12-15 skilled workers within the first year and equity ingestion of $100,000+. BDS staff will talk to the principles regarding a meeting date with Monticello individuals. Koropchak mailed the Shingobee Pre-Plan Information to BDS, Inc with the acknowledgement that Shingobee is interested in an existing business. Potato Equipment Manuf cturer Chairperson Johnson informed IDC members 0 his inquiry from Dr. 0' Dell Johnson. Dr. Johnson recently became involved in a 1 imi ted partnership wi h Gordon Cell. The Braham, Minnesota business manuf ctures potato farm equipment and are in need of a lea eable 40,000 sq ft facility. Currently they employ 80 (seasonal) with maximum of 125. Their current facility s inefficient as utility costs are high and space is l"mited which has caused them to turn away business. Kor pchak contacted Dr. Johnson who said they were meetin with a bank in Montivideo, Minnesota within the nex few days. According to BDS who worked with them on a Wi consin location, the company is highl y leveraged and has inventory problems. Dr. Johnson appreciated the local in erest; however, plans to follow through at Montivideo at this time. Agricultural Product Ma ufacturer - Koropchak reported this lead came from Deb almquist of NSP. A response to the site location reque t is to be submitted by May 26. Project size 20,000 q ft facility on five acre industrial parcel. en to fifteen jobs, capital g) h) i) . . . j ) investment of $2 million, and the need for electrical and natural gas. Desire outside seven-county metro area wi th good highway access. Th company will base tis location decision largely on fina cial incentives. Koropchak said she has been unable t find out the nature of the business or product. J hn McVay was also unaware. A proposal will be submitt d. Steinwall, Inc. Maureen Steinwall, President of Steinwall, Inc., a th rmo-plastic injection molding company contacted Kor pchak' s off ice. Koropchak originally spoke to this ompany in April, 1990. Because of the recession, Stei wall put expansion relocation plans on hold. Today th company employs 60 people and has a need for a 35,0 0 sq ft facility. Once not interested in Monticello because of the Aroplax project which is a direct competitor, Ms. Steinwall has since changed her mind. A mee ing has been set for June 4 to view si tea and to expl in financing options. A 1993 development is antlclpat d. Two other inquiries were for leaseable space of 2,000 to 3,000 sq ft. They were referred to Jay Morrell, Andy Anderson, and the Montic 110 Mall. UPDATE; Remmele Engineering - Ko opchak submitted a copy of the letter addressed to Mr. udil regarding her findings of information requested by Mr. Pudil following the meeting held on April 28. A our of the Monticello Remmele facility preceded the meeting held between Mr. Pudil, Mr. Chuck Jungman, Mr. Joe L Valle, and Mr. Steve Symanietz of Remmele; Mr. Ken Sv e of the State Department of Building Codes and Stand rds; Ken Maus, Monticello Mayor; Arve Grimsmo of the ID ; and Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, Gary Anderson, and Koropchak, City Staff. In summary, due to the cons ruction material, building size (over 24,000 sq ft), an occupany type of the Remmele facility; State code allo s two alternatives to sprinkler system installation. Al ernatives being installation of wall separations (retractable) or installation of fire rating steel supports Oi foam spray. The city can't legally waive the Stat, building codes. Remmele' s decicion is to install sprinklers and plan to occupy their new expansion in ctober. Koropchak inquired if Remmele plans to continue future expansion in Monticello, the response was "hope s ". Hoglund Bus Company - Ko opchak asked Mayor Maus to talk to her following the mee Ing. BRE-IDC Reports - None r ported. BRE Tours - Koropchak re orted that Bill and Barb Tapper are interested in havi 9 an open house; however, not until fall because sprin and summer is their busy time. Also, with Sunny Fresh's planned renovation open house, Koropchak felt that waul suffice the Economic Work Plan objective. k) BRE a) b) c) d) . . . 5. CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS AND SUMMARIZE THE BRE BREAKFAST. Chairperson Johnson as ed for input from IDC members regarding the success or unsuccess of the BRE Breakfast. Merrlyn Seefeldt felt it was good as its one of the only opportunities for industrial businesses to network on an informal basis. Harvey Kendall also felt the breakfast was good and Ron Hoglund felt the attendance was up this year maybe due to the direct contact between an IDC member and a business. Candy Benoit felt the setting wi th round table encoura ed networking among individuals. Koropchak reported 13 b sinesses were represented by 17 individuals compared to 9 businesses represented by 12 individuals last year. ost comparison was $291.49 (46) this year to $169.40 36) last year which included donated food from Sunny resh. The general consensus was to continue the breakfast on an annual basis. Merrlyn Seefeldt infor ed the IDC that information regarding benefi ts and ages paid by other Monticello businesses would be an nterest to Electro and others. Jay Morrell responded by stating, "Although, he did not fill out that portion of the BRE survey, he refers to the BRE wage and benefit inf rmation or gets on the phone and calls." Merrlyn expressed wages paid by the school and city has a negative eff ct on their employees. It was suggested that Cyndie ohnson, Chamber Director, and Koropchak work together with a committee to draft a detailed wage and benefi survey for all local businesses to complete. 6. a) CONSIDERATION OF THE IDC HOUSEKEEPING: Banquet Speaker, ack Grundhofer Chairperson Johnson reported that Mr. Grundhofer is the confirmed speaker f r our '92 banquet; however, due to his unknown se edule to leave town the next morning our program may need some flexibility. It was one IDC member' opinion that after the social hour, one is genera ly to full for the banquet meal and the flexibility may be a welcome change. Marketing Committee - Koropchak reviewed the 1992 Economic Developme t Work Plan and with the increase in the nu ber of IDC members suggested reinstating the us of commi ttees. A list of committees with sug ested members was distributed to members for re iew and comment at the next meeting. Commi tees were Prospect, Marketing, Local BRE, State BR , and Financial. Jay Morrell expressed his int rest to be on the Chamber Legislative Aff irs Committee, Worker's Compensation. b) . d) . . Additional new vide s - Koropchak informed the IDC that she took the initiative and ordered 6 new videos as the f irs,t set were out in the field. Koropchak records each video given out. Additionally, she aid some communities mail a video in place of a brochure or in addition to each brochure. Ken Mau expressed that many times a spouse has the grea est impact on the site location decision and Monti ello I s video would serve as a benefit. Brochure Data Updat to update the bro census data regardi be avai lable on m Resource Center in Joint Governmental an All Governmental June. Unless the need, Mr. O'Neill s meeting after co Survey. County Economic Dev lopment Update - The task force recommended the Wright County Commissioners consider hiring Ad ance Resources of Mankato to research the devel pment an economic development plan. Dollars have not been collected from willing participating commu ities. Koropchak said she felt unless both the cit'es and the townships within the County are interest d in a county econonic plan the efforts are hopeles . IDC Newsletter - It is Koropchak's goal to prepare and mail the IDC Ne sletter out in June. She asked for articles from b sinesses and if time permitted a message from the DC Chairperson. Farm Credi t Proper y - Mr. Wolfsteller reported that Farm Credit re resentatives have contacted his office regarding p ssible subdivision of the said property prior to olding an auction. Koropchak informed the group hat the Farm Credit property's land use is contro led by the Zoning Ordinance; however, she has reservations to its future availability, affo dability, accessibility, and marketability. Ad itionally, she reported that preliminary arrangel ents have been made wi th Mr. Pat Pelstring to meet with the Housing and Redevelopment Autho ity. The presentation will be on alternate priv te/public partnerships being created by other ommuni ties, date scheduled is Wednesday, June 1. Koropchak encouraged IDC members interested n the topic to attend, she will send a notice confi ming the date. c) e) f) g) h) - Koropchak reported the need hure insert data. The 1990 g population and economics will cro-f ic at the SCSU Learning une or July. eeting - In the previous years, Units meeting has been held in IDC had a suggested topic or ggested to Koropchak a possible pletion of the Recreational . . . i) Wright County Com ose Facili ty Tour - Koropchak reported that w th the increase concern by industries over re ycling and waste, she proceeded to contact a fe industries regarding their interest to tour the Wright County facility; however, found int rest was lacking. No need to proceed further. 7. OTHER BUSINESS. Chamber meeting today at the American Legion Club. Program speaker is Bob Nassauer, "I proving Customer Focus in Your Company." Also, the Chamber promoted t upcoming seminar scheduled for Wednesday, May 27, 8:00 A , Legion Club. The topic is on the American Disabilities Act, which affects all businesses. Cost $13.00. 8. ADJOURNMENT. The IDC meeting adjourned by a consensus of its members at 8:15 AM. ~~ \<cf\~J1 Ollie Koropchak, IDC Executive Dir ctor IIttItJ MONTICELLO May I, 1992 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295~2711 Metro: (612) 333~5739 Fax: (612) 295A404 Mr. Mike Pudil Vice President/General Manager Remmele Engineering, Inc. 17701 Highway 10 Big Lake, MN 55309 Dear Mr. Pudil: . The City of Monticello would like to t, ank the representatives of Remmele Engineering for their cooperation, t me, and attendance at the meeting held last week. In accordance to Sta e Building and Fire Codes and given Remmele's grade of building constru tion and occupancy, three options were outlined for consideration. Some years ago, the City of Montice 10 adopted the State Building and Fire Code to protect the health, life, and safety of developers, businesses, and homeowners. As it st nds, the City cannot legally waive the State Code. Results of my research indicate if co es are not being followed in other communities or entities of the state, the State Building and Fire Codes either has not been adopted or, if a opted, are not being enforced. In 1985, only 15% of the state's area h d adopted the State Building Code which protected 85% of the state' population. Although this is changing, you can see where a s rinkler system, given the same assumptions, may not become an issue in another area. In other cases, building officials or entities lack raining or knowledge of the codes, or they may simply choose to ignore 0 neglect the codes. Unfortunately, the system is not flawless. I understand Remmele's frustration, a I, too, become frustrated with the unended circle of increased costs placed on Minnesota businesses, particularly when working with a qual'ty company as Remmele Engineering, Inc. . Mr. Mike Pudil May 1, 1992 Page 2 Although the outcome is not altered, I'd like to remind you of the City's low interest rate loan which is available to qualified existing industrial businesses. Again, I know this doesn't erase your added expansion costs or the loss of construction time; but if it helps, we will immediately consider action of the loan application. Please call me at 295-2711 if I can assist you or answer any questions. Again, the City of Monticello is proud of Remmele Engineering, Inc.; we appreciate your investment in our community, and we look forward to many continued cooperative years. Sincerely, CITY OF MONTICELLO Q) ~ \~<rl ~~..9.~ Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director cc: IDC File Mayor Maus Administrator Wolfsteller . . . STATE OF MINNESOTA Department of . Administration <f\.~.'Er~,,, ,~,"'-"'-'-~<1b ~.. ':10"l.l:ftl!!i~"'.'.~'\ ..'\i:'c,' - ~il""~J"- l~t ~:...--:' '. '..f:>fft/ 'iJ.."b ....... .;.;ry ......1858..." " 408 Metro Square 7th and Robert S~<, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone: (612) 296-4639 FAX: (612) 297-1913 . . COpy April 30, 1992 Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello, MiIll1esota Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: BUn,LJING CODES AND STANDAIWS This letter is in response to our eeting with representatives of the city and Remmele Engineering. The Building Codes and Standads Division final analysis of the situation is that your building official is inte preting the code consistent with the Building Code Division. As was discusse Remmele does have the ability to expand and under the code has various ptions available to do so. It is the responsibility of the designer to ecommend which procedure to follow after submitting plans for approval. In closing, we are glad the Buil ing Code Division can be of assistance to you. We feel that the decisions, inter retations and enforcement procedure by the city building official is proper a d has the interest of the city in mind. Very truly yours, Building Codes and Standards ~~~~ ~enS;ee Building Code Representative KS:me cc: B. Michael Godfrey