IDC Agenda 01-16-1992 . 1. 2 . 3. 4. . 5. 6. 7 . 8. AGEN A MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL EVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, January 1 , 1992 - 7:00 AM City all MEMBERS: Chairperson Shelley 30 son, Don Smith, Ron Hoglund, Lowell Schrupp, Arve Grimsmo, Jay Morrell, Harvey Kendall, Dennis Taylor, Ken Maus, Linda Mielke, John McVay, Dave Peterson, T m Pogatchnik, Kevin Doty, Candy Benoit, Mary Micke, and yndie Johnson. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff 'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak. CALL TO ORDER. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE ECEMBER 19, 1991 IDC MINUTES. I CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND ACCEPT THE MONTHLY IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. CONSIDERATION OF A FOLLOWUP 0 THE BRE SURVEY. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND A CEPT THE 1991 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY REPORT AND THE 1992 ECONOMIC EVELOPMENT WORK PLAN. CONSIDERATION OF A REPORT F THE WRIGHT COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEETING. CONSIDERATION TO APPOINT A REPRESENTATIVE TO THE AQUATIC CENTER TASK FORCE. i CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECT REP RTS. a) Aroplax Corporation b) Rogers 20,000 sq ft manu acture facility c) 10,000 sq ft industrial acility with 20 ft ceiling span needed for lease, start- p plastic blow molding company d) Monticello Processor, In' . e) Metro National Distribut on Facility f) Wafer Manufacturer ' g) Packaging Products Manuf cturer 9. OTHER BUSINESS. a) Chamber Banquet Plans . 10. ADJOURNMENT. . . . MINU'I1ES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVE OPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, December ~9, 1991 - 7:00 AM City all MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Selley Johnson, Don Smith, Ron Hoglund, Lowe 1 Schrupp, Dale Lungwitz, Arve Grimsmo, Harv y Kendall, Dennis Taylor, Ken Maus, Linda Mi lke, John McVay, Dave Peterson, and Candy Ben it. MEMBERS ABSENT: Jay Morrell, Rick Wolfstell r and Ollie Koropchak. STAFF PRESENT: STAFF ABSENT: Jeff O'Neill. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Pagatchnik, and Bob Dawson. Chairperson Johnson called th IDC meeting to order at 7:00AM. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 21 1991 IDC MINUTES. Arve Grimsmo made a motion t approve the November 21, 1991 IDC Minutes, seconded by Lowell Schrupp, and with no additions or corrections the minutes were approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND A CEPT THE MONTHLY IDC FINANCIAl, STATEMENTS. Treasurer Ron Hoglund reported a Wright County State Bank balance of $12,213.84 with he deposit of the City's 1991 Contribution of $5,950. Secuity Financial Banking & Savings balance is $3,042.99 for a tdtal of $15,256.83. The IDC has received the billing from th City for 40% of the Economic Development Director's 1991 salary and benefits ($14,576.69) which will leave a balance of $680.14 until the budgeted 1991 Chamber contribution of $2,800 is received. Ken Maus made a motion to approve the Treasure's Report as given, seconded by Harvey Kendall and with no co rections or comments the report was filed as approved. 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW PROCE S FOR STAR CITY RECERTIFICATION. A. PREVIOUS YEAR Koropchak outlined for the 10. the Star City Recertification process stating goals woul be determined for the 1992 Economic Development Work PIa through the assessment of the 1990/91 BRE Surveys, the Self Assessment Surveys as completed by the IDC and Chamber Board embers, the 1991 Economic . . . IDC MINUTES 12-19-91 Development Work Plan, t e 1991/92 BRE Surveys, and preliminary recommendation f om the Goal Subcommittee. B. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW:RECOMMENDED NEW GOALS. Koropchak reviewed the new goals as recommended by the Subcommittee of Shelley Johns n, Don Smith, and herself to the IDC for preliminary consider and approval. 1) To assign an IDe m industrial business. The GOAL would be the gap between the industrial businesses and the community. Specific objectives were ou lined and tasks defined for IDC members to enhance the success of the goal. SEE EXHIBIT A. 2) To create cruited industrial jobs. 4) 3) To encourage the cr of BRE jobs. To continue res arch for the advertisement appro; riated dollars. 5) IDC journal To analyze the avai ability of the labor supply and skills through asse sment of the 91/92 BRE Surveys and BRE visi ts, de elop a network wi th Technical Schools Ie programs and training for those interested, explore the possibility for a c operative work plan between the industrial business s and the school for industrial career opportuni t.i~s in Monticello, and research the need to update · he 1988 Labor Survey. 6) To review the City' Capital Improvements Plans for the industr lal reI ted areas of Fallon Avenue, Fallon Avenue Bridg , Dundas Road Extension, School Road Extension (ight-of-way easements) , the Hoglund Property D velopment (7 Street Extension and need to upgrad railroad), and westerly I-94 and Cty Rd 118 ram s. To determine funding and when implementated. 7) To develop a Entrepreneur of IDC volunteer. 8) To review the proces Economic Developmen and recognize a Local at the IDC Banquet and an and analyze the Wright County Plan for comment and support. . IDC MINUTES 12-19-91 9) To research the equirements and aggressively pursue an All Star City Award in 1992 or an All American City Award. The IDC members wondered if t much to improve the noted in and retain professional and t of skilled workers is a univ Monticello's availability of group asked where do companie IDC agreed wi th the need subject. eir committee could actually do rease of difficulty to recruit chnical jobs. The availability rsal problem and may relate to ousing or buildable lots. The advertise for employment? The or continued research of the The IDC recommended the c eation of 75 new recruited industrial jobs, suggested a Local Entrepreneur of the Year be recognized only when earned, nd declined any recognition of an IDC volunteer as this wou1 be giving themselves a pat on the back. C. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW P ELIMINARY PROPOSED 1992 BUDGET. Koropchak presented the 1992 Proposed IDC Budget noting the beginning balance of $9,267. 0 with a projected increase in banquet revenues of $1,000 fo a total revenue of $26,417,50. Koropchak mentioned the City' budgeted contribution payable January 1993 is $6,400, and the Chamber has not completed their proposed 1992 budget. xpenditures include 40% of the Economic Development Director's salary and benefits for 1991, a slight increase in banq et expenditures, the $1,500 appropriated for journal adertisement, and other standard expenses for a total of $20,1 21.69. The proposed year end balance is $5,995.81 which co pares to the 1991 proposed year end balance of $7,307.65. . Koropchak noted that when Mr. olfsteller presented the salary billing, he asked if the IDC ould afford the amount. It was the Subcommittee's feeling th t the committee continue to pay the billed salary amount sin e the Director's operating and mi Ieage expenses are account bIe under the Ci ty' s Economic Development Budget. The sub.ommittee felt if necessary the IDC may need to consider a. addi tional fundraiser to the annual banquet or attempt to s ruce up the banquet for greater attendance. Mayor Maus expre sed that before the IDC consider another fundraiser that the City Administrator explore the possibility to increase t e Housing and Redevelopment Authority's (HRA) salary portion of 20% for budget year 1993 as the HRA has an excess of ax increment revenues. . . IDC MINUTES 12-19-91 D. COMPLETED PREPARATION FO STAR CITY RECERTIFICATION. Koropchak outlined the sch dule to complete Star City Recertification requirements. Preparation of the 1991 Economic Activity Report and 1992 Economic Development Work Plan for preliminary review b the IDC, the HRA, the EDA, and the Chamber Board prior to Ci y Council approval on February 10, 1992. Final copies will e distributed to all committee members. BRE Surveys coded d returned to the State by January 15th and the Communi y Profile updated by February 15th for publication by the Sltate. Don Smith made a motion to ap rove the preliminary new goals and proposed budget, inclusi e of the IDC member industrial assignments, for Star City R certification. The motion was seconded by Dale Lungwitz an . without further discussion the motion passed unanimously. to seek another term as the IDC tion to approve Ron Hoglund as ded by Linda Mielke and without passed unanimously. 5. CONSIDERATION TO ELECT 1992 DC OFFICERS: CHAIRPERSON VICE CHAIRPERSON, AND TREASURER. . With Ron Hoglund's agreement Treasurer, Ken Maus made a m the 1992 IDC Treasurer. Seco further discussion the motio Chairperson Johnson noted his years as IDC Chairperson and expressed his willingness to be relieved of the chairmanship if the committee so wished. e acknowledged that the IDC has some good choices to select from and opened the floor for nominations. The committ e asked Mr. Johnson of his receptiveness to running agai . With his receptiveness, Arve Grimsmo made a motion to app ove Shelley Johnson as 1992 IDC Chairperson and Don Smith as 1992 Vice Chairperson. Lowell Schrupp seconded the mati n, Don Smith expressed his willingness to serve as Vie Chairperson with Mr. Johnson; however, wanted it noted in the minutes that he is not in agreement to succeed ashairperson. Without further discussion the motion pas~ed unanimously. Mr. Johnson expressed his appreciation 0 the IDC's support. 6. CONSIDERATION OF CHAMBER MEMER REPRESENTATION TO THE IDC. . The Subcommittee recommended continue to include the Chairperson, and the additio Chamber's standing IDC recommendation, the subcommi the Chamber Director's time to the IDC that IDC membership hamber Chairperson and Vice of the Chamber Director as the representative. Prior to tee expressed their concern for xpended for meetings in I __ . IDC MINUTES 12-19-91 relationship to the position s objectives, designated hours and salary. In previous conversation with the Chamber Board, the existing representatives expressed the need for two years experience to understand the lingo of the IDC and the Chamber Director expressed desire to be a m mber for increased continui ty between the Chamber and IDC. iKoropchak serves on the Chamber Board as the liason between t e IDC and the Chamber and is a voting member. It was a consensus of the gro p to accept the Subcommittee's recommendation. 7. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE T COMMENT ON THE WRIGHT COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZA IONAL STATUS. . Koropchak reported that the Wr ght County Task Force submitted an application to the Central Minnesota Initative Fund (CMIF) for a $20,000 grant over two years. As part of the application process a CMIF representative visi ted several Wright County communities to et a broad view of the desired organizational objectives. hairperson Johnson reported on his visit with the representative and felt the community should be supportive of t e concept; however, felt the objective of a county wide or anization maybe to establish a taxing authority. The commit ee saw this as no direct benefit to Monticello but would be boost to the southern county area. The committee was not f arful of industrial recruitment competition. Koropchak advised the IDC tha by the CMIF Board. At this development of an Economic D matching funds by the Count $15,000. Bill Coleman, T Department, has requested t Surveys on Wright County indu exception of Koropchak, will training orientation in late the need to develop count alternate to the grant denial Wright County Utilities for f plan and for the potential 0 noted that a student intern utili ties generally assist permanent recognization is g the CMIF application was denied ime total community pledges for velopment Plan are $7,500 with Commissioners for a total of ade and Economic Development e Task Force to complete BRE tries. The Task Force, wi th the eek volunteers for a BRE Survey anuary. Koropchak said she sees . marketing materials. As an the Task Force will contact all nds to research and establish a hiring a staff person. It was ay be more appropriate and the i th marketing materials where ven. . It was the recommendation of keep an eye on the devel to give support and to of a county economic . IDe MINUTES 12--19'~91 development plan, specifica' ly, to keep an eye on the development of a taxing auth rity to insure a balanced value of dollars returned as extra ted. 8. CONSIDERATION OF A PROPSPECT UPDATE. . a) Aroplax Corporation - W th the application to the state for the $200,000 Econo ic Development Recovery Grant, they have requested a fu ding application be submitted to the Central Minnesota In tative Fund (CMIF) for $100,000 which has been complete,. The CMIF Board prel iminary review asks for equity ~nto the project and reduced the potential funding amount to $30,000. This in term would make the request from testate, $170,000. In talking wi th Mr. Schoen, location commi tment depends upon the state's committment to unding and the final Brooklyn Park proposal. Dale L ngwitz wondered about the game playing going on as Mr. Schoen wasn't interested in signing a new purchase agreement and mentioned a new proposal forthcoming fro Brooklyn Park. b) Rogers Minnesota 20,000 sq ft manufacturing facility - This company is loo~ing at Monticello, Buffalo, Princeton, and St. Cloud for a site location. The 20,000 sq ft building would be of metal and pole barn like in nature. Concrete floo and wall/ceiling insulation. Employment 15 to 20 jobs at $6.00 to $6.50 per hour. The company is a start-up s bsidiary of Ultra Pack, Inc who produces food containers and lids. The subsidiary would recycle plastic coca-c la bottles and the by-product (PETE) will be used at the Rogers facility. The company's four million d lIars of equity will be used for their 60,000 sq ft Roger expansion and for the 20,000 sq ft recycling facility an need for M&E. It is the HRA's desire to market Lot 5, lock 3, at no cost but subject to conditions. Monticello Is guaranteed an opportunity for a presentation, theompany is currently researching the costs for the necesaary machinery. John McVay agreed that t e company is looking at a very minimum building constrl ction. c) Metro National Distrib tion Facility This company continues to analyze th'ir internal decisions prior to their continued search f r a relocation site. 9. OTHER BUSINESS. . Dale Lungwitz presented to th IDe his resignation as an IDC member stating with his planed retirement he was unsure of IDC MINUTES . 12~.19-91 his availability and commitl ent of time to the IDC. He recommendated that Kevin Dol y of Wright County State Bank replace him on the IDC. ; Chairperson Johnson expressed sincere thanks for his excel ent contribution to the IDC and the community, and recognize him as a chartered IDC member. Ron Hoglund made a motio to accept with regrets the resignation of Dale Lungwit as a chartered IDC member and acceptance of Kevin Doty as is replacement. Harvey Kendall seconded the motion and with ut further dicussion the motion was passed unanimously. Korqpchak expressed her appreciation and enjoyment of working wit Dale as his manner was always polite and cooperative whethe: an IDC member, a bank owner, or an industrial property owner. Koropchak noted to IDC membe s copies of the sympathy letter sent to Senator Adkins and Ch .istmas letters sent to committee members, businesses who s pported the IDC banquet, and existing and prospective ind stries. 10. ADJOURNMENT. . Ron Hoglund made a motion to djourn the IDC meeting, seconded by John McVay, the IDC meeti,g adjourned at 8:25 AM. C)~ \<-CJ\~~il~ Ollie Koropchak, IDC Executive Di . MONTICELLO 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. Dale Lungwitz Wright County State Bank Box 729 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Lungwitz: . January 9, 1992 On behalf of the Monticello Indust ial Development Committee (IDC) and wi th great pride, I thank ou for your years of service, support, and participation in th IDC. It was with regret and appreciation that the IDC accepted your resignation and we wish the very best for you. You're always invited to join us at that same familiar time and place. Dale, through your input as a charter member of the IDC as well as your participation in other or anizations, you have been an outstanding volunteer which brou ht growth and success to our community. It is the plan of the IDC to recognize your contributions to the IDe and comm nity at a later date. Again, thank you and the best to au and your family in the years to come. Respectfully, THE MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP ENT COMMITTEE Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director cc: File . ~ '.I , ". I ~ , ~ MONTICELLO January 9, 1992 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. Bob Dawson The "J" Corporation 121 West Broadway POBox 598 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Dawson: . On behalf of the Monticello Industrial Development Committee (IDC), I thank you for your participati n and support of the committee's activities during the past two ye rs. We hope you will continue to endorse our organization and sup ort our activities. Please don't hesitate to call me regarding ne ideas or any business concerns you may have for the IDC. Again, Bob, it's been a pleasure to have you on board. The very best to you always. Respectfully, MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMEN COMMITTEE Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director cc: File . ======>------.. ""IT . ..':; .,,,, INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE P.O. BOX 192 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 it...... w.lj. j, 19 "/' s< 75-1152/919 -./) , . c.t).' ?, 'J WRIGHT COUNTY STATE BANK P.O. BOX 729. (6121 295.2952 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 55362 ,;5,- ':011 Fi . .5 2 2': 720 ACCOUNT NIJMBER DESCj(lYTr"Vn ".._._".,~... ..._._~-~.~~,. ,~,~_..~,""^' 101.46501.1010 101.46501.1250 101.46501.1220 101.46501.1210 101.46501.1310 Salary Medicare benefits Social Security benefits PERA benefits Insurance benefits . C?~ V -o:-9~ ~3 \ TOTAL DUE: 40% share of Economic Development Director salar for 1991 DATE NUMBER 13-91 JUE 01-13-92 month will be charged . due date.) able to City of Monticello. f COPY WITH PAYMENT " AMOUNT \, ," 12222.00 177.22 757.76 547.54 872 . 17 14576.69 -. .- -_.._~._--- ~ -- _.____~... ----, ,.~- .---. ~,.'.-' --..,.--....."-- .- ------ - -.".--- -_._.~ - --.--- ----~~ '~.,-~ ~- ~-~~~. - "-------.- ~..~ __nO ~.._,._'__'__ .