IDC Agenda 08-15-1991 . . . AGEN A MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL VELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, August 151, 1991 - 7: 00 AM City HI 11 MEMBERS: on, Don Smith, Ron Hoglund, Dale Jay Morrell, Ken Maus, Lowell Dennis Taylor, Dave Peterson, Tom Pogatchnik, Bob Dawson, and STAFF: Chairperson Shelley John Lungwitz, Arve Grimsmo, Schrupp, Harvey Kendall John McVay, Linda Mielke Candy Benoit. Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff q'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE ULY 18, 1991 IDC MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AND AC EPT THE MONTHLY IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. 4. CONSIDERATION OF IDC BANQUET LANS AND UPDATE. a) Distribution of tickets. b) Program and meal. 5. CONSIDERATION OF OTHER OMMUNITY'S ADVERTISEMENTS AND INCENTIVES. TOOLS: MARKETING 6 . PROSPECT LIST: CONSIDERATION TO HEAR UPDATE a) AROPLAX CORPORATION b) SHINGOBEE, INC. c) G & G OIL EQUIPMENT COMPAN d) FOOD INGREDIENT PLANT e) COMPUTER MANUFACTURER f) MAID OF SCANDIA g) MICRO-TECH h) ELAINE NORDNESS i) BROADWAY MACHINERY j) BURT INDUSTRIES, INC. k) CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE 7. OTHER BUSINESS. 8. ADJOURNMENT. CHAMBER MEETING, TODAY, 11:50 AM, MERICAN LEGION, GUEST SPEAKER: BARB SCHWIENTEK, HOSPITAL EXECUTIV DIRECTOR. . . . MINUT S MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL D VELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, July 18, 1991 - 7:00 AM City H 11 Chairperson S~ lley Johnson, Don Smith, Ron Hoglund, Ken I Maus, Dale Lungwitz, Lowell Schrupp, Arve i Grimsmo, Dennis Taylor, John McVay, Linda iMielke, Tom Pogatchnik, Bob Dawson, and Caldy Benoit. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Jay Morrell, Peterson. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Harvey Kendall, and Dave GUEST: Chris Lommel, 1. CALL TO ORDER. Lommel Productions, Inc. Chairperson Shelley Johnson ca led the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 AM. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE PRIL 18 AND MAY 17 1991 IDC MINUTES. Ken Maus made a motion to app ove the April 18 and May 17, 1991 IDC minutes, seconded by R n Hoglund, and without further comment the minutes were appro ed as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR THE MONT LY IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. Treasurer Ron Hoglund report d a balance of $2,964.35 at Security Financial and $2,665. 6 at Wright County State Bank for a total of $5,630.11. Rev nue was $1,175.00 from NSP for video tape and disbursements w re $1,000.00 to Chris Lommel, $168.00 to the Monticello Cou try Club (BRE Breakfast), and $84.00 to the River Inn (BRE, orwegian Board of Directors). Don Smith made a motion to ac ept the monthly IDC Financial report, seconded by Arve Grims 0, and without further comment the report was accepted as giv n and filed. 4. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR AN UPDATE OF THE MONTICELLO PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTION. Chr is Lomme 1 reported on th production, stating he has col the script written wi thin a industrial businesses are bein with the final selection of fou . of River Fest, Arts Fair, an meeting, etc. BDS. Inc. servic progress of the new slide ected data and plans to have week to ten days. Eleven photographed and interviewed Also photos have been taken All-Units City Governments s, financial incentives, land . IDC MINUTES 7-18-91 costs and available industrilal sites illustrated through computer maps will also to be il eluded. Planned video time is 10 minutes. The tape is bein funded by NSP; BDS, Inc.; the IDC; and the City. Chris requested ideas on how to handle the metro telephone issue, name for the video, nd volunteers to preview the script. Don smith, Shelley Johnson, and Koropchak were assigned to the committee. 5. CONSIDERATION OF PLANS FOR 1991 IDC RECOGNITION BAN UET. . The banquet date of September Oth has been confirmed with the Monte Club. It was a decis on by members after the last banquet to eliminate the ope bar to reduce banquet costs. With the unveiling of the new video at the banquet and three local testimonies scheduled for the program, the members discussed the need for a g est speaker. Speech topics suggested were changes in he local tax structure and extension of the nuclear pIa t license. potential speaker suggested were Peter Gillete, TED Commissioner; Chuck Larson or Leon Eliason, NSP; and Jo n Envy, Bondhus Corporation. The committee felt that the p' ogram may become too long and decided to invite Peter Gi lete or John Envy with the understanding they may be asked to say a few words. The sit- down dinner will consist of th ee menu choices with individual ticket price at $75.00 per erson and $25.00 for spouse. Koropchak will have the tickets ready for membership distribution at the August ID meeting. Some IDC members felt the BRE as poorly attended by the local industries while others felt the turnout was good. Local companies represented were NSP Bridgewater, The H-Window, The Tire Service Equipment Comp ny, Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc., Tapper's, Fingerhut, Electro I dustries, M & P Transports, and Aroplax, Inc. While IDC memb rs consisted of 16, city staff of 5, and two guests: Chris ommel and Deb Gustafson. Don Smith thought the program was good consisting of a variety of short topics. 6. CONSIDERATION OF IDC/INDUSTRI L BRE BREAKFAST FOLLOW-UP. . IDC members agreed on the im ortance of BRE and referred to the City of Brooklyn Center ewspaper article. Ways to get the local industries involved ere discussed. Ideas suggested were a questionaire mailed 0 local industries asking for desired time of year for the breakfast, time of day, where, topics of interest, etc.; the otential of IDC members teaming up with a local industry for t. e breakfast or the year; or for the BRE meeting to be held at a local industry followed by a tour of their facility. Treasurer Hoglund suggested a new meeting place as the cost per person for breakfast was $5.00 and sunny Fresh had donated t e eggs and french toast. . IDC MINUTES 7-18-91 7. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR UPDATE F PROSPECT LIST: a) AROPLAX CORPORATION T e company is awaiting bank commitment for the SBA fundi g. The company's financials appear to be strong as the OMNI board accepted the SBA application for review and Igave it preliminary approval without a bank's commitment wlich has never happened before. Banks reviewing the project I re Norwest Camden and Wright County State Bank. Upon ban~ commitment will the SBA board give final approval, hopeful~ in late July. TIF has been approved and the GMEF haseen approved subject to bank commitment and SBA approval. r. Schoen would like to occupy the facility by the end of October. Plans are for the IDC to host a Ground Breaking Recept on. . b) SHINGOBEE, INC. - The j int marketing tool pre-plans between the IDC and Shingobee should be completed and ready for marketing after the City Council Public Hearing on July 22, 1991. The Council will e asked to open and close the public hearing based on the assumption that no negative comments are heard. The re ommendation is for Council to table the adoption of the estblishment of TIF District No. 1-13 until a qualified Ie see is found. Reason for the recommendation is to maximi e the life of the economic district thereby collecting t e maximium tax increment. Yet to be received is a copy 0 the land commitment between Shingobee and the Oakwood Par~nership. Mr. Lungwitz reported that the terms have been ag eed upon by both parties and preparation of the document i in process. c) MAID OF SCANDINAVIA - Mr. ahlquist was interested in the HRA's suggested performance a reement and received topgraphy maps from OSM for Lot 5, Blo k 3, Oakwood Industrial Park. Koropchak said she was able t make contact with Ron and Dee Johnson's attorney who indica ed the Johnson's willingness to sell. The attorney's name an telephone number was passed on to Mr. Dahlquist as the Maid 0 Scandia was also interested in the adjoining property. Mr. Dahlquist reported the need to sell their existing property on Highway 100 and Highway 7 prior to any commitments for elocation. Koropchak will make a courtesy call on Mr. Dahlq ist. Arve Grimsmo reported he had nothing new to add to the report. . d) ELAINE NORDNESS - Koropch k reported this consultant is looking to relocate a client. The plastic injection molding company plans to build a 50 000 sq ft building and would relocate approximately 35 j bs from three existing metro locations. Two of their cur ent properties need to be sold and the third is leased. Time frame is 1992. Information and maps were mailed with antici ated contact again in August. . . . IDC MINUTES 7-18-91 Mrs. Nordness indicated he development of the origina Monticello to be a cooperativ e) BROADWAY MACHINERY - Mr. about 4,500 sq ft of leaseabl The St. Cloud company is in th He was referred to Jay Morrell husband had Monticello community. worked on Mall and the found erry Katter was interested in manufacturing/showroom space. wood and metal works business. for available leaseable space. f) R A MORTON - Members of e IDC received a copy of the letter from Mr. Morton indicat ng his clients decision not to locate in Monticello. Upo. a follow-up telephone call Koropchak learned of the compa y' s purchase of property in the St. Cloud Township along Coun y Road 75. g) WALMART DISTRIBUTION CENT R - Koropchak reiterated the newspaper articles of Walma t's decision to locate the distribution center in a Wise nsin community. Cited as the major reason was buildable so"l conditions. h) CARE CHAIR INDUSTRIES reported that Mr. Philbrook, previous Hospital dministrator, called regarding a start-up industrial business interested in Monticello. The company has developed a prototpe wheelchair which can be used in a shower. The product ha received patent and medical approvals. The company need are a bank, capital venture (investors), and a subcontra tor/fabricator. The company representatives were willing 0 come up and give the IDC a demonstration. The principal f the company, Mr. Ted Trkla, has presented the concept at a Business Development Services' Networking Venture Workshop a d the communities of Redwood Falls and Cannon Falls are ver interested in the prototype. Mr. Philbrook expressed his dis-satisfaction of the BDS program and the cost to them f $1,200 associated with that program. Monticello has not contracted with BDS for this program, therefore, Koropchak contacted Mr. Earl Netwal1 of BDS to verify any conflict 0 interest and for background information of the start-up c mpany. Upon further inquiry wi th a few IDC members, Korop hak has not followed through with any additional contact wi h Mr. Philbrook. Mr. Lungwitz said Mr. Philbrook had initia 1y contacted him and referred him to the Office of Economic evelopment. i) RICK ROBINSON - The Big Lak diaper service company would like to construct a 3,000 sq ft facility with three phase electrical. The company is looking for financial assistance. Koropchak has advised Mr. Robin on of the services provided by BDS based on a Monticello locat on commitment and the need for a business plan and financial statements inorder for BDS to complete a financial analys.s and to make a qualified . IDC MINUTES 7-18-91 financial package recommendat~on. j) BURT INDUSTRIES, INC. - Mr. Sig Magnuson is interested in relocating his metal fabric tion business from Hendrum, Minnesota to the outer metro imits. The company currently employs four welders and anti ipates ten workers within two years. The company welds, b nds, stamps, and paints steel wi th the production of park & recreation equipment, work tables, etc. Their need is for as, 000 to 7,000 sq ft leaseable industrial facili y. Koropchak referred Mr. Magnuson to Jay Morrell for p tential leaseable space. . k) G & G OIL EQUIPMENT - Koropchak reported that Mr. Art Speck contacted her office regardi g the company's interest to relocate their business to one central location. The company currently has facilities in laine (5 acres) and Hugo (3 acres) of which the City of Baine is not receptive of their business. The five year old c mpany would construct a 30,000 sq ft facility consisting of 4 000-5,000 sq ft office and the remaining portion manufacturin /warehouse. Current number of jobs is 33 and they anticip te no new jobs immediately. Annual payroll of $750,000. T e company refurbishes and sales used gas station pumps. Throu h the refurbishing process the company uses a water base pai t, a vegetable testing fluid, and is a low user of utilities and power. The company markets nationally and internationally and has customers such as Exxon and Shell. Mr. Speck said tha when a used pump comes in for refurbishing there is between to 8 ounces of gas in the pump which is pumped into an under round tank. The company does need outdoor storage. At this time, Koropchak has m iled information of Monticello and industrial site maps w'th the suggestion to visit Monticello and meet with sta f and IDC members to further discuss the nature of their business. Mr. Speck is very receptive for staff or IDC m mbers to visit their existing facilities. No financial i centives have been mentioned. Koropchak expects to hear fro Mr. Speck very soon to set up a Monticello visit and she; will notify IDC promotional commi ttee members of the meeting. Ken Maus felt the EPA guidelines for construction f such a new facility would reduce or limit the concerns 0 environmental issue regarding any potential spillage of asoline (soil contamination). Koropchak reminded IDC members that the city's benefit for use of TIF on this development c n control and assist with the requirements for outdoor stor ge screening costs. . 1) THE H-WINDOW COMPANY - Ko opchak reported on the meeting with the Norwegian board of irectors in May. Mayor Maus, Arve Grimsmo, Pat Pelstring and Koropchak attended. The . . . IDC MINUTES 7-18-91 results of the meeting w re postive with a clearer understanding of the differen es between Norway's and our tax structures. In Norway, if a company is a start-up and struggling, the company taxesi are forgiven which is not the case in the US. Mr. Pelstting suggested the company not disregard the submission of a Minnesota Recovery Grant upon their planned expansion. The -Window Company is no longer a start-up company and is an est blished Minnesota company which will have a major impact 0 the funding decision. Mr. Pelstring has provided a writ en summary to board members on available financing. Mr. Lemm and Koropchak visited Mr. Doug Gruber, County Assessor, and w re able to reduce the estimated market value on the vacant I t and a small portion of the building. The City Council ha approved holding the six small city industrial lots adjoinin The H-Window Company property through December 1992. The N rwegian directors will be in a much better position to determ ne the future of the company at year end 1992 and were concern d about the potential of being landlocked. Total land for development is now 20 acres. Potential expansion is to do, b1e the size of the current facility in 1993. The company sees the potential of sales in 10 to 15 years which would req ire a 300,000 sq ft building. m) STEINWALL, INC. - Koropchak called Maria Steinwall for an update of the company's decisi n to relocate from the Fridley location. This plastic inject on molding company was looking to construct a 25,000 sq ft fa ility. Ms. Steinwall says due the war and the recession, the company is not in position to consider relocation and exp nsion at this time. She subscribes to the Monticello T mes and indicated upon reading the newspaper that if the Aroplax Corporation (direct competition) receives the req ired financing and locates in Monticello, she would eliminate Monticello as a potential site location. n) TAPPER'S INC. - Mr. Lungwitz!reported that Tapper's and the bank have an agreement to pr vide to the OMNI board which would allow closing of the SBA loan. Koropchak said she had met with Lance and Kevin, and ance reported that Genereux's had a tough year because f the economy, moving and relocation, and the expense of the monthly lease payments on the St. Michael building. The lease payment ended the 1st of June as the building has new ccupants. Cabinet sales have picked up, Westlund has picked,up a major account, and a new sales person has been hired. A I Tapper loans are up-to-date and current. I __... . . . IDC MINUTES 7-18-91 8. OTHER BUSINESS. Chamber meeting today at 11 :50 AM, American Legion, Guest Speaker: Senator Betty Adkins 9. ADJOURNMENT. The IDC meeting adjourned at :15 AM. C2)~ \~,~~ Ollie Koropchak, IDC Executive Sec i _. . . . NEW RfCHMOND ---"".: ,"'".,.. - J.,'l.w ./lIit.t.r.Jr;~~~'.1 ~ ~I;..~.",,' .i.1....:c.::a ," r. ,._...... I.i... July us. 19SH PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL Mr. Eupnc Lci1uch Twin at)' Wire Company 3350 Hilhway 149 South P.O. .. 21068 SI. Paul, MN !5121 II: HBAlUNG Am MANUFACTURING f>ut Nt. Lon.~h: A ~ t ~ the opportunity to discuu how oaftdld*, to lcci\te the hemin& aid company, 0 brier, an4 bit ~o mtjor biahliahts. < e City of Ntw llichmotn::1 might be a &ood whi.:h YOl,J ar~ & ~B.1. 1 promised to be ; r, c,+~1' IUs my under.standirt. that tills project would .1~irt appraxJn1attJy 6,000 square fctt. eith~r Oi an ownership or .. i.-ae basis. The compln)' manlJtwtu~r~ he.uir.i aids t..1.d wQu14 require uHtaIlfed manuflQtuting apace. At I undel'stand the m&nuf'aat"~rlna procell is labot..intensive. Pit.. JM mo rev(ew the ~WHY'S. of e. New R.i 'hmond location. .. n.e tax adv6ntqes of Wisconsin ovct in~t&. are significant, Your company can .~t&o lave crvt.t sa WIC<:ot of its W(Jt mAn'S ooTUJ..-.ensaUor"t costs, and a minimum of 3!t petr'GI or commercial property UCices. TN: City ot New RichMond has de\Jel a quality Industrie,lPark which is fully.. improved with en~ overhead Hghtina. llial'1aat.t ill uti1HiN in and . paid ~ Md ft:ll club. and ,utter streotlayout. . Labor Trabtina. Tho Business and . ~hllital Park is immediitely adjacent to Wiaconain's Indlanhead T,..chnica1 College th.eir dl!vdoprnMt $taf'ti$ avaihbl~ to desian nainin, propamSton 5U.. IIpccifl~l1}t to m~t your !lt€ds. We. can a1~ access WIlC(jnsin Devolopm.ent Pund Ttainina Fu lcj$ equal to $2,Soo per employee (lrant), and lob Tninlna: Partnership Funding, whO ch will leimbuiU trrtinLng walCl up to ~mately $4.000 p~r employee, ~teIprise Center. The City Coul.1c.il ha;f. 1#cted a dovelopc;r far the OOtlitntction of a ~t()l.X) square foot "Enterprise C~IJ~.r" ~. r ~nstructlon in r.he Bu$i4\CSs an4 T~hni(jaJ Park. nil !\wHit)' will contain a . ". ('. ~.Qfil<;~l,QtJbUOb Servic&!, PriY.a~ Inrlu!'tn..~~'t and the UW.Stout-CaQ .r J~tJ.n;,;Q"'atlon ~!ld.~OliroC(jj, All or thele aervlce$ will be available ctHlite. ri ht in the Industrial Park. .. . . City~fNtw R~h~ L ~. ............._ . Clry Offtw . lS6 f.:.;;t;t flU/. ~tre.t - ----.-""--. -. . . . New RJdunood, \\154m7 ,. m.~) ;!.F...~')il~ . . . ,-' '-"J.- J. J :;.. ..._, '-ICo ...'~.L.r". '_J. I I ~",jJ.r:,~," i";r J. -", f" r"j.".'H~.' ---.. r n......,~ .lN~..v;;.~~r-I"'J!:t.f-. ~ ~l:.~V J.'.ICt.:i i ....,,;;E e:2 · wrrc Confettn.~c Center, Within the TC Comptex. the schoot has constructed a ConfercaQe Center which can t>e "Ulizea b area businesses. This Cenw has two mini.. allCUtoriwn/~l:dItOOrt)s. plua a lara' conle ce area seatllll up to 350 peopll. Food JetYice il a.vallab1eon sl~. The CeL"1t!r i$ also directly ~roas th6 .trlOt frorn the AmttioIAn (42 rooms), and the WUlc>ws R, stlurant. .. Now R.l~hmond has approximately 5,000,~ pIe, but is a w~11<'fout1ded community. They aN aerved by . mediQ&1 cUnio It'd hocpi ,. It nowly ~J\ova4"~ downt()wn, and many varloua te<:JUtional amenities, includlnlisconsin~1 third ranked publlc lolf course. ne above issues f'epfttlent tho hlShUJhts of a Ne Richmo."k11owlon. u,t me also focul on the "HOW.S. U) complete your project in Ntw Ri hrnond. · I.eueI~ll. Your compan)' would hrNe tbe option of either bWntna and constrUctina it. own faciilty, or we could provide leaao sp immcdiatel) adjacet1t to the New Richmond Bntetprlle Center. If you lease space ithin the Bnttkprlse Center. 3pcoial lease 1ncIatlvtl are .vai~le. and all s.rvices at teadily aooeasibte (panlcu1art)' the daycarc ceo_. tD luit yout needs). . Land SalelBmployee Grant. The City 0 rs land in the Industrial Park fot sale at $27,SOO pet.-e. A. an inoentfve for 10 tinl bl.l$in~, the cicy will finance 100 peroen& of the land cost (or two years at no interest. After two )'UtI, tbe city provides a S 1.000 pant to write..dowy, tbe cost of the . d fot each employee. The bal.ance of any cost 11 then ftftaa4'4d over eiaht year,. at 'Iht percent. This pro,mz'n provides the opponunity to reduce your land costa, patti ularly tor llbor-inton.iv. lndVltricU. and it proyidea . source of lubordinated ftnancini to luppott the overall ptoJtct ftnanc:in., I , , P1u.ada. Proa....rn., The city work. with ur company to packaae a wide ....&ri,ty of aun.:tlve tinanclna lQurces to assist bUlin~ rJevtlopmenc. rOt instance, lbe Wisconsin Development ~nd can provide up to $750. 0 of finlncin, at intetelt tateI as low u ~ Of 4 ~ The funda can be uled for orkin, capital or fb,od lI8ItI. In addition. we can allO ~p various other Incentiv finanelnJ such II tht Small 1\UIUteu Admlnlltratlon 504 Loan Proararn. Fanner's Rome LOItI OUU1U\teO&. anc1lealonall.oaA ProJrIm.. . I app~Mtf the opportunity to proyjde this basic i i formation to you. We would wetoamc the ~JtaQfty to host you in NfW .RJchmondk and to iacu$s the ~t in &tea.ter detail. . SMcemt)' . t SERVICES. INC. \ PWP/mat I. · . I I I. I I I . MICRO-EAR NOTES TO INC. 8. ~:~~BQUENT EVENT On Jul:z. 28, 1988, the company received information from the City of Faribault, Minnes ta, that outlined the status of incentives the city will g ant to ~he company if they ..._:._--~- to Faribault. Compa y management is willing to relocate. The incent~.'es :::!t"e as folle :5: ..... The city w~~~ provide T x Increment Financin~ to a local developer to cons ruct a manufacturing facilityfqr the_ compan _ '5- use at a -,-c...,s :than ffiUl...r<et. ,-'c' e--. ;-.. '_ . value rent. . - - ," .''':""""" ~.. '- The developer will loca e potential ;l"u"'!stors WIll") will purchase 200,000 5 ares of common sto~~ ~.. the company for $1.00 per s are. ~ c. .. .. - ~ . . ,# The Faribault Vocationa Institute will provide customized training. for, the- company.' s- employees-.- '.' d. The city will assist th employees who qualify f will provide $4.00 per hour for benefits for a each employee in the pr company in emp~oyi~~ r a state jobs pr_;ram that our for wages and $1.00 per period of six months for gram. e. =:.3 city of Faribault w'll seek assistance from the Faribault Economic Deve opment Authority ar~ the Faribault Industrial Co ~6ration to provide the company with an interes write down on a conven- tional loan up to $200, 00. for working capital. The loan would be obtained iri a conventional manner from the company's own lendi g source. , . . . ..... en en ...... QO~ :>. 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'&g QJrI) 'O'ag ,E' ~ ... .:s :lC j ~ ~ = - $ e ~ ~. .g == :; i ~;,~~ ~ k E .3 .5 tiRii E= ;...J ::..:: ~ :::: .$ ~ ,i;.5< E ..; ~ ~ ..:3 ~ @--5 ;:: ":f c ~ "- ~ != ..~ .-!.. e~2~~~~ ~ !; ;;:: ;;. =: ";:::: T ..:., ~ ._ .':;: R" "I .-or::w.oW&:::.:o :y will have more control j we can be more sensitive Ie business community;' A project newsletter and leetings will help keep late on the status of the wiA,arketing firm, is .I ~ and advice to the project. g aggressive efforts to at- ~s to its downtown district. May 15, the city held a o draw interest among the :nity. A video and market- . ng on downtown Hopkins al estate agents to review. Jr 107 retail, service and types have been analyzed ty officials say. Primary rtunities exist for new and ses that serve local con- : commercial district lacks xiucts and services for the lenient needs of its local pIes of local convenience Ie miscellaneous general ~s, grocery and specialty " boys; children's and in- stores, and bars and businesses to downtown :ss Incentive Program has vide incentives to brokers ants to lease retail space 19 owners are providing the Jt program that runs until ~ ce~tes redeemable at H merchants will be $1 square foot ofleas- , Incentive Programs are ne Hopkins Housing and .uthority is providing low- eligible businesses to en- ; renovation, Harmening ].e loan program are finan- '1t of the cost of rehabilita- :) match); low interest rates ;terior improvements and 6 lr improvements; and terms lfS, Harmening says. 'entives include $500 for ar- :gn services on exterior ;ects. Also, the city is pro- Jp to $1,000 to help business :heir commercial signs. -Iopkins businesses are also .:tion by providing discounts dves to qualifying new n. The Business to Business ~m offers free or reduced for a new business in its first tys the program does two monetary assistance for es, and shows that a new med and encouraged by the ffi<Are excited with the ~mentofdowntown Hany Smith, chairman of the Hopkins Busl ess Council, left, and Mayor Nelson Berg, stand on Mainstreet in downtown H pkins, where a $3.7 million improve- ment project is starting today. ~- -- "These efforts all support each other;' Berg says. Agrees Harmening: "This puts all the pieces together to encourage business which results in exciting things happening in downtown Hopkins:' In addition to the Mainstreet Improvement Project and awilable incentives, Hopkins has several other downtown redevelopment pro- jects on the drawing board. The city is work- ing with Minneapolis-based Ryan Construc- tion Co. of Minnesota Inc. on a retail project that would include a 38,000 square foot grocery store and about 15,000 square feet of . space on Mainstreet between Sixth and ighth Avenues. The city would clear the ve-acre site and sell it back to the developer. armening says that the city and Ryan Con- s ction still need to work out some details the project. Also proposed for downtown is a four- s reen, second-run movie theater by . innetonka-based Marcus Corp. The ntown . site being considered for the eater, which will show discount movies, is Eighth Avenue, just south of Mainstreet. I is the former site of Bursch's restaurant. Ii If a picture is worth a thousan words . . . The City of Champlin can't come up with just one picture or a thousand words to describe all 0 the exciting advantages and benefits we can offer your bu mess. So, we've produced a video for you. ...................... NOW PREMIERING "ChaI1lplin, Minnesota _ Your Commercial Investment Opportunity" STARRING: Park Ridge Business Park CO.STARRlNG: Premier Properties Along the Expanded Highway 169 Corridor FEATURING: Tax Increment Financing ......................1 Order your comp ~ entary video today! Call 612/421.3055 ary A. Ebanks conomic Development Manager 1955 Champlin Drive hamplin, MN 55316 ,..'.....-'. .'." ... '.', , :" '..';,~: " ,1,', :' i ~ '. ':;:,'/ <::,! " 0' ~ '''':,.j .,. :.1"" 'j, \~, II :.;, ~f.,S~, 't/f" \I " ~,.:\. ~I -8 &'0 ,.~ 2- if j 8 .sii _.a 1;.::. I-en --iC . II: · f=..E ca .c .1- m g .~ U I: o g =' ... ~.8 ~co u I: ~.~ -- 0 ~-'= :u ..... 0.5 :J I: _I ~ ...... ...: ...' :.8 ., "0 ~ 1:. -.i (U I e 1.g . = co' :1: ~ 0 '... ... ,'" .~]~.5~ i'J ~~ e~~~ ~ ~'~'i1 ~~ ~'e .5~! ..~~~ "0 .- ~ ::E ~ a ~ ~ = ~ e =:l 8 ~ 0 -5..... ~ I: 8' '" '6 g. 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Scarff "resident & CEO Twin City Testing Corporation, St. Paul, MN Technician Mark Hamlin and Branch Manager Les Conway at Twin City Testing's new facility at Duluth's Airpark. ;I PM Aut"",ity business development speei.ists have "attractive opportunities" for your new or expanding business, too. Sites ready with all utilities, air, rail, water and highway transportation. Aggressive incentives f 10th service and manufacturing industries, plus the skilled people you'll ne ~all the Port's Andy McDonough for more information today. DUWTH-t$- MINNESOrA:S \NORLD PORT Seaway Port Authority at Duluth 1200 Port Terminal Drive P. O. Box 16877 Duluth, Minnesota 55816-08n 2181727-8525, or Minnesota 1-800/232- FAX 2181727-6888 . . v 'ti :s.p .5 " 'r; "'" ~ .... v - . >'~"'C::t: c::~ 'ti~ 0 .9 :c t: 0 0. 0. rn.... 0 .... v ~;gfrv~o.:: a 8,0.:: i?Jl S ~ !:l rn V rn '"' .!:l V 1;j ~ >. 0 v..........S~o. :avo @s c;Jle~uu osoo!;ls > 0 u ..... /5h. ~........ v.... ~ '" o~:.E;~.s v..ovvv'E~<::> 7d ~ Es= ~.iS ~ ~~ e Jg ..... 0 > ;:I' ;:I o rn!:lC::'1;l~M ....ovov'" '""-I '1;l of: .~ '.g.> v ~ ~ v;>o.UVSl::.Q ~ ~ s:g Es= 'm ~ '_ "..- O;;:l . rn ~ C,) ;>1:luo.o.v ~ ~.!:l t; g:8 ~1iJ-5.2~g. ....... . ~ . .~ .'. . . HASTINGS ON THE MISSISSIPPI OJ' l\~ Ii", ',,'~, , j.,. ~~,~ 'l::~/;.~( : ".;::Eti.; ,;,:,,_ :~:;,~t::.,. ! i i DOWNTOWN TIF REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT · COMMERCIAL · RESIDENTIAL · HISTORIC · RIVERFRONT Call: John Grossman, City Hall, Hastings, MN 55033 (612) 437-4127 BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL PARK · CITY-OWNED · 175 ACRES · ON U.S. 61 Glad to Meet You Make Greater Grand Fork an alternative for your meeti: gs or conventions. Experien a relaxing change of pace ith' excellent service and w rm hospitality. When making our next meeting plans choose the alternative.. .Greater Gr nd Forks. GREATER CQAND fOQK~ Convention (15 Visitors Bureau TN For a meeting planners kit, write or call Clnd : 202 N 3rd St. Suite 200 Dept c Grand Forks, NO 58203. 1-800-866-4566 . __ r " WHAT INDUSTRY LEADERS ARE SAYING ABOUT OWATONNA ~ ~ The people here are simply outstanding. They are invaluable, loyal and our most important asset. During our 65 year history in Owatonna, we have found city services to be consistently strong and its officials willing to listen. The good life in Owatonna makes it easy to sell new employees as well as our customers. We are very proud to be a part of this pro- gressive and growing.. community. ;7;7 Dale A. Johnson President and CEO SPX Corporation $49,000.000 of development and 330 new jobs created in the past three years. 200 acres of industrial property still available. CALL! (507) 451.4540 Jeff Sehlingmann Economic Development Director 540 Wesr Hills Circle Owatonna, MN 55060 .....,..;~2~~:~~~\;t~iL:h.....>;. '. " j i :: C -: J , ,. .!~ iil i I- I '1_ 11 '1 '. Ii I; ,,"". J.".,.,":' , ", "..il::;~'i:'~". ~ "We use Corporate Report to maintain an awareness with the Fortune 500 compa- . " rues. ] elf Schlingmann Owatonna Economic Development I,I! 'II~ . . Harold Becker. Owner, Becker Brothers, and veteran trophy hunter. 79S9. Becker and his rothers. 7990. A Becker's dozen and mo e than 700 others. Becker Brothers, Floor Covering Specialists. A ew Brighton business since 7967. Kevin Locke or Anne N rris COMMUNITY DEVELO ENT 803 Fifth Avenue N New Brighton, MN 55 12 612-631-8340 . "'~~,~~...~''''l''',)y.r:.:''~... ~..... ,",'~ ]- . f/~~ II?~ . -----~-------- fA r\ t AYOR JESSE LEADING -------------- BROOKLYN PARK -------------- ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS, .....------------- . ttf City of Brooklyn Park Bill King, Economic Development Director 5BOO. B5th Ave N" Brooklyn Pork, MN 55443 Phone (612) 424-BOOO . ~~~,.. lr . __ d ! l.,f- I': .. ,j'