IDC Agenda 01-18-1991 . AGENDA' MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DE ELOPMENT COMMITTEE Friday, January IB, 1 91 - 7:00 AM City Ha 1 MEMBERS: Chairperson Shelley Johnson, Vice Chairperson Don Smith, Treasurer Ron Hoglu d, Lowell Schrupp, Dale Lungwitz, I Jay Morrell, Arve G imsmo, Harvey Kendall, Ken Maus, Dennis Taylor, Lind Mielke, John McVay, Dave Peterson, Tom Pogatchnik, Bob IDawson, and Candy Benoit. Rick Wolfsteller, Jef1 O'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak. ! STAFF: 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE T E DECEMBER 19, 1990 IDC MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEARccAlTD PPROVE THE IDe FINANCIAL. REPORT. 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW, A JUST, AND APPROVE THE 1991 IDC GOALS AND PROPOSED BUDGET. . 5. CONSIDERATION TO ELECT 199 IDC OFFICERS: CHAIRPERSON, VICE CHAIRPERSON, AND TREASURER. 6. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECTS: 1.2 million sq ft distribution center Axoplax Woodcraft Industries, Inc. Clark Associates Kromers Company Circuit Technologies, Inc. 7. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FO PROPOSAL TO PREPARE TIF/SPEC PRE-PLANS. B. OTHER BUSINESS. 9. ADJOURNMENT. . . MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVEL Wednesday, December 19, City Hall PMENT COMMITTEE 990 - 7:00AM MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson helley Johnson, Don Smith, Dennis Taylo , Arve Grimsmo, Jay Morrell, Ron Hoglund, Lowell Schrupp, Linda Micke, John McVay, arvey Kendall, Ken Maus, and Dale Lungwit I MEMBERS ABSENT: Dave Peterson' Tom Pogatchnik, Tom McDermott, and Bob Dawsor. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill ard Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Shelley Johnson called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 AM. 2. APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER 18 ~D NOVEMBER 15, 1990 IDC MINUTES. . Arve Grimsmo made a motion 0 approve the October 18 and November 18, 1990 IDC minuties, seconded by Harvey Kendall and with no further discuss'. on, the minutes were approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND ACCEPT IDC 1990 YEAR END FINANCIAL REPORTS. The IDC having received a d tailed year end financial report of income and disbursements for the accounts held at Security Financial and Wright County State Bank showed balances as of December 1990 of: WCSB che king, $86.15; WCSB Money Market, $6,104.95; and Security Fin ncial Money Market, $4,083.10. Jeff O'Neill noted he would verify the Remmele Engineering 68 acres appraisal for $400 00. Is this a:City expense? With no further discussion, Lowell Schrupp made a motion to approve the 1990 Year-En Financial Reports, seconded by Dennis Taylor, the repor s were approved and filed. 4. CONSIDERATION TO AUTHORIZE UBLICATION NOTICE FOR THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TO PREPARE TIF SPEC BUILDING PRE-PLANS. Koropchak informed the IDC I embers that the enclosed request for proposal was reviewed b Attorney Tom Hayes, BDS President Pat Pelstring, Shelley John on, Ken Maus, Rick Wolfsteller, and Jeff O'Neill. Jay Morr(ll inquired of some excellent questions regarding the prolosal: a) Have any other cities used this concept, b) Of l(aseable inquiries, does a company lease elsewhere, c) 'How long was the hank industrial building for sale or lease, :d) Will the building pre-.plans be suitable to a company, and e) Would not a company wait an additional 60-90 days for a building suitable to their needs? Koropchak responded that due the l~mited . . IDC Minutes 12/19/90 Page 2 4. CONTINUED. . amount of leaseable indust ial space available in Monticello and the related idea was a IDC goal, preparation was completed to create a marketing tool which is the intent of the request for proposal. The pre-plans include the joint marketing partnership crea,ed between the City and a selected developer to mark t the concept and the City of Monticello. The three ui1ding pre-plans will consist of variable sizes or production and office space with internal alteration p ior to construc~jQn time. With pre-plan review and 3 day TIF notice completed the projected time saved is 30 60 days. Koropchak further responded that she wasn't ware of any other city having used exactly this concept, nor does she know if any of the companies that contact d Monticello for leaseable space located in another c mmunity, however, they were unable to consider Montice 10 because of the limited amount of available indust ial space. We must remember when a company looks for 1 aseab1e space, they consider location, square footage a ai1ab1e with open span flexibility, time availability, and cos. The request for proposal is a new marketing tool wh ch doesn't put the City, HRA, or IDC at a risk since the selected developer will make a $5,000 commitment fee to ever TIF Plan and Development Agreement preparation cost , the selected developer will select a site and obtain a, purchase option on the site. If a development occurs th commitment fee is returned, if no development occurs b fore December 31, 1991 the commitment fee is not ret rned and the request for proposal is terminated. T ue the concept may not attract any developers, however, Vi ry little is lost in dollars. The important aspect of ma' keting this concept is that both the developer and the Economic Development Director have something tangible or concrete to show an interested party; real building plans, reasonable lease costs, and in a reasonable available time frame. . Arve Grimsmo said this marketing tool is another affirmation of our community's leadership and aggressiveness. Chairperson, Johnson agreed the request for proposal was another marketing tool for industrial recru'tment which doesn't put the city on the hook. Mr. Mo rel1 asked if the IDC should be in the real estate busine s? It doesn't appear the IDC will be in the real estat business as the request for proposal is seekint a!developer as a joint marketing partner with the develope to select site, draft building and site plans, and commi to a site and to up-front fees. The City will use TIF pay as-you-go for a lease cost reduction. Dennis Taylor agreed with City should take more tim pushing plans through qui Jay Morrell, stating he felt the in reviewing plans rather than k1y. Don Smith acknowledged the I I good questions and discussl"on; and in support of the comments by Grimsmo, Johns n, and Koropchak, he made a motion for the IDC to ac ept as written and to authorize the publication notice for. the Request for Proposal to Prepare TIF/SPEC Buildi g Pre-Plans. John McVay seconded the motion and wi hout further discussion the motion passed II-I, Jay Mo rell opposed. . IDC Minutes 12/19/90 Page 3 4. CONTINUED. a) Consideration to appoi t Selection Committee. The appointed selectio committee to review and select a developer basd on the criteria outlined in the request for pro'osal are John McVay, Ron Hoglund, Jeff O'Neill, and Shelley Johnson. The selection will be made on January 18, 1991 and thereafter approved by the HRA. 5. PROSPECTS: 1.2 million s ft distribution center _ Koropchak repo ted that Monticello is one of three Minnesot cities who made the short list for potential location of the out-of-state company's regiQ al distribution center. Plans are for the com any representatives to return to the state in late January for a second site review and to visit with existing businesses regarding the a titude and business climate of the communit The State will assist the company wit job training, Environmental Assessments, et Koropchak further encouraged the confidentia ity of the company's name and upon the reques of the company through the Department of T ade and Economic Development that all contac s regarding the development be made through the city or Mr. Terrell Towers with no direct ontact with the company. . Four site optio s within the Monticello Township and within reas nable distance from the city limits to allow potential annexation and to supply necessar I city public improvements for the development wer. submitted to the developers. IDe members and staff agreed to carefully wave the proposed in reased traffic impact and the land usage issu~s. . Circuit Technolq ies, Inc. - On November 29th, a meeting was he d at BDS offices and the company's business plans ~ re reviewed, suggestions were made for funding, add"tional information was requested from company rep esentatives, projections were asked IDC Minutes 12/19/90 Page 4 --.. 5. CONTINUED. to be revised~ and plans to proceed were discussed. Resumes were equested, along with comm1tm~nt letters from companies int rested in their services, arid the availability f their proposed sales person for pre-bank appli ation consultation. -I Upon Mr. PeIst! ing's suggestion, Ken Maus. Shelley Johnson, andK' ropchak-met to analyze the project's merits. The~-g' oupsuggested a commitment letter from the sales, person for designated length of employment wit the company be obtained, at least five letters 0 commitment from companies interested in their servi e/market niche, and at least a two year lease agreement be established. Plans explained by K ropchak,if the group so suggested to proceed~ are to visit t e local lending institution for them to obtain a preli inary feel for the start-up business and to get a prelimi ary reading of whether an interest to finance t e project is there. Thereafter would time and money be spend in preparation of an SBA application an other funding applications. With the obtai ed suggested information above, the group indicate a willingness to proceed with the start-up co pany and if the project appears unviable then stop the process. Plans are for Mi Richard Werners, Wright County S, Monticello comm Aroplax - This businesspresent to relocate the plus previous i Schoen. The co building plans will visit Mont has been made 0 The company is An approximate facility with 2 . Pelstring, Leo Adams, Larry Corson, ach, and Koropchak to meet with ate Bank and First National of rcial loan officers. ompany a forty year old family y located in Minneapolis is looking r facility. Site location maps formation was mailed to Paul pany is presently having their ,esigned and upon completion cello industrial sites. Contact an Oakwood Industrial site. Iso looking in the Rockford area. 0,000 square foot tip-up concrete -25 employees in being planned. Clark.. Asso"clate ., - This marketing corporation is ~ooking for a community to help finance and be t e home for a company which produces "touch free" car wash equipment, will employ 30-40 peo, Ie by 1995, has temporary quarters in the etro area, will target to five-six states nd is looking for a lease/option to purchase of a 15,000 sq ft facility. BDS is analyzing the Business Plan. . ~lt."'\l. "-'t- ~ ~~ I,y..~ E. 'nO vr' . .-^t- H. ~ l.,~'ii(J J. ,,\~ 'Q.\~ ~~ \~, I. K. ~~~ \...."""'('0 vf-' L. . o MONTICELLO LOPMENT COMMITTEE GOALS To host or visit at least 10 new siness/industry prospects during 1990. B. To continue working with existing industries in Monticello. 1) To establish Business Reten ion Survey Teams. C. To obtain prospects from existing industriesjbusinesses. D. To attract one or more industriesiduring 1990 that will be placed on the tax rolls of the Monticello comrnuity. F. -To complete the! iuJus L . need to revise and update ~nd to review the potential otional video tape. To continue our study of sewer and! ater hookup charges and rates with the ultimate goals of recommending to 'he City Council appropriate changes in order for Monticello to compete wih other communities within the state of Minnesota, when recruiting business and industry. G. To make available financial packag proposals, ei ther in total or in part, to prospective businesses and industries as prepared by Business Development Services, Inc. * * * * * Tax increment financing State programs Federal programs Greater Monticello Enterp ise Fund Loans and grants from oth r agencies: Central Minnesota Initi tive Fund To continue a posi ti ve, cooperative working relationship between City staff and the Industrial Developme,t Corrmittee. To continue the "Star City" progr To make arrangements with a co tractor for the construction of a speculative industrial building w ich has receiVed prior building plan approval. To enhance our committee's relatio ship with personnel of state agencies that are involved with industrial eveloprnent. I 1) To host a joint meeting betw en the IOC officers, the City Mayor, City Administration, Bill Colman, Harry Rosefelt, Jerry Wenner, or others. Deadline April 1990. To continue monthly Industrial De elopment Comrni ttee meetings and to schedule special meetings as needed. __ M. \l:I"'~O c".j- ~. ~Q \oS c... \ G-\ c; ~~.. 1~ O~. ... :\r~~ o. ",0 P. vi:"".. 4.-4 ~.'^ ~ "OR. ~ S. T. vf"Y ~~ ~ ~W. v. To analyze and evaluate the annua Industrial Development Committee Banquet. 1) To analyze and evaluate the fa 1 banquet date. 2) To analyze and evaluate the ne ' for local industrial testimonies on the program. ! 3) To analyze and evaluate the ned for local industrial displays at the banquet. To continue utilization of the Industrial Development Committee. structure within the 1) Recommend for appointment as To spearhead a committee of local interested fliers to continue the preliminary research necessary for I e existence of the local airport. To hold a joint meeting between the local Minnesota legislators and the IOC. To continue the public utilities p ocess for Extended Area Service to Monticello. TO continue the joint meeting betwe n the Planning Commission, the HRA, the IDA, the IOC, and the City Coun il. Deadline before June 1990. To continue a positive relationship. ith the Chamber of Commerce. To establish an annual audit of the IOC financial books by City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller. To research the bio~ical waste sue and make a recommendation to the City Council. To host an industrial business n, social, or informational meeting. To address and research the industri 1 park aesthetic value for industrial siting. the establishment: of a step-by-step basic guideline brochure for industrial development. City X. To encourage ~... ~ ordinance/zoning C.. <.......:II\~ J<;> "'" . v...~ . OBJECTIVE: TO ATTRACT ONE OR MORE INDUST IES DURING 1991 THAT WILL BE PLACE ON THE TAX ROLLS OF THE MONTI ELLO COMMUNITY. A. DEVELOP A MARKETING PROGRAM FOR ~~ 1. RECRUITMENT. Explore Marketing Ideas. a) Target developers with ualit management, products, and financials. b) Obtain prospects from existing industrial businesses. c) Establish a geographic area for recruitment: regional, state, national, etc. d) Host or visit at least 10 new usiness/industry prospects in 1991. e) Establish a list of industries by SIC codes for recruitment. f) Mail amount of mailers/ easers per month with follow-up telephone calls or visits. g) Market industrial development 0 contractors. B. TO ANALYZE EXISTING MARKETING TOOLS AN TO CREATE NEW MARKETING TOOLS. 1. Current marketing tools. a) Marketing teaser and brochure b) Financial Packages (Business D c) GMEF Guidelines and TIF Guidel d) TIF/SPEC Pre-Plans (Joint mark e) Ordinance/Zoning Guidelines ith inserts. velopment Services) nes. ting partnership with a developer) 2. Potential new marketing tools. a) Explore potential uses of UDAG Grant. b) Explore potential use of magaz ne advertisement c) Explore potential coordination with Chamber: Monticello, Your Kind of Place d) To continue the public utiliti s process for EAS to Monticello. OBJECTIVE: TO CONTINUE A POSITIVE WORKING RELATIONSHIP WITH EXISTING BUSINESSES. . A. TO ANALYZE THE EXISTING BRE PROGRAM AN TO CREATE NEW BRE PROGRAMS. 1. Current BRE Programs. a) To host an industiral business luncheon, social, or informational meeting. b) To complete the annual BRE vis ts and surveys. 1) To establish BRE visit tea s. c) To host the annual IDC Banquet. 1) Use of industrial testimon s. 2) Develop a local industrial ideo or slide presentation for use at the Banquet. d) Communicate BRE survey results the industrial businesses. :~ .Ji V Potential new BRE a) To develop an b) Promote local c) Develop a BRE the Chamber. d) Consider a '91 Expo booth to pr mote the industrial businesses and ec develop. OBJECTIVE: TO ASSURE THE AVAILABLITY OF IN USTRIAL LAND AND TO MAINTAIN INDUSTRIAL PARKS WITH AESTHETIC VALUE. . A. TO 1. 2. 3. 4. ~ Programs. I Industrial Quarte ly Newsletter. industrial incent'ves available to existing businesses. program for the c mmercial/retail businesses through I DEVELOP A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR INDUSTR AL LAND USE. Zoning Aesthetic value. Transportation: roads, freeway ent ances, rail Additional industrial land. ~YI..~e.. -1 u...t ~ ~ OBJECTIVE: TO MAINTAIN THE AVAILABILITY 0 ADEQUATE HOUSING MIX. ~ A. TO RESEARCH AND ENCOURAGE HOUSING DEVE OPMENT. ~ ~ . 1. Promote Monticello to housing deve opers. OTHERS: To arrange a meeting with Doug Gruber, Cou ty Assessor. Concerns of local property taxes and it's uture. ~ ~~~ Stat is and future of the Monticello Mall. -.:t v- <1 " ~'or I .., ~... ..". \ '" -e-~ q" '" ""'C;: CWOWll. 1. .1 ~..~. l~\~ O'<'r_ "!:.:.t:> 'l.J . 1991 MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DE ELOPMENT COMMITTEE PRELIMINARY PROP SED BUDGET 1989 ACT A L 1990 ACTUAL 1991 PROPOSED BALANCE $20,304.88 $11,903.80 $10,274.20 REVENUE BANQUET $ 5,757.Q $ 6,650.00 ('90) $ 7,000.00 300.00 ('89) 75.00 ( , 90 CITY CONTRIBUTION $ 5,400.00 ( '89) $ 5,650.00('90 CHAMBER CONTRIBUTION $ 2,800.00 ( '89) $ 2,800.00('90 INTEREST $ 722. L $ 373.28 $ 400.00 TOTAL REVENUE $26,602.0 $27,427.08 $26,1~.20 ., EXPENDITURES SALARY $12,608.2 ('88) $13,719.87('89) $13,215.96('90 . BANQUET $ 1,636.7 $ 2,370.32 $ 2,000.00 APPRAISAL $ 400.00 $ " ~ ':': TRAVEL EXPENSE $ 18.7 $ 20.00 $ 200.00 PROSPECTS $ 245.7 $ 310.34 $ 500.00 MEMBERSHIP & MAGAZINE $ 95.00 $ 200.00 SEMINARS $ 150.0 $ 250.00 SERVICE CHARGE $ 35.83 $ 5.00 $ 25.00 MARKETING PROGRAM j $ h'f~,\)O I BUSINESS RETENTION & EXPANSION $ 160.00 $ 500.00 MISCELLANEOUS $ 3.00j $ 72.35 $ \ .000 0 Q TOTAL EXPENDITURES $14,698.25 $17,152.88 $1~~ BALANCE $11,903.80 $10,274.20 $ 9,J08~24 ~) ~r~ . o '1~S .004 J lC{;. ft~O, <tb (\ '?JO~ v"14 I' . . OW _.I U) U f-<lt' I;;: :1: C\ n "- e_ ~~'; ~~ -" '~ f~ I.' > ~.l l C) (~ 'i, -~ (D ,', :-I. I":.! :-; iJ) ", .c' 'I' o I ":' o ip {>.. ~ (rJ u ::.r ';;.1 :.:: 0'i ~.i .....~ '-'- 0' o ;:~; ::: .:(. ~- '. 'u (~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c; \,1..1 -., c:..\ I (y. I "'-' L~I. I <l I , ~ , G'\ I c) I . , , , , , , I I I , , , .. ~ I I I I I , , , , , , I . .. 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