IDC Minutes 08-20-1987 ...... ...., MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELO MENT COMMITTEE Thursday, August 20, 1 87 - 7:00AM City Hall Members Present: President Harv~y Kendall, Shelly Johnson, Arve Grimsmo, I~ick Wo1fste11er, Jay Morrell, Dale Lungwitz, Ron Hoglund, Don Smith, Joel Winkelman, and Ollie Koropchak. Members Absent: Bruce Gagne1ius and Bud Schrupp. 1. CALL TO ORDER. President Kendall called the IDC meeting to order at 7:07AM. 2. APPROVAL OF THE JULY 14, 1987 IDC MINUTES. Ron Hoglund made a motion to approve the July 14, 1987 IDC minutes, seconded by Don Smith. Minutes stand approved. 3. REVIEW OF THE IDC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. The IDC reviewed the financ 'a1 statements without comment. 4. INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME OF RICK WOLFSTELLER, CITY ADMINISTRATOR, AS A MEMBER OF THE IDC. President Kendall welcomed lick Wolfste11er to the IDC and acknowledged the importance of linkage between the City and the IDC for industrial development . 5. CONSIDERATION OF COMPARISON OF LOCAL PROPERTY ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES AND ASSESSED VALUES. The IDC members having rece ved a copy of comparable local property estimated market v lues and Rick Wo1fste11er explaining the city was instructed to ring the commerica1/industria1 property valuations up to 0-95% of their true market value was the primary reason for he increased property valuations. Rick will check with the Co nty Assessor if other cities in Wright County abided to the State's request. Mayor Grimsmo reminded the IDC members of Monticello's low taxes compared to other communities. The ommittee requested a copy of the city's up front charges including building and plumbing permits; water and sewer hookup char5es; and industrial sewer and water rates. Also comparis)n of other communities. It was suggested to invite John Sino1a, Public Works Director, to the IDC meeting. 6. CONSIDERATION TO SELECT THE DATE FOR THE 1988 IDC BANQUET. Joel Winkelman recommended he IDC change the date of the IDC Banquet from the traditi' ona1 May date to Monday, September 19, 1988. It was agreed upon by consensus of the IDC. -It 7. CONSIDERATION TO SET GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR 1988. Don Smith suggested the Ci~y pursue a unified logo and the IDC continue the personal contact with interested potential companies. Pres. Kendall csked the IDC Goal Setting Subcommittee to meet and establish the 1988 goals. . 8. CONSIDERATION FOR RECOMMEN'ATION OF NOMINEES FOR THE NON- REVOLVING LOAN FUND BOARD. The IDC didn't recommend a Board of Directors for the Revolving Loan Fund until the initia program's prelimiary draft is completed. Dale Lungwitz greed to be a member of the Board. It was suggested that Koro chak contact Arlys Nelson, Wright County Commissioner, regar ing an interest for a Wright County Development Program (revo1 ing fund). 9. REPORTS. The IDC members accepted t e reports as written. 10. OTHER BUSINESS. None. 11. ADJOURNMENT. By the consensus of , the meeting adjourned. ~ Olive M. Koropchak Executive Secretary Monticello Industrial . . i _