IDC Minutes 02-20-1986 . MINUTE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Thursday, February 20 Monticello C OMMITTEE MEETING 1986 - 7:00AM ty Hall Members Present: Chairperson Ro Johnson, Arve Koropchak. Hoglund, Don Smith, Shelly rimsmo, Dale Lungwitz, and Ollie Members Absent: Harvey Kendall, Bud Schrupp, Tom Eidem, John Bondhus, Bruce agnelius, and Jay Morrell. Guest: Joel Winkelman, Chamber f Commerce President. 1. Call To Order. Chairperson Ron Hoglund call d the meeting to order at 7:07AM. 2. Approval of Minutes. Shelly Johnson moved to appr Minutes. Seconded by the January 15, 1986 IDC and passed 6-0. 3. Letter of Resi nation from G Don Smith moved to accept th from Gary Wieber, a charter Arve Grimsmo and carried una a letter accepting the resig r Wieber. letter of resignation with regrets ember of the IDC. Seconded by imously. Koropchak is to write ation)to Mr. Wieber. . 4. Consideration of Five Year a Goals and Activities of the Industrial Develo for Recertification of Star City. Shelly Johnson suggested the five year goals be determined by the research and planning mittee consisting of Tom Eidem and Ollie Koropchak. The ittee will then review the goals. Ollie Koropchak asked the mittee to sign up for sub-committees. One year goals set by the co mittee were sponsorship of the Industrial Development Banqu t, erection of an Industrial Development Freeway Sign, re ruitment of one Industrial Business, continuation of the Industri 1 Retention Program, develop a new Industrial Informational Pac et, initiate a feasiblity study for an improved airport, and inquire the possibility of Minneapolis telephone lines to Monticell. Koropchak asked committee members to attend Monticello's Star ity Recertification Meeting with the State Economic Development D vision on March 12, 1986, 10:00AM, Monticello City Hall. This 0 be an informal presentation to evaluate the industrial comm ttee's 1985 activities and to evaluate the 1986 proposed gals/activities. . Don Smith suggested contacti Mass Comm/Public Relations, a senior intern to work on t packet. Fran Voelker, Chairperson of Cloud State University for updated Monticello informational . The ID Retention Program was dis ussed. Don Smith encouraged the continuation of retention by Kor pchak to build a bridge between the industrial park and the City. Dale Lungwitz asked about the water pressure in the industrial park. Mayor Grimsmo informed the committee of the City's prop sed water and sewer plans. Koropchak briefed the committee on the con erns of the business industries and stated a written report woul follow. The committee agreed to have the IDC's budget adopted by the City Council and the Chamber of Commerce. Joel Winke man encouraged two-way communication between the IDC and the Chamber f Commerce. Arve Grimsmo motioned for the Chamber of Commerce Pres dent or the Vice President to be a member of the IDC. Seconded b Shelly Johnson, carried un- unanimously. 5. Consideration of the Industr Budget. Don Smith moved to adopt the Budget after reduction of the proposed $2,500.00 Magaz Ads amount to $2,000.00 and the addition t the budget of $2,000.00 for ID information packet. Also, authorized Bud Schrupp to make the 1985 direct payment to t e City for $11,175.00. Seconded by Dale Lungwitz and passed -0. . 6. Consideration of e Industrial Develo ment Freeway Sign Design. Don Smith suggested the foIl for the ID freeway sign and asked to have the i Make Monticello Your Indu try's Home 295-2711 Monticello - A Star City or Your Industry 295-2711 Reach for the Stars - Bri g your Industry to Monticello 7. and U date and Letter Reports: Letter to Ma to P ro Reports accepted. 8. Other Business. Koropchak is to distribution at the next mee Latimer's office May 19, 1986. uet Ticket list available for ing. Also, contact George tion as ID Banquet speaker on 9. Adjournment. A motion to adjourn was made by Dale Lungwitz and seconded by Shelly Johnson. Passed 6-0. Meeting adjourned. ~ -~ - \(,~- Olive M. Koropchak Executive Secretary Monticello Industrial L(1~ Committee . 295-2711