City Council Agenda Packet 10-14-2019AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 14, 2019 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Academy Room 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Compensation Study Review Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Agenda — Councilmembers or the City Administrator may add items to the agenda for discussion purposes or approval. The City Council may or may not take official action on items added to the agenda. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from September 23, 2019 • Regular Meeting Minutes from September 23, 2019 D. Citizen Comments — Individuals may address the City Council about any item not contained on the agenda. Each speaker will be allotted three minutes with a maximum of five speakers. The Mayor may allow for additional time and/or speakers. The City Council generally takes no official action of items discussed, with the exception of referral to staff for future report. E. Public Service Announcements/Updates • City of Monticello Twitter • Fall Leaf Pick-up • Riverside Cemetery Clean Up • Manufacturer's Week Breakfast Update • Comprehensive Plan Update F. Council Liaison Updates • IEDC • CMRP • Park & Recreation Commission • Planning Commission • BCOL • EDA • MOAA 0 1-94 Coalition • Library Board G. Department Updates • City Administrator Update • Construction Update • Senior Center Update — Pam Loidolt 2. Consent Agenda — All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered standard or may not need discussion prior to approval. These items are acted upon by one motion unless a councilmember, the city administrator, or a citizen requests the item by removed from consent for additional discussion. A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property from the Fire Department and Public Works Department D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-72 accepting donations of $4,005 for the Fire Department from the Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association and Coors Banquet E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-73 accepting a grant from Central Minnesota Arts Board of $5,781 for a mural for interior of Monticello Community Center F. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-74 establishing precinct boundary lines and Resolution 2019-75 establishing polling locations for the City of Monticello 2020 elections G. Consideration of approving a temporary liquor license for the Monticello Knights of Columbus, Church of St. Henry for a dinner/dance to be held at the Monticello Community Center on January 25, 2020 H. Consideration of a request for amendment to Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 5, Section 1, Use Standards and related section as related to tattoo parlor and personal service uses. Applicant: Zachery Barthel I. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-77 authorizing sale of a 20 -acre development parcel located at 86117 Edmonson and entering into a purchase agreement between the City of Monticello and LSW Investments, LLC J. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 2 for the BCOL Phase I Improvements, City Project 15C001 — Phase I in the amount of $16,343 K. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-76 approving the issuance of a lawful gambling off-site premise permit to Monticello Lions Club L. Consideration of approving purchase of a monument sign for the new fire station from Scenic Sign in the amount of $41,895 M. Consideration of approving a grant contract with Wright County Health & Human Services for SHIP funding to update the Comprehensive Plan with consideration for healthy equity principles 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings 4. Regular Agenda 5. Added Items 6. Adjournment AGENDA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 14, 2019 — 5:00 p.m. Academy Room, MCC AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. 5:00 p.m. Compensation Study Review 3. Adj ournment MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 23, 2019 — 5 p.m. Academy Room City Hall - Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: Charlotte Gabler Others: City staff. Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Jim Thares, Rachel Leonard, Angela Schumann, Matt Leonard, Ann Mosack, Tracy Ergen, Sarah Rathlisberger, Tom Pawelk, Tom Moores, and Jennifer Schreiber 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 5 p.m. 2. 5 p.m. 2020 Preliminary Tax Levy Review Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, presented a review of the proposed 2020 preliminary tax levy, which was on the regular City Council meeting for approval. The presentation included information on tax base changes, tax capacity values and rates, and the debt service levy. Also mentioned was the decrease in value of Xcel Energy. Mr. Oberg noted impact the addition of $75,000 as a result of the Compensation Study of which $50,000 was added to the budget. The remaining $25,000 will be found within the levy amount. The recommended total budget submitted by the Finance Department is a $483,000 increase from 2019 which is an increase of 4.8%. 3. 5:30 p.m. Racial Equity Committee Preview Rachel Leonard, Communications & Special Projects Coordinator, presented an overview of the Racial Equity Cohort that staff has been attending. The city is in the process of developing strategies and actions steps related to racial equity and would like confirmation of support from the City Council. The presentation included lessons gained from the cohort such as understanding the problem and how to move toward solutions. The key takeaway being that the city has a responsibility to ensure that policies, programs and services are equitable for all people. Staff is looking toward the GARE model which is to normalize with training, organize by creating a vision and action plan and operationalize by adopting the action plan to guide the city. Minimal discussion ensued among the Council which spoke in support of the program. 4. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 5:52 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes — September 23, 2019 REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 23, 2019 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Mayor Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, and Lloyd Hilgart Absent: Charlotte Gabler 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Approval of Agenda Councilmember Fair moved approval of the agenda. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Approval of Minutes Special Meeting Minutes from Septee ber 9. 2019 Councilmember Hilgart moved approval of the special meeting minutes. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Regular Meeting Minutes from September 9. 2019 Councilmember Fair moved approval of the regular meeting minutes. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Citizen Comments Steve Royalty, Lead Pastor Bridgeview Church, addressed the City Council on behalf of the churches in Monticello. He offered their service in any fashion that the city would be interested in. E. Public Service Announcements Rachel Leonard, Communications & Special Projects Coordinator, noted the following announcements: • The MCC pool will be closed October 7-31 to accommodate the installation of a new waterslide and for routine maintenance. • Manufacturer's Week breakfast is Wednesday, October 9, 2019. F. Council Liaison Updates • EDA — Councilmember Davidson provided an update on the September 11 EDA meeting. The group discussed the following: TIF payment to Rivertown Residential Suites and Fagade Improvement Grant funds for Cornerstone G. Department Updates • City Administrator Update — Jeff O'Neill provided an update on: City Council Minutes — September 23, 2019 Page 1 1 4 1. Xcel Breakfast will be on October 2 at 7:30 a.m. 2. The City of Willmar will be touring the community center on Friday, October 4. 3. Blandin Foundation is honoring the city for their leadership on October 8 at their annual meeting. 4. Apologized for not setting up a citizen's group to review safety concerns on Highway 25. • Construction Update — Matt Leonard, City Engineer/Public Works Director, provided a construction update. 1. The majority of the park has been seeded at Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Complex. 2. Walnut Street improvements are almost complete. Councilmember Hilgart expressed concern about crack in concrete near the entrance of Cornerstone. Matt Leonard will review and work with contractor on this item. 3. Flashers were installed at Washington and Broadway. 4. Oakwood project has been delayed but will begin on October 8. 5. BNSF will be in the city end of October to work on crossings at Washington, Ramsey and Cedar. • Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, provided and update on the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Consent Agenda: Councilmember Fair moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $2,348,590.60. B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved the hires for the MCC and departures for MCC, Parks, and Liquor Store. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: No report this cycle. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-65 accepting donations for Manufacturer's Week breakfast on October 9 of $300 from Xcel Energy and $300 from WSB & Associates. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2019-65 accepting the donations. E. Consideration of establishing a date for the Truth -in -Taxation hearing. Recommendation: Established December 9, 2019 as the Truth -in -Taxation public hearing. F. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-66 declaring costs to be assessed, ordering preparation of assessment roll and calling for an Assessment Hearing on October 28, 2019 to adopt assessments for the 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project, City Project No. 18C001. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2019 - City Council Minutes — September 23, 2019 Page 2 1 4 66 setting assessment hearing for the 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project, City Project No.18CO01 for October 28, 2019. G. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-67 accepting improvements and authorizing final payment of $9,902 to Killmer Electric Company Inc. for the 2018 Street Lighting Improvements Project. Recommendation: Approved final payment of $9,902 to Killmer Electric Company Inc. for the 2018 Street Lighting Improvement Project. H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-68 accepting improvements and authorizing final payment of $15,266 to Climate Makers Inc. for the Community Center HVAC Improvements. Recommendation: Approved final payment of $15,266 to Climate Makers Inc. for the Community Center HVAC Improvement project. I. Consideration of approving Ordinance No. 728 amending Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 3, Section 7, Overlay Zoning Districts, Subsection (E) Wild and Scenic Recreational River District for height allowances. Recommendation: Adopted Ordinance 728 for amendment to height requirements in the Mississippi Wild and Scenic Recreational River Overlay District as proposed, based on findings in Resolution PC -2019-026. J. Consideration of approving a contract with UHL Company for replacement of a compressor set for the pool condensing unit at the Monticello Community Center for a cost of $13,965. Recommendation: Approved the replacement of the stage one compressor set for the pool condensing unit for $13,965 by the lowest bidder UHL Company. K. Consideration of approving a contract with Horizon Commercial Pool for the plaster resurfacing of the spas and adding ADA compliance grab bars at the Monticello Community Center for cost of $17,660. Recommendation: Approved the plaster resurfacing of the spas for $17,660 by lowest bidder Horizon Commercial Pool Supply. L. Consideration of approving purchase of furniture for fire station from Henrickson in the amount of $82,585. Recommendation: Approved the purchase of furniture. M. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 3 for the Monticello Fire Station Project, City Project No. 18CO03 at no additional cost. Recommendation: Approved Change Order No. 3 at no additional cost. N. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-69, a corrective resolution for River Mill 7th Addition. Application: Stacy Thielman-Jost. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2019-69 for River Mill 7th Addition. 4. Public Hearings: A. PUBLIC HEARING - Consideration of approving a funding application in support of UMC, Inc.'s 40,000 square foot expansion nrobosal through a Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) application to Department of Emplovment and Economic Development (DEED) in the amount of $300,000 City Council Minutes — September 23, 2019 Page 3 1 4 Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager, noted that this public hearing was opened on September 9. UMC requested to slow the project review to allow building design work to be completed. Mr. Thares requested that the public hearing be continued to October 28, 2019. No further testimony was received. Councilmember Fair moved to continue the public hearing to October 28, 2019. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. PUBLIC HEARING — Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-70 establishing_ Economic Develop_ ment TIF District #1-41 for UMC, Inc.'s 40,000 square foot expansion moiect Jim Thares provided an over\view of the item establishing a new TIF District to assist UMC, Inc. with its proposed expansion. UMC is requesting that the item be stalled in order to review financial and land use steps. Mr. Thares requested that the public hearing be opened and held over to October 28, 2019. Mayor Stumpf opened the public hearing. No one testified. Councilmember Fair moved to continue the public hearing to October 28, 2019. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Regular Agenda: A. Consideration of adoDtiniz Resolution 2019-71 setting the 2020 Dreliminary tax levy- - Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, presented the 2020 preliminary tax levy which must be certified to the County Auditor/Treasurer on or before September 30. The combination of the EDA levy and the City proposed levy is $490,000 or 4.8% greater than 2019. Minimal discussion took place among Council. Councilmember Fair moved to adopt Resolution 2019-71 setting the 2020 preliminary property tax levy at $10,445,000. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Adiournment: By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 7:01 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes — September 23, 2019 Page 4 14 City Council Agenda: 10/14/2019 2A. Consideration of aimrovinLy vavment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work required. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $1,478,024.08. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 or #2, per direction of Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Bill registers and Purchase Card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson T Printed: 10/01/2019 - 1:53PM Batch: 00215.09.2019 - 215.09.2019 Xcel/CPE Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 1 09/30/2019 5863599-6 - Animal Shelter 15.00 09/30/2019 101-42700-438100 09/30/2019 8235331-9 - Prairie Center 16.11 09/30/2019 101-41941-438100 09/30/2019 5828859-8 - Storage Garage 15.00 09/30/2019 101-41940-438100 09/30/2019 5864452-7 - Library 21.00 09/30/2019 101-45501-438100 09/30/2019 5837384-6 - Publc Works 53.75 09/30/2019 101-43127-438100 09/30/2019 6401745330-5 - 349 W Broadway 16.11 09/30/2019 101-45204-438100 09/30/2019 5788570-9 - Hi Way Liquor 22.54 09/30/2019 609-49754-438100 09/30/2019 5804618-6 - Parks (Fallon) 15.00 09/30/2019 101-45201-438100 09/30/2019 8235333-5 - P.C. (U Fab) 16.11 09/30/2019 101-41941-438100 09/30/2019 5843395-4 - DMV 15.00 09/30/2019 217-41990-438100 09/30/2019 5768542-2 - MCC 1,443.16 09/30/2019 226-45126-438100 09/30/2019 5768542-2 - City Hall 62.41 09/30/2019 101-41940-438100 09/30/2019 5820786-1 - Public Works 21.00 09/30/2019 101-43127-438100 09/30/2019 5799425-3 - Public Works 57.58 09/30/2019 101-43127-438100 09/30/2019 5821009-5 - Fire Station 27.95 09/30/2019 101-42200-438100 09/30/2019 5768542-2 - National Guard 31.20 09/30/2019 101-42800-438100 09/30/2019 5768542-2 - Senior Center 23.40 09/30/2019 101-45175-438100 09/30/2019 8000015233-2 - WWTP 862.89 09/30/2019 602-49480-438100 09/30/2019 5806932-9 - Parks 15.00 09/30/2019 101-45201-438100 09/30/2019 5799427-9 - Public Works 15.00 09/30/2019 101-43127-438100 Check Total: 2,765.21 Vendor: 5188 HEALTHY CONTRIBUTIONS Check Sequence: 2 10/1/2019 AARP Supplement/At Your Best - July 2019 6.30 09/30/2019 226-45122-430900 Check Total: 6.30 Vendor: 1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 3 9/30/2019 51-6505915-2 - Parks 681.97 09/30/2019 101-45201-438100 9/30/2019 51-6505911-8 -MCC 10,416.38 09/30/2019 226-45126-438100 9/30/2019 51-4271112-2 - Library 1,111.50 09/30/2019 101-45501-438100 Moiiii6effo Y Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/01/2019 - 1:53 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 9/30/2019 51-6505907-2 - Park Lots- auto 7/28-8/27/2019 70.02 09/30/2019 101-43160-438100 9/30/2019 51-6505905-0 - Water 7,980.89 09/30/2019 601-49440-438100 9/30/2019 51-6505915-2 - Ice Rink 33% 86.56 09/30/2019 601-49440-438100 9/30/2019 51-6505911-8 - City Hall 2,299.72 09/30/2019 101-41940-438100 9/30/2019 51 -6505915 -2 -NSP -Softball Assoc. 261.53 09/30/2019 101-45203-438100 9/30/2019 51-0395766-0 - Ramsey Pumphouse 3,390.50 09/30/2019 601-49440-438100 9/30/2019 51-6505911-8 - Senior Center 541.11 09/30/2019 101-45175-438100 9/30/2019 51-6505915-2 - NSP- consc/sec. 33.46 09/30/2019 101-45203-438100 9/30/2019 51-6505916-3 - Street Lights 11,928.45 09/30/2019 101-43160-438100 9/30/2019 51-6505911-8 - National Guard 270.56 09/30/2019 101-42800-438100 9/30/2019 51-9391437-3 - Prairie Center Bldg. 635.75 09/30/2019 101-41941-438100 Check Total: 39,708.40 Total for Check Run: 42,479.91 Total of Number of Checks: 3 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 10/14/19 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/01/2019 - 1:53 PM) Page 2 Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 10/03/2019 - 9:O1AM Batch: 00202.10.2019 - 202.10.2019 Liquor Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 1 3368011 resale - beer 49.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 3372753 resale - beer 77.20 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 3374680 resale - beer 301.25 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 427.45 Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 2 80661100 resale -liquor 1,204.81 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 80661100 resale- wine 240.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 80661100 freight 16.65 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 80763200 resale -liquor 1,810.97 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 80763200 resale- wine 114.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 80763200 freight 29.41 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 3,415.84 Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 3 121410 resale - beer credit -88.64 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 121411 resale - soda pop 160.90 10/03/2019 609-49750-425400 121411 resale -juice 65.60 10/03/2019 609-49750-425500 121412 resale - beer 1,736.30 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 124045 resale - soda pop 139.05 10/03/2019 609-49750-425400 124045 resale -juice 16.40 10/03/2019 609-49750-425500 124046 resale - beer 2,136.60 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 4,166.21 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPIF Check Sequence: 4 1081031790 resale - wine 500.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 1081031790 resale - mix 130.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425400 1081031790 freight 37.13 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 1081031790 resale -liquor 1,743.20 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 1081031791 resale - beer 82.95 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 Moiiii6effo Y Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2019 - 9:01 AM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2080245905 resale - liquor credit -107.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 2,386.28 Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 6772570 resale - beer n/a 23.30 10/03/2019 609-49750-425400 6772570 resale - beer 21,347.21 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 6772587 resale - beer 9,686.40 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 6772587 resale - beer n/a 56.40 10/03/2019 609-49750-425400 6772609 resale - beer 15,228.10 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 6772609 resale - beer n/a 98.40 10/03/2019 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 46,439.81 Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 1064821 resale - beer credit -169.65 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 112-01269 resale - beer n/a 27.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425400 112-01269 resale - beer 3,569.15 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 112-01315 resale - beer 250.60 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 112-01327 resale - beer 25,398.45 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 112-01327 resale - beer n/a 36.10 10/03/2019 609-49750-425400 112-01328 resale - beer n/a 54.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425400 112-01328 resale - beer 5,426.40 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 112-01329 resale - beer 50.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 112-01377 resale - beer 50.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 893216 resale - beer 21,787.84 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 893216 resale - beer n/a 165.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 56,644.89 Vendor: 5201 DICK FAMILY, INC. Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: True 525010179 resale - beer 413.55 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 413.55 Vendor: 5340 DISGRUNTLED BREWING DISGRUNTLED Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 170 resale - beer 113.60 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 113.60 Vendor: 5158 EICKHOF COLUMBARIA INC Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 10005 ZPARKS-COLUMB- Final payment of 3 17,333.34 10/03/2019 651-49010-453010 Check Total: 17,333.34 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2019 - 9:01 AM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 4218 HOHENSTEINS, INC Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 165389 resale - beer 138.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 138.00 Vendor: 3356 INDIAN ISLAND WINERY Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 2850 resale - wine 258.24 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 258.24 Vendor: 1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False 3009931 resale - beer 825.35 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 3009971 resale - beer 581.60 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 3009971 freight 3.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,409.95 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False 1385711 resale - liquor 2,560.07 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 1385711 freight 37.25 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 1386664 freight 42.10 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 1386664 resale - liquor 3,011.74 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 1386665 resale - wine 2,074.20 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 1386665 resale- mix 77.35 10/03/2019 609-49750-425400 1386665 freight 51.16 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 1388073 resale - liquor 2,092.17 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 1388073 freight 26.94 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 1388074 freight 38.99 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 1388074 resale - mix 19.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425400 1388074 resale - wine 1,481.95 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 1390621 freight 62.58 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 1390621 resale - liquor 3,628.16 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 1390622 resale- wine 436.60 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 1390622 freight 14.90 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 1391402 freight 31.59 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 1391402 resale - liquor 3,892.48 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 1391403 resale- wine 210.55 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 1391403 freight 7.45 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 1392123 freight 28.95 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 1392123 resale - liquor 2,203.29 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 1392124 resale - wine 3,104.80 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 1392124 resale - wine n/a 89.35 10/03/2019 609-49750-425400 1392124 freight 83.43 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2019 - 9:01 AM) Page 3 Invoice No Description 1393268 freight 1393268 resale - liquor 1393269 resale - wine 1393269 freight 1393270 resale - beer 13958981 resale - liquor 13958981 freight 1395899 freight 1395899 resale - wine 567058 freight credit inv. 1382512 567058 resale - liquor credit inv. 1382512 2623402 Check Total: Vendor: 1273 KIWI KAI IMPORTS, INC. 64344 resale - wine 64344 freight 2625260 Check Total: Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC 23808 resale - beer 24005 resale - beer 609-49750-425300 Check Total: Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP 287811 resale - cigaettes; juice 287811 resale - tobacco; soda pop; barware; etc 287884 resale -juice 4,308.90 Check Total: Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO 2621532 resale- wine 2621532 freight 2622488 freight 2622488 resale - liquor 2623402 resale - liquor 2623402 freight 2623403 freight 2623403 resale - wine 2625260 resale - liquor 2625260 freight Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 54.88 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 4,308.90 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 702.40 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 16.39 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 51.20 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 1,077.75 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 16.39 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 19.37 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 652.55 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 -1.49 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 -180.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 32,025.39 Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 385.17 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 5.25 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 390.42 Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True 561.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 250.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425200 811.00 Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: True 1,488.50 10/03/2019 609-49750-425500 310.60 10/03/2019 609-49750-425400 24.30 10/03/2019 609-49750-425400 1,823.40 Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 88.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 1.49 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 51.32 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 3,279.54 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 1,695.31 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 16.88 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 49.66 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 1,772.55 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 2,997.07 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 27.33 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2019 - 9:01 AM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2625261 resale - wine 1.49 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 2625778 resale - liquor 4,691.69 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 2625778 freight 74.81 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 2625779 freight 22.35 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 2625779 resale - wine 523.38 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 2626267 freight 22.60 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 2626267 resale - liquor 1,989.92 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 2627139 resale - liquor 1,610.65 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 2627139 freight 20.86 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 2629073 resale - liquor 2,058.29 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 2629073 freight 42.46 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 2629074 resale - wine 1,111.80 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 2629074 resale - wine n/a 144.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425400 2629074 freight 32.64 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 343475 resale - liquor credit inv. # 2618290 -8.22 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 343475 freight -credit inv. # 2618290 -0.15 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 343868 resale - liquor credit inv. # 2596032 -6.79 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 343869 resale - liquor credit inv. # 2606436 -10.98 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 343870 resale - liquor credit inv. # 2607053 -7.69 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 343871 resale - Wine credit inv. # 2621532 -88.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 343871 freight- credit inv. # 2621532 -1.49 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 22,202.77 Vendor: 4781 RUE 38 LLC Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False 6564 resale - wine 600.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 6564 freight 9.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 609.00 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS, Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False 1867994 resale - liquor 2,161.55 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 1867994 freight 18.41 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 1867995 freight 15.40 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 1867995 resale - wine 733.71 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 1870832 freight 45.04 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 1870832 resale - liquor 4,543.25 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 1870833 resale - wine 1,605.48 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 1870833 freight 33.49 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 9,156.33 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2019 - 9:01 Alva) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2411345 resale - soda pop 355.15 10/03/2019 609-49750-425400 2416265 resale - soda pop 492.55 10/03/2019 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 847.70 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: True 240959 resale - liquor 464.42 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 240959 resale- wine 384.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 240959 freight 16.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 241558 resale - soda pop 24.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425400 241558 resale -wine 120.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 241558 freight 5.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 241629 freight 2.50 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 241629 resale -liquor 112.50 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 1,128.42 Vendor: 1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: True 120587 resale - liquor 190.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425100 120587 freight 15.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 120587 resale - wine 256.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 461.00 Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False 7252036 resale- wine 720.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 7252036 freight 16.39 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 7252267 freight 13.41 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 7252267 resale - wine 1,060.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 7253665 resale - wine 744.90 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 7253665 freight 10.43 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 728835 freight credit inv. # 7249469 -1.49 10/03/2019 609-49750-433300 728835 resale - wine credit inv. # 7249469 -124.00 10/03/2019 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 2,439.64 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Total for Check Run: 205,042.23 Date: 10/14/19 Approved by Total of Number of Checks: 23 Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/03/2019 - 9:01 AM) Page 6 Accounts Payable CITY' OF Computer Check Proof List by Vendor • nq User: Debbie.Davidson� Printed: 10/09/2019 - 2:42PM Batch: 00203.10.2019 - 203.10.2019 AP Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 5184 ADVANCED GRAPHIX INC. Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 202777 18C003-CONSTR - Monti FD door number bars 630.00 10/15/2019 400-43300-452010 Check Total: 630.00 Vendor: 5353 ANDERSON Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 14050 Block 52 Boundary Survey - August 2019 4,920.00 10/15/2019 213-46301-461500 Check Total: 4,920.00 Vendor: 1036 APEC AQUISITIONS INC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 123297 Filters - Various Sizes (3 1) 632.87 10/15/2019 226-45126-422990 Check Total: 632.87 Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 3376122 resale - beer 131.30 10/15/2019 609-49750-425200 3376440 resale - beer 115.80 10/15/2019 609-49750-425200 3377157 resale - beer 53.50 10/15/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 300.60 Vendor: 4502 ARVIG Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 95846 9-2019 expenses- buried drops 6,500.00 10/15/2019 656-49877-440100 95846 9-2019 expenses- Calix; Clearfield; Border State 3,788.98 10/15/2019 656-49877-421800 Check Total: 10,288.98 Vendor: 5117 ASPEN MILLS Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 244808 (2) NT gold badge- N.H. 69.70 10/15/2019 101-42200-421120 244809 (2) NT gold badge- A.S. 69.70 10/15/2019 101-42200-421120 Check Total: 139.40 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 3887 KEVIN BARTHEL Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: False 9/30/2019 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/26/19 68.00 10/15/2019 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 68.00 Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: True 100188300 asst. bags 92.90 10/15/2019 609-49754-421990 100188300 resale - mix 38.00 10/15/2019 609-49750-425400 100188300 resale - condiments 67.25 10/15/2019 609-49750-425500 100188300 freight 0.91 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 100224900 freight 0.23 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 100224900 asst. bags 50.20 10/15/2019 609-49754-421990 80873500 resale - liquor 2,542.10 10/15/2019 609-49750-425100 80873500 resale - wine 176.00 10/15/2019 609-49750-425300 80873500 freight 41.85 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 3,009.44 Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 121408 resale - pop, milk 213.85 10/15/2019 226-45125-425410 121408 Event Supplies: pop, milk 118.00 10/15/2019 226-45123-421990 126656 resale - soda pop 73.25 10/15/2019 609-49750-425400 126657 resale - beer 1,648.30 10/15/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 2,053.40 Vendor: 5354 BEST POOL SYSTEMS LLC Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 3663 Panel Mount 563.40 10/15/2019 226-45126-422990 Check Total: 563.40 Vendor: 1074 BOLTON AND MENK INC Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 0239313 19C001 - 2019 Pedestrian Improvements 6,476.50 10/15/2019 400-43300-459014 0239314 19C003 PRELIM - Monticello/SCADA System : 1,505.70 10/15/2019 601-49440-430300 0239314 19C003 PRELIM - Monticello/SCADA System. 1,505.70 10/15/2019 602-49490-430300 Check Total: 9,487.90 Vendor: 1080 BRAEMAR MAILING SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False 60200 UB Sept 2019 Invoices (3696) Print, Fold, Stuff 768.31 10/15/2019 601-49440-432200 60200 UB Sept 2019 Invoices (3696) Print, Fold, Stuff 768.31 10/15/2019 602-49490-432200 60216 UB Past Due Invoices (405) Print, Fold, Stuff Er 118.28 10/15/2019 601-49440-432200 60216 UB Past Due Invoices (405) Print, Fold, Stuff Er 118.27 10/15/2019 602-49490-432200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 1,773.17 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPII Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False 1081038487 resale - liquor 2,560.97 10/15/2019 609-49750-425100 1081038487 resale - wine 650.99 10/15/2019 609-49750-425300 1081038487 resale - mix 97.65 10/15/2019 609-49750-425400 1081038487 freight 50.06 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 1081038488 resale - beer 147.30 10/15/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 3,506.97 Vendor: 1089 SARA CAHILL Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: True 10/2/2019 Mileage Reimbursement - Training (162 miles) 93.96 10/15/2019 226-45122-433100 Check Total: 93.96 Vendor: 1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True 2348-00001G 121 Code Enforcement Services - August 2019 157.00 10/15/2019 101-42400-430400 2348-00001G 122 Code Enforcement Services - Sept 2019 376.80 10/15/2019 101-42400-430400 2348-000OG 205 General Legal Admin - August 2019 4,082.25 10/15/2019 101-41610-430400 2348-000OG 205 General Engineering Admin - August 2019 80.00 10/15/2019 101-43111-430400 2348-000OG 205 Planning & Zoning Legal Admin - August 2019 688.00 10/15/2019 101-41910-430400 2348-000OG 205 18C001 - 2018 Pedestrian Improvements - Augt 256.00 10/15/2019 400-43300-459013 2348-000OG 205 19C001 - 2019 Pedestrian Improvements - Augt 416.00 10/15/2019 400-43300-459014 2348-000OG 205 16C006 - Fallon Overpass - August 2019 112.00 10/15/2019 400-43300-459018 2348-0162G 3 201922 - River Mill 7th Addition - Sept 2019 80.60 10/15/2019 101-00000-220110 2348-0163G 2 201920 - Haven Ridge Plat - Sept 2019 150.00 10/15/2019 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 6,398.65 Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: True 6772629 resale - beer 15,403.95 10/15/2019 609-49750-425200 6772629 freight 43.65 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 15,447.60 Vendor: 1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: True 00061255 Monthly Tank Rental 65.00 10/15/2019 226-45124-421600 00307227 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (641 lbs) 170.02 10/15/2019 226-45124-421600 Check Total: 235.02 Vendor: 5119 CHOSEN VALLEY TESTING INC Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 26863 18C003-CONSTR - construction materials testin 2,601.50 10/15/2019 400-43300-452010 Check Total: 2,601.50 Vendor: 1124 CREATIVE FORMS AND CONCEPTS INC Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False 117312 A/P Checks (2,500) 438.66 10/15/2019 101-41520-421990 Check Total: 438.66 Vendor: 2080 CRYSTEEL TRUCK EQUIPMENT INC Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: True F45182 plow box; snow deflector B- state contract 6,112.58 10/15/2019 101-43120-424100 Check Total: 6,112.58 Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: True 1073511 resale - beer credit -51.25 10/15/2019 609-49750-425200 112-01376 resale - beer n/a 165.00 10/15/2019 609-49750-425400 112-01376 resale - beer 18,097.71 10/15/2019 609-49750-425200 112-01414 resale - beer 4,477.05 10/15/2019 609-49750-425200 112-01414 resale - beer n/a 27.00 10/15/2019 609-49750-425400 1129617 resale - beer 138.00 10/15/2019 609-49750-425200 1129627 resale - beer credit -575.42 10/15/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 22,278.09 Vendor: 4010 MARILYN DIRKSWAGER Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False 161 Sept- Dec Programs (13) 455.00 10/15/2019 101-00000-220150 Check Total: 455.00 Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: True 725240 201930 - Ordinance Amend - Barthel PH - Ad# 101.53 10/15/2019 101-41910-435100 726943 Ordinance #727 - Ad# 980569 239.98 10/15/2019 101-41310-435100 Check Total: 341.51 Vendor: 5158 EICKHOF COLUMBARIA INC Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: False 10007 resale - (6) urns & mailers 405.00 10/15/2019 651-49010-421990 Check Total: 405.00 Vendor: 4191 ELK RIVER GREENHOUSE LLC Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: True 9/30/2019 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/5, 9/11 401.00 10/15/2019 226-45127-431992 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Check Total: Vendor: 2273 FIBERNET MONTICELLO - ACH 9/8/2019 Check Sequence: 26 Sept 2019 - Phone & Internet - Monti Arts True 225.85 Check Total: Vendor: 3748 JEFFREY D GARDNER 9/30/2019 225.85 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/12, 9/ Check Total: Vendor: 3762 GARRETTS DIAMOND CITY BREAD 10/4/2019 Check Sequence: 27 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/5, 9/L True 192.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1413 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL INC 9090598 192.00 (204) billable tickets Sept. 2019 Check Total: Vendor: 1205 GRAINGER INC 9299003724 Wall Mount Fans (2) ACH Enabled: True Check Total: Vendor: 5108 GUARDIAN FLEET SAFETY 19-0398 #105 VHF radio repair Check Total: Vendor: 5275 TANYA HARMS 8/19/2019 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/22/19 ACH Enabled: True Check Total: Vendor: 4048 MELISSA HARTNER 10/1/2019 Face Painting @ Color Me Fall 10/12/19 Check Total: Vendor: 1223 HAWKINS INC 4585308 Aluminum Sulfate Liquid - WWTP AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 401.00 Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: True 225.85 10/15/2019 101-45204-431990 225.85 Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: True 192.00 10/15/2019 226-45127-431992 192.00 Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: True 79.00 10/15/2019 226-45127-431992 79.00 Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: True 275.40 10/15/2019 601-49440-432770 275.40 Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False 81.62 10/15/2019 226-45127-421720 81.62 Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: True 165.08 10/15/2019 101-43120-440440 165.08 Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False 56.00 10/15/2019 226-45127-431992 56.00 Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False 240.00 10/15/2019 226-45127-431990 240.00 Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: True 6,037.60 10/15/2019 602-49480-421990 Page 5 Invoice No Description Check Total: Vendor: 2894 HOGLUND TRANSPORTATION INC 215322 Charter for Town Tour (9/6/19) Check Total: Vendor: 4218 HOHENSTEINS, INC 167112 resale - beer Check Total: Vendor: 1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE 09/18/19 Acct. #1400-017-223-399 fuel slips 8/20-9/15/2( Check Total: Vendor: 3971 INTL UNION OF OPER ENGINEERS LOCAL Nov 2019 November - Health Insurance - Union Amount Payment Date Acct Number 6,037.60 156.00 156.00 416.00 416.00 294.22 294.22 17,360.00 17,360.00 56.50 15.00 71.50 57.60 1,289.45 3.00 1,350.05 35.76 4,334.50 1,407.05 28.31 7,026.56 70.95 115.11 3,973.18 Check Sequence: 35 10/15/2019 101-41940-431990 Check Sequence: 36 10/15/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Sequence: 37 10/15/2019 101-42200-421200 Check Sequence: 38 10/15/2019 101-00000-217061 Check Sequence: 39 10/15/2019 217-41990-433100 10/15/2019 217-41990-433100 Check Sequence: 40 10/15/2019 609-49750-425400 10/15/2019 609-49750-425200 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Sequence: 41 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 10/15/2019 609-49750-425100 10/15/2019 609-49750-425100 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 10/15/2019 609-49750-425100 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 10/15/2019 609-49750-425300 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Page 6 Check Total: Vendor: 5349 JENNIFER JACKMAN 9/23/2019 Mileage Reimbursement - Deputy Reg Test (97 .� 9/23/2019 Parking Reimbursement - Deputy Reg Test Check Total: Vendor: 1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING 3009992 resale - beer n/a 3009992 resale - beer 3009992 freight Check Total: Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 1396691 freight 1396691 resale - liquor 1398265 resale - liquor 1398265 freight 1399567 resale -liquor 1399567 freight 1399568 freight 1399568 resale- wine Amount Payment Date Acct Number 6,037.60 156.00 156.00 416.00 416.00 294.22 294.22 17,360.00 17,360.00 56.50 15.00 71.50 57.60 1,289.45 3.00 1,350.05 35.76 4,334.50 1,407.05 28.31 7,026.56 70.95 115.11 3,973.18 Check Sequence: 35 10/15/2019 101-41940-431990 Check Sequence: 36 10/15/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Sequence: 37 10/15/2019 101-42200-421200 Check Sequence: 38 10/15/2019 101-00000-217061 Check Sequence: 39 10/15/2019 217-41990-433100 10/15/2019 217-41990-433100 Check Sequence: 40 10/15/2019 609-49750-425400 10/15/2019 609-49750-425200 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Sequence: 41 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 10/15/2019 609-49750-425100 10/15/2019 609-49750-425100 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 10/15/2019 609-49750-425100 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 10/15/2019 609-49750-425300 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1401712 resale- liquor 3,132.48 10/15/2019 609-49750-425100 1401712 freight 48.80 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 569074 resale - wine credit inv. # 1386665 -21.32 10/15/2019 609-49750-425300 569074 freight credit inv. 4 1386665 -0.25 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 20,151.13 Vendor: 2641 JOHNSON MATERIALS INC Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False 5547 (25.27) Con Bit 281.76 10/15/2019 651-49010-421990 Check Total: 281.76 Vendor: 5350 RICHARD KASULIS Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False 9/30/2019 Farmes Market Token Collection Log - 9/5/19 & 10.00 10/15/2019 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 10.00 Vendor: 1270 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHARTERED Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False 09/18/2019 GO Bonds Series 2019A 7,500.00 10/15/2019 400-43300-462030 MN190-00101 General EDA Matters - August 2019 540.00 10/15/2019 213-46301-430400 MN190-00160 UMC Economic Development TIF - August 201 5,049.90 10/15/2019 213-00000-220110 MN190-00161 4065 Chelsea Road W - August 2019 920.00 10/15/2019 213-46301-430400 MN190-00162 8617 Edmonson Ave - August 2019 480.00 10/15/2019 213-46301-430400 MN325-00040 Business Facade Grant Program - August 2019 80.00 10/15/2019 213-46301-430400 MN325-00042 101, 107, 121 Broadway -August 2019 1,331.50 10/15/2019 213-46301-430400 Check Total: 15,901.40 Vendor: 5294 KEYSTONE COMPENSATION GROUP LLC Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False 788 Phase 3 - Onsite Meeting, Prep Final Project Sur 2,650.00 10/15/2019 101-41800-431990 Check Total: 2,650.00 Vendor: 1273 KIWI KAI IMPORTS, INC. Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: False 65679 resale- wine 953.50 10/15/2019 609-49750-425300 65679 freight 13.75 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 65866 freight 5.25 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 65866 resale- wine 300.00 10/15/2019 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 1,272.50 Vendor: 5270 JUDITH KOVACS Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: True 10/4/2019 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 10/3/19 31.00 10/15/2019 226-45127-431992 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 31.00 401,300.90 401,300.90 1,330.20 1,346.50 2,676.70 60.00 60.00 120.00 240.00 55.00 55.00 43.60 43.60 900.00 300.00 300.00 1,500.00 259.20 259.20 3,500.00 Check Sequence: 48 10/15/2019 400-43300-452010 Check Sequence: 49 10/15/2019 101-45201-431901 10/15/2019 101-45201-431901 Check Sequence: 50 10/15/2019 101-41910-431990 10/15/2019 213-46301-431990 10/15/2019 101-41110-431990 Check Sequence: 51 10/15/2019 101-41410-433100 Check Sequence: 52 10/15/2019 101-41410-421990 Check Sequence: 53 10/15/2019 101-43110-433100 10/15/2019 601-49440-433100 10/15/2019 602-49490-433100 Check Sequence: 54 10/15/2019 101-43125-422100 Check Sequence: 55 10/15/2019 226-45122-431990 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Page 8 Check Total: Vendor: 5220 KUE CONTRACTORS, INC. Pay Voucher 6 18C003-CONSTR - Fire Hall pay voucher #6 Check Total: Vendor: 3829 STEVE LANGANKI 1209 (24) Porta Rental 7/22-8/18/2019 1211 (24) Porta Rental 8/19-9/15/2019 Check Total: Vendor: 2626 HARRY LANTTO 10/1/2019 Planning Commission Meeting Recording 9/3/15 10/1/2019 EDA Meeting Recording 9/11/19 10/1/2019 City Council Meeting Recording 9/9/19 & 9/23/" Check Total: Vendor: 1290 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 299097 2019 Regional Meeting (JS) Check Total: Vendor: 1290 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 10/3/2019 2019 Directory Check Total: Vendor: 4907 MATTHEW LEONARD 9/19/2019 MBA Tuition Remibursement (1/3) 9/19/2019 MBA Tuition Remibursement (1/3) 9/19/2019 MBA Tuition Remibursement (1/3) Check Total: Vendor: 1296 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC 356076 (2) 69" long round Check Total: Vendor: 5236 MATT LITWIN #1- MCC Mural CMAB grant- MCC Mural payment #1 Amount Payment Date Acct Number 31.00 401,300.90 401,300.90 1,330.20 1,346.50 2,676.70 60.00 60.00 120.00 240.00 55.00 55.00 43.60 43.60 900.00 300.00 300.00 1,500.00 259.20 259.20 3,500.00 Check Sequence: 48 10/15/2019 400-43300-452010 Check Sequence: 49 10/15/2019 101-45201-431901 10/15/2019 101-45201-431901 Check Sequence: 50 10/15/2019 101-41910-431990 10/15/2019 213-46301-431990 10/15/2019 101-41110-431990 Check Sequence: 51 10/15/2019 101-41410-433100 Check Sequence: 52 10/15/2019 101-41410-421990 Check Sequence: 53 10/15/2019 101-43110-433100 10/15/2019 601-49440-433100 10/15/2019 602-49490-433100 Check Sequence: 54 10/15/2019 101-43125-422100 Check Sequence: 55 10/15/2019 226-45122-431990 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 3,500.00 Reference Check Total: Vendor: 5236 MATT LITWIN #2- MCC Mural CMAB grant- MCC Mural payment #2 226-45122-431990 Check Total: Vendor: 3522 LIVE LAUGH AND BLOOM 100008516 flowers Simpson 10/2/19 Check Total: Vendor: 3933 CHARLES LONG 10/4/2019 100.00 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 10/3/19 9/30/2019 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/5/19 6 100.00 Check Total: Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC 24055 resale - beer Check Sequence: 58 ACH Check Total: Vendor: 1300 DOUGLAS WILLIAM LYSENG 1386 On Site Computer Services (5/2/19 - 5/30/19) 1386 254.00 Computers (2) RL, VL 1386 Windows & Office Pro (2ea), Cable, GoDaddy 8 391.00 Check Total: Vendor: 3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 21463492 (485) gal. diesel @ $2.48 21463494 ACH (577) gal. unleaded @ $2.19 21481682 180.00 (301) gal. unleaded @ $2.32 21486942 (600) gal. diesel @ $2.42 180.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1317 MDRA 9/16/2019 MDRA Annual Meeting (2 Attendees) Check Sequence: 60 ACH Check Total: Vendor: 2852 MIDWEST BUSINESS PROMOTIONS INC Amount Payment Date Acct Number 3,500.00 Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Page 9 Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: False 3,500.00 10/15/2019 226-45122-431990 3,500.00 Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 100.00 10/15/2019 101-42200-443990 100.00 Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False 137.00 10/15/2019 226-45127-431992 254.00 10/15/2019 226-45127-431992 391.00 Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: True 180.00 10/15/2019 609-49750-425200 180.00 Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: True 2,040.00 10/15/2019 702-00000-431990 1,685.12 10/15/2019 702-00000-424100 3,703.75 10/15/2019 702-00000-421990 7,428.87 Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: True 1,200.88 10/15/2019 101-43120-421200 1,263.76 10/15/2019 101-43120-421200 697.72 10/15/2019 101-43120-421200 1,454.85 10/15/2019 101-43120-421200 4,617.21 Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: False 80.00 09/24/2019 217-41990-433100 80.00 Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Page 9 Invoice No Description 13291 (525) press n stick calendars Check Total: Vendor: 1330 CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS 400451003278 August 2019 - Monti Pawn Transactions (224) 383.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1738 MN DEPT OF HEALTH Qtr. 3 2019 Community Water Supply Serv. Conn Fee Qtr 3 Check Total: Vendor: 4850 MOLITOR EXCAVATING, INC. Pay Voucher 2 18C009 - 2019 Walnut Street Improvements Pa} 101-42100-431990 Check Total: Vendor: 1371 MONTICELLO FIREMEN RELIEF ASSOC 10/8/2019 Pass thru to Monti Fire Relief - Rec'd 9/30/19 - 10/8/2019 Pass thru to Monti Fire Relief - Rec'd 9/30/19 - I Check Total: Vendor: 4691 MONTICELLO MEMORIALS, LLC 21219 resale -(3) ossuary engraving 10/15/2019 Check Total: Vendor: 5351 MONTICELLO SENIOR HOUSING OWNER 1 10/3/2019 201910 - Escrow Refund Headwaters Senior CU Check Total: Vendor: 4549 ANN MOSACK 9/19/2019 Mileage Reimbursement - Sept (89.1 miles) ACH Enabled: Check Total: Vendor: 1390 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1236606 (4) tires - Parks Check Total: AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 383.00 10/15/2019 609-49754-421990 383.00 Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: True 201.60 10/15/2019 101-42100-431990 201.60 Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False 6,956.00 10/15/2019 601-49440-443750 6,956.00 Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False 62,228.80 10/15/2019 400-43300-459015 62,228.80 Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False 23,054.10 10/15/2019 101-42202-443950 99,585.44 10/15/2019 101-42202-443950 122,639.54 Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: False 555.00 10/15/2019 651-49010-431990 555.00 Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False 1,690.58 10/15/2019 101-00000-220110 1,690.58 Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: True 51.68 10/15/2019 226-45122-433100 51.68 Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: True 615.66 10/15/2019 101-45201-422200 615.66 Page 10 Invoice No Description Vendor: 5347 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPC 1378797 Ellison Donation -'29 truck restoration Check Total: Vendor: 1411 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC INC 59114 Parts - Optiac 150 LED; end cap assembly; freig Amount Check Total: Vendor: 5346 CHARLES NELSON 9/30/19 Grave Sale Lot 231 trans. back to City 9/30/19 Perpetual Care 9/30/19 Transfer Fee Check Total: Vendor: 1411 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC INC 59114 Parts - Optiac 150 LED; end cap assembly; freig Amount Payment Date Check Total: Vendor: 4188 NELSON ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR, INC 9056 Chelsea Lift Station control problems- Unitronic ACH Enabled: Check Total: Vendor: 2518 NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST 10/3/2019 Postage for Title & Registration Pkgs - Sept (57) 10/3/2019 698.05 Postage Purchased 9/4/19 Check Total: Vendor: 5255 NEW LOOK CONTRACTING INC Pay Voucher #5 16C001 - BCOL Phase 1 Improvements - Pay Vc ACH Enabled: Check Total: Vendor: 1401 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS 24469 Sept 2019 - Technical Assistance - City Projects 24470 100.00 Bucholtz PUD Sketch Alernatives - Sept 2019 24470 651-49010-349490 201901 - UMC PUD - Sept 2019 24470 201901 - Jameson-Mielke PUD - Sept 2019 24470 10/15/2019 Tattoo Ordinance - Sept 2019 24471 Sept 2019 - Technical Assistance - Meetings 535.00 Check Total: Vendor: 5352 OCELLO LLC 10/3/2019 19D002 - Escrow Refund - Groveland 5th Additi Check Total: Vendor: 1411 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC INC 59114 Parts - Optiac 150 LED; end cap assembly; freig Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: False 698.05 10/15/2019 101-42200-422110 698.05 Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: False 450.00 10/15/2019 651-49010-349410 100.00 10/15/2019 651-49010-349490 -15.00 10/15/2019 651-49010-349400 535.00 Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: False 790.00 10/15/2019 602-49490-440440 790.00 Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: False 423.76 10/15/2019 217-41990-432200 1,000.00 10/15/2019 101-00000-155010 1,423.76 Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: False 133,144.04 10/15/2019 229-45202-453011 133,144.04 Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: True 3,833.97 10/15/2019 101-41910-431990 2,145.20 10/15/2019 101-41910-431990 259.50 10/15/2019 101-41910-431990 103.80 10/15/2019 101-41910-431990 1,366.70 10/15/2019 101-41910-431990 150.00 10/15/2019 101-41910-431990 7,859.17 Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False 750.00 10/15/2019 101-00000-220110 750.00 Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: True 427.80 10/15/2019 101-43160-431990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 59114 Labor - Optiac 150 LED; end cap assembly; 95.00 10/15/2019 101-43160-431990 Check Total: 522.80 Vendor: 1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: False 14157 (4) AC fines mix 328.16 10/15/2019 101-43120-422400 14169 (146.92) SPWEA 240B - School Blvd. overlay 8,468.47 10/15/2019 101-43120-422400 14176 (1) AC Fines mix 82.04 10/15/2019 101-43120-422400 14194 (2) AC Fines mix 164.08 10/15/2019 101-43120-422400 Check Total: 9,042.75 Vendor: 1421 PARK SUPPLY OF AMERICA INC Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: False 95874 Symmons Complete Cartridge 303.00 10/15/2019 226-45126-422990 Check Total: 303.00 Vendor: 4139 PAULA PAULSON Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False 9/23/2019 Draping for Mississippi Room - 9/21 & 10/5 Eve 425.00 10/15/2019 226-45123-431990 Check Total: 425.00 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False 2629579 resale - liquor 7,121.05 10/15/2019 609-49750-425100 2629579 freight 78.97 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 2630587 freight 12.67 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 2630587 resale - liquor 1,792.03 10/15/2019 609-49750-425100 2630588 resale - wine 515.69 10/15/2019 609-49750-425300 2630588 freight 23.84 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 2631572 freight 27.06 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 2631572 resale - liquor 2,303.60 10/15/2019 609-49750-425100 2631573 resale - wine 637.48 10/15/2019 609-49750-425300 2631573 freight 17.88 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 2633161 freight 9.19 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 2633161 resale- liquor 1,076.65 10/15/2019 609-49750-425100 344313 resale - liquor credit inv. # 2622488 -98.00 10/15/2019 609-49750-425100 344313 freight credit inv. # 2622488 -1.49 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 13,516.62 Vendor: 4991 BERNARD PIATZ Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: True 9/30/2019 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 8/22, 9/' 396.00 10/15/2019 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 396.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Page 12 Invoice No Description Vendor: 4512 SARAH RATHLISBERGER 10/2/2019 Mileage Reimbursement - Various Items (380.51 Check Total: Vendor: 1455 RED'S MARATHON 9/20/19 - Parks non-oxy gas - Parks Check Total: Vendor: 4022 REINHART FOODSERVICE LLC 838953 Bal Due - Food for Concession 874471 Food for Concession Resale 887265 REFUND - Items Missing from Delivery 890806 Food for Concession (Part of #838953) Check Total: Vendor: 4962 RENGEL PRINTING COMPANY, INC 114692 (100) incident rep; (100) Vehicle Inc. Rep; (50)1 Check Total: Vendor: 5010 RUM RIVER CONSTRUCTION CONSULTAI\ 207 Contract Inspection Services - Sept 2019 Check Total: Vendor: 1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC A35780 Keys for DMV (3) Check Total: Vendor: 4705 S2 SERVICES INC 1234 EverGlaze Maintenance Services to Mens & Wo Check Total: Vendor: 4981 STEVE SCHILLEWAERT 81934 August Blight Mowings (2) 91928 Riverside Cemetery Sept. 2019 lawn mntc. 91929 Hillside Cemetery Sept. 2019 lawn mntc. Check Total: AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number Check Sequence: 85 220.69 10/15/2019 101-41520-433100 220.69 15.80 15.80 72.36 516.81 -109.96 54.98 534.19 304.70 304.70 2,040.00 2,040.00 36.00 36.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 200.00 1,150.09 775.00 2,125.09 Check Sequence: 86 10/15/2019 101-45201-421200 Check Sequence: 87 10/15/2019 226-45125-425410 10/15/2019 226-45125-425410 10/15/2019 226-45125-425410 10/15/2019 226-45125-425410 Check Sequence: 88 10/15/2019 101-42200-421990 Check Sequence: 89 10/15/2019 101-42400-431990 Check Sequence: 90 10/15/2019 217-41990-421990 Check Sequence: 91 10/15/2019 226-45126-431990 Check Sequence: 92 10/15/2019 101-42400-431050 10/15/2019 651-49010-431050 10/15/2019 101-45201-431050 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False Page 13 Invoice No Description Vendor: 1481 ANGELA SCHUMANN 10/2/2019 10/15/2019 Mileage Reimbursement - Equity Training; MN, 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Total: Vendor: 3751 CHRISTINE SCHYMA 9/30/2019 609-49750-433300 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/5/19 6 Check Total: Vendor: 3860 PATRICIA A. SCOTT 9/30/2019 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/26/19 Check Total: Vendor: 5211 RANDI ANN SMELSER Oct 1st Semi Monthly Contract Payment Check Total: Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS. 1873535 resale - liquor 1873535 freight 1873536 freight 1873536 resale - wine 5048161 resale - wine 5048161 freight Check Total: Vendor: 5357 KEN SPAETH 10/9/2019 201907 - Spaeth PUD Escrow Refund Check Total: Vendor: 4944 SPO, LLC 10/3/2019 201916 - River Mill Lot Combo Escrow Refund Check Total: Vendor: 5348 ST. BONI MOTORSPORTS 2019 MULE WWTP - 2019 Kawasaki Mule- cc ok 5/28/19 Check Total: AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number Check Sequence: 93 148.48 10/15/2019 101-41910-433100 148.48 164.00 164.00 62.00 62.00 1,575.00 1,575.00 1,418.41 16.12 14.00 512.00 1,400.00 19.60 3,380.13 2,462.09 2,462.09 1,532.90 1,532.90 17,542.98 17,542.98 Check Sequence: 94 10/15/2019 226-45127-431992 Check Sequence: 95 10/15/2019 226-45127-431992 Check Sequence: 96 10/15/2019 101-42700-431200 Check Sequence: 98 10/15/2019 101-00000-220110 Check Sequence: 99 10/15/2019 101-00000-220110 Check Sequence: 100 10/15/2019 602-00000-165010 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False Page 14 Check Sequence: 97 10/15/2019 609-49750-425100 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 10/15/2019 609-49750-425300 10/15/2019 609-49750-425300 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Sequence: 98 10/15/2019 101-00000-220110 Check Sequence: 99 10/15/2019 101-00000-220110 Check Sequence: 100 10/15/2019 602-00000-165010 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False Page 14 Invoice No Description Vendor: 4513 AARON STAEHNKE 9/30/2019 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/26/19 Check Total: Vendor: 1516 TASC IN1589890 11/1/19 - 11/30/19 - Admin Fees 10/15/2019 226-45127-431992 Check Total: Vendor: 5035 THE BLUFFS LLC 9/30/2019 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/26/19 Check Total: Vendor: 4723 TRAFFIC CONTROL CORP. 115786 ACH (60) assorted LED traffic lights False 70.69 Check Total: Vendor: 3910 TRAILBLAZER JOINT POWERS BOARD 2019-08-5A1 Daycare Provider Transportation to Friendship I: 70.69 Check Total: Vendor: 4656 TRUE FABRICATIONS, INC. 546186 resale - mix; barware; gift bags; etc Check Sequence: 103 Check Total: Vendor: 1543 US BANK TRUST SERVICES 5496500 10/15/2019 G.O. Bonds 2019A - Acceptance Fee 5496500 G.O. Bonds 2019A - Paying Agent Fee 10/1/19 - 80.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1544 US POSTAL SERVICE 10/8/2019 PI 42 - UB Oct Billing (3,699 pcs) (1/2) 10/8/2019 Check Sequence: 104 PI 42 - UB Oct Billing (3,699 pcs) (1/2) 9/19/2019 False PI 42 - UB Past Due Billing (405 pcs) (1/2) 9/19/2019 10/15/2019 PI 42 - UB Past Due Billing (405 pcs) (1/2) Check Total: Vendor: 1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV L. Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Sequence: 101 ACH Enabled: True 55.00 10/15/2019 226-45127-431992 55.00 Check Sequence: 102 ACH Enabled: False 70.69 10/15/2019 101-41800-413500 70.69 Check Sequence: 103 ACH Enabled: True 80.00 10/15/2019 226-45127-431992 80.00 Check Sequence: 104 ACH Enabled: False 1,903.00 10/15/2019 101-43160-421530 1,903.00 Check Sequence: 105 ACH Enabled: False 60.00 10/15/2019 226-45127-431991 60.00 Check Sequence: 106 ACH Enabled: False 293.34 10/15/2019 609-49750-425400 293.34 Check Sequence: 107 ACH Enabled: False 350.00 10/15/2019 400-43300-462030 500.00 10/15/2019 400-43300-462030 850.00 Check Sequence: 108 ACH Enabled: False 848.92 10/15/2019 601-49440-432200 848.92 10/15/2019 602-49490-432200 101.25 10/15/2019 601-49440-432200 101.25 10/15/2019 602-49490-432200 1,900.34 Check Sequence: 109 ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Page 15 Invoice No Description 90211546 Payment Date April - June 2019 Cargill Lab Testing 90212426 Oct 2019 WWTP Operations & Maintenance 10/15/2019 602-49480-430800 Check Total: Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO 2416373 602-49480-430800 resale - soda pop Check Total: Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA 241991 resale - liquor 241991 Check Sequence: 110 resale - wine 241991 True freight 10/15/2019 609-49750-425400 Check Total: Vendor: 4649 WAUSAU TILE INC. 583428 ZPARKS-COLUMB- bench w/ cast lettering Check Total: Vendor: 4766 SUSAN WESTLEY Aug & Sept 2019 DBA Sue Seeger- Aug. & Sept. 2019 MontiArts 194.50 10/15/2019 Check Total: Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC 7254337 10/15/2019 resale - wine 7254337 freight 7254668 10/15/2019 freight 7254668 resale - wine 380.50 Check Total: Vendor: 1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH October Oct 2019 - Deputies Contract ACH Enabled: Check Total: Vendor: 1581 WRIGHT CO RECORDER 201900000095 19D001 - Featherstone 4th Addition Agreement 3 Check Total: AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 4,586.32 10/15/2019 602-49480-430800 60,125.00 10/15/2019 602-49480-430800 64,711.32 Check Sequence: 110 ACH Enabled: True 491.35 10/15/2019 609-49750-425400 491.35 Check Sequence: 111 ACH Enabled: True 194.50 10/15/2019 609-49750-425100 176.00 10/15/2019 609-49750-425300 10.00 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 380.50 Check Sequence: 112 ACH Enabled: False 778.71 10/15/2019 651-49010-453010 778.71 Check Sequence: 113 ACH Enabled: False 4,166.66 10/15/2019 101-45204-431990 4,166.66 Check Sequence: 114 ACH Enabled: False 105.00 10/15/2019 609-49750-425300 1.49 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 5.96 10/15/2019 609-49750-433300 456.00 10/15/2019 609-49750-425300 568.45 Check Sequence: 115 ACH Enabled: True 117, 834.17 10/15/2019 101-42100-430500 117,834.17 Check Sequence: 116 ACH Enabled: False 46.00 10/15/2019 101-00000-220110 46.00 Page 16 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1584 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 117 ACH Enabled: True 002596-400 31 16CO06 - Fallon Ave Improvements - Aug 2019 3,125.00 10/15/2019 400-43300-459018 002596-420 7 19DO03 - Spaeth Plan Review - Aug 2019 373.00 10/15/2019 101-00000-220110 R010438-000 26 17CO01 - Chelsea Road Utility & Street Improve 1,615.50 10/15/2019 400-43300-459019 R010663-000 15 18DO03 - Carlisle Village 6th Addition - Aug 20 1,799.00 10/15/2019 101-00000-220110 R011473-000 19 18CO01 - 2018 Pedestrian Improvements - Aug. 1,349.00 10/15/2019 400-43300-459013 R011744-000 17 16CO01 Phase 1 BCOL - Aug 2019 26,883.27 10/15/2019 229-45202-453011 R011923-000 10 201815 - Haven Ridge Plan Review - Aug 2019 1,245.00 10/15/2019 101-00000-220110 R012098-000 11 18CO02 - 2018 Street Lighting Improvements -1 364.00 10/15/2019 245-43162-453010 R012792-000 10 19DO04 - Headwaters Senior Living Plan Reive-, 1,446.00 10/15/2019 101-00000-220110 R013121-000 10 19D001 - Featherstone 4th Addition - Aug 2019 517.00 10/15/2019 101-00000-220110 R013322-000 8 2019 Economic Development Services - Aug 20 750.00 10/15/2019 213-46301-431990 R013358-000 8 2019 General Engineering Services - Aug 2019 ( 108.00 10/15/2019 101-43111-430300 R013358-000 8 2019 General Engineering Services - Aug 2019 ( 108.00 10/15/2019 601-49440-430300 R013358-000 8 2019 General Engineering Services - Aug 2019 ( 108.00 10/15/2019 602-49490-430300 R013395-000 7 2019 State Aid Network - Aug 2019 83.00 10/15/2019 101-43111-430300 R014044-000 4 WRMP Update 2019 - Aug 2019 7,093.75 10/15/2019 101-43111-430300 R014163-000 4 19CO02 - Community Center Plaza Concept - Ai 328.00 10/15/2019 226-45126-431990 R014568-000 2 19CO04 PRELIM - Fallon Ave North Extension - 2,298.00 10/15/2019 400-43300-430300 R014709-000 1 200001 - 2020 Street Improvement Project - Au; 3,093.50 10/15/2019 400-43300-430300 Check Total: 52,687.02 Total for Check Run: 1,230,501.94 Total of Number of Checks: 117 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 10/14/19 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/09/2019 - 2:42 PM) Page 17 City Council Agenda 10/14/2019 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and devartures for Citv deuartments (TE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the departments listed. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all listed employees including part-time and seasonal workers. By ratifying departures, the council also approves the expenditure for final amounts due to terminated and otherwise departing employees. Al. Budget Impact: (positions are generally included in budget) A2. Staff Work Load Impact: If new positions, there may be some training involved. If terminated positions, existing staff would pick up those hours, as needed, until replaced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. 2. Motion to deny the recommended hires and departures. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. City staff recommends Alternative #1, for the Council to approve the hires and/or departures as listed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • List of new/terminated employees NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Jaime Barnett Lifeguard MCC 9/18/19 PT Samantha Johnson Slide Attendant MCC 9/18/19 PT Steven Nelson Fitness Instructor MCC 9/23/19 PT Melanie Barthelmes Fitness Instructor MCC 10/2/19 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Nicole Branson Voluntary MCC 6/4/19 PT Brianna Melchert Voluntary MCC 8/14/19 PT Josephine Johnston Voluntary MCC 8/30/19 PT Elizabeth Jensen Voluntary Hi -Way 9/6/19 PT Jaime Barnett Involuntary MCC 9/18/19 PT Byron Stroberger Voluntary DMV/Hi-Way 9/25/19 Seasonal RaeLynn Cook Voluntary Finance 10/15/19 PT Chris Rucker Voluntary Streets 10/31/19 Seasonal New Hire and Terms City Council 2019: 10/8/2019 City Council Agenda: 10/14/2019 2C. Consideration of avvrovinLy the sale/disposal of surplus citv property from the Fire Department and Public Works Department (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to declare certain items as surplus property and authorize the sale or disposal of those items. The Fire Department is disposing of a soda machine. The machine does not work. The Public Works Department has been taking inventory on surplus city equipment that is no longer is use. There are a number of items that range in value from $1 - $6,000. The list of items is attached. Staff is requesting the authorizing to list the equipment for sale at public auction on Post -a -Bid. Al. Budget Impact: Varies by the value of the property. A2. Staff Work Load Impact: Minimal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the disposal of Fire Department item and to authorize Public Works to sell their surplus equipment as indicated at public auction. 2. Motion to deny the sale or disposal of surplus property as recommended. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends Option 1 to approve the sale or disposal of surplus property as identified. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Surplus List — Fire Department B. Photos C. Surplus List — Public Works 1 Equipment/Supplies Surplus List Department: Fire 1. $100,000 + A. B. 2. $50,000 - $100,000 A. B. 3. $25,000.00 - $50,000.00 A. B. 4. $10,000 - $25,000 A. B. C. 5. $2,500 - $10,000 A. B. C. 6. $1,000 - $2,500 A. B. C. 7. $100 - $1,000 A. B. C. 8. $0-$100 A. Pop Machine B. C. Date: 10/14/2019 r W., 4 4 � b. I �i� EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES SURPLUS - PUBLIC WORKS (PARKS AND STREETS) $2,500 - $10,000 A. 2000 Dodge Ram 3500 Truck # 204 $1,000 - $2,500 A. 6 %' x 20' black trailer B. Vermeer Tree Spade — equipment # 219 C. Aerator HC 4000 D. 360 feet of copper irrigation pipe —12 sections 30 feet each section E. 5' Mott mower F. Trane AC unit G. Heil AC unit H. 8' Erskine snow shoot $100 - $1,000 A. 4' x 8' red trailer B. 3'8" x 9' white trailer C. Toro cozy cab D. Hot water heater E. Split rail fence F. 6' MT snow shoot G. Plastic fence H. Tree cages I. Meyers sprayer J. Southbend gas stove/oven $0-$100 A. 20 — 8' green picnic tables B. 4 — sprinklers C. Misc VacAll pipe D. Street signs E. Misc street lights F. Old banners G. Pumps from WWTP City Council Agenda: 10/14/2019 2D. Consideration to approve Resolution 2019-72 accenting a donation of $4,005 for the Fire Department from the Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association and Coors Banquet (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is being asked to approve a donation of $4,005 from the Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association and Coors Banquet for the Fire Department. The funds will be used for general operation. As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. Al. Budget Impact: The donation/sponsorship will pay for cost of the breakfast. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff will do the work to put on both of these events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the resolution accepting the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified. 2. Motion to not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donors. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation is to adopt the resolution accepting the contributions. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2019-72 1 CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2019-72 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association and Coors Banquet DESCRIPTION VALUE Cash $4,005 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY PURPOSE/AMOUNT Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Fire Department General Operations/$4,005 and Coors Banquet Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 14th day of October, 2019. Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 10/14/2019 2E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-73 accenting a grant from Central Minnesota Arts Board of $5,781 for a mural at the Monticello Communitv Center (TP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider a grant contribution from the Central Minnesota Ars Board to help fund an indoor mural at the Monticello Community Center. . Al. Budget Impact: CMAB grant funds will offset the cost of the mural. A2. Staff Workload Impact: The Arts Consultant will work with the artist of the mural. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2019-73 accepting a grant from Central Minnesota Arts Board for the sum of $5,781 for a mural. 2. Motion to deny Grant. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2019-73 1 CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2019-73 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT FROM CENTRAL MINNESOTA ARTS BOARD IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,781 WHEREAS, The City of Monticello applied for a grant from the Central Minnesota Arts Board for a mural at the Monticello Community Center; and WHEREAS, The City of Monticello was notified by the Central Minnesota Arts Board that the City received a grant award for the above project in the amount of $5,781. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREB Y RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO: That the City Council authorizes accepting a grant of $5,781 from Central Minnesota Arts Board. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 14th day of October, 2019. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 10/14/2019 2F. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-74 establishing precinct boundary lines and Resolution 2019-75 establishing polling locations for the Citv of Monticello 2020 elections (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On May 28, 2019, City Council authorized staff to move forward with establishing a second election precinct. We are confident that the one polling location cannot adequately accommodate the number of registered voters in the city. Because voter turnout is high for a presidential election, staff considered the importance of moving forward with splitting into two precincts for the 2020 election. Per Minnesota Statute 204B.16 the new precinct and polling locations must be established by December 4, 2019, however, Wright County is requesting polling location information by October 31 so they can begin the process of updating the Statewide Voter Registration System (SVRS). Monticello currently has 7,296 registered voters and a total population estimate of 13,782. Staff reviewed two scenarios for two precincts - splitting the city by Highway 25 or splitting by I-94. It was determined that the more equal split, by registered voter count, would be I-94. Staff recommends that the area north of I-94 will be considered Precinct 1 (P-1) with 3,476 registered voters and the area south of I-94 will be considered Precinct 2 (P-2) with 3,820 registered voters. The polling place for P-1 would remain the Monticello Community Center gymnasium and the polling place for P-1 would be located at Resurrection Lutheran Church. Staff has met with the church and they have graciously offered use of the church at no cost. The location is ADA accessible and suitable as a polling location with adequate parking. In 2018 Wright County passed a resolution and agreement creating a program for uniform and efficient election administration through purchase of new election equipment and precinct size standards. The resolution required any new precincts be under 2,000 registered voters in order to receive new DS200 voting equipment. Monticello was grandfathered in to receive the new equipment even though the two precincts will be larger than 2,000 voters. If any additional precincts are created they will need to meet the 2,000 voter standard. Al. Budget Impact: There will be cost to notify the public of the new precinct. The cost is approximately $0.30 per registered voter. There may need to be additional judges for the 2020 General Election in November. A2. Staff Workload Impact: There is an increase in election planning with two precincts. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2019-74 establishing City of Monticello precinct boundary lines and 2019-75 establishing the city's official polling locations. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. City Council Agenda: 10/14/2019 D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolutions B. Wright County Resolution C. Map RESOLUTION NO. 2019-74 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING NEW PRECINCT BOUNDARY LINES WHEREAS, the City OF Monticello currently has one voting precinct; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 204B.14 allows for the changing of precinct boundaries; and, WHEREAS, The City Council of Monticello and the County of Wright have determined the need to establish smaller precincts; and WHEREAS, precinct boundary line changes must be made by December 4, 2019. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Monticello hereby establishes the boundaries of the voting precincts and polling place as: PRECINCT NAME Monticello P-1 BOUNDARY DESRIPTION That portion of the City of Monticello located north of Interstate 94 Monticello P-2 That portion of the City of Monticello located south of Interstate 94 POLLING LOCATION Monticello Community Center Gymnasium 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Resurrection Lutheran Church 9300 Jason Ave. NE Monticello, MN 55362 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota held this 14th day of October, 2019. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 2019-75 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING PRECINCT AND POLLING PLACE FOR 2019 WHEREAS, Minnesota Statue Section 204B, Subdivision 1 requires the governing body of each municipality to designate a polling place for each election precinct; and WHEREAS, this designation must be made by December 4, 2019, and said designation is effective for the following calendar year, unless a change is made pursuant to Minnesota Statute 204B.175 or because the polling place becomes unavailable; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Monticello hereby establishes the boundaries of the voting precinct and polling place as: MONTICELLO P-1 POLLING PLACE LOCATION — Monticello Community Center Gymnasium, 505 Walnut St., Monticello, MN MONTICELLO P-2 POLLING PLACE LOCATION — Resurrection Lutheran Church, 9300 Jason Avenue NE, Monticello, MN PRECINCT 0125 MONTICELLO ABSENTEE — City Hall, 505 Walnut St., Monticello, MN Adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota held this 14th day of October, 2019. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk i a WRIGHT COUNTY/MONTICELLO CITY ELECTION EQUIPMENT LEASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made by and between the COUNTY OF WRIGHT and the MONTICELLO CITY both political subdivisions of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "County" and the "Municipality" respectively. For purposes of this Agreement, the address of the County is 10 2nd Street N.W., Suite 230, Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 and the address of the Municipality is 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Wright County Board of Commissioners in Resolution Number 18-23 authorized the purchase of election equipment (hereinafter "Election Equipment") for a countywide digital scan voting system, election hardware and services; and WHEREAS, the Wright County Board of Commissioners in Resolution Number 18-23 authorized the purchase of Assisted Voting Technology equipment (hereinafter "AVT Equipment") for a countywide optical scan voting system, election hardware and services; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.85 may transfer property to the Municipality for its use; and WHEREAS, the County desires to lease Election Equipment to Monticello City for use in all elections. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings and agreements hereinafter set forth, the County and the Municipality agree as follows: Section 1 SCOPE OF AGREEMENT 1.1 Starting with the 2020 State Primary Election, the County hereby leases to the Municipality at the cost identified below and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and the Municipality hereby agrees to lease from the County Election Equipment identified as: 5 DS200 Digital Scan Precinct Count Unit(s), and 5 DS200 Plastic Ballot Box(es) for polling places contained within the Municipality. 1.2 During the term of this Agreement and subject to the terms herein, County hereby provides to Municipality and grants Municipality a limited, revocable, non- exclusive, royalty -free license to use 7 KNOWiNK Poll Pad Hardware and Software units, a sufficient number of Verizon Hotspot(s) Solutions and wireless access point(s) (the "KNOWiNK Poll Pad") exclusively for official election use. MONTICELLO CITY Page 1 of 8 Unless County otherwise agrees in writing, said license is restricted to access and use of the Election Equipment by Municipality's employees, contracted personnel and duly authorized election officials performing election duties and responsibilities on behalf of Municipality. 1.3 The County hereby leases to the Municipality at the cost identified below and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and the Municipality hereby agrees to lease from the County Election Equipment identified as: 7 KNOWiNK Poll Pad Systems (including a iPad WiFi 32 gb, Charger, Printer, Transport Case, Stand, Stylus, and Wireless Hotspot solution) for polling places contained within the Municipality. 1.4 Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the parties may agree by written addendum executed by all the parties to increase or decrease the County Election Equipment included within the scope of this agreement. Wright County hereby delegates authority to execute such an addendum to the County Auditor/Treasurer. The Municipality hereby delegates authority to execute such an addendum to its City Administrator/Clerk. Section 2 2.1 The Municipality acknowledges that the County owns the Election Equipment and that the Municipality is authorized to use said Election Equipment for official election related purposes. Use of the Election Equipment for any other purpose is strictly prohibited absent express written consent of the County Auditor/Treasurer. 2.2 The Municipality acknowledges and agrees that the Election Equipment may contain proprietary and trade secret information that is owned by Election Systems and Software (ES&S) or KNOWiNK, LLC and is protected under federal copyright law or other laws, rules, regulations and decisions. The Municipality shall protect and maintain the proprietary and trade secret status of the Election and AVT Equipment. Section 3 HANDLING OF EQUIPMENT AND INDEMNIFICATION 3.1 The Municipality shall be responsible for the Election Equipment while it is in the Municipality's custody. The Municipality, either through insurance or a self- insurance program, shall be responsible for all costs, fees, damages and expenses including but not limited to personal injury, storage, damage, repair and/or replacement of the Election Equipment while it's in the Municipality's custody and this contract is in effect, consistent with the Municipality's defense and indemnity obligations contained in Section 7.6 herein. MONTICELLO CITY Page 2 of 8 3.2 The Municipality shall be responsible for the transporting of the Election Equipment from and to the County. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Municipality shall forthwith deliver the Election Equipment to the County or its designee, complete and in good order and working condition. The Municipality shall be responsible for all costs, including but not limited to shipping, related to the repair or replacement of lost, stolen, destroyed or damaged Election Equipment. 3.3 Municipality shall secure, safeguard and control the Election Equipment, including but not limited to system authentication and passwords, in the same manner that Municipality secures, safeguards and controls its own critical or confidential equipment, systems, software, data, passwords or other information. While the Election Equipment is in Municipality's possession, custody and/or control, Municipality shall exercise best efforts to (i) use and handle the Election Equipment in a manner that avoids damage or harm to the Election Equipment; (ii) use and handle the Election Equipment in accordance with County direction and any third -party specification; and (iii) safeguard and secure the Election Equipment from theft, loss or other damage. Section 4 TERM, TERMINATION 4.1 The Municipality and the County agree that this Agreement is in effect commencing upon signature by the County. The Municipality and County agree that this Agreement will terminate when the Municipality and County mutually agree that the equipment will no longer be used for the Municipality's elections, unless terminated sooner by either party with cause upon seven (7) calendar days' written notice to the other. Section 5 MAINTENANCE 5.1 Maintenance Agreement (DS200 and AutoMark) The County has entered into a Maintenance Agreement with Election Systems & Software for the maintenance of the DS200 and AutoMark. Starting in 2019, the Municipality agrees that it will reimburse the County two hundred dollars ($200.00) for maintenance and license fees associated with the each DS200 and each AutoMark leased to, or owned by the Municipality. The Municipality agrees to reimburse the County within 60 days of invoice. The Municipality and the County agree to renegotiate this reimbursement fee in the event the maintenance and license fees increase by more than 25%. MONTICELLO CITY Page 3 of 8 5.2 The Municipality agrees not to make any repairs, changes, modifications or alterations to the Election Equipment that are not authorized by Wright County and said vendors. 5.3 After reasonable notice, the County shall have the right to enter into and upon the premises where the Election Equipment is located for the purposes of inspecting the same or observing its use, except that on an election day the County is not required to provide any reasonable notice. On an annual basis, during the term of this Agreement, the Municipality shall comply with the County's request for verification of Election Equipment inventory. 5.4 The Municipality agrees to provide notice to Election Systems & Software of any defects or malfunctions with the DS200 Election Equipment within twenty-four (24) hours. The Municipality also agrees to provide notice to KNOWINK, LLC of any defects or malfunctions with the KNOWiNK Poll Pad within twenty-four (24) hours. The Municipality also agrees to provide the County with notice of such malfunctions or defects and Election Systems & Software's/KNOWiNK's response within a reasonable time. The county agrees to track via a log all such equipment malfunctions. Section 6 PROGRAMMING AND ACCUMULATION 6.1 Programming. The County will be responsible for programming the DS200 Digital Scan Election Equipment and the KNOWiNK Poll Pads at no charge to jurisdictions for all races in all elections. 6.2 Voter Registration Updates. The County has invested a significant amount of resources in equipment that allows the KNOWINK Poll Pads to electronically transmit and receive live voter registration updates via wireless technology from each polling place to a central location and for those updates to be linked to the Statewide Voter Registration System. There is also a significant operational cost associated with this transmission and update process. The Municipality agrees to assist the County and the County's vendor in setting up and maintaining this transmission and update system. The parties agree Wright County is assuming all costs for this service and the licensing and maintenance of the KNOWiNK poll pads. Section 7 OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS 7.1 No Waiver. No delay or omission by either party hereto to exercise any right or power occurring upon any noncompliance or default by the other party with respect to any of the terms of this Agreement shall impair any such right or power or be construed to be a waiver thereof unless the same is consented to in writing. A waiver by either of the parties hereto of any of the covenants, conditions, or MONTICELLO CITY Page 4 of 8 agreements to be observed by the other shall not be construed to be a waiver of any succeeding breach thereof or of any covenant, condition, or agreement herein contained. All remedies provided for in this Agreement shall be cumulative and in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other remedies available to either party at law, in equity, or otherwise. 7.2 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. 7.3 Entire Agreement. It is understood and agreed that the entire Agreement between the parties is contained herein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. All items referred to in this Agreement are incorporated or attached and are deemed to be part of this Agreement. Any alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing as an amendment to this Agreement signed by the parties hereto. 7.4 No Assignment. Neither party shall assign, sublet or transfer this Agreement, either in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the other party, and any attempt to do so shall be void and of no force and effect. 7.5 DISCLAIMER, LIABILITY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY COUNTY, BY AND THROUGH ITS DULY AUTHORIZED VENDOR, IS PROVIDING THE ELECTION EQUIPMENT ON AN AS -IS BASIS WITH NO SUPPORT WHATSOEVER. OTHER THAN AS STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT, THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR USE, NO WARRANTY OF NON - INFRINGEMENT, NO WARRANTY REGARDING THE USE OF THE INFORMATION OR THE RESULTS THEREOF AND NO OTHER WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. THE MUNICIPALITY ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT COUNTY DOES NOT OWN OR CONTROL THE DATA SOURCE/SYSTEM NECESSARY FOR OPERATION OF THE ELECTION EQUIPMENT. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, COUNTY DOES NOT WARRANT THE PERFORMANCE OF THE ELECTION EQUIPMENT OR RELATED COMMUNICATIONS OR CONNECTIONS TO ANY DATA SOURCE/SYSTEM, THAT THE DATA SOURCE/SYSTEM WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE, THAT THE DATA IS ACCURATE, COMPLETE AND CURRENT OR THAT DATA DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED, OR THAT THE DATA SOURCE/SYSTEM IS FREE OF HARMFUL CODE. IN NO EVENT SHALL COUNTY BE LIABLE FOR ACTUAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS OF BUSINESS OR ANY OTHER FINANCIAL LOSS OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES EVEN IF COUNTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE MONTICELLO CITY Page 5 of 8 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. COUNTY'S SOLE LIABILITY AND THE MUNICIPALITY'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR ANY DAMAGES RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LIABILITY FOR ELECTION EQUIPMENT NONPERFORMANCE, ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, SHALL BE LIMITED TO RESTORING OR CORRECTING THE ELECTION EQUIPMENT TO THE EXTENT AND DEGREE COUNTY IS CAPABLE OF PERFORMING THE SAME AND AS IS REASONABLY POSSIBLE UNDER THE PERTINENT CIRCUMSTANCES. 7.6 The County and the Municipality agree each will be responsible for their own acts and omissions under this Agreement and the results thereof and shall to the extent authorized by law defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other party for such acts. Each party shall not be responsible for the acts, errors or omissions of the other party under the Agreement and the results thereof. The parties' respective liabilities shall be governed by the provisions of the Municipal Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466, and other applicable law. This paragraph shall not be construed to bar legal remedies one party may have for the other party's failure to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement constitutes a waiver by the Municipality or County of any statutory or common law defenses, immunities, or limits on liability. The statutory limits of liability for the parties may not be added together or stacked to increase the maximum amount of liability for either or both parties. 7.7 Notice. Any notice or demand shall be in writing and shall be sent registered or certified mail to the other party addressed as follows: To the Municipality: Monticello City 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 To the County: Robert Hiivala Wright County Auditor/Treasurer 10 2nd Street N.W., Suite 230 Buffalo, MN 55313 7.8 Audit Provision. Both parties agree that either party, the State Auditor, the Minnesota Secretary of State, or any of their duly authorized representatives at any time during normal business hours, and as often as they may reasonably deem necessary, shall have access to and the right to examine, audit, excerpt, and transcribe any books, documents, papers, records, etc., which are pertinent to the accounting practices and procedures of the other party and involve transactions relating to this Agreement. Such materials shall be maintained and such access and rights shall be in force and effect during the period of the contract and for six (6) years after its termination or cancellation. MONTICELLO CITY Page 6 of 8 7.9 Data Practices. The parties, their officers, agents, owners, partners, employees, volunteers and subcontractors shall abide by the provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes, chapter 13 (MGDPA) and all other applicable state and federal laws, rules, regulations and orders relating to data privacy or confidentiality, which may include the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). 7.9 Whereas Clauses. The matters set forth in the "Whereas" clauses on page one of this Agreement are incorporated into and made a part hereof by this reference. 7.10 Survival of Provisions. It is expressly understood and agreed that the obligations and warranties of the Municipality and County hereof shall survive the completion of performance and termination or cancellation of this Agreement. 7.11 Authority. The person or persons executing this Lease Agreement on behalf of the Municipality and County represent that they are duly authorized to execute this Lease Agreement on behalf of the Municipality and the County and represent and warrant that this Lease Agreement is a legal, valid and binding obligation and is enforceable in accordance with its terms. THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS BLANK. MONTICELLO CITY Page 7 of 8 APPROVAL COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE F MINK By: County Coordinator Date: �' 2,,j7 - K CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR warrants that the person who executed this Agreement is authorized to do so on behalf of CONTRACTOR as required by applicable articles, bylaws, resolutions or ordinances*. MONTICELLO CITY By: Printed Name: f�r1 a_n ivup Printed Title: /'lav or Date:''' MONTICELLO CITY Page 8 of 8 Council Agenda: 10/14/2019 2G. Consideration of ai)i)rovin2 an apUlication for a one-dav temUorary on -sale liquor license the Monticello Knight's of Columbus, Church of St. Henry for an event to be held on January 25, 2020 at the Monticello Communitv Center (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Knights of Columbus, Church of St. Henry is requesting approval of an application for a one -day temporary on -sale liquor license for a dinner/dance to be at the Monticello Community Center on January 25, 2020. The City must approve the application prior to submitting the application to State Alcohol and Gambling Division for approval. Al. Budget Impact: NA A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal staff time to process application for City and State licensing approval B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the application for a one -day temporary on -sale liquor license for the Monticello Knight's of Columbus, Church of St. Henry on January 25, 2020 pending receipt of liquor liability insurance. 2. Motion to deny the application. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 for approval of the application. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Application for 1 -day temporary on -sale liquor license Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 222, St. Paul, MN 55101 651-201-7500 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555 Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 DAY TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE Name of organization Date organized Tax exempt number Monticello, Knight's of Columbus, Church of Saint Henry July 1, 7976 18507537 Address City State Zip Code 1001 East 7th Street I Monticello I Minnesota 1155362 Name of person making application Business phone Home phone Ross Holmes, Financial Secretary, Council #6825 (shsolmes@aol.com) 1763-234-7834 I Same Date(s) of event Type of organization Panuary 25th, 2020 [] Club N Charitable N Religious ❑ Other non-profit Organization officer's name City State Zip Code Donny Lill, Grand Knight, Council #16825, PO Box 536 I (Monticello (Minnesota I 155362 Organization officers name City State Zip Code I I I I (Minnesota Organization officer's name City State Zip Code II I Minnesota I I Organization officer's name City State Zip Code I I I I I Minnesota I Location where permit will be used. If an outdoor area, describe. Monticello Community Center, Monticello, MN 55362 If the applicant will contract for intoxicating liquor service give the name and address of the liquor license providing the service. NA If the applicant will carry liquor liability insurance please provide the carrier's name and amount of coverage. State Farm, Policy #93 -BU -P337-1 Liability of $1,000,000.00 Monticello $10 APPROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT City or County approving the license Fee Amount Date Fee Paid Date Approved Permit Date jennifer.schreiber@ci.monticello.mn.us City or County E-mail Address 763-271-3204 City or County Phone Number Signature City Clerk or County Official Approved Director Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement CLERKS NOTICE: Submit this form to Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 30 days prior to event. ONE SUBMISSION PER EMAIL, APPLICATION ONLY. PLEASE PROVIDE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR THE CITY/COUNTY AS ALL TEMPORARY PERMIT APPROVALS WILL BE SENT BACK VIA EMAIL. E-MAIL THE APPLICATION SIGNED BY CITY/COUNTY TO AGE.TEMPORARYAPPLICATION.,STATE.MN.US City Council Agenda 10/14/2019 2H. Consideration to approve a request for amendment to Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 5. Section 1 Use Standards and related sections as related to tattoo parlor and personal service uses. Applicant: Zachery Barthel. (NAC) Property: PID: 155500114201 Address: 500-560 Cedar Street Planning Case Number: 2019-030 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance creating an allowance for Tattoo (Body Art) establishments as an allowed use in the Business and CCD Districts Deadline for Decision: 11/03/2019 Land Use Designation: General Application - Downtown Zoning Designation: The purpose of the "CCD", Central Community District, is to provide for a wide variety of land uses, transportation options, and public activities in the downtown Monticello area, and particularly to implement the goals, objectives, and specific directives of the Comprehensive Plan, and in particular, the 2017 Downtown Monticello "Small Area Plan" Comprehensive Plan Amendment and its design and performance standards. Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Use: Retail Shopping Center Surrounding Land Uses: Amendment applies to City of Monticello North: Multi Family Residential East: Multi Family Residential South: Multi Family Residential West: Retail Commercial/Office Project Description: The applicant proposes to amend the zoning ordinance to incorporate tattoo establishments into the zoning ordinance as an allowed use in the downtown area. The zoning ordinance includes a definition for Tattoo, but limits it as a use to the B-4, Regional Business zoning City Council Agenda 10/14/2019 district. The proposal is to expand Tattoo (or "Body Art" as it is generally referenced by the Minnesota Department of Health) is included as one of the specified uses under the category of "Personal Services". ANALYSIS For many years, Tattoo was an unregulated service that occasionally raised concerns over health and welfare conditions in the facility or the area in which the facility was located. As such, most cities severely limited the location of tattoo establishments to avoid potential issues. As of 2013, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) established a licensing program and standards, pursuant to legislation passed by the Minnesota legislature in 2010. While Monticello's zoning ordinance defines tattoo and tattooing, it restricts tattooing under the Personal Services land use category to the B-4, Regional Business zoning district. With more comprehensive State regulation in place, it is reasonable to consider expanding the allowance for tattoo facilities (including `Body Art" which is the category used by MDH), to the general Personal Services use. PERSONAL SERVICES: Establishments that primarily engage in providing services generally involving the care of the person or person's possessions. Personal services may include but are not limited to: laundry and dry-cleaning services, barber shops, beauty salons, health and fitness studios, music schools, informational and instructional services, tanning salons, body art (including tattooing), and portrait studios. TATTOO, TATTOOING: Any method of placing designs, letters, scrolls, figures, symbols or any other mark upon, under or in the skin with ink or any other substance resulting in the coloration of the skin by the aid of needles or any other instruments which puncture any portion of the skin to any degree. BODY ART: Establishments that en2a2e in "Body art" or "body art procedures" including physical bodv adornment using, but not limited to, tattooing and body piercing. Bodv art does not include practices and procedures that are performed by a licensed medical or dental professional if the procedure is within the professional's scope of practice. (21) Personal Services (c) Tattoo pates facilities and providers shall be '-estriete' to the B diet required to comply with the requirements of the Minnesota Department of Health licensing requirements and regulations, and display evidence of such compliance in a conspicuous location within the establishment. 2 City Council Agenda 10/14/2019 The Zoning District use tables (in part) are included below to provide additional context as to the allowances and requirements of the Personal Services use category: Brew Pub < 10,000 sq. ft. Brew Pub > 10,000 sq. ft. Commercial Day Care Commercial Lodging Entertainment/Recreation, Indoor Commercial (including theaters) Entertainment/Recreation Outdoor Commercial Funeral Services Places of Public Assembly Production Brewery/Taproom Micro Distillery/Cocktail Room Professional Office -Services and Retail Commercial Office Financial Restaurants, Bars <10,000 sq. ft. Restaurants, Bars > 10,000 sq. ft. Retail Sales <I0,000 sq. ft_ Retail Sales X10,000 sq. ft. Retail with Service Specialty Eating Establishments < 10,000 sq. ft. Vehicle Fuel Sales Veterinary Facilities <10,000 sq ft P P P CUP P CUP P CUP P CUP CUP CUP* CUP* CUP* CUP CUP CUP P P P P P P CUP* P P PICUP* on ground floor P P CUP P CUP P P P P CUP P CUP LI P CUP CUP P P P P PICUP* on ground floor P P P P P P P P <I0,000 sq. ft. only Upper floors preferred Upper floors preferred P Drive thru by CUP CUP CUP P CUP P CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP No outdoor uses 3 CUP* - not allowed on ground floor P P P CUP P P P CUP CUP CUP P P P PICUP* on ground floor P P CUP P CUP P P P P CUP P CUP LI P CUP CUP P P P P PICUP* on ground floor P P P P P P P P <I0,000 sq. ft. only Upper floors preferred Upper floors preferred P Drive thru by CUP CUP CUP P CUP P CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP No outdoor uses 3 City Council Agenda 10/14/2019 Entertai n ment/Recreation, Indoor Commercial Entertainment/Recreation, Outdoor Commercial Financial Institution Funeral Services Kennels (commercial) Landscaping 1 Nursery Business Personal Services Production Brewery or Micro -Distillery without Taproom Production Brewery or Micro -Distillery with Taproom or Cocktail Room Recreational Vehicle Camp Site Repair Establishment Restaurants Retail Commercial Uses (other) Buildings Less than 10,000 SF Retail Commercial Uses (other) Buildings Over I0,000 SF 5.2(F) 12) 5.2(F) 13) 5.2(F)(14) 5.2UF [ 15) 5.2(E) (16) 5.2(F)(17) 5.2UF (21) 5.2(G)(I 0) 5.2(E)(23) 5.2(G)(1 1 ] 5.2UF (2h) 5.20(25) 5.20(26) 5.2(E)(27) 5.2(F)(27) With the addition of the State's licensing program, there would not seem to be any significant concerns related to health or general welfare issues — the common elements on which the City's zoning authority is based. The amendment would clarify the allowances for the use in the City's commercial areas. Planning Commission Review & Recommendation The Planning Commission reviewed the request and held a public hearing on this item at its October regular meeting. The Commission inquired as to the location of the applicant's proposed business. The applicant, Zachery Barthel addressed the Commission, stating that the proposed business will be located at the Hillside Mall complex and will focus on personal one- on-one service with the client. It was noted that Personal Services uses, to include this proposed use, is slightly different from Retail with Service Uses as some studios may not include a retail or sales component, but rather service only. It was also noted that the amendment would apply more broadly to the community as outlined in the staff report. No other public was present to address the Commission regarding the item. C! 00101SESSIN IN-MENNEN 0 SENSE C C, MEMO IN P C P M!-. P MEN 0111111116h, MMMEMIE�" SEEMS 111N Sol,". CIPIPIP IN MEMO IN 1OMMEMIM .4SESSION CIPIP P P Pi C P Pi 5.2(F) 12) 5.2(F) 13) 5.2(F)(14) 5.2UF [ 15) 5.2(E) (16) 5.2(F)(17) 5.2UF (21) 5.2(G)(I 0) 5.2(E)(23) 5.2(G)(1 1 ] 5.2UF (2h) 5.20(25) 5.20(26) 5.2(E)(27) 5.2(F)(27) With the addition of the State's licensing program, there would not seem to be any significant concerns related to health or general welfare issues — the common elements on which the City's zoning authority is based. The amendment would clarify the allowances for the use in the City's commercial areas. Planning Commission Review & Recommendation The Planning Commission reviewed the request and held a public hearing on this item at its October regular meeting. The Commission inquired as to the location of the applicant's proposed business. The applicant, Zachery Barthel addressed the Commission, stating that the proposed business will be located at the Hillside Mall complex and will focus on personal one- on-one service with the client. It was noted that Personal Services uses, to include this proposed use, is slightly different from Retail with Service Uses as some studios may not include a retail or sales component, but rather service only. It was also noted that the amendment would apply more broadly to the community as outlined in the staff report. No other public was present to address the Commission regarding the item. C! City Council Agenda 10/14/2019 Following the hearing, the Commission voted unanimously to recommend approved of the ordinance amendment. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends Alternative 1. Decision 1. Add Tattoo establishments as a use included in the Personal Services use category and include references to the State licensing requirements: Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 729, an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Amendment to specifically address Tattoo establishments as a use included in the Personal Services category and allowed where other such uses are allowed, based on the findings in Resolution No. PC 2019-028. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Ordinance No. 729, recommending denial of the Ordinance Amendment, based on findings to be identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the ordinance, subject to additional information from staff or applicant. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the proposed amendment clarifying the status of Tattoo establishments in the Personal Services use category. The use has a rigorous requirement for State licensing, and should pose no extraordinary issues for local land use regulation as a result of the licensing program. The applicant's property is located in the Pine Street subarea of the CCD where Personal Services are a Permitted Use and as such, tattoo services in this sub -district would be permitted upon adoption of the proposed amendment. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution No. PC 2019-028 B. Draft Zoning Ordinance 729 Amendment C. Applicant Narrative D. CCD Sub -District Map E. Zoning Ordinance, Excerpts F. Official Zoning Map 5 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2019-028 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO INCLUDE TATTOO SERVICES AND ESTABLSHMENTS AS AN INCLUDED PERSONAL SERVICE ALLOWED IN THE SAME COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS AND ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR THE USE WHEREAS, an applicant has submitted a request to amend the Zoning Ordinance to include Tattoo services as a common Personal Service; and WHEREAS, the effect of the amendment would be to include Tattoo services in any of those areas where Personal Services are otherwise allowed; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has established generally applicable licensing requirements for tattoo establishments and providers; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment would incorporate those State requirements into the City's zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, the use, under State licensing regulation, would raise no issues for the City with regard to public health or welfare beyond those common to other Personal Service uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 1St, 2019 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The Zoning Ordinance amendment provides an appropriate means of furthering both the intent and the specific goals and policies for land use in the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use raises no extraordinary issues for the City's regulation of Personal Services. 3. The ordinance incorporates applicable provisions of State law and regulation regarding Tattoo establishments, thus providing a protection for the public. 4. The proposed use is expected to have no negative impacts on municipal public services. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2019-028 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Zoning Ordinance amendment, based on the findings listed above. ADOPTED this 1St day of October, 2019, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: Sam urdock, Chair ATTEST: . I Plw It& 1 Angela Sc9aU Community Development Director 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 729 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE WITHIN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 1 AND RELATED SECTIONS, DEFINING AND REGULATING PERSONAL SERVICES AND TATTOO PARLORS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 5.2 (D) — Regulations for Commercial Uses is hereby amended to read as follows: (21) Personal Services (c) Tattoo facilities and providers shall be rest ietea to the B 4� required to comply with the requirements of the Minnesota Department of Health licensing, requirements and regulations, and display evidence of such compliance in a conspicuous location within the establishment. Section 2. Section 8.4 - Definitions is hereby amended to read as follows: PERSONAL SERVICES: Establishments that primarily engage in providing services generally involving the care of the person or person's possessions. Personal services may include but are not limited to: laundry and dry-cleaning services, barber shops, beauty salons, health and fitness studios, music schools, informational and instructional services, tanning salons, bodv art (including tattooing), and portrait studios. Section 3. Section 8.4 — Definitions is hereby amended to add the following: BODY ART: Establishments that engage in providing "Body art" or "body art procedures" including physical body adornment using, but not limited to, tattooing and body piercing. Body art does not include practices and procedures that are performed by a licensed medical or dental professional if the procedure is within the professional's scope of practice. Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. Approved by Monticello City Council this 14th day of October, 2019. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, Administrator AYES: NAYS: Brian Stumpf, Mayor 2 Hello city of Monticello, before I launched into Dark Horse Vapery and The Nordic Brewing Co., I used to own Empire Tattoo and have been Tattoo Artist for 12 years. I would like to open a private by appointment only licensed studio space within all of the extra -unused space I have at the Hillside Mall. This would be a private area licensed through the department of health and I would not be doing any advertising or having any signage. My hopes are to work with 1 or possibly 2 clients a week. As you all know I am very busy with my other company projects. To establish this use, the zoning ordinance would require amendment, as tattoo parlors are currently restricted to B-4 (Regional Business) Districts. The amendment would need to permit tattoo studios/parlors within the CCD (Walnut & Cedar sub -district), in which the space is located. As the city considers an amendment, it may also review the potential to allow the tattoo studio use in other commercial districts. Thank you for the consideration and all the help thus far! Sincerely: Zachery M. Barthel CHAPTER 3: ZONING DISTRICTS Section 3.S Business Base Zoning Districts Subsection (G) Central Community District � 4 �t r' m 4 r a r L R h A J 4 ,co 41 a r ti •c ri .•7��� � �� .�S}7, � yy�` .�.. '•� .�' dui �_ �� } ILT, ��+•� U .i m 5 a m c - Len'. �L L Page 130 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance CHAPTERS: USE STANDARDS Section 5.2 Use -Specific Standards Subsection (F) Regulations for Commercial Uses (b) Street -level floor planning designed to accommodate use by or conversion to future use as retail land uses. (19) Offices (Commercial) In the CCD, the following conditions shall apply: (a) Building architecture shall be designed to reflect retail street -level architecture as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and detailed in the Comprehensive Plan Amendment entitled "Downtown Monticello Small Area Plan." (b) Street -level floor planning designed to accommodate use by or conversion to future use as retail land uses. (c) Parking areas shall be situated so as to minimize their exposure to public areas, or shall be landscaped and screened to minimize large expanses of open pavement. (20) Offices (Professional) Including Financial Institutions In the CCD, the following conditions shall apply: (a) Building architecture shall be designed to reflect retail street -level architecture as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and detailed in the Comprehensive Plan Amendment entitled "Downtown Monticello Small Area Plan." (b) Street -level floor planning designed to accommodate use by or conversion to future use as retail land uses. (c) Parking areas shall be situated so as to minimize their exposure to public areas, or shall be landscaped and screened to minimize large expanses of open pavement. (d) Parking supply shall be calculated at the same rate as retail sales. (21) Personal Services (a) In the B-1 district, the following shall apply: (i) Outdoor lighting shall be restricted to be consistent with the hours of operation, within one half hour of open and close times. (ii) Hours of operation shall be limited to 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 381 CHAPTERS: USE STANDARDS Section S.2 Use -Specific Standards Subsection (F) Regulations for Commercial Uses (b) Establishments engaged in dry cleaning shall be held to the following requirements: (i) Dry cleaning processing shall be restricted to the B-4 district. (ii) Dry cleaning operations shall be self-contained in terms of noise and fumes with no venting to outside of building. (iii) Dry cleaning facilities shall have direct access to major thoroughfare via driveway or frontage road. (c) Tattoo parlors shall be restricted to the B-4 district. (22) Places of Public Assembly In the CCD, the following conditions shall apply: (a) Building architecture shall be designed to reflect retail street -level architecture as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and detailed in the Comprehensive Plan Amendment entitled "Downtown Monticello Small Area Plan." (b) Site planning shall minimize parking lot development adjacent to public areas in the district, including streets, pathways, and open spaces. (23) Production Breweries and Micro -Distilleries with Accessory Taproom or Cocktail Room Production Breweries and Micro -Distilleries with Accessory Taproom or Cocktail Room shall be allowed by conditional use permit in the CCD, B-3 and B-4 Districts, provided that: (a) The owner of the brewery qualifies for and receives a brewer license and a malt liquor wholesale license from the State of Minnesota, according to Minn. Statutes Section 340A.301. (b) The Brewery or Micro -Distillery includes an accessory brewer's taproom or cocktail room for the on -sale of products produced on-site, and such room shall require the applicable license from the City of Monticello, according to City Code Section 3-1-13. (c) On-site sale of beer in the form of growlers shall require a Brewery License for Off -Sale of Malt Liquor, according to City Code Section 3-1-13. Off -sale hours of sale must conform to hours of sale for retail off -sale licensees in the City of Monticello. Page 382 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance City Council Agenda: 10/14/2019 2I. Consideration of Adopting Resolution 2019-77 authorizing sale of a 20 -acre development parcel located at 8617 Edmonson and entering into a purchase agreement between the Citv of Monticello and LSW Investments, LLC (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is being asked to consider adopting Resolution 2019-77 wherein it authorizes the sale of a 20 -acre parcel located at 8617 Edmonson and entering into a purchase agreement between the City of Monticello and LSW Investments, LLC. The 20 - acre tract of land was acquired by the city in early 2008 as a site for a new public works facility. The farmstead home and several outbuildings were demolished in anticipation of expected development of the public works facility. With the onset of the great recession, funding of the project was delayed. More recently, a slight change in Public Works siting criteria has caused the city to revisit its location selection process. The Public Works Department is using the one remaining shed and outside storage at the site to store equipment, holiday decorations and park maintenance supplies. At this time, the Edmonson parcel is not among the preferred future public works sites. It is located south of the Featherstone residential subdivision and is currently outside of the corporate city limits. The buyer intends to petition the city for annexation of the parcel and begin concept layout of a 40 to 50 -unit townhome development in 2020. The proposed sale price or the property is $300,000. This is slightly less than the taxable market value of $321,100 as determined by the Wright County Assessor's office. The city paid $465,000 for the property. At the offered price and current tax value, the proposed transaction does not constitute a "Business Subsidy" under Minnesota Statutes 1161993. A purchase agreement outlining the sale terms is included in the packet for Council review. Key terms consist of: ✓ Sale price of $300,000 ✓ Earnest money deposit of $5,000 ✓ City to seal two known wells and provide evidence of such by May 30, 2020 ✓ City to pay for an ALTA survey of the property at a cost not to exceed $7,000 ✓ City to maintain young tree nursery and relocate from property by April 1, 2021 ✓ City (PW) to have continued use of the storage shed until April 1, 2021 ✓ City to pay property taxes in lieu of rent from closing until April 1, 2021 ✓ Closing to occur on or before February 1, 2020 It should be noted that the city is offering conveyance of the property through a Limited Warranty Deed versus the recommended Quit Claim Deed. The buyer originally asked for a Warranty Deed and has agreed to accept a Limited Warranty Deed. Both the City Attorney and EDA Attorney have found the Limited Warranty Deed to be an acceptable condition. Finally, it is further proposed that the land sale proceeds be transferred into the EDA General Fund prior to the UMC project land transaction expected to occur in April 2020. The proceeds are currently expected to be applied toward the purchase by the city of EDA -owned property in Otter Creek Business Park (potential site for a new Public Works facility). Al. Budget Impact: The sale of the lot will be a positive one-time impact on the 2020 budget. The sale will result in proceeds in the amount of $300,000. Closing costs are estimated to be approximately $700.00 to $900.00. At the present time, the parcel is tax exempt. If the sale is consummated, the parcel will be placed on the tax rolls in 2020. Estimates of the after full development tax value is in a range of $14,000,000 to $17,000,000. The developer intends to begin the concept and development approval process in the first half of 2020. The city will incur costs of $1,500 to $1,700 for preparation of the Purchase Agreement by the EDA attorney in consultation with the City Attorney. These expenses will be paid for from the EDA general fund. A2. Staff Workload Impact: City staff, including the City Economic Development Manager, the Community Development Director, Public Works Director, Finance Director, City Attorney and the EDA Attorney have spent a considerable amount of time working on the prospective sale in the past two months. The sale proposal at first was contemplated as a multi -parcel land exchange as part of the UMC expansion project (the buyer, LSW Investments, LLC is a related entity to the owner of the parcel where UMC is actively planning a 42,000 square foot expansion). The transaction has since evolved into a stand-alone deal as proposed. No additional staff will be required to complete the sale of the property B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2019-77 authorizing the sale of a 20 -acre development parcel located at 8617 Edmonson and entering into a Purchase Agreement between the City of Monticello and LSW Investments, LLC. 2. Motion to deny. 3. Motion to table. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff supports Alternative #1 above as the property is no longer the preferred site for a new public works building. The buyer is a respected developer who has completed projects in Monticello previously. The buyer's proposed future use -development of the parcel as residential townhomes is consistent with the general neighboring properties and as well as the Comprehensive Plan Land Use guidance as "Urban Reserve". Finally, the $300,000 sales price is also reflective of the $321,100 taxable value of the property. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2019-77 B. Purchase Agreement C. Aerial Photo D. County Parcel Information E. Aerial Photo Showing Young Tree Nursery CITY RESOLUTION NO. 2019-77 RESOLUTION APPROVING PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND LSW INVESTMENTS, LLC BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council ("Council") of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City") as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The City and LSW Investments, LLC (the "Buyer") desire to enter into a purchase agreement (the "Purchase Agreement") pursuant to which the City will convey certain property owned by the City (the "Property") to the Buyer for the eventual development of a residential housing subdivision. The Property is described in Exhibit A attached hereto. 1.02. Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, the City will convey the Property to the Buyer for a purchase price of $300,000 less related closing costs. 1.03. The Planning Commission of the City reviewed the proposed conveyance of the Property on August 6, 2019, and found that it conforms to the City's comprehensive plan. 1.04. The City finds that conveyance of the Property is desirable and in the best interest of the City, and will facilitate the development of additional housing options for City residents. Section 2. PP1 rchase Aereepents An rp oved. 2.01. The City hereby approves the Purchase Agreement in substantially the form presented to the City, subject to modifications that do not alter the substance of the transaction and that are approved by the Mayor and City Clerk, provided that execution of the Purchase Agreements by those officials shall be conclusive evidence of their approval. 2.02. City staff and officials are authorized to take all actions necessary to perform the City's obligations under the Purchase Agreement as a whole, including without limitation execution of any documents to which the City is a party referenced in or attached to the Purchase Agreement, and any deed or other documents necessary to convey the Property to the Buyer, all as described in the Purchase Agreement. Approved this 14th day of October, 2019, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: City Clerk 1 Mayor EXHIBIT A PROPERTY The South 933 feet of the East 933 feet of the Northwest Quarter, both measured at right angles, thereof, in Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. Located on land having a street address of: 8617 Edmonson Avenue NE, Monticello, MN EN PURCHASE AGREEMENT This Purchase Agreement (the "Purchase Agreement") is made on , 2019, by and between the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, located at 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362 (the "Seller"), and LSW Investments, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, located at 4065 Chelsea Road West, Monticello, MN 55362 (the "Buyer"). 1. SUBJECT PROPERTY. The Seller is the owner of real property located at 8617 Edmonson Avenue NE outside the corporate limits of the City of Monticello, legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"). No items or personal property or fixtures are currently located on the Property for purposes of this sale. 2. OFFER/ACCEPTANCE. In consideration of the mutual agreements herein contained, the Buyer offers and agrees to purchase and the Seller agrees to sell the Property. 3. PURCHASE PRICE AND TERMS. The total purchase price for the Property is: Three Hundred Thousand and no/100ths Dollars ($300,000.00) (the "Purchase Price"). Earnest money in the amount of $5,000 (the "Earnest Money") shall be deposited by the Buyer into escrow with Registered Abstracters, Inc., Anoka, Minnesota ("Title") upon execution in full of this Purchase Agreement. The Buyer shall pay the balance of the Purchase Price by check or wire transfer on the Closing Date, subject to the terms of this Purchase Agreement. Upon payment of the Purchase Price, the Seller will deliver to the Buyer the items described in Section 6. 4. CONTINGENCIES. This Purchase Agreement is contingent upon the following: A. The Buyer's inspection of the Property and environmental testing (if deemed necessary by the Buyer) and the Buyer receiving reports related to all appropriate due diligence, including without limitation conducting soil borings and testing on the Property, that are satisfactory to the Buyer; B. Condition of title being satisfactory to the Buyer following the Buyer's examination of title as provided in Section 9 of this Purchase Agreement; C. The Buyer having obtained sufficient financing to purchase the Property; D. The governing body of the Seller having approved the sale of the Property to the Buyer; and E. The planning commission of the Seller having provided written findings as to the compliance of the sale of the Property with the municipal comprehensive plan. The parties shall have until the Closing Date (as defined herein) to remove the foregoing contingencies. The contingencies listed above at A and B are solely for the benefit of the Buyer and may be waived by the Buyer. If the contingencies are duly satisfied or waived (as applicable), then 1 the Buyer and the Seller shall proceed to close the transaction as contemplated herein. If, however, one or more of the contingencies is not satisfied, or is not satisfied on time, and is not waived (as applicable) by the Buyer, this Purchase Agreement shall thereupon be void, at the option of the Buyer. If this Purchase Agreement is voided by the Buyer, the Buyer and the Seller shall execute and deliver to each other a termination of this Purchase Agreement. 5. CLOSING DATE. The closing of the sale of the Property shall take place on or before February 1, 2020 (the "Closing Date"), or such later date as the parties mutually agree in writing. The closing shall take place at the offices of the Seller, or at another location agreed to by the parties. 6. DOCUMENTS TO BE DELIVERED AT CLOSING. The Seller agrees to deliver the following documents to the Buyer at closing: A. A duly recordable limited warranty deed (the "Deed") conveying fee simple title to the Property to the Buyer, free and clear of any mortgages, liens or encumbrances other than matters created by or acceptable to the Buyer; B. An affidavit from the Seller sufficient to remove any exception in the Buyer's policy of title insurance for mechanics' and materialmens' liens and rights of parties in possession; C. An affidavit of the Seller confirming that the Seller is not a foreign person within the meaning of Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; D. A completed Minnesota Well Disclosure Certificate showing the status of any wells on the Property as of the Closing Date; E. Any notices, certificates, and affidavits regarding any private sewage systems, underground storage tanks, and environmental conditions as may be required by Minnesota statutes, rules or ordinances; and F. The escrow agreement described in Section 10A. hereof. 7. REAL ESTATE TAXES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. A. The Seller shall be responsible for all real estate taxes, including any deferred real estate taxes, penalties or interest, for the years prior to the year in which closing occurs. The Seller shall additionally pay the real estate taxes for the Property that are due and payable in the year of closing, and prorated real estate taxes for the Property due and payable through April 1, 2021, as more fully described in Section 20 hereof. B. The Seller shall pay all special assessments levied against the Property as of the Closing Date, including special assessments certified for payment with the real estate taxes and all deferred assessments. The Seller represents that there are no 2 special assessments that are pending but not levied against the Property as of the Closing Date. 8. CONDITION OF PROPERTY. The Property is vacant, undeveloped land, currently being farmed by a third party. Except as specifically provided herein and in the Deed, Seller makes no warranty or representations whatsoever, express or implied, regarding the condition, merchantability, habitability, tenantability, environmental condition, or the fitness for any particular purpose or use, of the Property purchased and sold hereunder. Buyer acknowledges that it is purchasing the Property "AS IS, WHERE IS, AND WITH ALL FAULTS." The Buyer acknowledges that the Seller has not agreed to perform any work on or about the Property before the closing of this sale, but the parties agree and acknowledge that Seller is responsible for causing all wells located on the Property to be sealed by a licensed well contractor on or before May 30, 2020, at Seller's sole expense, and will provide well sealing records to the Buyer upon completion of such well sealing. The Seller agrees that it will provide to the Buyer copies of any environmental reports relating to the Property in its possession, including without limitation any Environmental Assessment Reports or soil borings. The following representations are being made by Seller: (i) that the Property will be free of any tenants or occupants as of the Closing Date, and no party shall have any rights to possession or occupancy thereof, except as provided in Section 20 hereof; (ii) that Seller has good and marketable fee title to the Property at Closing and is authorized to be able to sell the Property; (iii) to the best of Seller's knowledge, there are no petroleum compounds, "Hazardous Substance," "pollutant" or "contaminant" ever being released from any "facility" or "vessel" located on or used in connection with the Property, and Seller has not taken any action in "response" to a "release" in connection with the Property (the terms set within quotation marks shall have the meanings given to them in the federal Comprehensive Environmental Compensation and Liability Act); (iv) as of the Closing, there will be no obligations or liabilities of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to any tax liabilities, contract liabilities, or tort liabilities for which or to which Buyer or the Property will be liable or subject; (v) to the best of Seller's knowledge, there are no septic systems in use upon the Property; (vi) Seller has not filed, voluntarily or involuntarily for bankruptcy relief within the last year under the United States Bankruptcy Code or has any petition for bankruptcy or receivership been filed against Seller within the last year; and (vii) there are not any third parties entitled to possession of all or any portion of the Property after the Date of Closing and there will be no leases, oral or written, affecting all or any portion of the Property as of the Closing Date. These representations shall survive Closing for a period of 24 months. 9. EXAMINATION OF TITLE. The Buyer's examination of title to the Property shall be conducted as follows: A. SELLER'S TITLE EVIDENCE. The Seller, at Seller's expense, shall provide the Buyer with a title commitment from Title in connection with the Property, within 15 days after execution of this Purchase Agreement by the Seller. B. BUYER'S OBJECTIONS. The Buyer shall make written objections (the "Objections") to the form or contents of the title commitment or condition of title within 15 days after receipt of the same. The Buyer's failure to make Objections within such time period shall constitute waiver of the Objections. The Seller shall have 30 days after receipt of the Objections to cure the Objections, during which period the closing will be postponed, if necessary. The Seller shall use reasonable good -faith efforts to correct any Objections. If the Objections are not cured within such 30 -day period, the Buyer will have the option to do either of the following: 1. Terminate this Purchase Agreement; or 2. Cure the Objections at the Buyer's expense. 10. CLOSING COSTS AND RELATED ITEMS. A. SELLER'S COSTS. The Seller shall be responsible for the following closing costs and related items: (1) any fees incurred for updating the title and the cost of preparing the title commitment; (2) any state deed tax, conservation fee or other federal, state or local documentary or revenue stamps or transfer tax with respect to the Deed to be delivered by the Seller; (3) all recording fees and charges relating to the filing of any instrument required to make title marketable; (4) recording fees and charges related to the filing of the Deed; (5) one-half of all closing fees charged by Title; (6) $7,000 to be held by Title and disbursed pursuant to the terms of an escrow agreement in substantially the form attached as Exhibit B, to pay all or a portion of the costs of an ALTA survey of the Property; and (7) its own legal and accounting fees associated with this transaction. B. BUYER'S COSTS. The Buyer shall be responsible for the following closing costs and related items: (1) all premiums required for issuance of the title insurance policy; (2) the fees of any soil tests, environmental assessments, inspection reports, appraisals, or other tests or reports ordered by the Buyer; (3) one-half of all closing fees charged by Title; (4) any fees charged by Title in connection with the escrow agreement described in Section 10A; and (5) its own legal and accounting fees associated with this transaction. 11. INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM DISCLOSURE. A private septic system formerly existing on the Property has been removed. The Seller has no knowledge or information regarding the existence, location, or status of any additional sewage treatment system on or serving the Property. 12. WELL DISCLOSURE. The Seller certifies that there are two wells located on the Property, and Seller will provide a Well Disclosure Certificate on the Date of Closing. 13. BROKER COMMISSION. The Buyer certifies that it has entered into an agreement with Wayne Elam of Commercial Realty Solutions (the "Broker") in connection with this Purchase Agreement or the transaction contemplated by this Purchase Agreement, and that the Seller has no obligation to pay any portion of any commission due and payable to the Broker. The Buyer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Seller against and in respect of any obligation or 2 liability based in any way upon agreements, arrangements, or understandings made or claimed to have been made by the Buyer with the Broker. 14. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Purchase Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and no other agreement prior to this Purchase Agreement or contemporaneous herewith shall be effective except as expressly set forth or incorporated herein. 15. AMENDMENT AND MODIFICATION. No amendment, modification or waiver of any condition, provision or term of this Purchase Agreement shall be valid or have any effect unless made in writing, is signed by the parry to be bound and specifies with particularity the extent and nature of such amendment, modification or waiver. Any waiver by either party of any default by the other party shall not affect or impair any right arising from any previous or subsequent default. 16. BINDING EFFECT. This Purchase Agreement binds and benefits the parties and their successors and assigns. 17. NOTICES. All notices sent pursuant to this agreement shall be in writing and delivered personally or mailed to each party at the address shown above; and, if mailed, the notice is effective as of the date of mailing. 18. CUMULATIVE RIGHTS. Except as may otherwise be provided herein, no right or remedy herein conferred on or reserved by either party is intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy provided by law, but such rights and remedies shall be cumulative in and in addition to every other right or remedy given herein or elsewhere or existing at law, equity or by statute. 19. DEFAULT; REMEDIES; SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. If the Buyer defaults in any of the agreements herein, the Seller may terminate this Purchase Agreement and retain the Earnest Money. If this Purchase Agreement is not so terminated, the Buyer or the Seller may seek actual damages for breach of this Purchase Agreement or specific performance of this Purchase Agreement; provided that any action for specific enforcement must be brought within six months after the date of the alleged breach. 20. CONTINUING USE BY SELLER. The parties agree that as of the date of this Agreement, the Public Works Department of the Seller uses the Property for storage and maintenance purposes, and maintains a tree nursery on a portion of the Property. The Buyer agrees that the Seller may continue to use the Property for such purposes from the Closing Date to April 1, 2021. The parties agree that the continued payment by the Seller of property taxes due and payable in 2020 and through April 1, 2021 shall constitute payment in lieu of rent for the use of the Property as described in this Section, and that no additional rent shall be due and payable for such use. Notwithstanding the foregoing, The Buyer may store soil or granular borrow on the Property at any time after Closing, pending approval of required grading, drainage and erosion control measures and subject to applicable Wright County ordinances and regulations. 21. COUNTERPARTS. This Purchase Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 5 22. GOVERNING LAW. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement as of the date written SELLER: City of Monticello By Brian Stumpf Its Mayor By Jennifer Schreiber Its Clerk BUYER: LSW Investments, LLC By Its 2 EXHIBIT A Legal Description of Property The South 933 feet of the East 933 feet of the Northwest Quarter, both measured at right angles, thereof, in Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. Located on land having a street address of: 8617 Edmonson Avenue NE, Monticello, MN 7 EXHIBIT B ESCROW AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT entered into this day of , 2019, by and between CITY OF MONTICELLO ("Seller"), LSW INVESTMENTS, LLC ("Buyer"), and REGISTERED ABSTRACTERS, INC. ("Escrow Agent" or "Agent"). RECITALS A. Seller and Buyer have entered into a Purchase Agreement dated , 2019 ("Purchase Agreement") for the sale of property located at 8617 Edmonson Avenue NE, Monticello, Minnesota and legally described on the attached Exhibit A (the "Property"), and have closed upon the conveyance of the Property on the date hereof. B. Pursuant to Section 10 of the Purchase Agreement, the parties desire to establish an escrow for the purpose of holding certain costs payable by the Seller. AGREEMENT The parties agree as follows: Escrow. (a) Upon closing and execution of this Agreement, Seller agrees to deposit into escrow the sum of $7,000 (the "Escrowed Funds"), to be held by Agent in a non-interest bearing account. (b) Upon receipt of evidence that Buyer has incurred the cost of a current ALTA survey of the Property (the "Survey"), the Seller shall notify the Agent of such information in writing (the "Notification"). Agent shall release the Escrowed Funds pursuant to the terms and conditions of paragraphs 2(c) and 2(d) hereof. (c) The Agent will deliver to the Buyer the lesser of the total amount of Escrowed Funds on deposit or the actual cost of the Survey no later than five days following receipt of the Notification from Seller. (d) If the actual cost of the Survey exceeds the total amount of Escrowed Funds on deposit, the Buyer shall be solely responsible for the payment of such excess. If the actual cost of the Survey is less than the total amount of Escrowed Funds on deposit, the Agent shall refund the difference to the Seller no later than five days following receipt of the Notification from Seller. Escrow Aaent Liabilitv. The sole duties of Escrow Agent shall be those described herein, and Escrow Agent shall be under no obligation to determine whether the other parties hereto are complying with any requirements of law or the terms and conditions of any other agreements among said parties. Escrow Agent may conclusively rely upon and shall be protected in acting on any notice believed by it to be genuine and to have been signed or presented by the proper party or parties, consistent with reasonable due diligence on Escrow Agent's part. Escrow Agent shall have no duty or liability to verify any such notice or to verify any amounts deducted from the Escrowed Funds, and its sole responsibility shall be to act expressly as set forth in this Escrow Agreement. 4. Notices to be sent to the parties to this Agreement shall be sent by mail or personal delivery to: SELLER: City of Monticello Attn: City Administrator 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 With a copy to: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered Attn: Martha Ingram 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 BUYER: LSW Investments, LLC Attn: 4065 Chelsea Road West Monticello, MN 55362 AGENT: Registered Abstracters, Inc. Attn: Jenny Moehlmann 2115 N. 3' Avenue Anoka, MN 55362 5. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. (The remainder of this page is intentionally blank.) 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date written above. SELLER: CITY OF MONTICELLO By Its Mayor By: Its Clerk BUYER: LSW INVESTMENTS, LLC By: Its ESCROW AGENT: REGISTERED ABSTRACTERS, INC. By: Its Exhibit A Legal Description of Property The South 933 feet of the East 933 feet of the Northwest Quarter, both measured at right angles, thereof, in Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. Located on land having a street address of - 8617 f 8617 Edmonson Avenue NE, Monticello, MN 2 I fJ (N,,BeaconWright County, MN Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL — MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy US Hwy City/Township Limits ❑ c ❑ t ❑� Parcels Parcel ID 213100232400 Alternate ID n/a Owner Address CITY OF MONTICELLO Sec/Twp/Rng 23-121-025 Class 958- MUNICIPAL PUB -OTHER 505 WALNUTSTSTE 1 Property Address 8617 EDMONSON AVE NE Acreage 20 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 MONTICELLO District 2902TOWN OF MONTICELLO 882 H Brief Tax Description Sect-23Twp-121 Range -025 UNPLATTED LAND MONTICELLO TWP220.00AC S933FTOF E933FTOF E1/20F NW1/4 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Date created: 10/8/2019 Last Data Uploaded: 10/8/2019 3:35:44 AM Developed by(j Schneider G£OSPAT IAL 10/8/2019 Beacon - Wright County, MN BeaconTM Wright County, MN Summary Parcel ID 213100232400 Property 8617 EDMONSON AVE NE Address MONTICELLO Sec/Twp/Rng 23-121-025 Brief Sect -23 Twp -121 Range-025UNPLATTED LAND MONTICELLO TWP2 20.00AC Tax Description S933FT OF E933FT OF E1/20F NW1/4 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Deeded Acres 20.00 Class 958 - (NON-HSTD) M U N ICI PAL PUB -OTHER District (2902) 2902 TOWN OF MONTICELLO 882 H School District 0882 Creation Date 01/01/0001 Owner Primary Taxpayer City Of Monticello 505 Walnut St Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 GIS Acreage Parcel: 213100232400 Acres: 20.00 Acres USAB: 18.40 Acres WATE: 0.00 Acres ROW: 1.60 Sq Ft: 871,320.71 Land Transfer History Grantor Grantee Doc Date Transfer Date Doc Type Doc No Sale Price ROGER BECHTOLD ESTATE CITY OF MONTICELLO 11/15/2007 1/15/2008 PER REP 1076977 $465,000 Unit 11/15/2007 1/15/2008 WARDEED 1076978 $0 Valuation (Working 2020 Assessment) Eff Seq Description Dim 1 Dim 2 Dim 3 Units UT Price Adj 1 Adj 2 Adj 3 Adj 4 Rate Div % Value 1 RES SITE 0 0 0 1.000 AC 65,000.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.75 48,750.000 1.000 48,750 2 TILL CPROD 0 0 0 14.600 AC 15,000.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 15,000.000 1.000 219,000 3 PASTURE NP 0 0 0 2.800 AC 15,000.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 15,000.000 1.000 42,000 4 ROADS NON -AG 0 0 0 1.600 AC 0.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.000 1.000 0 Total 20.000 309,750 Extra Features Seq Code Description Dim 1 Dim 2 Units UT Unit Price Adj 1 Adj 2 Adj 3 Adj 4 %Good Div % Value 1 009806 GVMACHEL P 40 138 5,520.000 SF 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 100.00 1.000 5520 2 009034 POLE 3SD P 42 138 5,796.000 SF 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 100.00 1.000 5796 Sales Multi Parcel IN Q Sale Date Buyer Seller Sale Price Adj Price eCRV N PD U 11/15/2007 CITY OF MONTICELLO BECHTOLD ROGER ESTATE $465,000 $465,000 Transfer History Grantor Grantee Doc Date Transfer Date Doc Type Doc No Sale Price ROGER BECHTOLD ESTATE CITY OF MONTICELLO 11/15/2007 1/15/2008 PER REP 1076977 $465,000 JOANSYKORA CITY OF MONTICELLO 11/15/2007 1/15/2008 WARDEED 1076978 $0 Valuation (Working 2020 Assessment) 2020 2019 + Land Value $309,750 $309,750 + Building Value $0 $0 + Extra Features Value $11,316 $11,316 = Total Value $321,066 $321,066 Change 0.00% 0.00 https://beacon.schneidercorp.com/AppIication.aspx?AppID=187&LayerlD=2505&PageTypelD=4&PagelD=1310&KeyValue=213100232400 1/2 10/8/2019 Taxation Beacon - Wright County, MN Photos Map No data available for the following modules: Land GA/RP, Buildings, Valuation, Taxes Paid, Sketches The information provided on this site is intended for reference purposes only. The information is not suitable for legal, engineering, or Developed by surveying purposes. Wright County does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained herein. Schneider User Privacy Policy O f O S PAT I A L GDPR Privacy Notice Last Data Upload: 10/8/2019,2:35:44 AM Version 2.3.8 https://beacon.schneidercorp.com/AppIication.aspx?AppID=187&LayerlD=2505&PageTypelD=4&PagelD=1310&KeyValue=213100232400 2/2 2019 Payable 2018 Payable 2017 Payable 2016 Payable Estimated Market Value $321,100 $234,100 $226,600 $226,600 Excluded Value $0 $0 $0 $0 Homestead Exclusion $0 $0 $0 $0 = Taxable Market Value $0 $0 $0 $0 Net Taxes Due $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 + Special Assessments - $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 = Total Taxes Due $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Photos Map No data available for the following modules: Land GA/RP, Buildings, Valuation, Taxes Paid, Sketches The information provided on this site is intended for reference purposes only. The information is not suitable for legal, engineering, or Developed by surveying purposes. Wright County does not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained herein. Schneider User Privacy Policy O f O S PAT I A L GDPR Privacy Notice Last Data Upload: 10/8/2019,2:35:44 AM Version 2.3.8 https://beacon.schneidercorp.com/AppIication.aspx?AppID=187&LayerlD=2505&PageTypelD=4&PagelD=1310&KeyValue=213100232400 2/2 Add ress Monticello Edmonson Farm are Jaw- A=�..G �y �v � Y ()i-tnhPr 1 gni n 4 W 2 1L,1 .� }' rY.Q �f * Z: 0 s f/1 8 Z !0� xF ' W rr� 1 inch = 94 feet nN /V City of Monticello I Wright County Map Powered by DataLink from WSB & Associates City Council Agenda: 10/14/2019 2J. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 2 for the BCOL Phase I Improvements, Citv Project 16CO01-PHASE 1 in the amount of $16,343 (ML/TP/RM) A. B. C. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: New Look Contracting is requesting Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $16,343 for the BCOL Phase I Improvement Project. The changes include the electrical connection to the domestic well, an upsized electrical main feed, an electrical VFD installation for the potable well, and the well connection to the storm sewer. Overall, there are four contract changes included in this request (see detail sheet in supporting data attachment). The request does not change the working days for the project and completion of the project is still on schedule for November 1, 2019. Al. Budget Impact: The original contract price for this project was $1,554,345. The contract price prior to this change order is $1,674,526.89. The total cost increase for Change Order No. 2 is $16,342.61, this brings the current total contract sum to $1,690,869.50, which is still well below the original engineer's estimate of $1,826,060. With this change the project remains within the overall budget. Project Budget Adopted Engineering- Consultant $420,000 Engineering — City $30,000 Construction Contract- Phase 1 $1,840,000 Construction Contract - Well $100,000 City Performed Landscaping $100,000 Project Total $2,500,000 A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff workload impact is included with the inspection and management of the project and is not affected by this change order. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve Change Order No. 2 for the BCOL Phase I Improvements, City Project 16CO01-PHASE 1. 2. Motion to not approve the change order. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving the change order request from New Look Contracting for the BCOL Phase I Improvement Project as outlined in Alternative #1. SUPPORTING DATA: 0 Change Order No. 2 Change Order PROJECT: BCOL Phase 1 Improvements City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 TO CONTRACTOR: New Look Contracting Inc 14045 Northdale Boulevard Rogers, MN 55374 Contract Summary to Date CHANGE ORDER #: 2 Date: 9/26/2019 Citv Proiect No: 16CO01-PHASE1 WSB Proiect No: 011744-000 Change in Contract Amount: Change in Contract Time: Original Contract Sum: $ 1,554,345.00 Original Contract 11/1/2019 Com letion Date: Net Change from 120,181.89 Change in orking Days 0 Days Previous Change Orders: from Previous Change Orders: Contract Brice Prior Completionbate Prior to This Change Order: 1,674,526.89 to This Change Order: 11/1/2019 Net Change from Increase in Time This Change Order: $16,342.611 for This Change Order: 0 Days Current Total Contract Sum: l $ 1,690,869.50 I Current Contract 11/1/2019 Completion Date: The contractor is hereby notified that the contract documents are changed as follows: Contract Changes No. Description Qty. Unit Unit Price CHANGE 1 Electrical Feeder Connection to new Domestic Water Well. 1 LS $ 8,406.52 $ 8,406.52 (See attached sheet E1.1) Electrical connection to Watertronics Equipment including 2 upsized main incoming feeder for 600 amp. (See attached 1 LS $ 6,471.42 $ 6,471.42 Design Electric cost estimate) 3 Core Drill at Structure 5023 for irrigation well 1 LS $ 999.00 $ 999.00 4 Electrical - VFD installation (See attached PR#3 and 1 LS $ 465.67 $ 465.67 estimate) NET CHANGE ORDER TOTAL: $16,342.61 NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE CONSULTANT, CONTRACTORAND OWNER Consultant:rC'/'/I/ I//?//✓ `' I //�l� / WSB & Associates, Inc. Sign �tu.re // �/ / Date 701 Xenia Ave. South - Suite 300 � �/-( !/11"// / Minneapolis, MN 55416 Name (Printe / Title Contractor: New Look Contracting Inc i ature Date 14045 Northdale Boulevard^ Rogers, MN 55374 Name (Printed) Title Owner: City of Monticello Signature Date 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Name (Printed) Titre Page 1 of 1 ed 0 engineering design initiative PROPOSAL REQUEST PR -E-1 Project: BCOL REGIONAL ATHLETIC PARK PHASE 1 Location: Monticello, Minnesota Edi Project Number: 18-029 Issued By: Luke Anderson Date: July 11, 2019 Description: Please provide the amount to add or deduct from your contract to make the changes described in this Proposal Request. Please review attached documentation, as well as the bid document plans, specifications for additional information as required. Provide itemized breakdown of material and labor. Include all subcontractor costs. Note: that this is only a request for a proposed cost for the changes. Do not proceed with ordering materials or starting work until written approval has been provided. Attachments: Drawing Sheets: E1.1. - 1. See attached sheet E1.1 electrical requirements for the electrical feeder (connection) to new Domestic Water Well. 1112 north 5th street • minneapolis, mn 55411 • phone 612.343.5965 • www.edilimited.com Eva Kelly From: Mark Kostreba <MKostreba@newlookcontracting.net> Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2019 10:29 AM To: Eva Kelly Cc: Mark Grambart; Travis Micholski; Jason Amberg Subject: RE: BCOL - Proposal Request for Electrical Work Eva $ 8406.52 Thanks Mark Kostreba From: Eva Kelly <EKelly@wsbeng.com> Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2019 2:39 PM To: Mark Kostreba <MKostreba @ newlookcontracting. net> Cc: Mark Grambart<MGrambart@newlookcontracting. net>; Travis Micholski <tmicholski@ newlookcontracting.net>; Jason Amberg <AAmberg@wsbeng.com> Subject: BCOL - Proposal Request for Electrical Work Mark, Do you have a price yet you can share with us for the attached work? Thanks, Eva Eva Kelly, PLA Landscape Architect 612.360.1321 (o) WSB I wsbeng.com WSO This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and is intended solely for the use of the addressee. If you are not the addressee, please delete this email from your system. Any use of this email by unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. WSB does not accept liability for any errors or omissions which arise as a result of electronic transmission. If verification is required, please request a hard copy. From: Eva Kelly Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 2:25 PM To: Mark Grambart <MGrambart@newlookcontractine.net>; Travis Micholski <tmicholski@ newlookcontractine.net>; Mark Kostreba <MKostreba@newlookcontractine.net> Cc: Jason Amberg (JAmbere(@wsbene.com) <JAmbere@wsbeng.com> Subject: BCOL - Proposal Request for Electrical Work Mark, Please see attached proposal request for additional work relating to the electrical at the domestic (potable) well. We briefly discussed this at our last meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Eva a N M O N C O W 0 ru v Lu rn N O 00 i SF - SF - - SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF UTILITY. PAD BY CONTRACTOR. 2. FURNISH AND INSTALL 1-1/2" CONDUIT WITH (4) #2 PLUS #8 co T I \-------------------\ L------------------- /7- 10 FT 1 -�/ //H /1 / H /1 - H Ti _ I L P UEP UEP Z� � , � UEP UEP UEP UEP U� E '_, - - - - - - - - - - - - H1/1 <7>-J - - - - - - - - - I 1. UTILITY PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER BY WRIGHT COUNTY 0 II UTILITY. PAD BY CONTRACTOR. 2. FURNISH AND INSTALL 1-1/2" CONDUIT WITH (4) #2 PLUS #8 II 3. LOCATION OF NEW WATER WELL (BY OTHERS). PROVIDE ELECTRICAL CONNECTION TO WELL PUMP MOTOR. II 4. BASE BID: FURNISH AND INSTALL (1) 3" CONDUIT FROM PUMP 0 N W HOUSE TO HAND HOLE AT PROPERTY LINE FOR UTILITY II 5. SITE LIGHTING ASSEMBLY TO BE PRICED AS AN ALTERNATE. oaz SEE DETAILS VE2.2 AND 2/E2.2 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 6. BASE BID SITE LIGHTING ASSEMBLY. SEE DETAILS 1/E2.2 AND ` 2/E2.2 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 7. UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL PRIMARY POWER BY UTILITY. o CONTRACTOR. MAKE APPLICATION AND COORDINATE WITH Lu p p Z UTILITY FOR INSTALLATION. 8. I I AND ONE WITH PULL STRING FOR FUTURE SECURITY CAMERA w0'- } � U) m � 9. SEE DETAIL VE2.1 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON PUMP I I 10. ROUTE/CONTROL SITE LIGHTING THROUGH TIME CLOCK. SEE NOTE #6 ON SHEET E2.1 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 11. ALTERNATE: PROVIDE 12 STRAND SINGLE MODE FIBER OPTIC a C/)_ �Q>O� W W CABLE IN EXISTING N T FOR COMMU T S. 12. PROVIDE (1) 1" CONDUIT WITH (3) #8 PLUS #8 GROUND. 13. PROVIDE 30 -AMP, 3 -POLE, NEMA 3R, LOCKABLE DISCONNECT < I I i 14. ROUTE WELL ELECTRICAL FEEDER THROUGH EXISTING 4" _ — o p J J CONDUIT SLEEVE UNDER ROADWAY. FIELD VERIFY EXISTING i ~0 W J r J W ~ W U_ U) J Q Q I Z 0 0 2 i V � I / 0 / ` 0 CU I MU W I I i I I I I I I \ I I I I I I I I \ I L - -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- - -- — Enlarqed Site Plan - Electrical NORTH Site Plan - Electrical NORTH 2 SCALE: 1" = 40'-0" GRAPHIC SCALE I I (110 SCALE: 1" = 60'-0" GRAPHIC SCALE I 0 40' 0 60' \ 1 I I II II II II II I I I I I I I I I I I ! ❑—❑—❑_❑ ❑ ❑ ❑— PLAN NOTES: 1. UTILITY PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER BY WRIGHT COUNTY 0 ELECTRIC. COORDINATE EXACT REQUIREMENTS WITH UTILITY. PAD BY CONTRACTOR. 2. FURNISH AND INSTALL 1-1/2" CONDUIT WITH (4) #2 PLUS #8 GROUND TO FEED NEW WELL PUMP. 3. LOCATION OF NEW WATER WELL (BY OTHERS). PROVIDE ELECTRICAL CONNECTION TO WELL PUMP MOTOR. COORDINATE WITH WELL CONTRACTOR AND OWNER. 4. BASE BID: FURNISH AND INSTALL (1) 3" CONDUIT FROM PUMP 0 N W HOUSE TO HAND HOLE AT PROPERTY LINE FOR UTILITY COMMUNICATIONS CABLING (FIBEROPTIC). 5. SITE LIGHTING ASSEMBLY TO BE PRICED AS AN ALTERNATE. oaz SEE DETAILS VE2.2 AND 2/E2.2 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 6. BASE BID SITE LIGHTING ASSEMBLY. SEE DETAILS 1/E2.2 AND o } w 2/E2.2 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 7. UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL PRIMARY POWER BY UTILITY. o CONTRACTOR. MAKE APPLICATION AND COORDINATE WITH Lu p p Z UTILITY FOR INSTALLATION. 8. PROVIDE (2) 1" CONDUITS, (1) WITH (2) #8 PLUS #8 GROUND AND ONE WITH PULL STRING FOR FUTURE SECURITY CAMERA w0'- } � U) m POWER AND COMMUNICATIONS. 9. SEE DETAIL VE2.1 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON PUMP _U HOUSE ELECTRICAL. 10. ROUTE/CONTROL SITE LIGHTING THROUGH TIME CLOCK. SEE NOTE #6 ON SHEET E2.1 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 11. ALTERNATE: PROVIDE 12 STRAND SINGLE MODE FIBER OPTIC a C/)_ �Q>O� W W CABLE IN EXISTING N T FOR COMMU T S. 12. PROVIDE (1) 1" CONDUIT WITH (3) #8 PLUS #8 GROUND. 13. PROVIDE 30 -AMP, 3 -POLE, NEMA 3R, LOCKABLE DISCONNECT < 0 co LCLI, LL ovo0a LU LU U Z U) SWITCH MOUNTED TO TRAUT WELL SUPPLIED STARTER/CONTROL PANEL. 14. ROUTE WELL ELECTRICAL FEEDER THROUGH EXISTING 4" _ — o p J J CONDUIT SLEEVE UNDER ROADWAY. FIELD VERIFY EXISTING LOCATION. edi engineering design initiative 1112 north 5th street minneapolis, mn 55411 612.343.5965 www.edilimited.com CITY OF M onticello WSB PROJECT NO.: 011744-000 SCALE: DESIGN BY: AS SHOWN LLA PLAN BY: CHECK BY: LLA JSH U z z o 0 a o a Lu 0 N W 0 O oaz o } w ~ pZ —1 w o Lu p p Z o a Or- Q D z O Q w w0'- } � U) m 0 z = Z Z = 0 W Z = _U Q�QzLL =wzOW > }aE)� Q w a C/)_ �Q>O� W W 00 LLI U a- 0 co LCLI, LL ovo0a LU LU U Z U) ui 0� 0� W W Lu U Q F - _ — o p J J p U_ ~0 W J r J W ~ W U_ U) J Q Q Z Z 0 0 2 V LL W Q 0 J 0 CU MU W SITE PLAN - ELECTRICAL C.P. 16CO01-PHASE 1 SHEET E1.1 EDI #18-029 1 • ELECTRIC, INC. 4007 HEATHERWOOD ROAD I PO BOX 1252 ] ST. CLOUD, MN 56302.1252 TO: New Look contracting Dale: 8/19,2019 ATTN: Mark PROJECT: Monticello BCOL SUBJECT: Electrical changes due to material provided by others We herewith submit our proposal and description for changes requested as follows: DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: See page 2 (back up lab) for break down. Up sized main incoming feeder to match main breaker size 4/0 shown on E 2.1, 350 mcm needed for 600 amp Install 600 amp panel provided by others not shown as separate panel in submittals reroute pond well feeder to exterior of building feed breaker in separate panel reroute electric service ground conduits main disconnect is in separate panel install well starter famished by others starter was provided by other and not shown in drawings install 200 amp feeder to walemmrrics cabinet cabinet needs to be fed form separate panel cap 3" irrigation control conduit not needed others to bring control wiring into exterior hole VFD for water well cannot go in enclosure provided. NEC requires 42" working space infront of VFD Engineer to provide direction as to where to mount domestic water VFD AMOUNT: Material Labor Sub Total $ 2,514.51 S 3,112.81 $ S 5,617.32 This proposal will be valid told: For 30 days We retain the right to adjust commodity items that increase in price by more than 5% before approval. Normal working unless noted otherwise. No winter conditions unless noted Add all of the hours to final completion date of the project All pricing is based on the condtions of the project on the date of the pricing request and may require additional hours andror material if the job has progressed beyond the assumption of the conditions when priced. Additional Comments: See attached breakdown. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact as. Thank you very much. Design Electric, Inc. DESCRIPTION QTYUNIT PRICE PER 121 AMOUNT 350 MCM 44 $ 4,966.18 1000$ 0.6 2,193.92 410 thhn -440 $ 3,064.43 1000 $ (1,348.35) 600 amp panel 11 1.2 1 $ 11 1/2" anchors 6 $ 3.15 1 $ 18.90 2" EMT 28 $ 273.14 1 1001 $ 76.48 2" EMT 90 21 $ 12.001 11 $ 24.00 2" EMT fitting 121 $ 2.34 1 11 $ 28.08 _.hn 32.681 excavate conduits 21 $ 10.00 I 11 $ 20.00 1 1/2" PVC sch 80 1 201 $ 12.77 1 11 $ 255.40 1 1/2" PVC 90 1 21 $ 2.00 1 11 $ 4.00 1 112 PVC Tittinp 1 141$ 0.65 1 11 $ 9.10 install well staler 11 $ 10.00 1 11 $ 10.00 318 anchors I 41$ 1.651 11 $ 6.60 core 2" Hole 11 $ 16.001 11 $ 15.00 silicone 11 $ B.00 1 111$ 8.00 Clean��QQ I I I 11 $ - TestinNeck out I I I 11 $ - adjustment I I I 11 $ - I I I 11 $ I I I 11 $ MAT $ 1,958.53 Material $ 1,958.53 Material Mark up 10% $ 195.85 $ 2,154.38 Tax 7.63% $ 164.27 Matedalsubtotal $ 2,514.51 Hours Rate Labor 32.68 $ 78.60 $ 2,568.65 Lost dme for Safety 3.5% 1.14 $ 78.60 $ 89.90 Labor Premium Hours Adder $ 35.00 $ - Foreman Labor 3.27 $ 79.92 $ 261.18 Labor Mark up 10% $ 282.98 Laborsubtotal $ 3,112.81 Subtotal $ 5,627.32 Subtotal $ 5,627.32 Total Cost $ 5,627.32 Nq,, &.1t 044-r UNIT PER AMOUNT1 Al1000 15.41 251 1000 -111 121 1 121 0.11 ( 0.6 61 100 1.68 1 0.251 11 0.5 1 0.11 11 1.2 11 11 2I 41 1001 0.8 0.11 11 0.21 1 11 01 2.51 1 2.51 0.11 11 0.41 11 11 11 0.21 11 0.21 11 11 01 11 11 01 11 11 01 11 01 11 01 LABOR 32.681 6V -/I, C/Z, Eva Kelly From: Mark Kostreba <MKostreba@newlookcontracting.net> Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2019 10:25 AM To: Eva Kelly Cc: Travis Micholski; Mark Grambart; Dale Peterson Subject: 19-4607 Core 8" Hole into topslab # 5023 Eva The price to core a 8" hole into the topslab of Structure # 5023 = $ 999.00 No boot will be provided If this is acceptable — Please let us know so we can schedule this Thanks Mark Kostreba New Look Contracting 14045 Northdale Blvd Rogers, MN 55374 763-333-2563 Direct Dial 763-241-1596 Office 763-241-9196 Fax 320-428-4438 Cell mkostreba@newlookcontracting.net estimating@newlookcontracting.net I Eva Kelly From: Mark Kostreba <MKostreba@newlookcontracting.net> Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 12:59 PM To: Eva Kelly; Mark Grambart; Travis Micholski; Nick Bischoff Cc: Jason Amberg; 'Lenox Browne' Subject: RE: Electrical PR -3 Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Eva $ 465.67 Programming of well by others, No VFD or well pump warranty included or implied Let us know if this is acceptable to you Thanks Mark Kostreba New Look Contracting 14045 Northdale Blvd Rogers, MN 55374 763-333-2563 Direct Dial 763-241-1596 Office 763-241-9196 Fax 320-428-4438 Cell mkostreba@newlookcontracting.net estimating@newlookcontracting.net From: Eva Kelly <EKelly@wsbeng.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 9:37 AM To: Mark Kostreba <MKostreba @ newlookcontracting. net>; Mark Grambart <MGrambart@newlookcontracting.net>; Travis Micholski<tmicholski@newlookcontracting.net>; Nick Bischoff <nbischoff@designelect.com> Cc: Jason Amberg <JAmberg@wsbeng.com>; 'Lenox Browne' <LBrowne@edilimited.com> Subject: Electrical PR -3 Mark, Attached is the PR for the VFD installation. A few notes - Traut will be providing the lockable cover for the VFD. I There are existing channel posts to mount the VFD on north side of enclosure. (see photo below). Let me know if you have questions. Eva Kelly, PLA Landscape Architect 612.360.1321 (o) WSB I wsbeng.com Ws b� This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and is intended solely for the use of the addressee. If you are not the addressee, please delete this email from your system. Any use of this email by unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. WSB does not accept liability for any errors or omissions which arise as a result of electronic transmission. If verification is required, please request a hard copy. Eva Kelly, PLA Landscape Architect 612.360.1321 (o) WSB I wsbeng.com ws bl This email, and any files transmitted with it, is confidential and is intended solely City Council Agenda: 10/14/2019 2K. Consideration of adontin2 Resolution 2019-76 approving the issuance of a lawful 2amblin2 off-site premise permit to Monticello Lions Club (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff has received an application to conduct Off -Site Gambling from Monticello Lions Club to conduct a raffle and bingo at the American Legion Post 260, 304 Elm Street on November 9, 2019. There is no fee for this application, however, the application must be approved by the City Council before the association may submit the application to the Minnesota Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division (AGED). Al. Budget Impact: NA. A2. Staff Workload Impact: NA B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2019-76 approving Monticello Lions Club application to conduct off-site gambling at American Legion Post 260, 304 Elm Street on November 9, 2019. 2. Motion to deny the resolution at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Draft Resolution B. Application 1 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2019-76 APPROVING AN APPLICATION FOR OFF-SITE PREMISE PERMIT FOR MONTICELLO LIONS CLUB AT AMERICAN LEGION POST 260,304 ELM STREET WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has received an application for an off-site gambling permit application of the Minnesota Lawful Gambling Permit filed by Jeanne Kordell/Monticello Lions Club; and WHEREAS, the Monticello Lions Club will be conducting off-site gambling at the American Legion Post 260, 304 Elm Street on November 9, 2019; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application by the for the Monticello Lions Club to conduct off-site gambling at the American Legion Post 260, 304 Elm Street, Monticello, Minnesota on November 9, 2019. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 14th day of October, 2019. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING 6/15 Page 1 of 2 LG230 Application to Conduct Off -Site Gambling No Fee ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Organization Name: Monticello Lions License Number: 01825 Address: PO Box 673 City: Monticello , MN Zip: 55362 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Name: Tony Velishek Daytime Phone: 763-232-3460 Gambling Manager Name: Jeanne Kordell Daytime Phone: 612-207-6086 GAMBLING ACTIVITY Twelve off-site events are allowed each calendar year not to exceed a total of 36 days. From 11/09/19 to 11/09/19 Check the type of games that will be conducted: FV_1 I Raffle F]Pull-TabsF&/]Bingo ❑Tipboards F-1 Paddlewheel GAMBLING PREMISES Name of location where gambling activity will be conducted: Monticello American Legion Post 260 Street address and City (or township): 304 Elm st 7ip: 55362 County: Wright • Do not use a post office box. • If no street address, write in road designations (example: 3 miles east of Hwy. 63 on County Road 42). Does your organization own the gambling premises? F]Yes If yes, a lease is not required. Fv—]No If no, the lease agreement below must be completed, and signed by the lessor. LEASE AGREEMENT FOR OFF -BITE ACTIVITY (a lease agreement is not required for raffles) Rent to be paid for the leased area: $0 (if none, write "0") All obligations and agreements between the organization and the lessor are listed below or attached. • Any attachments must be dated and signed by both the lessor and lessee. • This lease and any attachments is the total and only agreement between the lessor and the organization conducting lawful gambling activities. • Other terms, if any: Lessor's Signature: i J Print Lessor's Name: CONTINUE TO PAGE 2 Date: It 0 3 / 7 LG230 Application to Conduct Off -Site Gambling :Acknowledgment by Local Unit of Government: Approval by Resolution CITY APPROVAL for a gambling premises located within city limits City Name: Date Approved by City Council: Resolution Number: (If none, attach meeting minutes.) Signature of City Personnel: Title: Date Signed: Local unit of government must sign. COUNTY APPROVAL for a gambling premises located in a township County Name: Date Approved by County Board: Resolution Number: (If none, attach meeting minutes.) Signature of County Personnel: Title: Date Signed: 061TIT/►6 .• ► _ 1=0 6/15 Page 2 of 2 Complete below only if required by the county. On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying to conduct gambling activity within the township limits. (A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application, per Minnesota Statutes 349.213, Subd. 2.) Print Township Name: Signature of Township Officer: Title: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CEO) ACKNOWLEDGMENT Date Signed: The person signing this application must be your organization's CEO and have their name on file with the Gambling Control Board. If the CEO has changed and the current CEO has not filed a LG200B Organization Officers Affidavit with the Gambling Control Board, he or she must do so at this time. I have read this application, and all information is true, accurate, and complete and, if applicable, agree to the lease terms as stated t is application. to[ -7 cl Si atu a of EO (mus a CEO's signature; designee may not sign) Date Mail or fax to: No attachments required. Minnesota Gambling Control Board Suite 300 South Questions? Contact a Licensing Specialist at 651-539-1900. 1711 West County Road B Roseville, MN 55113 Fax: 651-639-4032 This publication will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, braille) upon request. Data privacy notice: The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your organization's qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. Your organization has the right to refuse to supply the information; however, if your organization refuses to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your organization's qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue a permit. If your organization supplies the information requested, the Board will be able to process your organization's application. Your organization's name and address will be public information when received by the Board. All other information provided will be private data about your organization until the Board issues the permit. When the Board issues the permit, all information provided will become public. If the Board does not issue a permit, all information provided remains private, with the exception of your organization's name and address which will remain public. Private data about your organization are available to: Board members, Board staff whose work requires access to the information; Minnesota's Department of Public Safety; Attorney General; commissioners of Administration, Minnesota Management & Budget, and Revenue; Legislative Auditor; national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this notice was given; and anyone with your written consent. An equal opportuity employer Consent Form Organization A listed below consents to. Organization B conducting &-�Lp at the premises. Organization A: Organization B*: pnlw,v-t CWVN Y) CL n'15 CtUL Name and Address of Permitted Premises: goq a� Y -t. 1�ttl'x�dhol �Inv Premises Permit Number: ao(-v7A Circle One or Both. Chief Executi e O cer (CEO) Signature, Organization A -;�O'n C - Print Name Date: ` fc7 U Effective Date of Consent: * Organization B: Provide the signed written consent to the Gambling Control Board with your premises permit application. This form is provided for convenience, but any written consent is accepted. Minnesota Gambling Control Board 711115-4 City Council Agenda: 10/14/2019 2L. Consideration of approving purchase a monument sign/mcd for the new fire station from Scenic Sign in the amount of $41,895 (DK/RL) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider accepting a quote from Scenic Sign for the purchase of a monument/reader board sign (10 MM) at a cost of $41,895 for the new fire station. There was $50,000 line item in the approved budget for this item which included the cost of the basic monument sign and electronic reader board. This item, as identified in the approved budget was left for purchase towards the end of the project when we were sure we were clear of any unexpected costs. That time has come. This monument sign will allow us to not only clearly identify the new station and address but will give us an effective way to communicate with the public on a heavily traveled artery of the city. Further, this sign will eliminate the need for less attractive and labor- intensive portable signs. Lastly, efficient to use, control of the electronic reader board messaging is done remotely and utilizes the same system under which the liquor store sign operates. Based on current and planned expenditures, at this stage of the project we are currently about $5,000 under the contingency fund for the fire station. This purchase at $8,000 below budget would place the project $13,000 under the contingency fund. This total cost relative to the contingency fund will be fluid over the next 60 days while we work through change order pricing. However, the architect has noted that, at this stage of the project additional unexpected expenses are very unlikely. The contingency fund within the budget is $205,555. Please note that staff received a proposal for .16 MM reader board from Scenic sign at a cost of $34,885. The .16 technology is old and the picture is not as sharp as the .10. Due to the sign distance from the right of way and relatively small area of the reader board having a sharp picture provides assurance that the picture is needed for the sign to be effective. Al. Budget Impact: This item is included in 2019 new fire station construction budget at $50,000. A2. Staff Workload Impact: This will allow us to communicate with our residents that travel that artery. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve purchase of the sign from Scenic Sign in the amount of $41,895. 2. Motion to deny. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If City Council remains supportive of installation of the reader board per previous direction, Given the current Fire Station budget status, City staff recommends Alternative #1. City Council Agenda: 10/14/2019 D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Quote from Scenic Sign B. Quote from Indigo Sign C. Quote from RHL Sign D. Scenic Sign Mockup ccce�ic S/GN CORP. BOX 881 ST. CLOUD MN 56302 (320) 252-9400 SOLD TO: MONTICELLO FIRE STATION MONTICELLO MN PROPOSAL Proposal #: 22046 Proposal Date: 10/08/19 Customer #: CRM009214 Page: 1 of 3 JOB LOCATION: MONTICELLO FIRE STATION MONTICELLO MN REQUESTED BY: DAN SCENIC SIGN CORPORATION (HEREINAFTER CALLED THE "COMPANY") HEREBY PROPOSES TO FURNISH ALL THE MATERIALS AND PERFORM ALL THE LABOR NECESSARY FOR THE COMPLETION OF: QTY DESCRIPTION QUOTE #24506 ***********************RECOMMENDED OPTION*********************** FABRICATE/INSTALL (1) 9' X 11'6" TWO-SIDED MONUMENT SIGN WITH RAISED .090" MILL FINISH ALUMINUM "MONTICELLO FIRE DEPARTMENT. ADDRESS I.D. DIMENSIONAL. ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION WITH THREE -COLOR CUSTOM PAINT FINISH TO RESEMBLE ROUGH/EFIS TYPE FINISH, RECESSED LED LIGHTING AND LIGHTING COMPONENTS IN TOP CAP. NEW TWO SIDED WATCHFIRE BY TIME-O-MATIC 10MM 90X180 MATRIX FULL COLOR RGB EMC(3' X 6' VIEWING AREA). NEW ENGINEERED FOOTING AND DIRECT EMBED BASE POLE BASE. SHRUBS AND ANY LANDSCAPING BY OTHER. DOES NOT INCLUDE ELECTRICAL HOOK-UP. INCLUDES SOFTWARE AND SOFTWARE TRAINING FOR NEW DISPLAYS. PERMIT ADDITIONAL AT COST PERMIT PROCUREMENT $100.00 QUOTE #24508 FABRICATE/INSTALL (1) 9' X 11'6" TWO-SIDED MONUMENT SIGN WITH RAISED .090" MILL FINISH ALUMINUM "MONTICELLO FIRE DEPARTMENT. ADDRESS I.D. DIMENSIONAL. ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION WITH THREE -COLOR CUSTOM PAINT FINISH TO RESEMBLE ROUGH/EFIS TYPE FINISH, RECESSED LED LIGHTING AND LIGHTING COMPONENTS IN TOP CAP. NEW TWO SIDED WATCHFIRE BY TIME-O-MATIC 16MM 54X108 MATRIX FULL COLOR RGB EMC(3' X 6' VIEWING AREA). NEW ENGINEERED FOOTING AND DIRECT EMBED BASE POLE BASE. SHRUBS AND ANY LANDSCAPING BY OTHER. DOES NOT INCLUDE ELECTRICAL HOOK-UP. INCLUDES SOFTWARE AND SOFTWARE TRAINING FOR NEW DISPLAYS. PERMIT ADDITIONAL AT COST PERMIT PROCUREMENT $100.00 UNIT PRICE $41,895.00 $34,485.00 TOTAL PRICE $41,895.00 ALL MATERIAL IS GUARANTEED TO BE AS SPECIFIED, AND THE ABOVE TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DRAWINGS AND OR SPECIFICATIONS SUBMITTED FOR THE ABOVE WORK AND COMPLETED IN A WORKMANLIKE MANNER. $34,485.00 THIS PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE PRIMARY ELECTRICAL SUPPLY AND CONNECTION. PERMIT AND ENGINEERING FEES AS REQUIRED BY GOVERNMENT WILL BE ADDED AT ACTUAL COST PLUS PROCUREMENT FEE. STATE SALES TAX IS INCLUDED UNLESS SPECIFICALLY STATED OTHERWISE. A FEE FOR DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS WASTE CONTAINED IN SIGNS AND MATERIALS REMOVED FROM CUSTOMER'S PROPERTY WILL BE ADDED TO THE FINAL INVOICE. COMPANY INITIALS CUSTOMER INITIALS genic S/GN CORP. BOX 881 ST. CLOUD MN 56302 (320) 252-9400 PROPOSAL Proposal #: 22046 Proposal Date: 10/08/19 Customer #: CRM009214 Page: 2 of 3 NOTE: THIS PROPOSAL MAY BE WITHDRAWN IF NOT ACCEPTED WITHIN 30 DAYS. WORK WILL NOT BEGIN UNTIL DOWN PAYMENT AND WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE IS RECEIVED. ANY ALTERATION FROM THE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS INVOLVING EXTRA COSTS, WILL BE EXECUTED ONLY UPON WRITTEN ORDERS, AND WILL BECOME AN EXTRA CHARGE OVER AND ABOVE THE ESTIMATE TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASER. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. This proposal is made for specially constructed equipment and when accepted is not subject to cancellation. Company shall not be responsible for errors in plans, designs, specifications or drawings furnished by PURCHASER or for defects caused thereby. 2. A. The company agrees to secure all necessary governmental permits. The purchaser agrees to secure all necessary permits from the building owner and/or others whose permission is required for the installation of this display and he assumes all liability with regard to same and all liability, public and otherwise, for damages caused by the display or by reason of it being on or attached to the premises. Purchaser agrees to secure all necessary permission for use of all registered trademarks or copyrights used on the display. 2. B. All necessary electrical wiring, outlets and connections to the display from the building meter and/or fuse panel will be properly fused and installed, at the expense of the Purchaser. 2. C. INSTALLATION PRICES QUOTED ARE SUBJECT TO REVISION WHERE EXCESS ROCK OR OTHER UNFORESEEABLE FOUNDATION CONDITIONS ARE ENCOUNTERED; ADDITIONAL CHARGES WILL BE INCURRED IF THESE CONDITIONS EXIST. 2. D. ALL PRIVATE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN THE AREA OF EXCAVATION ARE TO BE MARKED BY THE CUSTOMER, AT THEIR EXPENSE, PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. SCENIC SIGN CORPORATION SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES RELATED TO THE STRIKING OF ANY UNMARKED PRIVATE UTILITIES, OR DAMAGES TO ANY PERSON, BUSINESS OR PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THIS EXCAVATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ELECTRICAL, IRRIGATION, GAS, SURVEILLANCE OR ANY OTHER UNDERGROUND UTILITY. 3. Company warrants the display against defective workmanship in construction and assembly for one (1) year from date of shipment or installation, if installation is made by Company. Additionally, Company will replace defective components manufactured by others for one (1) year from date of shipment or installation by Company, unless specifically stated otherwise, for normal labor and travel charges only. Any part found by Company to be defective due to faulty workmanship or materials, if returned prepaid, within the warranty period, will be repaired or replaced f.o.b. point of production. Company shall not be liable for any damages or losses other than the replacement of such defective work or material. Whenever there is any circumstance on which a claim might be based, Company must be informed immediately or the provisions of this warranty are voided. 4. Any items not shipped or installed on or before 60 days from contract date will be invoiced in full at the designated unit price, and PURCHASER hereby agrees to pay said invoice per above items. It is agreed that storage charges shall accrue at the rate of one percent (1%) per month of the price of the display commencing at the end of said 60 -day period. Company, at its option, may invoice each item called for in the proposal separately upon completion, or, if for reasons beyond its control completion is delayed, it may invoice for that portion of the work completed during any given month. Under no condition, will any item be held beyond 60 days after completion. In the event that size and weight of any item prohibits storage by Company on its own property, Purchaser must make arrangements for shipments COMPANY INITIALS CUSTOMER INITIALS genic S/GN CORP. BOX 881 ST. CLOUD MN 56302 (320) 252-9400 immediately upon completion. PROPOSAL Proposal #: 22046 Proposal Date: 10/08/19 Customer #: CRM009214 Page: 3 of 3 5. Payment for items purchased under the terms of the contract will be made on receipt of invoices submitted. In the event payment is not made as agreed, PURCHASER agrees to pay a service charge on past due amounts from the times they are due, thirty (30) days from invoice date, at the rate of one and one half percent (1'/2%) per month. In the event this contract is placed for collection or if collected by suit or through any Court, reasonable attorneys' fees shall be added. 6. All applicable taxes payable under the laws of the State of Minnesota are included in the price quoted. Taxes due in other states may be additional as noted in the specifications section of this document. 7. Company will not be responsible for delays in shipments caused by delays created by supplies or transportation services or by labor disputes or due to any other circumstances beyond its control. 8. Title to all unincorporated materials and property covered by this contract shall remain in and be the property of the Company until the purchase price is paid in full. The Company reserves the right to enter any job site and reclaim all materials or property used or intended to be used in this construction of said equipment in the event of default by Purchaser, including, but not limited to, payment of any amounts due and payable in accordance with terms of this contract. The Company retains a security interest in the materials and equipment whether or not incorporated into a project or realty until the Company has been paid in full, notwithstanding the manner in which the personal property has been annexed or attached to the realty. The Purchaser agrees to execute appropriate Commercial Code forms to provide to the Company a Perfected security interest. 9. It is agreed that this contract shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Minnesota. 10. When this contract is signed by a duly authorized person of each party, all provisions contained herein become integral parts of this contract, and there is no other agreement or understanding of any nature concerning same unless such agreement or understanding, if any, is specifically incorporated here by reference. THIS PROPOSAL DOES NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE UNTIL SIGNED AND DATED BY THE COMPANY; ONCE SIGNED THIS PROPOSAL WILL EXPIRE AFTER 30 DAYS. THE ABOVE PRICES, SPECIFICATIONS, AND CONDITIONS ARE SATISFACTORY AND ARE HEREBY ACCEPTED. YOU ARE AUTHORIZED TO DO THE WORK AS SPECIFIED. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE AS OUTLINED ABOVE. SALESPERSON: DATE: ACCEPTED BY: TITLE: SIGNATURE: DATE: COMPANY INITIALS CUSTOMER INITIALS 1ND1G0's1'G'N'W"0'R'^K 'S, INC 4JL33 Iowa Street I Suite IM I Alexandria, MN 56308 tel: 320.846.9697 j fax: 32€1.846.9698 www. in digosign wo rkS. COM ISOLD TO: CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT STREET MONTICELLO MN 55362 PROPOSAL Proposal #: 62394 Proposal Date: 09/25/19 Customer #: 12792 Page: 1 of 6 JOB LOCATION: City of Monticello - Monticello Fire Department 103 Chelsea Road W Monticello MN 55362 REQUESTED BY: Dan Klein INDIGO SIGNWORKS - Sauk Rapids (HEREINAFTER CALLED THE "COMPANY") HEREBY PROPOSES TO FURNISH ALL THE MATERIALS AND PERFORM ALL THE LABOR NECESSARY FOR THE COMPLETION OF ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 1 QUOTE #61441 $41,995.00 $41,995.00 Design, Fabricate & Install: Qty (1) Exterior Double -Sided Monument Sign with EMC Qty (1) Overall Size: 92 inches high x 128 inches wide x 32 inches deep Upper section of Cabinet Size: 70 inches high x 122 inches wide x 20 inches deep Lower section of Cabinet Section Size: 15 inches high x 122 inches wide x 20 inches deep Cabinet Colors: to match Taracon precast concrete walls of new fire station Upper section color: Benchmark Grey smooth texture Lower section color: Benchmark Dark Grey/Black Pebble/Exposed Aggregate ** Reference Taracon Precast panels ** Cabinet Cap Color: Red; color TBD Cap Dimensions: Upper cap = 4 inches high x 128 inches wide x 32 inches deep Lower cap = 4 inches high x 128 inches wide x 24 inches deep Illumination: LED Light Bars - Recessed below top cap flashing Face Material: Benchmark - Expanded Polystyrene Copy (Qty) sets (2): MONTICELLO FIRE DEPARTMENT Copy Material Letters mounted on light grey upper section: Flat -cut 0.5 -inch Laser -cut Acrylic Painted Black Copy Size: 8 inches high for 'MONTICELLO' and 5 inches high for'FIRE DEPARTMENT' Copy (Qty) sets (2): 103 Chelsea Road West COMPANY INITIALS CUSTOMER INITIALS 1HD1G0's1'G' O# K S l N c PROPOSAL Proposal #: 62394 4133 Iowa Street I suite 1001 Alexandria, MN 56308 tel: 32� 846.9697 E fax; 12792 320.846.9698 Proposal Date: 19 Customer #: 12792 www3ndigosignworks.com Page: 2 of 6 Copy Material Letters/Numbers mounted on Dark Grey/Exposed Aggregate lower section: Flat -cut 0.5 -inch Laser -cut Acrylic Painted Metallic Silver Copy Size: 3 inches Mounting of letters/numbers: Stud -mounted flush to cabinet Lighting of letters: LED Light Bars - Recessed below top cap flashing Provide & Install: EMC Supplier: Daktronics Quantity: (1) Double or Single Sided: Double -Sided Model: GS6-60x150 - 15.85 MM-RGB-2V Cabinet Size: 3'-8" x 8'-1" Matrix Size: 60x150 Pixel Pitch: 15.85 MM Color: Full Software: Venus Control Suite Communication Type: Radio Ethernet Mounting (V or Straight): Straight - Recessed into sign body Structure: Internal bracing/ support for recessed installation of EMC INSTALL: Yes Mounting: TBD; Indigo Signworks to install with concrete footings appropriate for size and weight of sign Electrical: Sign provider to complete final electrical hook-up. Excavation: Yes Concrete: Yes - Sign provider to install footings appropriate for sign Ground Conditions: Disturbed soil. Conditions may require compaction due to construction of new facility - Soil testing prior to install is required Overhead Obstructions: No QUOTED PRICE: $41,995.00 QUOTE #61679 $16,895.00 Design, Fabricate & Install: Qty (1) Exterior Double -Sided Monument Sign Qty (1) Overall Size: 68 inches high x 126 inches wide x 30 inches deep Upper section of Cabinet Size: 35.98 inches high x 120 inches wide x 20 inches deep Lower section of Cabinet Section Size: 23.79 inches high x 120 inches wide x 20 inches deep $16,895.00 COMPANY INITIALS CUSTOMER INITIALS 1HD1Cj0's1'G'N"W'0'R'K'^S, l N C PROPOSAL Proposal #. 62394 4133 lova Street 1 suite 100 j Alexandria, MH 56306 tel: 32#1.846.9'697 I fax: 320.846.9698 Proposal Date: 19 Customer #: 12792 12792 www.indigosignworks.com Page: 3 of 6 Cabinet Colors: to match Taracon precast concrete walls of new fire station Upper section color: Benchmark Grey smooth texture Lower section color: Benchmark Dark Grey/Black Pebble/Exposed Aggregate ** Reference Taracon Precast panels ** Cabinet Cap Color: Red; color TBD Cap Dimensions: Upper cap = 4 inches high x 126 inches wide x 30 inches deep Lower cap - 4 inches high x 126 inches wide x 24 inches deep Illumination: LED Light Bars - Recessed below top cap flashing Face Material: Benchmark - Expanded Polystyrene Copy (Qty) sets (2): MONTICELLO FIRE DEPARTMENT Copy Material Letters mounted on light grey upper section: Flat -cut 0.5 -inch Laser -cut Acrylic Painted Black Copy Size: 8 inches high for'MONTICELLO' and 6 inches high for'FIRE DEPARTMENT' Copy (Qty) sets (2): 103 Chelsea Road West Copy Material Letters/Numbers mounted on Dark Grey/Exposed Aggregate lower section: Flat -cut 0.5 -inch Laser -cut Acrylic Painted Metallic Silver Copy Size: 4 inches Mounting of letters/numbers: Stud -mounted flush to cabinet Lighting of letters: LED Light Bars - Recessed within top cap flashing INSTALL: Yes Mounting: TBD; Indigo Signworks to install with concrete footings appropriate for size and weight of sign Electrical: Sign provider to complete final electrical hook-up of LED lightbar. Excavation: Yes Concrete: Yes - Sign provider to install footings appropriate for sign Ground Conditions: Disturbed soil. Conditions may require compaction due to construction of new facility - Soil testing prior to install is required Overhead Obstructions: No COMPANY INITIALS CUSTOMER INITIALS 1ND1G0's1'G'N"W'0'R'^K 'S,^IN C 4133 Iowa Street 1 Suite 100 [ Alexandra, MN 56308 tel: 320.846.9697 1 fax: 320.846.9698 www.indigosignworks.coni QUOTED PRICE: $16,895.00 CITY OF MONTICELLO WILL INDICTATE WHICH OF THE ABOVE SIGNS IS THEIR CHOICE. PROPOSAL Proposal #: 62394 Proposal Date: 09/25/19 Customer #: 12792 Page: 4 of 6 ALL MATERIAL IS GUARANTEED TO BE SPECIFIED, AND THE ABOVE TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DRAWINGS AND OR SPECIFICATIONS SUBMITTED FOR THE ABOVE WORK AND COMPLETED IN A WORKMANLIKE MANNER. TERMS: 50.0% DOWN, BALANCE DUE UPON COMPLETION (INTERST OF 1.5% PER MONTH WILL BE ADDED TO PAST DUE ACCOUNTS) Credit Card Transactions of $500.00 and over will be charged a 2% Transaction Fee. Indigo Signworks accepts Checks, ACH, and Debit Cards without a Transaction Fee. THIS PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE ELECTRICAL HOOKUP, PERMITS, ENGINEERING OR TAX UNLESS SPECIFICALLY STATED. PROGRESS PAYMENTS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR PROJECTS THAT REQUIRE AN EXTENDED DELIVERY TIME NOTE: THIS PROPOSAL MAY BE WITHDRAWN IF NOT ACCEPTED WITHIN 30 DAYS. WORK WILL NOT BEGIN UNTIL DOWN PAYMENT AND WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE IS RECEIVED. ANY ALTERATION FROM THE ABOVE SPECIFICATIONS INVOLVING EXTRA COSTS, WILL BE EXECUTED ONLY UPON WRITTEN ORDERS, AND WILL BECOME AN EXTRA CHARGE OVER AND ABOVE THE ESTIMATE TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASER. COMPANY INITIALS CUSTOMER INITIALS IHDIGO'S I G 'NW O R K S,Ir,c PROPOSAL Proposal #: 62394 4133 Iowa Stmt l Suite IN j Alexandria, MN 56308 tel_ 320.846.9697 1 fax: 320.846.9698 Proposal Date: 09/25/19 Customer #: 12792 www.indigosignworks.com Page: 5 of 6 TERMS AND CONDITIONS - Indigo Signworks, Inc. ("Company") and responsible party ("Customer") 1. PAYMENT IN FULL IS REQUIRED UPON COMPLETION FOR PROJECTS INVOICED AT LESS THAN $1,000 PROJECTS EXCEEDING $1,000 REQUIRE A 50% DEPOSIT WITH THE BALANCE DUE ON COMPLETION. NET -30 TERMS REQUIRE PRE -APPROVAL FROM INDIGO SIGNWORKS, INC. 2. YOUR INITIAL INVESTMENT OF 50% IS REQUIRED ON PROJECTS EXCEEDING $1000.00. THE RECEIPT OF YOUR DEPOSIT REPRESENTS A COMMITMENT BY INDIGO SIGNWORKS, INC. TO BEGIN YOUR PROJECT AND AN AGREEMENT FROM YOU TO REMAIN COMMITTED TO THE PROJECT THROUGH COMPLETION. ATTHE TIME OF PROJECT COMPLETION, YOUR FINAL 50% PAYMENT WILL BE DUE. 3. PROGRESS PAYMENTS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR PROJECTS REQUIRING EXTENDED DELIVERY TIME. 4. INTEREST OF 1.5% PER MONTH WILL BE ADDED TO PAST DUE ACCOUNTS. 5. CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS GREATER THAN $2,000 WILL BE CHARGED A 3.5% TRANSACTION FEE. 6. UPON DEFAULT IN THE PAYMENT OF ANY SUMS HEREIN AGREED, INDIGO SIGNWORKS MAY, AT ITS OPTION, DECLARE THE ENTIRE BALANCE PRICE FULLY DUE AND PAYABLE WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO CUSTOMER; AND WHEN DECLARED, CUSTOMER AGREES TO PAY INTEREST ON SAID BALANCE, WHEN DECLARED DUE AT THE RATE OF 1.5% PER MONTH. CUSTOMER FURTHER AGREES TO PAY ALL REASONABLE COSTS OF COLLECTION OF SAID BALANCE INCURRED BY THE COMPANY, INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES. 7. BOTH PARTIES HERETO AGREE THAT THE CUSTOMER SHALL TAKE POSSESSION OF THE SIGN AT THE TIME OF DELIVERY OR INSTALL AND THAT ANY DAMAGE OCCURRING AFTER DELIVERY OR INSTALL SHALL BE ASSUMED BY SAID CUSTOMER AND WILL NOT AFFECT THE RIGHTS OF THE COMPANY TO ENFORCE COLLECTION OF THE PURCHASE PRICE THEN UNPAID. 8. IT IS FURTHER AGREED BY BOTH PARTIES THAT ALL PROVISIONS IN REGARD TO THE PROJECT ARE CONTAINED IN WRITING HEREIN. 9. ALLTERMS AND CONDITIONS OFTHIS CONTRACTSHALL BE BINDING UPON ANY SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNEES OR OTHER LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES OF THE RESPECTIVE PARTIES BUT NO ASSIGNMENT SHALL BE MADE BY THE CUSTOMER WITHOUT THE CONSENT IN WRITING BY THE COMPANY UNLESS FULL PAYMENT OF THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION HAS BEEN MADE. 10. INDIGO SIGNWORKS SHALL SECURE ALL NECESSARY PERMITS FROM THE CITY. PERMIT FEES, IF NOT INCLUDED IN PROPOSAL ARE ADDITIONAL. THE CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING PERMISSION FROM BUILDING OWNER, AND/OR OTHERS WHOSE PERMISSION IS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE SIGN(S), IF THE CUSTOMER EXECUTES THIS CONTRACT WITHOUT OBTAINING PERMISSION FROM NECESSARY PARTIES FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SAID SIGN(S), THE CUSTOMER IS BOUND TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACT AS THOUGH HE HAD OBTAINED SAID PERMISSION AND AGREES TO RELIEVE THE COMPANY FROM ANY LIABILITY FOR ITS FAILURE WITHIN 10 DAYS OF DELIVERY TO ERECT OR INSTALL SAIDSIGN(S). 11. ENGINEERING (WHEN REQUESTED OR REQUIRED) WILL BE PROCURED WITH A CERTIFIED ENGINEERING COMPANY AND BILLED TO THE CUSTOMER AT AN ADDITIONAL FEE. 12. ANY INCURRED DISPOSAL FEES AND/OR HAZARDOUS WASTE FEES WILL BE ADDED TO THE FINAL INVOICE. 13. INSTALLATION PRICES QUOTED ARE SUBJECT TO REVISION WHERE UNFORESEEABLE CONDITIONS ARE ENCOUNTERED. 14. CUSTOMER AGREES TO PROVIDE SERVICE FEED WIRE OF SUITABLE CAPACITY TO WITHIN FIVE FEET OF CONNECTION POINT TO SIGN PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE SIGN. SERVICE FEED MUST MEET ANY/ALL CITY ELECTRICAL CODES AND REGULATIONS, FINAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTION IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CUSTOMER. SHOULD THE CUSTOMER CHOOSE TO HIRE INDIGO SIGNWORKS FOR THIS SERVICE, INDIGO SIGNWORKS SHALL ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY OF THIS COMPONENT AND EXECUTE THE PROVISIONS, INSTALLATIONS AND CONNECTIONS TO THE DISPLAY INCLUDING PERMITTING AND INSPECTION AS PER THE CONTRACT TERMS SPECIFIC TO THIS COMPONENT OF THE WORK. 15. WHEN DIGGING/DRILLING 15 NECESSARY, INDIGO SIGNWORKS WILL CONTACT STATE LOCATE FACILITY TO LOCATE PUBLIC UTILITIES. LOCATION OF PRIVATE UTILITIES IS SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CUSTOMER. IN THE EVENT ROCK, OR UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES CREATING ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE DRILLING PROCESS, TO THE POINT WHERE SPECIAL EQUIPMENT AND/OR SIGNIFICANT LABOR IS REQUIRED, ADDITIONAL MONIES MAY BE REQUESTED IN WRITING BY THE COMPANY. WARRANTY 16. INDIGO SIGNWORKS, INC. WILL REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY PRODUCT THAT FAILS DUE TO FAULTY MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP FOR TWO YEARS FROM DATE OF INVOICE. THIS WARRANTY IMPLIES ALL SIGNAGE PROVIDED BY INDIGO SIGNWORKS WILL BE FREE OF DEFECTS DUE TO WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO PEELING, DELAMINATION AND INSTALLATION. INDIGO SIGNWORKS, INC. AGREES TO REPAIR ALL DEFECTS THAT DEVELOP DURING THE WARRANTY PERIOD AT NO COST TO OWNER, INCLUDING ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS. ANY PART FOUND TO BE DEFECTIVE DUE TO FAULTY MATERIALS AND/OR WORKMANSHIP WITHIN TWO YEARS SHALL BE REPLACED BY INDIGO SIGNWORKS, INC. IN CASES WHERE A MANUFACTURED PART HAS A WARRANTY LONGER THAN TWO YEARS, INDIGO SIGNWORKS, INC. WILL STAND BEHIND MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY PERIOD FOR THE PART(S), HOWEVER LABOR FEES WILL BE INCURRED. BANNERS AS WELL AS PAINTING PERFORMED IN THE FIELD ARE CONSIDERED TEMPORARY AND ARE EXCLUDED FROM THIS WARRANTY. IN ADDITION, INDIGO SIGNWORKS, INC. WILL NOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE CAUSED BY CARELESS HANDLING, IMPROPER INSTALLATION TECHNIQUES BY OTHERS, MISUSE, VANDALISM, SEVERE WEATHER, NORMAL FADING OR WHERE REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS HAVE BEEN ATTEMPTED BY OTHERS. 17. VEHICLES -PROPER CARE IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO PROTECT AND PROLONG THE LIFE OF YOUR GRAPHICS. INDIGO SIGNWORKS WILL NOT WARRANTY GRAPHICS APPLIED TO VEHICLES THAT HAVE GONE THROUGH TOUCHLESS OR SOFT TOUCH CAR WASHES. HAND WASHING IS ALWAYS THE BEST METHOD OF CLEANING YOUR LETTERED VEHICLE. 18. RETURNS MUST BE PREAUTHORIZED BY AN INDIGO SIGNWORKS, INC. REPRESENTATIVE, SHIPPED TO INDIGO SIGNWORKS AND ACCOMPANIED BY A COPY OF THE ORIGINAL INVOICE. PRODUCT RETURNED FOR REASONS OTHER THAN FAILURE WILL INCUR A 15% RESTOCKING FEE. COMPANY INITIALS_ CUSTOMER INITIALS INDI � � � � � � � � � PROPOSAL Proposal #: 62394 4133 Iowa Street ( Suite 100 1 Alexandria, MN 5£308 tel. 320246.9697 1 fax: 320.846,963$ Proposal Date: 1279219 Customer #: 12792 www.indigosignworks.com Page: 6 of 6 19. UPON AGREEMENT BY BOTH PARTIES, INDIGO SIGNWORKS, INC. MAY ALLOW A DISCOUNTED PRICE FOR DEFECTIVE MERCHANDISE SHOULD CUSTOMER ELECT TO ACCEPT PRODUCT ASIS OR REPAIR PRODUCT AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE. THIS PROPOSAL DOES NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE UNTIL SIGNED AND DATED BY THE COMPANY; ONCE SIGNED THIS PROPOSAL WILL EXPIRE AFTER 30 DAYS. THE ABOVE PRICES, SPECIFICATIONS, AND CONDITIONS ARE SATISFACTORY AND ARE HEREBY ACCEPTED. YOU ARE AUTHORIZED TO DO THE WORK AS SPECIFIED. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE AS OUTLINED ABOVE. SALESPERSON: 4�f[ ./[ IV �2 �n ACCEPTED BY: SIGNATURE: COMPANY INITIALS �M DATE: -I / �/ TITLE: DATE: CUSTOMER INITIALS -----Original Message ----- From: Troy Michael Rheaume <trov@rheaumes.com> Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 11:13 AM To: Dan Klein < Dan. Klein @ci.monticello.mn.us> Cc: Rachel Leonard <Rachel.Leonard @ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: New Size Sign Quotes + Mockup Hello Again! Our pricing for your sign project is as follows: OPTION 1) RHL to provide complete sign and full color message center with pole, excavating, concrete footing & pad, install, setup, training and after the sale support NOTE: Decorative foam base is also included (finish to match building) > With 16mm Resolution Message Center (40 x 200 pixels) @ $46,000 With > 10mm Resolution Message Center (64 x 320 pixels) @ $48,500 OPTION 2) RHL to provide full color message center, install, setup, training and after the sale support NOTE: Only the full color message center for this option, other signs by building contractor > With 16mm Resolution Message Center (40 x 200 pixels) @ $19,000 With > 10mm Resolution Message Center (64 x 320 pixels) @ $21,500 WARRANTY 5 year parts 1 year onsite labor The 10mm resolution for your location would be the best choice. NOTE: You can see both 16mm and 10mm screens side by side in our showroom located in St. Cloud, which would be worth the time if you want to see them!?!? Please keep in mind that we can make minor design changes and the price will not be effected, so let us know if you want some things tweeked or redesigned. We are still hoping to work with you on this project. THANK YOU! Troy M. Rheaume RHL, Inc. ----------- Celebrating 50 Years (1969 - 2019) 25113 21st Ave S St. Cloud, MN 56301 (320)492-1934 Cell (320)252-7680 92 I Th, <remworow:Mott,—j—mono le be 0— i...t-pyrigmetl by o lbbtl pony. me OWm,—,gm—thltbe<oo.e—j—moneyd--bgyerobeoro<epyngbr pone M—le be pr—W by <,py(,ght Mw. ELECTRICAL: THIS SIGN IS INTENDED TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE 600 OF THE NATIONAL w-=, tbece-ng eez —i--ily -M1oltl`,cencSgn'M1a.1-4e alllabili.;', d... s`ntl--thy.lees M.t..yybben"urtdM..ylegal--n....i awrih-py`ght i-gemei°ne-g rbe.-ped-- N prevtletlupp�,heu ELECTRICAL CODE AND/OR OTHER APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES. THIS INCLUDES PROPER GROUND AND BONDING OF THE SIGN. 11'6" 6'3" 6' VIEWING AREA SCALE: 1/2" = 1' 103 CHELSEA ROAD WEST 7 1 3„ 103 CHELSEA ROAD WEST 2M. Consideration to approve entering into a grant contract with Wright Countv Health & Human Services for SHIP funding to update the comprehensive plan with consideration for health equity principles. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is asked to consider entering into a grant contact with Wright County for the Monticello 240: Vision + Plan project. A $10,000 grant award is being offered to Monticello through the Wright County's Statewide Health Improvement Program, which is under the umbrella of Wright County Health & Human Services. The grant funds will help support the integration of health equity principles into the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The "Health in All Principles" referenced in the grant includes principles and topics that the city intends to cover in its 2040 plan: living wages, access to quality schools, availability of transportation options, and safe communities. The grant funds will support that intended work. Wright County SHIP Coordinator Anna Bohanon is a member of the Community Advisory Committee and her engagement in the plan will further allow for the integration of health equity principles into the discussion and planning effort. The availability of funds corresponds to a grant funding cycle which ends October 31, 2019. As such, there is a short window to access the remaining grant dollars. The item was added to the Council agenda for October 14th, 2019 in order to meet the grant funding timeline. Budget Impact: The grant award will provide a net $10,000 reduction to the city's cost for the full Comprehensive Plan project, which totals $118,840.00 Strategic Plan Impact: The acceptance of the grant award will require that the city consider and incorporate healthy living policies into the comprehensive plan. These considerations are those on which general planning and the Comprehensive Plan is founded — health safety and welfare. The incorporation of these principles is also consistent with Strategic Plan goals to "Crate and Preserve Sustainable Livability" and "Invest in People". B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve entering into a grant contract with Wright County Health & Human Services for SHIP funding to update the comprehensive plan with consideration for health equity principles. 2. Motion to deny entering into a grant contract. 3. Motion of other C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff supports Alternative #1 above. The grant supports work that was already intended for inclusion within the current Comprehensive Plan Monticello 2040: Vision + Plan document is intended to illustrate the connections between people and the place they live and respond to the many viewpoints, needs, and opinions of the residents and community stakeholders. The final plan will detail planning strategies which will continue to create a safe, livable community for all. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Grant Contract B. Health in All Policies Principles WRIGHT COUNTY HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Purchase of Services Contract CITY OF MONTICELLO Contract Period: November 1, 2019 through October 31, 2020 This Contract made by and between Wright County doing business as Wright County Health & Human Services, located at 1004 Commercial Drive, Buffalo, MN 55313, hereinafter referred to as "Agency," and Citv of Monticello located at 505 Walnut St, Monticello MN 55362, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor," for the purpose of providing grant -funded (SHIP) services to update comprehensive plan with consideration for health equity and inclusion of the principles of health in all policies. 2. Time Period of Contract a. The term of this Contract shall be from November 1, 2019 through October 31, 2020. b. This Contract may be terminated by the Agency or the Contractor upon thirty (30) days written notice from either party or upon immediate request of the Wright County Health & Human Services Board. Services provided up to the date of termination will be compensated from the Agency to the Contractor. This Contract may be immediately terminated for lack of funding by the Agency if it does not obtain funding from the Minnesota Legislature, Minnesota Agencies, or other funding source, or if its funding cannot be continued at a level sufficient to allow payment of the amounts due under this contract. Written notice of termination sent by the Agency to the Contractor, by mail or facsimile, is sufficient notice under the terms of this Contract. The Agency will not be assessed any penalty or damages if the Contract is terminated due to lack of funding. 3. Contractor Responsibilities a. Using authentic community engagement, the Contractor will update their comprehensive plan for health equity and inclusion of the principles of Health in All Policies. b. The Contractor verifies that they are capable and willing to provide services for recipients deemed eligible for service by Wright County Health & Human Services. C. The Contractor will assure that services rendered hereunder are provided in accordance with the standards required of the Minnesota Department of Human Services. d. The Contractor shall provide any supplies, materials or equipment necessary to perform the services under this Agreement. 4. Agency Responsibilities a. The Agency will review outcomes of this Contract prior to renewing the Contract; b. The Agency will review the outcomes of the Contract at its discretion; this review process will be overseen by the Social Services Manager/Agency Director. 5. Reimbursement a. The total reimbursement under this Contract term will not exceed the rates defined below: List Service to be provided Update comprehensive plan Pagel of 8 List rate of service per unit (day/hour/month, etc.) $10,000.00 WRIGHT COUNTY HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Purchase of Services Contract b. The contract maximum for rendered services will not exceed $10,000.00. Funds for services through the SHIP grant. C. The Agency will reimburse the Contractor for prior -authorized, rendered services only. d. No additional compensation will be provided for travel time or travel expenses. e. The Contractor will submit a billing invoice within 30 days of the date of service, with sufficient detail to justify reimbursement from the Agency. The Agency shall have the authority to review supporting documentation of services provide, and no payment shall be made without the approval of the Agency. f. The Agency will pay for rendered purchased services within 35 days of receiving an invoice from the Contractor. No payment will be made on invoices submitted more than 90 days after the provision of the service by the Contractor. g. It is understood and agreed by all parties that the Agency will assume no responsibility or obligation to purchase from the Contractor any minimum amount of services. h. Condition of Payment: All services provided by Contractor pursuant to this Contract shall be performed to the satisfaction of the Agency, and in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. Payment shall be withheld for work found by the Agency to be unsatisfactory, or performed in violation of federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules or regulations. 6. Contractor Debarment, Suspension, and Responsibility Certification The Contractor shall ensure that neither it nor any of its owners, managers, or employees or its Subcontractors or the owners, managers, or employees of the Subcontractors assigned to provide services pursuant to this Contract have been debarred or excluded from Medicaid or any other federally funded health care program under the provisions of the Social Security Act, 42 USC 1320a-7. If the Contractor learns of any such debarment or exclusion, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Agency in writing and immediately take steps to stop the debarred or excluded individual from performing further services under this Contract, unless the Agency otherwise directs the Contractor in writing. 7. Equal Employment Opportunity, Civil Rights, and Nondiscrimination The Contractor agrees to comply with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII (42 USC 2000e); including Executive Order No. 11246, and Title VI (42 USC 2000d); and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended by Section 504; and all applicable federal and state laws, rules, regulations and orders prohibiting discrimination in employment, facilities and services. Contractor shall not discriminate in employment, facilities and in the rendering of Purchased Services hereunder on the basis of race, color, religion age, sex, disability, marital status, public assistance status, creed or national origin. 8. Indemnity Each Contractor does hereby agree that it will at all times hereafter, during the existence of this Contract, indemnify and hold harmless Agency from any and all liability, loss, damages, costs, or expenses which may be claimed against Agency -or Contractor (1) by reason of any service client's suffering personal injury, death, or property loss or damages either while participating in or receiving from the Contractor the care and services to be furnished by the Contractor under this Contract, or while on premises owned, leased, or operated by the Contractor, or while being transported to or from said premises in any vehicle owned, operated, leased, chartered, or otherwise Contracted for by the Contractor or any officer, agent, or employee thereof, or (2) by reason of any service client's causing injury to, or damage to, the property of another person during any time when the Contractor or any officer, agent, or employee thereof has undertaken or is furnishing the care and service called for under this Contract. 9. Insurance: Page 2 of 8 WRIGHT COUNTY HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Purchase of Services Contract The Contractor agrees that in order to protect itself, as well as Agency and the Minnesota Department of Human Services, under the indemnity provisions set forth above, it will at all times during the term of this Agreement, keep in force the following insurance protection in the limits specified as marked with an 0: ❑X General Liability with contractual liability coverage in the amount of the County's tort liability limits set forth in Minnesota Statute 466.04. The minimum limits should be 1. $1.5 million each occurrence 2. $3 million general aggregate 3. $3 million products and completed operations aggregate ❑ Contractor shall name Agency as an additional insured. ❑ Worker's Compensation in the statutory amount. The minimum limits should be: 4. Bodily injury by accident $500,000 each incident 5. Bodily injury by disease $500,000 each employee 6. Bodily injury by disease $500,000 policy limit ❑ Professional Liability (errors and omissions) insurance coverage of 7. $2,000,000 per wrongful act or occurrence 8. $4,000,000 annual aggregate ❑ Automobile liability coverage when transportation of eligible recipients is provided by the Contractor. The minimum limits should be 9. $1,500,000 per occurrence and aggregate. ❑ Contractor shall name Agency as an additional insured. ❑ Contractor will be required to maintain at all times, during the term of this Contract, a fidelity bond or insurance policy covering theft or embezzlement by the organization's officers or employees. The minimum bonded amount must be enough to cover the average amount of money you handle for Social Security beneficiaries each month plus any conserved Social Security or SSI funds you are holding. A copy of the Contractor's bond or insurance certificate shall be delivered to this County at the beginning of this Contract term and on an annual basis thereafter. An excess or umbrella policy may be used in conjunction with primary coverage limits to meet the minimum limit requirements for each line of coverage. The Contractor agrees as a condition subsequent to increase the required insurance coverage as the liability limits in section 466.04 increase. Failure to abide by this provision shall be deemed a substantial breach of contract. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a waiver by Agency of any statutory limits upon liability. A Certificate of Insurance naming Wright County as certificate holder shall be furnished to Agency prior to commencement of services and shall specify Wright County as an additional insured. The Contractor will furnish an original Certificate of Insurance as evidence of required coverage, showing coverage meets liability limits for the independent contractor. 10. Independent Contractor Status It is agreed that nothing contained in the Contract is intended or should be construed as creating the relationship of co-partners, joint ventures, or an association with Wright County and the Contractor. The Contractor is an independent contractor and neither it, or its employees, agents, nor representatives shall Page 3 of 8 WRIGHT COUNTY HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Purchase of Services Contract be considered employees, agents, representatives of Agency. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Contractor shall maintain in all respects its present control over the application and intake procedures and requirements to clients and the means and personnel by which this Contract is performed. From any amounts due the Contractor, there will be no deduction for Federal income tax or FICA payments nor for any State income tax, nor for any other purposes which are associated with an employer/employee relationship unless required by law. Payment of Federal income tax, FICA payments, and State income tax are the responsibility of the Contractor. 11. Subcontracting Upon approval of the Agency, the Contractor may hire employees and/or enter into subcontracts for performance of any of the services contemplated under this contract. All agreements in place with employees and subcontractors must contain provisions that make all employees and subcontractors subject to all of the requirements of this contract. 12. Conflict of Interest Contractor guarantees that no officer, employee, owner, agent, subcontractor, or assignee shall have any interest in and will not acquire any interest, direct or indirect, that would conflict in any manner or degree with performance of this contract. 13. Data Privacy All data collected, created, received, maintained, or disseminated for any purposes in the course of the Contractor's performance of this Contract is governed by the Minnesota Statute Chapter 13, or any other application State statutes, any State rules adopted to implement the Act, as well as Federal regulations on data privacy. The Contractor agrees to abide strictly by these statutes, rules, and regulations. 14. Severability The provisions of this Contract shall be deemed severable. If any part of this Contract is rendered void, invalid, or unenforceable, such rendering shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remainder of this Contract unless the part or parts that are void, invalid or otherwise unenforceable shall substantially impair the value of the entire Contract with respect to either party, in which event either party may end this Contract by written notice. 15. Entire Agreement It is understood and agreed that the entire agreement of the parties is contained herein and that this Contract supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof as well as any previous agreements presently in effect between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Any material alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers of provisions of this Contract shall be valid only when they have been reduced to writing as an amendment and signed by the parties. THE REST OF THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 4 of 8 WRIGHT COUNTY HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Purchase of Services Contract APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Date City of Monticello ❑X Contracts up to $25,000 Department Head: ❑ Contracts $25,001 - $100,000 Department Head and County Administrator: ❑ Contracts $100,001 - $175,000 and over Department Head, County Administrator, and County Board: Signatures: BY I 9 Jami Goodrum Schwartz, Director Date Wright County Health & Human Services Lee Kelly, Wright County Administrator Date Wright County Administration Department Commissioner/Chairperson Date Wright County Health & Human Services Board Page 5 of 8 WRIGHT COUNTY HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Purchase of Services Contract Wright County, Minnesota BUSINESS ASSOCIATE AGREEMENT Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Whereas, Wright County, Minnesota (Covered Entity) and City of Monticello, Contractor (Business Associate), intend to protect the privacy and provide for the security of certain Protected Health Information (PHI) to which Business Associate may have access in order to provide services to or on behalf of Covered Entity, in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Public Law 104-191 (HIPAA), the HIPAA Privacy rule (Privacy rule), 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164, and the HIPAA Security Rule (Security Rule), 45 CFR Parts 160, 162 and 164. WHEREAS, Business Associate may receive PHI from Covered Entity, or may create or obtain PHI from other parties for use on behalf of Covered Entity, which PHI can be used or disclosed only in accordance with this Agreement and the standards established by HIPAA and the Privacy rule. WHEREAS, Business Associate may receive PHI from Covered Entity, or may create or obtain PHI from other parties for use on behalf of Covered Entity, that is in electronic form, which PHI must be handled in accordance with this Agreement and the standards established by HIPAA and the Security Rule, beginning as soon as practicable but in no event later than the effective date of the Security Rule. NOW, THEREFORE, Covered Entity and Business Associate agree as follows: 1. Definitions. A. "Business Associate" shall have the meaning given to such term under the Privacy and Security Rules, including but not limited to, 45 CFR § 160.103. B. "Covered Entity" shall have the meaning given to such term under the Privacy and Security Rules, including, but not limited to, 45 CFR § 160.103. C. "HIPAA" shall mean the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Public Law 104-191. D. "Privacy rule" shall mean the Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information at 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164. E. "Protected Health Information" or "PHI" means any information, transmitted or recorded in any form or medium; (i) that relates to the past, present or future physical or mental condition of an individual; the provision of health care to an individual; or the past, present or future for the provision of health care to an individual, and (ii) that identifies the individual or with respect to which there is a reasonable basis to believe the information can be used to identify the individual, and shall have the meaning given to such term under HIPAA and the HIPAA Regulations at 45 CFR Parts 160, 162 and 164, including, but not limited to 45 CFR § 164.501. F. "Security Rule" shall mean the Security Standards at 45 CFR Parts 160, 162 and 164. G. Terms used, but not otherwise defined, in this Agreement shall have the same meaning as those terms in 45 CFR Parts 160, 162 and 164. 2. Stated Purposes For Which Business Associate May Use Or Disclose PHI. Except as otherwise limited in this Agreement, Business Associate shall be permitted to use or disclose PHI provided by or obtained on behalf of Covered Entity to perform those functions, activities, or services for, or on behalf of, Covered Entity that are specified in the Statement of Work, provided that such use or disclosure would not violate the Privacy rule if done by Covered Entity or the minimum necessary policies and procedures of the Covered Entity. 3. Additional Purposes For Which Business Associate May Use Or Disclose Information. In addition to the Stated Purposes, Business Associate may use or disclose PHI provided by, created or obtained on behalf of Covered Entity for the following additional purpose(s): A. Use Of Information For Management, Administration And Legal Responsibilities. Business Associate is permitted to use PHI if necessary for the proper management and administration of Business Associate or to carry out legal responsibilities of the Business Associate, except as otherwise limited in this Agreement. B. Disclosure Of Information For Management, Administration And Legal Responsibilities. Business Associate is permitted to disclose PHI provided by, or created or obtained on behalf of Covered Entity for the proper management and administration of Business Associate or to carry out legal responsibilities of Business Associate, except as otherwise limited in this Agreement, provided: I . The disclosure is required by law: or 2. The Business Associate obtains reasonable assurances in writing from any third party to whom the information Page 6 of 8 WRIGHT COUNTY HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Purchase of Services Contract is disclosed that it will be held confidentially and used or further disclosed only as required by law or for the purposes for which it was disclosed to the third party, the third party will use appropriate safeguards to prevent other use or disclosure of the information, and the third party agrees to immediately notify the Business Associate of any instance of which it is aware in which the confidentiality of the information has been breached. C. Data Aggregation Services. Business Associate may also be permitted to use or disclose PHI to provide data aggregation services, as that term is defined by 45 CFR § 164.501, if specific authorization is received from the Covered Entity. 4. BUSINESS ASSOCIATE OBLIGATIONS: A. Limits On Use And Further Disclosure Established By This Agreement Or Required By Law. Business Associate hereby agrees that the PHI provided by, or created or obtained on behalf of Covered Entity shall not be further used or disclosed other than as permitted or required by this Agreement or as required by law. B. Appropriate Safeguards. Beginning as soon as practicable but in no event later than the effective date of the Security Rule, Business Associate shall establish and maintain appropriate safeguards to prevent any use or disclosure of PHI other than as provided for by this Agreement. Appropriate safeguards shall include implementing administrative, physical, and technical safeguards that reasonably and appropriately protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the electronic PHI that is created, received, maintained, or transmitted on behalf of the Covered Entity. C. Reports Of Improper Use Or Disclosure. Business Associate hereby agrees that it shall report to the Agency Director within two (2) days of discovery any use or disclosure of PHI not provided for or allowed by this Agreement. D. Reports Of Security Incidents. Beginning as soon as practicable but in no event later than the effective date of the Security Rule, Business Associate shall report to the Agency Director within two (2) days of discovery any security incident of which it becomes aware. E. Subcontractors And Agents. Business Associate hereby agrees that any time PHI is provided or made available to any subcontractors or agents, Business Associate shall provide only the minimum necessary PHI for the purpose of the covered transaction and shall first enter into a subcontract or contract with the subcontractor or agent that contains the same terms, conditions and restrictions on the use and disclosure of PHI as contained in this Agreement. F. Right Of Access To PHI. Business Associate hereby agrees to allow an individual who is the subject of PHI maintained in a designated record set, to have access to and copy that individual's PHI within 10 business days of receiving a written request from the Covered Entity. Business Associate shall provide PHI in the format requested, unless it cannot readily be produced in such format, in which case it shall be provided in standard hard copy. If any individual requests from Business Associate or its agents or subcontractors access to PHI, Business Associate shall notify Covered Entity of same within 5 business days. Business Associate shall further conform with and meet all of the requirements of 45 CFR § 164.524. G. Amendment And Incorporation Of Amendments. Within 10 business days of receiving a request from Covered Entity for an amendment of PHI maintained in a designated record set, Business Associate shall make the PHI available and incorporate the amendment to enable Covered Entity to comply with 45 CFR § 164.526. If any individual requests an amendment from Business Associate or its agents or subcontractors, Business Associate shall notify Covered Entity of same within 10 business days. H. Provide Accounting Of Disclosures. Business Associate agrees to maintain a record of all disclosures of PHI in accordance with 45 CFR § 164.528. Such records shall include, for each disclosure, the date of the disclosure, the name and address of the recipient of the PHI, a description of the PHI disclosed, the name of the individual who is the subject of the PHI disclosed, the purpose of the disclosure, and shall include disclosures made on or after the date which is 6 years prior to the request or April 14, 2003, whichever is later. Business Associate shall make such record available to the individual or the Covered Entity within 10 business days of a request for an accounting of disclosures. I. Access To Books And Records. Business Associate hereby agrees to make its internal practices, books, and records relating to the use or disclosure of PHI received from, or created or received by Business Associate on behalf of the Covered Entity, available to the Secretary of Health and Human Services or designee for purposes of determining compliance with the HIPAA Privacy Regulations. J. Return Or Destruction Of PHI. At termination of this Agreement, Business Associate hereby agrees to return or destroy all PHI provided by or obtained on behalf of Covered Entity. Business Associate agrees not to retain any copies of the PHI after termination of this Agreement. If return or destruction of the PHI is not feasible, Business Associate agrees to extend the protections of this Agreement to limit any further use or disclosure until such time as the PHI may be returned or destroyed. If Business Associate elects to destroy the PHI, it shall certify to Covered Entity that the PHI has been destroyed. K. Maintenance of PHI. Notwithstanding Section 12 of this Agreement, Business Associate and its subcontractors or agents shall retain all PHI throughout the term of the Agreement and shall continue to maintain the information required under Section 12 of this Agreement for a period of six (6) years after termination of the Agreement, unless Covered Entity and Business Associate agree otherwise. L. Mitigation Procedures. Business Associate agrees to establish and to provide to Covered Entity upon request, procedures for mitigating, to the maximum extent practicable, any harmful effect from the use or disclosure of PHI in a manner contrary to this Agreement or the Privacy Rule. 45 CFR § 164.530(f). Business Associate further agrees to mitigate Page 7of8 WRIGHT COUNTY HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Purchase of Services Contract any harmful effect that is known to Business Associate of a use or disclosure of PHI by Business Associate in violation of this Agreement or the Privacy rule. M. Sanction Procedures. Business Associate agrees that it shall develop and implement a system of sanctions for any employee, subcontractor or agent who violates this Agreement or the Privacy rule. N. Grounds For Breach. Any non-compliance by Business Associate with this Agreement or the Privacy or Security Rules will automatically be considered to be a breach of the Agreement, if Business Associate knew or reasonably should have known of such non-compliance and failed to immediately take reasonable steps to cure the non-compliance. O. Termination by Covered Entity. Business Associate authorizes termination of this Agreement by the Covered Entity if the Covered Entity determines, in its sole discretion, that the Business Associate has violated a material term of this Agreement. P. Failure to Perform Obligations. In the event Business Associate fails to perform its obligations under this Agreement, Covered Entity may immediately discontinue providing PHI to Business Associate. Covered Entity may also, at its option, require Business Associate to submit to a plan of compliance, including monitoring by Covered Entity and reporting by Business Associate, as Covered Entity in its sole discretion determines to be necessary to maintain compliance with this Agreement and applicable law. 5. OBLIGATIONS OF COVERED ENTITY: A. Provision of Notice of Privacy Practices. Covered Entity shall provide Business Associate with the notice of privacy practices that the Covered Entity produces in accordance with 45 CFR § 164.520, as well as changes to such notice. B. Permissions. Covered Entity shall provide Business Associate with any changes in, or revocation of, permission by individual to use or disclose PHI of which Covered Entity is aware, if such changes affect Business Associate's permitted or required uses and disclosures. C. Restrictions. Covered Entity shall notify Business Associate of any restriction to the use or disclosure of PHI that the Covered Entity has agreed to in accordance with 45 CFR § 164.522, to the extent that such restriction may affect Business Associate's use or disclosure of PHI. 6. AGREEMENT SIGNATURES Covered Entity: Wright County, Minnesota Covered Entity Official Authorized Signature: Date: Jami Goodrum Schwartz, Director Wright County Health & Human Services Business Associate: City of Monticello Business Associate Official Authorized Signature: Date: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator City of Monticello Page 8 of 8 Finally, HiAP makes economic sense. Healthy populations are an economic resource, promoting more productive lives and societal economic growth.6 HiAP also encourages governments to reduce duplication and coordinate efforts, thereby improving government efficiency and accountability. III. The History of HiAP Around the World HiAP's roots date back to nineteenth-century public health pioneers who demonstrated how living conditions, such as sanitation, food safety, and housing, impact disease.4The growing recognition that health problems could not be solved by the health sector alone was reflected in WHO's 1978 Alma-Ata Declaration. This declaration reaffirmed health as a human right, recognized growing health inequities worldwide, and recommended collaboration with different sectors as a strategy for achieving health for al 1.7 Following on this theme, the 1986 Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion shifted the dialogue in public health from disease prevention to health promotion.4 It also stated: "Health promotion goes beyond healthcare. It puts health on the agenda of policymakers in all sectors and at all levels, directing them to be aware of the health consequences of their decisions and to accept their responsibilities for health."" Health in All Policies: A Framework for State Health Leadership Wright County Transit Advisory Committee (WCTAC) Meeting Minutes — April 16, 2019 Trailblazer Facility, Buffalo The Wright County Transit Advisory Committee (WCTAC) met at the Trailblazer Facility in Buffalo on Tuesday, April 16, 2019. Chairperson Vetsch called the meeting to order at 2:02 PM. Committee Members Present: Darek Vetsch, Commissioner (WCTAC Chair) ... Michael Potter, Commissioner ......................... Kelly Hinnenkamp............................................. Jennifer Nash .................................................... Kevin Kress ........................................................ Jarod Sebring ..................................................... Tim McNeil, Mayor ........................................... KristinLogas...................................................... LloydHilgart...................................................... Wendy Manson ................................................. AdamFlaherty ................................................... Connie Holmes, Mayor ..................................... Representing: .....Wright County Board .....Wright County Board .....Annandale .....Buffalo .....Clearwater .....Cokato .....Dayton .....Maple Lake .....Monticello .....Montrose .....Otsego .....Waverly Committee Members Absent: Representing: TBD.............................................................................Albertville Jason Franzen.............................................................Delano Ken Warpula...............................................................Hanover Nick Haggenmiller ......................................................Howard Lake Renee Hafften, Mayor................................................Rockford Kevin Kasel, Mayor.....................................................St. Michael Others Present (name, organization): Gary Ludwig, Trailblazer Joint Powers Board Jake Nelson, Trailblazer Joint Powers Board Bob Hiivala, Auditor/Treasurer Wright County Gavin Poindexter, AECOM Erica Sheppard, AECOM A) Welcome/Introductions Chairperson Vetsch called the meeting to order at 2:02 PM. B) Design/Purpose of Advisory Committee The purpose of the Wright County Transit Advisory Committee is to support the growth and the development of the public transit system in Wright County. MnDOT requires any future expansion or investment in the public transit system to be reviewed and supported by an WCTAC Minutes — 4/16/19 Page 1 of 4 advisory committee. The specific roles and responsibilities of the advisory committee members are as follows: 1. Marketing— Advisory committee members are asked and expected to help market the transit service in their cities. Marketing refers to all aspects of promoting the transit service, not just traditional advertising. 2. Education —Trailblazer Transit administration will use the advisory committee as an opportunity to explain the transit service in greater detail. Committee members are able to ask questions about the service and then pass that knowledge along to others. 3. Complaints/Problems —Committee members are able to pass along complaints and to discuss problems with the service in their areas. Wright County is a large geographical area, and Trailblazer Transit administration needs the eyes and ears of trusted committee members to help with quality control of the service. 4. Input into Service Levels - Committee members are invited to provide input into service levels and to make suggestions about improvements or enhancements that may be needed. 5. Investment Strategies — MnDOT requires that any future investment into the transit system be reviewed and supported by a transportation advisory committee. Therefore, the advisory committee is a critical tool to obtain future funding for service expansion and other enhancements. Committee members are able to suggest and help prioritize funding requests. 6. Coordinated Planning — In addition to planning for the public transit system, the transit advisory committee may be asked to provide suggestions relative to the coordination of public transit with many other planning efforts including, but not limited to, community building projects, economic development, health and human services, and other transportation projects such as roads and bridges. Chairperson Vetsch emphasized that the WCTAC is not a governing board like the Wright County Area Transportation (WCAT) Joint Powers Board, which was dissolved at the end of December 2018. Rather, the WCTAC is advisory in nature and is a platform for the exchange of information specifically about the transit service. Wright County will be responsible for the governance of the transit system with Sibley County and McLeod County. Mr. Ludwig also clarified that MnDOT requires Trailblazer Transit to have an advisory committee to support and guide the development of the transit system in Wright County. However, Mr. Ludwig explained that Wright County is organizing the TAC instead of Trailblazer Transit, which is permissible assuming that Trailblazer Transit is able to achieve its goals through the TAC organized by Wright County. In the event the WCTAC falters or does not fulfill its purpose, then Trailblazer Transit will need to create its own advisory committee. Therefore, WCTAC Minutes -4/16/19 Page 2 of 4 the Trailblazer Transit administration will only participate in the WCTAC and is not technically a part of the advisory committee. However, Trailblazer Transit has agreed to provide technical and administrative support to Wright County at no cost. C) Discuss Invitation for Big Lake, Elk River and Rogers to Participate Trailblazer Transit has started providing service into the neighboring communities of Rogers, Elk River, Big Lake, and Big Lake Township. There was discussion on whether or not to invite representatives from those Cities/Township to the advisory committee. Trailblazer Transit may transport individuals who belong to Trailblazer's jurisdiction but will not transport those people who belong to other counties' jurisdiction. Therefore, Trailblazer Transit can do anything it wants in these areas except transport people attached to those jurisdictions. The committee members advised against extending an invitation to Rogers, Elk River and Big Lake at this time and to first focus on the stabilization of service in Wright County. D) Discuss Per Diems and Mileage Wright County has established a $50/day per diem and mileage will be reimbursed at the IRS reimbursement rate. Mr. Ludwig explained that the per diems and reimbursements are a Wright County expense and will not impact the Trailblazer Transit budget. Trailblazer is providing administrative support at no cost to Wright County. Chairperson Vetsch agreed to email committee members instructions to claim per diems and mileage reimbursements within the next three weeks. E) 2018 Ridership and Local Share Mr. Ludwig reviewed the Passenger and Operating Statistics Report that showed Trailblazer Transit provided 122,762 rides in Wright County in 2018. Mr. Ludwig reported that Trailblazer provided 448,415 rides between June 2014 and December 2018. During that same time period of 4.5 years, Trailblazer Joint Powers Board reported excess operating revenue as $294,958.37. Mr. Ludwig also announced that there would be zero local share for Wright County in 2018 for 5311 operating expenses. F) 2019 Service Expansion in Wright County MnDOT has allocated approximately $600K in additional funds for Trailblazer Transit in 2019. The Trailblazer Board held a Special Meeting on Thursday, April 4, 2019 and approved the purchase of four new busses with the goal to put two of those new buses into service in Wright County as soon as possible. As of right now, Trailblazer's current inventory in Wright County Is 18 class 400 transit buses plus two SMART -RIDE vans (20 total vehicles). The facility in Buffalo is already at capacity and needs to be expanded. G) Five Year Transit System Plan (FYTSP) Representatives from the national consulting firm AECOM gave the advisory committee an update on Trailblazer Transit's Community Survey. Overall there were 865 responses. The top compliment was Trailblazer's customer service and the top area for improvement was increased span of service (longer hours). There was also interest in adding weekend service. WCTAC Minutes -4/16/19 Page 3 of 4 AECOM also shared six preliminary recommendations for Trailblazer Transit that included the following: 1) Improving dispatch technology 2) Expanding the Buffalo facility or building a new facility in Eastern Wright County 3) Increasing service levels in Wright County 4) Extending service in the evening by one hour during weekdays 5) Increasing administrative staffing levels 6) Improving regional connections including expanding service into other counties. The FYTSP is due to MnDOT by the end of June 2019. H) Roundtable Discussion The advisory committee suggested that Trailblazer Transit provide connectivity to Maple Grove and St. Cloud for commuters. Chairperson Vetsch asked each committee member to submit a list of the top five destinations outside of Wright County that Trailblazer Transit should consider for regional connectivity. He wanted to identify any common locations that could be added Trailblazer Transit's FYSTP. 1) Confirm Time and Location of Next Meeting/Adjourn The next Wright County Transit Advisory Committee was scheduled on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 at 2:00 PM at the Trailblazer Facility in Buffalo. Chairperson Vetsch adjourned the meeting at 4:15 PM. WCTAC Minutes -4/16/19 Page 4 of 4 Subject: RE: Admin Luncheon - Thursday, 9/26 @ 11:30 Wild Marsh Hello Fellow Wright County City Administrators, As you are aware and we've discussed at our last Administrator meetings, the cities in Wright County are hosting an engagement outreach meeting with the League of Minnesota Cities in October and would like elected and appointed representatives from each city to attend. NOTE: This is different and separate from the half-day regional meetings that the League also has each fall. As you may have heard or seen, the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) leadership team are meeting with small groups of elected and top appointed staff around the state in the recent months to hear more about the current priorities of our individual cities and share some of the things the League and the Insurance Trust (LMCIT) have been working on. They are particularly interested in how LMC/LMCIT are doing from cities' perspectives directly, whether there are things LMC could be doing in addition or differently, and what kind of issues communities are facing. St. Michael and Otsego attended a similar meeting in Dayton for nearby Cities earlier this year and thought it would be great to do one for Wright County Cities. Luke Fischer (Deputy Director) and Gary Carlson (Intergovernmental Relations Director) are going to be in Buffalo on Thursday, October 24th from 3-4 p.m. at the Wild Marsh Golf Club (1710 Montrose Blvd, Buffalo, MN 55313) and they asked that an elected and appointed officials from each city attend, if at all possible. Please let me and Heather Corcoran (hcorcoran@lmc.org) LMC Member Engagement Manager know if you and/or someone else from the city can attend by next Friday, October 11th. Thanks and I hope you can join us, Steve Bot, St. Michael Administrator AR Minnesota �� Chapter merican Public Works Association APWA MINNESOTA CHAPTER PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT OF THE YEAR NOMINATION FORM Return to: Sarah Lloyd Phone: 952-890-0509 ext. 2417 Bolton & Menk, Inc. Email: sarah.11ovd(a)bolton-menk.com 12224 Nicollet Avenue Burnsville, MN 55337 Submission Deadline: October 1, 2019 All nomination and supporting data are to be submitted as a PDF to Sarah at sarah.11ovd(a)bolton-menk.com with a maximum page size of 5 pages, including photos. Project Nominated: Fallon Avenue Overpass Managing Agency: city of Monticello Contact Person: Matt Leonard Agency Address: 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362 Agency Phone Number: 763-295-2711 Project Design Firm: WSB Project Construction Administration Firm: WSB Project General Contractor: Eureka Name of Person Making Nomination: Shibani Bisson Phone Number: (612) 360-1304 Criteria for Nomination • Project must be substantially completed by October 31, 2019. • Includes use of innovative construction management techniques and completion of the project on schedule. • Maintained excellent safety performance and safety program throughout construction. • Evidence of strong community relations during all project phases. • Consideration given to the environment. Sustainable design techniques involved. • Unusual accomplishments given adverse conditions. • Provides future value to the public works profession and perception by the public. • Additional considerations such as value engineering, innovative project financing, multi -agency coordination and participation. Reasons for Nomination: Describe the project with the aspects and features of the project that fulfilled any of the applicable criteria listed. (Include description on a separate page.) APWA Minnesota Chapter PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT OF THE YEAR Project Overview The Fallon Avenue Overpass project is known in Monticello as a bridge that connects the community. Situated along both sides of 1-94, Monticello is a fast- growing community with development occurring on both sides of the Interstate. Fallon Overpass serves as a major local connection in the city that improves transportation, economic development opportunities and public safety. The project included the construction of the Fallon Avenue bridge over 1-94, three roundabouts located at the intersections of Fallon Avenue and Chelsea Road, Fallon Avenue and 7th Street, and 7th Street and Washington Street and pedestrian and streetscape improvements. The project was conceived over two decades ago as the City's vision was to provide a local gateway for growth and economic development for the community. The overpass was identified in the City's 1994 Comprehensive Plan and during the 2004 CSAH 18/1-94 interchange project, the construction of a local thoroughfare was highly recommended by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and MnDOT as a vital link to the City's transportation system and to address future growth. Since 1994, the city of Monticello has experienced significant growth and development, and the Fallon Avenue Overpass provides a critical alternative crossing over 1-94 to alleviate heavy traffic on Trunk Highway 25, which has approximately 40,000 vehicles per day, and CSAH 18. As a result, improved travel times and reduction in delays have occurred not only for local residents, but also businesses, school buses, emergency services and commuter traffic accessing 1-94. The over $9 million project included several project partners and required coordination with partner agencies, local businesses, residents, contractors and city staff. Innovative Construction Management Techniques & Completion of Project on Schedule MANAGING TIMELINES The project included some significant right of way acquisition negotiations that spanned several years. The right of way acquisition process, as well as the agency review time were critical in determining the project construction schedule. The project delivery had a compressed timeline with a bid letting in May 2018. Construction began in June and the bridge was open to traffic on November 21, the day before Thanksgiving. Planning for cold weather paving, mitigating traffic closures and back-ups, acquiring funding, right of way acquisitions and communicating with residents and business owners all played a role in the success of this project. Often private utility relocations can delay construction activities. This was not the case for the project as a concerted effort was made to partner with utility companies to begin the relocation work in 2017, one year prior to the contractor beginning roadway reconstruction. Seasoned construction management and inspection personnel and collaboration with MnDOT construction managers, also contributed to the project success. Excellent Safety Performance and Safety Program TIMING OF CLOSURES Construction on the project began in June 2018 and there were no injuries reported throughout the entirety of the project. Originally, 1-94 lane closures occurred during day hours and sometimes during peak traffic hours. When the project team realized the back-ups that were occurring during the initial lane closures, they worked closely with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) to remedy the issue. Rather than having closures during peak travel times, closures occurred overnight for the remainder of the project. The City's adjacent collector roadways were closed in segments to restrict the traveling public from driving through the corridor and construction zone. By limiting the closure area, it allowed the contractor to maintain a tight perimeter around the construction area, for improved safety for the traveling public and the construction workers. Strong Community Relations Communication was key in the success of this project. Frequent communication between the project team, city, contractor, businesses and residents was necessary. The City of Monticello worked diligently to ensure the public was kept well-informed of the project and created a robust communications plan that would inform all involved audiences. Detours were the word of the year in Monticello. City staff understood that construction to the size and scale of Fallon Avenue was going to be particularly challenging to residents, but the payoff would be worth it. From concept to reality The city began the process of concept planning in 2011 and vetted the project with the city council from planning through design. Eight alignment concepts were initially discussed with one selected in 2015. Impacted property owners were included in planning, as well as the City's Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC). The TAC included local business owners, industrial and economic development committee members, city staff and city council members. From an economic development standpoint, there was a lot of support for the project. The City's Economic Development Authority believed in the project because it promoted their mission of creating jobs and spurring future commercial and residential development in the surrounding area. Currently, the city has received multiple development proposals adjacent to the project. Combining traditional and modern communication tactics The City used several communication tools during construction to reach audiences in different ways including a public open house, project website, social media, regular email communications, MnDOT website communications, local newspaper articles, flyers, city hall, library and chamber of commerce displays. Additionally, direct mailings were sent to property owners along the corridor to ensure they were kept well-informed of project schedule in addition to field personnel providing frequent communications. Since there were several project partners and stakeholders involved in the project, the City hosted both a groundbreaking and ribbon -cutting ceremony to symbolize the beginning and completion of the project, highlighting its significance for Monticello. The groundbreaking was well attended by elected officials. A lasting impact The connection of the two halves of the city was transformative. Whether it was local drivers moving across town, pedestrians and bikers enjoying the connections to the pathway system, or emergency services utilizing the new route to help citizens, the bridge is an essential thoroughfare for Monticello. Sustainable Design Techniques A BRIDGE MODELED AFTER MONTICELLO The Fallon Overpass bridge is a focal point of the city and because of this, city staff wanted to ensure this bridge not only functional, but reflected the brand, environment and character of the city. The bridge was designed to incorporate local art that could be switched out for flexibility in the future. Additionally, the arches were designed to mimic the curves of the Mississippi River. The colored concrete and a limestone fagade represented local natural resources. Since the bridge is not tied to a major interchange, most bridge use would come from local traffic in addition to 1-94 motorists viewing it daily. Being intentional about creating a sense of pride for Monticello was important. An intentional streetscape The City of Monticello has invested heavily in creating beautiful and intentional public spaces. Several plazas in the city, landscaping and wayfinding signs were aesthetically developed and these consistent colors and features were carried throughout the Fallon Overpass Project corridor. Significant attention was paid to the type of rock and how these aesthetic elements can create connections throughout the city. Using roundabouts to manage traffic and improve safety Including three roundabouts is a unique traffic control design technique in any project. Due to the need of improved intersection flow with the addition of the overpass, in addition to the projected increase in development in the areas surrounding the project area, it was the City's desire to make the corridor pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle -friendly. The project reduced and improved pedestrian crossings on 7th Street between residential areas and the school. Additionally, roundabouts are a more sustainable solution to traffic control and transportation design and with this project, reduced impacts to adjacent properties compared to traditional sign systems with turn lanes. Studies have shown that roundabouts result in lower fuel consumption, a decrease in emissions, decrease in impervious areas effected and landscaping opportunities. A unique approach to stormwater management In many cases, central islands of roundabouts are reserved for native landscaping and aesthetic features. During preliminary design, the team was looking for areas to create ponds. Challenges with right of way limited the available space surrounding the project, as well as topographic issues. Working with a hydraulic group, the team pursued placing the underground water treatment chambers in the center island of the roundabouts. The water is routed through the central island and into the city's water treatment chambers without any additional effects on surrounding property. Unusual Accomplishments Given Adverse Conditions ACQUIRING RIGHT OF WAY I A 20 -YEAR PROCESS A major challenge that could've prevented the entire project from happening was securing necessary right of way. Coordination with the railroad to open the area near 7th street for redevelopment and negotiating with the railroad came first. Eventually, the team showed the railroad alternative options and the right of way was secured. The most challenging aspect of the project was securing right of way from a local church. The city eventually purchased the right of way from the church after several negotiations that escalated up the chain of command. Several attorneys, negotiations and conversations led to the purchase of the land necessary to build the Fallon Avenue Overpass. Throughout the entire process, the city remained focused on their end goal and took all the steps necessary, although challenging at many times, to ensure this project was possible. Combating Cold Weather The fall of 2018 was unusually cold and unexpected. The cold weather was preventing the contractor from pouring concrete and pavement. The team worked closely with MnDOT's bituminous office to ensure it was safe to pour the concrete and pavement. This collaboration allowed the project to stay within the project schedule and timeline - a huge priority for a city that was already riddled with detours and closures. When paving in cold weather, it's important to remember that the Time Available for Compaction (TAC) is dramatically reduced. Knowing mix temperature is critical to achieving compaction and knowing that there is less time to compact in cold weather is a big variable when performing cold weather paving. Future Value to the Public Works Professional and Public Perception A large interstate running through the middle of a community can be perceived as barrier to connecting the community. Although access to transportation is essential for economic development, the placement almost acts as a divider. Creating pathways that form a symbolic and physical connection to both sides of the city was incredibly important. The pathway connections and streetscape elements of the project supported the City's vision of connecting the community to the City's downtown, parks and pathway system and places of work and shopping. The city's public works department provided considerable input in developing the streetscape design to be attractive yet maintainable. Additionally, the project improved response time for public safety providers such as the Wright County Sheriff's Department, fire department and ambulance services for the Monticello -Big Lake hospital located in the city. The Monticello school district also benefited from the project with improved connection for the elementary schools on the south side of 1-94 and the middle school located on the north side of 1-94 along the project corridor. The City has received positive feedback from the community with an improved quality of life due to reduced travel times and less traffic congestion, in addition to aesthetic improvements and a symbolic connection of the City. Additional Considerations - Innovative Project Funding and Multi -Agency Coordination The Fallon Avenue Overpass project was recommended for award of $2,100,000 in federal funds by the MnDOT Region 7W TAC meeting in February 2017. The region had $3,168,000 available to fund road and bridge projects as part of the fiscal year (FY) 2021 Local Surface Transportation Program (STP) Program. There were nine projects that applied for funding totaling $18 million. Only two road and bridge projects were selected out of the nine submissions. The Fallon Ave overpass was recommended to receive $2.1 million of the over $3 million available funds. This was highly competitive process, all with viable transportation projects submitted. In previous years, four to eight projects submitted funding requests. 2017 was an unprecedented year with nine projects applying. Region 7W consists of Wright County, Sherburne County, Stearns County, Benton County and all cities within these counties vying for funding their projects. District 3 MnDOT transportation planning staff reviewed all nine project applications and ranked the projects based on seven different criteria including: Access and Mobility, System Connectivity, Multimodal, System Condition, Safety, Economic Vitality, Cost Justification and Equity. In the end, this was not a slam dunk for the City of Monticello, although the project ranked high. A combination of a good application, pre -planning and discussions with MnDOT planning staff resulted in a minor functional class change making the Fallon project eligible, the project presentation to the Region 7W TAC and the City staff advocating for this project at the meeting, resulted in the award of funds. In addition, support letters from stakeholders, such as the Monticello School District, Monticello Economic Development Authority, and the Highway 25 Coalition were included with the award submittal. This was the largest amount of funding to be received for a transportation project in the City's history. Monticello �� i u s. Depanmem of nay:ponano" �1 Federal Highway �Adminisha ion WS b M � DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TIMELINE 1994 The overpass was identified in the City's transportation plan 1998 7th Street Construction occurred and the overpass right of way was platted 2004 The CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange was approved. This approval strengthened the need for the Fallon Overpass to address future growth and reduce congestion on TH 25 2011 Concept Planning, Stakeholder meetings and TAC meetings occurred 2015 Concept alignment approved DECEMBER 2016 Church right of way acquisition 2017-2018 Preliminary Design, right of way acquisition, environmental and final design occurred APRIL 2018 Agency plan approval MAY 7, 2018 Bid Letting MAY 23, 2018 MnDOT clearance to begin construction JUNE 2018 Construction begins NOVEMBER 2018 Bridge opens to drivers and pedestrians JUNE 2019 Final project completion (landscaping) 'OT co'. �'RI R 5 04Fti Monticello Monthly Report 2019 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call 911 Abandoned Total: 9 09/05/19 10:44 911 Abandoned 09/05/19 20:49 911 Abandoned 09/07/19 14:28 911 Abandoned 09/13/19 10:42 911 Abandoned 09/17/19 16:30 911 Abandoned 09/23/1914:39 911 Abandoned 09/26/1911:10 911 Abandoned 09/28/19 13:18 911 Abandoned 09/28/19 16:52 911 Abandoned Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Sean Deringer 3800 Braddock Ave. NE, Buffalo, MN 55313 1-800-362-3667 Fax:763-682-7610 CFS # 2019075136 2019075310 2019075803 2019077543 2019079063 2019080958 2019081881 2019082595 2019082652 911 Abandoned; Harassment Total: 1 09/21/19 09:19 911 Abandoned: 2019080331 Final Incident QPpFE55I0NA�rS Printed on October 1, Z= Case Number Codes How Reported 911ABANDON 911ABANDON 911 ABANDON 911ABANDON 911ABANDON 911 ABANDON 911ABANDON 911ABANDON 911 ABANDON 911 911ABANDON; 911 Abandoned; Medical - Seizure Total: 1 09/20/19 17:45 911 Abandoned; 2019080149 Medical - Seizure WP19030462 911 911ABANDON; 911 Hang-up Total: 21 09/01/19 20:16 911 Hang-up 2019073982 911 HAN911 GUP 09/02/19 18:43 911 Hang-up 2019074293 911 HAN P 09/03/19 11:28 911 Hang-up 2019074505 911 HAN911 GUP 09/04/19 17:25 911 Hang-up 2019074922 91 911 HANgP 09/06/19 07:55 911 Hang-up 2019075401 11 911 HANGUP 09/06/19 11:34 911 Hang-up 2019075463 911 HAN911 GUP 09/07/19 08:45 911 Hang-up 2019075730 91 911 HANgP 09/07/19 18:12 911 Hang-up 2019075874 11 911 HANGUP 09/08/19 08:07 911 Hang-up 2019076053 911 HAN911 GUP 09/08/19 17:03 911 Hang-up 2019076174 911 HAN911 GUP 09/09/19 14:39 911 Hang-up 2019076425 911 HAN P 09/10/19 01:41 911 Hang-up 2019076583 911 HAN911 GUP 09/10/19 05:53 911 Hang-up 2019076598 911 HAN911 GUP ZUERCHER Page 1 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/14/19 15:25 911 Hang-up 2019077957 911 HAN911 GUP 09/17/19 14:13 911 Hang-up 2019079010 911 911 Open Line 911 HANGUP 09/17/19 19:54 911 Hang-up 2019079128 911 HAN911 GUP 09/19/19 15:59 911 Hang-up 2019079783 Open Line 2019073884 911 911 HAN911 GUP 09/22/19 07:18 911 Hang-up 2019080615 911 OPEN 09/02/19 12:21 911 HAN911 GUP 09/28/19 08:33 911 Hang-up 2019082522 2019074172 911 911 HAN911 GUP 09/28/19 19:41 911 Hang-up 2019082694 911OPEN 09/02/19 23:06 911 911 HAN911 GUP 09/29/19 09:12 911 Hang-up 2019082815 911 911 HANGUP 911 Hang-up; Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 1 09/30/19 20:53 911 Hang-up; 2019083265 911 HANGUP; SUSPPV 911 Hang-up; Traffic - Complaint Total: 1 09/01/19 18:27 911 Hang-up; Traffic - 2019073941 911 Hang-up WP19028147 911 911 HANGUP; T 911 Open Line Total: 48 09/01/19 13:39 911 Open Line 2019073863 911 911OPEN 09/01/19 14:40 911 Open Line 2019073879 911OPEN11 09/01/19 14:58 911 Open Line 2019073884 911 911 OPEN 09/02/19 12:21 911 Open Line 2019074172 911 911OPEN 09/02/19 23:06 911 Open Line 2019074395 911 OPEN11 09/03/19 10:13 911 Open Line 2019074484 911 911 OPEN 09/03/19 16:24 911 Open Line 2019074598 911 911OPEN 09/06/19 06:29 911 Open Line 2019075391 911 OPEN11 09/07/19 00:31 911 Open Line 2019075684 11 911 OPEN 09/07/19 02:31 911 Open Line 2019075701 911 911 OPEN 09/07/19 18:10 911 Open Line 2019075872 g 911OPEN11 09/07/19 23:01 911 Open Line 2019075963 11 911 OPEN 09/07/19 23:05 911 Open Line 2019075964 911 911 OPEN 09/08/19 00:49 911 Open Line 2019076009 g 911 OPEN11 09/08/19 19:28 911 Open Line 2019076200 911 911 OPEN 09/10/19 16:23 911 Open Line 2019076731 911 911OPEN 09/10/19 17:02 911 Open Line 2019076742 911OPEN11 09/11/19 13:38 911 Open Line 2019077015 911 911 OPEN 09/12/19 15:34 911 Open Line 2019077361 911 911 OPEN ZUERCHER Page 2 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes Reported 09/12/19 20:14 911 Open Line 2019077421 ggHow 911 OPEN11 09/13/19 07:04 911 Open Line 2019077494 11 911 OPEN 09/13/19 07:15 911 Open Line 2019077496 911 911 OPEN 09/13/19 18:05 911 Open Line 2019077682 g 911OPEN11 09/13/19 22:20 911 Open Line 2019077771 11 911 OPEN 09/14/19 10:30 911 Open Line 2019077898 911 911OPEN 09/15/19 01:32 911 Open Line 2019078163 911 OPEN11 09/15/19 11:59 911 Open Line 2019078253 911 911 OPEN 09/15/19 14:39 911 Open Line 2019078291 911 911OPEN 09/16/19 15:03 911 Open Line 2019078635 911OPEN11 09/17/19 13:55 911 Open Line 2019079005 911 911 OPEN 09/18/19 16:10 911 Open Line 2019079431 911 911OPEN 09/18/19 19:41 911 Open Line 2019079499 911OPEN11 09/19/19 06:18 911 Open Line 2019079610 11 911 OPEN 09/19/19 12:21 911 Open Line 2019079712 911 911OPEN 09/19/19 16:26 911 Open Line 2019079798 911OPEN11 09/19/19 19:03 911 Open Line 2019079853 911 911 OPEN 09/20/19 07:21 911 Open Line 2019079954 911 911 OPEN 09/20/19 13:47 911 Open Line 2019080066 g 911OPEN11 09/21/19 19:10 911 Open Line 2019080477 911 911 OPEN 09/22/19 12:30 911 Open Line 2019080654 911 911OPEN 09/22/19 19:01 911 Open Line 2019080763 911OPEN11 09/23/19 09:09 911 Open Line 2019080893 11 911 OPEN 09/24/19 01:02 911 Open Line 2019081142 911 911 OPEN 09/24/19 10:54 911 Open Line 2019081237 g 911OPEN11 09/24/19 17:13 911 Open Line 2019081366 911 911 OPEN 09/27/19 19:34 911 Open Line 2019082356 911 911OPEN 09/29/19 02:04 911 Open Line 2019082780 911 OPEN11 09/29/19 20:23 911 Open Line 2019082962 911 911 OPEN 911 Open Line; Domestic Disturbance Total: 1 09/14/19 04:14 911 Open Line; 2019077849 Domestic Disturbance WP19029599 911 911 OPEN; DOMESTIC 911 Open Line; Juvenile - Complaint Total: 1 ZU=RCHER Page 3 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes gHow Reported 09/16/19 20:19 911 Open Line; 2019078772 Juvenile - Complaint WP19029935 911 OPEN JUVCOMP 911 Open Line; Medical - Choking Total: 1 g 1 09/28/19 12:54 911 Open Line; Medical 2019082590 Medical - Choking WP19031424 911 OPEN MCHOKING 911 Open Line; MVA - No Injuries Total: 1 09/07/19 09:21 911 Open Line; MVA - 2019075739 911 911 OPEN; MVA 911 Open Line; Suspicious - Circumstances Total: 1 09/14/19 14:32 911 Open Line; 2019077945 Suspicious - Circumstances WP19029657 911 911 OPEN; SUSPCIRC Abandoned Vehicle Total: 2 09/04/19 13:31 Abandoned Vehicle 2019074842 Parking WP19028485 Phone ABAND 09/09/19 16:17 Abandoned Vehicle 2019076459 Abandoned Vehicle WP19029058 Phone ABANDVEH Agency Assist Total: 15 09/01/19 00:20 Agency Assist 2019073729 Agency Assist WP19028050 ALARM 09/13/19 00:01 AGASSISTone 09/02/19 20:10 Agency Assist 2019074326 Agency Assist WP19028288 ne ALARM 09/23/1910:40 Alarm 2019080906 AGASSIST 09/03/19 17:46 Agency Assist 2019074620 Agency Assist WP19028401 ne 09/27/19 09:00 Alarm 2019082164 Phone AGASSIPTh 09/04/19 09:57 Agency Assist 2019074779 ALARM 09/27/1916:24 Alarm 2019082285 Alarm WP19031311 911 AGASSISTone 09/04/19 15:48 Agency Assist 2019074887 Warrant - Arrest WP19028508 AGASSISTne 09/09/19 08:44 Agency Assist 2019076334 Agency Assist WP19028991 Ph Phone AGASSIST 09/10/19 19:46 Agency Assist 2019076798 Agency Assist WP19029186 AGASSISTone 09/12/19 12:00 Agency Assist 2019077299 Agency Assist WP19029386 AGASSISTne 09/12/19 13:31 Agency Assist 2019077320 Agency Assist WSR0190293 AGASSIST 09/13/19 14:16 Agency Assist 2019077612 Agency Assist WSR0190295YGASSIST 09/14/19 21:35 Agency Assist 2019078092 Agency Assist WP19029687 AGASSISTne 09/19/19 01:15 Agency Assist 2019079591 Agency Assist WP19030229 Ph Phone AGASSIST 09/21/19 15:36 Agency Assist 2019080411 Agency Assist WP19030576 AGASSISTone 09/21/19 15:58 Agency Assist 2019080422 Suspicious - Circumstances WP19030580 AGASSISTne 09/24/19 19:15 Agency Assist 2019081396 Agency Assist WP19030960 AGASSISTne Alarm Total: 7 09/12/1910:35 Alarm 2019077276 Alarm WSR019029375 ALARM 09/13/19 00:01 Alarm 2019077464 Alarm WP19029455 Phone ALARM 09/23/1910:40 Alarm 2019080906 Alarm WSR019030763 ALARM 09/27/19 09:00 Alarm 2019082164 Phone ALARM 09/27/1916:24 Alarm 2019082285 Alarm WP19031311 911 ALARM ZUERCHER Page 4 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/29/19 22:07 Alarm 2019082988 Phone ALARM 09/30/19 06:40 Alarm 2019083036 Alarm WP19031589 Phone ALARM Animal Total: 15 09/02/1915:31 Animal 2019074233 Animal WP19028252 Phone ANIMAL 09/02/1915:44 Animal 2019074237 Animal - Abuse WP19029857 Phone ANIMAL 09/04/1916:24 Animal 2019074896 Animal - Abuse WP19030166 911 ANIMAL 09/10/1911:03 Animal 2019076650 Animal WP19029125 Phone ANIMAL 09/10/1911:16 Animal 2019076653 Animal - Abuse WP19030463 911 ANIMAL 09/11/1915:54 Animal 2019077076 Animal WP19029278 Phone ANIMAL 09/11/1917:27 Animal 2019077109 Animal WP19029293 Phone ANIMAL 09/11/1919:10 Animal 2019077148 Animal WP19029311 911 ANIMAL 09/13/19 22:31 Animal 2019077775 Animal WP19029573 Phone ANIMAL 09/18/1917:42 Animal 2019079460 Animal WP19030196 Phone ANIMAL 09/21/1918:42 Animal 2019080469 Animal WP19030597 Phone ANIMAL 09/23/1911:01 Animal 2019080914 Animal WP19030767 Phone ANIMAL 09/24/19 20:43 Animal 2019081421 Phone ANIMAL 09/26/1916:58 Animal 2019082009 Phone ANIMAL 09/27/19 23:31 Animal 2019082438 Animal WP19031372 Phone ANIMAL Animal - Abuse Total: 5 09/02/19 10:53 Animal - Abuse 2019074160 Juvenile - Complaint WP19028220 ANABUSE 09/16/19 11:48 Animal - Abuse 2019078553 Animal - Abuse WP19029857 Phone ANABUSE 09/18/19 15:02 Animal - Abuse 2019079395 Animal - Abuse WP19030166 Phone ANABUSE 09/20/19 12:53 Animal - Abuse 2019080049 Animal WP19030413 Phone ANABUSE 09/20/19 18:05 Animal - Abuse 2019080156 Animal - Abuse WP19030463 Phone ANABUSE Animal - Abuse; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 1 09/15/19 10:05 Animal - Abuse; 2019078220 Animal - Abuse WP19029727 Phone ANABUSE; DISPCAD Animal - Barking Dog Total: 3 09/03/19 20:29 Animal - Barking Dog 2019074665 Animal - Barking Dog WP19028433 ANBARKhone 09/08/19 20:13 Animal - Barking Dog 2019076214 Animal - Barking Dog WP19028956 ANBARKhone 09/25/19 22:28 Animal - Barking Dog 2019081795 Animal - Barking Dog WP19031107 ANBARKhone Animal - Bites - Attacks Total: 1 09/25/19 21:13 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2019081777 Animal - Bites - Attacks WP19031101 Phone ANBITE ZU=RCHER Page 5 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call Assault Total: 3 09/05/1916:28 Assault 09/09/1916:10 Assault 09/18/1915:14 Assault Burglary Total: 3 09/03/19 20:38 Burglary 09/08/19 08:15 Burglary 09/24/1915:59 Burglary Check Welfare Total: 25 09/04/19 03:49 Check Welfare 09/05/19 19:38 Check Welfare 09/06/19 18:29 Check Welfare 09/07/19 06:01 Check Welfare 09/09/19 21:31 Check Welfare 09/11/19 08:46 Check Welfare 09/11/19 12:00 Check Welfare 09/11/19 13:12 Check Welfare 09/12/19 05:29 Check Welfare 09/14/19 10:12 Check Welfare 09/14/19 11:04 Check Welfare 09/14/19 11:19 Check Welfare 09/14/19 22:47 Check Welfare 09/17/19 12:11 Check Welfare 09/17/19 14:50 Check Welfare 09/17/19 15:25 Check Welfare 09/18/19 17:33 Check Welfare 09/18/19 19:36 Check Welfare 09/18/19 21:46 Check Welfare 09/19/19 11:34 Check Welfare 09/21/19 19:23 Check Welfare 09/22/19 23:44 Check Welfare 09/25/19 00:18 Check Welfare CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 2019075240 Juvenile - Complaint WP19028635 ASSAULT1 2019076455 Assault WP19029052 ASSAULT11 2019079403 Assault WP19030170 hone ASSAU P 2019074670 Suspicious -Circumstances WP19028429 BURG 911 2019076055 Suspicious -Circumstances WP19028903 BURG Phone 2019081343 Burglary WP19030935 BURG Phone 2019074723 2019075296 2019075592 2019075710 2019076543 2019076921 2019076973 2019077007 2019077223 2019077895 2019077907 2019077916 2019078109 2019078965 2019079021 2019079035 2019079455 2019079498 2019079552 2019079693 2019080486 2019080836 2019081468 Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Juvenile - Complaint Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Check Welfare Suicidal - Attempt - Threat WP19028446 I CHKWELF WP19028652 CHKWEpPFone WP19028759 h CHKWELFone WP19028792 I CHKWELF WP19029080 CHKWEpPFone WP19029216 h CHKWELFone WP19029238 one CHKWELF WP19029254 CHKWEPPFone WP19029346 h CHKWELFone WP19029619 one CHKWELF WP19029624 CHKWEPPFone WP19029627 h CHKWELFone WP19029690 one CHKWELF WP19030001 CHKWEPPFone WP19030030 h CHKWELFone WP19030033 I CHKWELF WP19030194 I CHKWELF WP19030210 11 CHKWELF WP19030221 one CHKWELF WP19030273 CHKWEPPFone WP19030602 h CHKWELFone WP19030725 one CHKWELF WP19030982 CHKWELFone ZUERCHER Page 6 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/28/19 09:09 Check Welfare 2019082531 Check Welfare WP19031403 Phone 09/06/19 15:45 Civil Complaint 2019075533 Unwanted Person CHKWELF 09/29/19 17:12 Check Welfare 2019082922 Check Welfare WP19031550 911 CIV 09/10/19 16:53 Civil Complaint 2019076740 CHKWELF Citizen Aid Total: 19 Phone 09/01/19 15:34 Citizen Aid 2019073891 Citizen Aid WP19028112 Civil Complaint Phone Civil Complaint WP19029168 911 CITAID 09/02/19 18:55 Citizen Aid 2019074299 Citizen Aid WP19028278 Civil Complaint Phone Civil Complaint WP19029260 Phone CITAID 09/03/19 17:06 Citizen Aid 2019074607 Citizen Aid WP19028396 Civil Complaint Phone Civil Complaint WP19029379 911 CITAID 09/04/19 01:22 Citizen Aid 2019074715 Citizen Aid WP19028443 Civil Complaint 911 Civil Complaint WP19029411 Phone CITAID 09/04/19 17:45 Citizen Aid 2019074929 Citizen Aid WP19028528 Civil Complaint Phone Civil Complaint WP19029475 Phone CITAID 09/06/19 23:31 Citizen Aid 2019075667 09/15/19 19:24 Civil Complaint 911 Civil Complaint WP19029798 Phone CITAID 09/07/19 17:22 Citizen Aid 2019075855 Citizen Aid WP19028842 Phone CITAID 09/16/19 09:21 Citizen Aid 2019078513 Citizen Aid WP19029839 Phone CITAID 09/18/19 08:24 Citizen Aid 2019079258 Citizen Aid WP19030116 Phone CITAID 09/20/19 05:02 Citizen Aid 2019079939 Citizen Aid WP19030369 911 CITAID 09/20/19 19:47 Citizen Aid 2019080182 Citizen Aid WP19030477 Phone CITAID 09/21/19 16:59 Citizen Aid 2019080439 Citizen Aid WP19030584 911 CITAID 09/23/19 17:26 Citizen Aid 2019081023 Citizen Aid WP19030814 Phone CITAID 09/24/19 10:12 Citizen Aid 2019081219 Citizen Aid WP19030879 Phone CITAID 09/26/19 16:13 Citizen Aid 2019081994 Citizen Aid WP19031184 Phone CITAID 09/26/19 18:30 Citizen Aid 2019082041 Citizen Aid WP19031201 Phone CITAID 09/28/19 02:43 Citizen Aid 2019082484 Citizen Aid WP19031381 911 CITAID 09/28/19 23:51 Citizen Aid 2019082756 Citizen Aid WP19031491 911 CITAID 09/30/19 00:10 Citizen Aid 2019083006 Citizen Aid WP19031578 911 CITAID Civil Complaint Total: 23 09/06/19 09:01 Civil Complaint 2019075419 Civil Complaint WP19028685 Phone CIV 09/06/19 15:45 Civil Complaint 2019075533 Unwanted Person WP19028737 911 CIV 09/10/19 16:53 Civil Complaint 2019076740 Civil Complaint WP19029165 Phone CIV 09/10/19 17:48 Civil Complaint 2019076749 Civil Complaint WP19029168 911 CIV 09/11/19 13:41 Civil Complaint 2019077017 Civil Complaint WP19029260 Phone CIV 09/12/19 11:04 Civil Complaint 2019077286 Civil Complaint WP19029379 911 CIV 09/12/19 15:22 Civil Complaint 2019077355 Civil Complaint WP19029411 Phone CIV 09/13/19 09:13 Civil Complaint 2019077518 Civil Complaint WP19029475 Phone CIV 09/15/19 19:24 Civil Complaint 2019078376 Civil Complaint WP19029798 Phone CIV ZU=RCHER Page 7 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/16/19 17:18 Civil Complaint 2019078706 Civil Complaint WP19029915 Phone CIVPRO?fficer 09/04/19 16:25 Civil Process CIV CIVPROCpfficer 09/16/19 18:15 Civil Complaint 2019078730 Civil Complaint WP19029920 Phone CIVPROC 09/05/19 09:40 Civil Process 2019075118 CIV 09/16/19 18:44 Civil Complaint 2019078737 Civil Complaint WP19029924 CIVPROCpfficer Phone Civil Process 2019075485 Officer CIV CIVPROC 09/17/19 12:35 Civil Complaint 2019078975 Civil Complaint WP19030006 Phone CIVPRO?fficer 09/09/19 10:28 Civil Process 2019076355 CIVPROCpfficer CIV Civil Process 09/17/19 15:36 Civil Complaint 2019079039 Civil Complaint WP19030034 CIVPROC Phone Civil Process 2019076665 CIV CIVPROQpfficer 09/20/19 15:21 Civil Complaint 2019080102 Civil Complaint WP19030433 Phone CIVPROCfficer 09/10/19 12:36 Civil Process 2019076672 Officer CIV 09/21/19 10:25 Civil Complaint 2019080344 Civil Complaint WP19030540 Phone CIVPROQpfficer 09/11/19 11:19 Civil Process CIV CIVPROCfficer 09/22/19 10:00 Civil Complaint 2019080633 Civil Complaint WP19030645 Phone CIVPROppC 09/11/19 15:05 Civil Process 2019077052 CIV 09/25/19 16:47 Civil Complaint 2019081682 Civil Child Custody WP19031068 Phone CIV 09/25/19 17:53 Civil Complaint 2019081711 Civil Complaint WP19031084 Phone CIV 09/29/19 12:36 Civil Complaint 2019082865 Civil Complaint WP19031534 Phone CIV 09/30/19 12:17 Civil Complaint 2019083116 Civil Complaint WP19031625 Phone CIV 09/30/19 16:36 Civil Complaint 2019083179 Civil Complaint WP19031659 Phone CIV 09/30/19 18:53 Civil Complaint 2019083225 Civil Complaint WP19031671 Phone CIV Civil Process Total: 48 09/03/19 09:07 Civil Process 2019074468 Officer CIVPROC 09/03/19 09:30 Civil Process 2019074471 CIVPRO?fficer 09/04/19 16:25 Civil Process 2019074897 CIVPROCpfficer 09/05/19 09:12 Civil Process 2019075116 Officer CIVPROC 09/05/19 09:40 Civil Process 2019075118 CIVPRO?fficer 09/05/19 10:04 Civil Process 2019075121 CIVPROCpfficer 09/06/19 12:56 Civil Process 2019075485 Officer CIVPROC 09/06/19 15:13 Civil Process 2019075522 CIVPRO?fficer 09/09/19 10:28 Civil Process 2019076355 CIVPROCpfficer 09/10/19 10:42 Civil Process 2019076646 Officer CIVPROC 09/10/19 12:15 Civil Process 2019076665 CIVPROQpfficer 09/10/19 12:31 Civil Process 2019076670 CIVPROCfficer 09/10/19 12:36 Civil Process 2019076672 Officer CIVPROC 09/10/19 13:09 Civil Process 2019076682 CIVPROQpfficer 09/11/19 11:19 Civil Process 2019076963 CIVPROCfficer 09/11/19 14:38 Civil Process 2019077042 Officer CIVPROppC 09/11/19 15:05 Civil Process 2019077052 CIVPROCfficer ZUERCHER Page 8 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/11/19 15:21 Civil Process 2019077061 CIVPROQpfficer 09/12/19 08:41 Civil Process 2019077250 CIVPROCfficer 09/12/19 08:57 Civil Process 2019077254 Officer CIVPROC 09/12/19 15:45 Civil Process 2019077365 CIVPROQpfficer 09/12/19 16:11 Civil Process 2019077370 CIVPROCfficer 09/13/19 21:51 Civil Process 2019077760 Officer CIVPROC 09/16/19 08:32 Civil Process 2019078491 CIVPROQpfficer 09/16/19 08:55 Civil Process 2019078502 CIVPROCfficer 09/16/19 15:03 Civil Process 2019078636 Officer CIVPROC 09/17/19 11:08 Civil Process 2019078941 CIVPROQpfficer 09/17/19 11:24 Civil Process 2019078946 CIVPROCfficer 09/17/19 12:26 Civil Process 2019078973 Civil Process WP19030013 Officer CIVPROC 09/18/19 16:43 Civil Process 2019079448 CIVPROQpfficer 09/19/19 12:57 Civil Process 2019079719 CIVPROCfficer 09/19/19 13:10 Civil Process 2019079723 Officer CIVPROC 09/19/19 13:21 Civil Process 2019079724 CIVPROQpfficer 09/20/19 15:55 Civil Process 2019080116 CIVPROCfficer 09/23/19 15:45 Civil Process 2019080975 Officer CIVPROC 09/23/19 16:31 Civil Process 2019080993 CIVPROCppfficer 09/23/19 18:32 Civil Process 2019081049 CIVPROC 09/24/19 15:39 Civil Process 2019081335 Officer CIVPROC 09/24/19 15:49 Civil Process 2019081339 CIVPR02pfficer 09/24/19 16:06 Civil Process 2019081346 CIVPROCfficer 09/25/19 18:39 Civil Process 2019081732 Officer CIVPROC 09/26/19 11:24 Civil Process 2019081887 CIVPR02fficer 09/26/19 11:34 Civil Process 2019081892 CIVPROOfficer 09/26/19 12:10 Civil Process 2019081905 Officer CIVPROC 09/27/19 16:01 Civil Process 2019082273 CIVPROpfficer 09/27/19 16:15 Civil Process 2019082281 Officer CIVPRO 09/30/19 17:40 Civil Process 2019083199 Officer CIVPROC 09/30/19 21:19 Civil Process 2019083268 CIVPROpfficer Civil Process; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 2 ZU=RCHER Page 9 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 09/13/19 15:40 Civil Process; Dispatch 2019077638 09/17/19 07:59 Civil Process; Dispatch 2019078896 Commercial Fire Alarm Total: 4 09/09/19 11:20 Commercial Fire Alarm 2019076375 09/16/19 09:05 Commercial Fire Alarm 2019078509 09/20/19 03:49 Commercial Fire Alarm 2019079934 09/29/19 22:04 Commercial Fire Alarm 2019082984 Commercial General Alarm Total: 29 09/01/19 19:53 Commercial General 2019073972 09/02/19 21:49 Commercial General 2019074357 09/02/19 21:50 Commercial General 2019074359 09/03/19 06:40 Commercial General 2019074436 09/03/19 23:48 Commercial General 2019074704 09/04/19 17:09 Commercial General 2019074914 09/04/19 17:32 Commercial General 2019074924 09/05/19 02:23 Commercial General 2019075050 09/05/19 07:59 Commercial General 2019075098 09/06/19 03:03 Commercial General 2019075380 09/06/19 20:51 Commercial General 2019075633 09/07/19 08:28 Commercial General 2019075726 09/09/19 07:53 Commercial General 2019076324 09/11/19 00:11 Commercial General 2019076861 09/11/19 01:48 Commercial General 2019076878 09/11/19 23:45 Commercial General 2019077199 09/12/19 20:01 Commercial General 2019077417 09/13/19 04:51 Commercial General 2019077486 09/13/19 09:18 Commercial General 2019077521 09/14/19 14:24 Commercial General 2019077944 09/16/19 15:42 Commercial General 2019078657 09/19/19 14:00 Commercial General 2019079735 09/19/19 17:04 Commercial General 2019079809 09/19/19 18:09 Commercial General 2019079836 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported fficCIVPRO?p; SPCAD CIVPROC, D&CAD Commercial Fire Alarm WP19029011 Phone ALARM ALARM Phone Commercial Fire Alarm WP19030366 Phone ALARM Commercial Fire Alarm WP19031568 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19028149 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19028294 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19028298 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19028332 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19028439 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19028519 Other ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19028521 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19028565 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19028580 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19028668 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19028770 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19028797 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19028986 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19029202 Phone ALARM Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19029337 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19029433 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19029463 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19029476 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19029639 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19029898 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19030289 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19030321 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19030334 Phone ALARM ZUERCHER Page 10 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 09/22/19 03:58 Commercial General 2019080603 09/26/19 06:34 Commercial General 2019081831 09/28/19 06:36 Commercial General 2019082508 09/29/19 22:10 Commercial General 2019082989 09/30/19 06:48 Commercial General 2019083038 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Commercial General Alarm WP19030635 2019074373 Phone Court Order Violation 2019075454 ALARM Court Order Violation Commercial General Alarm WP19031123 Court Order Violation Phone 09/10/19 16:48 Criminal Damage to ALARM 09/12/19 12:43 Commercial General Alarm WP19031396 09/13/19 08:21 Phone 2019077505 09/16/19 09:33 ALARM 2019078515 Commercial General Alarm WP19031571 2019078738 Phone Criminal Damage to 2019078851 ALARM Criminal Damage to Commercial General Alarm WP19031592 Criminal Damage to Phone 09/21/19 02:53 Criminal Damage to ALARM 09/24/19 12:44 Commercial General Alarm; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 1 09/02/19 21:49 Commercial General 2019074358 Commercial General Alarm WP19028295 Phne ALARM; DUI Court Order Violation Total: 5 09/01/19 00:13 Court Order Violation 2019073727 09/02/19 22:14 Court Order Violation 2019074373 09/06/19 11:16 Court Order Violation 2019075454 09/07/19 11:38 Court Order Violation 2019075766 09/12/19 15:29 Court Order Violation 2019077358 Criminal Damage to Property Total: 15 09/01/19 16:26 Criminal Damage to 2019073909 09/02/19 06:32 Criminal Damage to 2019074111 09/02/19 13:31 Criminal Damage to 2019074193 09/06/19 16:49 Criminal Damage to 2019075557 09/07/19 18:19 Criminal Damage to 2019075878 09/10/19 16:48 Criminal Damage to 2019076737 09/12/19 12:43 Criminal Damage to 2019077306 09/13/19 08:21 Criminal Damage to 2019077505 09/16/19 09:33 Criminal Damage to 2019078515 09/16/19 18:46 Criminal Damage to 2019078738 09/17/19 01:29 Criminal Damage to 2019078851 09/17/19 10:16 Criminal Damage to 2019078933 09/18/19 16:20 Criminal Damage to 2019079434 09/21/19 02:53 Criminal Damage to 2019080289 09/24/19 12:44 Criminal Damage to 2019081269 CSC Sex Offense Total: 4 Court Order Violation WP19028049 Phone Phone CDP COV Court Order Violation WP19028306 CDP Phone Criminal Damage to Property WP19028232 COV Court Order Violation WP19028705 Civil Complaint WP19028745 Phone Phone COV Court Order Violation WP19028812 Phone Phone CDP COV Trespass WP19029413 CDP 911 Criminal Damage to Property WP19029390 COV Criminal Damage to Property WP19028119 Phone CDP Criminal Damage to Property WP19028197 Phone CDP Criminal Damage to Property WP19028232 CDP Civil Complaint WP19028745 Phone CDP Domestic Disturbance WP19028850 Phone CDP Criminal Damage to Property WP19029162 Phone CDP Criminal Damage to Property WP19029390 911 CDP Criminal Damage to Property WP19029471 Phone CDP Criminal Damage to Property WP19029842 Phone CDP Traffic - Complaint WP19029930 911 CDP Criminal Damage to Property WP19029957 911 CDP Criminal Damage to Property WP19029990 911 CDP Criminal Damage to Property WP19030185 911 CDP Criminal Damage to Property WP19030510 911 CDP MVA - No Injuries WP19030897 Phone CDP 09/05/19 16:22 CSC Sex Offense 2019075235 CSC Sex Offense WP19028631 Phone CSC 09/10/19 16:48 CSC Sex Offense 2019076738 CSC Sex Offense WP19029163 Phone CSC ZUERCHER Page 11 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/24/19 17:47 CSC Sex Offense 2019081377 CSC Sex Offense WP19030951 Phone CSC 09/30/19 13:58 CSC Sex Offense 2019083143 Suspicious - Circumstances WP19031642 CSC Phone Disabled Vehicle Total: 3 09/02/19 07:20 Disabled Vehicle 2019074118 DUI - MVA WP19028200 Phone DISABLVEH 09/04/19 15:38 Disabled Vehicle 2019074883 Disabled Vehicle WP19028507 Phone DISABLV1EH 09/10/19 08:23 Disabled Vehicle 2019076625 Disabled Vehicle WP19029113 DISABLVEH Disorderly Total: 3 09/08/19 03:10 Disorderly 2019076039 Disorderly WP19028896 Phone Phone WP19028547 DISORD 09/19/19 09:56 Disorderly 2019079661 Disorderly WSRO190302 DISORD Divert Hospital 2019079567 Phone 09/28/1911:45 Disorderly 2019082569 911 Hang-up WP19031415 11 DIVERT 09/21/19 00:22 DISORD Divert Hospital Total: 4 09/11/19 18:13 Divert Hospital 2019077127 Phone WP19028547 DIVERT 09/18/19 23:07 Divert Hospital 2019079567 Phone 09/06/19 00:12 Domestic Disturbance 2019075364 DIVERT 09/21/19 00:22 Divert Hospital 2019080263 Phone DIVERT 09/24/19 15:18 Divert Hospital 2019081322 Phone WP19029331 DOMESTIC 09/12/19 10:08 DIVERT Domestic Disturbance Total: 17 09/04/19 21:49 Domestic Disturbance 2019074997 Domestic Disturbance WP19028547 DOMESTICone 09/06/19 00:12 Domestic Disturbance 2019075364 Unwanted Person WP19028663 911 DOMESTIC 09/11/19 22:16 Domestic Disturbance 2019077187 Domestic Disturbance WP19029331 DOMESTIC 09/12/19 10:08 Domestic Disturbance 2019077267 Domestic Disturbance WP19029369 911 DOMESTIC 09/14/19 20:23 Domestic Disturbance 2019078060 Domestic Disturbance WP19029679 911 DOMESTIC 09/15/19 12:53 Domestic Disturbance 2019078263 Domestic Disturbance WP19029745 DOMESTIC 09/18/19 19:16 Domestic Disturbance 2019079490 Domestic Disturbance WP19030208 911 DOMESTIC 09/19/19 00:44 Domestic Disturbance 2019079582 Domestic Disturbance WP19030228 911 DOMESTIC 09/20/19 21:58 Domestic Disturbance 2019080223 Domestic Disturbance WP19030489 Phone DOMESTIC 09/21/19 10:59 Domestic Disturbance 2019080352 Domestic Disturbance WP19030543 DOMESTICone 09/21/19 11:04 Domestic Disturbance 2019080354 Domestic Disturbance WP19030544 Phone DOMESTIC 09/21/19 22:07 Domestic Disturbance 2019080541 Domestic Disturbance WP19030619 DOMESTIC 09/22/19 00:28 Domestic Disturbance 2019080582 911 DOMESTIC 09/22/19 19:44 Domestic Disturbance 2019080775 Domestic Disturbance WP19030697 911 DOMESTIC 09/23/19 19:12 Domestic Disturbance 2019081064 Domestic Disturbance WP19030825 DOMESTIC 09/27/19 02:30 Domestic Disturbance 2019082141 Domestic Disturbance WP19031246 911 DOMESTIC ZUERCHER Page 12 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/29/19 17:45 Domestic Disturbance 2019082931 Disorderly WP19031555 DOMESTIC ne Drugs Total: 3 09/03/1918:57 Drugs 2019074634 Drugs WP19028409 DRUGS 911 09/18/19 20:14 Drugs 2019079515 Drugs WP19030214 DRUGS Phone 09/26/19 18:45 Drugs 2019082045 Check Welfare WP19031202 DRUGS 911 Dumping Total: 2 09/18/19 14:20 Dumping 2019079377 Dumping WP19030161 DUMPINGone 09/23/19 16:34 Dumping 2019080996 Dumping WP19030803 DUMPINGone Fire - Other Total: 2 09/18/19 12:00 Fire - Other 2019079330 Fire - Other WP19030139 Phone F 09/29/19 22:05 Fire - Other 2019082986 Fire - Other WP19031570 911 F Fire - Vehicle Total: 1 09/30/19 19:57 Fire - Vehicle 2019083248 Fire - Vehicle WP19031682 Phone FVEHICLE Fireworks Total: 2 09/07/19 23:16 Fireworks 2019075967 Fireworks WP19028875 FIREWORKge 09/20/19 22:38 Fireworks 2019080232 Fireworks WP19030492 Phone FIREWORKS Found Person Total: 1 09/23/19 08:53 Found Person 2019080889 Missing Person WP19030756 FNDPERSone Fraud - Checks - Cards Total: 4 09/07/19 13:55 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2019075793 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP19028825 Phone FRAUDCH 09/10/19 19:46 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2019076799 Suspicious - Circumstances WP19029187 FRAUDCH11 09/18/19 14:01 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2019079370 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP19030155 Phone FRAUDCH 09/24/19 13:52 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2019081293 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP19030910 Phone FRAUDCH Fraud - Forgery Total: 1 09/30/19 19:20 Fraud - Forgery Fraud - Internet Total: 3 09/07/19 11:03 Fraud - Internet 09/07/19 13:08 Fraud - Internet 09/30/19 09:45 Fraud - Internet Funeral Escort Total: 1 09/06/19 10:52 Funeral Escort 2019083237 Fraud - Forgery 2019075756 Fraud - Internet 2019075783 Fraud - Internet 2019083074 Fraud - Internet 2019075448 WP19031678 FRAUDFPh Ogn WP19028807 FRAUDI Done WP19028819 FRAUDINTne WP19031607 FRAUDINTne FUNERAL one ZU=RCHER Page 13 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Gun Incident Total: 4 09/01/19 06:51 Gun Incident 2019073773 Noise WP19028064 911 INFO JUVCOMPI 09/07/19 07:58 Info GUN Juvenile - Complaint 09/07/19 22:20 Gun Incident 2019075949 Info WP19028871 Phone Info 2019076228 Juvenile - Complaint Phone GUN 09/08/19 19:58 Gun Incident 2019076208 Fireworks WP19028953 Juvenile - Complaint 911 INFO GUN Info 09/20/19 20:53 Gun Incident 2019080195 Gun Incident WP19030483 911 09/20/19 09:23 Info 2019079992 Info WSR019030393 GUN Harassment Total: 1 09/22/19 22:02 Harassment 2019080812 Harassment WP19030714 Phone HARASS Info Total: 8 09/03/19 14:43 Info 2019074563 Juvenile - Complaint Phone INFO JUVCOMPI 09/07/19 07:58 Info 2019075722 Juvenile - Complaint Phone INFO 09/08/19 20:53 Info 2019076228 Juvenile - Complaint Phone INFO JUVCOMhone 09/14/19 10:50 Info 2019077903 Juvenile - Complaint Phone INFO 09/17/19 20:59 Info 2019079154 Juvenile - Complaint Phone INFO 09/20/19 09:23 Info 2019079992 Info WSR019030393 WP19029197 INFO JUVCOMhone 09/23/19 09:55 Info 2019080897 Juvenile - Complaint Phone INFO 09/26/19 08:11 Info 2019081845 Juvenile - Complaint Phone INFO JUVCOMhone Info; Extra Patrol Total: 1 09/05/19 14:04 Info; Extra Patrol 2019075188 Phone INFO; XP Intoxicated Person Total: 1 09/25/19 23:34 Intoxicated Person 2019081807 Traffic - Complaint WP19031110 Phone hne INTOXP Juvenile - Complaint Total: 28 09/04/19 18:50 Juvenile - Complaint 2019074954 Juvenile - Complaint WP19028536 JUVCOMPI 09/06/19 13:42 Juvenile - Complaint 2019075492 Juvenile - Complaint WSR01902871JUVCOMP 09/06/19 14:26 Juvenile - Complaint 2019075508 Juvenile - Complaint WP19028726 JUVCOMhone 09/10/19 10:35 Juvenile - Complaint 2019076645 Juvenile - Complaint WSR0190291 211UVCOMP 09/10/19 13:32 Juvenile - Complaint 2019076686 Juvenile - Complaint WSR0190291 �UVCOMP 09/10/19 22:13 Juvenile - Complaint 2019076837 Juvenile - Complaint WP19029197 JUVCOMhone 09/12/19 15:19 Juvenile - Complaint 2019077354 Juvenile - Complaint WSR01902940VCOMP 09/12/19 15:29 Juvenile - Complaint 2019077359 Juvenile - Complaint WP19029415 JUVCOMhone 09/13/19 09:37 Juvenile - Complaint 2019077526 Juvenile - Complaint WSR0190294 JUVCOMP 09/13/19 10:03 Juvenile - Complaint 2019077534 Juvenile - Complaint WP19029478 JUVCOMhone 09/13/19 16:50 Juvenile - Complaint 2019077667 Juvenile - Complaint WP19029544 JUVCOMhone ZUERCHER Page 14 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes Reported 09/16/19 02:33 Juvenile - Complaint 2019078447 Juvenile - Complaint gHow WP19029819 JUVRUN 09/25/19 17:15 Juvenile - Runaway JUVCOMPI 09/16/19 08:09 Juvenile - Complaint 2019078480 Juvenile - Complaint WP19029831 Lost - Found Property WP19028949 JUVRUNhone JUVCOMhone 09/18/19 15:23 Juvenile - Complaint 2019079410 Juvenile - Complaint WP19030172 Lock Out - Lock In 2019076674 Lock Out - Lock In WP19029131 JUVCOMhone 09/18/19 18:11 Juvenile - Complaint 2019079470 Juvenile - Complaint WP19030201 LOCK 09/18/19 10:56 Lock Out - Lock In 2019079311 JUVCOMhone 09/20/19 08:51 Juvenile - Complaint 2019079983 Juvenile - Complaint WSR01903038 UVCOMP 2019077545 Lost - Found LOCK 09/23/19 19:09 Lock Out - Lock In 09/23/19 12:55 Juvenile - Complaint 2019080934 Medical - Seizure WSR0190307 JUVCOMP OSTPROP 09/13/19 13:31 LOCK 09/23/19 19:15 Juvenile - Complaint 2019081066 Juvenile - Complaint WP19030826 JUVCOMhone 09/24/19 10:40 Juvenile - Complaint 2019081226 Juvenile - Complaint WSR01903088 UVCOMP Lost - Found Property 2019077666 Lost - Found Property 09/24/19 11:15 Juvenile - Complaint 2019081242 Juvenile - Complaint WSR01903088 UVCOM11 LOSTPROP 09/24/19 14:05 Juvenile - Complaint 2019081299 Juvenile - Complaint WSR01903091JUVCOMP Property WP19029655 09/24/19 19:29 Juvenile - Complaint 2019081403 Juvenile - Complaint WP19030962 LOSTPROP JUVCOMhone 09/24/19 19:54 Juvenile - Complaint 2019081407 Juvenile - Complaint WP19030965 JUVCOMhone 09/26/19 21:07 Juvenile - Complaint 2019082089 Juvenile - Complaint WP19031219 JUVCOMhone 09/27/19 10:40 Juvenile - Complaint 2019082188 Juvenile - Complaint WSR01903126 UVCOMP 09/27/19 11:09 Juvenile - Complaint 2019082195 Juvenile - Complaint WSR0190312 JUVCOMP 09/30/19 09:35 Juvenile - Complaint 2019083072 Juvenile - Complaint WSR01903160%VCOMP 09/30/19 13:00 Juvenile - Complaint 2019083126 Juvenile - Complaint WSR01903168UVCOMP Juvenile - Runaway Total: 2 09/11/19 13:48 Juvenile - Runaway 2019077019 Juvenile - Runaway WP19029261 Property WP19028263 JUVRUN 09/25/19 17:15 Juvenile - Runaway 2019081697 Warrant - Arrest WP19031075 Lost - Found Property 2019076202 Lost - Found Property WP19028949 JUVRUNhone Lock Out - Lock In Total: 3 09/10/19 12:42 Lock Out - Lock In 2019076674 Lock Out - Lock In WP19029131 Phone 2019077247 Lost - Found Property WSR0190293 LOCK 09/18/19 10:56 Lock Out - Lock In 2019079311 Lock Out - Lock In WP19030131 911 09/13/19 10:48 Lost - Found Property 2019077545 Lost - Found LOCK 09/23/19 19:09 Lock Out - Lock In 2019081062 Phone OSTPROP 09/13/19 13:31 LOCK Lost - Found Property Total: 12 09/02/19 16:49 Lost - Found Property 2019074257 Lost - Found Property WP19028263 LOSTPROP 09/08/19 19:33 Lost - Found Property 2019076202 Lost - Found Property WP19028949 LOSTPROP 09/12/19 08:03 Lost - Found Property 2019077247 Lost - Found Property WSR0190293 LOSTPROP 09/13/19 10:48 Lost - Found Property 2019077545 Lost - Found Property WSR01902948 OSTPROP 09/13/19 13:31 Lost - Found Property 2019077600 Lost - Found Property WP19029503 LOSTPROP 09/13/19 16:40 Lost - Found Property 2019077666 Lost - Found Property WP19029542 LOSTPROP 09/14/19 17:01 Lost - Found Property 2019077986 Lost - Found Property WP19029655 LOSTPROP ZUERCHER Page 15 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/19/19 15:27 Lost - Found Property 2019079769 Lost - Found Property WP19030305 MALLERGIES 09/25/19 08:30 Medical - Allergies - 2019081538 Medical - Allergies - Stings WP19031005 Phone LOSTPROP 09/20/19 19:12 Lost - Found Property 2019080175 Lost - Found Property WP19030478 Officer LOSTPROP 09/20/19 21:45 Lost - Found Property 2019080217 Lost - Found Property WP19030488 LOSTPROP 09/22/19 11:45 Lost - Found Property 2019080648 Lost - Found Property WP19030653 LOSTPROP 09/30/19 06:58 Lost - Found Property 2019083040 Lost - Found Property WP19031593 LOSTPROP Medical - Abdominal Pain Total: 1 09/13/19 19:41 Medical - Abdominal 2019077715 Medical - Allergies - Stings Total: 3 911 MABDOMINAL 09/08/19 21:25 Medical - Allergies - 2019076241 Medical - Allergies - Stings WP19028961 MBREATHING 09/06/19 11:50 Medical - Breathing MALLER911 GIES 09/22/19 19:20 Medical - Allergies - 2019080769 Medical - Allergies - Stings WP19030694 911 2019082793 Medical - Breathing Problems WP19031498 MALLERGIES 09/25/19 08:30 Medical - Allergies - 2019081538 Medical - Allergies - Stings WP19031005 Phone MALLERGI Medical - Back Pain Total: 2 09/10/19 08:02 Medical - Back Pain 2019076619 Medical - Back Pain WP19029108 911 MBACK 09/17/19 22:40 Medical - Back Pain 2019079174 Medical - Back Pain WP19030082 Officer MBACK Medical - Breathing Problems Total: 3 09/02/19 14:45 Medical - Breathing 2019074218 Medical - Breathing Problems WP19028242 MBREATHING 09/06/19 11:50 Medical - Breathing 2019075467 MBREATHING 09/29/19 04:18 Medical - Breathing 2019082793 Medical - Breathing Problems WP19031498 MBREATHING Medical - Chest Pain Total: 4 09/04/19 10:05 Medical - Chest Pain 2019074781 Medical - Chest Pain 09/24/19 20:43 Medical - Chest Pain 2019081422 Medical - Chest Pain 09/26/19 16:30 Medical - Chest Pain 2019081998 Medical - Chest Pain 09/27/19 16:50 Medical - Chest Pain 2019082295 Medical - Diabetic Total: 2 09/03/19 01:27 Medical - Diabetic 2019074412 Medical - Diabetic 09/28/19 06:34 Medical - Diabetic 2019082507 Medical - Fall Over 6 Feet Total: 2 WP19028463 MCHESTPI WP19030968 MCHESTPI WP19031186 MCHEST11 all WP19028321 MDIABEP�Qne MDIABETICCC;; 09/17/19 09:02 Medical - Fall Over 6 2019078908 Medical - Fall Over 6 Feet WP19029977 Phone MFALLSIX 09/25/19 13:58 Medical - Fall Over 6 2019081616 Medical - Fall Over 6 Feet WP19031041 Phone MFALLSIX Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet Total: 17 09/03/19 20:57 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019074675 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19028426 911 WALL ZU=RCHER Page 16 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Psychiatric - Case Number Codes How Reported 09/04/19 13:17 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019074837 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19028482 2019078117 Phone Psychiatric - 09/20/19 23:39 Medical - Psychiatric - WALL Medical - 09/07/19 04:53 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019075705 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19028790 2019081136 911 09/24/19 11:39 Medical - Psychiatric - WALL Medical - 09/07/19 10:18 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019075750 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19028806 2019082162 911 Psychiatric - 09/27/19 11:15 Medical - Psychiatric - WALL Medical - 09/09/19 23:15 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019076571 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19029089 911 16:17 Medical - Seizure 2019076156 WALL 09/14/19 08:23 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019077874 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19029610 Phone WALL 09/18/19 11:10 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019079313 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19030133 Phone WALL 09/19/19 12:57 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019079718 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19030284 911 WALL 09/20/19 13:03 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019080052 Citizen Aid WP19030415 911 WALL 09/20/19 16:33 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019080125 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19030447 911 WALL 09/21/19 08:57 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019080326 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19030528 Phone WALL 09/21/19 23:04 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019080560 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19030622 Phone WALL 09/25/19 07:16 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019081518 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19030996 911 WALL 09/25/19 16:34 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019081675 911 WALL 09/26/19 18:07 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019082034 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19031198 911 WALL 09/28/19 19:18 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019082686 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19031466 911 WALL 09/29/19 09:22 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019082817 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19031513 911 WALL Medical - Heart Problems Total: 1 gg 09/05/19 09:06 Medical - Heart 2019075111 Medical - Heart Problems WP19028587 MHEART11 Medical - Overdose - Poisoning Total: 3 09/08/19 23:39 Medical - Overdose - 2019076270 Medical - Overdose - PoisoninVP19028973 911 MOVERDOSE 09/12/19 17:49 Medical - Overdose - 2019077389 Medical - Overdose - PoisonindjVP19029424 911 MOVERDOSE 09/20/19 19:29 Medical - Overdose - 2019080179 Medical - Sick WP19030474 MOVERDOSE Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 7 09/04/19 16:32 Medical - Psychiatric - 2019074901 Medical - Psychiatric - 09/14/19 23:10 Medical - Psychiatric - 2019078117 Medical - Psychiatric - 09/20/19 23:39 Medical - Psychiatric - 2019080250 Medical - Psychiatric - 09/24/19 00:11 Medical - Psychiatric - 2019081136 Drugs 09/24/19 11:39 Medical - Psychiatric - 2019081250 Medical - Psychiatric - 09/27/19 08:53 Medical - Psychiatric - 2019082162 Medical - Psychiatric - 09/27/19 11:15 Medical - Psychiatric - 2019082196 Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Seizure Total: 5 09/08/19 16:17 Medical - Seizure 2019076156 WP19028515 911 MPSYC WP19029691 MPSYCHhone WP19030499 911 MPSYC WP19030850 911 MPSYC WP19030890 911 MPSYC WP19031258 911 MPSYC WP19031274 hone MPSYCH MSEIZURE ZU=RCHER Page 17 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes Reported 09/15/19 01:11 Medical - Seizure 2019078158 Medical - Seizure WP19029700 gHow MSEIZURE 09/23/19 18:36 Medical - Seizure 2019081051 Medical - Seizure WP19030822 911 MSEIZURE 09/24/19 12:23 Medical - Seizure 2019081264 Medical - Seizure WSRO19030893 911 MSEIZUgRE 09/27/19 00:02 Medical - Seizure 2019082117 Medical - Seizure WP19031236 MSEIZURE Medical - Sick Total: 24 09/01/19 07:42 Medical - Sick 2019073778 911 MSICK 09/01/19 19:32 Medical - Sick 2019073966 911 MSICK 09/02/19 13:26 Medical - Sick 2019074191 911 MSICK 09/04/19 09:38 Medical - Sick 2019074773 911 MSICK 09/04/19 17:55 Medical - Sick 2019074934 911 MSICK 09/04/19 21:36 Medical - Sick 2019074994 Medical - Sick WP19028546 911 MSICK 09/06/19 11:28 Medical - Sick 2019075459 Medical - Sick WP19028707 911 MSICK 09/07/19 02:17 Medical - Sick 2019075700 911 MSICK 09/07/19 11:56 Medical - Sick 2019075769 Medical - Sick WP19028813 911 MSICK 09/09/19 00:14 Medical - Sick 2019076278 911 MSICK 09/11/19 13:08 Medical - Sick 2019077005 Medical - Sick WP19029252 911 MSICK 09/13/19 19:57 Medical - Sick 2019077724 Medical - Sick WP19029563 911 MSICK 09/15/19 23:40 Medical - Sick 2019078428 Medical - Sick WP19029813 911 MSICK 09/17/19 14:03 Medical - Sick 2019079007 Medical - Sick WP19030020 911 MSICK 09/18/19 10:07 Medical - Sick 2019079296 Medical - Sick WP19030125 911 MSICK 09/19/19 12:58 Medical - Sick 2019079721 Medical - Sick WP19030282 911 MSICK 09/21/19 22:37 Medical - Sick 2019080552 911 MSICK 09/22/19 14:22 Medical - Sick 2019080686 911 MSICK 09/22/19 17:20 Medical - Sick 2019080742 Medical - Sick WP19030684 911 MSICK 09/23/19 10:04 Medical - Sick 2019080902 Medical - Sick WP19030761 911 MSICK 09/24/19 12:58 Medical - Sick 2019081275 Medical - Sick WP19030902 911 MSICK 09/30/19 13:32 Medical - Sick 2019083138 Medical - Sick WP19031637 911 MSICK 09/30/19 16:41 Medical - Sick 2019083180 Medical - Sick WP19031661 911 MSICK 09/30/19 17:30 Medical - Sick 2019083195 Medical - Sick WP19031664 911 MSICK Medical - Stroke Total: 2 09/19/19 14:24 Medical - Stroke 2019079742 Medical - Stroke WP19030291 911 MSTROKE 09/30/19 13:02 Medical - Stroke 2019083128 911 MSTROKE ZUERCHER Page 18 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Medical - Trauma Total: 1 09/18/19 16:45 Medical - Trauma 2019079449 Medical - Trauma Medical - Unconscious - Fainting Total: 5 WP19030190 91 MTRAU 09/10/19 10:14 Medical - Unconscious - 2019076642 Medical - Unconscious - WP19029120 Motorist Aid 09/27/19 23:38 Motorist Aid 09/20/19 18:35 MVA - Hit & Run 09/21/19 17:01 MUNCO911 NSCIOUS 09/11/19 10:52 Medical - Unconscious - 2019076954 Medical - Unconscious - WP19029230 MUNCONhSoIOUS 09/14/19 18:00 Medical - Unconscious - 2019078009 Medical - Unconscious - WP19029663 911 MUNCONSCIOUS 09/23/19 15:36 Medical - Unconscious - 2019080973 Medical - Unconscious - WP19030792 gg MUNCONSCIOUS 09/27/19 12:36 Medical - Unconscious - 2019082214 Death Investigation - Natural WP19031285 MUNCO911 NSCIOUS Medical - Unknown Total: 2 09/06/19 22:50 Medical - Unknown 2019075657 Medical - Unknown 09/23/19 08:13 Medical - Unknown 2019080880 Medical - Unknown Missing Person Total: 1 09/16/19 00:13 Missing Person 2019078433 Juvenile - Runaway Missing Person; Check Welfare Total: 1 09/06/19 16:36 Missing Person; Check 2019075551 Juvenile - Complaint Motorist Aid Total: 4 09/05/19 20:22 Motorist Aid 09/07/19 22:16 Motorist Aid 09/26/19 16:00 Motorist Aid 09/27/19 23:38 Motorist Aid MVA - Car Deer Total: 2 09/25/19 08:25 MVA - Car Deer 09/26/19 04:55 MVA - Car Deer MVA - Hit & Run Total: 6 09/02/19 18:50 MVA - Hit & Run 09/13/19 07:16 MVA - Hit & Run 09/16/19 20:26 MVA - Hit & Run 09/20/19 13:24 MVA - Hit & Run 09/20/19 18:35 MVA - Hit & Run 09/21/19 17:01 MVA - Hit & Run MVA - Injuries Total: 2 09/23/19 05:21 MVA - Injuries 2019075305 2019075947 2019081991 2019082442 2019081536 2019081829 2019074296 2019077498 2019078773 2019080055 2019080166 2019080440 MVA - Car Deer MVA - Hit & Run MVA - Hit & Run MVA - Hit & Run MVA - No Injuries MVA - Hit & Run MVA - Hit & Run 2019080859 Agency Assist WPRK1902877MUNKNOPWNe WP19030747 MUNKNOWN WP19029817 MISSPER11 WP19028742 MISSPER! CHKWELF Officer MOTORAID MOTORgAID ne MOTORAI D MOTORAID ne WP19031003 MVACD Phone MVACD Phone WP19028277 MVAHR WP19029468 MVAHR WP19029936 MVAHR WP19030416 911 MVAHR WP19030467 MVAHR WP19030585 MVAHR WP19030739 911 MVAINJ ZUERCHER Page 19 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call 09/23/19 12:25 MVA - Injuries MVA - No Injuries Total: 31 09/01/19 21:41 MVA - No Injuries 09/04/19 10:24 MVA - No Injuries 09/04/19 10:27 MVA - No Injuries 09/05/19 07:14 MVA - No Injuries 09/05/19 08:55 MVA - No Injuries 09/05/19 11:55 MVA - No Injuries 09/05/19 18:12 MVA - No Injuries 09/06/19 11:20 MVA - No Injuries 09/07/19 15:49 MVA - No Injuries 09/08/19 22:57 MVA - No Injuries 09/10/19 13:54 MVA - No Injuries 09/10/19 16:33 MVA - No Injuries 09/11/19 17:45 MVA - No Injuries 09/11/19 18:53 MVA - No Injuries 09/15/19 11:15 MVA - No Injuries 09/15/19 19:57 MVA - No Injuries 09/17/19 07:24 MVA - No Injuries 09/17/19 15:08 MVA - No Injuries 09/18/19 12:15 MVA - No Injuries 09/19/19 16:17 MVA - No Injuries 09/19/19 17:08 MVA - No Injuries 09/19/19 17:43 MVA - No Injuries 09/20/19 05:59 MVA - No Injuries 09/26/19 20:58 MVA - No Injuries 09/27/19 18:02 MVA - No Injuries 09/28/19 09:53 MVA - No Injuries 09/28/19 13:20 MVA - No Injuries 09/30/19 07:05 MVA - No Injuries 09/30/19 11:52 MVA - No Injuries 09/30/19 13:27 MVA - No Injuries CFS # 2019080924 2019074027 2019074786 2019074788 2019075081 2019075108 2019075156 2019075265 2019075456 2019075831 2019076264 2019076691 2019076734 2019077118 2019077140 2019078240 2019078387 2019078891 2019079028 2019079336 2019079790 2019079812 2019079826 2019079943 2019082087 2019082322 2019082540 2019082597 2019083041 2019083105 2019083136 Final Incident MVA - Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries Agency Assist MVA - Hit & Run MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries Agency Assist MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries Agency Assist MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries MVA - Hit & Run MVA - Injuries Traffic - Hazard Agency Assist MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries Agency Assist Civil Complaint MVA - No Injuries MVA - No Injuries Case Number Codes How Reported WP19030771 911 MVAINJ WP19028162 MVA WSRO190284 MVA WP19028466 MVA WP19028579 MVA WP19028585 MVA WP19028597 MVA WP19028644 MVA MVA WCSU190288 MVA WP19028971 MVA WP19029140 MVA WP19029159 MVA WP19029295 MVA WP19029305 MVA WP19029739 MVA WP19029792 MVA WP19029971 MVA WP19030031 MVA WP19030142 MVA WP19030315 MVA WP19030323 MVA WP19030329 MVA WP19030371 MVA WP19031217 MVA WP19031334 MVA WP19031405 MVA WP19031426 MVA MVA WP19031620 MVA WSRO190316 MVA 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 ZU=RCHER Page 20 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/30/19 16:41 MVA - No Injuries 2019083181 MVA - No Injuries WP19031660 09/03/19 21:57 NOISE 09/08/1911:10 Noise 2019076079 Noise MVA Neighborhood Dispute Total: 3 ORDINANCE 09/20/19 11:33 Ordinance Violation 2019080022 09/05/19 17:11 Neighborhood Dispute 2019075255 Neighborhood Dispute WP19028643 1 NEIGHB91DISP 09/22/19 21:49 Neighborhood Dispute 2019080810 Neighborhood Dispute WP19030713 WP19030426 NOISE 09/29/1913:21 Noise 2019082870 Noise NEIGHBDISP 09/29/19 17:30 Neighborhood Dispute 2019082929 Neighborhood Dispute WP19031554 NOISE 09/11/1917:25 Parking 2019077107 Parking NEIGHBDISP Noise Total: 4 09/02/19 06:25 Noise 2019074110 Noise WP19028196 09/03/19 21:57 NOISE 09/08/1911:10 Noise 2019076079 Noise WP19028914 ORDINANCE 09/20/19 11:33 Ordinance Violation 2019080022 NOISE 09/21/19 03:44 Noise 2019080292 Noise WP19030511 ORDINANCE 09/20/19 14:58 Ordinance Violation 2019080085 Ordinance Violation WP19030426 NOISE 09/29/1913:21 Noise 2019082870 Noise WP19031536 NOISE Open Door -Window Total: 1 09/27/19 00:55 Open Door - Window 2019082125 Open Door - Window WP19031238 OPEN Officer Ordinance Violation Total: 4 09/03/19 21:04 Ordinance Violation 2019074677 Ordinance Violation WPRK19028428RDINANCE 09/03/19 21:57 Ordinance Violation 2019074684 Ordinance Violation WPRK19028432 Parking WP19029009 ORDINANCE 09/20/19 11:33 Ordinance Violation 2019080022 Ordinance Violation WP19030404 Parking 2019076541 Parking WP19029078 ORDINANCE 09/20/19 14:58 Ordinance Violation 2019080085 Ordinance Violation WP19030426 PARKING 09/10/1919:35 Parking 2019076793 ORDINANCE Parking Total: 13 09/06/1911:19 Parking 2019075455 Parking WP19028706 PARKING 09/09/1911:09 Parking 2019076371 Parking WP19029009 PARKING 09/09/19 21:27 Parking 2019076541 Parking WP19029078 PARKING 09/10/1919:35 Parking 2019076793 Parking WP19029184 PARKING 09/11/1917:25 Parking 2019077107 Parking WP19029291 PARKING 09/12/19 09:57 Parking 2019077265 Parking WP19029368 PARKING 09/12/1911:16 Parking 2019077289 Parking WP19029380 PARKING 09/12/1914:56 Parking 2019077348 Parking WP19029405 PARKING 09/12/1916:34 Parking 2019077374 Parking WP19029420 PARKIN911 09/19/1918:22 Parking 2019079838 Parking WP19030337 PARKING 09/22/1916:31 Parking 2019080732 Parking WP19030679 PARKING 09/25/19 09:58 Parking 2019081553 Parking WP19031011 PARKING 09/27/1916:15 Parking 2019082280 Parking WP19031310 PARKING ZUERCHER Page 21 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call Phone Call Total: 2 09/18/19 16:29 Phone Call 09/19/19 18:56 Phone Call POR Check Total: 1 09/26/19 11:34 POR Check Probation Check Total: 6 09/02/19 17:43 Probation Check 09/02/19 18:15 Probation Check 09/11/19 19:43 Probation Check 09/16/19 20:34 Probation Check 09/25/19 19:27 Probation Check 09/25/19 20:50 Probation Check CFS # Final Incident 2019079439 2019079851 2019081891 2019074274 2019074286 2019077157 2019078775 2019081743 2019081771 Probation Check Public Works - Utilities Total: 1 09/20/19 08:50 Public Works - Utilities 2019079982 Public Works - Utilities Repossession Total: 2 09/06/19 22:09 Repossession 2019075647 09/09/1914:03 Repossession 2019076415 Residential Fire Alarm Total: 3 09/13/19 08:21 Residential Fire Alarm 2019077506 Residential Fire Alarm 09/15/19 12:22 Residential Fire Alarm 2019078260 Residential Fire Alarm 09/29/19 09:30 Residential Fire Alarm 2019082820 Residential Fire Alarm Residential General Alarm Total: 3 09/02/19 13:10 Residential General 2019074184 09/04/19 23:50 Residential General 2019075024 09/28/19 13:34 Residential General 2019082600 Residential Medical Alarm Total: 6 09/07/19 19:40 Residential Medical 2019075898 09/08/19 07:42 Residential Medical 2019076049 09/09/19 14:55 Residential Medical 2019076430 09/15/19 17:37 Residential Medical 2019078345 09/26/19 16:35 Residential Medical 2019082001 09/29/19 19:29 Residential Medical 2019082950 Residential General Alarm Residential General Alarm Residential General Alarm Residential Medical Alarm Residential Medical Alarm Residential Medical Alarm Residential Medical Alarm Residential Medical Alarm Residential Medical Alarm Case Number Codes How Reported PH Other PH Other POR WP19030387 Phone PWUTIL REPO REPO WP19029470 Phone ALARM WP19029743 911 ALARM WP19031516 ALARM Phone WP19028229 ALARM Phone WP19028555 ALARM Phone WP19031428 ALARM Phone WP19028853 ALARM Phone WP19028901 ALARM Phone WP19029041 ALARM Phone WP19029774 ALARM Phone WP19031187 Phone ALARM WP19031561 ALARM Phone ZUERCHER Page 22 of 39 Officer PROB Officer PROB Officer PROB WP19029940 Officer PROB Officer PROB Officer PROB WP19030387 Phone PWUTIL REPO REPO WP19029470 Phone ALARM WP19029743 911 ALARM WP19031516 ALARM Phone WP19028229 ALARM Phone WP19028555 ALARM Phone WP19031428 ALARM Phone WP19028853 ALARM Phone WP19028901 ALARM Phone WP19029041 ALARM Phone WP19029774 ALARM Phone WP19031187 Phone ALARM WP19031561 ALARM Phone ZUERCHER Page 22 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Residential Medical Alarm; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 2 09/01/19 23:29 Residential Medical 2019074066 Phone ALARM; DIISPCAD 09/04/19 16:45 Residential Medical 2019074907 Residential Medical Alarm WP19028518 ALARM: DI�SMCAD SIA Area Watch Total: 12 09/01/19 14:47 SIA Area Watch 2019073881 09/03/19 04:57 SIA Area Watch 2019074425 09/04/19 06:01 SIA Area Watch 2019074731 09/05/19 07:16 SIA Area Watch 2019075083 09/06/19 01:53 SIA Area Watch 2019075372 09/08/19 16:28 SIA Area Watch 2019076159 09/09/19 05:29 SIA Area Watch 2019076310 09/17/19 11:52 SIA Area Watch 2019078959 09/23/19 15:14 SIA Area Watch 2019080967 09/30/19 09:31 SIA Area Watch 2019083071 09/30/1911:02 SIA Area Watch 2019083085 09/30/1914:57 SIA Area Watch 2019083154 SIA Business Walk Through Total: 2 09/08/19 00:51 SIA Business Walk 2019076010 09/16/19 19:39 SIA Business Walk 2019078758 SIA Door Check Total: 1 09/10/19 02:32 SIA Door Check SIA Foot Patrol Total: 9 09/10/19 00:28 SIA Foot Patrol 09/14/19 23:58 SIA Foot Patrol 09/15/19 04:53 SIA Foot Patrol 09/17/19 00:34 SIA Foot Patrol 09/20/19 02:04 SIA Foot Patrol 09/22/19 01:22 SIA Foot Patrol 09/25/19 00:41 SIA Foot Patrol 09/25/19 02:21 SIA Foot Patrol 09/26/19 02:11 SIA Foot Patrol 4111 Y11-1.'f:Y/ 2019076579 2019078132 2019078176 2019078839 2019079929 2019080594 2019081475 2019081489 2019081821 SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA Officer ZUERCHER Page 23 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported SIA Parks Total: 44 09/01/1916:35 SIA Parks 2019073913 09/03/19 20:40 SIA Parks 2019074671 SIA Parks 09/04/19 08:08 SIA Parks 2019074745 09/04/1916:31 SIA Parks 2019074899 09/05/19 12:38 SIA Parks 2019075173 09/07/19 15:12 SIA Parks 2019075820 09/07/19 18:19 SIA Parks 2019075877 09/08/19 09:12 SIA Parks 2019076061 SIA Parks 09/08/1912:22 SIA Parks 2019076097 09/10/19 08:06 SIA Parks 2019076620 09/10/19 19:33 SIA Parks 2019076792 09/11/19 08:04 SIA Parks 2019076912 09/13/19 08:02 SIA Parks 2019077504 09/13/19 18:43 SIA Parks 2019077695 09/13/19 20:11 SIA Parks 2019077730 09/14/19 06:37 SIA Parks 2019077857 09/14/19 15:01 SIA Parks 2019077952 09/14/1918:26 SIA Parks 2019078019 09/14/1919:29 SIA Parks 2019078037 09/15/19 00:31 SIA Parks 2019078145 09/15/19 01:20 SIA Parks 2019078159 09/15/19 06:03 SIA Parks 2019078182 09/15/19 13:17 SIA Parks 2019078271 09/15/19 22:52 SIA Parks 2019078416 09/16/19 08:15 SIA Parks 2019078484 09/17/19 08:03 SIA Parks 2019078898 09/19/19 08:07 SIA Parks 2019079626 09/20/19 08:25 SIA Parks 2019079972 09/20/19 23:40 SIA Parks 2019080251 09/21/19 09:39 SIA Parks 2019080336 09/21/19 23:32 SIA Parks 2019080569 09/22/1912:03 SIA Parks 2019080651 SIA WPRK1902842a A SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA WPRK1902890� A SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA Officer ZU=RCHER Page 24 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 09/24/19 08:05 SIA Parks 2019081187 09/25/19 07:58 SIA Parks 2019081530 09/25/19 19:42 SIA Parks 2019081747 09/26/19 08:08 SIA Parks 2019081843 09/26/19 15:19 SIA Parks 2019081969 09/26/19 23:34 SIA Parks 2019082115 09/27/19 08:01 SIA Parks 2019082158 09/27/19 20:39 SIA Parks 2019082378 09/28/1918:07 SIA Parks 2019082664 09/28/19 19:11 SIA Parks 2019082683 09/28/19 23:53 SIA Parks 2019082757 09/29/19 14:40 SIA Parks 2019082886 Stolen - Vehicle Total: 3 Phone 09/03/19 15:06 Stolen - Vehicle 2019074570 09/11/19 07:10 Stolen - Vehicle 2019076898 09/26/19 11:32 Stolen - Vehicle 2019081889 Stoparm Violation Total: 4 09/04/19 16:44 Stoparm Violation 2019074906 09/10/19 09:28 Stoparm Violation 2019076639 09/12/19 03:53 Stoparm Violation 2019077216 09/13/19 18:02 Stoparm Violation 2019077681 Suspicious - Circumstances Total: 23 09/01/19 23:15 Suspicious - 2019074063 09/05/19 23:46 Suspicious - 2019075357 09/09/19 12:00 Suspicious - 2019076380 09/10/19 19:54 Suspicious - 2019076804 09/12/19 22:08 Suspicious - 2019077447 09/13/19 16:26 Suspicious - 2019077660 09/15/19 18:10 Suspicious - 2019078355 09/16/19 08:19 Suspicious - 2019078487 09/17/19 19:28 Suspicious - 2019079120 09/17/19 20:27 Suspicious - 2019079132 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA Parks WPRK190314 SIA SIA SIA Civil Complaint WP19028379 STOLVEPHone h Stolen - Vehicle WP19029210 STOLVEH one Stolen - Vehicle WP19031147 Phone STOLVEH Stoparm Violation WP19028517 STOPAR Stoparm Violation WP19029116 Cher Other Citizen Aid WP19029017 STOPAR Traffic - Complaint WP19029347 SUSPCIRCne Suspicious - Circumstances WP19029189 STOPARCher Stoparm Violation WP19029555 SUSPCIRC Lost - Found Property WP19029444 STOPARCher Suspicious - Circumstances WP19028179 SUSPCI1C Suspicious - Circumstances WP19028662 pR SUSPCIRCone Citizen Aid WP19029017 SUSPCIRCne Suspicious - Circumstances WP19029189 Phone SUSPCIRC Lost - Found Property WP19029444 SUSPCIRCone Suspicious - Circumstances WP19029541 SUSPCIRCne Suspicious - Circumstances WP19029779 ne Phone SUSPCIRC Suspicious - Circumstances WSRO19029832USPCIRCone SSSUSPCI Suspicious - Circumstances WP19030072 Phone Suspicious - Circumstances WP19030075 SUSPCIRCne ZUERCHER Page 25 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 09/18/19 14:17 Suspicious - 2019079376 09/18/19 16:23 Suspicious - 2019079436 09/19/19 11:45 Suspicious - 2019079695 09/19/19 17:24 Suspicious - 2019079817 09/23/19 10:48 Suspicious - 2019080907 09/23/19 21:05 Suspicious - 2019081099 09/24/19 19:22 Suspicious - 2019081400 09/25/19 12:59 Suspicious - 2019081600 09/26/19 09:29 Suspicious - 2019081862 09/27/19 08:01 Suspicious - 2019082157 09/27/19 11:23 Suspicious - 2019082198 09/28/19 19:58 Suspicious - 2019082700 09/28/19 20:54 Suspicious - 2019082709 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 28 09/01/19 22:36 Suspicious - Person - 2019074048 09/02/19 22:05 Suspicious - Person - 2019074368 09/03/19 12:22 Suspicious - Person - 2019074523 09/04/19 13:59 Suspicious - Person - 2019074851 09/04/19 17:31 Suspicious - Person - 2019074923 09/06/19 23:37 Suspicious - Person - 2019075671 09/07/19 13:52 Suspicious - Person - 2019075791 09/07/19 21:34 Suspicious - Person - 2019075941 09/08/19 01:24 Suspicious - Person - 2019076020 09/09/19 00:10 Suspicious - Person - 2019076275 09/10/19 20:57 Suspicious - Person - 2019076821 09/11/19 19:28 Suspicious - Person - 2019077149 09/12/19 16:12 Suspicious - Person - 2019077372 09/13/19 18:09 Suspicious - Person - 2019077684 09/14/19 01:54 Suspicious - Person - 2019077836 09/14/19 05:33 Suspicious - Person - 2019077852 09/15/19 06:52 Suspicious - Person - 2019078185 09/15/19 09:51 Suspicious - Person - 2019078217 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Lost - Found Property WP19030157 Ph Phone 11 SUSPCIRC Suspicious - Circumstances WP19030186 he SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19028489 SUSPCIRCon Suspicious - Circumstances WP19030275 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19028523 SUSPCI911 RC Check Welfare WP19030326 Ph Phone SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19028823 SUSPCIRC Suspicious - Circumstances WP19030764 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19028869 SUSPCIRCone Suspicious - Circumstances WP19030837 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19028975 SUSPCIRCne Suspicious - Circumstances WP19030961 Phone SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19029313 SUSPCI Suspicious - Circumstances WP19031032 SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19029554 SUSPCIRCone Counterfeit Currency WP19031133 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19029596 SUSPPV11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19029601 SUSPCIRCne Suspicious - Circumstances WP19031257 Phone SUSPCI Suspicious - Circumstances WP19031276 SUSPPVhone SUSPCIRCone Suspicious - Circumstances WP19031471 SUSPCIRRCne Suspicious - Circumstances WP19031475 SUSPCIRC Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19028171 SUSPPVhone 11 SUSPPV Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19028362 SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19028489 Officer SUSPP Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19028523 SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19028779 SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19028823 SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19028869 SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19028889 SUSPPV11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19028975 SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19029192 SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19029313 SUSPPV11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19029418 SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19029554 SUSPPV11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19029596 SUSPPV11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19029601 SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19029714 SUSPPV11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19029724 SUSPPVhone ZUERCHER Page 26 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/15/19 11:07 Suspicious - Person - 2019078238 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19029736 911 SUSPPVhone 09/16/19 18:44 Suspicious - Person - 2019078736 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19029923 09/02/1913:23 Theft 2019074190 Theft SUSPPVhone 09/19/19 20:42 Suspicious - Person - 2019079876 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19030348 SUSPPVPhone 09/20/19 20:52 Suspicious - Person - 2019080194 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19030482 11 2019074273 Theft WP19028268 SUSPPV 09/23/19 10:48 Suspicious - Person - 2019080908 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19030765 THEFT SUSPPVhone 09/24/19 19:24 Suspicious - Person - 2019081402 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19030964 Theft WP19028450 Phone SUSPPVPhone 09/26/19 00:55 Suspicious - Person - 2019081815 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19031115 11 THEFT 09/06/1910:49 SUSPPV 09/26/19 00:59 Suspicious - Person - 2019081816 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19031116 WP19028703 Phone SUSPPVhone 09/26/19 16:44 Suspicious - Person - 2019082003 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19031188 THEFT 09/10/19 15:10 Theft SUSPPVhone 09/28/19 06:03 Suspicious - Person - 2019082504 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19031393 Phone SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 1 09/04/19 12:14 Suspicious - Person - 2019074813 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19028476 SUSPPV DIDCAD Theft Total: 13 09/01/19 18:23 Theft 2019073939 Lost - Found Property WP19028135 911 THEFT 09/02/1913:23 Theft 2019074190 Theft WP19028231 Phone THEFT 09/02/1917:37 Theft 2019074273 Theft WP19028268 Phone THEFT 09/04/19 06:55 Theft 2019074734 Theft WP19028450 Phone THEFT 09/06/1910:49 Theft 2019075445 Theft WP19028703 Phone THEFT 09/10/19 15:10 Theft 2019076707 Civil Complaint WP19029149 Phone THEFT 09/14/1916:41 Theft 2019077979 Theft WP19029652 Phone THEFT 09/16/19 19:00 Theft 2019078746 Lost - Found Property WP19029926 Phone THEFT 09/17/1917:56 Theft 2019079094 Theft WP19030056 Phone THEFT 09/21/1914:13 Theft 2019080394 Theft WP19030568 911 THEFT 09/26/1911:56 Theft 2019081899 Theft WP19031150 Phone THEFT 09/26/1912:49 Theft 2019081917 Theft WP19031157 Phone THEFT 09/26/19 13:23 Theft 2019081924 Lost - Found Property WP19031161 Phone THEFT Theft - From Vehicle Total: 5 09/03/19 19:30 Theft - From Vehicle 2019074644 Theft - From Vehicle WP19028413 Phone THEFTVEH 09/06/19 17:27 Theft - From Vehicle 2019075569 Theft - From Vehicle WP19028752 Phone THEFTVEH 09/12/19 09:38 Theft - From Vehicle 2019077262 Theft - From Vehicle WP19029364 THEFTVppHone 09/17/19 10:06 Theft - From Vehicle 2019078929 Suspicious - Circumstances WP19029989 THEFTVEH 09/28/19 15:55 Theft - From Vehicle 2019082638 Theft - From Vehicle WP19031445 Phone THEFTVEH ZUERCHER Page 27 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call Theft - Gas Drive Off Total: 12 09/04/19 17:41 Theft - Gas Drive Off 09/06/19 08:25 Theft - Gas Drive Off 09/09/19 15:05 Theft - Gas Drive Off 09/09/19 15:41 Theft - Gas Drive Off 09/10/19 21:24 Theft - Gas Drive Off 09/12/19 10:16 Theft - Gas Drive Off 09/15/19 10:20 Theft - Gas Drive Off 09/23/19 13:33 Theft - Gas Drive Off 09/24/19 16:28 Theft - Gas Drive Off 09/25/19 18:20 Theft - Gas Drive Off 09/26/19 10:34 Theft - Gas Drive Off 09/27/19 18:24 Theft - Gas Drive Off Theft - Identity Theft Total: 1 09/03/19 15:56 Theft - Identity Theft Theft - Shoplifting Total: 8 09/06/19 19:00 Theft - Shoplifting 09/10/19 16:03 Theft - Shoplifting 09/11/19 14:26 Theft - Shoplifting 09/12/19 16:00 Theft - Shoplifting 09/19/19 06:33 Theft - Shoplifting 09/19/19 11:47 Theft - Shoplifting 09/25/19 15:58 Theft - Shoplifting 09/27/19 01:25 Theft - Shoplifting Threats Total: 6 09/05/1914:54 Threats 09/13/1917:15 Threats 09/15/1919:51 Threats 09/19/19 21:40 Threats 09/27/1915:03 Threats 09/28/1916:52 Threats Traffic - Complaint Total: 36 CFS # 2019074927 2019075409 2019076435 2019076450 2019076832 2019077268 2019078226 2019080944 2019081354 2019081724 2019081874 2019082330 Final Incident Theft - Gas Drive Off Theft - Gas Drive Off Theft - Gas Drive Off Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Civil Complaint Theft - Gas Drive Off Theft - Gas Drive Off Theft - Gas Drive Off Case Number Codes How Reported WP19028525 PhhS ne Phone THEFT WP19028680 THEFTSHOP Theft - Shoplifting THEFTGASone WP19029045 WP19029791 1 THEFTGASne WP19029048 PhS ne Phone THEFT WP19029196 THEFTSHOP Theft - Shoplifting THEFTGASone WP19029371 WP19031452 THEFTGASne WP19029730 PhS ne THEFT WP19030777 THEFTS%ope Theft - Shoplifting THEFTGASone WP19030941 THEFTGASne WP19031085 PhS ne Phone THEFT WP19031145 THEFTSHOP Theft - Shoplifting THEFTGASone WP19031338 THEFTGASne 2019074588 Suspicious -Circumstances WP19028387 THEFTIDhone 2019075602 2019076723 2019077033 2019077368 2019079613 2019079696 2019081663 2019082131 2019075207 2019077671 2019078384 2019079886 2019082245 2019082653 Theft - Shoplifting WP19028762 Phone THREATS Suspicious - Circumstances THEFTSHOP Theft - Shoplifting WP19029155 Threats WP19029791 1 THEFTS%ope Theft - Shoplifting WP19029266 Phone THREATS Juvenile - Complaint THEFTSHOP Theft - Shoplifting WP19029416 Phone WP19031452 THEFTSHOP Suspicious - Circumstances WP19030239 THEFTS%ope Theft - Shoplifting WP19030277 Phone THEFTSHOP Theft - Shoplifting WP19031060 Phone THEFTSHOP Theft - Shoplifting WP19031239 THEFTS%ope Suspicious- Circumstances WSR0190286 THREATS Suspicious - Circumstances WP19029546 THREATS1 Threats WP19029791 1 THREATS Threats WP19030354 one THREATS Juvenile - Complaint WSR0190313 THREATS Threats WP19031452 THREATSone ZU=RCHER Page 28 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/01/19 11:45 Traffic - Complaint 2019073832 Traffic - Complaint WP19028088 Phone T 09/01/19 15:24 Traffic - Complaint 2019073890 Traffic - Complaint WP 19028111 Phone T 09/01/19 17:00 Traffic - Complaint 2019073917 Traffic - Complaint WP19028124 Phone T 09/01/19 19:59 Traffic - Complaint 2019073976 Traffic - Complaint WP19028150 Phone T 09/02/19 13:38 Traffic - Complaint 2019074195 Traffic - Complaint WP19028233 Phone T 09/02/19 18:29 Traffic - Complaint 2019074291 Traffic - Complaint WP19028274 Phone T 09/04/19 17:40 Traffic - Complaint 2019074925 Traffic - Complaint WP19028524 911 T 09/04/19 17:49 Traffic - Complaint 2019074932 911 T 09/06/19 07:04 Traffic - Complaint 2019075397 Traffic - Complaint WP19028677 Phone T 09/06/19 12:26 Traffic - Complaint 2019075478 Traffic - Complaint WP19028711 Phone T 09/06/19 17:24 Traffic - Complaint 2019075567 Traffic - Complaint WP19028750 Phone T 09/06/19 18:21 Traffic - Complaint 2019075587 Traffic - Complaint WP19028756 911 T 09/09/19 13:15 Traffic - Complaint 2019076391 Traffic - Complaint WP19029025 Phone T 09/12/19 13:33 Traffic - Complaint 2019077321 Traffic - Complaint WP19029396 Phone T 09/13/19 14:38 Traffic - Complaint 2019077621 Traffic - Complaint WP19029515 Phone T 09/13/19 17:36 Traffic - Complaint 2019077676 Traffic - Complaint WP19029550 Phone T 09/15/19 10:29 Traffic - Complaint 2019078227 911 T 09/17/19 13:04 Traffic - Complaint 2019078984 Traffic - Complaint WP19030011 Phone T 09/17/19 14:20 Traffic - Complaint 2019079014 Traffic - Complaint WP19030023 Phone T 09/17/19 18:54 Traffic - Complaint 2019079111 Traffic - Complaint WP19030063 Phone T 09/18/19 14:54 Traffic - Complaint 2019079390 Traffic - Complaint WP19030164 911 T 09/18/19 18:39 Traffic - Complaint 2019079480 Traffic - Complaint WP19030204 911 T 09/19/19 00:51 Traffic - Complaint 2019079583 Phone T 09/19/19 11:56 Traffic - Complaint 2019079702 Traffic - Complaint WP19030276 Phone T 09/19/19 14:05 Traffic - Complaint 2019079737 Traffic - Complaint WP19030290 Phone T 09/19/19 21:46 Traffic - Complaint 2019079888 Traffic - Complaint WP19030355 Phone T 09/20/19 06:27 Traffic - Complaint 2019079948 Traffic - Complaint WP19030373 911 T 09/20/19 18:11 Traffic - Complaint 2019080162 Traffic - Complaint WP19030464 Phone T 09/21/19 10:56 Traffic - Complaint 2019080350 Traffic - Complaint WP19030542 Phone T 09/21/19 14:53 Traffic - Complaint 2019080398 Traffic - Complaint WP19030572 911 T 09/22/19 22:09 Traffic - Complaint 2019080813 Traffic - Complaint WP19030715 911 T 09/24/19 15:20 Traffic - Complaint 2019081325 Traffic - Complaint WP19030927 Officer T 09/26/19 13:51 Traffic - Complaint 2019081930 Traffic - Complaint WP19031165 Phone T ZUERCHER Page 29 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/28/19 14:49 Traffic - Complaint 2019082615 Traffic - Complaint WP19031436 T 911 09/30/19 13:41 Traffic - Complaint 2019083140 Traffic - Complaint WP19031639 T Phone 09/30/19 15:47 Traffic - Complaint 2019083166 Traffic - Complaint WP19031654 T Phone Traffic - Hazard Total: 5 09/02/19 22:01 Traffic - Hazard 2019074365 Traffic - Hazard WP19028303 Phone Officer THAZARD 09/02/19 22:44 Traffic - Hazard 2019074393 Traffic - Hazard WP19028314 Phone WP19028073 Officer THAZARD 09/03/19 05:46 Traffic - Hazard 2019074428 Traffic - Hazard WP19028331 Phone 2019073866 Officer THAZARD 09/06/19 10:46 Traffic - Hazard 2019075443 Traffic - Hazard WP19028701 911 09/01/19 14:09 Traffic Stop 2019073872 Traffic Stop WP19028107 THAZARgD� 09/20/19 15:17 Traffic - Hazard 2019080098 Traffic - Hazard WP19030431 THAZARD 1 Traffic Stop Total: 275 09/01/19 00:51 Traffic Stop 2019073734 DUI WP19028051 Officer TS 09/01/19 09:36 Traffic Stop 2019073797 Traffic Stop WP19028073 Officer TS 09/01/19 13:54 Traffic Stop 2019073866 Officer TS 09/01/19 14:09 Traffic Stop 2019073872 Traffic Stop WP19028107 Officer TS 09/01/19 16:21 Traffic Stop 2019073908 Officer TS 09/01/19 20:12 Traffic Stop 2019073978 Officer TS 09/01/19 20:22 Traffic Stop 2019073986 Officer TS 09/01/19 20:32 Traffic Stop 2019073990 Warrant - Arrest WP19028156 Officer TS 09/01/19 20:56 Traffic Stop 2019073999 Officer TS 09/01/19 21:08 Traffic Stop 2019074006 Officer TS 09/01/19 21:12 Traffic Stop 2019074011 Officer TS 09/01/19 21:43 Traffic Stop 2019074028 Officer TS 09/01/19 22:23 Traffic Stop 2019074043 Traffic Stop WP19028168 Officer TS 09/01/19 23:06 Traffic Stop 2019074061 Officer TS 09/01/19 23:34 Traffic Stop 2019074068 Officer TS 09/02/19 01:23 Traffic Stop 2019074088 Officer TS 09/02/19 06:55 Traffic Stop 2019074115 Officer TS 09/02/19 12:30 Traffic Stop 2019074175 Officer TS 09/02/19 13:52 Traffic Stop 2019074202 Officer TS 09/02/19 19:22 Traffic Stop 2019074309 Officer TS 09/02/19 19:30 Traffic Stop 2019074311 Warrant - Arrest WP19028282 Phone TS 09/02/19 20:37 Traffic Stop 2019074335 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 30 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/02/19 21:02 Traffic Stop 2019074342 Officer TS 09/02/19 21:15 Traffic Stop 2019074347 Officer TS 09/02/19 21:18 Traffic Stop 2019074349 Officer TS 09/02/19 21:23 Traffic Stop 2019074350 Officer TS 09/03/19 06:58 Traffic Stop 2019074439 Officer TS 09/03/19 07:03 Traffic Stop 2019074441 Officer TS 09/03/19 07:09 Traffic Stop 2019074443 Officer TS 09/03/19 07:17 Traffic Stop 2019074446 Traffic Stop WP19028334 Officer TS 09/03/19 07:26 Traffic Stop 2019074448 Traffic Stop WP19028335 Officer TS 09/03/19 07:45 Traffic Stop 2019074451 Traffic Stop WP19028337 Officer TS 09/03/19 09:00 Traffic Stop 2019074464 Traffic Stop WP19028341 Officer TS 09/03/19 11:16 Traffic Stop 2019074501 Traffic Stop WP19028354 TS 09/03/19 11:40 Traffic Stop 2019074511 Traffic Stop WP19028356 TS 09/03/19 12:21 Traffic Stop 2019074522 Officer TS 09/03/19 20:09 Traffic Stop 2019074658 Drugs WP19028431 Officer TS 09/03/19 23:10 Traffic Stop 2019074699 Officer TS 09/03/19 23:24 Traffic Stop 2019074701 Officer TS 09/03/19 23:26 Traffic Stop 2019074702 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19028438 Officer TS 09/04/19 02:27 Traffic Stop 2019074720 Officer TS 09/04/19 10:36 Traffic Stop 2019074792 Officer TS 09/04/19 12:58 Traffic Stop 2019074826 Officer TS 09/04/19 13:08 Traffic Stop 2019074831 Officer TS 09/04/19 13:11 Traffic Stop 2019074834 Traffic Stop WP19028481 Officer TS 09/04/19 13:28 Traffic Stop 2019074841 Officer TS 09/04/19 17:11 Traffic Stop 2019074915 Traffic Stop WP19028522 Officer TS 09/04/19 22:51 Traffic Stop 2019075011 Officer TS 09/04/19 23:23 Traffic Stop 2019075020 Officer TS 09/04/19 23:46 Traffic Stop 2019075022 Traffic Stop WP19028556 Officer TS 09/05/19 00:13 Traffic Stop 2019075029 Drugs WP19028558 Officer TS 09/05/19 02:18 Traffic Stop 2019075048 Officer TS 09/05/19 02:45 Traffic Stop 2019075057 Officer TS 09/05/19 13:31 Traffic Stop 2019075183 Officer TS 09/05/19 14:40 Traffic Stop 2019075201 Traffic Stop WP19028617 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 31 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/05/19 15:35 Traffic Stop 2019075220 Officer TS 09/05/19 15:39 Traffic Stop 2019075221 Officer TS 09/05/19 15:50 Traffic Stop 2019075225 Traffic Stop WP19028627 Officer TS 09/05/19 15:59 Traffic Stop 2019075228 Officer TS 09/05/19 16:09 Traffic Stop 2019075230 Officer TS 09/05/19 16:26 Traffic Stop 2019075237 Traffic Stop WP19028634 Officer TS 09/05/19 16:54 Traffic Stop 2019075252 Officer TS 09/05/19 18:09 Traffic Stop 2019075264 Officer TS 09/05/19 18:18 Traffic Stop 2019075267 Officer TS 09/06/19 08:01 Traffic Stop 2019075404 Officer TS 09/06/19 10:03 Traffic Stop 2019075433 Officer TS 09/06/19 12:03 Traffic Stop 2019075473 Officer TS 09/06/19 13:26 Traffic Stop 2019075489 Officer TS 09/06/19 15:39 Traffic Stop 2019075529 Officer TS 09/06/19 16:21 Traffic Stop 2019075545 Officer TS 09/06/19 16:38 Traffic Stop 2019075553 Officer TS 09/06/19 16:40 Traffic Stop 2019075554 Traffic Stop WP19028746 Officer TS 09/06/19 17:50 Traffic Stop 2019075576 Officer TS 09/07/19 01:30 Traffic Stop 2019075691 Officer TS 09/07/19 10:20 Traffic Stop 2019075751 Officer TS 09/07/19 11:51 Traffic Stop 2019075768 Officer TS 09/07/19 22:20 Traffic Stop 2019075948 Officer TS 09/07/19 23:19 Traffic Stop 2019075969 Officer TS 09/07/19 23:53 Traffic Stop 2019075985 Officer TS 09/08/19 00:43 Traffic Stop 2019076004 Traffic Stop WP19028885 Officer TS 09/08/19 09:03 Traffic Stop 2019076058 Officer TS 09/08/19 10:56 Traffic Stop 2019076077 Officer TS 09/08/19 11:02 Traffic Stop 2019076078 TS 09/08/19 11:12 Traffic Stop 2019076082 Officer TS 09/08/19 11:28 Traffic Stop 2019076086 Officer TS 09/08/19 12:37 Traffic Stop 2019076104 TS 09/08/19 15:49 Traffic Stop 2019076147 Officer TS 09/08/19 16:48 Traffic Stop 2019076168 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 32 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/08/19 19:13 Traffic Stop 2019076196 Officer TS 09/08/19 19:33 Traffic Stop 2019076203 Officer TS 09/08/19 22:02 Traffic Stop 2019076256 Officer TS 09/09/19 00:00 Traffic Stop 2019076274 Officer TS 09/09/19 00:19 Traffic Stop 2019076279 Officer TS 09/09/19 00:50 Traffic Stop 2019076286 Traffic Stop WP19028977 Officer TS 09/09/19 05:12 Traffic Stop 2019076306 Officer TS 09/09/19 05:20 Traffic Stop 2019076307 Officer TS 09/09/19 05:48 Traffic Stop 2019076312 Officer TS 09/09/19 10:35 Traffic Stop 2019076358 Officer TS 09/09/19 14:40 Traffic Stop 2019076427 Traffic Stop WP19029039 Officer TS 09/09/19 16:02 Traffic Stop 2019076454 Traffic Stop WP19029051 Officer TS 09/09/19 20:11 Traffic Stop 2019076519 Officer TS 09/09/19 22:22 Traffic Stop 2019076557 Officer TS 09/10/19 01:49 Traffic Stop 2019076584 Officer TS 09/10/19 02:15 Traffic Stop 2019076585 Officer TS 09/10/19 02:25 Traffic Stop 2019076586 Officer TS 09/10/19 12:32 Traffic Stop 2019076671 Warrant - Arrest WP19029130 Officer TS 09/10/19 15:43 Traffic Stop 2019076716 Officer TS 09/10/19 16:32 Traffic Stop 2019076733 Officer TS 09/10/19 18:35 Traffic Stop 2019076770 Officer TS 09/10/19 18:45 Traffic Stop 2019076776 Officer TS 09/10/19 19:25 Traffic Stop 2019076788 Officer TS 09/11/19 00:35 Traffic Stop 2019076867 Officer TS 09/11/19 01:33 Traffic Stop 2019076876 Officer TS 09/11/19 02:37 Traffic Stop 2019076881 Traffic Stop WP19029206 Officer TS 09/11/19 14:13 Traffic Stop 2019077029 Officer TS 09/11/19 17:07 Traffic Stop 2019077100 Traffic Stop WP19029290 Officer TS 09/11/19 17:27 Traffic Stop 2019077108 Officer TS 09/11/19 18:23 Traffic Stop 2019077130 Officer TS 09/12/19 05:22 Traffic Stop 2019077222 Officer TS 09/12/19 13:08 Traffic Stop 2019077310 Traffic Stop WP19029391 Officer TS 09/12/19 19:35 Traffic Stop 2019077408 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 33 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/12/19 19:41 Traffic Stop 2019077410 Officer TS 09/12/19 20:09 Traffic Stop 2019077420 Officer TS 09/12/19 20:35 Traffic Stop 2019077427 Officer TS 09/12/19 20:41 Traffic Stop 2019077430 Officer TS 09/12/19 20:56 Traffic Stop 2019077436 Officer TS 09/12/19 21:09 Traffic Stop 2019077438 Officer TS 09/13/19 01:06 Traffic Stop 2019077476 Traffic Stop WP19029459 Officer TS 09/13/19 13:26 Traffic Stop 2019077597 Traffic Stop WP19029502 Officer TS 09/13/19 15:01 Traffic Stop 2019077623 Officer TS 09/13/19 20:09 Traffic Stop 2019077727 Officer TS 09/13/19 23:02 Traffic Stop 2019077784 Officer TS 09/14/19 01:12 Traffic Stop 2019077824 Officer TS 09/14/19 01:30 Traffic Stop 2019077834 Traffic Stop WP19029593 Officer TS 09/14/19 03:06 Traffic Stop 2019077841 Traffic Stop WP19029598 Officer TS 09/14/19 03:25 Traffic Stop 2019077846 Officer TS 09/14/19 14:10 Traffic Stop 2019077941 Officer TS 09/14/19 15:43 Traffic Stop 2019077964 Officer TS 09/14/19 15:50 Traffic Stop 2019077968 Traffic Stop WP19029647 Officer TS 09/14/19 22:10 Traffic Stop 2019078099 Officer TS 09/14/19 22:41 Traffic Stop 2019078105 Officer TS 09/14/19 23:52 Traffic Stop 2019078130 Officer TS 09/15/19 00:03 Traffic Stop 2019078136 Officer TS 09/15/19 00:27 Traffic Stop 2019078143 Officer TS 09/15/19 00:37 Traffic Stop 2019078148 Traffic Stop WP19029697 Officer TS 09/15/19 04:48 Traffic Stop 2019078175 Officer TS 09/15/19 07:22 Traffic Stop 2019078191 Officer TS 09/15/19 07:26 Traffic Stop 2019078192 Officer TS 09/15/19 07:34 Traffic Stop 2019078194 Officer TS 09/15/19 07:40 Traffic Stop 2019078196 Officer TS 09/15/19 07:50 Traffic Stop 2019078200 Officer TS 09/15/19 08:28 Traffic Stop 2019078205 Traffic Stop WP19029720 Officer TS 09/15/19 09:56 Traffic Stop 2019078218 Officer TS 09/15/19 10:51 Traffic Stop 2019078235 Traffic Stop WP19029734 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 34 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/15/19 11:38 Traffic Stop 2019078251 Traffic Stop WP19029740 Officer TS 09/15/19 12:52 Traffic Stop 2019078262 Officer TS 09/15/19 23:05 Traffic Stop 2019078422 Officer TS 09/16/19 01:12 Traffic Stop 2019078439 Officer TS 09/16/19 06:46 Traffic Stop 2019078465 Officer TS 09/16/19 08:44 Traffic Stop 2019078495 Officer TS 09/16/19 09:37 Traffic Stop 2019078516 Traffic Stop WP19029841 Officer TS 09/16/19 11:56 Traffic Stop 2019078556 Officer TS 09/16/19 12:08 Traffic Stop 2019078562 Officer TS 09/16/19 12:42 Traffic Stop 2019078580 Officer TS 09/16/19 13:17 Traffic Stop 2019078591 Officer TS 09/16/19 13:29 Traffic Stop 2019078596 Officer TS 09/16/19 13:31 Traffic Stop 2019078598 Officer TS 09/16/19 14:07 Traffic Stop 2019078610 Officer TS 09/16/19 15:13 Traffic Stop 2019078644 Officer TS 09/16/19 16:33 Traffic Stop 2019078684 Officer TS 09/16/19 16:51 Traffic Stop 2019078691 Traffic Stop WP19029908 Officer TS 09/16/19 16:58 Traffic Stop 2019078694 Officer TS 09/16/19 17:15 Traffic Stop 2019078704 Traffic Stop WP19029913 Officer TS 09/16/19 21:25 Traffic Stop 2019078795 Traffic Stop WP19029941 Officer TS 09/16/19 21:56 Traffic Stop 2019078806 Officer TS 09/17/19 00:22 Traffic Stop 2019078835 Officer TS 09/17/19 10:07 Traffic Stop 2019078930 Traffic Stop WP19029988 Officer TS 09/17/19 12:25 Traffic Stop 2019078970 Traffic Stop WP19030004 TS 09/17/19 12:48 Traffic Stop 2019078980 Traffic Stop WP19030008 TS 09/17/19 16:06 Traffic Stop 2019079052 Traffic Stop WP19030040 Officer TS 09/17/19 16:38 Traffic Stop 2019079069 Officer TS 09/17/19 17:02 Traffic Stop 2019079077 Traffic Stop WP19030048 Officer TS 09/17/19 17:11 Traffic Stop 2019079079 Officer TS 09/17/19 17:41 Traffic Stop 2019079088 Officer TS 09/17/19 20:57 Traffic Stop 2019079150 Officer TS 09/18/19 00:06 Traffic Stop 2019079202 Traffic Stop WP19030091 Officer TS 09/18/19 00:18 Traffic Stop 2019079206 Traffic Stop WP19030092 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 35 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/18/19 01:41 Traffic Stop 2019079216 Traffic Stop WP19030095 Officer TS 09/18/19 02:26 Traffic Stop 2019079221 Officer TS 09/18/19 14:52 Traffic Stop 2019079387 Officer TS 09/18/19 15:58 Traffic Stop 2019079423 Officer TS 09/19/19 00:21 Traffic Stop 2019079581 Officer TS 09/19/19 01:10 Traffic Stop 2019079589 Traffic Stop WP19030230 Officer TS 09/19/19 13:30 Traffic Stop 2019079728 Officer TS 09/19/19 16:22 Traffic Stop 2019079795 Traffic Stop WP19030317 Officer TS 09/19/19 23:46 Traffic Stop 2019079907 Officer TS 09/20/19 00:27 Traffic Stop 2019079917 Traffic Stop WP19030363 Officer TS 09/20/19 12:53 Traffic Stop 2019080048 Officer TS 09/21/19 01:26 Traffic Stop 2019080275 Officer TS 09/21/19 01:38 Traffic Stop 2019080279 Officer TS 09/21/19 12:26 Traffic Stop 2019080374 Traffic Stop WP19030555 Officer TS 09/22/19 06:06 Traffic Stop 2019080610 Officer TS 09/22/19 13:04 Traffic Stop 2019080664 Officer TS 09/22/19 14:56 Traffic Stop 2019080698 Traffic Stop WP19030667 Officer TS 09/22/19 16:06 Traffic Stop 2019080724 Officer TS 09/22/19 16:21 Traffic Stop 2019080728 Traffic Stop WP19030678 Officer TS 09/22/19 19:11 Traffic Stop 2019080766 Officer TS 09/23/19 00:03 Traffic Stop 2019080842 Traffic Stop WP19030728 Officer TS 09/23/19 00:20 Traffic Stop 2019080844 DUI WP19030729 Officer TS 09/23/19 12:35 Traffic Stop 2019080929 Officer TS 09/23/19 16:21 Traffic Stop 2019080988 Officer TS 09/23/19 16:25 Traffic Stop 2019080991 Officer TS 09/23/19 16:47 Traffic Stop 2019081000 Officer TS 09/23/19 23:10 Traffic Stop 2019081129 Officer TS 09/23/19 23:33 Traffic Stop 2019081132 Officer TS 09/24/19 01:01 Traffic Stop 2019081141 Officer TS 09/24/19 01:40 Traffic Stop 2019081153 Traffic Stop WP19030855 Officer TS 09/24/19 02:22 Traffic Stop 2019081155 Drugs WP19030857 Officer TS 09/24/19 02:56 Traffic Stop 2019081156 Officer TS 09/24/19 08:17 Traffic Stop 2019081192 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 36 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/24/19 10:17 Traffic Stop 2019081222 Traffic Stop WP19030880 Officer TS 09/24/19 10:41 Traffic Stop 2019081227 TS 09/24/19 10:44 Traffic Stop 2019081230 Officer TS 09/24/19 10:52 Traffic Stop 2019081235 Officer TS 09/24/19 11:04 Traffic Stop 2019081239 Officer TS 09/24/19 12:58 Traffic Stop 2019081276 Officer TS 09/24/19 13:51 Traffic Stop 2019081291 Officer TS 09/24/19 15:57 Traffic Stop 2019081342 Traffic Stop WP19030934 Officer TS 09/24/19 16:24 Traffic Stop 2019081351 Traffic Stop WP19030939 Officer TS 09/25/19 01:30 Traffic Stop 2019081483 Officer TS 09/25/19 01:49 Traffic Stop 2019081486 Officer TS 09/25/19 09:25 Traffic Stop 2019081545 Traffic Stop WP19031007 Officer TS 09/25/19 10:11 Traffic Stop 2019081557 Officer TS 09/25/19 11:33 Traffic Stop 2019081581 Officer TS 09/25/19 12:59 Traffic Stop 2019081599 Traffic Stop WP19031033 TS 09/25/19 13:31 Traffic Stop 2019081605 Officer TS 09/25/19 13:43 Traffic Stop 2019081610 TS 09/25/19 15:35 Traffic Stop 2019081651 TS 09/25/19 15:46 Traffic Stop 2019081655 Officer TS 09/25/19 23:46 Traffic Stop 2019081810 Traffic Stop WP19031113 Officer TS 09/26/19 08:04 Traffic Stop 2019081840 Officer TS 09/26/19 08:08 Traffic Stop 2019081842 Officer TS 09/26/19 11:14 Traffic Stop 2019081884 Officer TS 09/26/19 11:23 Traffic Stop 2019081886 Officer TS 09/26/1911:27 Traffic Stop 2019081888 TS 09/26/19 12:20 Traffic Stop 2019081909 Officer TS 09/26/19 12:29 Traffic Stop 2019081913 Officer TS 09/26/19 15:47 Traffic Stop 2019081984 Officer TS 09/26/19 15:50 Traffic Stop 2019081985 Officer TS 09/26/19 15:59 Traffic Stop 2019081990 Traffic Stop WP19031183 Officer TS 09/26/1919:30 Traffic Stop 2019082063 TS 09/27/19 00:58 Traffic Stop 2019082126 Officer TS 09/27/19 03:14 Traffic Stop 2019082143 Traffic Stop WP19031248 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 37 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/27/19 11:29 Traffic Stop 2019082200 Traffic Stop WP19031277 Officer TS 09/27/19 16:40 Traffic Stop 2019082291 Officer TS 09/27/19 18:40 Traffic Stop 2019082340 Officer TS 09/27/19 20:10 Traffic Stop 2019082371 Officer TS 09/27/19 22:08 Traffic Stop 2019082409 Officer TS 09/27/19 22:53 Traffic Stop 2019082426 Officer TS 09/27/19 23:07 Traffic Stop 2019082430 Officer TS 09/27/19 23:44 Traffic Stop 2019082443 Officer TS 09/28/19 00:09 Traffic Stop 2019082454 Officer TS 09/28/19 05:52 Traffic Stop 2019082501 Officer TS 09/28/19 11:27 Traffic Stop 2019082562 Officer TS 09/28/19 20:17 Traffic Stop 2019082703 Officer TS 09/29/19 10:10 Traffic Stop 2019082829 Officer TS 09/29/19 10:50 Traffic Stop 2019082840 Officer TS 09/29/19 11:23 Traffic Stop 2019082847 Traffic Stop WP19031526 Officer TS 09/29/19 12:24 Traffic Stop 2019082862 TS 09/29/19 14:53 Traffic Stop 2019082887 Traffic Stop WP19031542 Officer TS 09/29/19 15:06 Traffic Stop 2019082892 Officer TS 09/30/19 06:57 Traffic Stop 2019083039 Officer TS 09/30/19 11:12 Traffic Stop 2019083090 TS 09/30/19 15:43 Traffic Stop 2019083165 Officer TS 09/30/19 23:20 Traffic Stop 2019083290 Officer TS Traffic Stop ; Pursuit Total: 1 09/19/19 18:58 Traffic Stop ; Pursuit Training Total: 3 09/10/19 08:11 Training 09/10/19 09:11 Training 09/25/1915:14 Training Transport Total: 1 09/27/19 09:11 Transport Unwanted Person Total: 4 09/12/19 09:37 Unwanted Person 2019079852 Pursuit WP19030341r TS; PURS�ff 2019076621 TRAINING 2019076635 Alarm WSRO190291 TRAINING 2019081640 TRAINING 2019082168 TRANSPORT 2019077261 Unwanted Person WP19029363 UNWANTED ZUERCHER Page 38 of 39 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 09/12/19 17:50 Unwanted Person 2019077390 Unwanted Person WP19029425 UNWANTE Ph 09/12/19 21:13 Unwanted Person 2019077440 Unwanted Person WP19029439 Phone UNWANTED 09/23/19 01:03 Unwanted Person 2019080847 Unwanted Person WP19030732 911 UNWANTED Unwanted Person; Intoxicated Person Total: 1 09/15/19 20:52 Unwanted Person; 2019078400 Unwanted Person Walk Away Total: 3 09/15/19 14:48 Walk Away 2019078293 Medical - Psychiatric - 09/23/19 19:06 Walk Away 2019081061 Walk Away 09/28/19 11:34 Walk Away 2019082563 Walk Away Warrant - Arrest Total: 3 09/13/19 13:57 Warrant - Arrest 09/16/19 15:12 Warrant - Arrest 09/16/19 15:21 Warrant - Arrest Warrant - Attempt Total: 11 09/11/19 15:04 Warrant - Attempt 09/11/19 15:26 Warrant - Attempt 09/11/19 18:13 Warrant - Attempt 09/16/19 14:49 Warrant - Attempt 09/17/19 14:26 Warrant - Attempt 09/17/19 16:42 Warrant - Attempt 09/23/19 15:01 Warrant - Attempt 09/23/19 15:16 Warrant - Attempt 09/24/19 08:57 Warrant - Attempt 09/26/19 12:43 Warrant - Attempt 09/28/19 14:36 Warrant - Attempt Total Records: 1121 2019077605 2019078642 2019078649 2019077051 2019077065 2019077126 2019078631 2019079016 2019079072 2019080965 2019080968 2019081207 2019081916 2019082613 Warrant - Arrest Warrant - Arrest Warrant - Arrest Court Order Violation Warrant - Arrest Warrant - Arrest Warrant - Arrest Warrant - Arrest WP19029802 Ph oQne UNWANTEu; WP19029760 WALKAWAY WP19030824 WALKAWAY WP19031413 WALKAWAY WP19029508 WARRESTicer WSRO19029892ARRESST Officer WP19029896 WWWARRE WATTEMPT WATTEMPT WP19029314 WATTEMPTer WP19029890 WATTEMpPT er WATTEMPT WP19030047 WATTEMPTer WATTEMPT WP19030789 WATTE PT Officer WP19030877 WATTEMPTer WATTEMPT WATTEMPT ZU=RCHER Page 39 of 39 DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE October 1, 2019 Ms. Suzanne Kramer Personal Representative for Marion Jameson Estate 13615 oth Street River Falls, WI 54022 RE: Tobias G. Mealey House, 511 Territorial Road, Monticello, Wright County Dear Ms. Kramer: The property listed above was placed in the National Register of Historic Places on December 12, 1976. Based on information submitted to our office in August/September 2019, it is the SHPO's opinion that the property lacks significant integrity to convey its' historic significance. As part of our efforts to maintain the integrity of the state's National Register listings, we are requesting the Keeper of the Register to "de -list" those properties which have ceased to meet the criteria for listing in the National Register because the qualities which caused them to be originally listed have been lost or destroyed. Federal regulations (36 CFR 60) require that we notify you, the current owner of the property, and the chief elected local officials before the de -listing is presented to the Keeper of the National Register. You are invited to attend the State Historic Preservation Review Board meeting on Tuesday, November 12, 2019, at which the removal will be considered. The meeting will be called to order at 6:00 p.m. State Historic Preservation Office staff will make an informational presentation on program activities and then the nominations and proposed removals will be presented. The meeting will be held in Cargill Commons, Minnesota Historical Society History Center, 345 Kellogg Blvd. W., St. Paul, MN 55102. If you wish to comment in writing on whether the property should be removed from the National Register, please send your comments to Secretary, State Historic Preservation Review Board, SHPO, 50 Sherburne Ave., Suite 203, St. Paul, MN 55155, before the State Historic Preservation Review Board considers this removal on Tuesday, November 12, 2019. Any correspondence received after the State Historic Preservation Review Board meeting, but before final action is taken by the Keeper of the National Register, will be forwarded to the National Register. If you have any questions regarding the de -listing procedures, please contact Ginny Way, National Register Architectural Historian, at the address above, or ginny.way@state.mn.us or 651-201-3293. Sincerely, Amy Spong Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer cc: The Honorable Brian Stumpf, Mayor of Monticello, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 56362 Wright County Board of Commissioners, 10 2nd Street NW, Buffalo, MN 55313 President, Wright County Historical Society, 2001 Hwy. 25 North, Buffalo, MN 55313 MINNESOTA STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE 50 Sherburne Avenue ;7 Administration Building 203 � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155;-1651-201-3287 mn.gov/admin/shpo/�i mnshpo(a)state.mn.us AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITYAND SERVICE PROVIDER