IDC Minutes 01-23-1985 . MI TES MONTICELLO INDUSTRI DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, J nuary 23, 1985 Monticell City Hall Members Present: Chairman Jay M rrell, Co-Chairman Gary Wieber, Arve Grimsmo, on Hoglund, Shelly Johnson, Bud Schrupp, D n Smith, and Allen Pelvit. Chairman Morrell opened the meet'ng asking for approval of the December 20, 1984, minutes. Ron Hoglund moved to approve said minutes and was seconded by ArveGrimsmo. Jay Morrell asked for nomination for 1985 Chairman and Vice-Chairman. After a lengthy silence, Don Smi h stated that Jay had done such a good job during 1984 that he should continue as Chairman in 1985. Arve Grimsmo also stat.d that Jay did a good job in 1984. Although activity in Mont"'cello is low at the present time, we should not lose site of the fact that over the long term (3-5 years), Monticello has a lot to be proud of. Chairman Morrell asked if Gary Wieber wou d also consider acting as Vice- Chairman for 1985, with the fact that Jay might be unable to attend meetings because of trave commitments. Wieber indicated he would act as Vice-Chair for 1 85. . Don Smith moved to re-appoint Ja and Gary Wieber as Vice-Chairman thanks for serving in 1984. He reasons, he had come prepared to Committee Chairman, as did most should support Jay and Gary in t seconded the motion above and wa Morrell as Chairman for 1985 for 1985, with the Committee's tated that because of business turn down a nomination for ther Committee members, and eir efforts. Shelly Johnson passed unanimously (8-0). The next item on the agenda was onsidering a new day for monthly meetings. Chairman Morrell stat d his appreciation for the summary of attendance throughout the last 12 months. He further stated that he didn't realize at endance was so good. He then opened it up for discussion. Al en stated that only two individualS indicated a preference to either Wednesday or Thursday and that one of the individuals was prese t. Don Smith indicated that his preference for Wednesday was because of personal conflict. He stated that if attendance was good on Thursdays, he would alter his racquetball time or co tinue to come a little late to the meetings. Don reflected n past years attendance records of 3-5 and if having 8 of the ci y's busiest people attend the meetings, then maybe Thursday sh uld remain the regular meeting date. After some discussion, it was suggested that the agenda add the next regular meeting dat. Arve moved to keep the meeting day on Thursdays and was seconde by Gary Wieber. Passed 8-0. . 1- . The remainder of the meeting was of prospective business and the d to such a firm. Allen stated tha the competitiveness that is takin point does the City stand fast at Don Smith indicated that if a fir considering leaving the state, th powers and ability to retain them point was well taken. FSI's deci in MonticellO city limits rather a case in point. But what if an explained their needs and asked f under the sun, or would we stand contribute to the project in orde Gary Wieber suggested that it wou guidelines or policies for this t should be judged on its merits. IDC Minutes - 1/23/85 sed as an informal discussion gree of incentives to be given he had some concerns with place. He asked at what not giving away the farm. such as IXI or Bondhus were city would use all of its Allen stated that Don's ion to expand and relocate han move to Wisconsin was utside firm came to us and r every incentive available ast and require the firm to to form an equity type relationship? d be very difficult to set pe of activity and each project Chairman Morrell stated that the ity should not give the ship away. An example was Dickinson B s Lines, which moved from St. Cloud to Princeton. Montice~ 0 felt bad because we did not or could not give Dickinson w at Princeton did. Two years after the fact, the building is almost idle. They have filed Chapter 11 and received very bad ublicity. This would not have been a good firm to bring i to MonticellO. He also stated that if you only require the buy r of a house to pay $500.00 down and the payments are equal 0 apartment rents, there is nothing holding the individual t stay. . Don Smith stated that Monticello but as a whole we should be prou made. Although some businesses we have good solid businesses al we should take a little more tim has missed a few businesses, of the progress that has been ay have slipped away from us, eady in Monticello and possibly and effort to tell them that. Arve Grimsmo stated that it was mportant to be critical of ourselves once in a while, but n t to get discouraged when we lose a business. For example, L ttle Falls has been chosen as the home for a $90,000,000.00 cheese plant. That plant will be close to their raw materials; whereas, Monticello lacks dairy farmers. He added that being pr pared is essential and have that part out of the way. The r st will fall into place. Grimsmo, too, felt that we should show ou industry leaders more appreciation. It was the Committee's consensus to look further into this. It might get them to tell us the'r true needs, etc. It was also suggested to have each busi ess owner come to our meeting and blow their horn about their usiness. Don Smith indicated that when BU Garth decided on Maple Lake instead of Monticello, his impre sion of his business was that . -2- . Garth didn't think much of long t might be a little higher class th to deal with. Gary Wieber stated the CPA business, he did 1040 tax get started. After becoming esta selective. He compared his start Monticello is established and can in the firms wanted. Gary indica Committee's existence was due to our tax base would have eroded to would have gotten desperate. Our but increased substantially, and Allen thanked the Committee for t etc., and stated that it gave him Morrell stated that Monticello sh and everything that comes along. Monticello but for financial ince a serious look at it. IDC Minutes - 1/23/85 rm benefits. Don felt Monticello n Garth's operation was willing that when he first was in returns for $10.00 just to lished, he became much more to Monticello in that now be more selective or targeted ed that the reason for the SP's decrease in value. If such a low point, maybe Monticello tax base has not decreased, result can be selective. eir thoughts regarding incentives, a sense of direction. Chairman uld take a look at anything When it comes down to choosing tives, then we should take A discussion took place among Co ittee members concerning Monticello's existing businesses and the fact hat several of our businesses expanded and created jobs during 1;984. Don Smith moved to have Allen return to the February 21. 1985, meeting with a plan of action describing the times, plac s, and objectives of having industry leaders attend our meeti gs. Don added in his motion that if possible, the first invit tion might be for the March meeting. He felt that Allen and Jay should get together on this prior to the next meeting. he above motion was seconded by Bud Schrupp and passed 8-0. . Chairman Morrell began a discussia about the Promotion, Publicity, and Prospect Sub-committee regardi g advertising. He stated that his firm was willing to donate the land for the sign, but went on to say that perhaps it wo ld be the wrong place for such a sign. He suggested the Co ittee consider placing a sign 1-2 miles before the 1-94/1-494 exchange. The suggested message would inform motorists that they are only 20 minutes away from Monticello and that as i dustrialists, maybe Monticello is the place to expand and/or relo ate their business. The Committee suggested looking into t e feasibility of placing a sign near the 1-94/494 site. Chairman Morrell stated that the C the annual banquet at the February has secured NSP's Chairman of the Bud Schrupp stated that a minimum Committee's goal for 1985. . Allen L. Pelvit Director of Economic Development mmittee should start planning meeting. Harvey Kendall oard, Mr. McCarthy, as guest speaker. f $10,000.00 should be the t e meeting was adjourned. -3'