IDC Minutes 10-18-1984 . MIN TES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, October 18, 1984 - 7:00 A.M. Monticell City Hall Members Present: John Bondhus, T Hoglund, Harvey' Jay Morrell, Bu Pelvi t. Co-Chairman Jay Morrell opened th of the September 20, 1984, meetin effect was made by Ron Hoglund an Passed unanimously. . The first item on the agenda cone the Monticello Story. Allen stat City video to complete the update before the Committee was to decid an additional $300 - $400 for a voice such as Dave Moore, Pat Mil stated that he could obtain a lis perhaps a recorded sample of each stated that the action at hand wa voice or to use regular voice-ove s. Jay Morrell asked how long our pr Allen stated that it was approxim by asking if the updated version Allen stated that it would be mor all the information in. Tom Eide the way Channel 5 treated Montice off the list. It was the consens Moore. Jay asked what the life e would be. Allen stated that the years and the video perhaps for t shots are taken, names and dates longer use of the production. Ar with the video update and also to voice of someone like Dave Moore. bring a list of possible names an to the November 15, 1984, meeting and was passed 10-0. . Co-Chairman Morrell reviewed the (at least 200 pieces per mailing) Inc. (FSI) help. He expressed hi mailing. Tom Eidem asked if the with a Matrix Printer, was the fi m Eidem, Arve Grimsmo, Ron Kendall, Dale Lungwitz, Co-Chairman Schrupp, Don Smith, and Allen meeting asking for approval minutes. A motion to that seconded by Bud Schrupp. rned the progress of updating d that he had chosen River for $2,000.00. The question if they wanted to expend instant recognition type s, or Cyndi Brucato. Allen of these personalities and by the next meeting. He also to go with an instant recognition sent presentation was, and tely 15~ minutes. Jay responded ould be cut to 6-8 minutes. like 8-10 in order to get suggested that because of 10 last winter, they be taken s to use a voice such as Dave pectation of the added expense udio could be used for several o years. When new construction ill be deleted to allow for e Grimsmo moved to proceed use the instant recognition He added that Allen should sample of their voice recording Tom Eidem seconded the motion osts associated with a bulk mailing with Fulfillment Systems, support for a more targeted etter, which was produced ished product. When Allen . stated that it was and that the e consensus was to go with a regula and a good quality letterhead. T window envelope is received, a fl past the secretary, Tom stated th junk mail and would be discarded. was a bulk mailing and could be s rate stamp affixed to the envelop rate imprint. Tom Eidem stated that the City's be used to do the letters. The i be typed into memory and the enve that several letters could be run someone could type in the names a working hours. . Bud Schrupp suggested hiring a ty of 25-50 letters each month. Tom Karen would be willing to do the consensus to try the targeted mai envelopes and letterhead that is also their intent to pay for typi a minimum of six months, at which A motion was made by Bud SChrupp Passed 10-0. It was suggested by with FSI on the segmented mailing IDC Minutes - 10/18/84 velope was windowed, the Committee's business envelope/letter m Eidem stated that when a g goes up. If it made it t it would look like a bill or Allen indicated that this nt with an attractive bulk instead of the plain bulk anasonic Typewriter could itial letter would have to opes typed, etc. He added off, and then at a later date ,d addresses after regular ist to complete a mailing Eidem stated that he was sure yping. It was the Committee's ing with regular business ore personalized. It was g services and try this for time it will be evaluated. nd seconded by Dale Lungwitz. Tom Eidem to continue working list. Bud Schrupp and Allen Pelvit indi according to the 1984 Budget, two areas needed to e changed for 1985. Travel and Entertainment was increased t $2,000.00 to allow for contacting prospects, etc., and $1,500.00 fo the video update. Allen added that the $3,000.00 for banqet was based on a cost of $20.00/person. (1984 costs includ d: dinner, $11.25; bar, $4.05; appetizers, $2.18; and gratuity, $1.69.) Allen added that he felt confident that the goal of 150 tickets @ $75.00 could be sold for 1985. Bud Schrupp added hat he also felt comfortable in obtaining the $ 11,250.00 1985 R' venue amount. Co-Chairman Morrell asked if the 00.00 for 1985 Industry Day was adequate. Allen stated that e 1984 event cost $347.00 and projected that $500.00 would adequate for some type of 1985 event. Morrell stated that a group from Rogers puts on a pig roast type affair for an out"ng such as we have for a reasonable cost. It was the conse sus of the Committee to return to the afternoon/evening casual af air at the golf course. Based on the last 2-3 years' resul s, there does not appear to be any problem with the Country Club facilities handling the 50-75 people. Another example, of a caterer would be the Wright County Pork Association or he Country Club staff. It was the consensus of the Committee to have the golf during the afternoon and then start the socia hour at 5:30 P.M. with the meal at 6:30 P.M. . -2 IDC Minutes - 10/18/84 . An idea of printing tickets that entitled them to attend both the banquet and the Industry Appreciation Day would be perforated. It was suggested to give the indi idual part of the ticket for the banquet and then give the sec nd half of the ticket to them for the Appreciation Day event. t was further suggested to have the Industry Appreciation Da one week earlier (September 4, 1985). Tom Eidem moved to adopt the 1985 Budget. It was seconded by Arve Grimsmo. Passed 10-0. The ,985 Industry Appreciation Day will be wednesday, september ,1985. A motion was made by Dale Lungwitz to have the 1985 event at the Country Club on september 4, 1985, and connect it with the sale of banquet tickets. It was recommended to m ve the regular september, 1985, HRA meeting. It was second. d by Arve Grimsmo. Passed 10-0. It was suggested to retain the se ond half of the ticket and send it along with the invitation to the Industry Appreciation Day event. AlsO, we should try t get away from the ticket look. Other Business Included: Harvey Kendall indicated that af er going through all the appropriate channels, Mr. McCarthy (NSP'S Ch irman of the Board) has agreed to be our 1985 Banquet guest spe ker. . John Bondhus expressed his conce n of not being able to be active in the Committee during the next 12 months. This was due to the expansion of his business. om Eidem explained that the Committee had decided to leave m mbership open to those who had conflicts or could not devot time to the Committee. It was the consensuS of the Committ e to keep John Bondhus on the inactive list for at least the nl xt 6-12 months. He should be kept on the mailing list; and if we should need his assistance, perhaps John would help. John B ndhus agreed to this. Tom indicated that if John could mae a meeting, that would be great. And if his business did not per it the time, the Committee would understand. Don Smith acknowle ged the fact that John was a charter member of this Committe and contributed greatly to its origination. Allen stated that Wayne Bidwell has accepted the invitation to become a member of the Commi tee. He was unable to attend this month's meeting but will a tend the November 15, 1984, meeting. . Allen explained how Rubber Rese rch, Inc., (RRI) has made a presentation to start a full sc le tire recycling facility and produce a product called Tire C cleo He added that this company is looking for a city to work w'"th them and prepare a grant application for machinery and e uipment through the Minnesota -3- . IDC Minutes - 10/18/84 Waste Management Board. RRI has given us quite an extensive overview of their proposal with he previous three years' financial statements and proforma statemen s for the next 10 years. Allen explained the concerns he Areas concerning appearance, odo to not be a problem area. RRI h to be checked out. Allen stated Minnesota P.C.A., and other sour this project's viability. An in and given to members. ad for this type of project. s, and pollution were said s a good concept but needs that the Waste Management Board, es will be used to check into ormation packet will be prepared The question was asked, are there other plants such as this in the state/country. Allen stated that there are. However, because the costs are so high, ma t firms are not operating at a profit or are just breaking ven. RRI's plan would be to become designated as Minnesota's only tire recycling/redemption center and would be subsidized by state (Waste Management) funds to have the tires shipped to the acility. With a facility such as this, the profitability w uld be such to allow RRI to operate a complete operation. At' present, RRI only adds their chemicals to already shredded rub er and produces Tire Cycle. The proposal would allow this fac,'lity to produce as much shredded rubber as all of the other plants in the country. RRI states that their product can be utilize by many firms utilizing rubber in their products. Plastic injec ion moulding firms would be one major user, as well as firms anufacturing rubber products. . Tom Eidem indicated that a facili allowed to be built if it didn't by the P.C.A., etc. This company is willing to act as a grant writ that in purSUing this proposal, w the Governor, Commissioner of Ene or others that could be influenti project. As a whOle, the Committ cautiOUSly. y such as this would not be eet the high standards set is looking for a city that r, etc. Don Smith suggested may come in contact with gy and Economic Development, 1 in backing this type of e's consensus is to proceed Arve Grimsmo stated that the repr sentatives from Norway will be arriving in Minnesota and stay"ng for approximately three weeks. They will be testing the ide/rear dump bodies on MN/DOT trucks. They will be contacting s to meet. You will be informed of the results at the November me ting. Don Smith indicated that he has hard numerous comments on the FSI building. The freeway exposu ,e is a great indication of what is happening in Monticello. There . no further business, t e meeting was adjourned. Allen L. Pelvit Director of Economic Development -4