IDC Minutes 02-16-1984 . MINUT S MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL D VELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, February 16, 1984 - 7:00 A.M. Members Present: T. Eidem, A. D. Lungwitz, G. Wieber, A. rimsmo, R. Hoglund, S. Johnson, . Morrell, D. Smith, B. Schrupp, Pelvit. Members Absent: J. Bondhus, B. Gagnelius, W. Musty. Chairman Morrell called the mee T. Eidem motioned to approve th. submitted, seconded by A. Grims 3. Consideration of Addin . T. Eidem explained how Norm Ekl and does not feel he could acti He did, however, say he would h also said he would aid us in li member. Committee's consensus member. to order. 4, 1984, minutes as e resentative to the Committee. nd is involved with several areas ely be a member of the committee. lp in whatever way he could. He ing up another individual for a as to ask Harvey Kendell as a 4. Consideration to Table Industri 1 Brochures and Testimonials until Later in Spring. A. Pelvit explained the brochur that we wait until we get an NS with our brochure. G. Wieber suggested that Pelvit brochure to the subcommittee an subcommittee. Shelly Johnson explained how NS past. Times have changed and m help. A. pelvit should take su Eklund, Wayne Shamela, and Harv committee and how they might he set it up. 5. U date on S eakers for . T. Eidem reported that May 21, 1984. He went on to sa Michaels and Kathy Callahan Economic Development. that NSP made in 1967. He suggested member on the committee to help us the rough draft of Harvey Kendell on this withdrew its resources in the ybe they are once again willing to committee member as well as Norm y Kendell to lunch and discuss the p with our brochure. Pelvit will nor will be in Singapore on that he had approached Peggy the Minnesota Department of . .' . D. Smith suggested getting Mark passed around an article showin felt Dayton would help us draw a chance to see how Monticello some free publicity. IDC Minutes - 2/16/84 Dayton as a guest speaker. He Dayton at an event. He also eople to the banquet, give him 's progressing and possibly get G. Wieber asked the committee fr other suggestions should Dayton not be able to attend. The results in order were: 1) D yton, 2) Vin Borden, 3) the Boschwitz boys, and 4) Economist from First National of Minneapolis. Other comments were to confirm t about the steak or lobster meal double check with the price. Th availability of a good speaker s A motion to accept the four choi above was made by G. Wieber and suggested that A. Pelvit contact rather than write to see if he w A. Grimsmo suggested getting a p industries in town and give to g the guest come earlier to attend committee. 6. Continuation of Promotional Comm Entertainment, and Invitations, Banquet. Gary Wieber brought a listing of and those who were in attendance a current list of names to help Wieber and Pelvit will combine t ticket sales. e May 21, 1984, date and inquire or $22.50/couple. Allen will re was also some concern about the stem for announcing, etc. es for guest speakers listed econded by D. Lungwitz. It was Dayton's office by telephone uld be free on May 21, 1984. ckage together from various est. He also suggested having a luncheon meeting with our prospective banquet attendees last year. A. Pelvit also has id in the ticket sales. G. eir lists and assign names for B. Schrupp offered to again be i charge of ticket preparation, etc. He will wait for Pelvit to have the guest speaker's name and bring tickets to the next meeting. G. Wieber explained that in the past industries were given compli- mentary tickets. Do we want to continue this practice or discontinue? A. Grimsmo thought that if this b nquet is to be a fund raiser, why give funds away. However, he did agree that a first year industry should receive a complimentary ti keto S. Johnson expressed some interes it warranted? When referred to t, amount would be needed to meet th expenditures. Other committee me - 2 in charging $75.00/plate. Is e 1984 budget, it indicated this rising costs of additional ers explained that the price per . IDC Minutes - 2/16/84 plate has been going up and down during the past. At one time it was $lOO/plate,another time it was $100 including a guest and $50/plate. s. Johnson has offered the use of good quality portable speakers. Entertainment would be appropri te during social hour and dinner and should be light pian%rgan mus~c. Arve will do the invocation. er possible speakers would include Mayor, Chamber president, and Director of Economic Development. T. Eidem explained how land developers who really do not need T.I.F. incentives try to get al they can and then ask for variances, etc. Land developers do not us ally meet the statutory requirements and they think the City and Ind strial Development Committee owe them the world. G. Wieber thanked Tom, Allen an Arve for working very long and hard for the City's U.D.A.G. ap lication. Motion to adjourn by G. Wieber, seconded by A. Grimsmo. Meeting Adjourned. . Developmen .