IDC Minutes 05-29-1990 . MINUTES ! MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DE ELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, May 29, 1990 - 7:00AM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson. helley Johnson, Don Smith, Ron Hoglund, i Ken Maus, John McVay, Dave Peterson, Bo Dawson, Jay Morrell, Dennis Taylor, and rve Grimsmo. MEMBERS ABSENT: Lowell Schrup , Dale Lungwitz, Harvey Kendall, Tom Pogatchni , Tom McDermott, and Linda Mielke. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Shelley Johnson called the IDC meeting to order at 7:13 AM. 2. APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 19, 1 90 IDC MINUTES. . With a correction to change McVay to John McVay, Ken Ma the April 19, 1990 IDC minu the minutes were approved a the IDC member's name from Jay s made a motion to approve es. Seconded by Ron Hoglund, corrected. 3. APPROVAL OF THE IDC FINANCI L STATEMENTS. Treasurer Ron Hoglund repor ed a current balance in the Security Federal account of $4,007.61 and in the Wright County State Bank accounts of $1,8 9.50 and $399.76. For a total current balance of $6,246.87. Arve Grimsmo made a motion to accept the IDC financial statements as reported, seconded by Don Smith, the financial statements to be recorded and filed. 4. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECTS. a) REMMELE ENGINEERING - Ac closing for the Remmele two/three weeks. The at in hopes to expedite regarding the Boyle bank is to be reviewed betwee within the next few days ording to Attorney Tom Pantalion, roject is anticipated within orney has written a letter the Arizonia Courts ruling upty. The Development Agreement Larry Griffith and Bob Deike b) GENEREUX FINE WOOD PRODU TS - the project closing is held up due to SBA fundi g loose ends. The development agreement has been negot ated and agreed upon by all parties, however, the Ci y Building Inspector has not received any building, 1 ndscaping, or site plans. I IDC Minutes 5/29/90 Page 2 . 4. CONTINUED. c) RAY SCHMIDT - The city council approved the ordinance amendment establishing: operation of a protype rubber burning furnace incide tal to a principal use as a conditional use in an -1 zoning subject to stipulations. One stipulation is PCA! standard must to met, Jay Morrell said he thought the Ci y's regulations would be more restrictive than the p' A regulations (emission standards). Mayor Maus informed th IDC that if the city receives one neighborhood compl int the conditional use permit can be pulled. The co pany plans to create 20 jobs within 18 months. The philosopy of the company is to product and market mall tire equipment at a price of $6,000 which has th capacity to be transported to a tire storage area The furnace is only one of six products being anufactured. . d) CARGIL - Ron Hoglund, Ken Maus, Tom McDermott, and 011"e Koropchak toured the Jack Frost Gold'n Plump fac"lity in late April. The operation consists of 15 acres w ich has rail accessibility for future needs, truc traffic consists of 35 trucks incoming per day with grain pr ducts plus outbound trucks with processed product The committee noted the dust within the facili ies, noise from the operation, no curbing and limited hard surface, and the high traffic. According to Mike Westpahl, Cargill plans to take no real action un i1 after June 1, as of now they are in the proces of closing the Be1egrade operations and temporarily will b located in Lester Prairie. It was the IDC recomme dation to advise Cargill that the Hoglund Property w s undeveloped and would require a request for a zoning amendment. This leaving the door open and placing he next move on Cargill. e) COPPER SALES - Montice 10 remains one of three communities of interest to this co pany. The company plans to move ahead in mid June. f) AROPLAX - a plastic in in relocation outside Wright County Bank pro They received copies 0 quide1ines, and the 1a between a Monticello 0 exists. ection molding company interested f metro area. Looking at the erty on Thomas Park Drive. the GMEF application form, or survey. A family struggle Lester Prairie location I . IDC MINUTES 5/29/90 Page 3 5. CONSIDERATION OF JOINT GOV RNMENTAL UNITS MEETING. A reminder to IDC members meeting to be held Monday in the Fire Hall. Jeff 0' will be used as last year. IDC members to attend. f the joint governmental units vening, June 4, 1990, at 7:00PM .eill reported the same floormat Chairperson Johnson encouraged 6. EXTENDED AREA SERVICE UPDA E. A meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 12, 1990 at the Public Utilities Comma Office to define the contents of the bill passed by Legislation on e tended area service. Koropchak plans on attending and ask d if any IDC member was interested in attending.f was suggested to contact Steve Johnson as he has be n interested in the issue for several years. 7. CONSIDERATION OF THE RETENTION AND EXPANSION MEETING. Koropchak reported that pI ns for the Business Retention and Expansion meeting will be ormulated early next week and an invitation will be extende to all industrial businesses by mail. The goal of the meeting wi 1 be an informal gathering to . become better acquainted. This meeting will serve as the June IDC meeting. 8. REPORT ON THE WRIGHT COUNT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEETING. Mayor Ken Maus and Jeff 0' eill attended the morning session of a meeting organized by right County Board Chairperson Arlyn Nelson. The morning session was an overview of the county land development by County Planner Tom Sawkowski. The county planner stated he present overall county residential development is not paying or it's own way and he encouraged the need for an improved 0 erall plan. The afternoon consists of case studies i economic development from the cities of Monticello, Buff 10, and Cokota. The group was presented with a proposal for the establishment of a County EDA as endorsed b the Wright County Mayors Association. The group supported the need for county economic development however, also discussed a possible HRA or Port Authority. The most discussion centered around the topic on how a revolving fund would be in"tially funded. Koropchak had attended the afternoon session. 9. OTHER BUSINESS. I Koropchak reported Henning and Assoicates continues to work on the city's business brochure and expects the preliminary draft to be copleted in June. . IDC MINUTES 5/29/90 Page 4 9. CONTINUED. Mayor Maus expressed the n ed to-review and update the land use map as it relates to industrial development. Areas of parficular_intere t are the Hoglund and Boyle properties along with futu e annexation areas. The I IDC agreed the City needs . 0 have a preliminary plan outlined so they are not f ced with a reaction sitution. The idea will be suggested at the joint meeting and the idea will appear on the ne t IDC agenda with the intent to formulate a committee. 10. ADJOURNMENT. The IDC meeting adjourned t 8:15 AM. ~ \~(\o~ Ollie Koropchak IDC Executive Secretary . I