Parks Commission Minutes 03-16-2000 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION MARCH 16,2000 - 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Members Absent: Ear! Smith, Fran Fair, Rick Traver, Nancy McCaiTrey Larry Nolan 1. Call meeting to order. The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Ear! Smith. 2. Consideration of approvim! the minutes for the regular meeting Februarv 17,2000. A MOTION WAS MADE BY FRAN FAIR TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR PARKS MEETING ON FEBRUARY 17,2000. SECONDED BY NANCY MCCAFFREY. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. The following items were added to the agenda for discussion: rental fees fClf the park shelters and Monticello Community Partners March 15, 2000 meeting, posting signs in the park stating park rules. 4. Discussion with the Hockev Association. Vance Ellis and Todd Banek, representatives from the Hockey Association, attended the meeting to report on the past hockey season and maintenance projects for the next season. The association was very pleased with the season this year. They commented the Parks Department did a fantastic job keeping everything maintained. The warming house was kept in good order, the ice was excellent, and the attendants were very well trained. They estimated 30 to 70 kids were skating each day. In the past the organization has assisted with maintenance projects during the summer or early fall. Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, stated that it is very important to keep working together and have the hockey players take ownership in the 4th Street Park by helping with the maintenance each year. The Hockey representatives were open to Mr. Engle presenting projects to the Hockey Board for funding and volunteer help. There was discussion on the possibility of hard surfacing the 4th Street rink for street hockey in the summer. The Commissioners explained this idea had heen researched in the past and not completed due to maintenance and the surface material causing the ice to melt faster. It was also added that the surfacing costs are not in the 2000 hudget. The Hockey Association would look into these issues and report back to the Parks Commission. 5. Discussion with the Baseball Board on this year's season. Paul Kleinwachter, representative for the Monticello Baseball Board, attended the meeting to Page 1 . . . Park Commission Minutes - 3/16/00 give an outline of the baseball program and discuss current issues with the Commissioners. Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, did inform the Commissioners there would be a meeting on March 30, 2000 at City Hall with the baseball and softball organizations to discuss the procedures at the fields, lighting, concessions, fees, and future changes. There has been a contract for concessions between the City and the softball organization that will expire in 2001. Mr. Engle invited the Parks Commissioners to attend this meeting. Commissioners Earl Smith and Fran Fair volunteered to represent the Commission at the March 30 meeting. Mr. Klcinwachter reported he has been with the youth baseball program for six years. Each year the number of children in the program has increased. There are about 350 children that will be enrolled this year. Mr. Kleinwachter added there will be a need in the near future for more fields. He did volunteer the organization to help the park crew with the labor on large projects that are needed at the ball fields. .lefT O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator, added there would be significant residential growth in the area behind Gould Brothers Chevrolet/90th Street area in the next five years. If there are not funds for new field development the playing time of the existing fields wi 11 need to be stretched in ways such as adding lights. Mr. Engle added the School District and the City did work together last year to expand the use of the school ball fields. The city crews assisted the school staff by dragging the hall fields in the summer when school was not in session. There was discussion on a joint meeting with the Township and the City for field development. It was agreed the school had done an excellent job in the past but the acreage on the school campus for field development is maxed. There will be a need for another large hall field complex similar to the City fields in the near future. The Commissioners also spent a few moments discussing the focus of the Parks Commission changing from Parks only to Park and Recreation. This will be discussed further at the April meeting. 6. Review Budget items. There was no discussion on this item. 7. Review status of ISTEA Grant for the pedestrian bridge and pathway system. Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator, reported that the City Council authorized WSB Engineering firm to prepare the plans necessary to keep the Pedestrian Bridge project moving forward. Mr. O'Neill added the City Council was still reviewing the project costs, however, did think it was a necessary project for the safety of the young children that ride their bikes over the bridge with the traffic. The City Council suggested City Staff attend the next school board meeting and discuss possible funding from the school district. Page 2 . . . Park Commission Minutes - 3/16/00 8. Update on seminar for landscaping grant. Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, attended a seminar conducted by MNDOT explaining grants ayailable for landscaping in the right of way. This could be used along the right-of-way at East and West Bridge Park. Mr. Engle would request the information on the ayailable grants and city staff would review it. 9. Update on soccer field development. Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator, reported on the joint soccer field project between the school and the city. Mr. O'Neill stated they were still waiting for grading plans to know the scope of the project. There has been Mighty Kicks money approyed by the state. This would be allocated for soccer field development in project such as the one Monticello is researching. Mr. O'Neill would keep the commission updated on this issue. 10. Community Take Pride (City-wide clean up). Wanda Kraemer, Administrative Assistant, reported on the annual city wide clean-up which is Project "Community Pride". The week of April 24 to April 29 has been dedicated to many clean-up projects. All three elementary schools have chosen a day during the week to pick up litter on the school grounds, all the classes at the middle school will be participating, the junior class at the high school will be helping with the grounds at thc high school. Many organizations, church groups, and individuals will be participating on Saturday in the downtown and park areas. Gregg Englc, Park Superintcndent, added many civic organizations also have evcnts planned at other times in April and May such as: Rotary Day at Otter Creek Park, Lion's Spring Fling at Pioneer Park in May, the Mastcr Gardeners and Girls Scouts joint planting project at Ellison Park, Monticello Community Partners assistance at East Bridge Park, City Ballfield Spring Clcan-up Day, NSP County Road 75 cleanup, and Residential Involyement Day at Rivcr Mill Park. 11. Update on maintenance items. Gregg Engle, Park Superintendent, reported on all of the maintenance items completed during the month. I Ie added that many of the picnic tables would be placed in the parks next week. He did ask for a vote on the parking project on Walnut Street along the West side of Bridge Park. Did the Commission prefer angled or straight-in parking? After a short discussion, NANCY MCCAFFREY MADE A MOTION TO INSTALL ANGLED PARKING ON WALNUT ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF BRIDGE PARK. SECONDED BY RICK TRAVER. Motion passed unanimously. (Larry Nolan absent) Commissioner Smith inquired if the path at Otter Creek Park to the wild flower gardens could be Page 3 . . . Park Commission Minutes - 3/16/00 changed so it is not under water during certain times of the year? Mr. Engle replied that the finish grade and seeding would be completed in the park this year and that should help. Mr. Engle added besides maintenance items he was taking bids to finish the pathway to Montissippi Park and initiated a program to inspect park buildings so repairs could be budgeted for over time. He also brought sample signs that would be posted in the parks this spring stating the park rules. Mr. Engle would write a letter to the Wright County Sheriff's department informing them of the signs and requesting enforccment. Mr. Engle added that the 4th Street Park will necd addcd playground equipment. He stated that the plan was to retro fit a ncw section of playground equipment with the equipment already there. This would be less expensive and still enhance the 4th Street Park. Mr. Engle also brought pictures of a variety of playground ideas for Par West Park. It was agreed to continue the discussion on park equipment at the April meeting. 12. Added items. Commissioner Fair, Parks Commission and Liaison to the Monticello Community Partners, reported that Monticello Community Partners, MCP, would like the Parks Commission to apply for a grant through the Riverfest Committee to purchase landscape material for West Bridge Park. The Commissioners all agreed that East and West Bridge Park were a priority this year because the parks were the north entrance to the City. FRAN FAIR MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY NANCY MCCAFFREY, TO APPLY FOR A GRANT FROM THE RIVERFEST COMMITTEE TO PURCHASE LANDSCAPE MATERIAL FOR WEST BRIDGE PARK. Motion passed unanimously. (Larry Nolan absent) Commissioner Smith requested information on the process for charging fees for the shelters at Ellison Park at the next meeting. 13. Adiourn A MOTION WAS MADE BY FRAN FAIR AND SECONDED BY RICK TRAVER TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Motion passed unanimously. lJt\)Iic"- ~ntU11Lr Wanda Kraemcr Administrative Assistant Page 4