IDC Minutes 05-18-1989 MINUTES. MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEV, LOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday. May 18. 191 9 - 7:00 AM City Ha 1 . MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson S; Schrupp. Ron Jim Kruger. L Ken Maus. Har CITY STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Nei 1 elly Johnson. Don Smith. Lowell oglund. Dennis Taylor. Arve Grimsmo. nda Mielke. Rick Wolfsteller. ey Kendall. and Ollie Koropchak. MEMBERS ABSENT: Dale Lungwitz. Jay Morrell. Dave Peterson. and Dale Pogatchn'k. 1. CALL TO ORDER. The IDC meeting was called 0 order by Chairperson Shelly Johnson at 7:02 AM. 2. APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 89 IDC MINUTES. Ron Hoglund made a motion t approve the April 20. 1989 IDC minutes. seconded by Ar e Grimsmo. without any corrections or additions. the minutes s and approved as written. . 3. PROSPECTS: UNDISCLOSED CO - after the financial proposal was drafted by DS. Inc. and delivered by the Economic Devela ment Director. I have been in contact with Mr'. Tapper who is very interested in our proposal and has had his accountant speak with Pat elstring. In the last conversation Mr. Tapper indicated a low in sales and is so ewhat apprehensive of a relocation at this time however no final decision has belen made. MANTEQ - Mr. Pat Pelstring. Jim Boyle. A.J. Renner. Conrad Larson. nd myself met at BDS. Inc. to discuss Manteq's facility needs and financial needs. Manteq is look! g at a 30.000 square foot office/ lab work area for lease. employment of 50. Mr. Pelstring ill contact the principal owners. Norm Strand and Stuart Wilson; draft a preliminary financial proposal; and draft a letter of intent. Mr. Boyle will obtain a contractor and draft a lease proposal using Tax Increment Finance write down as a direct reduction of the lease rate. NSP - Mr. Jerry Zimmer. Bob Clark. Gary Anderson. an NSP architect. and myself met to review building. site. and landscaping plans for the projected NSP 5.544 sq ft maintenance facility in the Oakwood Industrial Park. Increased employment of three and business retention. NSP staff advised us that the project had been out for bids I IDC Minutes - 5/18/89 . 3. CONTINUED. twice and in b th cases bids received were over budget. owever. NSP was still anticipating a June 1 const uction start. . . . EXISTING UNDIS the IDC that s Enterprise Fun presently leas is purchase th 5.000 sq ft. a Present employ of 10. Koropchak advi brochure and 0 which leaves t need. LOSED COMPANY - Koropchak informed e has received a Greater Monticello application from an existing company ng in the industrial park who's goal existing facility. expansion of d interior rehabilitation. ent 10 with an additional projection ed the IDC of ABK. Inc. marketing its successful 13% return rate ,e company with a working capital Harvey Kendall reported the NSP Training Center expansion will double their size and completion of the project is expected the end of November. The IDC briefl acknowledged the recently announced Buffalo recrui ed Von Ruden Manufacturing Company which will emp oy 70 people and construct an approximate 60.000 sq ft building. Koropchak was asked if t e company ever contacted the City of Monticello, the reply was no. 4. CONSIDERATION OF THE AREA The IDC briefly discussed t area extended service. The collecting of needed signat as the City Council support effect on Monticello reside Koropchak is to call Diane Buffalo's denial. 5. CONSIDERATION OF THE JOINT MONDAY. JUNE 5. 1989. Chairperson Johnson reminde to be held June 5 at the ne for 7:00PM.goa1 is to estab working relationship betwee units thereby eliminating f informed the IDC of the mee into 5-6 small groups by lead by staff members. ideas within each service a staff in planning and decis be mailed out early. TENDED SERVICE UPDATE. e denial of Buffalo's request for general consensus was to proceed res for Monticello's petition d the issue and for a positive tial and busineess development. ells for more information on OVERNMENTAL UNITS MEETINGS. the IDC of the joint meeting Fire Hall. Starting time is set ish/continue a cooperative the different city government agmentation. Jeff O'Neill ing agenda strategy of dividing ifferent city service areas and Groups will brainstorm for ea to aid city council and city on-making. The agenda will IDC MINUTES - 5/18/89 . 6. CONSIDERATION OF AIRPORT U DATE. Mr. O'Neill updated the ID to Mr. Ron Lloyd to determ airport facility at the pr associated with such an ex federal financial programs expansion. stating he had written a letter 'ne the potential of expanding the sent location, the process and cost ansion, and requested an outline of to be utilized in such an state/ 7. CONSIDERATION OF INDUSTRIA PARK ROADS UPDATE. . A public hearing will be h ld at City Council Monday night to get input from prperty owners. Bids will be opened Monday morning prio to Council. Bids are expected to come in low for Chelsea Road, Dundas Road, and Thomas Park Park Road. This does not "nclude Fallon Avenue which needs major reconstruction. Two property owners said the additional assessments would create h rdship for selling property and since M & P Transports are the only major heavy truck traffic, they suggested not posting axle limits in the spring. City staffs input was if roads are not overlayed and not posted results could b a million dollar project and if project were delayed on year this could result in a 25% project cost increas A question was posed on the percentage of lots sol in the industrial park. The IDC summarized the ove -lay project in the industrial park as long term cost effectiv to present property owners, an elimination of spring post"ng, and as a marketing strategy. IDC members are.invited to attend the public hearing. 8. CONSIDERATION OF AN EDA OR ANIZATIONAL MEETING UPDATE. The EDA met on May 16 andeviewed the ordinance amendment, the Joint Powers Agreement, and the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund Guidelines. The Board needs to hold a second organizational meet"ng to continue wit~ drafting bylaws and to elect office s. 9. OTHER BUSINESS. Sunny Fresh will be discontinuing the egg shell operations and will concentrate on the l"quid egg research and processing at the Monticello facility. Koropchak is to contact Sunny Fresh with the potential use of TIF for demolition of the old creamery. Ken Maus reminded IDC members of the Senior Citizen Ethnic Day at the Monticello Seni r Lounge and of the grand opening for noon lunches at the Monte Club. These events scheduled for today. . . Chairperson Shelly Johnson 'informed the IDC that the ~epartment of Revenue is proposi g certain rule changes governing the valuation and assessment of electric companies, gas distrubution and pipeline companies wit out a public hearing. If the Department receives at least 25 letters requesting a public IDC Minutes - 5/18/89 . 9. CONTINUED. hearing, the rule change p''(Jposa1 can bestopped~' The e.ffect' on Monticello could be a reduction or distrioution change of 1Qca1 valuations. The local school district and the city have written letters requesting a public hearing, Mr. Johnson encouraged other organizations to support the cause by mailing a letter to Mr. Cok. The IDC adjourned at 8:00 10. ADJOURNMENT. ~ ~o'\()~ Ollie Koropchak IDC Executive Secretary . . .