Planning Commission Agenda 10-08-2018 (Joint Meeting)AGENDA JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 8, 2018 — 5:15 p.m. North Mississippi, MCC AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. 5:15 p.m. Consideration of Request for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development Proposal for 136 -unit Senior Living Facility 3. Adjournment NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS. INC. 4150 Olson Memorial Highway, Ste. 320, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763.957.1100 Website: www.nacplanning.com MEMORANDUM TO: Angela Schumann Mayor Stumpf and Monticello City Council Monticello Planning Commission FROM: Stephen Grittman DATE: October 2, 2018 RE: Monticello — Trident/Mielke PUD — Concept Review NAC FILE NO: 191.07 — 18.30 PLANNING CASE NO: PROPERTY ID: 155-500-123300; 155-115-001010 Concept Submittal and Project Description. This memorandum reviews the elements of a proposed concept plan for a Planned Unit Development on the "Jameson" property, a parcel along the Burlington Northern Railroad line, west and north of the St. Henry's Catholic Church. The parcel is approximately seven acres in size and is currently landlocked, but for an access to its aging single-family home from Washington Street via a driveway easement over the "Rand House" (Busch) property to the west. With the construction of the Fallon Avenue overpass and roundabout, the City acquired a parcel from the St. Henry's Church to provide the potential for a street access to the subject property. The applicants will seek construction of a public street over this parcel, and have included a second portion of property from St. Henry's as a part of what they propose to be a two -building senior housing project encompassing the Jameson property, the new extended public street, and the additional church property. The proposal is made by a combined venture of Trident Development of St. Cloud, and local company Mielke Development. The project consists of independent, assisted and memory care units in two buildings as noted, a 70 unit assisted living project in the easternmost section of the property, and a 66 unit senior apartment building to the south, nearest to Fallon and 7t" Streets. Both buildings are proposed to be three stories. The independent senior building would have one level of underground parking. The properties are both currently zoned R-1, Single Family Residence District. However, the "Jameson" parcel is guided for "Places to Live", a residential land use category, while the St. Henry's parcel is guided "Places for Community", a public/semi- public institutional category. The total property is approximately 9 acres in area, a gross residential density of approximately 15 units per acre. For the project to proceed, there are a series of City approvals that will be required: PUD Concept Review (the subject of this report). The project requires a PUD as it proposes to plat a parcel that will have no direct frontage on a public street, and certain aspects of site design may require flexibility; Concurrent with this review, the applicants have applied for an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW). The EAW is required due to the Historic classification of the property (not the existing structure). Further approvals would include the following: o Comprehensive Land Use Plan amendment reguiding the current Church parcel from "Places for Community" to "Places to Live"; o Preliminary and Final Plats incorporating the Church and City parcels, dedicating the appropriate right of way, and resubdividing the property for the proposed buildings; the City would be required to participate in the plat o Rezoning to PUD, with reference to underlying standards of the R-4 Medium and High Density Residential District; the PUD would require cross -access agreements as part of any approval given the proposed lot configuration; o Conditional Use Permits which would have been required in the R-4 District would be considered instead as part of the PUD rezoning of the development parcels. Any Accessory Use requests would also be reviewed and considered as part of the PUD rezoning consideration. The current proposal is for a PUD Concept Plan review, which is not a formal zoning application, but is intended to provide the applicant an opportunity to get City feedback on a potential development proposal prior to more formal zoning review and the extensive supporting materials that such reviews require. The Planning Commission and City Council will have the opportunity to review the project, ask questions of the proposer, and provide comment as to the issues and elements raised by the project. The neighboring property owners have been notified of the meeting, but it is not a formal public hearing. This memorandum provides an overview of the project, and will serve as an outline for the discussion. No formal approval or denial is offered for a Concept Review. However, it is vital that Planning Commission and City Council members engage in a frank and open discussion of the project benefits and potential issues. The Concept Review process is most valuable when the applicants have the opportunity to understand how the City is likely to look at the project and the potential issues it presents. In this way, the subsequent land use and development details can be more finely tuned to address City policy elements. PUD Concept Review Criteria. The Zoning Ordinance allows for a first stage of PUD consisting of an informal Concept Plan review which is separate from the formal PUD application which will follow the Concept Review step. The Ordinance identifies the purpose of Planned Unit Development as follows: (1) Purpose and Intent The purpose of the Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning district is to provide greater flexibility in the development of neighborhoods and non- residential areas in order to maximize public values and achieve more creative development outcomes while remaining economically viable and marketable. This is achieved by undertaking a process that results in a development outcome exceeding that which is typically achievable through the conventional zoning district. The City reserves the right to deny the PUD rezoning and direct the developer to re -apply under the standard applicable zoning district. PUD Concept reviews are to proceed as follows: (a) PUD Concept Proposal Prior to submitting formal development stage PUD, preliminary plat (as applicable) and rezoning applications for the proposed development, the applicant may, at its option, prepare an informal concept plan and present it to the Planning Commission and City Council at a concurrent work session, as scheduled by the Community Development Department. The purpose of the Concept Proposal is to: 1. Provide preliminary feedback on the concept plan in collaboration between the applicant, general public, Planning Commission, and City Council; 2. Provide a forum for public comment on the PUD prior to a requirement for extensive engineering and other plans. 3. Provide a forum to identify potential issues and benefits of the proposal which can be addressed at succeeding stages of PUD design and review. The intent of Concept Proposal review is to consider the general acceptability of the proposed land use, and identify potential issues that may guide the City's later consideration of a full PUD application. The Concept Proposal review 2 includes notice to area property owners, but is not a public hearing. The City Council and Planning Commission meet in joint session to provide feedback to the developer, and may include an opportunity for informal public comment as they deem appropriate. Staff Preliminary Comments and Issues. For this proposal, the primary considerations evident at this point in the process would likely include the following elements: Land Use. The proposed land use is considered to be generally consistent with the directions of the Comprehensive Plan, noting the change required for the Places for Community area. Higher density housing is most appropriate in this area which is dominated by other high density residential, institutional, and commercial land uses. In addition, the property's proximity to both the collector -status 7t' Street and its proximity to 1-94 would suggest that lower density uses would be inappropriate. Parking. Parking supply is shown at 156 parking spaces (1.15 spaces per unit). This total supply is likely adequate, giving the senior focus of the project, and the assisted living nature of the larger building. The R-4 District requires that no more than 1.1 spaces per unit are uncovered, which this proposal meets. iii. Building Height and Architecture. The applicants have not provided details relating to building design at this stage. Staff would note that the R-4 zoning district encourages certain specific elements related to roof line, building materials, and overall design. In addition, PUD design is expected to exceed the basic district standards in exchange for the flexibility offered under the PUD process. iv. Site Planning. A preliminary site plan is provided as a part of the PUD Concept plan. Staff notes that specific requirements for open space and extensive setback regulations apply in the R-4 District. If the applicants propose to vary from the base zoning standards, they should provide rationale that supports the variation, and note the additional amenities or elements of the site plan that balance the proposed flexibility. The Parks Commission will review the preliminary plat and make a recommendation to the City Council on park dedication requirements. V. Access and Circulation. As noted, the applicants proposed to utilize the City parcel as right of way for a new public street extending from the Fallon Avenue roundabout. The street would therefore be dedicated as right of way as part of the platting process. The senior apartment building would gain its access from this public street. From the terminal point of this street, a private driveway would extend to the assisted living building in the northeast corner of the property. The applicants also show the potential for an extension of 3 this roadway to the northwest across the "Rand House" (Busch) property to Washington Street. The new street would provide additional direct frontage to both of the properties west of this site that currently gain access on the west via a short loop of Fallon Avenue. It will be important to understand how the new street would be constructed and paid for, including the cost of the City's land acquisition in this area. With regard to the extension to Washington Street, it is not clear that this roadway would be necessary. Moreover, to implement it, an agreement would be required from the neighboring Busch property owners. The intentions for this roadway should be identified and resolved, if possible, during the ongoing PUD process. vi. The City Engineer makes the following additional notes relating to ongoing plan development: The extension of the public street for the proposed development will require a petition from the owners of at least 35% in frontage of the property bordering the proposed public street per MN State Statute Chapter 429. A feasibility report is required to be prepared, which will address the special assessments for the public improvement to the benefitting property owners. Assessments to be considered will include the City land acquisition cost along with street, pathway, utility and other infrastructure costs. It should be noted that the new street name will need to be approved by the City and Wright County and will likely not be named Fallon Avenue since that street name exists to the west. Sanitary sewer and watermain services noted as primary services on the concept plan are being extended to the 7t" Street right of way with the Fallon Avenue overpass project in order to serve the proposed development. It is preferred that the site be served from these service locations and not from the potential connection for Lot 2 as noted on the concept plan, however that will be determined with the preliminary plat/PUD stage of the project. • The watermain extension will likely need to be a looped system. • Below are the general stormwater requirements for the site: o The applicant will be required to submit a stormwater management plan for the proposed development in accordance with the requirements in the City's Design Manual 12 o No regional infiltration or ponding is provided for the development downstream, therefore it will need to be provided onsite. o The City's water resource management plan identifies the need for new outlet pipes under the railroad tracks. o The implementation of this improvement has yet to be determined. With the preliminary plat/PUD submittals, the applicant shall provide topographic survey of the site including the area along the railroad corridor to define the drainage system. • Required easements for drainage and utilities will be reviewed with utility and storm water plan review. Summary. As noted, the Planning Commission and City Council provide comment and feedback at the Concept Review level. There is no formal decision made as part of this submittal. City officials should identify any areas of concern, as well as any elements of the concept that the City would find essential to the proposal. Specific comment should address the following potential issues: 1. Overall Land Use. 2. Density. 3. Building Height. 4. Parking Supply. 5. Building Materials and Architecture. 6. Landscaping, green space, setbacks, and other site plan improvements. 7. Circulation and Access. 8. Street Construction and location. 9. Engineering comments and recommendations. The notes listed above acknowledge that a significant amount of detail will be added as the project proceeds to a more advanced stage of review. Supporting Data Applicant Narrative Legal Description and Project Information Applicant Concept Plan Comprehensive Plan — Land Use Map Official Zoning Map 5 RTINLCDevelopment,L. 3601 t 8th Street South • Suite # 103 • St. Cloud, MN 56301 Phone: 320.258.4438 • Fax: 320.252.3603 September 24, 2018 Ms. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 VIA Hand -delivered and E-mail Dear Ms. Schumann: Trident Development, LLC and Mielke Development is please to submit the enclosed application materials for a PUD — Concept Proposal for a proposed senior housing development. This letter is intended to provide a narrative description of our proposed development, the objectives of the PUD and address a number of check -list items requested. LOCATION The development site consists of approx. 9 acres located north of 7th Street, east of Washington Street and west of the St Benedict's Senior Center. The site is bordered on the north by the BNSF rail line. The local street address is known as 511 Territorial Road. The property, commonly referred to as the Marion Jameson property is approximately 7.1 acres. In addition to the Jameson property, we are negotiating with St. Henry's Catholic church for a 1.91 acre portion of vacant land. The total gross land area is approximately 9 acres. All of the land is currently zoned R-1 Low Density Residential. PUD OBJECTIVES There are a number of unique characteristics and development challenges presented with this property. We believe the PUD process offers the best avenue to accomplish our development objectives. The development objectives include: • Manage steep slopes and dense tree vegetation on the north and east portions of the site. • Combine multiple buildings and multiple uses within a single development. • Provide for public street and utility extensions to serve the development and potentially neighboring property • Create a continuum of care, senior housing campus that fills an unmet need in the Monticello community. • Offer a complimentary transition to the neighboring church property. • Generate increased tax base on property that is currently underutilized. ENVIRONMENTAL Because it is believed is Jameson property has some historical and cultural significance, we have made a written request to the City Council to authorize an Environmental Assessment Worksheet ("EAW"). We anticipate this request to be presented to Council on the October 8 meeting agenda. ACCESS The development site is not currently served by pubic street or public utilities. The Jameson property currently operates with an unrecorded access agreement allowing access from Fallon Ave, through the neighboring Busch property. The concept plan proposed a new public street to be extending north from the new, 7th Street round -a -bout, together with public utilities. The plan shows two alternate street designs: 1) terminating in a cul -du -sac or 2) continuing on to Fallon Street. With either design, the new street is anticipated to public rather than private. The exact street alignment and design to be worked out with the City. PUD CONCEPT CHECK LIST Together with this narrative letter we are including the following check list items: • Completed City of Monticello Land Use Applications — 1 for Jameson and 1 for St. Henrys • Application Fee of $200 and Escrow Deposit of $1,000. ($1,200 total.) • Five (5) full-size plan sheet of the Conceptual Land Plan. • One (1) electronic file of the Conceptual Land Plan, sent via e-mail. • Full legal description of the property (Jameson only) • Contact information • Site data summary, including general project information and calculation of proposed density • Preliminary development schedule • Layout of proposed lots and uses, including parking areas and existing and proposed streets. • Proposed location of public streets and utilities. Please contact us if there are any questions of if additional materials are required. I can be reached at 320.258.4438 (office) or 612.242.6097 (cell). Regards, '6entDevelopnr eft-Roi Sr. Vice President Enclosures C: Dan Mielke File No: 1490566 (SKL) LEGAL DESCRIPTION - JAMESON PROPERTY Parcel A: The Southwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, also described as: Commence at a point on the west line of Section 12, Township 121, Range 25, a distance of 534.5 feet North of the southwest corner thereof, thence East at right angles to said west line 318 feet; thence North 11 degrees 00 minutes East to the center line of the old Territorial Road as now laid out and traveled; thence North 14 degrees 20 minutes West along said existing center line 40.5 feet to its intersection with the northerly line of said road extended northwesterly and its actual point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing on same course along said center line to its intersection with the southerly line of the G.N.R.R. right of way; thence South 74 degrees 23 minutes East along said southerly right of way line 979.17 feet; thence South 2 degrees 22 minutes East to the northerly line of said old Territorial road; thence North 68 degrees 50 minutes West along said northerly line to point of beginning. Parcel B: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence on an assumed bearing of North 1 degree 24 minutes 50 seconds East along the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 534.50 feet; thence South 88 degrees 35 minutes 10 seconds East, a distance of 318.00 feet; thence North 12 degrees 24 minutes 50 seconds East, a distance of 292.79 feet to the south line of Old Territorial Road being the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence South 67 degrees 59 minutes 57 seconds East along said south line, a distance of 989.48 feet to the east line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest quarter; thence North 1 degree 24 minutes 40 seconds East along said east line, a distance of 70.50 feet to the north line of said Old Territorial Road; thence North 67 degrees 59 minutes 57 seconds West along said north line of Old Territorial Road being distant 66.00 feet north of and parallel with said south line of Old Territorial Road, a distance of 1012.57 feet to the intersection of a line bearing North 13 degrees 57 minutes 39 seconds West from the point of beginning, said line being on center line of Old Territorial Road and its southerly extensions; thence South 13 degrees 57 minutes 39 seconds East along said center line and its southerly extension, a distance of 81.54 feet to the point of beginning. TRIDENT DEVELOPMENT, LLC MONTICELLO SENIOR HOUSING CAMPUS September 24, 2018 GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION Proposed Use: Senior / assisted living apartment housing in a continuum of care campus Number of Residential units: 136 total residential dwelling units, as follows 66 units of independent senior apartments 49 units of assisted living apartments 21 unit of memory support apartments Ancillary Uses: Commercial kitchen for congregate dining Beauty salon Assisted Living: 70 -unit, 3 -story building, wood -frame building, approx. 79,023 square feet with surface parking for 65 cars. Indep. Sr. Apts: 66 -unit, 3 -story, wood -frame building, approx. 85,551 square feet with underground parking for 66 cars and surface parking for 60 cars. TRIDENT DEVELOPMENT, LLC MONTICELLO SENIOR HOUSING CAMPUS September 24, 2018 SITE DATA Property Address: 511 Territorial Road Monticello, MN Legal Description: See attached Current Zoning: R-1 Low Density Residential Parcel Size: Total development land area 9.01 acres (388,926+/- sf) 7.10 acres (309,326+/- sf) Jameson property 1.91 acres (84,041+/- sf) St. Henry Church property Undevelopable Area: Approx. 60,782 sf (1.40 acres) is believed to be undevelopable due to steep slopes. Net Land Area: Approx. 7.61 acres (331,585 square feet) Proposed Density: Gross: 15 dwelling units per acre / 2,860 sf of land per unit Net: 17.9 dwelling units per acre/2,438 sf of land per unit Lot 1: 66 -Unit Senior Apartment Total Gross Lot Area: 4.82 acres +/-, 210,121 sf +/- Total Net Lot Area: 4.06 acres +/-, 177,007 sf +/- Lot 2: 70 -Unit Senior Assisted Living/Memory Care Building Total Gross Lot Area: 4.18 acres +/-, 182,246 sf +/- Total Net Lot Area: 3.55 acres +/-, 154,578 sf +/- TRIDENT DEVELOPMENT, LLC MONTICELLO SENIOR HOUSING CAMPUS September 24, 2018 PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE Entitlement/Gov. Approvals - Construction of Public Street - Financing/Construction Pricing - Construction Term - Initial Occupancy, Bldg. 1 - October 2018 to March 2019 April 2019 to June 2019 March 2019 to May 2019 May 2019 to July 2020 May 2020 Initial Occupancy, Bldg. 2. - July 2020 MONTICELLO SENIOR HOUSING CAMPUS September 24, 2018 LIST OF CONTACT INFORMATION: Owner of Record: Marion K. Jameson (deceased) C/o Suzanne L. Jameson Kramer 136-15 01h Street River Falls, WI 54022 612.817.4499 Developer/Applicant: Trident Development, LLC / Mielke Development Roger D. Fink, Sr. Vice President 3601 — 18th Street South St. Cloud, MN 56301 320.258.4438 612.242.6097 (cell) Architect: Cole Group Architects Norm Cole 216 Park Avenue South Suite 102 St. Cloud, MN 56301 320.654.6570 Survey/Civil Eng: Carlson McCain Joseph Radach, P.E. Thomas Balluff, L.S. 3 890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE Suite 100 Blaine, MN 763.489.7916 Title Company: Tri Count Abstract and Title Guaranty, Inc. Adam Schad, Title Examiner 122 — 12th Ave. No. St. Cloud, MN 56303 320.253.2096 Legal: Siegel Brill, P.A. Josh Grossman 100 Washington Ave. S. Suite 1300 Minneapolis, MN 55401 612.337.6100 �,� AREA CALCULATfONS TOTAL PARCEL AREA: 392,367 SF - 9.01 AC ° \ \ ,\ 18% SLOPE AREA: 60,782 SF - 1.40 AC NET AREA: 331,585 SF - 7.61 AC LOT 1 AREA: 210,121 SF - 4.82 AC 18% SLOPE AREA: 33,114 SF - 0.76 AC NET AREA: 177,007 SF - 4.06 AC LOT 2 AREA: 182,246 SF - 4.18 AC v 18% SLOPE AREA: 27,668 SF - 0.64 AC 1*N \ AREA W/ SLOPE GREATER THAN 18% NET AREA: 154,578 SF - 3.55 AC \ \ � �\ i 4TI � \�, \ e \ Ai v v \ \ EXISTING HOUSE TO AREA W/ SLOPE / %I ' \ BE REMOVED °ee EM POSSIBLE EXTENSION \ \ OF PUBLIC STREET \\� TO WASHINGTON ST. CUL-DE-SAC \ (PUBLIC) I \ \ \ \ \\ I \ 1 PUBLIC STREET EXTENSION \ PRIMARY WATER \ SERVICE LOCATION \ \ \ \ \ PRIMARY SANITARY SEWER \ \ ` SERVICE LOCATION 1 GREATER THAN 18% C.D�/��''d \ mQ W�� '- J:�t --:) Z 0 O Z.) PROPERTY BOUNDARY J aC'.,Df co (TYP) CO Q LZ W I POTENTIAL SANITARY SEWER SERVICE LOCATION FOR LOT 2 1 / I AREA W/ SLOPE GREATER THAN 18% em ---<�-<---<---<---<---<---<---<---<---<---\ LI SIDEWALK CONNECTION TO ST. HENRY CATHOLIC CHURCH 30 R u N Am ( IN FEET � O Ln � Z � m O N O O i z w LL Z 00L Z 0 W Num O as � �- 00 Z W C ru Z Vii ch } � Z a N C W O O O 0 d M U) H H J Z al�O ru J d W o LV V O63 Z O J c W2: V H Z O V J M J 0 H a� Z ' LV cn O � 0 a4-JU) Z) O z J U W 4-J >�-0 Z3 L. LU W o Q � U 4-J 4-+ 00 u') Z r' W Q lO H M w REVISIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DRAWN BY: ITR DESIGNED BY: JTR ISSUE DATE: 09/21/18 NOTES 1 of `9Q I/ Pb r Big Lake J ■ . 1-2 2 -PUC Il I:I a: 1 ITJ I L14 V IJI 11164'11; dustrial D IBI Nertormance U1; Swan River based Uverlay Uistrict Special Use Overlay District Monticello Mississippi High Schoc Scenic & Rec Mills Fleet Shordand Farm District Red Rooster Freewav DUDS Spaeth District Industrial Park Camping World Affordable Storage Anhimn RidnP Nertormance based Uverlay Uistrict Special Use Overlay District Mississippi Wild, Scenic & Rec Overlay D Shordand District Freewav Bonus Sian District Official /nninc : II Development, LLC. Tealwood SENIOR LIVING ...because the journey matters p B%�PF N� 38079: 8F 9.40 A� i 1 n sF °oM A` I, z AREA. =,s sF _ ..,a A A,� 1. — AE' � a �� i —.5a sF - 355 A sIoN� io —N .I. 5T 1 ti 1 l Puauc r , 1 , ,r ` 1 -------------- Pa�M ���E Foga oN� — — — — THE LEGACY OF FARMINGTON FARMINGTON, MN Assisted Living Independent Plus Memory Support i� The Legacy of Farmington — Senior Living -- R^af4 7 Iff, Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IL IJ!- Visiting Physicians • Respite and Recovery • Medication Management • Hospice • Transportation and Outings Love Where You Live .......because the journey matters i I I`r f--- Tim _. W MR � - w�iaiiiw � � � assr��wi a ri . L� rfs.iw 1 li �tls..1 � I■ iiiiari�/ MMOMMsar - li . P F r JMl _` _ — • Front Desk • Community Room • Private Dinning Room killt V ¢= a lqw tj L • Dinning Area� • Community Kitchen • Bistro/Pub Jim • Wellness Are • Library • Chapel �91 A • • 00000 MIN AP `.1%= • Sitting Area'M • Garden Center • Activity Area C VA hl . 1),i, �-.l1 1 Liam =" ob _ rte,; , IJ 0 ESTATES OF ARBOR OAKS ANDOVER., MN Independent Living wry 1753 Illllll il.ilillilllllllIll �r ` . � . - � -- . ifllll r7-1& �s gyp. • '� • Concierge services • Bistro • Onsite Salon • State of the art fitness center • Underground parking • Underground car wash station • Pickleball court • Outdoor patio with grills and fireplace • Outdoor gardening area lRespect Everyone For Who They Are And Who They May Become. / - - - - - - - -- I ) l� i I WOM as Ask � .. � � y ___ _ - .. ..ale 'i.� [+•`?� �� �, ft" tr • Community Room • Sitting Area • Exercise Room 1. sop& Ab AOL - "IN 3 1 im Aug 12 f rnow r � qs • Bistro/Pud% • Dining Area • Salon .. . . ._�. ': - f I r M vpl- B w M r vpl- B r 2017 ABC EXCELLENCE IN CONSTRUCTION PYRAMID AWARD CHASKA HEIGHTS SENIOR LIVING CHASKA, MN Independent Living Assisted Living Memory Support t �v FT unnnrr:nm� ^ 4 � Or -49 6997 "The staff here is amazing! They are very helpful, and kind! Everyone is treated with respect and any needs are quickly met, and with a smile. Thank you for caring for our family members!" "...it was a relief and a blessing to find this place." Happy resident, happy families, happy community. •3 r � 7", wm JI/ I s i �r1i •W7 "fit i�f " Sitting area Lobby Bistro/ Pub YORKSHIRE OF EDINA SENIOR LIVING E DIIIIIIIIIIIII1 I I N Assisted Living Independent Living Memory Support •r 1 JOE - zz-- r:��� _ r I�w W'Ill .TMS _` ( � ten. ,y. •'ti 1mom h i � Common Areas mks Y_ 57 vlid � p Assisted Living Independent Living Memory Support HARRISON BAY SENIOR LIVING MOUND., MN Er; ---