Planning Commission Minutes 05-05-1992 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, May 5, 1992 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Dan McConnon, Richard Martie, Jon Bogart, Richard Carlson Members Absent: Cindy Lenun Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Dan McConnon at 7:02 p.m. 2. A motion was made by Richard Carlson and seconded by Jon Bogart to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held April 8, 1992. Voting in favor: Richard Martie, Jon Bogart, Richard Carlson. Abstaining: Dan McConnon. 3. Public Hearing--A conditional use request to Section 20-2-C of the Monticello Zoninq Ordinance which requires that a planned unit development include an area of at least 3 acres. Applicant, Investors Toqether. AND Public Hearinq--A replattinq request to subdivide Outlot A of the East View residential subdivision. Applicant, Investors Toqether. AND 4. 5. Public Hearing--A conditional use request allowing a townhouse development in an R-2 zone. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, stated that Investors Together has encountered some engineering problems with their proposed townhouse plat. Due to the delay, they are requesting the Planning Conunission to continue the public hearings. Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the public hearings. There being no input from the public, Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the meeting for comments from the Planning Conunission members. There being no input from the Planning Conunission members, a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Jon Bogart to continue the public hearings for the following items: A conditional use request to Section 20-2-C of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance which requires that a planned unit development include an area of at least 3 acres; A replatting request to subdivide Outlot A of the East View residential Page 1 . . . Planning Conunission Minutes - 5/5/92 subdivision; and a conditional use request allowing a townhouse development in an R-2 zone. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of callinq a public hearinq on rezoninq Thomas Park Drive area from B-2 to I-l zoning district desiqnation. Applicant, Monti Motors and Hoqlund Bus Company. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed the request by Monti Motors and Hoglund Bus Company to rezone the Thomas Park Drive area from B-2 (limited business) to 1-1 (light industrial) zoning. O'Neill explained that the rezoning is proposed for all of the Thomas Park addition and a portion of an unplatted tract of land owned by Hoglund Bus Company lying just north of the Monti Motors lot in Thomas Park. O'Neill went on to explain that this is a request for the Planning Conunission members to call for a public hearing on rezoning the areas described above from B-2 (limited business) to 1-1 (light industrial) zoning. Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the meeting for input from the public. Mr. Wayne Hoglund, Hoglund Bus Company, explained that he would like the area that is currently used for old bus storage area to be rezoned from B-2 to I-l. If the area is rezoned, he intends to install a 6-foot high screening fence around the perimeter of the bus storage area. Mr. Pat Townsend, part owner of Monti Motors, explained that he and his partner, Mr. Jamison, are proposing to expand the existing Monti Motors business to include repair and sale of boats and boat-related accessories. Dan McConnon conunented that information regarding the subject properties could be discussed at the public hearing. There being no further information, a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Richard Carlson to call for a public hearing on the rezoning of the Thomas Park Drive area from B-2 to 1-1 zoning. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Consideration of application for a home occupation permit. Applicant, John Zavodnick. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed the request by Mr. Zavodnick to perform skate sharpening and to sell hockey- related accessory equipment from his home. O'Neill outlined the approved uses of a home occupation within residential Page 2 . Planning Commission Minutes - 5/5/92 zoning districts. The proposed use by Mr. Zavodnick did not appear in the list of allowable uses within the home occupation section of the ordinance; however, the proposed home occupation may meet the intent of the ordinance. Chairperson Dan McConnon then opened the meeting for input from the public. The Zavodnicks explained their proposed use would be primarily for the sharpening of hockey skates. Due to the present lack of a sporting goods store from which to purchase hockey- related equipment in the city of Monticello, the Zavodnicks are proposing to offer a service where equipment could be ordered from a catalog or purchased from stock at their residence. The proposed use of their residence would be primarily seasonal during hockey with hopes that they could establish a pick-up and drop-off center at the school for ice skate sharpening rather than individuals bringing the skates to their residence. . Planning Commission members basically didn't have any problem with the sharpening of skates at the residence. The activity is seasonal. They were concerned, however, with the additional traffic that would be encountered with individuals delivering and picking up skates. It was recommended that skates be picked up from teams after practice and delivered all at once, thereby reducing the number of individual trips. Another concern was the use of the residence for display of hockey-related equipment for sale. Planning Commission members stated that they would see no problem with the Zavodnicks operating as a mail order business only with deliveries made directly to purchasers. There being no further input from the Planning Commission members or the public, it was the recommendation of the Planning Commission members to approve a home occupation for the operation of a skate sharpening business at this residence and to encourage the owners to have a catalog order operation only for the purchase of hockey-related equipment with the equipment being shipped directly to the purchaser. Approval was given on a temporary basis for one hockey season only. Consensus was by all five commission members, as Cindy Lemm has now joined the meeting. O'Neill noted he would incorporate the Planning Commission comments into the permit terms. . Page 3 Planning Commission Minutes - 5/5/92 . 8. Review site plan--public works facility expansion project. Consider calling for a public hearinq on amendments to Section 10-6 rC] and 10-8 of the zoninq ordinance. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reviewed the site plan for the proposed new public works expansion project. O'Neill explained that the public works facility expansion would consist of three phases, with phase I being the proposed new maintenance building. . In reviewing the site plan, O'Neill pointed out the proposed relocation of the motor fuel dispenser to the west end near the property line between the Westcello Apartment parking lot and the public works facility. Evergreen tree plantings will be installed along the westerly property line with approximately 10 feet between each tree. Hard surfacing is proposed in phase I only on the westerly portion of the site extending to the existing pole building, along the west side of the new proposed maintenance building, and in the westerly portion of the existing water department and public works office building. As part of phase II, a new salt storage building would be attached near the northeast corner of the proposed new maintenance building, and a new washroom bay would be constructed between the existing maintenance shop and the new maintenance storage facility building, and new restrooms and lunch area would be attached to the south side of the existing maintenance shop. Phase III would include connection of the existing maintenance shop and the existing water department and public works office building. O'Neill noted that technically, a zoning ordinance amendment is not necessary to allow the public works facility to be constructed because the existing use is considered a permitted use. Specifically, the zoning ordinance stated: PERFORMANCE ZONE PERMITTED USES: Only the following uses are permitted uses within a PZM district: [C] Those uses that exist prior to the adoption of this chapter. . Page 4 Planning Commission Minutes - 5/5/92 . A literal interpretation of the language above would indicate that the public works facility (former NSP site) is allowed as a permitted use because it existed prior to the adoption of the chapter (PZM district regulations). Staff is recommending that the ordinance be amended by eliminating Section [Cl above because it also has the effect of labeling the activity conducted by Ruff Auto as a permitted use. As a permitted use, Ruff Auto could expand into other property in the PZM zone. The negative potential of this occurring is staggering. Much of the land near Ruff Auto is undeveloped and could potentially be used by Ruff for expansion areas. Particularly, the land owned by Tom Brennan between Ruff Auto and the freeway is in the PZM zone. From a technical standpoint, according to the literal interpretation of the ordinance, Ruff could expand his junk yard into these areas. . 0' Neill suggested that it was not the intent of the PZM regulations to allow Ruff Auto or other uses incompatible with the PZM district purpose to be allowed as permitted uses without the constraints associated with being lawful conforming uses. Unfortunately, a literal interpretation of 10-6 [Cl would lead one to think that all uses in the PZM zone in existence at the time of adoption are now considered permitted uses. City staff requests the Planning Commission to review this matter and consider calling a public hearing on abolishing or amending 10-6 [C]. In addition to abolishing 10-6 [C], Planning Commission is asked to call for a public hearing on establishment of a zoning ordinance amendment that would allow operation of a municipal public works facility as a conditional use in the PZM zone. Following are comments on the sketch plan submitted. 1. Screening Fence. Planning Commission recommends that the site plan be amended to include a fence along the western boundary of the property screening the view of the public works facility from the apartment property. The Planning Commission did not support inserting metal slats in the existing fence. They felt it proper to either construct a new wood fence or install redwood slats in the existing fence. 2. Gasoline Storage and Dispensinq. Planning Commission strongly recommended that the station for storing and dispensing gasoline be moved to the other side of the property directly east of the exit from the new storage building. . Page 5 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 5/5/92 3. Driveway and Parking Phasing. Planning Commission felt that the plan as proposed, which shows the phasing in of drive areas with subsequent development phases, is consistent with what Planning Commission and the City have allowed in the past; therefore, the proposed phasing of parking and drive areas is acceptable. 4. Storage Areas. Planning Commission was comfortable with allowing the storage/drive areas to continue to be surfaced with a gravel surface. It was agreed that these areas can be watered if complaints about dust are heard from adjoining property owners. 5. Landscapinq. Planning Commission recommended that additional trees or screening material be planted in locations where they could provide additional screening of outside storage. It was also recommended that a row of seedlings be planted on the boundary of the property adjoining the railroad right-of-way. Finally, it was recommended that a bituminous surface be developed at the entrance to the gravel surface area on the east side of the property. This will reduce the amount of gravel material that could possibly track onto the county right-of-way. There being no further input from the Planning Commission members, a motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Richard Carlson, to set a public hearing for the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting on June 2, 1992, to consider an amendment to Sections 10-6 [C] and 10-8 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. Additional Information Items 1. A variance request to allow construction of a house and garage on a lot with less than the minimum square footage. Applicant, Ed Kruse. Council action: No action required, as the request did not come before them. 2. A conditional use in an 1-1 ( light Council action: recommendation. request to expand a bowling alley facility industrial) zone. Applicant, Al Joyner. Approved as per Planning Commission Page 6 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 5/5/92 3. A conditional use request to allow auto body repair in a B-3 (highway business) zone. Applicant, John Johnson. Council action: Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation. 4. A request for an ordinance amendment to add private retractable antenna tower to be allowed as a conditional use in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone. Applicant, Tom Ware. Council action: Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation. 5. A conditional use request to allow a private retractable antenna tower to be allowed in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone. Applicant, Tom Ware. Council action: Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation. 6. A variance request to Section 20-2-C of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance which requires that a planned unit development include an area of at least 3 acres. Applicant, Investors Together. Council action: No action required, as the request did not come before them. 7 . replatting request to subdivide Outlot A residential subdivision. Applicant, Council action: No action required, as come before them. A public hearing--A of the East View Investors Together. the request did not 8. A conditional use request allowing a townhouse development in an R-2 zone. Applicant, Investors Together. Council action: No action required, as the request did not come before them. 9. A variance request to allow construction of a warehouse building within the front, rear, and side yard setback requirements. Applicant, J .M. Oil. Council action: No action required, as the request did not come before them. 10. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission members to set the next tentative meeting date for Tuesday, June 2, 1992, 7 p.m. 11. A motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Cindy Lemm to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:49 p.m. Respectfully submitted, #~ Gary nderson Zoning Administrator Page 7