Parks Commission Minutes 06-22-2006 MIN TES PARKS CMMISSION Thursday, June 2 , 2006 - 4: 30 p.m. "To enhance community pride th ough developing and maintaining City parks with a s andard of quality." Members Present: Fran Fair, Ben Hitter, Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan, Rick Traver and Council Liaison, To Perrault. Members Absent: None Others Present: Seth Nelson, Park Su erintendent. 1. Call to Order. Chair Nolan called the meeting to order at 4: 0 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2A. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APPR VE THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 25, 2006 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEET G. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANI OUSL Y. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE THE INUTES OF THE MAY 17, 2006 SPECIAL PARKS COMMISSION MEET G. BEN HITTER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANI OUSL Y. 2B. A rove minutes of Ma 17 2006 s ecial P rks Commission meetin . Seth Nelson added discussion of the signs fo East and West Bridge Parks. Fran Fair added that the weeds are coming back on the riverb along the East Bridge Park walking path. Seth Nelson will check into this. Fran Fair also a ked about the buffalo head knob from the tree that was removed at the park. Larry Nolan adde a discussion of2007 budget and possible projects to include in the budget. 3. 4. Citizens comments and reauests. None. 5. Discussion on lacement of bike racks in t e downtown area. Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Di ector had asked Larry Nolan ifthe Parks Commission had ever discussed placing bike acks in the downtown area. At the present time there is nothing and the Parks Commission fe t the suggestion was a good one. Possible locations for a bike rack included by the city wned parking lots or by the Chamber of Commerce building. Larry Nolan will discu s with Susie Wojchouski the possible use of the Chamber site. Larry Nolan also suggested t at bike racks be placed at various parks. Seth Nelson will check into cost of the bike rack and bring the information back at the next . i meetmg. ! I 6. Review of Riverside Cemete fence re reuse of a portion of the old fence. Seth Nelson handed out the specifications fQ ornamental fencing for the Riverside Cemetery. He indicated that the fencing would be of th same type as used at Hillside Cemetery but would be 4' in height with no gate. 225 feet of fen ing will need to be replaced at the cemetery. The new fencing will be placed 5' further in fro its present location. Any ofthe old fencing that is still in fairly good shape will be used along t e east side of the cemetery. The old fencing will be sandblasted, painted and installed next ye . Parks Department staffwill install the old fencing and the contractor will install the ne fencing. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE T E PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ORNAMENTAL FENCING FOR RIVERS I E CEMETERY. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNA IMOUSL Y. 7. Park Maintenance. Seth Nelson summarized the work that was c mpleted by the Parks Department. They have worked on getting the parks and pathway rea y for Walk and Roll and will next be working on getting things in order at the parks for Rived; st. Another major project was converting the Xcel baseball field for softball use. He has p !epared plans and specifications for the fencing of the field that is currently being reviewed by t e Public Works Director. The field is ready to go except for the fencing. They worked with the Lions Club on the lighting project for the memorial at Ellison Park. Seth Nelson also in ormed the Parks Commission about the projects they will be working on in the upcoming wee s. Seth Nelson asked the Parks Commission wh re they felt the signs for East and West Bridge Park should be located as the staffwill be 100 ing to install these signs in the near future. The Parks Commission felt the signs should be loc ted along TH 25. If the old signs are usable they will be located at the park entrances. Par s Commission also discussed options for camouflaging the irrigation compressor unit at East Bridge Park. Added Items: The Parks Commission discussed possible projects fo, inclusion in the 2007 budget. These include finishing offwork at the Groveland Park and installin a playstructure at Pioneer Park. Development of the Hunters Crossing Park which would most likel take place in 2008 and probably the development of the Sunset Ponds Park in 2007. The arks Commission indicated prior to placing a structure at Pioneer Park they would like to hold an in ormational meeting so the public would have a chance for input. Seth Nelson with come back with s e plans for the Park Commission to review. Rick Traver asked about what is happening with the P West Park. Seth Nelson indicated that the climbing wall is here but has not yet been installed. T ere was some discussion about adding additional holes for Frisbee golf. Seth Nelson will get cost information on adding holes. Other items discussed were redoing the ballfields at the 4th Street P k, considering the need for lacrosse fields and also whether more land should be acquired for parking at Freeway Fields. Development of a bike park at ih Street, upgrade of the playground equipment. at Hillcrest Park and installation of a playstructure at the Xcel fields were also discussed. Seth Nelso asked about Balboul Estates. Larry Nolan indicated that because of the limited space the par would be primarily open space. The Parks Commission directed Seth Nelson to remove the raining equipment at Balboul Park. Tom Perrault, Council liaison informed the Parks ommission that the Council had authorized a feasibility report to consider the removal of the si al at TH 25 and River Street which would likely impact the ease of getting to the parks located alon River Street. Nancy McCaffrey asked about the "Welcome" si for the east end of Monticello and where it could be sited. This will be brought back at the next Par s Commission meeting. 9. Adiourn. RICK TRA VED MOVED TO ADJOURN T 5:30 P.M. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. \)rIlLlfY, ~S~.~ Recording Secretary rj