Planning Commission Minutes 10-01-2019MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 1st, 2019 - 6:15 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Sam Murdoff, John Alstad, and Paul Konsor Commissioners Absent: Marc Simpson and Alison Zimpfer Council Liaison Present: Charlotte Gabler Staff Present: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), and Ron Hackenmueller 1. General Business A. Call to Order Sam Murdoff called the Regular Meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission to order at 6:15 p.m. B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Special/Joint Meeting Minutes — August 611, 2019 JOHN ALSTAD MOVED TO APPROVE THE SPECIAL/JOINT MEETING MINUTES — AUGUST 6TH, 2019. PAUL KONSOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 3-0. b. Regular Meeting Minutes — September 3rd, 2019 JOHN ALSTAD MOVED TO APPROVE THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES — AUGUST 6TH, 2019. PAUL KONSOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 3-0. C. Citizen Comments None. D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None. E. Consideration to approve agenda JOHN ALSTAD MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA. PAUL KONSOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 3-0. 2. Public Hearings A. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for amendment to Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 5, Section 1 Use Standards and related sections as related to tattoo parlor and personal service uses. Applicant: Zachery Barthel Steve Grittman explained that the request for an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance to allow tattoo parlors in the Central Community District (CCD). Grittman noted that currently tattoo parlors are considered a Personal Service use and only allowed in the B-4 District. Planning Commission Minutes — October 1 st, 2019 Page 1 1 3 Staff recommended refining the language for personal services and including a definition for body art. Grittman noted that staff were comfortable with the proposed changes due to the newer licensing requirements from the Minnesota Department of Health and the popularity of such use. Sam Murdoff asked where the definition of body art came from. Grittman noted that the definition was developed by the Minnesota Department of Health. Paul Konsor asked if tattoo parlors could be considered a use under Retail with Service. Grittman noted that this use was pulled apart from a Personal Service as often time, personal services don't have a retail sales component. Sam Murdoff opened the public hearing. Zachery Barthel, 221 E. 4th Street, explained the relevance of tattoo parlors being a personal service. Murdoff asked where Barthel was hoping to establish his business. Barthel responded inside the Hillside Mall. Hearing no further comments, the public hearing was closed. SAM MUDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC 2019-028 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO SPECIFICALLY ADDRESS TATTOO ESTABLISHMENTS AS AN USE INCLUDED IN THE PERSONAL SERVICES CATEGORY AND ALLOWED WHERE OTHER SUCH USES ARE ALLOWED, BASED ON THE FINDINGS IN SAID RESOLUTION. PAUL KONSOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 3-0. 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration to accept the resignation of Planning Commissioner Marc Simpson and call for a special Planning Commission meeting Angela Schumann noted that it is the intent of Commissioner Marc Simpson to resign his position on the Planning Commission in December. She asked the Planning Commission to approve posting for the opening. JOHN ALSTAD MOVED TO POST AN OPENING ON THE MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION. SAM MURDOFF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 3-0. B. Consideration of the Community Development Directors Report Angela Schumann provided the Community Development Director's Report. Schumann noted upcoming events coming for the Monticello 2040 Vision + Plan. She explained that the Community and Technical Advisory Committee (TAC/CAC) would tentatively be meeting on October 15th at the MCC. The purpose of the meeting would be to reaffirm roles on the committees, discuss Planning Commission Minutes — October 1 st, 2019 Page 2 13 engagement activities completed so far, and Q&A sessions. Sam Murdoff is the TAC representative for the Planning Commission. Schumann also noted that a community wide engagement activity would be conducted on November 2" d. The meeting would showcase different growth scenarios. The TAC and Community Advisory Committee (CAC) would also be meeting on a date to be set between October 31 st to November 1 st. Schumann also explained that she attend the Minnesota Planning Conference. She would provide a summary of the meeting in the next City Council Connection. Schumann explained that the City has been working on a Chelsea Road/School Boulevard Land Use Study. NAC has provided a concept design of the area. A joint meeting between the Planning Commission and City Council will occur in the near future. 4. Added Items None. 5. Adjournment SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:39 P.M. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 3-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: November 4th, Attest: Angela Schtf m�mA f ommunity Development Director Planning Commission Minutes — October 1 st, 2019 Page 3 13