IEDC Agenda 02-04-2020AGENDA INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, February 411, 2020 — 7:00 a.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Members: President -Joni Pawelk, Vice President -Randy Skarphol, Mayor -Brian Stumpf, Darek Vetsch, Kevin Steffensmeier, Steve Johnson, Wayne Elam, Luke Dahlheimer, Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Andrew Tapper, Mike Carr, Christopher Church, Elizabeth Calpas, Kari Moorhouse, Meghan Hanson, Student Representative-Jadyn Nelson Liaisons: Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Jim Thares, Jacob Thunander, Marcy Anderson, Duane Northagen, Dave Tombers, Tim Zipoy 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Minutes: a. January 7th, 2020 meeting minutes 3. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda 4. Consideration of 2020 Action Statements -Goals and Table Topics - Continued from January 7th, 2020 Meeting 5. Table Topic — Monticello Vision 2040 Comprehensive Plan Process and Results Update — Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 6. Reports (Verbal Reports): a. Economic Development b. Planning Commission Agenda (attached) c. City Council d. Chamber of Commerce 7. Adjournment (8:00am) MINUTES INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, January 711, 2020 — 7:00 a.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Members Present: Kevin Steffensmeier, Darek Vetsch, Steve Johnson, Joni Pawelk, Wayne Elam, Luke Dahlheimer, Dick Van Allen, Andrew Tapper, Christopher Church, Elizabeth Calpas, Randy Skarphol, Kari Moorhouse, Meghan Hanson, Members Absent: Brian Stumpf, Don Roberts, Mike Carr, Jadyn Nelson, Liaisons Present: Jeff O'Neill, Jim Thares, Marcy Anderson, Duane Northagen and Tim Zipoy 1. Call to Order Darek Vestch called the Regular Meeting of the IEDC to order at 7:02 a.m. 2. Consideration of Electing 2020 IEDC Officers (Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary) ELIZABETH CALPAS MOVED TO APPOINT JONI PAWELK AS CHAIRPERSON OF THE IEDC. RANDY SKARPHOL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 13-0. ELIZABETH CALPAS MOVED TO APPOINT RANDY SKARPHOL AS VICE CHAIRPERSON OF THE IEDC. DAREK VETSCH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 13-0. Question was raised as to the status and need for a Secretary. Jim Thares indicated that City staff serve as the Secretary for the IEDC. Jim Thares thanked Darek Vetsch for serving as President of the IEDC for 2019 and Vice President in 2018. 3. Approve Minutes: a. December 3rd, 2019 meeting minutes DAREK VETSCH MOVED TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 3RD, 2019 MEETING MINUTES. LUKE DAHLHEIMER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 13-0. 4. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda None. 5. Consideration of 2020 Action Statements -Goals and Table Topics Industrial and Economic Development Committee Minutes — January 7, 2020 Page 1 1 3 Jim Thares reviewed the 2019 Action Statement Worksheet with the IEDC. He reviewed each of the action items and noted level or degree of completion. Thares encouraged each board member to take the 2020 worksheet home to rank the items, add items, or keep as indicated. Thares requested comments be returned by the end of the week (1-10- 20). Jeff O'Neill suggested that the IEDC place emphasis on creating dialogue for a third interchange and providing input on potential impacts. O'Neill also explained that the IEDC should remain proactive in their approach to traffic flow along Highway 25. The board agreed that the items O'Neill discussed should be emphasized in the 2020 worksheet. In summary, the revised 2020 Action Statements would be revised based on the comments received and brought back to the February meeting for formal approval. 6. Retorts (Verbal Retorts): a. Economic Development Jim Thares provided the economic development update. He explained that three projects were continuing to move forward: Project Novus (UMC), Project Dancer, and Project 6580. Regarding Project Novus, Thares indicated that staff have submitted a Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) application in the amount of $300,000 for equipment purchases by UMC. Staff are also currently working with UMC to submit a Job Creation Fund (JCF) grant to MN -DEED in the amount of $175,000. The EDA also created a Tax Increment Financing District (9 -yr. Economic Development District) for this project to support the purchase and ultimate conveyance of the land to UMC. UMC recently submitted its development and land use application packet to the City. The building will be 52,000 sq. ft. A two story breezeway connect the existing building and the new facility allowing efficient movement of employees and product between each building. b. Planning Commission Agenda (attached) Jeff O'Neill provided a summary of the Planning Commission agenda as included in the packet. c. City Council Jeff O'Neill explained that there has been a push for apartments and multifamily developments within the City. He noted that there may be some concern with too much of such development and that it will be important for the City to understand more about the impacts and housing needs. The City is looking into ways to reinvigorate single family housing and ensuring that development costs are comparable. Industrial and Economic Development Committee Minutes — January 7, 2020 Page 2 13 O'Neill also explained the importance of the ever-changing commercial development market. d. Chamber of Commerce Marcy Anderson stated that with 2020 being a Leap Year,, many of the monthly networking events are on the same schedule as previously held. It was noted that the Golf Tournament would be held on May 21St. She recommends early sign up for this popular event. 7. Adiournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:57 a.m. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: February 4th, 2020 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Industrial and Economic Development Committee Minutes — January 7, 2020 Page 3 13 IEDC Agenda: 02/04/20 4. Consideration of discussion regarding 2020 IEDC Action Statement (JT/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The IEDC Organizational & Membership Guidelines requires that the IEDC adopt Action Statements each year. The 2019 Action Statement and a 2020 Action Statement Worksheet are attached to this report. The EDA is also reviewing its 2020 Workplan Goals and Objectives. During their review, they indicated that they would like to see a renewed emphasis on outreach and marketing of the locational assets and advantages of Monticello. They suggested that the IEDC take the lead on Business Retention & Expansion efforts (which the IEDC has been doing for the past three years) along with sponsoring business roundtable meetings and helping with business recruitment efforts (for new prospects considering locating in Monticello). Staff are bringing this EDA suggestion back to the IEDC for further discussion as it considers the 2020 IEDC Action Statements. Also, several IEDC members completed the suggestion sheets and provided them to staff following the January 7d' meeting. Delaying the final consideration of the Action Statements until the March 3rd, 2020 meeting, will allow more submittals by members for inclusion into the final document. Staff are also asking for continued member feedback regarding possible table topic ideas for meetings in 2020. See attached list of potential table topics. Al. Staff Impact: Limited A2. Budget Impact: None B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. No Motion; discussion only C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION None at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA a. Adopted 2019 Action Statements b. 2020 Action Statements Worksheet c. Potential Table Topic Ideas INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 2019 ACTION STATEMENT WORKSHEET Mission Statement: The Monticello IEDC will advocate industrial and economic growth within the City of Monticello by promoting awareness and communication efforts on behalf of the business community. Goal: The IEDC is dedicated to being pro -active in following the objectives and policies established in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. It is the intention of the IEDC to work within the areas identified below as supporting objectives and actions. Objective: Retaining Jobs 1. Encourage business retention within Monticello. a. Conduct Business Retention (BR&E) visits by IEDC members to long standing business in the community to help grow stronger relationships between our businesses and City Hall. b. Discuss the needs of businesses for development of a Retention Action Plan. c. Market and present various programs available via the City and EDA. 2. Recognize the contributions of Monticello manufacturers through organization of and participation in industry -related events. a. Promote and organize Manufacturer's Week 2019 events. b. Continue Manufacturer's Week Appreciation Breakfast. c. Assist in development and promotion of a tour of Monticello Industrial Businesses and/or the Wright Technical Center (WTC) in Buffalo. 3. Enhance Workforce Development through partnerships with local educators, businesses, organizations and agencies. a. Based on the need of the businesses, partner with key leaders of our local businesses, educators and others to develop and execute a Workforce Development Plan. b. Collaborate with and support the Monticello School District in growing their initiatives to bring businesses into the classrooms. c. Engage stakeholders in an effort to raise awareness of labor force demographics and potential solutions such as youth career building initiatives similar to TigerPath. d. Explore ways business can bring relevance to educational classes & programs. 4. Promote communications & engagement with Monticello businesses and prospects a. Create and host a Monticello business round table event which will offer businesses a platform for discussion. b. Facilitate "Industrial Round Tables". Objective: Creating Jobs & Expanding the Tax Base 1. Support the recruitment of business which further the goals and objectives for the community as guided by the Comprehensive Plan. a. Assess the current marketing materials and plan. b. Assist in execution or development of a new Marketing Plan. c. Respond in a timely manner to inbound communications. d. To support residential land development as it correlates to workforce development. 2. Continue to lead the City in moving forward key transportation projects which support economic development. a. Participate in the "Business Day At the Capitol" through the Minnesota Chamber and lobby on behalf of the Monticello community to help City staff bring attention to our local transportation needs. b. Develop a needs -based transportation priority statement for lobbying/support purposes. c. Participate in and offer feedback related to the Comprehensive Plan Phase 1 strategic planning process. d. Encourage key transportation projects which improve product delivery for businesses, such as interchange, freeway, and bridge crossing projects. e. Identify specific benefits of a 3rd interchange to businesses and/or community. 3. Evaluate and provide recommendations to the City regarding industrial land supply and availability. a. More frequently evaluate current property inventory and uses for these properties as a group with the objective to better market these properties. b. Review and comment on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use update scheduled to occur in 2018 as it relates to industrial and commercial guided land in the City of Monticello. c. Assess Industrial Land availability for jobs with income levels to support families; 1. Total acreage with developed infrastructure, zoned, and available to purchase and the maximum acreage of a contiguous, buildable lot. 2. Total acreage with undeveloped infrastructure, zoned, and available to purchase. Owner contact information. 3. Total acreage preserved in Land Use Plan for future development. d. Assess accessibility to Interstate 94 and State Highway 25 and utility capabilities 4. Support community quality of life initiatives which enhance Monticello's objectives for high quality development across the land use spectrum, including residential, commercial, industrial and civic uses. a. Support and encourage the development of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park and recommend the development of a pathway connection to Monticello Businesses. b. Support and encourage an equal partnership of CentraCare, Presbyterian Homes and the City to connect the trail along the river and behind the CentraCare campus and Presbyterian Homes Assisted Living Facility c. Promote CentraCare Health Monticello to industrial businesses. d. Develop a visioning worksheet to get IEDC members views on residential, commercial and industrial needs and challenges to bring to light needed future planning and ordinance changes. e. Review and coordinate public and private actions with parks and trails. f. Support and enhance efforts to bring economical childcare services into the community. 5. Continue to provide recommendations in an advisory capacity on land use and tax base matters relating to industrial and economic development. a. Provide comments on the NW Monticello Interchange Land Use Study. b. Keep informed on the status of the Monticello Nuclear Plant in relation to its license renewal in 2030 and as it relates to the NW Interchange Land Use Study. c. Sponsor networking individually and in small groups for input. d. Support efforts to revise the taxation methods for power generating facilities. 6. Facilitate regional development initiatives. a. Support the development and implementation of the Regional CEDS (Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy) Plan through strategy review, feedback and identification of local projects for regional federal funding support. INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 2020 ACTION STATEMENT WORKSHEET Mission Statement: The Monticello IEDC will advocate industrial and economic growth within the City of Monticello by promoting awareness and communication efforts on behalf of the business community. Goal. The IEDC is dedicated to being pro -active in following the objectives and policies established in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. It is the intention of the IEDC to work within the areas identified below as supporting actions and objectives: 1. Please rank the following objectives: Ranking (1 -10, Objectives 1 being highest) Continue to provide recommendations in an advisory capacity on land use matters relating to industrial and economic development. Encourage the development of planning process for identification of a third Monticello 1-94 interchange and guidance of surrounding land use (Northwest Planning Area), including industrial land uses. Support community quality of life initiatives which enhance Monticello's objectives for high quality development across the land use spectrum, including residential, commercial, industrial and civic uses. Continue to lead the City in moving forward key transportation projects which support economic development. Recognize the contributions of Monticello manufacturers through organization of and participation in industry -related events. Encourage business retention within Monticello. Enhance Workforce Development through partnerships with local educators, businesses, organizations and agencies Support the recruitment of business which further the goals and objectives for the community as guided by the Comprehensive Plan. Promote communications & engagement with Monticello businesses and prospects. Other: Other: Other: 2. Please provide action statements or activities you believe would support each objective. Objectives Continue to provide recommendations in an advisory capacity on land use matters relating to industrial and economic development. 1 Action: 2 Action: Encourage the development of planning process for identification of a River Crossing in the area and/or a third Monticello 1-94 interchange and guidance of surrounding land use (Northwest P ann ng Area), including industrial land uses. 1 Action: 2 Action: Support community quality of life initiatives which enhance Monticello's objectives for high quality development across the land use spectrum, including residential, commercial, industrial and civic uses. 1 Action: 2 Action: Continue to lead the City in moving forward key transportation projects which support economic development. 1 Action: 2 Action: Recognize the contributions of Monticello manufacturers through organization of and participation in industry -related events. 1 Action: 2 Action: Encourage business retention within Monticello. 1 Action: 2 Action: Enhance Workforce Development through partnerships with local educators, businesses, organ ations and agencies. 1 Action: 2 Action: Support the recruitment of business which further the goals and objectives for the community as guided by the Comprehensive Plan. 1 Action: 2 Action: Promote communications & engagement with Monticello businesses and prospects. 1 Action: 2 Action: Other: IEDC Members feel free to create objective -vision statement: 1 Action: 2 Action: Industrial Economic Development Committee (IEDC) 2020 Worksheet Action Statement Related Assignment Potential Calendar Year 2020 Table Topics Please circle the items that you want to have as Table Topics in 2020. If there is consensus among the members that these are worthy topics, some of them can be pushed out into 2021. Discussion encouraged. 1. Comprehensive Plan — Vision Statement and Progress and Process Update — Feb. 2020 2. Co -Work Facility Concept Presentation and Discussion 3. 2020 Census Update - Importance of Full Participation 4. Housing Needs - Status of Housing Developments — Housing Study Proposal Update S. Industrial Land Study and Recommendations Update 6. Housing Programs by MHFA 7. Lodging— Hospitality Needs Discussion 8. Housing Study Findings and Recommendations 9. Wright County EDA formation discussion 10. Central Mississippi River Reginal Planning Partnership Progress Report 11. Anticipated Spinoff Development Impacts related to Proposed Google Data Center in Becker 12. Other: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, February 4th, 2020 - 6:15 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Sam Murdoff, John Alstad, Paul Konsor, Andrew Tapper and Alison Zimpfer Council Liaison: Charlotte Gabler Staff: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), Ron Hackenmueller 1. General Business A. Call to Order B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Regular Meeting Minutes — January 7th, 2020 b. Special Meeting Minutes — January 7th, 2020 c. Special Meeting Minutes — January 14th, 2020 C. Citizen Comments D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda E. Consideration to approve agenda 2. Public Hearings A. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for Development and Final Stage Planned Unit Development and rezoning to PUD (Planned Unit Development) for the construction of an industrial building addition in the IBC (Industrial and Business Campus) District Applicant: Ultra Machining Company B. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for adoption of the Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan Vision Report Applicant: City of Monticello C. Public Hearing — Consideration to review for adoption the 2020 Monticello Official Zoning Map Applicant: City of Monticello 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of the Community Development Directors Report 4. Added Items 5. Adjournment coc, r4 4�T onticello VISION 2040 PLAN - PHASE ONE I JANUARY 2020 trends + existing conditions COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT community values growth scenarios vision + goals MONTICELLO 2040 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN land use strategies community quality of life implementation strategies DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE KEY LOCAL GROWTH FACTORS Demographics influence change and are useful in the "`' — The following factors have been identified as key elements early stages of a comprehensive planning process to give that could influence or limit growth in Monticello in the a "snapshot" of the community and to create planning coming years. assumptions. The following demographic findings are based on data obtained from the 2017 and 2419 U.S. Census and American Community Survey. MISSISSIPPI R1 VER, INTERSTATE 94 AND LOCAL GEOGRAPHY The following categories were used to summarize the demographic information. MAS .IOBSIHOUSING BALANCE POPULATION` REGIONAL FUTURE 1-94INTERCHANGEAT DIVERSITY TRENDS ORCHARD ROAD � EDUCATION MNGPIICCEL ENERGY FACILITY INCOME x ACCESS ACROSS THE ry MISSISSIPPI RIVER HOUSING OTHER REGIONAL FACTORS EMPLOYMENT t 5 21 • TAC/CAC Stakeholder Listening Sessions • Sounding Boards Community & Service Organizations • Library Transportation/Safety • City Hall Realtors &Developers ' .• Bluestone Legislators Bridgeview Business & Health Care • Senior Center Regional partners • Farmers Market Boards & Commissions • MontiArts • Online • Events Focus Group Sessions • Music on the Mississippi ► Fire Department • Monticello High School Resource Fair ► Rotary Downtown Trick or Treat • St. Henry's • MCC Youth Break Room • Monticello High School •Community Speak Outs • Students • Future Forward • Staff • Craft Fair • Unwrap the Future • Social Media - Quick Polls 0 Santa/Concert Community strengths and challenges as voiced by the residents... 1= Highest Ranking 0 0 Limited 0 Programming Taxes/ 0 Regional Riverfront for Regulations 0 Location � Kids/Teens Programs Access and Lack of 0 Lack of Events Q Local Jobs Downtown Businesses Arts & Limited Great Culture Local Housing Choices 0 Traffic 0 Schools Business 0 Fe Few Restaurants/ Lack of Parks & Entertainment 0 Geographic Connectivity Open Space Options Small Trails 0 Cyclist and Pedestrian Town Limited Programming Safety Distance Charm for Adults to Job Centers w Monticello's Core Values Ali � r welcoming education cleanliness family friendly safety ■ r• 1 i �. MAINTAINED GROWTH Enhanced Small Town ■...�I11 ■..- �� 71o������� - Small town charm - Slightly increased population - Limited, small-scale growth - New housing options - Downtown district - Some new industrial uses and local employment growth MANAGED GROWTH Emerging Community i I9 I ❑DD❑ 00❑ y ��Vm= 4. - Balanced growth - Strong housing market - New retail commercial uses - Downtown transforming - Strong connectivity throughout community - Limited employment growth PROGRESSIVE GROWTH Established Destination A Cr! nni` �► r "I■�L`�A Gam. - Significant population and employment growth - Thriving downtown district - Housing options expanded - Health care and manufacturing sectors growing - Significant expansion into Orderly Annexation Area RESILIENT GROWTH Sustainable City 0 "k. I, LJlJn�or—r, - Modest growth - Sustainable community - Thriving downtown district - Conservation development - Green infrastructure - New research and development business park - Expansion into Orderly Annexation Area In 2040 the City of Monticello is an inclusive community focused around sustainable growth while maintaining its small-town character. Monticello is a Mississippi River town known for its schools, parks, biking and walking trails and vibrant downtown. Monticello is an evolving, friendly and safe community that respects the quality of its environment, fosters a sense of belonging and connection, encourages a healthy and active lifestyle and supports innovation to promote a prosperous economy. Monticello »] 2040 —VISION +PLAN — VALUE STATEMENTS These statements are informed by community feedback and reflect the aspirations of the community. A safe, clean, and beautiful community supported by caring and helpful residents. A network of parks, open space and trail connections that provide recreation opportunities. An inclusive community welcoming people of all ages, races, religions and ethnic backgrounds. A diversified and strong local economy competitive at regional, state and national levels. A vibrant downtown that embraces the River and provides a focal point for the community. A healthy community focused on physical and mental health and wellness of its residents. A range of attainable housing options in terms of type, cost, and location. A respected school and education system serving the community. A balanced land use and transportation framework that provides options and connectivity. A thriving arts and culture scene that reflects the creativity of the community and supports a sense of place. KEY PREFERRED SCENARIO ASPECTS The preferred development scenario is the result of community feedback on the four previous scenarios and the community's vision. The Resilient Growth scenario received a lot of positive feedback from the Community with its focus on sustainability, smart growth controls and preservation of natural resources through cluster and conversation style development. Increased jobs, a thriving downtown and more places to shop were also popular responses reflected in the preferred scenario. DOWNTOWN FOCUS 9 NfWSCN00L INDUSTRIAL AND EMPLOYMENT 6 CONSERVATION NEIGHBORHOODS VI I RETAIL AND COMMERCIAL W TRAILS AND OPEN SPACE 71 Otter Creek lndustrialPark Medium and Small Lot Conservation De"loprnants 4-10 Uni[sfhcre rPCnraNW-Renewame energy, mantnacnri�y �r Multi -family .JI16� 10-18 UnOAcm � "No=liljl;�a. Mla , Commereiai ei iderrdaI Mb[ ;Hoo iradifwnall Development 8e5iden Euf e8ou* 6-10 Units+Acre �A E0*w #owYn Mucad Use 10-18 U nbAcre I Origwmn Cornmorcial Sarvico Corarnorcial and Light Industrial Infl II to % • �` � ��f`.kl t E0*w #owYn Mucad Use 10-18 U nbAcre I Origwmn Cornmorcial Sarvico Corarnorcial and Light Industrial Infl II to % • Land Use • Housing • Transportation • Parks, Trails &Open Space • Economic Development • Community Character &Identity • Community Facilities &Infrastructure Systems • Community Wellness &Quality of Life 2040 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OVERVIEW The future is change. The City of Monticello has recognized this and embraced a process to update its Comprehensive Plan to move the city towards 2040. The Monticello community seeks to refine and firmly establish its identity while capitalizing on its strategic location in the region. This planning process will facilitate the adoption of a new Vision and Comprehensive Plan. The process began with a kick-off event in September 2419 and is now concluding its first phase with this Vision Report and preferred development scenario. The purpose of this document is to confirm Monticello's Vision and Values informing the Comprehensive Alar. The second phase (February 2020 - December 2020) will include: community engagement opportunities; Land Use Strategy fi n a I i zation, and the creation, review and adoption of the Comprehensive Alan. The city is working to improve the quality of life for its residents, starring to grow its economic base and moving ahead towards a Future Forward.