1995 Budget I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF M NTICELLO 19 5 ANNUAL UDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MONTICELLO 1995 MUNICI AL BUDGET RICK WOLFSTELLER CITY ADMINISTRATOR I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Brad Fyle . .. ....... Tom Perrault . . . . . . . . . . Shirley Anderson . . . . . . . . Brian Stumpf . .. ..... Clint Herbst . . . . . . . . Richard Wolfsteller ..... Karen Doty . . . . . . . . . . . Cathy Shuman . . . . . . Marlene Hellman . . . . . . . . . 9SBUDGET: 2/2/95 ....... . . .. Mayor Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember ....... . . . . . . . . City Administrator . . . . . . . Office Manager . . . . Computer Support . . . . . . . Bookkeeper I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF ONTICELLO 1995 IBUDGET TABLE 0 CONTENTS SECTION I - Introduction Administrator's Budget Transm ttal Message Council's Resolution Adopting the Budget and Setting the Tax Levy Levy Certification . . Certification of HACA . . . Comparison of Statistical Oat Revenue Source Graph Expenditures by Fund Graph Expenditure Summary Graph Expenditures by Activity Expenditures by Activity Tax Levy by Fund Graph . Combined Statement of Indebte . . . . . . III . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . Tax Levies to Retire Bonded I debtedness . . . Projected Revenues and Expend tures summary Revenue and Expendi ture Summa, . . . ............ SECTION II - General Fund Tax Levy Summary . . . . . . . . . · · ~ . . . . . Revenue Source Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . Expenditure Summary by Division Graph Expenditures by Activity Gra Expenditures by Division Gra Revenue Summary . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . III . . . . . . . . . ....... ....... Expenditure Summary 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 5 12a 12b 13 14 14a 14b 14c 15 15a 1Sb 1Sc 15d 1Se 16 17 17a 17b 17c 17d 18 19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED... General Government Mayor and council . Administration . . . . Elections . Finance . . . Audit . . Assessing . . . Legal . . . . . Planning & Zoning . . . Data Processing . . . . City Hall . . . . . . . Deputy Registrar . . . ........ . . . .. . ill ........ . . . .. . iI III lit .......... ........ . . . . . . . . . . 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Public Safety Law Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Fire Department . . . . . .. .... 33 Building Inspections . . . . . . . . . . .. 35 Civil Defense . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36 Animal Control . . . . .. ... 37 Public Works Administration & Enginee ing . . . . .. 38 Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40 Streets & Alleys ... . . . . . . . . . .. 41 Snow & Ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 43 Shop & Garage .. .......... 44 Street Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Refuse Collection . ....... 46 Health and Welfare Museum . . . . . . Senior Center . . . Community Education YMCA . . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III . . III . iI . . . . Parks and Recreation Parks & Recreation ............. 47 48 49 50 51 Community Development Economic Development . . . . . . . . . . .. 53 Unallocated . III . . . . III . . . iI . III . III . . Insurance Unallocated . . . . . III . . . . . III . III . . . SECTION III - Special Revenue Fun s 54 55 UDAG Library . . . . . HRA SCERG (Economic Recovery Gra t) CMIF Shade Tree . . . . · . · . · . . . III . . . 56 . .. 57 . .. 59 . .. 61 . . 62 . III . . III . . . . .. 63 III . " . . . . . . . III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '" III . III . . . . . . . . . . III . . . . . . 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ --=- TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED... Orderly Annexation Area Capital Improvement Revolving Economic Development Authorit SECTION IV - Debt Retirement Debt Service Fund . . . .......... SECTION V - Enterprise Funds Sewer Access Fund . . . . . . III . . . Water Access Fund Water Fund Unallocated . . . . . . . Water Fund III . . . . III Sewer Fund Revenue III . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . III . Plant & Lab--WWTP . . . . . . . . . . . . Collection Systems--Admi ./Gen. Operating Liquor Fund Revenue . . . .. . III. . . . . . . purchasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operations . . . . . .. .. .... Transportation Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . SECTION VI - Exhibits Capital Outlay Expenditure S Salary Distribution for 1995 ary . . . . . . . . . . . Glossary of Selected Terms . . III . . . .. III 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 I _m_ 65 66 67 68 91 92 93 94 96 97 98 100 101 102 104 106 109 110 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO: I herewith submit to you your 1995 adopted municipal budget. This budget is intended to be the financial and practical guideline for the operations of the City for the next calendar year. While this budget covers the day-to-day opera ions of the City, capital projects that were not anticipated, along w th other possible improvement projects that may come up, are not part of this particular budget document but would be dealt with s parately as each case arises. Service programs that in be funded for 1995 include the refuse collection program, cling program, and the Heartland Bus service. We are continuing to monitor our recycling program and will be adding additional items to the list of recyclables that will be acceptable as new markets open contractor. Other programs such as the police protec ion, fire protection, and street maintenance activities, along with various park maintenance and upgrades, are other major budget a eas that we deal with annually. After a year's delay, 1995 will ho efully see construction of a 3.7 mile bike and walking trail from near the Montissippi Park on the west end of the city to the Mi on the eastern side of Monticello. The City's share of t is project was partially budgeted for in 1994 ($95,000), and the mated balance of $45,000 is included in our 1995 budget. In ddition to the long-awaited pathway project, we will continue to e our parks and recreation department by constructing a improvement to the Meadow Oak parks with the construction of ballfield , a soccer field, volleyball and basketball courts. The $90,000 im rovement is being planned in two phases, with $45,000 included in 1 95's budget. 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I With the growth that nity continues to experience, additional pressures will public works department to keep up with the expanding infrastructure aintenance while at the same time controlling increases to a managea Ie level. Equipment upgrading included in the 1995 budget for th public works department includes a small utility loader and trailer, n additional pickup truck, a paint striper, along with replacement mo parks department. Cooperative joint purchasi,ng fforts with neighboring municipalities continues in 1995 w.th Monticello joining Elk River in the joint ownership of a fertilize spreader and stump grinder. Joint ownership of miscellaneous public orks equipment has enabled the City to have access to various pieces 0 needed equipment that may not be practical to own individually. staff will be continuing to analyze other pieces of equipment hat could possibly be purchased in cooperative efforts with other co unities. Although the 1995 budget will show an increase in tax dollars collected by over 7% from 1994 Is, most of the classes of taxpayers will only experience an ncrease of 4% in 1995. This is because our market values and resu ting tax capacity values for the entire city continue to grow and a lows the additional revenue increases to be spread over more t xpayers. In 1994, new home construction and commercial/indust ial expansions have increased our total market values by over $19,25 ,000 to a total city-wide market value of $434,316,300 and our tax apacity values (the value used for determining actual tax collections to $15,586,930 from $15,154,786 last year. The increased tax base allows our 1995 budget demands to keep tax increases at a manageable level with a 4% increase. 95BUDGBT: 2/2/95 Page 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I In analyzing the general fun , expenditures are also projected to increase by $53,800. Some exampl s of the increased expenditure needs include an increase of $52,000 wi building inspection department to cover funding an building inspector position and allocation of 25% of the new evelopment services technician position. Additional employee ne ds within the deputy registrar department will result in a $15,215 budget increase, a rate increase in our police contract fees resul in a $13,750 increase, additional manpower cost allocated to the pI and zoning department for the remainder of the development services technician position, along with funding for a comprehensive plan to an additional $37,370, are the other general fund that are experiencing increases in expendit res in 1995. Department expenditures for (down $34,980) and street department (down $67,000) help et some of the previously-noted increases, allowing the entire ral fund to only project an increase of $53,800 2% increase from 1994 levels. Another major expense compone t of the budget continues to be debt service at $1,419,712. City continues to pay down its debt, our current projections hat future tax levies needed to support current debt payments will continue to decline annually through the year 2003. On the revenue side 5 budget, total revenues are also projected to increase substantiall by $454,775. Of the total estimated City revenues of $7.3 mi lion, approximately $2.84 million will come from our tax levy source to support general city operations and programs. The total revenues f the City include $1.5 million 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I from liquor store operations, $484,150 in tax increment revenues, $150,000 in special assessment rev nues, $309,000 in HACA aid (homestead credit), $755,000 in re enues from our sewer, water, and transportation enterprise systems, with the balance of the revenues coming from various categories inc uding licensing, permits, and charges for service, along with tr nsfers from other funds and interest income. From the point of view of a t pical taxpayer, the most important revenue source of the City remains the tax levy itself. The proposed 4% increase in our levy was adopte in an effort to keep a relatively tight control on our spending grow h but at the same time recognizing that sufficient funds are needed meet our ever-increasing needs as the community continues to grow. n addition, the 1995 budget also continues the past practice of pro iding set-aside reserves for future projects that include infrastructu e needs that the City will eventually be facing in the corning years. Overall, the tax capacity rate for Monticello taxpayers is e to increase from 17.507 in 1994 to 18.228 in 1995. The of the total taxes paid by a Monticello resident continue ain fairly constant at approximately 16% of the total ta obligation. The total tax capacity rate for Monticello was estimated to be 113.028 in 1995 compared to 112.873 for 1994. New developments being plann d or under construction in the city should add over 160 residential 1 ts to our inventory in 1995. With 73 new home permits issued in 199 and an estimated 105 new home permits in 1994, we are expecting residential construction to continue at a brisk pace in 1995. Althoug there are always a number of variables that could slow down ce tain projects, it is expected that 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the City will be faced with implem nting public improvement projects in the near future to keep pace wi h the development pressures. Interceptor and trunk line sewer e tensions/expansions will likely be needed to provide for anticipated esidential growth demands. As our sewer lines are extended to servic areas within the city and within the planned annexation areas of th township, the urgency for upgrading our wastewater treatment increases. 1995 will see a continuation f our plans for the wastewater treatment plant expansion by compl of the wastewater treatment plant facilities plan and of a plan for accommodating our wastewater treatment plant nee next 10-15 years. Preliminary findings indicate that alternatives for increasing our treatment capacity could range a $5 million to $8 million expansion of the current plant to eet the needs for the next 10-15 years to the complete construction of a new facility at a different site that could cost $14 million p us. While the immediate expansion is not necessary, planning will co tinue so that the selected alternative can be constructed wit in the next 3-5 years to accommodate our expected growth. Other noteworthy projects tha are part of this budget or are anticipated to be considered next ear include the phase II expansion of the public works maintenance bu lding estimated at $450,000, construction of the Meadow Oak pon storm sewer outlet to the Mississippi River for approximatel $375,000, major updates of our comprehensive plan, completion of arious engineering studies concerning feasibility of future s nitary sewer extensions, and storm water planning to lay the groundwo k for future residential and 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I commercial development expansions. These studies should provide us with the direction and tools we wi 1 need to meet our expected growth for many years to come. As in other years, the City w 11 continue to provide financing assistance through the use of tax ncrement programs, our revolving loan fund program, and other incen ives to encourage commercial and industrial growth. In addition to the programs provided locally, the use of our professional consultant in preparing loan packages and in seeking additional grant programs or commercial and industrial developments should allow us to re ain competitive in attracting new industries to our industrial park nd to continue to expand our industrial tax base. With the ever-increasing dema ds being placed on our budgets because of the growth pressures, t e City Council and staff will again be searching for ways to control c sts and still provide the services the citizens have come to expect thout increasing tax revenues dramatically. As noted earlier, cntinued efforts will be explored with surrounding communities in pu chasing and sharing joint equipment when feasible and for renewing joi t efforts with other governmental jurisdictions for providing all Ie els of service. Continued cooperation displayed by joint agr ements with entities such as Monticello Township in areas conce ning future annexation should have the City prepared to meet the chal enges that lie ahead without unduly burdening the taxpayers of Montice 10. The continuation of controlled growth in an orderly fashion by th annexation of Monticello Township parcels to the city when immediate development is imminent will certainly benefit the taxpayers of Monticello by increasing the tax base without substantially increas ng the tax levy requirements. Many 95BUDGBT: 2/2/95 Page 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I staff members have put in numerous hours in preparing and assembling the 1995 budget. Through this bud et document, the staff will continue to provide the level of s rvice that the residents have come to expect from the City while prov ding the services in the most cost- effective manner possible. 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RESOLUT ON 94~ 40 RESOLUTION ADOPTING HE 1995 BUDGET AND SETTING TAXLEVY WHEREAS, the City Administrator has prepared d submitted to the City Council a budget setting forth therein his estimated needs of the City of Mon . cello for all operations and the debt service for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1995; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the sam and has made such changes therein as appear to be in the best interest of the City of Monticello; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO that the budget so submitted by the City Administr tor, together with the changes made therein by the City Council, be and same hereby is adopted as a budget for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1995; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of th City of Monticello that there be and hereby is levied for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 19 5, and the following sums for the respective purposes indicated therein upon the taxable prope y of the City of Monticello, to wit: NET CERTIFIED REVENUE RACA LEVY General $187,876 $1,696,139 Library -0- 30,735 OAA 2,906 26,544 HRA 1,762 16,088 Tree 2,535 23,425 Transportation 1,638 15,178 -- DEBT RETIREMENT Debt Service Fund $ $ 69,302 $ 637,098 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Capital Improvement Revolving $ 43.090 lS 395.978 TOTAL TAX LEVY $309,109 $2,841,185 The above resolution was introduced by Councilm ber Warren Smith , was duly seconded by Councilmember shirley Anderson. with the fi owing voting in favor thereof: Brad Fyle, Warren Smith, Shirley Ande son, Clint Herbst, Dan Blonigen The following voting in the opposition: None The City Administrator is hereby instructed to tr County Auditor of Wright County, Minnesota. Adopted this 12th day of December, 1994. @~!~ 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 12a I II STATE of MINNESOTA COUNTY of WRIGHT CITY of Monticello Tllthe AUDITOR of Wright County: I hereby certify Monticello ,County of Wright, Minnesota, did at llY the following a.ount to be raised by ta~ation f the taxable year 1~~4, viz: FIN A L return by Dece.ber 31 City of Monticello Levy Certification City Taxes Voted hat the City Council for the City of a .eeting on n~r.FMRF~ 11 1qqa or the City of Monticello PIPosed IProposedl (a) I (b) (c) (d)" I (e) 1 4/~5 11994/~5 I 1~~4/95 I Property Tax Aids I (E=A-B-C-D) Taxable ITax I I Budget I Other I Certified =tf:::------~~~:~~---7_------~~-----~~~~~:~~ ~----~~---.---~~~~~~:~~---:~~~----- 1,&&~,138.00 I 10.70~ IRevenue 11,884,015 1 I 187,876 I I 1,696,139 -It;~~;;;~~~-~--~~~;;-~~~~;~;~----------~---;~~;;;- 7----------7----=~=---7----------~----;~~;;;--- -------------+--------+-----------------+---------- +----------+----------+----------+------------- ~:~~~~--~-~:~~~~~--------~--~22- ~--------~~~~~~----------~---l~~~~--- 23,425.00 I 0.151 ITree I 25,960 I I 2.535 1 I 23,425 -------------+--------+-----------------+---------- +----------+----------+----------+------------- JIt:~:~~::~~_~--:::~~-~~~~-:~~-~~:------~--~~~~Q2~ _~----------~---~~~Q2Q-~----------~---~~~~2Z~--- 26,575.00 I 0.171 lOR Annexation I 29,450 I I 2,906 I I 26,544 1----------+--------+-----------------+--------- -+----------+----------+----------+------------- 37,345.00 I 4.08~ IBonds I 706,400 I I 69,302 I I 637,098 -------------+--------+-----------------+--------- -+----------+----------+----------+------------- 1Ir::~::~~-~-~:~~~~~~~~~---~~l~ ~----------~---l~~~-~---------~----l~~lZ~--- I', I I I I I I -------------+--------+-----------------+--------- -+----------+----------+----------+-------------- 1 I I I ----------+--------+-----------------+--------- -+----------+----------+----------+------------- I I I I I I 1 ~---------;-------~-----------------;--------- ~---------~---------~----------;------------- -------------+--------+-----------------+--------- -+----------+----------+----------+------------ I I I I I I I -1-----------~--------7-----------------7--------- -~----------~---------7----------~------------ -------------+--------+-----------------+--------- -+----------+----------+----------+------------ JI-----------~--------~-----------------~--------- -~----------~---------~----------~------------ I I I I I I I ~;~~;~~oo--;-~~~;-~~~------~~~~;;4 -~--~30~~;~--------~-;~;:~~~~;-- Irket Value Based Referendua Levy , 0.00 o not include any disparity reduction aid or fis al disparity taxes. Proposed Year 19~4/~5 Ited this 13TH 1~~4. Budget LGA HACA Other 3,162,074.00 DECEMBER (a) (b) (c) (d) .. 309,10~.OO -: CertLevy(e)2,852,~65.0C City ele k /Ad.inistrator 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 12b I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MINNESOTA DEPA PROPERTY MAIL ST ST. PAUL, 55146-3340 PHONE: (6 2) 296-1963 CERTIFICATION OF HACA FOR TAXES August 10, 1994 Revised 8/26/94 CITY ADMINISTRATOR CITY HALL - BOX 1147 MONTICELLO CITY OF 250 E BROADWAY MONTICELLO MN 55362 The 1995 HACA for your taxing dist ict is . . . .' . . . . . $309,109 This amount is to be deducted from your levy before certification to your county audit r (see enclosed letter). The following is a listing of the actors used in the calculation of your taxing district's 1995 homest ad and agricultural credit aid. 1. 1994 certified HACA: 2. Adjustment to 1994 HACA: (A) 3. 1995 HAC A base (1 + 2): 4. Growth adjustment factor: (B): 5. Fiscal disparities adjustment factor: (C) 6. Net tax capacity adjustment f ctor: (D) 7. County court cost offset: (E) 8 . 1995 c e rt if i ed HACA (3 + 4 + + 6 + 7): ( F ) 9. Reduction resulting from TIF istrict: 10. Final 1995 certified HACA (8- ): $313,998 $ 0 $313,998 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $313,998 $ 4,889 $309,109 95BUOGET: 2/2/95 Page 13 I I I I I I (a) (b) COMPARISON OF STATISTI AL DATA FOR 1995 BUDGET 1993 1994 1995 \ of total proposed budget representing total compensation for employees (wages, salaries, benefits, etc. ) 17 . 08\ 17.01% 18.48\ Total budget--all funds $6,790,038 $6,801,082 $7,287,157 Total budgeted salaries/benefits $1,159,932 $1,156,550 $1,346,545 Number of Employees - FT (Gen)* 22 22 22 Number of Employees - PT (Gen) 6 6 5 Number of Employees - FT (Liq) 3 3 3 Number of Employees - PT (Liq) 5 5 6 *Classification - Administration 5 5 5 - Finance 2 2 3 - Deputy Registrar 2 2 1 - Inspections 2 2 2 - Public Works Admin. 1 1 1 - Streets 5 5 5 - Economic Development 1 1 1 - Water 3 3 3 - Parks 1 1 1 I I (c) I I I I I I I I I I I Budget data on independent contract rs and consultants. Budgeted 1993 Budgeted 1994 Budgeted 1995 City Attorney - Paul weingarden Planner - Northwest Consultants Engineer (non-project) - OSM Police - Wright County Sheriff WWTP Operations - PSG Inc. Animal Control - Patty Salzwedel City Hall Cleaning - Preusse's Garbage - Vasko Sanitation Recycling - 0 & K Recycling $ 14,000 $ 10,000 $ 16,000 $261,525 $366,100 $ 25,000 $ 5,100 $107,250 $ 26,500 $ 12,000 $ 16,000 $ 16,000 $279,875 $378,900 $ 27,200 $ 5,100 $1i2,500 $ 28,500 $ 12,500 $ 19,000 $ 10,000 $293,635 $400,500 $ 27,550 $ 6,000 $119,100 $ 34,000 (d) The effect of budget increases or d creases on the proposed: Effect on Tax Levy Bud et + <- Tax Levy General fund + 53,800 - 30,712 Library fund + 530 + 1,225 Transportation 3,068 + 154 Tree + 6,800 + 5,421 OAA 0 + 143 BRA + 49,736 + 833 Debt service 3,638 + 36,235 Capital outlay fund +210,273 +175,359 EDA fund +199,330 0 UDAG - 85,000 0 Liquor + 4,130 0 Water fund + 78,095 0 Sewer fund + 49,590 0 Water access fund - 28,000 0 Sewer access fund - 35,000 0 SCERG + 33,300 0 CMIF + 13,320 0 ALL FUNDS - TOTALS +544,198 +188,658 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 95BUDGET: (1.5%) Licenses & Permits 2/2/95 (0.3%) Fines (6.0%) Tra7sfer~ 3.3%) Inte est (0.3%) Misc. Inter-Gov't Tax licenses & Permits Charges Fines Transfers Interest Misc. liquor Refunds Special Asmts. TOTAL $453,272 $3,326,335 $110,170 $925,045 $20,000 $437,000 $238,430 $20,000 $1 ,528,050 $4,500 $183.700 $7,246,502 (6.3%) Inter-Gov't (2.5%) Special Asmts. (0.1 %) Refunds Page 14a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 95BUDGET: EXPENDITURES BY FUND ALL FUNDS, 1 (18.1 %) Debt Service (0.4%) OAA (4.1%) HRA (0.4%) Shade Tree (0.0%) Water Access (5.2%) Water (0.2%) CMIF (0.4%) SCERG (2.6%) EDA (0.0%) UDAG (6.3%) Capital Imp. Rev. (11.0%) Sewer (0.0%) Sewer Access (0.9%) Transportation Water Water Access General Library Debt Service OM HRA Shade Tree liquor Sewer Access Transportation Sewer Capital Imp. R v. UDAG EDA SCERG CMIF TOTAL $411 ,000 $0 $2,456,785 $31 ,865 $1,419,712 $29,800 $321,n1 $32,960 $1 ,483.625 $0 $67,229 $862,575 $493,468 $0 $201,440 $33,300 $13.320 $7,859.850 2/2/95 Page 14b I I I " I < LO C en => cn OZE'E~$ LL .- :E EI 0$ () I .. OOE'EE$ " 'o:t a: cn WlIJ m 0$ ()lIJ CJ)1Il I 0$ ~ ooo'SZ$ lIJ ... lIJ III 8'; 0$ <:: I >- ooo'SE$ ii a: 01717' ~ OZ$ 11I< <( CJ)c o ~ ~ 'Z$ W I ~ 6ZZ'L9$ ci. lIJ ~ c LVS'OL$ as .= :::> 89v'E6V$ a: I CJ) ~ OOL'SLZ$ -:W (!) ()::E W ... ;! 0 SLS'Z98$ CD a: :J ~ lD S86'Z~S$ III 0 :::> LO CJ) z I cn "':J 1Ilu. ?- m '; .- s: - Cl 15 I z ::l .2" (I) UJ -'0 .~ a.. CD CJ) I >< .E UJ ~LL' ~ZE$ <~ a: SEO'ZLZ$ :I: OOS'6Z$ < I OOS'6Z$ < (1)0 (I) 096'ZE$ ... ~ 09~'9l$ (I) I a1 S99' ~E$ .r:.~ CJ)as SEE' ~E$ ... .c -~ I e (I) c CD " I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II) 0 II) 0 II) M N N ... I sp esno41 I I 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 14c I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXPENDITURE BY ACTIVITY ALL FUNDS 1995 BUDGET 994 1995 % Chanqe Personal services $1,1 5,855 $1,346,545 + 13.55 Supplies 1 2,635 185,660 + 7.54 Other services and charges 2,2 3,277 2,296,944 + 2.85 Capital outlay 5 1,665 686,033 + 22.14 Debt service 1,4 4,800 1,511,603 + 3.90 Transfers between funds 5 6,525 437,000 - 17.00 Liquor products 1,1 0,000 1,170,775 + 2.69 95BUDGET: 2/2/9S Page 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY ALL FUNDS, 1995 BUDGET (30.1 %) Other Services (17.6%) Personal Services (9.0%) Capital Outlay (15.3%) Liquor Products (19.8%) Debt Service Personal Services Supplies Other Services Capital Outlay Debt Service Transfer Liquor Products TOTAL $1,3 6,545 $1 5,660 $2,2 6,944 $6 6,033 $1,5 1,603 $4 7,000 $7,6 4,560 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 15a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II ,I TAX LEVY ( 1 . 1%) Library (0.8%) Shade Tree (0.9%) OAA (22.4%) Debt Retirement General Library Shade Tree OAA Debt Retireme . t Transportation: Capital Imp. R v. HRA TOTAL 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 (0.6%) HRA (13.9%) Capital Imp. Rev. (0.5%) Transponation $1,696.139 $30,735 $23.425 $26,544 $637.098 $15.178 $395.978 $16.088 $2.841.185 Page 15b I I I I I rIJ r.I1 ~ ~ ~ ~ = ~ Q Z ~ ~ o ~ oz ...:l~1t') ~:a~ ~~1"""1 U~~ ~~N ~~1"""1 Z?;;Q' o~~ ~~~ ~zu o=~ ~~o ~O" uue I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 95BUDGET: 'II ~ c 0'15 "E I ....OLL.Q)Q) f:5(1)1;IOE '6'~ e E!:? .... e co .- 0...~J: ~ II ~ o ....e~ ~ '0; Q) ~ cO -c~ :! .- .- Q) (J ~ .50 .... 0... ....e~ ~:c .S:!"1ii co... -c~ ~.- .- ~ (J'- e co .;:; 0... 0... II '5 o ~j ~ < 2/2/95 I ~ ('t) o Lr.l fA- o o o ci ..,. ..,.. ..... fA- ~ Lr.l C\J o ..... fA- o o o Lri' ('t) ..... fA- C\J co I'- ci ..... ..... fA- ~ /~~ Lri'(Lri' ~ \~/ o o q 10 I'- Ul ..... fA- 8 o ci ~ ..... fA- 8 o Lri' co t'l ('t) fA- rJ) "0 C o aJ c .2 m .Q> L5 o (ij CD c CD C) f6 ~ ..,. co co ~ ..... fA- o o o Lri' Lr.l C\J ('t) fA- o fA- co ('t) I'- g C\J fA- o fA- o o o Lri' ..,. ..,. fA- o fA- ('t) en -.:I;. 10 ..,. C\J fA- o fA- o fA- o o q o R ('t) fA- o fA- 8 o ai ..,. I'-:, ..... ..... fA- 8 o t\i ('t) fA- 8 o a:i ..,. ..,. 10 ..... fA- 8 o t\i ('t) fA- U) "0 e o aJ "E Q) E (I) ~ (I) (I) < (ij '0 Q) a. 00 >< ~ c o :O=Q) co.... .Q> 0 :OZ Oc -Q) ~ E Q)Q) e .... Q) (J C),S o o o ci en ...... lIiI:. >< ~ e o :;s CD is o (ij .... Q) e Q) C) i ~~ i 8 ",,-,, q 10 I'- t'l ..,. ..... fA- oj 10' ..... o 1.0 ('t) fA- 8 o Lri' C') ..,. ..... fA- co ..... Ul .... C\J ..... fA- o o o Lri' en ..... fA- ~ 1.0 Lri' ('t) ..... fA- 8 o o ~ .... fA- 8 o Lei ~ EA- 8 o Lri' ..,. ('t) t\i EA- ~ ; ~ ; ~ ; i (I) ~ c o aJ CD e '6 c ~ Cii a: q C) o ('t) "l C\J t:!. C\J EA- o o q 1.0 C\J ..,. co EA- .... 1.0 IX!. co 1.0 ..,. fA- o o q Lr.l C\J C') EA- 'o:t ('t) I'- co o 1.0 EA- o o q o co <Xl EA- 8 q 1.0 C\J 1'-. ..... C\J EA- '~ " ..." ~.. \ .. ~-~\ "~..~. -. . ...., ~> _.. ~,...~t;~ "" .~ ~ ~, "Z ~" ~ c, c;:", \"~ -, ft~"~..~,_,...... '".:::::l ~;'::~~ ,,:.::~ .,-.::::::. <;,,:.\ ,- Page 15c - '-'._~ '., ~..~ .'.- I !8:D;?;gJ ~~~NO~~O! OU'l v.... 0 3l:g~~fIt fit I ~~ ~~~~i ~g~ri a:o (D f'-(D 1010 lOa N ell- fIt~fltER'ER' ~ ~ fit '" NIO~ (D~OCO ! c: Ol '" vlO .... 0)0) ca 0 c: 'C: 0)....10 O)OvO) I ~'~'gJl~ w...:t:1S oN'r-:,...: lii,2'.2-gen NMM MMNN (j 8'" - ........ .... .,.... 'T"""' 'T- ,... a;o fltfltER' fIt~ER'fIt co '" MOO I I c: Cl '" tOf'-(D ca 0 c: 'C: tOM(D "''''''gJl< <ll0l <Xl N'w~ 55~.a-o~ f'-v.... 0.o"'~- M-MER. au: I c'5m O)Nf'-lOv ~MN ~ C\JMT"""~T""'" ~g~'l5< ON.... v ....~a: ~g;,~U'l~ ....:c5r=~N ~gg '" ,- 0 U en ~T-T""'r-..... elDc.C:- fltER'ER'ER' I 0.5~ en c:'E~ 10 ..... f'- 9 en ~.g ~'iii< f'-f'-O W CO 0) 0) ~ ~g!U)a; "':N'ri Z ",=o'Oen ~~~ C el.c c.C:- I W 0.5~ I- 5i '" NOMa.... ~m I c: '" ~;;;:~~ CD ca 0 'C: O(D ...""E~~ olri~riN' lriri W '" ol '" C:2'> NNNNN NN I C <!lS [~- ~~~W>~ W~ Z .5~ - E '" OOIOM 10 I 0 c c: '" '" OOO)CO C;; ..oJ 'iU.9 1ii.~ CD 000.... I ..oJ W C') ~~~U'l~ ooN'ri ~ W C en <!l:8~'2~ 1010 10 to 0 0) ~~~~ ~ Z .... O'liio t= ::t1Il Z O~ e '" v....(DO.... ; \. 0 CD'" c: '" '" (DIONO.... I ~ ~ Cii 'fji CD OCO(Dvv :E W! ~ g;,~U'lm w~riN'w LL a:E Q).~,-"Cm NNNNN t!JD,2!c:- fh~fh~~ 0 -~ OolO ::t1Il >- 1-0 E '" o)....~Mf'- f'-vNv ~. I t- W c: '" <ll O)M v.... O)(D.....CO U a: e ,Q 1ii'~ II] co 10 f'- f'- IOtOf'-M cncarnrng:; gft{fggg ot:1Swm e a; .2' '- '0 Q) MNNN (j8,2!C:- ;;~~;;;; T""""-,-"" ol~ ~~~~ s: I en c:'EgJ (D 10 ; W ~g~'iE< vlO C\J(D :;: ~ol~U'l~ mm ~g[-g~ '<t'<t W eO ~ffl I ..J _co >< <D MNNC\lC\l OM ! ~ ~ ~ ~~ 10 f'- co f'- M ....0 ~ O(DCO(DO MC\I "'ol~~- ~..;..;..;..; wm lii ,2' ... ~ C\IC\1C\1C\1C\1 NC\I I el8U'l-Eo ;;;;~;;;;; ;;; -1Il c:'E:g MO)....'<t1O ....0) I C\(00)....1O 10 co ~g~~ M....O'<to) <O(D (gl;dm- ";ri"":lriai <t f'-- I [j.!2'i!jO ~~~~~ t!JD a.-g w-~ Osdl 'Ej:: 100)10010 i -gala> ....(DOCOIO I ~ 'j; ~:: ....0l101O(D ";rit:1Saia c: !2' > 0 .......T-w.~ "'15 ['0 ~~ eloea _1Il c: I 0 (j!;1O~f'-tO 13 O....N~glO(D 0) 0)0) 088 00 .21 0)0)0)0)0) o 000 75 .,.....,...........T"""~ NNC\l NNN ~ () ~ '0 0 I ... M(j!;IO(Df'-a:l~8""NMglO f0- ol '" 0) 0l0)0l0) 088 0 "'-' 0l0)0l0l0)0)0)00 00 >- .....~..-..-.,....T"""T"""'C\lC\lC\lC\lC\lN I 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 15d ---------..--.-- _....__n___.__.._... --.-------- I I SUMMARY OF PROJECTED RE ENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND BALANCES (C SH & INVESTMENTS) I PROJECTED 1995 1995 PROJECTED I BALANCE ROJECTED PROJECTED BALANCE .EUNIl 12131/94 REVENUE EXPENDITURES 12131/95 General $1,613,500 $2,456,785 $2,456,785 $1,613,500 I Library $4,400 $31 ,865 $31 ,865 $4,400 Tree $117,250 $32,960 $32,960 $117,250 OM $6,345 $29,800 $29,800 $6,345 I Water $108,700 $182,350 $245,070 $45,980 Water Access $146,500 $24,400 $0 $170,900 Sewer $61,000 $505,900 $494,825 $72,075 I Sewer Access $24,800 $33,550 $0 $58,350 Transportation $7,400 $67,479 $67,229 $7,650 Liquor $427,350 $1,540,900 $1,883,625 $84,625 Capital Outlay Revolving $379,000 $493,468 $493,468 $379,000 I HRA $410,400 $414,700 $321,771 $503,329 UDAG $36,000 $11,695 $0 $47,695 EDA $87,100 $118,770 $201,440 $4,430 I SCERG $33,300 $63,100 $33,300 $63,100 CMIF 15.QQ $13.320 $13.320 .$5.Q.Q I SUBTOTALS $3,463,545 6,021 ,042 $6,305,458 $3,179,129 Debt Service General Obligation Bonds $527,519 $577,504 $586,280 $518,743 I Special Assessment Bonds $1,864,653 $357,971 $513,970 $1,708,654 Tax Increment Bonds $350.158 $330.640 $319.462 $361.336 I SUBTOTALS $2,742,330 1,266,115 $1,419,712 $2,588,733 TOTALS $6,205,875 7,287,157 $7,725,170 $5,767,862 I I I I I I I 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 15e ---..... __._.'m."_ --------.."...".... .. I 1995 BUDG T SUMMARY I 1994 1995 I f!lli!2 REVENUE EXPEND TURES REVENUE EXPENDITURES General $2,402,985 $2,402 985 $2,456,785 $2,456,785_ I Library 31,335 31 335 31,865 31,865 Transportation 70,647 70 547 67,479 67,229 I Shade Tree 26,160 26 160 32,960 32,960 I UDAG 10,845 85 000 11,695 -0- OAA 29,800 29 800 29,800 29,800 I HRA 352,210 272, 035 414,700 321,771 EDA 218,710 2, 110 118,770 201,440 I SCERG 8,345 -0- 63,100 33,300 I CMIF -0- -0- 13,320 13,320 Debt Service 1,261,020 1,423, 350 1,266,115 1,419,712 I Liquor 1,487,125 1,479, 495 1,540,900 1,483,625 Water 174,280 332, 905** 182,350 411,000** I Sewer 464,785 812, 985* '505,900 862,575* Capital Imp. 278,190 282, 195 493,468 493,468 I Water Access 15,550 28, 000 24,400 -0- I Sewer Access 14,675 35 000 33,550 -0- TOTAL $6,844,162 $7,311, 402 $7,287,157 $7,859,850 I I * includes $367,750 Depreciation--c ontributed assets ** includes $165,930 Depreciation--c ontributed assets I I I I 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'if TAX LE SUMMARY 1995 BUDGET ALL FUNDS Net Payable** Levy Before 1995 Adjusted HACA Adj. Levy After. Fund 1994 Payable 1995 Deductinq HACA General $1,726 851 $1,884,015 $1,696,139 Library 29 510 30,735 30,735 Transportation 15 024 16,816 15,178 Shade Tree 18 004 25,960 23,425 OAA 26 401 29,450 26,544 HRA 15 255 17,850 16,088 Debt Service 600 863 706,400 637,098 Capital Imp. Revolving 220 619 439,068 395,978 TOTAL $2,652 527 $3,150,294 $2,841,185* Net Certified Levy Increas - $188,658 Payable 1989 Tax Capacity Payable 1990 Tax Capacity Payable 1991 Tax Capacity Payable 1992 Tax Capacity Payable 1993 Tax Capacity Est. Payable 1994 Tax Capa Est. Payable 1995 Tax Capa . . . 14.283 . 16.187 . . . 15.511 . . . 16.492 . . . 16.313 Rate. . 17.527 Rate. . 18.228 Tax Capacity Value Tax Capacity R.ate Tax Levy '88/Payable 1989 '89/Payable 1990 '90/Payable 1991 '91/Payable 1992 '92/Payable 1993 '93/Payable 1994 '94/Payable 1995 $ 15,405,139 15,873,242 16,161,043 15,513,574 15,490,500 15,154,786 15,586,930 14.283 16.187 15.511 16.492 16.308 17.527 18.228 $2,198,008 2,568,106 2,506,132 2,558,554 2,526,216 2,652,527 2,841,185 * Actual levy collected from taxpay rs--balance received from state in HACA aid paYments ($309,109 is es . State Aid for 1995). ** Did not deduct HACA from library evy, but deducted library portion of HACA from general fund levy. 95BUDGE'1': 212195 Page 17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c z =>> 1.1. .... ~ LLI Z LLI ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 (0.2%) Refunds (0.8%) Fines (7.4%) Charges (11.9%) Inter-Gov't (2.1%) Interest Income (4 4%) Licenses & Permits Fines Refunds Tax Licenses & Per its Interest Income Inter-Gov't Misc. Charges TOTAL $20,000 $4,500 $1,796,739 $108,270 $50,555 $291,551 $2,600 $182.570 $2,456.785 Page 17a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I >- a: <( ;20 z ~~ =>...J C/)~ UJ wz a:~ => z~ I-Q _00 Cl~ Z~ Wee ~ 9LO'8LL$ W 090'Q(~9$ o 0 o 0 o Cl:l 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 LO "<t m m m m .- . II 009'9$ 009'0 ~$ 909'9v~$ 9vO'98 ~$ 099'99 ~$ 969'89$ 96,'89$ o o CD o o '<t o o C\I puasno41 &i ~ :> (I) o ~ 'c :J E E o () 1Il -c ns a.. (l)UJ .....::2: ~<( (l)z 3=Z o!lO ..r:::. - r.OO ns- (I)> :I:Ci 1Il -c ~ .2 :c :J a.. >. Qi 10 (/) .2 :c :J a.. 'ii CD c: (I) (!) o Page 17b (5.7%) Capital Outlay I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY GENERAL FUND, 1 (5.3%) Supplies (43.6%) Personal Services Supplies Other Services Capital Outlay Personal Servi es TOTAL $125,700 $1,070,065 $134,280 $1.027.100 $2,357,145 Page 17c I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION GENERAL FUND, 1995 BUDGET (5.5%) Community Dev. (2.6%) Health & Welfare (19.3%) Public Safety General Gov't. Miscellaneous Parks Public Safety Community De . Public Works Health & Welfa e TOTAL $820,080 $10,500 $181,275 $473,515 $135,045 $773,075 $63.295 $2,456,785 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 17d --.--.--..---- -- I GENERAL F D SUMMARY 1995 UDGET I EXPENDITURES I Mayor and Council $ 29,750 Administration 232,120 Finance 97,960 I Insurance 66,825 Audit 13,500 Legal 23,775 Planning & Zoning 81,290 I Inspections--Bldg. Official 96,550 Assessing 12,525 Deputy Registrar 85,685 I City Hall 50,260 Computer 29,840 Elections 0 I TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 820,080 Law Enforcement $ 293,635 I Fire 132,400 Civil Defense 9,405 Animal Control 38,075 I TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY $ 473,515 v Inspection $ 39,800 I Admin. & Engineering 102,795 Streets & Alleys 243,685 Snow & Ice 17,735 I Street Lighting & Parking Lots 64,490 Shop & Garage 35,500 Refuse Collection 269,070 I TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $ 773,075 Senior Citizens Center $ 36,500 I YMCA/Community Ed. 25,000 Information Center/Museum 1,795 I TOTAL HEALTH & WELFARE $ 63,295 v' Parks & Rec./Cemetery $ 181,275 I TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION $ 181,275./ Community Development $ 135,045 I TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ 135,045 I Misc.--Severence Benefits $ 10,500 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS $ 10,500 I TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES $2,456,785 I 95BUOGET: 2/2/95 Page 19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE 199 MAYOR AND COUNCIL PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Travel expense: Conference & schools: Dues, memberships, subscript: Miscellaneous other expense: TOTAL SERVICES AND CHARGES TOTAL MAYOR & COUNCIL 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 L FUND BUDGET 101.41110.1010 101.41110.1210 101.41110.1220 101.41110.1250 22,200 1,000 1,375 325 24,900 101.41110.3310 101.41110.3320 101. 41110.4330 101.41110.4399 200 750 3,500 400 4,850 29,750 Page 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE 199 ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: Salaries, full-time - OT: salaries, part-time - reg: salaries, other: PERA contributions: ICMA insurance contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Duplicating & copy supplies: Printed forms & paper: Mise office supplies: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Maintenance agreement: Newsletter: Telephone: Postage: Travel expense: Conference & schools: General public information: Mise general insurance: Dues, memberships, subscript: Books & pamphlets: AWAIR program: Mise other expense: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY Office equipment: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 L FUND BUDGET 101.41301.1010 101.41301.1020 101. 41301.1030 101. 41301.1090 101.41301.1210 101. 41301.1211 101. 41301.1220 101. 41301.1250 101.41301.1310 132,700 1,200 11,365 3,600 3,700 2,820 9,005 2,110 16,240 182,740 101. 41301. 2020 101. 41301. 2030 101. 41301. 2099 2,200 2,000 6,000 10,200 101. 41301. 3190 101. 41301. 3195 101.41301.3210 101.41301.3220 101. 41301. 3310 101. 41301. 3320 101. 41301. 3520 101. 41301. 3699 101.41301.4330 101. 41301. 4350 101.41301.4393 101. 41301. 4399 2,950 3,850 8,850 6,500 1,000 2,500 300 50 2,150 300 1,500 100 30,050 101.41301.5701 9,130 9,130 232,120 Page 21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEN RAL FUND 199 BUDGET ADMINISTRATION CONTINUED... COMMENTS: Office Equipment: Salaries: Rick, Karen, 46% J 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 1/2 of co Small cou Typewrite Computer file TOTAL 50% Pat, 100% Julie replacement copier $5,000 $2,700 $1,280 $ 150 $9,130 rack Page 22 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENRAL FUND 199 BUDGET ELECTIONS PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, temporary - reg: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Printed forms & paper: Mise operating supplies: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Legal notice publication: TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGE CAPITAL OUTLAY Office equipment: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ELECTIONS 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 101.41410.1040 101.41410.1220 101.41410.1250 o o o o 101.41410.2030 101.41410.2199 o o o 101.41410.3510 o o 101. 41410.5701 o o o Page 23 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEN RAL FUND 199 BUDGET FINANCE PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: Salaries, full-time - OT: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Printed forms & paper: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Travel expense: Conference & schools: General public info: Dues, memberships, subscript: Bank charges: Misc other expenses: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY Office equipment: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL FINANCE COMMENTS: 101.41520.1010 101.41520.1020 101.41520.1210 101.41520.1220 101. 41520 .1250 101. 41520 .1310 72,525 700 3,280 4,540 1,065 11,500 93,610 101.41520.2030 850 850 101.41520.3310 101.41520.3320 101. 41520.3520 101.41520.4330 101.41520.4398 101. 41520.4399 225 200 750 175 250 100 1,700 101. 41520.5701 1,800 1,800 97,960 Salaries: 97% Marlene, 100% C thy, 50% Pat Office Equipment: Check sign r and stand 95BUOGET: 2/2/95 Page 24 , GEN RALFUND I 199 BUDGET I AUDIT OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I Professional services - audit: 101.41540.3010 13,500 I TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 13,500 TOTAL AUDIT 13,500 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 25 95BUOGET: 2/2/95 I I GENERAL FUND 1995 BUDGET I AUDIT I OTHER SERVICES Professional - audit: 101.41540.3010 ~- I TOTAL SERVICES 13, ~ I TOTAL AUDIT --.!!, , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Pi: --- ----.--.-- - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ASSESSING SUPPLIES Printed forms & paper: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof. services - assessing: Legal notice publication: General public information: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL ASSESSING COMMENTS: Professional Services: 95BUOGET: 2/2/95 GENERAL FUND 199 BUDGET 101. 41550.2030 101. 41550.3125 101.41550.3510 101.41550.3520 Asse sing contract - Kramber 575 575 11,825 25 100 11,950 12,525 Page 26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE 199 LEGAL OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof. services - legal fees Legal notice publication: Dues, memberships, subscript: Misc other expense: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL LEGAL 95BUOGET: 2/2/95 L FUND BUDGET 101.41601.3040 101.41601.3510 101. 41601. 4330 101. 41601. 4399 12,500 11,000 175 100 23,775 23,775 Page 27 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE L FUND 199 BUDGET PLANNING & ZONING PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Mise office supplies TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof. services - eng. fees Mise professional services: Travel expense: Conference & schools: Legal notice publication: Dues, memberships, subscript: Books & pamphlets: Mise other expense: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL PLANNING & ZONING COMMENTS: 101. 41910 .1010 101.41910.1210 101.41910.1220 101.41910.1250 101.41910.1310 46,140 2,070 2,860 670 6,575 58,315 101.41910.2099 100 100 101.41910.3030 101.41910.3199 101.41910.3310 101.41910.3320 101.41910.3510 101.41910.4330 101. 41910.4350 101.41910.4399 500 19,000 700 500 1,500 275 200 200 22,875 81;290 Salaries: 50% Jeff, 75% Wanda Misc. Prof. Services: Includ s $15,000 for comprehensive plan r visions 95BUDGtT: 2/2/95 Page 28 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIES Printed forms & paper: Mise office supplies: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES GEN RAL FUND 199 BUDGET Prof. services - data proc: Software: Maintenance agreements: Telephone: Travel expense: Conference & schools: Repair & mtc - mach & equip: Dues, memberships, subscript: Mise other expense: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY Computer equipment: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL DATA PROCESSING COMMENTS: Computer Equipment: 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Personal - P - C Laser pr Uninterr (2) data Building TOTAL 101. 41920.2030 101. 41920.2099 101. 41920.3090 101. 41920.3091 101.41920.3190 101.41920.3210 101. 41920.3310 101. 41920.3320 101. 41920.4044 101. 41920.4330 101.41920.4399 101. 41920.5702 computer secretary ty Hall secretary nter ptible power supply racks insp. software 1,000 1,650 2,650 1,500 3,500 10,365 300 200 1,500 100 200 150 17,815 9,375 9,375 29,840 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 3,500 $ 700 $ 175 $ 3,500 $12,875 Page 29 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY HALL PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, part-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Misc operating supplies: Building repair supplies: Misc repair & mtc supplies: Small tools & equipment: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof. services - custodial: Maintenance agreements: Misc professional service: Travel expense: Electric: Gas: Repair & maint - buildings: Repair & maint - mach & equip: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & fixtures: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL CITY HALL COMMENTS: Salaries: 20% John Lukach GEN RAL FUND 199 BUDGET 101.41940.1030 101.41940.1210 101.41940.1220 101.41940.1250 101.41940.1310 3,375 150 210 50 675 4,460 101.41940.2199 101. 41940.2230 101. 41940.2299 101. 41940.2410 1,850 500 100 100 2,550 101.41940.3110 101.41940.3190 101.41940.3199 101.41940.3310 101.41940.3810 101.41940.3830 101.41940.4010 101. 41940.4044 6,000 1,550 200 200 8,950 3,600 18,000 1,500 40,000 101.41940.5601 3,250 3,250 50,260 Furniture & Fixtures: (5) cou cil chairs 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 30 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEN RAL FUND 199 BUDGET DEPUTY REGISTRAR PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: Salaries, full-time - OT: Salaries, part-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Mise operating supplies: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof srv - custodial: Maintenance agreements: Telephone: Travel expense: Conference & schools: Repair & mtc - buildings: Dues, memberships, subscript: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & fixtures: Office equipment: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL DEPUTY REGISTRAR COMMENTS: 101. 41990 .1010 101.41990.1020 101. 41990 .1030 101. 41990 .1210 101.41990.1220 101.41990.1250 101.41990.1310 101.41990.2199 101.41990.3110 101.41990.3190 101.41990.3210 101.41990.3310 101.41990.3320 101. 41990.4010 101.41990.4330 101.41990.5601 101. 41990.5701 Salaries: FT - Diane PT - Kim, Marge, 3r position Furniture & Fixtures: Used r frigerator Microw ve TOTAL Office Equipment: Chair Ticket =# ystem TOTAL 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 $250 $125 $375 $275 $350 $625 27,400 500 33,775 2,765 3,825 895 11,200 80,360 275 275 600 300 1,875 150 100 500 525 4,050 375 625 1,000 85,685 Page 31 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LAW ENFORCEMENT OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof services - law enforce: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMENTS: Prof. Services: GEN RAL FUND 199 BUDGET 101. 42101. 3050 24 hr/da coverage + 416 hours @ $32/hr (9,176 hrs) 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 293,635 293,635 293,635 Page 32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIRE PERSONAL SERVICES salaries, full-time - reg: Salaries, part-time - reg: Severance pay: PERA/Pension contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Printed forms & paper: Training supplies: Mise office supplies: Clothing supplies: Motor fuels: Lubricants & additives: Misc operating supplies: Equipment repair parts: Misc repair & mtc supplies: Small tools & equipment: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof. service - custodial: Maintenance agreements: Misc professional services: Telephone: Postage: Travel expense: Conference & schools: General liability insurance: Property insurance: Vehicle insurance: Misc general insurance: Electric: Gas: Repair & mtc - buildings: Repair & mtc - mach & equip: Repair & mtc - vehicles: Dues, memberships, subscript: Misc other expenses: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 GENE L FUND 1995 BUDGET 101.42201.1010 101.42201.1030 101.42201.1110 101.42201.1210 101.42201.1220 101.42201.1250 101.42201.1310 29,500 1,690 31,125 75 1,925 450 350 65,115 101. 42201.2030 101. 42201. 2070 101. 42201. 2099 101.42201.2111 101.42201.2120 101. 42201. 2130 101.42201.2199 101. 42201. 2210 101.42201.2299 101.42201.2410 250 50 100 2,000 1,350 175 1,100 500 200 1,500 7,225 101. 42201. 3110 101. 42201. 3190 101.42201.3199 101. 42201. 3210 101.42201.3220 101. 42201. 3310 101. 42201. 3320 101.42201.3610 101.42201.3620 101.42201.3630 101.42201.3699 101.42201.3810 101. 42201. 3830 101. 42201. 4010 101.42201.4044 101. 42201. 4050 101. 42201. 4330 101. 42201. 4399 650 875 1,500 750 150 2,500 1,400 4,375 1,020 3,545 8,245 2,900 2,600 9,500 3,200 6,000 500 350 50,060 Page 33 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE L FUND 199 BUDGET FIRE CONTINUED... CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & fixtures: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL FIRE COMMENTS: Salaries: 10% John Lukach 101. 42201. 5601 Severance Pay: State aid for elief Assoc. Pension Furniture & Fixtures: Radio (new truck) (1) SC A (air pack) (6) No zles 1 3/4" Hose (600 ft) 3" Hos (200 it) 5" Sup ly Line Hose (400) TOTAL 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 10,000 10,000 132,400 $ 3,050 $ 1,400 $ 2,400 $ 1,000 $ 750 $ 1,400 $10,000 Page 34 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEN RAL FUND 199 BUDGET BUILDING INSPECTIONS PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Printed forms & paper: Motor fuels: Mise operating supplies: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Mise prof srv - reimbursable Mise professional services: Telephone: Travel expense: Conference & schools: General public information: Repair & mtc - vehicles: Dues, memberships, subscript: Books & pamphlets: Mise other expense: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY Office equipment TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL BUILDING INSPECTIONS COMMENTS: 101.42401.1010 101.42401.1210 101.42401.1220 101.42401.1250 101. 42401. 1310 101. 42401. 2030 101. 42401. 2120 101.42401.2199 101. 42401. 3198 101.42401.3199 101. 42401. 3210 101. 42401. 3310 101. 42401. 3320 101.42401.3520 101. 42401. 4050 101. 42401. 4330 101.42401.4350 101. 42401. 4399 101. 42401. 5701 Salaries: Gary and additional inspector position Office Equipment: Literature rack for handouts Mobile rad 0 Car phone TOTAL 95BUD~T: 2/2/95 $225 $575 $125 $925 65,785 2,950 4,080 955 9,555 83,325 375 450 300 1,125 3,000 2,500 950 1,250 400 1,000 1,650 325 50 50 11,175 925 925 96,550 Page 35 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE 199 CIVIL DEFENSE PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Misc operating supplies: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Telephone: Electric: Repair & mtc - mach & equip: Dues, membership, & subscript: Mise other expense: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL CIVIL DEFENSE COMMENTS: Salaries: 15% Gary 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 L FUND BUDGET 101. 42501.1010 101. 42501.1210 101.42501.1220 101.42501.1250 101.42501.1310 5,645 255 350 80 655 6,985 101. 42501. 2199 250 250 101.42501.3210 101. 42501. 3810 101.42501.4044 101. 42501. 4330 101.42501.4399 1,225 195 700 25 25 2,170 9,405 Page 36 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE, L FUND 199 BUDGET ANIMAL CONTROL SUPPLIES Mise office supplies: Cleaning supplies: Mise operating supplies: Building repair supplies: Small tools & equipment: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof srv - animal ctrl officer: Mise professional services: Telephone: Travel expense: Conference & schools: General public information: Gas: Repair & mte - buildings: Dues, memberships, subscript: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL COMMENTS: 101.42701.2099 101.42701.2110 101. 42701. 2199 101.42701.2230 101. 42701. 2410 50 550 2,800 250 150 3,800 101.42701.3120 101. 42701. 3199 101. 42701. 3210 101.42701.3310 101.42701.3320 101.42701.3520 101.42701.3830 101. 42701. 4010 101.42701.4330 27,550 3,000 1,450 200 75 300 650 1,000 50 34,275 38,075 Prof. Services: Patty Salzwe el contract 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 37 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEN RAL FUND 199 BUDGET PW/ADMIN & ENGINEERING PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: Salaries, part-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Duplicating & copy supplies: Misc office supplies: Misc operating supplies: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof srv - engineering fees: Prof srv - engineering reimb: Maintenance agreements: Telephone: Conference & schools: General public information: Repair & mtc - mach & equip: Uniform rental: Dues, memberships & subscript: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & fixtures: Other equipment: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL PW/ADMIN & ENGINEERING 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 101.43110.1010 101.43110.1030 101.43110.1210 101.43110.1220 101.43110.1250 101.43110.1310 50,100 11,365 2,755 3,810 895 7,420 76,345 101.43110.2020 101.43110.2099 101.43110.2199 500 300 150 950 101.43110.3030 101.43110.3035 101.43110.3190 101.43110.3210 101.43110.3320 101.43110.3520 101. 43110.4044 101.43110.4170 101. 43110.4330 10,000 8,000 300 1,600 600 1,000 200 300 200 22,200 101.43110.5601 101.43110.5801 800 2,500 3,300 102,795 Page 38 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE L FUND 199 BUDGET PW ADMIN./ENGINEERING CONTINUED... COMMENTS: FT Salaries: PT Salaries: John Beth (secreta Prof. Services: Engineering Engineering fees for non-project engineering ervices Prof. Services: Engineering eimbursable - Engineering fees chargeable - private individuals/developers Furniture & Fixtures: Other Equipment: Doc. feeder - copi~r Typewriter 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 $ 800 $1,220 $1,280 Page 39 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 199 BUDGET PW/INSPECTIONS PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Misc office supplies: Clothing supplies: Motor fuels: Mise operating supplies: Vehicle repair parts: Mise repair & mtc supplies: Small tools & equipment: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER CHARGES & SERVICES Telephone: Travel expense: Conference & schools: Uniform rental: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & fixtures: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL PW/INSPECTIONS COMMENTS: Salaries: 87% Tom Bose Furniture & Fixtures: scale 95BUDGST: 2/2/95 101.43115.1010 101.43115.1210 101.43115.1220 101.43115.1250 101.43115.1310 29,135 1,305 1,810 425 1,675 34,350 101.43115.2099 101.43115.2111 101. 43115.2120 101.43115.2199 101. 43115.2211 101.43115.2299 101. 43115.2410 300 100 800 500 450 150 200 2,500 101.43115.3210 101.43115.3310 101.43115.3320 101.43115.4170 900 50 200 300 1,450 101.43115.5601 1,500 1,500 39,800 Page 40 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PW/STREETS & ALLEYS PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: Salaries, full-time - OT: Salaries, temporary - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Clothing supplies: Motor fuels: Lubricants & additives: Misc operating supplies: Equipment repair parts: Vehicle repair parts: Misc repair & mtc supplies: Small tools & equipment: Misc merchandise for resale: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Misc professional services: Telephone: Conference & schools: Repair & mtc - mach & equip: Repair & mtc - vehicles: Equipment rental: Uniform rental: Licenses & permits: Misc other expense: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements: Motor vehicles: Other equipment: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL PW/STREETS & ALLEYS 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 GENE 199 L FUND BUDGET 101.43120.1010 101.43120.1020 101.43120.1040 101.43120.1210 101.43120.1220 101.43120.1250 101.43120.1310 96,775 2,000 7,000 4,740 6,560 1,535 15,400 134,010 101.43120.2111 101. 43120.2120 101. 43120.2130 101.43120.2199 101.43120.2210 101.43120.2211 101.43120.2299 101. 43120.2410 101.43120.2999 750 10,000 1,500 20,000 3,000 3,500 100 1,000 500 40,350 101.43120.3199 101.43120.3210 101.43120 3320 101. 43120.4044 101.43120.4050 101.43120.4150 101.43120.4170 101. 43120.4370 101.43120.4399 1,500 375 200 1,500 1,500 1,500 900 350 500 8,325 101.43120.5301 101.43120.5501 101.43120.5801 27,500 8,000 25,500 61,000 243,685 Page 41 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE, L FUND 199 BUDGET PW/STREETS & ALLEYS CONTINUED... COMMENTS: Salaries: 63% Roger, 60% Tom ., 60% AI, 50% Jim, 60% Keith Improvements: Seal coating Motor Vehicles: Used pickup Other Equipment: Small loade & tie Paint strip r TOTAL 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 $21,500 $ 4,000 $25,500 Page 42 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PW/ICE & SNOW PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - OT: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Misc operating supplies: Equipment repair parts: Small tools & equipment: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Misc professional services: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL PW/SNOW & ICE 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 GENE 199 L FUND BUDGET 101. 43125 .1020 101.43125.1210 101.43125.1220 101.43125.1250 3,600 160 225 50 4,035 101. 43125.2199 101.43125.2210 101.43125.2410 10,500 2,000 200 12,700 101.43125.3199 1,000 1,000 17,735 Page 43 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE L FUND 199 BUDGET PW/SHOP & GARAGE SUPPLIES Lubricants & additives: Misc operating supplies: Equipment repair parts: Building repair supplies: Small tools & equipment: 101.43127.2130 101.43127.2199 101.43127.2210 101.43127.2230 101. 43127.2410 100 6,500 200 2,000 2,000 TOTAL SUPPLIES 10,800 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Maintenance agreements: Electric: Gas: Repair & mtc - buildings: Repair & mtc - mach & equip: Equipment rental: Licenses & permits: 101.43127.3190 101.43127.3810 101. 43127.3830 101.43127.4010 101.43127.4044 101.43127.4150 101.43127.4370 1,000 5,000 14,500 1,000 500 100 100 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 22,200 CAPITAL OUTLAY Other equipment: 101. 43127.5801 2,500 2,500 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL PW/SHOP & GARAGE 35,500 COMMENTS: Other Equipment: Electric ar & air cutter (plasma cut er) 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 44 I GEN RAL FUND 199 BUDGET I PW/STREET LIGHTING I SUPPLIES I Mise operating supplies: 101.43160.2199 150 Mise repair & rote supplies: 101.43160.2299 500 TOTAL SUPPLIES 650 I OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I Mise professional services: 101.43160.3199 3,000 Electric: 101. 43160.3810 58,000 Repair & rote - mach & equip: 101.43160.4044 2,000 I Equipment rental: 101. 43160.4150 800 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 63,800 I TOTAL PW/STREET LIGHTING 64,450 I I I I I I I I I I I 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 45 .----.--- no .___..___......."..._._.....-. ........ _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEN RAL FUND 199 BUDGET REFUSE COLLECTION PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - OT: Salaries, temporary - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Mise operating supplies: Mise repair & mtc supplies: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Software: Prof srv - refuse collection: Prof srv - recycling contr: Mise professional services: Postage: Conference & schools: General public information: Mise printing: Sales tax: Dues, memberships, subscript: Mise other expense: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL REFUSE COMMENTS: 101. 43230 .1020 101.43230.1040 101. 43230 .1210 101.43230.1220 101.43230.1250 1,750 175 80 110 25 2,140 101.43230.2199 101.43230.2299 8,500 1,000 9,500 101.43230.3091 101.43230.3100 101.43230.3101 101.43230.3199 101.43230.3220 101.43230.3320 101. 43230.3520 101. 43230.3599 101. 43230.3720 101. 43230.4330 101.43230.4399 1,000 119,100 34,000 90,000 500 200 500 300 7,550 50 4,230 257,430 269,070 Misc. Prof. Services: Salaries: PW dept. salaries f r (3) leaf pickups 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 facility fees Page 46 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MUSEUM PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, temporary - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Repair & mtc - buildings: Mise other expense: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL MUSEUM COMMENTS: GEN RAL FUND 199 BUDGET 101.45172.1040 101.45172.1210 101.45172.1220 101.45172.1250 101.45172.4010 101.45172.4399 Salaries: Temp. help for Cha er office during summer 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 1,400 70 100 25 1,595 150 50 200 1,795 Page 47 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEN RAL FUND 199 BUDGET SENIOR CENTER OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Sr. Center contribution: Repair & rote - buildings: 101.45175.3136 101.45175.4010 35,000 1,500 36,500 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL SENIOR CENTER 36,500 95BUOGET: 2/2/95 Page 48 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COMMUNITY ED OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Mise professional services: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL COMMUNITY ED COMMENTS: Misc. Prof. Services: 95BUDGET; 2/2/95 GEN RAL FUND 199 BUDGET 101.45176.3199 17,500 17,500 17,500 Annual contribution toward summer recre tion program Page 49 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE L FUND 199 BUDGET Y.M.C.A. OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Misc professional services: 101.45177.3199 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 7,500 7,500 TOTAL Y.M.C.A. 7,500 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PARKS & RECREATION PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: Salaries, full-time - OT: Salaries, part-time - reg: Salaries, part-time - OT: Salaries, temporary - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Clothing supplies: Motor fuels: Lubricants & additives: Misc operating supplies: Equipment repair parts: Vehicle repair parts: Building repair supplies: Misc repair & mtc supplies: Small tools & equipment: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Misc professional services: Telephone: Travel expense: Conference & schools: Electric: Gas: Repair & mtc - buildings: Repair & mtc - mach & equip: Repair & mtc - vehicles: Equipment rental: Uniform rental: Dues, memberships, subscript: Misc other expense: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 GEN RAL FUND 199 BUDGET 101. 45201.1010 101.45201.1020 101. 45201.1030 101.45201.1031 101.45201.1040 101.45201.1210 101.45201.1220 101.45201.1250 101.45201.1310 58,425 850 8,450 2,750 22,000 4,145 5,735 1,340 10,950 114,645 101.45201.2111 101.45201.2120 101.45201.2130 101.45201.2199 101. 45201. 2210 101.45201.2211 101.45201.2230 101.45201.2299 101.45201.2410 200 1,300 100 13,000 800 1,600 1,000 100 550 18,650 101. 45201. 3199 101. 45201. 3210 101.45201.3310 101.45201.3320 101.45201.3810 101.45201.3830 101.45201.4010 101.45201.4044 101. 45201. 4050 101. 45201. 4150 101.45201.4170 101. 45201. 4330 101.45201.4399 1,000 2,500 500 100 8,000 500 1,800 300 800 700 900 230 150 17,480 Page 51 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PARKS & RECREATION CONTINUED... CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements: Motor vehicles: Furniture & fixtures: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION COMMENTS: GEN RAL FUND 199 BUDGET 101. 45201. 5301 101.45201.5501 101.45201.5601 10,000 16,500 4,000 30,500 181,275 Salaries: 34% Roger, 34% Tom ., 34% AI, 41% Jim, 35% Keith, 50%, John L. Improvements: Trees Motor Vehicles: Front-mounte diesel mower 1/2 of fertilizer spreader TOTAL $15,000 $ 1,500 $16,500 Furniture & Fixtures: Picnic tables & repairs 95BUOGET: 2/2/95 Page 52 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Mise professional services: Travel expense: Conference & schools: Dues, memberships, subscript: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES OTHER FINANCE USES Transfer to debt service: TOTAL OTHER FINANCE USES TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMENTS: Salaries: 70% Ollie GEN RAL FUND 199 BUDGET 101.46501.1010 101.46501.1210 101. 46501.1220 101.46501.1250 101. 46501.1310 101. 46501. 3199 101. 46501. 3310 101.46501.3320 101.46501.4330 101.46501.7205 Misc. Prof. Services: Non-TI project consulting fees Transfers: Represents Kmart IF reserve due in 1995 to be transferred to TIF bond fund 95BUDGeT: 2/2/95 26,350 1,180 1,635 385 1,820 31,370 2,500 700 300 575 4,075 99,600 99,600 135;045 Page 53 I GEN RALFUND 199 BUDGET I UNALLOCATED I PERSONAL SERVICES Severance benefits: 101.49201.1111 10,500 I TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 10,500 I TOTAL UNALLOCATED 10,500 COMMENTS: I Severance Benefits: Represen ts funding for employee vacation & sick 1 eave accruals earned in 1995 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 54 n__..__..._....._..,... --------..,... I GENE L FUND 1995 BUDGET I INSURANCE - UNALLOCATED I PERSONAL SERVICES Worker's comp ins premium: 101.49240.1510 18,300 I TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 18,300 I OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES General liability insurance: 101. 49240.3610 36,815 Property insurance: 101.49240.3620 4,500 I Vehicle insurance: 101.49240.3630 3,435 Misc general insurance: 101.49240.3699 3,775 I TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 48,525 I TOTAL INSURANCE UNALLOCATED 66,825 I I I I I I I I I I I 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 55 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I U) c z = ..... LLI ::) Z LLI ~ ~ .... <C - o LLI A- U) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UDAG FUND REVENUE Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE I SPECIAL !REVENUE FUND 199 BUDGET 202.36210 11,695 ******************************************************************* 11,695 EXPENDITURES TOTAL UDAG FUND 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 o o page 56 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL . EVENUE FUND 199 BUDGET LIBRARY FUND REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Other charges for services: Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE 211. 31011 211. 34999 211. 36210 30,735 1,000 130 ******************************************************************* 31,865 EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, part-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Duplicating & copy supplies: Mise office supplies: Cleaning supplies: Mise operating supplies: Building repair supplies: Mise repair & mtc supplies: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof srv - programming: Prof srv - custodial: Maintenance agreements: Mise professional services: Telephone: Postage: Travel expense: Conference & schools: General public information: General liability insurance: Property insurance: Electric: Gas: Repair & mtc - buildings: Repair & mtc - mach & equip: 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 211.45501.1030 211.45501.1210 211.45501.1220 211.45501.1250 211.45501.1310 3,375 150 210 50 675 4,460 211.45501.2020 211. 45501. 2099 211.45501.2110 211.45501.2199 211.45501.2230 211. 45501. 2299 250 150 300 500 200 300 1,700 211.45501.3015 211.45501.3110 211. 45501. 3190 211. 45501. 3199 211.45501.3210 211.45501.3220 211.45501.3310 211.45501.3320 211.45501.3520 211.45501.3610 211.45501.3620 211. 45501. 3810 211. 45501. 3830 211.45501.4010 211. 45501. 4044 1,450 5,750 875 2,000 600 25 200 50 225 545 900 8,000 1,200 1,500 1,500 Page 57 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 199 BUDGET I LIBRARY FUND CONTINUED... I Dues, memberships, subscript: 211.45501.4330 100 Books & pamphlets: 211.45501.4350 100 I Misc other expense: 211.45501.4399 50 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 25,070 I CAPITAL OUTLAY Other equipment: 211.45501.5801 635 I TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 635 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 31,865 I COMMENTS: I Salaries: 20% John Lukach I I I I I I I I I I I 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 58 -....,.----...'" ------- I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 199 BUDGET HRA FUND REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: TIF #2 - Metcalf & Larson: TIF #5 - Construction 5 TIF #6 - Raindance: TIF #7 - NAWCO: TIF #8 - NSP: TIF #9 - Tapper: TIF #10 - Remme1e: TIF #11 - Marties Farm Srv: TIF #12 - Aroplax: TIF #13 - Shingobee: TIF #14 - Suburban Machine: TIF #15 - Custom Canopy: Homestead credit: Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE 213.31011 213.31052 213.31055 213.31056 213.31057 213.31058 213.31059 213.31060 213.31061 213.31062 213.31063 213.31064 213.31065 213.33402 213.36210 16,088 43,400 75,300 69,100 39,900 4,500 24,000 34,000 2,750 19,500 50,000 12,100 10,000 1,762 12,300 ********************************* ********************************* 414,700 EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof srv - legal fees: Misc professional services: Travel expense: Conference & schools: Legal notice publication: Property taxes: Dues, memberships, subscript: Mise other expense: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 213.46301.1010 213.46301.1210 213.46301.1220 213.46301.1250 213.46301.1310 11,300 505 700 165 780 13,450 213.46301.3040 213.46301.3199 213.46301.3310 213.46301. 3320 213.46301.3510 213.46301.3710 213.46301.4330 213.46301.4399 775 3,000 50 300 100 100 25 50 4,400 Page 59 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 199 BUDGET HRA FUND CONTINUED... OTHER FINANCE USES Transfer to debt service: 213.46301. 7205 237,400 TOTAL OTHER FINANCE USES 237,400 SUBTOTAL EXPENDITURES 255,250 ********************************* ********************************* TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT EXPENDITUR S TIF #4 - IXI 4 Debt srv prine - short-term: Debt srv int - short-term: 213.46504.6030 213.46504.6130 18,095 7,255 25,350 TOTAL TIF #4 TIF #8 - NSP Debt srv prine - short-term: Debt srv int - short-term: 213.46508.6030 213.46508.6130 3,000 1,120 TOTAL TIF #8 4,120 TIF #11 - MARTIE FARM SERVICE Debt srv prine - short-term: 213.46511. 6030 2,500 TOTAL TIF #11 2,500 TIF #13 - SHINGOBEE Debt srv princ - short-term: 213.46513.6030 27,125 27,125 TOTAL TIF #13 TIF #15 - CUSTOM CANOPY Debt srv prine - short-term: 213.46515.6030 7,426 7,426 TOTAL TIF #15 TOTAL TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT EXPE DITURES 66,521 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES 321,771 COMMENTS: Salaries: 30% Ollie Transfers: Represents portion of tax increments revenue due in 1995 to be transferred to TIF bond funds 95BUDGET: 2/2195 Page 60 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL 'REVENUE FUND 199 BUDGET SCERG (ECONOMIC RECOVERY GRANT) REVENUE Interest earnings - Aroplax: Interest earnings - Standard Iron: 222.36210 7,935 222.36216 13,915 21,850 TOTAL REVENUE ************************************************************************ EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Grant reimbursement: 222.46501.6601 33,300 33,300 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 33,300 COMMENTS: SCERG: Grant reimbursement - represents grant funds collected from Standard Iron pr ject that are "passed through" to Wright County 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 61 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL iREVENUE FUND 199 BUDGET CENTRAL MINNESOTA INITIATIVE FUND REVENUE Interest earnings: 223.36216 5,565 5,565 TOTAL REVENUE ************************************************************************ EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Grant reimbursement: 223.46501.6601 13,320 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 13,320 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 13,320 COMMENTS: Grant Reimbursement - represe ts grant funds collected from St ndard Iron project that are "passed through" to CMIF 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 62 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 199 BUDGET SHADE TREE FUND REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: Tree & brush removal: Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE 224.31011 224.33402 224.34305 224.36210 23,425 2,535 3,500 3,500 32,960 ********************************* ********************************* EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: Salaries, temporary - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Clothing supplies: Motor fuels: Mise operating supplies: Equipment repair parts: Small tools & equipment: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Mise professional services: Conference & schools: Tree replacement: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY Heavy machinery: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 224.46102.1010 224.46102.1040 224.46102.1210 224.46102.1220 224.46102.1250 224.46102.1310 9,300 1,500 420 670 160 1,485 13,535 224.46102.2111 224.46102.2120 224.46102.2199 224.46102.2210 224.46102.2410 50 200 200 300 100 850 224.46102.3199 224.46102.3320 224.46102.4391 10,000 75 1,000 11,075 224.46102.5401 7,500 7,500 32,960 Page 63 I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 199 BUDGET SHADE TREE FUND CONTINUED... COMMENTS: Salaries: 3% Roger, 6% Tom M., 6% Al, 9% Jim, 5% Keith Misc. Prof. Services: Contr ct tree removal costs Heavy Machinery: 1/2 of stu p grinder 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 64 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL I 199 OAA FUND REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Local government aid: Homestead credit: Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE EVENUE FUND BUDGET 230.31011 230.33401 230.33402 230.36210 26,544 150 2,906 200 ******************************************************************* 29,800 EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - other: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES OAA contract payment: Mise professional service: Travel expense: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL EXPENDITURES COMMENTS: 230.46401.1090 230.46401.3130 230.46401.3199 230.46401.3310 OAA Contract Payment - repres nts 10th and final year of 10-yea renegotiated "Share the Wealth" agreement with Monticello Township 1,100 1,100 27,500 1,000 200 28,700 29,800 95BUDGET; 212195 Page 65 .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 199 BUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUN REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: S. A. principal - county: Interest earnings: Rental of property: TOTAL REVENUE 240.31011 240.33402 240.36101 240.36210 240.36220 395,978 43,090 32,800 9,600 12,000 493,468 ******************************************************************* EXPENDITURES OTHER CHARGES & SERVICES Property taxes: TOTAL OTHER CHARGES & SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY Buildings: Improvements: Motor vehicles: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL EXPENDITURES COMMENTS: 240.49201.3710 240.49201.5201 240.49201.5301 240.49201.5501 Buildings: City Hall expansion reserve Improvements: Reserve for interceptor Reserve for future WWT ISTEA pathway trail pr 1/2 of Meadow Oak Park Ballfields Soccer fields Storage building Basketball court Sand volleyball co TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS sewer ext. (3rd yr) exp (2nd yr) ject balance Imp. proj. (Assumes imp. are phased in ver 2 years) Motor Vehicles: Balance of ew fire truck ($70,000 al ocated previously) 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 3,600 3,600 78,770 331,098 80,000 489,868 493,468 $ 78,770 $ 60,000 $181,098 $ 45,000 $ 45,000 $331,098 $ 80,000 Page 66 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL .REVENUE FUND 199 BUDGET ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REVENUE Interest earnings: 250.36210 1,800 Interest earnings - Tappers: 250.36212 6,185 Interest earnings - Suburban Machine: 250.36213 2,065 Interest earnings - Aroplax: 250.36214 3,470 Interest earnings - Custom Canopy: 250.36215 1,785 Interest earnings - Standard Iron: 250.36216 3,465 Transfer from other funds: 250.39203 100,000 TOTAL REVENUE 118,770 ******************************************************************* EXPENDITURES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Misc professional services: Loan servicing fee: Misc other expense: 250.46501.3199 250.46501.4397 250.46501.4399 1,000 240 200 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 1,440 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,440 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 67 I I I: 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I I I Ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CI) Q Z ::>> L&. LLI o - i: LLI CI) ~ LLI C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1977-1,-2,-3, G.O. BOND FUND REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: S.A. - county (77-1): S.A. - county (77-3): Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE DEB 199 SERVICE BUDGET 'f; ,/ /'" l.k' ~-- 314.31011 314.33402 314.36101 314.36121 314.36210 12,597 '--' 1,372 17,127/t1,?f? 30,967 30r?::'1) 16 , 575 1&, 7 '11' ******************************************************************* 78,638 -/I,:?7 EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95BUOGET: 2/2/95 314.47001.6010 314.47001.6110 314.47001.6201 GS- () ()O Ii! ~ ? Y 5'12 65,000 15,230 520 -----..... 80,750 17, ~OIJ 80,750 Page 69 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1986-1 (A) G.O. BOND FUND REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: S. A. - county (86-1): S. A. - county (Hwy 25): Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE DEBT SERVICE 1995 BUDGET 321. 31011 321. 33402 321. 36101 321.36111 321. 36210 29,866 3,243 10,119 2,014 4,775 37 e>1f I ? 7- 9{ /, 9Yi .!;~fOO 5 0 , 0 1 7 . i, -3 ''i~/ ********************************** ******************************** EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 321. 47001. 6010 321.47001.6110 321. 47001. 6201 25,000 18,145 505 25:-0\)0 /(, ,?70 {Jo ----- tf 'I 1.) () 43,650 43,650 Page 70 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEB SERVICE 199 BUDGET 1988-1,-1B,-2 G.O. BOND FUND (gi/) REVENUE 0 ********************************* ********************************* EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95BUOGET; 2/2/95 322.47001.6010 322.47001.6110 322.47001.6201 100,000 84,598 502 ! I) s;?'\ tj{j/&// 5';"1 -- /'1(;, i1-{ 185,100 185,100 Page 71 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT' SERVICE 199 BUDGET 1989 -1 , - 2 , - 3 G. 0 . BOND FUND (' f'i C; REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: s. A. - county (89-02 - Mississippi Dr.): S. A. - county (89-3 Oakwood): Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE 323.31011 323.33402 22,411 2}/.J2~ 2,440 1,020 'flf 1,326 /)..-0(, 575 IJ?J ~~_.~ 323.36111 323.36121 323.36210 27 , 772 ~,(~,?ZJ ******************************************************************* EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 323.47001.6010 323.47001.6110 323.47001.6201 25,000 9,591 489 ?5;000 71'rY SOJ- ,--- }3, \7;) 35,080 35,080 Page 72 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEB SERVICE 199 BUDGET 1990 (B) G.O. BOND FUND REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: 4 5 , 0 9 3 :;Vr 0 (,I') 4,907 50,000 324.31011 324.33402 TOTAL REVENUE ******************************************************************* EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: Int exp - fund deficits: 6 :;;f)a 0 "20, /16,? il7 <(fzj 324.47001.6010 324.47001.6110 324.47001.6201 324.47001.6202 60,000 30,715 535 7,950 99,200 --... TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES /J I, l./;'-V 99,200 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 73 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 199 BUDGET 1990C G.O. BOND FUND (E. SANDBERG) REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: S.A. - county (90-4 Sandberg): S.A. - county (90-4B - Battle Rapids): S.A. - county 90-4B - Eastview): Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE 325.31011 325.33402 325.36101 22,587 2 '1/1 J 2,453 2,972 J-f/t, 3,559 ! 3 'f 9 2,338 1"lf> 3,400 if 7 SO 37,309 J Cf, 7 r ) 325.36111 325.36121 325.36210 ********************************** ******************************** EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95BUOGET: 2/2/95 325.47001.6010 325.47001.6110 325.47001.6201 20 000 2.s-:o:)o " 13,215 11,7'1(.,. 535 Hl-/ 33 , 7 5 0 71, "7 () ~) 33,750 Page 74 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1991A -1, -2, -3 G.O. BOND FUND REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: S.A. - county (91-2, Briar Oakes): S.A. - county (93-10 - B.O.-M.O. Pond): Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE DEBT SERVICE 199 BUDGET 326.31011 326.33402 326.36111 326.36121 326.36210 2,680 39Q7 291 I 15,500 J (I, '1& ;v 1,363 (J q 'J/ 4,550 J7j() -------~_.""_." 24,384 j},L('( ********************************** ******************************** EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 326.47001.6010 326.47001.6110 326.47001.6201 75,000 1';;-; IJ () 0 18 , 4 14 1'/, Vi) I 526 st'f -~_.- 93,940 ;;1,17( 93,940 Page 75 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 199 BUDGET 1992A CARDINAL HILLS/SCHOOL BOULE ARD BOND REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: S.A. county (92-02 Schl Blvd) Interest earnings: (/,1 /7 q45'~ , 9' / 2)'-- 327.31011 327.33402 327.36111 327.36210 9,227 1,005 11,716 7,075 TOTAL REVENUE 29,023 )o)()O ******************************************************************* EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: 75, 000 7$~ i'J.<,/() 30 , 830 ?..?, b 0;; 520 SJo 327.47001. 6010 327.47001.6110 327.47001.6201 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE _______-. I 106,350 /ojll} r TOTAL EXPENDITURES 106,350 95BUDGET: 212195 Page 76 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT' SERVICE 199 BUDGET 1994A G.O. REFUNDING BOND FUND REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: S.A. principal - county: )t~.u.}>u;>~ S.A. principal - county: E.3f Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE 328.31011 328.33402 328.36101 328.36111 328.36210 134 , 9 7 0 () (" 11ft..- 14,685 8,615 ~ "'J-,L{ 15,536 14,oZ~ 7 , 850 q 52). ,.~~~~---,.,....." 181 , 6 5 6 /J}, 70 f ************************************************************************ EXPENDITURES rc;.t6 -f .;/' 7/'-- ..;. lty1 (; ! hh^ '~l ',,I} l 'i~::t'I",,+' if ",-f ( ./ fli /', ", ; I J (;"" c, /J, ,.. I '", "~"':- ,)!",.t )" ,;/1)' ",~,~,,~, ' >-. 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 o / C;' r"c;: I /'~ ' 1"',-' " ' ./1 ................-~'~.,.'"'."". -'j. () ~ A 0 .', r ,,- v Page 77 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT 'SERVICE 1995 BUDGET INTERCEPTOR SEWER BOND FUND (gh~) REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE 353.31011 353.33402 353.36210 112,440 IN Sf?- I 12,232 300 vol) ------ 124,972 12(""<-1\,"-. _ ....)! T, ~ ********************************** ******************************** EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 353.47001. 6010 353.47001.6110 353.47001.6201 -.0 '1>IO(J '1I,'33r /' 1(1., p~ 70,000 45,940 540 116,480 116,480 Page 78 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 199 BUDGET WATER SYSTEM BOND FUND (1988 (~) REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: Interest earnings: 113,216 /2617~~ 12,315 2,050 ')'In/) 354.31011 354.33402 354.36210 TOTAL REVENUE 127,581/2J',1'.{l( ********************************** ******************************** EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: (9),ooO ~J.-, If'lO >-(,() ---" . "l (ff,,'1 354.47001.6010 354.47001.6110 354.47001.6201 65,000 56,632 518 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 122,150 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 122,150 95BUOOET: 2/2/95 Page 79 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _____ __m_________n_________________ ___I_ I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I qfJ 4 .J..9.!1- FIRE HALL REFUNDING BOND REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE I DEB SERVICE 199 BUDGET 355.31011 355.33402 355.36210 132,011 11'IIU~t) 14,359 4 , 775 :.;, "lor) EXPENDITURES ******************************************************************* 151,145 (17,71,,0 DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 355.47001.6010 355.47001.6110 355.47001.6201 I In,OO 0 (p Ii,)/) )1> ~... I l? 11 \ / I ,'I 150,000 12,025 525 162,550 162,550 Page 80 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONSOLIDATED BOND FUND REVENUE S.A. principal - county (60) S.A. principal - county (80-1) S.A. principal - county S.A. principal - county Interest earnings ********************************** ************************************* T/! I TOTAL REVENUE I \ EXPENDITURES ~-" r 9/l/!'~'j . ~ i~';'~, 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 h.;. { "... (,~i'.I"'! \/ --/ '. ), 7/ ,/ ., I /)" " 1/ I DEBT SERVICE 199 BUDGET 357.36101 357.36111 357.36121 357.36131 357.36210 ) (~ / () 1/ / f () i.,' :' /) I.." , 1/ I ! 0 I .0 . "'. ;; / 1(/ I. ' " J /'--/7 (!b~7 :;-9 :;7 I "fry r:':- ,J'~" 7,225 12,984 6,009 510 26,250 /1 \:(~\ ,~f>o / ............----.. 52,978 t'{{o{o1 o ! il 2(7 Page 81 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT: SERVICE 199 BUDGET TIF (FSI) BOND FUND REVENUE Interest earnings: 376.36210 40 7:;- TOTAL REVENUE 40 '.) " t \ ********************************** ******************************** EXPENDITURES o 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 82 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TIF (VEIT) BOND FUND (1{) REVENUE Interest earnings: Transfer from T.I.F.: TOTAL REVENUE I DEBT'SERVICE 1995 BUDGET 377.36210 377.39204 250 37,125 ?--;;1) ..-' 3'S~)j~ --- ...--- , ,_ ,I' ...r;::, V (..; j"''< , , 37,375 ********************************** ******************************** EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 377.47001. 6010 377.47001.6110 377.47001.6201 15,000 22,825 475 j>';':') 00 2 I, (" 7 i) 1f3 ,1 .---- 1(,1') ; '- 38,300 38,300 Page 83 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TIF (CONSTR 5) BONO FUND (8'711) REVENUE Interest earnings: Transfer from T.I.F.: TOTAL REVENUE I DEB SERVICE 199 BUDGET 378.36210 378..39204 200 "3110 51,875 'Irf/f;O ~". IJ (/ IJ.)-1J 52.075 "/ () . EXPENDITURES ******************************************************************* DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 378.47001.6010 378.47001.6110 378.47001.6201 '16, 6[JD /0, 'ltl' I.(/f /' " ,,0 c-r l,i /' , 35,000 13,558 442 49,000 49.000 Page 84 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II _1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT' SERVICE 199 BUDGET TIF (NAWCO) BOND FUND (t.ty.!3) REVENUE Interest earnings: Transfer from T.I.F.: 75 'Zoo 28,950 zb 57.} 379.36210 379.39204 TOTAL REVENUE ",/-:'7 r 29,025 IlI'l /' ********************************** ******************************** EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: 379.47001.6010 379.47001. 6110 379.47001.6201 20,000 zs::-ooo 5,355 5',7('2- 475 tl'73 ."--- . 2.'" 25,830 zff;.} TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 25,830 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 85 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TIF (ELDERLY) BOND FUND (~'11!,) REVENUE Interest earnings: Transfer from T.I.F.: TOTAL REVENUE I DEBT~ SERVICE 199 BUDGET 380.36210 380.39204 250 "( 01) 30,4502'7 'Iso -- ..~._--,~' ,-1) 30; 700 2 '( .., /' ********************************** ******************************** EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 380.47001.6010 380.47001.6110 380.47001.6201 fOr 000 70/ I/O I/ro --' j Of (., (II 10,000 20,969 476 31,445 31,445 Page 86 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TIF 1990A (KMART) BOND FUND REVENUE Interest earnings: Transfer from gen. fund: TOTAL REVENUE DEBT' SERVICE 199 BUDGET 381. 36210 381. 39201 800 b~;D 99,600 f7"oo --- 100, 400 ~ 'if o~i) ********************************** ******************************** EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 381. 47001. 6010 381.47001.6110 381.47001.6201 'lOr 000 22. 7 (~,) C;?O --- 790 C/ z, I 65,000 36,480 520 92,000 92,000 Page 87 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TIF 1990D (REM/TAP) BOND FUND REVENUE Interest earnings: Transfer from TIF: TOTAL REVENUE DEB SERVICE 199 BUDGET 382.36210 382.39204 250 500 51, 825>r: Ocr -~_._,~----"'"'"-"._- 52 ,075 '~;-'I J'l; ******************************************************************* EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95BUOGET: 2/2/95 382.47001.6010 382.47001.6110 382.47001.6201 5\000 17,O? Y 50~ //' -- l t," '7 , 35,000 20,142 558 55,700 55,700 Page 88 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TIF (AROPLAX) BOND FUND 1992 REVENUE Interest earnings: Transfer from TIF: TOTAL REVENUE DEB SERVICE 199 BUDGET 383.36210 383.39204 75 (0 Q 22,27 5 1-(~ t(7)'-' 22 , 350 ? I? '"/)1""" - .,,' : / ********************************* ********************************* EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 383.47001.6010 383.47001.6110 383.47001.6201 10,000 1>:0 ()I~ 7 , 475 ~ (~C. ? o -------~'-~--,.,_. 17,475 'jllttJ 17,475 Page 89 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEB SERVICE 199 BUDGET TIF (SUBURBAN MACHINE) BOND FUND, ~992D REVENUE Interest earnings: Transfer from TIF: 384.36210 384.39204 50 )0 14,900/3 fI(} rJ ---~. TOTAL REVENUE f 7 tJ ,(1) 14,950 . 'l, ',.l ******************************************************************* EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: 5,000 /OrMO 4 , 7 12 4/ Z"2 S ------/ 9,712 (t/,z7.) 384.47001.6010 384.47001.6110 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,712 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 90 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I en C Z :) LL. LLI en - ~ "- ~ W .... Z w ~.r,r, .~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ :11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEWER ACCESS FUND REVENUE S & W hookup charges: Trunk line area charge: Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE ENTER RISE FUNDS 199 BUDGET 262.34110 262.34115 262.36210 22,000 10,000 1,550 ******************************************************************* 33,550 EXPENDITURES 95BUOGST: 2/2/95 o Page 91 ~. .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II ENTERP ISE FUNDS 199 BUDGET WATER ACCESS FUND REVENUE S & W hookup charges: Interest earnings: 265.34110 265.36210 20,000 4,400 TOTAL REVENUE 24,400 ********************************** ******************************** EXPENDITURES o 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 92 .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WATER FUND - UNALLOCATED REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE ENTER 199 ISE FUNDS BUDGET , , 'c.,. o ******************************************************************* EXPENDITURES UNALLOCATED Severance benefits: TOTAL UNALLOCATED TOTAL EXPENDITURES 95BUOGET: 2/2/95 601.49201.1111 1,200 1,200 1. 200 Page 93 "i""" ~..,. ' t . i ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ill " 'I I ENTER RISE FUNDS 199 BUDGET WATER FUND REVENUE Inspection fees: Interest earnings: Use collections - water: Permits - water: Penalties - water: TOTAL REVENUE 601.34204 601.36210 601. 37110 601.37155 601.37160 1,000 3,250 176,000 1,500 600 182,350 EXPENDITURES ******************************************************************* PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: Salaries, full-time - OT: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Printed forms & paper: Mise office supplies: Clothing supplies: Motor fuels: Lubricants & additives: Shop materials: Chemical products: Mise operating supplies: Equipment repair parts: Vehicle repair parts: Building repair supplies: Utility system mtc supplies: Small tools & equipment: Mise merchandise for resale: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Telephone: Postage: Conference & schools: 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 601.49440.1010 601.49440.1020 601.49440.1210 601.49440.1220 601.49440.1250 601.49440.1310 68,900 1,000 3,135 4,335 1,015 10,270 88,655 601.49440.2030 601.49440.2099 601. 49440.2111 601.49440.2120 601.49440.2130 601.49440.2150 601. 49440.2160 601.49440.2199 601.49440.2210 601.49440.2211 601.49440.2230 601.49440.2270 601.49440.2410 601.49440.2999 400 100 100 1,500 50 100 16,000 1,000 3,000 600 3,500 3,500 300 4,500 34,650 601.49440.3210 601.49440.3220 601.49440.3320 1,200 800 1,200 Page 94 ~ ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , Ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III ENTERP ISE FUNDS 1995 BUDGET WATER FUND CONTINUED... OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES General public information: General liability insurance: Property insurance: Vehicle insurance: Misc general insurance: Electric: Gas: Repair & mtc - buildings: Repair & mtc - mach & equip: Uniform rental: Depreciation - acquired: Depreciation - contributed: Dues, membership & subscript: Licenses & permits: Water service connection: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements: Furniture & fixtures: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL EXPENDITURES COMMENTS: 601.49440.3520 601.49440.3610 601.49440.3620 601.49440.3630 601.49440.3699 601.49440.3810 601.49440.3830 601.49440.4010 601.49440.4044 601.49440.4170 601. 49440.4210 601.49440.4211 601.49440.4330 601.49440.4370 601.49440.4375 601.49440.5301 601.49440.5601 300 6,730 550 225 3,900 37,000 1,500 200 3,000 590 1,720 165,930 300 1,100 9,000 235,245 3,550 47,700 51,250 409,800 Salaries: 68% Matt, 63% Rich, 66% John M., 6.5% Tom B. Improvements: Control panel iring Furniture & Fixtures: Sensus water meter 125 kw generator TOTAL 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 $ 6,100 $41,600 $47,700 Page 95 !:;:~'T," <; - I I! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I SEWER FUND REVENUE Inspection fees: Interest earnings: Rental of property: Use collections - sewer: Permits - sewer: Penalties - sewer: TOTAL REVENUE 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 ENTERP ISE FUNDS 199 BUDGET 602.34204 602.36210 602.36220 602.37210 602.37255 602.37260 1,000 1,800 5,400 495,500 400 1,800 505,900 Page 96 "l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I ENTERP ISE FUNDS 1995 BUDGET I SEWER FUND PLANT & LAB--WWTP I EXPENDITURES I PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: 602.49480.1010 1,000 PERA contributions: 602.49480.1210 45 I FICA contributions: 602.49480.1220 65 Medicare contributions: 602.49480.1250 15 I TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1,125 SUPPLIES I Chemical products: 602.49480.2160 3,500 Mise operating supplies: 602.49480.2199 1,000 Building repair supplies: 602.49480.2230 1,000 I TOTAL SUPPLIES 5,500 I OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof srv - PSG, Inc: 602.49480.3080 400,500 General liability insurance: 602.49480.3610 235 I Property insurance: 602.49480.3620 8,925 Vehicle insurance: 602.49480.3630 755 Property taxes: 602.49480.3710 800 I Repair & mte - buildings: 602.49480.4010 500 Licenses & permits: 602.49480.4370 500 I TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 412,215 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 418,840 I I I I I I I 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 97 .--=r-. Ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'II il ENTER RISE FUNDS 199 BUDGET SEWER FUND COLLECTION SYSTEM--ADM N/GEN OPERATING EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: Salaries, full-time - OT: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Printed forms & paper: Misc office supplies: Clothing supplies: Motor fuels: Lubricants & additives: Chemical products: Misc operating supplies: Equipment repair parts: Vehicle repair parts: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Misc professional services: Telephone: Postage: Travel expense: Conference & schools: General liability insurance: Property insurance: Vehicle insurance: Electric: Repair & mtc - mach & equip: Repair & mtc - vehicles: Uniform rental: Depreciation - acquired: Depreciation - contributed: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 602.49490.1010 602.49490.1020 602.49490.1210 602.49490.1220 602.49490.1250 602.49490.1310 36,700 900 1,685 2,330 545 5,385 47,545 602.49490.2030 602.49490.2099 602.49490.2111 602.49490.2120 602.49490.2130 602.49490.2160 602.49490.2199 602.49490.2210 602.49490.2211 400 100 160 1,200 200 3,000 1,200 1,600 500 8,360 602.49490.3199 602.49490.3210 602.49490.3220 602.49490.3310 602.49490.3320 602.49490.3610 602.49490.3620 602.49490.3630 602.49490.3810 602.49490.4044 602.49490.4050 602.49490.4170 602.49490.4210 602.49490.4211 4,000 315 850 50 300 1,485 20 670 3,400 1,000 300 400 1,790 367,750 382,330 Page 98 .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ II ,I ENTERP ISE FUNDS 199 BUDGET SEWER FUND COLLECTION SYSTEM - ADM N/GEN OPERATING CONTINUED... CAPITAL OUTLAY Other equipment: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 602.49490.5801 2,500 2,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 440,735 COMMENTS: Salaries: 32% Matt, 37% Rich, 34% John M., 6.5% Tom B. Other Equipment: Gas detecto 95SUOGET; 2/2/95 Page 99 I If I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I il! :, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LIQUOR FUND REVENUE Interest earnings: Liquor sales: Beer sales: Wine sales: Mise sales - taxable: Mise sales - nontaxable: Cash over - off-sale: TOTAL REVENUE 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 ENTER RISE FUNDS 199 BUDGET 609.36210 609.37811 609.37812 609.37813 609.37815 609.37816 609.37841 12,850 424,300 885,500 164,250 51,500 2,000 500 1,540,900 Page 100 l. .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :!! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENTERP ISE FUNDS 199 BUDGET LIQUOR OPERATIONS FUND EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: Salaries, part-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: U.C. benefit payments: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Printed forms & paper: Mise office supplies: Cleaning supplies: Clothing supplies: Liquor store supplies: Mise operating supplies: Mise repair & mtc supplies: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof srv - audit: Mise professional services: Telephone: Travel expense: Conference & schools: Advertising: General liability insurance: Property insurance: Mise general insurance: Property taxes: Electric: Water & sewer: Gas: Repair & mtc - buildings: Repair & mtc - mach & equip: Repair & mtc - other: Depreciation: Cash short - off sale: Dues, memberships, subscript: Licenses & permits: Bank charges: Mise other expenses: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 609.49754.1010 609.49754.1030 609.49754.1210 609.49754.1220 609.49754.1250 609.49754.1310 609.49754.1420 89,550 29,750 5,345 7,400 1,730 11,075 100 144,950 609.49754.2030 609.49754.2099 609.49754.2110 609.49754.2111 609.49754.2140 609.49754.2199 609.49754.2299 200 500 100 500 1,900 4,800 700 8,700 609.49754.3010 609.49754.3199 609.49754.3210 609.49754.3310 609.49754.3320 609.49754.3499 609.49754.3610 609.49754.3620 609.49754.3699 609.49754.3710 609.49754.3810 609.49754.3820 609.49754.3830 609.49754.4010 609.49754.4044 609.49754.4099 609.49754.4210 609.49754.4310 609.49754.4330 609.49754.4370 609.49754.4398 609.49754.4399 2,700 2,000 1,400 50 125 4,000 8,725 1,175 2,900 175 11,750 750 1,400 2,750 1,850 200 15,150 1,000 425 275 300 100 59,200 Page 102 .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I; !I! I; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENTER RISE FUNDS 199 BUDGET LIQUOR FUND OPERATIONS CONTINUED... OTHER FINANCE USES Residual equity transfer: TOTAL OTHER FINANCE USES TOTAL EXPENDITURES COMMENTS: 609.49754.7101 Transfers: To Economic Deve opment Authority fund for funding revo ving loan program 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 1 100,000 100,000 312,850 Page 103 r .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'II :! ENTERP ISE FUNDS 199 BUDGET TRANSPORTATION FUND REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Local government aid: Homestead credit: Interest earnings: Transit system revenues: TOTAL REVENUE 610.31011 610.33401 610.33402 610.36210 610.38010 r 15,178 40,338 1,638 250 10,075 ********************************** ******************************** 67,479 EXPENDITURES TRANSIT/OPERATIONS OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof srv - Heartland bus: Advertising: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL TRANSIT/OPERATIONS 610.49801.3060 610.49801.3499 62,664 600 63,264 ********************************** ******************************** 63,264 EXPENDITURES TRANSIT/ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Printed forms & paper: TOTAL SUPPLIES 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 610.49804.1010 610.49804.1210 610.49804.1220 610.49804.1250 610.49804.1310 610.49804.2030 2,870 130 180 35 210 3,425 200 200 Page 104 .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'II ENTER RISE FUNDS 199 BUDGET TRANSIT/ADMINISTRATION CONTINUED... OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Misc professional services: Dues, membership, subscript: 610.49804.3199 610.49804.4330 200 140 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 340 TOTAL TRANSIT/ADMINISTRATION 3,965 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES 67,229 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 Page 105 . '~ .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f!! - m - :c >< LLI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I; 1 I: Ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND/ DEPARTMENT Pub. Works Admin. : Streets: Water Department: Sewer Collection: WWTP: WWTP : Storm Sewer: Pub. Works Building: Pub. Works Inspections: 95BUDGETl 2/2/95 CAPITAL 0 1995 LAY ITEMS UDGET ITEM AMOUNT Document feeder--copie Typewriter Cabinets $ 1,220 1,280 800 3,300 Small loader & trailer Paint striper Used pickup Sealcoating $ $ 21,500 4,000 8,000 27,500 $ 61,000 Senus Meter Master Control panel wiring 125 KW generator $ 6,100 3,550 41,600 $ 51,250 Gas detector Reserve for intercept sewer ext.(3rd yea $ 2,500 Tri- or quad- gas $ 3,000 60,000 $ 62,500 WWTP expansion $5-8 million Future City share of intrastructure imp. Klein/Emmerich plat) Sewer lateral Trunk water School Blvd ext. (117 to Fallon) Fallon Ave. rebuildin $ 10,000 33,800 54,000 66,000 $163,800 Reserve for future expansion $181,098 Meadow Oak pond outle $375,000 Phase II expansion $400,000 Scale $ 1,500 .J.. __ FUNDING SOURCE General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Water Fund Water Fund Water Fund Sewer Fund Capital Outlay Sewer Fund Bonds Capital Outlay or Bonds Bonds Liquor Fund General Fund page 107 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FUNDI DEPARTMENT Shop & Garage: Parks: Parks-- Meadow Oak Park Imp: Parks: Tree Department: 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 CAPITAL 0 LAY ITEMS 1995 BUDGET ITEM Electric arc & air cu ter (plasma cutter) Picnic tables & repai s Front-mounted diesel mower Trees (1/2) of fertilizer spreader (2) Irrigated ballfie ds (1) Irrigated soccer ield (1) Storage building (2) Basketball courts (1) Sand volleyball curt AMOUNT $ 2,500 $ 4,000 15,000 10,000 1,500 $ 30,500 $ 45,000* FUNDING SOURCE General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Capital Outlay Capital Outlay Capital Outlay Capital Outlay Capital Outlay * Assumes improvement are phased over two years with this being (1/2) of cost. Balance of pathway project (ISTEA) (1/2) of stump grinde $ 45,000 $ 7,500 Capital Outlay Tree Fund Page 108 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SALARY DISTRI~UTION FOR 1995 (By P~rcent) Streets & Alleys Shade Tree Perks Sewer/Water Roger Mack Tom Moores Allen Gapinski Jim Eisele Keith Trippe Matt Theisen Rich Cline John Middendorf 63% 60% 60% 50% 60% 4% 4% 4% , 1% 5% 3% 6% 6% 9% 5% 32% 68% 37% 63% 34% 66% City Hall Parks Library F re John Lukach 20% 0% 50% 20% Building, P1annilg and Zoninq Civil Defense Gary Anderson Building Inspector (new) 85% 100% 15% PW/lnspect. pl /Admin. Water Sewer Tom Bose John Simola PT Sec - Elizabeth (2/3) 87% 6.5% 6.5% 100% 100% Economic Deve~opment HRA Ollie Koropchak 70% 30% Dep. BIg. Admin. Finane ~ Planninq Reg. Transp. Insp. Jeff O'Neill 46% 50% 4% Karen Doty 100% Wanda Kraemer 75% 25% Rick Wolfsteller 100% Marlene Hellman 97% 3% Cathy Shuman 100% Pat Kovich 50% 50% PT Sec/Recept - Julie (2/3) 100% Diane Jacobson 100% PT - Judy (2/3) 100% PT - Kim (2/3) 100% PT - Marge (2/3) 100% 95BUDaET: 212/95 Page 109 ----- ---------------.. --.-..--- ------ - ---....-.. ,.-- -.- ---,,-- I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I Ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GLOSSARY OF ELECTED TERMS Allowances - Mileage paid as a part reimbursement for trave and staff for expenses duties. f compensation as opposed to ; reimbursement to officials ncurred in performing their Clothinq Supplies - Uniforms, gloves vests, rain gear, safety gear, hard hats. General Operatinq Communications - Telephone, ,postage, pagers. General Operating Supplies (Shop) - solvents and clean extinguisher servi light bulbs, etc. Supplies (Streets) street paint, crac patch material, CI flashlights, broom fill, rip rap, and Maintenance of Equipment Supplies - batteries, paint, bearings, gutter, elding rods, nuts & bolts, rs, floor dry, brooms, fire e, steel, paper towels, nails, - Signs and posts, herbicides, sealer, cones & barricades, ss V, flashers, flags & & shovels, rakes, picks, dirt sod, etc. park plugs, blades, lights, ilters, parts, belts, nd main brooms. Maintenance of Vehicle Supplies - PI gs, blades, head lamps, fuses, tape, wire, filter, belts, bearings, paint. Small Tools/Minor Equipment - Drill pumps, jack hammer 95BUDGET: 2/2/95 its, hacksaws, wrenches, crack fill bucket, etc. Page 110 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I