1996 Budget I I I I I I I I I I I I . CITY OF M NTICELLO 199 ANNUAL BUDGET ~ I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I - MONTI ELLO 1996 MUNICI. AL BUDGET ICK WOLFSTELLER CITY ADMINISTRA TOR I I I I I I I I I I I I . - TABLE F CONTENTS SECTION I - Introduction Administrator's Budget Transmittal Messag ................................. 5 Council's Resolution Adopting the Budget and Setting the Tax Levy ................................................ 9a Levy Certification ..................... ................................ 9b Certification of HAC A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ................................. 10 Comparison of Statistical Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Revenue Source Graph .................................................. 12a Expenditures by Fund Graph ........ . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12b Expenditure Summary Graph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12c Expenditures by Activity Table. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Expenditures by Activity Graph. . . . . . . . . . . .. III.......... . . .. oil... oil.... oil... .. . . . . .. . .. 13a Tax Levy by Fund Graph ................ . .. . . 110 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. III .. .. . .. . .. .. .. III .. .. . 13b Combined Statement of Indebtedness ..................................... 13c Tax Levies to Retire Bonded Indebtedness ................................. 13d Projected Revenues and Expenditures Summ oil...."............. .. .. .................. .... .. 13e Revenue and Expenditure Summary ....................................... 14 Tax Levy Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 SECTION n - General Fund Revenue Source Graph ................... .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. " 15a Expenditure Summary by Division Graph .... .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . " .. .. . . .. . .. . " 15h Expenditures by Activity Graph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15c Expenditures by Division Graph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15d Revenue Summary ..................................................... 16 96BUDGET; 1/24/96 __ i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED... Expenditure Summary .................................................. 17 General Government Mayor and Council ...................................... 18 Adnti.nistration ......................................... 19 Elections .............................................. 21 Finance ............................................... 22 Audit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 Assessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24 Legal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 Planning & Zoning ........... .......................... 26 Data Processing ............. .......................... 27 City Hall ................... .......................... 28 Deputy Registrar. . . . . . . . . . . .. .......................... 30 Public Safety Law Enforcement ............ .......................... 32 Fire Department . . . . . . . . . . . .. .......................... 33 Building Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35 Civil Defense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36 Animal Control ...............,.......................... 37 Public Works Administration & Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38 Inspections ............................................ 40 Streets & Alleys ........................................ 41 Snow & Ice ............................................ 43 Shop & Garage ......................................... 44 Street Lighting .......................................... 45 Refuse Collection. . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 46 Health and Welfare Museum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior Center ................ Community Education ......... YMCA ...................... .. "'...... . . ....... .. . '" .. .. ......... ......................... 47 48 49 50 "..... ........ .. ..... iloilo .. . . .... 110...... ............... ..... .. oil. ... .. .... ........ Parks and Recreation Parks & Recreation. . . . . . . . . . .. ......................... 51 Community Development Economic Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 53 Unallocated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54 Insurance Unallocated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 I I I I I I I I I I I . TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED... SECTION ill ~ Special Revenue Funds lJDAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Library ..................................................... 57 liRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 58 SCERG (Economic Recovery Grant) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 62 CMIF' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Shade Tree ....................... .......................... 64 Orderly Annexation Area . . . . . . . . . . .. .......................... 66 Capital Improvement Revolving. . . . . .. .......................... 67 Economic Development Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 68 SECTION IV ~ Debt Retirement Debt Service Fund ............................................ 69 SECTION V ~ Enterprise Funds Sewer Access Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 93 Water Access Fund.. . " '" '" " ..... ......................... 94 Water Fund Unallocated ............. ......................... 95 Water Fund. . . .. . .. .... . . ... . . .. ... ......................... 96 Sewer Fund Revenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 98 Plant & Lab-~WWTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 99 Collection Systems--AdminJGen. 0 erating ................. 100 Liquor Fund Revenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 102 Purchasing ................... ....................... 103 Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....................... 104 Transportation Fund ....... "'II ........ ........ .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. 106 SECTION VI ~ Exhibits Capital Outlay Expenditure Summary .. ................. 110......... "'. '" ......... 108 Salary Distribution for 1996 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 111 Glossary of Selected Terms .................................... 112 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNC OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO: I hereby submit to you your 1996 adopte municipal budget. This budget document will be used by the City staff and the Council as the fin cial guide for governing the daily operations of the City for the next calendar year. While this 'Ocument addresses the anticipated day-to-day operational cost of the City, capital projects or d velopment improvement projects not anticipated when this budget was being developed will be de It with separately as each case arises. For the average citizen, the service progr s provided by the City, such as the refuse collection program, the recycling program, the Hartland Bus program, and the continual expansion and improvements to our park system, are usual y the most visible and recognizable services of the City. As in the past, funding for these improvem nts is included in the 1996 budget. Likewise, other public safety programs, such as police pro ction, fire protection, and street maintenance activities, are other major budget areas that the ublic readily recognizes and are also dealt with in this budget. Police protection coverage is planne to remain at 24 hours per day by contracting with the Wright County Sheriff's Department. e recently-completed study prepared by the Police Commission confIrmed that the level of services bing provided by the Wright County Sheriffs Department through the 24-hours a day contract as adequately providing the citizens with the necessary protection in the most economical m Recreational needs of the community are 'ain being addressed as part of the budget in 1996. With the recent completion ofa 3.7-mile b' e and walking trail project from near the Montissippi Park on the west end of the city to th eastern border of the community, increased visibility and usage of this recreational amenity 1 require a larger share of our budget in future years to keep up with the citizens' expectations fo recreational improvements. For 1996, an additional $30,000 has been included in the park epartment budget for construction of additional pathway improvements along County Road 118 ne the Middle School and to begin construction of a pathway from the Middle School to Meadow Oak Park nearby. Also, the second year of funding of $28,000 to construct fencing and partial parking 1 improvements to the Meadow Oak Park (Outlot A) is included in this budget for continuing the construction of the recreational complex that will include ballf1elds, a soccer field, and volleyball and basketball courts. Funding was also included to cover the cost of reconstructing two ho key rinks in the 4th Street Park. - With the continued growth pressures the Ci y has been experiencing, the public works department has been hard.pressed to keep up with maintaining the additional miles of streets and additional park acreage that has been added to our system in recent years. 1996 will likely see the 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I hiring of an additional public works maintenan e employee and the creation of a full~time public works secretarial position to replace the previo s part-time secretarial job. These staff additions will allow us to continue the level of services th citizens have come to expect and allow us to keep up with additional miles of new streets and par . Equipment purchases anticipated include the funding of one~half of a small utility loader and ailer, the purchase of a replacement street sweeper, and a snowplow hookup for the large I ader. While the 1996 budget will show an incre se in the tax dollars collected by approximately 3% from 1995 amounts, most taxpayers will only erience an increase in their city taxes of 1.3% in 1996. This is because our market values and res, ting tax capacity values for the entire city continue to grow and allow the additional reven e increases to be spread Over more taxpayers. In 1995, new home construction, along with comme cial/industrial expansions, have increased our total market values by over $18,129,500 to a total city wide market value of $452,445,800, and our tax capacity values (the value used for determining a: tual tax collections) to $15,826,867 from $15,586,930 last year. The increased tax base all ws our budget increases to have a minimal effect on a typical taxpayer's obligations. The City's primary revenue source in 1996 will again come from local tax revenues and service charges, with the exception of state-paidomestead credit allocation payments (RACA). For 1996, the City is scheduled to receive $261,099 in CA payments after deducting an estimated $31,431 as a penalty for revenues from our TIF di tricts. The HACA reductions are a result of state legislation that penalizes cities based on a portio of the TIF revenue collected by the City on various tax increment projects. Because the TIF 'stricts do not provide any revenue to school districts, the State reduces our RACA aid by a ce ain percentage to compensate for the aid given to schools. The net RACA aid the City receives is a . ect reduction from our tax levy requirements and directly reduces the amount we need to collec from our taxpayers, bringing our total adopted tax levy to $2,922,800, which is $81,615 more t last year and results in the approximate 3% increase in dollars needed to fund this budget. In addressing the budget in specific terms, otal budgeted expenditures for all funds are projected to increase by $729,900 over 1995 expen 'tures. Of this amount, increases are projected in debt service of $146,700, within the liquor fund or increased purchases of $138,600, in the capital outlay fund by $118,000 for capital expendi ures, and within the general fund by $323,800 for various purposes. Within the general fund, the main reasons for the projected increase in 96BUDGET: 1fJ4I96 Page 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I expenditures are the result of additional fund' g needed for building inspection department ($60,000) and public works department expen tures for additional employees, equipment purchases, and building improvements ($170,0 0). The increase being proposed within the apital outlay revolving fund at $118,000 brings the total projected expenditures for this fund to $610,962. While the capital outlay fund is used as the financing vehicle for many of the larger improv ments/purchases scheduled for 1996, the fund also is used to create reserves for future projects. e 1996 capital outlay budget expenditures include $75,000 for a future animal shelter ($75,000 pr 'ously budgeted), and $80,000 set aside for future interceptor sewer extensions ($220,000 set asid in previous years). The largest portion of the capital outlay budget ($420,362) has been earm ked for addressing the needs of the city sewer system, including $300,000 for possible biosolidsland acquisition and $120,000 for partial funding of additional wastewater treatment plant land acq 'sition. Another major expense component of the udget continues to be debt service payments at $1,566,430. The debt service expenditures have' creased $146,700 over 1995 amounts because of additional bonds being issued for various public' provement projects, but the increased expenditures did not result in any tax increases f1 r the citizens, as the bonds were primarily covered by assessment revenues from benefiting roperty owners. Although the present tax levy requirements are scheduled to remain fairly cons'stent for debt service, it is likely that this will change substantially in future years as we begin ur repayment of loan funds to finance the new $10,000,000 wastewater treatment plant expansi n project. Tax levy increases for this project are not expected to begin before 1997. On the revenue side of our 1996 budget, to al revenues are also projected to increase substantially by over $1,063,000. Of the total proj cted revenue of $8.3 million, $2,922,000 will come from tax levy sources to support general city rograms and services. Total city revenue sources include $1.6 million from liquor store oper tions, $472,950 in tax increment revenues, $730,000 in special assessment revenues, $261,000 in HACA aid (homestead credit), $770,000 in sewer, water, and transportation fund revenues, th the balance of the revenues coming from various categories, including licensing, permits, ch ges for services, interest income, along with transfers from other funds. The tax levy as adopted was intended to pro . de a modest increase in dollars to accommodate growth in services provided, and the rojected 1.3% increase to the average taxpayer recognizes the Council's commitment to keeping a . ht control on spending. The tax capacity rate 96~UDGET: 1124/96 Page 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I for Monticello taxpayers is expected to increase fr m 18.228 in 1995 to 18.467 in 1996. The City's share of the total taxes paid by a Monticello taxpa er should remain fairly constant at approximately 16% of the total tax obligation. With the dramatic increase in residential owth that has occurred over th.e past two years, we are optimistic that 1996 will continue that tre d. New subdivisions that have been completed or are under construction promise to provide the nuc eus for continued growth in our housing stock. The expectation of lower interest rates, along wit the availability of a wide variety of residential lots, should allow us to exceed 100 new homes ag n in 1996. In addition to the existing housing lots that are available, the City expects continued pressure to provide utility extensions for future development proposals, both within the current ci y limits and to adjacent properties within the OAA areas. All of these development pressures re nforce the urgency for our planned upgrading of the wastewater treatment plant to handle the exp cted growth. 1996 should also see the results of our pIa 'ng efforts to expand the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) capacity. A new WWTP with SBR echnology is expected to be bid with construction expected to start mid~summer. The new plant at ,000,000 gallons per day will double our treatment capacity and should allow for orderly panned growth to continue over the next 15-20 years. The estimated $10,000,000 facility is expe ted to be operational by the end of 1997. This budget also includes provisions to con 'nue financing assistance through the use of tax increment programs, our revolving loan fund pro am, and other incentives to encourage and promote commercial and industrial growth. In ad 'tion to the local programs, the use of our professional consultants for preparing loan packa es and applying for additional grant programs concerning commercial and industrial developme t should allow us to remain competitive in attracting new industries to Monticello. Althoug recent tax increment fmancing penalties have restricted our ability to use tax increment financ' g as the primary incentive, the City will be continually exploring creative financing altemati es to encourage and promote continued industrial growth to complement the expected residential gr wth of the community. 1996 will see the completion and adoption f an updated comprehensive plan for the city after a year-long process that involved input from the entire community along with various committees and commissions. The plan should p vide the City with a guide to ensure orderly growth and to provide adequate areas for future i dustrial expansion needs. The plan should also be helpful in the renewed efforts to revitalize the owntown. The 1996 budget included $7,500 to fund the remainder of the comprehensive study. 96BUDGET; 1124196 Page 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I It is anticipated that the primary focus of our infrastructure improvements in 1996 will be on fmalizing the design and beginning constructi n of an expanded wastewater treatment plant. Major utility extensions are not immediately an .cipated, although the City may be involved in smaller utility improvements as development pressures warrant. The City will also be involved in the review of major transportation issues conce .ng the feasibility of a new interchange at 1-94 and County Road 118 and the realignment of the Che sea Road intersection with Highway 25. Since funding requirements for the City's share of thes improvements have not yet been established, funding was not included in the 1996 budget for t ese costs. Engineering studies are also expected to be completed concerning storm sewer districtccess charges providing a basis for developing watershed acreage fees in the future. In spite of the increased demands being pI ced on our budgets to keep pace with our growing population's expectations of services, the City Co ell and staff will continue to search for ways to keep the cost under control while providing the Ie el of service we all expect without increasing taxes dramatically. Renewed cooperation display d in joint agreements with various entities such as Monticello Township for fire protection and pI . g within future annexation areas will certainly be beneficial as we prepare to meet the hallenge that lies ahead. We also intend to continue our efforts to explore opportunities for jo nt purchasing arrangements or establish joint efforts for all types of services with surrounding c ties and agencies when it appears to be economically feasible as it has with the contract fi r police protection. The staff members have put in many hour researching and preparing the assembly of this budget document. With this budget as our guide, he staff pledges to continue providing the level of services the residents have come to expect from t e City while providing the services in the most cost-efficient manner possible. 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 9 RESOLUT ON 95~ 68 RESOLUTION ADOPTING HE 1996 BUDGET AND SETTING THE TAX LEVY WHEREAS, the City Administrator has prepared and ubmitted to the City Council a budget setting forth therein his estimated needs of the City of Montie llo for all operations and the debt service for the fiscal year commencing Januazy I, 1996; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the same a d has made such changes therein as appear to be in the best interest of the City of Monticello; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CO CIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO that the budget so submitted by the City Administrator, to ether with the changes made therein by the City Council, be and same hereby is adopted as a budget fo the fiscal year commencing Januazy I, 1996; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the Ci y of Monticello that there be and hereby is levied for the fiscal year commencing Januazy I, 1996, nd the following sums for the respective purposes indicated therein upon the taxable property 0 the City of Monticello, to wit: REVENT IF. General Librazy OAA lIRA Tree Transportation NET CERTIFIED LEYY HACA LEVY $2,143,730 $177,521 $1,966,209 31,095 0 31,095 1,300 104 1,196 19,090 1,593 17,497 13,135 1,097 12,038 17,000 1,410 15,590 $ 651,187 $ 53,917 $ 597,270 :I; 307.362 :I; 25.457 :I; 281.905 $3,183,899 $261,099 $2,922,800 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Capital Improvement Revolving TOTAL TAX LEVY The above resolution was introduced by Councilmembe Anderson , was duly seconded by Councilmember Stumof , with the follow ng voting in favor thereof: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault The following voting in the opposition: none The City Administrator is hereby instructed to transmi Auditor bfWright County, Minnesota. Y of this resolution to the County Page 9a I I I I I I . 0 I 16/1 .- . IJ I u. .. ~- ~ .. I 1# f.j ,., I ,.. 1# .# I - ,. .1: - I u. I I I I .:g....! I~l:~ 11~ il!! :j~~ :;~. . ::; c:: [6':: 0 >. 01 ;.; .0 .S .;; c:: '; ~ a <II E 0'1 ~ '" 0'1 .... 'li5 ... 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II .. :~ ;.. .... v o:i o '" CD >< :: .~ 16 Co '" C 0= o u .", ou: ~ ....-0 :Q: C >- "!2 : f3 ...J-5 E ., :;It!: ~ >- c .~ ~ iii '" Co Gi .~ t!:C -e >- '" l; '" '" '" CD I:ll-o '" ::> .au '" c: > .;:: ... 0 ., c: ~ 0 ~~ '" ~ "tl (lI CQ o ll'l OJ en en 0'1 q Io.t (lI .0 a (lI u (lI o ... \l) N o Q ,.. '" -e gl o OJ en oj co N M Page 9b I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MINNESOTA DEP PROPER TAX DNISION MAIL S l\TION 3340 ST. Pl\UL, , N 55146-3340 PHONE: 612) 296-3010 Revised 8/29/95 CERTIFICATION OF HACA FOR TAXES PAY LE IN 1996 CITY ADMINISTRATOR CITY HALL - BOX 1147 MONTICELLO CITY OF 250 E BROADWAY MONTICELLO MN 55362 August 14, 1994 The 1996 HACA for your taxing district is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $261,099 This amount is to be deducted from your levy be re certification to your county auditor (see enclosed letter). The following is a listing of the factors used in th calculation of your taxing district's 1996 homestead and agricultural credit aid. 1. 1995 certified HACA: 2. Adjustment to 1995 HACA: (A) (1) 3. 1996 HACA base (1 + 2): 4. Growth adjustment factor: (B) 5. Fiscal disparities adjustment factor: (C) 6. Net tax capacity adjustment factor: (D) 7. Transfer to County criminal justice aid: ( ) 8. Government unit's share of the $16 millio reduction: (F) 9. 1996 certified HACA (3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8: (G) 10. Reduction resulting from TIF district: 11. Final 1996 certified HAeA (9 ~ 10): $309,109 $ 4.889 $313,998 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 21.468 $292,530 $ 31r4:n $261,099 (A) If an amount is shown, number below expl ins adjustment: (1) Adjustment for previous year's TIF municipality aid reduction. (2) Specific adjustment per 1995 laws. (3) Payable 1995 annexation adjustm (B) Applies to counties only. Item 4 = Item 3 (1.0 - 1994 household count/1993 household count). (C) Seven-county metro taxing districts only. tern 5 = 0 for all taxing districts since there was no change in class rates from payable 199 to 1995. (D) Item 6 = 0 for all taxing districts since the e was no change in class rates applicable to HACA from payable 1995 to 1996. (E) Applies to counties only. Per 1995 laws, C apter 264, Article 8, Sections 15 and 16. (F) Applies to counties, cities, townships, and pecial taxing districts. Per 1995 laws, Chapter 264, Article 8, Section 15, affectin 1996 HACA only. (G) Reflects any adjustment for payable 1996 exations. 96BUDGET; 1/24/96 Page 10 I COMPARISON OF STATISTI AL DATA FOR 1996 BUDGET I .l.9..9..5 .ll!a6 (a) % of total proposed budget I representing total compensation for employees (wages, salaries, benefits, ete.) 17.01 % 18.48% 16.53% I Total budget--all funds $6,801,082 $7,287,157 $8,350,481 Total budgeted salaries/benefits $1,156,550 $1,346,545 $1,380,637 I (b) Number of Employees - FT (Gen)* 22 22 23 Number of Employees - PI' (Gen) 6 5 4 Number of Employees - FT (Liq) 3 3 3 Number of Employees - PI' (Liq) 5 6 6 I . *Classification - Administration 5 5 5 - Finance 2 3 3 I - Deputy Registrar 2 1 1 - Inspections 2 2 2 - Public Works Admin. 1 1 2 . Streets 5 5 5 I - Economic Development 1 1 1 - Water 3 3 3 - Parks 1 1 1 I (c) Budget data on independent contractors and c nsultants. I Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted lIDM J.aaJi .ll!a6 City Attorney - Paul Weingarden $ 12,000 $ 12,500 $ 13,000 I Planner - Northwest Consultants $ 16,000 $ 19,000 15,500 Engineer (non-project) - OSM $ 16,000 $ 10,000 10,000 Police - Wright County Sheriff $279,875 $293,635 302,810 I WWTP Operations. PSG Inc. $378,900 $400,500 411,500 Animal Control. Patty Salzwedel $ 27,200 $ 27,550 27,725 City Hall Cleaning - Preusse's $ 5,100 $ 6,000 5,050 Garbage - Vasko Sanitation $112,500 $119,100 126,000 I Recycling - D & K Recycling $ 28,500 $ 34,000 36,000 (d) The effect of budget increases or decreases on e proposed: I Effect on Tax Levy Bllde-et + <-> Tax Levy I General fund +323,790 +270,070 Library fund + 430 + 360 Transportation + 3,093 + 412 I Tree + 12,575 - 11,387 OAA - 28,100 - 25,348 HRA 44 + 1,409 Debt service +146,718 - 39,828 I Capital outlay fund +117,494 - 114,073 EDA fund + 680 0 UDAG 0 0 I Liquor +138,615 0 Water fund - 26,150 0 I 96~UDGET; lf241g6 Page 11 ....-.....-...-.-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COMPARISON OF STATISTICAL DATA FOR 1996 BUDGET... Effect on Tax Levv Bnd2'et + <-> Tax Levy Sewer fund + 64,080 0 Water access fund + 20,500 0 Sewer access fund + 28,000 0 SCERG - 33,300 0 CMIF - 13.320 0 ALL FUNDS - TOTALS +729,911 + 81,615 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 96SUDGET: ~' .-.~ (13.9%) Charges (1.7%) Licenses & Permits 1124/96 (5.1%) Inter-Gov't (9.2%) Special Asmts. (0.2%) Fines (5.0%) Transfers (0 3%) Mise. (2.7%) Interest (20.0%) Liquor Inter-Gov't Tax Licenses & Permits Charges Fines Transfers Interest Misc. Liquor Refunds Special Asmts. TOTAL $423,227 $3,495,850 $143.275 $1.160.395 $15.000 $414,850 $224,920 $23,200 $1,670,050 $14.000 $765.714 $8,350,481 Page 12a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - EXPENDITUR S BY FUND ALL FUNDS, 1 96 BUDGET (18.2%) Debt Service (0.0%) OAA (3.7%) HRA (0.2%) Shade Tree (18.9%) Liquor Water Water Access General Library Debt Service OM HRA Shade Tree Liquor Sewer Access Transportation Sewer Capital Imp. Rev. UDAG EDA SCERG CMIF TOTAL 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 (32.4%) General (0.2%) Water Access (4.5%) Water (0.0%) SCERG (0.0%) CMIF (0.0%) UDAG (2.4%) EDA (7.1%) Capital Imp. Rev. (10.8%) Sewer (0.8%) Transportation (0.3%) Sewer Access $384,850 $20,500 $2,780,575 $32,295 $1 ,566,430 $1,700 $321,727 $20,385 $1,622,240 $28,000 $70,322 $926,655 $610,962 $0 $202,120 $0 iO. $8,588,761 Page 12b I I I I I I I I I >- a: <( :2 ~ :J C/) I- W W CJ Cl a: => lJJ :J to en ?- m ..... 0 Z UJ 0- X UJ I I I I I I I 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 -0- LO .0- (!) < en e en :J ..... oZs's~ 0 LL o. ~ (0 oos'SS 0 en (!) C) -0- 0: .... wCfj I OCfj en ell ~ Cfj .... Cfj ell ell.... 8~ < oW~oG 3: OG ~ 'zoz ell < ene W 6GZ'L9 ci ZGE'OL Cfj c: S9V'S6v as .... I- Z96'O~9 ~w --:::2i: 0<( (jj Z 3: Cl ell Z en ....=> CIlU- sas'ssv' ~ ~ .... ova'Zag' ~ 0 :J .2'" CIl UL'6~v' ~ ...JU .~ OSV'99S' ~ CIl en 15 ell <0 0: OOe'6G :r: ooL'L < <( 096'as ell 0 :! Sag'oa I- CIl Sge' ~s "C as S6a'Zs .s=~ enl\l .c _::J ~ CIl c: CIl (!) !I -., Page 12c I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Personal services Supplies Other services and charges Capital outlay Debt service Transfers between funds Liquor products 96BUDGET: 1/24196 EXPEND S BY ACTMTY S $1,47 ,222 20 ,100 2,446,440 90 ,477 1,641,657 426,550 1,294755 .laa5. % Chane-e $1,346,545 185,660 2,296,944 686,033 1,511,603 437,000 1,170,775 + 9.33 + 7.78 + 6.51 + 32.42 + 8.60 - 2.39 + 10.59 Pagel3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY ALL FUNDS, 19 6 BUDGET (29.2%) Other Services (2.4%) Supplies (10.8%) Capital Outlay (17.5%) Personal Services (15.4%) Liquor Products (19.6%) Debt Service (5.1%) Transfer Personal Services Supplies Other Services Capital Outlay Debt Service Transfer liquor Products TOTAL $1.47 ,222 $20 ,100 $2,44 ,440 $90 ,477 $1,64 ,657 $42 ,550 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 13a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ;;;;;; 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 TAX LEVY Y FUND ALL FUNDS, 199 BUDGET (67.3%) General (1.1%) Library (0.4%) Shade Tree (0.6%) HRA (9.6%) Capital Imp. Rev. (0.5%) Transportation (20.4%) Debt Retirement General Library Shade Tree OAA Debt Retiremen Transportation Capital Imp. Rs . HRA TOTAL $1,966,209 $31,095 $12,038 $1,196 $597,270 $15,590 $281,905 $17.497 $2,922,800 Page 13b I I n 8 8 0 ! 0 U) 0 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 Iri I 0 .... en ...... ~ to C\l ::J .... cO m 0 U) U) U) I ......c~ r.n._ ~ .... 0 ; CD ~(]) 0 $ ~ (])::J 1.0 CD rJ'J cO ci ci J"-... 0 en en 00. .... CO') 1.0 I ~ U) U) U) Z Q -c~ ~ ~.- 0 0 0 I 0 .- (]) 0 0 $ 0 I o ::J 0 0 0 = .!: Cl ci 0 ci ~ J"-.. to 1.0 r.:l a.. C\l ...". en Q U) U) $ I z """'" ......c~ r- ~:o J"-.. CD 0 ; .... en CO') $ 1.0 0 (])'- ll7!. J"-.. CD ......ca ci cO ca.. 'It I ~ C\l 1.0 .... C\l ...". OZ $ U) U) ~r.:l 'C ~~ <:'\ -c~ . I I r.:lr.:l ~ ~.- 8 ~ 0 0 ~ "- "'C U) 0 u~ 0'- 0 0 . c ca Iri Iri Iri E:< N .;:: a.. ~ a.. CD ...". Si C\l ...". Z~- U) U) U) I OrJ'JQ ~~~ fl 8 0 0 I 8 r-zu 0 U) 0 0 0 I O;e; ~ Iri Iri ]2 J"-.. ...,. >~O ct!. 0 C\l ::J .... J"-.." ci ~OQ:; 0 U) U) .... U) I uuo I 0 0 8 i 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 Iri CO') C\l ci I C\l to CO') J"-.. C\l C\l U) CO') C\i C\i Iri U) .... .... U) U) I ~J 8 8 8 ! 8 q 0 0 0 0 a:i C\l" Iri. S 0 CO') CO') .... < en CO') U) to I CO') oi' L6 U) .... C\l U) U) I r.n r.n '0 "'C C C 0 x x 0 OJ ~ {!!. OJ ...... c . c (]) c c 0 E 0 ,9 - ~ r.n :=(]) Cii - ca...... .!? ~ ,9' 0 .9' :0 r.n :OZ :0 0 r.n Oc Oc < co co -(]) ~E ~ ~E (]) "0 (]) (]) (]) (]) c (]) c ~ c ~ (]) a. (]) 0 \DO CJ CJ) CJE ".5 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 13c I I I I I I I en en w z o W I- m w o g~", iilffii 00'" i=z... ~g'" :!iw.8 u.. a: E o i= ! ~~~ tie ffi :;: w ...l )( t: I I I I I I I I I 96BUDGET: ~ .~ ~ .g! ~ c:: 1il E lil 01 CD .S? at tI) ..... "8~"g .s S ~ [5~~ ~ ~'~~~~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ < ~ia '5fii 18 (f) .~ ~ (I) ~ CJ ::c jji "C o CI: ~ e [5 ~ '~ III CI) " :c o ~ ,~ c5 ~ ~ ~ e '0 Q. c:: .s S ~~i~i ~ .~ Q) (/J . " :a ~ -g o f S ~ g E !l! 0 ~ia ~.. ~ 11\ C) en f/'J _ "~ ~"g .s S ii!~~ " 8 ili -g 1il S ~ l'~*~1 c3l6'JC:;- o l;; g 1il III ~ Ol~~ .~ ~ ,~ ~ 1il 1ii Iii as O>'rn_ " :is CI) '0 o Iii ~ ~ ii!J~ " !.? e '0 ~ f ~ e g ~ i5 III ~'i5~2-~ ~.~ ~ '0 8 .5'0 ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ c:: 1il E _ c3l~o Oc."g .s S ! 6 E ~ ~jij ~ ~ III .Ql <Ii _ "8Ki .s S .~ j '0 ii Ii! ...J ~ 1/24/96 ~ ~ " I- ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ a ~ E m ~'rs;bi~i[C~Kflij ~...:i...~:i:i;t;ii ~~~;~@~~~ ~-~m~;t;"~~~'f w....,.;~w.C4-~.,.~ ~~~~~*8~~~ ~ ;;; [!f i g 1ij' r;;" r;; ~;tCi~W.;5'" ~ ~ (D- "ft'~ .... ;Zi N :::: I,l) ~ ~--.~-; c- T"""" C\l- w,6iw,;9. ~ ~ m ~ tiggri ..... ::;; ~t ",; '" ~... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [C <t gf gf ;, [C" g w.6&w.~w.w.,", ~~gJ-~~: ggDj"'"~'~" ~~...:i~~ ;;; ~ 8 :: ~ IX) (0 ...,. v a;) ~~~~~ 'V' M ,.... L() ffi ;:'l C\J ;! ~~;!;:~....asr--c;s ~~fg~'ggre'ggf w.ii;w.;;w.;ii :ll '" '!J" ii ~~_~8.~_~@ <t~i~re[~fgf ;;~;6i.~;w. gJgj;"*~f8~ aai~~aa ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,; al al' ai ~(.9.t&w. m ~ m ~ m 8 ~ N S g '" - - ~ @ ~ ~ @ @ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o g Dj o fi .... li /:? al ~ li o a. ~ 01 a; ~- ... ~ '" :i i pi Oi ~ m la g N" N li ..... .... ...... :!: li :g co. 01 .... ;; ;:: 01. I i:! 13" N ... ~ oi la ~ ~ Page 13d '1--- I , I SUMMARY OF PROJECTED RE E NUES, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCES (CA H & INVESTMENTS) I PROJECTED 1996 1996 PROJECTED BALANCE ROJECTED PROJECTED BALANCE I EUND. 1 2/31/9& REVENUE EXPENDITURES 12/31/96 General $1,999,931 2,780,575 $2,780,575 $1,999,931 I Library $6,250 $32,295 $32,295 $6,250 Tree $123,242 $20,385 $20,385 $123,242 OM $8,742 $1 ,700 $1 ,700 $8,742 Water $125,958 $192,950 $192,950 $125,958 I Water Access $201,730 $82,080 $20,500 $263,310 Sewer $99,425 $522,260 $522,260 $99,425 Sewer Access $195,430 $193,100 $28,000 $360,530 I Transportation $7,650 $70,243 $70,322 $7,571 Liquor $125,850 1,675,750 $1,622,240 $179,360 Capital Outlay Revolving $680,450 $375,027 $610,962 $444,515 HRA $488,250 $508,040 $321,727 $674,563 I UDAG $168,420 $11,120 $0 $179,540 EDA $157,794 $117,445 $202,120 $73,11 9 SCERG $65,100 $7,805 $0 $72,905 I CMIF .szo. .$.19.5 .iO. .$265. SUBTOTALS $4,454,292 6,590,970 $6,426,036 $4,619,226 I Debt Service General Obligation Bonds $521 ,205 $374,086 $372,200 $523,091 Special Assessment Bonds $1,861,530 $1,068,500 $865,025 $2,065,005 I Tax Increment Bonds $354.329 $316925 $329.205 $342.049 SUBTOTALS $2,737,064 $ ,759,511 $1,566,430 $2,930,145 I TOTALS $7,191,356 $ ,350,481 $7,992,466 $7,549,371 I I I 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 13e I 1996 BUDGE SUMMARY I ~ .lilllli I FUND REVENtJE REVENUE EXPENDITURES General $2,456,785 $2,456,785 $2,780,575 $2,780,575 I Library 31,865 31,865 32,295 32,295 I Transportation 67,479 67,229 70,243 70,322 Shade Tree 32,960 32,960 20,385 20,385 I UDAG 11,695 .0- 11,120 -0- OM 29,800 29,800 1,700 1,700 I HRA 414,700 321,771 508,040 321,727 I EDA 118,770 201,440 117,445 202,120 SCERG 63,100 33,300 7,805 -0- I CMIF 13,320 13,320 195 -0- I Debt Service 1,266,115 1,419,712 1,759,511 1,566,430 Liquor 1,540,900 1,483,625 1,675,750 1,622,240 I Water 182,350 411,000** 192,950 384,850 I Sewer 505,900 862,575* 522,260 926,655 Capital Imp. 493,468 493,468 375,027 610,962 I Water Access 24,400 -0- 82,080 20,500 I Sewer Access 33,550 .0- 193.100 28,000 TOTAL $7,287,157 $7,858,850 $8,350,481 $8,588,761 I I * includes $404,395 Depreciation..contributed asse t sewer ** includes $191,900 Depreciation-.contributed asset water I I I 96BUDGET; 1/24/96 Page 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUMMARY S Adjusted Levy Fund General Library Transportation Shade Tree OAA HRA Debt Service Capital Imp. Revolving TOTAL Net Certified Levy Increase - $81,615 Payable 1989 Tax Capacity Rate . . . .. 14.283 Payable 1990 Tax Capacity Rate... .. 16.187 Payable 1991 Tax Capacity Rate... .. 15.511 Payable 1992 Tax Capacity Rate.. . .. 16.492 Payable 1993 Tax Capacity Rate . . .. 16.313 Payable 1994 Tax Capacity Rate. . . .. 17.527 Payable 1995 Tax Capacity Rate . . .. 18.228 Est. Payable 1996 Tax Capacity Rate .18.467 Levy Before HACAAdj. Payable 1996 Net Payable** 1996 Adjusted Levy Mter Deductinli:' HACA $2,143,730 31,095 17,000 13,135 1,300 19,090 651,187 307.362 $3,183,899 $1,966,209 31,095 15,590 12,038 1,196 17,497 597,270 281.905 $2,922,800* Tax Tax Capacity Value Capacity Rate Tax Levy '88lPayable 1989 $ 15,405,139 14.283 $2,198,008 '89/Payable 1990 15,873,242 16.187 2,568,106 '90IPayable 1991 16,161,043 15.511 2,506,132 '91/Payable 1992 15,513,574 16.492 2,558,554 '92/Payable 1993 15,490,500 16.308 2,526,216 '93/Payable 1994 15,154,786 17.527 2,652,527 '94/Payable 1995 15,586,930 18.228 2,841,185 '95/Payable 1996 (est) 15,826,867 18.467 2,922,800 * Actual levy collected from taxpayers--balance rece'ved from state in HACA aid payments ($261,099 is est. State Aid for 1996). ** Did not deduct HACA from library levy, but dedu ted library portion of HACA from general fund levy. 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c z => ..... -I ~ W Z w (!) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 REVENUE GURCES GENERAL FUND 1996 BUDGET (0.5%) Refunds (0.5%) Fines (6.6%) Charges (0.4%) Misc. (10.3%) Inter-Gov't (2.2%\ Interest Income (5.2%) 'Dcenses &; Permits Fines Refunds Tax Licenses & P rm its Interest Inco e Inter-Gov't Misc. Charges TOTAL $15,000 $14,000 $2,066,309 $143,275 $62,060 $286,006 $11,200 $182.725 $2,780,575 Page 15a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I >- a: <C :20 Z :2[t :J...J cn~ W WZ a:~ :Jz I-Q _CI) o~ z~ WCD 0- X W 1.0 ({) en en en en .... I lH 009'6$ 009'0 ~$ OLB'9€~$ 9t'0'9€ ~$ OBv'90c$ 9Lc' ~B ~$ OvL' ~B$ 9Sc'€9$ 0~c'L96$ 09c'606$ o 0 o 0 C\l 0 o o OJ o o CD o o '<t o o C\l s uesno41 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 g ~ :> (II Cl ~ '2 :J E E o () III ..I<: (;; a. w !!!::E III < liiZ ::Z ~Q .r::.CI) ~> (11- ::z;0 ~ ~ ,2 :c :J a. >. 'is '(ij en .2 :c :J a. e (II c: (II C) o Page 15b I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 96BUDGET: (8.6%) Capital Outlay 1/24/96 EXPENDITURES Y ACTIVITY GENERAL FUND, 19 6 BUDGET (43.0%) Other Services (42.9%) Personal Services Supplies Other Services Capital Outlay Personal Servic 5 TOTAL $145,650 $1,154,065 $231,750 $1.150.010 $2.681,475 (5.4%) Supplies Page 15c I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION GENERAL FUND, 1 96 BUDGET (0.3%) Miscellaneous (7.4%) Parks (32.7%) General Gov't. (17.3%) Public Safety (2.9%) Health & Welfare (4.9%) Community Dev. (34.4%) Public Works General Gov't. Miscellaneous Parks Public Safety Community Dav Public Works Health & Welfar TOTAL $909,250 $9,500 $205,480 $480,525 $136,870 $957,210 9;81.740 $2,780,575 96BUOGET: 1/24/96 Page 15d I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REVENUE Taxe..s Current Ad Valorem PenaltylInterest Tax Increments--Kmart LicenHeH and Permits - Business Liquor Beer Set Ups LicenHeH and PennitH - Non-Business Building Permits Variances/Conditional Uses Dog Licenses Others Inter-Governmental Fire Department Aid Police Department Aid State Highway Aid Charies for Services General Government Public Safety (Township Contract) Streets - C.S.A.H. Mtnc. Deputy Registrar Other Subdivision Fees Special Processing Fee (Garbage) Recycling Incentive Inspection Fees Garbage Cart Rental linea Animal Impoundment MiscellaneouH Revenue Interest on Investments Sale of Property Other & Rental & Property Refunds and Reimbursements IDC Reimbursement Other Reimbursements TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE 96BUDGET: 1/24196 GENERAL 199GB SUMMARY GET $2, 43,730 1,000 $2,243,830 $ 27,025 110,000 2,500 150 $ 116,250 32,685 22,000 $ 94,685 1,000 59,600 5,800 00,000 350 1,000 12,000 8,000 4,000 $ 196,250 $ 15,000 62,060 275 $ 73,535 s; 14.000 $2,780,575 Page 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL F 1996 B EXPENDITURES Mayor and Council Administration Finance Insurance Audit Legal Planning & Zoning Inspections--Bldg. Official Assessing Deputy Registrar City Hall Computer Elections TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT Law Enforcement Fire Civil Defense Animal Control TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY Inspection Admin. & Engineering Streets & Alleys Snow & Ice Street Lighting & Parking Lots Shop & Garage Refuse Collection TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS Senior Citizens Center YMCA/Community Ed. Information Center/Museum TOTAL HEALTH & WELFARE Parks & RecJCemetery TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION Community Development TOTALCOMNITnrrTYDEVELOPMENT Misc.--Severence Benefits TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES Q!:iBUDGET: If.W96 SUMMARY GET $ 3 2,810 1 3,475 8,740 $ 909,250 $ 480,525 $ 957,210 $ 81,740 $ 205,480 $ 136,870 g; 9,500 $2,780,575 Page 17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MAYOR AND COUNCIL PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Travel expense: Conference & schools: Dues, memberships, subscript: Miscellaneous other expense: TOTAL SERVICES AND CHARGES TOTAL MAYOR & COUNCIL 96BUDGET; 1/24/96 GENE FUND 1996 UDGET 01.41110.1010 01.41110.1210 01.41110.1220 01.41110.1250 22,200 1,000 1,375 32fi 24,900 01.41110.3310 01.41110.3320 01.41110.4330 01.41110.4399 500 750 3,575 500 5,325 30.225 Page 18 I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET I ADMINISTRATION I PERSONAL SERVICES I Salaries, full-time ~ reg: 01.41301.1010 138,775 Salaries, full-time - OT: 01.41301.1020 500 Salaries, part-time - reg: 01.41301.1030 10,575 I Salaries, other: 01.41301.1090 3,600 PERA contributions: 01.41301.1210 3,825 ICMA insurance contributions: 01.41301.1211 2,895 FICA contributions: 01.41301.1220 9,290 I Medicare contributions: 01.41301.1250 2,175 Health/dental/life insurance: 01.41301.1310 16,830 I TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 188,465 SlJPPLIES I Duplicating & copy supplies: 01.41301.2020 2,200 Printed forms & paper: 01.41301.2030 3,000 I Misc office supplies: 101.41301.2099 7.200 TOTAL SUPPLIES 12,400 I OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I Maintenance agreements: 101.41301.3190 2,950 Newsletter: 101.41301.3195 5,100 Telephone: 101.41301.3210 7,850 I Postage: 101.41301.3220 6,600 Travel expense: 101.41301.3310 1,000 Conference & schools: 101.41301.3320 2,500 I General public information: 101.41301.3520 400 Misc general insurance: 10 1.4130 1.3699 50 Dues, memberships, subscript: 101.41301.4330 2,150 I Books & pamphlets: 101.41301.4350 300 A W AIR program: 101.41301.4393 1,500 Misc other expense: 101.41301.4399 100 I TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 30,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY I Office equipment: 101.41301.5701 6.000 I TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 6,000 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 237.365 I I 96BUDGET: If24196 Page 19 -..--....--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ADMINISTRATION CONTINUED... COMMENTS: Salaries: Rick, Karen, 46% Jeff, 50% Pat, 100% Georgina Office Equipment: ~ of copier replaceme t. $6,000 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 20 I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET I ELECTIONS I PERSONAL SERVICES I Salaries, temporary - reg: 101.41410.1040 2,650 FICA contributions: 101.41410.1220 165 I Medicare contributions: 101.41410.1250 35 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 2,850 I SUPPLIES Printed forms & paper: 101.41410.2030 2,800 I Misc operating supplies: 101.41410.2199 375 TOTAL SUPPLIES 3,175 I OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I Conference & schools: 101.41410.3320 50 Legal notice publication: 101.41410.3510 50 I TOTAL OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 100 I TOTAL ELECTIONS 6.125 I I I I I I I I 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 P~e 21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET FINANCE PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time ~ reg: Salaries, full~time - OT: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dentaJ/life insurance: 101.41520.1010 101.41520.1020 101.41520.1210 101.41520.1220 101.41520.1250 101.41520.1310 75,825 700 3,430 4,750 1,110 10.805 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 96,620 SUPPLIES Printed forms & paper: 101.41520.2030 850 TOTAL SUPPLIES 850 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Travel expense: Conference & schools: General public info: Dues, memberships, subscript: Bank charges: Misc other expenses: 225 200 800 175 350 100 101.41520.3310 101.41520.3320 101.41520.3520 101.41520.4330 101.41520.4398 101.41520.4399 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 1,850 TOTAL FINANCE 99.320 COMMENTS: Salaries: 97% Marlene, 100% Cathy, 0% Pat 96BUDGET: V24196 Page 22 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AUDIT OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Professional services - audit: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL AUDIT 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 GENE FUND 1996 UDGET 01.41540.3010 13.500 13,500 13.500 Page 23 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ASSESSING SUPPLIES Printed forms & paper: Misc. operating supplies: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTIIER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof. services - assessing: Legal notice publication: General public information: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL ASSESSING COMMENTS: Professional Services: 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 GENE FUND 1996 UDGET 101.41550.2030 101.41550.2199 250 250 500 101.41550.3125 101.41550.3510 101.41550.3520 13,000 25 100 13,125 13.625 Assessing con act - Kramber Page 24 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET LEGAL OTIIER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof. services - legal fees Legal notice publication: Misc other expense: 101.41601.3040 101.41601.3510 101.41601.4399 13,000 14,200 100 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 27,300 TOTAL LEGAL 27.300 96BUDGET: lJ24196 Page 25 I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET I PLANNING & ZONING I PERSONAL SERVICES I Salaries, full-time - reg: 101.41910.1010 41,985 PERA contributions: 101.41910.1210 1,880 I FICA contributions: 101.41910.1220 2,605 Medicare contributions: 101.41910.1250 610 Health/dental/life insurance: 101.41910.1310 5.380 I TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 52,460 I Suppy, illS Mise office supplies 101.41910.2099 100 I TOTAL SUPPLIES 100 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I Mise professional services: 101.41910.3199 15,500 Travel expense: 101.41910.3310 1,050 I Conference & schools: 101.41910.3320 500 Legal notice publication: 101.41910.3510 2,200 General public information: 101.41910.3520 100 I Dues, memberships, subscript: 101.41910.4330 350 Books & pamphlets: 101.41910.4350 350 Mise other expense: 101.41910.4399 325 I TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 20,375 I TOTAL PLANNING & ZONING 72.935 I I COMMENTS: I Salaries: 50% Jeff, 50% Wanda Misc. Prof. Services: Includes $7,500 for b ance of comprehensive plan I I I 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 26 ...--..--.-.---------------.. .- -.-....------. . --.. ..------.-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DATA PROCESSING SUPPLffiS Printed forms & paper: Mise office supplies: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGRS Prof. services - data proc: Software: Maintenance agreements: Telephone: Travel expense: Conference & schools: Repair & mtc - mach & equip: Dues, memberships, subscript: Misc other expense: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY Computer equipment: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL DATA PROCESSING COMMENTS: Computer Equipment: 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 GENE FUND 1996 UDGET 101.41920.2030 101.41920.2099 101.41920.3090 101.41920.3091 101.41920.3190 101.41920.3210 101.41920.3310 101.41920.3320 101.41920.4044 101.41920.4330 01.41920.4399 01.41920.5702 Personal comp ters: PW Se retary City H 1 Secretary Color Printer GIS pilot proj ct $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 1& 7.600 $15,100 1,500 2.000 3,500 2,000 3,000 10,600 720 300 2,000 500 100 200 19,420 In.100 15,100 38.020 Page 27 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY HALL PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, part-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Misc operating supplies: Building repair supplies: Misc repair & mtc supplies: Small tools & equipment: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof. services - custodial: Maintenance agreements: Misc professional service: Travel expense: Electric: Gas: Repair & mtc - buildings: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & fixtures: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL CITY HALL 96BUDGET: V24196 GENE FUND 1996 UDGET 101.41940.1030 101.41940.1210 101.41940.1220 101.41940.1250 101.41940.1310 4,325 195 270 65 845 5,700 101.41940.2199 101.41940.2230 101.41940.2299 101.41940.2410 2,250 500 200 100 3,050 101.41940.3110 101.41940.3190 101.41940.3199 101.41940.3310 101.41940.3810 101.41940.3830 101.41940.4010 5,050 1,950 250 225 9,150 2,050 20.250 38,925 101.41940.5601 7r025 7,025 54.700 Page 28 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY HALL CONTINUED... COMMENTS: Salaries: 25% John Lukach Furniture & Fixtures: (75) council/ci y hall chairs Less previous y budgeted Repairs & Mtc--Blgs: Brick repair & seal t 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 $ 9,375 (3.250) $ 6,125 900 $ 7,025 $19,750 Page 29 I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET I DEPUTY REGISTRAR I PERSONAl, SERVICES I Salaries, full-time ~ reg: 101.41990.1010 28,960 Salaries, full~time ~ OT: 101.41990.1020 1,800 I Salaries, part-time. reg: 101.41990.1030 43,680 PERA contributions: 101.41990.1210 3,335 FICA contributions: 101.41990.1220 4,615 Medicare contributions: 101.41990.1250 1,080 I Health/dental/life insurance: 101.41990.1310 4.325 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 87,795 I SUPPLIES I Misc operating supplies: 01.41990.2199 275 TOTAL SUPPLIES 275 I OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I Maintenance agreements: 01.41990.3190 900 Telephone: 01.41990.3210 1,500 Postage: 01.41990.3220 1,200 I Travel expense: 01.41990.3310 150 Conference & schools: 01.41990.3320 150 Electric: 01.41990.3810 925 I Gas: 01.41990.3830, 500 Repair & mtc - buildings: 01.41990.4010 500 Dues, memberships, subscript: 01.41990.4330 525 I TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 6,350 I CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & fixtures: 01.41990.5601 115 Office equipment: 01.41990.5701 360 I TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 475 I TOTAL DEPUTY REGISTRAR 94.895 I I I 96BUDGET: It.W96 Page 30 -----. -... -,.,_.,-,_.._-~ -..--. -.".--...-- --.,.-.-..-.........--..... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEPUTY REGISTRAR CONTINUED... COMMENTS: Salaries: FT - Diane PT - Kim, Marge, Jan Furniture & Fixtures: Steel shelving Office Equipment: Computer tab e Paper shredd r 96BUDGET; :!.124196 $115 $150 ..2l!l $360 Page 31 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET LAW ENFORCEMENT OTIIER RERVIGRS & CHARGER Prof services - law enforce: 01.42101.3050 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMENTS: Prof. Services: 24 hr/day coverage + 416 ours @ $33/hr (9.176 hrs total) 96BUDGET; 1/24/96 302.A10 302,810 302.810 Page 32 I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET I Fm.E I PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: 101.42201.1010 35,000 I Salaries, part-time - reg: 101.42201.1030 1,730 Severance pay: 101.42201.1110 32,685 PERA/Pension contributions: 101.42201.1210 75 I FICA contributions: 101.42201.1220 1,985 Medicare contributions: 101.42201.1250 465 Health/dental/life insurance: 101.42201.1310 340 I TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 72,280 I SUPPLIES Printed forms & paper: 101.42201.2030 300 Training supplies: 101.42201.2070 50 I Misc office supplies: 101.42201.2099 100 Clothing supplies: 101.42201.2111 2,000 Motor fuels: 101.42201.2120 1,500 I Lubricants & additives: 101.42201.2130 200 Misc operating supplies: 101.42201.2199 1,100 Equipment repair parts: 101.42201.2210 400 I Misc repair & mte supplies: 101.42201.2299 250 Small tools & equipment: 101.42201.2410 1.200 I TOTAL SUPPLIES 7,100 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I Prof. service - custodial: 101.42201.3110 600 Maintenance agreements: 101.42201.3190 950 I Misc professional services: 101.42201.3199 . 1,500 Telephone: 101.42201.3210 750 Postage: 101.42201.3220 150 I Travel expense: 101.42201.3310 2,750 Conference & schools: 101.42201.3320 1,450 General liability insurance: 101.42201.3610 4,735 I Property insurance: 101.42201.3620 910 Vehicle insurance: 101.42201.3630 5,075 Misc general insurance: 101.42201.3699 8,300 Electric: 101.42201.3810 2,925 I Gas: 101.42201.3830 2,600 Repair & rotc - buildings: 101.42201.4010 4,000 Repair & mtc ~ mach & equip: 101.42201.4044 3,500 I Repair & mtc ~ vehicles: 101.42201.4050 6,000 Dues, memberships, subscript: 101.42201.4330 500 Mise other expenses: 101.42201.4399 400 I TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 47,095 I Q6BUDGET: ~4196 Page 33 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET FIRE CONTINUED... CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements: Furniture & fixtures: 101.42201.5301 101.42201.5601 1,500 5.500 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,000 TOTAL FIRE 133.475 COMMENTS: Salaries: 10% John Lukach Severence Pay: ef Assoc. Pension Furniture & Fixtures: Personal com uter Hoses & nozzl s LD. tags Base station dio $2,000 2,000 500 1.000 $5,500 $1,500 $1,000 $1,000 Improvements: Parking lot improve Repair & Mtc--Blgs: Concrete driveway r Entrance door overh g 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 34 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET BUILDING INSPECTIONS PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: 101.42401.1010 101.42401.1210 10 1.4240 1.1220 101.42401.1250 101.42401.1310 96,825 4,340 6,005 1,405 13.465 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 122,040 SUPPLIES Printed forms & paper: Motor fuels: Misc operating supplies: 101.42401.2030 101.42401.2120 101.42401.2199 275 1,000 225 TOTAL SUPPLIES 1,500 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Misc prof srv - reimb: Misc prof services: Telephone: Travel expense: Conference & schools: General public information: Repair & mtc - vehicles: Dues, memberships, subscript: Books & pamphlets: 101.42401.3198 101.42401.3199 101.42401.3210 101.42401.3310 101.42401.3320 101.42401.3520 101.42401.4050 101.42401.4330 101.42401.4350 3,000 12,000 1,500 200 800 1,000 1,000 450 50 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 20,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY Motor vehicles: Office equipment: 101.42401.5501 101.42401.5701 12,000 700 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 12,700 TOTAL BUILDING INSPECTIONS 156.240 COMMENTS: Salaries: Gary and additional inspector osition Motor Vehicle: Add'l vehicle for new emp oyee - $12,000 96BUDGET: 1/24196 Page 35 I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET I CIVIL DEFENSE I PERRONAI,SERVICES I Salaries, full-time - reg: 101.42501.1010 5,785 PERA contributions: 101.42501.1210 260 I FICA contributions: 101.42501.1220 360 Medicare contributions: 101.42501.1250 85 Health/dental/life insurance: 101.42501.1310 650 I TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 7,140 I 81 JPPLIES Misc operating supplies: 101.42501.2199 200 I TOTAL SUPPLIES 200 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I Telephone: 101.42501.3210 650 Electric: 101.42501.3810 200 I Repair & mte - mach & equip: 101.42501.4044 500 Dues, membership, & subscript: 101.42501.4330 25 Misc other expense: 101.42501.4399 25 I TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 1,400 I TOTAL CIVIL DEFENSE 8.740 I I COMMENTS: Salaries: 15% Gary I I I I I 96BUOOET: 1/24196 Page 36 -- ---.-...--.--- ------------"....._--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET ANIMAL CONTROL SUPPLIES Misc office supplies: Cleaning supplies: Misc operating supplies: Building repair supplies: Small tools & equipment: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof SIV ~ animal control officer: Misc professional services: Telephone: Travel expense: Conference & schools: Gas: Repair & mtc - buildings: Dues, memberships, subscript: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL CO:Ml\mNTS: Prof. Services: Patty Salzwedel contract 96BUDGET: 1/24196 101.42701.2099 101.42701.2110 101.42701.2199 101.42701.2230 101.42701.2410 50 400 2,800 200 150 3,600 101.42701.3120 101.42701.3199 101.42701.3210 101.42701.3310 101.42701.3320 101.42701.3830 101.42701.4010 101.42701.4330 27,725 1,200 1,450 100 300 600 500 25 31,900 35.500 Page 37 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET PW/ADMIN & ENGINEERING PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time ~ reg: 101.43110.1010 72,530 Salaries, full-time - OT: 101.43110.1020 500 PERA contributions: 101.43110.1210 3,270 FICA contributions: 101.43110.1220 4,530 Medicare contributions: 101.43110.1250 1,060 Healthldental/life insurance: 101.43110.1310 8.760 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 90,650 SUPPLIES Duplicating & copy supplies: 101.43110.2020 600 Misc office supplies: 101.43110.2099 800 Misc operating supplies: 101.43110.2199 150 TOTAL SUPPLIES 1,550 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof srv - engineering fees: 101.43110.3030 10,000 Prof srv - engineering reimb: 101.43110.3035 8,000 Maintenance agreements: 101.43110.3190 300 Telephone: 101.43110.3210 2,600 Conference & schools: 101.43110.3320 600 General public information: 101.43110.3520 1,000 Repair & mtc - mach & equip: 101.43110.4044 200 Uniform rental: 101.43110.4170 360 Dues, memberships & subscript: 101.43110.4330 200 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 23,260 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & fixtures: 101.43110.5601 AOO TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 800 TOTAL PW/ADMIN & ENGINEERING 116.260 96BUDGET; 1/24/96 Page 38 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET PW ADMlNJENGINEERING CONTINUED... COMMENTS: FT Salaries: John, Beth Prof. Services: Engineering - Engineerin fees for non-project engineering services Prof. Services: Engineering reimbursabl - Engineering fees chargeable. private individuals/developers Furniture & Fixtures: Filing cabinets - $ 96BUDGET: 1/24196 Page 39 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE FUND 1996 i UDGET PW/INSPECTIONS PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: 101.43115.1010 101.43115.1210 101.43115.1220 101.43115.1250 101.43115.1310 29,850 1,340 1,850 435 1.665 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 35,140 Sl JPPLIES Misc office supplies: Clothing supplies: Motor fuels: Misc operating supplies: Vehicle repair parts: Misc repair & mtc supplies: Small tools & equipment: 101.43115.2099 101.43115.2111 101.43115.2120 101.43115,2199 101.43115.2211 101.43115.2299 101.43115.2410 300 100 800 1,500 500 150 200 TOTAL SUPPLIES 3,550 OTIIER CHARGRS & SERVICES Telephone: Travel expense: Conference & schools: Uniform rental: 101.43115.3210 101.43115.3310 101.43115.3320 101.43115.4170 1,600 50 200 300 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 2,150 CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & fIxtures: 101.43115.5601 1,500 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,500 TOTAL PW/INSPECTIONS 42.340 COMMENTS: Salaries: 87% Tom Bose Furniture & Fixtures: Plan fIles - $1,500 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 40 I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET I PW/STREETS & ALLEYS I PERSONAL SERVICES I Salaries, full-time - reg: 101.43120.1010 127,900 Salaries, full-time - OT: 101.43120.1020 1,500 Salaries, temporary - reg: 101.43120.1040 7,000 I PERA contributions: 101.43120.1210 5,800 FICA contributions: 101.43120.1220 8,460 Medicare contributions: 101.43120.1250 1,980 I Health/dentalllife insurance: 101.43120.1310 20.140 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 172,780 I SUPPLIES Clothing supplies: 101.43120.2111 800 I Motor fuels: 101.43120.2120 10,000 Lubricants & additives: 101.43120.2130 1,500 Misc operating supplies: 101.43120.2199 23,000 I Equipment repair parts: 101.43120.2210 4,000 Vehicle repair parts: 101.43120.2211 4,500 Misc repair & mte supplies: 101.43120.2299 100 I Small tools & equipment: 101.43120.2410 1,000 Misc merchandise for resale: 101.43120.2999 500 I TOTAL SUPPLIES 45,400 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I Misc professional services: 101.43120.3199 1,500 Telephone: 101.43120.3210 400 I Conference & schools: 101.431203320 200 Repair & mte - mach & equip: 101.43120.4044 1,500 Repair & mte - vehicles: 101.43120.4050 1,500 I Equipment rental: 101.43120.4150 750 Uniform rental: 101.43120.4170 1,800 Licenses & permits: 101.43120.4370 350 I Misc other expense: 101.43120.4399 500 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 8,500 I CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements: 101.43120.5301 27,500 I Other equipment: 101.43120.5801 91,250 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 118,750 I TOTAL PW/STREETS & ALLEYS 345.430 I 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 41 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET PW/STREETS & ALLEYS CONTINUED... COMMENTS: Salaries: 70% Roger, 70% Tom M., 70% ,60% Jim, 65% Keith, 50% new employee Improvements: Sealcoating Other Equipment: Small loader & traile Less: '95 budget lh budgeted in '96 Street sweeper 96BUDGET: 1124196 $54,000 (21.500) $32,500 -:- 2 $16,250 $75,000 $91,250 Page 42 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET PW/ICE & SNOW PERSONAl, SERVICES Salaries, full-time - OT: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: 101.43125.1020 101.43125.1210 10 1.43125.1220 101.43125.1250 5,000 225 310 75 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 5,610 SUPPLIES Mise operating supplies: Equipment repair parts: Small tools & equipment: 101.43125.2199 101.43125.2210 101.43125.2410 14,000 1,500 200 TOTAL SUPPLIES 15,700 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Misc professional services: 101.43125.3199 1.000 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 1,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY Heavy machinery: 101.43125.5401 5.500 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,500 TOTAL PW/SNOW & ICE 27.810 COMMENTS: Heavy Machinery: Snowplow hookup for 1 ader 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 43 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET PW/SHOP & GARAGE SUPPLIES Lubricants & additives: Mise operating supplies: Equipment repair parts: Building repair supplies: Small tools & equipment: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICE8 & CHARGES Maintenance agreements: Misc. Professional services: Electric: Gas: Repair & mtc - buildings: Repair & mtc - mach & equip: Equipment rental: Licenses & permits: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements: Furniture & fIxtures: Other equipment: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL PW/SHOP & GARAGE COMlVlENTS: 101.43127.2130 101.43127.2199 101.43127.2210 101.43127.2230 101.43127.2410 100 6,500 200 2,000 2,000 10,800 101.43127.3190 101.43127.3199 101.43127.3810 101.43127.3830 101.43127.4010 101.43127.4044 101.43127.4150 101.43127.4370 1,000 2,400 6,000 16,000 1,000 500 100 150 27,150 101.43127.5301 101.43127.5601 101.43127.5801 20,000 1,500 13.900 35,400 73.350 Misc. Prof. Services: Building cleaning ervice Furniture & Fixtures: Locking tool box Lubrication rack Frame jack Misc. Improvements: $ 1,500 9,900 2,500 $15,400 Bituminous paving b tween buildings and parking lot expansion 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 44 I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET I PW/STREET LIGHTING I SUPPLIES I Mise operating supplies: 101.43160.2199 150 Mise repair & mtc supplies: 101.43160.2299 500 I TOTAL SUPPLIES 650 I OTHERSER~CES&CHARGES Mise professional services: 101.43160.3199 3,000 Electric: 101.43160.3810 60,000 I Repair & mtc - mach & equip: 101.43160.4044 2,000 Equipment rental: 101.43160.4150 100 I TOTAL SER~CES & CHARGES 65,100 I TOTAL PW/STREET LIGHTING 65.750 I I I I I I I I I I 96BUOOET: 1/24/96 Page 45 .. ____...._..___.....___.,._.." _." _00- ,...______ ---- ___..u..........._.._ __"., _._ I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET I REFUSE COLLECTION I PERSONAl, SERVICES I Salaries, full-time - aT: 101.43230.1020 2,000 Salaries, temporary - reg: 101.43230.1040 175 I PERA contributions: 101.43230.1210 90 FICA contributions: 101.43230.1220 125 Medicare contributions: 101.43230.1250 30 I TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 2,420 I Sl JPPLIES Mise operating supplies: 101.43230.2199 8,500 Mise repair & mtc supplies: 101.43230.2299 1.000 I TOTAL SUPPLIES 9,500 I OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Software: 101.43230.3091 1,000 I Prof srv - refuse collection: 101.43230.3100 126,000 Prof srv - recycling contr: 101.43230.3101 36,000 Misc professional services: 101.43230.3199 96,500 I Postage: 101.43230.3220 500 Conference & schools: 101.43230.3320 300 General public information: 101.43230.3520 500 I Misc printing: 10 1.43230.3599 500 Sales tax: 101.43230.3720 8,000 Dues, memberships, subscript: 101.43230.4330 50 I Misc other expense: 101.43230.4399 5.000 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 274,350 I TOTAL REFUSE 286.270 I COMMENTS: I Salaries: PW Dept. Salaries for (3) leaf pi kups Misc. Prof. Services: Compost facility fees I Misc. Other Expenses: Junk Amnesty Da I I 96BUDGET; 1/24/96 Page 46 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET MUSEUM PERRONAL RRRVICRR Salaries, temporary - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Misc other expense: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL MUSEUM COMMENTS: 101.45172.1040 101.45172.1210 101.45172.1220 101.45172.1250 1,500 70 95 25 1,690 101.45172.4399 50 50 1.740 Salaries: Temporary summer help for Ch ber Office 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 47 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET SENIOR CENTER OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Sr. Center contribution: Repair & rote . buildings: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL SENIOR CENTER COMMENTS: Repairs & Mtc--Buildings: New roof 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 101.45175.3136 101.45175.4010 35,000 20.000 55,000 55.000 Page 48 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET COMMUNITY ED OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Mise professional services: 101.45176.3199 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL COMMUNITY ED COMMENTS: Misc. Prof. Services: Annual contribution toward summer recreation program 96BUDGET; 1/24/96 17.500 17,500 17.500 Page 49 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET Y.M.CA O'I'HRR RERVTCES & CHARGES Misc professional services: 101.45177.3199 7.500 7,500 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL Y.MCA 7.500 96BUDGET: 1/24196 Page 50 I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET I PARKS & RECREATION I PERSONAL SERVICES I Salaries, full-time - reg: 101.45201.1010 63,550 Salaries, full-time - OT: 101.45201.1020 1,000 I Salaries, part-time - reg: 101.45201.1030 7,000 Salaries, part-time - OT: 101.45201.1031 1,500 Salaries, temporary - reg: 101.45201.1040 26,000 I PERA contributions: 101.45201.1210 3,275 FICA contributions: 101.45201.1220 6,140 Medicare contributions: 101.45201.1250 1,435 I Health/dentalJlife insurance: 101.45201.1310 11.650 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 121,550 I SlJPPT ,lES Clothing supplies: 101.45201.2111 150 I Motor fuels: 101.45201.2120 1,500 Misc operating supplies: 101.45201.2199 16,000 Equipment repair parts: 101.45201.2210 900 I Vehicle repair parts: 101.45201.2211 1,800 Building repair supplies: 101.45201.2230 1,000 Misc repair & mtc supplies: 101.45201.2299 100 I Small tools & equipment: 101.45201.2410 BOO TOTAL SUPPLIES 22,250 I OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I Maintenance agreements: 101.45201.3190 200 Pathway mtc/contracted srv: 101.45201.3197 20,000 Misc prof services: 101.45201.3199 2,500 I Telephone: 101.45201.3210 3,000 Travel expense: 101.45201.3310 500 Conference & schools: 101.45201.3320 100 I Electric: 101.45201.3810 9,500 Gas: 101.45201.3830 500 Repair & mtc ~ buildings: 101.45201.4010 1,000 I Repair & mtc - mach & equip: 101.45201.4044 300 Repair & mtc - vehicles: 101.45201.4050 500 Equipment rental: 101.45201.4150 700 Uniform rental: 101.45201.4170 1,000 I Dues, memberships, subscript: 101.45201.4330 230 Misc other expense: 101.45201.4399 150 I TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 40,180 I 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 51 ___._._'n. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET PARKS & RECREATION CONTINUED... CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements: Motor vehicles: 101.45201.5301 101.45201.5501 15,000 B,nOO TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 21,500 TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION 205.480 COM:MENTS: Salaries: 27% Roger, 27% Tom M., 27 AI, 35% Jim, 32% Keith, 50% new employee Improvements: Trees - $15,000 Furniture & Fixtures: Picnic tables Security came a $4,000 ~2.500 $6,500 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 52 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET ECONONUCDEVELOPMENT PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full~time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Healthldental/life insurance: 101.46501.1010 101.46501.1210 101.46501.1220 101.46501.1250 101.46501.1310 27,000 1,210 1,675 390 1.845 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 32,120 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Misc professional services: Travel expense: Conference & schools: Dues, memberships, subscript: 101.46501.3199 101.46501.3310 101.46501.3320 101.46501.4330 2,500 850 300 2,000 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 5,650 OTHER FINANCE USES Transfer to debt service: 101.46501. 7205 99.100 TOTAL OTHER FINANCE USES 99,100 TOTAL ECONONUC DEVELOPMENT 136.870 COMMENTS: Salaries: 70% Ollie Misc. Prof. Services: N on.TIF project con ulting fees Transfers: Represents Kmart TIF reserv due in 1996 to be transferred to TIF bond fund 96BUDGET: 1124/96 Page 53 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET UNALLOCATED PERRONAL SERVICES Severance benefits: 101.49201.1111 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL UNALLOCATED COMMENTS: Severence Benefits: Represents funding fi r employee vacation and sick leave accruals earne in 1996 96BUOOET: 1124196 9.500 9,500 9.500 Page 54 I GENE FUND 1996 UDGET I INSURANCE - UNALLOCATED I PERSONALSERVICRS I Worker's camp ins premium: 101.49240.1510 18.300 I TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 18,300 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I . General liability insurance: 101.49240.3610 35,325 Property insurance: 101.49240.3620 3,650 Vehicle insurance: 101.49240.3630 3,825 I Misc general insurance: 101.49240.3699 3.900 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 46,700 I TOTAL INSURANCE UNALLOCATED 65.000 I I I I I I I I I I I 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 55 ------------.-----"."...---.-..-.. .. I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I U) c Z ::> LL. w ::> Z w > w ~ ..... c( - o w Q. U) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL 1996 UDAG FUND REVENUE Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE 202.36210 11.120 ********************************************* **************************************** 11.120 EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BUDGET; 1/24/96 o o Page 56 I SPECIAL VENUE FUND 1996 BUDGET I LIBRARY FUND I REVENUE I Current ad valorem taxes: 211.31011 31,095 Other charges for services: 211.34999 1,000 Interest earnings: 211.36210 200 I TOTAL REVENUE 32.295 I ********************************************* **************************************** I EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICRS I Salaries, part-time - reg: 211.45501.1030 4,325 PERA contributions: 211.45501.1210 195 FICA contributions: 211.45501.1220 270 I Medicare contributions: 211.45501.1250 65 Health/dental/life insurance: 211.45501.1310 845 I TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 5,700 SUPPLIES I Duplicating & copy supplies: 211.45501.2020 250 Misc office supplies: 211.45501.2099 150 I Cleaning supplies: 211.45501.2110 300 Misc operating supplies: 211.45501.2199 650 Building repair supplies: 211.45501.2230 200 I Misc repair & mtc supplies: 211.45501.2299 200 TOTAL SUPPLIES 1,750 I OTHRR SERVICES & CHARGES I Prof srv - programming: 11.45501.3015 2,000 Prof srv - custodial: 11.45501.3110 5,825 Maintenance agreements: 11.45501.3190 875 I Misc professional services: 11.45501.3199 1,500 Telephone: 11.45501.3210 650 Travel expense: 11.45501.3310 225 Conference & schools: 11.45501.3320 50 I General public information: 11.45501.3520 300 General liability insurance: 11.45501.3610 570 Property insurance: 11.45501.3620 800 I Electric: 11.45501.3810 7,000 Gas: 11.45501.3830 1,300 I 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 57 I SPECIAL NUE FUND 1996 UDGET I LIBRARY FUND CONTINUED... I OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I Repair & mte - buildings: 211.45501.4010 1,000 Repair & mte - mach & equip: 211.45501.4044 1,500 I Dues, memberships, subscript: 211.45501.4330 150 Misc other expense: 211.45501.4399 100 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 23,845 I CAPITAL OUTLAY I Other equipment: 211.45501.5801 1.000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,000 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 32.295 I COMMENTS: I Salaries: 25% John L. I I I I I I I I I 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 58 -------- ___.___.u_...".. I SPECIAL VENUE FUND 1996 UDGET I HRA FUND I REVENUE I Current ad valorem taxes: 213.31011 17,497 TIF #2 - Metcalf & Larson: 213.31052 47,000 TIF #5 - Construction 5 213.31055 74,500 I TIF #6 - Raindance: 213.31056 68,000 TIF #7 - NAWCO: 213.31057 69,000 TIF #8 - NSP: 213.31058 4,200 TIF #9 - Tapper: 213.31059 24,000 I TIF #10 - Remmele: 213.31060 34,000 TIF # 11 - Marties Farm Srv: 213.31061 2,700 TIF #12 - Aroplax: 213.31062 20,500 I TIF #13 - Shingobee: 213.31063 65,000 TIF #14 - Suburban Machine: 213.31064 14,800 TIF #15 - Custom Canopy: 213.31065 12,250 I TIF #16 - Polycast: 213.31066 18,000 TIF #17 - Fay Mar Fabricators: 213.31067 19,000 Homestead credit: 213.33402 1,593 I Interest earnings: 213.36210 16.000 TOTAL REVENUE 508.040 I ********************************************* **************************************** EXPENDITURES I PERSONAL SERVICES I Salaries, full-time. reg: 13.46301.10 10 11,570 PERA contributions: 13.46301.1210 520 FICA contributions: 13.46301.1220 720 I Medicare contributions: 13.46301.1250 165 Health/dentalllife insurance: 13.46301.1310 790 I TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 13,765 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I Prof srv - legal fees: 13.46301.3040 2,750 Misc professional services: 13.46301.3199 2,000 Conference & schools: 13.46301.3320 300 I Legal notice publication: 13.46301.3510 100 Property taxes: 13.46301.3710 100 Misc other expense: 13.46301.4399 75 I TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 5,325 I I 96BUDGET: 1/24196 Page 59 -.----."'. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL NUE FUND 1996 BUDGET HRA FUND CONTINUED... OTHER FINANCE lTSER Transfer to debt service: 213.46301.7205 227.4nO TOTAL OTHER FINANCE USES 227,450 SUBTOTAL EXPENDITURES 246,540 ********************************************* **************************************** TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT EXPEND S TTF #7 - NAWCO TIF payback installments: 213.46507.6511 10.000 TOTAL TIF #7 10,000 TIF #8 ~ NSP Debt srv princ - short-term: Debt srv int - short-term: 213.46508.6030 13.46508.6130 3,000 880 TOTAL TIF #8 3,880 TIF #11 - MARTIE FARM SERVICE TIF payback installments: 13.46511.6511 2.500 TOTAL TIF #11 2,500 TIF #13 - SHINGOBEE TIF payback installments: 13.46513.6511 52.847 TOTAL TIF #13 52,847 TIF #In - CUSTOM CANOPY TIF payback installments: 13.46515.6511 6,000 TOTAL TIF #15 6,000 TOTAL TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT EXPE 75,227 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES 321,161 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 60 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BRA FUND CONTINUED... COMMENTS: Salaries: 30% Ollie Transfers: Represents portion of tax in rement revenue due in 1996 to be transferred to TIF bon funds 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 61 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL VENUE FUND 1996 UDGET SCERG (ECONOMIC RECOVERY GRANT) REVENUE Grant administration fee: Interest earnings ~ Aroplax: TOTAL REVENUE 180 7.625 ********************************************* **************************************** 7.805 EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES COMMENTS: SCERG: Grant reimbursement - repr sents grant funds collected from Standard Iron project that e "passed through" to Wright County 96BUDGET: 1/24196 o o Page 62 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL VENUE FUND 1996 UDGET CENTRAL MINNESOTA INITIATIVE FUND REVENUE Grant administrative fee: Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE 223.33625 223.36210 120 75 ********************************************* **************************************** 195 EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES COMMENTS: Grant Reimbursement: Represents grant ds collected from Standard Iron project that are" assed through" to CMIF 96BUDGET; 1/24/96 o o Page 63 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SHADE TREE FUND REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: Tree & brush removal: Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE SPECIAL 1996 224.310 11 224.33402 224.34305 224.36210 12,038 1,097 3,550 3.700 ********************************************* **************************************** 20.385 EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: Salaries, temporary - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dentalllife insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Clothing supplies: Motor fuels: Misc operating supplies: Equipment repair parts: Small tools & equipment: TOTAL SUPPLIES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Misc professional services: Conference & schools: Tree replacement: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 224.46102.1010 224.46102.1040 224.46102.1210 24.46102.1220 24.46102.1250 24.46102.1310 5,700 1,000 300 415 100 895 8,410 24.46102.2111 24.46102.2120 24.46102.2199 24.46102.2210 24.46102.2410 50 250 200 300 100 900 24.46102.3199 24.46102.3320 24.46102.4391 10,000 75 1.000 11,075 ~0,38Q Page 64 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SHADE TREE FUND CONTINUED... COMMENTS: Salaries: 3% Roger, 3% Tom M., 3% Misc. Prof. Services: Contract tree remo 96BUOOET: 1124/96 , 5% Jim costs Page 65 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . SPECIAL VENUE FUND 199 BUDGET OAA FUND REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Local government aid: Homestead credit: Interest earnings: 230.31011 230.33401 230.33402 230.36210 1,196 150 104 250 TOTAL REVENUE 1.700 ******************************************** ***************************************** EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries - other: 230.46401.1090 1.100 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 1,100 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Misc professional service: Travel expense: 230.46401.3199 230.46401.3310 500 100 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 600 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1.700 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 66 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL NUE FUND 1996 BUDGET CAPITAL ThWROVEMENT REVOLVING F REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: S. A principal - county: Interest earnings: Rental of property: TOTAL REVENUE 240.31011 240.33402 240.36101 240.36210 240.36220 1- 281,905 25,457 34,665 21,000 12,000 21; _'5 7 ,) ********************************************* **************************************** 375.027 EXPENDITURES OTI--ffiR CHARGER & RERVICRS Property taxes: TOTAL OTHER CHARGES & SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY Land: Improvements: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL EXPENDITURES COMMENTS: Land: Biosolids land acquisition WWTP land acquisition - partial Improvements: 240.49201.3710 40.49201.5101 40.49201.5301 $300,000 $120.362 $420,362 (2) hockey rinks. 4th t. Park (1/2) of Meadow Oak p thway (Middle School to Mead w Oak Park) Pathway along Co. Rd 118 (Middle School to Co. R .75) Meadow Oak Park im . (Outlot A) - Fencing - (1/3) of parki g lot paving Remodel interior, new service counter, furniture Reserve for intercepto sewer (4th yr) 96BUDGET; 1/24196 3.600 3,600 420,362 187.000 607,362 !!10.962 $ 20,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 13,000 $ 29,000 $ 80,000 $187,000 Page 67 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL VENUE FUND 1996 BUDGET ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REVENUE Interest earnings: Interest earnings - Tappers: Interest earnings - Suburban Machine: Interest earnings - Aroplax: Interest earnings - Custom Canopy: Interest earnings. Standard Iron: Transfer from other funds: TOTAL REVENUE 250.36210 250.36212 250.36213 250.36214 250.36215 250.36216 250.39203 4,950 2,865 1,980 2,775 1,725 3,150 100.000 ********************************************* **************************************** 117.445 EXPENDITURES OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Misc professional services: Loan servicing fee: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL EXPENDITURES . 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 50.46501.3199 50.46501.4397 2,000 120 2,120 2.12(} Page 68 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I en C Z ::> LL. w o - > ~ w CI) I- m w C . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S y DEBT SE VICE FUNDS 1996 BUDG T FORECAST REVENUE Current ad valorem: Interest: Special asmt--county: Transfer in--tax increment: 706 400 80 165 150 900 TOTAL REVENUE lllilli 11 --_.~.". 651,187 63,245 730,229 314.850 .", rj ..( 0 z.. t-' '1 /r 7 h ,0J (,;> I 7 88 Z "l.(so 0 $1.759.511 i , r) i) ********************************************* **************************************** EXPENDITURES Principal: Interest: Paying agent fees: Interest exp.: 925 000 456 851 8661 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 950,000 597,762 9,543 9.125 ~I BOr ))0 n [/4 t> / 7 (. (Jr" ! ?:/?Z- I' I ,/,~"7J 0 $1.566.430 1.( / ') I ' / Page 69 . DEBT ERVICE 1996 UDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1977-1,-2,-3, G.O. BOND FUND REVENUE 14.31011 14.33402 14.36101 14.36121 14.36210 7,799 706 14,787 30,250 16.745 Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: S.A. - county (77-1): S.A. - county (77-3): Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE 70.287 ********************************************* **************************************** EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: 14.47001.6010 14.47001.6110 14.47001.6201 65,000 11,688 512 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 77,200 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 77.200 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 {>'_<:-~;-() IJ, (pS3 } '7, s3c.> 2L(,'IDf) (0 ,), au--O ,1; 2..<:C) :,-;2. _i I r /"' t) '" 7?J Page 70 II 1986-1 (A) G.O. BOND FUND II REVENUE II Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: S. A. - county (86-1): S. A. - county (Hwy 25): Interest earnings: II II TOTAL REVENUE DEBT ERVICE 1996 UDGET 21.31011 21.33402 21.36101 21.36111 21.36210 /J / I ~ (~ f f rJ. ,.\uf:O ". (1 \J.) \ II ,'" , ,\ \ 0, r \., 34,023 3,068 8,294 1,909 5.100 52.394 II ********************************************* **************************************** EXPENDITURES II DEBT SERVICE II Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: II TOTAL DEBT SERVICE II TOTAL EXPENDITURES II II II II II II II II 96BUDGET: 1J24196 321.47001.6010 321.47001.6110 321.47001.6201 25,000 16,370 530 qL? I ,.. , X'~ . /' , V- _ D ~ 7FJ? (,. "f J'., ",.,; 1. (" 0 -. ,:) 41,900 _ i) - 41.900 Page 71 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1989-1,-2,-3 G.O. BOND FUND ((3; REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: S. A - county (89-02 - Mississippi Dr.): S. A - county (89-3 Oakwood): Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE DEBT 1996 B RVlCE GET 23.31011 23.33402 23.36111 23.36121 23.36210 21,669 1,957 918 1,206 475 26.225 ********************************************* **************************************** EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 1323.47001.6010 323.47001.6110 323.47001.6201 25,000 7,998 502 33,500 "J33.500 ..., ;)". .., '.) ~~ .', '6):::> j!LfS 5(iO "( ,;:J () U G 370 5,-/1) ;:/. 7(}O Page 73 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1990 (B) G.O. BOND FUND DEB. SERVICE \. n'\.. . t,J 1996 BUDGET ~.. t (JJ/I.) lo (>< C-- ,\O,\~. ,q r, LJ \) ~ '" ~ - \ I. ' ._..........~\Wr - \Y REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: 324.31011 324.33402 45,859 4.141 - 0 - TOTAL REVENUE 50.000 ******************************************** ***************************************** EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: Tnt exp ~ fund deficits: 324.47001.6010 324.47001.6110 324.4 7001.6201 324.47001.6202 65,000 26,808 517 9.125 ~_.-.. o TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 101,450 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 101.450 96BVDGET: lJ24/96 Page 74 I I , f I " 'fUI( ~ 1;]0/ , , e , y 11 II ..lI .. DEB SERVICE 199; UDGET IV i ):: t-^( /'-, A ! 11&,(IUG.O. REFUNDING1BOND FUND ( I( ~l' If-,Ij ,< (" P d' 'lcJ (6, ) REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: S.A. principal ~ county: 9& ~Ol- S.A. principal- county: 7(:;'0 ( Interest earnings: 'j} (: ~^, a." '" '/)1 .f). 1//1 1t- r: (I d i \j/ 'l) -tj 4{J - ~,t-v TOTALREVENUE 0 ~ t-/ <)~J~.. 'E, . (C{Dt) (0 () d **************************************** EXPENDITURES /1. /J 1/fV.~~~ Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fee: riJ;~'Ek~!4D~~' rl I~~I ,: +. 96BUDGET: 1124196 530 ~ :.31011 :.33402 1.36101 !.36111 :.36210 I I ************************' I Y7.ul (POlO ~47001.6110 .47001.6201 btoi--- /.s.-(f 0 0 I 7- / :> 17 ,'r, ._' () 2F,9YG. ?d t':? v 2 c..G I ~/ '7 (J(JtrO ( S'0 ;f:r....... s-/r LI{,SJ?~__ / 3 (, (,0 () J Page 78 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT ERVICE 1996 UDGET 1990C G.O. BOND FUND (E. SANDBERG) REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: S.A. - county (90-4 Sandberg): S.A. - county (90-4B - Battle Rapids): S.A. - county (90-4B - Eastview): Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE 25.31011 25.33402 25.36101 25.36111 25.36121 25.36210 22,118 1,995 2,816 1,349 2,215 4.250 34.743 ************************************************************************************** EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BUDGET; 1/24/96 25.4 7001.6010 25.47001.6110 25.47001.6201 25,000 11,796 504 37,300 37.300 .7 5'/CJo 2,;' / --z <')(,-) J c r-()() ..J -' - , 2'c---;-)U (/ /o( I (?(, _oj () 'f ';,- 70,) - ~ I Page 75 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1991A -I, -2, -3 G.O. BOND FUND REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: B.A. - cormty (91-2, Briar Oakes): S.A. - cormty (93-10 - B.O.-M.O. Pond): Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE DEBT ERVICE 1996 . UDGET 26.31011 26.33402 26.36111 26.36121 26.36210 3,583 324 24,462 1,292 3,750 33.411 ********************************************* **************************************** EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BUDGET; 1/24196 - D- ) . ,y I). 1../ c., ,f /..J-:r '1VOO , 26.47001.6010 26.47001.6110 26.47001.6201 75,000 7 -CQ:) 0 14,401 10,2:7 n24 C'I I 89,925 f,~ 7.~7) -~ 89.925 Page 76 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT 1996 1992A CARDINAL mLLS/SCHOOL BOULEV REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: S.A county (92-02 Sch! Blvd): Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE BOND I/'li/f/ 10,195 922 9,458 9.725 -:-..~ ( ./ ' ,~,~ /1, fOO 30.300 ********************************************* **************************************** EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BUDGET; 1/24/96 27.47001.6010 27.47001.6110 27.47001.6201 7I oU () 2v,2-fO :>";J 75,000 27,605 520 103,125 tf'?, "7r1J 103.125 Page 77 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1994A G.O. REFUNDING BOND FUND REVENUE DEBT ERVICE 1996 UDGET Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: S.A. principal- county: f:i. cc.i' ".,t(."c...... S.A. principal - county: f J.... 0 r r3 ~ €: (.-li /IrI ) '1 Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE 28.31011 28.33402 28.36101 28.36111 28.36210 116,434 10,508 8,214 14,020 4.525 ********************************************* **************************************** 153.701 EXPENDITURES i /~/ ,/ (,/ (,{I Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fee: TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 ;f' Y7.uf (~o/.? 28.47001.6110 28.47001.6201 19,861 439 20.300 / 3'0 If;;-- 7/.!:> tfs /2, 7 Su ~,roo /<J:C) 0 () 37 -; /0 / ""'I1? -----------.-. (r-''7 7 /'1 -,,) 1/ .-' ,,-_. . Page 78 " I I I I I ~ , - ~ I - - II II , DEBT ERVICE 1997 UDGET (99{' (C )G.o. REFUNDING BOND FUND ( r & ~ t:^ Tj.~""'(t,I---1) 1'- ,.(A'M>'_~ REVENUE CWTent ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: B.A. principal - county: B.A. principal - county: Interest earnings: lip TOTAL REVENUE **************************************** EXPENDITURES /J /J flNtl.-uf~ Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fee: :.31011 \.33402 1.36101 11.36111 \.36210 \ ************************, :) G G ~ Y7ou/ /bolO .47001.6110 .47001.6201 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BUOOET: 1124/96 ~~-=~. .-.. -",- ',,- /17, (00 d ~ '100 FJ: 0 () Q 2- 7. f..J.J r- SLJ.-J I/z,/)) Page 78 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Bleil INTERCEPTOR SEWER BOND FUND REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE DEB SERVICE 19 BUDGET 353.31011 353.33402 353.36210 '( I., f ~.,.J. FV \ ; c,) ~. ,~. I '. .'. .,.'~ ( 111'\ tV. (,t, ,.II . II~ (,~ " \0 V~" " 114,541 10,341 600 ******************************************** ***************************************** 125.482 EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BUDGET; 1/24/96 353.47001.6010 353.47001.6110 353.47001.6201 75,000 41,335 540 116,875 116.875 O .-' -. ----0 _- Page 79 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WATER SYSTEM BOND FUND (1988) (PJ) REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE r DEB SERVICE 19 BUDGET 354.31011 354.33402 354.36210 115,884 12(P17V3 10,460 2.400 tf,/oO ******************************************** ***************************************** 128.744 EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BUDGET: 1/24196 354.47001.6010 354.47001.6110 354.47001.6201 65,000 7 O. o();) 52,440 (Ief: O/? 560 .5-33 118 000 / / J: Jf7) , 118.000 Page 80 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r ?Cf3 ilJ ~FIRE HALL REFUNDING BOND REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE DEB SERVICE 199 BUDGET 355.31011 355.33402 355.36210 105,165 - () 9,495 5.200 ?: 100 ******************************************** ***************************************** 119.860 EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 355.47001.6010 355.47001.6110 355.47001.6201 130,000 6,800 525 / (J~J< C; () -! ..., 2, I (J 0 S"zr --- 137,325 ii:) 7 c-?) j-- 137.325 Page 81 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEB SERVICE 1996 BUDGET CONSOLIDATED BOND FUND REVENUE B.A. principal - county (75~1): S.A. principal ~ county (76-1): S.A. principal - county (78-1): S.A. principal- county (79-1): Interest earnings: 357.36104 357.36105 357.36109 357.36110 357.36210 147 11,627 5,959 484 6.850 /'J, ;; "n.. .5-5s3 If,.r '7 9?;;.V I TOTAL REVENUE 25.067 ********************************************* **************************************** EXPENDITURES o --~ I~'~) TOTAL EXPENDITURES o . 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 82 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEB SERVICE 1996 BUDGET 1995A G.O. BOND FUND <-:- /! ../,' :.; REVENUE 0.1/,,/1.;1,< -r /2t( ;/1/(':';,' 1A..~ /' ; S.A. principal. county: 95'- 0 I (:-1) 'V 1,,,,-, S.A. principal - county: q y 0 c. ~d:;;- S.A. principal: 9 y- 0 z... gO.JL.";'" S.A. principal: '1;3 -1-< /11,0, 'i-!r;Jt1'N'l S.A. principal: S.A. principal: Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE 15,081 92,183 17,605 215,534 162,338 88,081 1,550 592.372 ********************************************* **************************************** EXPENDITURES DEBT RRRVICE ~7//~('^-t,R Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 \"84'/)1/6.JIO 358.47001.6110 358.4 7001.6201 213,664 536 214,200 21~200 / tf~ 2 :>j 073/?'" l.ff~ ],tj- 2 !? ofi.o 9/9:J /2/ [100 >y -- " S/ 00 0 177/:'l? IS -' S37 ~~..~ Page 83 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEB SERVICE 1996 UDGET TIF (FSI) BOND FUND REVENUE Interest earnings: 376.36210 25 TOTAL REVENUE 25 ************************************************************************************** EXPENDITURES o TOTAL EXPENDITURES o 96BUDGET; 1/24/96 Page 84 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEB SERVICE 1996 BUDGET TIF (VEIT) BOND FUND REVENUE Interest earnings: Transfer from T.I.F.: 377.36210 377.39204 250 35,575 TOTAL REVENUE 35.825 ********************************************* **************************************** EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: 377.47001.6010 377.47001.6110 377.47001.6201 15,000 21,670 430 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 37,100 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 37.100 96BUDGET: 1J24196 ssv :~;.7,0 ,.,,)/ ',~Q / 57~o eJ co, CifJ--- ;;-/J --- --. 3C"ooo Page 85 I I I' , , ~ - - ~ I - - ~ g DEBT 199 r:r j:;;' I 7 7(,(13 ) G.O. REFUNDING BOND FUND ( 1241' tJ (,1,'" c -e d I r 1 (/4' I A NO' t 0 V,;1) ) REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Homestead credit: S.A. principal - county: S.A. principal - county: Interest~~~~: T~~~C" Tj F Jf **************************************** EXPENDITURES 11 /J l/fbl v... "1 "'t:... Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fee: t :.31011 :.33402 1.36101 i.36111 I 1.36210 I ************************, Jtf~' I Y7.lJf 1D0/0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - .,oil ..I ~ ~ - . ~ 96BUOOET: 1/24196 Jr ~47001.6110 .47001.6201 \ ,,----'." () 807) /JJ c,~') ~ ~-- / I~o 00 15;0/3 S37 IJf/; /J?) Page 78 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DE T SERVICE 1 BUDGET TIF (CONSTR 5) BOND FUND FtJIJ(/f) REVENUE Interest earnings: Transfer from T.I.F.: 378.36210 378.39204 TOTAL REVENUE -1) A'))<< "J fJ o ~I " ,,'" G (, p~~ p"," {1 1 -L~ 300 48.150 .------.,w" ******************************************** ***************************************** 48.450 EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: 378.47001.6010 378.4 7001.6110 378.47001.6201 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 40,000 10,985 415 51,400 51.4!!Q Page 86 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TIF (NAWCO) BOND FUND REVENUE Interest earnings: Transfer from T.I.F.: TOTAL REVENUE DE T SERVICE 19 6 BUDGET 379.36210 379.39204 200 /0 0 26,375 ,.....--- 0 .-- ******************************************* ****************************************** 26.575 EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 379.47001.6010 379.47001.6110 379.4 7001.6201 25,000 3,362 473 2 ::;:00 0 / f 2J-- , !.j S7J 28,835 Z G:, s.- 7J- 28,83J! Page 87 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DE T SERVICE 1 BUDGET TIF <ELDERLY) BOND FUND REVENUE Interest earnings: Transfer from T.I.F.: 380.36210 380.39204 200 G IV 29.450 ]3 ~_)Zl I TOTAL REVENUE 29.650 ******************************************** ***************************************** EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: 380.47001.6010 380.47001.6110 380.47001.6201 10,000 20,120 4RO TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 30,600 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 30.6C)~ 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 /0, U.C) 0 / T~ 2 (" ~,-- q(,o ) '7 7 U.;. " Page 88 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . DEB SERVICE 199 BUDGET TIF 1990A <KMART) BOND FUND REVENUE Interest earnings: Transfer from gen. fund: 381.36210 381.39201 TOTAL REVENUE ~ ~ "'"jCa/ '" ( (~) f.I~ , J r (J \ ,1 . . ll"~ 650 87.400 --0-- ******************************************** ***************************************** 88.0liq EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: 381.47001.6010 381.47001.6110 381.47001.6201 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 70,000 22,260 ,_. D-~ 520 92,780 92.780 Page 89 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEB SERVICE 199 BUDGET TIF 1990D (REM/rAP) BOND FUND REVENUE Interest earnings: Transfer from TIF: t/z; 382.36210 382.39204 300 54.025 /7 ~:") ,..-- ,~ (-~... -....,. /' j TOTAL REVENUE 54.325 ******************************************** ***************************************** EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: 382.4 7001.6010 382.47001.6110 382.4 7001.6201 35,000 0:>, 11to 17,098 /J: 77;-- 502 5/):;' TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 52,600 ~r,''-: <'::) TOTAL EXPENDITURES 52.600 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 90 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DE T SERVICE 1 BUDGET TIF (AROPLAX> BOND FUND 1992 REVENUE Interest earnings: Transfer from TIF: TOTAL REVENUE 383.36210 383.39204 100 200 20.475 / -/ V?; ,... I' ******************************************** ***************************************** 20.575 EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BlJDGET; 1I2.v96 383.47001.6010 383.47001.6110 15,000 / J:o () 0 6.665 ..rc:; P;{ .' 21,665 . ') -'r!{" 21.66,g Page 91 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEB SERVICE 1 BUDGET TIF (SUBURBAN MACHINE) BOND FUND, 1992D REVENUE Interest earnings: Transfer from TIF: TOTAL REVENUE 384.36210 384.39204 50 125 13.400 /2- if; 0 ******************************************** ***************************************** 13.45.0 EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE Bond principal: Bond interest: TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BUDGET: V24196 384.47001.6010 384.47001.6110 10,000 / C/o 00 4.225 ~ T 7;'/ 14,225 1__;; ':'~>'J -- 14.225 Page 92 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , J '.'-" ,....~ "-- I .' . (I) c Z :::>> LL. w CI) - ~ a.. ~ w .... Z w -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I'll ,I SEWER ACCESS FUND REVENUE S & W hookup charges: Trunk line area charge: Lift station hookup charge: Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE 262.34110 262.34115 262.34120 262.36210 l' ! .~~,;:~~ 144,000 43,300 2,100 3.700 ******************************************* ****************************************** 193.100 EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL EXPENDITURES COMMENTS: 262.49201.5301 Improvements: Balance ofWWTP Fac' ,ties Plan, including including amendments $35,000 budgeted in 1995) 96BUDGET: 1124/96 28.000 28,000 28.000 $ 28,000 Page 93 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111 .1 WATER ACCESS FUND REVENUE S & W hookup charges: Trunk line area charge: Interest earnings: 265.34110 265.34115 265.36210 60,000 16,080 6,000 TOTAL REVENUE 82.080 ******************************************** ***************************************** EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OTJTLA '\': Improvements: 265.49201.5301 20.500 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 20,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 20.500 COMMENTS: Improvements: Refurbish wells #1 and # - $20,500 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 94 - ~,I.. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III WATER FUND. UNALLOCATED REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE ,'... :.. Q o ******************************************* ****************************************** EXPENDITURES UNALLOCATF,D Severance benefits: TOTAL UNALLOCATED TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 601.49201.1111 ] .400 1,400 1.400 Page 95 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III WATERFUND REVENUE Inspection fees: S.A. principal - county: Interest earnings: Use collections - water: Permits - water: Penalties - water: TOTAL REVENUE ;":Wii;(; 601.34204 601.36101 601.36210 601.37110 601.37155 601.37160 1,000 800 3,750 184,800 1,800 800 ******************************************** ***************************************** 192.950 EXPENDITURES PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: Salaries, full-time - OT: Salaries, temporary - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SUPPLIES Printed forms & paper: Misc office supplies: Clothing supplies: Motor fuels: Lubricants & additives: Shop materials: Chemical products: Misc operating supplies: Equipment repair parts: Vehicle repair parts: Building repair supplies: Utility system mtc supplies: Small tools & equipment: TOTAL SUPPLIES 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 601.49440.1010 601.49440.1020 601.49440.1040 601.49440.1210 601.49440.1220 601.49440.1250 601.49440.1310 63,625 1,000 250 2,905 4,025 940 9.175 81,920 601.49440.2030 601.49440.2099 601.49440.2111 601.49440.2120 601.49440.2130 601.49440.2150 601.49440.2160 601.49440.2199 601.49440.2210 601.49440.2211 601.49440.2230 601.49440.2270 601.49440.2410 500 100 200 1,650 50 100 16,000 1,000 3,500 500 1,500 3,500 300 28,900 Page 96 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I'll I! WATER FUND CONTINUED... OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Misc. professional services: Telephone: Postage: Conference & schools: General public information: General liability insurance: Property insurance: Vehicle insurance: Mise general insurance: Electric: Gas: Repair & mtc - buildings: Repair & mtc - mach & equip: Uniform rental: Depreciation - acquired: Depreciation - contributed: Dues, membership & subSCript: Licenses & permits: Water service connection: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY Furniture & fixtures: Other equipment: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL EXPENDITURES COMMENTS: 601.49440.3199 601.49440.3210 601.49440.3220 601.49440.3320 601.49440.3520 601.49440.3610 601.49440.3620 601.49440.3630 601.49440.3699 601.49440.3810 601.49440.3830 601.49440.4010 601.49440.4044 601.49440.4170 601.49440.4210 601.49440.4211 601.49440.4330 601.49440.4370 601.49440.4375 601.49440.5601 601.49440.5801 Salaries: 60% Matt, 55% Rich, 60% JohnM., 6.5% Tom B. Furniture & Fixtures: Misc. training roo furniture - $1,000 Other Equipment: Locater - $3,000 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 4,000 1,400 800 600 300 7,180 495 230 3,900 37,000 1,600 200 3,000 600 6,225 191,900 300 1,300 9.000 270,030 1,000 3.000 4,000 384.850 Page 97 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEWER FUND REVENUE Inspection fees: B.A. principal - county: Interest earnings: Use collections - sewer: Permits - sewer: Penalties - sewer: 602.34204 602.36101 602.36210 602.37210 602.37255 602.37260 1,000 20 3,000 516,000 440 1,800 TOTAL REVENUE 522.260 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 98 .. I'it . I I SEWER FUND PLANT & LAB..WWTP I EXPENDITURES I 8t JPPLIES I Chemical products: 602.49480.2160 3,000 Building repair supplies: 602.49480.2230 300 I TOTAL SUPPLIES 3,300 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I Prof srv - PSG, Inc: 602.49480.3080 411,500 General liability insurance: 602.49480.3610 340 Property insurance: 602.49480.3620 8,250 I Vehicle insurance: 602.49480.3630 785 Property taxes: 602.49480.3710 800 Depreciation - acquired: 602.49480.4210 1,095 I Licenses & permits: 602.49480.4370 800 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 423,570 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 426.870 I I I I I I I I I 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 99 j ".~,~~ I III i I SEWER FUND COLLECTION SYSTEM~-AD IGEN OPERATING I EXPENDITURES I PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: 602.49490.1010 45,825 I Salaries, full-time. OT: 602.49490.1020 900 Salaries, temporary - reg: 602.49490.1040 2,250 PERA contributions: 602.49490.1210 2,095 FICA contributions: 602.49490.1220 3,035 I Medicare contributions: 602.49490.1250 710 Health/dentaJ/life insurance: 602.49490.1310 6.565 I TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 61,380 SUPPLffiS I Printed forms & paper: 602.49490.2030 500 Misc office supplies: 602.49490.2099 100 I Clothing supplies: 602.49490.2111 200 Motor fuels: 602.49490.2120 1,320 Lubricants & additives: 602.49490.2130 200 I Chemical products: 602.49490.2160 4,000 Misc operating supplies: 602.49490.2199 1,000 Equipment repair parts: 602.49490.2210 2,000 I Vehicle repair parts: 602.49490.2211 500 Building repair supplies: 602.49490.2230 1.::l55 I TOTAL SUPPLIES 11,175 OT.fffiR SERVICES & CHARGES I Misc professional services: 602.49490.3199 4,000 Telephone: 602.49490.3210 2,125 I Postage: 602.49490.3220 850 Travel expense: 602.49490.3310 50 Conference & schools: 602.49490.3320 300 Generalliabili ty insurance: 602.49490.3610 1,680 I Property insurance: 02.49490.3620 25 Vehide insurance: 02.49490.3630 675 Electric: 02.49490.3810 4,000 I Repair & mtc - mach & equip: 02.49490.4044 1,000 Repair & mtc. vehicles: 02.49490.4050 300 Equipment rental: 02.49490.4150 2,800 I Uniform rental: 02.49490.4170 630 Depreciation - acquired: 02.49490.4210 1,035 Depreciation. contributed: 02.49490.4211 404.395 I TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 423,865 I 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 100 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I' SEWER FUND COLLECTION SYSTEM. CAPITAL OUTLAY Other equipment: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL EXPENDITURES COMMENTS: Salaries: 7""":,',",*~ 602.49490.5801 3,365 3,365 499.785 40% Matt, 45% Rich, 40% ohn M., 6.5% Tom B. Other Equipment: 20' hose for rodder 200'.4" hose for po able pump Insulate/winterize unny Fresh chemical b . ding 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 $ 565 $ 800 $2.000 $3,365 Page 101 I III I LIQUOR OPERATIONS FUND I EXPENDITURES I PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time - reg: 609.49754.1010 89,545 I Salaries, part-time - reg: 609.49754.1030 29,750 PERA contributions: 609.49754.1210 5,345 FICA contributions: 609.49754.1220 7,400 Medicare contributions: 609.49754.1250 1,730 I Healthldental/life insurance: 609.49754.1310 11,105 D.C. benefit payments: 609.49754.1420 100 I TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 144,975 SUPPLIES I Printed forms & paper: 609.49754.2030 300 Misc office supplies: 609.49754.2099 300 I Cleaning supplies: 609.49754.2110 125 Clothing supplies: 609.49754.2111 400 Liquor store supplies: 609.49754.2140 1,800 I Misc operating supplies: 609.49754.2199 5,000 Misc repair & mtc supplies: 609.49754.2299 300 I TOTAL SUPPLIES 8,225 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I Prof srv - audit: 609.49754.3010 2,700 Maintenance agreements: 609.49754.3190 1,625 I Misc professional services: 609.49754.3199 1,500 Telephone: 609.49754.3210 1,900 Travel expense: 609.49754.3310 50 I Conference & schools: 609.49754.3320 300 Advertising: 609.49754.3499 4,000 General liability insurance: 609.49754.3610 7,865 Property insurance: 609.49754.3620 1,060 I Misc general insurance: 609.49754.3699 3,055 Property taxes: 609.49754.3710 180 Electric: 609.49754.3810 12,000 I Water & sewer: 609.49754.3820 750 Gas: 609.49754.3830 1,450 Repair & mtc - buildings: 609.49754.4010 2,750 I Repair & mtc - mach & equip: 609.49754.4044 2,200 Repair & mtc - other: 609.49754.4099 200 Depreciation: 609.49754.4210 14,650 I Cash short - off sale: 609.49754.4310 1,000 Dues, memberships, subscript: 609.49754.4330 425 I 96BUDGET; 1/24/96 Page 104 - ... .._,.., -----.------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II LIQUOR FUND OPERATIONS CONTINUE OTHER SERVICER & CHARGER Licenses & permits: Bank charges: Misc other expenses: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements: Other equipment: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY OTHER FINANCE USES Residual equity transfer: TOTAL OTHER FINANCE USES TOTAL EXPENDITURES COMMENTS: 609.49754.4370 609.49754.4398 609.49754.4399 275 850 1.000 61,785 609.49754.5301 609.49754.5801 2,500 10.000 12,500 609.49754.7101 100.000 100,000 327.485 Improvements: Sign face replacement - 2,500 Other: Funding for fireworks display at 'verfest - $10,000 Residual Transfers: To Economic Deve! ment Authority Fund for funding part of revo ving loan program 96BUDGET; 1124196 Page 105 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ill ! TRANSPORTATION FUND REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Local government aid: Homestead credit: Interest earnings: Transit system revenues: TOTAL REVENUE roSE FUNDS BUDGET 610.31011 610.33401 610.33402 610.36210 610.38010 15,590 42,193 1,410 50 11.000 ******************************************* ****************************************** 70.243 EXPENDITURES TRANSIT/OPERATIONS OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Prof srv - Heartland bus: Advertising: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL TRANSIT/OPERATIONS EXPEND 610.49801.3060 610.49801.3499 65,620 600 66,220 S 66.220 ******************************************* ****************************************** EXPENDITURES TRANSIT/ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL SERVICES Salaries, full-time. reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dentaJ/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES SI JPPLIES Printed forms & paper: TOTAL SUPPLIES 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 610.49804.1010 610.49804.1210 610.49804.1220 610.49804.1250 610.49804.1310 2,985 135 185 40 217 3,562 610.49804.2030 200 200 Page 106 .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III TRANSIT/ADMINISTRATION CONTINUED .. OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES Misc professional services: Dues, membership, subscript: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 610.49804.3199 610.49804.4330 TOTAL TRANSIT/ADMINISTRATION EXP NDITURES GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES 96BUDGET; 1/24/96 1 200 140 340 4.102 70.322 Page 107 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CI) .... - ro - :t: X w I CAPITAL UTLAY ITEMS 1996 UDGET I FUNDI FUNDING DEPARTMENT ITEM AMOUNT SOURCE I Administration: Copy machine (2nd half) $ 6,000 General Fund I Deputy Shredder $ 210 General Fund Registrar: Steel shelving 115 General Fund Computer table 150 General Fund I $ 475 Data I Processing: (2) Personal computers $ 5,000 General Fund (PW & city hall) Color printer (PW) 2,500 General Fund GIS pilot project (w/wright C . 7/600 General Fund I $ 15,100 City Hall: (75) Council chamber chairs $ 9,375 General Fund I Less:prev. budgeted (3.250) $ 6,125 I Conference table 900 General Fund Brick sealant/repairs 19.750 General Fund $ 20,650 I TOTAL CITY HALL $ 26,775 I Animal Control: New animal shelter (partial) $ 75,000 Capital Outlay $ 18,000 General Fund Sr. Center: New building roof I PW Admin.: Filing cabinet(s) $ 800 General Fund I PWlInspections: Plan me cabinet $ 1,500 General Fund Streets: Sealcoating $ 27,500 General Fund I Small loader 50,000 General Fund and trailer 4,000 General Fund I Less: '95 budget amt. (21.500) $ 32,500 v.a budgeted in 1996 $ 16,250 General Fund I Street sweeper $ 95,000 General Fund Less: trade-in (20.000) $ 75,000 I TOTAL STREETS $135,000 I Snow/Ice: Snowplow hookup for big load r :I; 5.500 General Fund $ 5,500 I 96BUDGET: 1/24196 Page 108 I CAPITAL 0 Y ITEMS 1996 B GET I FUNDI FUNDING I DEPARTMENT ITEM AMOUNT SOURCE Shop & Garage: Paving between shops I & expanding parking $ 20,000 General Fund Locking main toolbox 1,500 General Fund Lubrication system: I (2) for motor oil (1) for hydraulic (1) for grease I (1) for gear oil 9,900 General Fund Frame jack 2,500 General Fund Misc. furniture - shop 1.500 General Fund I $ 35,400 Planning: Balance of comp plan update ($15,000 budgeted in 1995) $ 7,500 General Fund I Parks: (2) hockey rinks, move lights & hydrant - 4th Street Park $ 20,000 Capital Outlay I 1;2 Pathway - Middle School to Meadow Oak Park 15,000 Capital Outlay Pathway - Middle School to I CR 75 along CR 118 15,000 Capital Outlay Meadow Oak Park Imp (Outlot ) Fencing 15,000 Capital Outlay I 1/3 of parking lot paving 13.000 Capital Outlay $ 78,000 I Trees 15,000 General Fund Picnic tables 4,000 General Fund Security camera & recorder 2,500 General Fund I Annual pathway maintJ contracted services 20,000 General Fund $ 41,500 I TOTAL PARKS $134,500 I Building Phone & radio for new vehicle $ 700 General Fund Inspections: Add'l vehicle for new inspector position 12.000 General Fund I $ 12,700 Fire Dept.: Parking lot improvements $ 1,500 General Fund Computer system 2,000 General Fund I Nozzles, hoses 2,000 General Fund Pass Code LD. tags 500 General Fund Base station radio 1. 000 General Fund I $ 7,000 I 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 109 ---...-.--."".-. ----------..., ...-- --.--...-----.--- I CAPITAL 0 199GB I FUNDI FUNDING I DEPARTMENT ITEM AMOUNT SOURCE Water Dept.: Remove & inspect wells #1 and 3 $ 20,500 Water Access I Misc. furniture - training room 1,000 Water Fund Upgraded locater 3,000 Water Fund $ 24,500 I Sewer Dept.: Rodder hose - 20' $ 565 Sewer Fund I 200' - 4" discharge hose for portable pump 800 Sewer Fund Insulate/winterize Sunny Fresh chemical bIg. 2,000 Sewer Fund I Reserve for interceptor sewer ( th yr) 80.000 Sewer Fund 151 /06\<- $ 83,365 JJI/ r" It- 1 "./ If,!' , It.. I WWTP: Balance for original facilies pIa ($35,000 prevo budgeted) $ 10,000 Sewer Access I Facilities plan revisions/modifi. ations 18,000 Sewer Access $ 28,000 I WWTP land acquisition - Parti \,.....::;.. $120,362 Capital Outlay ~ Biosolids land acquisition $300.000 Capital Outlay I TOTAL WWTP $420,362 I Library: Unallocated $ 1,000 Library Fund Possible service counter reloca e, new furn. or upholstering, I add'l interior remodeling to accommodate computer tie-' with St. Cloud $ 29.000 Capital Outlay I $ 30,000 I I I I I 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page 110 I I Streets/ Shade AlleYR Tree.. Sewer/W ater I Roger Mack 70% 3% Tom Moores 70% 3% Allen Gapinski 70% 3% I Jim Eisele 60% 5% Keith Trippe 65% 3% Matt Theisen 40% 60% I Rich Cline 45% 55% John Middendorf 40% 60% I City Hall I'arks Librazy John Lukach 25% 10v 40% 25% I Building, Planning I & Zonine- Gary Anderson 85% Building Inspector (new) 100% I PW /Inspect. Water Sewer I Tom Bose 87% 6.5% 6.5% John Simola Beth Green I Economic Development I Ollie Koropchak 70% I Dep. BIg. Admin. Finance Phmnine- Beg. Transp. lna1l. J efr O'N eill 46% 50% 4% I Karen Doty 100% Wanda Kraemer 50% 50% Rick W olfsteller 100% Marlene Hellman 97% 3% I Cathy Shuman 100% Pat Kovich 50% 50% FT SeclRecept - Georgina 50% I Diane Jacobson 100% PT - Jan (2/3) 100% PT - Kim (2/3) 100% I PT - Marge (2/3) 100% I I 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 Page III ----------..- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Allowances - Clothin" Sup,plie~- Communications ~ C':rfmeraIOperatin" Sup,plies(Shop)- GeneralOperatin" Supplies (Streets) - Maintenance of EQuip. Su,pplies - Maintenance of Vehicle Su,pplies - Small Tools/Minor EQuipment - 96BUDGET: 1/24/96 GLOSSARY OF ELECTED TERMS Mileage paid as a part of comp nsation as opposed to reimbursement for travel; reimbursement to officials and staff for expenses incurred in performing their duties. Uniforms, gloves, vests, rain g ar, safety gear, hard hats. Telephone, postage, pagers. Welding rods, nuts & bolts, sol ents and cleaners, floor dry, brooms, fire extinguisher service, steel, pa er towels, nails, light bulbs, etc. Signs and posts, herbicides, st eet paint, crack sealer, cones & barricades, patch material, Class V, flashers, fla s & flashlights, brooms & shovels, rakes, picks, dirt fill, rip rap, and sod, etc. Spark plugs, blades, lights, ba teries, paint, fIlters, parts, belts, bearings, gutter, and main brooms. Plugs, blades, head lamps, fus s, tape, wire, fIlters, belts, bearings, paint. Drill bits, hacksaws, wrenches pumps,jack hammer, crack fill bucket, etc. P~e112