2000 Budget I I I I ,6 ., L,,/s '_,,\,,1 ~ I I I I I I I I CITY OF MONTICELLO 2000 ANNUAL BUDGET I City of Monticello 500 Walnut Street I Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-2711 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MONTICELLO 2000 MUNICIPAL BUDGET I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Roger Belsaas Bruce Thielen Roger Carlson Brian Stumpf Clint Herbst Mayor Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember MONTICELLO BUDGET STAFF Richard Wolfsteller Dawn Grossinger Cathy Shuman Sue Thibodeaux City Administrator Deputy City Clerk Finance Assistant Bookkeeper Admin. Clerk Sandy Suchy 2000 BUDGET.xls:cc-budgetstaff:4/12/00 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF MONTICELLO TABLE OF CONTENTS 2000 Budget SECTION 1 . Introduction Administrator's Budget Transmittal Messaqe 8 Council's Resolution Adopting the Budget and Settinq the Tax Levy 11 Levy Certification 12 Certification of HACA 13 Overall Levy Limitation Notice 14 Comparison of Statistical Data 15 Revenue Source Graph 16 Expenditures by Fund Graph 17 Expenditure Summary Graph 18 Expenditures by Activity Table 19 Expenditures by Activity Graph 20 Tax Levy by Fund Graph 21 Combined Statement of Indebtedness 22 Tax Levies to Retire Bonded Indebtedness 23 Projected Revenues and Expenditures Summary 24 Revenue and Expenditure Summary 25 Tax Levy Summary 26 2000BUDGET.XLS:Table of contents:4/12100 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION /I - General Fund Revenue Source Graph 27 Expenditure Summary by Activity Graph 28 Expenditures by Division Graph 29 Expenditures Summary by Division Graph 30 Revenue Summary 31 Expenditure Summary 33 General Government Mayor and Council 35 Administration 36 Elections 38 Finance 39 Audit 41 Assessi ng 42 Legal 43 Planning & Zoning 44 Data Processing 46 City Hall 47 Deputy ReQistrar 49 Public Safety Law Enforcement 51 Fire Department 52 BuildinQ Inspections 54 Civil Defense 56 Animal Control 57 Public Works Administration 58 Engineering 60 Inspections 61 Streets & Alleys 63 Snow & Ice 65 Shop & Garage 67 Parking Lots 69 Street Lighting 70 Refuse Collection 71 2000BUDGET.XLS:Table of contents:4/12/00 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION /I - General Fund (Cant.) Health and Welfare Information Center 73 Senior Center 74 Community Education 75 YMCA 76 Community Development Economic Development 77 Unallocated 79 Insurance Unallocated 80 SECTION 11/ - Special Revenue Funds UDAG 81 Library 82 HRA 84 MN Investment Fund 88 SCERG ( Small Cities Economic Recovery Grant) 89 CMIF (Central MN Initiative Fund) 90 Shade Tree 91 Park Fund 93 Community Center 97 Orderly Annexation Area 100 Capital Improvement Revolving 101 Economic Development Authority 102 Sanitary Sewer Access Fund 103 Storm Sewer Access Fund 104 Water Access Fund 105 SECTION IV. Debt Retirement Debt Service Funds 1061 SECTION V - Enterprise Funds Water Fund Revenue 130 Collection System 131 2000BUDGETXLSTable of contentsA/12/00 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION V - Enterprise Funds (Cant.) Sewer Fund Revenue 132 Plant & Lab -- VVWTP 133 Collection Systems 134 Liquor Fund Revenue 136 PurchasinQ 137 Operations 138 Transportation Fund 139 Riverside Cemetery 141 SECTION VI - Exhibits Capital Outlay Expenditure Summary 142 Salary Distribution for 1999 144 Glossary of Selected Terms 146 SECTION VII - Five Year Capital Plan Five Year Capital Plan 1481 2000BUDGETXLS:Table of contents:4/12/00 7 I I 2000 BUDGET TRANSMITTAL MESSAGE To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Monticello: .1 hereby submit to you your 2000 adopted municipal budget. This budget document will be used by the City staff and the Council as a financial .uide for governing the daily operations of the City for the next calendar year. Various capital projects, or development improvement projects not anticipated when this budget was being developed will be dealt with separately as each case arises, while this document is intended to mainly address the anticipated day~to-day operational costs of the City. lhe 2000 year budget was developed with the goal of minimal tax increases for our citizens. The budget as adopted accomplished that goal by providing a comprehensive operational budget with final tax levy that was only 2.6% higher than 1999. lhe 2000 budget provides funding for our normal service programs, including refuse collection and recycling services, the Heartland Express bus program, along with public safety programs such as police protection, fire protection and building department services. Other activities readily lecognizable by the public include street maintenance activities and maintenance and development of our ever expanding park system. Police rotection coverage will continue to be provided by the Sheriff's Department through a contract arrangement that provides 10,636 hours of overage annually. As the community continues to grow, it is expected in future years that the 24 hour per day contract coverage we have had for a number of years will have to increase accordingly in order to provide the level of service our citizens will expect. l major component of our 2000 year budget will be our first year of operation of the Monticello Community Center. The ten million dollar facility will be home to our new city hall, along with space for the senior citizen facility. The building will also house a new teen center, day care and _ndoor playground facility and the main recreational focus being an indoor aquatic center. Additional amenities for recreation will include a limbing wall and an outdoor wheel park for rollerblading and skateboard activities With the main facility scheduled to be open in February, 2000, he community center budget has been based on our best estimates of what our annual expenses and revenues might be for the new complex. We will be in the learning curve for this facility, but we are hopfeul that the 2000 budget reasonably portrays an accurate picture of this new lommunity facility expenses. The community center budget includes revenues of $469,057 with expenditures of $653,960. The difference of $184,903 was included in in our rverall tax levy requirement for 2000. While it is anticipated that the wheel park, climbing wall and aquatic center activities will be revenue generators, it will likely take a few years of fPeration to get an accurate handle on the full cost of operating the new community center facility and to determine what impact this new ecreational facility will have on our overall city budget. The budget for 2000 continues the recent focus on improving our recreational components within the community by providing funds for various lark improvements including play structures in the 4th Street and Parwest parks, a Cardinal Hills tot lot development and the lighting of two dditional ballfields at our NSP complex. The park budget also includes funds for various equipment purChases totaling $49,000 including lawn mowers, snowblowers and vehicles. ahe year 2000 wi!llikely see the improvement of our pathway system with the County Road 18-1/94 pedestrian bridge project being constructed ~'hrOugh federal, state and local funding. The City has received approval of an ISTEA grant for the bridge structure that would cover 75% of the construction cost with the City being responsible for 25% plus engineering fees Iransportation issues will not likely be as big a part of the 2000 budget as they were in 1999 With the major street reconstruction projects along TH 25 and CSAH 75 expected to be completed by early summer, our road infrastructure system will be poised for anticipated future growth along rese corridors. The year 2000 will likely see the development of a new West Chelsea Road extension to connect 90th Street on the west with outh Highway 25 on the east. This new thoroughfare will coincide with future vacating of West Oakwood Drive that exists adjacent to 1-94. With MnDOT's planned improvement of a new partial cloverleaf design east bound ramp to 1-94, the transportation and traffic movement south of 1-94 _hOUld be improved immensely. I I 2000BUDGEET.XLS: T ransmittalmess:4/12/00 8 I I All economic signs point to 2000 being another good year for developers, both commercial and residential. Residential plats that have been approved or are in final stages of development such as River Forest Additions, East Park Meadows and the Groveland plat, along with our lexisting residential lot inventory should provide the City with adequate housing sites for 2000. Continued growth pressure in outlying areas will require future extensions of sewer and water trunk infrastructure and our 2000 budget includes trunk fee revenues to support these improvements in the future Our fee structure for sewer, water and storm sewer trunk charges have in place an inflationary feature that will annually adjust these ICharges based on construction index increases. IThe 2000 budget as adopted will result in tax dollars to be collected of $4,739,325. This will be $131,600 over the 1999 tax ley, or a 2.6% increase. Of the $131,600 additional dollars being collected in 2000, $91,200 is required to cover debt payments whil the balance ($30.400) is necessary for non-debt related expenditures. A typical homeowner would see only a minor increase in their city share of the real estate taxes and most will likely see. an overall decrease in their total tax obligation as a result of the state mandated tax class changes. Iln the past few years class rate changes for commercial and industrial properties has resulted in a shifting of the tax burden from commercial and industrial properties to residential. For taxes payable in 2000, the trend has diminished and the City's overall tax capacity valuation has stablized. .The overall City market value has increased to $552,000,000, a $31,000,000 increase over 1999 New construction accounts for $21,000,000 rhile general market value increase amounted to an additional $10,000,000. The final tax capacity valuation for the City is $13,066,057. This is the number that is used to determine actual tax capacity rate for the City for the upcoming year. lhe tax capacity rate will see a minor increase from the 1999 rate of 35.186% to 36.272% The overall tax capacity rate for Monticello is estimated at 131.438 compared to 132.050 in 1999. With additional state paid education credits and a lower tax capacity value rate percentage lor most property owners, actual tax increases will likely be less than 5%, even with increases in market value due to inflation. The City's primary revenue source continues to be local property taxes at 33.3% of the budget revenue, or $4,739,325. Other substantial (venue sources include, 19.5%, or $27,775,892 from charges for services such as sewer and water fees, hookup and area acreage fees for ater, sewer and storm sewer, along with building permits and other licenses, liquor store sales of $2,522,650 or 17.7%, TIF revenue of $705,850, r 5% interest income of 2.9% or $417,320, state aids of $463,909 or 3.2% and other miscellanous transfers and revenues totaling 18.4% or $2,576,810. This brings the total budgeted revenues to $14,201,756 from all of these sources. I Total budgeted expenditures for all funds are projected to increase by $1,200,000 to $15,055,149. Of this amount, increases are projected of 1t351 , 187 for debt service, $700,000 for the first year operational cost of the new community center and $347,000 in liquor store expenditures. ~he park fund expenditures will actually be reduced by over $200,000 due to reduced capital outlay expenditures. Within the general fund, expenditures are projected to increase by $191,000 as a result of increases including $62,000 for planning fees, $52,000 for snow and ice Ixpenditures related to new equipment and $92,000 for refuse and recycling program increase mainly to cover the conversion to roll around cart ontainer purchases. lhe City's new wastewater treatment plant is nearing completion and has been in operation since mid-1999. The three year construction project has enlarged our wastewater treatment capacity from 910,000 gpd to 2,100,000 gpd. Our 2000 budget includes $1,082,000 to support the debt .ervice on this $14,000,000 project with $500,000 of the revenue coming from sewer hookup fees and $582,000 coming from property taxes. It is rojected that the future annual debt payments will continue to have less reliance on property taxes and more on hookup fees to support the debt ayments as the community continues to grow. The portion of the sewer access fees that are collected from each single family home constructed in the year 2000 will total $3,000 of which $2,100 will be dedicated towards future debt retirement payments on the WWTP In order to further promote industrial development within our community, efforts are continuing towards eventual ownership by the City and HRA of a community industrial park facility. Previous funding allocations from the HRA and the City established a $300,000 reserve fund that could be _sed for acquisition and/or development of infrastructure for a new city owned industrial park. Additional funding above the reserve amounts have ot been included in the 2000 year budget but are likely to be reestablished in future years as needed to support infrastructure improvements nd/or debt payments if a suitable site is selected. I I 2000BU DGEET XLS: T ransmittalmess:4/12/00 9 I I .ThiS budget document again includes an updated five year Capital Improvement Program budget as an additional exhibit. This document will be Ifsed by the staff and the Council in future years to project the capital expenditure needs of the community in years to come and will allow us to minimize the tax impacts in various years by spreading out the financing over several years This capital improvement program will be updated annually as part of our budget process, and it should be a useful tool for both staff and Council in developing future budget needs. lhe 2000 budget will play an integral part in carrying out the long range goals and objectives of the City as highlighted in our previously adopted Community Vision and Governing Policy Plan. Many of the individual priorities that have been identified in the vision statement have been Included in the 2000 budget. The administration and staff will be striving to accomplish as many of these priorities as possible with the given esources available. ltaff members have put in many hours of research and preparation in assembly of this budget document. With this budget and our community ision policy as our guide, the staff pledges to continue providing the level of service that the citizens have come to expect from the City while roviding the services in the most cost efficient manner possible. I Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator I I I I I I I I I I I I 2000BUDGEET .XLS: T ransmittalmess:4/12/00 10 I I RESOLUTION 99.72 I RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2000 BUDGET AND SETTING THE TAX LEVY I I WHEREAS, the City Administrator has prepared and submitted to the City Council a budget setting forth therein his estimated needs of the City of Monticello for all operations and the debt service for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2000 and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the same and has made such changes therein as appear to be in the best interest of the City of Monticello; I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO that the budget so submitted by the City Administrator, together with the changes made therein by the City Council, be and same hereby is adopted as a budget for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2000; and I I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Monticello that there be and hereby is levied for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2000, and the following sums for the respective purposes indicated therein upon the taxable property of the City of Monticello, to wit: I REVENUE General Community Center Parks Library Transportation HRA OM OESiJ!'RETIREMENT Debt Service Fund C~I?IIT~I!i:JMPROVEMEIl(il'Scii:I.\I: Capital Improvement Revolving HACA $2,266,639 $545,653 $458,171 $32,790 $21,722 $15,790 $4,425 I I $2,539,416 $545,653 $458,171 $32,790 $21,722 $15,790 $4,425 $272,777 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 I I The above resolution was introduced by Councilmember, Clint Herbst, was duly seconded by Councilmember, Bruce Thielen, with the following voting in favor thereof: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen I The following voting in the opposition: None I The City Administrator is hereby instructed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Wright County, Minnesota Adopted this 13th day of December, 1999. I Mayor ATTEST: I City Administrator I I 2000BUDGET.XLS: Res-99:4/12/00 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (IO'C en ClI en ... ..... 0 -> .., '" ..... ClI . )( .... III 2i~ >-~ ..c .- U r::: .... :I ... ClI .... :c: o j:: <3 it j:: ct: UJ (,,) ~ UJ -J -J ~ it i5 O~ Cl)J: ~Q.2 3:~~ :e_"E u. 0 0 O>:e W~- ~ Z 0 i55~ wuu c: o Ol .S (j) <1> E Cll ro 'C '6 N cO '> 150 ",0 <1>0 <:~ <: '- ~ al >. 1: <1> ,~ :0 '- Cll $: ~ 0; Z"~ <: '- ::l 0 0.... ()g g~ ~ .~ .- 0 ~:2 :2'0 O~ >.() := <1> ().<: <1> - ~.2 s .~ '(] ro <: X 52 ~~ '" .~ ro .c ;2 '-e 0 <Ii - U C >-::1 ..0 0 ~ E <ll Cll .s;;: Ol <: >-. . 3: c.2 ::10 0- () <1> _.s;;: .s;;:- Ol>- ~~ ogi a::m 0.... eM o => (j; <(..0 <1> E -E ~ o <Ii ~o W II ~ 0._ -, - w u'- ~.t: to Q.l 'u :!. '" ClI _o~~ 00.<::1 ~~o;: ClI 0:::: r- _o<(~ ~gU<(N N:I:~ _0<( tOge> ~N..J _0 <(0 ~o N ml!)O~OOl!)'" "'~m~mO"'t.l'lr- <0 "t r-r-r-o.... <0"" _cD "t-lii.... NO "t" liiaj ><0 ....~"''''<O''tt.l'l Q.l~_ ....~_t.l'l"t ...J~ .... '" c ... 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Paul, MN 55146.3340 Fax (612) 297.2166 I CERTIFICATION OF HACA FOR TAXES PAYABLE IN 2000 September 9, 1999 I I MONTICELLO CITY OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR CITY HALL - BOX 1147 250 E BROADWAY MONTICELLO, MN 55362 REVISED I THE 2000 HACA FOR YOUR TAXING DISTRICT IS $272,777 This amount is to be deducted from your levy before certification to your county auditor (see enclosed letter). I The following is a listing of the factors used in the calculation of your taxing district's 2000 Homestead and Agricultural Credit Aid. I 1. 1999 CERTIFIED HACA: $266,562 2. ADJUSTMENT TO 1999 HACA FOR TIF AID REDUCTIONS $41,394 3. ADJUSTMENT TO 1999 HACA FOR LOCAL IMPACT NOTE COSTS $157 4. 2000 HACA BASE (1 + 2 + 3): $308,113 5. GROWTH ADJUSTMENT FACTOR: (A) $0 6. FISCAL DISPARITIES ADJUSTMENT FACTOR: (B) $0 7. NET TAX CAPACITY ADJUSTMENT FACTOR: (C) $0 8. ANNEXATION ADJUSTMENT $0 9, LOCAL PERFORMANCE AID RECEIVED IN 1999 (D) $0 10, REDUCTION FOR STATE FUNDING OF DISTRICT COURT COSTS (E) $0 11, COST OF PREPARATION OF LOCAL IMPACT NOTES (F) $142 12. PAYABLE 2000 TIF AID REDUCTIONS $35,194 13. 2000 CERTIFIED HACA (4+5+6+7+8+9-10-11-12): $272,777 (A) APPLIES TO COUNTIES ONLY. ITEM 5 ~ ITEM 4 X (1998 HOUSEHOLD COUNT I 1997 HOUSEHOLD COUNT - 10). I I I I I I (B) ITEM 6 ~ PAYABLE 1999 DISTRIBUTION TAX X (CLASS RATE DIFFERENCTIAL PERCENT (0,20%) I PAYABLE 1998 CLASS 3 HIGH CLASS RATE (4.00%)), I (Cl ITEM 7 ~ PAYABLE 2000 TAX BASE DIFFERENTIAL X PAYABLE 1999 LOCAL TAX RATE PER M.S. 2731398 SUB. 1(A). (0) APPLIES TO COUNTIES ONLY, ITEM 9: LOCAL PERFM. AID RECEIVED IN 1999 PER 1999 LAWS, CHAP. 243, ART.S, SECT 48(A), PAY 1999 HACA LAW I (E) ITEM 10: COUNTIES, EXCEPT THOSE IN THE 8TH JUDICIAL DISTRICTS, WILL SHOW A REDUCTION HERE FOR THE STATE FUNDING OF DISTRICT COURTS PER M.S. 273.1398, SUB 4(A). I (F) ITEM 11: COUNTIES AND CITIES WILL SHOW A REDUCTION HERE TO COVER THE COST OF THE LOCAL IMPACT NOTES INCURRED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE PER M,S 273.1398, SUB 8(B). I 2000BUDGETXLSCert of HACA for Taxes:4112/00 13 I I I MINNESOTA Department of Revenue Property Tax Division I I Payable 2000 Overall Levy Limitation Notice I MONTICELLO CITY OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR CITY HALL - BOX 1147 250 E BROADWAY MONTICELLO, MN 55362 I I The payable 2000 overall levy limitation for your city is: Mail Station 3340 Phone (612) 296-3155 I The following is a listing of the factors used in determining your city's payable 2000 overall levy limitation. See the enclosed letter for an explanation of these factors and for additional information concerning your city's overall levy limitation_ I 1. Adjusted Levy Limit Base for Payable 1999: 2 Implicit Price Deflator Adjustment (Mar 99/Mar_98): 3 Household Growth Adjustment a, 1997 Households: b, 1998 Households: c. Ratio of 1998 to 1997 Households (b/a, but not less than 1.000): 4, Adjustment for Payable 1999 Market Value of New CII Construction a_ Payable 1998 Total Taxable Market Value: b Payable 1999 Market Value of New CII Construction c. Adjustment (1 + Ratio of (b) to (a)): 5. Adjusted Levy Limit Base for Payable 2000 (1x2x3c x 4c): 6_ New Net Tax Capacity-Based Referendum Levies 7_ 2000 Property Tax Aids a 2000 Certified LocalGovernment Aid (LGA): b, 2000 Certified Homestead and Agricultural Credit Aid (HACA): c. 2000 Estimated Taconite Aids: d, 2000 Certified Existing Low Income Housing Aid: e. Total (a + b + c + d): 8. 1999 Tax Rate Excess Tax Increments (Increase Over 1997): 9. Payable 2000 Overall Levy Limitation (5 + 6 - 7e - 8): I I I I I I * The change in LGA did not affect your overall levy limitation. I I I 2000BUOGET_XLS:Levy Limit NTC:4/12/00 5t. Paul. MN 55146-3340 Fax (612) 297-2166 REVISED September 9. 1999 $3,382.318 $3,486,280 1_015 2,466 2,593 1052 $495,314,700 $3,429,100 1.007 $3,748,638 $0 $0 $272,777 $0 0000 $272,777 $96,281 $3,379,580 14 I I 2000 Budget Comparison of Statistical Data I I (a) % of total proposed budget representing total compensation for employees (wages, salaries, benefits, etc.) Total budget -- all funds Total budgeted salaries/benefits 17.61% $9,849,651 $1,735,060 I 17.03% $8.728,958 $1.486,670 I (b) 14.09% $13,787,656 $1,942,755 16.52% $14,930,049 $2,466,692 I Number of Employees - FT (Gen)* 25 29 31 35 Number of Employees - PT (Gen) 4 5 7 19 Number of Employees - FT (Liq) 3 3 3 3 Number of Employees - PT (Liq) 6 6 6 6 I 'Classification - Administration - Finance - Deputy Registrar - Inspections - Public Works Admin. - Streets - Economic Development - Water - Parks - Community Center 6 3 1 3 2 5 1 3 1 o I I I (c) Budget data on independent contractors and consultants. I City Attorney - Dennis Dalen Planner - Northwest Consultants Engineer (non-project) - WSB Police - Wright County Sheriff WWTP Operations - PSG Inc. Animal Control - Patty Salzwedel City Hall Cleaning Garbage - Superior Services Recycling - Superior Services Assessor - Wright County $11,000 $25,000 $10,000 $333,325 $440,000 $28.475 $10,000 $105,000 $56,000 $16,250 I I I I I I I 2000BUOGET.XLS:Comparison-statistical data:4/12/00 6 3 1 4 2 5 1 3 4 o 6 3 1 5 2 5 1 3 5 o 6 3 1 5 2 5 1 3 5 4 $13,000 $80,000 $100,000 $406,830 $528,145 $30,350 $7,200 $125,000 $63,000 $23.475 15 I I I I I I I I I Misc 1.7% Interest 2.9% Transfers 9_6% I I I I I I I I I I REVENUE SOURCES All Funds, 2000 Budget Refunds 0.3% Liquor 17_8% Special Asmts 4.1% Inter-Gov't 3.3% Fines 0.2% -- Charges 19_5% Inter-Gov't Taxes Taxes-TIF Lie & Permits Charges Fines Transfers Interest Mise Liquor Refunds Special Asmts TOTAL 2000BUDGETXLS:Chart-Revenue Sources:4/12/00 Taxes-TIF 5_0% $463,909 $4,739,325 $705,850 $318,925 $2,775,892 $22,500 $1,368,622 $417,320 $245,050 $2,522,650 $45,000 $576713 $14,201,756 Taxes 33.4% 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXPENDITURES BY FUND All funds, 2000 Budget Community Center 8.08% EDA 0.1% Cemetery 0.21% Capital Imp. Revolving 0.8% Parks 3.14% Water 3.59% Sanitary Sewer 119% Water Access 0.1% General 23.35% Transportation 0.59% Library 0.23% Sanitary Sewer Access 3.55% Liquor 15.58% HRA 2.73% Debt Service 25.59% Shade Tree 0.26% OAA 0.1% Water General Library Debt Service OM HRA Shade Tree Liquor Sanitary Sewer Access Transportation Sanitary Sewer Capital Imp. Revolving EDA Parks Community Center Cemetery Water Access TOTAL $539,935 $3,515,770 $34,290 $3,852,318 $5,700 $411,630 $39,120 $2,345,440 $535,000 $89,300 $1,804,475 $130,000 $7,000 $472,171 $1,216,710 $31,290 $25,000 $15,055,149 3.60% 23.40% 0.20% 25.60% 0.10% 2.70% 0.26% 15.60% 3.60% 0.60% 11 .90% 0.80% 0.10% 3.14% 8.10% 0.20% 0.10% 100.00% 2000BUDGETXLS:Chart-Exp Fund:4/12/00 17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I z o UJ - 0:: <( Cl. :e o o >- 0:: <( :E :E ::) en w 0::: ::) I- - C Z W Cl. >< W +" Q) C) "C ::J m o o o N en en en ~ II o o o N ~ OSO'LS$ OSz' ~ S$ 0~L'9~Z' ~~S9' ~L P'~l'8t9$ 0$ I 0$ ~ 0$ I........... 0$ , 0$ I 0$ /1 oJ$ ! oooPs~d 908'S17L$-...........'...'... 000 SSS$ -c:::J OZ~:L$ I 000 L$ 'f OOS:17L$j OOS S8$E! 000'28$ S9L'098' SL17'1708' ~ OLS'8SS' ~ 01717'S17S'Z ~SS' ~O ' 8~S'ZS8'S SZ17'17ZS'l:Jr: OLL'S ~S'S$ o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o l.() """ C'? fA- fA- B~~~t~~i~ 88Z:~i I SSL'L9$ '/, OZ~'SS$' (j%~~ ':'~~.............. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fA- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l.() 0 l.() 0 l.() C'? N N ..- ..- fA- fA- fA- fA- fA- fA- 1;eil ~eil ....eil ""eil v" V eilo .s>i-.... ~ '" ." J\ 0' "',.._ $'eil v4/. vVp.. 00 0.6-: '" 0") eil'1teil V/ "1c (5) .<'\v ~o v\Y. ~ ~ $',s> V<S\ eilv .s> v6- $'eil ....eil V ~ b-: vp.. % 0...:> ....eil-1;>: "0 ~ '~I$> -c -<I ~ ~ v0 00:: ~" . -Vo $'" ~ ....eil "1eil ~~ 'tteil (:Y_ ....eil (5) -c O'~ ~~- 0/. :;-'/1$> ....0 '7 . vI$> ~o:: "'6/ \SI ~o eil .j v,.. . 'Veil p..<>.; (5) /, 'Y 90,) ~ 0 o eileil ;.- -VI$> ~<S> ....'" Yo /1$> ~/) IS' ....eil veil \9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY All Funds 2000 Budget Personal services Supplies Other services and charges Capital outlay Debt service Transfers between funds Liquor products TOTALS 20DOBUDGET.XLS:Exp by Aclivily:4/12/00 , '~.",'/':', /f/ $2,466,692 $2,105,355 17.2% $354,225 $322,160 10.0% $3,177,152 $3,875,620 -18.0% $372,775 $802,965 -53.6% $3,982,318 $3,989,791 -0.2% $1,368,622 $899,850 52.1% $1,878,075 $1,551,950 21.0% $13,599,859 $13,547,691 19 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY All Funds, 2000 Budget Liquor Products 13.8% Transfer 10.1% Debt Service 29.3% Salaries & Benefits Supplies Other Services Capital Outlay Debt Service Transfer Liquor Products TOTAL Salaries & Benefits 181% Supplies 2.6% Other Services 23.4% Capital Outlay 2.7% $2.466,692 $354,225 $3,177,152 $372,775 $3,982,318 ** $1,368,622 $1 878.075 $13,599,859 ** Includes additional $130,000 that was added to levy for estimated debt payment on new G.O. Bond to be issued in January 2000. 2000BUDGET.XLS:Chart-Exp by Act:4/12/00 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Parks 9.7% Capital Imp. Revolving 2.7% TAX LEVY BY FUND All Funds, 2000 Budget Community Center 11.5% HRA 0.3% Transportation 0.5% Debt Retirement 26.7% General Library OM Debt Retirement Transportation Capital Imp. Revolving HRA Parks Community Center TOTAL 2000BUDGET.XLS:Chart-Tax Levy by Fund:4/12/00 OM 0.1% $2,266,639 $32,790 $4,425 $1,264,135 $21,722 $130,000 $15,790 $458,171 $545 653 $4,739,325 General 47.8% Library 07% 47.8 0.7 0.1 26.7 0.5 2.7 0.3 9.7 11.5 100 21 I I N 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 /fl 0 0 0 0 <ri r:5 o. "<f 0 0 <0 <0 -<;t I /fl r-: /fl /fl (") I"- 0 .... ;; N /fl .... I I"- <0 r:5 ll)- 0> (") <0 (") /fl (") /fl /fl I 0 0 0 0 0 0 /fl 0 0 0 0 0 <ri <ri 0> (D 0> I /fl ("). ~ .... /fl I (/) .... (") 0 .- (/) 10 (") /fl (") ll). .- W r:5 c<i 10 I"- 10 Z /fl (") /fl /fl C I w t- m 0 0 0 0 0 w 0 0 /fl 0 0 0 0 I ...J C 0 <ri r:5 0" 0 I"- 0 (") ...J Z O_ N I /fl /fl W ~ /fl 0 LL M i= 0 I N I z t- ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 /fl 0 0 z - 0 0 0 "'C <ri <ri ll). :i: w Q) (") (D 0> a:> 0> 10 :i: - /fl a:i /fl I LL W U /fl 0 Q) t- '- 0 > ct: ... 0 0 0 0 !::: t- o.. 0 0 0 0 en - 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 a:i N- O l"- I"- (") 0 c .- 0> /fl N W ~ <ri N ~ /fl Z I - m ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <ri M N- 10- 0 0 "<f (") 0> 0 0> /fl l"- I <ri -<;t- N /fl N /fl /fl <:> <:> I rI) N Q) -0 ;: 15 c ~ 0 z CD '" a... c: C C " ~ '" Q) Q) :5 I E E '" l!! l!! 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I I I I I I I e/) e/) w z o W J- m w c Oz ...J 0') ...JOO') WWO') uO..... -z ~OM Oce... :fw~ u.O::E OJ-<I.l >-w~ 1-0::0 -0 UJ- e/) w :> w ...J X < I- I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ e a ~ CD :: .. gi......:2 I:i;.( .s - en ~. ~...g: F" ." ..... ~.. ~ ~ s ..~~ a i i ~ u, ~ ,...~......l f6e::Si .. ;; ~ 1:; CO> C cu cp..... .. <lI Ul cri:g s......i..::i!i:::.. o 0 I'...... .~t ''f'g ~"',":';:li &:=, f.b~CD ~~0...i..l'.'..';~:"i ~:III 11~;ill..iiiil';i;'.ii~i....i!~i!.11 ~ CO> ~ .. c:: ..... <lI....... t'-= 0:':':"1::','. i ~', : tJ:;. ,.=5<:" "5i \4ft.<:::',:e>>:':'::.: > '(I) :.....~.}=....e, ."'" i<8~ g I,. en ~'. .g ~ .. ...!!.' C) a o I';. " .....,: c'". ... e ~ e ... .s :< 1:; :;: :;~ 'to g.' m ..' 6..1; c-.o ;;<~ .<lo-'. e ~,,;, ... 0 .. .sm. I!g~g>;:li iji'g! 'C) - > .2 .. ; a ~.' ~ ~ .s 01$ '~. 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I. .... <> ~ " :Q .3 e :; ~ ~ ~ .. >- ~ X >- W (') o ::> '" g ~ o ... o 0 Q If>... c> <D ;; N ... ;; '" ~ <:> N ~ o ... ~ c> '" .... .... c> '" ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUMMARY OF PROJECTED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCES (Cash & Investments) Parks Fund General Library Tree OAA Water Water Access Sewer Sewer Access Transportation Liquor Capital Outlay Revolving HRA UDAG EDA SCERG CMIF Storm Sewer Access Cemetery Community Center Fund $100 $2,941,900 $2,475 $47,980 $10,530 $271,865 $567,685 $357,280 $1,450,480 $100 $214,480 $877,480 $139,040 $196,370 $419,420 $157,830 $540 $333,100 $2,250 $0 TOTALS $13,037,486 2000BUDGET.XLS:Summary of proj Revenue:4/12/00 :~OQQ<:. ............ .::......OJECTED ":.:REVENUE $468,171 $3,518,508 $34,290 $3,665 $5,700 $306,875 $146,000 $737,080 $698,100 $89.300 $2,531,225 $242,030 $732,480 $10,130 $37,960 $6,805 $145 $174,760 $23,090 $1,216,710 $468,171 $3,515,770 $34,290 $43,120 $5,700 $304,330 $25,000 $716,290 $535,000 $89,300 $2,345,440 $130,000 $411,630 $0 $7,000 $0 $0 $0 $31,290 $1,216,710 <,fROjECT~ All:ANCE12131 $100 $2,944,638 $2,475 $8,525 $10,530 $274,410 $688,685 $378,070 $1,613,580 $100 $400,265 $989,510 $459,890 $206,500 $450,380 $164,635 $685 $507,860 -$5,950 $0 $14,205,994 $13,731,359 $13,512,121 24 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 2000 Budget EXPENDITURES REVENUE/.... E)(PENDITUFtE$'J General $3,312,425 $3,324,425 $3,518,508 $3,515,770 Parks $670,680 $670,680 $468,171 $468,171 Library $32,295 $32,295 $34,290 $34,290 Transportation $74,900 $74,900 $89,300 $89,300 Shade Tree $8,160 $67,735 $3,665 $43,120 Community Center $516,650 $516,650 $1,216,710 $1,216,710 UDAG $8,370 $0 $10,130 $0 OM $8,200 $8,200 $5,700 $5,700 HRA $419,795 $395,755 $732,480 $411,630 EDA $41,540 $7,120 $37,960 $7,000 SCERG $6,180 $0 $6,805 $0 CMIF $140 $0 $145 $0 Debt Service $3,506,759 $3,501,331 $3,222,970 $3,852,318 Liquor $2,080,675 $1,998,570 $2,531,225 $2,345,440 Water $279,500 ."$464,380 $306,875 $539,935 . Sewer $696,115 .$1,860,765 $737,080 $1,804,475 ". Cemetery $23,975 $37,050 $23,090 $31,290 Capital Improvements $82,180 $82,000 $242,030 $130,000 Water Access $104,400 $0 $146,000 $25,000 Storm Sewer Access $181,450 $0 $174,760 $0 Sanitary Sewer Access $535,000 COMMENTS: "includes $1,088,185 Depreciation -- contributed assets sewer ""includes $235,605 Depreciation -- contributed assets water 2000BUDGET.XLS;Revenue &Expend Sum;4/12/00 25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TAX LEVY SUMMARY 2000 Budget All Funds Parks General Library Transportation Shade Tree OM HRA Debt Service Capital Imp. Revolving Community Center $0 $272,777 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Net Levy Increase to Cover Debt Net Levy Increase for Non-debt Portion of Budget Net Certified Levy Decreasellncrease Maximum Levy Allowed Remaining Levy Authority Available $91,208 $30,392 $121,600 $5,209,203 $469,878 Payable 1995 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1996 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1997 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1998 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1999 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2000 Tax Capacity Rate 18.228 18.509 19.136 27.001 35.186 36.272 '94/Payable 1995 '95/Payable 1996 '96/Payable 1997 '97/Payable 1998 '98/Payable 1999 99/Payable 2000 $15,586,930 $15,792,922 $15,993,989 $14,413,597 $13,123,681 $13,066,057 $2,841,185 $2,922,800 $3,059,880 $3,883,013 $4,617,725 $4,739,325 COMMENTS: *Community Center budget levy includes $562,750 for debt service and $184,903 for operations with a transfer from Liquor Fund of $202,000. (Net Levy Required = $545,653) 2000BUDGET.XLS:Tax Levy Sum-All Funds:4/12/00 e !/,>:::.'::::.. ','i:'..,!"'/; .\ '" .Ju~!ed Le 'i Aft~I(.R~d~!?~~J1g'i. :i;HA~A' ........ $458,171 $2,266,639 $32,790 $21,722 $0 $4,425 $15,790 $1,264,135 $130,000 $545,653 26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Inter-Gov't 12.0% Interest Income 2.9% Lie & Permits 9.1% REVENUE SOURCES General Fund, 2000 Budget Special Asmts 0.0% Fines 0.5% Mise 0.3% Charges 9.4% Refunds 1.3% Fines Refunds Tax Lic & Permits Interest Income Inter-Gov't Misc Charges Special Asmts TOTAL $19,000 $45,650 $2,268,139 $318,925 $102,370 $420,829 $11,800 $331,795 $0 $3,518,508 2000BUDGET.XLS:Chart~Rev Sourees:4/12/00 Tax 64.5% 27 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Personal Services 51% EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY General Fund, 2000 Budget Transfers 0% Supplies 7% Capital Outlay 4% Other Services 38% Supplies Other Services Capital Outlay Personal Services Transfers TOTALS $238,775 $1,338,020 $148,925 $1,790,050 $0 $3,515,770 2000BUDGET.XLS:Chart~Exp,Gen. Act. :4/12/00 28 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Public Works 38.2% EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION General Fund, 2000 Budget Health & Welfare 1.8% Community Dev. 2.1% Parks 0.0% Public Safety 18.4% General Gov't Mise Parks Public Safety Community Dev. Public Works Health & Welfare TOTAL $1,372,940 $12,500 $0 $647,865 $73,625 $1,344,645 $64,195 $3,515,770 2000BUDGET.XLS:ChartExpend by Div:4/12/00 General Gov't 39.1% Misc 0.4% 29 I I I I I I I OOS'(:L$ OOO'OL$ iJh !:iiiii~.h..?:; .....:.:...:... -~ . :2 ;:",:,.'1 I >- "C 0::: s:: ~ <C u. ~ - ~ CO '- ::l Q) UJ s:: Q) We:> 0::: ~ ::l s:: I- 0 - .- C .~ Z > W .- a..C X ~ wen SvL'9LV'L$ I 0$ 0$ z. 'c ::> > E Q) E 0 0 U ~ u Q) a::: ~ VJ -c ~ '" c.. I ~ Q) ;5 2 n; ~ Q) I VJ -" ~ .~ :0 ::> c.. >- ]1 '" eI) 0 -~ 0 :0 N ::> :;;; c.. '> -> 0 0 "0 c.? <:; ::> (ij U. Q; <:; <:; Q) Q) c.? c.? Eo E 0 ::> (R- ei) n. x UJ eI) -' X ~ UJ c.? 0 ::J IJ) 0 0 0 N I 06t7V9L$ I I Ov6'U€:' L$ S6 L '€:9$ 969'€:9$ I I I I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ci ci 0 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <0 """- N 0 c::o <0 """ N .- .- .- .- (R- (R- (R- (R- Ef) Ef) (R- (R- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 2000 Budget REVENUE Taxes CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES MOBILE HOME TAX TIF #1 - KMART FORFEITED TAX SALE APPORT PEN & INT - AD VALOREM TAXES TOTAL TAXES 101.31011 10131021 101.31031 101.31051 10131920 10131910 $2,266,639 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,500 139 Licenses and Permits. Business LIQUOR LICENSE BEER LICENSE SET UP LICENSE OTHER BUS LICENSES & PERMITS 101.32111 10132112 101.32113 101.32199 $28,850 $775 $50 $0 "",' :'. . " : ",..:."D < ~~/:/::<'~.Ph:~/~}~~~>H'5: . ~ERMITS'~ BUSINES Licenses and Permits - Non-Business BUILDING PERMITS VARIANCES/CONDITIONAL USES GRADING PERMIT PLUMBING CONNECTION PERMITS ANIMAL LICENSES BINGO LICENSES CABLE FRANCHISE FEE OTHER NON-BUS L1C & PERMITS 101.32211 101.32212 101.32215 101.32231 10132241 101.32261 101.32262 10132299 $280,000 $3,000 $0 $0 $250 $0 $0 $6,000 Inter-Governmental FEDERAL GRANTS - CETA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID HOMESTEAD CREDIT (HACA) MOBILE HOME HOMESTEAD CREDIT PERA INCREASE AID DISASTER AID LOCAL GOVT/ST HWY AID FIRE DEPT AID POLICE DEPT AID STATE GRANTS & AIDS - OTHER COUNTY HIGHWAY GRANTS OTHER COUNTY GRANTS 101.33120 101.33401 10133402 101.33403 101.33404 101.33408 101.33410 101.33420 10133421 101.33499 101.33610 10133620 $0 $8,162 $272,777 $0 $6,740 $0 $57,000 $47,450 $20,000 $0 $8,700 $0 ':('''-: "~ $420.829 Charges for Services RECYLlNG INCENTIVE 101.33621 $7,000 ZONING/SUBDIVISION FEES 101.34103 $7,000 SALE OF MAPS & PUBLICATIONS 101.34105 $350 MV LICENSE SALES/DEPUTY REG 101.34106 $120,000 ASSESSMENT SEARCHES 101.34107 $2,500 INSPECTION FEES 101.34204 $35,000 2000BUDGETXLS:Gen Fund Sum - Rev:4/12/00 31 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 2000 Budget FIRE PROTECTION TWP CONTRACT STREET,SIDEWALK,CURB REPAIRS SPECIAL GARBAGE PROC/RECYCLE GARBAGE CHG GARBAGE CART RENTAL PARK RENTAL FEES CONSTRUCTION COST (REIMB) OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 101.34206 1 01.34301 101,34408 101,34409 101.34410 101,34780 101,34960 101,34999 $71,645 $0 $0 $60,000 $28,000 $0 $0 $300 ;~,,': \):::::>':'::':/i(:;:, , : "'" .>:. ",:' :-i(':,::' ': ,";'';:-:::''" ':' ':<':'~<:':':<";>:"':'::, \~~)\.:::<v:>, 'l:,"n[QJAL.~"'ARGES.fqR:'SJ: Fines ANIMAL IMPOUNDMENT ." "[C)j~t'FINES Miscellaneous Revenue S, A. PRINCIPAL - COUNTY S_ A. PRINCIPAL - DIRECT S, A. PENALTIES & INTEREST INTEREST EARNINGS INTEREST EARNINGS-SUBURBAN INTEREST EARNINGS-AROPLAX RENTAL OF PROPERTY RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT CONTRIBUTIONS - PRIVATE SALE OF CITY PROPERTY MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE LOCK (FIRE) BOXES SIGNS & INSTALL (NEW PLATS) OTHER MISC REVENUE q,tlSRE 101.36101 101.36102 10136150 101.36210 10136213 101_36214 101,36220 10136221 101_36230 101,36240 101,36241 101,36242 101,36243 101,36299 $0 $0 $0 $102,000 $65 $305 $11,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150 $0 $500 Refunds and Reimbursements REFU NOS/REI MBU RSEMENTS IDC CONTRIBUTION (REIMB) HACA REIMBURSEMENT DISCOUNT 101,36290 101,36291 101,36292 101,36298 $45,000 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE $3,518,508 2000BUDGET_XLSGen Fund Sum - Rev:4/12/00 32 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 2000 Budget EXPENDITURES General Government Mayor and Council Administration Finance Audit Legal Planning & Zoning Assessing Deputy Registrar City Hall Data Processing Elections $34,065 $244,460 $157,045 $13,750 $60,425 $275,840 $23,475 $119,870 $103,940 $87,555 $8,325 ",:',::,:,',,'. , ",', . w:i:lI<"TOTAL.GENERALhb\j'ERNr.AENT ,i.. Public Safety Law Enforcement Fire Building Inspections Civil Defense Animal Control $406,830 $191,000 $169,540 $8,960 $41,075 Public Works Inspections Public Works Administration Streets & Alleys Snow & Ice Street Lighting Parking Lots Shop & Garage Refuse Collection Engineering $119,225 $132,245 $291,420 $118,890 $94,500 $5,300 $108,500 $374,565 $100,000 Health & Welfare Senior Citizens Center YMCA/Community Education Information Center 2000BUDGET.xLS:Gen Fund Sum - Exp:4/12/00 33 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 2000 Budget Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Economic Development Economic Development ;):<'(:~((::;">,:' ':':,~ 1Pif$g~ Miscellaneous Misc. -- Severence Benefits Insurance TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES $3,515,770 2000BUDGETXLS:Gen Fund Sum - Exp:4/12/00 34 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Mayor and Council Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, OTHER PERA CONTRIBUTIONS FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 101.41110.1010 101.41110.1090 101.41110.1210 101.41110.1220 101.41110.1250 $22,200 $1 ,000 $1,150 $1,375 $325 Services & Charges PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101.41110.2030 $0 MEETING SUPPLIES 101.41110.2075 $0 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41110.2099 $0 MISC COMMUNICATION 101.41110.3299 $0 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.41110.3310 $1,250 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.411103320 $1 ,500 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP 101.41110.4330 $4,665 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 101.41110.4350 $0 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41110.4399 $600 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 101.41110.5601 $0 ." TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES .. $8,015 ITOTAL MA VOR & COGNtlL $34,0651 2000BUDGETXLS:Gen Fund-May&Cou:4/12/00 35 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Administration Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT SALARIES, OTHER SEVERANCE PAY PERA CONTRIBUTIONS ICMA INSURANCE CONTRIBUTION FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS HEAL TH/DENTALlLlFE INSURANCE 101.41301.1010 101.41301.1020 101.41301.1030 101.41301.1031 101.41301.1040 101.41301.1050 101.41301.1090 101.413011110 101.41301.1210 101.41301.1211 101.41301.1220 101 .41301.1250 1 01 .41301 . 131 0 $137,600 $200 $43,150 $0 $0 $0 $3,600 $0 $5,640 $3,735 $11,220 $2,625 $16,515 Supplies DUPLICATING & COpy SUPPLIES PRINTED FORMS & PAPER MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MOTOR FUELS MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES MAPS 101.41301.2020 101.41301.2030 101.41301.2099 101.41301.2120 101.41301.2199 101.41301.2580 Services & Charges SOFTWARE 101.41301.3091 $0 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.41301.3190 $0 NEWSLETTER 101.41301.3195 $0 MiSe PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 101.41301.3199 $500 TELEPHONE 101.41301.3210 $200 POSTAGE 101.41301.3220 $0 DELIVERY MAIL SERVICE (UPS) 101.41301.3240 $0 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.41301.3310 $1 ,000 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.41301.3320 $3,400 MISC TRANSPORTATION 101.41301.3399 $0 ADVERTISING 101.41301.3499 $0 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 101.41301.3520 $1,750 MISC GENERAL INSURANCE-BOND 101.41301.3699 $50 2000BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund~Admin:4/12/00 36 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Administration REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP MACHINERY RENTAL DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP BOOKS & PAMPHLETS AWAIR PROG/SAFETY PROG CONSL REFUNDS/REIMBURSEMENTS OUT MISC OTHER EXPENSE /:~l;"()TAl~:~~~I~~~::!~<::,j<<.. 1 01.41301.4044 101.41301.4160 1 01.41301.4330 1 01.41301.4350 1 01.41301.4393 1 01.41301.4395 1 01.41301.4399 $500 $0 $2,500 $200 $4,750 $0 $250 Capital Outlay FURNITURE & FIXTURES OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ITOTAL ADMINISTRATION: $244,460 I COMMENTS: Salaries: 100% Rick, Dawn, Sandy, Shannon, Pam; 50% Jeff Office Equipment: Typewriter Dictaphone Commercial Shredder $1,200 $325 $2 500 $4,025 2000BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund~Admin:4/12/00 37 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Elections Personal Services SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 'm~I.,R~RSO .";" 1 01.4141 0.1 040 101.41410.1220 101.41410.1250 $2,500 $0 $0 Supplies PRINTED FORMS & PAPER TRAINING SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41410.2030 101.41410.2070 101.41410.2099 101.41410.2199 Services & Charges MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS TRAVEL EXPENSE CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION MISC OTHER EXPENSE OFFICE EQUIPMENT 101.41410.3190 101.41410.3310 101.41410.3320 101.41410.3510 10'1.41410.4399 101.41410.5701 $1,000 $50 $0 $0 $150 $0 JTOTAL ELECTIONS $8,3251 2000BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund-Elections:4/12/00 38 I I GENERAL FUND I 2000 Budget Finance I Personal Services I SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG 101.41520.1010 $114,615 SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT 101.41520.1020 $2,000 SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG 101.41520.1030 $0 I SALARIES, PART~TIME - OT 101.41520.1031 $0 SALARIES, TEMPORARY ~ REG 101.41520.1040 $0 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT 101.41520.1050 $0 I SALARIES, OTHER 101.41520.1090 $0 SEVERANCE PAY 101.41520.1110 $0 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 101.41520.1210 $6,040 I FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 101.41520.1220 $7,230 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 101.41520.1250 $1,690 HEAL TH/DENTAL/L1FE INSURANCE 101.41520.1310 $19,395 U. C. BENEFIT PAYMENTS 101.41520.1420 $0 I I Supplies PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101.41520.2030 $2,500 I MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.41520.2099 $100 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41520.2199 $0 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES 101.415202299 $0 I I Services & Charges PROF SRV - DATA PROCESSING 101.41520.3090 $0 PROF SRV - MAINT AGREEMENTS 101.41520.3190 $0 I MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 101.41520.3199 $0 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.41520.3310 $700 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.41520.3320 $1 ,100 I LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.41520.3510 $0 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 101.41520.3520 $1 ,300 MISC PRINTING 101.41520.3599 $0 I DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP 101.41520.4330 $100 REFUNDS/REIMBURSEMENTS OUT 101.41520.4395 $0 BANK CHARGES 101.41520.4398 $175 I MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41520.4399 $100 I I 2000BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund~Finance:4/12/00 39 .-..-.-...-"..---.......-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Finance Capital Outlays FURNITURE & FIXTURES OFFICE EQUIPMENT ITOTAL FINANCE $157,0451 COMMENTS: Salaries: 97% Lori W., 96% Cathy, 100% Pat, 100% new pt position 2000BUDGETXLS:Gen Fund-Finance:4/12/00 40 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Audit Services & Charges PROF SRV - AUDIT MiSe OTHER EXPENSE ITOTAL AUDIT $13,7501 2000BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund-Audit4/12/00 41 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Assessing Supplies PRINTED FORMS & PAPER MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 101.41550.2030 101.41550.2099 101.41550.2199 101.41550.2410 $100 $0 $0 $0 Services & Charges PROF SRV - ASSESSING TELEPHONE TRAVEL EXPENSE CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP 101.41550.3125 101.41550.3210 101.41550.3310 101.41550.3320 101.415503510 101.41550.3520 101.41550.4330 $23,325 $0 $0 $0 $50 $0 $0 :::: :',:-" .',:' :,: : <::::':,::\:::::>:::;:~ ,:,;>,::A)'/::::~':~\<::>'~:,'/~(i:(f\ }(li-_(;rOTACSERV,'- ITOTAL ASSESSING $23.4751 COMMENTS: Professional Services: Assessing contract - Wright County Assessor 2000BUDGET.XLSGen Fund-Assessing:4/12/00 42 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Legal Services & Charges PROFSRV-LEGALFEES PROF SRV - LEGAL FEES REIMB MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP MISC OTHER EXPENSE . ,." , ': ':', ::' .:'>:: ,:",,:,::<,:,;:,:>:><,:::'~;:<)i~~~::/::G O:TALSERVICES & CHARG 101.41601.3040 101.41601.3045 101.41601.3199 101.41601.3510 101.41601.4330 101.41601.4399 $13,000 $0 $0 $29,000 $17,925 $500 ITOTAL LEGAL $60,4251 COMMENTS: D.u..e.s.:. Coalition of Utility Cities 2000BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund-Legal:4/12/00 43 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Planning & Zoning Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT SALARIES, OTHER SEVERANCE PAY PERA CONTRIBUTIONS FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS HEAL TH/DENTAULlFE INSURANCE T01AL.....~E~~5~ 101.41910.1010 101.41910.1020 101.41910.1030 101.41910.1031 101.41910.1040 101.419101050 101.41910.1090 101.41910.1110 101.41910.1210 101.41910.1220 101.41910.1250 101.419101310 $139,560 $3,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,410 $8,870 $2,075 $22,925 Supplies PRINTED FORMS & PAPER MEETING SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.41910.2030 101.41910.2075 101.419102099 101.41910.2199 $500 $0 $0 $1,000 Services & Charges PROF SRV - ARCHITECTS' FEES 101.41910.3020 $0 PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEES 101.41910.3030 $0 PROFSRV-LEGALFEES 101.41910.3040 $0 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 101.41910.3199 $80,000 TELEPHONE 101.41910.3210 $1,600 DELIVERY MAIL SERVICE (UPS) 101.419103240 $0 MISC COMMUNICATION 101.41910.3299 $0 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.41910.3310 $700 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.41910.3320 $1 ,000 FREIGHT 101.41910.3330 $0 ADVERTISING 101.419103499 $0 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.41910.3510 $3,000 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 101.41910.3520 $2,000 MISC PRINTING 101.41910.3599 $0 PROPERTY TAXES 101.41910.3710 $0 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP 101.41910.4330 $700 2000BUDGETXLS:Gen Fund~P&Z:4/12/00 44 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BOOKS & PAMPHLETS REFUNDS/REIMBURSEMENTS OUT MISC OTHER EXPENSE GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Planning & Zoning 101.41910.4350 101.41910.4395 101.41910.4399 $0 $0 $1,000 Capital Outlay FURNITURE & FIXTURES OFFICE EQUIPMENT 101.41910.5601 101.419105701 $0 $0 ITOTAL PLANNING & ZONING $275,8401 COMMENTS: Salaries: 50% Jeff, 100% Wanda, 100% Lori, 100% New Planning Tech position 2000BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund-P&Z4/12/00 45 I GENERAL FUND I 2000 Budget Data Processing I Supplies I DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIES 101.41920.2025 PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101.41920.2030 SUPPLIES-USE 101.41920.2025 101.41920.2099 I I Services & Charges PROF SRV - DATA PROCESSING 101.41920.3090 $44,500 SOFTWARE 101.41920.3091 $4,500 I PROF SVC - WEBSITE/EMAIL 101.41920.3092 $7,900 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.41920.3190 $5,355 TELEPHONE 101.41920.3210 $50 I DELIVERY MAIL SERVICE 101.419203240 $0 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.41920.3310 $300 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.41920.3320 $4,100 I ADVERTISING 101.41920.3499 $0 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP 101.41920.4044 $500 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP 101.41920.4330 $100 I BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 101.41920.4350 $0 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.41920.4399 $350 I Capital Outlay I FURNITURE & FIXTURES 101.41920.5601 $0 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 101.41920.5701 $0 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 101.41920.5702 $15,700 I I ITOTAL DATA PROCESSING $87,5551 I COMMENTS: I Computer Equipment- AS 400 Printer $4,000 2000 Sheet Paper Drawer for Laser Printer $1,300 I Deskjet Color Printer $400 Personal Computers (4) $10,000 $15,700 I Professional Services: AS 400 Lease & Software $35,000 2000BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund-Data Proc:4/12/00 46 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget City Hall Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT SALARIES, OTHER SEVERANCE PAY PERA CONTRIBUTIONS FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS HEAL TH/DENTAL/L1FE INSURANCE /::,: :,: :~'~i:~\':~~',?:f<::: ': ' , ':'~': '::::3~:~~/n{f: ~ERS~t\lAL:~~B\lIC 101.41940.1010 101.41940.1020 101.41940.1030 101.41940.1031 101.41940.1040 101.41940.1050 101.41940.1090 101.41940.1110 101.41940.1210 101.41940.1220 101.41940.1250 101.41940.1310 $1,500 $500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $105 $125 $30 $180 Supplies DUPLICATING & COpy SUPPLIES PRINTED FORMS & PAPER MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 101.41940.2020 101.41940.2030 101.41940.2099 101.41940.2110 101.41940.2111 101.41940.2199 101.41940.2230 101.41940.2299 101.41940.2410 $3,100 $5,000 $11,000 $0 $0 $3,500 $0 $750 $0 '$23,350 Services & Charges PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.41940.3110 $7,200 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.41940.3190 $9,000 PROF SRV - NEWSLETTER 101.419403195 $7,500 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 101.41940.3199 $500 TELEPHONE 101.41940.3210 $23,800 POSTAGE 101.41940.3220 $9,300 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.41940.3310 $0 ADVERTISING 101.41940.3499 $0 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 101.41940.3520 $0 PROPERTY TAXES 101.41940.3710 $0 ELECTRIC 101.41940.3810 $14,000 2000BUDGETXLS:Gen Fund-City Hall:4/12/00 47 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget City Hall GAS REFUSE REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP EQUIPMENT RENTAL DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP MISC OTHER EXPENSE TOTAI..'SERVICES':~"C 1 01.41940.3830 1 01.41940.3840 1 01.41940.401 0 101.41940.4044 101.41940.4150 101.41940.4330 101.41940.4399 $3,000 $0 $1 ,500 $1,500 $0 $350 $500 Capital Outlays BUILDINGS IMPROVEMENTS FURNITURE & FIXTURES OFFICE EQUIPMENT OTHER EQUIPMENT 101.41940_5201 101.41940.5301 101.41940.5601 101.41940.5701 101.41940_5801 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 '~:::'::::::::::~::~:,::::' ::.,:" ',.'.' , """.,::,:::,:" :":' .,:'. , """ TOTAl..CAPIT.AID: ITOTAL CITY HALL $103,9401 COMMENTS: Salaries: 5% John Lukach Mise Office Supplies, Printed Forms, Copy Supplies, Telephone for all City Admin. Depts. Maint. Agreements - (2) Typewriters & Copier Lease Agreement @ $617/mo, 2000BUDGETXLS:Gen Fund-City Hall 4/12/00 48 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Deputy Registrar Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG SALARIES, PART~TIME - OT SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT SALARIES, OTHER SEVERANCE PAY PERA CONTRIBUTIONS FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS HEALTH/DENTAL/LIFE INSURANCE RSONAiL.SERVICES 10141990.1010 10141990.1020 10141990.1030 101.41990.1031 101.41990.1040 101.41990.1050 10141990.1090 10141990.1110 10141990.1210 10141990.1220 10141990.1250 10141990.1310 $32,365 $1,500 $55,300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,620 $5,530 $1,295 $7,335 Supplies DUPLICATING & COPY SUPPLIES PRINTED FORMS & PAPER MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 10141990.2020 101.41990.2030 10141990.2099 101.41990.2110 10141990.2199 10141990.2410 $400 $0 $900 $0 $300 $100 Services & Charges PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS TELEPHONE POSTAGE TRAVEL EXPENSE CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION ELECTRIC GAS REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP BOOKS & PAMPHLETS MISC OTHER EXPENSE '((TOTAL SERVICES & CHAR 10141990.3110 10141990.3190 10141990.3210 101.41990.3220 10141990.3310 10141990.3320 10141990.3520 101.419903810 101419903830 101419904010 101419904044 101419904330 101.419904350 101419904399 $1,500 $1,250 $2,200 $1,250 $300 $600 $0 $1,025 $600 $600 $0 $600 $50 $250 2000BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund-Dep. Regislrar:4/12/00 49 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Deputy Registrar Capital Outlay BUILDINGS FURNITURE & FIXTURES OFFICE EQUIPMENT 101.41990.5201 101.41990.5601 101.41990.5701 $0 $0 $0 'TOTAL DEPUTY REGISTRAR COMMENTS: Salaries: FT - Diane, Kim PT - 2-3 employees 2000BUDGETXLS:Gen Fund-Dep. Regislrar:4/12/00 $119,8701 50 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Law Enforcement Services & Charges PROF SRV - LAW ENFORCEMENT ITOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT $406,8301 COMMENTS: Professional Services: 28 hrs/day + 416 hours @ $38.25/hr (10.636 hrs total) 2000BUDGET.XLSGen Fund-Law Enforcement:4/12/00 51 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Fire Department Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT SALARIES, OTHER SEVERANCE PAY PERAlPENSION CONTRIBUTIONS FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS HEAL TH/DENTAULlFE INSURANCE 101.42201.1010 101.42201.1020 101.42201.1030 101.42201.1031 101.42201.1040 101.42201.1050 101.42201.1090 101 .42201 .1110 101.42201.1210 101.42201.1220 101.42201.1250 101.42201.1310 $52,000 $0 $1,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $47,450 $100 $3,300 $775 $180 Supplies PRINTED FORMS & PAPER TRAINING SUPPLIES MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES MOTOR FUELS LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 101.42201.2030 101.42201.2070 101.42201.2099 101.42201.2111 101.42201.2120 101.42201.2130 101.42201.2199 101.42201.2210 101.42201.2211 101.42201.2230 101.42201.2299 101.42201.2410 $250 $150 $100 $7,800 $2,000 $300 $1,600 $600 $150 $0 $100 $1,800 Services & Charges PROF SRV - AUDIT 101.42201.3010 $0 SOFTWARE 101.42201.3091 $0 PROF SVC - WEBSITE/EMAIL 101.42201.3092 $0 PROF SRV - LAWN SERVICE 101.42201.3105 $0 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.42201.3110 $600 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.42201.3190 $1,500 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 101.42201.3199 $2,500 TELEPHONE 101.42201.3210 $1,350 2QQQBUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund.Fire Department:4/12/QQ 52 I GENERAL FUND I 2000 Budget Fire Department I POSTAGE 101.42201.3220 $100 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.42201.3310 $3,450 I CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.42201.3320 $3,000 FREIGHT 101.42201.3330 $0 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.42201.3510 $0 I GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 101.42201.3520 $200 MISC PRINTING 101.42201.3599 $0 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE 101.42201.3610 $2,930 PROPERTY INSURANCE 101.42201.3620 $470 I VEHICLE INSURANCE 101.422013630 $4,900 MISC GENERAL INSURANCE 101.42201.3699 $6,445 ELECTRIC 101.42201.3810 $3,600 I GAS 101.42201.3830 $3,000 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 101.42201.4010 $6,000 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP 101.42201.4044 $3,600 I REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.42201.4050 $10,000 REPAIR & MTC - OTHER 101.42201.4099 $0 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP 101.42201.4330 $500 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 101.42201.4350 $0 I LICENSES & PERMITS 101.42201.4370 $0 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.42201.4399 $1,000 I I Capital Outlay 1M PROVEM ENTS 101.42201.5301 $0 MOTOR VEHICLES 101.42201.5501 $0 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 101.42201.5601 $0 I OFFICE EQUIPMENT 101.42201.5701 $0 OTHER EQUIPMENT 101.42201.5801 $15,700 I I ITOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT $191,0001 COMMENTS: I Severence Pay: I State aid for Fire Relief Association Pension Other Equioment: I (4) Airpacks $7,600 Video Image Camera (Balance) $8,100 $15,700 I I 2000BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund-Fire Department:4/12/00 53 -. ....-----.---- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Building Inspections Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT SALARIES, OTHER SEVERANCE PAY PERA CONTRIBUTIONS FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS HEAL TH/DENTAL/L1FE INSURANCE 101.42401.1010 101.42401.1020 101.42401.1030 101.42401.1031 101.42401.1040 101.42401.1050 101.42401.1090 101.42401.1110 101.42401.1210 101.42401.1220 101.42401.1250 101.42401.1310 $111,935 $1,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,850 $7,000 $1,640 $16,265 Supplies PRINTED FORMS & PAPER MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES MOTOR FUELS MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 101.42401.2030 101.42401.2099 101.42401.2111 101.42401.2120 101.42401.2199 101.42401.2299 101.42401.2410 $850 $0 $600 $750 $500 $0 $150 Services & Charges PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEES 101.42401.3030 $2,500 PROF SRV - SOFTWARE/PRGRMING 101.42401.3091 $0 PROF SRV - LAWN SERVICE 101.42401.3105 $0 MISC PROF SERV-REIMBURSABLE 101.42401.3198 $0 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 101.42401.3199 $10,000 TELEPHONE 101.42401.3210 $3,800 POSTAGE 101.42401.3220 $0 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.42401.3310 $1,000 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.42401.3320 $1,300 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.42401.3510 $0 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 101.42401.3520 $2,200 ORDINANCE PUBLICATION 101.42401.3530 $0 MISC PRINTING 101.42401.3599 $0 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP 101.42401.4044 $500 REPAIR & MTC ~ VEHICLES 101.42401.4050 $1 ,000 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP 101.42401.4330 $500 2000BUDGETXLS:Gen Fund-Building Inspections:4/12/00 54 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BOOKS & PAMPHLETS LICENSES & PERMITS MISC OTHER EXPENSE GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Building Inspections 101.42401.4350 101.42401.4370 101.42401.4399 $200 $0 $0 Capital Outlay MOTOR VEHICLES OFFICE EQUIPMENT $169,5401 ITOTAL BUILDING INSPECTIONS COMMENTS: Salaries: 85% Gary, 100% Fred, 100% Debra Mise professional services: Temporary inspection services 2000BUDGETXLSGen Fund-Building Inspections:4/12/00 55 I GENERAL FUND I 2000 Budget Civil Defense I Personal Services I SALARIES, FULL TIME ~ REG 101.42501.1010 $6.465 SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT 101.42501.1020 $0 SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG 101.42501.1030 $0 I SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT 101.42501.1031 $0 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG 101.42501.1040 $0 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT 101.42501.1050 $0 I SALARIES, OTHER 101.42501,1090 $0 SEVERANCE PAY 101.42501_1110 $0 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 101.42501.1210 $335 I FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 101.42501,1220 $400 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 101.42501.1250 $95 HEAL TH/DENTALlLlFE INSURANCE 101.42501.1310 $865 I $8,160 I Supplies MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES I I Services & Charges MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 101.42501_3199 $0 TELEPHONE 101.42501_3210 $0 I TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.42501_3310 $0 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.42501_3320 $0 ELECTRIC 101.42501.3810 $200 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP 101.42501.4044 $600 I DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP 101.42501.4330 $0 LICENSES & PERMITS 101.42501.4370 $0 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.42501.4399 $0 I 1997 STORM DAMAGE EXPENSES 101.42501.4401 $0 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 101.42501.5701 $0 OTHER EQUIPMENT 101.42501.5801 $0 I I ITOTAL CIVIL DEFENSE $8,9601 I COMMENTS: Salaries: I 15% Gary I 2000BUDGETXLS:Gen Fund-Civil Defense:4/12/00 56 I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget I Animal Control I Supplies PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 101.42701.2030 $0 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 101.42701.2099 $0 I CLEANING SUPPLIES 101.42701.2110 $600 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 101.42701.2199 $1,950 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 101.42701.2230 $200 I MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES 101.42701.2299 $0 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 101.42701.2410 $500 I Services & Charges I PROF SRV - ANIMAL CTRL OFR 101.42701.3120 $30,350 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 101.42701.3199 $1,200 TELEPHONE 101.42701.3210 $1,500 I POSTAGE 101.42701.3220 $0 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.42701.3310 $650 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.42701.3320 $200 I LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.42701.3510 $0 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 101.42701.3520 $0 ELECTRIC 101.42701.3810 $1 ,500 GAS 101.42701.3830 $950 I REFUSE 101.42701.3840 $0 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 101.42701.4010 $950 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP 101.42701.4330 $25 I TREE REPLACEMENT 101.42701.4391 $0 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.42701.4399 $500 I I Capital Outlay BUILDINGS 101.42701.5201 $0 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 101.42701.5601 $0 I COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 101.42701.5702 $0 OTHER EQUIPMENT 101.42701.5801 $0 I I ITOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL $41,0751 COMMENTS: I Professional Services' Patty Salzwedel contract I 2000BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund-Animal Conlrol:4/12/00 57 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget PW/Administration Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT SALARIES, OTHER SEVERANCE PAY PERA CONTRIBUTIONS FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS HEALTH/DENTAL/LIFE INSURANCE 101.43110.1010 101.43110.1020 101.43110.1030 101.43110.1031 101.43110.1040 101.43110.1050 101.43110.1090 101.43110.1110 101.43110.1210 101.43110.1220 101.431101250 101.43110.1310 $88,795 $300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,615 $5,525 $1,290 $10,210 Supplies DUPLICATING & COPY SUPPLIES PRINTED FORMS & PAPER MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES MOTOR FUELS MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 101.43110.2020 101.43110.2030 101.43110.2099 101.43110.2110 101.43110.2111 101.43110.2120 101.43110.2199 101.43110.2410 $1 ,000 $1,500 $2,500 $100 $0 $0 $500 $0 Services & Charges PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEES 101.43110.3030 $0 PROF SVC-ENGINEERING REIMB 101.43110.3035 $0 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 101.43110.3110 $2,200 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.43110.3190 $300 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 101.43110.3199 $300 TELEPHONE 101.43110.3210 $6,800 POSTAGE 101.43110.3220 $1 ,500 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.43110.3310 $100 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.43110.3320 $400 ADVERTISING 101.43110.3499 $300 LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION 101.43110.3510 $200 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 101.43110.3520 $1,500 2000BUDGETXLS:Gen Fund - PW Admin:4/12/00 58 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget PW/Administration MISC PRINTING PROPERTY TAXES REPAIR & MTC ~ MACH & EQUIP REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES EQUIPMENT RENTAL UNIFORM RENTAL DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP BOOKS & PAMPHLETS MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43110.3599 101.43110.3710 101.43110.4044 101.43110.4050 101.43110.4150 101.43110.4170 101.43110.4330 101.43110.4350 101.43110.4399 $250 $0 $200 $0 $0 $360 $500 $0 $500 <),}:::::C"""':':""""':':""" " ,::",~::>::.":",,:,,,?:::\~'\ VICE'S'&CH:t\RGES Capital Outlay FURNITURE & FIXTURES OFFICE EQUIPMENT OTHER EQUIPMENT 101.43110.5601 101.43110.5701 101.43110.5801 $500 $0 $0 ITOT AL PW/ADMINISTRA TION $132,2451 COMMENTS: FT Salaries: 100% John, Beth 2000BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund - PW Admin 4/12/00 59 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget PW/Engineering Services & Charges PROF SRV - ENGINEERING FEES PROF SVC-ENGINEERING REIMB ITOTAL PW/ENGINEERING $100,0001 COMMENTS: Professional Services - engineering fees: Engineering fees for non-project engineer services. Professional Services - enQineerinQ reimb: Engineering fees chargeable to private individual/developers. 4:15 PM 60 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget PW/lnspections Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT SALARIES, OTHER SEVERANCE PAY PERA CONTRIBUTIONS FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS HEAL TH/DENTAL/L1FE INSURANCE 101.43115.1010 10143115.1020 10143115.1030 10143115.1031 10143115.1040 10143115.1050 10143115.1090 101.43115.1110 101.43115.1210 101431151220 10143115.1250 10143115.1310 $76,045 $6,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,250 $5,090 $1 , 190 $5,950 Supplies PRINTED FORMS & PAPER MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES MOTOR FUELS MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT ......~ALSUPp.l.j~~;i:..> 101.43115.2030 101.43115.2099 101431152111 10143115.2120 10143115.2199 10143115.2211 10143115.2299 10143115.2410 $0 $300 $0 $1 ,000 $1,850 $500 $150 $200 Charges & Services PROF SRV - SOFTWARE/PRGRMING MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TELEPHONE TRAVEL EXPENSE CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS EQUIPMENT RENTAL UNIFORM RENTAL BOOKS & PAMPHLETS LICENSES & PERMITS MISC OTHER EXPENSE "ioTA E~vicES.&CHARGES 10143115.3091 10143115.3199 101.43115.3210 10143115.3310 10143115.3320 10143115.4150 101.431154170 101.43115.4350 101.431154370 101.43115.4399 $2,500 $1,000 $2,400 $1,800 $1 ,000 $100 $800 $0 $500 $100 Capital Outlay I FURNITURE & FIXTURES 1101.43115.5601 $5001 2000BUDGETXLS:Gen Fund-PW Inspections:4/12/00 61 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget PW/lnspections 101.43115.5701 ITOTAL PW/INSPECTIONS $119,2251 COMMENTS: Salaries. 100% Tom Bose, 100% Elmer Misc. Prof. Services: CAD training. Office Equipment: Large CAD Printer $6,000 2000BUDGETXLS:Gen Fund-PW Inspections:4/12/00 62 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget PW/Streets & Alleys Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT SALARIES, OTHER SEVERANCE PAY PERA CONTRIBUTIONS FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS HEALTH/DENTAL/LIFE INSURANCE U. C. BENEFIT PAYMENTS WORKER'S COMP BENEFIT PAYMT TOTAL PERSdN:A!.::S 101.43120.1010 101.43120.1020 101.43120.1030 101.43120.1031 101.43120.1040 101.43120.1050 101.43120.1090 101.43120.1110 101.43120.1210 101.43120.1220 101.43120.1250 101.43120.1310 101.43120.1420 101.43120.1520 $135,655 $1,300 $0 $0 $10,000 $500 $0 $0 $7,095 $9,145 $2,140 $20,535 $0 $0 Supplies CLOTHING SUPPLIES MOTOR FUELS LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES SHOP MATERIALS MiSe OPERATING SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS TIRES BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES STREET MAINTENANCE MATERIALS LANDSCAPING MATERIALS SIGN REPAIR MATERIALS MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT MISC MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE 'TOTAL SUPPLIES 101.43120.2111 101.43120.2120 101.43120.2130 101.43120.2150 101.43120.2199 101.43120.2210 101.431202211 101.43120.2220 101.43120.2230 101.43120.2240 101.43120.2250 101.43120.2260 101.43120.2299 101.43120.2410 101.43120.2999 $900 $12,000 $300 $0 $28,000 $4,500 $6,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500 $2,500 $0 '$54:r()o Services & Charges MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.43120.3190 $0 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 101.43120.3199 $13,000 TELEPHONE 101.43120.3210 $300 2000BUDGETXLSGen Fund-PW Streets & Alley:4/12/00 63 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget PW/Streets & Alleys DELIVERY MAIL SERVICE (UPS) 101.43120.3240 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.43120.3310 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.43120.3320 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 101.43120.3520 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP 101.43120.4044 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.43120.4050 REPAIR & MTC - OTHER 101.43120.4099 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 101.43120.4150 MACHINERY RENTAL 101.43120.4160 UNIFORM RENTAL 101.43120.4170 LICENSES & PERMITS 101.431204370 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43120.4399 $0 $0 $500 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $0 $750 $0 $3,000 $300 $1,500 Capital Outlay IMPROVEMENTS MOTOR VEHICLES OFFICE EQUIPMENT OTHER EQUIPMENT 101.43120.5301 101.43120.5501 101.43120.5701 101.43120.5801 $20,000 $0 $0 $8,000 'TOTAL PW/STREETS & ALLEYS $291,4201 COMMENTS: Salaries: 80% Roger, 87% Tom M., Jim E., Todd B., 90% of new position for (1/3) of year. Misc. Professional Services' Includes Striping - $8,000 Improvements' 3rd St. Parking Lot Overlay $20,000 Other Equipment: New Crack Router $8,000 2000BUDGETXLSGen Fund-PW Streets & Alley:4/12/00 64 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget PW/lce & Snow Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT SALARIES, OTHER SEVERANCE PAY PERA CONTRIBUTIONS FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS HEALTH/DENTAL/LIFE INSURANCE U. C. BENEFIT PAYMENTS WORKER'S COMP BENEFIT PAYMT ERS€)NAI....S~.~~ii~~~ 101.43125.1010 101.43125.1020 101.43125.1030 101.431251031 101.43125.1040 101.43125.1050 101.43125.1090 101.43125.1110 101.43125.1210 101.43125.1220 101.43125.1250 101.43125.1310 101.43125.1420 101.43125.1520 $19,710 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,280 $1,535 $360 $2,905 $0 $0 Supplies SAND MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 101.43125.2170 101.43125.2199 101.43125.2210 101.43125.2211 101.43125.2299 101.43125.2410 $0 $15,000 $3,000 $0 $0 $100 Services & Charges MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP $2,000 $0 . '...:,:::..:., .":.,, ," ,,:: ,:",.,,:r<\:,:,::~~,::::~::,\;\,:~::::, ' '"'''' '" '" , " · ":fOliAL'SE.RVICES & CHARGES Capital Outlay HEAVY MACHINERY :fOT ALCAPI:f Al..OUTLAY 2000BUDGETXLSGen Fund-PW Ice & Snow:4/12/00 65 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ITOTAL PW/SNOW & ICE GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget PW/lce & Snow I COMMENTS: Salaries: 10% of Street & Shop Department salaries Heavy Machinery: New Plow Truck 2000BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund~PW Ice & $now:4/12/00 $68,000 $118,8901 66 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget PW/Shop & Garage Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG SALARIES, PART-TIME ~ OT SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT SALARIES, OTHER SEVERANCE PAY PERA CONTRIBUTIONS FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS HEAL TH/DENTAL/L1FE INSURANCE U. C. BENEFIT PAYMENTS WORKER'S COMP BENEFIT PAYMT ,,"' ;:#" 101.43127.1010 1 01.43127.1 020 101.43127.1030 101.43127.1031 101.43127.1040 101.43127.1050 101.43127.1090 101.431271110 101.43127.1210 101.43127.1220 101.43127.1250 101.43127.1310 101.43127.1420 101.43127.1520 $34,055 $500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1 ,790 $2,145 $500 $4,510 $0 $0 m~TALpjgg'S;:'NAL SE~ Supplies CLEANING SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES MOTOR FUELS LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES SHOP MATERIALS CHEMICAL PRODUCTS MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT ~~tsuPpd~' 101.43127.2110 101.43127.2111 101.43127.2120 101.43127.2130 101.43127.2150 101.43127.2160 101.43127.2199 101.43127.2210 101.43127.2211 101.431272230 101.43127.2299 101.43127.2410 $0 $0 $0 $2,500 $0 $0 $10,000 $1 ,500 $1 ,500 $2,000 $0 $2,000 Services & Charges MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.43127.3190 $4,400 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 101.43127.3199 $2,000 RADIO UNITS 101.43127.3230 $0 MISC PRINTING 101.431273599 $0 ELECTRIC 101.43127.3810 $8,000 GAS 101.43127.3830 $17,000 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 101.43127.4010 $2,000 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP 101.43127.4044 $500 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 101.43127.4150 $0 2000BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund-PW Shop & Garage:4/12/00 67 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I UNIFORM RENTAL MISC RENTALS BOOKS & PAMPHLETS LICENSES & PERMITS MISC OTHER EXPENSE GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget PW/Shop & Garage 101.43127.4170 101.43127.4199 101.43127.4350 101.43127.4370 101.43127.4399 $600 $0 $0 $0 $500 Capital Outlay IMPROVEMENTS FURNITURE & FIXTURES OFFICE EQUIPMENT OTHER EQUIPMENT 101.43127,5301 101.43127,5601 101.43127,5701 101.43127.5801 $0 $0 $0 $10,500 ITOTAL PW/SHOP & GARAGE $108,5001 COMMENTS: Salaries' 90% AI G, Other Equipment' Pressure Washer Replacement Air Compressor $6,000 $4,500 $10,500 2000BUDGETXLS:Gen Fund-PW Shop & Garage:4/12/00 68 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget PW/Parking Lots Services & Charges ELECTRIC: MISC OPERATING EXPENSE: MISC OTHER EXPENSE: 101.43140.3810 101.43140.2199 101.43140.4399 $1,800 $500 $3,000 ITOTAL PARKING LOTS $5,300( 2000BUDGETXLSGen Fund~PW Parking Lots:4/12/00 69 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget PW/Street Lighting Supplies MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES Services & Charges MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ELECTRIC REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP REPAIR & MTC - OTHER EQUIPMENT RENTAL 101.43160.3199 101.43160.3810 101.43160.4044 101.43160.4099 101.43160.4150 $6,000 $78,000 $6,000 $2,000 $0 \::~~>pi ,,' .,' ,,' ":: '::' ' ' J', ,:::' \ :,t)}::;:.:"~.:::, : :::::::,:;i<\:1W~fqbr~~::~~~:~:~~~:;~~~~::~~::~~::~~\()~vn:/.<:L: m~ii:~,I!l,I:~!=gVIC:ES.8IYGIi'J~g~_..-. ITOTAL PW/STREET LIGHTING $94,5001 2000BUDGETXLS:Gen Fund-PW Street Lighting:4/12/00 70 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Refuse Collection Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT SALARIES, OTHER SEVERANCE PAY PERA CONTRIBUTIONS FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS HEALTH/DENTAL/LIFE INSURANCE 101.43230.1010 101.43230.1020 101.43230.1030 101.43230.1031 101.43230.1040 101.43230.1050 101.43230.1090 101.43230_1110 101.43230_1210 101.43230_1220 101.43230_1250 101.43230.1310 $2,000 $2,500 $0 $0 $300 $300 $0 $0 $300 $400 $90 $750 Supplies PRINTED FORMS & PAPER MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT RECYCLING BINS 101.43230.2030 101.43230.2099 101.43230.2199 101.43230.2299 101.43230_2410 101.43230,2411 $800 $0 $62,000 $1,500 $0 $10,000 ..., ,: '/)}J>::>:: ,:;:. >: 4,300 Services & Charges PROF SRV-LEGAL FEES 101.43230.3040 $0 PROF SRV - DATA PROCESSING 101.43230.3090 $0 SOFTWARE 101.43230.3091 $1 ,000 PROF SRV - REFUSE COLLECTION 101.43230.3100 $125,000 PROF SRV - RECYCLING CONTRAC 101.43230.3101 $63,000 PROF SVC - LANDFILL CHGS 101.43230.3102 $0 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 101.43230.3190 $0 PROF SRV - NEWSLETTER 101.43230.3195 $1,200 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 101.43230_3199 $81,000 POSTAGE 101.43230.3220 $900 DELIVERY MAIL SERVICE 101.43230.3240 $0 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.43230_3310 $0 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.43230.3320 $300 ADVERTISING 101.43230.3499 $0 2000BUDGETXLS:Gen Fund~Refuse Collection:4/12/00 71 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Refuse Collection GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION ORDINANCE PUBLICATION MISC PRINTING SALES TAX DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP LICENSES & PERMITS RECYCLING PRIZES MISC OTHER EXPENSE 101.43230.3520 101.43230.3530 101.43230.3599 101.43230.3720 101.43230.4330 101.43230.4370 101.43230.4390 101.43230.4399 $200 $0 $500 $18,525 $0 $0 $0 $2,000 Capital Outlay OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT OTHER EQUIPMENT 101.43230.5701 101.43230.5702 101.43230.5801 'TOT AL REFUSE $374,5651 COMMENTS: Salaries' PW dept salaries for (3) leaf pickups & junk amnesty day Misc. OperatinQ Supplies' Carts & bins for balance of town for automated pickup $62,000 2000BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund~Refuse Collection:4/12/00 72 I I GENERAL FUND I 2000 Budget Information Center I Personal Services I SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG 101.45172.1010 $0 SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT 101.45172.1020 $0 SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG 101.45172.1030 $0 I SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT 101.45172.1031 $0 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG 101.45172.1040 $1,500 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT 101.45172.1050 $0 I SALARIES, OTHER 101.45172.1090 $0 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 101.45172.1210 $75 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 101.45172.1220 $95 I MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 101.45172.1250 $25 HEAL TH/DENTAL/L1FE INSURANCE 101.45172.1310 $0 I I ITOTAL INFORMATION CENTER $1,6951 I COMMENTS: Salaries' I Temporary summer help for Chamber office I I I I I I I 2000BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund-Information Center:4/12/00 73 ......-.,...-.....--.-...- --. "...-..,...--......-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Senior Center Services & Charges SENIOR CENTER CONTRIBUTION ELECTRIC GAS 101.45175.3136 101.45175.3810 101.45175.3830 $34,000 $2,500 $1 ,000 ITOTAL SENIOR CENTER $37,5001 2000BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund-Senior Cenler:4/12/QQ 74 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Community Education Services & Charges MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ITOTAL COMMUNITY EDUCATION $17,500( COMMENTS; Misc Professional Services. Annual contribution toward Summer Recreation Program. 2000BUDGET.XL$:Gen Fund-Community Education:4/12/00 75 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Y.M.C.A. Services & Charges MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 101.45177_3199 $7,500 ITOTAL Y.M.C.A. $7,5001 2000Bl)DGET.XLS:Gen Fund- YMCA:4/12/00 76 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Economic Development Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT SALARIES, PART~TIME - REG SALARIES, PART~TIME - OT SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT SALARIES, OTHER SEVERANCE PAY PERA CONTRIBUTIONS FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS HEAL TH/DENTAL/L1FE INSURANCE +> ': :,: :', :<\\~,,(f/\//\\~,:</:::/. ,~,: ;~:,}.<,::: ,:::,:?\\< \>',/.0 : >>~i\/': ,~"'., TOTAL::PERSONAL:'SER'l' 101.46501.1010 101.46501.1020 101.46501.1030 101.46501.1031 101.46501.1040 101.46501.1050 101.46501.1090 101.46501.1110 101.46501.1210 101.46501.1220 101.46501.1250 101.46501.1310 $30,175 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,565 $1,870 $440 $2,775 Services & Charges PRINTED FORMS & PAPER MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES SIGN REPAIR MATERIALS PROFSRV-LEGALFEES IDC CONTRIBUTION MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TRAVEL EXPENSE CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS FREIGHT LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICATION GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION BROCHURES (MARKETING PROG) DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP BOOKS & PAMPHLETS MISC OTHER EXPENSE FURNITURE & FIXTURES LOCAL CONTRIB - TIF PENALTY 101.46501.2030 101.46501.2099 101.46501.2199 101.46501.2260 101.46501.3040 101.46501.3135 101.46501.3199 101.46501.3310 101.46501.3320 101.46501.3330 101.46501.3510 101.46501.3520 101.46501.3560 101.46501.4330 101.46501.4350 101.46501.4399 101.46501.5601 101.46501.6512 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,500 $600 $200 $0 $0 $2,500 $25,000 $3,000 $0 $4,000 $0 $0 ~'~~ "'~':. , ER"lgE~iiii.CHARGES'" 'fQ']A 2000BUDGETXLSGen Fund-Economic Develop:4/12/00 77 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Economic Development Other Finance Uses TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE FD lu{'I::iill:IPTAl;'IQ];t'JER.fINANC;;S>Y ITOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $73.6251 COMMENTS: Salaries: 70% Ollie Misc orofessional services: Non-TIF project consulting fees Marketing: MCP Contribution 3rd Year Funding for Downtown Chamber Banners 2000BUDGETXLS:Gen Fund-Economic Develop:4/12/00 78 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Unallocated Personal Services SEVERANCE BENEFITS MISC OTHER EXPENSE ITOTAL UNALLOCATED $12,5001 COMMENTS: Severence Benefits. Represents funding for employee vacation and sick leave accruals earned in 2000. 2000BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund-Unallocated:4/12/00 79 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GENERAL FUND 2000 Budget Insurance - Unallocated Personal Services WORKER'S COMP INS PREMIUMS ..1~:866 Services & Charges GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE PROPERTY INSURANCE VEHICLE INSURANCE MISC GENERAL INSURANCE 101.49240.3610 101.49240.3620 101.492403630 101.49240.3699 $34,725 $11,925 $6,045 $2,155 ITOTAL INSURANCE UNALLOCATED $74,6501 2000BUDGET.XLS:Gen Fund-Insurance Unalloc.:4/12/00 80 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget UDAG Fund REVENUE _____________________...._______-...IIIIIIMM_____......___ EXPENDITURES 2000BUDGETXLS:Spec Revenue Fund-UDAG Fund:4/12/00 81 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget Library Fund REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Other charges for services: $32,790 $1,500 i$34,2~O --------------........------------------------ EXPENDITURES Personal Services Salaries, full-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dentalllife insurance: Supplies Duplicating & copy supplies: Misc office supplies: Cleaning supplies: Misc operating supplies: Building repair supplies: Misc repair & maintenance supplies: ..6t.\t;!SURPLlES 211.45501.2020 211.45501.2099 211.45501.2110 211.45501.2199 211.45501.2230 211.45501.2299 Services & Charges Professional services - programming: 211.45501.3015 $5,000 Professional services - custodial: 211.45501.3110 $5,750 Maintenance agreements: 211.45501.3190 $800 Misc professional services: 211.45501.3199 $800 Telephone: 211.45501.3210 $600 Travel expense: 211.45501.3310 $200 Conference & schools: 211.45501.3320 $275 General public information: 211.45501.3520 $300 General liability insurance: 211.45501.3610 $345 Property insurance: 211.45501.3620 $340 Electric: 211.45501.3810 $8,500 Gas: 211.45501.3830 $1 ,450 Repair & maintenance-buildings: 211.45501.4010 $500 Repair & maintenance-machine & equipment: 211.45501.4044 $700 2000BUDGET.XLS:Spec Revenue Fund-Library Fund:4/12/00 82 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget Library Fund Books & pamphlets: Misc other expenses: Furniture & Fixtures 211.45501.4350 211.45501.4399 211.45501-5601 $0 $150 $4,350 COMMENTS: Furniture & Fixtures: Bookcase - Shelving $4,350 2000BUDGET.XLS:Spec Revenue Fund-Library Fund:4/12/00 83 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget HRA Fund REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: TIF #2 - Metcalf & Larson: TIF #5 - Construction 5: TIF #6 - Raindance: TIF #9 - Tapper: TIF #10 - Remmele: TIF #11 - Marties Farm Service: TIF #12 - Aroplax: TIF #13 - Standard Iron: TIF #14 - Suburban Machine: TI F #15 - Custom Canopy: TI F #16 - Polycast: TIF #17 - Fay Mar Fabricators: TIF #18 - River Mill: TfF #19 - Mississippi Shores: TI F #20 - Prairie West TIF #21 - Lake Tool TIF #22 - CCD/Downtown TIF #23 - Midwest Graphics TIF #24 - St. Benedict's Center TIF #25 - Blue Chip Development TI F #26 . Twin City Die Castings Interest earnings: 213.31011 213.31052 213.31055 213.31056 213.31059 213.31060 213.31061 21331062 213.31063 213.31064 213.31065 213.31066 213.31067 213.31068 213.31069 213.31070 21331071 213.31072 213.31073 21331074 213.31075 213.31076 213.36210 $15,790 $22,200 $56,700 $64,900 $0 $0 $0 $16,500 $62,700 $12,800 $11,800 $18,000 $34,000 $95,500 $31,400 $600 $7,950 $141,200 $120,000 $0 $9,600 $0 $10,840 EXPENDITURES Personal Services Salaries, full-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: 213.46301.1010 213.46301.1210 213.46301.1220 213.46301.1250 213.46301.1310 $12,935 $670 $805 $190 $1,190 '';':f' ':)/,;~:/~',::':: i:i~>:\\((/': :i...:'?<}')i:~:::' :::\::f:/:::::: ';" ::" ' " :::: " :' ~ , Ff~bNAt"SERVICES" 2000BUDGETXLSSpec Revenue Fund-HRA Fund:4/12/00 84 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget HRA Fund Services & Charges Professional services - legal fees: Misc professional services: Conference & schools: Legal notice publications: Property taxes: Misc other expense: 213.46301.3040 213.46301.3199 213.46301.3320 213.46301.3510 213.46301.3710 213.46301.4399 $5,000 $15,000 $450 $400 $850 $300 Other Finance Uses Transfer to debt service: 1~~~~,~llitl':IERFltlJANCE US $91,900 .su~t6tl:~:I~'~'~'~ TAX INCREMENT SURPLUS '. i,'. ><,; '::',<}>~!\::ii':,::~'!(0!<',~.::~::,:,.; Services & Charges: Misc. professional services Capital Outlay: Land TOTAL,llia~,INcR TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT EXPENDITURES TIF #7 - NAWCO TIF payback installments: $20,000 TIF #13 - STANDARD IRON TIF payback installments: TIF #15 - CUSTOM CANOPY TIF payback installments: 2000BUDGETXLSSpec Revenue Fund~HRA Fund:4/12/00 85 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget HRA Fund TIF #17 - FAY MAR FABRICATOR TIF payback installments TIF #18 - RIVER MILL TIF payback installments: TIF #19 - MISSISSIPPI SHORES TIF payback installments: TIF #20 - PRAIRIE WEST TIF payback installments: TIF #22 - DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT TIF payback installments; Transfer to debt service fund: TIF #25 - BLUE CHIP DEVELOPMENT TIF payback installment $7,680 " :~ $7.680 TIF #26 - TWIN CITY DIE CASTINGS TIF payback installment TOTAL TIF #26 $0 $0 2000BUDGET.XLS:Spec Revenue Fund-HRA Fund:4/12/00 86 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget HRA Fund ; '. "<:.'.'.'.....:~: ...... ". '.::..... ..'....: ':.... . .... ". ".. . '.:':'~.:: :...... .....'.::..... . .'. ,,:. ........ '.' J7:'ptSTRICT EXf'ENOi:ru~ IGRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES $411,6301 COMMENTS: Salaries' 30% Ollie Transfers: Represents portion of tax increment revenue due in 2000 to be transferred to TIF bond funds Transfers TIF 1-22' Represents annual contribution from TIF District to Community Center Debt Services 2000BUDGET.XLS:Spec Revenue Fund-HRA Fund:4/12/00 87 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 BUDGET MNINVESTMENTFUND REVENUE ITOTALREVENUE' I> "isol __.-......._______IIIiIIIIIIIII_____..-___________....~__________ EXPENDITURES ITOT ALEXPENDlnJRES DAWN/BUDGET/EXCEL:Spec Revenue Fund-Mn Inv:4/12/00 I:. inl 88 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget SCERG (Economic Recovery Grant) REVENUE Grant administration fee: Interest earnings - Aroplax: EXPENDITURES 2000BUDGETXLS:Spec Revenue Fund-SCERG:4/12/00 89 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget CMIF (Central Minnesota Initiative Fund) REVENUE Grant administrative fee: Interest earnings: ------------...---------------------.......--- EXPENDITURES 2000BUDGET.XLS:Spec Revenue Fund-CMIF:4/12/00 90 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget Shade Tree Fund REVENUE Tree & brush removal: SA principal - county: Interest earnings: JQJA~iIB,I:MgilvEI 224.34305 224.36101 224.36210 $1,500 $265 $1 ,900 ..--..--------------------................--------........--- EXPENDITURES Personal Services Salaries, full-time-reg: Salaries, full-time-OT: Salaries, temporary-reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: 224.46102.1010 244.46102.1020 224.46102.1040 224.46102.1210 224.46102.1220 224.46102.1250 224.46102.1310 $7,665 $600 $1.200 $430 $585 $135 $1,055 Supplies Motor fuels: Misc operating supplies: Equipment repair parts: Vehicle Repair Parts Misc repair & maintenance supplies: Small tools & equipment: 224.46102.2120 224.46102.2199 224.46102.2210 224.46102.2211 224.46102.2299 224.46102.2410 $0 $500 $300 $2,000 $3,500 $1,500 Services & Charges Misc professional services: Conference & schools: General public information: Equipment Rental Tree replacement: Misc other expense: 224.46102.3199 224.46102.3320 224.46102.3520 224.46102.4150 224.46102.4391 224.46102.4399 $7,000 $450 $1,500 $500 $10,000 $200 2000BUDGETXLS:Spec Revenue Fund-Shade Tree:4/12/00 91 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget Shade Tree Fund COMMENTS: Salaries: 10% Roger, 3% Tom M.. Jim E. & Todd B. Small Tools Hydraulic Pole Saw for Bucket Truck $1,500 Misc professional services: Contract tree removal costs $7,000 2000BUDGET.XLSSpec Revenue Fund-Shade Tree:4/12/00 92 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget Park Fund REVENUE CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES MOBILE HOME TAX PEN & INT - AD VALOREM TAXES HOMESTEAD CREDIT SHADE TREE GRANTS PARK DEDICATION FEES OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES INTEREST EARNINGS REFUNDS/REIMBURSEMENTS IN OTHER MISC REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 225.31011 225.31021 225.31031 225.31910 225.33402 225.33417 225.34950 225.34999 225.36210 225.36290 225.36299 225.39201 225.39203 $458,171 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 EXPENDITURES Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT SALARIES, OTHER SEVERANCE PAY PERA CONTRIBUTIONS FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS HEAL TH/DENTAULlFE INSURANCE U. C. BENEFIT PAYMENTS WORKER'S COMP BENEFIT PAYMT 22545201.1010 22545201.1020 22545201.1030 22545201.1031 22545201.1040 22545201.1050 22545201.1090 22545201.1110 22545201.1210 22545201.1220 22545201.1250 22545201.1310 22545201.1420 22545201.1520 $164,355 $1,000 $0 $0 $30,000 $0 $0 $0 $8,565 $12,115 $2,835 $20,565 $0 $0 2000BUDGET.XLS:Spec Revenue Fund-Parks:4/12/00 93 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget Park Fund Supplies PRINTED FORMS & PAPER MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES MOTOR FUELS LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES CHEMICAL PRODUCTS MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS TIRES BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES LANDSCAPING MATERIALS MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 225.45201.2030 225.45201.2099 225.45201.2110 225.45201.2111 225.45201.2120 225.45201.2130 225.45201.2160 225.45201.2199 225.45201.2210 225.45201.2211 225.45201.2220 225.45201.2230 225.45201.2250 225.45201.2299 225.45201.2410 $0 $200 $600 $500 $1,500 $0 $700 $23,000 $1 ,000 $2,500 $0 $1,500 $5,500 $1,500 $1,000 ,.":...-..........-....:::...-...-...:'.....'::.:::.....:.,.:.:".:.::...'::...::.......:::<......'.,',:""'....'., ,'. .' TOfAidSl..lPPLJES. Services & Charges PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TELEPHONE TRAVEL EXPENSE CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS FREIGHT ADVERTISING GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION VEHICLE INSURANCE ELECTRIC GAS REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES REPAIR & MTC - OTHER EQUIPMENT RENTAL UNIFORM RENTAL MISC RENTALS DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP BOOKS & PAMPHLETS TOWING CHARGES LICENSES & PERMITS PRIZES TREE REPLACEMENT MISC OTHER EXPENSE 225.45201.3110 225.452013190 225.45201.3199 225.45201.3210 225.45201.3310 225.45201.3320 225.45201.3330 225.45201.3499 225.45201.3520 225.45201.3630 225.45201.3810 225.45201.3830 225.45201.4010 225.45201.4044 225.45201.4050 225.45201.4099 225.45201.4150 225.45201.4170 225.45201.4199 225.45201.4330 225.45201.4350 225.45201.4360 225.45201.4370 225.45201.4390 225.45201.4391 225.45201.4399 $0 $0 $5,500 $4,000 $200 $700 $0 $1,000 $500 $0 $10,000 $800 $2,000 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $500 $2,186 $0 $500 $150 $0 $200 $0 $0 $1,000 (;::i: >::.:::::' .)?:::::J ,:'~::":(if:<~ ..i'F.. $331736 2000BUDGET.xLS:Spec Revenue Fund.ParksA/12/00 94 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget Park Fund Capital Outlay IMPROVEMENTS MOTOR VEHICLES FURNITURE & FIXTURES OTHER EQUIPMENT ~:~~::\))~~~:~;\~:<>:;,:<)\/~:'::" ,'0:, /':: :: ,:' : ,': , ';' ): ,:'::::, :. ':,:.,::, :, '::" ,:,':>;\~:: ::,~,:: <:::,,::.;'::':,: :'; qrJ1AI.,:CAPlTALO!-l,r~ Parks/Improvements ADOPT-A-PARK MAINT/EXP PATHWAY MAINTENANCE PARKSITREE REPLACEMENT PARK LAND CITY BALLFIELDS/NSP IMPR SOCCER FIELDS IMPR PARK ADA/STRUCTURE IMPR WEST/EAST BRIDGE PARK IMPR PRAIRIE/OTTER CREEK PARK IMP CARDINAL HILLS TOT LOT IMPR PIONEER PARK IMPR RIVER MILL PARK IMPR PATHWAY DEVELOPMENT 225.452024090 225.452024091 225.452024391 22545202.5102 22545202.5305 22545202.5306 22545202.5311 22545202.5312 22545202.5321 22545202.5322 225452025323 22545202.5324 22545202.5391 $0 $20,000 $0 $0 $35,000 $0 $38,500 $0 $2,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 Parks/Community Celebrations RIVERFEST PROJECT "TAKE PRIDE" PATHWAY "WALK & ROLL" "TAKE A BREAK" OTHER CELEBRATIONS 225452154410 225452154412 225452154414 225.452154416 225452154429 2000BUDGET.XLS:Spec Revenue Fund-ParksA/12/00 95 I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget Park Fund IGRAND TOTAL PARKS I I I COMMENTS: Salaries - Full-time: Gregg E., Tom P., Tom G., and Mke R (100%) John L. (85%) Salaries - Temp: Summer help Misc Ooerating Suoplies: Includes Cemetery Stone Work at Hillside $5,000 Other Eauioment. Snow Blower Attachment -John Deere Snow Blower Attachment - Taro Snow Blower Attachment - Ford Tractor One Ton Truck with Dump $4,500 $3,500 $6,000 $35,000 $49,000 I I I I I I I I I Imorovements: Bleacher Retrofitting Pathway Maintenance Lighting (2) Fields at NSP Park Cardinal Hills Tot Lot Playstructure & Landscaping Prairie/Otter Creek Park Play Structures - 4th Street Park & Parwest Park $10,000 $20,000 $35,000 $10,000 $2,000 $28,500 $105,500 I I I 2000BUDGET.XLS:Spec Revenue Fund-ParksAl12/00 $472.1711 96 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget Community Center REVENUE CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES MOBILE HOME TAX PEN & INT - AD VALOREM TAXES HOMESTEAD CREDIT STATE GRANTS & AIDS - OTHER ROOM/SPACE RENTAL KITCHEN RENTAL CONCESSIONS USER FEES MEMBERSHIPS OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES INTEREST EARNINGS CONTRIBUTIONS - PRIVATE OTHER MISC REVENUE TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TRANSFER FROM LIQUOR 226.31011 226.31021 226.31031 226.31910 226.33402 226.33429 226.34101 226.34102 226.34740 226.34790 226.34791 226.34999 226.36210 226.36230 226.36299 226.39201 226.39207 $545,653 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,000 $0 $42,000 $148,357 $214,100 $34,600 $0 $0 $0 $0 $202,000 -------........----------------------------....----- EXPENDITURES Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT SALARIES, OTHER SEVERANCE PAY PERA CONTRIBUTIONS FICA CONTRIBUTIONS MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS HEALTH/DENTAL/LIFE INSURANCE U. C. BENEFIT PAYMENTS WORKER'S COMP BENEFIT PAYMT 226.45122.1010 226.45122.1020 226.45122.1030 226.45122.1031 226.45122.1040 226.45122.1050 226.45122.1090 226.45122.1110 226.45122.1210 226.45122.1220 226.45122.1250 226.45122.1310 226.45122.1420 226.45122.1520 $144,440 $0 $168,234 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $12,773 $19,386 $4,534 $27,810 $500 $0 2000BUDGET.XLS:Spec Revenue Fund-Comm. Ctr.:4/12/00 97 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget Community Center Supplies PRINTED FORMS & PAPER PROGRAM OPERATING COSTS MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES CLEANING SUPPLIES CLOTHING SUPPLIES MOTOR FUELS LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES CHEMICAL PRODUCTS MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS TIRES BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES LANDSCAPING MATERIALS MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT COST OF GOODS SOLD 226.45122.2030 226.45122.2065 226.45122.2099 226.45122.2110 226.45122.2111 226.45122.2120 226.45122.2130 226.45122.2160 226.45122.2199 22645122.2210 226.45122.2211 226.45122.2220 226.45122.2230 226.45122.2250 226.45122.2299 226.45122.2410 226.45122.2998 $0 $2,500 $2,000 $12,000 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 'i':~f:\T~\'1;.n!~~::i;! 26,500 Services & Charges PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 226.45122.3110 $5,000 PROF SVC - LAUNDRY 226.45122.3111 $15,000 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 226.45122.3190 $0 PROF SRV - NEWSLETTER 226.45122.3195 $500 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 226.45122.3199 $1,600 TELEPHONE 226.45122.3210 $8,500 POSTAGE 226.45122.3220 $4,000 TRAVEL EXPENSE 226.45122.3310 $500 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 226.45122.3320 $1,500 FREIGHT 226.45122.3330 $0 ADVERTISING 226.45122.3499 $11,000 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 226.45122.3520 $0 BROCHURES 226.45122.3560 $4,000 PROPERTY INSURANCE 226.45122.3620 $14,083 ELECTRIC 226.45122.3810 $60,000 GAS 226.45122.3830 $66,000 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 226.45122.4010 $2,000 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP 226.45122.4044 $2,000 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 226.45122.4050 $0 REPAIR & MTC - OTHER 226.45122.4099 $0 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 226.45122.4150 $9,600 UNIFORM RENTAL 226.45122.4170 $4,000 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP 226.45122.4330 $500 TOWING CHARGES 226.45122.4360 $0 LICENSES & PERMITS 226.45122.4370 $0 2000BUDGET.XLS:Spec Revenue Fund-Comm. Ctr.:4/12/00 98 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget Community Center CUSTOMER DISCOUNTS BANK CHARGES MISC OTHER EXPENSE OPENING CELEBRATION EXP Ji,.a.Q"AL,SERYICES & CHARGE . 226.45122.4379 226.45122.4398 226.45122.4399 226.45122.4429 $0 $5,000 $0 $2,500 Capital Outlay IMPROVEMENTS MOTOR VEHICLES FURNITURE & FIXTURES OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPUTER EQUIPMENT OTHER EQUIPMENT 226.45122.5301 226.45122.5501 226.45122.5601 226.45122.5701 226.45122.5702 226.45122.5801 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Debt Service LEASE PYMT TO HRA - PRINC LEASE PYMT TO HRA - INT TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE FD 226.45122.6040 226.45122.6140 226.45122.7205 Community Center Recreation OPER SUPPLIES - CONCESSIONS CONCESSION FOOD PRODUCTS PRIZES 226.45127.2145 226.45127.2541 226.45127.4390 $7,500 $24,000 $1 ,000 .. : ".'" ". ..: ,:",' :, ::.'::: :'..,.: ,. ".': :,:,::~)::::'::~':I "':"::':'''::'';'' ,,':,::::":.,:':,:,':,,'::,': 'irQ,.~~nCOI\IU'Ill.JNI"~CEN'TE . GRAND TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER $1,216,710 COMMENTS: Salaries: Full-Time: Kitty, Karen, 3 custodians Transfer Out: Transfer to Debt Service to cover payment on Community Center Bond. $562,750 2000BUDGET.XLS:Spec Revenue Fund-Comm. Ctr.:4/12/00 99 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget OAA Fund REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Local government aid: Interest earnings: 230.31011 230.33401 230.36210 $4,425 $940 $335 JOTALREVEN w:::::;<t:>;:: <::: j::/'/;:X::,.:<:~ , f$5,rOO EXPENDITURES Services & Charges OM contract payment: Misc professional services: Travel expense: 230.46401.3130 230.46401.3199 230.46401.3310 $1,000 $3,000 $100 COMMENTS: OM Contract Payment. 3 years real estate taxes reimbursement to township on annexation parcels. $1,000 2000BUDGET-FINALXLS:Spec Revenue Fund-OAA Fund:4/12/00 100 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget Capital Improvement Revolving Fund REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: SA principal - county: Interest earnings: Rental of property: 240.31011 240.36101 240.36210 240.36220 $130,000 $100,830 $4,000 $7,200 ---_________iIIIIIIIIIIII.....____......_____..._________________ EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay Land: Buildings: Improvements: 240.49201.5101 240.49201.5201 240.49201.5301 Debt Service Transfer to Other Funds $130,000 COMMENTS: Transfer to Debt Service- Estimated payment on 2000 G.O. Bond issue, Series A $130,000 2000SUOGETXL5:5pec Revenue Fund-Cap. Imp. Rev:4/12/00 101 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2000 Budget Economic Development Authority REVENUE Initiation/application fee: Interest earnings: Interest earnings - Aroplax: Interest earnings - Custom Canopy: Interest earnings - Standard Iron: Interest earnings ~ Vector Tool: Interest earnings - Tapper's 011: Interest earnings ~ Standard Iron 013: Interest earnings ~ T J Martin #01: Interest earnings - Mainline #015 250.34109 250.36210 250.36214 250.36215 250.36216 250.36217 250.36218 250.36219 250.36220 250.36311 $500 $16,775 $0 $0 $1,745 $2,950 $6,500 $2,455 $1,435 $5,600 '> ':::~,,'.: :,::~1::\?<}~)} !$37.96O ----------------------------------------- EXPENDITURES Services & Charges Misc professional services: Loan servicing fee: Debt Service Grant reimbursement: ::' , ',::',,:: "":':':'\:~~1;:N~fth:;;::::,>::.'~" .", ,,:,?',:":' ';::: AI.. EX~E~Q'TURES 2000BUDGETXLS:Spec Revenue Fund-Econ Dev Auth:4/12/00 102 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2000 Budget Sanitary Sewer Access Fund REVENUE S& W access ~ basic: S&W access - WWTP: Trunk line area charge: Lift station hookup charge: SA principal - county: Interest earnings: 262.34110 262.34111 262.34115 262.34120 262.36101 262.36210 $180,000 $420,000 $35,000 $500 $2,600 $60,000 ,': ~ H>+dM":' TOTALREVENU _______......IIIIiIIIIIt________________________......______ EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay 262.49201.5301 262.49201.5501 262.49201.5801 262.49201.7203 $10,000 $25,000 $0 $500,000 COMMENTS: Vehicles: (1/2) One ton service truck $25,000 Improvements: Revise outdated status/alarm system @ lift station $10,000 Transfer out Transfer to cover part of WWTP PFA Loan Payment $500,000 2000BUDGET.XLSSpecial Rev Fund-San Sewer:4/12/00 103 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2000 Budget Storm Sewer Access Fund REVENUE Trunk line area charge: SA Principal - County Interest earnings: 263.34115 263.36101 263.36210 $160,000 $14,160 $600 EXPENDITURES ;'..il!?i"i"iii"i""iilil~~.i!iII%'ilili""H>'iii<IIIIF,I. TOtA~~SCI?ENDITURE$ . ,"'....'.'." '," ''','',', ".'.'.'.'.'., 2000BUDGETXLS:Special Rev - Storm Sewe:4/12/00 104 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2000 Budget Water Access Fund REVENUE S & W hookup charges: Trunk line area charge: Interest earnings: T9J~IJBJ; ------_....------------_..-----------------~----- EXPENDITURES ~:.::},~ $25,000 i ' " ::,.,:;,:::,::/:}~H> $?~,()99 COMMENTS: Vehicles. (1/2) of 1 ton service truck $25,000 2000BUOGET.XLS:Special Rev Fund - Water Access:4/12/00 105 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUMMARY Debt Service Funds 2000 Budget Forecast REVENUE Current ad valorem: Interest: Special asmt--County: Transfer in -Tax Increment: Transfer in--Liquor Fund (community center bond): Transfer in--Community Center Fund: Transfer in--Sewer Access Fund (\MNTP note): Transfer in - 93 Fire Hall Refunding Bond TOTAL- REVENUE 1999 2000 $1,302,927 $106,225 $835,802 $249,850 $200,000 $361,925 $450,000 o $3,506,729 $1,264,135 $134,355 $457,858 $103,150 $0 $562,750 $500,000 $200,722 $3,222,970 ---.....------------------......---------------------....-....... EXPENDITURES Principal: Interest: Paying agent fees: Interest exp: TOTAL-EXPENDITURES 2QQQBUDGET.XLS:Debt Service Fund-Forecast:4/12/QQ $2,042,455 $1,430,471 $8,730 $19,675 $3,501,331 $2,407,546 $1,433,598 $7,974 $3,200 $3,852.318 106 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget 1977 -1, 2, 3, G.O. Bond Fund REVENUE SA - county (77-3): Interest earnings: EXPENDITURES Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: 314.47001.6010 314.47001.6110 314.47001.6201 $0 $0 $0 2000BUDGET-FINALXLSDebt Service-1977 G.O. Bond:4/12/00 107 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget 1986-1 (A) G.O. Bond Fund REVENUE SA - county (86-1): SA - county (Hwy 25): Interest earnings: r()tA!L:'~~\tE~'UE;)' " $6.463 $1,332 $2.400 M____.......OIIIIIIIIIII_____________~___________________ EXPENDITURES 2000BUOGETXLS;Oebt Service-1986 G.O. Bond:4/12/00 108 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget 1989-1,-2,-3 G.O. Bond Fund REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: SA - county (89-02 - Mississippi Dr.): SA - county (89~03 - Oakwood): Interest earnings: TOT A~R~'l~NQ~i 323.31011 323.36111 323.36121 323.36210 $0 $559 $976 $0 ---""""""""""""----------------------------------- EXPENDITURES Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: Interest expo - Fund Deficits 323.47001.6010 323.47001.6110 323.47001.6201 323.47001.6202 $30,000 $990 $510 $400 2000BUDGET.XLS:Debt Service -1989 G.O. Bond:4/12/00 109 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget 1990C G.O. Bond Fund (E. Sandberg) REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: SA - county (90-4 Sandberg): SA - county (90-4B - Eastview): Interest earnings: '~~$j~~:REVENUE 325.31011 325.36101 325.36121 325.36210 $0 $316 $863 $6,800 EXPENDITURES -----------.....----------------------......--- Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: 325.47001.6010 325.47001.6110 325.47001.6201 2000BUDGETXL$:Debt Service-1990C GO Bond:4/12/00 )/1l:~:;iJ $30,000 $5,085 $515 ;j,v:\'li~;$3&.6llQ 110 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget 1991A -1, -2, -3 G.O. Bond Fund REVENUE SA - county (91-2, Briar Oakes): SA - county (93~10, B.a.-M.a. Pond): Interest Earnings 326.36111 326.36121 363.36210 ;,,:':',,:,0"':::::/':;\ ",QTA~IijEVENlJ.EjI:I" EXPENDITURES Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: 326.47001.6010 326.47001.6110 326.47001.6201 $0 $0 $0 .~ ',' 0~;;>~~:~~:'>t+'~,:):<'{i:\\\<')~:~~::"~~::::\:'?::::::\>:.}~:~\ <:,.",: ,,:, " " ":' ,:': < ;J;Q1TAtIIExeeNDITURE 2000BUDGET.XLS:Debt Service-1991 G.O. Bond:4/12/00 111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget 1992A Cardinal Hills/School Boulevard Bond REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: SA county (92-02 School Blvd): Interest earnings: 327.31011 327.36111 327.36210 $8,140 $0 $5,050 EXPENDITURES Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: 327.47001.6010 32747001.6110 327.47001.6201 $70,000 $13,353 $547 2000BUDGET.XLS:Debt Service~1992 Card Hills:4/12/00 112 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget 1994A G.O. Refunding Bond Fund REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: SA principal - county: (88 Streetscape) SA principal - county: (888-1 B CR 39) Interest earnings: 328.31011 328.36101 328.36111 328.36210 $130,916 $7,764 $6,494 $4,090 EXPENDITURES Bond principal: Bond interest Fiscal agents' fee: 328.47001.6010 328.47001.6110 328.47001.6201 $120,000 $24,547 $553 2000BUDGETXL5:Debl 5ervice-1994 GO RefundingA/12/00 113 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget 1995A G.O. Bond Fund REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: SA ~ county (93-12C MQ Sew) SA ~ county (95-01 C SW Area) SA - county (95-02C School Blvd) SA - county (95-05C Klein Farms 2nd) SA - county (95-03C Bus Ctr) Interest earnings: 329.31011 329.36101 329.36121 329.36141 329.36151 329.36161 329.36210 $159,686 $5,090 $3,928 $53,685 $845 $90,986 $40,000 f::~~:i~::::t;:\::::::':,:":.,, ,:::; ';'., ;?jH.\ $~~,220 -.....------------....------~---.--....--____IIIIIIIIIIIIIi!______ EXPENDITURES Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agent's fees: +l$riW,:,! .( trbl'~L:. - 329.47001.6010 329.47001.6110 329.47001.6201 $480,000 $118,400 $550 iJ(:~ii~1!I't 598,9~O 2000BUDGET.XLS:Debt Service-1995 G.O Bond:4/12/00 114 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget 1996A G.O. Improvement Bond REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: SA - county (96-01 C Dundas): SA - county (96-02C Briar Oakes Estates 2): Interest Earnings 330.31011 330.36101 330.36111 330.36210 $77,000 $0 $62,582 $8,800 mo ---.--._----~-------------.-_-----------...._------- EXPENDITURES Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agent's fees: Interest expense - fund deficits: ~.-.\.(..::.'.'!\.'...'. ' 't,biA' 330.47001.6010 330.47001.6110 330.4 7001.6201 330.47001.6202 $135,000 $31 ,484 $516 $0 2000BUDGET.XLS:Debt Service -1996 GO Imp Bond:4/12/00 115 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget 1997 A G.O. Improvement Bond REVENUE SA - county (97-04C Klein Farms 4th) Interest earnings: "~" EXPENDITURES Bond Principal Bond interest: Fiscal agent's fees: Interest Expense - Fund Deficits 332.47001.6010 332.47001.6110 332.47001.6201 332.47001.6202 $500,000 $55,463 $537 $2,800 2000BUDGET.XLS:Debl Service~1997A GO Imp Bond:4/12/00 116 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget 1992 Fire Hall Refunding Bond REVENUE ......._------~....._-----------------------~-.. EXPENDITURES 2000BUOGET.XLS:Oebt SelVice-1992 Fire Hall Ref:4/12/00 117 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget Consolidated Bond Fund REVENUE ----~......______________________________._........iIl!IIII EXPENDITURES 2000BUDGET.XLS:Debt Service-Consolidated Bond:4/12/00 118 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget 1996C Sewer Interceptor Refund Bond REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Interest earnings: Transfer from Other Funds ---~-----......._----------~------------......----- EXPENDITURES Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agent's fees: 360.47001.6010 360.4 7001.6110 360.47001.6201 $100,000 $12,948 $552 . "I',' ,', ":(:):11:; . 1i1';J,~OO 2000BUDGETXLS:Debt SelVice-1996C Interceptor:4/12/00 120 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget 19988 G.O. WATER SYSTEM REFUNDING BOND REVENUE Current ad va lorem taxes 36 1 3 1 0 1 1 $1 2 1 , 400 Interest ea rnings: 36 1 362 1 0 $ 1 0 500 Tra nsfer from Other Funds 36 1 39205 $0 ;11111!'II!II!I,,!i,jiji:i):~!~!)!jii!j::ii"':::i!jiii;jl~ljjj~:i"i'ii,ij::ii\ii)i!iii:!:::,:jj:I(:~,':j:ii)~ii~j!i;j!:':,I'i,:,iI1i:jl!ilii:iiii!:i:,i,i.r :1:iili;i111l1iii:::!1';;i,1:iliii]1i)I'il; ;1llil;,:':,il':1:iiilil!;lllill;il!' 'jlj:::::lii111;i);;;;iii:::i"::':'1~11I'~I~I! .--------~-----..._-----------------------------~---- EXPENDITURES Bond principal 361.47001 6010 $90000 Bond interest: 361.470016110 $17065 Fiscal agent's fees 361.47001 6201 $535 !m~IIM':j~I~~i~i~t1II$;::~:::i;[il!!I!;1i!:i:;t';:'::~~i!~!;Ijl!ii!ii;jii,i:j,j::i:':::::~i!ii::;i~j:i:j:!j~:!il:j:::::':;:;i:1::il!ij!ii:iiili:~::1:::iiiiiji!~!;;!i!::i::ii:'::~::;i:;~;i~i:i:;ii:::: !::i;i:::jli;!::!j~i!i~fii'i":;~:1::ii:i:~ji!i::::::;j::!!:':;j~:li~~~I: 2000BUDGET.XLS:Debt Service-198B Water System :4/12/00 121 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget 1998 Temp. Revenue Bond/Community Center REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Interest Earnings Transfer from other funds: Transfer from T.I.F./HRA: Transfer from liquor: 362.31011 362.36210 362.39203 362.39204 362.39207 $0 $500 $562,750 $11,250 $0 -----------------~------------------------ EXPENDITURES Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agent's fees: 362.47001.6010 362.47001.6110 362.47001.6201 $150,000 $423,500 $500 2000BUDGETXLS:Debt Service-Temp Rev Comm Ctr:4/12/00 122 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget 1999 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BOND REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: SA Prin - CO 98-12C 7th Street S.A. Prin - CO 98-24C Wildwood SA Prin - CO 98-23C WLD S & W SA Prin - CO 98-01 C Resurrection Church SA Prin - CO 96-04C Highway 25 Interest Earnings 363.31011 363.36101 363.36111 363.36121 363.36131 363.36141 363.36210 $184,700 $98,119 $4,800 $14,720 $3,520 $94,816 $2,700 :::::;::'_I~~i~: ;~llllillllllli":i::~::':::;:~.."~::i:~::ii::i:i:~::i:~i:::::::~~~i::ii:iii:iii:I:li::i::ii:i:i~l:i:::::~::1:!:~!:ii:ii!lij::ii.i:i:i:I:li:ii:~~iil~:li:ii:i:li~' ;.:.".;.:,:.".:-"." ------....----------------......-------------- EXPENDITURES Bo nd principa I 362.4 700 1 .60 1 0 $0 Bond interest: 362 .4700 1 .6 1 1 0 $1 1 6 ,405 Fisca I agent's fees 362 .4700 1 .620 1 $545 ;11111~:lllllljllll!::.;:.::::::j::~:i:!::::1i:::1:.::j:::::::i:,:,:'::::j::::::.:::i::j::::j:::~::::::::ii:::~1j::~~:::::i::::~:::.::j.::~:~::. .i~I..il'::~:~::i~!!:'::i::::::::::::!::::::i::!;!:li: i::::~ijii:ji:i:i:~i:i: :::ii::~::::~::i:ii:i:iiiiiiii:::[I~:lil~ll: 2000BUDGET.XLS:Debt Service-1999 GO Bond:4/12100 123 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget TIF (Veit) Bond Fund REVENUE EXPENDITURES Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: 37747001.6010 37747001.6110 37747001.6201 $20,000 $15,805 $545 2000BUDGET.XLSDebl Service-TIF (Veil) Bond:4/12/00 124 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget TIF 1989 (Elderly) Bond Fund REVENUE Interest earnings: Transfer from TIF: 380.36210 380.39204 $400 $32,100 :rQ1~LREVENUE. . EXPENDITURES Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agents' fees: 380.47001.6010 380.47001.6110 380.47001.6201 $15,000 $15,603 $497 ., ~: /~': ::::> 10TALEXPEN IT 2000BUDGET.XLS:Debt Service~TIF 1989 (Elderly):4/12/00 125 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget TIF 19900 (REMIT AP) Bond Fund REVENUE ""---------.....---......------------------------- EXPENDITURES 382.47001.6010 382.47001.6110 382.47001.6201 $45,000 $2,002 $548 2000BUOGET.XLS:Oebt Service-TIF 19900 (REM~TAP:4/12/00 126 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget TIF 1992 (Aroplax) Bond Fund REVENUE $150 $14,400 .$14:~~i, ----------.....___.-MIItI______~_____.._____........_____...__ EXPENDITURES Bond principal: Bond interest: 2000BUDGET.XLS:Debt Service-TIF 92 (Aroplax):4/12/00 127 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget TIF 19920 (Suburban Machine) Bond Fund REVENUE -------.....---------------------....--...-----........ EXPENDITURES Bond principal: Bond interest: 384.47001.6010 384.47001.6110 2000BUOGETXLS:Oebt SeNice-TIF 19920 Suburban:4/12/00 128 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DEBT SERVICE 2000 Budget TIF 1996B G.O. Refunding Bond REVENUE ____.......__~_______________IfiIIIIIIII__________________ EXPENDITURES Bond principal: Bond interest: Fiscal agent's fees: 385.47001.6010 385.47001.6110 385.47001.6201 $85,000 $1,976 $524 2000BUDGETXLS:Debt Service-TIF968 GO Refund:4/12/00 129 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2000 Budget Water Fund REVENUE Inspection fees: SA principal - county: Interest earnings: Sale of water meters: Use collections - water: Permits - water: Penalties - water: 601-34204 601.36101 601.36210 601.36241 601.37110 601.37155 601.37160 $2,500 $1,000 $10,875 $20,500 $266,000 $5,000 $1 ,000 .._------------------------...._--------~-- EXPENDITURES Personal Services Salaries, full-time - reg: Salaries, full-time - OT: Salaries, temporary - reg: Severance Benefits PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: 601.49440.1010 601.49440.1020 601.49440.1040 601.49440.1111 601.49440.1210 601.49440.1220 601.49440.1250 601.49440.1310 $84,420 $3,000 $1,500 $1,750 $4,530 $5,515 $1,290 $14,500 Supplies Printed forms & paper: 601.49440.2030 $1,000 Clothing supplies: 601.49440.2111 $400 Motor fuels: 601.49440.2120 $4,000 Lubricants & additives: 601.49440.2130 $150 Chemical products: 601.49440.2160 $32,000 Misc operating supplies: 601.49440.2199 $2,000 Equipment repair parts: 601.49440.2210 $2,000 Vehicle repair parts: 601.49440.2211 $1,000 Tires: 601.49440.2220 $400 Building repair supplies: 601.49440.2230 $2,500 Utility system maint. supplies: 601.49440.2270 $3,500 Meters and valves for resale: 601.49440.2271 $30,000 Small tools & equipment: 601.49440.2410 $300 2000BUDGET.XLS:Enterprise fund-Water Fund:4/12/00 130 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2000 Budget Water Fund Services & Charges Professional Services ~ Software/Programming Professional Services - Maintenance Agreements Misc professional services: Telephone: Postage: Travel Expense: Conference & schools: General public information: General liability insurance: Property insurance: Vehicle insurance: Misc general insurance: Electric: Gas: Repair & maint.-machine & equipment: Uniform rental: Depreciation - acquired: Depreciation - contributed: Dues, membership & subscriptions: Licenses & permits: Water service connection fee: Capital Outlay Improvements :,:: :" :: ,:::,';;:)l~hT>," .':,:: ;i~<~~;:~:gtf::':": ' .:::.':::)L/':/'.:: " :, :., TOl'~l EX~ENDITURE COMMENTS: 601.49440.3091 601.49440.3190 601.49440.3199 601.49440.3210 601.49440.3220 601.49440.3310 601.49440.3320 601.49440.3520 601.49440.3610 601.49440.3620 601.49440.3630 601.49440.3699 601.49440.3810 601.49440.3830 601.49440.4044 601.49440.4170 601.49440.4210 601.49440.4211 601.49440.4330 601.49440.4370 601.49440.4375 $3,000 $1 ,000 $8,000 $2,500 $1,200 $50 $600 $500 $3,955 $320 $215 $5,410 $50,000 $200 $4,000 $1 ,300 $7,425 $235,605 $400 $2,500 $13,000 ;000 Salaries: 60% Matt, Sean 55% Rich, 60% John M., 6.5% Tom S.; 40% of new employee 2000BUDGET.XLSEnterprise fund~Water Fund:4/12/00 131 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2000 Budget Sewer Fund REVENUE Inspection fees: Interest earnings: Rental of property: Use collections - sewer: Use Charges - Operations Permits - sewer: Penalties - sewer: 602.34204 602.36210 602.36220 602.37210 602.37215 602.37255 602.37260 $4,500 $18,840 $19,440 $687,500 $4,000 $300 $2,500 2000BUDGET.XLS:Enterprise Fund-Sewer Fund:4/12/00 132 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2000 Budget Sewer Fund EXPENDITURES - PLANT & LABIWWTP Supplies Chemical products: Services & Charges Professional services - PSG, Inc: Misc professional services: General liability insurance: Property insurance: Vehicle insurance: Property taxes: Repair & maintenance - buildings: Repair & maintenance - machine & equipment Licenses & permits: Biosolids farm expenses: 602.49480.3080 602.49480.3199 602.49480.3610 602.49480.3620 602.49480.3630 602.49480.3710 602.49480.4010 602.49480.4044 602.49480.4370 602.49480.4385 $528,145 $20,000 $3,180 $10,350 $875 $0 $5,000 $10,000 $1,200 $6,000 COMMENTS: Biosolids Farm Improvements. Field Access Improvement & Trees Misc. Professional Services Braun Water Testing, Biosolid Farm Crop Consultant and mowing at WNTP Site 2000BUDGET.XLS: Enterprise Fund-(Sewer) \l\iWTP:4/12/00 133 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2000 Budget Sewer Fund EXPENDITURES - COllECTIONS/GEN OPERATING Personal Services Salaries, full-time - reg: Salaries, full-time - OT: Salaries, temporary - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: 602.49490.1010 602.49490.1020 602.49490.1040 602.49490.1210 602.49490.1220 602.49490.1250 602.49490.1310 $69,915 $2,620 $2,000 $3,755 $4,620 $1,080 $12,625 15 Supplies Printed forms & paper: Clothing supplies: Motor fuels: Lubricants & additives: Chemical products: Misc operating supplies: Equipment repair parts: Vehicle repair parts: Building Repair Supplies Small tools & equipment: 602.49490.2030 602.49490.2111 602.49490.2120 602.49490.2130 60249490.2160 602.49490.2199 602.49490.2210 602.49490.2211 602.49490.2230 602.49490.2410 $500 $300 $2,500 $300 $3,000 $1,500 $4,000 $1,500 $100 $200 Services & Charges Misc professional services: 602.49490.3199 $4,000 Telephone: 602.49490.3210 $2,200 Postage: 602.49490.3220 $1,000 Travel expense: 602.494903310 $100 Conference & schools: 602.49490 3320 $300 General liability insurance: 602.49490.3610 $965 Property insurance: 602.49490.3620 $0 Vehicle insurance: 602.49490.3630 $410 Electric: 602.49490.3810 $5,500 Repair & maintenance - machine & equipment: 602.49490.4044 $1,500 Uniform rental: 602.49490.4170 $1 ,050 Depreciation - acquired: 602.49490.4210 $0 Depreciation - contribution: 602.49490.4211 $1,088,185 Rental house expenses: 602.49490.4381 $1,000 2000BUDGETXLS:Enterprise Fund (Sewer) Admin:4/12/00 134 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2000 Budget Sewer Fund TOTAL EXPENDITURES COMMENTS: Salaries' 40% Matt, Sean, 45% Rich. 60% new employee 2000BUDGETXLS:Enlerprise Fund (Sewer) Admin:4/12/00 135 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2000 Budget Liquor Fund REVENUE Interest earnings: liquor sales: Beer sales: Wine sales: Misc sales - taxable: Misc sales - nontaxable: Cash over - off sale: 609.36210 609.37811 609.37812 609.37813 609.37815 609.37816 609.37841 $8,575 $708,800 $1,450,200 $267,900 $91,250 $3,750 $750 EXPENDITURES - PURCHASING Supplies Liquor: Beer: Wine: Misc taxable: Misc nontaxable: 609.49750.2510 609.49750.2520 609.49750.2530 609.49750.2540 609.49750.2550 $489,100 $1,116,700 $187,600 $73,000 $1,875 Services & Charges Freight: 609.49750.3330 $9,800 I.'rn.:'... :.'.Q....'....... :to .....:A............. L.. .:.~.....P.........u. R C HA. ..... S. I N. ..G...........:.).:..~.:.~...,.~;:~i:~j~'w.i...:i,i'.1ij(;:di~~~~~:'.6.:..:if.t', '. "",:,,',O"'~" '';':.,:.,.,:..,.:...,,,,- ,,'>..:.:>.i.", ., ~':,':' ,.:' . nn~~~qig< ',e I'" i:::~:::(!;:~;!;(~~JJ~)~~)j;:< ! H}\j~j!~~j~~:~~~~:~~~:>i .W6WliIWA:d.I'I...,liii:dii..;.,......$1 '8'78 0151 L.'i}zfr;d~~d~/;%' ~ ;<J~;~{jHtHWHtiL::~, ,:,::", J:,:. ,,,::~~"::,,' ,.f, :::.",.':,.: ,', .:. EXPENDITURES - OPERATIONS Personal Services Salaries, full-time-reg: Salaries, full-time-OT: Salaries, part-time-reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: U.C. benefit payments: 609.49754.1010 609.49754.1020 609.49754.1030 609.49754.1210 609.49754.1220 609.49754.1250 609.49754.1310 609.49754.1420 $101,975 $3,000 $41,500 $7,590 $9,080 $2,125 $15,880 $100 2000BUDGET.XLS:Enterprise Fund-Liquor Fund:4/12/QQ 136 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2000 Budget Liquor Fund Supplies Duplicating & Copy Supplies Printed forms & paper: Misc office supplies: Cleaning supplies: Clothing supplies: Liquor store supplies: Misc operating supplies: Misc repair & maintenance supplies: 609.49754.2020 609.49754.2030 609.49754.2099 609.49754.2110 609.49754.2111 609.49754.2140 609.49754.2199 609.497542299 $100 $350 $1,000 $100 $300 $850 $6,000 $600 Services & Charges Professional services - audit: 609.497543010 $2,500 Professional services - Lawn Service: 609.49754.3105 $300 Misc professional services: 609.49754.3199 $1,700 Telephone: 609.49754.3210 $3,000 Travel Expense: 609.49754.3310 $200 Conference & schools: 609.49754.3320 $250 Advertising: 609.49754.3499 $6,500 General liability insurance: 609.49754.3610 $5,185 Property insurance: 609.49754.3620 $890 Misc general insurance: 609.49754.3699 $2,390 Electric: 609.49754.3810 $13,300 Water & sewer: 609.49754.3820 $150 Gas: 609.49754.3830 $1,250 Repair & maintenance ~ buildings: 609.49754.4010 $5,000 Repair & maintenance - machine & equip: 609.49754.4044 $3,800 Repair & maintenance - other: 609.49754.4099 $500 Depreciation: 609.49754.4210 $11,500 Cash short - off sale: 609.49754.4310 $1 ,000 Dues, memberships, subscriptions: 609.49754.4330 $650 Licenses & permits: 609.49754.4370 $200 Bank charges: 609.49754.4398 $5,550 Misc. other expenses: 609.49754.4399 $9,000 ,:.\\:,":11 ....."" Other Finance Uses Transfer to other funds: !)~~~[QJ~1..0THER FINANCE 2000BUDGET.XLS:Enterprise Fund-Liquor Fund:4/12/00 137 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2000 Budget Liquor Fund 'i:::8:j::~::~:~~~1~;::~:<;'\~ ~;:\i/\~!t:+~<; "/.. :J<<;::::~:::~~:~::~~<::>} :: , ': " , :>: >, ":,; :': ': /: ." TOTAL:: EXPENDITURES , . 'i '." .;'~ '<''',:,~',,':' ,. /:::\\':~!:!/<]8.';ALj"d~llig%Yf P'.S:t34SF4.4.".i.'.",.O. $' "" COMMENTS: Improvements: Annual Riverfest Fireworks Contribution $8,000 Transfers: Annual transfer to Community Center Debt Services $200,000 , 2000BUDGETXLS:Enterprise Fund-Liquor Fund:4/12/00 138 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2000 Budget Transportation Fund REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Local government aid: Transit system revenues: ; :><[:::~>(:~://i~::1i:;~i<, :;, , :.," : <)(~~i~~~~~~~~~~~;~~;~~~:~:~~~A~~ TOTAL,; REVENUE $21,722 $53,578 $14,000 -----------~--------....._---------------- EXPENDITURES: TRANSIT/OPERATIONS Services & Charges Professional services - Heartland bus: .....--------_________.IijIIIIiIIIw.____________________ EXPENDITURES: TRANSIT/ADMINISTRATION Personal Services Salaries, full-time-reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: 610.49804.1010 610.49804.1210 610.49804.1220 610.49804.1250 610.49804.1310 $2,875 $150 $180 $40 $355 Services & Charges Misc professional services: General public information: Dues, Membership & Subscriptions: 610.49804.3199 610.49804.3520 610.49804.4330 $0 $600 $100 $700 2000BUDGET.XLS:Enterprise Fund- Transportation:4/12/00 139 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2000 Budget Transportation Fund IGRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES $89.3001 COMMENTS: Salaries' 3%Lori w., 4% Cathy 2000BUDGET.XLS: Enterprise Fund- Transportation:4/12/00 140 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2000 Budget Riverside Cemetery REVENUE Sale of grave sites: Excavation charge - casket: Interest earnings: Interest earnings - perpetual care: 651.34941 651.34942 651.36210 651.36211 ---__________....._IIIIiIIIiIIIIIfIIIiII!II_-..___.......~........_____________ EXPENDITURES Personal Services Salaries, full-time-reg: Supplies Misc operating supplies: Misc repair & maintenance supplies: $300 $1,000 o"'$J.:300 Other Services & Charges Professional service-lawn service: Professional service-custodial/caret: Professional service-excavation: Misc professional services: Legal notice publication: General public information: Misc other expense: 651.49010.3105 651.49010.3110 651.49010.3115 651.49010.3199 651.49010.3510 651.49010.3520 651.49010.4399 $7,850 $500 $10,240 $4,800 $500 $0 $600 <;;v.',> 'oTOT ALEXPENDITURES' 2000BUDGET.XLS:Enterprise Fund-Cemetery:4/12/00 141 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 2000 Budget Fire: (5) Airpacks Balance of video imaging camera Economic Development: MCP Contributions Banners Data Processing: 2000 Sheet Tray for Laser Printer Deskjet Color Printer AS 400 Printer (In place of forms burster) Four (4) P.C.'s General General General General Refuse: 1000 Garbage Carts (450) Sets Recycling Bins Shop: Replacement Pressure Washer Replacement Air Compressor 2000BUDGETXLS:Capital Outlay ItemsA/12/00 142 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 2000 Budget Streets: New Crack Router Overlay 3rd Street Parking Lot TOTAL Parks: Pathway Maintenance Broom Attachment Toro Mower Riverfest Celebration Replacement 1-ton truck with dump Bleacher Retrofitting Snow Blower attachment for John Deere 935 Blower Attachment - Ford Tractor Lighting (2) fields @ NSP Park Cardinal Hills Tot Lot Playstructure & Landscaping Praire/Otter Creek Play Structures - 4th Street Park & Parwest Park Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Water Access Fund: (1/2) of New 1 Ton Service Truck Sewer Access Fund: (1/2) of New 1 Ton Service Truck .... ~A~~~~:~:):UNb 2000BUDGETXLSCapital Outlay Items;4/12/00 143 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o o o N a:: o LL Z o i= ::::J m - a:: I- en C >- a:: <C ..J <( en - .... r::: (1) o s... (1) a.. ~ m - cf!. ?ft'#. c<) c<)c<) ?f2.;fi?*?f2. 0000 ....... "#. ~'#. r-- r--r-- CO COCO ~ o o 0) :;:: /J) /J) /J) TI ~ .~ Q.l Q.l cooQ._E :2: 0 ro Q.l ro ..... :2: <.9 .!!! CO aJEcw-o g>o~ E-o lYl-~:'::;~ ?f2.?fi* OL{)O (OL{)(O ;J2.~?f2. OL{)O "<t"<t"<t c ~ Q.l .!!! 'lD c aJ ~OS .s:::. c ro CJ ro :2:O::J.l "#.'#.'#.* 0000 0000 aJ ~ CJ Q.l ~ 'c - aJ /J) OJ - /J) Wc ~ p ro - OJ a... <.9 fIr E E (5~~ ~ o o ~ o o 0) ..... Q.l ~ aJ (J) /J) .!.. lil aJ ~~ /J) C C mEE OJ'- '00 o ~ 0 lYa...a... ~ 3: ~ ~ Q.l Q.l """zz ~ o o """ ~ o o (0 ~ o .x .s:::. CJ ro ~ :J ....J C .s:::. o ...., """ """ o o N ;ft.;ft. 00 00 ....... ~ c: Il) u Qj 0- >- .n c: .Q '5 .0 '''' -;;; o ?:- '" <U (j) Ui -' X ~ L.U (') o => CO o o o N C ~ ~ ..... .s:::. Q.l ~CJ~ C ro ..... <{a...Q.l ~ -0 E ro ~ ro '-'LLa: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o o o N a:: o LL Z o - I- :J m - a:: I- en - c >- a:: < ...J < en - ..... C C1> o ~ C1> a. >ot m - \C Iii ::'tJ <( :: Q. ?f2.?f2. 00 00 ........ i~l~ :"'Q. 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