Planning Commission Minutes 03-28-1994 (Special Meeting) . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING w MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, March 28, 1994 w 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Cindy Lemm, Richard Martie, Jon Bogart, Brian Stumpf, and Richard Carlson Members Absent: None Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill, Bret Weiss 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Lemm at 5:30 p.m. 2. Public Hearing'hConsideration of approval of the preliminary plat of the Eastwood Knoll residential subdivision. Applicant, City of Monticello. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained the City of Monticello's request for a preliminary plat approval of the Eastwood Knoll residential subdivision. Outlots C and D of the Meadow Oak subdivision are being platted in conjunction with the City of Monticello's acquisition of the property through a mortgage foreclosure process. Monticello Planning Commission is asked to review this with the City being the developer in this case, similar to if a private developer was here with a request before them. SITE PLAN REVIEW The plat as originally platted was proposed to be 43 lots. The new proposal will have fewer lots and is proposed to preserve as many trees as possible through the process of laying out the road in a manner so as to avoid the removal of as many trees as possible. The new proposal is proposed to have 30 lots. STREET SYSTEM The subdivision process provides for access into this subdivision through the existing road in Meadow Oak Estates called Meadow Oak Lane. The other access point will come from Phase II of the Briar Oakes development which will access through the Briar Oakes Boulevard to Meadow Oak Lane with a street to be named Woodcrest Drive. The original proposal called for Meadow Oak Lane to continue through this development with 2 cul-de-sacs off of that and to connect up with Meadow Oak Avenue. Under this proposal, Meadow Oak Lane will continue through with a cul-de-sac coming off of it to feed one portion of the development and another cul-de-sac to come back out to hook up to Meadow Oak Lane. Page 1 Planning Commission Minutes - 3/28/94 . PARKS AND PATHWAY SYSTEM As part of the Meadow Oak development, the City has also secured Outlot A which is immediately north and west of this proposed replatting of Outlots C and D. This area is proposed for a more active type park situation with the possible incorporation of softball/baseball fields. Pathway systems were proposed to cut through portions of the lots in this development through to a street system which would also serve as pathways to hook up with already existing pathways in Meadow Oak Estates; Meadow Oak 2nd, 3rd, and 4th additions; and the Briar Oakes Estate additions. POTENTIAL CONNECTION OF COUNTY ROAD 118 TO COUNTY ROAD 75 VIA MEADOW OAK AVENUE At times there has been discussion of a direct link from County Road 118, via Meadow Oak Avenue, to County Road 75. As property continues to develop in the future, this may be an alternate road that could be used as a direct pathway from County Road 75 to County Road 118. However, it is not proposed to make this connection at this time. YOUNG OAK TREES . There are several young mature oak trees existing on Outlots C and D which could be transplanted and relocated in other areas of the city. UTILITY SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT The City Engineer is completing the feasibility study which outlines the cost to extend water, sanitary sewer, roads, storm sewer, etc. From the work that has been completed to date, it appears that it is feasible to serve the site with existing utilities. Bret Weiss commented that the water and sewer system is in place for this project and the city has also provided a water and sewer stub in the northwest comer of this project to serve future expansions of existing unplatted land. . Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing portion of the meeting for comments. Mr. Bob Grieman, resident in the Meadow Oak Estates, voiced his opposition to the additional traffic that would be going by his residence as the proposal in front of him shows where the Meadow Oak Lane would not continue to hook up with Meadow Oak Avenue. When he purchased his house, what was proposed to be the future platting of Outlot C and D showed the connection of Meadow Oak Lane to Meadow Oak Avenue through Outlot C and D. Mr. Charles Walters, another Meadow Oak Estates resident, questioned the additional storm sewer runoff into the main pond which is located behind his place. With no controls on water Page 2 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 3/28/94 runoff, the existing pond is already at a high point. Is the City looking at getting a direct outlet for the Meadow Oak pond to the Mississippi River or what is the city's intention? Mr. Bret Weiss commented, in regard to the additional traffic, that there are only 12 lots in addition to the existing lots to utilize this as their access point out onto County Road 75 through Meadow Oak Lane to Meadow Oak Avenue. Cindy Lemm then closed the public portion of the meeting and opened it up for further comments from the planning commission members. Questions raised by the planning commission members dealt with drainage issues, the storm sewer proposed between lots 3 and 4, the catch basin proposed at Woodcrest Drive and Meadow Oak Lane, and the pond proposed in the back of lots 21 and 22. Has city staff considered an alternative outlet for Meadow Oak Lane to connect to Meadow Oak Avenue? There were questions concerning the city's involvement as a developer of these 2 residential tracts of land versus letting a developer develop this as there's a definite conflict of interest. The conflict of interest should be dealt with as a separate issue--the issue at hand is the proposed plat request. There being no further discussion from planning commission members, a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Jon Bogart to approve the preliminary plat of the Eastwood Knoll residential subdivision subject to the drainage calculations to be approved by the City Engineer, Bret Weiss. Voting in favor: Richard Martie, Jon Bogart. Opposed: Cindy Lemm. Abstained: Richard Carlson. Brian Stumpf was absent. Cindy Lemm was opposed to directing all area traffic onto Meadow Oak Lane. Also it was part of the motion that the walking path running east/west along the powerline easement be completed as part of this project. A motion was made by Richard Carlson and seconded by Jon Bogart that the Planning Commission go on record as not in favor of the City being the developer of the Outlots C and D. City should make every effort to work out some sort of a deal with a private developer to allow private development to occur. Motion carried unanimously with Brian Stumpf absent. 3. Public Hearing--Consideration of rezoning Outlots C and D of the Meadow Oak subdivision from R-PUD to R-l. Applicant. City of Monticello. Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to planning commission members and members of the public that were present the city's request to rezone this area from an R-PUD (residential planned unit development) to an R-l (single family residential) zoning. Intent behind this is that it is no longer a residential planned unit development project and it is now designed to the minimum standards of the R-l zoning district guidelines. Page 3 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 3/28/94 Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing portion of the meeting. With there being no comments from the public, she closed the public hearing portion of the meeting and opened it up for any comments from planning commission members. With there being no comments from planning commission members, a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Jon Bogart to rezone Outlots C and D of the Meadow Oak subdivision from R- pun to R-l. Motion is based on the finding that the R-l zoning designation and associated plat are consistent with the original PUD concept. Motion carried unanimously with Brian Stumpf absent. 4. A motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard Martie to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, G~~ Zoning Administrator Page 4