Planning Commission Agenda 05-05-2020AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, May 5th, 2020 - 6:15 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Due to recommendations related to the COVID-19 virus, the Planning Commission meeting will be conducted as remote/virtual meeting. To join the meeting: +1 (646) 749-3122 Access Code: 256-261-333 One-touch: te1:+16467493122_256261333# Commissioners: Sam Murdoff, John Alstad, Paul Konsor, Andrew Tapper, and Alison Zimpfer Council Liaison: Charlotte Gabler Staff: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), and Ron Hackenmueller 1. General Business A. Call to Order B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Regular Meeting Minutes — April 7th, 2020 C. Citizen Comments D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda E. Consideration to approve agenda 2. Public Hearings A. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for amendment to Conditional Use Permit for detached accessory structure in an A-O (Agriculture/Open Space) District to accommodate an open, covered patio over existing outdoor entertainment space Applicant: Monticello Country Club, Inc. B. Public Hearing — Request for consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for height for a 40' building silo addition and Variance to the required 50' side and rear yard setback Applicant: Copperhead Industries, LLC (Tim Burmis) 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of the Community Development Director's Report 4. Added Items 5. Adjournment MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, April 7th, 2020 - 6:15 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Sam Murdoff, John Alstad, Paul Konsor, Andrew Tapper, and Alison Zimpfer (via Go To Meeting) Council Liaison Present: Charlotte Gabler Staff Present: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), and Ron Hackenmueller 1. General Business A. Call to Order ,� `. Sam Murdoff called the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission to order at 6:15 p.m. Commissioner Murdoff noted that Commissioner Zimpfer was attending the meeting via GoTo meeting platform. B. Consideration of approvin� minutes a. Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — March 2nd, 2020 JOHN ALSTAD MOVED TO APPROVE THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 2ND, 2020. PAUL KONSOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. b. Special/Joint Meetin� Minutes — March 2nd, 2020 PAUL KONSOR MOVED TO APPROVE THE SPECIAL/JO1NT MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 2N�, 2020. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. c. Special/Joint Meetin� Minutes — March 9th, 2020 JOHN ALSTAD MOVED TO APPROVE THE SPECIAL/JO1NT MEETING MINUTES FROM MARCH 9TH, 2020. ANDREW TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. C. Citizen Comments None. D. Consideration of addin� items to the a�enda Angela Schumann noted that the meeting was available to the Planning Commissioners via videoconferencing. A phone number was also provided on the Planning Commission's agenda page for the public to access the meeting. The meeting was also live streamed on the cable commission channel and online. E. Consideration to approve a�enda JOHN ALSTAD MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA. PAUL KONSOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Planning Commission Minutes — April7th, 2020 Page 1 � 6 2. Public Hearings A. Public Hearin� — Consideration for Rezonin� to Planned Unit Development, Development and Final Sta�e PUD, Conditional Use Permit, and Text Amendment relatin� to densitv for Group Residential Facilitv, Multi-Familv in an R-3 District, and amendment to the use table, Table 5-1 of the Zonin� Ordinance Applicant: John and Dawn Ro�osheske Steve Grittman introduced the item and noted that the applicant was seeking to expand their group residential facility at 612 Sth Street West. The applicant's (St. Andrew's Home) are allowed to operate the facility with up to six residents on the first floor. An unfinished upstairs exists, which the applicants are proposing to complete with an additional six residents living in that space. Grittman explained that the property is zoned R-3 and is primarily surrounded by R-3 parcels. Grittman provided the definitions of group residential facilities for single family and multi-family. He noted that Minnesota State Statute defines these with specific number of residents per definition. The Monticello Zoning Ordinance uses number of units rather than residents for determining density. Grittman explained the importance of amending the Zoning Ordinance to understand how density would be applied to such a facility. Grittman provided four options for approaching density. He recommended option two that uses 520 square feet per person (similar to how density is calculated for assisted living facilities). Grittman provided a recommendation for an amended definition of the Zoning Ordinance for Group Residential Facility, Multi-Family. Staff believed their recommendation meets the intent of Statutory requirements for Group Residential Facility Multi-Family in multi-family zoning districts. It also manages the number of residents in the property to be similar to other uses in that district. Staff believe that the Conditional Use Permit is consistent with the requirements of the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments, pending conditions of the staff report such as green space and parking requirements. Prior to occupancy, staff recommended verification of those conditions. Staff noted that the applicants had applied for rezoning to Planned Unit Development in case a Conditional Use Permit was not an option. The PUD was proposed to be dismissed if approval of the CUP and text amendment were approved. Staff recommended approval of the ordinance amendment and CUP. Sam Murdoff asked if there was a difference between comparing the density between an assisted living efficiency/one-bedroom unit to a group residential facility, multi-family. Grittman stated that they are different, but that the density Planning Commission Minutes — April7th, 2020 Page 2 � 6 standard would be applicable with the exception of shared facilities (such as kitchen and living space). The ordinance amendment understands the difference that often times group residential facilities share facility needs. Angela Schumann added that the density for assisted living, one-bedroom apartments are 520 square feet and efficiency are 440 square feet. The ordinance amendment would allow group residential facilities, multi-family the opportunity to utilize all building square footage when calculating density. Grittman added that for group residential facility, single family, there is no density requirement. John Alstad asked for the size of the facility. Schumann stated that the applicant has submitted additional plans and indicates it is over 6,000 square feet. Schumann stated that staff believe it is around 6,300 square feet. Charlotte Gabler asked if the ordinance amendment were approved would that affect current group residential facilities. Schumann stated that she does not believe that there are any other group residential facilities, multi-family in Monticello. The City receives documentation from the County whenever a facility is licensed. Sam Murdoff opened the public hearing. Dawn Rogosheske, 1330 86th Street NW Buffalo, MN, the owners of St. Andrew's House and the applicants, introduced herself. Sam Murdoff asked if the 520 square feet would cause any issues for their current facility. Rogosheske stated that it would be acceptable. Paul Konsor asked if the applicant has reviewed Exhibit Z of the staff report. Rogosheske confirmed and did not have concerns with complying. Schumann reviewed ways of providing public comment, especially as it relates to the impacts of COVID 19. Staff verified that there were no other public comments available for the hearing. Hearing no further comments, Murdoff closed the public hearing. Andrew Tapper expressed concerns with approving the CUP not having specific numbers to calculate density. Tapper also asked about if the on-site care was accommodated for within the density requirement. Murdoff reopened the public hearing for further clarity. Rogosheske explained that there are three staff working at St. Andrew's House. Two staff are during the day and one staff is during the overnight. Rogosheske noted that staff were not accommodated for in the 12-person occupancy. Grittman confirmed that the density was based on resident count, not employee. St. Andrew's House employees do not have residence at the facility. Planning Commission Minutes — April7th, 2020 Page 3 � 6 Murdoff asked if there was a minimum square footage for bedroom size. Ron Hackenmueller stated that the minimum size of a bedroom was 70 square feet. He believed that the units met that requirement. Sam Murdoff re-closed the public hearing. Decision 1: Ordinance Amendment PAUL KONSOR MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION PG2020-011 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO GROUP RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES, BASED ON FINDINGS 1N SAID RESOLUTION. SAM MURDOFF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Decision 2: Conditional Use Permit PAUL KONSOR MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION PG2020-012 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR GROUP RESIDENTIAL FACILITY, MULTI FAMILY FOR LOT 8, BLOCK 9, ORIGINAL PLAT OF MONTICELLO, 612 STH STREET, BASED ON FINDINGS 1N SAID RESOLUTION AND SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS LISTED 1N EXHIBIT Z. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval Rogosheske Conditional Use Permit 612 5th Street Lot 8, Block 9, Original Plat Density of residents shall equal no more than one person per 520 square feet of total net livable area in the principal dwelling. The applicant should confirm compliance with this aspect of the proposed code. 2. Living accommodations for on-site resident staff shall be deducted from the principal dwelling square footage for purposes of determining density in (1) above. Any overnight staff accommodations should be detailed in the building plans to verify this condition. The property shall be developed to provide 2 off-street parking spaces for staff and one space per 3 residents for visitors. The applicants shall submit a site plan that shows compliance with this condition. 4. Parking areas shall be paved with concrete or bituminous surface, and shall meet all other standards of parking lot design in this ordinance, with the exception that the use shall be exempt from curb requirements. The applicants shall submit a site plan that shows compliance with this condition. Planning Commission Minutes — April7th, 2020 Page 4 � 6 5. The property shall maintain a minimum of 30% landscaped green space based on the gross area of the property. The applicants shall submit a site plan that shows compliance with this condition. 6. The building shall be designed and constructed to be consistent with the architectural character of the neighborhood in which it is located. The applicants' building is an existing structure which is similar in character to the existing one- and two-story residences in the immediate area. 7. Comments of the Building Official, and other staff and Planning Commission. B. Public Hearin� - Consideration of a request for amendment to Conditional Use Permit for detached accessorv structure in an A-O (A�riculture/Open Space) District to accommodate an open, covered patio over existin� outdoor entertainment space Applicant: Monticello Countrv Club, Inc. Angela Schumann explained that the applicant has requested that the Planning Commission table action and continue the Public Hearing to the May 5, 2020 Planning Commission Meeting. ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE REQUEST AND CONTINUE THE HEARING TO THE MAY STH, 2020 REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. PAUL KONSOR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. � 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of the Communitv Development Directors Report Angela Schumann reviewed the Community Development Director's Report per the staff report. Charlotte Gabler asked if the Industrial Land Absorption Study would be brought forward to the City Council. Schumann confirmed that it would be brought to the next meeting. 4. Added Items None. 5. Adjournment JOHN ALSTAD MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:26 P.M. SAM MURDOFF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Planning Commission Minutes — April7th, 2020 Page 5 � 6 Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: May Sth, 2020 Attest: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Planning Commission Minutes — April7th, 2020 Page 6 � 6 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/OS/2020 2A. Public Hearing — Consideration of a repuest for an amendment to Conditional Use Permit for accessorv structure in an A-O (A�riculture/Open Space) District to accommodate an open, covered patio over existin� outdoor entertainment space. Applicant: Monticello Countrv Club Inc. (NAC) Property: PID: 155-030-000010, 155-500-033300, 155-500- 034301, 155-500-101202, 155-500-101204, 155-500- 101205, 155-500-102101 Address: 1209 Golf Course Road Planning Case Number: 2020-08 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Deadline for Decision: Land Use Designation: Zoning Designation: Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Current Site Use: Surrounding Land Uses: North: East: South: West: Conditional Use Permit Amendment to construct a building addition. June 12, 2020 (incl. 60 day extension) Places to Recreate A-O Agricultural Open Space District The purpose of the "A-O" agricultural-open space district is to provide suitable areas of the City for the retention and utilization of open space and/or agricultural uses, prevent scattered non-farm uses from developing improperly, and to secure economy in government expenditures for public utilities and service. None Golf Course R-1 and R-2 Residential R-1 and R-2 Residential R-2 Residential I-94 / Monticello Township (Residential) Project Description: The applicants proposed to construct a permanent canopy over an existing patio. The canopy will be constructed with wood, shingles, London stone block, and metal. As it will be attached to the existing 1 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/OS/2020 clubhouse, it constitutes an expansion of the principal building. Background: The Monticello County Club has applied for a conditional use permit amendment to allow for the construction of a 1,600 square foot canopy attached to the existing club house. By Code, the country club is a conditional use permit in the A/O district, therefore changes to the existing club house require the amendment of the existing conditional use permit. The site has been using a temporary canopy in the past to cover a patio area during events. The canopy was damaged in a storm in 2018 and was not replaced. The applicants are requesting the approval of a conditional use permit amendment to allow for the construction of a permanent canopy constructed of wood, shingles, stone, and metal. The area is used for events to provide shade and shelter. It should be noted that the hard surfacing will not increase as the project area is an existing patio. Conditional tlse Permit amendment for an addition to an existing building. The zoning ordinance has specific requirements for country clubs, these requirements are listed below with staff comment: (a) The principal use, function, or activity is open, outdoor in character. Sta�'f Comment: The canopy will be open on three sides, with the fourth side being attached to the existing club house. The project is compliant with this standard. The existing area has a white fence around it. This fence appears to be scheduled for removal as part of the project. (b) Not more than five (5) percent of the land area of the site be covered by buildings or structures. Sta�'f Comment: The canopy addition will be over an existing patio area. Therefore, the proj ect is not increasing the hard surfacing of the area. Based on aerial photography measurements, the current buildings and proposed expansion would represent roughly 0.5 percent coverage of the golf course property. (c) When abutting a residential use, the property shall be screened with at least an aesthetic buffer (Table 4-2, Buffer Type "B") in accordance with section 4.1(G) of this ordinance. 2 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/OS/2020 Sta�'f Comment: In review of the building plans and existing conditions, it appears that the site has an existing white fence that encloses the patio area. The fence appears to be scheduled for removal for the new canopy construction. Staff recommends that a visual buffer be added either around the canopy area, or in the area of the residential use to the southeast of the site. Said plans shall be submitted for staff review. (d) The land area of the property containing such use or activity meets the minimum established for the districts. Sta�'f Comment: This requirement is met. Parking. The applicant is not proposing any changes to the parking layout or number of stalls. The canopy is being installed over an existing patio area. No change to the parking needs of the site are anticipated. Landscaping. The area around the patio has existing landscaping that contains perennials and shrubs. The applicants are not proposing any changes to the existing landscaping at this time. As noted above, the applicants should replace the visual screen being lost as a result of the removal of an existing fence. Lighting. The plans do not indicate additional lighting. As a condition of approval, staff is recommending that any future lighting is reviewed by staff for compliance with the City's requirements for lighting. In this regard, it should be embedded within the structure so as to avoid spreading or glaring toward adj oining property. Signage. No new signage is shown as a part of the project. Any proposed signage should meet the requirements of the City's Sign regulation in Zoning Ordinance Section 4.5. Grading, Drainage, and tltilities. The structure will not increase the hard surfacing on the site as the area is an existing patio. Therefore, engineering review is likely limited for this application. Conditional Use Permit Requirements Section 2.4-(D)-(4)-(a) lists the requirements for conditional use permits in the City. These requirements must be met when considering a conditional use permit. (i) The conditional use will not substantially diminish or impair property values within the immediate vicinity of the subj ect property Planning Commission Agenda — OS/OS/2020 Sta�'f Comment: The conditional use is expected to increase property values. The area was previously being covered by a temporary canopy structure. The permanent structure is expected to aesthetically appropriate as the temporary structure will no longer be used. (ii) The conditional use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, or welfare of persons residing or working near the use Sta�'f Comment: The canopy structure is expected to increase safety and comfort for individuals using the patio area. The structure is replacing a temporary structure that was damaged in 2018. Although the structure would have open side walls, the addition of the permanent roof would be expected to reduce overall sound emanating from the site. (iii) The conditional use will not impede the normal and orderly development of surrounding property for permitted uses predominant in the area Sta�'f Comment: The area around the property is already developed. The canopy structure will not impede the development of the area. (iv) The conditional use will not pose an undue burden on public utilities or roads, and adequate sanitary facilities are provided Sta�'f Comment: No burden is expected from this conditional use permit amendment. (v) The conditional use can provide adequate parking and loading spaces, and all storage on the site can be done in conformance with City code requirements Sta�'f Comment: The conditional use is not expected to have an impact on the parking demand or storage on the site. (vi) The conditional use will not result in any nuisance including but not limited to odor, noise, or sight pollution Sta�'f Comment: The canopy is not expected to change how the property is currently used, thus staff does not see this use becoming a nuisance. (vii) The conditional use will not unnecessarily impact natural features such as woodlands, wetlands, and shorelines; and all erosion will be properly controlled Sta�'f Comment: The canopy will not increase the hard surface on the site since it is being constructed over an existing patio area. As a result, the canopy is not expected to impact natural features in the area. � Planning Commission Agenda — OS/OS/2020 (viii) The conditional use will adhere to any applicable additional criteria outlined in Chapter 5 for the proposed use Sta�'f Comment: As noted in the about review, the applicant is compliant with this requirement. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1. Conditional Use Permit Amendment for Building Addition. L Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC 2020-013, recommending approval of the proposed amendment to Conditional Use Permit Amendment, based on findings in said resolution and on the Conditions identified in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. PC 2020-013, based on findings identified following the public hearing. 3. Motion table action on Resolution No. PC 2020-013, subj ect to additional information from applicant and/or staff. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternative 1 approval of the Conditional Use Permit Amendment. As noted, the conditional use permit is consistent with the existing site use, and is unlikely to raise any issues with the land uses in the area. Further, the permanent canopy replaces a temporary one, which will improve property values, ascetics, and safety at this site. In addition, there are expected engineering impacts with the application as the hard surfacing is not increasing. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2020-013 B. AerialImage C. Applicant Narrative D. Site/Project Aerial E. Site Dimensions F. Building Elevations Z. Conditions of Approval 5 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/OS/2020 EXHIBIT Z CUP Amendment for Monticello Country Club 1209 Golf Course Road PID: 155-030-000010, 155-500-033300, 155-500-034301, 155-500-101202, 155-500- 101204, 155-500-101205, 155-500-102101 1. The applicant provides a lighting plan for the verification of compliance with code as a requirement of building permit application. 2. A visual buffer be added either around the canopy area, or in the area of the residential uses to the southeast of the site. This may include reconstruction of the fence, or other means approve by Community Development staff. 3. Other conditions of City staff and officials. � CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2020-013 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY MONTICELLO RECOMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR EXPANSION OF A GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE BUILDING IN THE A-O, AGRICULTURE-OPEN SPACE ZONING DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to expand an existing building for use as a covered outdoor public gathering space; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned A-O, Agriculture Open Space, which allows Golf Courses by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Places to Recreate" for the area; and WHEREAS, the applicants have provided materials documenting compliance with the terms of the applicable zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the A-O zoning district; and WHEREAS, the uses will not create any unanticipated changes to the demand for public services on or around the site; and WHEREAS, the proposed use replaces other similar improvements and activities, and should not increase impacts beyond those expected or traditional in the proposed location; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on May Sth, 2020 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: The proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the A-O, Agriculture Open Space Zoning District. 2. The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2020-013 The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by the existing and future land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. The proposed covered patio space meets the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, pursuant to the conditions attached to the Conditional Use Permit. Parking is found to be adequate based on the available off-street parking on the property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota recommends to the City Council that the proposed Conditional Use Permit be approved, subj ect to the conditions of Exhibit Z of the staff report, as follows: 1. The applicant provides a lighting plan for the verification of compliance with code as a requirement of building permit application. 2. A visual buffer be added either around the canopy area, or in the area of the residential uses to the southeast of the site. This may include reconstruction of the fence, or other means approve by Community Development staff. 3. Other conditions of City staff and officials. ADOPTED this Sm day of May, 2020 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING CONINIISSION : ATTEST: Sam Murdoff, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 2 Golf Course - ��- � . �r�- ,�..�� . . ? �,, _ ¢ _ �...� s '�►� � { ���� ��` � , �� ..5�, .. ' t�fT �,. . , ti�,S� J' f/. ` i.., . x � ���f��� r�!�� y" , .. . .e . � .. 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" 't`�`,� 04129l2018 Monticello Country Club Pavilion The Monticello Country Club (MCC) has a concrete patio attached to the East side of the clubhouse (banquet room). MCC covered the patio with a vinyl tent during the golf season for four years. The tent was destroyed by a storm in 2018, and MCC received insurance compensation. A Monticello based roofing contractor, and member of MCC, volunteered to provide the labor for construction. The insurance settlement and volunteer labor make the project affordable for MCC. The pavilion will be used for outdoor seating. It will be attached to the banquet room which seats up to 200 people. The banquet room is an important part of MCC's business plan. Golf fund raisers (tournaments) are a weekly occurrence at MCC, and a vital revenue source. Additionally, weddings and other group events are held in the banquet room. Some wedding ceremonies have been held on the patio. The Pavilion will provide covered seating to protect from excess sun and rain. It will be a visual improvement over the temporary tent that covered the patio. o. , ; ,. . . , R . ,�� � F t t... � i 1 � � ``� � �, � � + '~� � � + �" � oi�� ";;'! A 'R. '� _ .a:v�-, -'� ,i-1��+ `c.„y . �_i � ,�?i=. y� � _ .r',� ^i ��y � F • . �i j� � � � ��� o � �"� :; '�' �V r_ � �. ,�, . i ' . � `o � .�� � {'� .. �' � �r:. ,�_ . U'=5 _ :'�" '.r5 � ' C yr . . r�� , i . "� .:�. ¢pP5 I ,. /c� � ,�-. d . � i, Li 3 �. � �< <] � ".T .. ' e 1n./[] / l`�.. 1 .'� � .. - "�` � �' � � iR,� --:,��y [�/ � � ..'�� • �, +�,p ` 'eo ll �";'� -�, �` i , � �7 . � � ~� ry= �, ]��'t'� - '�`�, �,��', f ��' ��, �`"�"',� .. s+ �.� ;�.,�� �o�. f L ,';� _y� , ., ��.� 4�� �.��L. � �_ � : 3 �:,� �, . ' _ �� , �»,,'�' � �n �. � � p� � " ; `�,'�' - ❑ , � . �.' f� � ���`�-�p • ,i; t�,. :�'� T�� r ��'� ',, t -_� , ,�* . a '"' �'x''� ��`"I �,.fi T 'i `{ - .,.-ls—�=, . � � j „ � . J � `L �^Re.,�. s� . . 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Overvi ew Legend Roads -- CSAHCI —� CTYCL MUNiCL PRIVATECL 11NPCL Highways - Interstate - State Hwy US Hwy �ty/Township Limits _�_....J �' 4J ^ '[ .1� Partels Parcel ID 155500102101 Alternate ID n/a Owner Address MONTICELLO COUNTRY CLUB SeclTwp/Rng 10-121-025 Class 247-QUALIFYGOLFCOURSES POBOX576 PropertyAddress 1209GOLFCOURSERD Acreage 33.24 MONTICELLO,MN55362 MONTICELLO District 1101 CIN OF MONTICELLO 882 H Brief Tax Description Sect-10Twp-121 Range-025 UNPLATTED LAND MONTICELL0133.24AC ALL THAT PRT OF N 1-2 OF NW LYING NELY OF R-W LINE OF INTERS ITY 94 EXC TR DES S 333 FT OF E 300 FT Of NE OF NW (.i�lc?tc:: P�r>� t� �e �r;=v:c! ��n f*��r+l rlc,ct�me?-:t,' Date created: 2/21/2020 LastData Upbaded:2/21/20204:47:20AM Developed 6y�� Schneid�r G£CJSPATIAL z 0 Hp ��; W � �t w Ra � H� y� c w � Y �� 1 � J � � � U �� � JzO `U � �� X �Nntno dooa ru i9 W4'IOL'�IW q8lx��tr1£�I (l; , � � .u.s i � o � � NIIV Z�U� � � p��z O[ �o�_ — p U � � � Q O ,-I,� zpFw Y �'� I�. � U �O� u� ,„ � ��wo ��� x�Qu U I ��oo � i ,e,s � � z_ w �I a ,� � o z I m � o 0 z '° � z I i� � o !a � UA w a�,��,{l� .B�Y ��0� .dl O :/� 4 � �. ._ ��-, -�N � U 2 w U z Oq�� ��p0 wL'��n Y � � � oR�� U�10QK Q�pv ns�a ' --'------"--' �N1131Ya0i 3197�lA4llilfi�'-""--- 300� NDI'flhtld m�N/37.�?J7N0� �JNI19IX3 - �Vn117d €' � � � , � z or asea�ao�a a_ � � �a � � �� � � �g dW7J d7�ItlN7Ii'�NO� �7NI1SIX3 � w z � O �r 0 a w zQ Y �m u O � V � y O� � O Kn >s � a a � z X aHnino a ra noizinaa mav i w o � / = i ., . � � .a•y:� ------------ '� � �` � �� ------ —_____ _ _ _, � � _ ___' 19 'p'IOa�I4t e!x„Vtsitl7 �f � /� u � m � � , _.____ _..___ zo ,9,L1 /{ � ril ,O,l �`'� ��g'G�' z � �J �WOz `�/ ¢ ` / p q x z �p / � �w � K z ( � ��'4� J � r � / � N � O N � z�ay � �+ ro�w}p zl' � \ a U Q €qy �d�� ���Q � m q ` � � o �� � — - q } Z � �` a Q F * a �� � � � � • ,o,at 0 0 � � O � = u � � i � i �� � I � '�' a ��p� ` � o � o �, u � �� z - � � m N � zW�� � � U p O Vy � a � � O � ���Q —___ . �w K ... } � .,nr.u. z 4 '�hl'G.ItO � � a 41r �� �= O ° a� wW z� ou �, �n a ., > � a 0 i� z us 0 o w o � � � � � �D ta,J t � z i w 4�0 N _1= � U N 4 � N U�� � q� fIt E- ��Q �Nc� 4-tk a �v�w z w�n ��w ��u O ±n c�c� O ut m OC -° m -i �O� � � � � � � � � � � � a� m � .�Ju Q � w cn J � a � '� O�L Q m�� � Q � ro ��Q -x w F- LL � 4 a Wt� � � � �- a � mzi �d� � � Q � . . �.a�a�a� � <A,g �,8d �tl „l,L , ,._.___....__.� __... „ m; -1 ; �t llt . �� � } ; �Q-� Z : :� : ; ;�; "� ; ;`_' ' _�'.'_'.-� ;, �c�� � __:_::_:_:_._____�______s � � � . .............""'�""""" �z� �' _" ..:...:.:....:��"'::::: � �H� Q ; ' ~ N: cn ; �, u� X ',X: u�l � ' �� � � � � � •`- � """"""""'' �' " ..� N """"""""' � � � : � �---- �- o -- - - -._,: : , n � o_ x X � �u � - � � � � � N Q °�y � w � 4� � �� O A °C u ,- - •-- Q � g 6 ---- � mo z ,-. «9�� � � a- °�`g X ! � � � U] �- <,8,Z , . , , . . . ---- --_- - -- --- - - - - -� - a ---- ; o e' �„e�.,rt, •, •, , N <��'�4 ,�Dt,Z «Qtr Planning Commission Agenda — OS/OS/2020 2B. Consideration of a repuest for a Conditional Use Permit for height for a 40' building silo addition and Variance to the required 50' side and rear vard setback. Applicant: Copperhead Industries, LLC (Tim Burmisl (NAC) Property: Legal: Lot 1, Block 1 Monticello Commerce Center 1 st Addition PID: 155-081-001010 Address: 9530 Fallon Ave NE, Monticello, MN, 55362 Planning Case Number: 2020-012 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND: Request(s): 1. Variance request to encroach into setbacks. 2. Conditional Use Permit to allow a silo that exceeds the height limit. Deadline for Decision: Land Use Designation: Zoning Designation Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Current Site Use: Surrounding Land Uses: North: East: South: West: June lst, 2020 (60 days) Places to Shop I-1 Light Industrial District The purpose of the "I-1," light industrial, district is to provide for the establishment of warehousing and light industrial development. N/A �a Industrial / Manufacturing Places to Work (Production Stamping) Places to Shop (Fleet Farm) Places for Community (ballfields / Little Mountain Elementary School) Places to Work (London Products / JME Companies) Project Description: Copperhead Industries has applied for a conditional use permit, and variances to allow for a building expansion and the installation of a silo for the storage of raw materials. The silo will exceed the City's height limit of 1 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/OS/2020 30 feet. A CUP has been requested for a height of 45 feet. In addition, the applicants are requesting setback variances from the south and east property lines to accommodate a building expansion of 7,360 square feet. The standard setback for the I-1 District side and rear yards is 15 feet. However, the Ordinance includes a notation that increases the setback on the side yard and rear yard is 50 feet when the property abuts non- industrial zoning on those sides. The building expansion is taking place over an existing outdoor storage area. The outdoor storage will not be replaced once the proj ect is completed. ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan identifies Economic Development, and continued industrial utilization of the properties in this area as a priority for the City. The applicant's proposal of a building expansion fits with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The subject site is zoned I-1 Light Industrial. Within the I-1 District, manufacturing and warehousing are allowed uses. The existing facility and the expansion is an allowed use within the I-1 zoning district. Existing Adjacent Uses. The site is adjacent to commercial retail to the east (Fleet Farm); Planned Unit Development institutional property to the south (school ballfields); and industrial uses to the north and west. Lot Area, Width, and Depth. The subject site is approximately 2 acres in area; and has a lot width of approximately 217 feet. This exceeds the standards for the I-1 district. Easements. The site contains drainage and utility easements on all sides of the property. The proposed proj ect does not interfere with any of these easements. Maximum Building Height. The maximum building height in the I-1 District is 30 feet. The proposed building addition will closely match the existing one-story building. The height is compliant at approximately 24 feet based on Staff's calculation using the architectural plans. The applicants have applied for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of a silo that will be 45 feet in height. By code, a building can exceed the City's height limit by conditional use permit. This is discussed more fully below. 2 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/OS/2020 Site Lighting. The applicants have not submitted a lighting plan for this site. As a condition of approval, any exterior lighting must comply with the City's requirements. Parking. The following table illustrates the parking requirements for this site: Use Square Percentage Number of stalls footage Required Office 2,794 13% 10 Manufacturing 4,464 21% 9 Warehousing 12,176 58% 10 Other 1,690 8% N/A Total 21,124 100% 29 The site plan shows 33 existing parking stalls which includes two handicapped stalls. The existing parking lot will be conforming after the building additional is completed. Curb Cut Access. The existing site has a curb cut access on the northwest side of the property onto Fallon Avenue. No changes are proposed to this access. Loading Area. The existing building has two loading dock doors on the north side of the building that will remain in place. The building addition will have a new overhead door to access the warehouse addition. This meets the City's requirements for quantity and size. Landscaping. The applicants have not submitted a landscaping plan. The building addition is taking place on an existing outdoor storage area. The area is screened from the ballfields to the south by existing mature trees. As a condition of approval, the pervious areas remaining after construction has been completed shall be finished with seed or sod. Because the site is considered fully developed with allowed uses, no additional bufferyard plantings are required. Nonetheless, staff would note that the existing plantings, together with the replacement of outdoor storage area with permanent building, will have the effect of lessening impacts on adj oining property in those areas, reducing any concerns over buffering. Grading and Drainage Plan. The applicant has submitted a grading and drainage plan that directs hard surface stormwater to the south and east of the site. This is subj ect to further review by the City Engineer. Fire Department Review. As a condition of approval, Staff is recommending that the Fire Chief review the site and building plans and offer any comments. Planning Commission Agenda — OS/OS/2020 Conditional tlse Permi� In the I-1, Light Industrial District, light manufacturing and warehousing are both permitted uses. The applicants are seeking the approval of a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of a silo that exceeds the 30 foot height limit. The silo will be 45 feet in height after construction is complete, and is proposed to hold raw materials (resin pellets) used in the manufacturing of wire sheathing the applicant's main business. The zoning ordinance lays out eight requirements that all conditional use permits must meet in order to receive a conditional use permit: (i) The conditional use will not substantially diminish or impair property values within the immediate vicinity of the subj ect property. Sta�'f Comment: The silo will be located on the north side of the building approximately 290 feet from Fallon Avenue NE. Further, the silo is located within an area of mature trees between the silo and the road. Approval of the conditional use permit is not expected to diminish or impair property values in the area. (ii) The conditional use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, or welfare of persons residing or working near the use. Sta�'f Comment: The silo will be used to store raw materials used in manufacturing. It is not expected to be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, or welfare of persons residing or working near the site. (iii) The conditional use will not impede the normal and orderly development of surrounding property for permitted uses predominant in the area. Sta�'f Comment: The area around the site is fully developed, therefore, this requirement does not apply. (iv) The conditional use will not pose an undue burden on public utilities or roads, and adequate sanitary facilities are provided. Sta�'f Comment: The construction of the silo is not expected to impact any of the items mentioned above. As noted above, the silo will hold resin that's used in the manufacturing of goods onsite. (v) The conditional use can provide adequate parking and loading spaces, and all storage on the site can be done in conformance with City code requirements. Sta�'f Comment: The site plan shows no changes to parking, and loading. These requirements will be compliant after the construction is complete. The storage onsite will be moved indoors. � Planning Commission Agenda — OS/OS/2020 (vi) The conditional use will not result in any nuisance including but not limited to odor, noise, or sight pollution. Sta�'f Comment: The silo will be in a position where visibility from the road will be minimal. Further, the site is adjacent to other industrial uses and a ballfield. The conditional use permit is not expected to result in any nuisances. While the site abuts a retail facility to the east, that retail facility utilizes a silo as an architectural feature. (vii) The conditional use will not unnecessarily impact natural features such as woodlands, wetlands, and shorelines; and all erosion will be properly controlled. Sta�'f Comment: The site and the areas around the site are fully developed and not in a shoreland district. This requirement is met. (viii) The conditional use will adhere to any applicable additional criteria outlined in Chapter 5 for the proposed use. Sta�'f Comment: The requirement is met with the exception of the variance criteria outlined throughout this report. In addition, a conditional use permit to exceed the City's height limit of 30 feet in the I-1 District has the following additional standards: (a) The building shall be at least 200 feet from any parcel that is zoned residential and used or subdivided for residential use, or an occupied institutional building including but not limited to schools, places of public assembly, and community centers. (b) The building shall not cast a shadow on residential structures between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Sta�'f Comment: The proposed silo will be compliant with this requirement. The closest residential property is approximately 350 feet to the southwest. The closest institutional structure is Little Mountain School, approximately 650 feet to the south; further, the area is fully developed so no future residential structures are expected. Variance to Side and Rear Yard Setback. Setbacks. In addition to the conditional use permit outlined above, the applicants are seeking a variance from the side yard setback and rear yard setback. The building expansion will take place on the east side of the property (rear side of the building). The expansion will replace an outdoor storage area. The following table shows the setbacks that are being requested: 5 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/OS/2020 Existin Pro osed Re uired Com liant Front (west) 82.5 82.5 30 feet Yes Side (north) 107.8 107.8 15 feet Yes Side (south) 30 feet 30 feet 15 feet (50 feet*) No** Rear (east) 124.11 32.11 15 feet 50 feet* No+ *denotes that the setback is 50 feet because the property abuts a non-industrial district **denotes that the building expansion will follow the existing building line, which is a legal non-conforming setback +denotes that the building will encroach into the setback due to the 50 foot requirement to non-industrial property. The table above shows that the building expansion will require two setback variances due to the fact that the building abuts a business district (Fleet Farm) and a PUD/institutional district (ballfields). Ordinance Review. The City outlines five criteria that a variance must meet in order to be approved. These requirements are listed below with staff's comment. (i) The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use if the provisions of this ordinance are strictly applied. Sta�'f Comment: The variance is being requested in order to accommodate additional warehousing space for the applicant's growing business. The applicants have noted in their narrative that this is the only option for their expansion to accommodate new production and storage. While a smaller footprint could be designed, applicant indicates that their process requires the larger building space to accommodate their needs. The extraordinary setback imposed on this property on two sides significantly impacts the reasonable use of this parcel. (ii) The circumstances rendering the property unusable are unique to the property. Sta�'f Comment: The parcel is relatively small by industrial district standards. The applicants are requesting a building expansion that will maximize the site and also eliminate an outdoor storage area that's abutting a ballfield and a commercial use. Staff believes that the request is reasonable in this regard. (iii) The circumstances rendering the property unusable were not created by the owner thereof. Sta�'f Comment: The parcel is a lot of record, and its size and setback standards are not being impacted by the applicant's actions. (iv) A Variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. � Planning Commission Agenda — OS/OS/2020 Sta�'f Comment: The area is adjacent to other industrial uses, commercial uses, and ballfields. The variance will not alter the essential character of the locality. The building expansion is expected to be an improvement to the area as it will eliminate an outdoor storage area. Moreover, the adjoining uses are extremely unlikely to be impacted by the building expansion. As noted, the existing building is already 15 feet to the south property line, and the proposed expansion would replace outdoor storage — often a use that creates a greater impact than enclosed building space. In addition, the south-side setback encroachment abuts open space and playfield area — no noise, or other impacts, would be expected to affect that use. To the east, the property is zoned and guided commercial. However, the proposed encroachment adj oins buffer and pond area of the Mills Fleet Farm site, as well as rear- side truck circulation areas only. Again, little or no impact would be expected to those area of the Fleet Farm property. (v) Economic considerations alone shall not constitute a sufficient basis for a variance if reasonable use for the property exists under the terms of the regulation. Sta�'f Comment: This is not the case with this proj ect. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision 1. Variance from the side yard setback of 50 feet; and the rear yard setback of 50 feet. L Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2020-014 approving the variance of the subj ect property to allow encroachment into the 50-foot side yard setback and the 50 foot rear yard setback. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. 2020-014 approving the variance of the subject property to allow encroachment into the 50-foot side yard setback; the 50 foot rear yard setback; and a building height in excess of 30 feet within 200 feet of a residential parcel. Decision 2. Conditional Use Permit to exceed the height limit of 30 feet in the I-1 Light Industrial District. L Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2020-015 recommending approval of the Conditional Use Permit to exceed the height limit of 30 feet, based on findings stated in the resolution, and the Conditions listed in Exhibit Z of this report. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. 2020-015 based on findings identified at the Planning Commission Meeting and City Council Meeting. 7 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/OS/2020 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the two Resolutions 2020-014 and 2020-015. The resolutions support the approval of the variance, and a recommendation of approval for the Conditional Use Permit, with the conditions identified in Exhibit Z. As noted, the expansion represents a reasonable and expected use of the subj ect property, and can be accommodated on the existing site. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Variance Resolution No. PG2020-014 B. Conditional Use Permit Resolution No. PC-2020-015 C. Aerial Site Image D. Proj ect Narrative E. Civil Site Plans F. Architectural Plans G. City Engineer's Comment Letter, dated 4/22/2020 Z. Conditions of Approval : Planning Commission Agenda — OS/OS/2020 EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval Side and Rear Yard Setback Variances Conditional Use Permit for Building Height Exceeding 30 Feet Copperhead Industries 9530 Fallon Ave NE All exterior lighting must comply with the City's requirements. 2. The pervious areas remaining after construction has been completed shall be finished with seed or sod. Existing landscape tree plantings shall remain as a part of the project. 4. Comments and conditions from the City Engineer. Comments from the Fire Chief, including those related to fire hydrant location. � CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. PC-2020-014 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO APPROVING A VARIANCE TO THE REQUIRED SIDE AND REAR YARD SETBACKS TO ALLOW THE EXPANSION OF AN INDUSTRIAL BUILDING WHEREAS, the applicant operates an existing industrial use at 9530 Fallon Avenue; and WHEREAS, the subject property is zoned I-1, Light Industrial District, in which manufacturing establishments are allowed as permitted uses; and WHEREAS, the applicant proposes to add an expansion of the building necessary to support an allowed manufacturing process; and WHEREAS, the proposed expansion will encroach into the required side and rear yard setbacks adj acent to a non-industrial property, requiring a variance; and WHEREAS, the proposed encroachment on the side yard will be consistent with the standard setback and with the existing building of 15 feet; and WHEREAS, the proposed encroachment on the rear yard will exceed the standard setback at 30 feet; and WHEREAS, the expansion will otherwise be consistent with the improvements currently on the property; and WHEREAS, the proposed land use is a reasonable use of the subject property, consistent with the land uses in the area, including other industrial establishments; and WHEREAS, both encroachments are toward land that is currently, and expected to be for the foreseeable future, open and unoccupied; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the matter at its regular meeting on May Sth, 2020 and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed expansion is consistent with the intent of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use is reasonable, given the conditions in the area, and on the subj ect property. There are practical difficulties in using the lot as proposed without approval of the proposed variances. 4. The proposed expansion will otherwise meet the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for consideration of the proposed setback variances. 5. The proposed expansion will not create undue burdens on public systems, including streets and utilities. 6. The proposed use will not create substantial impacts on neighboring land uses that are not within the expectations of the current zoning allowances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, sitting as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, Minnesota that the proposed Variance is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions: 1. All exterior lighting must comply with the City's requirements. 2. The pervious areas remaining after construction has been completed shall be finished with seed or sod. 3. Existing landscape tree plantings shall remain as a part of the project. 4. Comments and conditions from the City Engineer. 5. Comments from the Fire Chief, including those related to fire hydrant location. ADOPTED this Sm day of May, 2020, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 2 MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION : ATTEST: Sam Murdoff, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. PC-2020-015 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR BUILDING HEIGHT IN THE I-1, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant operates an existing manufacturing facility at 9530 Fallon Avenue; and WHEREAS, the applicant proposes to construct an accessory storage building with a height that extends beyond the required maximum 30 foot standards for the district; and WHEREAS, the subject property has a base zoning of I-1, Light Industrial District, in which manufacturing and related uses are allowed as permitted uses; and WHEREAS, the zoning ordinance allows such use, but current zoning restrictions require special approval consideration due to the proposed height and location of the accessory storage building; and WHEREAS, the location of the storage building is well screened, and will have negligible, if any, impact on surrounding land uses or public services in the area; and WHEREAS, the storage building will otherwise be consistent with the improvements currently on the property; and WHEREAS, the proposed land use is a reasonable use of the subject property, consistent with the land uses in the area; and WHEREAS, the proposed expansion is a reasonable location on the property, within other zoning regulations, and would raise other zoning and site development issues if located in other portions of the property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the matter at its regular meeting on May Sth, 2020 and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed expansion is consistent with the intent of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use is reasonable, given the conditions in the area, and on the subj ect property. 3. The proposed accessory building will otherwise meet the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for consideration of the proposed building height. 4. The proposed expansion will not create undue burdens on public systems, including streets and utilities. 5. The proposed use will not create substantial impacts on neighboring land uses that are not within the expectations of the current zoning allowances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota recommends to the City Council that the proposed Conditional Use Permit be approved, subject to the conditions of Exhibit Z of the staff report, as follows: 1. All exterior lighting must comply with the City's requirements. 2. The pervious areas remaining after construction has been completed shall be finished with seed or sod. 3. Existing landscape tree plantings shall remain as a part of the project. 4. Comments and conditions from the City Engineer. 5. Comments from the Fire Chief. ADOPTED this Sm day of May, 2020, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION : 2 Sam Murdoff, Chair ATTEST: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 0 � � c c� G 0 � U T � � � � U fr i ° r � f -:�► • ;.i;� a`a1.. �� �. � �. -... . - . ` : , �, � �, � r r �; • � `,� � - �� f � ��', : �� - r � . . � f �;. . . �r;� . . �' . � � . - , �- , . :�,�� . . , ., 4 �� .. . .!... ,f��� � �^� . . � r - .���� �� � � . . . -. ��.- :.. , � �� �. � ' ' _,�' � . . rW ........ .. .. . - -,�.. . ... {��I T ._.,._..........,.... ,.. ,.�,.... -� r p � ; � • � � �, '� + �� � � �-� � .. ,_ :��� ;,�„ t r �r �i 4a rr� � w� Q:' � ef� '^yl P!:L.: 1f7� , 4 iIF � � �,�.� � �. . � . ,. � , �t �t � � �� � �- r " �"� '"�� k � + . �. � r y. 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G F- � rn .� +i�' � P tA �ra C��' _ a� �', �, p � _ C �e �.� � I� �� �� � t � �� � �' � � I ,� � � . d!! � r- � ' GO *��- � '� ' "�, � ° � � � � � �` � � � rn � �� � ' ■ F {� � ` _ � _ � �I: •�,'�"�'�``�. ��',* � �J "� �I � 1 r € ,�1 . � .-. �R ti��4, ��+ � * � � ,� �� • 6 r �1r�`�' - � �y� �. , - - r Narrative for CUP and Variance Applications 03/31/2020 Copperhead Industries — Company Profile Copperhead Industries is located in Monticello and has kept its corporate headquarters here for the past 15 years. Copperhead is a strategic supplier to distribution providing end-to-end solutions for accurate, efficient location of underground utilities. We also serve as an advisor to utilities and specifying engineers on Complete Utility Locating Systems. Since introducing copper-clad steel tracer wire in 2004, Copperhead has expanded its solutions in the water/wastewater, gas distribution, and telecommunications industries to cover multiple applications. Every component in Copperhead's Complete Utility Locating SystemT'" is manufactured in the USA and engineered for compatibility and durability. The system includes Copperhead0 copper-clad steel tracer wire, corrosion-resistant locking connectors, ground rods, secure access points, and easy-to-use pipe and cable locators. Locating expertise and superior customer service make Copperhead the supplier of choice among utilities, municipalities and engineers specifying tracer wire systems. The drivers behind Copperhead's expansion Copperhead has experienced tremendous growth over the past 15 years driven by the development of our Complete Utility Locating SystemT'", the national specification work we do that supports accurate locating of utilities, and the development of national & international relationships with utilities and distribution channels serving those utilities. For the past 15 years we've used 3rd party manufacturing to build our products. In order to continue supporting our growth, it was necessary for Copperhead to vertically integrate the manufacturing of our tracer wire products into our facility in Monticello. We accomplished that in November 2019. Copperhead's investment in capital equipment to manufacture in Monticello was $1,600,000 creating several new employment opportunities. With the addition of our manufacturing division, we will increase the volume of products shipped out of Monticello from 6% to 65% over the ne� 2 years. These changes to our facility in Monticello will require us to add a minimum of 7 new employees which include at least two skilled labor positions. In order to accommodate the product manufactured at our Monticello plant, we're adding a 7,360 square feet addition to the back our building to create 275 new pallet spaces which will accommodate product manufactured in Monticello. Page 1 of 3 CUP request As noted above, significant investment is being made to increase manufacturing capacity in Monticello. A component of the equipment needed to increase the manufacturing capacity is a silo for storage of resin material in raw form. The silo (see example picture attached) is to be e�erior to the building, and adjacent to the building north wall where noted on the submitted site plan. A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) is requested to accommodate a silo height of 45 ft. The proposed silo location is approximately 290 feet from Fallon Avenue, and is surrounded by existing mature 40'-50' pine trees. Set-back variance justification We are requesting a variance to building setback requirements to the south property line and east property line. The building expansion is proposed to be constructed at 30' from the south property line (same as the existing building) and 32' from the east property line (same as existing outdoor storage area). Our lot is zoned I-1 Light Industrial District. We're planning an 80'x92' expansion onto the back to our building. The proposed expansion would match the 80' width of our existing building. We attended an initial meeting with the City of Monticello staff on 7/23/19 to talk about the project. The building setbacks that were discussed followed the requirements of I-1 Light Industrial District with 30' building setback from the north and south property line and 15' from the east property line. On 3/24/20 we learned from staff that the adjacent lots to the south and east are zoned differently and require 50' building setback which does not accommodate the proposed building expansion. Our building was built in 1993. • South property line: The south edge of our building is 30' from the south property line. The proposed building expansion is to match the existing building 80' width. • East property line: We have an 80'x92'permanent fenced-in outdoor storage area already in place 32' from the east property line. The permanent fence was installed in 1999 subject to zoning set-back requirements then. • It's worth noting for the past 21 years the lot has been utilized with permanent fi�ures that are 30' and 32' from the south and east property lines respectively. • It's also worth noting that Copperhead's building expansion will replace the outdoor storage area that's been there since 1999. No additional outdoor storage is proposed. If we were to comply with the 50' setback we'd need to off-set the addition by 20' from the south property line and 18' from the east property line. Off-setting the building addition 20' and 18' respectively will not work in our application. • With a 50' setback, the foot print of our addition would be reduced by 38% from 7,360 sq feet to 4,588 sq feet. This will not give us the additional space we need. • With the reduced footprint, we'd lose 104 of the 276 pallet spaces needed with our expansion. • On the north side of the proposed addition, the asphalt approach to the proposed overhead door is already in place. An offset addition would require us to rip out the asphalt drive, regrade, and replace with asphalt or a concrete apron. Page 2 of 3 Also on the north side, if the addition were off-set 18' it would complicate the configuration and access to the proposed resin silo. The proposed configuration and location of the resin silo is IDEAL for Monticello because the silo would be surrounded by 40'-50' pine trees blocking visibility from Fallon Avenue. We believe the proposed 30' set-backs are more than adequate. The south property line is lined with 40-50' pine trees. From the south you can't see the building because the trees block the line of sight. There is a drainage ditch along the east property line. Starting 30' west of our east property line there's a significant elevation drop into the drainage ditch towards the Mills Fleet Farm property. Lastly, the zoning changes to the adjacent properties to the south and east significantly impacts the use of our lot and arguably will reduce the value of the property. The staff we've worked with at the City of Monticello have been very good to work with and we appreciate everyone's willingness to help us through this small snag. Respectfully, Jeff Atwood President, Copperhead Industries Attachment: example silo picture Page 3 of 3 __ : � � �� � � � t -- � �� � '• , _ ; ,: .�- ' - - . . _ � t� �n� in�pvay��rl�l�o'�nJsiuuny�a , £Lbb-I�L-E9L siiu�n& u�iy £9FSi vH »i.�»i�uoyy 3V-�ny uoiled OES6 �77 `S3Rl,LSf]ONI Ob'9H213ddOJ _�� ,s000 e� �° 3�_—_� �..i = w,,.� � �aw = u�,,.� � as ae a3��3H� NYId NOLLY90l 1031'Otld zscss �w ��u�n��ri 3'ro�JS luJunln 31vJ5 JvlivoZetlH � u�tssa szrs e � O �utBHHut�uH]IAIJ 45 JPOL✓J�53a ^ Z965S qoaBu9W 'o11a�N�M1 ,� ,yd, �� �� o fr l � '1AY W11Yj 0896 OZ� � V M�� S 45 AE NMW10 1J3!'Okld 1N3W3AOkIdW1 3115 i .yw� �wu!v� � [ww+n Nro o un�uv� y W,q q�oyq �� OZ l f f 3[4tl � n •,a'; a„m. �mn .wi wm R�w� .rw.a, , � c y � � � � � W � � Q � _ � � W r Q W W C� � O = W � � _ - �W � W y � � O � � � �� a � 0 N W Z Z C � • • • • � r�� ,�i. � •�. 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Please verify if the type of material to be stored in the silo. Is it in solid beads or liquid? If liquid, secondary containment would be required. 2. Building department will verify hydrant spacing. 3. Permanent stormwater treatment measures are not needed as the site improvements do not add 1 or more acres of new impervious surface. An NPDES/SDS Construction Storm Water General Permit (CSWGP) is not needed as the proposed improvements do not disturb more than 1 acre. Gradin� Plan 4. Maintain current drainage flow pattern in rear swale. 5. Extend silt fence as necessary during construction to prevent sediment from leaving site. 6. A grading permit will be required if grading starts prior to the building permit being issued. The City is not responsible for errors and omissions on the submitted plans. The owner, developer, and engineer of record are fully responsible for changes or modifications required during construction to meet the City's standards. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please contact the Engineering Department with any questions. Sincerely, r 7 f' � ' 4��y J ', Matt Leonard City Engineer/Public Works Director www.ci.monticello.mn.us / )� I� ����Q I I I�vo' I p�.` I ZW JW X I �y� � . I�'�, z� I � ¢ � � � � I Wo I I � ' T't—i—/ wI=—U I 1 �. � ���, � �� � sss � � I I � `� \ \ �� ii � � � �, I I X 3� �� � � ' � � ` � � �� � ^' �, , o �. � � � � ::� I �' ----- .. 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' " � �� rf �i EXISTING TREES PREPARED eY.• CIVIL ENGINEERING SITE DESIGN 118 East Broadway St. Po eox sss Monticello, Mn 55362 Phone: 763-314-0929 www.civilesd.com 32.5' PROPOSED SILO (WILL BE SCREENED BY EXISTING TREES) EXISTING/PROPOSED BUILDING COPPERHEAD INDUSTRIES 9530 Fallon Ave. NE Monticello, MN 55362 SILO EXHIBIT PLAN � 30 � DATE p4 29 f20 FILE No 00758 Sheet 1/2 t i � i. ���. ;` _, ,� � � - -� _ � -- � . - ,_ "' . . . . . �, _� � J � T� �-'�x .. _. '� ..a�-._ -a1 ,r � �t_ .w` �: �-/ �i'�� � ` . � � .. ..s . t_� �'�'�., �,'� � �'i t !�� R. � � 1 a • �1 # . e ' .� �.� �' ' .�+r. � w� � +r�r' � � �3,*sl • r - " �� r�� � ■ � « -y' "` a� �s �1�' e r - ��� � ��r. �`RaT= ��'� ` . --i . �'��ti��- �+`� } F�r •1�+`�r �a'�.:'r.� ��'i'.�~��! � �ti� �.-Y � � i•1,' -'.�V+}: r.���-..�c'��`.,��+ ����jr -��+* eapa. .� ~� • �''S - F ���.�'� *.��4,+ ��. '"�i�i�.qj�.������i•i•` .r�. � � 'y �L • _ � 'y �. . � � � � �'- • �. 'MI� , T� - . u � .• � �r '� . 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' ^ r v � ' � Y�� � ���M��y���.� ` ���%� 1 � ���fl4�a`�� � � �a11 !� . t . ��. . .� �ti 1 � i� � i E��a � �� • • l�a*� �.� l � �'a� F�. J. " '�11l• ��11 . r. 1 — Tlla .�-� � . PREPARED BY.• CNIL ENGINEERING SITE DESIGN 118 East Broadway St. PO Box 566 Monticelio, Mn 55362 Phone: 763-314-0929 www.civilesd.com COPPERHEAD INDUSTRIES 9530 Fallon Ave. NE Monticello, MN 55362 SILO EXHIBIT PLAN DA TE 04/29 20 FILE No 00758 Sheet 2/2 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/OS/20 3A. Communitv Development Director's Report COVID-19 City of Monticello Information Resource: https://www.ci.monticello.mn.us/covidl9 Council Action on/related to Commission Recommendations • Consideration to approve a Conditional Use Permit, and Text Amendment relating to density for Group Residential Facility, Multi-Family in an R-3 District, and amendment to the use table, Table 5-1 of the Zoning Ordinance. Applicant: John and Dawn Rogosheske. Council approved the conditional use permit and ordinance amendments as part of the consent agenda on April 27�h, 2020. • Consideration to grant an extension for filing and recording of the Final Plat and Development Agreement for Deephaven to June 1 st, 2020. Applicant: Dale Buchholz Construction Council approved the applicant's request as part of �the consent agenda on April 13th, 2020. The request for extension is related to the filing of the final plat with the recorder's office in relationship to tax payments. The developer intends a 2020 construction star� • Consideration to grant an extension for Final Plat Application for Spirit Hills South to May 22"d, 2021. Applicant: R.W. Land Holdings, LLC Council approved the request as part of the consent agenda on April 27�h, 2020. CMRP Updates The Central Mississippi River Regional Partnership's Framework 2030 efforts continue on. Throughout the month of April, Framework 2030 consultant PlanningNEXT is sending out a briefing from the conditions and trends research for the region each week. The reports are organized around three topics: People, Prosperity, and Place. These are also posted to the CMRP website as they become available. Please find attached the People, Prosperity, and Place reports for your information. A videoconference meeting of the full Partnership is scheduled for Apri130th, 2020. Pending the outcome of the Partnership meeting, Planning Commission can expect to receive the first of their engagement activities within the next month. Small Business Resource Calls The City of Monticello is inviting local small businesses to share their stories to help gather information about the circumstances they are confronting due to COVID-19. We are partnering with the Monticello Chamber of Commerce & Industry to arrange conference calls with businesses considered non-essential for the purpose of better understanding the impacts specific to their businesses. We also want to know which Planning Commission Agenda — OS/OS/20 resources are working well and where existing programs might be leaving serious gaps. This will help us more effectively advocate for assistance to support businesses through this crisis. The calls are scheduled for Thursday, Apri130th at 10 AM and 3 PM Staff hopes to provide a summary at the May regular meeting. Montice11o2040 Draft information for the first land use strategy review has been sent to the Technical Advisory Committee. The group is expected to have a call regarding their comments and feedback the week of May 4th. In addition, staff and the Lakota Group continue to work through an engagement design for the Community Advisory Committee and the broader community as work on the Comprehensive Plan progresses through 2020. 2 • . � : � �F +i ,�' ��; \` ' ` y�� z �.� , .. , "� #y: � . , L� �"' ''",� ,� ..., . � � � -� W N ` J �' f . '�„� �� �� � .;c�� a ' O 0 W � . � �. �I 4� • � �.� � t. r� �� � � ;�• � � ���� � � � �.y �� 'Y > oi� :• <� i' :,� , ' _. �°- . �� � � , �]�� � _ ' _ ''.� � _ .'� , � • ����''` , "•� � � , � ',� ft . - ��� *�` . � ' __ � ,.4,• 1,� � � }�� '� � - i 6 x � � .4 ` � � .�,. $ �. . s�LL1 ro. n `�� , � > � �,� �, � . 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