Planning Commission Minutes 10-04-1994 . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING-MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 4, 1994 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Cindy Lemm, Richard Martie, J on Bogart, Richard Carlson, and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill, Rick Wolfsteller, Ollie Koropchak, Wanda Kraemer and Steve Grittman, Consulting City Planner 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Lemm at 7 p.m. 2. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting: held September 6, 1994. The minutes were not completed for the Planning Commission members to review. 3. Public Hearing:-Consideration of amendments to the zoning: ordinances establishing: zoning: district desie:nations entitled public and semi-public uses (PS). Applicant. Monticello Planning: Commission. . Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained that the Planning Commission's authorization to prepare an ordinance amendment that would establish a zoning district specifically designed to regulate institutional land uses which were previously allowed as a conditional use in residential zoning districts (R-l through R-3). One of the reasons for establishing this zoning district is to allow a property to be zoned specifically for an institutional use without the risk of a property being used for residential uses. At this time, it is proposed that the PS zoning district designation be established in conjunction with the St. Henry's Church/Gladys Hoglund rezoning application. Of the proposed PS zoning district designations in the future could be placed on such institutional uses as the Little Mountain Middle School area, Pinewood School, Hospital District, and other church uses. Steve Grittman, Consulting Planner, explained to the Planning Commission and the proposed draft. ordinance amendment. Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing portion of the meeting. . Being no input from the public she then closed the public hearing and opened it up for any comments from the Planning Commission members. With there being no further discussion from the Planning Commission Page 1 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 10/4/94 members a motion by Richard Carlson, seconded by Jon Bogart to approve establishment of the PS (public and semi-public) zoning district based on consistency with one or more of the five factors below: 1. Relationship to the comprehensive plan. 2. Geographic area involved in the request. 3. Tendency of proposal to not depreciate the area. 4. Character of the surrounding area. 5. A demonstrated need for the use. Motion carried unanimously with Richard Martie absent. 4. Public Hearine:-Consideration amendments the Monticello comprehensive plan which would allow public and semi-public uses of the Western portion of the Gladys Hoglund property. 5. Public Hearine:-Consideration amendments to the official map of the City of Monticello. Proposed is a change from 1-1 (light industrial) to PS (public and semi- public uses). Applicant, St. Henry's Church/Gladys Hoglund. Mr. Jeff O'N eill, Assistant Administrator, explained the consideration of amendments to the comprehensive plan which would allow Public and Semi- Public uses of the Western portion of the Gladys Hoglund property. In reference to the comprehensive plan on page 61 it is specific to the Hoglund property in this section of the plan pertaining to industrial development. The comprehensive plan states "the area North of Interstate 94 between Highway 25 and Washington is also recommended for industrial development because of the exposure to Highway 94 and Highway 25". It is obvious the St. Henry's Church/Gladys Hoglund proposal developed church uses at this location is inconsistent with the statement in the comprehensive plan. Proposed amendments to the official zoning map of the City of Monticello is proposed be changed from 1-1 (light industrial) to PS (public and semi-public uses). As a result to prior discussion on this item it was determined that perhaps it is not appropriate to rezone the property for residential uses, thereby opening the door for the possibility of residential uses rather than a church use which would ultimately develop at this location. It was at this point that the Planning Commission looked at establishing a public and semi-public use to consider zoning the area under consideration accordingly. As Mr. O'Neill understands, St. Henry's Church was contacted by the Malone family regarding a potential sale of the Malone property to the church. It is important because the Malone property is located directly Page 2 Planning Commission Minutes - 10/4/94 . Northwest of the Hoglund property. The purchase of the Malone property by the church reduces the church's need for industrial land and results in the reduction of land converted from industrial uses to PS uses from 35 acres to 30 acres. Consulting Planner Steve Grittman's report was submitted for Planning Commission members. Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing portion of the meeting. Mr. Malone felt it was a good use for the property and would welcome this proposed use. . St. Henry's Church is very much concerned with the traffic and needs to be addressed. Proposed size of the church is to accommodate 1,600 members with three church services. In all likelihood there could be a possibility of 1,000 people per service, which would in turn lead to 300 plus vehicles per service. Proposed accesses to this new proposed church site would be accessed to County Road 75, County Road 118, Washington and West 7th Streets. Other possibilies in the future could be a Fallon Avenue overpass. Mr. Jeff O'Neill said the Fallon Avenue overpass is estimated to possibly happen sometime during the year 2000 to 2010. 7th Street will have to be designed to state aid standards. Mr. Steve Conroy questioned industrial areas being lost for this development. Is this not being replaced in other places in the City? Mr. Jeff O'Neill stated these standards in place with current development show a 20 to 23 year total before total of industrial zoned land property in inventory before it would be used up. . Cindy Lemm then closed the public hearing portion of the meeting and opened it up for any further input from the Planning Commission members. Input from the Planning Commission members is as follows: Is the road layout set as proposed? The goals and policies statement state that it be consistent with the comprehensive plan. Is this land originally zoned to match aggressive industrial growth development? What is the churches plan for development in regards to Fallon Avenue overpass? Richard Martie, absent Planning Commission member then joined the Planning Commission meeting. Two churches have already been turned down when asking for rezoning in a B-2 zone and 1-2 zone. There being no further discussion, a motion by J on Bogart and seconded by Brian Stumpf to end the comprehensive plan in a manner allowing for church uses at the proposed location. To approve the request to rezone a 30 acre Gladys Hoglund site from 1-1 to public and semi-public uses. Motion carried unanimously. Proposed use PS (public and semi- public uses) be compatible with comp plan and its location to the Rand Page 3 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 10/4/94 mansion and Little Mountain settlement. Planning Commission would like to encourage the St. Henry's Church to consider the 7th street right of way as proposed being close to the 1-94 right of way. 6. Public Hearinl!-Consideration of variance request to the side yard setback requirement. Public-Hearin!! Consideration of the variance to the yard setback requirement which would allow construction of a temporary structure in an I-I zone. Applicant. Jeff Michaelis. Riverside Oil. Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained the combining of these two public hearings at the same time as they are somewhat related. Sunny Fresh Food is proposing to build a refrigerated warehouse facility directly adjacent and South of the existing complex. Proposed expansion would be constructed up to the property line boundary between 5th Street and Sunny Fresh Foods. Sunny Fresh is working with City Planner to 1) define the long term development plan for Sunny Fresh. 2)How Sunny Fresh plans will impact the area. 3) To assist the City in finding the best use of the 5th street property for the long term. 4) to provide a plan for achieving this goal. Chairperson Cindy Lemm complimented Mr. Steve Grittman on his detailed report for the proposed development of the Sunny Fresh Foods complex. Mr. Michaelis is proposing to build a temporary structure to enclose his fuel transport truck. Mr. Michaelis needs a variance to the front yard setback requirement to construct this proposed temporary structure. Mr. Michaelis has noted that his fuel transport truck has incurred damage when parked outside of his location due to vandalism. Mr. Michaelis also proposes to build a screening fence to screen materials currently stored on-site. Under this proposal it makes sense to allow Mr. Michaelis to build this structure if he agrees that the structure will be used temporarily and there is no guarantee that the site will be used in the long-term as a fuel storage facility. On the other hand; the long term goal is to eliminate the fuel storage facility on this site and no action should be taken to encourage future investments at this location. Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing portion of the meeting. Mr. Michaelis indicated that he would move if feasible but would like to stay and clean up the existing site. Cindy Lemm then closed the public hearing portion of the meeting and opened up for any further input from the Planning Commission members. Planning Commission would like City staff to look at options for right of way of Linn Street of the Linn Page 4 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 10/4/94 Street entrance in relationship to the proposed loading and unloading for the proposed cold storage expansion project. Therefore, on a motion by Jon Bogart, seconded by Brian Stumph, to continue the request for a variance to the yard set-back requirement until the next regularly scheduled meeting held Tuesday, November 4, 1994. Motion carried unanimously. 7. Planning Commission members felt sympathetic to Mr. Michaelis's request as long as there are enough conditions in there that should another location be found, Mr. Michaelis remove his temporary structure and relocate to another location. Therefore, a motion made by Brian Stumpf, seconded by Richard Martie, to approve the variance to the yard set-back requirement which would allow construction of a temporary structure in an I-I zone. Motion is based on the finding that a garage is necessary in order for Mr. Michaelis to have reasonable use of the property. Due to the dimension of the lot, it is impossible to build a storage structure at the location without a variance. Furthermore, the structure is temporary in nature and will be moved at such time the fuel storage facility is relocated. The motion is contingent on possible relocation of this fuel storage facility and agreement in place to remove the temporary structure upon notification. The motion carried unanimously. Jon Bogart would like to abstain from voting on Items 8, 9 and 10 due to a conflict of interest on these hearings. 8. Public-Hearinl! Consideration of amendments to the Monticello Zoninl! Ordinance. establishinl! buffer yard standards for the purpose of separatinl! residential. commercial. and industrial land uses. Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained the outlying of an ordinance buffering industrial and residential using the draft that has been completed for their review. Mr. Steve Grittman, Consulting Planner memo and associated draft. ordinance was submitted for their reVIew. The City staff had hoped to have some examples on how the buffer yard requirements would affect development in time for presentation at this meeting but time did not allow for that to be completed. Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing portion of the meeting. She read a letter which Mr. O'Neill had received from Mr. Jay Morrell, President ofM & P Transport. Mr. Morrell highlighted in his letter that he would "like to emphasize the responsibility of each of you as improving the zone change. While we all would like to have growth and expansion, it is of the utmost importance that we look at the potential problems which may occur now and in the future when making zoning changes. 1 would Page 5 . 9. . . Planning Commission Minutes - 10/4/94 suggest that the requirements be made as strong as possible regarding berm density and street locations so that we are not trying to close the barn door after the horse has escaped five or ten years from now". Chairperson Cindy Lemm then closed the public hearing portion of the hearing and opened it up for any further input from the Planning Commission members. Consensus from the members was to table this at this time. A motion was made by Richard Martie, seconded by Brian Stumpf, to go the consideration of amendments to Monticello zoning ordinance establishing buffer yards standards for the purpose of separating residential, commercial, and industrial land uses. The motion carried unanimously with Jon Bogart abstaining. Public Hearine:-Consideration of amendments to the official zonine- and consideration of establishment of zonine- district desig'Uations and boundaries in coniunction with annexation request. Proposed is a chang-e in zonine- district desimations for AO (amcultural) to R-l, R-2, and R-3 zonine- district desimations. Applicant. E & K Development. 10. Public Hearine:-Consideration of approval of "Klein Farms" preliminary plat. Applicant. E & K Development. Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator explained that with the development of the IG.ein Farms preliminary plat and associated annexation request, E & K Development is requesting amendments to the official zoning map as noted on the attached copy of the preliminary plat. The zoning map amendments are identical to the land use annexations approved during the review of the plan completed in conjunction with the associated rezoning of the land to the West previously owned by Kent Kjellberg. Property is annexed to the City, it is annexed under Agricultural uses unless specific action is taken to bring the property into the City under specific different zoning designations. The petition for annexation submitted by the developer is contingent upon approval of the preliminary plat and associated zoning district designation. Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing portion of the meeting. Mr. Rusty DeMules, representing Standard Iron, and Mr. Joe Abramson, representing Remmele Engineering, questioned the proposed residential zoning adjacent to the existing 1-2 (heavy industrial zoning) that exists at the far West end to M & P Transport at the far East end. Cindy Lemm then closed the public hearing portion of the meeting and then opened up for any further input from the Planning Commission members. With there being no further input from the members, with a motion from Richard Martie, seconded by Richard Carlson, to approve the amendments to the official zoning map and consideration and Page 6 . 10. . . Planning Commission Minutes - 10/4/94 establishment of the zoning district designation and boundaries with the annexation request. Proposed is a change in the zoning district designations from AO (agricultural) to R-1, R-2, and R-3 zoning district designations. Motion is based on the finding that the rezoning is as proposed and consistent with the comprehensive plan and is consistent with the geography and character of the area given the presence of the Little Mountain School and the impending establishment of a buffer yard requirement. The finding also refers to the demonstrated need for the land use involved. Motion carried unanimously with Jon Bogart abstaining. Mr. J eft' O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained E & K Development and the proposed IG.ein Farms preliminary plat. Preliminary plat encompasses 80 acres and is located North of the future School Blvd. and between Fallon Avenue and Edmonson Avenue. Plat proposed for development of 107 single family dwellings in the R-1 (single family residential) zoned designated area. Outlot A is designated for R-2 (single and two family residential) uses and is proposed that 48 units be developed at this location. Outlot B is also zoned R-2 (single and two family residences) zoning and will contain 80 units. Outlot C is proposed to be designated R-3 (medium density residential) and will be developed as 44 total units. East of this existing site is Little Mountain Elementary School. These two uses, the school and the proposed Klein Farm residential development plat are compatible. A cross walk will be designed so it is situated in a logistical place proper crossing to the school property. Utility plan is under review by City Engineer, Bret Weiss. Mr. Weiss feels the development of this property is feasible and that it is appropriate to review the preliminary plat prior to approval of the utility plan as presented. Park Development will provide 8 acres of park land with this 80 acre plat. In addition, another 8 acres will need to be provided with the development in the area South of the proposed School Blvd. public right of way. The Monticello Parks Commission has met with the developers in regards to the development of a possible overall park facility. Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing portion of the meeting. Being no further comment she closed the public hearing portion of the meeting and opened up for any comments from PC members. With there being no further comment from the PC members a motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Richard Carlson to approve preliminary plat of the Klein Farm subdivision. Motion is contingent on approval of the utility plans by the City Engineer and contingent upon modifications to the plat as suggested during the course Page 7 Planning Commission Minutes - 10/4/94 . of the meeting. Approval is also contingent on entering a development agreement guaranteeing development of the park area South of School Blvd. Motion carried unanimously with Jon Bogart abstaining. 11. Public Hearing-Consideration of a variance request to the parkine: lot perimeter curb requirement. Applicant. Fay-May Manufacturine:. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, claimed Fay-Mar's Manufacturing request to be allowed a first phase of the parking area be constructed without curb in the area proposed for expansion. Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing portion of the meeting. With there being no input from the public she then closed the public hearing portion of the meeting and opened up for any comments from the Planning Commission members. Being no further comments from the members and a motion from Richard Carlson, seconded by Brian Stumph to approve the variance request to the parking lot perimeter curb requirement. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Adjournment. Motioned by Richard Martie and seconded by Richard Carlson to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 10:28 p.m. . Respectfully submitted, tk~ Ga ... erson Zoning Administrator . Page 8