Planning Commission Minutes 02-26-2020 (Special Meeting)MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, February 26th, 2019 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Council Liaison Staff: John Alstad, Brad Fyle, Sam Murdoff, Marc Simpson, Katie Peterson Charlotte Gabler Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), Jacob Thunander, Ron Hackenmueller 1. General Business A. Call to Order Brad Fyle called the Special Meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Public Hearin�s A. Public Hearin� - Consideration of a request for Rezonin� to Planned Unit Development, Development Sta�e Planned Unit Development for Vehicle Sales & Rental for a Recreational Vehicle Dealership, and Preliminarv Plat for Groveland Fifth Addition (Revised Application) Applicant: Monticello RV — Scott Kunz Brad Fyle asked if the previous application went through the full public hearing process. Angela Schumann stated that the applicant requested tabling of the prior application prior to City Council review. Staff treated these plan changes as a new application and sent notices to residents and published/posted. Steve Grittman, NAC, explained the new application request. Grittman reminded the Planning Commission that the site is located in Groveland Addition along Chelsea Road. The applicant proposed splitting the lot into two lots. Some of the changes from the original application included: landscaping size of building (18,200 including mezzanine space), stormwater pond adjustments (including the increase of green space), building height (reduction of six feet) and building materials (less wainscot and less imposing materials surrounding awnings). It was noted from the last Planning Commission recommendation that a 50 foot island and revisions to the access point occur. The applicant made those revisions with the new application. Sam Murdoff asked about the previous applications building size. Grittman explained that it was just over 20,000 square feet with the mezzanine. Brad Fyle opened the public hearing and invited the applicant to speak first. Scott Kunz, Monticello RV, explained the changes with the new land use application. He explained the size of the building was reduced because of cost and use of the building. Hearing no further comments, the public hearing was closed. Planning Commission Minutes (Special Meering) — February 26, 2019 Page 1 � 4 The Planning Commission discussed the building materials. Scott Kunz stated that the building materials were not change except that the bottom three foot of rock wainscot were being removed. It was noted a side entrance was added to the building. Grittman explained that most would not notice the entrance driving by. Kunz explained that the door was a service door. Fyle asked for the location of the mezzanine space. Kunz stated that it was basically centered about the offices. Katie Peterson asked about access point concerns as it relates to the self storage facility directly to the east. Grittman explained that a twenty foot curbline with rock was proposed and unchanged from the last application. Murdoff asked for the width of the driveway. Grittman confirmed that it was 36 feet. Murdoff asked if campers would be parked along the Affordable Storage side of the property. Grittman confirmed. Grittman indicated that the applicant did submit a sign plan for review during Final Stage Planned Unit Developinent. The Planning Commission discussed the building inaterials especially having the rock face wainscot on the east and north elevation Decision 1. Consideration of the amended Development Stage PUD for Monticello RV. SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC 2019-010, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAKE REGION RV PUD, BASED ON THE CONDITIONS OF EXHIBIT Z WITH THE ROCK FACE BLOCK WAINSCOT ON THE FRONT AND EAST FACADES. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Decision 2. Rezoning to Planned Unit Development. SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION PG2019-009 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A REZONING FROM B-3, HIGHWAY BUSINESS TO PUD, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR LOT 1, BLOCK 1 OF GROVELAND 5T" ADDITION. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Decision 3. Consideration of an amendment Preliminary Plat for Groveland Sr" Addition. SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC 2019-008, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE GROVELAND STH ADDITION PRELIMiNARY PLAT, BASED ON THE CONDITIONS OF EXHIBIT Z WITH THE ROCK FACE BLOCK WAINSCOT ON THE FRONT AND EAST FACADES. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Planning Commission Minutes (Special Meeting) — February 26, 2019 Page 2 � 4 Exhibit Z Development Stage PUD, Rezoning to PUD and Preliminary Plat Monticello RV Groveland Sth Addition Relocate the two overstory trees shown on the landscaping plan as illustrated in this report. 2. Accommodate the reduced overall building size as request in the amendment plans and narrative. 3. Retain the rock face block wainscot of the original PUD approval on the front and east facades. 4. Ensure east boundary will not create concerns over interference with existing adjacent property improvements. Maintain lighting compliance with code, ensuring that lighting levels will minimize impacts on adjacent property. Wall pack and site lighting to confonn to code requirements for cut-off shielding. 6. Prepare and submit sign plans that demonstrate compliance with Sign Ordinance regulations. 7. Noise Ordinance compliance — including no outdoor paging/speakers that are audible from adjoining residential areas. Limit use of extended parcel to the south to landscaping and revise the landscaping plan to identify plantings and maintenance. 9. Provide materials detail for proposed retaining wall. 10. Compliance with the recommendations of the City Engineer's report dated December 12, 2018. 11. Execute a Development Agreement for the plat and Planned Unit Development. 12. Installation of a Fire Department lock box as directed by the Fire Marshal. 13. Submission of a plan demonstrating adequate circulation and turning radaii area for Fire Department apparatus. 14. Planned Unit Development and site plan will accommodate a 50' clear zone area at the entrance.to accommodate building views from Chelsea Road. This area may include signage as allowed by ordinance. Planning Commission Minutes (Special Meeting) — February 26, 2019 Page 3 � 4 3. Adjournment MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:42 P.M. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander � Approved: June 4th, 2019 Attest: Angela S u a, Communi y Development Director Planning Commission Minutes (Special Meeting) — February 26, 2019 Page 4 I 4