City Council Agenda Packet 01-22-2007 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 22, 2007 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approve minutes of January 8, 2007 Special Council Meeting 2B. Approve minutes of January 8,2007 Regular Council Meeting 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures Parks, MCC and DMV. B. Consideration of setting 2007 Board of Review for Monday, April 30, 2007 at 7 p.m. C. Consideration of approving payment to Resurrection Lutheran Church for permanent easement for the CSAH 18 Roundabout at Meadow Oak Avenue, City Proj #2004-1 C. D. Consideration of approving an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 3-3[F] regulating front yard setback averaging. Applicant: City of Monticello. E. Consideration of approving Wright County Highway Maintenance Agreement for 2007. F. Consideration of a request to amend City Ordinance Title III, Chapter 2, Section 7 relating to on-sale liquor licenses for restaurants. G. MOVED TO REGULAR AGENDA. H. Consideration of authorizing designated personnel to handle City investments. 1. MOVED TO REGULAR AGENDA J. Consideration of final payment for demolition and asbestos abatement at the Monte Club site. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing on adopting assessment for delinquent utilities for 3rd quarter 2006 and certifying assessment to County Auditor. Agenda Monticello City Council January 22,2007 Page 2 8. Consideration of accepting Chelsea Road Feasibility Report and setting date for public hearing. 9. Consideration of approving renewal of license for Walt's Pawn Shop. 10. Consideration of approval of SWPPP (Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program) and MS4 Permit Application for submittal to Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. 11. Consideration of appointment of official newspaper. 12. Consideration of replacement of936 Cat rubber-tired wheel loader. 13. Consideration of moving forward with the wetland mitigation at the City of Monticello Wastewater Treatment Facility. 14. Consideration of adopting process for selecting Finance Director position 15. Approve payment of bills for January. 16. Adjourn. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday January 8, 2007 - 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie W ojchouski Members Absent: None Others Present: Mark Ruff, Ehlers & Associates; Martha Ingram, Kennedy & Graven; Darrin Labr, Xcel Energy. 1. Call to Order. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. The purpose of the workshop meeting was to review the revenue stabilization agreement with Xcel EnergylNSP. 2. Review of revenue stabilization a2reement. Martha Ingram from Kennedy & Graven discussed a number of terms in the agreement that needed clarification and items that could be considered for negotiation. She stated that there are number of terms that are not clearly defined with one of the key terms being the base year. As written in the agreement the concept is not clear. Also needing clarification is the term of the agreement itself. Possible points for negotiation include the base year. Martha Ingram felt this would be better identified as taxes payable year. The City felt that using the base year as the taxes payable in 2006 would be more advantageous for the City. Another issue is the compounding ofthe abatement. If the City levies for funds to rebate to Xcel EnergylNSP for payment of taxes in excess of the amount due for the base year, that levy amount should not be included in the calculation for the next year's abatement. The abatements should be separate payments not compounded. Martha Ingram noted that if the projects the City plans on doing fall into place, property taxes could increase rapidly and for that reason it would make sense to have an abatement cap. However Xcel EnergylNSP would not be likely to approve this. She also discussed the extraordinary investment percentage and what that means for the City. rfXcel EnergylNSP makes improvements to their facilities that would cause their taxes to increase over what they would have paid in the base tax year, this amount would be excluded from the abatement process. It was not certain whether the percentage of investment was a negotiable item. She also felt the binding arbitration process as provided for in the agreement was there to stay. Of all the points noted, she felt the base tax year and the compounding of abatements had the most impact for the City. Brian Stumpf asked if there was a time frame that negotiations would cease. Darrin Lahr said they would to see the agreement done before the legislative session begins. He stated that in Xcel EnergylNSP's view the points noted had been discussed for two years during the period they worked with Red Wing and Goodhue County on their revenue stabilization agreement. 3 The agreement being presented to Monticello is basically the same as those agreements with the difference for Monticello being that the dry cask storage is outside the agreement. Darrin Lahr explained that point of extraordinary return on investment. If Xcel Energy/NSP' s taxes were above the base amount because ofNSP's investment in their plant and it put the City in the abatement process the City could then get out of the agreement or opt to stay in the agreement and pay the abatement. The question is what should be the percentage of extraordinary return on investment. Xcel Energy/NSP wanted 10% but 7% would be a low as they would go. Things that would be considered extraordinary investment would be items like repowering the plant or extended life improvements. Dry cask storage investment will go on one PID # which the county will set up. Darrin Lahr stated because the overall value of the Xcel Energy/NSP facilities will drop if the change in rules goes into effect, Xcel Energy/NSP would guarantee payment in taxes in the amount of taxes paid in the base year. This agreement will not go into effect unless the tax changes are made. The value used for the base year taxes is the value existing in the year when the tax changes go into effect. Brian Stumpf stated with or without the agreement would the City still receive taxes but the amount of taxes generated by Xcel Energy/NSP would be reduced as their tax value is reduced. If there was an abatement, the City may have to levy for the shortfall. NSP would pay a set amount every year regardless of whether there is an abatement. Wayne Mayer noted $900 million is going into the Sherco plant and the dry cask storage facility at Monticello would be $50 million. With the dry cask storage to be started in 2007, he asked if it would it be more advantageous to the City to wait until the changes were completed at Sherco. Mark Ruff discussed the financial implications for the City noting that the City tax base continues to grow. The 20% drop in value for Xcel Energy/NSP's facility would be phased in over 3 years. The city used cash reserves for one year to for bond debt so the levy for debt service will have to increase to take care of debt service for future years. Mark Ruff stated that the information he is providing focuses on the general fund. Mark Ruff stated that there are some special projects such as the YMCA, Public Works, etc. He indicated that previously the City had been good in finding ways to have property owners pick up costs. These special projects will require more of a contribution from the City's general fund. The purpose is not to predict what projects the City will be doing but if these projects happen what impact they would have on the abatement process. Darrin Lahr said if abatement is less than 15% of the base tax it is tracked but not payable. Nothing is payable until it gets over 15%. Mark Ruff said the minimum abatement would be $275,000. If the City could go back to taxes payable 2006 as the base year, the City would not pay any abatement. Martha Ingram did not feel that NSP would change the base year to taxes payable 2006. Wayne Mayer stated that is seems like the City is being penalized for cutting taxes. Jeff O'Neill stated the assumptions in Mark Ruffs projections implied a certain growth rate whichhe felt was ambitious. Bret Weiss stated a lot of the projects proposed would have to be done regardless of growth because the infrastructure needs to be replaced. 4 Damn Lahr said the theory behind the numbers is that the tax is based on what it was before the rules changed. Mark Ruff said that much depends on what the City's tax rate is going to be. The City's tax rate is now in the low forties and it could go up to the sixties. The Council stated that they have been frugal in managing the City's resources. Darrin Lahr pointed out that Xce1 EnergylNSP has nothing to do with the City's budgeting process. Clint Herbst stated these are points for negotiation. The City has to realize what the impacts could be. leffO'Neill asked if an abatement could impact the city's bond rating. Mark Ruff felt the drop in value would have some impact on the bond rating. He didn't see a downgrade but he felt it would be awhile before the City could upgrade their rating. He did state that if both the city and school added a lot of debt then the bond rating could go down. Damn Lahr didn't feel Xcel EnergylNSP would negotiate any of these points. Clint Herbst asked if the City approves the agreement and there is no rule change, how does this affect the agreement. Darrin Lahr stated the agreement would expire December 2008. The base year is always defined as the year before the rule changes take effect. Clint Herbst stated that while Xcel EnergylNSP has been negotiating in good faith, the company has a lot to gain from this. Susie Wojchouski asked what would happen ifXce1 EnergylNSP would sell their facility. Darrin Lahr indicated the payments would still be made. Martha Ingram felt the compounded abatement is something the City should negotiate. Damn Lahr said part of the idea was to keep the math in the agreement simple which is why Xcel EnergylNSP didn't ask for anything to be broken out from their value decreasing if the City's overall market value increased. If as a result of negotiations, the agreement changed another hearing would have to be conducted since it would be considered a new agreement. Martha Ingram felt the base year concern was significant enough to require another hearing. A hearing could be scheduled within three weeks. Xcel EnergylNSP would not take the agreement off the table ifit was not approved tonight but Damn Lahr didn't think Xce1 EnergylNSP would agree to any of the negotiation points discussed. There was some discussion on clarification of some terms, which while they wouldn't change the substance of the agreement, the consultants felt were important. Damn Lahr said Xcel EnergylNSP wouldn't sign the agreement until any language changes had been written. He suggested tabling action on the agreement, get the clarifications made and set another public hearing. The workshop closed at 6:45 p.m. Recording Secretary 5 Council Minutes 1/8/07 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 8, 2007 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpfand Susie W ojchouski. Members Absent: None. lA. Call to Order and Pledae of Alle2iance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. lB. Oath of Office to Mavor and newly elected Council. City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill administered the oath of office to Mayor Herbst and Councilmembers Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski. 2A. Approve minutes of December 11. 2006 Re2ular Council meetina. Wayne Mayer stated that on item #5G, replacement of the furnace at the fire hall, he wanted added after the first sentence, "Wayne Mayer expressed his concern in having the inspections department define the lowest responsible bidder." Tom Perrault noted a number of typographical errors in the minutes. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 11, 2006 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CORRECTIONS NOTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI ABSTAINING. 2B. Approve minutes of December 21. 2006 Special Council meetin2. Tom Perrault noted an error in the wording of item #2 relating to the charitable gambling license for the Monticello Youth Hockey Association. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 21,2006 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CORRECTION NOTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of addina items to the aaenda. John Simola stated that additional information was being supplied relating to item #5D, the contract for removing hazardous material from the Monte Club site and asked that this item be pulled from the consent agenda. 1 6 Council Minutes 1/8/07 4. Citizen comments. petitions. reauests and concerns. None 5. Consent Ae:enda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures for MCC and liquor store. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of approval of wine/strong beer license for Cornerstone Cafe and Catering. Recommendation: Approve the wine/strong beer license for Cornerstone Cafe and Catering contingent upon payment of appropriate license fee. C. Consideration of application for off-sale 3.2 beer license for Target Store, T -2180 at 1147 East 7th Street. Recommendation: Approve an off-sale 3.2 beer license for the Target store located at 1447 East 7th Street contingent upon payment oflicense fee. D. Consideration of approving amended contract for hazardous material removal from the Monte Club site. Recommendation: Approve the amended contract in the amount of $8,885 with Veit and Company for asbestos removal at the Monte Club. E. Consideration of final acceptance of the Hillside Farms 2nd Addition Development, City Project No. 2004-08P. Recommendation: Accept the public improvements for the Hillside Farms 2nd Addition subject to receipt of the two-year warranty bond and submittal of the landscaping letter of credit. F. Consideration of approving Change Order #1 for Xcel Ballfield Fencing, City Project No. 2006-19C and consideration offinal payment. Recommendation: Approve Change Order #1, a deduct in the amount of$I,150 and to authorize final payment to Oberg Fence for City Project No. 2006-19C in the amount of$13,750.25 resulting in a total project cost of$18,717. G. Consideration of revisions to the 2007 fee schedule. Recommendation: Approve revisions to the 2007 fee schedule to reflect a fee of $ 13/per day for animal boarding and $35 for animal disposition and to delete the reference to bus tickets since that is no longer a city fee. H. Consideration of authorizing establishment of Deputy Registrar Manager position. Recommendation: Authorize the preparation of job description, establishment of job points and advertise for the position of Deputy Registrar/Motor Vehic1e Manager. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5D, #5F AND #5H. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2 7 Council Minutes 1/8/07 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent aeenda for discussion. #5D Amended contractfor hazardous material removal at Monte Club Site: John Simola stated that the additional cost information submitted at this meeting came about after the original contract was amended. The contract had been increased because asbestos in the ceiling had washed down along the walls. It was later discovered that pipes under the floor used for duct work also contained asbestos. Staff got an hourly quote from the contractor for removing the pipe of$3,735. The original contract amount for the asbestos removal was $4,825. An additional $4,060 was added because ofthe asbestos along the wall. The $3,735 for the pipe work would bring the total revised contract amount for asbestos removal to $12,620. John Simola indicated the final figure may be less since it appears that it will not take the full 10 hours estimated to complete the pipe removal. Brian Stumpf expressed his concern that the specialist who did the inspection for asbestos material did not do a more thorough investigation. John Simola stated the City used this individual for hazardous material inspections on other sites the City had demolished but those were residential sites and this was a commercial property. Clint Herbst asked legal counsel, Tom Scott, ifit would be a violation of law if staff would e-mail the Council to inform them of this type of situation. Tom Scott indicated it would be appropriate. The Council indicated they didn't like the situation with all the changes to the original contract but conceded they didn't have much choice in the matter since the material had to be removed. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE AMENDED CONTRACT WITH VEIT & COMP ANY FOR ASBESTOS REMOVAL IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,885 AND THE ESTIMATE FOR ADDITIONAL WORK TO REMOVE THE PIPE IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,735. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5F Change Order and Final payment on Xcel Ballfield Fencing Project No. 2006-19C: Tom Perrault asked if Oberg Fence Company had reviewed the deduct amount of the change order. John Simola stated the company indicated that the City had to do what the City felt was appropriate. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO.1, A DEDUCT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,150.00 AND TO AUTHORIZE FINAL PAYMENT TO OBERG FENCE FOR CITY PROJECT NO. 2006-19C IN THE AMOUNT OF $13,750.25 FOR A TOTAL PROJECT COST OF $18,717. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5H Authorizing establishment of a Deputy Registrar Manager position: Jeff O'Neill explained that with this agenda item the Council is authorizing staff and the Personnel Committee to create a new job position for the Deputy Registrar Office. At the present time there are two positions; Senior Deputy Registrar Clerk and Deputy Registrar Clerk. Duties relating specifically to managing the office and personnel related issues such as employee reviews and discipline were not included in the job descriptions. Job reviews and personnel 8 3 Council Minutes 1/8/07 decisions were made by the City Administrator up to this point. It is proposed that the position created will handle those managerial duties. Wayne Mayer asked if there would continue to be a Senior Deputy Registrar Clerk. Jeff O'Neill indicated that position would be eliminated. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE AUTHORIZING STAFF AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE TO PREP ARE A JOB DESCRIPTION AND ESTABLISH JOB POINTS FOR THE NEW POSITION OF DEPUTY REGISTRAR MANAGER TO BE REVIEWED BY COUNCIL AT AN UPCOMING MEETING. Brian Stumpf asked if there was a need to expedite action on this before the next Council meeting when the Council could look at the description and points. Clint Herbst responded that local dealerships would be bringing additional business to DMV and it would be difficult to accommodate this increased workload without this position in place. The City Administrator will get a job description and job points ready so that the position can be advertised as soon as possible. MOTION FAILED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO AUTHORIZE PREP ARA TION OF A JOB DESCRIPTION, ESTABLISHMENT OF JOB POINTS AND ADVERTISE FOR THE POSITION OF DEPUTY REGISTRAR MANAGER. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION BECAUSE HE FELT THE JOB DESCRIPTION AND JOB POINTS SHOULD COME BACK TO COUNCIL FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO ADVERTISING FOR THE POSITION. 7. Public Hearine: - Consideration of approvine: a tax revenue stabilization ae:reement which includes a tax abatement process as part of the revenue stabilization ae:reement with Xcel Enere:v. Mayor Herbst stated there was a workshop meeting held prior to the regular Council meeting where the revenue stabilization agreement with Xcel EnergylNSP and the financial impact it could have for the City were discussed. The Department of Revenue intends to adopt rules that would change the way property value for utility companies are calculated. The reduced property value for XcellNSP would result in a drop in the City's tax base. Xcel Energy has been working with utility cities trying to come up with a way to compensate these cities for the loss in tax revenue because of the reduced market value of the utilities. Under this agreement ifXcel EnergylNap's tax goes above what it was for the base tax year there would be an abatement by the City to Xcel EnergylNSP for the tax collected in excess ofthe amount oftaxes payable in the base tax year. The abatement provision of the revenue stabilization agreement requires a public hearing by the City. Mark Ruff from Ehlers and Associates stated the revenue stabilization agreement technically allows the City to receive additional income if taxes received from Xcel EnergylNSP are lower than the base tax year (2006 being the base tax year). The calculations would be done on an annual basis to determine whether taxes collected was up or down from the base year level. 4 9 Council Minutes 1/8/07 Mark Ruff stated the abatement is like a rebate to Xcel Energy/NSP for taxes paid in excess of the amount established for the base year. Mark Ruff stated that there are a number of factors for the Council to consider. One factor is the improvements Xcel Energy/NSP makes to their facility. If improvements made by Xcel Energy/NSP to their facility increase their tax in excess of 7%, this provides an opportunity for the City to opt out the revenue stabilization agreement. It was noted that the dry cask storage facility is outside this agreement so improvements made to that site, which has its own parcel identification number, would be taxable. The dilemma for the City is being able to look ten years out and predict what will happen for the City. In discussion of the agreement it was felt that the most likely time the City would be making payments un this agreement would be in the first 3-4 years. Xcel Energy/NSP's value will drop approximately 30% because ofthe change in the tax rule with this drop being phased in over 3 years. Xcel Energy/NSP would also be allowed full depreciation for their facility. Mark Ruff stated the City has several improvement projects that will increase the tax rates which could result in the City paying Xcel Energy/NSP in some years of the agreement and the City receiving stabilization payments other years. He added there are potential outs from the agreement for the City. Martha Ingram from Kennedy and Graven discussed some negotiation points for the City on the stabilization agreement. These points of negotiation include I) Base year tax rate - For example the base tax rate for 2007 is much lower than the norm. They felt the base tax year should be taxes payable in 2006. IfXcel Energy/NSP would agree to that it would be less likely that the City would have to do an abatement. Another factor relates to abatement payments and compounding of abatement payments. If the City has to levy taxes to cover an abatement payment, the amount of that payment should not be in the calculations to determine the current year's abatement amount. It was felt that the abatement payments should be separate and distinct and not compounded. Martha Ingram also indicated that there are some terms used in the agreement that need to be clarified and defined more precisely. In Council discussion many of the members felt that the City should try to negotiate the points noted by the financial consultants. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. There was no one present who spoke for or against the revenue stabilization agreement. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. Clint Herbst asked if this item could be tabled. Martha Ingram stated the procedure would be to give the consultants direction on the negotiation of the agreement and continue the public hearing until the next meeting. It was noted that if there were any changes to the revenue stabilization agreement, it is considered a new agreement and a new hearing would be required. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO HAVE THE ABATEMENT QUESTION CLARIFIED AND TO NEGOTIATE THE ACTUAL BASE YEAR AS TAXES PAY ABLE IN 2006. Martha Ingram said that they had some questions on defined terms in the agreement. One was the term of the agreement and the other was the definition of base year and base year amount. 5 10 Council Minutes 1/8/07 Clarifying the definition of these terms would not affect the substance of the agreement but would make the agreement easier to understand. WAYNE MAYER AMENDED HIS AGREEMENT TO INCLUDE THE CLARIFICATION OF SPECIFIC TERMS USED IN THE AGREMENT AND IF NEGOTIATIONS RESULT IN CHANGES TO THE AGREEMENT TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE AGREEMENT. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Consideration of authorization to submit e:rant application supportine: construction of pedestrian underpass at County Road 39 and CSAH 75. City Engineer, Bruce Westby explained that staff if proposing to submit a grant applicant for the construction of pedestrian underpasses to be located at County Road 39 and Gillard Avenue and at CSAH 75 west of River Street. The transportation enhancement program is part of the federal grant program. This program provides fund to local government to provide pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The City is proposing an off roadway path and underpass to bring pedestrian traffic down County Road 39 to Mississippi Drive. The County does not allow at grade crossings on county roads. The location for the underpass on CSAH 75 was dictated in part by the topography of the area. There was discussion of the CSAH 75 location and whether people would travel that far down to use the crossing. The railroad tracks make it difficult to place the underpass at the intersection. Bruce Westby said they could look at other locations but the cost would be higher. Brian Stumpf questioned the need for an underpass at this end of town. He felt an underpass invited vandalism and graffiti. He questioned how specific the grant application has to be as far as design. Bruce Westby stated that on the grant application the cost has to be nailed down adding that the City would be matching a minimum 20% of the cost. Susie Wojchouski asked if this program could be used for a pedestrian crossing along TH 25. Bruce Westby indicated it could. Clint Herbst stated the City is trying to eliminate traffic hangups on TH 25 and pedestrian crossing could slow traffic. He felt that the pedestrian crossings on TH 25 should be limited to those intersections with signals which are at 7th Street and CSAH 75. She felt pedestrian traffic on TH 25 was a priority and suggested the City look at installation of an overpass. Clint Herbst asked if the engineer could provide a cost estimate for a pedestrian overpass possibly located at the intersection of 4th Street. Consulting Engineer, Bret Weiss felt an overpass would run between $500,000-$750,000 assuming the City had adequate right-of- way at the proposed location ofthe overpass. Bruce Westby stated the City must show they are committed to funding their portion of the project. The deadline for submitting the application is January 15 so even if some modifications were made to the grant application there would not be time to bring it back to the Council. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 2007-1 AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT FUNDING FOR GRADE SEPARATED CROSSINGS AT THREE LOCATIONS; 1) TH 25; 2) CR 39 AND GILLARD AVENUE AND 3) CSAH 75 WEST OF RNER STREET. 6 11 Council Minutes 1/8/07 Brian Stumpf asked if staff could come up with cost figures for overpasses and underpasses so the Council would have something for comparison. Bret Weiss indicated that they could provide that cost information but he didn't think they could make the changes to the figures on the grant application and still make the deadline for submitting the application. Tom Perrault stated he has a concern about the project cost as he felt it was too expensive. He asked if there were any plans to redo CR 39 that would provide an opportunity for a pathway improvement to be included as part of a street project. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 9. Consideration of appointments for 2007. Brian Stumpf brought up the designation of the official paper. He would like to have the City see what other options are available. Brian Stumpf voiced concern about the paper not having a representative at meetings that are of major significance to the City such as fiber optics. The Council agreed with this view. Wayne Mayer asked legal counsel Tom Scott if the official paper had to be a local paper or if could it be a shopper or a paper in an adjacent community that distributes to the city residents. Tom Scott said he would check the statutes but his recollection is that there are specific requirements for the official paper. Tom Scott suggested they table action on this appointment until the next meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE APPOINTMENT OF AN OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Brian Stumpf asked about the appointment as liaison to the Planning Commission. Clint Herbst felt with the Planning Commission working on major issues such a the PUD ordinance amendment and comprehensive plan update he wanted someone who was more familiar with the Planning Commission process and procedures to serve as liaison. Since Brian Stumpf was already serving on the Task Force Committee for the comprehensive plan update Clint Herbst felt Brian Stumpf would be a good choice. Brian Stumpf noted he will not be able to attend the February Planning Commission meeting since he will be on vacation. Wayne Mayer will cover the February Planning Commission meeting and Susie Wojchouski will cover the Comprehensive Plan Task Force Committee meeting on February 1. Jeff O'Neill indicated that the second monthly meeting for the Planning Commission will not be taking place until later in the year as right now the Planning Commission has its hands full with the Comp Plan update and other planning initiatives. Wayne Mayer said he would be willing to attend the second monthly meeting of the Planning Commission when they occur if Brian Stumpf was not able to. Tom Perrault questioned the appointment of Brian Stumpf to the Joint Planning Board for Orderly Annexation Board. He felt Brian Stumpf did not have a friendly relationship with the township. Brian Stumpf responded that he had worked on the annexation agreement and was involved in the mediation sessions. He felt he was knowledgeable about the annexation agreement and process could work with the township. Clint Herbst stated that generally the 7 12 Council Minutes 1/8/07 mayor and acting mayor have been appointed to this board. Clint Herbst noted that the board meets infrequently so this appointment would not interfere with Brian Stumpfs other committee duties. Wayne Mayer brought up the City Planner appointment noting that Northwest Associated Consults had been given the task to come up with a PUD scoring system last year and it is still not in place. If and when that system is in place, he suggested that the Council have some joint meetings with the Planning Commission concerning the scoring system to make sure both entities are in agreement on the system and how it is applied. Wayne Mayer stated that the MCC Advisory Board is intricately involved with the profitability of the community center which is the reason he felt the positions on this board should be advertised. Wayne Mayer emphasized that this was not meant as anything negative about the people whose terms are up or the work they have done as members ofthe MCC Advisory Board. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPOINT SANDY THEROS TO ANOTHER TERM ON THE MCC ADVISORY BOARD AND TO ADVERTISE FOR THE POSITION HELD BY HARVEY KENDALL WHOSE TERM EXPIRED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Brian Stumpf asked about the vacancy on the Police Commission. He was informed that the position was advertised and two applications were received. One applicant is from outside the city limits and the ordinance establishing the police commission states that commission members must be a resident of the City. Council directed the Police Commission to interview the remaining applicant for the vacancy on the commission. The Council indicated that the interviews for the Parks Commission, Police Commission and Library Board would be conducted by those boards with the recommendation to come before the Council. Clint Herbst indicated he will serve on the Outdoor Storage Committee, if that is still a functioning committee. The Council expressed their appreciation for the work of the Fran Fair of the Parks Commission, Sandra Foster and Jacque Gordon of the Library Board and Harvey Kendall of the MCC Advisory Board. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING APPOINTMENTS: Official Depositories: Wells Fargo with Chief Financial Officer authorized to designate other depositories for investment purposes only. Riverplace PhysicianClinic Brian Stumpf Susie W ojchouski Clint Herbst and Brian Stumpf Campbell Knutson Northwest Associated Consultants Health Office: Acting Mayor: Community Education: Joint Planning Board: Attorney: Planner: 8 13 Council Minutes 1/8/07 Larson Allen & Associates WSB & Associates Auditor: Consulting Engineer: Housing & Redevelopment Authority: Bill Fair Planning Commission: William Spartz Library Board: Janet Bridgeland and Claudia Tollefson Police Advisory Commission: Dick Slais, David Gerads Design Advisory Team: Pam Campbell, Sheila Stumpf, Patty Pratt Council Liaisons: HRA Planning Commission: Parks Commission: Police Commission: Library Board: MCC Advisory Board: Recycling Committee: Personnel Committee: Wellhead Protection IDC Outdoor Storage: Fiber Optics: Wayne Mayer Brian Stumpf Tom Perrault Susie Wojchouski Susie Wojchouski Clint Herbst Brian Stumpf Clint Herbst and Wayne Mayer Tom Perrault Clint Herbst and Wayne Mayer Clint Herbst Wayne Mayer TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 10. Approve payment of bills for Januarv. Wayne Mayer questioned the amount of the NAC bill that was itemized as general noting that 20% of the total bill was identified as general. He felt there needed to be more detailed itemization of the invoice. Wayne Mayer also asked about the bill for the furnace at the Fire Hall and Gary Anderson explained the statement. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Recording Secretary 9 14 .: Council Agenda: 1/22/07 SA. Consideration of approvilllZ new hires and departures for Parks. MCC and DMV. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the Parks, MCC and DMV. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. 15 NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Gregory Johnson Winter Temp Parks 12/22/2006 Temp Robert Haberman Winter Temp Parks 12/22/06 Temp Joseph Brooks Winter Temp Parks 12/22/06 Temp Kimberly Clark Custodian MCC 12/28/06 PT Brandon Gerads Lifeguard MCC 12/26/06 PT Alicia Solorz Guest Service 2 MCC 12/21/06 PT Derek Farnick Winter Temp Parks 12/22/06 Temp Katherine Jo Hook Winter Temp Parks 12/22/06 Temp Mark Geyen Winter Temp Parks 12/23/06 Temp Summer Hertwig Winter Temp Parks 12/13/06 Temp Randall McAlpine Winter Temp Parks 12/22/07 Temp TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Lara Banyai Reason voluntary Department DMV Last Day Class 12/29/06 PT employee councillist.xls: 1/9/2007 16 Council Agenda: 1/22/07 5B. Consideration of approvine: the date for annual Board of Review. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Wright County Assessor's office has scheduled Monday, April 30, 2007 at 7 p.m. as the date for the Monticello annual Board of Review. If this date is not acceptable to the Council, we need to let the County Assessor know as soon as possible. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve setting Monday, April 30, 2007 at 7 p.m. as the date for the 2007 Board of Review. 2. If this date is not acceptable, the Council should suggest an alternate date or starting times. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter from Wright County Assessor 17 Q,,~^~TV Q~ h_ f.I" ~ y.... '\ h,.. ......, .;!" '2 :E...w. ....?" . " .'Iii"'" . " ",...". .' /' J!! ... . ,., IN 1$. ,,' . 0.. ~.' . .' .d"r'" I "~WI' ., .tIS,6 Gregory A. Kramber Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street NW, Room 240 Buffalo, MN 55313-1183 Phone: (763) 682-7367/ (763) 682-7368 I (800) 362-3667 FAX (763) 684-4553 www.co.wright.mn.us To: Monticello City From: Randy DesMarais, Wright County Date: January 4, 2007 Re: 2007 Local Board of Appeal and Equalization Dates Monday Day of the Week April 30, 2007 Date Minnesota Law requires that the County Assessor set the date for your Local Board of Appeal and Equalization Meeting. The 2007 Monticello City Local Board of Review and Equalization Meeting has been tentatively set for April 30, 2007 at 7:00pm. If this date is agreeable or must be changed please contact Randy at 763-682-7366 or 1- 800-362-3667 ext. 7366 prior to February 8, 2007. Minnesota Statues require that in order to hold a Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting in 2007 there must be a quorum and at least one of the voting members must have attended the approved training. If your board has any questions or needs any information please contact Randy. Currently some of the Cities and Townships in Wright County held their meetings with a starting time of 9:00AM, 1:00PM & 3:00PM. If your members are interested in starting the meeting earlier than your tentatively scheduled time please contact Randy. As there must be a quorum please notify your board members with a request that they mark their calendars. More information, including a summary of the duties and responsibilities of the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization will be provided at a later date. Your early completion and return of the attached tear off slip will be appreciated and we will send your official notice for posting as required by law. Please return to Randy DesMarais, Wright County Assessor Office, at the above address or fax to our office at 763-684-4553. - - - - - - - - - - - - r ~ _ ~ _ _ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~. ~ m _ y ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _. _ ~ n _ _ w ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~ _ __ CONFIRMA TION Municipality: Date: Time: Place: For selecting meeting dates in future years, the following information will be helpful. 18 Council Agenda: 1/22/07 SC. Consideration of Approvine: Payment to Resurrection Lutheran Church for a Permanent Easement for the CSAH 18 Roundabout at Meadow Oak Avenue (City Proiect No. 2004-1C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: During final design of the CSAH 18 roundabout at Meadow Oak Avenue, it was determined that a permanent easement would be needed on the northwest comer of the Resurrection Lutheran Church property to accommodate widening of the curbline for the roundabout. The easement area totals 3,015 square feet and consists ofa permanent street, drainage, and utility easement. The Church provided a right-of-entry to the City during construction of the roundabout. They also requested compensation of$1.00 per square foot for the 3,015 square foot easement. In addition, they requested the median at their driveway from Meadow Oak Avenue be removed. This median was constructed to deter left turn cut-through traffic through their site from westbound Meadow Oak Avenue, since at the time, a left turn from Meadow Oak Avenue to CSAH 18 was not planned. The median was removed with the roundabout project as it was unlikely that cut-through traffic would be an issue and was no longer needed with the full access at CSAH 18. The Church Council requested compensation for the easement indicating it was at a minimal land value given that they gave up a lot of property with the interchange and Meadow Oak Avenue projects. Staff felt this was a minimal compensation amount although the roundabout and the interchange do pose a benefit to them in terms of improved access to their property. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve payment to Resurrection Lutheran Church in the amount of$3,OI5.00 for a permanent easement for the CSAH 18 roundabout at Meadow Oak Avenue. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends selecting Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Grant of Permanent Easement Document Easement Drawing C; \1JQcjlmt!nt.<; and Settings1daml.gross'-nger\Wca/ &ulrIgs\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3\AGN nM.ResLWIIClt!.lrchE(I..'1emntPaymnt-01220i.doc 19 GRANT OF PERMANENT EASEMENT RESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHURCH OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota non- profit corporation ("Grantor"), in consideration of Three Thousand Fifteen and Noll 00 ($3,015.00) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation, the Grantee, hereinafter referred to as the "City", its successors and assigns, a permanent easement for street, utility and drainage purposes over, across, on, under, and through the land situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, legally described on the attached Exhibit "A". INCLUDING the rights of the City, its contractors, agents, servants, and assigns, to enter upon the permanent easement premises at all reasonable times to construct, reconstruct, inspect, repair, and maintain said public street, utility and drainage systems over, across, on, under, and through the permanent easement premises, together with the right to grade, level, fill, drain, and excavate the permanent easement premises, and the further right to remove trees, bushes, undergrowth, and other obstructions interfering with the location, construction, and maintenance of said public street, utility and drainage easement. The above named Grantor, for itself, its successors and assigns, does covenant with the City, its successors and assigns, that it is well seized in fee title of the above described easement 128642 1 20A premises; that it has the sole right to grant and convey the easement to the City; that there are no unrecorded interests in the easement premises; and that it will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor hereto has signed this document this day of ,2006. GRANTOR: RESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHURCH OF MONTICELLO By: Its: By: Its: STATEOFMINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2006, by and , respectively the and of Resurrection Lutheran Church of Monticello, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON, P.A. 1380 Corporate Center Curve, Suite #317 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: 651-452-5000 TMS/cjh 128642 2 20B EXHIBIT A TO GRANT OF PERMANENT EASEMENT That part of the following described parcel of land in the City of Monticello: (THE TRACT) That part of the South Half of Lot 22 of Auditor's Subdivision No.1, according to the recorded plat thereof and that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, all in Wright County, Minnesota, lying northerly and northeasterly of the centerline of County Highway No. 118, except that portion conveyed to County of Wright for Highway purposes in Book 93 of Deeds page 402. Which lies within the following permanent easement for street, utility and drainage purposes: That part of (THE TRACT), lying southerly of the northerly 10.00 feet and northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the southeast comer of Parcel 4, WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 55, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota; thence North 32 degrees 55 minutes 23 seconds West, assumed bearing along an easterly line of said Parcel 4, 72.30 feet; thence North 00 degrees 17 minutes 46 seconds East, along an easterly line of said Parcel 4, 436.19 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described; thence North 74 degrees 35 minutes 43 seconds East, 85.95 feet; thence North 81 degrees 19 minutes 51 seconds East, 150.05 feet, to the south line of the north 10.00 feet of (THE TRACT) and said line there terminating. 20C 128642 3 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO EASEMENT THRIVENT FINANCIAL FOR LUTHERANS, a Wisconsin corporation, which holds two mortgages on all or part of the property more particularly described in the foregoing Grant of Permanent Easement, which mortgages are identified as follows: (1) Mortgage running in favor of Aid Association for Lutherans dated March 12,2002 and recorded April 16, 2002, as Document No. 786715. This mortgage was rerecorded due to an error in the legal description as Document No. 803030 and was amended by the recording of the First Amendment of Promissory Note and Mortgage dated November 21,2003, and recorded December 1,2003, as Document No. 886654; and (2) Mortgage dated February 14,2005, and recorded February 17, 2005, as Document No. 947432, with the office of the County Recorder for Wright County, Minnesota, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby join in, consents, and is subject to the above referenced Grant of Permanent Easement. The undersigned has changed its name or identity from Aid Association for Lutherans to Thrivent Financial for Lutherans as a result of merger, consolidation, amendment to charter or articles of incorporation, or conversion of articles of incorporation or charter from federal to state, state to federal, or from one form of entity to another. THRIVENT FINANCIAL FOR LUTHERANS By: Its: By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this , 2006, by and by day of the and of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, a Wisconsin corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: 651 A52-5000 128642 4 20D '" ,~, , ,-- " .' " , .' '.' ... .' '.. '" ~, ~, II II I I " ~, ... WSB '"':6'~ ./ f:P., \:~ 01 - = I ''!l;4~'f. "n "e~.9~ \,::. ":-,~. ~ ,.~'~ l!l g ~ '1 I N I N Q <( f- ~ ~ 8 () :--- . :'. , . . n' . . " j-- T - . L .., , " . .- .' ..' ,', .. :. T - '.' l_ -::.. '. ' ::. , . , . i -- ". :' - T- ,', -<- '.' d, '.' . , . l. ". r-- B_ -,- -. - :t ::- d, '.' ,,- , .. " , , . . .- N8'''9'~'~E 9 ,~o.05 G ',: ~', G ~ EX. 10' STREET, UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASE. 9 .:~' - .,~ ~ G G G G :--EX,PLATTED 15.00 D&U EASE G I I E'LY R/W LINE CSAH 18 PER RIGHT OF WAY PLA , ., . , ..... L :=. , -, - ~ _l_ d' '.' -,- -. - ,.- _:lltL 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis. MN 55416 lWIW,wsbeng,oom ~ li~ PROPOSED PERMANENT STREET, UTILITY f.~1 AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT AREA"'3,015 SQ FT +~~'I\7\7ZIZ SE CORNER PARCEL 4 . en 'T , _9 o EASEMENT EXHIBIT RESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHURCH WSB Project No.1546-11 CITY Project No. Dale: 11/01/06 dE' A$~ociotes. Inc. ,_ 763-541-4800 - F..?63-541-1700 INFRASTRUCruRE . ENGINEERING . PlANNING. CONSTRUCTION PARCEL 1 MONTICEllO, MN 20E Council Agenda: 1/22/07 5D. Consideration of a request for an amendment to the Monticello Zoning: Ordinance Section 3-3 rFl reg:ulating: front yard setback avera2:ing:. Applicant: City of Monticello (NAC). A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Planning Commission considered this item at their December 5, 2006 meeting, and recommended approval of Option 2, amending Section 3-3 [F] of the Zoning Ordinance only. The recommended amendment would delete the averaging clause for front yard setbacks in all residential districts. The Commission expressed concern that the creation of an overlay district would affect few properties, and may not be necessary. The Commission determined that deleting the averaging clause would be an effective control for maintaining uniformity. Thc City has recently reviewed a request from a property owner on River Street to move a single family home off a lot and rebuild, with the new home located closer to the front yard setback line than the original building footprint. Upon reviewing the request, it was determined that the proposed location would not be permitted, due to a clause in the ordinance establishing an averaging requirement for front yard setbacks. The minimum front yard setback requirement in the R-l District is current established at 30 feet. The subject proposal meets this requirement. However, the Zoning Ordinance contains additional restrictions for front yard setbacks, establishing a maximum setback requirement, as well as a mInImum. Section 3-3 of the Zoning Ordinance pertains to yard requirements, including all requirements for front yard setbacks. Section 3-3 (F) specifically contains a provision for front yard setbacks in residential districts with adjacent structures. This section states, "In residential districts where the adjacent structures exceed the minimum setbacks established in subsection rel above, the minimum setback shall be thirty (30) feet plus two-thirds (2/3) of the difference between thirty (30) feet and the setback or average setback of adjacent structures within the same block. " The existing ordinance presents a number of application issues. As the ordinance reads, the maximum setback allowed for each lot is contingent upon the setbacks of the adjacent structures on the block. In that manner, each time a home is altered in any way that results in a new setback, the average setback for the block changes. Essentially, the actions of one homeowner dictate the building envelope of the adjacent property owners. As such, the ordinance is highly difficult to enforce. This Section was initially adopted to encourage uniform site lines along all city blocks. However, staff believes a more effective control for maintaining uniformity may be established. The ability to maintain setback uniformity is particularly a concern along River Street, due to the nature of the properties and the unique natural features ofthe area. The majority of homes along River Street greatly exceed the required minimum setback, in an effort to place homes close to the riverfront. As such, any home proposing to simply meet the minimum requirement may result in extreme staggering of homes along the street. The averaging technique may have maintained some unifonnity in this regard, but as explained above, is highly difficult to enforce. 21 Council Agenda: 1/22/07 Amendments. To address the issue of uniformity, staff has prepared an ordinance amendment containing two sections. The first section would simply delete any reference to the current averaging technique, and delete any maximum setback limitations. Removing this provision in the ordinance would apply a uniform setback to all properties, regardless of the setback of the adjacent structures. The second section of this amendment establishes an overlay district for properties on River Street, identified as the "RS" River Street District. This overlay district would be applied to and superimposed on all properties located on River Street, identified as such by a corresponding street address. The amendment would establish a more significant front yard setback for all properties along River Street, and would provide the opportunity to maintain uniform site lines along both sides of the road, while applying the same setback for all properties. The regulations and requirements imposed by the "RS," River Street, district shall be in addition to those established for the district which jointly applies. The proposed amendment is found below, and may be modified at the direction of the Planning Commission and/or City Council. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Regarding the proposed amendment to Section 3-3 [F) of the Zoning Ordinance regulating front yard setback averaging, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to recommend approval of the amendment to Section 3-3 [F) and the creation of the "RS" River Street District, as prepared below. 2. Motion to recommend approval of the amendment to Section 3-3 [F) only. 3. Motion to deny the ordinance amendment and creation of the "RS" River Street District as proposed. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As stated above, the current averaging technique applied to front yard setbacks is outdated and difficult to enforce. An amendment must be made to the ordinance to apply a uniform setback to all properties, regardless of the location of adjacent structures. The proposed amendment was drafted due to inquiry for a property on River Street. Properties along this street are unique, and may require additional regulations. As such, a sample ordinance creating an overlay district has been drafted. However, an overlay district would only affect a small area of the City. Therefore, at a minimum, staff recommends approval of Option 2, deleting the averaging clause. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Draft Ordinance Amendment 22 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3 OF CHAPTER 3 RELATING TO YARD REQUIREMENTS AND CREATING CHAPTER 19C, ESTABLISHING THE "RS" RIVER STREET DISTRICT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Section 3-3 [F] relating to front yard setbacks is hereby amended to read as follows: [Fl. In residential districts v,here the adjaceNt structoces eKceed the minimum setbacks established in subsection [C] above, the minimum setback shall be thirty (30) feet plus two thirds (2/3) of the difference between thirty (30) f.eet and the setback or average setback of adjacent structures within the SLHR6 ~ SECTION 2. Section 3-3 [C] 1 relating to yard requirements is hereby amended to read as follows: [C]. In R-1, R-2, B-1, and B-2 districts where adjacent structures, excluding accessory buildings within same block, have front yard setbacks different from those required, the front yard minimum setback shall be the average of the adjacent structures. If there is only one (1) adjacent structure, the front yard minimum setback shall be the average of the required setback as established within the underlying residential district and the setback of the adjacent structure. ffi...fie ease shall the minimum front yard setback mcceed thirty (30) feet, except as provided in sabsoetion [Fl belmv. CHAPTER 19C "RS" RIVER STREET DISTRICT SECTION: 19C-1: Purpose 19-2: District Application 19C-3: Permitted Uses 19C-4: Prohibited Uses 19C-5: Development Regulation 23 19C-l: PURPOSE: The purpose ofthe "RS" River Street overlay district is to establish regulations specific to the low density, single family, detached residential dwelling units and directly related complementary uses located along River Street. 19C.2: DISTRICT APPLICATION: [A] The "RS," River Street, district shall be applied to and superimposed on all properties located on River Street, and identified as such by a corresponding street address, contained herein existing or amended by the text of this ordinance. The regulations and requirements imposed by the "RS," River Street, district shall be in addition to those established for the district which jointly applies. Under the Joint Application of Districts, the more restrictive requirements shall apply. 19C.3: PERMITTED USES: The following operations and uses are permitted in the "River Street district" as a matter of right subject to any other applicable code, ordinance, or law: [A] Those uses permitted in the "R-I" District, under the same conditions as listed in that district. 19C-4: PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES: The following are permitted accessory uses in The "River Street" District as a matter of right subject to any other applicable code, ordinance, or law: [A] Those permitted accessory uses as allowed in the "R-I" District, under the same conditions as listed in that district. 19C-5: CONDITIONAL USES: The following are conditional uses in the "River Street" District (requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this ordinance). [A] Those conditional uses as allowed in the "R-l District, under the same conditions as listed in that district. 19B.6: SETBACKS. The following minimum requirements shall be observed in a Public/Semi-Public Use District, subject to additional requirements, exceptions, and modifications set forth in this Ordinance. [A] Front Yards: Not less than fifty (50) feet. [B] Side Yards: 1. Side Yard, interior. Ten (to) feet minimum to dwelling and six (6) feet minimum to accessory structures. 2. Side Yard, comer. Twenty (20) feet minimum on the street side and ten (10) feet minimum to house on interior side 2. Not less than six (6) feet for single family homes on lots of record with a lot width 66 feet or less in the Original Plat of Monticello and Lower Monticello which are zoned R-I or R-2. [C] Rear Yards: Not less than thirty (30) feet. * 24 *May be subject to additional district regulations, including, but not limited to, the Wild and Scenic Rivers Management District, the Flood Plain Management District, and the Shoreland District. THIS AMENDMENT SHALL BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING ITS PASSAGE AND PUBLICATION Approved by the Monticello City Council the 23rd day of January, 2007. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Mayor Clint Herbst ATTEST By: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 25 Council Agenda - 01/22/2007 5E. Consideration of Annual Hi2hwav Maintenance A2reement with Wri2ht County. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item involves our annual maintenance agreement with Wright County for snow and ice control for portions ofCSAH 75 running from Willow Street east to the 1-94 Bridge and includes that portion of the freeway entrance ramp between Meadow Oak Avenue and Meadow Oak Drive. The maintenance agreement also includes snow and ice control on a portion of CSAH 39 West from the City Public Works Facility to the junction of CSAH 75 (Broadway). This agreement also includes a short section of CR 117 approximately two-tenths of a mile long running north from 85th Avenue in the area of the Monticello Township Hall and KMOM Radio. Removed from the annual maintenance agreement this year is the one-time spring sweeping of CSAH 75 and CSAH 39. The county has chosen to either contract this work out or do it themselves rather than pay the City. Since it takes a considerable amount of time to clean the curb sections ofCSAH 75 including the downtown area and the medians, we are not opposed to the county taking this work over but would expect them to do quality work. The City will probably still be responsible for washing off the downtown sidewalks into the gutters to be picked up during the spring sweeping. The 2006 Contract included $3,944.56 for the sweeping work. Not having to perform this sweeping will allow the City to get a jump on the city-wide spring sweeping. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve the 2007 Maintenance Agreement with Wright County as enclosed with the understanding that Wright County will be sweeping the curb portions of CSAH 75 and the median along with the curb portions ofCSAH 39. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the new agreement with the county for annual maintenance of snow and ice removal. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the City Council authorize approval of the 2007 Maintenance Agreement with Wright County as outlined in alternative #1 above. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the 2007 Maintenance Agreement. 26 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - 2007 SUPPORTI~c.;D~I~.i.!,ii 2007 COUNTYMAINT,'AGMT,""I!:",," THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the City of Monticello hereinafter referred to as the "City" and the County of Wright hereinafter referred to as the "County". WHEREAS, Chapter 162, Minnesota Statutes, permits the County to designate certain roads and streets within the City as County State Aid Highways, and WHEREAS, the City has conculTed in the designation of the County State Aid Highway within its limits as identified in County Board's resolutions of August 28, October 8, November 5, December 3, December 27,1957 and January 7, 1958, and WHEREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of all parties that the duties and responsibilities of both the City and the County as to maintenance on said County State Aid Highways to be clearly defined, NOW TIIEREFORE, IT IS AGREED with regard to said County State Aid Highway maintenance: That the City will be responsible for routine maintenance on the following highways. MATNT. PLAN ROAD SEGMENT Mll...ES c. CSAH 75 Willow St. to Meadow Oaks Dr. 5.65 (Includes four lane portion.) D. CSAH 39 From City Public Works Bldg. to 0.32 W. Jet. ofCSAH 75 C. CR 117 From a point 930 feet n0l1h of 85th NE 0.18 To 85th Street NE ESTIMATED TOTAL = 6.15 COSTIMI. '" 2,177.04 TOTAL COST'" $ 12,300.28 769.26 246.16 2,177.04 391.87 $12,938.31 That routine maintenance shall consist of the following: (Maint. Plan) c. Snow and ice control. D. 25% snow and ice control. "'Based on average annual costs of years 2003, 2004, and 2005, plus $300/mHe for four~lane portion (snow/ice control only). That when the City deems it desirable to remove snow by hauling, it shall do so as its own expense. The City shall also be responsible for all snow and ice removal on sidewalks and other boulevard related maintenance outside the cutb or street area. That the County will be responsible for all other maintenance. That the City shall indemnify, save and hold hal1nless the County and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to he performed by the City. It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the City and all other employees of the City engaged in the perfonnance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the City shall be considered employees of the City only and not of the County; and that any and all claims that mayor might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota 011 behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said City employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. (Sheet 1 of2) 27 That the County shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the City and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of actions of whatever nature or character, whether at law or equity, arising out of or by reason of the execution, omission or perfonnance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the County including, but not limited to, claims made arising out of maintenance obligations of County, engineering, design, taking or inverse condemnation proceedings. It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the County and all other employees of the County engaged in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the County shall be considered employees of the County only and not of the City; and that any and all claims that mayor might arise under the Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County. That in December of 2007 . the City shall receive payment from the County for their work. This amount shall be based on the 2006 average annual cost per mile for the years 2004, 2005, and 2006 for routine maintenance on Municipal County State Aid Highways. The average annual cost per mile will reflect only those costs associated with the areas of routine maintenance for which the City is responsible. ADOPTED: .20_ A TrEST: Mayor City Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the above is a tme and conect copy of a resolution duly passed, adopted and approved by the City Council of said City on . 20_" City Clerk APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: COUNTY OF WRIGHT Name of City Chainnan of the Board Date A TrEST: County Coordinator Date (Sheet 2 of2) 28 Council Agenda: 1/22/07 SF. Consideration of a request to amend City Ordinance Title III. Chapter 2. Section 7. relatinl! to on sale liquor licenses for restaurants. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Previously the City Council acted on a request for a wine/strong beer license for Cornerstone Cafe and Catering. They had initially sought a full on-sale intoxicating liquor license so that they could be a liquor provider for events at the MCC and other catered events. Section 340A.404, Subdivision 1 and Section 340A.413, Subdivision 4 allows cities to issue on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses to hotels; restaurants, bowling alleys and theaters within their municipality. In Subdivision 4 of Section 340A.404 a municipality can authorize an on- sale intoxicating license holder to serve liquor at events conducted at a cultural facility owned by the municipality (MCC). The state liquor laws defines a restaurant as an establishment, other than a hotel, under the control of a single proprietor or manager, where meals are regularly prepared on the premises and served at tables to the general public and having a minimum seating capacity for guests as prescribed by the appropriate license issuing authority. Cornerstone Cafe does not meet the requirements set forth in the City's ordinance on liquor (Title III, Chapter 2, Section 7, adopted in 1998) which states that no on-sale intoxicating liquor license shall be granted to a restaurant that does not meet the following minimum standards as determined by the City Council which includes having a seating capacity for at least 100 guests in its formal dining area. Since Cornerstone Cafe cannot hold an on-sale intoxicating liquor license because they do not meet the seating capacity as required by ordinance, they are unable to be a liquor provider at the community center. The owners of Cornerstone Cafe have requested the Council consider an amendment to their ordinance that would eliminate or reduce the seating capacity requirement for a restaurant to hold an on-sale intoxicating liquor license. The Cornerstone Cafe has seating for approximately 60 people. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The Council could amend Title III, Chapter 2 to eliminate or reduce the seating capacity requirement for a restaurant to hold an on-sale intoxicating liquor license. 2. The Council could make no change to the existing liquor ordinance. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If the Council is concerned about a proliferation of on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses, that may be reason to keep some type of seating capacity restriction in the ordinance. If that is not an issue for the Council it may be reasonable to delete this provision from the ordinance entirely. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Sections of State Liquor Laws City Ordinance, Title III, Chapter 2, Section 7 29 340A. Liquor containing two percent or less of alcohol by weight. Notwithstanding any law or rule to the contrary, if either; (a) the term "low alcohol" appears on the label of the beverage container; or (b) a brewer has provided written certification to the Department of Public Safety establishing an alcoholic content of two percent or less by weight; no further label shall be required on that container. Subd. 15b. Liqueur-filled candy. "Liqueur-filled candy" is any confectionery containing more than one-half of one percent alcohol by volume in liquid form that is intended for or capable of beverage use. Subd. 16. Malt liquor. "Malt liquor" is any beer, ale, or other beverage made from malt by fermentation and containing not less than one-half of one percent alcohol by volume. Subd. 17. Manufacturer. "Manufacturer" is a person who, by a process of manufacture, fermenting, brewing, distilling, refming, rectifying, blending, or by the combination of different materials, prepares or produces intoxicating liquor for sale. Subd. 18. Municipality. "Municipality" is a city, county or, for purposes oflicensing under section 340A.404. subdivision 7, the Metropolitan Airports Commission. Subd. 19.3.2 percent malt liquor. "3.2 percent malt liquor" is malt liquor containing not less than one-half of one percent alcohol by volume nor more than 3.2 percent alcohol by weight. Subd. 20. Off-sale. "Off-sale" is the sale of alcoholic beverages in original packages for consumption off the licensed premises only. Subd. 21. On-sale. "On-sale" is the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the licensed premises only. Subd. 22. Package. "Package" is a sealed or corked container of alcoholic beverages. Subd. 23. Person. "Person" has the meaning given it in section 645.44. subdivisi9J!...1. Subd. 24. Population. "Population" is determined by the most recent federal decennial census or a special census taken under law. .".. Subd. 25. Restanrant, "Restaurant" is an establishment, other than a hotel, under the control of a single proprietor or manager, where meals are regularly prepared on the premises and served at tables to the general public, and having a minimum seating capacity for guests as prescribed by the appropriate license issuing authority. Subd. 26. Retail. "Retail" is sale for consumption. Subd. 27. Table or sparkling wine. "Table or sparkling wine" is a beverage made without rectification or fortification and containing not more than 25 percent of alcohol by volume and made by the fermentation of grapes, grape juice, other fruits, or honey. Subd. 27a. Theater. "Theater" means a building containing an auditorium in which live dramatic, musical, dance, or literary performances are regularly presented to holders of tickets for those performances. Subd. 28. Wholesaler. "Wholesaler" is a person who sells alcoholic beverages to persons to whom sale is permitted under section 340A.31 0, from a stock maintained in a warehouse in the state. Subd. 29. Wine. "Wine" is the product made from the normal alcoholic fermentation of grapes, including still wine, sparkling and carbonated wine, wine made from condensed grape must, wine made from other agricultural products than sound, ripe grapes, imitation wine, compounds sold as wine, vermouth, cider, perry and sake, in each instance containing not less than one-half of one percent nor more than 24 percent alcohol by volume for nonindustrial use. Wine does not include distilled spirits as defmed in subdivision 9. http://ros.leg.mnlbin/getpub.php?pubtype=STAT_ CHAP &year=2006&section=340A Page 5 of 56 1/16/2007 30 340A. Liquor Page 20 of 56 (4) a person who has a direct or indirect interest in a manufacturer, brewer, or wholesaler. In addition, no new retail license may be issued to, and the governing body of a municipality may refuse to renew the license of, a person who, within five years of the license application, has been convicted of a felony or a willful violation of a federal or state law or local ordinance governing the manufacture, sale, distribution, or possession for sale or distribution of an alcoholic beverage. The Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division or licensing authority may require that fmgerprints be taken and forwarded to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for purposes of a criminal history check. History: 1985 c 305 art 6 s 2; 1986 c330 s 5; 1987 c 152 art 1 s 1; 1989 c 49 s 1; 1991 c 249 s 3; 1993 c 350 s 9; 1994 c 611 s 15; 1996 c 323 s 4; 2002 c 321 s 6 340A.403 3.2 PERCENT MALT LIQUOR LICENSES. Subdivision 1. Issuance by county or city. The governing body of a city or county may issue off-sale or on -sale licenses for the sale of 3.2 percent malt liquor within their respective jurisdictions. Subd. 2. Temporary licenses. (a) A club or charitable, religious, or nonprofit organization may be issued a temporary on-sale license for the sale of 3.2 percent malt liquor. (b) The temporary license may authorize the sale of 3.2 percent malt liquor in any school or school buildings. (c) Temporary licenses are subject to the terms set by the issuing county or city. Subd. 3. Exemption. (a) Any person licensed to sell intoxicating liquor at on-sale shall not be required to obtain an on-sale license under this section, and may sell nonintoxicating malt beverages at on~sale without further license. (b) Any person licensed to sell intoxicating liquor at off~sale shall not be required to obtain an off-sale license under this section, and may sell nonintoxicating malt beverages at off-sale without further license. Subd. 4. Notice to commissioner. Within ten days of the issuance of a license under this section, a municipality shall inform the commissioner, on a form the commissioner prescribes, of the licensee's name and address and trade name, the effective date and expiration date of the license, and any other information on the license the commissioner requires. History: 1985 c 117 s 1,2; 1985 c 305 art 6 s 3; ISp1985 c 16 art 2 s 3 subd 1; 1987 c 152 art 1 s I; 1991 c 249 s 31; ISp2003 c 19 art 2 s 57,79 .. 340A.404 INTOXICATING LIQUOR; ON-SALE LICENSES. Subdivision 1. Cities. (a) A city may issue an on-sale intoxicating liquor license to the following establishments located within its jurisdiction: (1) hotels; (2) restaurants; (3) bowling centers; (4) clubs or congressionally chartered veterans organizations with the approval of the commissioner, provided that the organization has been in existence for at least three years and liquor sales will only be to members and bona fide guests; (5) sports facilities located on land owned by the Metropolitan Sports Commission; and (6) exclusive liquor stores. (b) A city may issue an on-sale intoxicating liquor license, an on-sale wine license, or an 31 http://ros.1eg.mn/bin/getpub.php?pubtype=STAT_ CHAP &year=2006&section=340A 1/16/2007 340A. Liquor Page 21 of 56 on-sale malt liquor license to a theater within the city, notwithstanding any law, local ordinance, or charter provision. A license issued under this paragraph authorizes sales on all days of the week to persons attending events at the theater. Subd. 2. Special provision; city of MinneapoIis. (a) The city of Minneapolis may issue an on-sale intoxicating liquor license to the Guthrie Theater, the Cricket Theatre, the Orpheum Theatre, the State Theatre, and the Historic Pantages Theatre, notwithstanding the limitations of law, or local ordinance, or charter provision relating to zoning or school or church distances. The licenses authorize sales on all days of the week to holders of tickets for perfonnances presented by the theaters and to members of the nonprofit corporations holding the licenses and to their guests. (b) The city of Minneapolis may issue an intoxicating liquor license to 510 Groveland Associates, a Minnesota cooperative, for use by a restaurant on the premises owned by 510 Groveland Associates, notwithstanding limitations oflaw, or local ordinance, or charter provision. (c) The city of Minneapolis may issue an on-sale intoxicating liquor license to Zuhrah Shrine Temple for use on the premises owned by Zuhrah Shrine Temple at 2540 Park A venue South in Minneapolis, and to the American Swedish Institute for use on the premises owned by the American Swedish Institute at 2600 Park A venue South, notwithstanding limitations of law, or local ordinances, or charter provision relating to zoning or school or church distances. (d) The city of Minneapolis may issue an on~sale intoxicating liquor license to the American Association of University Women, Minneapolis branch, for use on the premises owned by the American Association of University Women, Minneapolis branch, at 2115 Stevens Avenue South in Minneapolis, notwithstanding limitations of law, or local ordinances, or charter provisions relating to zoning or school or church distances. (e) The city of Minneapolis may issue an on-sale wine license and an on-sale 3.2 percent malt liquor license to a restaurant located at 5000 Penn Avenue South, and an on-sale wine license and an on-sale malt liquor license to a restaurant located at 1931 Nicollet Avenue South, notwithstanding any law or local ordinance or charter provision. (t) The city of Minneapolis may issue an on-sale wine license and an on-sale malt liquor license to the Brave New Workshop Theatre located at 3001 Hennepin Avenue South, the Theatre de la Jeune Lune, the Illusion Theatre located at 528 Hennepin Avenue South, the Hollywood Theatre located at 2815 Johnson Street Northeast, the Loring Playhouse located at 1633 Hennepin Avenue South, the Jungle Theater located at 2951 Lyndale Avenue South, Brave New Institute located at 2605 Hennepin Avenue South, the Guthrie Lab located at 700 North First Street, and the Southern Theatre located at 1420 Washington A venue South, notwithstanding any law or local ordinance or charter provision. The license authorizes sales on all days of the week. (g) The city of Minneapolis may issue an on~sale intoxicating liquor license to University Gateway Corporation, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation, for use by a restaurant or catering operator at the building owned and operated by the University Gateway Corporation on the University of Minnesota campus, notwithstanding limitations oflaw, or local ordinance or charter provision. The license authorizes sales on all days of the week. (h) The city of Minneapolis may issue an on-sale intoxicating liquor license to the Walker Art Center's concessionaire or operator, for a restaurant and catering operator on the premises of the Walker Art Center, notwithstanding limitations oflaw, or local ordinance or charter provisions. The license authorizes sales on all days of the week. (i) The city of Minneapolis may issue an on-sale intoxicating liquor license to the Guthrie Theater's concessionaire or operator for a restaurant and catering operator on the premises of the http://ros.1eg.mn/bin/ getpub.php?pubtype=ST A T _CHAP &year=2006&section=340A 1/16/2007 32 340A. Liquor Page 23 of 56 * SUQd. 4. Special provisions; sports, conventions, or cultural facilities; community festivals. (a) The governing body of a municipality may authorize a holder of a retail on-sale intoxicating liquor license issued by the municipality or by an adjacent municipality to dispense intoxicating liquor at any convention, banquet, conference, meeting, or social affair conducted on the premises of a sports, convention, or cultural facility owned by the municipality or instrumentality thereof having independent policy making and appropriating authority and located within the municipality. The licensee must be engaged to dispense intoxicating liquor at an event held by a person or organization permitted to use the premises, and may dispense intoxicating liquor only to persons attending the event. The licensee may not dispense intoxicating liquor to any person attending or participating in an amateur athletic event held on the premises. (b) The governing body of a municipality may authorize a holder of a retail on-sale intoxicating liquor license issued by the municipality to dispense intoxicating liquor off premises at a community festival held within the municipality. The authorization shall specify the area in which the intoxicating liquor must be dispensed and consumed, and shall not be issued unless the licensee demonstrates that it has liability insurance as prescribed by section 340AA09 to cover the event. Subd. 4a. State-owned recreation; entertainment facilities. Notwithstanding any other law, local ordinance, or charter provision, the commissioner may issue on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses: (1) to the state agency administratively responsible for, or to an entity holding a concession or facility management contract with such agency for beverage sales at, the premises of any Giants Ridge Recreation Area building or recreational improvement area owned by the state in the town of White, St. Louis County; (2) to the state agency administratively responsible for, or to an entity holding a concession or facility management contract with such agency for beverage sales at, the premises of any Ironworld Discovery Center building or facility owned by the state at Chisholm; and (3) to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota for events at Northrop Auditorium and in any intercollegiate football stadium constructed by the university on its Minneapolis campus. The commissioner shall charge a fee for licenses issued under this subdivision in an amount comparable to the fee for comparable licenses issued in surrounding cities. Subd. 5. Wine licenses. (a) A municipality may issue an on-sale wine license with the approval of the commissioner to a restaurant having facilities for seating at least 25 guests at one time. A wine license permits the sale of wine of up to 14 percent alcohol by volume for consumption with the sale of food. A wine license authorizes the sale of wine on all days of the week unless the issuing authority restricts the license's authorization to the sale of wine on all days except Sundays. (b) The governing body of a municipality may by ordinance authorize a holder of an on-sale wine license issued pursuant to paragraph (a) who is also licensed to sell 3.2 percent malt liquors at on-sale pursuant to section 340AAll, and whose gross receipts are at least 60 percent attributable to the sale of food, to sell intoxicating malt liquors at on-sale without an additional license. (c) A municipality may issue an on-sale wine license with the approval of the commissioner to a licensed bed and breakfast facility. A license under this paragraph authorizes a bed and breakfast facility to furnish wine only to registered guests of the facility and, if the facility contains a licensed commercial kitchen, also to guests attending private events at the facility. http://ros.1eg.mn!binl getpub.php?pubtype=ST A T _ CHAP &year=2006&section=340A 1/16/2007 33 340A. Liquor Page 36 of 56 (4) in cities of the fourth class, including cities whose acts of incorporation were repealed by Laws 1973, chapter 123, article V, section 5, not more than seven licenses; (5) in statutory cities of 5,000 to 10,000 population, not more than six licenses; (6) in statutory cities of2,500 to 5,000 population, not more than five licenses; (7) in statutory cities of 500 to 2,500 population, not more than four licenses; and (8) in statutory cities under 500 population, not more than three licenses. Subd. 2. Additional on-sale licenses permitted for cities in St. Louis County. For cities in S1. Louis County no on-sale liquor license may be issued in excess of the following limits, without the approval of the commissioner: (1) in cities of the third class, not more than 15 licenses; (2) in cities of the fourth class, not more than nine licenses; and (3) in statutory cities of2,500 to 5,000 population, not more than six licenses. Subd. 3. Referendum for additional on-sale licenses. (a) The governing body of a city may issue on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses over the number permitted under subdivision 1 when authorized by the voters of the city at a general or special election. (b) The governing body may direct that either ofthe following questions be placed on the ballot: (1) "Shall the city council be allowed to issue 'on-sale' licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquor at retail in excess of the number permitted by law? Yes No " (2) "Shall the city council be allowed to issue (a number to be determined by the governing body) 'on-sale' licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquor at retail in excess of the number now permitted by law? Yes No " (c) Ifa majority of voters voting on the question in clause (1) vote yes, the governing body may issue an unlimited number of on-sale licenses. If a majority of voters voting on the question in clause (2) vote yes, the governing body may issue additional on-sale licenses in the number stated in the question. :vr Subd. 4. Exclusions from license lill!its. On-sale intoxicating liquor licenses may be issued to the following entities by a city, in addition to the number authorized by this section: (1) clubs, or congressionally chartered veterans organizations; (2) restaurants; (3) establishments that are issued licenses to sell wine under section 340A.404. subdiX.ision 5; (4) theaters that are issued licenses under section 340AA04; (5) hotels; and 34 http://ros.1eg.mn/bin/getpub.php?pubtype=ST A T _ CHAP&year=2006&section=340A 1/16/2007 340A. Liquor (6) bowling centers. Subd. 5. Off-sale licenses. No off-sale intoxicating liquor license may be issued in any city, except as provided in this section, in excess of the following limits: (1) in cities of the first class, not more than one off-sale license for each 5,000 population; and (2) in all other cities the limit shall be determined by the governing body of the city. Subd. 6. Area that has been annexed or consolidated. A license validly issued within the number prescribed in this section is not rendered invalid or illegal by reason of the consolidation or annexation of territory to a city and may continue to remain in effect and be renewed, except that the limitations as to ownership under section :L4.oA,4l2. subdivisjon 2. History: 1985 c 305 art 6 s 13; 1987 c 152 art 1 s 1; 1990 c 554 s 13; 1991 c 249 s 16; 1996 c 418 s 9; 2003 c 126 s 9 340A.414 CONSUMPTION AND DISPLAY PERMITS. Subdivision 1. Permit required. No business establishment or club which does not hold an on-sale intoxicating liquor license may directly or indirectly allow the consumption and display of alcoholic beverages or knowingly serve any liquid for the purpose of mixing with intoxicating liquor without first having obtained a permit from the commissioner. Subd. la. Additional authorization. A holder of a consumption and display permit under this section who wishes to allow the consumption and display of intoxicating liquor between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. must obtain authorization to do so from the commissioner. The authorization may be provided in a document issued to the permit holder by the commissioner, or by a notation on the permit holder's permit. Authorizations are valid for one year from the date of issuance. The annual fee for obtaining authorization is $200. The commissioner shall deposit all fees received under this subdivision in the alcohol enforcement account in the special revenue fund. A person who holds a consumption and display permit and who also holds a license to sell alcoholic beverages at on-sale at the same location is not required to obtain an authorization under this subdivision. Subd. 2. Eligibility for permit. (a) The commissioner may issue a permit under this section only to: (1) an applicant who has not, within five years prior to the application, been convicted of a felony or of violating any provision of this chapter or rule adopted under this chapter; (2) a restaurant; (3) a hotel; (4) an establishment licensed for the sale of 3.2 percent malt liquor; (5) a resort as defmed in section 157.15; (6) a club as defmed in section2.40A.101. subdivi~ion 7, or an unincorporated club otherwise meeting that defmition; and (7) a bed and breakfast facility as defined in section 340A.411, subdivision 1. (b) The commissioner may not issue a permit to a club holding an on-sale intoxicating liquor license. Subd. 3. Only authorized to permit the consumption and display. A permit issued under this section authorizes the establishment to permit the consumption and display of intoxicating liquor on the premises. The permit does not authorize the sale of intoxicating liquor. Subd. 4. Permit expiration. All permits issued under this section expire on March 31 of each year. http://ros.1eg.mn/binlgetpub.php?pubtype=STAT _ CHAP&year=2006&section=340A Page 37 of 56 35 1/1612007 3~2~7: PLACES INELIGIBLE FOR LICENSE: No on~sale license shall be granted to an.:--: person \vho dol':s not have invested or does not propose to invest in the fixtures and structure of the proposed on-sale establishment. exclusive of land. an amount of at least Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000). The Council may provide for an independent appraisal at applicant's expense as an aid in detennining the value of said premises. In the event this requirement as to investment is not complied with within one year from the date of issuance of the license. the license may be revoked. (#94,3/9/81) (#394, 7/14/03) (A) No on-sale license shall be granted to a restaurant that does not meet the following minimum standards as determined by the City Council: I. The restaurant shall have seating capacity for at least 100 guests in its formal dining area. 2. The restaurant shall have a full-service menu available with meals prepared on site within a Minnesota Department of Health licensed commercial kitchen each day the establishment is open for business. 3. All meals shall be regularly served at tables to the general public and shall employ an adequate staff to provide the usual and suitable services to its guests. (#319, 10/26/98) 3~2~8: CONDITIONS OF LICENSE: Every license shall be granted subject to t11e conditions in the following subsection and all other provisions of this chapter and of any other applicable provisions of this code or state law. (A) Every licensee shall be responsible for the conduct of his place of business and the conditions of sobriety and order in it. (8) Any peace officer. health officer. or any properly designated officer or employee of the City shall have the unqualified right to enter. inspect and search the premises of the licensee during business hours without a warrant (C) Every licensee shall not conduct business on the premises bet\veen the hours of t\\'o o'clock (2:00) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) a.m., Monday through Saturday inclusive. or on any Sunday between the hours of two o'clock (2:00) a.m. and twelve o'clock (12:00) noon. nor permit the presence of customers on the premises between the hours of two thirty o'clock (2:30) a.m. and eight o'clock (8:00) a.m.. Monday through Saturday inclusive. or on any Sunday between the hours of t\VO thirty o'clock (2:30) a.m. and twelve o'clock (12:00) noon: however. further provided that no intoxicating liquor may be sold or served on Sunday. whether directly or indirectly. except between the hours of twelve o'clock ( 12 :00) noon and one o' clock MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III/Chpt 2/Page 3 36 . . . Council Agenda: 1/22/07 SH. Consideration of desbmatin2 positions authorized to do investment transactions. (JO, PM) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of the transition period during Rick Wolfsteller's retirement, new signers need to be authorized to make investment transactions for the City. The position of Senior Accountant has been designated to make these decisions with review by the City Administrator. All investment transactions will continue to follow the City's investment policy, as well as the State and Federal statutes and guidelines in municipal investing. The Senior Accountant will continue to make investment decisions, monitored by the City Administrator, until such time that the new Finance Director is in place. At such time the Finance Director will make these decisions or continue to designate this function to the Senior Accountant. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Designate the Finance Director and Senior Accountant as authorized signers on all City investment transactions. 2. Leave Rick W olfsteller as the authorized signer until a new Finance Director is in place. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1. Designate the Finance Director and Senior Accountant as authorized signers on all City investment transactions. 37 Council Agenda - 01/22/2007 5J. Consideration of [mal payment for demolition and asbestos abatement at the Monte Club site. City Proiect #2007-02C & A. (1.S., G.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Veit & Company has completed the demolition of the Monte Club and the restoration of the site under City Project #2007-02C, for their bid price of $24,678. They have also completed the asbestos abatement which included $4,825 for the asbestos removal of the floor tile, tiled adhesive and the sprayed insulated ceiling. They have removed the sprayed ceiling insulation which was hidden behind the paneled walls at a cost of $4,060. Lastly, they removed the asbestos trans site pipe used for the heat duct system which was hidden beneath the floor. The total cost of this work was $2,511.45. As you may recall, the city council authorized this work with the not to exceed price of $3,735. The total cost of all of the asbestos abatement was $11,396.45 under City Project #2007-02C-A. The total cost of the demolition, restoration and asbestos abatement for the Monte Club came to $36,074.45. The Building Inspection Department did the final walk-through inspection for the demolition and restoration. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to authorize final payment to Veit & Company in the amount of $36,074.45 pending receipt of the final Contractor's Withholding Affidavit and Lien Waivers from Veit & Company. 2. The second alternative would be not to make final payment for the demolition and asbestos abatement projects completed by Veit & Company. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and Gary Anderson, Chief Building Official, that the City Council authorize final payment to Veit & Company as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of final invoice from Veit & Company. 39 IIiiC T~OO Vr:ir PTm 1l00fJ1$, MN $m40~ Uffita 163.42f1.2Z42 F~ nJ.128.134 Spl$Jry Ctmt1lding' wan. ~t VeirflSA.com .... . .........SUPP.ORTINGDTA.. . .. ... MONTecLus:DEMoFNA" ..........MT .' ", ','" :,..'..," ,," I""",,, d "'"''''~:l',i;i~;!:;:):;>,'''''',''' ".:':""':':,\_.i .'. 1anuary 11. 2007 Attn= Mr. 10hn a Simola City of Monticello Office ofPtablicWodcs 909 Oolf Course Road Monticello. MN S.5362 Phone: 763-29'-3170 Fax: 753-271w3272 Re: Monte Qub Project Billing ContnJot Work Item. Descrhltlon QIV. Units Unh Prloe Ixtensfon 1 BuiJdina Demootlon liS Dur Contract 1 LS Sii24 678.00 $24,678.00 2 Asbestos Abatement as Der Ccntl'tlCl 1 LS S8 ass.oo $8.885.00 Subtotal- $33.563.00 Qt. Units Unit PtIae 6.5 HR $167.00 7.5 HR $83..00 2 HR $60.00 1 EA $635.00 1 LS $48-45 Subtotal . Project Total_ $36,074.45 If ;yOu ha'le any questions. please caU me at: 763-428-6734 Respectfully, WadeKarjala . /~ ~~ PtojectManaF" YI -~ /"" M/t1nfiMAdM ron/ /1pJJantmIIlolbpto)lrr 851.~ IOO/IOO'd 581-1 8U8 8Z. €91 SlluedWO~ ~l'^-WOH~ SPOl lOOZ-ll-IO 40 Council Agenda - 1/22/07 7. Public Hearine:-Consideration of a resolution adoptine: proposed assessment roll for delinauent utilitv bills and certification of assessment roll to Countv Auditor. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is again asked to adopt an assessment roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real estate taxes. The delinquent utility accounts that are included with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new delinquents from the last time we certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount, the Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $50 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the enclosed delinquent utilities list include the additional $50 administration fee for the preparation of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification at an interest rate of 6% as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption ofthe assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 30 days, payments will be charged interest. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the assessment roll for the delinquent charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additional $50 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance ifthe account was not paid by noon on January 9,2007. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. 41 CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2007-04 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL THIRD QUARTER 2006 WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent utility account charges, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2008 and shall bear interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31,2008. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate ofthis assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 22nd day of January, 2007. ATTEST: Clint Herbst, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 42 ~.,~ "-C.:o 1i, '" i ~ i~ ~ "' u '" '" ~ ~ .": "' 'i: " -M I~ '" . ~ ~ " 0 ~ -~ 0'" ~ ~ 0" "'''' ..... .. " 3~ "'''' '" 0.,. .~ ..... .. '" 010 .. .. ~ '" " '" 0.... 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Council Agenda: 1/22/07 Accept Feasibilitv Report and Set Public Hearine: Date for the Reconstruction of Chelsea Road (CSAH 18 to Fallon Avenue) (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2006~ 31C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Included in your packet is a copy of the feasibility report addressing the reconstruction of Chelsea Road from CSAH 18 to Fallon Avenue. As part of the overall interchange reconstruction project, the reconstruction of Chelsea Road to an urban section was delayed until 2007. Construction was delayed since Chelsea Road would be used as part of the detour during some of the CSAH 18 construction. The overall agreement with the Monticello Industrial Park included a provision to commence reconstruction of Chelsea Road from CSAH 18 to Fallon Avenue no later than the start of the 2007 construction season. As development continues in this area of the City, there is a need to upgrade the street and utility systems along the roadway. We have met with all of the property owners along Chelsea Road that would be assessed for the project, including the alternate project, to describe the proposed project to them and obtain their feedback. Attached is a summary of their comments. Prior discussions with the school district were initiated with the interchange project and staff is in the process of contacting them. As an alternate, the feasibility report includes reconstructing and realigning the Chelsea RoadlFallon A venue intersection. Realigning the intersection could improve the intersection geometrics by creating 90 degree angles at the street approaches to reduce the curves entering the intersection and improve visibility and turning movements. Realigning the intersection now would allow for minimal disturbances to traffic flow through the intersection during construction of the future Fallon Avenue overpass and/or the future extension of the deep trunk sanitary sewer along FalIon Avenue to the south. In addition, storm sewer will be extended through the intersection to the City's pond at the reservoir site with the project, and it would be beneficial to realign the intersection at this time and only reconstruct the road one time, since the roadway will be excavated with the storm sewer construction. Realigning the intersection now would result in a cost savings of not having to reconstruct the roadway in the future for the Fallon Avenue overpass or the trunk sanitary sewer extension south along Fallon A venue. The proposed infrastructure improvements would include reconstructing approximately 3,300 feet of Chelsea Road from where it was improved with the interchange project, approximately 800 feet west of CSAH 18, to FalIon Avenue with curb and gutter and storm sewer. With the alternate intersection alignment, Chelsea Road would be reconstructed approximately another 740 feet west of Fallon Avenue to an urban section with curb and gutter and storm sewer improvements. With the alternate, Fallon A venue would be reconstructed approximately 450 feet to the south to an urban section. Chelsea Road would be constructed with two through lanes and a center left turn lane, 44 feet wide within the existing right-of-way/easement. No additional right-of-way or easement is anticipated for realigning Fallon Avenue, as the right-of-way was secured with the plat for the Fallon Office Complex. C.'lDocumenlS I1f1d Settingsld(1.lMf..grossingerl.LocaJ SetlPlgslTt:mporory Intemt;!t Files\OLK3\AGN ITM-ChelseaRd/leumF/!as-OJ2207.dQC 43 . Council Agenda: 1/22/07 Storm sewer would extend within Chelsea Road to the pond at the City's reservoir site west of Fallon Avenue. Storm sewer stubs will be provided to accommodate drainage from adjacent properties to the north as development occurs. The pond would need to be expanded within the City's site and within the existing low area owned by WSI Industries to accommodate the future drainage area. Expanding the pond may impact future expansion needs at the City's site ifit is used for a future water treatment plant and/or public works facility. An option could be to purchase the landlocked property north of the City's site along the freeway, which is currently being utilized for freeway signs. In addition, the pond would not necessarily need to be built at this time, but would be needed as properties develop along the north side of Chelsea Road. An easement for the pond expansion is needed from WSI Industries if an alternate adjacent ponding area cannot be utilized. It is anticipated that adjustments to the existing watermain and sanitary sewer systems would need to be made with the storm sewer construction. If the alternate intersection alignment is constructed at Fallon Avenue, it is proposed to extend the 36-inch trunk sanitary sewer south along Fallon Avenue just past the construction limits for future extension. An 8-foot bituminous or concrete pathway is proposed to extend along the north side of Chelsea Road from where it was extended with the interchange project. City staff has discussed utilizing a concrete pathway for ease of maintenance and improved aesthetics. However, only the bituminous pathway cost is included in the project costs. Street lighting costs along both sides of the roadways will also be included in the feasibility report. Landscaping improvements are not included with the project costs. . The feasibility report does not include any boulevard tree planting. In the past, the Council has preferred to install trees as the property develops for commercial and industrial areas. If the Council would prefer to include trees, we can modify the plans to include a tree planting program. The estimated project cost totals $2,813,100 for the base project, not including the intersection realignment. The intersection realignment is estimated at $919,300. The total estimated project cost with the intersection realignment is $3,732,400. These costs include a 10% contingency and 28% indirect costs. The cost does not include the cost for the pond easement ifneeded from WSI Industries, which is estimated at $30,000. The project is proposed to be funded through special assessments to the adjacent benefiting properties, City funds, and assessment agreements with the developers of the Monticello Industrial Park. The assessment agreement with the Monticello Industrial Park includes assessments for Chelsea Road, as well as the interchange project, and also included land that was donated for storm water ponds. The value of that land should be considered when reviewing the total project costs. City funding would consist of the street reconstruction costs above the standard non-residential street reconstruction rate, general utility adjustments including extension of the trunk sanitary sewer along Fallon Avenue, storm sewer upsizing costs, and pond expansion. A summary of the proposed project funding is shown on the following page: . 44 c: lDocuments t,nd Seuing:r\dmm.grossingerlltJtaJ &ttinga\Temporary Internet FJ~s\OLK3\AGN ffM-Chl!'$t!a1ld~co""eas-OJ 2207.doc: . . . Council Agenda: 1/22/07 Base Project - Chelsea Road Reconstruction to Fallon Avenue ._~~~?,.:.!~p'!?Y,:~:~t~..........___.....", ._ Pathway "................""........-...""""'-...-...""'...'..............."'.......--.. ""................",.."............. .."., Water Main "'..,-...-............".-..............."'.' .............".,................"'"................."., ............."....... Sanitary Sewer ""................."......-......,.."'..----.....""" ................" ..............."'...............,,'" Storm Sewer Street Lighting TOTAL Project Total $1,099,100 ..,..,..................."...............,,,.,..~...."""'_._--......."... $100,000 ............"."..-.. ,.................."""...............".....-.......' $76,400 ............".............."" ...........""......................--..........."-.... $53,500 ...............................,-.--. ""'..---...."""'................"'....-..... $1,334,100 $150,000 $2,813,100 Assessments City Funds \ ..........__...........__.."'~.~????99__"'........__.........._--"'...~~~,?.'?.,99_\.........- $100,000 i $0 i .........,',w_.._....."......,...............""_mm......"'w,-_.~......+'mm............."mm.........",mmm........."mm..........".-..-.....".."..+m.....'...... $0 i $76,400 ! ..........-..-............ -..............---............--.-..........--.- ,.......----......"'-..--...."'......-...............--.--...........--.......,.... $0 $53,500 : --.. ......--..""'..-............$4.6s':'800--..........-$s.6li;.3oo....1 $150,000 $0 I $1,272,700 $1,540,400 1 Base AND Alternate Project Chelsea Road Reconstruction and Chelsea Road/Fallon Avenue Intersection Realignment Assessments City Funds , Project Total ..~~,~.~~~,:..~p.~?y.,:~:,~!~........... $735,300 $817,500 $1,552,800 mm.........mmm........"....m.._..."'" Pathway $132,000 $0 $132,000 .........."'mmm........"" mm......."..'mmm......." mmm.....'" mm............"mmm.........m._m.....'.."" ..m.........'" ........."mmm........'" ._...""'.."'._m..........."mmm........."mmm... Water Main $0 $93,200 $93,200 m......"...._._._.,..,",..___...~......."mmm...'......mm_ """...., m......."",., mm....''''''mmm........'' mm...........~ ."..'.....m.._m...."....mmm.........."mm..........."m_m....."........_m... Sanitary Sewer $0 $347,300 $347,300 m........"'..'mm......."'''mmm........''..''_m_.......''.'''.' m....".."" mm.....'...."'mmm.......'" m......."',,, mm......."'.'. m........."., m.........".._.~..,',..,__._...........mm.............. ."m.m Storm Sewer $525,900 $903,200 $1,429,100 Street Lighting $178,000 $0 $178,000 TOTAL $1,571,200 $2,161,200 , $3,732,400 ASSESSMENTS: Assessment methods to adjacent benefiting property owners include the following: Street Assessment: Includes $70/front foot based on the City's standard non-residential reconstruction rate plus 100% of the curb and gutter costs, which totals $84/front foot. The remaining street costs would be City funded. Comer lots at Fallon Avenue would be assessed 100% of the frontage along Chelsea Road (short side) and 50% of the frontage along Fallon Avenue (long side) where there is an access. Storm: Storm sewer is proposed to be assessed to each property based on the percentage of contributing drainage area directed to the storm sewer system. City funds would be utilized for costs associated with oversizing of the storm sewer system for the outlet pipe from the pond at the southeast comer of Chelsea Road and Fallon Avenue as well as for the pond construction west of Fallon Avenue and the outlet costs for this pond. The storm sewer assessment rate is estimated at $12,500 per acre of contributing drainage area. C:\l){)cuments and SettlngsldalWl.gro.uingerll.ncal Settings\Temporory Internet fI'ileslOUcJlAGN dM_C1telseaRdlleconFeas-OJ 22Q1.doc 45 . . . Council Agenda: 1/22/07 Pathway: The pathway along the north side of Chelsea Road is proposed to be assessed at 100% of the cost to properties along both the north and south sides of Chelsea Road on a front foot basis. The estimated pathway assessment rate is $15 per front foot for bituminous and $24 per front foot for concrete, which would result in a total project cost increase of$57,000 for the base project and $70,000 for the base and alternate project if an 8-foot-wide concrete walk is used. The Council should consider contributing to the pathway costs similar to the sidewalk policy of a 75%/25% City split where regional benefits are considered. Street Li2htine:: Street lighting is proposed to be installed along the north and south sides of Chelsea Road and assessed at 100% of the cost to properties along both sides of Chelsea Road on a front foot basis. The estimated street lighting assessment rate is $20 per front foot. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the feasibility report and order the public hearing for February 12, 2007. 2. Do not accept the feasibility report. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to select Alternative No.1. As noted above, the agreement with the Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. stipulates that construction of these improvements commence no later than the start of the 2007 construction season. Designated as collector road/frontage-type road within the City, Chelsea Road was planned to be upgraded to an urban section to meet the needs for growth within the City. Is it recommended to construct the alternate Fallon A venue intersection realignment at this time to minimize disturbances with future improvements. Pathway and street lighting improvements along Chelsea Road could be beneficial for access to City amenities and pedestrian safety. Based on discussions with affected property owners and City staff, the Council should consider the following questions prior to the public hearing: 1. Is a pathway (bituminous or concrete) needed at this time? If so, should the Council contribute funds to it? 2. Is street lighting needed at this time? If so, should the Council contribute funds to it? 3. Is it beneficial to construct the alternate Fallon Avenue intersection realignment at this time to minimize disturbances with future improvements? 4. Would the City deed or sell the excess Fallon A venue right-of-way to the adjacent property owner? 5. How will concerns regarding commercial zoning for the 33-acre parcel on the south side of Chelsea Road be addressed? 46 c: IJJoclJ.mems and &rliTlg,vldaWIJ,grolJsingerlLocal SetllngslTemparary {,,~rtU:t Fi/es\OLKJlAGN ll'M~Chl!l.seaRdRecOtf.Feli~.~012201.dQC . . . Council Agenda: 1/22/07 6. Would the Council like to study reconstructing Chelsea Road to Edmonson Avenue? 7. Would the Council like to include boulevard tree planting in the project? D. SUPPORTING DATA: Feasibility Report Property Owner Comments 47 c: lDocuments and &ttingslJa'MI.grosstnger\U:x:al Serttngs\Temporary Internet File.f\01.1:JIAGN OM-ChelseaRd&tonF'eas-Ol ]]07,doc PROPERTY OWNER COMMENTS: Below are notes from our meetings with the property owners with responses in italics and as noted in this paragraph. As you will see below, property owners questioned the need for upgrading the road to an urban section with curb and gutter and storm sewer. We explained that the street was always planned to be an urban street with curb and gutter and storm sewer; however, these improvements were delayed by the developer due to lack of funds. The proposed storm sewer system is needed to accommodate full development of the properties along Chelsea Road as the existing ditch system will not accommodate it. Property owners also questioned the need for street lighting and a pathway. We explained that street lighting is proposed for safety. Pathways along major roads keep pedestrians off the roadways and allow for access to City amenities. Alan Wentland. WCG Building: Partners (former Clow site). 218 Chelsea Road: . Interested in excess Fallon Avenue right-of-way created with intersection realignment for additional parking. (We indicated that the Council could consider deeding this property to him or sell it for a minimal square footage price.) . Okay with one southern-most access along Fallon Avenue. Currently has two accesses from Fallon Avenue but prefers one access to accommodate truck turning movements. . In favor of project and okay with assessment amount. Ifhe pays up front, can assessment be reduced by construction interest, which is typically 8% of the 28% indirect? (The Council may consider this.) . Questioned sewer and water disruption during construction. (We will look at this with final design; temporary water service would be provided and sewage pumped out if needed.) Mike Pudil. WSI Industries. Inc.. 213 Chelsea Road: . In favor of road being reconstructed but not with curb and gutter. . Does not want to be assessed because of increases in his costs and does not see value of improvements to his property. (Typically, there is an aesthetic value to the proposed improvements.) . Not keen on giving pond easement to City, but would if compensated. . Questioned need for curb and gutter, storm sewer, pathway, and street lighting. His employees would not utilize the pathway. . Questioned speed limit change along Chelsea Road east and west of Fallon Avenue. He thinks it's a speed trap. (The 45 mph speed limit along Chelsea Road east of Fallon Avenue is the statutory limit based on the amount of existing development. The roadway does not qualify as an "urban district. " which requires buildings to be spaced a maximum 100 feet apart and would then allow the City to set the speed limit. As development continues, the speed limit can be evaluated for a reduction. Since there is more development west of Fallon Avenue, the speed limit is lower - 30mph.) Mary Barg:er. Suburban Manufacturing:. Inc.. 301 Chelsea Road: . Has no issue with street reconstruction with curb and gutter and storm sewer but does not see benefit to their property. The property drains fine as is. . Concern with kids in the industrial park, vandalism, theft, etc. if pathway is constructed. Also concerned that pathway will end near their property where pedestrians will have to turn around. 48 ClOocuments and Sellingslda>m,grossinger!Local Settings I Temporary Internet FilesIOLK3\MeetingSummary.dac · Street lighting is a benefit to retail businesses only; however, assessment is minimal. · Not in favor of potential retail zone along south side if Chelsea Road. · Developer of proposed retail site should bear entire assessment. Doue: Harmon and Patty Haibv. Twin City Die Castine:s. 520 Chelsea Road: · Concern with truck traffic loads and access during construction. (A construction staging plan will be developed during final design to address access and detour routes.) · Questioned if assessment rates are the same for all properties. (This is the case based on the City's assessment policy.) · Concerned that if they expand their building to the south, adjacent potential commercial sites and/or City will have issues. (Expansion would be governed by City zoning ordinances.) · Understand street and storm sewer improvements are needed and are in favor ofproject. · In favor of pathway and lighting; however, concerned it will only benefit future development. Bill Tapper. Generaux Fine Wood Products. 212 Chelsea Road: · Feels project is needed in 5 years and is not in favor of curb and gutter. · Questioned need for street lighting if speed limit is 30mph. · Discussed drainage from property to street. (Storm sewer assessment has been adjusted to include actual drainage to the street, does not include drainage to his private system on site.) Don and Terry Tomann. UMC. Inc.. 500 Chelsea Road: · Concerned that the Monticello Industrial Park property south of Chelsea Road would be rezoned commercial/retail. Does not think it is good long-term planning by the City. Assumed property would stay industrial and if rezoned to commercial, would affect their long-term expansion plans. Would set a precedent if rezoned commercial, similar to outside storage issue. Suggested the site be a training facility with partnership from existing businesses and the City, driven by the need for more workers along with new businesses in a campus setting. (An application would need to be made by the developer to rezone the property, in which a separate public hearing would be held to obtain comments. Planning Commission and Council approval would be needed.) · In favor of curb and gutter, pathway, and street lighting only if it supports businesses/the larger community and for the right businesses planned based on zoning rather than only benefiting one big box establishment. · Questioned storm sewer assessment. (Assessment is based on minimal drainage along the front of the property. Parking areas and building drain to the pond near the school.) Dean Olson and Dick Hansen. Rowser (leases to Kaltec ofMN. Inc.). 307 Chelsea Road: . Looking at selling the building. · Questioned potential retail site on south side of Chelsea Road. Keep it on the north side. Would isolate their business if surrounded by retail. · Okay with assessments. 49 c: lDocument$ and Seltingsldawn.grossingerlLocal SettingslTe.mporary Internet Fi/es\OLK3\MeetingSummary.doc Matt Froelich. Fallon Office Complex. 9766 Fallon Avenue: . In favor of project. Suggested completing all projects impacting the intersection at one time, including completing the reconstruction of Chelsea Road to Edmonson Avenue and Fallon Avenue to School Boulevard. Sees value to property with the improvements. . Need to build a temporary access to his property from Chelsea Road during construction. . Okay with future assessment for street lighting along Fallon A venue. . Not in favor of pathway construction along Fallon Avenue. Doesn't see the need. c: lDocuments and Settingslda'Ml.grossingerILocal Settings I Temporary Internet File$IOLK3IMeetingSummary.doc 50 Council Agenda: 1/22/07 9 Consideration of approvin2 renewal of license for WaU's Pawn Shop. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In January of 2006 when the license renewal for Walt's Pawn Shop, 1219 State Highway 25 South came before the Council, there was Council discussion of the applicant's compliance with the provisions of the City's pawn shop ordinance. At that time the Wright County Sheriffs Department had made the City aware of some problems with the licensee as far as the recording of billable transactions. Based on the information supplied by the Sheriff's Department, the City Council moved to renew the pawn shop license on a monthly basis. Since there was no specific information supplied to suggest that the applicant was not in compliance with the ordinance, the license was automatically renewed each month. The license expires on January 24,2007 and before it is renewed for another month, it was felt the Council should be made aware of information that will be forthcoming from the Wright County Sheriff's Department. While the pawn shop is current as far as payment for billable transactions, there is still some question as to whether they are in compliance with the provisions of the ordinance. According to Officer Dave Clemence ofthe Wright County Sheriff's Department, the Sheriffs Department conducted an "audit" of the pawn shop operations a couple of weeks ago. Officer Clemence is currently in the process of preparing the report and it should be submitted to the City within the next week. The report may contain information that would cause the Council to reconsider renewing the pawn shop license. Officer Clemence did note that the specific issues that were discussed when the Council went to a monthly renewal have been followed up on. The license holder is doing a better job in those areas. The Sheriffs Department report that is being generated as a result of the audit, contains issues not previously addressed in Council consideration of the license. It is suggested by the Sheriffs Department that the Council approve the license renewal on a monthly basis. Within the time frame of a month it is hoped that: 1) the audit report will be completed and submitted to the City; 2) the City and Sheriffs Department representatives can discuss any questions relating to the report and 3) the City Attorney can recommend a course of action based on the Council's direction. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The Council could continue to renew the license for Walt's Pawn Shop on a month to month basis. The applicant has submitted the proper license bond and annual permit fee of $25 has been paid. A motion to deny the license renewal has not been submitted at this time as the contents of the Wright County Sheriffs Report is not yet available to the City. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: According to the Wright County Sheriffs Department a report will be forthcoming that will contain issues that the Council could consider significant enough to be reviewed and discussed before changing terms for renewal of the license. The Wright County Sheriffs Department would suggest renewing the license for one month, which would allow sufficient time for the Council to address the contents of the report and take appropriate action. The City Administrator concurs with the suggestion of the Wright County Sheriffs Department. 51 Council Agenda: 1/22/07 D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. 52 Council Agenda: 1/22/07 . 10. Consideration of a roval of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Pro ram SWPPP and MS4 Permit A~~lication for submittal to the Minnesota Pollution Control A2enCY. (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mandated by Congress under the Clean Water Act, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Program is a comprehensive national program for addressing polluted stormwater runoff. In 2004, the NPDES program was expanded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) to include cities with populations of 10,000 or more, and cities and townships with populations between 5,000 and 10,000 discharging to valuable or polluted waters. In light of this, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), which manages the NPDES program locally, designated the City of Monticello to be included in this program since our population was 7,868 in the 2000 census and because we discharge storm water into the Mississippi River, an Outstanding Resource Value Water (ORVW). . The MPCA regulates the disposal of storm water through combined State Disposal System (SDS)/NPDES permits, which are legal documents. The MPCA issues combined NPDES/SDS permits for construction sites, industrial facilities and small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s). Small MS4s include cities, townships, counties, military bases, hospitals, prison complexes, highway departments, and universities. Through this permit, the owner or operator of the MS4 is required to develop a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) that incorporates Best Management Practices (BMPs) that are specifically applicable to their MS4. Designated MS4s, such as Monticello, are required to obtain permit coverage by February 15, 2007. An MS4's SWPPP is a detailed plan for addressing their storm water runoff, specifically minimizing pollutants to the maximum extent practicable using six Minimum Control Measures (MCM's) as defined in the NPDES rules. These six MCM's include Public Education, Public Involvement, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, Construction Site Runoff Control, Post-Construction Storm Water Management and Pollution Prevention for Municipal Operations. The MS4 permit requires that a minimum of 34 Best Management Practices (BMP's) be developed relative to these six MCM's, along with associated measurable goals for each BMP. These BMP's are, for all intents and purposes, the essence of the SWPPP. . City staff, with the assistance ofWSB, developed a SWPPP for the City of Monticello which meets or exceeds the requirements of the MS4 permit. The City's SWPPP, which is comprised of BMP summary sheets and their supporting data, was developed utilizing City staff input with consideration of existing City ordinances, policies, practices and procedures. Council should be made aware that approval of the SWPPP carries some financial implications with it. Several of the BMP's involve developing new ordinances and policies, and as such will require additional staff-time to complete. In addition, several of the BMP's outline new or expanded inspection and reporting programs that will require additional staff time and other resources to complete. A summary of our BMP's is attached as supporting data. 53 . . . D. Council Agenda: 1/22/07 During the tive-year life of the permit, the City is required to hold annual public meetings to review and evaluate the SWPPP and to solicit public comments for possible inclusion into the SWPPP. These annual meetings present the City with the opportunity to revise the SWPPP as deemed appropriate. The City is also required to provide an annual report to the MPCA throughout the life of the permit, which will be completed by the City Engineer as noted in the Permit Application included as supporting data. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the City's SWPPP and MS4 Permit Application and to authorize their submittal to the MPCA as required by the NPDES Phase II storm water permit. 2. Motion to alter the City's SWPPP and/or MS4 Permit Application prior to their submittal to the MPCA as required by the NPDES Phase II storm water permit. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the City Engineer that the City Council authorize the City Engineer to sign and submit the attached SWPPP and MS4 Permit Application to the MPCA by February 15, 2007. SUPPORTING DATA: Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) MS4 Permit Application (MN R 040000) 54 . Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Stormwater General Permit (MN R 040000) Application for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) RETURN THIS APPLICA TION TO: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Municipal Division 520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul, MN 55155-4194 NO FEE PLEASE READ: As you complete this form, read the instructions carefully. Use your keyboard's "Tab" key to move through the fields of this form. Select check-boxes and enter text as indicated. Save and print. . A. Application Type L8J New applicant (this MS4 has no previous application for MS4 coverage on file at MPCA) o Application for re-issuance of coverage (this MS4 applied in 2003) . B. MS4 Owner (city, county, community, municipality, government agency or other party/entity) with ownership or operational responsibility, or control of the MS4 City of Monticello Community. municipality. agency or other party having ownership or operational control of the MS4 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Mailing Address Monticello MN 55362 City Wright COl/nty 41-6005385 Federal Tax lD State Zip Code 7006839 State Tax ID C. General Contact (director, department head, MS4 coordinator, consultant or other person with SWPPP implementation responsibility) for all general correspondence about Permit compliance issues between the MPCA and your MS4 Westby Last Name 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Mailing Address Monticello City 763-295-2711 . Bruce City Engineer Title First Name MN 55362-8822 State Zip Code bruce.westb ci.monticello.mn.us E-mail Address Telephone (include area code) \vq-strm4-52 12/06 .. . . A. Have you developed a SWPP}) for your MS4'! Municipalities must demonstrate how their SWPPP will be implemented and enforced over the ternl of the five-year Permit. SWPPPs must incorporate appropriate educational components, all required BMPs and the measurable goals associated with each. SWPPPs must address the specific requirements contained in Part V.G. of the Permit. SWPPPs must outline how the six Minimum Control Measures will be addressed, the contact person, department in charge, timeline and measures that will be implemented to meet the schedules required by the Pennit. Attach a BMP Summary Sheet to this application for each BMP in your SWPPP. B. Does your SWPPP address all ofthe six Minimum Control Measures as outlined in the Permit'! ISJYes The Permit requires that you incorporate all six of the defined Minimum Control Measures in your SWPPP. You are required to implement mandatory BMPs which are directly associated to each of the six Minimum Control Measures. C. Have you attached the included BMP Summary Sheets, one for each of the BMPs required by the ISJYes Permit'! There are 34 required BMPs all of which require that the provided BMP Summary Sheet be filled out completely and included with your SWPPP. If any of these required sheets are missing, your application will not be considered complete and will be returned to you. III. Reporting and Recordkeeping A. I have read and understand Part VI. Evaluatillg, Recortikeepillg, alld Reportillg of the MS4 General Permit and certify that we intend to comply with the applicable requirements of those sections as weB as the Permit as a whole. B. Where wiJI your SWPPP be available to the public for review? City of Monticello www.cLmontice11o.mn.us Name of Locu/ion If your SWPPP is available electronically, indicate location 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Street Address ISJ Yes . Monticello City Bruce Westby Con/act Name MN 55362-8822 State ZIP Code 763.295-2711 COlUuct Phone Number Monday through Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm Hours of Availability IV. Limitations of Coverage A. Part II Limitations on Coverage and Appendix C I have read and understand Part II Coverage Under This Permit and Appendix C Limitations on Coverage of the MS4 General Permit and certify that we intend to comply with the applicable requirements of those sections as well as the Pernlit as a whole. B. Outstanding Resource Value Waters (ORVWs) To complete this section, please refer to Part IX and the List of Special Waters Attachment in the Guidance Manualfor Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) available on the MPCA Web site at: http;//www.pca.state.1ll11.l1s/publications/wQ-strm4-25b.pdf. Lists of various categories of waters and an interactive map that identifies Special Waters are available on the MPCA Web site at; http;//www.oca.state.l1ln.l1s/water/stormwater/stormwater_ms4.htmJ#waters. (glYes . wq-strlll-1--52 2 ] 2/06 . 1. Prohibited Waters Does the MS4 discharge into Prohibited Waters as defined in Minn. R. 7050.0180, subp. 3,4, and 5? See Part IX of the Guidance Manualfor Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) for further information. 2. Restricted Discharge Does the MS4 discharge into waters with a Restricted Discharge as defined in Minn. R. 7050.0180, subp. 6, 6a, and 6b? If Yes, please list below and comply with Part IX, Appendix C, Item B. See Part IX of the Guidance Manualfor Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4!J~ for further information. 3. Prohibited or Restricted Waters If you answered "Yes" to either Question 1 or 2, have you included a map that outline's, at a minimum, the DNR minor sub-watersheds in your jurisdiction with ANY discharges to Prohibited or Restricted Waters? You are required by the Permit to provide this map along with your application. [IX.B.2.b] Identify all discharges to Outstanding Resource Value Waters (ORVWs) from your MS4: DYes ~No IZlYes DNo IZlYes DNo 4. If you answered "Yes" to either Question 1 or 2, who is the person responsible for ensuring compliance with this Permit condition? Name: Bruce Westby Position: City Engineer Phone: 763-295-2711 C. Special Waters 1. Trout Waters Does the MS4 discharge into Trout Waters as defined in Minn. R. 6264.0050, subp. 2 and 47 DYes IZlNo If Yes, please list below and comply with Part IX, Appendix C, Item C. See Part IX of the Guidance Manual for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4!J~ for further information. . 2. Wetlands Does the MS4 discharge into Wetlands as defined in MilU1. R. 7050.0130, subp. F? [8JYes DNo D. Other Requirements 1. Environmental Review Does the MS4 have a process to assure coordination with appropriate Agencies and to IZI Yes DNo evaluate discharges that require applicable Environmental Review as required by State or federal laws? See Part IX of the Guidance Manualfor Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4!J~ for further information. Who is the person responsible for ensuring compliance with this Permit condition? Name: Bruce Westby Position: City Engineer Phone: 763-295-2711 . wq-stnn4-52 3 12/06 2. Endangered or Threatened Species Does the MS4 have a process to assure coordination with appropriate Agencies and to evaluate discharges whose direct, indirect, interrelated, interconnected, or independent impacts may jeopardize a listed Endangered or Threatened Species or adversely modify a designated critical habitat? See Part IX of the Guidance Manual for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) for further information. [8]Yes DNO. Who is the person responsible for ensuring compliance with this Permit condition? Name: Bruce Westby Position: City Engineer Phone: 763~295-27ll 3. Historic Places and Archeological Sites Does the MS4 have a process to assure coordination with appropriate Agencies and to [8]Yes DNo evaluate discharges which may adversely affect properties listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places or affecting known or discovered archeological sites? See Part IX of the Guidance Manual for Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4,)~ for further information. Who is the person responsible for ensuring compliance with this Permit condition? Name: Bruce Westby Position: City Engineer Phone: 763~295~27ll 4. Drinking Water Sources Does the MS4 have any discharges that may affect Source Water Protection as defmed in Part IX.H of the Permit? If "Yes," does the MS4 have BMPs incorporated into the SWPPP to protect drinking water sources that the MS4 discharge may affect? [8]Yes DNo !3JYes DNo . . wq-stIl114~52 4 12/06 . V.. Owner or Operator Certification , The person with overall, MS4 legal responsibility must sign the application. This person shall be duly authorized to si&'Il the application and may be either a principal executive officer or ranking elected ofticial (Minn. R. 7001.0060). I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons, who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my know ledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete (Minn. R. 7001.0070). I also certify under penalty of law that I have read, understood, and accepted all terms and conditions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Stormwater Permit for MS4s that authorizes storm water discharges identified in this application fOffil. 1 understand that as a Pennittee, I am legally accountable under the Clean Water Act to ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the NPDES General Stoffilwater Permit for MS4s. I also understand that MPCA enforcement actions (pursuant to Minn. Stat. S S 115.07, 116.072, and Section 309 of the Clean Water Act) may be taken against me or the MS4 if the terms and conditions of the NPDES General Stormwater Pemlit for MS4s are not met. Authorized Signature of the person with overall authority to certify intent to comply with the Permit and implement the SWPPP (principal executive officer or a ranking elected official). x Authorized Signatllre . Westby Last Name Date Bruce First Name City Engineer Title 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Mailing Address Monticello City MN State 55362-8822 ZIP Code 763-295-2711 Telephone (include area code) bruce. westby@cLmonticello.mn.us E-mail Address . wq-sttl114-51 5 12/06 CITY OF MONTICELLO MS4 SWPPP Table 1 BMP IMPLEMENT A TION PROGRAM . 1a-1 Distribute Educational Materials Brochures, Handouts, and Newsletters, SWPPP Web Page, Annual Public Meeting 1b-1 Implement an Education Program 1c-1 Education Program: Public Education and Outreach Pro Jram 1c-2 Education Program: Public Participation 1c-3 Education Program: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 1c-4 Education Program: Construction Site Run-off Control 1c-S Education Program: Post- Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelo ment 1c.6 Education Program: Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Munici al 0 erations Id-1 Coordination of Educational Programming le-l Annual Public Meeting Distribute a minimum of 3 educational publications via City mailings, workshops, presentations, website postings, or newsletters. Begin working collaboratively with the Wright Soil & Water Conservation District in distributing educational materials and promoting/supporting outreach programs. Implement educational activities and coordinate with the Wright SWCD. Record attendance, web site visits, keep minutes, record statementslrequests, and written comments. Develop a City website devoted to water resource related issues. Distribute 3 water resource related articles in the City newsletter er year. Encourage public participation to public presentations, storm drain stenciling, and the City's website. Distribute a minimum of one illicit discharge related publication to residents per year. Provide illicit discharge education to City staff. Meet with contractors and residents prior to the start of construction to discuss implementing project specific BMP's. Provide erosion control education to City staff Distribute a minimum of one post- construction storm water management related publication to residents per year. Provide a minimum of one pollution prevention related training opportunity to City stafT per year. Coordinate educational components, programming, and schedule with Wright SWCD. Hold an annual public meeting to distribute educational materials and present an overview of the MS4 program and City's SWPPP Begin September 1,2007. Implement activities in 2008. Review and revise educational activities schedule and funding January 1,2009 through 2011. Begin September 1, 2007. Implement activities in 2008. Review and revise educational activities schedule and funding January 1,2009 through 2011. Begin September 1, 2007. Implement by January 1, 2008. Begin September 1, 2007. Implement by January 1, 2008. Begin distributing educational materia residents in 2008 through May 31, 2011. Provide staff education in 2007 through Ma 31, 2011. Continue the plan review process/pre- construction meetings. Provide staff education in 2007 through May 31, 2011. Begin distributing educational material to residents in 2008 through May 31, 2011. Begin in 2007 through the expiration of this permit, May 31, 20 II. 2007 or as specified in each BMP of MCM I. Begin 2008 (for calendar year 2007). Minimum of once/year, annually thro. May31,2011. City of Monticello Municipal Separate Stonn Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Page II . CITY OF MONTICELLO MS4 SWPPP 2a-l Comply with Public Notice Requirement!! 2b-l Solicit Public Input and Opinion on the Adequacy of the SWPPP 2c-l Consider Public Input Notice the annual public meeting in the official new!!paper 30 days prior to the meeting date Hold an annual public meeting and host a web page to solicit public opinion on the SWPPP Record attendance, keep minutes, record statements, and written comments and document changes made to the SWPPP Begin 2008. Annually through May 31, 2011 Begin 2008. Minimum of once/year, annually through 2011. Begin 2008. Minimum of once/year, annually through 20 II. 3a-l Storm Sewer System Map 3b-l Regulatory Control Program 3c-l Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Plan . 3d-l Public and Employee Illicit Discharge Information Program 3e.l Identification of Non Stormwater Discharge!! and Flows 4a.l Ordinance or other Re ulato Mechanism 4b-l,4c-l Construction Site Implementation of Erosion and Sediment Control BMP's: Wa!!te Controls for Construction Site Operators 4d-l Procedure for Site Plan Review . 4e-l Establishment of Procedures for the Receipt and Consideration of Reports of Stormwater Noncompliance Update storm sewer system map, as needed. Develop a city ordinance related to illicit and non-stormwater discharges. Develop and implement a program to detect and reduce non-stonn water discharges. Distribute educational materials to residents and provide illicit discharge educational activities to City staff a minimum of one time annually. The City has identified and evaluated all non- storm water discharges (as defined in Part V.G.3.e) to be insignificant pollutant contributors. Continue to implement construction site inspection program. Develop and implement an erosion control ordinance. Construction site operators must conform to NPDES Phase II, soil & water conservation district, and City ordinances pertaining to erosion and sediment controls and waste controls. No City pennit to allow land disturbing activities shall be issued until approval of storm water management plan (if applicable) and/or erosion control plan or waiver has been obtained. Provide a phone number, website, and point of contact for the public to report storm water pollution issues. Annually 2008 - May 31, 20 II Develop ordinance in 2007. Implement ordinance by April I, 2008. Develop program in 2007. Implement program and document in!!pections starting April 1,2008. Review and revise program as necessa , 2009 to May 31, 20 II. Begin January 1,2008. Review annually through May 31, 20011. Completed Develop and implement ordinance in 2008. Continue construction site inspection rogram throu h May 31,2011. Continue to implement through May 31, 2011. Add new NPDES requirements (if necessary) through May 31, 20 II. Continue to implement through May 31, 2011. - Begin developing September 1, 2007. Implementation and record keeping January 1,2008 through May 31, 2011. City of Monticdlo Municipal Sepam!e StOlm Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Page 12 CITY OF MONTICELLO MS4 SWPPP Best Management Practices Description of BMP & Goal Schedule 4f-l Establishment of Procedures for Site Inspections and Enforcement Sa~1 Development and Implementation of Structural and/or Non- Structural BMP's Sb.l Regulatory Mechanism to Address Post Construction Runoff from New Development and Redevelo ment 5c-l Long-term Operation and Maintenance ofBMP's Continue to enforce the City's erosion control and waste disposal standards. Add additional procedures or requirements as necessary. Review and revise as necessary 2008 through May 31,2011. The City will evaluate all structural and non- structural BMP's during the plan review process for the potential of new and/or revised BMP's. The City will also actively look for non-structural opportunities where prudent and feasible. The City will implement the requirements of the Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan and applicable City ordinances. The City will continue to annually inspect a minimum 01'20% of all its MS4 outtal1s, sediment basins, and ponds, then evaluate and record the number of proposed maintenance projects and successful funding of each project (if applicable). Success of this BMP is defined as acheving the measurable goals of minimum control measure 6. Begin evaluation January 1,2008, recordkeeping 2008 through May 31, 20 II. Implement in 2007 through May 31, 20 II Begin implementing in 2007 through May 31,2011 ,.",,::':::':':::~":~:.(;'Y:":":"'>;"'~::':"~:'::::', ",'",,-:"",:. ";,":::::',':..':::"""""" "" :":::,'.'. .:":;:,:,:':':'::': /,MGM6..,:' oIIlltion/~reyent~o~Gf>od.H:~)Us~liellping'.M F ::,i'::::'::,.:':;.:,"::',.:::,:..,::':.,:::' "",. . >, ., :.~ : :'::':, ,: .:." "" .:.,':,. ,..: "~':"': '!:,'.," '".."",' ": '~'~,:,:::~,:I:: ',,:':"::\'.}d,:::'!:, .":, '.'" :~::'" ,'::"::'::: ",::," ,;., ' ".:'"".',::- ,.' "".: .,' ,', ~'::' , 6a-1 Municipal Operations and Maintenance Program 6a-2 Street Sweeping Program 6b-2 Annual Inspection of All Structural Pollution Control Devices 6b-3 Inspection of a Minimum of 20% of the MS4 Outfalls, Sediment Basins and Ponds Each Year on a Rotating Basis. 6b-4 Annual Inspection of All Exposed Stockpile, Storage, and Material Handlin Areas. City staff will implement the Comprehensive Surface Water Management Plan; conform to all BMP's within MCM #6. Street sweep twice annually. Record the annual number of times streets are brush swept as well as document any additional activities that were undertaken regarding this program. Inspect and document all structural pollution control devices a minimum of once per year. The City will inspect all mapped outfalls, sediment basins, and ponds a minimum of 20% each year (on a rotating schedule during permit coverage) and record the number inspected, and rate the condition of each outfall. Locate and inspect all exposed stockpile, storage and material handling areas located on City-owned properties, record inspections, correct and document all remedial actions a minimum of once per year. Begin implementing in 2007. Review and revise in 2009 through May 31, 2011. Sweep twice per year; record annually 2007- May 31,2011. Begin in 2007. Minimum of once/year, annually through May 31, 2011. Inspect a minimum 01'20% per year. Begin recording inspections in 2007, and continue through May 31, -2011 or until 100% complete prior to May 31, 2011. Begin in 2007 through May 31, 201 City of Monticello Municipal Separate Stonn Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Page 13 . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO MS4 SWPPP Best Management Practices Description of BMP & Goal Schedule 6b-5 Inspection Follow-up, Including the Determination of Whether Repair, Replacement, or Maintenance Measures are Necessary and the Implementation of the Corrective Measures. 6b-6 Record Reporting and Retention of All Inspections and Res onses to the Ins ections 6b-7 Evaluation of Inspection Fre uenc 6b-8 Landscaping & Lawn Care Practices Review 6b.9 Road Salt Application Review Determinations of repair, replacement, or maintenance measures will be directed by the City Engineer. All corrective maintenance, repair, and/or replacement measures will be recorded in the City's SWPPP. The City will record the number of inspection record requests and distributed materials. Record all inspections completed annually. Evaluate inspection records every 2 years. Continue to evaluate current practices of fertilizer, pesticide, and herbicide application, mowing operations, grass clipping collection, mulching, and composting. Continue to evaluate current practices of road salt applications, alternative products, calibration of equipment, inspection of vehicles and staff trainin . Continue to implement through May 31, 2011. Begin recording in the SWPPP, January 1, 2008. Continue to implement through May 31, 2011. Begin recording in 2007. Continue annually through May 31, 2011. Minimum of one/year, annually through May31,2011. Minimum of one/year, annually through May31,2011. 7 Evaluation of Proposed Storm Water Infiltration Projects for Impacts within Source Water Protection Areas 8 Determination of No Prudent & Feasible Alternatives to New or Expanded Discharges to Restricted Waters 9 Section 303(d) Impaired Waters Listings and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) The City will use the Minnesota Department of Health's "Evaluating Proposed Storm Water Infiltration Projects in Vulnerable Wellhead Protection Areas" (Draft- July 19, 2006) as a uidance manual. The City will complete all of the restricted waters requirements as detailed in Part IX.B.2. The City will work cooperatively with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and other outside organizations to develop and implement future TMDL implementation Ian s and Part IV.D of this MS4 ermit. Begin January 1, 2008 Present BMP implementation plan for public comment 30 days before the 2008 annual public meeting. Submit requirements of Part IX.B.2.c to the MPCA prior to June 30, 2008. Implement BMP implementation plan pending MPCA a roval. To Be Determined City of Momicdlo Municipal Separate Stonn Sewer System Pollution Prevention Program Page 14 Council Agenda: 1/22/07 11. Consideration of Appointin2 the Monticello Times as the Official Newspaper of the Citv of Monticello. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the previous meeting of the City Council, Councilmember Stumpf indicated concern regarding the level of coverage of important City meetings/news. He went on to note an interest in exploring other options for designation of the official newspaper. The balance of the Council concurred and staffwas directed to research options. In reviewing this matter with Tom Scott, staff has learned that potential does exist for designation of another nearby paper as the official newspaper. It is not completely necessary that the official paper be located in the City of Monticello. However, it is not possible to designate another paper at this time as there is one standard that no other paper currently meets and that is, it must provide regular coverage of the City of Monticello proceedings. According to Tom Scott, under his interpretation, if another paper covered the City news for one year, then at the end of the year that paper would be eligible to become the official paper. Please note that the statute does not specifically designate a one year minimum time period that the newspaper must have covered City news in order to be eligible. Please note that designation of a newspaper that has offices outside of the City of Monticello requires a unanimous vote of the City Council. I have also spoken with Kathleen Ostroot from the Monticello Times regarding this topic. She has requested that representatives from the City meet with her and the owner of the paper to review City Council concerns in more detail so that expectations for future coverage can be established. It is requested that two members of the Council be appointed to meet with the Monticello Times. As an alternative, Council could set a date for a special meeting or workshop for the purpose of reviewing this topic in detail at a formal meeting. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to designate the Monticello Times as the official newspaper of the City of Monticello and appoint two members of the Council to meet with representatives from the Monticello Times to discuss concerns over coverage. 2. Motion to designate the Monticello Times as the official newspaper of the City of Monticello and have the full Council meet with representatives from the Monticello Times at a special meeting to discuss concerns over coverage. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: According to the City Attorney, the single option at this time is to designate the Monticello Times as the official newspaper. It is recommended that the Council appoint two members to meet with the Monticello Times to discuss concerns. Although this is an 55 Council Agenda: 1/22/07 important matter, it is my view that a full meeting of the Council is not needed at this time. I believe that with input from two, we can identify issues and problems and set expectations for the future. If Council remains disenchanted with coverage, staff could be directed to contact other newspapers letting them know that the City would consider switching official newspapers after the minimum time period for coverage had been met. D. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of Statues, E-mail from Tom Scott. 56 Message Page 1 of 10 Dawn Grossinger From: Jeff O'Neill Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 11 :22 AM To: Dawn Grossinger Subject: FW: official newspaper -- Dawn Here is the supporting data I emailed you about... Jeff From: Tom Scott [mailto:TScott@ck-law.com] sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 2:54 PM To: Jeff O'Neill Subject: official newspaper Jeff, as per our phone conversation this is the statute relating to official newspapers. the Monticello Times has priority because it is the only qualifiying newspaper with a local office. The paper is Big Lake that is the official newspaper for Big Lake and is circulated to homes in Monticello can be considered for designation as the official newspaper by a unanimous vote of the city council as an exception, provided it meets all the requirements contained in minn stat.33lA.04 subd 6 (highlighted below). The one criteria the Big Lake paper does not appear to meet is the requirement that it has provided regular coverage of the city council proceedings. This does not mean that they necessarily .. have had a reporter at the meetings, but regular coverage of what goes on at the Monticello City council meetings must on appear in some format in the Big Lake paper. You did not believe that the paper provides any regular coverage. If the paper does not meet this requirement this year, if the paper were to provide such coverage during 2007 the paper may be elgible for consideration in 2008. let me know if you have any further questions. .'~inne50ta ~()fflce,Qf'J:lle :aevlS,Qr.,pf~~ Legislature Home I Links to the World I Help I Adva House I Senate I Joint Departments and Commissions I Bill Search and Status I Statutes, Laws, and Rules Minnesota Statutes 2006 Chapter 331A. Qualified Newspapers Copyright @ 2006 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. 3318Jll 331A.02. 331A.03 ~~J A. 04 331A,-05 Definitions. Requirements for a qualified newspaper. Where notice published. Designation of a newspaper for official publications. Form of public notices. 57 1118/2007 Message ~31A.06 33tA07 33.1 A. 08 331A.09 331A.lQ 331A.,:ll 3~1A.12 Rates for publication. Affidavit of publication. Computation of time. Publication on sunday or holiday. Change of name or discontinuance of newspaper. Application. Web site publication of local transportation rfp. 331A.Ol DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Scope. As used in sections 331A.Ol to 331A.ll, the terms defmed have the meanings given them except as otherwise expressly provided or indicated by the context. Subd. 2. Known office of issue. "Known office of issue" means the newspaper's principal office devoted primarily to business related to the newspaper, whether or not printing or any other operations of the newspaper are conducted at or from the office. A newspaper may have only one known office of issue. Subd. 3. Political subdivision. "Political subdivision" means a county, municipality, school district, or any other local political subdivision or local or area district, commission, board, or authority. Subd. 4. Municipality. "Municipality" means a home rule charter or statutory city or town. Subd. 5.[Repealed, 2004 c 182 s 33] Subd. 6. Proceedings. "Proceedings" means the substance of all official actions taken by the governing body of a political subdivision at any regular or special meeting, and at minimum includes the subject matter of a motion, the persons making and seconding a motion, the roll call vote on a motion, the character of resolutions or ordinances offered, including a brief description of their subject matter, and whether defeated or adopted. Subd. 7. Public notice. "Public notice" means every notice required or authorized by law or by order of a court to be published by a qualified newspaper, and includes: (a) every publication oflaws, ordinances, resolutions, fmancial information, and proceedings intended to give notice in a particular area; (b) every notice and certificate of election, facsimile ballot, notice of referendum, notice of public hearing before a governmental body, and notice of meetings of private and public bodies required by law; and (c) every summons, order, citation, notice of sale or other notice which is intended to inform a person that the person mayor shall do an act or exercise a right within a designated period or upon or by a designated date. (d) this subdivision contains no independent requirement for the publication of any public notice. Subd. 8. Qualified newspaper. "Qualified newspaper" means a newspaper which complies with all of the provisions of section 331A.02. The following terms, when found in laws referring to the publication of a public notice, shall be taken to mean a qualified newspaper: "qualified legal newspaper," "legal newspaper," "official newspaper," "newspaper," and "medium of official and legal publication. " Subd. 9. Secondary office. "Secondary office" means an office established by a newspaper 1/18/2007 Page 2 of 10 58 Message Page 3 of 10 in a community other than that in which its known office of issue is located, in the same or an adjoining county, open on a regular basis to gather news and sell advertisements and subscriptions, whether or not printing or any other operations of the newspaper are conducted at or from the office. Subd. 10. Summary. "Summary" means an accurate and intelligible abstract or synopsis of the essential elements of proceedings, ordinances, resolutions, fmancial statements, and other official actions. It shall be written in a clear and coherent manner, and shall, to the extent possible, avoid the use of technical or legal terms not generally familiar to the public. When a summary is published, the publication shall clearly indicate that the published material is only a summary and that the full text is available for public inspection at a designated location or by standard or electronic mail. A summary published in conformity with this section shall be deemed to fulfill all legal publication requirements as completely as if the entire matter which was summarized had been published. No liability shall be asserted against a political subdivision in connection with the publication of a summary or agenda. History: 1984 c 543 s 20; 1986 c 444; 2004 c 182 s 3-7 331A.02 REQUIREMENTS FOR A QUALIFIED NEWSPAPER. Subdivision 1. Qualification. No newspaper in this state shall be entitled to any compensation or fee for publishing any public notice unless it is a qualified newspaper. A newspaper that is not qualified must inform a public body that presents a public notice for publication that it is not qualified. To be qualified, a newspaper shall: (a) be printed in the English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at least 1,000 square inches, or 800 square inches if the political subdivision the newspaper purports to serve has a population of under 1,300 and the newspaper does not receive a public subsidy; (b) if a daily, be distributed at least five days each week. If not a daily, the newspaper may be distributed twice a month with respect to the publishing of government public notices. In any week in which a legal holiday is included, not more than four issues of a daily paper are necessary; (c) in at least half of its issues each year, have no more than 75 percent of its printed space comprised of advertising material and paid public notices. In all of its issues each year, have 25 percent, if published more often than weekly, or 50 percent, if weekly, of its news columns devoted to news of local interest to the community which it purports to serve. Not more than 25 percent of its total nonadvertising column inches in any issue may wholly duplicate any other publication unless the duplicated material is from recognized general news services; (d) be circulated in the political subdivision which it purports to serve, and either have at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, or 250 copies delivered to paying subscribers if the political subdivision it purports to serve has a population of under 1,300, or have at least 500 copies regularly distributed without charge to local residents, or 250 copies distributed without charge to local residents if the political subdivision it purports to serve has a population of under 1,300; ( e) have its known office of issue established in either the county in which lies, in whole or in part, the political subdivision which the newspaper purports to serve, or in an adjoining county; (t) file a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical Society; (g) be made available at single or subscription prices to any person or entity requesting the 59 1/18/2007 Message newspaper and making the applicable payment, or be distributed without charge to local residents; (h) have complied with all the foregoing conditions of this subdivision for at least one year immediately preceding the date of the notice publication; (i) between September 1 and December 31 of each year publish a sworn United States Post Office periodicals-class statement of ownership and circulation or a statement of ownership and circulation verified by a recognized independent circulation auditing agency covering a period of at least one year ending no earlier than the June 30 preceding the publication deadline. When publication occurs after December 31 and before July 1, qualification shall be effective from the date of the filing described in paragraph G) through December 31 of that year; and (j) after publication, submit to the secretary of state by December 31 a filing containing the newspaper's name, address of its known office of issue, telephone number, and a statement that it has complied with all of the requirements of this section. The filing must be accompanied by a fee of $25. The secretary of state shall make available for public inspection a list of newspapers that have filed. Acceptance of a filing does not constitute a guarantee by the state that any other qualification has been met. Subd. 2.[Repealed, 2004 c 182 s 33] Subd. 3. Publication; suspension; changes. The following circumstances shall not affect the qualification of a newspaper, invalidate an otherwise valid publication, or invalidate a designation as official newspaper. (a) Suspension of publication for a period of not more than three consecutive months resulting from the destruction of its known office of issue, equipment, or other facility by the elements, unforeseen accident, or acts of God or by reason of a labor dispute. (b) The consolidation of one newspaper with another published in the same county, or a change in its name or ownership, or a temporary change in its known office of issue. (c) Change of the day of publication, the frequency of publication, or the change of the known office of issue from one place to another within the same county. Except as provided in this subdivision, suspension of publication, or a change of known office of issue from one county to another, or failure to maintain its known office of issue in the county, shall deprive a newspaper of its standing as a qualified newspaper until it again becomes qualified pursuant to subdivision 1. Subd. 4. Declaratory judgment of legality. A person interested in a newspaper's qualification under this section may petition the district court in the county in which the newspaper has its known office of issue for a declaratory judgment to determine whether the newspaper is qualified. Unless filed by the publisher, the petition and summons shall be served on the publisher as in other civil actions. Service in other cases shall be made by publication of the petition and summons once each week for three successive weeks in the newspaper or newspapers the court may order and upon the persons as the court may direct. Publications made in a newspaper after a judgment that it is qualified but before the judgment is vacated or set aside shall be valid. Except as provided in this subdivision, the Uniform Declaratory Judgments Act and the Rules of Civil Procedure shall apply to the action. Subd. 5. Posting notices on Web site. If, in the normal course of its business, a qualified newspaper maintains a Web site, then as a condition of accepting and publishing public notices, the newspaper must agree to post all the notices on its Web site at no additional cost. The notice must remain on the Web site during the notice's full publication period. Failure to post or maintain a public notice on the newspaper's Web site does not affect the validity of the public notice. History: 1984 c 543 s 21; 1985 c 174 s 1; 1Sp1985 c 13 s 315; 1987 c 30 s 1; 1987 c 286 s 1; 1/18/2007 Page 4 of 10 60 Message Page 5 of 10 1988 c 682 s 42; 1990 c 395 s 1; 1991 c 205 s 17; 1997 c 137 s 13; 2001 c 38 s 1; 2004 c 182 s 8-11 331A.03 WHERE NOTICE PUBLISHED. Subdivision 1. Generally. Except as provided in subdivision 2, a public notice shall be published in a qualified newspaper, and except as otherwise provided by law, in one that is likely to give notice in the affected area or to whom it is directed. When a statute or other law requires publication in a newspaper located in a designated political subdivision or area and no qualified newspaper is located there, publication shall be made in a qualified newspaper likely to give notice unless the particular statute or law expressly provides otherwise. If no qualified newspaper exists, then publication is not required. Subd. 2. Exception; certain cities of the fourth class. A public notice required to be published by a statutory or home rule charter city of the fourth class located in the metropolitan area defined in section 473.121. sub_~Hyision 2, is not required to be published in a qualified newspaper if there is no qualified nondaily newspaper of general circulation in the city, provided the notice is printed in a newsletter or similar printed means of giving notice that is prepared by the city and either mailed or delivered to each household in the city. Subd. 3. Alternative dissemination of bids and requests. (a) In addition to or as an alternative to the statutory requirements for newspaper publication, a political subdivision may disseminate solicitations of bids, requests for infonnation, and requests for proposals by a means authorized in paragraph (b), if the political subdivision simultaneously publishes, either as part of the minutes of a regular meeting of the governing body or in a separate notice published in the official newspaper, a description of all solicitations or requests so disseminated, along with the means by which the dissemination occurred. (b) A political subdivision may use its Web site or recognized industry trade journals as an alternative means of dissemination. A dissemination by alternative means must be in substantially the same fonnat and for the same period of time as a publication required by this chapter. (c) For the first six months after a political subdivision designates an alternative means of dissemination, it must continue to publish solicitation of bids, requests for infonnation, and requests for proposals in the official newspaper in addition to the alternative method. The publication in the official newspaper must indicate where to find the designated alternative method. After the expiration of the six-month period, an alternative means of dissemination satisfies the publication requirements oflaw for solicitation of bids, requests for infonnation, and requests for proposals. History: 1984 c 543 s 22; 1991 c 53 s 1; 2004 c 182 s 12,13 331A.04 DESIGNATION OF A NEWSPAPER FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS. Subdivision 1. Priority. The governing body of a political subdivision, when authorized or required by statute or charter to designate a newspaper for publication of its public notices, shall designate a qualified newspaper in the following priority. Subd. 2. Known office in locality. Ifthere are one or more qualified newspapers, the known office of issue of which are located within the political subdivision, one of them shall be designated. Subd. 3. Secondary office in locality. When no qualified newspaper has a known office 61 1/18/2007 Message Page 6 of 10 of issue located in the political subdivision, but one or more qualified newspapers maintain a secondary office there, one of them shall be designated. Subd. 4. General circulation in locality. When no qualified newspaper has its known office of issue or a secondary office located within the political subdivision, then a qualified newspaper of general circulation there shall be designated. Subd. 5. Other situations. If a political subdivision is without an official newspaper, or if the publisher refuses to publish a particular public notice, matters required to be published shall be published in a newspaper designated as provided in subdivision 4. The governing body of a political subdivision with territory in two or more counties may, if deemed in the public interest, designate a separate qualified newspaper for each county. Sllbd.Q,Exc_epJi9JllQdesignation.Pri!lrin,(lltN:otwithstandlng_~ubdhidons 1 to 3,. the g2vernlngbody ()f~11tolit~JJ_bybdiYisiQJlmaydesignateanyoew.$WJ,p~rJQr_p]d}H~J~ti~ILQfjt$ officialproce~dJngs and public nottceJ!.iftbefoUowing_c!;mditions are met: (lltb~J.tewspaper is a qualifiedmedillJlIQlofficial and legal publication; (2) the_lHtbUsberJlf the. newspaper .fprnisbe~JL5-m;!fn stld~meJll..Y.ulfiedhy_afecognized in(!_ependenCclnulationauditingagen~-,-covering a period of atJcast .ones_ear.Jmdln~no ea_rlifx than1i!Ldays before designation of the new.spaper.lltllting!lt3.ljh!u.teWmal!erilkculati~:mL~a.dles not fewer than 75.p.ercenJ.Q..f.Jhe households within the political subdivision; (3)Jhc.newspaper. b3s.prQvided.J:egulafJ:QYeJ:llgeof the.. proceedingsoftbe.gQvemioghQ(!Y...Qf tbepoliticalsubdivision and willJ~ontinue to (!o.so;Jmd (41the governin...g_b_ody_votesJ.llumJmously to designate the newsIDlper. (bl If the circulation of a newspa~r designated under this subdivision falls below 75 percent of the hou_sehoJdLwithinJhepolitical subdivision lltanyJirrLe within..thet~Jrr!lfjt.scJesigmltiJ!n as official new5-paper, its.Ql!31U.lcatio.n.!!!...pJJblish public nQtic~uQrjb.epoliticlllsp_bdiybiQn tenninl,l,tes. Subd. 7. Joint bidding. A bid submitted jointly by two or more newspapers for the publication of public notices must not be considered anticompetitive or otherwise unlawful if the following conditions are met: (1) all of the qualified newspapers in the political subdivision participate in the joint bid; (2) the existence of the joint bid arrangement is disclosed to the governing body of the political subdivision before or at the time of submission of the joint bid; and (3) the board is free to reject the joint bid and, if it does, individual qualified newspapers do not refuse to submit separate bids owing to the rejection of the joint bid. History: 1984 c 543 s 23; 2003 c 59 s 1; 2004 c 182 s 14 331A.05 FORM OF PUBLIC NOTICES. Subdivision 1. English language. All public notices shall be printed or otherwise disseminated in the English language. Subd. 2. Time of notice. Unless otherwise specified by a particular statute, or by order of a court, publication of a public notice shall be as follows: (a) the notice shall be published once; (b) if the notice is intended to inform the public about a future event, the last publication shall occur not more than 14 days and not less than seven days before the event; (c) if the notice is intended to inform the public about a past action or event, the last 62 1/18/2007 Message publication shall occur not more than 45 days after occurrence of the action or event. Subd. 3. Type face. Except as otherwise directed by a particular statute requiring publication of a public notice or by order of a court, a public notice shall be printed in a type face no smaller than six point with a lowercase alphabet of at least 90 points. Larger type faces may be used. Subd. 4. Title or caption. Every public notice shall include a bold face title or caption in a body type no smaller than brevier or eight point referring to the content of the notice. Larger type faces may be used. Subd. 5. Local options. The governing body of a political subdivision may, to better inform the public, increase the frequency of publication of a public notice beyond the minimum required by a particular statute. It may use forms and styles for the notice as it deems appropriate, including the use of display advertisements and graphics. In addition to publication in the newspaper required to be designated under section 331A.04, it may publish or disseminate the notice in other newspapers and by means of standard and electronic mail. Regardless of whether a particular statute specifies "legal notice," "public notice," "notice," or uses similar terms, the governing body may use whatever form for the published notice that it deems appropriate in order to adequately inform the public, subject to the requirements of sections 331A.Ol to 331 All. Nothing in the foregoing provisions of this subdivision shall require the governing body of a political subdivision to use the options described. Subd. 6. Conflict of laws. Nothing in this section shall invalidate or affect any statutory or charter provision imposing additional or special qualifications for publication of particular notices or proceedings. Subd. 7. Errors in publication. If through no fault of the political subdivision, an error occurs in the publication of a public notice, the error shall have no effect on the validity of the event, action, or proceeding to which the public notice relates. Subd. 8. Notice regarding published summaries. If a political subdivision elects to publish a summary of the political subdivision's financial statement or proceedings as authorized by other law, it must include with the published summary a notice stating that a copy of the full version of the fmancial statement or proceedings other than attachments to the minutes is available without cost at the offices of the political subdivision or by means of standard or electronic mail. History: 1984 c 543 s 24; 1997 c 56 s 1; 2004 c 182 s 15-19 331A.06 RATES FOR PUBLICATION. Subdivision 1. Maximum rate. The maximum rate charged for publication of a public notice shall not exceed the lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space in the newspapers in which the public notice appears, and shall include all cash discounts, multiple insertion discounts, and similar benefits extended to the newspaper's regular customers. Subd. 2. Rate increases. Notwithstanding subdivision I, no newspaper may increase its rates for publication of public notices by more than ten percent per year, as compared to the maximum rate actually charged by the newspaper in the previous year for publication of public notices, and in any case the new rate shall not exceed the rate described in subdivision 1. Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to mean that such an increase is required. Subd. 3. Rate from competitive bidding. When the governing board of a political subdivision awards a contract for the publication of public notices based on competitive bidding, the rate established by the competitive bidding shall be the rate charged for publication of the 1/18/2007 Page 7 of 10 63 Message public notices. Subd. 4. Publication at legal rate. When a statute refers to publication of a public notice at the legal rate the maximum rate shall be as provided in this section. Subd. 5. Multiyear publication contracts. Notwithstanding other law, a political subdivision may enter into multiyear contracts with a qualified newspaper for publication of the political subdivision's public notices. No multiyear contract may be for a term longer than three years. History: 1984 c 543 s 25; 1985 c 174 s 2; 1994 c 465 art 2 s 18; 2004 c 182 s 20,21 331A.07 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. No compensation shall be recoverable for publishing a public notice in any newspaper unless the bill is accompanied by an affidavit of the publisher of the newspaper or the publisher's designated agent, having knowledge of the facts, stating that the newspaper has complied with all the requirements to constitute a qualified newspaper. The affidavit must set forth the dates of the month and year and the day of the week upon which the public notice was published in the newspaper. The affidavit must also include the publisher's lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space, as determined pursuant to section 331 A.QQ. History: 1984 c 543 s 26; 1993 c 48 s 7; 2004 c 182 s 22 331A.08 COMPUTATION OF TIME. Subdivision 1. Time for publication. The time for publication of public notices shall be computed to exclude the first day of publication and include the day on which the act or event, of which notice is given, is to happen or which completes the full period required for publication. Subd. 2. Time for act or proceeding. The time within which an act is to be done or proceeding had or taken, as prescribed by the rules of procedure, shall be computed by excluding the first day and including the last. If the last day is Sunday or a legal holiday the party shall have the next secular day in which to do the act or take the proceeding. Subd. 3. Publication of proceedings. Notwithstanding other statutory publication requirements, if the governing body of a political subdivision conducts regular meetings not more than once every 30 days, the governing body need not publish the meeting minutes in the official newspaper until ten days after the proceedings have been approved by the governing body. History: 1984 c 543 s 27; 2004 c 182 s 23 331A.09 PUBLICATION ON SUNDAY OR HOLIDAY. Any public notice may lawfully be printed in a newspaper published on a Sunday or holiday. Any notice that, by law or the order of any court, is required to be published for any given number of weeks may be published on any day in each week of the term, and if published as many weeks and as many times in each week as required by the law or order, it is a lawful publication. History: 1984 c 543 s 28; 2004 c 182 s 24 331A.I0 CHANGE OF NAME OR DISCONTINUANCE OF NEWSPAPER. Subdivision 1. Change of name. When a public notice is required or ordered to be published 1/18/2007 Page 8 of 10 64 Message in a particular newspaper and the name ofthe newspaper is changed before the publication is completed, the publication shall be made or continued in the newspaper under its new name with the same effect as if the name had not been changed. The proof of the publication, in addition to other requirements, shall state the change of name and specify the period of publication in the newspaper under each name. Subd. 2. Discontinuance. When a newspaper ceases to be published before the publication of a public notice is commenced, or when commenced ceases before the publication is completed, the order for publication, when one is required in the fIrst instance, may be amended by order of the court or judge, to designate another newspaper, as may be necessary. Ifno order is required in the fIrst instance, publication may be made or completed in any other qualifIed newspaper. Any time during which the notice is published in the fIrst newspaper shall be calculated as a part of the time required for the publication, proof of which may be made by affIdavit of any person acquainted with the facts. History: 1984 c 543 s 29; 2004 c 182 s 25 331A.ll APPLICATION. Subdivision 1. Application. Sections 331A.Ol to 33lAn apply to all political subdivisions of the state. Subd. 2. Notices excluded. Sections 3 31A. 01 to 331 All do not apply to notices required by private agreements or local laws to be published in newspapers, unless they refer expressly or by implication to this chapter or to particular provisions of this chapter. History: 1984 c 543 s 30; 2004 c 182 s 26,27 331A.12 WEB SITE PUBLICATION OF LOCAL TRANSPORTATION RFP. Subdivision 1. Definitions. (a) The terms defmed in this subdivision and section 331A.Ql apply to this section. (b) "Web site" means a specific, addressable location provided on a server connected to the Internet and hosting World Wide Web pages and other f1les that are generally accessible on the Internet all or most of the day. Subd. 2. Designation. At the meeting of the governing body of the local public corporation at which the governing body must designate its official newspaper for the year, the governing body may designate in the same manner publication of transportation projects on the local public corporation's Web site. Publication on the Web site may be used in place of or in addition to any other required form of publication. Each year after designating publication on the Web site for transportation projects, the local public corporation must publish in a qualifIed newspaper in the jurisdiction and on the Web site, notice that the local public corporation will publish any advertisements for bids on its Web site. Subd. 3. Form, time for publication same. A local public corporation that publishes on its Web site under this section must post the information in substantially the same format and for the same period of time as required for publication in an offIcial newspaper or other print publication. Subd. 4. Record retention. A local public corporation that publishes notice on its Web site under this section must ensure that a permanent record of publication is maintained in a form accessible by the public. 1/18/2007 Page 9 of! 0 65 Message Page 10 of 10 History: lSp2003 c 19 art 2 s 56 Please direct all comments concerning issues or legislation to your Hows.,? Member or StaJe Senator. For Legislative Staff or for directions to the Capitol. visit the CQntac(Us page. G~neral Questions or comments. 66 1/18/2007 Council Agenda - 01/22/2007 12. Consideration of replacement of 936 Cat rubber~tired wheel loader. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Our 936 Cat Wheel Loader was purchased in 1986. It has been a very good piece of equipment for the City requiring only minor repairs. We briefly discussed getting rid of the loader a few years ago when we purchased our Case 721 Wheel Loader but decided we had enough work for two loaders often in the summertime, as well as the winter snow plowing season and the value at that time was approximately $25,000. We recently noticed a problem with the 1986 936 Cat Loader shifting into second gear. The Loader was examined by a Caterpillar mechanic who determined that the transmission was failing and would need major repairs in the not too distant future. A transmission replacement including overhaul and a new converter is estimated at $18,800 from Ziegler, Inc. ofSt. Cloud, MN. Since the maximum value ofa used loader of this type would be around $27,000 - $30,000, it doesn't appear to be appropriate to put almost $19,000 plus tax into the loader and still have a 21-year old machine. A dealer trade-in value of our 936 Cat in its current condition is approximately $12,000. Sale to the public we believe would yield someplace between $15,000 - $20,000 even with disclosure of the weak transmission. The loader currently has 7,660 hours on it. Since the 721 Case was acquired we are still putting 160+ hours/year on the 936 Cat. We would like to replace the 936 as soon as possible. It does not pay to continue to use the loader as should the transmission fail entirely the value would be reduced significantly. We have looked at used loaders and we would spend in excess of $1 00,000 to purchase a two or three-year old machine with 800+ hours of use. Based upon the state bids for wheel loaders of a similar size to the 936 Cat, the lowest priced loader is the Case 621 Loader at a cost of$117,836. With sales tax this comes to $125,495. Assuming a sale price of $18,000 to the general public for 936 Case that would leave us with an un-funded balance of $107,495. In order to stay on budget for 2007, we would have to remove other equipment purchases from the 2007 Budget. First, the replacement of the 1987 Ford Tractor Mower which is used for road shoulders and was budgeted for in 2006 and 2007 would have to be delayed to 2009 and the $78,750 would be used towards the purchase of the loader. The remaining $25,816.59 would come out of the $60,000 budgeted in 2007 for an additional street sweeper scheduled for 2008. The purchase of the street sweeper would be delayed to 2009. The sweeper was being budgeted over a three-year period from 2006 to 2008. The tractor/mower would be budgeted for in 2008 and 2009 with the purchase delayed until 2009. B. AL TERNA TlVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to authorize sale to the public of the 936 Cat and authorize the purchase of a new 621 Case Loader under the state bid from St. Joseph Equipment in the amount of $117,836 plus sales tax for a total of $125,495, with the funding of the new loader to be through moving the tractor/mower and the sweeper purchases to 2009. 2. The second alternative would be to sell the 936 Cat and buy a used loader for approximately $100,000. 67 Council Meeting - 01/22/2006 3. The third alternative would be to have the 936 Cat repaired at an estimated cost of $18,800 plus sales tax. 4. The fourth alternative would be to offer the 936 Cat for sale to the public and rent or lease loader time as needed. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and Street Superintendent that the City Council allow purchase of the replacement for the 936 Loader as outlined in alternative #1 and moving the purchases of the tractor/mower and the sweeper to 2009. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the State Bid for the 621 Loader and others. 68 ,TFlN-1?-<:!Idld"t 15: 1'1' ST JOSEPH EQUIPMENT 763 262 4251 P.03/03 EQUIPMENT!: ELK RIVER 1a200 HWY 10 NW ELK RIVER, MN 55330 Phone:763-262..4474 Fax:1ij3.:262-4251 Quot,ation \()S~~ ,:.. fE ~ DAti 111712007 QuotatiOt1:' Customer .'0 Torn Moores City of Mbhticello 50s Waln0t St. Monticello. Mn. 55303 763295..3170 Quote valid for 3d days Pr'8pared by: Bl', Greel.ey.,. ' $~/,eS ~P~~.tiv. Mobile: 61~~"30S2 Refetence: .,. , Quili1tity Description .t , ;:';~: Tota' \. . . . ,'." -; . , ' 20.5 X 25 Michelin snow plus ito Michelin XTLA '" $8,198.00 -, " , . '.'. $3,0*5.00 4 spool valvel 3 lever controls. "'.." ACS Pro 1000'male iTias~r.& ACS 2.5 cy. Bucket. $8,459,00 , so, $429.00 Additional counter weighf; 880 Ibs. .. - .- 3 yearl 3000 hour full machine warranty. ',' $1,363.00 , ' '. Electro/ Hyd. Controls ror plow a~d Wing. $2,750.00 ',' ., .. , , .. .TO,.~~~ /.-,..1.1~.q~~99 " If you have any questions concerning this quotation, please contact me at the numbefnoted abOVe. Approved By: Date: THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! TOTAL P. 03 69 JRN-17-20El7 15:16 ST JOSEPH EQUIPMENT 763 262 4251 P.02/€!3 '~ \(.")S~~ ~"". fE ~ EQU IPMENT~ ELK RIVER 16200 HWY 10 NW ELK RIVER. MN 55330 PhOne:763-262.4474 Fax;763-262~251 Quot:ation DATE 1/12/2007 Quotation'~ Customer U) Tom Moores City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Mn. 55303 763 295~3170 Quote valid for 30 days Prepared by: Bill Greeley' Sales Represenative Mobile: 612..'865..3052 Reference: Quantity Description .. Total 1 We are pleased to quote (1) 2007 Case 6210 Wheel Loder per the state bid contract. Expires 1/31/2007. Base unit $86,275.00 amlfm weatherband radio. $403.00 Accessory power package. $375.00 Cab with heater and air conditioning. $2,449.00 Air suspension seat. $190.00 West coast mirrors. Std. Whelen strobe. $540.00 LH and RH steps with full coverage fenders. $631.00 Ride control. $1,768.00 Sun visor. Std. Cold weather package. Std. HydraUlic oil cooler and reversing fan. $378.00 Limited slip differentials. Std. .' 70 amp alternator. Std. Electrical disconnect. Std. continued If you have any questions concerning this quotation, please contact me at the number rioted above" Approved By: Date: THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! 70 VI/II/.!VVf IV ~L ,.1Ii'. ::J:l.!lll:lt:lllLV L.LttiLtK ~"'Lt:s IlIVV4IiJU, r ZIEGLER II Date: January 17, 2007 901 West 941h Street Minneapolis MN 55420~4299 .!2: City of Monticello Public Works 909 Golf Course Road Montecello, MN 55362 EauiDmlnt: One (1) Caterpillar Model 930<3 Wheel Loader ....BUDGET ARY QUOTE..... Attn.: Tom Moores ========:z_-===~=::Il=====-'-====-'.-%====--~--- WE PRopose TO FURNISH IN ACCORDANCe WITH THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS. TERMS AND CONDmONS: SPECIFICA liONS 930G Standard Equipment: ELECTRICAL SO-ampere altemator Thermal starting aid Switch, battery disconnect Backup alarm Two 950 CCA maintenance free batteries Halogen work lights (front & rear) Directional Signals (front & re.r) Ignition key star1lstop switch 24 volt direct electric starting OPERATOR ENVIRONMENT RaPS cab, pressurized & sound suppressed Gauges . Torque converter temperature - Speedometer - Hydraulic 011 temperature - Engine coolant temperature . Fuel level . Digital tachometer . Digital hour meter/odometer Qperatorwaming system Indicators: . Primary steering malfunction - Brake charge pressure low - Engine oil pressure low . Transmission oil filter bypass POWERTRAIN Caterpillar 3M6E DITAAC . Low Emission Oiesel Engine - TUrbocharged. . Marceolad SOS port, engine oil SOS port. lranamlssion oil Autoshift transmission (4FW0I3REV) Single lever transmission contrOl w/FNR Programmable brakellransmisaion neutralizer Transmission oil level gauge TorQue converter Radiator, unit serviceable Lubed for life drive shaft Conventional dIfferentials front & rear Enclosed. wet-dise, hydraulic brakes Air cleaner, dry type Muffler Fuel/water separator Engine fuel priming pump Axle se81 guards Engine speed control Coolant -50C(-56F) OTHER STANDARD EQUIPMENT ParaUellift linkage w/sealed pins Fenders, wnt Swlng-out hydraulic drive demand ran 71 Base Machine Price AM/FM radio wf24V/12V converter Ride control Air conditioner Seat. air suspension Doors. cab. sliding glass Sun visor. front Sun screen, rear Differential, limited slip, front Differential. limited slip, rear Strobe light. Whelan 2200. blue or amber Tires, 20.5 R25 Michelin XSNO+ Radials Hydraulics. 3 valve, 2 lever wI FNR switch Front lines Bucket. GP 2.7 cyd. wI bolt on edge Caterpillar quiCk coupler, standard Falls lDl 10' Wing wI PR1243 12' Rev. Plow Delivery VI/J(/'::VVI IV.~':: r^A tt:lllll:ll:lll':V . Parking brake .ngaged . Electrical system voltage low - Hydraulic oil filter bypass Interior light Two doors. fixed glasa Seat, suspenJlon . Adjustable height. back"st, armrest, fabric or vinyl Seat btlt,3 Inch retractable Tinted front safety 91a&8 Helter/detro'fer Electric Hom, Iteering wheel mounted Adjustable tilt .teering column Relr window defrost Rear view mirrors, (Inside cab, qty.2) Lighter Lunch box .1O...ge w/cup holder Ground level door release Interior & elCterior auxiDary power sockets Wet Arm wiperlwasher. front int.nnittlf'lt LunCh box storage w/cup holder Hydraulic eontl'ollever lockout Pilot hydrauliC implement controls Toolbox Coat hook 1.1 2.2 2_5 2.6 2.8 2.9 2.11 2.12 3.1 3.2 4.1 6.4 6.9 7.1 7.7 ~ 11.2 Lll:.I:ILl:.H ;SIlLl:.:) llZ!VV,j/VVI Engine enclosure. lockable Recovery hitch Secondary and parking brake Standard counterweight Remote grease lines V.nd8litm protection -locked aeNlce points Automatic bucketlfotk positloner Automatic 11ft k1ckouts HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS HydrauliC Oil level sight gauge 50S port. hydraulic oil HydrauDc oil cooler Load sensing hyd~ulics Load sensing steer1ng Iystem HydrauHc controls. 2 valve. 1 lever FNR Hydra"Uc diagnostic connectors Machine Total; 6.5% MN Sales Tax: GRAND TOTAL: $111,421.00 $ 560.00 $ 2.320.00 $ 2,770.00 $ 528.00 $ 373.00 $ 47.00 $ 84.00 $ 1.665.00 $ 1,677.00 $ 667.00 $ 5.880.00 $ 2.065.00 $ 430.00 $ 4.171.00 $ 2,675.00 $ -29.935.&6 S 500.00 $166,768.00 + 10.8]; ~ $171.G97.12" ;rJAGh/'7 e ~/J/L /JeJcJcf 7, J. '? lit 76'8'. iJ 0 :I ~'1, 035.00 .# I 37 733, 00 I 'iJ. 95'2. ,.5 .II>ll.f.~~f{ti."f . 72 ,. S' % t.y (J.;iJ~rj TohL Council Meeting - 01/22/2007 13. Consideration of movin!! forward with the wetland miti!!ation at the City of Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant Facilitv. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As previously discussed with the City Council during an update on the Biosolids Dryer Project for the WWTP, the City has applied for a pennit to mitigate or fill 12,235 sq. ft. of a wetland at the WWTP that is directly behind the proposed Biosolids Processing Facility and in the way of the construction of the future SBR Tanks. WSB has been handling the wetland mitigation for an area the size of 12,235 sq. ft. We are proposing to purchase wetland credits from the Southbrook Bank; Account #1111 in Annandale, MN from Mr. John Engberg for an amount of $0.35/sq. ft. as this is significantly lower than any other bank in the area. Since wetland mitigation requires replacement at a 2: 1 ratio, we will be required to purchase 24,470 sq. ft. which totals $8,564.50. WSB has forwarded a check for $300 earnest money to Mr. Engberg so that we could complete the pennit paperwork. In addition to a balance of $8,264.50 to Mr. Engberg, we also have to send a check for $556.70 to the Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources to cover the transaction fee. Once the transaction is complete, Bruce Westby and myself (with your approval) will draft the plans and specifications for wetland mitigation. We would need assistance from Bolton & Menk to prepare the final grading plan, erosion control plan and restoration plan. Bolton & Menk have estimated that this could be done for a not to exceed $2,000 fee. Weare hoping to have bids back for the excavating and filling the wetland prior to the bid opening for the Biosolids Dryer on the 28th of February. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to authorize the City to purchase wetland credits totaling 24,470 sq. ft. at a cost of $0.35/sq. ft. from Mr. John Engberg from the Southbrook Bank in Annandale and to forward a check in the amount of $556.70 to the Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources, and to authorize staff to draw up plans and specifications for the wetland mitigation with the help of Bolton & Menk at an estimated not to exceed cost of $2,000, and advertise for bids returnable at a future council meeting. 2. The second alternative would be not to move forward with the wetland mitigation. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, City Engineer and Public Works Director that the City Council move forward with the wetland mitigation as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of January 10th email from Andrea Moffatt regarding wetland pennits and copy of suggested area of wetland mitigation. 73 . . . Page I of 1 John 5irnola SUPPQRTINGDA TAl WETL.J\~p,MITIG~TI~N) From: Andrea Moffatt [AMoffatt@wsbeng.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 1 :47 PM To: John Simola; Bruce Westby Cc: Bret Weiss; Phillip Elkin; Shibani Bisson; Travis Fristed Subject: \NWTP Wetland Permits Importance: High Hello John and Bruce - Good news! The agency review period for the WWTP wetland application has ended and no comments were received We will send out the Notice of Decision for the Wetland Conservation Act on behalf of the City. We also have a signed purchase agreement with Mr. Engberg, the bank account holder, and have sent him the $300 earnest money We now need the City to authorize purchase of the wetland credits and cut two checks as follows: 1. A check for John Engberg for the remaining balance of $8264.50 2. A check for $556.70 made out to the Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources (this covers the transaction fee with BWSR). We would request that this approval is on your next City Council meeting and the checks sent to my attention so we can mail them with the appropriate paperwork. Could we make the Jan 22 meeting? If not, the Feb 12 meeting would work also. Please let me know if you need anything from me (agenda item, etc.) and if you would like me at that meeting. We have made significant progress on this application in this timeline and now it is only the last paperwork items remaining. This is good news for the project. If you need the addresses for the checks. here they are: John Engberg 700 Old Republic Title Building 400 2nd Street S Mpls, MN 55401 BWSR 520 Lafayette Road North Saint Paul, MN 55155 Andrea Moffatt, PWS Environmental Scientist WSB & Associates 701 Xenia Avenue - Suite 300 Mpls, UN 55416 Phone: (763)287-7196 Fax: (763)541-1700 Mobile: (612) 360-1301 74 1/\ 7/2007 . / -#'" , o !:" ~ I:~ ~ ".j Ill, 1 " ..11 ~ i;i ~~ . I ~ ~ ~ . 75 il ~~d' ::S::SCD =t=t::s (')(')cr CD CD ~. ::::;:::- 00"111::: i:;E~ <:~i)j 2l::s CDQ. ~aJ CDC>> .., ::s ~ ~ S. caCQ c>>,... 30 CD (') ::sa. - -. "l:Jg Q)(I) ::s - . DDi ;;: VI :J ., c .... ~. ~ - .. ~ ii ii iil t ~ <II ... .. ~.~. .. .. .. .=~, j'ILj SUPPORTING DATA WETLAND MITIGATION ~ iD III Council Agenda: 1/22/07 14. Consideration of Adootine Process for Selectine Finance Director Position A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At present, there are five applications in the bin and the application period closes tomorrow (Friday, January 19th). Please assist me by determining your interest in playing an active role in selecting finalists and by identifying dates available for interviewing candidates. Candidate applications will be provided to the Council. Question 1. Is the full Council interested in the process of selecting f"malists? If so would you like to provide input via a formal meeting, or would you prefer to simply provide your comments to the Personnel Committee to be used in the finalist selection process? Question 2. It is presumed that the full Council desires to be part of the interview process. If I am correct in this regard, when would you like to meet? As a starting point I have identified the following dates and times for potential interview sessions presuming that we have 3-5 candidates: Monday, January 29,2007 and Monday February 5,2007. We are proposing a starting time of 5 p.m. The length of time needed will depend on the number of candidates to be interviewed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Discuss questions #1 and #2 above and provide staff direction accordingly. 77 . O(il ,-Hj ...:1~ i:ilo.. UO:: H(il E-<:> :ZO OU :>: . <l' 0.. IJ..,.... Ul O. \D 0.. >00 U E-<> H' UUlO:: HO 00 C4rl lf1<l' U 0lf1 ..:l...:l W C'H') t1.Il.O C\D ..-10 ,.... ...:l 0 ...... CO H t1.I rl 0..\0 .-I ...... ..:l .Q rl nj :>. Ul t1.I nj t>:: u 0.. U njUl i:il 0. w ::r: Ul .-I U rl 'd ..-1 0. .-I II! ...... O:z ~ ::r: 4-l 0 ~ t- t1.I t1.I 0 .w .-I ...... e ;::J ~ CO ..-1 '0 .-! ~ t1.I i:il ...... 0. ..c:: ~ ~ .-! U e Ul i:il (JJ U ~ ~ 0 U IJ.. 0 i:il U ::r: W ,.... U t1.I i:il.-! 0 ~ ..-1 rl ...:1M CO 0. 0.0 ~.;; .-! ...... 0 .-! ~ "U >00 e 0 w ~ .. 0 rl e 0..0'\ ..-1 lf1 0 . 0 .w rl ..-1 ~ Ul U I .wt1.l ~6 t1.I 0.. Cl t- ue .-I ~ H 0 ;::JC t1.I 0 I 0 ~nj 00 Ul 0:: ril N .wt:Q UN (') 'J CO W U...... .w I rl CO' ~CO ... 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Update - American Legion Requesting Off~Premise Directional Sign By Jeff O'Neill January 18, 2007 At the Citizens Request portion ofthe upcoming meeting representatives from the American Legion may be present to request an off-premise directional sign. The purpose of the sign is to assist the motoring public in finding the facility. A zoning ordinance amendment is necessary if this request is to be accommodated. Currently, the code limits off-premise directional signs to public facilities such as City Hall, Fire Hall, Parks etc. The Legion would like to place one directional sign at the intersection of Elm Street and Broadway on the northeast comer. Since Broadway is a County Road, and the County does not allow this type of signage, the sign would need to be set back from the comer which would be on Elm Street right~of-way. There are two ways to initiate the process of amending the code to allow an off-premise sign. One way is to have the City Council call for a public hearing on a zoning ordinance text amendment. The other method to start the process is to have the American Legion apply for the text amendment. The next step is to have the proposal reviewed by the Planning Commission followed by Council action. This item could be placed on the March Planning Commission . The Special Council Meeting and Broadband Workshop Scheduled for Thursday, January 25 From 7 to 9 am HAS BEEN CANCELLED. It is anticipated that this will be Rescheduled in March To better fit everyone's schedule. . .