Parks Commission Minutes 12-21-2006 Parks Commission Minutes: 12/21/06 MINUTES PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, December 21, 2006 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pride through developing maintaining City parks with a standard of quality." Mem 'Jers Present: Fran Fair, Ben Hitter, Nancy 1\,tlcCaffrey, Larry Nolan, Rick Traver and Council Liaison Tom Perrault. Members Absent: None Others Present: Seth Nelson, Park Superintendent, Kitty Baltos MCC Director. 1. Call to Order. Chair Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve minutes of the November 16,2006 re!!ular Parks Commission meetin!!. Seth Nelson provided a breakdown of the cost of the work for the Mississippi Drive Park noting that the drainage improvements portion was $16,000. He added that the water is still running over the parking lot. Fran Fair noted a correction on page #1 under item #5 stating it should be West Bridge Park not East Bridge Park. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 16,2006 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING WITH THE CORRECTION NOTED. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addine items to the aeeilda. Fran Fair asked Seth Nelson if he was aware that in previous years the City had made snow at the park. Seth Nelson indicated he was not aware of that. In previous years when snowfalls were light the Parks Department had rigged up equipment so that they could make snow. Parks Commission felt the snow making equipment may have to be utilized this year. 4. Citizens comments and requests. None. 9. Discussion of a concession huildinelocated at Freewav Fields. Because Kitty Baltos was present, this item was moved up on the agenda. Kitty Baltos and Seth Nelson had discussed having the MCC take over the concessions at Freeway Fields since they will also be doing the concessions at the Xcel Fields. When the matter was first brought up it was discussed using a concession trailer rather than constructing a building for economic reasons. The MCC Advisory Board had discussed this item as well and felt that the concession trailer would be a more labor intensive project in that it would have to be hauled to 1 Parks Commission Minutes: 12121/06 the site and might be more subject to vandalism. The MCC Advisory Board would prefer to have structure on site to be used for concessions. Kitty Baltos obtained price quotes from a number of vendors for a structure that could be used for concessions. She felt something similar to the structure at Xcel Fields should be considered. At the present time there is an open air shelter at Freeway Fields and it is proposed that the concession structure would be placed close to the open air shelter. The least expensive ofthe price quotes was $75,000 which did not include the building pad or utilities. The model that they were considering i~om the bidder (Murdock) would be the Fairway 2 with Concessions. At the high end of the price range was CXT at $160,000. The Murdock would be ADA compliant. Kitty Saltos stated this is preliminary information and the MCC is continuing to pursue this to see if it could be done in a less expensive fashion. She stated that the concession sales could be handled by the MCC, Parks or civic organizations. She did feel that the MCC should be rcsponsible for stocking the concessions and handling the financial aspects such as making deposits, tracking inventory, etc. The MCC Advisory Board felt that because Freeway Fields has a lot of activity this would be a good venture. Fran Fair agreed that the MCC or Parks be in charge of the concessions as she felt there was less accountability when private organizations conducted the concessions. She also suggested that the structure not include restrooms since she felt they tended to be hangouts. She recommended having portable toilets placed nearby noting that people don't usually hangout around portable toilet units. Kitty Baltos will keep the Parks Commission updated on this matter . Rick Traver asked if there was an irrigation system at Freeway Fields. Seth Nelson explained where the water lines were located for this facility. 5. Park Maintenance. Seth Nelson submitted a list of the work completed by the Parks Department which included adding the swings and placing wood chips at the Pioneer Park playstructure. He noted the sidewalk was complete at Riverside Cemetery except for one spot. The contractor will be back in the spring to complete the work. The Parks Department will be refurbishing the old fence and will use it on the east side of the cemetery. It is also proposed to move the fence on the west side of the cemetery since it is 15' offthe property line. The Parks Department installed a pole railing at the swan viewing area of the Mississippi Drive Park. Some items that were salvaged from the Monte Club building will be used at the various park facilities. After the holidays, the Parks Department will be flooding again. Fran Fair asked if straw mulch had been placed around the perennials at East Bridge Park. Seth Nelson indicated it had not but the Parks Department would try to get to that. 6. Consideration of addin2 2eneral skatin2 rink at Country Club Park. Seth Nelson indicated he had gotten some calls about the City having a skating area in this location. He stated that a rink in this area would be tough as far as maintenance. The Parks Commission discussed that there were some drainage concerns with this area and the felt there was enough problem getting the rinks they have established. In addition there is poor 2 Parks Commission Minutes: 12/21/06 access to the park and no lighting so it was not the ideal location for a rink. The Parks Commission did not feel a rink at this location was a priority at this time. 7. Recommendation on appointment to Parks Commission. The term of Fran Fair expires at the end of December. Fran Fair announced that this would be her last meeting and she would not serve another term. Fran Fair has served on the Parks Commission since its inception in 1991. Larry Nolan on behalf ofthe Parks Commission recognized Fran Fair's work over the years she served on the Parks Commission and thanked her for the expertise, energy and passion she brought to the Parks Commission. The City will advertise the vacancy. 8. Discussion of the budeet. The Parks Commission discussed the 2006 budget and reviewed expenditures to see how closely the Parks Department stayed within the budget. It was noted that although money was budgeted for certain projects, staffing constraints did not allow for all the projects to be completed. The Parks Commission would like to receive a monthly summary that included more detail information. In January they would like to have a year summary and after that they would review the budget and expenditures on a quarterly basis. 9. Other items. Seminar: Nancy McCaffrey and Seth Nelson reported on a conservation corridor seminar they attended. The meeting dealt with connecting parks with open spaces, such as the YMCA site. Connecting the conservation/open areas makes for a travel corridor for wildlife to other open areas. Grove/and Park: Larry Nolan asked if they are still planning to get a skating rink in at this location. Seth Nelson said they are waiting for snow so that can be used to build up the area around the rink. Hillcrest Park: Larry Nolan stated that at an informational meeting he attended regarding the 2007 Core Street Reconstruction Project a resident asked about putting a skating rink at Hillcrest Park. There was a rink there at one time but had been discontinued because it was not being used. Larry Nolan stated that there are a number of young families in the area so there is a demand for a skating area. 10. Adjourn. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 5:30 P.M. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Cj C\J....t j.V\ JA-'VO 5 ~ ;( . Recording Secretary 1- -.. 3