EDA Minutes 07-08-2020 (Workshop Meeting)MINUTES WORKSHOP MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, July 8th, 2020 — 4:30 p.m. Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center The EDA meeting was held both remotely or in-person. Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, and Jim Davidson Commissioners Absent: Lloyd Hilgart Staff Present: Angela Schumann and Jim Thares 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the Workshop Meeting of the EDA to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Comprehensive Plan Process/Context Overview including topics/priorities for inclusion in developing Economic Development Chapter of plan and EDA engagement review/process Staff noted that the primary goal of the meeting was to discuss with the EDA their goals and priorities for the Economic Development chapter of the comprehensive plan. The Lakota Group will also provide a glimpse of where the consultant is in the comprehensive plan process. Scott Ruhland, Lakota Group, introduced himself and outlined the interactive goals for the meeting. He highlighted the overall plan update and timeline, the commercial and industrial land use designations, the economic development chapter, questions and discussion, and next steps. The Lakota Group recently completed the draft Land Use and Mobility & Connectivity (Transportation) Chapters. The Economic Development and Parks, Trails and Open Space are the next chapters the consultant plans to complete. It was noted that the Community Visioning was completed early this year and that the 2040 Comprehensive Plan would be completed by the end of this year. Ruhland provided an in-depth overview of the draft land use plan and covered the future land use categories, land use acreage, land use map including industrial land areas, and special planning consideration areas. Jim Gromberg, WSB, provided information regarding the economic development chapter of the future Monticello 2040 + Comprehensive Plan. Gromberg noted that the first part of the economic development chapter would include baseline information including Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 8', 2020 (Workshop Meeting) Page 1 1 4 recent economic development events and developments, business activity and changes to businesses, current economic development projects, and available commercial/industrial land. The second part of the chapter looks at issues and opportunities that the City is facing and how they would be addressed and prepared for in the goals section of the chapter. The consultant highlighted five draft specific goals for economic development and also discussed the addition of redevelopment to the goals. Gromberg reminded the EDA that this is a long-term economic development plan for the next twenty years. The EDA, staff, and consultants discussed the future land use categories and acreages, especially as it relates to mixed use, parks and open space, residential housing, commercial, and industrial. The special planning area of the Northwest Area designated for a future interchange and supporting industrial businesses surrounding the improvement was reviewed. It was noted that the Northwest Area and East Bertram planning areas were long-term growth areas and that the primarily focus was development within the corporate limits or immediately adjacent land in the orderly annexation area. The importance of remaining flexible in the comprehensive plan for these areas was understood. Bill Tapper asked if large distribution operations were allowed in light industrial land use designations. Ruhland confirmed, and noted the Northwest Planning Area would allow such uses due to the immediate access to the interstate if an interchange was built there. There were also other notable areas in the city identified as light industrial where distribution operations would be permitted. Steve Johnson noted that the Monticello Orderly Annexation Agreement (MOAA) was set to expire in the coming years and asked what would or would not happen with a planned area designated in the township. Ruhland noted that they tried to designate areas in the township where it made sense to have a land use designation or identify the area as Development Reserve to continue allowing agricultural, low-density residential, or open space land. Johnson noted that it was important that the township was positive about the land use designations, direction, and goals. Angela Schumann noted that the township has representation on the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and Community Advisory Committee (CAC). Staff would be working with the township to bring on an additional member to the CAC as the township representative has resigned. The City is working hard to ensure the township has every opportunity to participate in this plan. 011ie Koropchak-White asked how the plan addresses the Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership (CMRP) efforts and discussion about a second bridge crossing. Ruhland noted that the consultants acknowledge the CMRP's work, but that it was not included in the plan at this time. The consultants recommended waiting for the CMRP group to go through planning process before incorporating or making decisions to include regional policies regarding a second bridge crossing. Bill Tapper asked if the plan took into account the continued development of Bertram Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 8tt', 2020 (Workshop Meeting) Page 2 1 4 Chain of Lakes Regional Park. Ruhland mentioned it would be discussed in the Land Use and Parks and Open Space Chapter of the comprehensive plan. He noted that it was an important economic development opportunity as a regional park and activity center. To what level to include policy decisions about Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park from an economic development standpoint would be further considered. It was understood there would be an increase in demand on the roadways to and from the park. Traffic impacts would be expected as the development continued progressing. The Transportation and Mobility chapter of the plan has future traffic generational data that coincides with long term improvements and the functional classifications of those roadways to be able to carry future traffic loads. Schumann also mentioned the micro plan for the East Bertram area shows upgrades to 90th Street and roundabout connections in that area. Good transportation to Bertram is important for the growth of the Park being used on a regional basis. Johnson mentioned the importance of housing in all of the topic areas for Economic Development. It was noted that a housing chapter or policy/goal statements would be created for housing. Gromberg encouraged the EDA to consider redevelopment opportunities throughout the City. Jim Davidson mentioned that it would be important to understand the direction for green space on the interstate. Tracy Hinz asked how Places of Worship were incorporated into the plan given the potential for new facilities. Hinz also requested that the City always keep an eye out for additional opportunities for easily accessible green/open space. Ruhland noted that Places of Worship are generally allowed everywhere and are not specifically called out. A policy in the Land Use Chapter talks about them being allowed in all residential and public/institutional uses. Ruhland noted that he would review the land use designation acreages, but noted that for residential growth, the plan does not account for neighborhood or community parks within new developments. The acreage for parks and open space would increase as residential growth increases. It was noted parks and open space were an important component for the plan and a high value for the community and City. Koropchak-White asked about the projected residential acreage and how it relates to projections for population density and increase. The consultants projected an increase of 6,000 people, or 2.1 percent growth rate in population over the next 20 years if the City were to develop to the densities the plan shows, which is in line with the Metropolitan Council's projections. Factors such as the economy and jobs will also impact that estimation. Koropchak-White asked if those projections take into account the school district and Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. Schumann stated that the school district has representatives on the TAC and CAC to keep them incorporated in the process. Schumann noted that the East Bertram Planning Area does support the construction of a new school in this area. Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 81h, 2020 (Workshop Meeting) Page 314 Davidson commented about uncertainty of land use designation along Elm Street and Washington Street. Schumann noted that staff would send the EDA documents to provide comments. Upcoming meetings with the TAC, CAC, PARCs, Planning Commission, City Council, and Monticello Township will also occur to continue to review the draft chapters of the plan. 4. Adjournment JIM DAVIDSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 5:49 P.M. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: August 12th, 2020, Attest: Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 8', 2020 (Workshop Meeting) Page 4 14