Planning Commission Minutes 02-08-1983 . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION February 8, 1983 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Jim Ridgeway, Ed SChaffer, Richard Carlson, Don Cochran. Members Absent: Joyce Dowling. 1. Approval of the Minutes. A motion was made by Schaffer, seconded by Cochran and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on January 11, 1983 as presented. 2. Public Hearing for the Final planned stage of the Planned Unit Development - Meadow Oak Subdivision. . Mr. Bob Bemboom, representing the developers of the Meadow Oak Subdivision, reviewed with the Planning Commission the proposed final platting of the approximate 165 acre Meadow Oak subdivision. The initial subdivision would be platted into three separate plats under the first phase as follows: A. Meadow Oaks - This plat will cover the entire Project amounting to approximately 165 acres and will be sub- divided into 16 outlots (outlot A through P). At the time of recording, the project will be owned by Jim T. Boyle and Beverly A. Boyle (outlots A, C, D, G through p) and the Partnership (OUtlots B, E and F) . B. Meadow Oaks Estates - This plat will constitutea re- plat of outlot Band will be subdivided into large lots intended for single family dwellings. C. Meadow Oaks Second Addition - This plat will constitute a replat of outlot F into small residential lots in- tended to serve as homesites for manufactured housing to be installed by the Partnership. . Mr. Bemboom noted that at the time the entire subdivision is recorded along with the replatting of the two outlots under the first phase, the City of Monticello will receive outlot E by deed for park dedication requirements and the City will re- ceive all trailways, etc. that abut the first two outlots being replatted. It was noted by Mr. Beroboom that the developers will, when the additional outlots are replatted, dedicate all of the other trailways throughout the subdivision. Additionally, - 1 - . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/8/83 the developers are proposing to dedicate an additional parcel of land adjacent to 1-94 for parkland purposes after 50% of the development is occupied. In reviewing the comments submitted by the City Planner, John Uban, Mr. Bemboom indicated that the developers would be agreeable to reducing the width of the trail systems under the power line ease- ments to 30 to 40 feet in width rather than a straight 60 foot wide system. This was recommended by the planner as he felt the City would not necessarily need a 60 foot width for a trail system. Initially, the City Planner also felt that an 8 foot wide asphalt trail be included in the park dedication but noted that a 6 foot wide asphalt trail would be sufficient if this is what the de- velopers are more comfortable with. It was also noted by the de- velopers that in reviewing other comments made by the City En- gineer and City Planner in regard to the final plat, they felt that there would no problems in meeting all the recommendations and requirements indicated in their letters. As a result, a motion was made by Carlson, seconded by Cochran, and unanimously carried to recommend approval of the final plat as submitted for Meadow Oak Subdivision which will consist of 16 outlots with the replatting of two of the outlots into subdivisions for a portion of the manufactured housing sites and executive home sites. 3. Public Hearing on the Revised Concept Plan and the Development Stage of the Planned Unit Development to be known as Victoria Square. Mr. Mike Reher, who owns a parcel of land in the vicinity of Cedar street and Dundas Road lying east of Highway 25, previous- ly presented a concept plan for a Planned Unit Development on that property to include office condos and townhouses. The original concept plan included three parcels, parcel A, B, and C. Parcel A proposed 29 townhouses on 2.24 acres, parcel B contained office condos of 52 units on 4.46 acres and parcel C would contain retail space of 11,065 square feet on the 1.7 acres of land. The original concept plan also proposed a re- alignment of old Cedar street from its present location to an easterly direction extending to Dundas Road. The new Cedar street would then proceed in a southerly direction parallel- ing HWy 25 to the edge of Mr. Reher's property. The revised concept plan now includes a fourth parcel D lo- cated south of D.mdas Road and east of Hwy 25. This property was previously owned by Ken Krienke which Mr. Reher has re- cently obtained a purChase agreement on. The revised concept plan now proposes this parcel for a future motel/restaurant site. - 2 - Planning Commission Minutes - 2/8/83 . As part of the proposed concept plan, the City staff has been working with Mr. Reher and other property owners abutting old Cedar street such as Automatic Garage Door Company, Danner Trucking, and Mel Wolters to work out an exchange of property if old Cedar Street would be vacated by the City. The vaca- tion of Cedar Street is feasible if the new p~oposed Cedar Avenue extension is approved in Mr. Reher's concept plan. Also as part of the vacation of Cedar Street, the City would acquire the land to extend Dundas Road directly onto Hwy 25 which now currently ends at old Cedar Street. After reviewing the amended concept plan, it was noted by the City Planner, John Uban, that the next step for Mr. Reher would be to prepare a preliminary plat on the entire project as proposed, assuming that all the property owners involved would agree to the property exchanges. ~he resulting pre- liminary plat would include portions of a vacated Cedar Street and should probably be platted into 4 large outlots as the initial stage and then each individual outlot could be re- platted to coincide with the proposed concept plan. . At this time Mr. Reher reviewed with the Planning Commission the proposed preliminary platting of Parcel A which would con- sist of 29 townhouse units. It was noted by City Planner, John Uban, that although Parcel A appears to be well designed, 29 townhouse units may be too much density for this parcel of land and suggested that possibly a couple of the units be eliminated to provide more open space. Current city ordinances require 5,000 square feet per townhouse unit which would only allow approximately 19 to 22 units on this parcel of land. In reviewing this item, Mr. Reher indicated acceptance to eliminating a couple of townhouse units to provide more open space. In addi- tion, Mr. Reher will also shift some of the townhouse units closer to the lot lines to provide more parking space in front of each of the garages to safely accommodate the loading and unloading of the vehicles parked in these locations. . Concerns were expressed by the Planning commission members re- garding park dedication requirements as the plat is not pro- posing any park land other than a small tot lot area for the townhouses. Mr. Reher noted that he did not feel he had enough land to actually dedicate 10% of the property for park land but would consider cash dedication to the City to be used for park improvements in the future should a park be developed southbf the freeway. In regard to the actual park dedication, Mr. Reher noted that it was his understanding that possibly the subdivision fees relating to this plat and also the park dedication require- ments might be waived in exchange for the new Cedar street dedi- cation. Committee members noted that although the City is - 3 - . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/8/83 acqu~r1ng a new right-of-way in this proposal for Cedar Street, the City would also be vacating the old Cedar Street right-of- way which Mr. Reher would acquire and because there will be high residential density in this area, the park land cash dedi- cation should still be part of the proposed subdivision. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission members that no action be taken at this time to approve the amended concept plan and preliminary plat for parcel A for the townhouses but recommended that the developers prepare a preliminary plat for the entire area after an agreement has been reached with all of the property owners in regard to the vacation of Cedar Street and then prepare a preliminaryreplatting for parcel A for the townhouses incorporating any comments suggested by the Planning Commission. The replatting for parcel A should in- clude a realignment of the building set backs and the elimination of 2 townhouse units for a total of 27 units. It was also recomended by the Planning Commission that the City Planner review and provide some suggestions as to where a pos- sible park could be located south of the freeway to serve for a future development in this area. 4. Consideration of Variance Requests - CUrb and Gutter Require- ments - Silver Fox Motel. Reinert Construction of Sauk Rapids, recently submitted plans for a proposed expansion of the dining facilities and an 18 room addition to the motel facilities at the Silver Fox Motel. The expansion proposed of the dining and bar area would be approximately 1,300 square feet and the 18 unit motel addition would include an area for a sauna and whirlpool. Mr. Bill Pritchard of Reinert Construction reviewed the site plan with the Planning Commission members and noted that ad- ditional 45 new parking spaces would be constructed as part of the expansion. Mr. Pritchard requested that the Planning Commission consider two variance requests as follows: 1. A variance from the City's requirement of curb and gutter around all of the existing present parking areas due to the expansion and also; 2. A variance to eliminate the curb and gutter at the south end of the new proposed parking area as this is the area that would be expanded in the future for additional parking. - 4 - Planning Commission Minutes - 2/8/83 . The variance to eliminate a portion of the curb at the south end of the parking lot would eliminate the need to remove this curb if future expaRsion required more parking areas. In regard to a variance request to eliminate the installation of curb and gutter around the existing parking areas, Mr. Pritchard noted that at the time the Silver Fox Motel was built, all of the City ordin- ances were met at that time in that a permanent curb and gutter was not required. They felt that a motel should be grand fathered in in regard to the existing parking areas, but if the planning Commission wished, the owners would install all of the curb and gutter around the new parking areas to meet the new City require- ments. A motion was made by Schaffer, seconded by Cochran and unanimous- ly carried to grant the variance request to eliminate curb and gutter around the existing parking areas as the property does now provide curb stops contingent upon all new parking areas proposed being provided with curb and gutter. A motion by Schaffer, seconded by Carlson to adjourn. . a(;~ Rick Wolfst ller Assistant Administrator - 5 - .