Planning Commission Minutes 12-06-1983 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION December 6, 1983 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Jim Ridgeway, Richard Carlson, Don Cochran. Members Absent: Joyce Dowling, Ed Schaffer. Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Thomas Eidem. The meeting was called to order by President Jim Ridgeway at 7:45 P.M. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the Special November 22, 1983, Planning Commission Meeting. Motion by Don Cochran, seconded by Richard Carlson, to approve the minutes of the special November 22, 1983, Planning Commission Meeting. 3. Public Hearing - K & H Auto Repair - Conditional Use Request to Allow Major Auto Repair in a B-4 Zone. Mr. Ken Stolp was present to present his request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow major auto repair in a B-4 Zone. Mr. Stolp is requesting a Conditional Use Permit even though he has been in operation for a little over five years at this location. Late this summer Mr. Stolp purchased the building located at the present location from Mr. Jim Teslow, who operated a used car sales lot at the present location. Approximately five years ago, Mr. Stolp leased a portion of the building from Mr. Teslow to operate an auto repair business. Mr. Stolp indicated his willingness to clean up the lot and to abide by the stipulations indicated in an out-of- court settlement with Mr. Jim Teslow's attorney and our city attorney back in 1976. Zoning Administrator Anderson pointed out to Planning Commission members that Mr. Stolp is currently cleaning up the property, even some that isn't his in the area between the present post office building and his building. He has removed some of the small trees that have grown up there, and he has also started to remove some of the automobiles and the automobile parts located around the building. We had a letter from an affected property owner in the area, Mr. Thomas Eidem and Mary Eidem. The Eidem's expressed their concerns as to the parking problem that has developed within the property and requested general clean up of the property and that the noise level be kept at the minimum. Mr. Stolp countered the letter in that he is working on cleaning up the property and is also working on the off-street parking for his business. As to the noise level, he indicated that he would keep the noise level at the minimum. A letter was also read from Lorrell and Ruby Hass. The Hass's indicated that they have no objection to Mr. Stolp's Conditional Use Request to allow major auto repair in a B-4 Zone. - 1 - . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 12/6/83 Public input was indicated from those in attendance and are as follows: Mr. Leo Mazer stated that the City should be looking at cleaning up the lot behind him, as Ken has made an effort to clean up the area where he is at and something should also be looked at with the area behind him. Chairman Ridgeway countered that the item at hand right now is Mr. Stolp's Conditional Use Request and that is what we are working on at this time and the Planning Commission is aware of the property immediately to the rear of Mr. stolp's property. Mr. Roman Brauch, a rental property owners across the street from Mr. Stolp's property, questioned the off-street parking problem, indicating that he is proposing to develop the property there and would like something done with the current parking problem which is at the property now. Chair- man Ridgeway countered that the parking problem is addressed as a condition; and before a Conditional Use would be granted, it would be entered in as a condition to the Conditional Use Permit. Commission member Don Cochran questioned Mr. Stolp as to any future plans that he might have with the development of this property. Mr. stolp countered with, he intends to do an overall clean-up of the property, painting of the building, hard surfacing of the parking lot, and a general phasing out of the auto sales business at this time. Taking some of the comments into con- sideration, a motion was made by Don Cochran, seconded by Richard Carlson to approve the Conditional Use Request to allow major auto repair in a B-4 Zone with the following conditions attached: (1) To grant the Conditional Use Request for a period up to and including June l, 1984, at which time the property will be reviewed; (2) that the off-street parking problem be resolved, that being Mr. Stolp to provide six off-street parking spaces and that he find a parking space for his employees and also for customers that would be off-street parking; (3) that he maintain a neat and orderly outside appearance to the building, general clean-up of the exterior of the building and removal of most of the cars that aren't there for repair; (4) that no further expansion of Mr. Stolp's building be allowed; (5) that the noise level be kept at an acceptable level. The motion carried unanimously. 4. Public Hearing - Seitz Our OWn Hardware - Conditional Use Request to Allow Outside Liquid storage in a B-4 Zone. Mr. Seitz was present to present his proposal to allow him to operate his current retail kerosene sales business, acknowledging the State Fire Code Regulations which would, if his Conditional Use is allowed, be attached as conditions to the Conditional Use. He objected mainly to the requirement that a hand operated pump or an electrically activated pump be used for dispensing of the liquid products stored. Mr. Seitz eluded to his kerosene business as being a very marginal type of profit, and it would be a major expense for him to incorporate the hand or electrically activated pump for the dispensing of his - 2 - Planning Commission Minutes - l2/6/83 . kerosene product and the actual pay back on it would be many years down the road. Mr. Seitz acknowledged that he currently has the labels with which to mark his tanks. He has obtained estimates to construct an area around the tanks as a protective barrier and also as an overspill containment of the liquids stored there. He has also acknowledged that the tanks must be securely fastened to the wall, which he is intending to construct around the tanks. Planning Commission Chairman Jim Ridgeway read aloud a letter that was re- ceived from Masonic Lodge, which stated they have no opposition to Mr. Seitz's Conditional Use Request, that he is operating a good business there, and keeps the area neat in appearance. With no further input from the public on Mr. Seitz's Conditional Use Request, a motion by Don Cochran, seconded by Richard Carlson, to approve the Conditional Use Request to allow outside liquid storage in a B-4 Zone with the following conditions attached: . 1. That he comply with all the requirements of the State Fire Code, those being: a. marking of the tanks with an approved label. b. that the tanks be securely fastened to a platform. c. that the wall constructed around the tanks be of such type to prevent a vehicle from running into the tanks. d. the area around the tanks be contained for spillage of the liquid products. e. that the dispensing of the liquids from the tanks either be through a hand-operated pump or an electrically activated pump. 2. That he comply within 45 days from today's date, December 6, 1983. Motion carried unanimously. 5. public Hearing - Murfin Landscaping - Conditional Use Request to Allow Outside Storage and Sales in a B-3 Zone. Mr. Walt Murfin was present to present his plans for his proposed landscaping business. Mr. Murfin presented his plan to Planning Commission members and noted the different areas proposed within the property for the nature of his business. Mr. Murfin explained he would like to install cyclone fencing six feet, no more than eight feet, in height on the east side of the property and also on the south side of the property with a gate used as the entrance to it. Mr. Murfin also indicated that he will have eight off-street parking spaces. The area for the trees and shrubs would be to the north and west portions of the property. The bins to hold the land- scaping timbers and the decorative rock would be installed in the . - 3 - Planning Commission Meeting - l2/6/83 . back part of the lot right before it drops down below the hill. Any vehicles that might be used in his outdoor sales business would be kept below the rear portion of the lot and out of view from the public. Mr. Murfin indicated his willingness to work with the City in whatever their desires may be as conditions to his Conditional Use Request. Motion by Richard Carlson, seconded by Don Cochran, to approve the Conditional Use Request to allow outdoor sales and service in a B-3 Zone with the following conditions attached; l. The Retail sales be held on the lot. 2. The lot be kept in a neat and orderly business- like fashion. 3. The east and south side fencing be 8-foot cyclone fence. 4. The maximum amount of vehicles stored overnight be limited to four. 5. The Conditional Use is granted for a period of one year from tonight's date, December 6, 1983. . 6. The lot be hard surfaced and any cracks or break-ups currently existing be repaired in the spring. The motion carried unanimously. As an additional comment, the Planning Commission would like the nature of the business to be intended for retail sales of landscaping products as the primary intent of the business. 6. Public Hearing - John Sandberg -Preliminary Plat Review of the Proposed New Development to be Named Par West. Mr. Sandberg was present to explain his proposed development of approximately 28 plus acres and the development of the acreage to be mostly R-l single family housing with two outlot areas, one to be multi-family apartment building and the other to consist of a townhouse development. Mr. Sandberg acknowledged that some problems have arisen from his proposed subdivision, and they would address each problem as indicated on the agenda supplement of City staff recommendations. At this point, Planning Commission Chairman Jim Ridgeway asked for any public input, and the following input was noted: Larry Nolan, who resides in the Hillcrest Addition, expressed his concerns, along with Earl Smith, of the increased traffic flow, especially at the intersection of prairie Road and County Road 75. . - 4 - Planning Commission Minutes - l2/6/83 . With the proposed R-3 density, there would be more population coming out at the intersection onto Prairie Road. Mr. Max LaVelle also eluded to the increased traffic problems, as he is a resident in Oakview Circle. Mr. Gary Mutchler commented on the increased traffic on 75 from the new proposed development. There are only two exits or entrances onto County Road 75 from the area in which he lives, Mathew Circle, one being at the west end of West River street and the other one being the Otter Creek Road. Mr. Tom Jiroux also commented on the traffic problem on Prairie Road right now and there being excess of speed in the area and the area in which he lives has a lot of kids. Mr. Bruce Tvedt was concerned with the on-site disposal of building products and if burying was going to be continued. Motion by Don Cochran, seconded by Richard Carlson, to lay the subdivision addition request over to the next regularly scheduled meeting, which will be January lO, 1984, with action stemming from staff recommendation that the development was lacking the following items: l. We don't want park dedication. 2. We don't want multiple zones in a single family zone, as it is inconsistent with our Comprehensive Plan. . 3. The sewer maintenance problems built in as presented in the plans. 4. The water line dead ended at the railroad tracks. 5. Four drainage problems of the storm sewer water should be looked at. 6. Lots 7 & 8, Block 3, have not been clarified. 7. No erosion control measures have been established. 8. No vegetation or tree saving plan is presented. 9. We would like to see some type of walkway from Block 3 to the park and the possibility of an access between Lot 1 through Block 2 to Lot 3 and adjacent over to the Park area, and that these proposed walkways be hard surfaced. 10. Research alternative access points along the proposed access across the railroad tracks across from Oakview Circle. . ll. The property owners within a 350 foot radius have not been identified on the proposed plat and the zoning for the surrounding area of the proposed subdivision plat have not been identified on the proposed plan. - 5 - . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 12/6/83 Motion carried unanimously. John Sandberg would like the City staff to address the spot zoning and the definition for spot zoning. It was indicated by Planning Commission Chairman that the City staff would look into that and get back to him on this. 7. Public Hearing - Monticello Country Club - Preliminary Plat Review for the Proposed New Subdivision to be Named Country View Terrace. Mr. Jean Brouillard, Monticello Country Club member, was there to discuss with Planning Commission members the proposed addition. Within the proposed addition there would be 10 residential single family lots, which would meet the minimum lot size and the minimum front foot requirements in the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Brouillard indicated that the proposed addition would have two accesses with one new access to the addition and one utilizing an existing access that enters into the Monticello Country Club Golf Course. Mr. Rohlin commented on the City staff's recommendation on the proposed subdivision addition plat. He indicated that they would put in the 10-foot sideyard setbacks and the 20-foot corner lot sideyard setbacks would be shown on the new drawings and that the 20-foot easement would be put in showing the 42-inch storm sewer which goes through the property. The structures or owners within a 350-foot radius of the addition would be indicated on the plan. Surface water drainage has been addressed and will be indicated on the drawings. The storm sewer and curbing on the south side access road is addressed and would be indicated on the plans. No erosion control is indicated on the plans. storm sewer water sent into the 42-inch storm sewer line instead of into the drainage ditch would be proposed. Motion by Don Cochran, seconded by Richard Carlson, to approve the preliminary plan of the new proposed subdivision plat addition to be known as Country View Terrace with the following conditions attached: 1. The conditions that were addressed in the staff recom- mendation be so indicated on the new proposed set of plans to be submitted before Monday night's Council meeting. 2. The 10-foot sideyard setback be indicated on the drawing and also the 20-foot corner lot sideyard setbacks be shown. 3. That there be a 20-foot easement shown on the drawing of the 42-inch storm sewer which goes through the property. 4. That the structures or owners within a 350-foot radius of the subdivision be indicated on the map or on the enclosed paper attached with the drawings. - 6 - Planning Commission Minutes - 12/6/83 . 5. The surface water drainage be addressed. 6. The storm sewer and the curbing on the south side of the road also be indicated on the plans. 7. Erosion control measures be indicated on the plans. 8. Storm sewer water be sent into the 42-inch storm sewer line instead of into the drainage ditch. Motion carried unanimously. Additional Information Items 1. Motion by Richard Carlson, seconded by Don Cochran, to set the next regular monthly meeting date for January la, 1984, at 7:3a p.m. 2. Motion by Richard Carlson, seconded by Don Cochran, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at la:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted, . ~~de~ Zoning Administrator . - 7 -