City Council Minutes 09-14-2020 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 14, 2020 — 5 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Bill Fair, Jim Davidson, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None Others: City staff: Jeff O'Neill (arrived at 5:30 p.m.), Tracy Ergen, Rachel Leonard, Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Jim Thares, Dan Klein, and Jennifer Schreiber 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. 5 p.m. Approval of City Administrator Finalists, Schedule of Interviews, and Expense Reimbursement Options Consultant Liza Donabauer presented a memo to the City Council with a list of thirteen candidates. They were chosen out of 58 applications. The list was confidential so the names were not provided. Ms. Donabauer recommended that the Council choose five or six finalists from this list. There was minimal discussion. City Councilmembers were to choose their five top choices by ballot. Each applicant was assigned a number. Councilmembers submitted their choices. Councilmember Fair abstained from voted on finalists. The top candidates were numbers 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, and 13. It was consensus that the final interviews take place the afternoon of October 6 and the morning of October 7. There was also consensus that a stipend of $200 per diem be given to candidates traveling over 50 miles. There will be future discussion on the transition from the current City Administrator to the newly selected Administrator. 3. 5:35 p.m. Introduction of Lt. Jason Kramber, Discussion of WCSO Monticello Enforcement Strategies and Priorities Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator, introduced Wright County Sheriff Sean Deringer. Sheriff Deringer introduced Lt. Jason Kramber, the new Patrol Supervisor, who will be working closely with the City. Lt. Eric Kunkel was also present. He served previously in this position and was promoted to the Criminal Investigation Division. Sheriff Deringer addressed the City Council on the importance of working together and operating as community partners. He stressed the need for keeping lines of communication open between City Council, City staff, and the Sheriff s Office. 4. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. City Council Special Meeting Minutes September 14, 2020 Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: ministrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes September 14, 2020