Planning Commission Minutes 07-09-1985 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION July 9, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Jim Ridgeway, Richard Martie, Richard Carlson, Ed Schaffer. Members Absent: Joyce Dowling. Staff Present: Tom Eidem, Gary Anderson. The meeting was called to order by Chair Jim Ridgeway at 7:33 P.M. Motion by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Richard Carlson, to approve the minutes of the June 11, 1985, Planning Commission meeting. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Public Hearing - Variance Request to Allow Less than the Minimum Number of parking Spaces Required and to Allow no Curbing in Certain Areas of a Parking Lot - Applicant, Jim Powers. Jim Powers was present to discuss his variance request for less parking spaces than required and curbing along the northeast side of his property. Mr. Powers explained that due to the nature of his type of activity in the health club business and with the amount of area taken up by the swimming pool and the racquet club, he felt he wouldn't need as many parking spaces as required by ordinance. Under the formula for the parking spaces, parking spaces are allowed for the lounge area, the health club area, and also some retail rental space. Adding up the total number of spaces required, Mr. Powers would have to come up with 209 total spaces. Mr. Powers was able to generate 134 spaces, which would leave a variance of 75 parking spaces. Mr. Powers also indicated he would like to have a variance to allow no curbing along the northeast property line from Sandberg Road west into the property approximately 200 lineal feet. If allowed no curbing along that 200 foot strip, it would allow joint parking with the proposed new tenant or tenants to be located on the adjacent lot. Motion by Ed schaffer, seconded by Dick Martie, to allow a 75 parking space variance and to allow no curbing along the northeast property line approximately 200 feet along this property line from Sandberg Road for a period not to exceed one year. At that time it will be reviewed by the zoning Administrator, and his recommendation will come back to the Planning Commission at that time. Motion carried unanimously. -1- Planning Commission Minutes - 7/9/85 . 4. Public Hearing - A Development Plan for a Planned Unit Development - Applicant, John Kornovich. Mr. Lionel Kull was present to propose the development stage of the Planned Unit Development. Mr. Kull was present with architect, Sid Williamson, to propose the development stage with the changes as penciled in. Mr. Kull explained the penciled in changes came about as the result of a meeting with City staff members Thomas Eidem and Gary Anderson on Friday, July 5. Chair Jim Ridgeway opened the meeting for input from the public. Before any input from the public, he read a letter which was submitted from Mr. Roger Pribyl, a resident in Kampa Estates. Mr. Pribyl's concerns were addressed by Planning Commission members, staff, and developers. Chair Ridgeway questioned staff members if they felt confident that these penciled in changes would all be put onto the final development stage plat. Zoning Administrator Anderson and City Administrator Eidem answered that they felt very confident with the developers that these would be incorporated onto the final plan to be submitted prior to recording. Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Richard Carlson, to approve the development stage of a Planned Unit Development with the conditions as noted by Planning Commission members and City staff. Motion carried unanimously. . Motion by Dick Martie, seconded by Ed Schaffer, to approve the final plat of the Planned Unit Development with the conditions as attached by Planning Commission members and City staff. Motion carried unanimously. Public Hearing - A Revised Development Plan for a Planned Unit Development - Applicant, Mike Reher. 5. Chair Jim Ridgeway questioned staff members if everything was in order for this item. Staff members countered that we are short the recordable documents for transferring of land for street purposes and also the development of these proposed streets. Taking that information under advisement, Chair Jim Ridgeway reported that the Planning Commission members would not hear Mr. Reher's request, as everything is not in order. Mr. Ridgeway, however, stated they felt Mr. Reher had a very good plan but that he come back to them with everything in order before they would hold a hearing on it. Additional Information Items 1. Motion by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Dick Martie, to approve the next tentative meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission for August 13, 1985, 7:30 P.M. Motion carried unanimously. . -2- . . . 2. Motion by Ed the meeting. unanimously. Planning Commission Minutes - 7/9/85 Schaffer, seconded by Richard Carlson, to adjourn The meeting adjourned at 8:39 P.M. Motion carried Respectfully submitted, dlC~/ 4tekl')<:71 Gary Ander-son zoning Administrator -3-