City Council Minutes 02-12-2007 Council Minutes: 2112/07 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 12, 2007 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski. Members Absent: Wayne Mayer 1. Call to Order and Pled!!:e of Alle!!:iance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 1 2A. Approve minutes of Januarv 12. 2007 re!!:ular Council meetin!!:. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 12,2007 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of Februarv 5. 2007 special Council meetin!!:. Tom Perrault noted that the special meeting adjourned at 9 p.m. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKl MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 5, 2007 SPECIAL MEETING WITH THE CORRECTION NOTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of addin!!: items to the a!!:enda. No items were added. 4. Citizen comments. petitions. requests and concerns. Mayor Herbst noted there was a special meeting held prior to the regular meeting addressing blight/nuisance issues and how to address them. This item will be coming back to the Council at a future meeting. The Council also met with representatives from the Monticello Times regarding newspaper coverage. No one else spoke under citizens comments. 5. Consent A!!:enda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures. Recommendation: Ratify hires and departures for Fire Department, MCC, Parks and Liquor store. Council Minutes: 2/12107 B. Consideration of approving request for temporary liquor license for wine-tasting event. Recommendation: Approve a temporary liquor license for Hi-Way Liquors for their wine-tasting event at the Community Center on March 30, 2007. C. Consideration of adopting a resolution in opposition to legislation to allow sale of wine in grocery stores. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution opposing any proposed legislation allowing wine to be sold for off-premise consumption at any outlet other than an authorized off-sale liquor store. D. Consideration of approving a request for a simple subdivision in an 1-2 (Heavy Industrial) District. Applicant: Steve Birkeland. Recommendation: Approve the simple subdivision subject to a finding that the resulting parcels are consistent with the performance standards of the 1-2, Heavy Industrial District, and the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. E. Consideration of approving a request for a conditional use permit for a comprehensive sign plan for a retail strip center in a B-3 (Highway Business) District. Applicant: Miller Architects and Builders. Recommendation: Approve the request for a conditional use permit for a comprehensive sign plan as presented, based on a finding that the proposed signage is within the allowed parameters of the ordinance and consistent with the conditions for approval. F. REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA. G. Consideration of authorization to conduct a market study for development of a second liquor store. Recommendation: Authorize staff to request proposals for updating or completing a new study to include analysis of business viability and identification of preferred sites. H. REMOVED FROM AGENDA 1. Consideration of bids for used 936 Cat loader and consideration of award of sale. Recommendation: Approve awarding the sale of the used 936 Caterpillar Wheel Loader in as-is condition to Dennis Fehn Excavating of Albertville, MN for $18,100. J. Consideration of approval of additional year end fund transfer. Recommendation: Approve the transfer of an additional $154,484.57 from Fund 240 (Capital Outlay) to Fund 477 (CSAH 75/200-16C) to cover the final payment to Wright County and eliminate a fund deficiency. K. Consideration of approving appointment to the Monticello Community Center Advisory Board. Recommendation: Approve an ordinance amendment increasing the Community Center Advisory Board from a five member board to a six member board and to approve the appointments of Ron Broekemeier and Robin Morrin to the Community Center Advisory Board. 1. Consideration of approving bond counsel for proposed City broadband project. Recommendation: Approve selection of Mr. Stephen Rosholt and Mr. Mark Meaney 2 Council Minutes: 2/12107 of Faegre and Benson, LLC as bond counsel for the City's proposed fiber network to the home. Funding for bond counsel costs have been included in the current budget or could possibly be covered by future bond proceeds. Items #5C, #5E and #5G were removed from the consent agenda. Clint Herbst noted on #5K, Appointment to the MCC Advisory Board, that the MCC Advisory Board interviewed three very good candidates and two of the candidates were selected. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5C, #5E AND #5G. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent al!enda for discussion. #5C, Resolution in opposition to sale of wine in grocery stores: Tom Perrault stated that he has talked to a number of people who would like to see the sale of wine in grocery stores and he stated his opposition to the proposed resolution. Clint Herbst felt that limiting the number of facilities allowed to sell alcohol gave better control in preventing the sale of alcohol to minors. 3 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION OPPOSING ANY PROPOSED LEGISLATION ALLOWING WINE TO BE SOLD FOR OFF-PREMISE CONSUMPTION AT ANY OUTLET OTHER THAN AN AUTHORIZED OFF-SALE LIQUOR STORE. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. #5E, Conditional Use Permit for Comprehensive Sign Plan: Brian Stumpf said he would like to know what transpired on this development, how it progressed the way it did and why the footprint for the retail center had changed. Clint Herbst stated it is important that the City is consistent in how they handle development applications. Jeff O'Neill stated it was a judgment call on the part of staff. They did not feel the changes in the plan were significant enough to justify having the developer wait another 30-45 days to proceed with his plan. Brian Stumpf questioned besides the change in the drive aisle location, ifthe width had been changed from 12' to 10'. Brian Stumpf agreed with the Mayor that everyone should be treated the same in the development process and no on should receive special treatment. Jeff O'Neill explained that they were trying to expedite the process for the developer. Brian Stumpf stated that something like this important enough to be included in the Council update. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A COMPREHENSNE SIGN PLAN AS PRESENTED BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED SIGNAGE IS WITHIN THE ALLOWED PARAMETERS OF THE ORDINANCE AND CONSISTENT WITH THE CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5G, Development of a second liquor store site: The Council has periodically discussed developing a second liquor store site but nominal activity has taken place on this matter. The City had originally looked at locating the store in the area ofCSAH 75/CSAH 39. There has Council Minutes: 2/12/07 been considerable commercial development in this area and it was felt that if the City still felt this area was the suitable location for a second liquor store site, they should be looking at specific properties and negotiating prices. The Council discussed various sites in the area but felt they needed someone with greater expertise to look at the available sites and make a recommendation as to which site would be most suitable for the second liquor store. The Council questioned whether a market study should be done at this time or after a site has been selected. Once a site is selected and land costs negotiated, the City could then research the cost of constructing the building and determining whether there would be any profitability in having a second store. Susie Wojchouski raised the question about the possibility of grocery stores and other outlets being able to sell alcohol and what impact that would have on proceeding with a second liquor store. She also asked that the Council consider the possibility ofleasing space if they proceed with a second liquor store site. Tom Perrault felt that the City may find that with land costs and building costs, a second liquor store site might not be feasible. He also noted that a second city owned site would take another piece of commercial property off the tax rolls. Clint Herbst felt that City won't know the feasibility of pursuing a second liquor store until they know land costs and construction costs. He said there are a lot of questions and he wasn't sure about the right steps to get all the questions answered. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKl MOVED TO DIRECT STAFF TO GET THE NUMBERS FOR THE PROPERTIES LISTED ON THE COUNCIL AGENDA AND GET INFORMATION ON LEASE SP ACE AVAILABLE IN THE CITY AND BRING IT BACK TO THE COUNCIL. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 7. Public Hearinl! on revenue stabilization aereement with XceI Enerl!V/NSP. The Council had previously held a public hearing on the proposed revenue stabilization agreement with Xcel Energy. At that point the Council had directed that certain points be negotiated and some terms contained in the agreement be clarified. Xcel Energy has refused to make any adjustments to the terms of the agreement. The Council received information from Sherburne County listing concerns the County had with the revenue stabilization agreement. Jeff O'Neill said the agreement made sense from a financial standpoint for the City. He noted there is political activity taking place on legislation to increase the classification rates for utilities. The Council has to decide whether to approve the agreement or hold off on the agreement until the impact of the proposed legislation is known. Darrin Lahr from Xcel Energy had indicated that Xcel Energy expects the Department of Revenue changes would be in place by April I , Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing on the proposed revenue stabilization agreement with Xcel Energy. No one spoke for or against the proposed agreement. Clint Herbst asked if it would be wise to table this matter in order to look at some of the items raised in the information from Sherburne County. 4 Council Minutes: 2/12/07 Martha Ingram indicated they are good reasons to enter into the agreement, however there some questions that are problematic such as definition of some of the terms. She indicated that any further negotiation would not likely be fruitful. She felt it was a policy decision on the City's part if they wanted to wait a couple of weeks to see what happens at the capitol. Clint Herbst stated this is an agreement of magnitude that could significantly impact the City, and the Council needs to feel comfortable signing it. He didn't feel the City was in a position to gamble on something that they didn't know the full impact of. Susie Wojchouski stated she would like to discuss the legislation with Amy Koch and do some additional research with the communities of Red Wing and Goodhue County. For that reason she would like to see the item tabled for a couple of weeks. Clint Herbst suggested that when the hearing takes place on the legislation to increase the classification rates for utility companies the City should have representatives present. 5 Susie Wojchouski asked if there was anything that indicated that it was required to approve the agreement tonight. While she was not opposed to entering into the agreement, she did fee more information was needed. Martha Ingram said the public hearing could be continued until the next Council meeting. Clint Herbst asked if the clarification of terms in the agreement was an unrealistic request. Martha Ingram indicated the utility's position was that these issues have been negotiated in agreements with the other utility cities. Xcel Energy wants consistency in all of their agreements and is not inclined to make any changes. Clint Herbst stated he has concerns about the vagueness of the terms in the agreement. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REVENUE STABILILZAITON AGREEMENT TO FEBRUARY 26, 2007. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Public Hearin!!: on Chelsea Road ImDrovements from CSAH 18 to Fallon Avenue. Proiect No. 2006-31C and consideration of orderin!!: Droiect. Bret Weiss from WSB and Associates gave a presentation on the proposed reconstruction project. When the feasibility report was presented the Council had suggested that the pathway and street lighting be removed from the study and had also directed the engineer to look at ways of reducing the storm sewer cost. The reason the project is being considered is because it is part of the overall interchange improvements. This is a planned improvement which is called for in the Monticello Industrial Park Agreement. The project proposes to construct Chelsea Road to a 44' urban section with storm sewer and ponding altematives. Some additional sewer and water services are also being considered. In looking at reducing the storm sewer costs, WSB and Associates will be bidding the use of plastic pipe as an alternate. Using plastic pipe in lieu of concrete pipe would reduce the cost by approximately $140,000. As part of the interchange project a portion of Chelsea Road was constructed. This project would pick up Chelsea Road from that point and extend it to Fallon Avenue. An alternate option would be to construct Chelsea Road to the ponding area and Council Minutes: 2/12/07 have Fallon Avenue line up with the future Fallon Avenue overpass. Bret Weiss noted that adjacent property owners are not in favor of reconstructing Fallon A venue. The issue with improving Fallon A venue relates to the need to have a deep trunk sanitary sewer line installed. Bret Weiss noted there is ponding proposed on the existing City site but additional land would be needed from WSI. The existing pond is midway between Fallon Avenue and CSAH 18. Monticello Industrial Park is looking to have the pond location changed. Staff has some concerns about the well at the existing pond location and would request that any pond be lined with clay. The pond does not have to be added at this time so there are some options that can be studied. 6 Clint Herbst asked if there was some reason the ponding could not be placed entirely on City property rather than acquiring WSI property. It was noted the reservoir site on Chelsea Road has room for a future treatment plant and two additional reservoirs. Staff is concerned about maintaining as much property on the site for future use rather than committing it to ponding area. Bret Weiss stated that Monticello Industrial Park provided 12.5 acres to the City in lieu of an assessment. Bret Weiss discussed the intersection design for Fallon Avenue which would be a 90 degree intersection that would line up with the Fallon Avenue Overpass. Future improvements to Chelsea Road would include the construction of the pathway estimated at $132,000. Originally the plan called for two 8' concrete pathways to be constructed. Now only one pathway is being proposed. Street lighting in the amount of$178,000 was removed from the project with the City Council wanting to look at covering this improvement with funds generated from a franchise agreement with Xce1. The developer wants to have both the pathway and street lighting included in this project. The estimated project cost is $3,334,150 with the City's portion of the cost being approximately $1,903,500. Bret Weiss explained the 10% contingency which is used because the project has not gone through the design stage. After the project is bid the 10% contingency is no longer used. The 28% indirect costs includes engineering, legal, fiscal fees and administrative. Bret Weiss noted that in most cases the actual indirect costs are closer to the 15% to 20% range. The proposed assessments would be reconstruction costs of $70/front foot for non-residential properties plus the cost of any new improvements. Storm sewer assessment is based on contributing areas and there may be future assessments for pathway and street lighting improvements. He noted the City is paying a portion of the reconstruction costs including utility adjustment costs. Bret Weiss reviewed the area proposed to be assessed. Bret Weiss stated the feasibility report had looked at improving Chelsea Road to Edmonson A venue but there did not appear to be any interest in proceeding with this. He also noted that the former Clow Stamping site owner had expressed an interest in acquiring the excess right- of-way. Bret Weiss indicated there is a proposed commercial development for the 35 acres on the south side of the road. Bret Weiss stated he had received a copy of the letter from the IDC relating to this project and wanted to address some of the concerns raised in that letter. He said the 2007 date is not stated in the agreement but implied in it. He stated the assessments for the Monticello Industrial 7 Council Minutes: 2/12107 Park property will be deferred until 20 II or until the property develops. The deferred assessment will be extended as long as it takes the City to complete Chelsea Road construction project. The condition of Fallon Avenue was discussed and while it is believed that Fallon Avenue should be reconstructed the question is the deep sanitary sewer line that is required. Until the City needs to put in the sanitary sewer line for capacity needs, the City would delay improving Fallon A venue. Bret Weiss stated the developer couldn't effectively market their property if the improvements are not in ahead of time. Bret Weiss reviewed the schedule for the project. It is proposed to award the contract in June with construction to start shortly thereafter and the first lift of blacktop to be in place by November 2007. The assessment hearing would be held in 2008 with the assessment to be payable in 2009. Bret Weiss stated that the bidding climate is favorable now with contractors looking for work so the prices should be competitive. Clint Herbst stated that the street lighting should be covered by the franchise fee so there would be no assessment for it. Bret Weiss suggested one option with the pathway would be to put in through the undeveloped portion of the project only. Clint Herbst stated he didn't feel the pathway was practical in this area and should be left out of the project. The street lighting should be included in the project but not assessed. Torn Perrault questioned the difference between the plastic and concrete pipe for the storm sewer. Bret Weiss responded that the concrete pipe is more fail safe. Plastic pipe has not been around as long as concrete pipe. Bret Weiss said they have not used plastic pipe in the size needed on this project. John Simola indicated that placing the storm sewer in the boulevard area of Chelsea Road was discussed but that it was not covered in the feasibility report. Bret Weiss responded that there was not a cost savings by doing so but agreed it would allow for easier access. Bret Weiss said they would look at this in the design phase. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. Mike Benedetto, Vice Chair ofthe IDC Committee read a letter from the IDC regarding the Chelsea Road reconstruction project. The letter raised a number of points that the IDC felt should be addressed. These included: 1) the 28% indirect costs for engineering, legal, etc.; 2) the speed with which the project was moving forward and the complexity of the issues involved in this project; 3) the fact that the 2007 commencement date for the project was not referenced in the assessment agreement; 4) the fact that Fallon Avenue appears to have a greater need for reconstruction than Chelsea Road and; 5) the fact that there is no specific development or rezoning application in placed. The IDC is not opposed to the reconstruction of Chelsea Road but questions why it needs to be done right now. Clint Herbst stated that Chelsea Road is about 20 years old which is close to the end of the useful life for a roadway. He acknowledged that Fallon A venue is probably in worse shape but the cost of the sanitary sewer line needed for Fallon Avenue does not make it feasible to improve Fallon A venue now. He pointed out there is possibility of development at either end of Chelsea Road. He felt it was better to do the reconstruction before development takes places rather than after it takes place. Clint Herbst said while no rezoning application is in Council Minutes: 2/12107 place the property owner of the property to south has requested that work on an EA W be initiated. Mike Benedetto reiterated that the IDC does not deny the fact that improvements have to take place but felt it should be slowed and take place at the time rezoning occurs. Clint Herbst said time was a big issues as far as completing the work. Brad Barger, 301 Chelsea Road asked if the Chelsea Road was deteriorating and in need of reconstruction why wasn't the City proposing to reconstruct allof the road. Brad Barger felt the only reason the project was being done was to accommodate a big box store that was coming. He emphasized that the present condition of the road would not drive away any potential business. He was also concerned about putting something that is commercial next to industrial properties. Mr. Barger stated the assessments for this project would be easier to handle for the raw land since it could be included in development cost for the land. For existing businesses the assessment imposed a real hardship. He also questioned why existing business did not have the option to have their assessments deferred. Bret Weiss stated there is limited area that could be developed for this project. He noted there is some benefit to the existing properties which they will realize at the time the property is sold. The deferment of the assessment for the Monticello Industrial Park would allow them adequate time to develop the area. If the property is rezoned as commercial property, the owner would pay an additional $.50/square foot for the interchange project. Brad Barger stated the reason they moved to this location is because it is an industrial park. Commercial development will create additional traffic and other issues not typically found in an industrial park. He felt the rezoning should take place before the improvements are installed. Brian Stumpf questioned ifthe issue for the property owners is a big box store coming in. Brad Barger said if there is no rezoning there is no need to improve Chelsea Road. Brad Barger indicated that at a previous meeting the Council had discussed some roads that they felt were safety issues. He felt the City would be better off using their funds to improve the roads with safety issues rather than Chelsea Road. He did not believe that any of the business owners along Chelsea Road believed Chelsea Road was in need of improvement. Bret Weiss said Monticello Industrial Park made a $5,000,000 contribution with the understanding that this improvement would be done. Bret Weiss felt the Council had made a commitment to the developer. Susie Wojchouski asked if the south side was included in the agreement with Monticello Industrial Park. Brad Barger said the assessment is too steep. Since 100% of the cost is not being assessed, taxpayers are picking up the balance of the cost. For that reason he thought the money would be better spent on roads with safety issues because in that case the taxpayers would derive some benefit. Brad Barger also commented that the property owner was getting hit twice once with the assessment and again by the increased market value. Bret Weiss said according to the agreement the property north of Chelsea Road would be zoned B-4. If the City doesn't approve the rezoning the City would abate the assessment. Brad Barger requested that in the future when agreements are made with a property owner . 8 Council Minutes: 2112107 that has a significant impact on other property owners, the impacted property owners should be notified early on ofthe situation. In this case the property owners were blindsided. Bill Tapper 212 Chelsea Road reiterated the comments made by Brad Barger. He felt the assessment agreement put the cart before the horse. The application and public hearing for rezoning should be done before the improvement. He felt the road improvements were premature. He went on to state that the engineering costs for the proj ect were not competitive. He stated the commitment date the Council was talking about is not in the agreement. He felt the City fulfilled its obligation by taking the road to the point it is at now. It is difficult to recognize any benefit to their property at this time. Bill Tapper asked if the $.50/square foot the City would receive if the property is rezoned would go to reduce the cost for this project or whether it would end up in the general coffers of the City. He questioned why the City is putting in the pond and existing business owners have to pay the cost for draining another's property. He questioned the need for storm sewer pipe when ditches are in place that could be utilized. Mary Barger, 301 Chelsea Road spoke representing WSI and Mike Pudge!. She read a letter from the property owner who stated the assessment for this project would hurt the expansion of existing businesses in the industrial park. His firm had made plans to expand into the area where the City was proposing to acquire an easement for ponding. He questioned the purpose of having an 8' pathway in an industrial park. If the improvements are for the benefit of property that is developing, the assessments should be placed on that property. He felt there is no need for curb and gutter in an industrial park. He wondered what traffic studies had been done. He indicated that at the time the Fallon Avenue overpass was justified then the City should consider improvements to Chelsea Road. Mary Barger stated the rezoning is driving the improvement project for Chelsea Road. She stated that existing business have all made contributions to the City. She felt the rezoning should go through the public hearing process as all other rezonings do. She stated that she did not feel storm sewer was necessary for this area. Bret Weiss informed those present that the Fallon Avenue overpass is required by the Federal Transportation Board. The Fallon A venue overpass has to be completed within a certain time frame of the interchange being completed. Patty Haiby, Twin City Die Casting, agreed with comments from other property owners but wanted to address the issue of rezoning. When the firm came to Monticello they made a significant investment in their location. They are concerned that commercial property going in around them could result non-compatible uses. They are not opposed to commercial development as long as it something that is supportive of industry such as hotels or restaurants. She added that they do have plans to expand their facility within a couple of years so they could be impacted by any development. Susie Wojchouski asked if they were opposed to commercial development on the north side of the street. Patty Haiby stated they were concerned about the volume and mix of traffic that commercial development could put on the road. She indicated a concern of incompatibility stating that the die cast business generates certain amount of noise and odor that might be offensive to a commercial operation. 9 10 Council Minutes: 2/12/07 Don Tomann, UMC, 500 Chelsea Road echoed the sentiments of the previous speakers. He felt the issue comes down to the long term commitment they made as business owners. There is confusion among the property owners by what is being proposed. He stated that Bret Weiss commented about the commitment the developer had made but UMC has also made a commitment that brings tax revenue and jobs to the City. He would like to suggest, in addition to the comments already made, that the Council look at working on the root cause of this issue which he felt was surprise and lack oftrust. When discussions with the developer were being done in 2005 the property owners should have been notified. The industrial community would support certain commercial activity such as hotels, restaurants, as right now businesses have to go outside the City for these facilities. Don Tomann said the developer has a lot of influence in what is going on. As business owner they too want a voice in what is happening. He felt the improvements and rezoning issues are tied together. If the property owners had been notified of the discussion when they happened, things would have been above board instead of things being pushed because of deadlines. He stated the rezoning would impact the decision ofUMC as far as further expansion. UMC came to Monticello because they believed the land was industrial. He felt trust was betrayed because the property owners were surprised with the rezoning. Brian Stumpf concurred that special agreements should be something the City should look at in the future. He said it bothers him that people feel they should be the ones to determine what should be allowed in their backyard. Don Tomann stated a community cannot survive without industry and the City should look at what supports industry. Bill Tapper said the reason given for not building Fallon Avenue was because the infrastructure was not needed yet. He asked why that same logic was not applied to Chelsea Road. He said this was not like the City's industrial park that didn't have any roads in at all. In this case there is a road in place. He didn't believe the big box store could be built any faster than the time it would take for the street project to be done. Mayor Herbst closed the public hearing. Tom Perrault asked for clarification on the $.50/square foot fee. Was it going towards the interchange project or to offset the cost of the Chelsea Road project? Clint Herbst said it would apply to the interchange projects and Chelsea Road is a part of those projects. Clint Herbst felt until the application for rezoning was received, any discussion of that was a moot point. He didn't know if it was going to any good to hold off on this project. Just because you receive bids doesn't mean you are going ahead. Brian Stumpf felt the goal was to keep the assessments at a reasonable rate. Brian Stumpf didn't want to see a pathway go in this area and felt the street lighting should go in with the City being reimbursed from the franchise fee. Clint Herbst asked if the use of the plastic pipe was reflected in the assessment rates. Bret Weiss said it was not. Clint Herbst felt curb and gutter was needed in the area and that the City should proceed with the project. The speed limit on School Boulevard and how it compares to that on Chelsea Road was brought up. Bret Weiss reported that traffic studies had been done on School Boulevard. The recommendation was that the area of School Boulevard west of Edmonson Avenue be reduced to 35 mph. Council Minutes: 2/12/07 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ORDER THE PROJECT AND AUTHORIZE THE PREP ARA TION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF CHELSEA ROAD FROM CSAH 18 TO WEST OF F ALLON AVENUE, INCLUDING THE INTERSECTION REALIGNMENT AND FURTHER EVALUATE PONDING. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKl SECONDED THE MOTION BUT WITH A QUESTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Susie Wojchouski asked about ordering the project. Bret Weiss said you have to order the project in order to assess it. 9. Approve payment of bills for Februarv. Tom Perrault had question about the invoice from Wright County for sand/salt. John Simola stated the invoice did not cover the entire season. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Adiourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Qrc.U-~ ~J'v05~o_ Recording Secretary ~ 11 --