HRA Agenda 06-07-2006 . AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, June 7, 2006 - 6:00 p.m. Bridge Room - Community Center Commissioners: Chair Brad Barger, Vice Chair Steve Andrews, Dan Frie, Darrin Lahr, and Bill Fair. Council Liaison: Staff: 1. 2. 3. 4. . 5. Wayne Mayer. Rick Wolfsteller, Ollie Koropchak, and Angela Shumann. Call to Order. Consideration to approve the May 3, 2006 HRA minutes. Consideration of adding or removing items from the agenda. Consent Agenda. A. Consideration to approve amending the Contract for Private Development between the HRA and Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. Consideration to approve a resolution adopting the modifications to the TIF Plans for TIP District Nos. 1-2 (redevelopment district) and 1-24 (qualified housing district). 6. Consideration to approve entering into a Preliminary Development Agreement with Walker Instore, Inc. 7. Consideration to review the Transformation Home Loan Application Package for possible amending: Designation of a title company. 8. Consideration to define "qualified business" and "non-qualified business" as it relates to marketing the Monticello Business Center. 9. Consideration to authorize payment of HRA bills. 10. Consideration ofHRA Executive Report. II. Committee Reports: Marketing Fiber Optic . 12. Next regular HRA meeting - Wednesday, July 5, 2006. (Decide whether to cancel or to meet) 13. Adjournment. WORKSHOP TO FOLLOW. . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, May 3, 2006 Commissioners Present: Chairman Brad Barger, Steve Andrews, Bill Fair, Dan Frie Commissioners Absent: Darrin Lahr Council Liaison Absent: Wayne Mayer Staff Present: Rick Wolfsteller, Ollie Koropchak, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. Chairman Barger called the meeting to order. 2. Consideration to approve the April 5th. 2006 HRA minutes MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FAIR TO APPROVE THE HRA MINUTES OF APRIL 5th, 2006 AND APRIL 12'\ 2006. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIOENR ANDREWS. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. 3. Consideration of adding or removing items from the agenda. Barger added as item lOa an update on the direction of the Monticello Business Park. Koropchak added as item lOb a discussion on funding for marketing efforts related to the Business Park. 4. Consent agenda. NONE. 5. Consideration to review and approve a Transformation Home Loan application for 511 Elm Street. Koropchak reported that the HRA is asked to consider approving a Transformation Home Loan for a single-family residence at 511 Elm Street. The existing house is only about 600-700 square feet, with a detached garage. She noted that as referenced in the staff report, the applicant is requesting the loan to . triple the square footage of the structure. O'Neill had confirmed for Koropchak that this property is not included in the proposed Ruff redevelopment area. The Commissioners noted that the loan was intended for this purpose. Koropchak reported that Anderson had done a preliminary inspection. The total value ofthe improvements is $160,000 and the applicant does have financing. The bank had noted to Koropchak that the applicant was going to have work equity into the improvements. Frie inquired what the maximum loan amount is. Koropchak explained that the maximum amount is 25%, with cap of $20,000. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ANDREWS TO APPROVE TRANSFORMATION LOAN NO. 002 FOR 511 ELM STREET, ANTOINETTE BREIWICK IN THE AMOUNT OF 25% OF THE VERIFIED SWORN CONSTRUCTION STATEMENT OR NOT GREATER THAN $20,000, SUBJECT TO A COMMITMENT FROM THE LENDER. MOTION SECONDED BY FAIR. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. Koropchak stated that it was her understanding that the HRA attorney would draft agreement and closing information. . Fair suggested that an update to the brochure could be done to include these two properties as examples of the program. Barger asked if anything on the transformation program was on the website. Koropchak stated that she will check. 6. Consideration to set a workshop date for the sole pumose to discuss ideas and to target properties or areas for purchase as properties corne on the market. Koropchak stated that Fair had requested that this be put on the agenda, along with Wolfsteller's year-end report on the district fund balances. Koropchak stated that the HRA needs to verify Wolfsteller's report against Ehler's projections, which includes debt service over the years. Fair asked if we have a deadline in relationship to the funds on the districts. Koropchak confirmed that there is a deadline, but stated that the HRA had already completed a modification for one district, and would be doing districts 2 and 24 in the corning months. She reminded the Commissioners that they are modifying the budgets, enlarging them, so that excess tax increment does not have to go back to the County. Those were the three districts recommended for modification by Ehlers. Fair stated that he thought there should be a discussion on the whole topic, to look at all the districts and look at properties that would be cornerstones for downtown redevelopment. . Koropchak noted that the HRA does not typically hold a regular July meeting. . The Commissioners agreed to hold a workshop in June, after the regular HRA meeting. Fair requested some digital images, zoning maps, fund balance information and information on when funds would be available. Mayer asked what areas the HRA would be talking about. Koropchak stated that is what will be defined. Fair stated that having a plan will allow staff to start the process. Mayer asked if Loch would be selling his business. Frie stated that he had found a tenant, but wanted to retain ownership. 7. Consideration to appoint an HRA Commissioner to the Comprehensive Plan Update Task Force. Koropchak explained that the Council had requested that the HRA provide one representative to the comp plan task force. She reported that the update process is expected to go about 14 months. . Fair stated that he wanted to express concern related to the discussions regarding the comprehensive plan updates. Fair reminded the group that with three Council members present at task force meetings, it will be a public meeting and subject to the open meeting law. Mayer stated that they will post a notice for each meeting. Fair expressed some concern that 3 council members would be present for the discussion and wondered how that would impact the Council as a whole. Fair stated that he would hope that all would attend. Mayer stated that was a valid question, but by having three attend, it was thought that they would be throwing the responsibility back to the Council. Andrews stated that having three present may fosters ownership in the process. Fair also asked why three township representatives are on the task force. He noted that it is supposed to be the City's comprehensive plan. Mayer stated that he agrees and noted that at meetings he has attended the township representatives have been. Fair stated his concern about influence of township on the task force. MOTION BY FAIR TO APPOINT COMMISSIONER FRIE TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE TASK FORCE, WITH COMMISSIONER ANDREWS AS ALTERNATE. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. 8. Consideration to authorize payment of HRA bills. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ANDREWS TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF BILLS. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FAIR. MOTION CARRIED, 4- O. . 9. Consideration of Executive Director's Report . Koropchak reported that she had not yet received final elevations for Karlsburger and that the City had authorized extension of sewer and water trunk lines across the property. She also noted that the attached final TlF loan reports for Aroplax and Suburban and would like to close those out. 10. Committee Renorts a. Marketing 1) Barger inquired of the other Commissioners their reaction to A VR's impact on the City's goal ofa high-end industrial park. Barger stated that he was questioning the intent for the park, as Koropchak has received a number of inquiries for distribution centers who would purchase the property at fair- market value. Barger stated that his perspective is that chances are if a cement plant goes there, the City will not get high-end industrial development. In that case, perhaps the HRA should sell it as quickly as possible and then target another area to do a high end industrial park. He indicated that if industry wants to locate there and they aren't going to get TlF assistance, he doesn't have a problem with that. . Mayer stated that you have to define the type of distribution company. Koropchak stated that she had gotten direction on Dahlheimer's site as they are a local business and paid well, so the HRA did do TIF assistance. Koropchak noted that the covenants in place do not allow outdoor storage, but do allow trucks or trailers in everyday operation. They have to be in the rear yard. Koropchak noted that the covenants and criteria are different things. For market rate, a business just has to meet the covenants and zoning. Mayer stated that he doesn't know what type of industry doesn't store trailers. Barger stated that his point is that with an A VR relocation, the HRA may need to change focus. Koropchak noted that there is a consistency problem with A VR and other potential users. Barger stated if a business wants assistance, then they still need to follow the criteria. Mayer stated that he wouldn't come to a decision too early, holding out hope that A VR doesn't locate there. He stated that the more growth, the better, especially if businesses are willing to pay at market rate. Koropchak stated that currently the market is about $3.00 per square foot. Koropchak stated that initially, the City only purchased 35 acres. Koropchak stated that she would like Council to authorize buying the balance of the property, which would include the A VR site. Wolfsteller stated that he thought it might be best to pay offthe contract for deed. . 2) Koropchak stated that Marketing Committee currently has about $4000 in the budget left from the $30,000 initial amount. She reported that the Committee would like to move forward on the 2006 marketing plan, which . includes billboards. She stated that the problem is that the 2006 budget request is $16,500 and the Council budget is for 2007. Koropchak asked if the Council doesn't approve the budget, would the HRA be a backup for funding. Wolfsteller asked what we would be doing in 2007. Barger stated that the Committee had cut out sponsoring golf outing and classified ads. Barger stated that the billboard and internet are probably the keys. Koropchak noted that the business park's entrance sign should be up in a couple of weeks. Barger noted that the marketing efforts drive people to the park, but they need some kind of identification once they are there. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ANDREWS TO AUTHORIZE THE HRA TO PROVIDE FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,500 FOR MONTICELLO BUSINESS PARK MARKETING EFFORTS, AS A BACKUP TO COUNCIL FUNDING. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FRIE. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. b. Fiber Optics . Koropchak reported that the Fiber Optics task force has their first meeting with the consultant on Wednesday. Andrews stated that he will be there. Fair asked what would be happening. Mayer stated that the task force will review the contract for feasibility to make sure there is an understanding of all of the aspects. They will also be gathering information and perhaps sign the contract. Barger asked when the feasibility study would be back. Mayer stated that it is expected in August. Barger asked what the intended reach is. Mayer stated it would be City- wide. The depth, reach, and even validity will be determined by the study. Barger asked about financing. Mayer stated that Springsted will be looking at that. II. Adiourn MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ANDREWS TO ADJOURN. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FRIE. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. . . HRA Agenda - 06/07/06 4A. Consideration to approve amendinl! the Contract for Private Development between the BRA and Master's Fifth Avenue. Inc. A. Reference and backl!round: TIF Plan for establishment of District No. 1-35 was approved by Council on September 12, 2005. Ehler's submitted the Request for District Certification to the Wright County Auditor on December 29,2005. At this time no verification as to the certification date has been received from the County. The County has until July 1, 2006. Per Statutes: The duration of District No. 1-35 will be 25 years from the date of receipt ofthe first increment. The date of receipt of the first tax increment will be approximately 2008. Thus, it is estimated that the District, including any modifications to the TIF Plan for subsequent phases or other changes, would terminate after 2033, or when the TIF Plan is satisfied. After four years from the date of certification of the District one of the following activities must have been commenced on each parcel in the District: demolition, rehabilitation, renovation, or other site preparation. (September 2009) . Within five years of certification revenues derived from tax increments must be expended or obligated to be expended. (September 2010) The HRA and Master's Fifth A venue, Inc. entered into the Contract for Private Development on September 7, 2005. The developer is requesting the Commencement and Completion of Construction be amended as follows: Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Developer shall commence construction of the Minimum Improvements by October 1, 2005, amend to 'f\r\,,'1;'\ ,,?-o~cl,ject to Unavoidable Delays, the Developer shall complete the construction ofthel) Minimum Improvements by December 31, 2006, amend to 'Qu. ~ \, ?;' All work with respect to the Minimum Improvements to be constructed or provided by the Developer on the Development Property shall be in conformity with the Construction Plans as submitted by the Developer and approved by the Authority. Definition of Minimum Improvements: The construction on the Development Property of an approximately 11,000 sq ft retail center, with associated parking, known as Landmark Square II, and associated parking on an adjacent parcel ("Adjacent Property"). . Lastly, the Executive Director is requesting direction for the commissioners relative to payment of Administrative Costs. The Developer initially deposited $7,500 with the 1 . HRA Agenda - 06/07/06 Authority to be applied toward Administration Costs. Excess or over-run costs are determined no earlier than the date of which the Developer receives a Certificate of Completion. Given the unusual time between the Preliminary Agreement execution and deposit of September 14, 2004; the District Inspection and report completed September 2005; the district established (Ehler's); contract prepared (Kennedy & Graven) and executed (September 7, 2005); and the proposed extended construction completion date (thereafter the Certificate of Completion is issued); would the HRA prefer to invoice the developer for cost over-runs prior to issuance of the certificate of completion as per the Contract? The HRA has reimbursed the developer $20,000 for costs associated with removal ofthe Koppy garage and improvements located within Landmark Square I per the Contract. PLEASE GNE DIRECTION. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve amending the Contract for Private Development by and among Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. and the HRA as follows: The Developer shall commence construction ofthe Minimum Improvements by Subject to Unavailable delays, the Developer shall complete the construction of Minimum Improvements by . 2. A motion to deny amending the Contract for Private Development by and among Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. and the HRA. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The Administrator and Executive Director recommend alternate no. 1 because the district will be certified no later than July 1, 2006, the four and five-year rules are not affected; and the extended time allows the developer to secure tenants. The Execute Director recommends that the HRA research invoice documentation for administration costs at this time as accountability after certificate of completion will be more difficult to track. D. SUDDortinl! Data: Excerpts from the Contract. . 2 . ARTICLE III Acquisition of Property; Financial Assistance Section 3.1. Status of the Development Propertv. As of the date of this Agreement, the Developer has already purchased the Development Property pursuant to that certain Preliminary Development Agreement among the Developer and the Authority dated September 14, 2004, in anticipation of this Agreement. The Authority shall have no obligation to purchase the Development Property or any portion thereof. Section 3.2. Soil Conditions. The Developer acknowledges that the Authority makes no representations or warranties as to the condition of the soils on the Development Propeliy or its fitness for construction of the Minimum Improvements or any other purpose for which the Developer may make use of such property. The Developer further agrees that it will indemnify, defend. and hold harn1less the Authority, the City, and their governing body members, officers, agents, servants, and employees, from any claims or actions arising out of the presence, if any, of hazardous wastes or pollutants on the Development Property. The Developer's obligations under this Section 3.2 shall survive termination of this Agreement. . Section 3.3. Pavment of Administrative Costs. The Developer agrees that it will pay upon demand by the Authority, Administrative Costs (as hereafter defined). For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "Administrative Costs" means out-of-pocket costs incuned by the Authority and attributable to or incurred in connection with the negotiation and preparation of this Agreement and other documents and agreements in connection with the development contemplated hereunder. Out-of-pocket Administrative Costs shall be evidenced by invoices, statements, or other reasonable \1 written evidence of the costs incurred by the Authority. As of the date of this Agreement, the !\ Developer has deposited $7,500 with the Authority to be applied toward Administrative Costs. The amount by which this deposit exceeds the Authority'S actual Administrative Costs, if any, shall. upon demand by the Developer, be returned to the Developer, but no earlier than the date on which the Developer receives a Certificate of Completion pursuant to Section 4.4 of this Agreement. Section 3.4. Financing of Land Acquisition Costs. In order to make development of the Minimum Improvements economically feasible, the Authority will reimburse the Developer for the Land Acquisition Costs (hereby defined as the Developer's cost of acquiring the Development Property, not to exceed $170,000 net present valLIe) from Available Tax Increment (as detlned below) from Tax Increment District No 1-35 in accordance with the following terms and conditions: . (a) Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. the Land Acquisition Costs will be reimbursed to the Developer with simple interest thereon at 6.50% per annum, interest commencing to accrue on the date that the Developer complies with the cost celtitication requirement described in paragraph (n of this Section. The Land Acquisition Costs will be reimbursed by the Authority to the Developer in semi-annual installments payable on each February I and August I ("Payment Dates") commencing August I, 2008 and concluding no later than the Termination Date. These payments will be made from Available Tax Increment as defined in this Section 3.4 and from no other source. ;'vl'I"'.'<-267260v 1 0 i'\ilNl()()-II~ 7 . Construction Plans, the Authority shall approve the proposed change and notify the Developer in "riting of its approval. Such change in the Construction Plans shall, in any event, be deemed approved by the Authority unless rejected, in whole or in part, by written notice by the Authority to the Developer, setting forth in detail the reasons therefor. Such rejection shall be made within ten (10) days after receipt of the notice of such change. The Authority's approval of any such change in the Construction Plans will not be unreasonably withheld. Section 4.3. Commencement and Completion of Construction. Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Developer shall commence construction of the Minimum lmprovements by October L 100.;;. Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Developer shall complete the construction of the Minimum Improvements by December 31, 200 All work with respect to the Minimum Improvements to be constructed or provide by the Developer on the Development Property shall be in conformity with the Construction Plans as submitted by the Developer and approved by the Authority. . The Developer agrees for itself, its successors and assigns, and every successor in interest to the Development Property, or any part thereof, that the Developer. and such successors and assigns, shall promptly begin and diligently prosecute to completion the development of the Development Property through the construction of the Minimum Improvements thereon, and that such construction shall in any event be commenced and completed within the period specified in this Section 4.3 of this Agreement. The obligation to construct the Minimum Improvements in accordance with this Section touches and concerns the land, and shall nm with the property and be binding upon all successors and assigns to the Development Property. After the date of this Agreement and until construction of the rvlinimum Improvements has been completed, the Developer shall make rep0l1s. in such detail and at such times as may reasonably be requested by the Authority, as to the actual progress of the Developer with respect to such construction. Section 4.4. Certificate of Completion. (a) Promptly after completion of the Minimum Improvements in accordance with those provisions of the Agreement relating solely to the obligations of the Developer to construct the Minimum Improvements (including the dates for beginning and completion thereof), the Authority will filrnish the Developer with a Certificate shown as Exhibit B. Such certification and such determination shall not constitute evidence of compliance with or satisfaction of any obligation of the Developer to any Holder of a Mortgage, or any insurer of a M0l1gagc, securing money loaned to finance the Minimum Improvements, or any part thereof (b) If the Authority shall refuse or fail to provide any cel1ification in accordance with the provisions of this Section 4.4 of this Agreement, the Authority shall. within thirty (30) days after written request by the Developer, provide the Developer with a written statement indicating in adequate detail in what respects the Developer has failed to complete the Minimum Improvements in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement. or is otherwise in default and what measures or acts it will be necessmy, in the opinion of the Authority, for the Developer to take or perform in order to obtain such certification. . ~nN.26 72(10" 1 0 tvlt-: Il)O~ 1:.5 12 . . . HRA Agenda - 06/07/06 5. Consideration to aDDrove a resolution adoDtin!!: the modifications to the TIF Plans for TIF District Nos. 1-2 ffiedeveloDment District) and 1-24 (Qualified Housin!!: District). A. Reference and back!!:round: TIF District No. 1-2, MetcalflLarson, a Redevelopment District, was certified in 1983 and the TIF Plan was modified five times previously to either enlarge the district boundaries and increase the budget. TIF assistance was used for building and land acquisition, demolition, relocation, site preparation and public improvements associated with the construction of an office building, Broadway Square Apartments, and post office egress. The proposed No. 1-2 modification is to increase the budget only and does not include enlarging the district boundaries. The budget revenues and expenditures will be increased from $1,323,421 to $1,705,134. Based on the projected cashflow using the current obligation and projecting tax increment to the district's statutory limits which is year 2010, the projected amount of uncommitted revenues available for use is approximately $175,000. Because this is a pre-1990 district, the tax increment is available for budgeted expenditures in the district or within the project area. TIF District No. 1-24, St. Ben's, a Qualified Housing District, was certified in 1998. TIF assistance was used for site improvements and land acquisition associated with the construction ofthe independent senior rental housing facility called St. Benedicts. A certain percentage of the rental units are subject to rental rate and income requirements established through the National Housing Act. St. Benedict's annually submits a rental and income report to the HRA Director. The proposed No. 1-24 modification is to increase the budget only and does not include enlarging the district boundaries. The budget revenues and expenditures will be increased from $1,340,000 to $1,940,000. Based on the projected cashflow using the current obligation and projecting tax increment to the district's statutory limits which is year 2026, the project amount of uncommitted revenues available for use is approximately $600,000. The tax increment is available for use within the project area, but must be used for affordable housing. The BRA requested modifying the Plans for TIF District Nos. 1-2 and 1-24 because: Due to a recent change in the Minnesota Statutes, the HRA must annually determine the amount of excess increment for a district based on its Plan in effect December 30 of the year and the increment and revenues received of that year. The HRA must spend or return the excess increment under the Statute within nine months after the end of the year. In addition, the HRA may, subject to the limitations set forth herein, 1 . BRA Agenda - 06/07/06 choose to modify the Plan in order to fmance additional public costs in the Development District (project area) or TIF District. The modification to the Plans (budgets) for District Nos. 1-2 and 1-24 will maximize the use of tax increment for future redevelopment and housing projects within the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I boundaries. Any formal modification to a TIF Plan follows the same process as establishment of a new district. The modification reserves the HRA' s right to incur bonded indebtedness, the modification does not obligate the HRA to incur debt, future action is necessary to incur debt (such as approval of a Contract for Private Development.) The Planning Commission adopted their resolution on June 6, 2006, and the City Council will hold a public hearing and consider approving the modifications on June 12, 2006. The county and school district received a copy of the proposed modifications on May 10, 2006, satisfying the 30-day notification period for comments. B. Alternative Action: . 1. Motion to approve a resolution adopting the modifications to the TlF Plans for TIF District Nos. 1-2 (Redevelopment District) and 1-24 (Qualified Housing District). 2. A motion to deny approval ofa resolution adopting .............................................. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and HRA Executive Director recommend Alternative No.1. The modification of the TlF Plans preserve the tax increment for future redevelopment and affordable housing projects within the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 boundaries. D. SUDDortinl!: Data: Resolution for adoption, map, and TlF Plan. . 2 . . . MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE MODIFICATIONS TO THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NOS. 1-2 (REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT) AND 1-24 (QUALIFIED HOUSING DISTRICT) WHEREAS, it has been proposed by the Board of Commissioners (the "Board") of the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "HRA") and the City of Monticello (the "City") that the HRA adopt the Modifications to the Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Financing District Nos. 1-2 and 1-24 (the "Modifications") therefore, all pursuant to and in confonnity with applicable law, including Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047, and Sections 469.174 to 469.1799, inclusive, as amended (the "Act"), all as reflected in the Modifications and presented for the Board's consideration; and WHEREAS, the HRA has investigated the facts relating to the Modifications and has caused the Modifications to be prepared; and WHEREAS, the City has performed all actions required by law to be performed prior to the adoption of the Modifications, including but not limited to, notification of Wright County and Independent School District No. 882 and the holding of a public hearing upon published notice as required by law. The City has also received a recommendation from the City Planning Commission that the Modifications are consistent with the general development plans of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board as follows: 1. The HRA hereby makes the fmdings set forth in the Modifications, which are incorporated herein by reference. 2. The adoption of the Modifications conform in all respects to the requirements ofthe Act and will help fulfill a need to develop an area of the State which is already built up, to provide employment opportunities, to improve the tax base and to improve the general economy of the State and thereby serves a public purpose and will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs for the City as a whole, for the development or redevelopment of the project area by private enterprise in that the intent is to provide only that public assistance necessary to make the private development financially feasible. 3. Conditioned upon the approval thereof by the City Council following its public hearing thereon, the Modifications, as presented to the HRA on this date, is hereby approved, established and adopted and shall be placed on file in the office ofthe Executive Director of the HRA. Approved by the Board of Commissioners of the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority this 7th day of June, 2006. Chair ATTEST: Secretary . . 0..-1 0< ~o ....:lEo-; ~z ~O ~ Eo-- ~ iZl ~U U~ Eo--~ .....Z Z"" Eo-- Z 00 Z..... :;~ O~ ~~ :;~ < Eo-- ~ Eo-; ~Z Oz Eo-- ~ >-;J Z:; Eo--O ~~ """"u uO U ....:l Eo-; ~ == ;, ~ ~ ..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ill'il I .! I . , I "I ~ -J c': , , ~.Il .Pi1 "'Il~ ~-r I I J ~' . o ~ I " . . . e As of May 10, 2006 Draft for Fiscal Implications TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN for the modification of TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-2 (a redevelopment district) within CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 It MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Adopted: September \3, 1983 Modification #1 Adopted: December 9, 1985 Modification #2 Adopted: August 24, 1987 Modification #3 Adopted: September 26,1988 Modification #4 Adopted: January 22, 1996 Modification #5 Adopted: June 24, 1996 Modification #6 Public Hearing: June 12,2006 Modification #6 Adopted: Prepared by: EHLERS & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, Minnesota 551 \3-1105 Phone: (651) 697-8500 Fax: (651) 697-8555 E-mail: info@ehlers-inc.com Web Site: www.ehlers-inc.com . . . TABLE OF CONTENTS MODIFICATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1............................... ..............................................1 Foreword.......... ......... ............ ... ........ ......... ............ ......... ....... ........ .... .......... ... ...... ........1 TAX INCREMENT REDEVELOPMENT FINANCE PLAN ...............................................2 A STATUTORY AUTHORITY... ......... .... ..... ..... ....... ....... ....... .... ... ..... ............. .... .........2 B. STATEMENT OF OBJ ECTIVES.. ........ .............. ... ...... .............. ..... ... ............... ........2 C. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. ........... ....... ..... ........... ........... ................... ........ ... ......3 D. PROPERTY ACQUISITION. ...... ..... ......... ..... ......... ..... .... .... ... ........ .... ... ..................5 E. DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES COVERED BY AGREEMENT .................................6 F. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY IN THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT. ................. ....... ....... ........ ......... ..................... ......... ....... ....... ... ...... ......... .....6 G. CLASSIFICATION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT ................ 7 H. ESTIMATE OF COSTS ...........................................................................................7 I. ESTIMATE OF INDEBTEDNESS ...........................................................................11 J. SOURCE OF REVENUE........................................................................................11 K. ORIGINAL ASSESSED VALUE ............................................................................12 L. ESTIMATED CAPTURED ASSESSED VALUE.....................................................14 M. DURATION OF THE DiSTRiCT............................................................................14 N. IMPACT ON OTHER TAXING JURISDICTIONS ..................................................14 O. MODIFICATION TO TAX INCREMENT PLAN...................................................... 17 P. LIMITATION ON ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES .................................................18 Q. LIMITATION ON DURATION OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS ...18 R. LIMITATION ON QUALIFICATION OF PROPERTY IN TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT NOT SUBJECT TO IMPROVEMENT .......................................................18 S. LIMITATION ON THE USE OF TAX INCREMENT................................................19 T. NOTIFICATION OF PRIOR PLANNED IMPROVEMENTS ...................................19 U. EXCESS TAX INCREMENTS ...............................................................................19 V. REQUIREMENT FOR AGREEMENTS WITH THE DEVELOPER.........................20 W. ASSESSMENT AGREEMENTS ... .......... ..... ... ........... .... .... ..... ..... ....... ...... ...... ... ...20 X. ADMIINISTRATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE TAX INCREMENT ACCOUNT ...................................................................................................................................20 Y. ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS ..........................................................20 Z. ASSUMPTIONS. ................ .... ... .......... .... ..... ... ..... ....... ... ... .... ....... ........... .... ... ... ..... 21 . MODIFICATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 Foreword The following text represents a Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1. This modification represents a continuation of the goals and objectives set forth in the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I. Generally, the substantive changes include the modification of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-2. For further information, a review of the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I is recommended. It is available from the City Administrator at the City of Monticello. Other relevant information is contained in the Tax Increment Financing Plans for the Tax Increment Financing Districts located within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I. . . I 2 . TAX INCREMENT REDEVELOPMENT FINANCE PLAN A. STATUTORY AUTHORITY (As Originally Adopted) The City of Monticello is authorized to establish a tax increment district pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 273.71- 273.78. (As Modified September 26, 1988) The Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "Authority") and the City of Monticello are authorized to modify the tax increment finance plan for Redevelopment District #2 pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Subdivision 4 (As Modified June 13, 2006) Within the City, there exists areas where public improvement is necessary to cause development or redevelopmeut to occur. To this end, the City and HRA have certain statutory powers pursuaut to Minnesota Statutes Sections 469.001 through 469.047, inclusive as amended, aud Minnesota Statutes Sectious 469.174 through 469.1792, inclusive as amended, to assist in financiug public costs related to this project. . B. STA TEMENT OF OBJECTIVES (As Originally Adopted) I) Provide incentive for the expansion of Metcalf/Larson Law Offices in the City of Monticello. 2) Provide expanded tax base. 3) Create a use for currently under-utilized land. 4) Eliminate a blighted, non-conforming structure. (As Modified-August 24, 1987) 1) Provide opportunities for development and expansion of new business 2) Provide opportunities for growth of the tax base 3) Eliminate blight or deterioration within an area 4) Create a use for currently under-utilized land. (As Modified September 26, 1988) . 1) Provide opportunities for development and expansion of new business 2) Provide opportunities for growth of the tax base 3) Eliminate blight or deterioration with an area 4) Create a use for currently under-utilized land 5) Provide needed subsidized elderly housing . . . c. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (As Originally Adopted) In accordance with Minnesota Statutes 273.74, a description of the redevelopment program for the tax increment financing district is provided. I) The City of Monticello will acquire the northerly 50 feet of Lots 8, 9, & 10 in Block 50, original plat and raze the existing blighted, non-conforming structure. 2) The City will convey to Metcalf and Larson, the developers, the above described parcel in a condition suitable for construction. 3) Metcalf and Larson will construct a 2800 sq. ft. per floor split foyer office building (with parking facilities) on the above parcel and on land adjoining said parcel. (As Modified December 9, 1985) I) Pursuant to Resolution 1985 #31, the District was enlarged to include a residence directly north of Metcalf & Larson building in Block 50 and three vacant lots owned by the HRA in Block 51, along with Stelton's Laundromat property and the Marie Gustafson property all in Block 51. 2) The district was modified to capture increment generated by the construction of the elderly apartment house project proposed for portions of Block 51. The enlarged Tax Increment District is expected to be a benefit to the HRA once development occurs on the Hass/K&H Auto property. (As Modified August 24, 1987) I) Modification #1 included the addition of Hollenback, Stelton, Gustafson, and the City of Monticello parcels to the original Redevelopment District #2 2) Metcalf & Larson, developers, constructed a 3 I-unit elderly home on the City of Monticello parcel (155-101-051130) 3) Modification #2, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority will acquire the Monticello Ford property, parcels 155-010-051010 and 155-010-051020, and will raze the existing blighted structure. (As Modified September 26, 1988) 1) Modification #3, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority will acquire the Jones Manufacturing Company property, parcel 155-010-051011, and will raze the existing blighted structure and; 2) Modification #3, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority will acquire the Monti Truck Repair property (raw land), parcel 155-0 I 0-051 040 and; 3) Modification #3, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority will acquire the Stelton Laundromat property, parcel 155-010-051050,and will raze the existing blighted structure and; 3 ~ . . . 4) Modification #3, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority will convey the three above said parcels plus parcels 155-010-051010 andl 55-010-05 1020 (Modification #2) to the developer, Broadway Square Limited Partnership, for construction of a 28-unitsubsidized elderly housing project. (As Modified August 24, 1987) DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES (As Originally Adopted) The HRA and Monticello Ford, Inc., Lawrence Flake, President, have executed a purchase agreement for $75,000.00 for the acquisition of said property located at 249 West Broadway, Monticello, Minnesota. The HRA paid $500.00 earnest money and will pay $24,500.00 on the closing date. The remaining balance of $50,000.00 will be on a Contract for Deed at 10% interest rate for 4.5 years. The HRA has the right of prepayment privileges, without penalty, on the contract for deed payment schedule. (As Modified September 26, 1988) DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES A purchase agreement has been executed between Alvin and Shirley Jones, Jones Manufacturing Company, (the "Seller") and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "Buyer") for $57,000, inclusive of moving and relocation expenses ($5,000) for the property located 110 North Locust, Monticello, Minnesota. The HRA released earnest money of $10,000 with the remaining balance of $47,000 due at closing date, on or before March I, 1989. Earnest money was a debit to the HRA General Fund. A purchase agreement has been executed between Joseph and Clarice O'Connor, Monti Truck Repair, (the "Seller") and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "Buyer") for $55,000, inclusive of moving and relocation expenses ($5,000) for raw land located at 247 East Broadway, Monticello, Minnesota. The HRA released earnest money of $10,000 with $40,000 due at closing date, on or before March I, 1989 and the remaining balance of $5,000 due upon completion of demolition no later than April I, 1989. Earnest money was a debit to the BRA General Fund. A purchase agreement has been executed between Ervin and Donna Stelton, Stelton Laundromat, (the "Seller") and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "Buyer") for $65,000, inclusive of moving and relocation expenses ($5,000) for the property located at 237 West Broadway, Monticello, Minnesota. The BRA released earnest money of $10,000 with the remaining balance of $55,000 due at closing date, on or before March I, 1989. Earnest money was a debit to the HRA General Fund. The HRA proposes to demolish and remove the blighted structures at 110 North Locust and 237 West Broadway, Monticello, Minnesota, in the spring of 1989, thereafter, the HRA will convey the above properties plus the Old Ford Garage property to developer, Broadway Square Limited Partnership, for construction of a 28-unit subsidized elderly housing 4 . . (As Modified August 24, 1987) PAYMENT SCHEDULE AlvIOUNT PRINCIPAL INTEREST PAYMENT DATE 50,000 5,556 2,500 8,056 June 30, 1988 44,444 5,556 2,222 7,778 December 31, 2988 38,888 5,556 1,994 7,550 June 30, 1989 33,332 5,556 1,667 7,223 December 31,1989 27,776 5,556 1,389 6,945 June 30, 1990 22,220 5,556 I,ll I 6,667 December 31, 1990 16,664 5,556 833 6,389 June 30, 1991 11, I 08 5,556 555 6,111 December 31, 1991 5,552 5,552 278 5,830 June 30, 1992 (As Originally Adopted) The HRA proposes to demolition and remove the blighted structure prior to the end of year 1987; thereby, provide opportunity for development of a new business. D. PROPERTY ACQUISITION (As Originally Adopted) The City shall acquire all oftbe northerly 50 feet of Lots 8, 9, & 10 in Block 50, O.P. Property identified for acquisition will be acquired by the Monticello Autbority in order to accomplish one of the following: (a) remove, prevent or reduce blight, blighting factors, causes of blight or the spread of blight and deterioration; (b) eliminate unhealthful, unsafe, and unsanitary structures and conditions; (c) provide impetus for commercial development and rehabilitation; (d) remove incompatible land use and eliminate obsolete or detrimental uses; (e) assemble land for redevelopment; and (f) carry out clearance and/or redevelopment to accomplish the uses and objectives set forth in this plan. (As Modified June 13, 2006) The City or HRA may acquire any parcel within the District, inclnding interior and adjacent street rights of way. Properties will be acquired by the City or HRA in order to accomplish one or more of the following: storm sewer improvements, provide land for needed public streets, utilities and facilities, transfer to private developers in order to accomplish the uses and objectives set forth in this TIF Plan. The City or HRA may acquire property by gift, dedication, condemnation or direct purchase from williug sellers iu order to achieve the objectives in this TIF Plan. Such acquisitions will be undertaken only when there is assurance of funding to finance the acquisition and related costs. The City or HRA may also reimburse the developers for costs of land acquisition in lieu of direction by the HRA or City. . 5 I . . . E. DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES COVERED BY AGREEMENT (As Originally Adopted) All activities planned are delineated in the development agreement which is attached as Appendix A. To date, a purchase agreement has been executed between Metcalf and Larson and Capps, the present owner, and said agreement has been assigned to the HRA. F. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY IN THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT (As Originally Adopted) Lots 1,2,3, the northerly. 50 feet and the easterly 3 feet of the southerly 115 feet of Lot 8, Lot 9, and Lot 10, all in Block 50; Lots 1,2,3,4, the westerly 5.5 feet of Lot 5 and the southerly 15 feet of Lot 15, all in Block 51, City of Monticello. (As Modified August 24, 1987) 155-010-050010 155-010-05001 I 155-010-050081 N Y,Lots 1,2, & 3, Block 50 S \I, Lots 1,2, & 3, Block 50 Th p r t of Lots 8 & 9 lyg Sly of fol desc Ine, Beg at SEly cor of Lot lO,the NEly 102.84 ft to a Ine par/w &dist 62 ft SWly as meas atRlang to NEly lne of Lots 8, 9 & 10, thc NWly39.21 ft to POB oflne to desc,thc cont sd lne as ext to apt 3 ft Wly of Ely lne of Lot 8 & th term. Block 50. 155-010-050082 155-010-050100 N 50 ftofLots 8,9, & 10, Block 50 Th prt of Us 9 & lOdes: Beg SEly cor of U 10; thc NEly alg SEly In 102.84 ft to In par/w & 62 ft SWlyofNEly In; thc NWly alg sd parln 39.21 ft to In par/w & 6 ftNWlyofSEly In of Lot 9; thc SWly 102.86ft to SWly In of Lot 9. Block 50. 155-010-051010 155-010-051011 Lot I exc Nly 30 ft Block 51 Nly 30 ft of Us 1 & 2 & Nly 30ft ofW 24 ft ofLt 3. Also S 15 f t ofLt 15. Block 51 155-010-051020 Lt 2 exc Nly 30 ft & Lt 3 exc Nly 30 ft ofW 24 ft & W 7Y,ft of Lt 4. Block 51 155-010-051040 E 25 y, ft ofLt 4& W 5 y, ft Lt 5, Block 51 155-010-050111 SY, of Lots 11 & 12, Block 50, Original Plat 155-010-051050 Lot 5, Block 51, exc W 5\1, ft (50Mis-92) Original Plat 155-010-051111 Lots 11 & 12, Block 51, exc S 65 ft and exc tr sesc in Bk 266-795 Original Plat 155-010-051130 Lots 13, 14, & Nly 150 ft of Lot 15, Block 51, Original Plat (As Modified September 26, 1988) 155-010-050101 NEly 12 ft ofBlk 50 Lot 10 & E 6 ft ofLot 9 ex N 50 ft of Lots 10 & 9 also the portion of Lots 8 & 9 lying Nly afro I des In Beg 6 . . . at SEly cor of Lot 10 th NEly 102.84 ft to In parlw & dist 62 ft SWly of as meas at rlang to NEly In of Lots 8, 9 & 10th G. CLASSIFICA TlON OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT (As Originally Adopted) The tax increment financing district to be established within the area designated as the Central Monticello Redevelopment Areas is classified as Redevelopment District. The property to be included in the district is as follows: (by PIN) a. 155-010-050010 (Hass) b. 155-010-050011 (Teslow) c. 155-010-050081 (Metcalf & arson) d. 155-01 0-050082 (Capps, CD from Lindberg) e. 155-010-050100 (Metcalf & arson) f. 155-010-051010 (Monticello Ford) g. 155-010-051011 (Jones) h. 155-010-051020 (Monticello Ford) i. 155-010-051040 (O'Conner) j 155-010-050101 (City of Monticello) Of the ten parcels, all but parcel e. are occupied by structures. Five of the eight structures (parcels a, d, f, h and i) are considered to be structurally substandard, while parcels band g have structures that are both non-conforming uses and on lots that are too small for their use. (As Modified September 26, 1988) k. 155-010-050111 (Hollenbeck) I. 155-010-051050 (Stelton) m. 155-010-051111 (Gustafson) n. 155-010-051130 (River Park View) (As Originally Adopted) This proposal has been found to be in the public interest because it will eliminate blight and non- conforming use, create use for a vacant lot, provide temporary construction employment, and generate other improvements within the district. Because this district meets the requirements of MS 273.73, Subdivision 10, it shall be classified as a Redevelopment District. H. ESTIMA TE OF COSTS The estimate of public costs associated with this project, and to be recovered by tax increment financing are as follows: 7 . (As Originally Adopted) Land Acquisition $33,000.00 Assessments '84 & beyond 535.00 Site Preparation 5,000.00 $38,535.00 Legal, Contingency, Administration (8%) 3.082.80 Subtotal $41,617.80 Less up fro n t payment (l0.000.00) Total HRA Cost *$31.617.80 *Rounded off to $32,000.00 (As Modified August 24, 1987) BUDGET Property Acquisition $75,000 Demolition Cost 13,000 Administration Cost 2.000 TOTAL PROJECT COST $90,000 Less payment on purchase agreement 25,000 Less Demolition cost 13,000 . Less Administration cost 2.000 HRA General Fund 40.000 Contract for deed $50,000 (As Modified September 26,1988) BUDGET Jones Acquisition Property $52,000 Moving and relocation expo 5,000 demolition 5,000 O'Connor Acquisition Property (raw land) $50,000 Moving and relocation expo 5,000 Stelton Acquisition Property $60,000 Moving and relocation exp 5,000 demolition 5,000 Old Ford Garage (recover costs) Contract for deed (payoff) $50,000 Interest paid (6/88, 12/88,6/89) 6,716 . Demolition 6,500 Administrative 2,000 Assessments 980 Down payment 25,000 8 . . . Modification #3 Administrative Bond Discount Plan modification Bond issuance Capitalized interest (24 mos) TOTAL PROJECT COST Less FmHA Less Bond issuance REMAINING BALANCE 10,954 11,250 2,500 12,000 48,100 $363,000 58,000 260,000 45,000 (As Modified January 22, 1996) The budgets for the estimated public costs for Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos 1-1,1-2,1-3,1-4,]- 5,]-6, ]-7,]-8,1-9,1-10,1-11 ,1-12,1-13,1-14,]-15,1-16,1-] 7,1-18 and 1-19 are hereby modified as follows: For various land acquisition activities and redevelopment and revitalization studies in the Redeve]opment Project the current expected costs include: Land Acquisition Demolition/Relocation Contingency Subtotal Administration Tota] $500,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 900,000.00 90,000.00 $990,000.00 Subject to restrictions as applicable to each individual tax increment financing district pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174 to 469.176 (including limitations as to the type of development that may be assisted and geographic boundaries within which increment may be spent), tax increment from any existing and future tax increment financing district may be used to pay public costs. This budget is in addition to existing public cost budgets for each tax increment financing district. Interest on any bonds or other obligations incurred are also to be paid from increment in addition to the line items listed in the budget above. (As Modified June 24, 1996) The budgets for the estimated public costs for Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos ]-1,]-2,1-3,1-4,1- 5,1-6,1-7,1-8,1-9,1-10,1-11,1-12,]-13,1-14,1-]5,1-16,1-17,1-18 and ]-19 are hereby modified as follows: For various land acquisition activities and redevelopment and revitalization studies in the Redeve]opment Project the current expected costs include: Land Acquisition Site Preparation Demo]ition/Re]ocation Public Improvements Subtotal Administration Total $ 900,000.00 400,000.00 300,000.00 900.000.00 2,500.000.00 250.000.00 $2,750,000,00 Subj ect to restrictions as applicable to each individual tax increment financing district pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174 to 469.176 (inc]uding limitations as to the type of development that may be assisted and geographic boundaries within which increment may be spent), tax increment from 9 10 . any existing and future tax increment financing district may be used to pay public costs. This budget is in addition to existing public cost budgets for each tax increment financing district. Interest on any bonds or other obligations incurred are also to be paid from increment in addition to the line items listed in the budget above. (As Modified June 13, 2006) The City and HRA has determined that it will be necessary to provide assistance to the project for certain costs. To facilitate the development or redevelopment or property in and around District No. 1-2, this Plan authorizes the use of tax incremeut financing to pay for the cost of certain eligible expenses. The estimate of public costs and uses of funds associated with District No. 1-2 is outlined in the following table. USES OF FUNDS Land/Buildin s Site 1m rovements Administrative Bond Interest Loan Interest Other Pro. ect Area 1m rovements 346,515 120,000 50,000 350,531 201,088 175,000 . TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Bond Princi al Loan Princi al Transfers Out 1,243,134 260,000 72,000 13 0,000 The budget above is organized according the Office of the State Auditor reporting forms. Pursuant to MN Statute 469.175 Sub 1 (5), it is estimated that the cost of improvemeuts, includiug administrative expenses which will be paid or financed with tax increments, will equal $1,243,134. It is estimated that the cost of improvements, including financing which will be paid for with tax increment will equal $1,705,134 as is presented in the budget on the previous page. Estimated costs associated with the District are subject to change among categories by modification to the Plan through City Conncil and HRA resolution. The cost of all activities to be considered for tax increment financing will not exceed, without formal modification, the bndget above pursuant to applicable statutory requirements. The City or HRA reserves the right to use other sources of revenue legally applicable to the City or HRA and to the Plan, including, but not limited to, special assessments, general property taxes, state aid for road maintenance and construction, proceeds from the sale of land, other contributions from developer and investment income, to pay for the estimated public costs. . The City or HRA reserves the right to incur bonded indebtedness or other indebtedness as a result of the Plan. As presently proposed, the projects will be financed through bonded debt. Additional indebtedness may be reqnired to finance other authorized activities. The total principal amount of bonded indebtedness or other indebtedness related to the use of tax increment financing will not exceed $260,000 without a modification to the Plan pursuant to applicable statutes. This provision does not obligate the City or HRA to incur debt. The City or HRA will issue bonds or incur other debt only upon the determination that such action is in the best interest of the City or HRA. The City or HRA may also finance the activities to be undertaken pursuant to the Plan . . through loans from funds of the City or HRA or to reimburse the developer on a "pay-as-you-go" basis for eligible costs paid for by a developer. I. ESTlMA TE OF INDEBTEDNESS (As Originally Adopted) The HRA, by action taken at a special meeting held on September 13, 1983, authorized a private placement of tax exempt securities in the amount of $32,000.00. The BRA intends to retire this debt over a period of 12 years. The interest rate on this issue is estimated to be 9.5%. (As Modified August 24, 1987) An estimate of the maximum amount of bonded indebtedness is expected to be $90,000.00. The estimated annual tax increment generated from the elderly home ($17,300.00) will be applied to the contract for deed payments (estimated average annual debt service is $14,000.00). Upon full payment of the contract for deed, the tax increment from the elderly home will replenish the BRA General Fund for expenses incurred. Debt retirement to be completed before the duration of Redevelopment District #2. Bonded indebtedness of $90,000 is an addition to the original budget. (As Modified September 26, 1988 An estimate of the maximum amount of bonded indebtedness is expected to be $260,000, estimated annual debt service of $30,193.80. The maximum term of the issue is 18 years, and the interest rate is expected to be 9.25 percent. The capitalized interest amount for approximately 24 months is estimated to be $48,100. The difference between the project cost ($363,000), the bond indebtedness ($260,000), and the Farmers Home Administration Funding ($58,000) is $45,000. Bond sale Spring of 1989. J. SOURCE OF REVENUE (As Originally Adopted) The primary source of revenue to be used to retire the bond issue will be tax increments generated as a result ofthe development. The other source of income will be the proceeds for the conveyance of the land from the HRA t 0 the developers. In any given year that the tax increment is not sufficient to retire the debt, the developers will issue directly to the HRA an amount equal to the shortfall. (As Modified August 24, 1987) The primary source ofrevenue to be used to retire the bond indebtedness (contract for deed) will be tax increments generated from the River Park View Elderly Project, a development completed in 1986 within Tax Increment District #2. The other initial source of revenue will be from BRA General Funds. (As Modified September 26,1988) . The three sources of revenue used to finance public costs associated with the public development projects in the redevelopment project are $58,000 Farmers Home Administration Funding, $45,000 Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority 1989 Tax Levy, and the tax increment generated as a result of the taxation of the land and building expansion in the tax increment financing redevelopment district. Tax 11 ~ . . . increment financing refers to a funding technique that utilizes increases in assessed valuation and the property taxes attributed to new development to finance, or assist in the financing of public development costs. The improvements to the land acquired by the Broadway Square Limited Partnership and the previous improvements of Redevelopment District #2 are expected to generate an average annual tax increment of $36,084.81 payable in year 199\. The estimated annual tax increment is sufficient to retire the annual bond debt service of $30,193.80 plus Metcalf and Larson Securities annual debt service of $4,285.00. Duration of the District Life is 2010. (As Modified June 13, 2006 SOURCES OF FUNDS Tax Increment 990,000 Interest 132,134 Market Value Credit 10,000 Salesllease nroceeds 130,000 Developer navment 11,000 PROJECT REVENUES 1,273,134 Bond Proceeds 260,000 Loan Proceeds 72,000 Transfers In 100,000 K. ORIGINAL ASSESSED VALUE (As Origina\1y Adopted) Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 273.74, Subdivision I, and 273.76, Subdivision 1, the Original Assessed Value (OA V) for the Montice\1o District #2 is based on the sum of a\1 ten parcels, Original Assessed Values, provided by the County Assessor in 1983. This value is $80,863.00. Individual parcel assessed values are as fo\1ows: (As Origina\1y Adopted) 155-010-050010 155-010-050011 155-010-050081 155-010-050082 155-010-050100 155-010-051010 155-010-051011 155-010-051020 155-010-051040 155-010-050101 3,077 9,860 13,574 7,616 2,920 3,760 12,070 17,974 6,630 ~ 77,481 12 . (As Modified August 24, 1987) 155-010-050010 155-010-050011 155-010-050081 155-010-050082 155-010-050100 155-010-051010 155-010-051011 155-010-051020 155-010-051040 155-010-050111 155-010-051050 155-010-051111 155-010-051130 o 9,860 13,574 7,616 2,920 3,760 12,070 17 ,974 6,630 8,960 10,276 6,277 exempt (As Modified September 26, 1988) Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 469.175, Subdivision I, and 469.177, Subdivision 1, the Original Assessed Value as modified for the Redevelopment District #2 and certified by the County Auditor of Wright County on the 2nd day of January, 1988. This value is a total of $87,783.00. Individual parcel assessed values are as follows: . PARCEL 155-010-050010 155-010-050011 155-010-050081 155-010-050100 155-010-050101 155-010-050111 155-010-051010 155-010-051011 155-010-051020 155-010-051040 155-010-051050 155-010-051111 155-010-051130 ASSESSED VALUE EXEMPT $9,680 $13,574 $10,536 EXEMPT $8,960 EXEMPT $12,070 EXEMPT $6,630 $10,276 $6,277 $9,600 (As Originally Adopted) . Each year the Office of the County Auditor will measure the amount of increase or decrease in the total assessed value of the tax increment Redevelopment District to calculate the tax increment payable to the Monticello HRA. Each year the County Auditor shall also add to the original assessed value of the Redevelopment District an amount equal to the original assessed value for the preceding year multiplied by the average increase in the assessed valuation of all property included in the redevelopment District during the five years prior to district certification . In any year in which there is an increase in total assessed valuation in the tax increment Redevelopment District above the annual percentage increase, a tax increment will be payable. In any year in which the total assessed valuation in the tax increment Redevelopment District is less than the original assessed value, no assessed valuation will be captured and no tax increment will be payable. The County Auditor shall certify in each year after the date the original assessed value was certified, the amount the OA V has increased or decreased as a result of any of the following: 13 - . . . I) Change in tax exempt status of property; 2) Alteration of the geographic boundaries of the district; 3) Change due to stipulations, adjustments, negotiated or court ordered abatements. L. ESTlMA TED CAPTURED ASSESSED VALUE (As Originally Adopted) Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 273.74, Subdivision I and 273.76, Subdivision 2, the estimated Captured Assessed Value (CA V) of the tax increment Redevelopment District will be $50,480.00. Changes in assessed values are shown in Exhibit A. The City of Monticello requests 100% of the available increase in assessed value commencing in 1984 for taxes payable in 1985 be captured for repayment of debt and current expenditures. (As Modified September 26, 1988) Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 469.175, Subdivision I, and 469.177, Subdivision 2, the estimated Captured Assessed Value (CA V) of the tax increment Redevelopment District will be $369,138.00. Changes in assessed values are shown in Exhibit A. The City of Monticello requests 100% of the available increase in assessed value commencing in 1990 for taxes payable in 1991 be captured for repayment of debt and current expenditures. M. DURA TlON OF THE DISTRICT (As Originally Adopted) The City of Monticello expects to terminate the Monticello Tax Increment Redevelopment District #2 on January 2, 2010. The 25 year duration of the district is based on the ability of the City to collect tax increments for 25 years commencing in 1985 and ending in 2010. (As Modified June 13, 2006) Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175, Snbdivision 1, and Section 469.176 Subdivision 1, the duration of Tax Increment Financing District 1-2 must be indicated within the Plan. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 469.176 Subdivision 1 (b), the duration of Tax Increment Financing District #1-2 will be 25 years from the date of receipt of the first increment by the city. The date of receipt by the City of Monticello of the first tax increment was July, 1985. Thus it is estimated that the Tax Increment Financing District, including any modifications of the Plan for subsequent phases or other changes, would terminate after 2010, or when the Plan is satisfied. The City reserves the right to decertify the District prior to the legally required date. N. IMPACT ON OTHER TAXING JURISDICTIONS (As Originally Adopted) It is anticipated that $4,269 in tax increment will be captured annually as a result of the proposed improvement during the first 12 years of the District's 25 years. 14 - . . For taxes payable in 1983, the City of Monticello comprised 24.8% of the mill rate (21.0), School District #882 comprised 42.8% of the mill rate (36.2), and Wright County comprised 28.3% of the mill levy (23.9). The Monticello-Big Lake Hospital District made up the final 4.1% with a mill rate of (3.4). A mill rate of 84.5 mills has been used throughout the debt retirement schedule used in this tax increment financing plan. Applying the appropriate percentage of the total mill rate levied by each taxing jurisdiction to the projected mill rate and the annual tax increment of $4,269 reveals the annual forfeit of tax dollars by each taxing jurisdiction. The amount of tax dollars foregone by each taxing jurisdiction is listed on the table below: TABLE I Percent of tax increment attributable to taxing jurisdictions Tax Jurisdiction Estimated Mills Percent Annual Tax Inc. City of Monticello 21.0 24.8 1,059 School District #882 36.2 42.8 1,827 Wright County 23.9 28.3 1,208 Hospital District 3.4 4.1 175 84.5 100.0 4,269 The following table represents the additional mills that would have to be levied by each taxing jurisdiction to compensate for the tax dollars captured as tax increments. The tax increments derived from the project alluded to in the tax increment economic development district would not be available to any of the taxing jurisdictions were it not for the public intervention by the City of Monticello. Although the increases in assessed value due to the economic development plan will not be available to the other jurisdictions for the application of their mil1 levy for the duration of the tax increment financing district this new assessed value will eventually be applied to all jurisdictions assessed valuation and could conceivably permit a mill levy decrease. If it is assumed that the captured assessed value would be available for each taxing jurisdiction the amount of tax dollars, represented as tax increments, which would not be received by the other jurisdictions can be computed. This computation is facilitated by estimating how much the mill levy for property outside of the tax increment financing district would have to be increased to raise the same amount of tax dollars in each jurisdiction had the project occurred without the assistance of the City of Monticello. TABLE II Impact on taxing jurisdictions if development occurred without public assistance Payable 83 Assessed Value Required Mills Annual Tax Tax Jurisdiction Increment City of Monticello 58,492,537 .0177 1,059 School District #882 79,049,159 .0226 1,827 Wright County 340,696,792 .0347 1,208 Hospital District 92,564,703 .00185 175 4,269 . All assessed values exclude the amount of assessed valuation already found in tax increment financing districts in other municipalities in Wright County. 15 ~ . . . (As Modified September 26,1988) The impact of the loss of tax dollars represented as tax increments is estimated below for each taxing jurisdiction. This estimate is based on the existing redevelopment proposals and does not include the possible tax increments derived from other future developments, mill changes, or inflation factors. Tax Increment Finance District 1/2/88 Total Total Assessed Value $87,022 LATEST ASSESSED VALUE OF EACH GOVERNMENT BODY: % of District to Total Wright County Scho01rhstrict#882 City of Monticello Other $407,743,709 $140,784,433 $114,339,670 $190,334,664 .021 .061 .076 .045 Considering all the districts, it can be seen from the above that the school, city, and county districts will have over 99% of each respective district available for normal growth of tax base or valuation. Applying the percentage of the total mill rate in 1988 levied by each taxing jurisdiction to the projected mill rate and the estimated tax increment received reveals the annual loss of tax dollars by each taxing jurisdiction as listed in the table below assuming development would occur without public assistance. The modified finance plan indicates we anticipate a tax increment at build out as follows: Captured Assessed Valuation Estimated Tax Increment Received $36,084 Tax Increment Finance District $369,138 Based on the current mill rate, the estimated taxes received would be as follows for the taxing bodies: Mills Percent Tax Increment City 15.932 16.28 5,874 Wright County 22.728 23.22 8,379 School District #882 55.069 56.26 20,301 Hospital District 4.147 4.24 1,530 Total 97.876 100.00 36,084 The following table represents the additional mills that would have to be levied to compensate for the loss of tax dollars in estimated tax increments for each taxing jurisdiction. The tax increments derived from the total Redevelopment District #2 improvements alluded to in the tax increment district would not be available to any of the taxing jurisdictions were it not for public intervention by the City. Although the increases in assessed value due to development will not be available for the application of the mill levy for the duration of the tax increment fmancing district, this new assessed value could eventually permit a mill levy decrease. If it could be assumed that the captured assessed value was available for each taxing jurisdiction, the non-receipt of tax dollars represented as tax increments may be determined. This determination is facilitated by estimating how much the mill levy for property outside of the tax increment financing district would have to be increased to raise the same amount of tax dollars in each taxing jurisdiction that would be available if the projects occurred without the assistance of the City. 16 . . . Wright County School District #882 City of Monticello Hospital District Adiusted' Assessed Value $407,656,687 $140,687,411 $114,252,648 $190,247,642 Reouired Mills .02 .14 .05 .00 Tax Increment 8,379 20,301 5,874 1,530 , Tax Increment District assessed valuation subtracted (As Modified June 13, 2006) The City or HRA does not propose to add any land to District No. 1-2 nor does it anticipate additional development at this time which will result in additional tax capacity being captured within District No. 1-2. Since no new land is being added to District No. 1-2 and there is no additional development expected at this time which will resnlt in additional captured tax capacity, the City and HRA do not believe this modification will have any fiscal impact on any other taxing jurisdictions The following table shows the comparison of captured tax capacity from the original plan estimate as stated above to the captured tax capacity for taxes payable 2006. ImDact on Tax Base 2005/2006 Tntal Net Captured Tax Percent ofCTC to Tax Capacity Capacity fCTe) Entitv Total Wril!:ht Conntv 106,178,099 39,415 .0372% I.S.D No. 882 20,630,250 39,415 .1911 % City of Monticello 13,228,292 39,415 .2980% ImDact on Tax Rates 2005/2006 Potential Extension Rates Percent of Total fCTe) Taxes Wril!ht Cou~tv 0.325670 29.53% 39,415 12,836 I.S.D No. 882 0.243720 22.10% 39,415 9,606 citY of Monticello 0.510280 46.26% 39,415 20,113 Other 0.023300 2.11% 39,415 918 Total 1.102970 100.00% 43,473 O. MODtFtCA TtON TO TAX INCREMENT PLAN (As Originally Adopted) In accordance with Section 273.74, Subdivision 4 of the Tax Increment Financing Act, the geographic area of the project or tax increment financing district, increase in the amount of bonded indebtedness to be incurred, including a determination to capitalize interest on debt if that determination was not part of the original plan, or to increase or decrease the amount of interest on the debt to be capitalized, increase in the portion of the captured assessed value to be retained by the City, increase in total estimated tax increment expenditures or designation of additional property to be acquired by the authority shall be approved upon the notice and after the discussion, public hearing and findings required for approval upon the notice and after the discussion, public hearing and findings required for approval of the original plan. The geographic area of the Monticello Tax Increment Financing District #2 may be reduced, but shall not be enlarged after five years following the date of certification of original assessed value by the office of the County Auditor. The Monticello Tax Increment Financing District #2 may therefore be expanded until 1988. 17 . . P. LIMITATION ON ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES (As Originally Adopted) In accordance with M.S. 273.73, Subd. 13 and 273.75, Subd. 3, the administrative expenses means all expenditures of an authority other than amounts paid for the purchase of land or amounts paid to contractors or others providing materials and services, including architectural and engineering services, directly connected with the physical development of the real property in the district, relocation benefits paid to or services provided for persons residing or businesses located in the district or amounts used to pay interest on, fund a reserve for, or sell at a discount bonds issued pursuant to M.S. 237.77. Administrative expenses include amounts paid for services provided by bond council, fiscal consultants and planning, economic, or legal consultants. No tax increment shall be used to pay any administrative expenses for a project which exceeds 10% of the total tax increment expenditures authorized by the tax increment financing plan or the total tax increment expenditures for the project, whichever is less. Q. LIMITATION ON DURA nON OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS (As Originally Adopted) . Pursuant to M.S. 273.75, Subd. I, "No tax increment shall be paid to an authority three years from the date of certification by the County Auditor unless within the three year period (l)bonds have been issued pursuant to Section 273.77 or in aid of a project pursuant to any other law, except revenue bonds issued pursuant to Chapter 474, prior to the effective date of the act: or (2) the authority has acquired property within the district: (3) the authority has constructed or caused to be constructed public improvements within the district ..." The City of Monticello must therefore acquire the property so stipulated in this plan by October I, 1986, or the office of the County Auditor may dissolve the tax increment district. R. LIMITATION ON QUALlFICA TION OF PROPERTY IN TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT NOT SUBJECT TO IMPROVEMENT (As Originally Adopted) Subd. 6. Limitation on increment. . If, after four years from the date of certification of the original assessed value of the tax increment financing district pursuant to Section 273.76, no demolition, rehabilitation or renovation of property or other site preparation, including improvement of a street adjacent to a parcel but not installation of utility service including sewer or water systems, has been commenced on a parcel located within a tax increment financing district by the authority or by the owner of the parcel in accordance with the tax increment financing plan, no additional tax increment may be taken from that parcel, and the original assessed value of that parcel shall be excluded from the original assessed value of the tax increment financing district. If the authority of the owner of the parcel subsequently commences demolition, rehabilitation or renovation or other site preparation on that parcel including improvement of a street adjacent to that parcel, in accordance with the tax increment financing plan, the authority shall certify to the county auditor that the activity has commenced, and the county auditor shall certify the assessed value thereof as most recently certified by the commissioner of revenue and add it to the original assessed value of the tax increment financing district. For purposes of this subdivision "parcel" means a tract or plat of land established prior to the certification of the district as a single unit for purposes of assessment. 18 . . . S. LIMIT A T/ON ON THE USE OF TAX INCREMENT (As Originally Adopted) All revenue derived from tax increment shall be used in accordance with the tax increment financing plan. The revenue shall be used to finance or otherwise pay the capital and administrative cost of a development district pursuant to tI.S. 472A. These revenues shall not be used to circumvent existing levy limit law. No revenue derived from tax increment shall be used for the construction or renovation of a municipally owned building used primarily and regularly for conducting. the business of the municipality; this provision shall not prohibit the use of revenue derived from tax increments for the construction or renovation of a parking structure, a commons area used as a public park or a facility used for social, recreational, or conference purposes and not primarily for conducting the business of the municipality. T. NOT/FICA TION OF PRIOR PLANNED IMPROVEMENTS (As Originally Adopted) Pursuant to M.S. 273.76, Subd. 4, the City has reviewed and searched the property to be included in the tax increment economic development district and found that no building permit has been issued during the 18 months immediately preceding approval of the tax increment financing plan by the County. If the building permit had been issued within the 18 month period preceding approval of the tax increment financing plan by the City, the County Auditor shall increase the original assessed value of the district by the assessed valuation of the improvements for which the building permit was issued, excluding the assessed valuation of improvements for which a building permit was issued during the 3 month period immediately preceding said approval ofthe tax increment financing plan, as certified by the assessor. U. EXCESS TAX INCREMENTS (As Originally Adopted) Pursuant to M.S. 273.75, Subd. 2 of the Tax Increment Financing Act, in any year in which the tax increment exceeds the amount necessary to pay the costs authorized by the tax increment plan, including the amount necessary to cancel any tax levy as provided in M.S. 475.61, Subd. 3, the City shall use the excess amount in order selected by the Authority to: 1. Prepay outstanding Bonds; 2. Discharge the pledge of tax increment, Jherefore; 3. Pay into an escrow accouot dedicated to the payment of such Bond; 4. Repay any loans including interest on these loans; or 5. Return the excess amouot to the Couoty for pro rata distribution to the affected taxing jurisdictions. (As Modified June 13,2006) Excess iucrements, as defined in M.S., Section 469.176, Subd. 2, shall be used only to do one or more of the following: 1. Prepay any outstanding bonds; 2. Discharge the pledge of tax increment for any outstanding bonds; 3. Pay into an escrow account dedicated to the payment of any outstanding bonds; or 19 . 4. Return the excess to the County Anditor for redistribution to the respective taxing jurisdictions in proportion to their local tax rates. The City or HRA must spend or retnrn the excess increments under paragraph (c) within nine months after the end of the year. In addition, the City may, snbject to the limitations set forth herein, choose to modify the Plan in order to finance additional pnblic costs in the District V. REQUIREMENT FOR AGREEMENTS WITH THE DEVELOPER (As Originally Adopted) Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.75, Subdivision 5, no more than twenty-five percent (25%) by acreage of the property (25%) to be acquired by the authority in the redevelopment district shall be oMled by the Authority as a result of acquisition with the proceeds of bonds issued pursuant to Section 273.77 without the Authority having prior to acquisition in excess of twenty-five percent (25%) of the acreage, concluded an agreement for the development of the property acquired and which provides recourse for the Authority. (As Originally Adopted) W. ASSESSMENT AGREEMENTS . Pursuant to M.S. 273.76, Subd. 8, the City may, upon entering into a development agreement, enter into an agreement in recordable form with the developer of property within the tax increment financing district which establishes a minimum market value of the land and completed improvements for the duration of the tax increment Redevelopment District. The assessment agreement shall be presented to the County Assessor who shall review the plans and specifications for the improvements constructed, review the market value previously assigned to the land upon which the improvements are to be constructed, and so long as the minimum market value contained in the assessment agreement appears in the judgment of the assessor to be a reasonable estimate, the assessor may certify the minimum market value agreement. X. ADMIINISTRA nON AND MAINTENANCE OF THE TAX INCREMENT ACCOUNT (As Originally Adopted) Administration of the tax increment financing economic development district will be handled by the City of Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the office of the City Administrator. The tax increment received as a result of increases in the assessed value of the tax increment economic development district will be maintained in a special account separate from all other municipal accounts and expended only upon sanctioned municipal activities identified in the finance plan as amended. Y. ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS . (As Originally Adopted) Pursuant to M.S. 273.74, Subd. 5, an authority must file an annual disclosure report for all tax increment financing districts. The report shall be filed with the school board, county board, and the Minnesota Department of Energy, Planning and Development. The report shall include the following information: 20 21 . 1. The amount and source of revenue in the account; 2. The amount and purposes of expenditures from the account; 3. The amount of any pledge of revenues, including principal and interest on any outstanding indebtedness; 4. The original assessed value of the districts; 5. The captured assessed value retained by the authority; 6. The captured assessed value shared with other taxing districts; 7. The tax increment received. The annual disclosure report is designed to be a two-way medium of information dissemination for both the office of the County Auditor and the City Council. Should the auditor request additional information from the City regarding the tax increment financing activities, such information should be requested prior to submission of the annual disclosure report by the City. Similarly, the City Council may utilize the annual disclosure report as a means for requesting information from the office of the County Auditor. Additionally, the authority must annually publish a statement in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality showing the tax increment received and expended in that year, the original assessed value, the captured assessed value, amount of outstanding indebtedness, and any additional information the authority may deem necessary. (As Modified June 13, 2006) . Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.175, Subd. 5, 6, and 6b the HRA must undertake financial reporting for all tax increment financing districts to the Office of the State Auditor, County Board, County Auditor and School Board on or before August 1 of each year. M.S., Section 469.175, Subd. 5 also provides that an annual statement shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City on or before Augnst 15. If the City fails to make a disclosure or submit a report containing the information reqnired by M.S., Section 469.175 Subd. 5 and Subd. 6, the OSA will direct the County Auditor to withhold the distribution oftax increment from the District. Z. ASSUMPTIONS (As Originally Adopted) It was necessary in the preparation of this plan to make certain assumptions regarding income, costs, and timing of the economic development district. These assumptions are listed below: 1. INCOME a. Original Market and Assessed Valuation of Tax Increment District #2 (provided by office of County Assessor). Market Value Assessed Value 230,300 77,481 . b. New Market and Assessed Valuation of Tax Increment District #2 (provided by office of City Assessor). Market Value Assessed Value Less OA V Total CAY Mill Rate 333,364 127,961 77,481 50,480 x.084566 . . . Annual Tax Increment 4,269 (As Modified September 26, 1988) It was necessary in the preparation of this plan to make certain assumptions regarding income, costs, and timing of the redevelopment district. These assumptions are listed below: 1. Income a. Original Market and Assessed Valuation of Tax Increment District #2 (provided by office of County Assessor). Market Value (1988) $1,464,600 Assessed Value (1988) $346,474 b. New Market and Assessed Valuation of Tax Increment District #2 (provided by office of the City and County Assessor). Market Value Assessed Value Less OAV Total CA V Less Credits 1988 Mill Rate Annual Tax Increment $ $1,967,247.00' $ 456,160.00 $ 87,022.00** $ 369,138.00 $ 456.13 .097876 36,084.81 Redevelopment District #22 Annual Debt Service Metcalf and Larson Securities 1989 Bond Issuance Total Annual Debt Service $ 4,285.00 $30.193.80 $34,478.80 · Market Value decrease for subsidized apartment units from $27,500 to $24,500. .. 28,215 sq ft considered vacant land at time of land conveyance from HRA to developer. (after demolition) (As Modified June 13, 2006) The City of Monticello is modifying District No. 1-2 to provide for development and redevelopment to occur in the City. The modification to Tax Increment Financing Plan for District No. 1-2 was prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc., 3060 Centre Pointe Drive, RosevUle, Minnesota 55113-1105, telephone (651) 697-8500. 22 . fa TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN for the modification of TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-24 (a qualified housing district) within CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY ST ATE OF MINNESOTA Public Hearing: August 24,1998 Adopted: August 24, 1998 Modification #1 Public Hearing: June 12,2006 Modification #1 Adopted: Prepared by: EHLERS & ASSOCIATES, INe. 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Rosevil1e, Minnesota 55113-1105 Phone: (651) 697-8500 Fax: (651) 697-8555 E-mail: info@eh1ers-inc.com Web Site: www.eh1ers-inc.com . . . TABLE OF CONTENTS (for reference purposes only) SECTION I - MODIFlCA TION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1. . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . .. 1-1 Foreword.. .' . ... .... ... . . .... . . .. . . . ..' ..... . ... .. .. . .. ........ ... ..... . ..... 1-1 SECTION II - TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-24 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-1 Subsection 2-l.F oreword ......................................................... 2-1 Subsection 2-2.statutory Authority. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-1 Subsection 2-3.Statement of Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-1 Subsection 2-4.Redeve10pment Plan Overview ........................................ 2-1 Subsection 2-5.Lega1 Description of Property in Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-24 ..... 2-2 Subsection 2-6.C1assification of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-2 Subsection 2-7.0rigina1 Tax Capacity and Tax Rate .................................... 2-3 Subsection 2-8.Estimated Captured Net Tax Capacity Va1uelIncrement ..................... 2-4 Subsection 2-9.Property To Be Acquired. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-4 Subsection 2-10.Uses of Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-4 Subsection 2-11.Sources of RevenuelBonded Indebtedness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-5 Subsection 2-12.Definition of Tax Increment Revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. 2-6 Subsection 2-13.Duration of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-7 Subsection 2-14.Estimated Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions .......................... 2-7 Subsection 2-15.Modifications to Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-8 Subsection 2-16.Administrative Expenses ............................................ 2-9 Subsection 2-17 .Limitation of Increment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-10 Subsection 2-18.Use of Tax Increment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-11 Subsection 2-19.Notification of Prior Planned Improvements ............................ 2-11 Subsection 2-20.Excess Tax Increments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-12 Subsection 2-21.Requirements for Agreements with the Developer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-12 Subsection 2-22.Assessment Agreements. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-12 Subsection 2-23 .Administration of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-13 Subsection 2-24.Financial Reporting Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-13 Subsection 2-25.Municipa1 Approval and Public Purpose ............................... 2-15 Subsection 2-26.0ther Limitations on the Use of Tax Increment. . . . . . .. . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . .. 2-16 Subsection 2-27.Income Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. 2-16 Subsection 2-28.County Road Costs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 2-16 Subsection 2-29.Economic Development and Job Creation .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2-16 Subsection 2-30.Summary ....................................................... 2-17 APPENDIX A BOUNDARY MAPS OF CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-I APPENDIX B LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE INCLUDED IN TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-24.. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 . . . . APPENDIX C ESTIMATED CASH FLOW FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DlSTRlCTNO. 1-24 ..... C-I . . . . SECTION I - MOD/FICA T10N TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 Foreword The following text represents a Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I. This modification represents a continuation of the goals and objectives set forth in the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I. Generally, the substantive changes include the modification of Tax Increment Financing District 1-24. For further information, a review of the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 is recommended. !tis available from the City Administrator at the City of Monticello. Otherrelevant information is contained in the Tax Increment Financing Plans for the Tax Increment Financing Districts located within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1. Monticello HRA Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 I-I . SECT/ON 11- TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-24 Subsection 2-1. Foreword The City of Monticello ("City"), the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "HRA"), staff and consultants have prepared the following information to expedite the establishment of Tax Increment Financing DistrictNo. 1-24 ("District No. 1-24"), a qualified housing tax increment financing district, located in Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I. Subsection 2-2. Statutorv Authority Within the City, there exist areas where public involvement is necessary to cause development or redevelopment to occur. To this end, the City and HRA have certain statutory powers pursuant to Minnesota Statutes ("M.S."), Sections 469.001 through 469.047, inclusive, as amended, and M.S., Sections 469.174 through 469.179, inclusive, as amended (the "Tax Increment Financing Act" or "TIF Act"), to assist in financing public costs related to this project. This Section contains the Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "Plan") for District No. 1-24. Other relevant information is contained in the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I. . Subsection 2-3. Statement of Obiectives District No. 1-24 currently consists of a portion of one parcel ofland and adjacent and internal rights-of-way. District No. 1-24 is created to facilitate construction of60 unit independent living senior housing building in the City of Monticello. Concurrent with the construction of the independent living units will be the construction of60 units of assisted living units, which will not be included in District No. 1-24. Both facilities are to be owned by St. Benedict's Center. This plan is expected to achieve many of the objectives outlined in the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I. The activities contemplated in the present Modified Redevelopment Plan and the Tax Increment Financing Plan do not preclude the undertaking of other qualified development or redevelopment activities. These activities are anticipated to occur over the life of District No. 1-24 and Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1. Subsection 2-4. Redevelooment Plan Overview I. Property to be Acquired - Selected property located within District No. 1-24 may be acquired by the City or HRA and is further described in this Plan. 2. Relocation - Complete relocation services are available pursuant to M.S., Chapter 117 and other relevant state and federal laws. . 3. Upon approval ofa developer's plan relating to the project and completion of the necessary legal requirements, the City or HRA may sell to a developer selected properties that they may acquire within District No. 1-24 or may lease land or facilities to a developer. Monticello HRA Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 2-1 . . 4. The City or HRA may perform or provide for some or all necessary acquisition, construction, relocation, demolition, and required utilities and public streets work within District No. 1-24. Subsection 2-5. Lel!al Description of Property in Tax Increment Financinl! District No. 1-24 District No. 1-24 encompasses all property and adjacent rights-of-way identified by the legal description found in appendix B. Please see the map in Appendix A for further information on the location of District No. 1-24. Subsection 2-6. Classification of Tax Increment Financinl! District No. 1-24 The City and HRA, in determining the need to create a tax increment financing district in accordance with MS., Sections 469.174 to 469.179, as amended, inclusive, find that District No. 1-24, to be established, is a qualified housing district pursuant to MS., Section 469.174, Subd. 11 and MS., Section 273.1399, Subd. 1 (c) as defined below: Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision 11: . "Housing district" means a type of tax increment financing district which consists of a project, or a portion of a project, intended for occupancy, in part, by persons or families of low and moderate income, as defined in chapter 462A, Title II of the National Housing Act of 1934, the National Housing Act of 1959. the United States Housing Act of 1937. as amended, Title Vof the Housing Act of 1949, as amended. any other similar present or future federal, state, or municipal legislation, or the regulations promulgated under any of those acts. A project does not qualifY under this subdivision if the fair market value of the improvements which are constructed for commercial uses or for uses other than low and moderate income housing consists of more than 20 percent of the total fair market value of the planned improvements in the development plan or agreement. The fair market value of the improvements may be determined using the cost of construction, capitalized income, or other appropriate method of estimating market value. Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.1399, subd. l(c): "Qualified Housing District" means a housing district for a residential rental project or projects in which the only properties receiving assistance from revenues derived form tax increments from the district meet all of the requirements for a low-income housing credit under section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended through December 31, 1992, regardless of whether the project actually receives a low-income housing credit. In meeting the statutory criteria described above, the City and HRA rely on the following facts and findings: . District No. 1-24 consists of a portion of one parcel. The development will consist of 60 units of senior housing. The market value of non-assisted housing or commercial property will be less than 20% of the total fair market value ofthe planned improvements. The development in District No. 1-24 will consist entirely of housing facilities which meet all ofthe . requirements for a low -income housing credit under section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. . . . Monticello HRA Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 2-2 - . . . Generally, the requirements of Section 42 include rent restrictions and income restrictions, adjusted for family size for at least 20% or 40% of the tenants. For 1998, the restrictions are as follows Maximum Rent by Number of Bedrooms Percentage of Units I Bedroom 2 Bedrooms 20% $570 $684 $683 $820 40% Maximum Income by Family Size Percentage of Units I Person 2 People 3 People 20% $21,300 $25,560 $24,300 $29,160 $27,350 $32,820 40% Subsection 2-7. Original Tax Capacity aud Tax Rate Pursuant to MS., Section 469.174, Subd. 7 and MS., Section 469.177, Subd. 1, the Original Net Tax Capacity (ONTC) as certified for District No. 1-24 is based on the market values placed on the property by the assessor in 1998 for taxes payable 1999. Pursuantto MS., Section 469.177, Subds. 1 and 2, the County Auditor shall certify in each year (beginning in the payment year 1999) the amount by which the original value has increased or decreased as a result of: I. change in tax exempt status of property; 2. reduction or enlargement of the geographic boundaries of the district; 3. change due to adjustments, negotiated or court-ordered abatements; 4. change in the use of the property and classification; 5. change in state law governing class rates; or 6. change in connection with previously issued building permits. In any year in which the current Net Tax Capacity value of District No. 1-24 declines below the ONTC, no value will be captured and no tax increment will be payable to the City or HRA. The original local tax ratefor District No. 1-24 will be the local tax rate for taxes payable 1999. The Original Tax Capacity and the Original Local Tax Rate for District No. 1-24 appear in the following table. Monticello HRA Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 2-3 . . . $2,500 (Estimate only) Original Tax Capacity Value 1.18645 (Estimate Only) Percent Retained by HRA 100% Original Local Tax Rate Subsection 2-8. Estimated Captured Net Tax Capacity Value/lucrement Pursuant to MS., Section 469.174 Subd. 4 and MS., Section 469.177, Subd. 1, 2, and 4, the estimated Captured Net Tax Capacity (CTC) of District No. 1-24, within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1, upon completion ofthe project, will annually approximate tax increment revenues as shown in the table below. The City and HRA request 100 percent ofthe available increase in tax capacity for repayment of its obligations and current expenditures, beginning in the tax year payable 200 I. The project tax capacity listed is an estimate of values when the project is completed. Project Estimated Tax Capacity upon Completion of Project (PTC) Original Estimated Net Tax Capacity (ONTC) Estimated Captured Tax Capacity (CTe) Estimated Annual Tax Increment 47,500 2,500 45,000 (CTC x Local Tax Rate) $53,390 Subsection 2-9. Property To Be Acquired The City or HRA may acquire any parcel within DistrictNo. 1-24 including interior and adjacent street rights of way. As Modified June 13.2006 The City or HRA may acquire any parcel within the District, including interior and adjacent street rights of way. Properties will be acquired by the City or HRA in order to accomplish one or more of the following: storm sewer improvements, provide land for needed public streets, utilities and facilities, transfer to private developers in order to accomplish the uses and objectives set forth in this TIF Plan. The City or HRA may acquire property by gift, dedication, condemnation or direct purchase from willing sellers in order to achieve the objectives in this TIF Plan. Snch acqnisitions will be undertaken only when there is assurance of funding to finance the acquisition and related costs. The City or HRA may also reimburse the developers for costs of land acquisition in lien of direct acquisition by the HRA or City. Subsection 2-10. Uses of Funds Currently under consideration for District No. 1-24 is a proposal to facilitate construction of60 unit senior housing building. The City and HRA has determined that it will be necessary to provide assistance to the Monticello HRA Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I 2-4 . . project for certain costs. The HRA has studied the feasibility of the development or redevelopment of property in and around District No. 1-24. To facilitate the establishment and development orredevelopment of District No. 1-24, this Plan authorizes the use of tax increment financing to pay for the cost of certain eligible expenses. The estimate of public costs and uses of funds associated with District No. 1-24 is outlined in the following table. Uses of Funds Total Land Acquisition Site Improvements Utilities Interest Administrative Costs (up to 10%) $140,000 220,000 170,000 676,500 133,500 TOTAL $1,340,000 Estimated costs associated with District No. 1-24 are subject to change among categories without modification of this plan. The cost of all activities to be considered for tax increment financing will not exceed, without formal modification, the budget above pursuant to the applicable statutory requirements. The HRA may expend funds outside of District No. 1-24 boundaries for housing developments that receive or are eligible to receive low income tax credits under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code. . As Modified June 13, 2006 USES OF FUNDS LandlBuilding $ 140,000 Site Improvements 220,000 Loan Interest 615,000 Administration 75,000 Other Housing Improvements 890,000 PROJECT COST TOTAL $1,940,000 The above budget is organized according to the Office of the State Auditor reporting forms. Pursuant to MN Statute 469.175 Sub 1 (5), it is estimated that the cost of improvements, including administrative expenses which will be paid or financed with tax increments, will equal $1,940,000. Subsection 2-11. Sources of RevenuefBonded Indebtedness . Land acquisition, site improvement costs, public utilities costs and other costs outlined in the Uses of Funds will be financed primarily through the annual collection of tax increments. The City or HRA reserves the right to use other sources of revenue legally applicable to the Modified Redevelopment Plan and the Plan, including, but not limited to, special assessments, general property taxes, state aid for road maintenance and Monticello HRA Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 2-5 - . . . construction, proceeds from the sale ofland, other contributions from the developer and investment income, to pay for the estimated public costs. The City or HRA reserves the right to incur bonded indebtedness or other indebtedness as a result of the Plan. As presently proposed, the project will be financed by a pay-as-you-go note. Additional indebtedness may be required to fmance other authorized activities. The total principal amount of bonded indebtedness or other indebtedness related to the use of tax increment financing will not exceed $880,000 without a modification to the Plan pursuant to applicable statutory requirements. This provision does not obligate the City or HRA to incur debt. The City or HRA will issue bonds or incur other debt only upon the determination that such action is in the best interest of the City. The City or HRA may also finance the activities to be undertaken pursuant to the Plan through loans from funds of the City or HRA. The estimated sources of funds for District No. 1-24 are contained in the table below. Sources of Funds Total Tax Increment Interest $1,335,000 5,000 TOTAL $1,340,000 As Modified June 13. 2006 SOURCES OF FUNDS Tax Increment $1,900,000 Interest 20,000 Down payment/reimbursements/other 20,000 TOTAL $1,940,000 Subsection 2-12. Definition of Tax Increment Revenues Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.174, Subd. 25, tax increment revenues derived from a tax increment financing district include all of the following potential revenue sources: 1. taxes paid by the captured net tax capacity, but excluding any excess taxes, as computed under M.S., Section 469.177; the proceeds from the sale or lease of property, tangible or intangible, purchased by the authority with tax increments; repayments ofloans or other advances made by the authority with tax increments; and interest or other investment earnings on or from tax increments. 2. 3. 4. Monticello HRA Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I 2-6 . Subsection 2-13. Duration of Tax Increment Financinl! District No. 1-24 Pursuant to MS.. Section 469.175, Subd. 1, and Section 469.176, Subd. 1. the duration of District No. 1-24 must be indicated within the Plan. Pursuant to M.s., Section 469.176, Subd. 1(b), the duration of District No. 1-24 will be 25 years from the date of receipt of the first increment by the HRA. The date of receipt by the HRA of the first tax increment will be approximately 200 I. Thus, it is estimated that District No. 1-24, including any modifications ofthe Plan for subsequent phases or other changes, would terminate after 2025, or when the Plan is satisfied. The City or HRA does reserve the right to decertify District No. 1-24 prior to the legally required date. As Modified June 13.2006 The date of the first tax increment received by the City of Monticello was July 2001. Thus it is estimated that the Tax Increment Financing District, including any modifications of the Plan for subsequent phases or other changes, would terminate after 2026, or when the Plan is satisfied. The City or HRA reserves the right to decertify the District prior to the legally required date. Subsection 2-14. Estimated Impact on Other Taxinl! Jnrisdictions . The estimated impact on other taxingjurisdictions assumes construction which would have occurred without the creation of District No. 1-24. Ifthe construction is a result of tax increment financing, the impact is $0 to other entities. Notwithstanding, the factthatthe fiscal impact on the other taxing jurisdictions is $0 due to the fact that the construction would not have occurred without the assistance of the City or HRA, the following estimated impact of District No. 1-24 would be as follows if the "but for" test was not met: IMP ACT ON TAX BASE Wright County LS.D. No. 882 City of Monticello 1997/1998 Total Net Tax Capacity 57,211,935 18,427,306 14,381,226 Estimated Captured Tax Capacity (CTC) Upon Proiect Completion 45,000 45,000 45,000 Percent of CTC to Entitv Total 0.0787% 0.2442% 0.3129% . IMPACT ON TAX RATES 1997/1998 Percent Potential Extension Rates of Total CTC Taxes Wright County 0.308320 25.99% 45,000 13,874 LS.D. No. 882 0.584600 49.27% 45,000 26,307 City of Monticello 0.270010 22.76% 45,000 12,150 Other 0.023520 1.98% 45.000 1.058 Total 1.186450 100.00% 53,390 The estimates listed above display the captured tax capacity when all construction is completed. The tax rate Monticello HRA Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 2-7 . used for calculations is the 1997 !Pay 1998 rate. The total net capacity for the entities listed above are based on Pay 1998 figures. District No. 1-24 will be certified under the actual 1998/1 999 rates, which were unavailable at the time this Plan was prepared. As Modified June 13, 2006 The City or HRA does not propose to add any land to District No. 1-24 nor does it anticipate additional development at this time which will resnlt in additional tax capacity being captured within District No. 1-24. Since no new land is being added to District No. 1-24 and there is no additional development expected at this time which will result in additional captured tax capacity, the City and HRA do not believe this modification will have any fiscal impact on any other taxing jurisdictions. The following table shows the comparison of captured tax capacity from the original plan estimate as stated above to the captured tax capacity for taxes payable 2006 Impact on Tax Base I.S.D. No. 882 Ci of Monticello 2005/2006 Total Net Tax Capacity 106,178,099 20,630,250 13,228,292 Captured Tax Capacity (CTC) 43,652 43,652 43,652 Percent of CTC to Entity Total .0412% Wright County . .2116% .3300% Impact on Tax Rates 2005/2006 Extension Percent of Potential Rates Total (CTC) Taxes Wright County 0.325670 29.53% 43,652 $14,216 I.S.D. No. 882 0.243720 22.10% 43,652 $10,639 City of Monticello 0.510280 46.26% 43,652 $22,275 Other 0.023300 2.11% 43,652 $1,017 Total 1.102970 $48,147 Subsection 2-15. Modifications to Tax Increment Financin!! District No. 1-24 . In accordance with MS., Section 469.175. Subd. 4, any: 1. reduction or enlargement of the geographic area of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I or District No. 1-24; 2. increase in amount of bonded indebtedness to be incurred, including a determination to capitalize interest on debt if that determination was not a part of the original plan, or to increase or decrease the amount of interest on the debt to be capitalized; 3. increase in the portion of the captured net tax capacity to be retained by the City or HRA; Monticello HRA Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. t 2-8 . 4. 5. increase in total estimated tax increment expenditures; or designation of additional property to be acquired by the City or HRA, shall be approved upon the notice and after the discussion, public hearing and findings required for approval of the original plan. The geographic area of District No. 1-24 may be reduced, but shall not be enlarged after five years following the date of certification of the original net tax capacity by the county auditor. If a qualified housing district is enlarged, the reasons and supporting facts for the determination that the addition to the district meets the criteria of MS, Section 469.179, Subd. 11 and M.S. Section 273.1399, Subd. I(c) must be documented. The requirements of this paragraph do not apply if(l) the only modification is elimination ofparcel(s) from Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 or District No. 1-24 and (2) (A) the current net tax capacity of the parcel(s) eliminated from District No. I -24 equals or exceeds the net tax capacity of those parcel( s) in District No. I-24's original net tax capacity or (B) the HRA agrees that, notwithstanding MS, Section 469.177, Subd. 1, the original net tax capacity will be reduced by no more than the current net tax capacity of the parcel(s) eliminated from District No. 1-24. The City or HRA must notifY the County Auditor of any modification that reduces or enlarges the geographic area of District No. 1-24 or Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1. Modifications to Tax IncrementFinancingDistrictNo. I -24 in the form ofa budget modification or an expansion of the boundaries will be recorded in the Plan. Monticello HRA Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I 2-9 . Subsection 2-16. Administrative Expenses In accordance with MS, Section 469.174, Subd. 14, and MS, Section 469.176, Subd. 3, administrative expenses means all expenditures of the City or HRA, other than: 1. amounts paid for the purchase of land or amounts paid to contractors or others providing materials and services, including architectural and engineering services, directly connected with the physical development of the real property in the district; 2. relocation benefits paid to or services provided for persons residing or businesses located in the district; or 3. amounts used to pay interest on, fund a reserve for, or sell at a discount bonds issued pursuant to MS., Section 469.178. Administrative expenses also include amounts paid for services provided by bond counsel, fiscal consultants, and planning or economic development consultants. Tax increment may be used to pay any authorized and documented administrative expenses for District No. 1-24 up to but notto exceed 10 percent of the total tax increment expenditures authorized by the tax increment financing plan or the total tax increment expenditures for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I, whichever is less. Pursuant to MS., Section 469.176, Subd. 4h, tax increments may be used to pay for the county's actual administrative expenses incurred in connection with District No. 1-24. The county may require payment of those expenses by February 15 of the year following the year the expenses were incurred. . Pursuant to M.S, Section 469. 177, Subd. 11, the county treasurer shall deduct an amount equal to 0.25 percent of any increment distributed to the City or HRA and the county treasurer shall pay the amount . deducted to the state treasurer for deposit in the state general fund to be appropriated to the State Auditor for the cost of financial reporting of tax increment financing information and the cost of examining and auditing authorities' use of tax increment financing. Subsection 2-17. Limitation of Increment Pursuant to MS.. Section 469.176, Subd. I(a), no tax increment shall be paid to the City or HRA for District No. 1-24 after three (3) years from the date of certification ofthe Original Net Tax Capacity value of the taxable property in District No. 1-24 by the County Auditor unless within the three (3) year period: (a) bonds have been issued pursuant to MS., Section 469.178, or in aid ofa projectpursuanttoany other law, except revenue bonds issued pursuant to MS, Sections 469.152 to 469.165, or (b) the City or HRA has acquired property within District No. 1-24, or (e) the City or HRA has constructed or caused to be constructed public improvements within District No. 1-24. The bonds must be issued, or the City or HRA must acquire property or construct or cause public improvements to be constructed by approximately August, 200 I. . The tax increment pledged to the payment of bonds and interest thereon may be discharged and may be terminated if sufficient funds have been irrevocably deposited in the debt service fund or other escrow account held in trust for all outstanding bonds to provide for the payment of the bonds at maturity or redemption date. Pursuant to MS, Section 469.176, Subd. 6: . if, after four years from the date of certification of the original net tax capacity of the tax increment financing district pursuant to M.S, Section 469.177, no demolition. rehabilitation or renovation of property or other site preparation, including qualified improvement of a street adjacent to a parcel but not installation of utility service including sewer or water systems, has been commenced on a parcel located within a tax increment financing district by the authority or by the owner of the parcel in accordance with the tax increment financing plan, no additional tax increment may be taken from that parcel and the original net tax capacity of that parcel shall be excluded from the original net tax capacity of the tax increment financing district. If the authority or the owner of the parcel subsequently commences demolition, rehabilitation or renovation or other site preparation on that parcel including qualified improvement of a street adjacent to that parcel, in accordance with the tax increment financing plan, the authority shall certifY to the county auditor that the activity has commenced and the county auditor shall certifY the net tax capacity thereof as most recently certified by the commissioner of revenue and add it to the original net tax capacity of the tax increment financing district. The county auditor must enforce the provisions of this subdivision... For purposes of this subdivision, qualified improvements of a street are limited to (I) construction or opening of a new street, (2) Monticello HRA Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 2.10 . relocation oj a street, and (3) substantial recons/metion or rebuilding oj an existing street. The City or HRA or a property owner must improve parcels within District No. 1-24 by approximately August, 2002. Subsection 2-18. Use of Tax Increment The City or HRA hereby determines that it will use 100 percent of the captured net tax capacity oftaxable property located in District No. 1-24 for the following purposes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . 7. to pay the principal of and interest on bonds used to finance a project; to finance, or otherwise pay the capital and administration costs ofthe Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I pursuant to the MS.. Sections 469.124/0 469.134; to pay for project costs as identified in the budget; to finance, or otherwise pay for other purposes as provided inMS.. Section 469.176, Subd. 4' , to pay principal and interest on any loans, advances or other payments made to the City or HRA or for the benefit of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I by the developer; to finance or otherwise pay premiums and other costs for insurance, credit enhancement, or other security guaranteeing the payment when due of principal and interest on tax increment bonds or bonds issued pursuant to the Plan or pursuant to MS., Chapter 462C and M.S., Sections 469.152 through 469.165, or both; and to accumulate or maintain a reserve securing the payment when due of the principal and interest on the tax increment bonds or bonds issued pursuant to M.S., Chapter 462C and MS., Sections 469.152 through 469.165, or both. These revenues shall not be used to circumvent any levy limitations applicable to the City nor for other purposes prohibited by MS., Section 469.176, subd. 4. Revenues derived from tax increment from a housing district must be used solely to finance the cost of housing projects as defined in M. S., Section 469.174, subd. 11, that also receives ormeetthe requirements forlowincome housing credits under Section 42 ofthe Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The cost of public improvements directly related to the housing projects and the allocated administrative expenses of the City or HRA may be included in the cost of a housing project. Subsection 2-19. Notification of Prior Planned Improvements The City or HRA shall, after due and diligent search, accompany its request for certification to the County Auditor or its notice of District No. 1-24 enlargement with a listing of all properties within District No. 1-24 or area of enlargement for which building permits have been issued during the eighteen (18) months immediately preceding approval of the Plan by the municipality pursuant to M.S., Section 469.175. Subd. 3. The County Auditor shall increase the original value of District No. 1-24 by the value of improvements for which a building permit was issued. . Pursuant to MS., Section 469.177, Subd. 4, the HRA has reviewed the area to be included in District No. 1-24 and found no parcels for which building permits have been issued during the 18 months immediately preceding approval of the Plan by the City and HRA. Monticello HRA Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 2-11 . . . Subsection 2-20. Excess Tax Increments Pursuant to MS, Section 469.176, Subd. 2, in any year in which the tax increment exceeds the amount necessary to pay the costs authorized by the Plan, including the amount necessary to cancel any tax levy as provided in MS., Section 475.61, Subd. 3, the City or HRA shall use the excess amount to do any of the following: I. prepay any outstanding bonds; 2. discharge the pledge of tax increment therefor; 3. pay into an escrow account dedicated to the payment of such bonds; or 4. return the excess to the County Auditor forredistribution to the respective taxing jurisdictions in proportion to their local tax rates. As Modified June 13. 2006 The City or HRA must spend or return excess increments under M.S. Section 469.176 Subd 2, paragraph (c) within nine months after the end of the year. In addition, the City or HRA may, subjeclto the limitations set forth herein, choose to modify the Plan in order to finance additional public costs in District No. 1-24 or Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I. Subsection 2-21. Reauirements for Al!reements with the Developer The City or HRA will review any proposal for private development to determine its conformance with the Redevelopment Plan and with applicable municipal ordinances and codes. To facilitate this effort, the following documents may be requested for review and approval: site plan, construction, mechanical, and electrical system drawings, landscaping plan, grading and storm drainage plan, siguage system plan, and any other drawings or narrative deemed necessary by the City or HRA to demonstrate the conformance of the development with city plans and ordinances. The City or HRA may also use the Agreements to address other issues related to the development. Pursuant to MS, Section 469.176, Subd. 5, no more than 10 percent, by acreage, of the property to be acquired in District No. 1-24 as set forth in the Plan shall at any time be owned by the City or HRA as a result of acquisition with the proceeds of bonds issued pursuant to M.S, Section 469.178, to which tax increments from property acquired is pledged, without the City or HRA having, prior to acquisition in excess of I 0 percent ofthe acreage, concluded an agreement for the development or redevelopment of the property acquired and which provides recourse for the City or HRA should the development orredevelopmentnot be completed. Subsection 2-22. Assessment Al!reements Pursuant to MS, Section 469.177, Subd. 8, the City or HRA may enter into an agreement in recordable form with the developer of property within District No. 1-24 which establishes a minimum market value of the land and completed improvements for the duration of District No. 1-24. The assessment agreement shall be presented to the assessor who shall review the plans and specifications for the improvements constructed, review the market value previously assigned to the land upon which the improvements are to be constructed and, so long as the minimum market value contained in the assessment agreement appears, in the judgment Monticello HRA Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I 2-12 . ofthe assessor, to be a reasonable estimate, the assessor may certifY the minimum market value agreement. Subsection 2-23. Administration of Tax Increment Financinl! District No. 1-24 Administration of District No. 1-24 will be handled by the Executive Director ofthe HRA of the City of Monticello. Subsection 2-24. Financial Rellortinl! Requirements A. Filing with State Auditor, County Auditor, County Board and School Board: Pursuant to M.s., Section 469.175, Subd. 5, the City or HRA must file an annual disclosure report for all tax increment financing districts, including District No. 1-24. The report shall be filed with the County Board, County Auditor, School Board, and the State Auditor on or before July 1 (August I beginning forreports to be filed in 1999) of each year. The report to be filed by the City or HRA shall include the following information: 1. 2. 3. . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. the amount and source of revenue in the tax increment account; the amount and purpose of expenditures from the account; the amount of any pledge of revenues, including principal and interest, on any outstanding bond indebtedness; the original net tax capacity of District No. 1-24; the captured net tax capacity retained by the City or HRA; the captured net tax capacity shared with other taxing districts; the tax increment received; and any additional information necessary to demonstrate compliance with the tax increment financing plan. B. Newspaper Statement: M.S., Section 469.175, Subd. 5 also provides that an annual statement shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City showing: 1. the tax increment received and expended in that year, 2. the original net tax capacity, 3. captured net tax capacity, 4. amount of outstanding bonded indebtedness, 5. the amount of District No. I-24's increment paid to other governmental bodies, 6. the amount paid for administrative costs, 7. the sum of increments paid, directly or indirectly, for activities and improvements located outside of District No. 1-24, and 8. any additional information the City or HRA deems necessary. C. State Auditor filing for District No. 1-24: Pursuant to M.S., Section 469.175, Subd. 6, the City or HRA must annually submit to the State Auditor, on or before July I (August I beginning for reports to be filed in 1999), a financial report which shall: . Monticello HRA 1. 2. provide for full disclosure of the sources and uses of the public funds in District No. 1-24; permit comparison and reconciliation with the City and HRA's accounts and financial reports; permit auditing of the funds expended on behalf of District No. 1-24 or that is funded in part 3. Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 2-13 . 4. or whole through the use of a development account funded with tax increments from other tax increment districts or with public money; and be consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. The financial report must also include the following: 1. 2. 3. . 4. the original net tax capacity of District No. 1-24; the captured net tax capacity of District No. 1-24, including the amount of any captured net tax capacity shared with other taxing districts; the amount budgeted under the Plan, and the actual amount expended for, at least, the following categories (for the reporting period and for the duration of District No. 1-24): a. acquisition of land and buildings through condemnation or purchase; b. site improvements or preparation costs; c. installation of public utilities, parking facilities, streets, roads, sidewalks, or other similar public improvements; d. administrative costs, including the allocated cost of the city; e. public park facilities, facilities for social, recreational, or conference purposes, or other similar public improvements; and the total costs of the property to the City or HRA and the price paid the developers (for properties sold to developers); the amount of increments rebated or paid to developers or property owners for privately financed improvements or other qualifYing costs, other than those reported under clause (3), that were issued on behalf of private entities for facilities located in District No. 1-24. 5. D. State Auditor filing for all Tax Increment Financing Districts: PursuanttoMS., Section 469.175, Subd. 6a, the City or HRA must also annually report to the State Auditor before or on July 1 (August 1 beginning for reports to be filed in 1999) of each year the following amounts for the entire City: 1. the total principal amount of nondefeased bonds that are outstanding at the end of the previous calendar year; and 2. the total annual amount of principal and interest payments that are due for the current calendar year on: (i) general obligation tax increment financing bonds and (ii) other tax increment financing bonds; and for each tax increment financing district within the City: . Monticello HRA 1. 2. 3. the type of tax increment financing district; the date on which the district is required to be decertified; the amount of any payments and the value of in-kind benefits, such as physical improvements and the uses of building space, that are financed with revenues derived from increments and are provided to another governmental unit (other than the municipality) during the preceding calendar year; the tax increment revenues for taxes payable in the current calendar year; whether the tax increment financing plan or other governing document permits increment revenues to be expended outside of each district; and any additional information that the State Auditor may require. 4. 5. 6. Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I 2-14 . . . Copies of this report must also be provided to the county and school district boards. Ifthe City fails to make a disclosure or submit a report containing the information required by Section 469.1 75 sudb. 5, 6 and 6a, the State Auditor will direct the County Auditor to hold the distribution of tax increment from DistrictNo. 1-24. Subsection 2-25. Municipal Approval and Public Purpose The reasons and facts supporting the findings for the adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for District No. 1-24 as required pursuant to M.S.. Section 469.175. Subd. 3 are as follows: 1. Finding that District No. 1-24 is a qualified housing district as defined in M.S.. Section 469.174, SuM II andM.S., Section 273.1399. SuM 1 (c). District No. 1-24 consists of a portion of one parcel. The development will consist of 60 units of senior rental housing. No portion of the property will be used for purposes other than low and moderate income housing. The development in District No. 1-24 will consist entirely of housing facilities which meet all ofthe rent and income limitations for a low-income housing credit under section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. 2. Finding that the proposed development. in the oplnzon of the City Council. would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and. therefore. the use of tax increment financing is deemed necessary. The City has determined that, in view of reduced revenues from a housing facility intended for occupancy by low and moderate income persons, the development proposed in the Plan would not be financially feasible without substantial public assistance including tax increment financing. In making this finding, the City has relied upon the developer's pro forma submitted to the City and Authority, requirements of other state and local assistance to the development, and analysis of the need for tax increment assistance prepared by Ehlers and Associates and on file in City Hall. 3. Finding that the Tax Increment Financing Plan for District No. 1-24 conforms to the general plan for the development or redevelopment of the municipality as a whole. The Plan was reviewed by the Planning Commission on August 4, 1998. The Planning Commission found that the Plan conforms to the general development plan of the City. 4. Finding that the Tax Increment Financing Plan for District No. 1-24 will afford maximum opportunity. consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole. for the development or redevelopment of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 by private enterprise. Through the implementation of the Plan, the City or HRA will increase the tax base of the City, and will increase the availability of safe and decent life-cycle housing in the City. Additional findings are set forth in the Authorizing Resolution of the City. Monticello HRA Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I 2-15 . Subsection 2-26. Other Limitations on the Use of Tax Increment I. General Limitations. All revenue derived from tax increment shall be used in accordance with the Plan. The revenues shall be used to finance, or otherwise pay the capital and administration costs of the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I pursuant to the M.S.. Sections 469.124 /0 469.134; These revenues shall not be used to circumvent existing levy limit law. No revenues derived from tax increment shall be used for the acquisition, construction, renovation, operation or maintenance of a building to be used primarily and regularly for conducting the business ofa municipality, county, school district, or any other local unit of government or the state or federal government. 2. Five Year Limitation on Commitment of Tax Increments. Tax increments derived from District No. 1-24 shall be deemed to have been expended within the TIF District only if the five year rule set forth inMS., Section 469.1763, Subd. 3, has been satisfied; and beginning with the sixth year following certification of District No. 1-24,80 percent of said tax increments that remain after expenditures permitted under said five year rule must be used only to pay previously committed expenditures or credit enhanced bonds as more fully set forth inMS., Section 469.1763, Subd. 5. Subsection 2-27. Income Requirements The housing project must satisfy the applicable income limitations and rent restrictions required in connection . with low income housing tax credits under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code. Subsection 2-28, Countv Road Costs Pursuant toMS., Section 469.175. Subd. la, the county board may require the City or HRA to pay for all or part ofthe cost of county road improvements if the proposed development to be assisted by tax increment will, in the judgement ofthe county, substantially increase the use of county roads requiring construction of road improvements or other road costs and if the road improvements are not scheduled within the next five years under a capital improvement plan or other county plan. In the opinion ofthe City and HRA and consultants, the proposed development outlined in this Plan will have little or no impact upon county roads. If the county elects to use increments to improve county roads, it must notify the City or HRA within thirty days of receipt of this Plan. Subsection 2-29. Economic DevelODment and Job Creation The City or HRA is not providing tax increment financing for the purpose of economic development or job growth and therefore, the provisions of MS.. Section 116J. 991 , (which states that a business receiving state or local government assistance for economic development or job growth purposes, including tax increment financing, must create a net increase injobs and meet wage level goals in Minnesota within two years of receiving assistance) are not applicable and the City and HRA are not establishing wage and job goals in connection with District No. 1-24. . Monticello HRA Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I 2-16 Monticello HRA Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 2-17 . Subsection 2-30. Summarv The City of Monticello is establishing District No. 1-24 provide an impetus for safe and decent life-cycle housing development in the City. The Tax Increment Financing Plan for DistrictNo. I -24 was prepared by Ehlers & Associates, Inc., 3060 Centre Pointe Drive, Roseville, Minnesota 55 113-1105, telephone (651) 697- 8500. . . . . . APPENDIX A BOUNDARY MAPS OF CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-24 A-I APPENDIX . . . 0..... 0 ~o < ~z :j5 ~E-o ~oo ~u u~ E-o ~ .... Z Z"'" E-o Z e~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Eo-; ~~ <z o~ c:.:: ~ >-~ E-o:; E-o 0 z~ ""u ~o u u~ Eo-; ~ == ;, e,:, ~ ; ~ ~ ~ '\ ill Iii h I ! I itl ~ -) ,~ <<.4.'- /0/ . /I:'q~ /' .$: l /..' i -1-. ( L- I , L_ p .1 ~.I""" . I ' b=t- ' _., I ~_-----l-_ , ' ----I , ' , . i I ~---'''l -+- I"~ .l I I ! I ._L_ ~~ I --- "rl i l L'~~J~-\ i' , . ! . I . - . . . APPENDIX APPENDIX B LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE INCLUDED IN TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-24 Lot 4, Block 1, Church of St. Henry. B-1 I . . . THE 4.5 ACRE PARCEL IS A PORTION OF PARCEL A: That pa~t of the Southeast Quarter of the southwest Qua~t8r of Section 12, Township 121, Range 25, wri9ht county, Minnesota described aa follows' c~ncin9 at the northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 13 of s.id Township 121, lIan',)e 25; thence on an essUlIIed bearing of south 89 degrees 39 minutes 28 seconds East along the north line of said Northwe8t Quarter of the Northeaat Quarter, a diatance of 172.24 feet to a line parallel with and distant 50.00 feet southwest from the center line of the .u~lington Northern AS messured at a right angle fr()ll\ said canter line; thence South 52 de<1X"ees 37 minutes S9 lIecondll East along said parallel line, a diatance of 915.31 feet; thence south 28 degrees 45 .inutes 01 seconds West, a dietance of 868.39 fset to the northeasterly right of way line of Interstate Bi9hway Ho. 94; thancs North 63 degrees 30 .inutes 18 ssconds West along said northeasterly right of way lin., a distance of 1506.5S feet to a point hereinafter referred to as point Ai thence continue Horth 63 degreell 30 minutes 18 aeconds west aloD9 8aid northeasterly right of way line, a distance of 1569.36 feet to a point of cu~ve in 8aid northeasterlY right of way line; thanea northwesterly along said northeasterly right of way 11ne being a tangential curve concave to the aouthweat having a radius of 5829.58 feet and a central angle of 3 degreeS 31 minutes 12 seconds, a distance of 358.14 feet to the _at line of the soutbvellt Quarter of the southweet Quarter of said Section 12; thence North 1 degree 24 .inutes 50 seconda Bast along aaid vest line, a distance of 136.83 feet to the north line of the South 10.00 acres of said 80uthwest Quarter of the Southweat Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 52 mautes 01 aeconds last along aa1d north line, a distance of 1300.49 feet to the east line of said , Southwest Quarter of the southwest Quarter; thence North 1 degree 24 lli.nutes 40 aeConds East along s8id sast line, a distance of 109.87 feet to the south line of old TerritOrial Road beinq the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continue North 1 degree 24 minutes 40 seconds Bast, a distance of 368.77 teet to · 11ne parelle1 with and distant 50.00 feet southwest of a. measured at . right angle fr()lll said center Hne of the 1lIIS'1ington Northern Railroad; thence South 73 degrees 13 .inlltes 23 secon"'s Eaat along said parallel line, a distance of 246.36 feet; thence southeaeterlY along eaid parallel line being II tangential curve conCIlVe to the southwest having II radiuS of 2215.00 feet and a central llDg1e of 20 degrees 35 .1nutss 25 .econds, 8 distance of 817.56 feet; tbence Soutb 52 degrees 37 minutes 59 seconds East along said parallel llne, a distance of 12.70 feet to the intersection of a line bearin9 North 28 devrees .5 II1nutes 01 aeconds Baet frea said point A; thanes South 28 degree. 45 ainutss 01 seconde West, a dietance of 294.43 feet to the intersection of a line beeriDg south 67 degr.es 59 .1nute. 57 seconde Ea.t from the point of beginning; thence North 67 de<;rees 59 .inutea 57 seconds Wsst, II c1istance of 903.28 feet to the point of beglnn1ng. 97357 TO BE PLATTED IN SEPTEMBER 1998 AND DESCRIBED AS LOT 3. BLOCK 1, CHURCH OF ST. HENRY'S -._- ----------- - - . . . APPENDIX C ESTIMATED CASH FLOW FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-24 APPENDIX C-I Page I 07/21/98 City ~ Mon\iCeltQ: 60 Unit senior Housing in District No, 1-24 . T.I.F. CASH FLOW ASSUMPTIONS 0.00000/.. 6.500% 1.186450 Pay98 Inflation Rate: Pay-As-You-Go Interest Rate: Tax Extension Rate. Oislrict 270-3: BASE V ALUE INFORMATION Land Value See LagaI oecsription in Exhibit B 100,000 o o Total Original Mar1<et Value 100 000 Building Total Pay 99 Tax Value Value Capacity 0 100.000 2.500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.000 2500 Class Rale: Multi-Family Market Rate Multi-Family 4(d) Original Tax Capacily (when cel1ilied): Original Tax Capacity (when use is changed): 2.5000% Pay 99 1.0000% Pay 99 2,500 Pay 99 2.soo Pay 98 PROJECT VALUE INFORMATION Type of Tax Increment District: Qualified Housing Type Of Units MVPer Total Market Total Tax Year Ve'" Pro'ect Unit Value C ad Started Po 0 Rental 60 30,000 1.900.000 47,500 1999 2001 Total 60 1 900 000 47 500 Assl.mes no 4(d) 1rlts SUMMARY . Total Annual Taxes. Total Annual Tax Increment After Admin. Net Taxes Paid: Total Arv1u8.l Taxes Per Unit: Total Annual Tax Increment Per Unit: 56,356 48.051 8,305 939 aDl . $enIOr2,wk4 '.''''0'>1 Prepared by ~lnc. c 07121tSe City 01 MooIicellO; 60 Unit $eoioI HQU$ing in Dislrict No. '-24 Page 2 . TAX INCREMENT CASH FLOW Original Project Captured Semi.Annual Admin Semi-Annual Years of PAYMENT DATE! '00 BEGINNING Tax Tax Tax Gross Tax at Nel Tax Tax PERIOD ENDING Mth. y,. Ca ad C aci Ca Incremenl 10.00% Increment Increment Yrs. Mth. y,. 0.0 02-01 1999 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.508-<11 1999 0.5 08-01 1999 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 0 0.0 1.002-01 2000 1.002-01 2000 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 0 0.0 1.5 08-01 2000. 1.5 08-01 2000 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 0 0.0 2.0 02-01 2001 2.0 02-01 2001 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 0.5 2.5 08-ot 2001 2.5 08-01 2001 2,500 47.500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 1.0 3.002-01 2002 3.0 02-01 2002 2,500 47.500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 1.5 3.5 08-01 2002 3.508-01 2002 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,610 24.026 2.0 4.0 02-01 , 20031 4.002..01 2003 2,500 47,500 45.000 26.695 2,670 24,026 2,5 4.5 08-01 20031 4,5 08-01 2003 2,500 47.500 45,000 26.695 2.670 24,026 3.0 5.0 02-01 20041 5.002..()1 2004 2,500 47,500 45,000 26.695 2.670 24,026 3.5 5.5 08-01 2004' 5.5 08-01 2004 2,500 47,500 45,000 26.695 2,610 24,026 4.0 6.0 02-01 20051 6,0 02-01 2005 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 4.5 6.5 08-01 20051 6.5 08-01 2005 2,500 47.500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 5.0 7.002'()1 2006i 7.0 02-01 2006 2,500 47,500 45.000 26,695 2,670 24,026 5.5 7.5 08-01 20061 7.5 08-01 2006 2,500 47.500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24.026 6.0 8.002-01 2007! 8.0 02-01 2007 2,500 47.500 45,000 26.695 2,670 24,026 6,5 8.508-01 2007: 8.5 08-01 2007 2,500 47,500 45,000 26.695 2.670 24.026 7.0 9.002-01 2008 i 9.0 02-01 2008 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24.026 7.5 9.5 08-01 20081 9.5 08-01 2008 2,500 47,500 45.000 26,695 2,670 24,026 8.0 10.002-01 20091 10.0 02-01 2009 2,500 47,500 45,000 26.695 2,610 24.026 8.5 10.5 08-01 2OO9i 10.5 08-01 2009 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24.026 9.0 11.002-01 20101 11.0 02-01 2010 2,500 47.500 45,000 26,695 2.670 24,026 9.5 11.5 08-01 2010 11.5 08-01 2010 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2.670 24.026 10.0 12,002-01 2011 12.0 02-01 2011 2,500 47,500 45.000 26,695 2,670 24,026 10.5 12.5 08-01 2011 12.5 Q8.01 2011 2,500 47.500 45,000 26.695 2.670 24.026 11.0 13.0 02-01 2012 13.0 02-01 2012 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2.670 24,026 11.5 13.5 08-01 2012 13,5 08-01 2012 2,500 47.500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 12.0 14.002-01 2013 ..0 02-01 2013 2,500 47,500 45,000 26.695 2,670 24,026 12.5 14.5 08-()1 2013 S 08-01 2013 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,610 24,026 13.0 15.002-(11 2014 , 02-01 2014 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 13.5 15.5 08-01 2014 ,.,.5 08-01 2014 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 14.0 16.0 02~1 2015 16.0 02-01 2015 2,500 47.500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 14.5 16.5 08-01 2015 1 B.5 08-01 2015 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 15.0 17.0 02-01 2016 17.0 02-01 2016 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 15.5 17.5 08-01 2016 17,5 08-01 2016 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 18.0 18.0 02-01 2017 18.002.(11 2017 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,610 24,026 16.5 18.5 08-01 2017 18.5 08-01 2017 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 17.0 19,0 02-01 2018 19.0 02-01 2018 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 17.5 19.6 08-01 2018 19.5 08-01 2018 2,500 47.500 45,000 26,695 2,570 24.026 18.0 20.0 02-01 2019 20,0 02-01 2019 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 18.5 20.5 08-01 2019 2O.508-()1 2019 2,500 47.500 45.000 26,695 2,670 24.026 19.0 21.002-01 2020 21,0 02-01 2020 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2.670 24.026 19.5 21.508-01 2020 21.5 08-01 2020 2,500 47,500 45,000 26.695 2.670 24,026 20.0 22.0 02-01 2021 22,0 02-01 2021 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 20,5 22.5 08-01 2021 22.5 08-01 2021 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,870 24,026 21.0 23,0 02-01 2022 23.0 02-01 2022 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2.670 24.026 21,5 23.5 08-01 2022 23.5 08-01 2022 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 22,0 24.0 02-01 2023 24.0 02-01 2023 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 22.5 24.5 08-01 2023 24.5 08-01 2023 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2.670 24,028 23.0 25,0 02-01 2024 25.0 02-01 2024 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 23.5 25.5 08-01 2024 25,5 08-01 2024 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2.670 24,026 24.0 26.0 02-01 2025 26.0 02-01 2025 2,500 47,500 45,000 26,695 2,670 24,026 24.5 26.5 08-01 2025 26.5 08-01 2025 2500 47 500 45 000 26 695 2.670 24 026 25.0 27.0 02-01 2026 Totals 1 334 756 133476 1201 1 PresenlValues 576706 57671 519035 . MC1QO.01 _..-In<. ........... . . . BRA Agenda - 06/07/06 6. Consideration to a rove enterin into a Preliminar Walker Instore. Inc. A. Reference and backl!:round: The HRA is asked to enter into a Preliminary Development Agreement with Walker Instore, Inc. The company will relocate from lease space in Albertville. Sometime ago, I visited the company which designs and assembles store displays and packaging. Steve Bubul assessed and determined that the nature of the business meets the criteria for an Economic TIP District (manufacturing, warehouse or distribution). Their attorney has reviewed the Preliminary Development Agreement. Brian Walker and his wife are owners of this small company which currently employs five people and expects to employee another three people within two years. They reside in Big Lake. The company plans to construct a 10,000 sq ft facility this year. The at least 8 full-time permanent jobs create an average hourly wage of at least $17.39 per hour without benefits. PLEASE NOTE THE FEBRUARY 10,2006 PROPOSAL. The criteria allows to sell one acre at the $1.00 per square foot with the option to purchase another Y2 acre at the $2.65 per square foot plus trunk fees. COUPLE OF QUESTIONS FOR THE COMMISSIONERS? How firm are you at the minimum of a 2-acre lot size? The company has not committed to an acre site or one and one-half site. Mr. Walker is out of town for the next two weeks; therefore, will not attend the HRA meeting. We have a tentative date set in mid-June to determine site location. Mr. Walker requested the HRA consider entering into the Agreement as the HRA may not meet until August. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve entering into a Preliminary Development Agreement between the HRA and Walker Instore, Inc. 2. A motion to deny entering into a Preliminary Development Agreement between the HRA and Walker Instore, Inc. Please state reason for denial. 3. A motion to table any action. 1 ~ . BRA Agenda - 06/07/06 c. Recommendation. Although the project is smaller than ideal, it appears to be very professional and well ran business. Great example of an entrepreneurial business. D. SUDDortinl!: Data: Application letter, job and wage-level creation, and agreement for execution. . . 2 ...- I l "').- 0 ~ ~ \ - ~~~ & \J ,'.,..r '\ 'L\\..- WALKER IN,STORE . Monticello Customer Requirement Worksheet Walker In-Store, Inc. 6551 Jansen Ave NE Suite 208 Albertville, MN 55301 763-497-8600 763-497-3232 Fax Brian Walker, President Consumer Marketing and Retail Advertising Agency . Walker In-Store is a retail advertising agency, working with consumer products companies to expand their presence and improve sales with focused marketing at retail. Our fIrm develops, designs, oversees manufacturing, inventories and distributes retail display and marketing materials on behalf of our clients, We supply up to 20,000 supermarkets and mass merchants with these program materials annually, Our scope is national, with customers and clients across the country, Founded in 1993 and incorporated in 1995, we have enjoyed consistent and profItable growth since our inception, We have a history oflong term business relationships with both clients and suppliers, which has been instrumental in our success, WlS currently employs fIve full-time professional positions, as well as one permanent part-time employee. We also regularly employ temporary workers from local staffmg agencies to assist with our client surge volume. See attached for more detail. We are presently evaluating area communities to select the site of a new facility, as our business continues to expand. We have spent the prior six years renting office and warehouse space in Albertville, Minnesota. We intend to construct a 10,000 square foot building, split into two bays. Current plans call for 25-30 percent offIce, and 70-75 percent warehouse space. We anticipate requiring one to three acres ofland, pending local requirements and codes. We hope to complete the selection and planning process ad break ground during early spring 2006. We wish to purchase land in 2005 for this construction. We are presently evaluating building plans and contractors for this project. . 0-)") i anJ' .\;c N . Su,te 7~;8. t, :::;7~~i'ille iv:N SC;3C . "~-:c~' 763 '197 S.6~)C ~pJ 76319/3232. '"':W'\VW-,, ker-ln5~o>ecom - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Pholll:: (763) 27 J -3208 Fax (763) 295-44114 Email: ollic.koroDc-haktilci.monticello.mn.us Economic Development Director MONTICELW CITY OF MOl'iTICELLO, MINNESOTA II JOB AND WAGE LEVEL - EXISTING JOBS Please indicate number of current permanent employees at each level and indicate the corresponding bcnetlt level. .>BS\V;\CiEEXISTI:\[CiFOR\,' Monticello City Hall. 50S Walnut Street, Suite (. l\.'lonticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Offlce of Public \Vorks. 909 Golf Course Rd., l'vlonticello, '\:IN 55362 . 0(3) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 271-3272 II Economic Development Director Phone' Fax: Email: (763) 271-3208 (7631295-4404 011 ie. kOfODChak,-u'.c I.monticello. mo. us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ---_.~_.-----'--- MONTICELLO CITY OF MONTICELLO, MIN"IlESOTA JOB AND WAGE LEVEL GOALS - NEW JOBS Please indicate number of additional employees at each level and indicate the corresponding benetit level. Number of new permanent jobs anticipated to be created over the (irs! two years of relocation or expansion. Job Creation Hourlv Wage Level Hourlv Value of V oluntarv Benefits (S) Full-time Part-time (Excl. benefits) --- Less than $7.00 $7.00 to $7.99 $8.00 to $9.99 '2- $10.00 to $11.99 - / $] 2.00 to $13.99 :3. .;J" S 14.00 to $15.99 $16.00 to $17.99 $18.00to$19.99 f $20.00 to $21.99 5.00. $22.00 and higher .)8\\/ i\CiFS?-..ll.:\V _ F{)R:vl i\'lonticello City HalL 505 \\'alnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, J\'lN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Ofnce of Puhlic Works. 909 Golf Course Rd., rvlonticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-1170. Fax: (763) 271-3272 -- -- MONTICELLO "INVEST IN A CITY WITH A FUTURE" MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA INTERSTATE 94 ACCESS - OTTER CREEK CROSSING February 10,2006 PREPARED FOR: Brian Walker Walker In-Store 6551 Jansen Avenue NE, Suite 208 Albertville, MN 55301 Assumptions: At least 8 full-time permanent jobs at an average hourly wage of at least $17.39 per hour without benefits within two years. Construction of at least a 10,000 sq. ft. production/office building at a minimum assessed value of $50 per square foot or $500,000. $10,000 non-refundable deposit. Execution of a Contract for Private Development. . Value: _ Approximately 1.00 acre site platted. Mutually agreed upon site location. _ 1-94 location with direct access via Trunk Higbway 25 and Chelsea Road West. _ Nine-ton all-weather road constructed to 44 foot width curb to curb (Chelsea Road West and School Blvd.) _ Eight-inch water and sanitary sewer service lines extended to adjacent lots approximately every 400 feet. _ Storm sewer stub inlet pipes to undeveloped property. _ Eight-foot wide bituminous pathway along south side of Chelsea Road and east side of School Blvd. - NO assessments. _ NO water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer trunk fees. _ Recorded Declaration of Covenants to protect your investment. _ Market Price, $2.65 per square foot. PROPOSAL: $1.00 per square foot or $43,560 for 1.00 acres. Subject to approval and review by Kennedy & Graven. Proposal good throngh June 1,2006. . Option of an additional V, acre or 21,780 sq. ft at $2.65 per square foot or $57,717. Trunk fees paid at closing or a current rate at time of expansion. Monticello City HalL 505 Walnut Street. Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-883 I . (763) 295-271\ . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public \\.'orks. 909 Golf Course Rd., ~'1onticeHo, ~'lN 55362. (763) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 271 ~3272 ~ PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (Monticello Business Center) . Execution copy May 23, 2006 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA THIS AGREEMENT, dated this day of , 2006, by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota ("Authority") and Walker InStore, Inc., a Minnesota corporation ("Developer"): WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Authority or the City of Monticello ("City") owns certain property within the City of Monticello, which property is legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto ("Property"); and WHEREAS, the Developer has submitted a preliminary proposal (the "Proposal") for the acquisition and development of the Property (the "Development"), which proposal is attached hereto as Exhibit B; and . WHEREAS, the Developer has requested the Authority to explore the use of certain public assistance to assist with the Development; and WHEREAS, the Authority has determined that it is in the Authority's best interest that the Developer be designated sole developer of the Property during the term of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Authority and the Developer are willing and desirous to undertake the Development if (i) a satisfactory agreement can be reached regarding the Authority's commitment for public costs necessary for the Development; (ii) satisfactory mortgage and equity financing, or adequate cash resources for the Development can be secured by the Developer; and (iii) the economic feasibility and soundness of the Development and other necessary preconditions have been determined to the satisfaction of the parties; and WHEREAS, the Authority is willing to evaluate the Development and work toward all necessary agreements with the Developer if the Developer agrees to make the nonrefundable deposit described herein, which is intended, in part, to reimburse the Authority for its costs if the Development is abandoned by Developer or necessary agreements are not reached under the terms of this Agreement. . NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants and obligations set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Negotiations between the parties shall proceed in an attempt to formulate a definitive purchase and development contract ("Contract") based on the following: 291)729v2 MNl MNl90-00125 ~ . . . (a) the Developer's Proposal, which shows the scope of the proposed Development in its latest form as of the date of this Agreement, together with any changes or modifications required by the Authority; (b) a mutually satisfactory Contract to be negotiated and agreed upon ill accordance with negotiations contemplated by this Agreement; ( c) such documentation regarding economic feasibility of the Project as the Authority may wish to undertake during the term of this Agreement; and (d) other terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. It is the intention of the parties that this Agreement: (a) documents the present understanding and commitments of the parties; and (b) will lead to negotiation and execution of a mutually satisfactory Contract for the Development prior to the termination date of this Agreement. The Contract (together with any other agreements entered into between the parties hereto contemporaneously therewith) when executed, will supersede all obligations of the parties hereunder. 3. During the term of this Agreement, the Developer shall: (a) Submit to the Authority a design proposal to be approved by the Authority showing the location, size, and nature of the proposed Development, including floor layouts, renderings, elevations, and other graphic or written explanations of the Development. The design proposal shall be accompanied by a proposed schedule for the starting and completion of all phases of Development. (b) Submit an over-all cost estimate for the design and construction of the Development. (c) Submit a time schedule for all phases of the Development. (d) Undertake and obtain such other preliminary economic feasibility studies, income and expense projections, and such other economic information as the Developer may desire to further confirm the economic feasibility and soundness of the Development. (e) Submit to the Authority the Developer's financing plan showing that the proposed Development is financially feasible, and, to the extent Developer seeks public financial assistance in any form (including reduced land cost, waiver of fees, and tax increment financing), evidence that such assistance is reasonably necessary to make the Development financially feasible. (t) Furnish satisfactory, financial data to the Authority evidencing the Developer's ability to undertake the Development. (g) Cooperate with the Authority and City in replatting of the Property as described in Section 4. 2 ...- (a) Commence the process necessary to undertake such public assistance as is necessary pursuant to the terms of the Proposal, including without limitation commencement of actions necessary to create a tax increment financing district that includes the Property. . 4. During the term of this Agreement, the Authority agrees to: (b) Proceed to seek all necessary information with regard to the anticipated public costs associated with the Development. (c) Estimate the Authority's level and method of financial participation, if any, in the Development and develop a financial plan for the Authority's participation. . (d) Either acquire the Property and grant to the Developer, or cause the City to grant to the Developer, a right of access to the Property for purposes of environmental and soil testing. Developer agrees to indemnify, save harmless, and defend the Authority and City, their officers, and employees, from and against any and all claims, actions, damages, liability and expense in connection with personal injury and/or damage to the Property arising from or out of any occurrence in, upon or at the Property caused by the act or omission of the Developer in connection with Developer's entry on the Property. Further, Developer shall not permit any mechanics', materialmens' or other liens to stand against the Property or any part thereof for work or materials furnished to Developer in connection with the right of entry granted pursuant to this Agreement and Developer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Authority and City from and against the same. (e) Commence replatting of the Property, or cause the City to commence such replatting, in order to create the parcel described on Exhibit A. 5. It is expressly understood that execution of the Contract shall be subject to: (a) A determination by the Authority in its sole discretion that its undertakings are feasible based on (i) the projected tax increment revenues and any other revenues designated by the Authority (to the extent requested by Developer); (ii) the purposes and objectives of any tax increment, development, or other plan created or proposed for the purpose of providing financial assistance for the Development, if any, including the determination that such assistance is reasonably necessary in order to make the Development possible; (iii) the best interests of the Authority. (b) A determination by the Developer that the Development is feasible and in the best interests of the Developer. . 6. This Agreement is effective from the date hereof through , 20_, unless extended with approval of the Authority's board of commissioners. After expiration of the tenn of this Agreement, neither party shall have any obligation hereunder except as expressly set forth to the contrary herein. 7. The Developer shall be solely responsible for all costs incurred by the Developer. In 3 - . . . addition, the Developer shall reimburse the Authority for Administrative Costs, as hereafter defined. For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "Administrative Costs" means out of pocket costs incurred by the Authority and City together with staff costs of the Authority and City, all attributable to or incurred in connection with the negotiation and preparation of this Agreement, the Contract, and other documents and agreements in connection with the Development, including without limitation all costs in connection with replatting of the Property and the cost of financial advisors, attorneys, and planning and environmental consultants. In order to secure payment of the Administrative Costs, the Developer shall deliver to the Authority cash or a certified check in the amount of $1 0,000, such delivery to occur upon execution of this Agreement. If at anyone or more times during the term of this Agreement, the Authority determines that Administrative Costs will exceed $10,000 and that additional security is required, the Authority shall notifY the Developer of the amount of such additional security. Within ten calendar days of receipt of this notice, the Developer shall deliver to the Authority the required additional security. The Authority will utilize the funds delivered by the Developer to payor reimburse itself for Administrative Costs. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Authority will return to the Developer the funds paid by the Developer to the Authority pursuant to this Section 7, less an amount equal to the Administrative Costs incurred by the Authority through the date of notice of termination. For the purposes of this paragraph, Administrative Costs are considered to be incurred if they have been paid, relate to services performed, or are payable under a contract entered into, on or before the date of the notice of termination. This Section 7 shall survive termination of this Agreement and shall be binding on the Developer regardless of the enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement. 8. This Agreement may be terminated upon 5 days written notice by a party to the other party if: (a) in the respective sole discretion of the Authority or the Developer, an impasse has been reached in the negotiation or implementation of any material term or the completion or execution of any material condition of this Agreement or the Contract; or (b) the Authority determines that its costs in performing under this Agreement well exceed $10,000 and the Developer does not deliver additional security to the Authority pursuant to Section 7; or (c) a party fails to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement. If either party terminates the Agreement under this Section 8, the Developer shall remain liable to the Authority to the extent provided under Section 7 of this Agreement. 9. During the term of this Agreement, the Authority agrees that it will not negotiate or contract with any other party concerning the sale or development of the Property. The Developer shall not assign or transfer its rights under this Agreement in full or in part, or enter into any subcontracts to perform any of its obligations hereunder, without the prior written consent of the Authority. 10. In the event that the Developer, its heirs, successors or assigns, fail to comply with 4 . . . any of the provisions of this Agreement, the Authority may proceed to enforce this Agreement by appropriate legal or equitable proceedings, or other similar proceedings, and if the Authority is the prevailing party, the Developer, its heirs, successors or assigns, agree to pay all costs of such enforcement, including reasonable attorneys' fees. II. If any portion of this Agreement is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of any remaining portion of the Agreement. 12. In the event any covenant contained in this Agreement should be breached by one party and subsequently waived by another party, such waiver shall be limited to the particular breach so waived and shall not be deemed to waive any other concurrent, previous or subsequent breach. 13. Notice or demand or other communication between or among the parties shall be sufficiently given if sent by mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested or delivered personally: (a) As to the Authority: Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 Attn: Executive Director (b) As to the Developer: Walker InStore, Inc. 6551 Jansen Ave. N.E., Suite 208 Albertville, MN 55301-9685 Attn: Brian Walker 14. This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in any number of counterparts, all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 15. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of this Agreement shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether based on convenience or otherwise. 16. The Developer hereby agrees to protect, defend and hold the Authority, the City and their officers, elected and appointed officials, employees, administrators, commissioners, agents, and representatives harmless from and indemnified against any and all loss, cost, fines, charges, damage and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys fees, consultant and expert witness fees, and travel associated therewith, due to claims or demands of any kind whatsoever caused by Developer or arising out of actions of Developer (and excluding those caused by or arising out of the Authority's or City's own acts or conduct) with regard to (i) the development, marketing, sale or leasing of all or any part of the Property, including, without limitation, any claims for any lien imposed by law for services, labor or materials furnished to or for the benefit of the Property, or (ii) any claim by the state of Minnesota or the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency or any other person pertaining to the violation of any permits, orders, decrees or demands made by said persons or with regard to the presence of any pollutant, contaminant or hazardous waste on the Property deposited or released by Developer; and (iii) or 5 I . . by reason of the execution of this Agreement or the performance of this Agreement. The Developer, and the Developer's successors or assigns, agree to protect, defend and save the Authority, and its officers, agents, and employees, harmless from all such claims, demands, damages, and causes of action and the costs, disbursements, and expenses of defending the same, including but not limited to, attorneys fees, consulting engineering services, and other technical, administrative or professional assistance incurred by the Authority as a result of the actions of Developer. This indemnity shall be continuing and shall survive the performance, termination or cancellation of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a limitation of or waiver by the Authority of any immunities, defenses, or other limitations on liability to which the Authority is entitled by law, including but not limited to the maximum monetary limits on liability established by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Authority has caused this Agreement to be duly executed in its name and behalf and its seal to be duly affixed hereto and the Developer has caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the day and year first above written. [NAME OF DEVELOPER] By Its: . 6 ~ . HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA By Its Chair By Its Executive Director . . 7 ...- . EXHIBIT A Description of Property . . A-I - . EXHIBIT B Project Proposal . . B-1 . BRA Agenda - 06/07/06 7. Consideration to review the Transformation Borne Loan A lication Packa e for oossible amendinl!: Desil!llation of a title comoanv. A. Reference and backl!round: The suggestion to "designate a title company" came about with the closing of the Breiwick loan. The lender of the first mortgage would not close the same day with a public entity loan. Breiwick's title company was Quality Title of Albertville who were very pleasant and helpful to work with. The HRA's loan closed a few days later than the lender. The title company did not charge us and will disburse the HRA funds upon documentation from the borrower. The check was made out to Quality Title. I will record the HRA's second mortgage as soon as the document number ofthe first mortgage is available. The cost to the HRA is the recording fee and document preparation, neither of which is available. The program was written with no fees to the applicant. In talking with Dan Frie, he suggested the HRA consider as part of the Application Package, the need to designate a local title company. A designated title company would understand the HRA program, provide convenience, and the applicant would know up- front which title company to use. The intent of the program was to keep it simple. . The question becomes, would this be viewed as a stumbling block, inconvenient or cumbersome? I don't know if that would encourage or discourage a lender or influence their willingness to work with the HRA program. I believe the HRA hoped we'd work with a local lender and they would disburse the HRA funds. In the case of the first approved loan to the Petersen's, we have not closed. I've talked with Dave Madsen, Building Trades Mortgage, LLLP, Maple Grove. There has been some mis- communication between them and the Petersen which has held up the closing. Waiting to hear from him about closing date and where. A copy of the application package is attached. BASED ON THE HRA'S DISCUSSION AND DECISION, A MOTION TO AMEND THE APPLICATION PACKAGE MAY BE NECESSARY. I'll bring a copy of the transformation home loan escrow agreement, mortgage. and note to the meeting; should a commissioners which to review. . I .......- ~. , I ~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Economic Development Director Phone: Fax: E-mail: (763) 271-3208 (763) 295-4404 ollie. korooc hak(ci::ci. monti cello.ron. us I : I ~ MOI'iTlCELLO Housing and Redevelopment Autbority in and for tbe City of Monticello, Minnesota TRANSFORMATION HOME LOAN 2006 APPLICATION PACKAGE PURPOSE A "home transformation" means a major home remodel, increasing its livable space and its value. Residents who enjoy living in the core city and know the benefits of living within walking distance of the Mississippi River, the community center, and the schools are choosing to adapt and redevelop their existing homes to meet their current needs. The Transformation Home Loan was developed to provide incentives for homeowners or home buyers in Monticello to begin major redevelopment/remodeling activities. . The Transformation Home Loan seeks to promote and foster a vibrant core city by: . Encouraging redevelopment of structurally substandard homes. . Encouraging home owner-occupancy. . Encouraging investment into the core city. . Increasing housing market value. TARGET AREA The Transformation Home Loan program is available for existing single-family detached homes located within the core city described as: . North ofI-94. . East of Otter Creek . South of Mississippi River. . West of Hospital and Middle School. TARGET VALUE The Transformation Home Loan program is available for existing single-family detached . homes with a 2006 assessed market value of$175,000 or less. !'vlonticcllo City Hall, 505 \Valnut Street Suite 1, Monticello, rvfN 55362-883\ . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Ottlce of Public \Vorks. 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello. MN 55362. (763) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 271-3272 .......- . TARGET CRITERIA The Transformation Home Loan program is available for existing single-family detached homes that meet the redevelopment qualification requirement of structurally substandard as defined by Tax Increment Financing Law, 469.174. "Structurally substandard" shall mean containing defects in structural element or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities. light and ventilation, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and condition of interior partitions, or similar factors. which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient total significance to justify substantial renovation or clearance. . A building is not structurally substandard if it is in compliance with the building code applicable to new buildings or could be modified to satisfy the building code at a cost of less than 15 percent of the cost of constructing a new structure of the same square footage and type on the site. The municipality may find that a building is not disqualified as structurally substandard under the preceding sentence on the basis of reasonably available evidence, such as the size, type, and age of the building, the average costs of plumbing, electrical, or structural repairs, or other similar reliable evidence. The municipality may not make such a determination without an interior inspection of the property, but need not have an independent, expert appraisal prepared of the cost of repair and rehabilitation of the building. FUNDING SOURCE The Transformation Home Loan program is a one-year pilot program commencing January 1, 2005, with a limited amount of funds, $150,000. The program was extended in 2006 for one year. Program Features: ~ Pre-Remodeling Condition Report. The Monticello Building Department must assess the age of mechanical systems, measure square footage, and otherwise note the condition of the home prior to remodeling. Please call 763-295-3060 for an appointment. ~ The Transformation Loan. The Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) characterized the Transformation Loan as an "incentive loan". The incentive is just a little more fmancing with terrific terms, so that a homeowner may feel equipped . 2 - . . . to move forward on their remodeling project. To apply for the loan, the cost of your remodeling project must be $30,000 or more. The loan may be 25% of your remodeling project, when the cost of remodeling is $30,000 or more. The maximum loan amount is $20,000. The loan is interest-free, and is payable upon sale of your property or forgiven after five (5) years. If you have questions, call 763-271-3208. Funds are limited. Application Procedure: 1, Prior to starting vour proiect. obtain this application package which includes the builder requirements and summary of design consideration, loan application form, a list ofremodelers (contractors), and a remodeler form for remodelers who have not worked under the program previously. 2. Submit a complete application. A commitment of funds can only be made when all required items have been received. Please note: The City of Monticello's Building Department must approve all building plans, and may have requirements independent of loan requirements, All setback and zoning requirements must also be met. 3. Applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority being given to projects that are most ready to move forward. Project readiness will be determined by those that have completed drawings, have total project funding in place (e.g. have a loan commitment or have closed on mortgage financing), and lor have a remodeler under contract. Funding will not be held for projects that are not ready. 4. Once an application and other required documents have been received and reviewed, a loan commitment will be made. Meeting the eligibility criteria does not entitle an applicant to funding. The distribution of funds is the sole decision of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Conditions of the Transformation Incentive Loan: 1, Submitted applications will be reviewed for appropriateness and completeness, Projects generally must be value-added improvements such as renovation or expanding space. Plans will be reviewed for design considerations, 2. The loan will be calculated at up to 25% of the initial contract price if the contract price for remodeling is $30,000 or more, but not to exceed $20,000. The commitment of funds is made at the beginning of the project. 3 ~ 4. A Pre-Remodeling Condition Report is required by the HRA to meet city fmancing and auditing requirements. A property evaluator (not an appraiser) contracted by the HRA will spend approximately an hour at your home to assess the age of mechanical systems, measure square footage, and otherwise note the condition of the home prior to remodeling. This is a one-time report for HRA records and incurs no cost to the homeowner. . 3. Funds are limited. You may want to call ahead of time to find out if funds are still available. 5. Loans will not be considered for work in progress or work completed. The Transformation Loan can only be considered for projects not yet begun. 6. You will be sent a commitment letter verifying the reservation of funds to be provided at closing. A copy of the letter will be provided to your lender. 7. A copy of a letter of commitment from your lender verifying approval of the primary loan is required. . 8. The Transformation Home Loan funds will be deposited in an escrow account and disbursed by a title company. Upon satisfactory verification of work in progress or \L: upon completion, the escrow account will be drawn upon in pro-rated increments f. simultaneously as funds are drawn upon from the primary loan to make payments to the remodeler. Work must be completed prior to final disbursement. 9. The Transformation Home Loan shall be secured by a Mortgage Deed and Note. 10. Final payment of the committed Transformation Loan must be disbursed by the title company by no later than six months after the date of lender's closing. Please be informed that financial data shall be submitted to the Lender for purposes of this loan application. However, the fact that you apply for a Transformation Home Loan, the final loan amounts are considered public data according to Minnesota Statute Chapter 13. General Remodeler and Design Criteria: The HRA does not recommend any particular remodeler. Selected remodelers must complete a Remodeler Form, and comply with the general criteria established by the Monticello HRA. "Sweat equity" may be applied toward eligibility costs associated with . interior improvements such as painting, flooring, etc. or by a Minnesota Licensed Residential 4 . . . Contractor and when verified by a certified appraisal at the applicant's expense. Summary of Remodeler Reauirements It is the homeowner's responsibility to check on contractors thoroughly before selecting them. Your builder should: I. Demonstrate financial capability by providing a statement from a financial institution of sufficient construction capital. 2. Possess adequate Builder's Risk, Comprehensive General Liability and Worker's Compensation insurance coverage. 3. Have a written warranty policy to be shared with the homeowner or written evidence of commitment to perform warranted repairs required by the Minnesota State Statute. If the remodeler has not participated in the Transformation Home Program previously, the HRA will require a Remodeler Form to be completed. A form is attached. Summary of Housinl!: Desil!:n The HRA will require the following: I. Each home shall remain a detached single-family dwelling. 2. Each home shall be owner-occupied. 3. Garage space may be maintained or expanded, but not reduced. 4. The house building lines, rooflines, doors and window placement should minimize blank wall mass. House and garage orientation to the street must present a balanced and pleasing view from all sides. 5. Exterior materials should be low maintenance. Masonite type siding materials are not acceptable. 6. The site must be fully landscaped, including attractively placed foundation plantings and complete sod installation, lot line to lot line. 7. Adjoining properties must not be disturbed by the construction process. Construction planning is important since five foot side yard setbacks limit construction space. 8. The construction process, site grading, and the finished structure must improve or not have a detrimental impact on storm water drainage patterns in the neighborhood. Re- working an existing site grade to improve neighborhood drainage may be requested. If a roof is pitched towards neighboring homes, gutters may need to be installed to divert storm water, in addition to improved grading. 5 . . . BRA Agenda - 06/07/06 8. Consideration to derme "oualified business" and "non-oualified business" as it relates to marketinl! the Monticello Business Center. A. Reference and backl!round: Prior to printing of a small pamphlet marketing the Monticello Business Center and given the HRA change in selling strategy that a business does not have to meet the criteria to purchase land, I, again, wanted to clarify this. In other words, we are offering land for $1.00 per square foot to qualified business and $3.00 per square foot to non-qualified business. 1 would then suggest the pamphlet under the example read: qualified business and non-qualified business. Additionally, any reference to savings comparison and land investment savings be changed to reflect this. What this means is the HRA's goal is no longer to create job density, high wage-levels, or building value. The maximum land formula remains in place. At least on the first 35 acres, a business must comply with the recorded covenants: no outdoor storage, no steel building, irrigation, etc. I-IA uses only and 1-2 (Heavy Industrial) uses are not permitted. Do you agree or not agree? I . . . _0 ::i ~ '" ..... .. ........~ E o '-! "'C c: o ....I .sa (jj .!::! - c: o :E I . . . .9.S ~"O ~ ... "6 e:1~.~.1t; 8.--gi cio ~.s.E f"8 80-61i':oz~o.. ....:f.E_ @[j@~11 - QI QI ~ Sb~.~ <': '" . ~ I'~~ ;(j.E ~..s.Eii ';:' 0. 0 ,..l:; E ti ..... -;;; E .ea~~ Z;~E~1:~ li!'02!IV 5'~CIl~8t: == C ""l5ij ':...) $-5 u';::';: lig-gg- ~]o"5~~ -a'- N';: '"' '" CIl :;: -0.... a~-:;:J '~.9 s'=@ itlj = ~J:-g &.:!l;q S!.:go .2~-~'3 -o:;:!:;:;~o.. ~O;6~~~.fi&B -6~~ E .~g:'~gf'",ll .Sgc2l! g~a~~~ :e5f_o ::2>e*..a~~ ~ g ~~:E~~8 E-':::':...)i:L.. ~S>::~~]~,.8 -fi'~E$6"'~~ -- t: :::..., ~"(;j '" <:> B g-.3 E5 ~ 1:; ~ ~~~~.-"-'03~ P..8o-gi""2 ~'i "0... . '" 2 r: jg 1l t: ~ ::: Of; Sb...l',...__ ""' 0 - ... v ,... ~$..o.~'!l Qj~ 5.. 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'" u , ::> -' a... '~'W E~f'~'"d<ll;:l ,:: ~ 3 ~~;!: "- -; ';: lfJ a .. ... o U . . . BRA Agenda - 06/07/06 9. Consideration to authorize Davment of BRA bills. Recommendation is to authorize payment of the attached invoices. ~ . . . Ehlers & Associates, Inc. Leaders in Public Finance 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 (651) 697-8500 Summary Statement Monticello Housiwl And Redevelopment Authority 505 Walnut Street. Suite 1 Monticello, MI'i 553",2-8822 Statement Date: May 10, 2006 Proiect Amount Invoice # 2006 Modification of District 1-2 and 1-24 General TIF District No 1-37 - Economic Development $1,050.00 $1,125.00 $3,750.00 332703 332704 332705 Total for this statement $5,925.00 Monticello Housing And Redevelopment Authority 505 Walnut St,eet. Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 Invoice #: I nvoice Date: 332705 May 10, 2006 Ehlers & Associates, Inc. Leaders in Public Finance 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 (651) 697 -8500 . Financial Advisory Services Invoice Project: TIF District No. 1.37 - Economic Development Date Worked J2Y. Descriotion of Services Hours Amount 03-20-2006 ED NS Prepared: Quality control review of District 1-37 For the Establishment of TIF District No. 1-37 1,50 no charge 3,750.00 1.50 $3,750.00 $3,750.00 ! [Amount Due This Invoice 1-'/ {y 'D?7 w}~l, '":)~qq ~~ .'" c... ?\'?:>. ~ S~~\-O~ (Detach at perforation and return lower portion to Ehlers & Associates, Inc.) Monticello Housing And Redevelopment Authority Invoice #: Invoice Date: 332705 May 10, 2006 $3,750.00 J Amount Due This Invoice -~._-_._--_..- ------- .-". Please remit payment to: Ehlers & Associates, Inc. Attn: Accounts Receivable 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 Due Upon Receipt ~ ----- --_.--- _.~ Ehlers & Associates, Inc. Leaders in Public Finance 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 (651) 697-8500 . Financial Advisory Services Invoice Monticello Housing And Redevelopment Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, Me, 55362-8822 Invoice #: Invoice Date: 332704 May 10, 2006 Project: General Hours Amount 4,00 600.00 1,50 262,50 1.50 262.50 7.00 $1,125.00 $1,125.00 I ---" Date Worked.fu'. Description of Services 04-12-2006 ED Prepared: TIF issues meeting with staff. 04-12-2006 T JH Attended Meeting: Attended Meeting with Staff on Financing Plan for Business Park. One-half split w/MR. 04-12-2006 MF, Meeting on accounting for TIF districts ~ 9~~:~ cI:~ <~~ ~<< \)~ '? ,_ "d-D 0-S , --\ Y \ Cj ,,0.. ,,- Vb" '-\" V' J..." \: f} \ ~ ' ~ ' VV}-, t,' ,,- '-J:J ~' " \,_ '? , "- _ 'd- '",,- ' '} \_ "l-, f) Y}-- ""''''/' , .x;: - .-y q, , ,- [Amount Due This Invoice ? \ ~J ~\ l; ~ CJ \ , 9'~ 9 \ . f' ! __~ A[~~ ,---<:19. ~ S-\I,oG (Detach at per1c,ration and return lower portion to Ehlers & Associates, Inc.) Monticello Housing And Redevelopment Authority Invoice #: Invoice Date: 332704 May 10, 2006 $1,125,00 I I Amount Due This Invoice . [ "000' cem" ,oem'" '" Ehlers & Associates, Inc. Attn: Accounts Receivable 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 Due Upon Receipt / _/ ;fICELLO TIMES X 420 RIVER STREET ,"ONTICELLO MN 55362 (763) 295.3131 Fax(763) 295-3080 11139.43 6640.50 4498.93 .00 .00 Advertising Invoice and Statement 3 04/30/06 133 133 4/~~ 4/23/06 4/23/06 CITY OF MONTICELLO ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT ST., SUITE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 Amount Paid: Comments: 605079 RNWl ~ ~MPc._, 608136 RW 1 11.75 94.00 !prO~~,. m. ..~'~ ~~_..~..w.... """""""8"!"&0'" """'l'~':'fil'O .,,,.,,""jtil'l.1'}"!"0.@>>..,,.....,,,. .J,.O.,O"",Q.Qj FLUSHING WATER MAINS 2X 4.0 1 MINT MO MTI MO 8.00 7.05 56.40 , '.' ...._.^..-~ ,""''''''''0',0_ .~~, . 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HRA Agenda - 06/07/06 Executive Director's reDort. a) Karlsburger Foods, Inc. - The Purchase and Development Contract was executed on May 22, 2006, and the $10,000 earnest money submitted. The plat was taken to the County for recording on May 24, this generally a one/two week turn around. Thereafter can the title work commencement. The installation of water/sewer trunk lines began May 18, de-watering being the first step. WSB estimates a mid-June completion. No building or site plans have been submitted nor the selection ofthe lender. They may apply for an EDA loan. b) A VR - The Settlement Agreement between the City and A VR is being drafted by the City's Attorney Tom Scott. The agreement is subject to approval of building and site plans. Staff has met with the architect and contractor. Staff to work with a landscape architect on Tuesday relative to landscaping and design of screen wall (8 to 12 feet). On the 12-acre site a shop (9,800 sq ft with six bays), plant (base floor 940 sq ft with silo 80 ft height), and conveyor will be constructed. Green space, paved parking and trunk route areas, and the remaining Class 5. Need stock piles - semi enclosed. Would like to start this summer or fall. Will enter site via Haul Road and exit via Dalton Avenue. c) Contract for Deed between the City/Chadwick - With the assumption the City and A VR have reached an agreement, the Council on June 12 may consider purchase of additional land from Chadwick. WBS recommends purchase of the entire remaining 85 acres allowing the city to grade the entire site at a lesser cost than grading each lot individually. I concur with that recommendation or at a minimum to purchase the acreage to the west of proposed Dalton Avenue. For Rick, it's a question of coming up with the cash. Additionally, is the need to authorize feasibility study for construction of the road (remainder of Dalton Avenue to the south and the Haul Road to the west) and utility improvements. d) 511 Elm Street - We closed on the Antionette Breiwick Transformation Loan on May 18 at the office of Quality Title in Albertville. The HRA disbursed $20,000 to the title company who will disburse on behalf of the HRA. The HRA has a Transformation Home Loan Escrow Agreement, Promissory Note, and Second Mortgage. The lender did not want to close simultaneously with the HRA loan; therefore, the HRA mortgage will be recorded as soon as I get the document number of the First Mortgage. The contractor has submitted a building permit application. e) 1023 West Broadway - We have not closed with Keith and Jackie Petersen on their Transformation Home Loan. I've talked to the closer several times and each appears to be waiting on information. The construction project is complete; however, landscaping is on- going. t) Sunny Fresh Foods - The City will host a breakfast recognition honoring Sunny Fresh Foods as recipient of the 2005 Malcom Balridge National Quality Award. This will be held Friday, June 16 at 7:30 a.m. in the Community Center. Invitation go out ThursdaylFriday. Mark your calendar. g) Dahlheimer's Distribution - I've contacted Greg about the City, IDC, HRA, and Planning Commission to tour their new facility. A date is forth coming. (Susie and Sandy too) . BRA Agenda - 06/07/06 . h) Marketing - The sign should be up at the entrance of Monticello Business Center; although I have not confirmed this. The contract with the billboard sign company has been executed and returned. Contributed $250 to the Wright County Partnership for a Metro Fringe Enterprise Network Systems Analysis, a collaborate effort between Wright and Sherburne Counties. Fliers in draft stage for review by HRA on June 7 prior to printing. i) Monticello's community profile is being updated. Not updated since 2003. This profile is on the state's web site DEED.state.mn.us. I'm waiting for some organizational information to complete the task. Also, I've been assigned a password so I can update the city's web site under economic development. That task yet to do. j) Preparing an economic development department head presentation for the Council June 12. k) Leads: New inquiries have been slow oflate. MANUFACTURER OF FABRICATED GLASS PRODUCTS - see attached response. ALBERTVILLE COMPANY - Anticipating execution of the Preliminary Development Agreement between the company and the HRA. 10,000 sq ft building, 8 full time jobs at an average wage level of $17.39 per hour. Designs and assembles retail communication displays and packaging. PRODUCES GRANITE COUNTER TOPS AND FIREPLACES. Worked with this company and a SMALL CABINET MAKER to see if we could complete the projects simultaneously in order to meet the criteria. After further checking, the producer of granite counter tops and fireplaces is a permitted use in an 1-2 district (Heavy Industrial). Therefore does not meet the I-IA district by use. 48,000 SQ FT WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTION FROM COLD SPRING. Mailed application. PRECISION TECHNOLOGIES - Working with Jim Harwood for potential EDA loan for either lease-hold improvements or machinery/equipment. Leasing in Barger's new building under construction. . 2 .2. . II , MONTICELLO Request for Information for MANUFACTURER OF FABRICATED GLASS PRODUCTS from CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA May 30, 2006 Proposed Proi ect Construction of a 60,000 sq ft steel building with some office space and land for future expansion. Four to eight acre site with convenient highway access and readily available utilities. Forty to 50 jobs to start and potential of 100 employees in a few years. City of Monticello I. All industrial sites are accessible to [-94 and Trunk Highway 25. 1-2 (Heavy Industrial District) - The above described use (manufacturer of fabricated glass products) is a permitted use in an 1-2 district. The Oakwood Industrial Park is zoned 1-2, there are four sites of approximately 4 to 5 acres each privately-owned with utilities readily available. Steel buildings are allowed in an 1-2 district. Electrical provider is Xcel Energy. 3. According to the Wright County Assessor's Office, the median sale price for existing homes in 2004 was $ I 82,000. 4. Incentives: The City of Monticello will consider the use of tax increment financing based on job creation, wage-levels, and benefits. The City of Monticello also offers a below prime rate (up to 3% below prime) revolving loan program for real estate development and/or machinery/equipment. 5. Ollie Koropchak h City of Monticello Economic Development Director 763-271 -3208 ollie.koropchak@ci.monticello.mn.us Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street. Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works. 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170 . Fax (763) 271-3272