HRA Agenda 12-06-2006 . AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, December 6, 2006 - 6:00 p.m. Bridge Room - Community Center Commissioners: Chair Brad Barger, Vice Chair Steve Andrews, Dan Frie, Darrin Lahr, and Bill Fair. Council Liaison: Wayne Mayer. Staff: Executive Director Ollie Koropchak, Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller, and Recorder Angela Schumann. I. Call to Order. 2. Consideration to approve the November I, 2006 HRA minutes. 3. Consideration of adding or removing items from the agenda. 4. . Consideration to authorize annual payment of the amended Contract of Deed between the City and the Otter Creek Group, LLC. 5. Consideration to adopt a resolution approving the Decertification ofTIF District No. 1.25, an Economic District (Blue Chip Development.) 6. Consideration to adopt a resolution approving the Decertification ofTIF District No. 1.23, an Economic District (Allied Properties.) 7. Consideration to review spread sheet of revenues and expenditures on Otter Creek Crossing Phase I and II and assess need to amend discount price of $1.00 per sq ft. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. . 13. 14. Consideration to respond to negotiations by Steve Conroy. Consideration to discuss and act on second request from Walker In.store. Consideration to authorize payment ofHRA bills. Consideration ofHRA Executive Report. Committee Reports: Marketing Fiber Optics Next regular HRA meeting. Wednesday, January 3,2007. Adjournment. . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, November 1, 2006 - 6:00 p.m. Bridge Room - Community Center Commissioners: Vice Chair Steve Andrews, Dan Frie, Darrin Lahr, and Bill Fair. Commissioners Absent: Chair Brad Barger Council Liaison Present: Wayoe Mayer Council Members Present: Mayor Clint Herbst, Council Members Brian Stumpf, and Tom Perrault. Staff Present: Executive Director Ollie Koropchak, Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller, and Recorder Angela Schumann. Guests: Mike Maher, Karlsburger Foods, Inc.; Shibani Bisson, WSB, Inc. Mark Ruff, Ehlers & Associates 1. Call to Order. Vice Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order and declared a quorum, noting the absence of Chairman Barger. 2. Consideration to approve the October 4. 2006 HRA minutes. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FAIR. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FRIE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 4, 2006. MOTION CARRIED, 3-0. 3. Consideration of adding or removing items from the agenda. Koropchak removed the Walker In-store item from the Executive Director's report for discussion as item 9.5. Koropchak added as item 10.5 the consideration to approve a recent transformation home loan application 4. Consent Agenda. A. Tabled - Consideration to ratify the execution of the second Certificate of Completion related to the Purchase and Development Contract between the HRA and Vector Tool & Manufacturing, Inc. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FAIR TO RATIFY THE EXECUTION OF THE SECOND CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION RELATED TO THE PURCHASE AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE HRA AND VECTOR TOOL & MANUFACTURING, INe. . . . MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FRIE. MOTION CARRIED, 3-0. 5. Tabled - Consideration of a request from Karlsburger Foods. Inc. for compensation of over-run costs associated with earthwork on Lot L Block L Otter Creek Crossing 2nd Addition. (Purchase and Redevelopment Contract between HRA and SL Real Estate Holdings. LLC) Koropchak provided a summary ofthe discussion regarding grading compensation to-date. The reimbursement of general grading is stated within the contract between Karlsburger and the HRA is at $.12 per square foot up to $11,002.50. At issue is the cost associated with the unsuitable soil discovered in a vein on the building site. It is now stockpiled on the City's property. Koropchak stated that all parties seem to agree that the soils were present when the City bought the property. The question is who is responsible for removing the unsuitable soil and the stockpile of that material now on the City's property. Additionally, there was also discussion about the removal of the hill on the Karlsburger property. Bisson addressed the 6,000 yards of unsuitable soil removed. She indicated that Schluender had worked with RL Larson to push 3,000 yards of the unsuitable soil, which is a topsoil black dirt onto Karlsburger's site for finish grading. The balance ofthe 3,000 yards would be spread over the City's site. RL Larson will charge $1.20 per cubic yard for spreading. Bisson had given them permission to spread the dirt. Karlsburger had also utilized the material cut from the berm to fill the vein. Fair rephrased that the HRA has already accepted some ofthe cost for the excess grading in spreading the dirt mentioned by Bisson. However, the cost for the removal of dirt in the vein is a separate issue. Andrews asked if there was any understanding of an obligation that was not delivered, or warranties that have not been met. Koropchak stated that based on the contract, there was no warranty on the soils. Andrews asked if there was a contract issue, or if consideration of reimbursement was a goodwill gesture. Koropchak confirmed that the consideration of possible reimbursement would be outside of the contact. At the last meeting, the HRA members present also had the desire to get more information on the issues. Fair stated that he was of the opinion that contractually, the land was sold as is, and that there was a provision to allow for payment of general grading. Fair stated that he doesn't think the HRA can justify this additional expenditure. Maher stated that if the boring samples had been taken in another location, they wouldn't have purchased the lot. In that case, the HRA would have needed to handle the removal on its own. Maher stated that what they are working toward a compromise with the HRA on the removal. Andrews questioned whether the issue is the expenditure amount, or who is responsible. Andrews asked Frie what would happen in a private selling transaction. Frie stated that you would go back to the contract, however, this is a unique issue. There is a good will issue here. They had indicated that they felt they were misled. Andrews asked ifthere was incomplete or incorrect information given. Maher stated there was not. Frie pointed out that had they done a soil boring, they wouldn't have purchased the site. . . . Mayer asked if there was something wrong with the soil, or it was simply not conducive to building. Panek stated it is unsuitable for a building; it was not hazardous. Mayer noted that the HRA isn't selling pad ready sites. Fair stated that companies do soil borings, but in this case, the soil vein wasn't caught. Lahr stated that for him, it comes down to the contract. There will always be unknowns. That's what the representation was at the time. He indicated that he doesn't believe that the City has a financial responsibility in this case. Andrews asked if Fair concurs. Fair stated that he thinks we have a responsibility to the City's investment. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FAIR TO REAFFIRM THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE EXECUTED PURCHSE AND REDEVELOPMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE HRA AND SL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC, DATED APRIL 12, 2006. Panek stated that more than general grading occurred on that site; the work was actually excavating and mining. Fair stated that the HRA's contract covered general grading. Bisson stated that she had done a comparison with DaWheimers. The $0.12 was calculated based on $45,000 over 8 acres. It did include some correction, not just general grading. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONERLAHR. MOTION CARRIED, 3-1, WITH COMMISSIONER FRIE IN DISSENT. 6. Presentation bv Mark Ruff: "What is Tax Abatement and is it a viable economic development tool for the Citv of Monticello?" Mark Ruff, Ehlers and Associates, provided a brief presentation on tax abatement. The Commissioners and guests each received a copy of the Powerpoint presentation notes. Ruff reviewed the limitations and opportunities for tax abatement, as well as background on how communities use it as a economic development tool. Andrews clarified that different major jurisdictions can participate at different levels. Ruff confirmed. Lahr asked how abatement could affect the next year's taxes. Ruff stated that it can be given back to property owner or be used to fund service that the City builds/provides. Herbst asked how often the school district chooses to abate. Ruff stated that Counties and school abatements are rare. Frie asked about using both TIP and abatement. Ruff stated that you cannot give property owners or developers abatement in a TIP district. Stumpf confirmed that if user defaults on the terms of their contract, there is no need to continue to pay. Ruff confirmed, stating that the HRA can set any goals it wishes as part of the contract. Stumpf asked if there is any area in particular for which the HRA is looking to use tax abatement. Koropchak stated that she had wanted the information to be presented for the Council and HRA to learn more about, as a possible tool for economic development. Koropchak cited the Monticello Dental Clinic relocation as a potential opportunity. The City retains a business with higher wage levels. Mayer inquired if asked if using the dental clinic as an example, if the clinic owner took another building in town, or built, the City could have given him back a portion of his taxes. Ruff confirmed. Hersbt asked if Ruff supports the use of tax abatement. . . . 10. Ruff stated that if the City can honestly and easily communicate why it is being used. Fair asked if the City should have pre-determined districts. Ruff stated that he would recommend that the City have pre-set districts or qualifications/policies. Stumpf asked if tax abatement is better suited for smaller communities. Ruff stated that generally they are in greater need for economic development. Koropchak recommended having policies in place, rather than making them up as you go along. Stumpf asked if it had been used in Monticello before. Koropchak stated that it had not. Fair asked if there is a common set of items that communities look at. Ruff stated that he could prepare documentation in that regard. 7. Consideration to hear a negotiation progress report from Steve Conrov. Koropchak referred to the email sent by Conroy which indicated that Springborg's counter offer was $193,200. Froslie's price went to $500,000. Lahr noted that the HRA had agreed that it would purchase both or none. The Commissioners discussed strategies for counter offering. Lahr suggested offers equitable based on square footage. Frie also suggested meeting other terms for the seller. Lahr recommended $17.50 per square foot, both parcels, willing to work with them on terms. The Commissioners agreed on the rate recommended by Lahr. 8. Consideration to authorize payment ofHRA bills. Koropchak provided the HRA with an additional invoice from the Conroy Law Office, as related to the downtown property acquisition. Frie noted that he had agreed to $150.00 per hour. The invoice showed an hourly rate of$190. Koropchak will call. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LAHR TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF HRA BILLS, SUBJECT TO ADJUSTMENT OF CONROY INVOICE. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FAIR. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. 9. Consideration ofHRA Executive Report. The Commissioners had no questions regarding the information in the report. 9.5. Walker In-Store Report Walker In-Store had inquired on whether the HRA would be willing to meet the same offer on another site within the business park, noting the impact of A YR. Koropchak had stated that given the lot and the long-term investment, Walker was not interested in the site the HRA had offered. Lahr stated that as Walker doesn't meet the criteria for 1.5 acres at $1.00, he felt the answer should be no. However, they could purchase any other lot at market rate. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LAHR TO REAFFIRM THE TERMS OF THE ORIGINAL OFFER TO WALKER IN-STORE FOR OTTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FRIE. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. Committee Reports: Marketing - Meeting set for Friday. . . . 10.5 Fiber Optics - November 8th fiber forum. Transformation Home Loan Koropchak provided the Commissioners with new application for the transformation home loan program. She noted that an inspection hadn't been completed for the substandard test. Fair and Andrews stated that if it is in the district, there shouldn't be a problem. Koropchak stated that she questioned some of the items listed, as they seemed to be maintenance-oriented. Koropchak reported that the 2005 market value was $160,500. Fair clarified that it will be owner-occupied. Koropchak confirmed. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ANDREWS TO APPROVE THE TRANSFORMATION HOME LOAN FOR 501 WEST BROADWAY, IF THE PROPERTY MEETS CRITERIA. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LARR. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. Koropchak asked the Commissioners their opinion of a situation in which the property value is over limit at $213,050 due to location on the river, however, the home value is less the program's maximum required market value. She indicated that she had received a call regarding this situation. Lahr stated that the point should be to help the more disadvantaged. Andrews pointed out that if the HRA evaluated the two separately for this program, it becomes another criteria to measure.. II. Next regular HRA meeting - Wednesdav. December 6.2006. 12. Adjournment. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LAHR TO ADJOURN. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER FAIR. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. . . . HRA Agenda - 12/06/06 4. Consideration to ratify Dayrnent of the exercised Contract for Deed between the City and Otter Creek. LLC and to authorize the annual Davrnent of the Contract for Deed between the City and Otter Creek. LLC. A. Reference and backlrround: The HRA Financial Consultant and Attorney previously recommeuded the HRA authorize annual principal and interest payments on the Contract for Deed between the City and Otter Creek, LLC for the remaining balance of the property. As you recall, the HRA and City matched funds to pay cash for the first 35 acres purchased in 2004. The first Contract for Deed payment was authorized by the HRA in December 2005 in the amount of$213,1 13.32. The City exercised its right within the Contract for Deed and purchased an additional 52.14 acres from Otter Creek, LLC in August 2006 in the amount of$I,269,900.33. The expenditure was coded to the HRA General Fund. Therefore, the HRA is requested to ratifY this payment. The City exercised its right within the Contract in order to fill its obligations within the Agreement between the City and A YR. The A VR replacement site consists of 14 acres of the 52.14 acres purchased. As of late Friday, the HRA Attorney recommends the HRA table this item allowing time to work with the Finance Department and review the City's uses and sources statement for acquisitionlrelocation/ilffrastructure costs associated with the A VR. Secondly, the HRA is requested to authorize the annual principal and interest payment on the remaining balance of the Contract for Deed. This payment is due December 2006 in the amount of$151,857.56. B. Alternative Action: I. A motion to ratifY payment of the exercised Contract for Deed between the City and Otter Creek LLC in the amount of$I,269,900.33 and to authorize the 2006 payment ofthe Contract for Deed between the City and Otter Creek LLC in the amount of $151,857.56. 2. A motion to deny ratification of the payment in the amount of$I,269,900.33 and to denypaymeut in the amount of the $151,857.56. 1 . BRA Agenda - 12/06/06 3. A motion to table payment ofthe exercised Contract for Deed between the City and Otter Creek LLC in the amount of $1 ,269,900.33 and to authorize the 2006 payment of the Contract for Deed between the City and Otter Creek LLC in the amount of $151,857.56. 4. A motion to table both items. c. Recommendation: The Finance Department and myself need to set down and resolve the coding for revenues and expenditures associated with the A VR agreement. The land value of the 14 acres (12 acres) used in the A VR settlement was $2.65 per sq ft, the same value used by the HRA. This does not include city attorney fees nor a pad-ready site. As I read the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-34 (Interchange project) the budget includes land acquisition associated with the relocation and demolition of the A VR site. A bond was issued for the interchange project and a Pledge Agreement exist between the HRA and City; however, the HRA Attorney was unclear ifthis bond included acquisition and relocation. Recommendation is Alternative No.3. . D. Supportinl! Data: Copy of the Otter Creek LLC Contact for Deed payment schedule and coding. . 2 . . . CITY OF MONITCELLO - C4D - OTTER CREEK, LLC 12/22/2004 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL: $ 2,185,221.97 INTEREST RATE: 6% PRINCIPAL PAYMENT BALANCE PAYMENTS: PRINCIPAL INTEREST AMOUNT: REMAINING: 12/2005 $ 100,000.00 $ 131,113.32 $ 231,113.32 $ 2,085,221.97 8/23/2006 $ 1,220,929.36 $ 48,970.97 $ 1,269,900.33 $ 864,292,61 , 12/2006 $ 100,000.00 $ 51,857.56 $ 151,857.56 $ 764,292.61 12/2007 $ 100,000,00 $ 45,857.56 $ 145,857.56 $ 664,292.61 12/2008 $ 100,000.00 $ 39,857,56 $ 139,857.56 $ 564,292.61 12/2009 $ 564,292.61 $ 33,857.56 $ 598,150.17 $ - * Interest is calculated assuming 365 days (December 22). OlterCreek C4D Payment Schedule.xls Ollie Koropchak ~om: nt: 0: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Paula Mastey Friday, December 01, 2006 11 :39 AM Ann Zimmerman; Ollie Koropchak Jeff O'Neill; Rick Wolfsteller Olter Creek C4D Payment OtterCreek C4D Payment Schedule.xls The December 2006 payment for Otter Creek, LLC will be $151,857.56. Please code to the following: 213.46301.6130 $ 51,857.56 213.46301.6030 $100,000.00 I am attaching a payment schedule for documentation. Thanks, Paula ~ OtterCreek C4D Payment Schedul... . 1 . . . . BRA Agenda - 12/06/06 5. Consideration to adopt a resolution approvinl!: the Decertification of TIF District No. 1-25. an Economic District (Blue Chip Development.) A. Reference and backl!:round: The TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-25, an Economic District, was approved on September 14, 1998, for the Blue Chip Development project. The life duration of the district (required decertification date) is September 14,2009. Upon receiving the annual tax increment payment from the County in July 2006, the Tax Increment Pay-As-You- Go Note of $32,000 was paid off in-full August 2006. In the tax increment analysis prepared by Ehlers, this was the recommendation for 1-25: "The current adopted budget does not appear to require a modification. Given the fact that the obligation is expected to be paid in 2007, the HRA may need to decertifY the district prior to its maximum legal term. " In a recent seminar, Paula Mastey and I attended and hosted by the State Auditor's Office, it is our understanding that should the HRA wish not to decertifY the district in 2006 and collect tax increment through 2009, the projected $12,100 is an eligible TIF expenditure for payment of public improvements associated with development of Otter Creek Crossing (outside the district but within the project area.). Should the HRA take this direction, the assumption is the projected Ending Fund Balance of$37,603 less $12,100 probably would be excess tax increment and returned to the County. I placed a call into the State. Mark Ruff indicates the HRA must decertifY because the budget was not modified within the 5-year pooling restriction; although he said this is a question for Bubul and an interpretation oflaw. HRA Attorney Bubul noted it is an eligible TIF expenditure; however, authorization of the expenditure was necessary prior to retirement of the debt service in August 2006. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to adopt a resolution approving the Decertification of TIF District No. 1-25, an Economic District (Blue Chip Development) 2. A motion to deny adoption of a resolution approving the Decertification ofTIF District No. 1-25, an Economic District, and to authorize use of the projected 20% of tax increment for the purpose of eligible TIF expenditures: installation of public utilities within Otter Creek Crossing. 1 . HRA Agenda - 12/06/06 3. C. Take no action. Recommendation: Recommendation is Alternative No.1 as recommended by the BRA Attorney. D. SUDDortinl! Data: Copy of the analysis and projections as prepared by Ehlers. Resolution for adoption . . 2 <.0 o . ~ . >, ~ '" E E :l C/) ~ I.) .;: ~ .!!l Cl . I() N I ..... ... 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I Original TIP.P]an pumulative Modified Accounted for in Budget Amount T]P.Plan Bud",! Prior Years 2005 Amount $90.000 , $0 I $37.623 $8.801 $0 $0 $0 $0 $],338 $148 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 I $0 $0 $0 $0 ~ $0 r $0 ' $0 $0 $0 I $0 f $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,000 $0 $0 $0 i $0 $0 $99,000 $0 $8.949 Revenues and Other Financing Sources (OFSs) 38. Land/building acquisition $0 $0 $0 39. Site improvements/preparation costs $0 $19.9]7 $5,904 40. Installation of public utilities I $]5,000 $0 $0 $0 ~ 41. Public parking facilities $0 $0 $0 $0 42. Streets and sidewalks $0 $0 $0 $0 43. Public park facilities ! $0 $0 $0 $0 , 44. Social, recreational or conference facilities $0 $0 l $0 $0 45. Interest reduction payments $0 $0 , =#= $0 Bond principal payments $0 $0 $0 $0 47. Bond interest payments ~ $0 $0 , $0 48. Loan principal payments $0 ~. $0 $0 49. Loan/note interest payments -=+ $26,0~~ . $0 $4--- $0 50. Administrative expenses $9,000 $0 $],260 I $525 i 51.A Interest pay as you go $0 $0 $6.767 ' $1.030 5LB Other Local Contribution $9,000 $0 $0 $0 5LC Other Reimbursement ofTlF Fee $0 $0 $1.784 $0 52. Transfers out (from line 25) $0 $0 $0 $0 53. Total Ex enditures and OFUs $99.000 $0 $29.728 $7,459 54. Revenues Over (Under) Ex enditures $0 $0 $]4,233 $1,490 55. Fund Balance - 12/3112004 $14.233 56. Fund Balance - 12/3112005 $15.723 TIF District Name: Tax Increment Financing District No. 1.25 2005 TIF District Report - Page 3 . . . . HRA Agenda - 12/06/06 6. Consideration to adoot a resolution aoorovinl!: the Decertification of TIF District No. 1-23. an Economic District (Allied Prooerties.) I. Reference and backl!:round: The TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-23, an Economic District, was approved on May 26, 1998, for the Midwest Graphics project. The life duration of the district (required decertification date) is May 26,2009. Upon receiving the tax increment payment from the County in July 2006, the Tax Increment Revenue Note of$181,000 was paid off in-full August 2006. The term ofthe Note was extended one year from August 2005 to August 2006 with an amendment to the Contract for Private Development with the change of ownership from Midwest Graphics to Allied Properties to Production Stamping.. In the tax increment analysis prepared by Ehlers, this was the recommendation for 1-23: "The currently adopted budget does not appear to need to be modified. The current developer's obligation is expected to be paid in 2006. Given the pooling restrictions applicable to the district, there could be potentially, $60,400, 20% of the tax increment revenues that could be used within the Project Area, subject to the limitations for an economic development district. Unless the HRA plans future projects, the district should be decertified when the developer's note is paid. Therefore, the HRA may consider a technical modification to the budget." In a recent seminar, Paula Mastey and I attended and hosted by the State Auditor's Office, it is our understanding that should the HRA wish not to decertify the district in 2006 and collect tax increment through 2009, the projected $60,400 is an eligible TIF expenditure for payment of public improvements associated with development of Otter Creek Crossing (outside the district but within the project area.). Should the HRA take this direction, my assumption is the projected Ending Fund Balance of$179,487 probably would be excess tax increment and returned to the County. I have a call into the State. Mark Ruff indicates the HRA must decertifY because the budget was not modified within the 5-year pooling restriction. Again requesting Attorney Bubul for an interpretation of the law, he noted infrastructure development of Otter Creek is an eligible expenditure; however, authorization of the expenditure was necessary prior to retirement of the district's debt service in August 2006. 1 . 2. 3. c. D. . . HRA Agenda - 12/06/06 B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to adopt a resolution approving the Decertification ofTIF District No. 1-23, an Economic District (Allied Properties.) A motion to deny adoption of a resolution approving the Decertification ofTIF District No. 1-23, an Economic District, and to authorize use of the projected 20% oftax increment for the purpose of eligible TIF expenditures: installation of public utilities within Otter Creek Crossing. Take no action. Recommendation: Recommendation is Alternative No.1 as recommended by the HRA Attorney. Sup/}ortinl!: Data: Copy of the analysis and projections as prepared by Ehlers. Resolution for adoption. 2 <<> o .- ~ -0 (j) > 'ill o (j) ~ c (j) E (j) ~ o c tl ~ -= ~ '" ~~ ~ ~ ~ c ....c: s... ~D ;0: '-'- 0 '"' G '...; :.... ..c: - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C :J C S ......, "9 ~ ~ i: H .... ~ 1.... ;:J g .~ 2 .~ 6 2 .5 'J) r3 'C ::::,2. r:l r:: Q...,~ >> 0.... 'V C':l ......, (;) o:c; 0.... ~ 2 r" ro .=1 U [j ~ t,; r" C" ......... c:: (:: 0,-, ;, ~ :>, ro ('J .S ~ ~ P- OJ) ~ .~ o ';:; ~ >< -I-' C - w t:L~ ~ o Cl r ;:a - -< r ~t:C _ ::l .J-; o 1: .f -I--' (j) .2 .~ -ci > Q.i ~ r 'f) bC ' 'J: .D r.r:, 'l.i '" "'OJ >> ,... '3::2 " :; "D " (j) tJ""'"d ::::2 :'.J C o :J) c.; 'CIJ .-3 X cr; Q) \..C lI1-oC r: C ~ :: C) ~ o if) c o ~ o !-E -0 o E t ~ ~ ~ :r. ~ Q).;:: GJ ........... ~ 'l.i :; :J :5-50 c S .5 d '-'- :) ...... ;;? ..... HUN U'4-l~ Q) 'JJ, :.:::: H 0 :::.; ro u .5 ~ ~ .5 0'. u C) Ei (j) H ..s:;~ N >> '" 2: c o if) .;;: o ~ Q. C 5: o -0 .:<: 0' 00 00 C 0' ~ ~.. 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M ~ 0, N, ~ ro N M ~ 0 0 0 ~ N ~ ;;; N xi N ui ~; ~ N "6 " . ~ m 00 " ~ 00 ~ M U 0 0 ~ . n " . 13 ~ '" c a OJ 3 ~ ~ '" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 n u 0 '" 0 xi N '" 0 0 0 0 '" 0 ui 0 '" c 2 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 ~ OJ ro N N N N N E 0 n 0 ~ E N . 0 5 ~ 0 lJ ~ . 0 ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > n " 0 c" 0 ~; 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 '" ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 ~ " 0 0, N N ~ " 0 n n S 0 0 lJ ~ OJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , " 0 '" 0 '" 0 0 0 ro 0 0 cO 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 N N ~ g; ~ 0 ~ >- ,!!! ~ III VI E ~ ~ 0 ;! E ro . , C C ::I <( . ro n " (J) <( Q 0 0 0 "' ~ c a 0 ~ 0; ~ OC , 0 ~ - III 5 ~ 0 0 ro L " '-' J: u lJ E N co 0 0 m '5 2 ~ ';: C N ~ E ~ C 0 0 ~ "' 0 :0 OJ - 0 . 0 Q) " !" ,!!1 ro " 0 0 "' ;.:: ~ " ," > > "- > -0 0 u 1. ~ ~ co 0 . c ~ ro . " cr., . 0 , . 1'. * 0. 0 x - III . "' 0 ~ :J; . c 0: ~ III ~ ~ > . v E " [ E 0 :g s ~ w u ~ ~ , 0 0 'h W . e ro ~ " " :;:: Ci ~ ~ g> ~ 0. " " 0 " ~ 3 3 c , , ~ ;; '5 ~ '0 . ~ c 0 "- ~ ii <J; 0 E c Q , 0: 0 ~ u E . rn c ~ " ~ - ] :n 0- ~ C " " ;; 0 ~ . :n ro E ~ 0 0 " is c x OJ u m . 2 a: > " " > ;; 0 0 > 0 m 0 c 0 ~ c iD .J; 0 0 u 6 0. 0: :2: LL is u 0 ~ . 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 x ~ 0. " < ill lJ lJ lJ ~ 0: ill 0: Operating Statement I A. B. e. D, Revenues and Other Financing Sources (OFSs) Original TIF -Plan Cumulative Modified Accounted for in Budget Amount TIF-Plan Budeet Prior Years 2005 Amount 26, Tax increment revenue $211,411 $41.748 Market Value Homestead Credit $0 $0 28 Investment earnings $0 $6.735 $874 29. Bond proceeds $0 I $0 $0 30. Loan proceeds ---t---- $0 $0 $181,000 $0 31, Special assessments $0 $0 $0 $0 32. Sales/lease proceeds $0 $0 $0 $0 33. Loan/advance repayments $0 $0 $0 $0 34. Grants $0 $0 $0 I $0 35.A Interest $5,000 $0 $0 $0 35.B Local Contribution $100,000 $0 $0 $0 35.C Other Application Fee $0 $0 $10,712 $0 35.D Reimburse Legal Fees $0 $0 I $1,500 $0 35.E Tax Increment Deficiency (bldg sold) $0 $0 $19,Q63 $0 36, Transfers in (from line 21) $0 $0 $0 $0 37, Total Revenue and OFSs $1,]05,000 $0 $430,421 $42.622 Expenditures & Other Financing Uses (OFUs) 38. Land/building acquisition $200.000 I $0 $58,800 $0 39. Site improvements/preparation costs $100,000 $0 $122,200 $0 40. Installation of public utilities $200,000 $0 $0 $0 41, Public parking facilities $0 $0 $0 $0 42. Streets and sidewalks $0 I $0 $0 $0 Public park facilities $0 $0 $0 $0 44. Social, recreational or conference facilities $0 $0 $0 $0 45. Interest reduction payments $0 $0 $0 $0 46. Bond principal payments $0 $0 $0 $0 47. Bond interest payments $0 $0 $0 $0 48. Loan principal payments $0 $0 $130,221 $30,489 49. Loan/note interest payments $405,000 $0 $40,415-,-- $3,605 50. Administrative expenses $100,000 i $0 $14,582 1__ $0 51.A Other Public Improvements $100,000 $0 $0 . $0 52, Transfers out (from line 25) $0 $0 $0 $0 53. Total Ex enditures and OFUs $1,105,000 I $0 $366.218 $34.094 54. Revenues Over (Under) Ex enditures $0 i $0 $64.203 $8.528 55. Fund Balance - ]213112004 $64,203 56. Fund Balance - 12/3112005 $72, 73 I . T1F District Name: Tax Increment Financing District No. ]-23 2005 T1F District Report - Page 3 . . . BRA Agenda - 12/06/06 7. Consideration to review spread sheet of revenues and expenditures on Otter Creek Crossin!! Phase I and II and assess need to amend discount price of $1.00 per so ft. A. Reference and backl!round: As it approaching the end of the year, I thought a quick overview of the revenues and expenditures for Otter Creek Crossing Phase I and II should be reviewed by the HRA commissioners. Based on the supporting data, here are some questions: 1. Given the proposed increase in trunk fees, is there a need to increase the discount price of $1.00 per square foot? Ifwe sell land acreage over the amount of the discount price, the HRA is better off. 2. Given the amount of developable land versus non-developable land (due to ponding and power line easements), in the future does our negotiations per acre include non-development land? Example: Karlsburger purchased 2.124 acres of the 3.75 acres, the 1.626 is ponding easement maintained by the city. 3. Costs for boulevard trees and street lightning is not in project costs. 4. The city has not reimbursed the HRA for it's site for the lift station or the value of the A VR site. 5. I've requested year-end expenditures (infrastructure improvement invoices) charged to the TIF accounts and the HRA General Fund, as the HRA should approve as part of their monthly bills. 1 . . . o o <0 ~~ ~ '" W 0. o '" 0. o W z " o >- f- 13 >- '" <: o z => o <0 >- f- '" W 0. o '" 0. o o .. I;: o o z w C!) w --' , /1 " ,j / / ,/ /',1 ,/ ~' -' -~ ; " , "-l \ \ \ \ ~-~--.... ~<I' " ~, s" ",' , /]' , I ~ ~ , , , , _J -l~i I': : I I i 1~~ ~-r:;-!'l O'if'') I l:;. , I ~ n E ~ z m 5 '" u: t;; ~ ~ i ii ~I " :l~ '" if) '" w w"' f- <( Z 0 w Z () => if) 0 if) OJ !1i j':: iii '" => w OJ a. 00 ~ '" ~ a. W f- >! Z f- W Z '" o '" ::; 13 " 5 ~ z W Q m " w " " ~ " 8" ~ ~ii j~r U .;i ~ ~e Hi Ii il ,!I ~~I!l1 o ~ ~ w () ;:: z o ::; u. o j':: U r I j ~ . , , ~ " 3 i , , CHELSEA ROAD EXTENSION, SCHOOL BOULEVARD & NW LIFT STATION PROJECT FUNDING Tables were revised 10/25/06, and are based on R.L. Larson Pay Voucher dated 8/4/06 City of Monticello Project No 2005-011C; WSB 01338-13 ASSESSMENT HEARING CONSTRUCTION PROJECT COST/FUNDING SUMMARY Schedule A Schedule B Schedule C SuT"ta"ce- - - -1 ---- ----- Improvements Water Main Schedule D Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer Total 168.059.5 ......._}~8,059.5 5 500,20 31,592.00 2?, ?83 ... . ~'-'5jj,489.9' 16,419.31 39,887.05 ---------------------- 4,364.63 10,602.8 .........................- 265,916.01 1,565,320.8 --- ------------- 2JO,073.65 1.208,875.2 - - ------ - - -- ------------------ 55.842.36 32/.346.5 0.00 35,099. _62.,4_0~:? ... ....n u405~i2j:3 62,400.92 390.288.3 __ - u_ __________n (J.on 14.835.0 ............................. 31,277.\ 71,723.6 24,708.94 56,661.6 ({j6S-.20 ----- J5,06T~9 548,437,521 2,792,513. Pond Gra~.~~~ ........... ..... ................. .............. Lift Sta. & Force Main Che"fsea"Ro'a<j"' 79~_l!e..v~_{op~!...~!.f ._._..._...._....._............ ............................. u.,..__.2.J%<?!.2:..COSf _5} l,_?~~:?_?~_ 500,204.60 31,592.00: _2~,7~6:0J~ .. (iP1_u__ ..........-..-.... :=~g-~r--.--- 23,467.75 0.00; 0.00, -----6,"238.26 -- -------- -o~(jnr-- -O:-oot---- 59\,1\42j-'- 304,2490;+ ~'==~Q~4T.-55L~~ 79%I?~"l'_e~?E~~_c;,?~~ 46698024 21701698 31480438[ - - =~~-~ =-----='--- i ------~~------------ 2/_~c;.~ryc:.o.S,f I~"-c..!.!.i~_ J.!,~~806 ____~.!,682.0_j__ T/'ImkFunds 0001 29,54400 5,555.001 ~-=~~,~ =:~b~f~~~-~i . 2T%cJiYc:oS( 8,493.77 0,00, ---o.-07if 807,046.03; 403,552.701 1,033,477.601 R.L. Larson Construction C ....... ................ ......... ....... ... _ ........ .~J..~..~I?~!.!?r./?:t},:r.c:~.?.r...~'.!.c!.~C!:.~ CSAH 39 School Blvd. Street !Total TOTAL PROJECT COST/FUNDING SUMMARY 34,49 Foot i\lonticello Item Stri Of k Trunk Funds Total Agmt u 25% of lot at Sandberg Road $2,1 08. .................!.?.~.~.~l.. 2 . ............ .....~.~,~?~,?.:9.~: ............... ........ .. ...... .................~.2..?:.~.?.g:9... ...;;;';;t.'~~'.E~t~~mD~p~~...f;;~.'S.~.~:~;..~~d.~s-i.~;b-Strc'~t'" ...___._....__ ..._....~~.,ZL?.J.2. $381_45: $36,370.78 $11,021.64: $52.484_0 utlot A $] ,909.48 ...-.....m....m...$"TS.4.);"4t ............$"'i'4}.44..j'i': .....-..-..........$4~46-g-..i..7r. -'-$2"1":2"7"7':0" Ag;;;t .~~.. p';:e~" Rept' &'C';tY"E'x'p~'~'d;'t~'r~~"P~'i'~'~'to'X greerr;e~t'''''''' .-..---. ......-..--$~{384.:64r .......$"~i"j-6j).8t $4 ] ,57~9 ,i'f~r ................$.i"2';600:00["- :::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::-:~~~:;??:?;?:: Agmt _: Removal of Temporary Access ..- ................::::)?~~~E~9.r.~. ::::::':::::::'::::!):?T;?9.t..::::::::::::::::~:C?;:~~4'"?9.L::::::::::":':::.:~E~?_?;9.9L,.. ....._........... ~~.?.:9..~P:Q. 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Const -- Sanitary Lift Station and Force Main $53] ,796_6 $531,796.6 S'.?~.~~._~~::~~~??1..~.?.~!.:.::.~.~.1:~:... ... . .-... __..........__mm..m...m..._.... ..-... $390,288 ,30T ~::.:.::::::::~:(~~~~~:;~:~ .. .m.. ....~~~:?:;:!:3XE" Engineering -- City Inspector (1-1/2 hr@$68/hr) $0.74r ......... ...............$:ii.:"4it" $102,0 Engineering - Liesch & Associates" -. ................. .......... ................. ..::.::~:~:::..::::::.::::::::::::::... ............i(63i:j":O... .......". ........i(,63.9.0 ~~i~:~:~:~ir~i~~::\Y$ffi::p~~:~9~:~?::~:~:~:::~~::(~:~:i.~:~~:~?:~:~~::I~!.~~y::... . _. _~~~:J9..~.:.??_ $1 ,952,48t $1 86, 164_7 ._~.!._!.?_,?~_~.:?_~L:"" '$'"['2"(895-:3" $453,986.] House - Dumpster Renta] $66.81; ..........i5,'4i~ ...-..-.... .-...,-.. '-'"$'5"1'"5'.'93 $156,35: . . .. .. "i7"4'4":5"" HOl;S~.~~-.~1"i~~..p~~.f~.~~.;~~~i-s~~.i~~-~.-~~--Ra~k"'Hol~s~"'P~;~h" ...... ... . ........... .-. "-"'i!"3"j"_-071 t"iO-6'C' .......""" ......$.L6"i'2'..Tj $306.71: ........... ......~.l..~~.~g:.~. . HOllse -- Public Works La~~r for C].~.~nu1?... ........ ... .._.._.... .. $89j"4r' '--'"$"7."27['" ....u...~-...$692"..99 . ..... .... "$2"i"iioor'" $1,000.0 ~~~?~~.~e - ~.~.~~_~:~~~?.~s __ House Remova] ... _m ........... "'$'j"'33o. .. ....m.. ............."$"i".'()~l .. il'04'."23 ~..:::.::::-:::::.:~::::..:~.~T?:*L. ...-... ...... ..-..-...........$'j "'5.0~4.. ~.~?_~_~_:_.=..~~.~..~.~,~.P~.~.Y..,~~~~.~.~~.~.... ...._..m...:.::::.:~::::. .........-- . ....- $72,702 .. .~.~.'.~..~?:,.??i ....... .......$561 ,397 . ......~..~..?9..:,~.?~}..I.l ::::~::::':::':::::::: ::'::::":..:::~~:~::g:;:UL~:~. J-1ou~_~...~=..!3:~~.?~.~.~.i.~~...?~~~ c::~.~~~,. ...._..... ....... ...._... .....m.. . ..._. $1,203:9 $97 Al $9,289.50 $2,815 05! .._.. ...m..... ..... ...._.......... ... ,... .......~.!J~~g.?.:g ... House -- Sale of House J.~.~"~.'~,.??.. ..........;.S-:.36.j4/ (S3 ,464. Y4)i ...... .... .....; S.i....O.5;:~i"__0t).{ ..........m. ........... ....... ...... .... .. ......_\?~.~~.~_?:.?? House -~ Removal 1 Cleanup Costs $554_2 ............ ............$44....88: ....................$4:'279...ss1....................iij96_861 $6,]75,5 icgai..:~..Cit;:.A.it~;~.~y..:~..Ca~-pbeiTKn-~tsoil.. $587 _5 . ........ .. .... '"$4'7":S'8[""" ...... ......... '$4336'."991" .................$"["j7"4..'871 .......... ..... ............ ....... ... ...... ::'::':~~:;~~:?::g::' ~~~~!:::~~:Ei~~~~~~?~~:~~:~::t~~~::~~::~~~:(~~~:~~~i~~:::.... $12. $0.99: ....m ... ..........:: ':~J~~:.:?~r ....:_:_:::-:.:::::~::.:J~(:?~L:.. $136,0 legal +- Publications - Monticello Times $32.32 $2621 $249.53! $75.-~.~1 .--.......""._--.... ----'--"---$3"(j-O:-CJ' L~g~i..~~..~:ubTjcat"jon.~..:~.-Re-ed-...------.--........".......--. ........ . .......... .... "-'$38':7'9 ." $3. ] 4' ... ....$'299...5'6: $90 78: ............... ..._ ....... ....... .... ... ..... .......~~.??.:.~._ Admin -- Bond Costs $2ji6.46i' . .. ..........$""j.7""9...S.jr ...."............si-j) 46'''00:' ...............~fj..i.;039._68: $11,226_7 $4_1_,~.!.?:.? Adln-i.n~~~"C;ty.'Ad.];'i'~'.F~~~..(2;;;~..of"consi~';ct.io~-.c~~tsf.... m.. .......... .......$2"~96'5:92; ....S24iiiO!. ...........i22~'902"."36\ '$'j'{74S'_99!" "-"--""Il~{995-:S $55,850,2 Aa.mlil..~~'Cons""frnCCosEi""for..Pr-o:j(~c'CiFi'r.o'li'gFITOIjT7(jb..... - '$T5-;1J9Jrt. -....-.......-..$T,'2i4":1[1""" '-~-"'''$T:H;-S4t)".3i):'''' . . lrg-;L5'S361 ..............$79;5sr:r. . .... .. '$296')9'1:-0- I TOTAL~ 5284,680.40: $23,055.1(1, $2,180,753.93\ Sl,174,961.6t $979,128.211 $4.642,579.2::1 Additional Rask Property Purchase $131,]55_00 $207,202_50 $338,357,50 Total Assessment 5284,680.40 $23,055.10 $2,311,908.93 Sl,382,164.11 $979,128.21 . K:\01338-13\Quantity\Final\Revised102306Cost Breakdown Post Construction FINAL ASSMT_xls ... WSB Infrastructure. Engineering _ Planning. Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763541-4600 Fax: 763541-1700 e'A,,,"c'a,,, 1",'. Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Jeff 0 'Neill, City Administrator Bruce Westby, City Engineer City of Monticello From: Bret A. Weiss, PE Date: November 22, 2006 Re: Trunk Fee Modifications for 2007 City of Monticello Project No. 2005-09C WSB Project No. 1494-05 e In consideration of the proposed fee schedule changes for 2007 and in light ofthe reduction in residential housing, we have evaluated the status of the sanitary sewer and water main trunk funds. The current assumptions for residential growth and the revised projections for use in the calculation are as follows: Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 - 2015 2016 - 2035 Current 300 units/yr. 300 units/yr. 300 units/yr. 300 units/yr. 380 units/yr. Proposed 80 units/yr. 150 units/yr. 225 units/yr. No change No change While we do not know what will happen with the residential market, it is not likely to return to the anticipated 300 units/yr. quickly. We did not modify the commercial and industrial expectations, but we do expect that our current assumptions are low based on 2006 and the possibility of upcoming projects. In addition to the revenue modifications, we have also made some changes to the expectation of when projects will be completed and costs incurred. e C\Documents and Settings\dawn,grossinger\Local SettingslTemporary Internet Flle:s\OLK3\MEMO-HMCC-1 12206 doc 49 Memorandum to Honorable Mayor, City Council, leffO'Neill, and Bruce Westby November 22, 2006 Page 2 ofl e We have evaluated the following scenarios: 1. Adjust Fees and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) This scenario is based on a CIP that is adjusted to account for the shared growth by moving some major improvements to a later date. With this scenario, the sanitary sewer and waste water treatment plan funds do not cash flow. A remedy for this would be to increase the SAC by eight percent and delay the SAC transfer to the WWTP fund a few more years or do a combination of increasing the trunk fee by ten percent and the SAC by six percent. 2. Assume Increase In CommerciaI/Industrial Development in 2007 This scenario assumes that there will be increased revenues in 2007 due to some projects that are moving forward and also includes the CIP adjustments. With this scenario, the trunk fee increase could be reduced to eight percent with a similar SAC mcrease. While this information needs some additional study, it appears that the following increases may be necessary: S \_' "1"_ Q'83~VJ \."1:, ''0> \ YJ:J ' 19 ~ "J, We will make a more formal recommendation prior to the first meeting in January Please ? contact me at 763-287-7190 if you have any questions. Storm Water 4% or $3,245/net acre c,~~~-..... $7,277/acre commercial Ponding<l:, ,\,:\\0 4% or $8,503/acre industrial $3,630/acre residential Water M\i% 0 4% or $907/residential unit ')., $2,267/acre non-residential Sanitary Sewer 8% or $1,223/residential unit $3,056/acre non-residential SAC 6% or $4,030/unit ':7 <(, '7'-' \ . f"\ " '). ?- SV 13.0 /~-I (\ ~ '?- "'l(7-cP 'f\'?' e .c::.';::;"""=- ~ sm e C\Documents and Settings\dawngro!lSinger\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK3\MEMO-HMCC-1 12206 doc 50 CITY OF MONITCELLO . C4D - OTTER CREEK, LLC 12/22/2004 . ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL: $ 2,185,221.97 INTEREST RATE: 6% PRINCIPAL PAYMENT BALANCE ~. PAYMENTS: PRINCIPAL INTEREST AMOUNT: REMAINING: 12/2005 $ 100,000.00 $ 131,113.32 $ 231,113.32 $ 2,085,221.97 8/23/2006 $ 1,220,929.36 $ 48,970.97 $ 1,269,900.33 $ 864,292.61 /' 12/2006 $ 100,000.00 $ 51,857.56 $ 151,857.56 $ 764,292.61 12/2007 $ 100,000.00 $ 45,857.56 $ 145,857.56 $ 664,292.61 12/2008 $ 100,000.00 $ 39,857.56 $ 139,857.56 $ 564,292.61 12/2009 $ 564,292.61 $ 33,857.56 $ 598,150.17 $ - * Interest Is calculated assuming 365 days (December 22). . ~<\\.J-\ ~ ,}. .s- \0\ 0-.-\ \,\,S~, <6~~, \..9 \Z tJ ,. - ~ ~ ~ '). \ S ':J C\ . 5 ~ \ . OtterCreek C4D Payment Schedule.xls ... ... " ~ ... ... - I~ 11 ~I J ~ ~ -.3 ("' be 0' o oj'" ___ 00 r- '" ~ 0 0,0, 0'" r- 0, "" "" ,~ ~ ~ ... E-- E-- tl ";j (],) <<I U ~ as ..3 ii5 C. O\Ol.n\O~..q- ("f'1r-\OI,O\,OO'\ 0"......;""""; ~ "........ r-...."T"'O....tr)"'~ _ t-C'lOO("f")~_ _ _ r- ~ ~ f:: E-- E-- " " ... ~ u ~ s ..3 ii5 C. ONO~ \O('"I")lr)~ r-"l~ ~ o .. 0 lfl O\-O~ :!N-M - ~&7~~~~~&7-Gl'7E1:l- N. 0 8 0)0 o 0, 0 N_8 """,,0, @) @) NO ~("f")~ r-oo ~OO .........000 N-O """"0 @) @) 00 '" ~- - "" ~ ~ @) ~ N 0,0 - - ~ "" ~ '" @) <') - - N ~ - "" 00 00 00 <') '" r-o ~N "" "" ~~ ;:CQ 0'<1" 00 _ o 0, M~ '" <') "" "" <') o - - - "" ~1i ;:c~ N'" r-<') <') "'0 .,o- N "" "" ~ > -< <') o <') ",0 <') - "" 00 "'" ;;J: " '" 00 00 - r- 0 r- No 00 '" - NO '" 00 '" ",0 00 <') - "'- a <') - M '" - - "" "" "" "" - - ~ ] + o '=< r- <') o ~o '" '" "" 11 ~tfI /~ ..JCl IP" .- ..... ..J ;:r o o '<I" o <') .f '" N "" . . . HRA Agenda - 12/06/06 8. Consideration to resDond to nel;!:otiations bv Steve Conrov. A. Reference and back!!round: First, for your information, Mr. Conroy re-submitted a revised October invoice at an hourly rate of$150 per hour which totaled $720, a reduction from the $912. This new invoice was authorized for payment on November 6. Secondly, I've attached copies of the letters prepared by Conroy outlining the HRA's counter- offer of November 1. Two emails were received from Conroy which were forwarded to the HRA commissioners. One question from Conroy to the HRA relative to the Froslie property: Would the HRA consider potentially a larger holdover period in exchange for a lesser price? Also attached is the original offer and sq ft ofland. Discuss for follow-up. I .616 ~~~~OY LAW OFFICE, Lt~~ CLIENT NAME: HRA r?J . c/o Ollie Koropchak ()~ \ "'-0 tJ D City of Monticello , 505 Walnut Street \ \.- v - Q.~/ Monticello, MN 55362 G . . f/l _' ':J ,of. L__) ,/ ADDRESS: BILLING PERIOD: October -06 DATE 10/2/2006 ACTIVITY Call from Kris Schwickerath 10/3/2006 Meet with Kris Schwickerath; Review legal descriptions 10/9/2006 Review documents; Call Froslie, Springborg; Calculate values 10/10/2006 Meet with Springborg; Call from Springborg; Meet with Froslies 10/11/2006 Correspondence to Dan and Ollie 10/12/2006 Correspondence to Froslie and Springborg; Correspondence from Ollie, Dan 10/23/2006 Correspondence from Springborg. to Ollie 10/24/2006 Call Froslie; Correspondence to Ollie TOTAL HOURS: 4.8 4.8 Hours times $150.00 per hour = $ 720.00 Amount owed from September Billing: $ 0.00 Less retainer (if applicable): $ 0.00 Payment received: $ $ Miscellaneous: $ 0.00 Interest $ 000 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $ 720.00 Please remit payment by November 12, 2006. Make check or money order payable to "Stephen R. Conroy, Attorney" and remit to P.O. Box 999, Monticello, MN 55362 PLEASE CHARGE MY VISA OR MASTERCARD ACCOUNT ACCOUNT # EXPIRATION DATE PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE l\'(1 ,'; -;Z:7~) " -j 261 East Broadway P.O. Box 999 Monticello. MN 55362 (763) 295~6667 Telephone (763) 295-6666 Fax Email: conrnylaw@td.<;.nc! HOURS 0.2 0.6 0.8 1.6 0.5 0.5 0.2 04 . . . Ollie Koropchak ':rom: Jent: To: Subject: conroylaw d .net ---~ Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:01 AM ) Ollie Koropc ;-dfrfe@wFi~MtaMerbori1erealty.com HRA Dear Ollie, Dan: Just a brief update. I had meetings with Biff Springborg, and Kathy and Michael Froslie on Monday. I did not give them a price that HRA was willing to offer. Instead I discussed in more general terms how HRA would calculate its offer (i.e. the highest value of commercial land recently sold in Monticello or, perhaps, a bit more. I did not specifically mention 15%). Biff is interested in selling. He said that he had recently listed the property for sale for $275,000. No serious offers yet. Kathy was pretty adamant that their building was worth a substantial sum. We discussed that, from the HK~'S viewpoint, the building is actually a detriment to future redevelopment. I told both Bif: and Froslies that I would get back to them by the end of this week with my calculations of the values based upon the highest sale price of other commercial land. Per information received from Kris Schwickerath, this value is $13.31 square foot. Calculating the values of the respective properties would yield the following results: Springborg 5,014 sq.ft. x $13.31 Froslie 18,730.8 sq. ft. x $13.31 --------- --------- ----------- ----------- .,,66,736.34 x 1.15 $249,306.94 x 1.15 ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- $76,746.79 $286,702.98 Again, I would like to contact the parties by the end of this week, if possible, with somE hard figures. Before doing do so, I would like some feedback from you. Sincerely, Stephen R. Conroy 1 616 :~~~OY LAW OFFICE, Ltd. . ........ Attorney at Law 261 East Broadway P.O. Box 999 Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-6667 Telephone (763) 295-6666 Fax Email: conroylaw@(ds.net November 3, 2006 Michael and Kathleen Froslie 204 Lake Drive Big Stone City, SD 57216 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Froslie: The HRA met on November 1,2006 and discussed the possible purchase of your property. I thought that it would be best to communicate the HRA's position to you in writing to make sure that there is no miscommunication. . As you know, the HRA is basing its valuation on vacant land commercial property recently sold in Monticello_ According to figures provided to me, the highest recent sale was $13.31 per square foot. It is understandable that you would want to value your property higher, because you have a building on it. The HRA is willing to increase its valuation of your property to $17.50 per square foot. According to my calculations, the sale price would then be $327,789.00. In addition, the HRA indicated some flexibility regarding terms (i.e. you may be able to occupy the property for some time). They would also consider any other proposals that you may have. Just a reminder, if an agreement can be reached for the purchase of your property, it is contingent upon an agreement to purchase the adjoining Springborg property. I would appreciate your response to the above. Sincerely, ~ Stephen R. Conroy SRClbv Cc: HRA . .1l6 ~~~OY LAW OFFICE, Ltd. 261 East Broadway P.O. Box 999 Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-6667 Telephone (763) 295-6666 Fax Email: conroylaw@tds.net November 3, 2006 Biff Springborg P.O. Box 892 ~onticello,~ 55362 Dear~. Springborg: The BRA met on November 1, 2006 and discussed the possible purchase of your property. I thought that it would be best to communicate the BRA's position to you in writing to make sure that there is no miscommunication. . As you know, the BRA is basing its valuation on vacant land commercial property recently sold in ~onticello. According to figures provided to me, the highest recent sale was $13.31 per square foot. It is understandable that you would want to value your property higher, because you have a building on it. Sincerely, The BRA is willing to increase its valuation of your property to $17.50 per square foot. According to my calculations, the sale price would then be $87,745.00. In addition, the BRA indicated some flexibility regarding terms (i.e. you may be able to occupy the property for some time). They would also consider any other proposals that you may have. Just a reminder, if an agreement can be reached for the purchase of your property, it is contingent upon an agreement to purchase the adjoining Froslie property. I would appreciate your response to the above. S~y SRClbv Cc: BRA+ . Ollie Koropchak ~om: nt: 0: Cc: Subject: conroylaw@tds.net Wednesday, November 08,200612:30 PM Ollie Koropchak dfrie@wrightsherburnerealty.com HRA Dan, Ollie: I received correspondence from Kathleen and Michael Froslie. They really did not give me a counter-offer. Rather, they reiterated their offer of $500,000 plus occupancy of the building through Spring 2009. I know that the timeline for future development on that site is uncertain. Would HRA consider potentially a larger holdover period in exchange for a lesser price? Apparently Froslies are estimating the value of rent at approximately $100,000 per year. Thus, the longer the holdover period, the less the cost. Sincerely, Stephen R. Conroy . . 1 Ollie Koropchak ~om: nt: 0: Cc: Subject: conroylaw@tds.net Monday, November 20, 20067:58 AM Ollie Koropchak dfrie@wrightsherburnerealty.com Kathy Froslie Dear Ollie, Dan: I received a phone call from Kathy Froslie inquiring as to the status of the potential sale of her property. I told her that I thought that the HRA met monthly, so I did not expect to hear anything for a couple weeks~ I shared with her the idea that the HRA could purchase the property now and then allow her to operate her business for an extended (undetermined) length of time. The longer she occupied the premises, the lower the price. She was receptive to this idea. I cautioned her that this was my idea; that the HRA did not authorize such a proposal and, at this point, had not even considered it. Ms. Froslie further stated that she had intended on operating the business for another ten years out of that location and the outstanding mortgage on the premises was approximately $400,000.00. I have not heard anything further from Biff Springborg. Sincerely F 4IIlePhen R. Conroy . 1 . . . HRA Agenda - 12/06/06 9. Consideration to discuss and act on second reauest from Walker In-store. A. Reference and backeround: I received a telephone call from Mr. Brian Walker on Friday. I called him to ask if they had decided to move forward on the HRA's last offer given I'd received a call from their architect relative to questions for development ofthe designated site. I had also emailed Brian that Dalton Court road was completed and the proposed site graded and invited him or he and myself to drive the designated site. Over the weekend I received the attached information and a request for the HRA to re- consider. Per the site lay-out, the building size is 10,240 sq ft. The required building size for a $1.00 discount is 10,890 sq ft. Lot 2, Block 1, Otter Creek 3'd Addition was a platted lot and 1.55 acres and the HRA offered it to Walker because of their request for a $1.00 per sq ft for 1.5 acres. Per the HRA, each of the four criteria (jobs, wage levels, land to building ratio and building market value) must be met in order a business to qualify for the $1.00 price reduction. I did invite Mr. Walker to the HRA meeting. Wednesdays, he has a conflict. I Current Proposal for Walker In-Store Page I of 1 . Ollie Koropchak From: B Walker [bwalker@walker-instare.cam] Sent: Saturday, December 02,20068:15 PM To: Ollie Karopchak Cc: Diane Walker Subject: Current Proposal for Walker In-Store Attachments: WALKER IN-STORE-SITE[1].PDF; WALKER-FRONT[1].PDF; WALKER-SIDE AND REAR [1J.PDF Ollie: Confirming our conversation Friday, after careful review and consideration, we have decided to not accept the HRA's current offer for land. This review included finalizing the attached site plan and elevations, before concluding the proposed lot's proximity to the concrete ready mix plant would be problematic to our business and limit potential future marketability. Although we will not be able to accept the current offer as stated for this lot, we would still be interested in finding a comp:::itihlA ~itA within your park that met both the HRA's and Walker In-Store's objectives. We would look favorably upon a revised proposal that would allow for our investment to grow with our business, and believe that a compromise between our objectives would allow our firm to act rapidly and consummate land purchase and schedule construction for early 2007. Please share our interests during your December meetings, and know we will . be interested to leam next week if you and the HRA will be preparing an alternative proposal. Thanks, Brian bwalker@waiker-instore.com Walker In Store 763-497-8600 763-497-3232 Fax 800-892-0348 Free 763-238-9376 Mobile This message is intended only for the listed recipients. All information contained Is strictly confidential. All included information is copyright @Walker In-Store, 2006. If you receive this message in error, please erase its content and notify the sender. Thank you for your assistance. . 12/4/2006 ~~> ~h\ ' ~\ \'\ 1\ "- '-- '--~ ~ \ \ " I1I1 \ \ " ~ ~ ~ '-- ~ ~ -. 24.'-0. () -<1( /- 01,.- ~ ('0 </1> /- RETAINING WALL ~ DRAINAGE AND UTIUTY EASEMENT VERIFY EXACT LOCATION Yi1TH SURVEY '" ( J f I /' \ \ \ 111\ \ ill. SITE DATA ZONING"" 1-1A AREA - 253,652 S.F. - 5-62 ACRES BUILDING <: 10.240 GROSS S.F, "'40" OFFICE (4,096 S.F.) "'60" WAREHOUSE (6.144 S.F.) PARKING DATA OFFlCE - 4096 GROSS S.F. LESS 10% "" 3.686 NET S,F. . 3,686 S.F. AT 3 + 1/200 => 21 STALLS WAREHOUSE - 6144 S.F. LESS 10% '" 5,530 NET S.F. . 5.530 s.F. AT B + 1/500 - 19 STALLS 40 5T ALLS REQUIRED 40 STALLS PROVIDED /' . . . . . . z o F :; ~ W 1-- ~. w f!'~ :0 o lIJ "':1 z o F ;;; W ...J W 1-- lIJ. ~ ~i ":1 . o o '" i: '" w a. IE a. o w z ;;; o >- Co U >- '" << o z :> o '" i: '" w a. o '" a. ~~ ~ t;: o o Z ill (9 ill -' . ". ~.;.-<<'" ~..' '" ,,// ,/,,/ /1 ///" / //" / / ,/'/ . j -l~ i 10: : I I i :~-fi::t;=:,~~~itc; ---_:. ~ I ~~ - ,,~ ~ ___ :__mj!____--'~: : / / - I ././ _"t__________.L'_.L_ w_ c" ." ." >' <" 1q) ~\f I . I I ~ ~ E o z ~ o '" u:: " ~ i ~ ~ 0' " ~5 if) ffi !!! ~ ~ w 0 o z 0 if)::l -J (/) 0 uJ w'" 0 ~ r: i= if) '" Z ::l W 0 '" lL :;> 00 LL -J '" 0 Lct 0.. >- o Co Co i= a:i (] z '" 0", :;> ::l o ~ w o ~ w . w . o 5 . P' 1] ~ ~ ~ ~ .'jz] ~~ -f:!'-, l.... .tl ,! l! 'I H~ ~ H /. 11 J ....~ ;I~ ~Ji . ' l' . J ~ . ! , . ~ ~ I , . . . , rt~ ~GO\0 2006 CITY OF MONTICELLO OTTER CREEK BUSINESS CAMPUS PREFERRED PACKAGE SUGGESTION PREFERRED PRICE - $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT UP-FRONT (CASH) NO 2005 IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS, NO TRUNK FEES ********* PREFERRED MEASURES Jobs per acre: 8 full-time equivalent jobs/acre (5,445 per sq ft per job) 11 Full Time 1.375 acres or 59,895 sq ft. Average hourly wage: At least $16.00 ph excluding benefits Total average $18.81 ph w/o benefits Total average annual wages $430,560 Land to building ratio: ] acre: 25% building (43,560 sq ft; 10,890 sq ft) 1.37 acres at least of 14,973 sq ft building Proposed 10,000 sq ft New assessed value: $435,600 per acre $596,772 based on 1.37 acres Minimum size lot 2.5 acres 1.37 acres Building Market value per sq ft: At least $50 per sq ft. $500,000 WALKER IN-STORE - 09/05/06 COMPLIANCE: l 0,000 sq ft building qualifies for .918 acres at preferred price (10,000 divided by 10,890.) Building market value at least $500,000 ($50 x 10,000). New assessed value at $596,772. Create at least II full-time jobs (II X 5,445 per sq ft) equals 1.37 acres at a total average wage levels of $18.81 excluding benefits. 1.37 acres or 59,895 sq ft @ $1.00 Additional or max land 69,000 sq ft (9,105 X $3.00) Trunk additional ($.3027 X 9,105) TOTAL 1.58 ACRES OR 69,000 SQ FT Your Investment $59,895 $27,315 $ 2,756 $89,966 Market Value $207,000 $ 20,834 $227,834 MONTICELLO "INVEST IN A CITY WITH A FUTURE" lVIO"iTICELLO, MINNESOTA INTERST ATE 94 ACCESS - OTTER CREEK CROSSING September 8, 2006 PREPARED FOR: Brian Walker Walker In-Store 6551 Jansen Avenue NE, Suite 208 Albertville, MN 55301 Assumptions: At least 11 full-time permanent jobs at an average hourly wage of at least $18.81 per hour without benefits within two years. Construction of at least a 10,000 sq. ft. production/office building at a minimum assessed value of $50 per square foot or $500,000. Execution of Preliminary Development Agreement and $10,000 non-refundable deposit. Execution of Purchase and Private Development Contact with earnest money. . Value: - Approximately I.55 acre developable site platted (Lot 2, Block 1, Otter Creek Third Addition) - 1-94 location with direct access via Trunk Highway 25 and Chelsea Road West. - Nine-ton all-weather road constructed to 44 foot width curb to curb (Chelsea Road West and School Blvd.) - Eight-inch water and sanitary sewer service lines extended to adjacent lots approximately every 400 feet. - Storm sewer stub inlet pipes to undeveloped property. - Eight-foot wide bituminous pathway along south side of Chelsea Road and east side of Dalton A venue. - NO assessments. - NO water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer trunk fees. - Recorded Declaration of Covenants to protect your investment. - Market Price, $3.00 per square foot. PROPOSAL: $1.00 per square foot or $67,518 for 1.55 acre developable lot (Lot 2, Block 1, Otter Cl-eek Third Addition total acres is 5.82 acres includes power line and pond easement.) Dalton Court scheduled for completion November 2006. If another 1.5 acre site is desired, the selling price is at market value. Three dollars per sq ft or $196,020 plus trunk fees of $19,778. Subject to approvals . Monticello City Hall, 50S Walllut Street, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362,8831 . (763) 295,27] I . Fax (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Work" 909 GolfCollrse Rd., MOllticello, MN 55362. (763) 295,3170' Fax (763) 271,3272 . . . and review by Kennedy & Graven. Proposal good through December 31, 2006. Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director 763-271-3208 ollie.ko ropch ak(ci)ci.monticeIIo.mn.us November 3. 2006 c"'> 00 -_/ ~ ",'. ./ Z " if' .:' ~/ ~,~' ~y,/ Mr. Brian Walker \Va]ker~In Store 6551 Jansen Avenue NE, Suite 208 Albertville, IvIN 55301 Re: Monticello Business Center Proposal Dear Brian: The commissioners of tile Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) met November l, 2006, and reviewed your October 25th response to their proposal of September 8, 2006: . PROPOSAL: $1.00 per square fOOL or $67,518 for 1.55 acre developable lot (Lot 2, Block I, Otter Creek Third Addition.) The total lot acreage is 5.82 acres which includes power line and pond easement. Dalton Court scheduled for completion November 2006. rf another 1.5 acre site is desired, the selling price is at market value $3.00 per sq. ft. or $196,020 plus trunk fees of $19, 778. Subject to approvals and review by Kennedy & Graven. Proposal good through December 31, 2006. The September proposal of site specific was in response to your fax of August 31, 2006: Please note our interest for 1.5 acres at discounted rate will be key to making the project a "go" for our finn. As the proposed project did not meet the reduced rate criteria, the BRA offereel the 1.55 acre developable site desclibed as Lot 2, Block I, Otter Creek Third Addition, to accommodate your interest. Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street. Suite I. Monticello. MN 55362-8R31 . (763) 295-2711' Fax (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf COllrse Rd., Monticello. MN 55362' (763) 295-3170' Fax (763) 271-3272 On November P\ the commissioners made a motion re-affirming their September 8, 2006 proposal. Please be assured the City of l'vlomicello v,lQuld like to \vork with \Valker-In Store; however, the commissioners recognize there must be a consistency among proposals. Should you wish to discuss this further, please give me a call at 763-271-3208. Sincerely, HOUSING AND REDEVFLOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ~~ ~{\t9~~ Ollie Koropchak Executive Director . c: BRA File . . . 10. HRA Agenda - 12/06/06 Consideration to authorize oavment of HRA bills. Recommendation is to authorize payment. I have requested copies of invoices associated with the infrastructure improvement costs for both the interchange and Otter Creek LLC, as tax increment revenues are being used to retire the bond or pay assessments. 1 . . . Ehlers & Associates, Inc. Leaders in Public Finance Financial Advisory Services Invoice City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 Project: General Date Worked lh'.. Description of Services 10-31-2006 MTR Prepare abatement presentation NDIf 1 1\ 2006 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 (651) 697-8500 Invoice #: Invoice Date: 333802 November 13, 2006 Hours Amount 1.00 150.00 . 1.00 $150.00 ~mount_~ue _Thi~.lnvoice $150.00 i ,____________--.- __ ___J ~ \\-/-\-0\0 "-'--"'._--~""~-"--' 1 ,I;' - -Tn \:;A.Y? R,,-" o/I,~ . " . ._-~\ ":2.,,,qq ').\:,,~\.'7;;,o' Hp/i 'j L~ (Detach at perforation and return lower portion to Ehlers & Associates, Inc.) City of Monticello Invoice #: Invoice Date: 333802 November 13, 2006 IH;...:_n - ~ount Due This Invoice ,-- .---.------- i Please remit payment to: Ehlers & Associates, Inc. I Attn: Accounts Receivable , 3060 Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113 $150.0.!lj Due Upon Receipt i , , .1 16 ~~~"~OY LAW OFFICE, Ltd. "" ') ~ .-i... A<tomev at Law 0 L\ ~ S , CLIENT NAME: HRA ''J- \ . '0 D "-i 0 c/o Ollie Koropchak City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 . . C 2:O0;? ~ $ 720.00 $ 0.00 $ $ $ 0.00 $ 3.60 $ 933.60 ADDRESS: BilLING PERIOD: \d-_L\~O\9 ~ November-06 DATE 11/2/2006 ACTIVITY Call K. Froslie; Call Ollie 11/3/2006 Correspondence to Froslie, Springborg 11/8/2006 Correspondence from Froslie; Correspondence to client 11/16/2006 Call from Froslie; Correspondence to client TOTAL HOURS: 1A M Hours times $150.00 per hour = Amount owed from October Billing: less retainer (if applicable): Payment received: Miscellaneous: Interest TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: Please remit payment by December 12, 2006. Make check or money order payable to "Stephen R. Conroy, Attorney" and remit to P.O. Box 999, Monticello, MN 55362 PLEASE CHARGE MY VISA OR MASTERCARD ACCOUNT ACCOUNT # EXPIRATION DATE PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE 261 East Broadway P.O. Box 999 Monticello. MN 55362 (63) 295-6667 Teleph(lne (763) 295-6666 Fax Email: conroylaw@tds.net HOURS 0.3 0.4 0.3 OA . . . BRA Agenda - 12/06/06 11. Reports: A. Economic Development Report bv Koropchak. Leads: * Arch Aluminum & Glass - Attached is the most recent emaiI from Mike Rapp. It appears the company is concentrating on retrofitting a lease able facility. My understanding is the facility is in Rogers. Internally, the company has determined it may be difficult to buy and own due to the investment size in relation to their size of market share they can obtain. * 10,000 sq ft building - The company's architect, I believe is working on design elevations for the designated site, as the architect has called for setback, etc information. At this point, the company has not given the OK to move forward for HRA's preliminary approval in December. BRA AGENDA. * 25,000 sq ft retail/office/call center/warehouse - I've requested to visit this company in Albertville. In an industrial zone, a CUP is required for retail space and limited to 15% of the floor space. The company meets the $ I .00 per sq ft criteria and covenants; however, a clearer definition of the call center is necessary as an economic TIF District does not allow for telemarketing which in turns means our offer would be $3.00 plus trunk fees. Graduated from Monticello High School. (An example where Tax Abatement could be used.) * Billboard - Received voice-mail requesting more information about $ I .00 offer seen on billboard. Mailed info to Plymouth address 1 I -14-06, I not heard a response or follow-up. Left no phone and can't find name in phone book. * Local contractor/developer - Inquired about criteria for $1.00 on behalf of their client on November 28. Reliable source. * Mpls contractorlbuilder - Inquired about criteria for $1.00 on behalf of client. November 22. * Heavy construction firm - See attached email and response. 7-10 acres * Ecological Restoration Contractor - Initial inquiry August 2006. Follow-up November 27. Request low-key. According to planner consultant, the required zoning is 1-2. Outdoor storage required. Left message November 29 - list of private owners ofI-2 land. Approximately 3 acres. Under construction: * Karlsburger Foods - The floors are poured and the windows installed so internal work will continue over the winter. Completion expected by March. The curb and hard surface is in and they planted some of the trees. I talked with Mike and noted the number of evergreens along the ponding area. Looks great, he said their contractor went over and beyond. * A VR - The land was conveyed from the city to A VR on November 10. Building permit issued and construction underway. *Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition - The plat was recorded prior to conveyance and the utilities are in along Dalton A venue to southerly property line, Dalton Court, and about 400 ft of Dalton Way. Curb and hard surface (I st layer) completed along Dalton Court. General grading and seeding of the entire remaining available 64 acres less roadway will soon be 1 . HRA Agenda - 12/06/06 . completed. The improvements and graded area is great for marketing. Like the gentlemen from Arch said "Your job isn't very easy, if you don't have a finished product to market." Drive by and see the improvements, it no longer looks like a gravel or mined pit. * Completed * Precision Technologies - I'm working with Jim Harwood for a date to tour their new facility along Dundas Road. They completed their relocation from Dayton about a month ago. * Washburn Computer Group - Permit for retrofit issued. Company plans to start moving first part of December. HRA- *Transformation Home Loan Application for 501 West Broadway approved by HRA, did not meet the MN Statutes definition of "substandard" per the inspection by the Chief Building Official on November 9th. The applicant was informed that the HRA was unable to assist. * Transformation Home Loan for 511 Elm Street. On November 17, the building inspection made a final inspection and about five items remain incomplete. I explained to the owner that I'll authorize the title company to disburse the remaining $6,000 ofthe approved $20,000 loan upon completion of the items. As of November 29, per the building inspector the items remain incomplete. The HRA has a recorded mortgage. * Fiber Optics Task Force - The task force continues in a positive direction, looking forward to Council direction on December 11. The telephone survey presented positive numbers of interest and yesterday, we were enlightened with a presentation on a new technology for installation of fiber in trunk lines. * Cedar Falls, Iowa - I called my counter-part in Iowa after going to their web site and seeing their video. I received a list ofthe businesses including building size and number of jobs attracted by Cedar Falls. I have a map of their 750-acre city-owned industrial and technology park and inquired as to their incentives offered in addition to the availability of fiber optics. Their council just approved acquisition of another 200 acres. I've also obtained a map of the Brooklyn Park business park. This is useful information as the city (assuming) moves forward with fiber optics and the need to identify an area for digital technology businesses. Many times technology businesses are service in nature (smaller in building size and higher in wages) and do not fit the MN Statutes for establishment economic TIF District: manufacturing, warehouse or distribution. * Rep. Bruce Anderson - At a presentation of State of the Cities for southerly and westerly Wright County cities, I asked Rep. Anderson ifhe was aware of how the application for Bioscience Zone designation by DEED was marketed. He, too, was unaware that it expanded beyond Mpls/St. Paul, and Rochester. He said he'd check and get back to me. According to the article 42 cities applied. * Comprehensive Plan Update - The last neighborhood meeting was held on November 15 and was well attended. One ofthe two focuses was industrial development. I'm looking forward to reading the industrial summary of comments as prepared by Hoisington. The verbal . 2 . BRA Agenda - 12/06/06 . comments made supported the current goals of the HRA criteria: Job creation with higher paying wages and greater value of building density to land. Hoisington is preparing a letter for task force members and I believe they plan to begin meeting in mid-December. * Marketing Committee - They are meeting December 1. Report at HRA meeting. The Monticello Business Center concept map photo in now on the MNPRO site listing. The concept map and manufacturer's directory was also updated on our web site: www.monticelloland.com * HRA will be requested to decertifY two TIP Districts at their December meeting and they continue negotiations on two downtown properties. They will review a spreadsheet for Otter Creek Crossing comparing original estimated land and improvement costs, current land acquisition and improvement expenditures, and revenues on land sales and projected TIP revenues. Lastly, the HRA will need to review the discount price of $1.00 as our expenditures will be increasing with the proposed increase in trunk fees. The $1.00 price includes no assessment and no trunk fees. BRA AGENDA. * EDA GMEF Loan No. 023 - I need to follow-up with the title company again to see if the EDA mortgage has been recorded. The EDA approved a machinery & equipment loan for Karlsburger. We have not closed on the loan nor disbursed the dollars as waiting for serial numbers for the M&E. * For your information - Angela Schumann and her husband are proud parents of a baby girl, Tara, born November 29, weighing in at 8 pounds, 9 ounces. Angela was here until 2:30 and delivered at 5:00 p.m. Congratulations to the family. All is doing well. Angela returns to work February 28. * Tax Increment debt retirement schedules now converted to spreadsheets. . 3