Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes 05-25-2017PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I MAY 25, 2017 MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING THURSDAY MAY 25, 2017 - 9:15 A.M. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining City parks with a high standard of quality. " Members Present: Larry Nolan, Nancy McCaffrey, Jack Gregor, Bill Fair, Brian Stoll, Tim Stalpes Members Absent: None Staff Present: Tom Pawelk, Beth Green, Ann Mosack, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve Minutes of Regular Parks Commission Meeting March 23, 2017. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 23, 2017 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY TIM STALPES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. Spring Park Tour. B. Craft Fair Request. TIM STALPES MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDED ITEMS. MOTION SECONDED BY JACK GREGOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 4. Citizens requests and comments. Larry Nolan wanted to thank the Parks Department for helping the East Bridge Gardeners. Pawelk said they plan to have a staff member there each Monday to help out with the gardens. If there are areas that the gardeners need help, please let Pawelk know by sending him an email. Page 1 of 5 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I MAY 25, 2017 5. Introduction, interview and motion to approve Karen Vetsch, an applicant for the Parks & Recreation Commission. Karen Vetsch introduced herself to the Commission. She is a former member of the MCC Advisory Board. Vestch said she serves on the Curriculum Advisory Committee for the school. She has five children and was a childcare director at a center for 12 years. She has coached many sports and was a cheer coach for the high school for three years, and she also ref's basketball. Vetsch is just completing her bachelor's in Human Services and is doing her internship in Rogers at their food shelf. When the MCC board dissolved, she decided to join the Parks & Recreation Commission. Vetsch said she also helps out with Chamber events and she is the Little Mountain PTO volunteer coordinator. BRIAN STOLL MOVED TO RECOMMEND KAREN VETSCH TO THE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION FOR A TWO-YEAR TERM. MOTION SECONDED BY NANCY MCCAFFREY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 6. Motion to recommend approval for Downtown Small area Study. Angela Schumann reviewed a power point presentation of the Downtown Small Area Study with the Commission. Schumann explained that the 1997 plan was the foundation for a lot of the redevelopment along Walnut Street and a great foundation for the community. In 2010, that was updated to the "Embracing Downtown Plan" which was really broad. That plan focused on more of a suburban model of development for downtown, counting on very large investments by the city and its partners to create what would be more of a suburban style development. It really didn't touch as much on the character and history of downtown Monticello. What we have been seeing since then is property owners reinvesting in their businesses. We are seeing some changes that made the 2010 plan not as implementable. Schumann noted that they determined the need to take a second look at the core downtown and rethink that model. The EDA is interested in reinvestment in downtown so they hired a firm to develop a new look at the core area of downtown focusing on the blocks around Walnut, Pine, Cedar, Broadway and River. The small area study focuses on a much smaller scale with downtown is the heart of the community. Four primary goals have been developed as an outcome: • Pine Street: Refers to TH 25 as Monticello's Pine Street. Make small improvements on the corridor to improve the experience for all. • Shift the Center of Downtown from Walnut and Broadway. The intersection of Pine street and Broadway is big and overwhelming to pedestrians. The idea is to create a center or a heart of the downtown at Walnut Street and then pick up retail, pick up a connection to the park, pick up a connection to the river. • Encourage Small and Medium Investment: Focusing on the need to invest in the vitality of downtown and the small subtle things that we can do to make a difference. Page 2 of 5 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I MAY 25, 2017 • Become a River Town (again): This goes back to the `97 plan, it is the major part of Monticello's history, and it's what's unique about our community Schumann said the next phase will be to hold a joint workshop to review the full draft plan and a public open house on May 31St. They will present components of plans at Walk & Roll and will review the comp plan in July. After that, there will be an implementation workshop and continued Steering Committee involvement. The first priority discussed is to develop Walnut Street all the way through to West Bridge Park. BRIAN STOLL MOVED TO RECOMMEND MOVING FORWARD WITH THE DOWNTOWN SMALL AREA STUDY. MOTION SECONDED BY NANCY MCCAFFREY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 7. Motion to approve subcommittee of the Parks & Recreation Commission to study and develop a park partnership program for the Athletic Complex at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Resional Park. The Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council has authorized an Athletic Subcommittee for the purpose of developing a park partnership program for funding options for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Athletic Complex. Pawelk explained originally this subcommittee was going to focus on Bertram; however, it was determined that Monticello needs to develop a policy for all park donations within the community, not just Bertram. So, the first step for the subcommittee will be to develop an overall park donation policy and then further to develop a program for partnership funding from there. We want to make sure we're consistent so when we're programming everyone has a clear idea on what they're spending their money on and what they're getting. Brian Stoll said that he will volunteer to serve on the subcommittee. Pawelk said they will need to meet a couple times/month at first to get things moving forward. TIM STALPES MOVED TO RECOMMEND CREATING A SUBCOMMITTEE TO DEVELOP A POLICY FOR A PARK PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM FOR MONTICELLO. MOTION SECONDED BY NANCY MCCAFFREY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 8. Motion to appoint a commission member to sit on the Ellison House Study Group. Tom Pawelk said that a commission member is being asked to sit on the Ellison House Study Group. The Ellison Family donated a large sum towards Ellison Park, and have also offered to donate the old Ellison family home to the City. The home is on Broadway & Vine. City council voted to accept the donation with other research being done, and the closing on the property will be at a later date. The study group will help determine the framework of what to do with the property, whether or not to restore it, declare it a historical site, take it down, etc. Jack Gregor said that he could serve on the study group. Page 3 of 5 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I MAY 25, 2017 BRIAN STOLL MOVED TO APPOINT JACK GREGOR TO THE ELLISON HOUSE STUDY GROUP. MOTION SECONDED BY TIM STALPES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 9. Feedback from commission member on pathway/sidewalk future and existing connection map. At the previous meeting, Pawelk asked the commission members to review the Pathway & Sidewalk Future and Existing Connection Map. Suggestions included rating future connections based upon short-term (1-5 years) needs and long-term (over 5 years) needs. Larry Nolan said he thinks the focus should be on the connections of the core of the community first and those should be the high priority. Nancy McCaffrey agrees with that. Pawelk shared his pathway criteria for rating the connections. If there are any other ideas, commission members should email Pawelk. Pawelk noted that the map will also be available at Walk & Roll so participants can comment on the needed connections. With all of the information collected, the next step will be to develop a prioritized plan. 10. MCC pool construction update. Ann Mosack stated that she is waiting for a third quote on the diamond bright pool floor and the play structure. They will be resurfacing the entire vessel of the pool. There is $100,000 budgeted with $60,000 budgeted for the pool surfacing. While the quotes are coming in higher than budgeted, Mosack said she wants to move forward to present this maintenance of the pool to City Council for approval. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APPROVE THE REPLACEMENT OF THE KIDS POOL PLAY STRUCTURE AT THE MCC AND RESURFACING OF THE POOL VESSEL WITH DIAMOND BRIGHT RESURFACING. MOTION SECONDED BY TIM STALPES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. 11. General Park Updates: A. Ellison Park Shelter: Pawelk said that all block work is in and the wood beams will be installed next week. The goal is to have the shelter complete by Riverfest. B. 4th Street Park: Basketball hoops are in the paved area and next step is to get pickleball court marked. C. Riverside Cemetery: The cemetery will be mowed prior to the Memorial Day program. D. Montiview Vandalism: Pawelk noted that the deer sculpture was vandalized and the artist, Sue Seeger, will make the repairs. A security light has now been installed so hopefully that will eliminate future vandalism. E. Bertram Vandalism: Pawelk said that someone drove out on the fields over the weekend and tore up the fields. Park staff is working on making repairs the fields and the Wright County Sheriff's Office has been contacted. Page 4 of 5 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I MAY 25, 2017 F. West Bridge Vandalism: Vandals painted graffiti on the wall under the bridge. Park staff cleaned up the graffiti at a cost of $500. G. Volunteer Picnic: The Volunteer Appreciation Picnic will be held at Ellison Park on June 22nd from 6-7:30 p.m. 12. Discussion of added items. A. Spring Park Tour: June 1St, next Thursday Sam, meet at public works B. Craft Fair Request: Pawelk said that he was contacted by a vendor who wants to hold a craft fair in Ellison Park three weekends this summer. Discussed that this is not really a public park event but rather a business venture and more suited for use in the public parking lot on 3rd & Walnut or potentially the MCC. This would be considered a special event whereby the coordinator must go through the Deputy City Clerk to apply for a special event permit and provide all necessary liability insurance, etc. similar to the Rotary Taste of the Town. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO DENY THE REQUEST AND REFER THE VENDOR TO GO THROUGH THE PROPER CHANNELS AT CITY HALL TO APPLY FOR A SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT TO BE APPROVED OR DENIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. MOTION SECONDED BY JACK GREGOR, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 13. Next regular meeting scheduled for July 27, 2017. The next regular Parks Commission Meeting is scheduled for July 27, 2017, at 9:15 a.m. in the Public Works Conference Room. 14. Motion to adiourn. Meeting adjourned at 11:07 a.m. RECORDED BY: teeth CGgmcen DATE APPROVED: 7-27-17 ATTEST: Page 5 of 5