Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes 07-27-2017PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I JULY 27, 2017 MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING THURSDAY JULY 27, 2017 - 9:15 A.M. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining City parks with a high standard of quality. " Members Present: Larry Nolan, Nancy McCaffrey, Jack Gregor, Bill Fair, Tim Stalpes, Karen Vetsch Members Absent: Brian Stoll Others Present: Lisa Durant Staff Present: Tom Pawelk, Beth Green, Ann Mosack, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve Minutes of Regular Parks Commission Meeting May 25, 2017. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF THE MAY 25, 2017 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY TIM STALPES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. Replat/Preliminary Plat, Featherstone Yd (review and discuss). B. Replat/Preliminary Plat, Autumn Ridge 4th (review and discuss). NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDED ITEMS. MOTION SECONDED BY TIM STALPES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 4. Citizens requests and comments. Tom Pawelk said he had several positive comments on the new shelter at Ellison Park during Riverfest activities and comments that the parks look good and clean. Bill Fair said he has heard good comments about the new musical instruments at West Bridge Park. Pawelk noted that he has an additional musical unit in the budget for next year. Nancy McCaffrey said that she was working with the East Bridge Gardeners, just finishing up and taking photos when a family drove into the park at random. They had been driving on the freeway from Texas and their baby was crying so they just exited at Page 1 of 5 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I JULY 27, 2017 Monticello and stopped at the park. They commented on how much they loved the park and how beautiful it was with the flower gardens and the Mississippi River. 5. Introduction, interview and motion to approve Lisa Durant, an applicant for the Parks & Recreation Commission. Lisa Durant introduced herself to the Commission. She moved to Monticello in April and she said she already loves Monticello as it is a great city with a lot to do. She is a mother of two and has an 8 -year old granddaughter who loves visiting the parks with her. She said she is eager to learn and get involved in the community and the parks. TIM STALPES MOVED TO RECOMMEND LISA DURANT TO THE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION FOR A TWO-YEAR TERM THRU DECEMBER 2018. MOTION SECONDED BY NANCY MCCAFFREY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 6. Update on Downtown Small Area Study. Angela Schumann said that there was a joint workshop and public open house at West Bridge Park on May 31 st to review the plan with the EDA and Planning Commission. There were some concerns expressed about the plan and specifically about parking and there was good discussion on how to revise the plan to include parking and phasing in of the parking. They are now planning an implementation workshop and continued Steering Committee involvement. Schumann explained that in order to make a downtown successful and sustainable, you need people so housing is an important part that needs to be drafted into the plan. The revised draft will be available late next week. The plan will show the long- term plan for growth and it will go the Planning Commission and then onto the City Council for review and approval. With the downtown plan looking at Walnut Street becoming the core pedestrian area, it has been noted that there is an open lot (city -owned) on the east side of Walnut Street near Wells Fargo. With the Lions Club expressing interest in funding a splash pad, that lot may be a good location. Pawelk said that he is getting numbers and working with the city of Otsego to see their plans & specs from their splash pad (which is similar to the existing city lot size). This would help offset costs so Monticello wouldn't have the expense of recreating the wheel. If the City Council is on board to support the project, the Lions Club is willing to commit $150,000 over the next three years in equal installments and would like to see the splash pad implemented next year. 7. Update on Park Partnership Policy and ProLram. The subcommittee held their first meeting on Monday to discuss outlining a draft policy for park partnerships. The group will work on coming up with a more specific donation framework outlining partnership opportunities with tiered cost levels and detailed partnership benefits for each level. The group will meet again in August to continue Page 2 of 5 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I JULY 27, 2017 working on the policy outline and it will be brought to the Parks Commission for review before it goes to the City Council. 8. Update on Ellison House Study Group. Ann Mosack said the first meeting for the Ellison House Study Group was held on July 20th. The group met to discuss goals to determine potential uses of the property and the costs. A meeting schedule was set for the third Thursday each month at 7 a.m. at City Hall. Tom Pawelk said he is going to inventory and track the belongings within the house. WSB is doing an environmental study of potential hazards in the home. 9. 2018 Proposed Annual Parks Budget. Tom Pawelk reviewed the Parks Budget and CIP Budget for 2018. 10. MCC pool construction update. Resurfacing the pool and rebuilding the play structure projects were approved by City Council on June 26th. Ann Mosack said that she has contracted with Recreation by Lemmie Jones to remove the old structure and build a new aquatic play structure. This will be a custom-built structure and will take approximately two weeks for building/ installation. Following the installation of the play structure, Northern Pool Restoration from Blaine will complete the diamond bright pool floor resurfacing. Start -date for the project is mid-October. Mosack also noted that on August 14th at 6pm there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony for the walking track which was resurfaced back in May. Parks Commission members are invited to attend. 11. General Park Updates: A. Ellison Park Shelter: The electrician still needs to install the soffit lighting. B. 0' Street Park: Basketball hoops are in the paved area and next step is to get pickleball court marked. C. Montiview Trail Work: The DirtWirx crew has been putting in a lot of work with their Tuesday night trail work sessions. Volunteers are doing a great job and the first section is open. D. Swan Sculpture: The artist has completed the male swan and is now working on the female swan. Park staff will be working on the landscaping plan and the sculpture is proposed to be placed and unveiled at the end of August. E. Sunset Ponds: The dirt work is complete and the hard court will need to be paved. The nets will be installed once the hardcourt surface is complete. F. Rolling Woods: Renovation of the play structure will begin next week. G. Parkside Park: The old fence at the dog park parking lot has been replaced. H. Dog Park: Planning for Wag & Walk Festival on 9/24 from 1-4. This year's theme will be a thank you to all of the community partners. A park cleanup was Page 3 of 5 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I JULY 27, 2017 done by volunteers on July 7th and cleanups will continue to be done as necessary. The rock honoring k-9 officer saber is placed outside the park and will be officially dedicated at the Wag & Walk Festival. 12. Discussion of added items. A. Replat/Preliminary Plat, Featherstone 3rd: Angela Schumann said there are two residential projects moving through that are old projects being rejuvenated in existing residential neighborhoods. The first one is platting 24 new units in Featherstone P. The first two phases were completed in the past and over the course of the project, the developer worked with the City to develop a linear park system. Through that park dedication the City owns Outlot H which is existing vacant land deeded to the City. In the 2018 CIP the Parks Department has budgeted for a playground and ultimately as that develops, connecting pathways will be built. With this unit, there is no new park dedication required but as the developer moves forward with future development, they will need to continue to provide park dedication in future phases. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO PROCEED WITH CONTINUED PARK DEDICATION IN FUTURE PHASES AS WAS PROPOSED WITH THE ORIGINAL PLAT OF FEATHERSTONE 3RD. MOTION SECONDED BY TIM STALPES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. B. Replat/Preliminary Plat, Autumn Ridge 4th: This is the east phase of the development that was preliminarily platted. The developer has determined that there is a need for detached townhomes so they have to provide a new preliminary plat. In this case for the park dedication, the developer has already pre -paid all of their fees as cash in lieu of park dedication with the requirement that the developer connects the internal trail system to the trail system on Edmonson. The balance of the project will be converted to a single family detached product. KAREN VETSCH MOVED TO PROCEED AS PLANNED UNDER THE PRIOR PRELIMINARY PLAT WITH PARK DEDICATION AS PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED AS CASH IN LIEU. MOTION SECONDED BY NANCY MCCAFFREY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 13. Next regular meeting scheduled for September 28, 2017. The next regular Parks Commission Meeting is scheduled for September 28, 2017, at 9:15 a.m. in the Public Works Conference Room. 14. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m. Page 4 of 5 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I JULY 27, 2017 RECORDED BY: 63eth nGlYeen DATE APPROVED: 9-28-1 ATTEST: Page 5 of 5