BCOL Advisory Council Agenda Packet 10-06-2017BCOL ADVISORY COUNCIL AGENDA: September 1, 2017 BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA C H A I N O F C FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2017 H A N D F LAKES 8:00 A.M. REGIONAL PARK BERTRAM LAKES CHALET 9842 Briarwood Ave. NE 1. Call to Order 2. Consideration of Approving Minutes From September 1, 2017 (Attached) 3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda 4. 2018 Wright County— Bertram Park Project and Budget (Marc) 5. Beach House Construction Update (Marc) 6. Park Standards Discussion — Signs, Kiosks, Buildings and other (Marc) 7. Request for ADA access for events, parking, transporting (Marc) 8. Outdoor Recreation Programing and Volunteer Updates (Brad) 9. Athletic Park Partnership Group Update (Angela) 10. Friends of Bertram Update (Graham) 11. Discussion of Added Items 12. Schedule Next Meeting 13. Adjourn DRAFT MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, July 14,2017,8:00 a.m. Bertram Lakes Chalet Members Present: Mark Daleiden, Martyn Dibben, Bill Fair, Jim Hayes, Jim Lindberg, Larry Nolan, Scott Peterson, Brian Stumpf, Sandra Theros, Darek Vetsch Members Absent: Tom Jahnke, Wes Olson, Jessica Pederson Staff Present: Beth Green, Brad Harrington, Marc Mattice, Ann Mosack, Tom Pawelk, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. Martyn Dibben called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of approving minutes from April 7, 2017 and May 12, 2017. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE APRIL 7TU MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10-0. SCOTT PETERSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE MAY 12TH MEETING. MOTION SECONED BY SANDRA THEROD. MOTION CARRIED, 9-1 (ABSTAIN, BS). 3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda. A. Friends Donation. B. Old Water Pump. C. Soccer Club Comment. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDED ITEMS. MOTION SECONDED BY DEREK VETSCH. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10-0. 4. Integrated Readiness Application. Angela Schumann noted that she had submitted an integrated readiness application to the Department of Defense. This is a program by which the military units can pair with local government units on projects that may relate directly to their training for that year. The application was for mass grading of the athletic park. After review, the application was not selected for this round. Schumann said the plan is to reevaluate and potentially submit an application again during the next grant cycle. Tom Pawelk said the interim fields are being used more than anticipated and parking seems to be somewhat of an issue. The plan is still to move forward on the first phase which is the north side. BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: July 14, 2017 However, storm water and parking improvements will need to be looked at first before building out the fields. There will be a discussion with City Council on how they want to move forward. Potentially the north phase could be constructed in 2019 with the fields opening in 2020. 5. Athletic Park Partnership Group Update. Angela Schumann said that this group hasn't met yet. A tentative meeting has been set for Monday, July 24th. Reps from the BCOLAC are Sandra Theros and Wes Olson. The purpose of the group is to create an overall partnership policy and framework for donations to Monticello parks and then will move into focusing on a tiered partnership program for funding of the Athletic Complex at Bertram. 6. Update on Construction Process. A. Picnic Shelter: Marc Mattice noted that the picnic shelter is expected to be completed by the end of July. Marc shared a picture of the newly constructed shelter and noted that the project has stayed on budget. B. Beach House: The Beach House construction is on schedule to start after Labor Day. The design is stamped and approved. Mattice shared the plans with the Advisory Council, noting that the project is over budget and the county is looking into where they can save money on other projects to offset the overage. By re -using the existing well, they will save $5,000, and pairing down the design and building size is a savings of $15,000. They are also looking at other ways to off -set the cost but the County Board will need to approve additional funds for the project, regardless. Mattice said that there should be a guaranteed maximum price set for the project within three weeks. 7. Interpretive signage proiect update. Marc Mattice said that the grad student has completed the interpretive wayfinding signage plan for the park. Mattice said that would also like to develop a cultural sign showing the history of the park. A prototype of the sign design was distributed for review. The plan is to have two signs, 36" x 48" in size and the cost to implement the signs is still being determined. They will be looking for donations for printing the signs. 8. Outdoor Recreation Program Update. A. Summer Kickoff Event: Harrington said that the event was well attended but significantly less attendance than last year with about 400 people in attendance. They are considering not having the event next year. B. Bertram Blast Triathlon: Harrington said that 150 people are registered thus far and they expect to have 200 registered by the event next weekend. Harrington said he has asked the Wright County Parks Commission for a variance to allow the race to give runners 21+ a bottle of hard cider at the end of the run (one bottle/runner). This is a typical practice for events such as this. The Wright County Parks Commission gave green light to go to the BCOL Advisory Board for their final say. The main concern 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: July 14, 2017 from the Wright County Parks Commission was the cleanup after the event but Harrington explained that with this event there is a lot of control and everything gets cleaned up. Concerns were brought up about setting a precedent to allow alcohol for all events in the park and while it will need to be brought up when the ballfields are completely up and running, the timing just may not be right at this time. JIM HAYES MOVED TO DECLINE THE DISTRIBUTION OF HARD CIDER AT THE TRIATHLON BUT TO RELOOK AT ALLOWING ALCOHOL AT NEXT YEAR'S EVENT. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM LINDBERG. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10-0. C. Pop up canoe/kayak rentals: Clear Waters Outfitting has been providing the pop-up canoe/kayak rentals and they have had success. It has been hit or miss with the weather and the weekend before the 4th of July was the first weekend of nice weather. D. Annie's Hope: Mattice said this is a group that provides meals to the needy. The Wright County Parks Commission has given them a permit to do a concert series at the amphitheater the last three Wednesdays in August. E. Update: Mattice said that a naval training program will be using the beach on Saturday mornings in September and will be done and out of the park by 10 a.m. 9. Friends of Bertram Update. The Friends are promoting their new membership drive. Jim Lindberg encouraged all Advisory Council members to consider becoming a Friends member for $20. The annual renewal will be July 1St for memberships. The Friends are hoping to broaden their core member base so they can help with future events and fundraisers for the park. The Friends will be hosting the Phillip LaVallee Memorial Run on September 16th, the second Saturday after Labor Day. This is an exclusive Friends event with all proceeds going to the Friends for park improvements. The next Friends meeting is scheduled for August 25th at 3:30 p.m. at the Bertram Lake Chalet. 10. Discussion of added items. A. Friends Donation: The Friends of Bertram have recommended a donation of $1,500 toward the purchase of a refrigerator at the new Bertram Lake Chalet. MARK DALEIDEN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE DONATION FROM THE FRIENDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,500 TO WRIGHT COUNTY PARKS FOR THE PURCHASE OF A REFRIGERATOR FOR THE BERTRAM LAKE CHALET. MOTION SECONDED BY DAREK VETSCH. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10-0. B. Old Pump: Jim Lindberg said that the Friends would like to keep the old water pump from the beach area and place somewhere in the park. They would also like to see it functional. Mattice said that the pump will not be functional as it currently is not working and there are standards for potable water with the MDH so it is not possible. Lindberg noted that it is an issue of nostalgia as almost every camper that has been out here through the YMCA BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: July 14, 2017 has played with the pump and has a memory of the pump. If it can't be functional then they would like to use it as a display/historical piece. Schumann suggested using it at the natural playground next phase. DAREK VETSCH MOVED TO KEEP THE PUMP AND DETERMINE ITS PLACEMENT IN THE PARK IN THE FUTURE. MOTION SECONDED BY MARK DALEIDEN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10-0. C. Soccer Club Update: This weekend there will be a large soccer tournament with at least 1,000 people in attendance. 11. Schedule Next Meeting. The next regular BCOLAC Meeting will be held on August 4, 2017, at 8 a.m. at the Bertram Lakes Chalet. 12. Adiourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m. Recorder: C5Pth &1 PAY! Administrative Assistant Approval Date: Attest: Marlyn Dibben, BCOLAC Chairman M DRAFT MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, September 1, 2017,8:00 a.m. Bertram Lakes Chalet Members Present: Martyn Dibben, Bill Fair, Jim Hayes, Jim Lindberg, Larry Nolan, Scott Peterson, Darek Vetsch, Tom Jahnke, Wes Olson, Beth Green Members Absent: Mark Daleiden, Jessica Pederson, Brian Stumpf, Sandra Theros Staff Present: Brad Harrington, Marc Mattice, Ann Mosack, Tom Pawelk, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Martyn Dibben called the meeting to order at 8:01 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of approving minutes from July 14 meeting. In the absence of minutes, approval was held until next meeting. 3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda. No agenda additions; agenda accepted by all. 4. Consideration of a Potential Land Acquisition Marc Mattice presented a map with the location of the Brad Larson property. Brad has approached park about willingness to sell the property to the park system. The property includes 150 feet of lake shore and is not developable land. There is a possibility the board could look into applying for grants to fund at least a portion of the purchase, however appraisal must be done to apply for a grant, which could be a considerable cost. Suggestions were made to approach Brad about the purchase prior to an appraisal. In previous potential land acquisition situations, the board appointed a committee to facilitate the negotiations. Committee members for this acquisition were discussed and it was decided members of this negation committee will include: Marc Mattice, Derek Vetsch, and Bill Fair. Larry Nolan moved to form a negotiation committee for the purchase of the property. Scott Peterson seconded and the motion carried with all in favor. 5. Beach House Construction Update The County Board passed the contract for the beach house construction and they will be breaking ground Tuesday. The septic system will be installed September 18th. It is estimated that project completion will be by December. BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: September 1, 2017 Construction bids were high for this project. Instead of sacrificing integral parts of the project, or decreasing size, the County Board opted to employ several "value engineering" options to reduce costs such as installing manual flush valves instead of automatic, using alternative materials for framing of interior foundation walls, using steel vs. drywall, and selecting colored block rather than burnished block. By making slight changes they were able to reduce the costs by about $60,000. 6. Spotted Knapweed Infestation NE Portion of the Park A handout was distributed with information on the invasive species Spotted Knapweed. Marc Mattice discovered an infestation of Spotted Knapweed in the park when scoping out the area for the new mountain bike trails. He identified the area affected for the committee on a map that was distributed. Marc anticipates that this small infestation can be managed in-house as long as it is contained this coming spring. It's too late for this year to employ any controls but the Parks Department will try to get the infestation under control next spring through the use of chemical applications or burns if necessary. 7. Direct Hardwood Seeding The County board has funded direct hardwood seeding in a couple of areas of Bertram Park; the old horse pasture, and along the west border of the future campground. The plan covers approximately 18 acres total. The trees grow fairly quickly and have good root establishment. The process includes disking, seeding, and spraying for weeds. On the southwest corner Boxelder and Siberian Elm trees will be treated and killed within 60 feet of the seeding area. Germination occurs in the first year and within three years the seedlings are typically two feet tall and the area develops a good forest growth. The cost of the seed mix is $524, which is only about $80 more than previous plantings at Ney Park. Marc anticipates the process will come in under budget. Tom Jahnke has also been collecting seed to augment the seed mix. 8. Bur Oak Blight Concerns A handout was distributed with information about Bur Oak Blight. Tom Jahnke explained that Bur Oak Blight is a fungus that affects the leaves of Bur Oak trees. Oak Wilt works very slowly, Anthracnose curls leaves in the margins, Bur Oak Blight on the other hand, starts at the bottom of the tree and works its way up; fungus spores attach to the leaves and prevent hardening off of the leaves, which causes leaves to die, but stay on the tree during the winter seasonal transition. It's difficult to anticipate how the fungus spores will spread. Disease spread was likely intensified due to a wet spring. Tom Jahnke, explained that Bur Oak acorns in Minnesota are a premier food supply for many wildlife, so a blight could be devastating. Tom estimated that 20-30% of the trees in Bertram Park are made up of the species affected by this disease; making this is a dominant species of 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: September 1, 2017 tree for the park. Many of the shade trees around the beach areas are Bur Oak. Zumbro Valley Forestry reported the blight has only wiped out approximately 6-7% of Oak Trees in their experience, but others in Iowa have experienced total loss. Tom Jahnke has researched several treatment options being tried, none of which have been found to work very well at this time. Chemicals used for Oak Wilt have been experimented with. Another option that's been tried is clearing the turf area around the tree, applying mulch, and a fungicide, but the success rate is under 40%. Subspecies affected are the small acorn species, which are the predominant species in MN. The larger acorn species are not affected so hybridization might be an option to look into. Plant pathologists will likely be able to develop a management technique over time. Tom will continue to monitor the park and keep the board up to date on any affects and possible solutions as they develop. 9. Athletic Park Partnership Group Update/Athletic Park Phase 1 Report (Angela) Tom Pawelk. and Angela Schumann will be working on revising the initial concept for the first phase of the Athletic Park project, considering interim fields didn't hold up well without water. They believe it would be beneficial to alter the plan, to better encapsulate storm water management, install a well, and add more parking. They would like to stay within the existing budget, which might be possible by partnering with other groups. This concept will need to be reviewed by the City Council. Tom Pawelk and Angela Schumann are also working with the with BCOLAP Partnership Committee on outlining partnership expectations and aligning the board's priorities with those of partners. Six types of partnerships such as small donations, concession contracts, etc. have been established. It is hoped that a partnership plan will be brought back to board for review by the end of the year. In terms of athletic park timeline, it is anticipated that plans and permitting should be complete in 2018. Construction will begin in 2019. They anticipate the area will be playable in 2020, with project completion potentially in 2023. 11. Outdoor Recreation Program Update Brad Harrington reported that summer programs have been very successful. Only one or two programs have been canceled due to weather or low participation. The Big Canoe Programs filled quickly. A full report will follow at the next meeting about partnership with Clearwater Outfitting. BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: September 1, 2017 Wedding and other rentals have been going well despite limited advertising. Most weekends have been booked for various types of events at the Chalet. They are finding that the Chalet has been utilized more often as an area for changing or prepping for weddings than for receptions. There has been some wear and tear on trails from events (Bertram Blast, mountain bikes), but limited work was needed to repair. Upcoming Events: • The Parks and Recreation Department is looking at putting on a fall program and has commitment from partners such as the Friends Group, YMCA, and Extension. The event would be held at the park on October 28. It will be a fun family -friendly event with five to six stations lasting about four hours. Some ideas for activities included hay rides, YMCA facility use, and games such as pumpkin bowling or apple in a haystack. This event will be a quick turnaround. Brad is still looking for businesses and organizations to take on a piece of the event. • Monticello Cross Country will be holding an event September 9th. There is also a soccer event that same day with 800 players, so parking will be an issue. Brad is working with Dave Wick on ideas to manage the parking. • Timber Dash will be held October 7th and there is also an upcoming Fungus Among Us class taught by Martin. 12. Friends of Bertram Update At the meeting last week they discussed at Eagle Scout project. It has been evident that a changing shelter was needed at the south end entrance (people have been changing in the parking lot; a scout took on building one on as a project. The shelter will be installed tomorrow. Funds of $210 were provided by the Friends. The Blazin' thru Bertram Lavallee Memorial Run will be held on the 16th (an event in memory of Phillip Lavallee who was hit by a distracted driver). Registration will be in the chalet this year. Funds raised from this event are donated to the Friends Group to provide programming. There was a request for the installation of two red maple trees at the starting line. Friends will help with the Parks and Recreation Department in organizing a Fall event on October 28th. They are still discussing which activity they would like to cover, but possibly would like to provide a hay ride to take participants between the activities. Friends provided up to $1500 for a refrigerator for the chalet; anticipating a fridge will be beneficial to have for many of the weddings held in the park. The purchase has not been made yet. 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: September 1, 2017 Tom Jahnke. suggested Friends might work on a project to collect pictures of the park and activities to hang in the Chalet noting the acoustics of the building may be improved with the addition of wall hangings. A business cardibrochure holder was added to the counter in the Chalet to advertise programs. 13. Discussion of Added Items No additions were made. 14. Schedule Next Meeting Derek Vetsch recommended meeting in October to discuss construction and program updates. The next meeting was set for October 6' at 8:00 a.m. at the Chalet. 15. Adjourn Derek Vetch motioned to adjourn and the meeting was adjourned at 9:06 a.m. Recorder: 'Mrah C! usto ? Approval Date: Attest: Administrative Assistant, Extension Martyn Dibben, BCOLAC Chairman 5