Planning Commission Minutes 10-02-1970 . . - VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 October 2, 19?O Planning Corrjrnission rVfeeting October 1, 19?O Members Present: Robert Davis Lloyd Schnelle Fred Topel Larry Flake Don Hueller Grant Schleif Dale Lungwitz "'Ji1liam Sandberg Robert Davis called the meeting to order at 8 P.M. and spent Some time explaining where the annexation nroceedinp;s stand now. He defined the s;cneral olltlines of the area agreed to by the Vi] la,o;e and Township, and the uncertain area thru the NSP l-:,ro- perty. . Grant Schleif and Dale Lungwitz brolle:ht up discussion rer:ardin;r the fact that the streets in Hillcrest were to have been blacktoD':.ed and tax levees have been c01lecten to cC1ver. Township has pro- crastinated in accolTplishin',: task 8\iai tine; relief by annexation. Planning: Comrriission to instigate ouestion for rulins>; on holding tOlimship to acco;>)p~_ishi_ns and compleUng Dro,ject. Lloyd Schnelle to investigate and obtain information from County ,~uditor or County Attorney regarding this Question. Question also to l'e raised at October 21st Vunicipal C0I!1:--1issio" hearing. Dale Lunp-1/Ji tz indiCAted that the area a"Teed upon was too large in view of probability of only one-half of r,FP olant being included. i~illiam Sandberg stated that the Council has not ratified the boundaries and believes they can 1)8 changed. Robert Davis explained the proDosal made by Charles Tooker for planning to utilize Federal funds under 701. Dale Lungwi tz made the motion that Planning Commission a:)prove the use of ?01 funds and recorrmends to the Village Council that pro- gram as introduced be utilized >.Ji th provision that annexation be com~)leted before planning report is co;rpleted. Votian secO!)ded by Don Hueller and carried. Don Hueller made rnotion that Robert Davis be designated as Chair- man of the Planning Cornmission.~v!otion seconded by Lloyd Schnelle and carried. By consensus the Commission decided to delay selection of a vice- chairman until a lp.ter date. . Planning Commission ar;reed that it should meet with the Villar:e Council at an early date. Hobert Davis will desifmate and advise date. ,Aozk-.J'-A.~ Don Gran1 d, Secretary ________ DCG/lcg -- . (d~""" \ :' ~...,.,-_.~..-......-------- ----........- ~.......~-*..-...-.------~..,........,.... .~ . .'"...... . .. .........HI_~.......___ ----' . ._-~.._-""....----- ~'1. ~ - e I I I · .I . I I ! ! t I I i f , j . . ~.' . PERMITTED USES C-l CONSERVATION CONDITIONAL USES l. Agriculture 1 . 2. Single Family Dwellings 2. 3. Camps and Cottages 3 . 4. Public Parks & Playgrounds 4. 5 . Public & Parochial Schools 5 . 6. Hunting Preserves Game Lands 6. 7. Golf Courses 7. 8. Specialized Animal Raising 8. 9. Stables & Riding Academies . . Water & Sewage Treatment Facilities Commercial Recreation Airports Cemeteries Mineral Extraction Radio & T. V. Stations Sanitary Land Fills Hospitals I Clinics & Related Facilities . . 1. Single Family Dwellings 2. Two Family Dwellings 3. Multiple Family Dwellings 4. Public & Parochial Schools 5. Public Parks & Playgrounds 6. Churches 7. Funeral Homes I. Nursing Homes 2. Hos pitals & Clinics 3. Public Utility Buildings 4. Public Buildings 5. Private Clubs 6. Planned Unit Development B-1 HIGHWAY BUSINESS l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. lO. Auto Sales Service & Repair Eating & Drinking Places Hotels & Motels Wholesale Business Supply Yards Funeral Homes Commercial Recreation Home & Trailer Sales & Display Animal Clinics Parking Lots I . Public Buildings 2. Public Utility Buildings 3. Offices & Banks 4. Retail Business 5. Personal & Professional Services 6. Farm Implement Sales Service & Repair B-2 GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Retail Business 2. Eating & Drinking Places 3. Offices & Banks 4. Personal & Professional Services 5. Public Buildings 6. Parking Lots 7. Wholesale Business 8. Commercial Schools 9. Hospitals & Clinics 1. Research Laboratories 2. Public Utility Buildings 3. Multiple Family Dwellings 4. Home & Trailer Sales & Dis play 5. Farm Implement Sales Service & Repair 6. Supply Yards 7. Commercial Recreation 8. Hotels & Motels 9. Animal Clinics 10. Auto Sales I Service & Repair I-I LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 1. Light Manufacturing 2. Research Laboratories 3. Testing Laboratories 4. Offices 5. Supply Yards 6. Warehousing 7. Truck Terminals 8. Public Parking 9. Parking Lots 1. Manufacturing 2. Public Utility 3. Water & Sewage Treatment Facilities 4. Airports 5. Truck & Railroad Terminals 6. Grain Elevators 7. Commercial Recreation -. . . L ..' CHAPTER 3 - PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES 3-1 PERMITTED USES: The permitted uses for each district are shown below. 3-2 CONDITIONAL USES: The Village Council may authorize conditional uses as specified below if all conditions and provisions of Chapter 7 are met. PERMITTED USES CONDITIONAL USES A-I AGRICULTURAL 1. Agriculture 2. Single Family Dwellings 3. Mobile Homes 4. Public Parks & Playgrounds 5 . Public & Parochial Schools 6. Golf Courses 7. Specialized Animal Raising 8. Stables & Riding Academics 9. Churches 10. Nurseries & Greenhouses 1. Planned Unit Development 2. Open Land Recreational Uses 3. Public Buildings 4. Public Utility Buildings " 5. Airports 6. Water & Sewage Treatment Plants 7. Sanitary Land Fills 8. Cemeteries 9. Junk yards & Similiar ptorage areas 10. Mineral Extraction R-l SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL 1. Agriculture 2. Single Family Dwellings 3. Public & Parochial Schools 4. Public Parks & Playgrounds 5. Churches 6. Golf Courses 1. Cemeteries 2. Nursery Schools '3. Hos pitals & Clinics 4. Public Utility Buildings 5 . Public Buildings 6. Two family dwellings 7. Planned Unit Development 8. Open Land & Recreational Uses R-2 URBAN RESIDENTIAL 1. Single Family Dwellings 2 . Two Family Dwellings 3. Public & Parochial Schools 4. Public Parks & Playgrounds 5. Churches 1. Cemeteries 2. Nursery Schools 3. Nursing Homes 4. Hos pitals & Clinics 5. Public Utility Buildings 6. Public Buildings 7. Private Clubs 8. Funeral Homes 9. Multiple Family Dwellings (I<! ~ '" i) 10. Planned Unit Development 11. Mobile Home Parks ~~~~~,y".__.~~~.'~'~" ..,.,.,~,~.._~_,.,__,__',J,'.,",,'~."_'~~_'."_."_'._"'..__" ._~...,__ ,.. .~~_"__,._~___~._,,.. ..,1-' . CHAPTER 4 _ LOT AND YARD REQUIREMENTS 4-1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: The minimum lot area, m~n~mum width of lot, minimum depth of front yard, rear yard, and minimum width of each side yard, for each district shall be as shown in Section 4-2. (A) Lots which abut on more than one street shall provide the required front yards along each street. (B) All structures, attached to the principal structure>> open or enclosed, inclurling porches, carports, balconies, or platforms above normal grade level, shall not pro- ject into any minimum front, side, or rear yard. (c) Any lot of record existing at the effective date of this Ordinance may be used for the erection of a struct- ure conforming to the use regulations of the distrtct in which it is located, even though its area ann width are less than the minimum requirements of this Ordinance. . (D) Non-residential strllctures or uses shall not be located or conducted closer to any lot line of any other lot in any uR" District than the distance specified in the following schedule: Minimum Side or Rear Yard Abutting any Lot in anv "R" District Use 20 feet Offstreet parking spaces and access drives for non- residential uses. 40 feet Churches, schools and public or semi-public structures. 60 feet Recreation facilities, enter- tainment facilities, all busi- ness uses, and all industrial uses. . (E) In new residential suooivisions structures may be arranged to include one zero lot line Drovided that no windows or doors open on this side of the str11cture. In such lot arrangements the total side yard requirement may be placed on one side of the principal structure. Maintenance easements must he provided as nart of the subdivision plat to afford access to the sides and roof of structures so placed. ..'''' 4-2 LOT AND YARD REQUIREMENTS .,. District Min. Lo t"k Min. Lot Min. Fro n t Min. Side Min. Rear Width Width Yard Depth Yard Depth Yard Depth A-I Agricultural All uses 2 acres 2001 50' 301 ** 30. R-I Suburban Residential All uses not serviced by publ ic sewers acre 170' 35' 10' All uses serviced by pub 1 i c sewers 851 351 101 12,000 sq. ,ft. R-2 Urban Residential All uses not serviced by publ ic sewers 301 10' 1 acre ISO' Al I uses serviced by publ ic sewers 651 30. 10' 10, 000 sq. f t. Multi family Owel lings 85' 301 101 10,000 sq. ft. plus 3,000 sq. ft. per fami 1 y, -. R-3 Multiple Residential All uses serviced by pub 1 ic sewers 5,000 sq. ft. 25' 101 50' Multi family Owe 11 i ngs 5,000 sq. ft. 50' plus 1 ,500 sq. f t. per fami ly 251 10' B-1 Highway Business A I 1 uses 351 151 1 acre 1501 B-2 General Business All uses serviced by publ ic sewers o o 5,000 sq. ft. 501 Multi family Dwellings o o 5,000 sq. ft. 501 plus 1,500 sq. ft. per fami 1 y I-I Light Industrial All uses I acre 1501 351 15' .. C-l Conservation All uses 2 acres 200' 50' 30' il* 301 ** 30' '** 30 ,. **30' '** 30 ' **25' **251 ** 30) ** 301 ** 30' ** 30' ** 301 ~':If l:nd':'!rground parking is included in the development, a credit of 300 square feet per unit will be added for the units so provided. ** Minimu~ rear-yard depth for non-attached accessory structures will be 10 feet. Hearing: May l~, 1973. Approved, by PlAnning, Commissio:q, April 25, 1973. \ '. }'1: 'r!:lnt'f) C{'Jlmf'l11l~;11f 1''"''. ln7~. . ", J \~NJ~~ ]' J- .J _........--- "7 ~ S "_-I ~ (.. ~ " f) ,,-,-/ /--...... 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"~"-_.,-_.~~.-~_....... .........."" , ~ ,., i- <- ) ./) J J (/C.),......~--- . o-x~' ' ,0 ,/ 'l 1:::':/"a4~ "J: /-.~ / ,,1./ t//1.{'/'''/{';''''r'.../' . . .5 --p-t C:.s:~~ a-I r-I r-2 r-3 b-I b-2 ,-I c-I Aqrj-C:Ultura~eSiden fic I Suburban _ Residentlc I Urb an iden fial M ul nple Res Highway Business Genera [ B-IJsi~ess Light Industna [ Conserva t Ion ~ ~~ / \ () / t-7e- -I/o " _L Lcl.vr-,c I Jr ~_ I Cl 1 3 ~""- / J I P,tNING . ~~!~!~!.s ^s~ MONTICELLO "" _.......-_ :.::.... "'-"-~:::.. ; "~H r ~~~~:~:-~~~~ CI<,!,ItLES TOOKER 1-94 0+ "ng district map zonl monticello Village Of Wright County, Mif1flesota C).J~ "~ll ,... L 1 c ,y -- J r~ 1l~ / ( /) ~~ /' /-'-i (. )Iv/~ "if /' C../-./-I.7 - / .-r'- ,I \. ]) S~...c'. +{; ( .J ) ..L ~r i I: (1) I , L L; ') -- , I -:t ",r .f) .). \/," ~ .~"". f' /.) A,i) /~i' i Iv 07' ~~~~,C:J - ./ o I J yl Ji "J \. - L.. ~' l. 15 J t", ry c' ( l (, j {:/i;' .J r- r;-( c :1/,6 (..-1 ~ IJ ..' I ' , . ~j F "fAr-s' J (r ivi / \./ . ;17;)" 0.^--"./1/<-'l..J--' ,}j-' "~''''J'L~ivj/ /1 v:y / J~- )~L~j0 .. ~- -::J /"-~. "." l\,J..lZ III /. ....) .( ( J'y /')" U - _,rtA~_:;.._#,i!t/<"(.'" /) ~ / ,/ L ' , ,~1~;~~.~~ I..'?-~l:..' .<----r,/ . c/v j...:> . .,J -( r I~) /c-Ji.--{J! ~~---j I . . 7. 8. . 9. 10. . VARIANCE PERHITS GHP.NTED 1. To Tom and Dick Holker for East End Drive In. Approved March 11, 1974. 2. To Coast to Coast store, to allow parking for every 100 ft. of floor space. Approved June 10, 197Lj.. 3. To "Zetterberg property" to allow for shortage in square feet of south half of Block 11 - Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 12 and Block 12. Approved June 24, 1971-1-. 4. To Roger Host to build a garage to within 5 feet of his side yard property line, to be issued with the approval of his adjacent neighbor. Approved June 24, 1974. 5. T.o Arvo Grimsmo for approxi.mately 15 front...feet for the remodeling of his business residence. Aryproved June 24, 1074. 6. To john Fredricson to build a fence 4-feet high at his home residence. Approved June 24, 1974. To Red's Nobil Service to allow for building up to property line at business loca tlon. Approved July 22, 1971+. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT to Christian Community Service Utility building. Approved August 12, 1974. To Bob Rasmussen to build a utility shed within 5 feet from his side property line. Approved September 9, 1974. To Denten Erickson for a garage at his home residence. Approved 5 ft. side yard allowance, 15 ft. front yard allowanc~. Approved September 30, 1974. \'1 .' .',;' " -- .............. .....-; / ,./ DO yOU NEED A BUILDING PERMIT? The City of Monticello has appointed Mr. Gerald E. Fredin to serve as the City Building Inspector. Mr. Fredin has an office in the Meyer-Rohlin building in Buffalo. The procedure for obtaining a building permit is as follows: 1. Obtain an "Application for Permit" at the City Hall. Each application is to be accompanied by two (2) copies of a certified land surveyor plat plan. 2. The completed "Application for Permit" form, with plat plan, can be left at the City Hall or mailed directly to: Mr. Gerald E. Fredin 1111 Highway 25 N. Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 Telephone: 682-3300 3. Mr. Fredin will make an on-site inspection. 4. The approved permit will be returned to the City Hall where it can be obtained by the p~rson who made application. The permit fee will be paid at this time. Permit will be issued within seven (7) days after a proper "Application for Permit" has been prepared. Mr. Axel Rasmussen will probably assist Mr. Fredin during the construction season. J