Planning Commission Minutes 02-09-1971 (Joint Meeting) -' -- - VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 February 9, 1971 . Joint Planning Commission and Village Council Meeting F- ebruary P, 1971 -- 7:30 P. M. Present: Bob Davis, Llovd Schnelle, Larry Flake, Dale ~lngwitz, Fred Topel, Bud Schleif. Ron Schleif, Dick }"artie, '-ITalt Marklim~, James Maus, William Sandberg. The meeting was called to order by Chairman BOb Davis. He stated that the meeting was called primarily to get things straightened out between the Council and Planning Commission on some points of question. . 1. The Planning Commission is wondering about the Council's feelings to retain Melchert in regard to the annexation hearings. Mr. Melchert has experience on both sides and is highly recom""ended by the Municipal Commission. The P. C. feels he can be of some assistance to Mr. Pringle along these lines and also take off some of the pressure. The object is to try to bring the hearings to a head as soon as possible. In regard to the 701 Planning, the monies are to be spent by June 30th, 1971. 2. Appointments to the Planning Commission. There are two resign- ations on the Commission: Lloyd Schnelle and Don Hueller. The Planning Commission recommended two nominees: Father Gearty and J. W. Miller, Jr. 3. Terms of membership on Commission. The Planning Commission to present a proposal to the Council, by working out a staggered term of office. 4. Secretary proposal. It was decided the Clerk-Treasurer was to act as the secretary to the Planning Commission. 5. Reviewed the three top considerations of zoning from Mr. Tooker. 6. Investigate available funds for puhlic library-----this year the school receives $10,000 for library. Motion by ~~lt Markling to 'have Planning Commission proceed with investigation of library facilities and go ahead. Dick Martie seconded. 7. Check into revision of villap'e office location to rent from the school, if the old school is available for rental space. . 8. Assessment ordinance. Thore Meyer took final draft to Mr. Pringle to ore sent to the Council at the regular meeting for approval. 9. Sidewalk. Jim Merriam offered to install sidewalks to the schools if he is allowed to put underground cable below the sidewalk. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P. M.